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Jason Wang

Mr. Dominguez


Dec 28, 2021

Poverty and World Relief

The global issues, those problems that harm people’s lives or create chaos in society, are

never absent in human society. To solve those severe problems, it is the civil society, the

voluntary actions of citizens who organize themselves to achieve collective purposes

(Hoksbergen 1), that should function, in other words, organization. It also means the division of

labor into different parts that can benefit the solving of issues. One of the most severe

international problems is the worldwide poverty caused by natural disasters and violence.

Millions of people suffer from these catastrophes by losing homes, separation from their

families, or even life threats. This kind of issue can only be solved by large-scale organizations,

which require a great number of resources, both on capital and mankind. One example would be

the World Relief. The reasons why it is appropriate to solve poverty thanks to its organization

type and leadership style are going to be explained first mainly from its appropriate organization

type with worth expecting development space and widespread institution web. Then, how its

drawbacks are brought by the working climate. Finally, the modifications that are going to

implement if I was the leader will also be emphasized.

Firstly, the group is non-profit, thus ensuring the capital that the organization received is

all donated to the people who need help in the region of poverty. Moreover, due to its non-profit

and charity properties, local governments in behindhand countries are more likely to subsidize

this organization to benefit their people from these external benefits brought by World Relief. In
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this case, the initial capital inputs needed are a sharp cutoff. Unlike the slow deployment of funds

from the headquarters, this approach is much more efficient. Secondly, as a formal organization

that equips with definite and comprehensive procedures of operations. When there are new

branch offices set up, the starting manipulation can be much more fluent. In addition, the goals,

objectives, financial resources, and policies are overt, which immensely help the supervise from

the government and public, prevent corruption and misleading. The leadership style comes from

World Relief’s CEO, Myal Greene, who is the creator of a Church-based Programming Model

that is currently applied in 9 countries. The creative invention shows his style as a producer. At

the same time, he is a talented scholar accompanied with B.S. in Finance from Lehigh University

and an M.A. from Fuller Theological Seminary in Global Leadership. With the proficient

studying in these two fields, his robust link to a host of professional and social advantages (Judge

866) enables Greene to establish such a systematic organization. He also held leadership

positions in the International Projects Department for 6 years. Greene is a great facilitator who

makes the whole organization more cohesive using professional knowledge. Although the

organization type and leader style are already quite perfect, there are still a few shortcomings, for

example, the non-profit organization is hard to hire people due to the limited wages. Research

shows that the average wage of workers in World Relief is $30117. It seems appropriate;

however, a large amount of money expenditure and non-profit property determine the incomes’

lack of progression, which is unappealing for most people. For Greene’s leadership, the things

that he learns from the school are too systematic. For the poor places, the management pattern

and needs of local citizens are far too diverse.

The working climate of World Relief can be analyzed from many aspects. Firstly, it is an

Evangelical Christian humanitarian worldwide organization. With the religious background of

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Christian, their existence would naturally be supported by most of the population in America and

their helpful behaviors are strongly supported. Then, this charity is composed of 6000 local

churches in all different countries and 95000 volunteers around the world. These two resources

provide World Relief strong ability of networking, the connection between different places’

groups would allow the assistance to happen more easily even they might not be very effective,

and in some cases, this is the best way for an organization to spread to every corner of Earth. The

working climate contains more short slabs that are needed to be modified. Due to the vast range

of churches’ locations those far apart from the headquarter, the transportations of information

and goods are inconvenient, the report procedures are usually very complicated and time-

consuming. Consequently, collections of data are sophisticated and elusive, even giving rise to

low efficiency. In addition, the funds they got from the government declined drastically recently,

the financial capitals’ scarcity is dangerous. Today, over 735 million people live in extreme

poverty, on less than $1.90 a day. Therefore, even one day’s delay will cause a chain reaction,

and the stages of allocation and delivery are disturbed from the beginning, causing colossal

strikes on local citizens and the organization itself. Finally, the chief culprit of incomplete

poverty alleviation is the isolation of communities. The help from World Relief can be magnified

to larger scale only by the interactions between communities. However, some poor regions are

isolated due to undeveloped transportation or lack of telecommunication, those would be the

ones that are ignored by the assistance. Through those issues, the most noticeable discount of this

organization’s working atmosphere is the lack of aim and responsibility.

If World Relief wants to reach a higher level, the prior considerations are the lack of

employees, parochial ideas, lack of funds, and the obstructions between communities. In the first

place, the lack of employees can be resolved by more advertisement and more recruitment of
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young people since these group of people are eager for jobs after graduating from colleges. At

the same time, the training will be given to those new workers specifically on the ability to

collecting data. By doing this, the condition of parochial ideas will be greatly eliminated. Every

need and wants from every poor community can be acknowledged by those investigations. At the

same time, I recommend the working pattern of the project developing team, it means the

process of developing project team is an activity that allows improving internal and external

interactions of team members, developing their competencies and skills, and optimizing the

overall team environment for the purpose of enhancing project performance. By sorting different

communities into different projects, the workers develop a sense of belongings and cooperation,

therefore strengthening the internal working climate. Targeted plans and support can be provided

by the organization without needless waste. Next, the lack of funds can be quite easy to conquer

when more and more people notice the hard condition in the dark corners of the world. Hence the

publicity with appealing to empathy and direct exhibition of data is the most effective in evoking

people’s want to donate. Eventually, to radically overcome the problem of poverty, giving

money is far less than enough, the break of the barriers between those impoverished and

advanced places is vital, only obtain this can sustainable development be ensured. What World

Relief can do is not only directly give money or afford materials, but also upgrade the

infrastructure such as network, highway, and electricity. The connection built will continuously

improve the local economy and finally completely get rid of poverty.

The organization type of World Relief is very suitable for solving the global problem of

poverty. As a non-profit and formal organization, its transparency and advantages can be

perfectly utilized in international actions. And its leaders' knowledge of leadership and finance

has made its growth limitless. But nothing is perfect. The agency's wide reach adds to the
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complexity and looseness of the work atmosphere, and Greene's leadership strategy is not perfect

for all regions. Therefore, if the organization is to strengthen further, it is essential to recruit

more people, understand the needs, advocate donations, and break down the barriers.
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Works Cited

“Project Team Developing.” Your Guide to Project Management Best Practices,



“Extreme Poverty in the World: Learn More.” World Relief, 9 Aug. 2021,


Judge Timothy. “The bright and dark sides of leader traits: A review and theoretical extension of

the leader trait paradigm” United State. The Leadership Quarterly 20 855–875. 2009

“Leadership.” World Relief, 17 Dec. 2021, worldrelief.org/leadership/.

“Organization Definition & Meaning.” Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-


Roland Hoksbergen. “Building Civil Society through Partnership: Lessons from a Case Study of

the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee.” Development in Practice, vol. 15, no. 1,

[Taylor & Francis, Ltd., Oxfam GB], 2005, pp. 16–27,


“World Relief Centralizes Operations: Case Study.” OTT, Inc, 11 Aug. 2020, ott-inc.com/about-


World Relief Salaries | Glassdoor. www.glassdoor.com/Salary/World-Relief-Salaries-


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