February 2022 Newsletter

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5
EVERY SUNDAY AM 9a Bethany Quilters Sec. Vacation 3rd-10th
9:30 Worship Service
In-person & Livestream 8a Men’s Bible Study
Noon-Pastors Study 6p Youth Group
10:30 Coffee/Fellowship 7p Book Study

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
No Staff Mtg. 9a Bethany Quilters 8a Men’s Bible Study 8-10a Girl Scouts

Noon-Pastors Study 2:00 p.m. WELCA 12:30-2:30p or

6p Youth Group Bible Study 3:30-5:30p
7p Council Mtg. Daddy/Daughter
No Book Study Dance at Riverside
13 Souper Bowl of 14 15 16 17 18 19
Caring VALENTINE’S DAY 9a Bethany Quilters 8a Men’s Bible Study
Communion Noon-Pastors Study 9a Women’s Bible
Study at
10:30am Staff Mtg. Riverside Bible Camp 6p Youth Group 6-11:30pm Late
G.I.F.T. McDonald’s
Early Bird Registration Night Youth Group
2:30p RLBC Annual 7p Book Study
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Newsletter articles due -- Quilt making Mon-Wed 9am-Noon -- 8a Men’s Bible Study
10:30am Staff Mtg. 9a Bethany Quilters 6p Youth Group
6-7:30p Confirmation Noon-Pastors Study 7p Book Study
at Bergen

27 Communion 28
10:30am Staff Mtg.

Church Office Hours: Monday– Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; except Wednesday afternoon
St. Petri Evangelical Lutheran Church
804 Grand Avenue
Story City, Iowa 50248-1417

The St. Petri Messenger

A publication of St. Petri Evangelical Lutheran Church

St. Petri Worship Schedule

9:30 a.m. Worship (In-person & Livestream)

Pastor-Rev. Tim Malek

Missionaries – Patrick & Jacqueline Bencke
Parish Secretary – Veronica Wright
Custodian – Connie Valentine
St. Petri Office Hours
Monday-Friday 8:30am-3pm
(except Wednesday afternoon)
Church Office Phone: (515)733-4623
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.stpetrilutheran.weebly.com

3 St. Petri Messenger

February 2022
renewal that flows from the springtime Easter
feast to come. (Adapted from Sundays and
A Journey Seasons)
Join your sisters and
brothers in Christ at St. Turning toward God’s Abundance
Lent is a season of repentance, turning to God and
Petri Lutheran on a journey
asking for God’s goodness to wipe away our sins
through Lent and Holy
and show us how to live anew. Lent also turns us
Week, a journey leading to
toward Easter and the abundant life God will offer
new life, life eternal, in
through the Three Days. Our midweek Lenten
Jesus Christ and
services will turn us toward God’s abundance by
culminating in the joyous
focusing on five divine attributes drawn from the
celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord;
gospel texts for Lent.
Easter. Please read the details of our extra
worship services opportunities and plan how to
utilize them to enrich your spiritual journey this Our Wednesday services will alternate between
here at St. Petri and at Bergen in Roland. This
series will feature a different preacher each week,
with a total of five ELCA pastors from some of
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2nd and the Riverside Conference churches. More details
officially ends forty days later (not counting will follow as they are worked out in the weeks
ahead put the schedule below is firm.
Sundays). Midweek Lenten worship services will
be held at 6:30 PM each Wednesday March 2nd
Hope to see you in church – Pastor Tim
through April 6th. There will be no Wednesday
service during Holy Week (April 13th).

Ash Wednesday
Lent begins with a solemn call to fasting and
repentance as we begin our journey to the Our Mission
baptismal waters of Easter. Now is the acceptable We are Disciples of Jesus Christ,
time to return to the Lord. During Lent we will
reflect on the meaning of our baptism into
called to grow in Christ
Christ’s death and resurrection. The sign of ashes and to invite all to follow him.
suggests our human mortality and frailty. What
seems like an ending is really an invitation to
make each day a new beginning, in which we are
washed in God’s mercy and forgiveness. With the
cross on our brow, we long for the spiritual
4 St. Petri Messenger
Calendar of Midweek Lenten Services Coming Attractions!
Wednesdays Vigil of Easter Saturday April 16, on-line recording
March 2 of our youth reading the Easter Vigil readings,
Ash Wednesday check Facebook for instructions for viewing.
Location: St. Petri, Story City
Preacher: Pastor John Sheahan Resurrection of Our Lord, Easter Day Sunday
Time: 7:00 PM April 17, worship: 9:30AM
Meal: none
March 9
Location: Bergen ~ PRAYERS FOR OUR MEMBERS ~
Preacher: TBD
Worship: 6:30 PM
Meal: 5:45 PM Hospitalized or
March 16 recuperating in
Location St. Petri, Story City January
Preacher: TBD Karen Keech
Worship: 6:30 PM Laura Farney
Meal: 5:45 PM Brian Jacobson
March 23
Location: Bergen, Roland
Preacher: TBD In Memoriam
Worship: 6:30 PM Aamna Grebner
Meal: 5:45 PM Doris Mathre
March 30 Mindy Williams
Location: St. Petri, Story City
Preacher: TBD
Worship: 6:30 PM ~Prayer concerns~
Meal: 5:45 PM Karen Keech (Kevin & Diana’s sister-in-law),
April 6 Linda Fevold, Kay Disbrowe, Marilyn Hanson,
Location: Bergen, Roland John Satre
Preacher: TBD
Worship: 6:30 PM Patrick & Jacqueline Bencke, Japan Missionaries;
Meal: 5:45 PM Soldiers, Peace Workers, & Humanitarian Aid
April 13 Workers
No services or meal.
Holy Week
April 14
Maundy Thursday (First Communion)
Location: Bergen, Roland
Maundy Thursday
Preacher: Pastor Tim Malek
Worship: 7:00 PM
April 15
Good Friday (Youth led Tenebrae Service)
Location: Bergen, Roland WELCA REPORT
Worship: 7:00 PM
February 10 2:00pm WELCA Bible Study
February 21-23 9:00am–noon Quilt Tying
5 St. Petri Messenger


St. Petri,
Thank you for your KINDNESS & GENEROSITY!
Thank you for your donation of $15 to Loaves &
Fishes! Your generosity is truly appreciated!
Blessings, The Harvest Team

In 1990, Souper Bowl of Caring began with a
simple prayer from a single youth group:
“Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl
football game, help us be mindful of those
without a bowl of soup to eat.”
Since then, more than $170 million has been
Monday, February 14th
generated for local charities across the country
through Souper Bowl of Caring. It has become a
powerful movement that transforms the time
around the Big Game into the nation’s largest
celebration of giving and caring for those in need. WEATHER CANCELLATIONS
Through this mission, people learn they can make Worship Services/Sunday School
a positive difference in the world as they collect Check WHO or answering machine
food, raise money and serve at hunger-relief Other events
charities and show caring and compassion in local When there is:
communities across the country. No School – check church answer machine
Early Dismissal – Event cancelled
Share in God’s love for our neighbors in need
and give generously on Souper Bowl Sunday.
All of the donations collected will go directly to
our Souper Bowl of Caring Charity of Choice:
Loaves and Fishes

To learn more, visit: TackleHunger.org

6 St. Petri Messenger
CARE Group 4 Leaders
Cheryl Hoffman, Wanda Holm
Cory & Jaye Anderson
Doug & Kendra Braucher
Joe & Kim Chelsvig Ver & Barb Frohling
Vivian Gossel Donna Guard
Marilyn Hanson Al Holm Feb. 3: Jerry DeRidder, Tony Edwards,
Ordean & Liz Johnson Paul Wierson
Tom & Amelia Klett Marilyn Lekwa Feb. 4: Abby Patterson
Tim & Debra Malek Pat & Jo Murken Feb. 6: Xander Fevold, Ella Jones, Susan Ruby,
Jim & Karen Nelson Alberta Olson
Angela Rieck-Hinz, Tim Watson
Tim & Abby Patterson
Jason & Jeannie Patterson Feb. 7: Danny Hobbs
Kevin & Peg Patterson John Satre Feb. 11: Cindy Osmundson, Gail Sporleder
Gloria Severson David & Gail Sporleder Feb. 14: Paul Hill
Scott & Shelley Stevenson Feb. 15: Karen Jacobson
Feb. 23: Chuck Van Patter
Feb. 24: Mark Doolittle
Feb. 25: Cheryl Hoffman
CARE Group 5 Leaders
Betty Grinde, Patty Hoversten Feb. 26: Jocelyn Thorson
Lorene Anderson Audrey Bauer Feb. 27: Sarah Murken, Emma Vanden Hull
Gary & Hope Brown Nancy Carlson
Bev Christenson You are INVITED to the
Tony Edwards & Jennifer Knutson
Michaelle Fevold Kiersten Fevold
St. Petri Book Club!
John & Linda Fevold Carl & Evelyn Fink Mark your calendars: Our next
Clark & Betty Grinde Megan Gustafson meeting is on Saturday, April
Seth & Willow Hill Patty Hoversten 23, at 9am.
Paul & Karen Jacobson See next month’s newsletter for
Lowell & Beci Lande Mark & Pat Minnick the book selection unveiling!
Janet Mortvedt Paul Ness We meet QUARTERLY, on the 4th Saturday in
Randy & Kelsey Olson Connie Phillips October, January, April, and July.
Shirley Stakey Rick & Angie Stover
Charles & Patty Van Patter The Weekend Women’s
Wayne Williams Bible Study Group now
meets at 9:00 a.m. the
third SATURDAY of the month (except Nov. &
Bulletin announcements – If you would like an Dec.), at McDonalds in Story City.
announcement in the bulletin, please have it to the This month, we meet on February 19th.
secretary by the Wednesday morning prior.
Contact the church office (733-4623) if you have
Newsletter articles – If you would like an article any questions or find Debra Malek at church. See
in the newsletter, please have it to the secretary by you there!
the 20th of the previous month. Bring your Bible and enjoy time with friends and
Thank you! coffee.
7 St. Petri Messenger
St. Petri Evangelical Lutheran Church
Approved Council Minutes
Hi, it’s Church December 8, 2021 – 7:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall
Mouse! Socially Distanced
IN ATTENDANCE: Kelsey Olson, Pastor Tim
Did you see the new
Malek, Ann Healy, Rick Stover, Pat Murken,
members’ photo on Willow Hill, Karen Munson, Megan Gustafson, Jo
St. Petri’s public Murken
group post on
Facebook? There are many friendly people to get  Call to order (Ann Healy)
to know. See the bag on the right??? I would have o Called to order at 7:10pm with
totally signed up to be a member if I knew swag prayer by Pastor Malek.
was involved.  Minutes presented by Willow Hill
o Moved to approve as written by
A whole crew put together information for our Karen seconded by Pat. No further
annual meeting. At the meeting, we appreciated discussion and all were in favor.
our year in review, considered how we could keep Motion to approve passed.
doing our best, and looked forward to a new year  Financial Report presented by Rick Stover
with even more good things. It was heartwarming o Turkey supper brought in $5,416.41
and expenses were $1,379.62 for net
to see how quickly people stepped up to fill a
profit of $3,207.87
couple of positions when they found out there
o Income and expenses both were up
was an opening.
this month. We ended up in the
positive about $1,153. YTD we are
Did you notice that the evening women’s Bible at -$11,679. We are still up overall,
Study group now meets on the third Saturday of average for year over year.
the month at McDonald’s, in the morning? I think o The Cookie Walk sold 120 boxes at
that they should call it the “Satur-YAY” Bible $10 each. Plus some extra income
Study. not counted yet. Funds are not
designated at this time.
Our first big snow on Friday, January 14, o Fair Trade (line 21) was given to the
produced an impressive flash mob of a plow and General Fund
skid-loaders and snow blowers. I saw Kyle, John, o Jingle Jar fund (line 2) was put
Kevin, Pat, Pastor, Ann, Tim, and Jason. These towards World Hunger
people are Story City’s best kept secrets, and if o Rick & Veronica are working on
you think I’ll be revealing their last names, you Tithe.ly
are insane. No offense. o Motion to approve as written by Pat,
seconded by Kelsey. No further
My heart is full, discussion and all were in favor.
Motion was approved.
Church Mouse
 Pastor’s Report
o Pastor has been visiting hospitalized
members frequently recently. Also
attended a Riverside Conference
o Discussion on Youth Minister’s
8 St. Petri Messenger
 Started 3/8/21 though the end  Worship Community (Jo Murken)
of the year o December schedule is planned
 Proposed contract with a 3% o 15-16 poinsettias are ordered for
increase in salary with a 12 Christmas, ready for pickup on
month contract, discussion on Wednesday the 15th (Jo is picking
youth ministers position and them up)
future with current split o Organ issues are being addressed
contract  Property/Trustees (Pat Murken)
 St Petri’s contribution would o Additional information was recently
be roughly $10,300 received for the budget so it is close
o GIFT Advent service is this week but not quite ready to present. Still
o Confirmation Sunday is also hosted within the range recently presented.
this week at St Petri o South Side storm window project is
o Jolly Holiday Lights is this weekend progressing, hopefully wrapped
o This week Wednesday service is within a week or so
“Traditions and Carols,” hosted with  Faith Formation (Kelsey Olson)
Bergen but held at St Petri o Discussion on the GIFT/Advent
o Pastor will be on vacation 12/27/21- service
12/31/21 o Need for a binder or some guidance
 Youth Minister’s Report for the next Faith Formation leader
o Youth Group is going well. OLD BUSINESS
Energetic group of 11-12 kids are  Tithe.ly- Rick is working on this and making
involved. Megan sent out a Sign Up progress
Genius for the coming semester for  Youth Groups waiver/release form- Pastor is
meal help. There is a need for aware of a safety & boundaries trainings for
volunteers on Wednesday nights. volunteers to participate in. Cost is about
o Upcoming events: Christmas $30 per person. Funds could come from
programs (Megan will be able to Faith Formation fund, line 05
attend all three church programs), &  Committees vs Coordinators- will discuss
NYE party- breakfast potluck with a after the new year
countdown to noon  Worship services update concerning
o Lock-In plans- the youth are excited COVID- continue as is with masking
for this opportunity. Discussion recommended.
about logistics and what needs to be
 Church pamphlets update- waiting on
addressed. nominating committee
 Nominating committee- making progress
COMMITTEE REPORTS  Cookie Walk- already discussed
 Christian Fellowship (Karen Munson)
o “You Are Not Alone” program NEW BUSINESS
discussion  Year end committee reports- due to
o Memorial Fund committee update Veronica within the next week
 Committee needed to keep  Annual meeting Jan 16, 2022
Memorial book up to date,  Transfers in: Annette Owenson (transfer
sending thank you’s to the from Lutheran), Oskar James Keigan Rowe
family, and keep track of (Baptism), and Kylah
memorial monies brought in Amirra Knutson (Baptism)
and gifted.  Motion made to transfer in the above
listed individuals by Jo, seconded by
9 St. Petri Messenger
Kelsey. All were in favor and the
motion passed
 Transfers out: Erik & Lara Gustafson (to
other Lutheran) and Mary (Mindy) Kardell
(other denomination)
o Motion made to transfer out the
above mentioned individuals by Pat,
seconded by Kelsey. All were in
favor and the motion passed.
 Other
o Pastor Tim would like access to
Shepherd’s Staff as part of Mother/Son Pizza & Game Night
stewardship. Saturday, January 29 3:00-5:30pm
 Kelsey moved to give pastor at the Riverside Dining Hall
access to Shepherd’s Staff. THEME: Beach Party
Discussion on the importance Who couldn’t use a reminder of summer in
of this access as well as the January? Dig-out your tropical shirts,
way this access will be hats, & flip-flops and dress-up for this fun
utilized and protected. Jo event if you choose!
seconded. Discussion on Cost: $30 for Mom & Son
where the login will be ($5/additional attendee; $35 max per
allowed- Veronica’s office family)
and the volunteer’s computer. Space is limited. Please sign up in
All were in favor and the advance.
motion passed. Mom & sons of all ages are invited to our
 Adjournment at 8:44pm. annual Pizza & Game Night! This event is a
 The Lord’s Prayer great opportunity for moms and sons of all
ages to connect with each other, and with
other friends, in a Christ-centered
environment! It will be a fun-filled night
with terrific food and activities.
Daddy/Daughter Dine & Dance
Saturday, February 12 12:30-2:30pm or
at the Riverside Dining Hall
$35 Daddy/Daughter
($10 additional attendee; max. $45/family)
Join us for this occasion when dads
(grandpas, uncles & close friends) & their
daughters dress-up in their best to enjoy a
“fancy” dance & meal together! Our
Riverside Team will prepare a magical
space in our dining hall with lights,
sparkles, & glitter for all to enjoy!
Contact: 733-5271 or
[email protected]

March 27 Gala and Auction

As of now, we are planning in-person celebration
with in-person and online auction.
10 St. Petri Messenger
LUTHERAN SERVICES Experiencing Love Incarnate
IN IOWA Penelope had been in and out of
February 2022 residential treatment at various facilities
across Iowa for a few years. Her most
recent placement was at LSI’s Bremwood
Happy Valentine’s Day from LSI! Residential Treatment Center in Waverly,
“We love because he first loved us.” which provides 24/7 behavioral healthcare
1 John 4:19 and support for children and teens.
Lutheran Services in Iowa’s (LSI) mission Upon her arrival, Penelope was able to
is about love: responding to the love of build a relationship with the new LSI
Jesus Christ through compassionate Spiritual Life Leader, Pastor Kyle. The
service. We give thanks for all the ministry voluntary Spiritual Life program connects
partners, both individuals and youth on Bremwood’s campus to faith-
congregations, who help share this love for based music and art, youth group, and
Iowa children, adults, and families! chapel sessions. After Pastor Kyle had
We see this love in newly adopted children begun to settle into his new call with LSI,
and their families; in teens who are he began hosting a worship service each
overcoming years of trauma and building week for children on campus centered
bright futures; in Iowans with disabilities around the eucharist. Penelope enjoyed
who are growing their independence and participating in worship and encouraged
confidence; in new parents who are raising her peers to join in.
strong and healthy families; and in so One day while talking with Penelope,
many other moments of joy. You can help Pastor Kyle asked her what got her so
carry out our mission of hope and healing excited about worship and why she
by giving a gift and showing love to the encouraged her peers to attend.
Iowa families we serve. For more
information, please contact Deb Whitford, “Dude,” Penelope responded. “It’s because
LSI’s Director of Philanthropy and Church we get communion!”
Relations, at 563-676-2065 or As Pastor Kyle continued the conversation
[email protected]. with Penelope, the two discussed the
Thank you for the love you share and importance of communion and how being
create through LSI. Happy Valentine’s fed through the bread of life empowered us
Day! to live amongst and for our neighbors.

Our Mission: Lutheran Services in Iowa As we celebrate Valentine’s Day this

responds to the love of Jesus Christ through month, Penelope’s story about receiving
compassionate service. LSI is an affiliated the sacrament of communion helps us to
social ministry partner of remember that our love for one another is
the Iowa congregations of the ELCA possible through the one who first loved
(Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) and us. No matter who we might receive
a member of LSA (Lutheran Services in valentines or sweet treats from on Feb.
America). We proudly serve people of all ages,
14, we trust that all are embraced in love
abilities, religions, sexes, gender identities,
national origins, ethnicities, races, and sexual through Jesus Christ.
orientations. Learn more at LSIowa.org and
11 St. Petri Messenger
2022 Ballot APPROVED
Voting council members: Elect one. All terms are for 1 year. Officers may hold office for no more
than 2 consecutive years except the treasurer who may hold that office for up to 6 consecutive years.
President: Christian Fellowship Coordinator
Ann Healy (2nd consecutive term) Karen Munson (2nd consecutive term)
x x
Vice President: Worship Community Coordinator:
Katie Thorson (2nd consecutive term) Jo Murken (2nd consecutive term)
x x
Secretary: Property/Trustees Coordinator
Betty Grinde (1st term) Pat Murken (2nd consecutive term)
x x
Treasurer: Faith formation Coordinator:
Rick Stover (3rd consecutive term) Kara DeRidder (1st term)
x x
Property/Trustees: 2 elected per year for a 2 year
term (remaining: John Hinz, Ben Knutson)
Committee members Elect 2
John Fevold
Wayne Williams
Endowment Committee: 2 elected for 3 year term, Nominating Committee: 4 elected per year for 1
(remaining: Pat Murken, Shirley Stakey) year term (committee to include 2 outgoing council
Committee members Elect 2
Committee members Elect 4
Clark Grinde Ann Healy
Karen Jacobson Katie Thorson
Angie Stover

Finance Committee (count offering): 4 elected per Audit Committee: 1 person elected per year for a 3
year for a 2 year term (remaining: Nancy Carlson, year term
Valaree Muhlenburg, Jennifer Knutson, Tony (remaining: Diana Keech, Janet Mortvedt)
Committee members Elect 1
Committee members Elect 4 Al Holm
Donna Guard
Janet Mortvedt
Ann Healy
Denice Reisetter

Delegates (1 year term):

Synod Assembly -Elect 1 man, 1 woman, 1 youth Bethany Life- Elect 3 + 1 alternate Time TBA
June 12-14, 2020 Wartburg, Waverly, IA
Al Holm
Clark Grinde Wanda Holm
Betty Grinde Larry Reisetter
____________ youth

Riverside Bible Camp- Elect 2 + Riverside Conference- Elect 2 men, 2 women, 2

1 alternate) Feb. 7, 2021 youth Time TBA

Pastor Tim Malek John Fevold

Annette Owenson
Linda Fevold
12 St. Petri Messenger

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