February 2022 Newsletter
February 2022 Newsletter
February 2022 Newsletter
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
No Staff Mtg. 9a Bethany Quilters 8a Men’s Bible Study 8-10a Girl Scouts
27 Communion 28
10:30am Staff Mtg.
Church Office Hours: Monday– Friday 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.; except Wednesday afternoon
St. Petri Evangelical Lutheran Church
804 Grand Avenue
Story City, Iowa 50248-1417
3 St. Petri Messenger
February 2022
renewal that flows from the springtime Easter
feast to come. (Adapted from Sundays and
A Journey Seasons)
Join your sisters and
brothers in Christ at St. Turning toward God’s Abundance
Lent is a season of repentance, turning to God and
Petri Lutheran on a journey
asking for God’s goodness to wipe away our sins
through Lent and Holy
and show us how to live anew. Lent also turns us
Week, a journey leading to
toward Easter and the abundant life God will offer
new life, life eternal, in
through the Three Days. Our midweek Lenten
Jesus Christ and
services will turn us toward God’s abundance by
culminating in the joyous
focusing on five divine attributes drawn from the
celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord;
gospel texts for Lent.
Easter. Please read the details of our extra
worship services opportunities and plan how to
utilize them to enrich your spiritual journey this Our Wednesday services will alternate between
here at St. Petri and at Bergen in Roland. This
series will feature a different preacher each week,
with a total of five ELCA pastors from some of
Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2nd and the Riverside Conference churches. More details
officially ends forty days later (not counting will follow as they are worked out in the weeks
ahead put the schedule below is firm.
Sundays). Midweek Lenten worship services will
be held at 6:30 PM each Wednesday March 2nd
Hope to see you in church – Pastor Tim
through April 6th. There will be no Wednesday
service during Holy Week (April 13th).
Ash Wednesday
Lent begins with a solemn call to fasting and
repentance as we begin our journey to the Our Mission
baptismal waters of Easter. Now is the acceptable We are Disciples of Jesus Christ,
time to return to the Lord. During Lent we will
reflect on the meaning of our baptism into
called to grow in Christ
Christ’s death and resurrection. The sign of ashes and to invite all to follow him.
suggests our human mortality and frailty. What
seems like an ending is really an invitation to
make each day a new beginning, in which we are
washed in God’s mercy and forgiveness. With the
cross on our brow, we long for the spiritual
4 St. Petri Messenger
Calendar of Midweek Lenten Services Coming Attractions!
Wednesdays Vigil of Easter Saturday April 16, on-line recording
March 2 of our youth reading the Easter Vigil readings,
Ash Wednesday check Facebook for instructions for viewing.
Location: St. Petri, Story City
Preacher: Pastor John Sheahan Resurrection of Our Lord, Easter Day Sunday
Time: 7:00 PM April 17, worship: 9:30AM
Meal: none
March 9
Location: Bergen ~ PRAYERS FOR OUR MEMBERS ~
Preacher: TBD
Worship: 6:30 PM
Meal: 5:45 PM Hospitalized or
March 16 recuperating in
Location St. Petri, Story City January
Preacher: TBD Karen Keech
Worship: 6:30 PM Laura Farney
Meal: 5:45 PM Brian Jacobson
March 23
Location: Bergen, Roland
Preacher: TBD In Memoriam
Worship: 6:30 PM Aamna Grebner
Meal: 5:45 PM Doris Mathre
March 30 Mindy Williams
Location: St. Petri, Story City
Preacher: TBD
Worship: 6:30 PM ~Prayer concerns~
Meal: 5:45 PM Karen Keech (Kevin & Diana’s sister-in-law),
April 6 Linda Fevold, Kay Disbrowe, Marilyn Hanson,
Location: Bergen, Roland John Satre
Preacher: TBD
Worship: 6:30 PM Patrick & Jacqueline Bencke, Japan Missionaries;
Meal: 5:45 PM Soldiers, Peace Workers, & Humanitarian Aid
April 13 Workers
No services or meal.
Holy Week
April 14
Maundy Thursday (First Communion)
Location: Bergen, Roland
Maundy Thursday
Preacher: Pastor Tim Malek
Worship: 7:00 PM
April 15
Good Friday (Youth led Tenebrae Service)
Location: Bergen, Roland WELCA REPORT
Worship: 7:00 PM
February 10 2:00pm WELCA Bible Study
February 21-23 9:00am–noon Quilt Tying
5 St. Petri Messenger
In 1990, Souper Bowl of Caring began with a
simple prayer from a single youth group:
“Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl
football game, help us be mindful of those
without a bowl of soup to eat.”
Since then, more than $170 million has been
Monday, February 14th
generated for local charities across the country
through Souper Bowl of Caring. It has become a
powerful movement that transforms the time
around the Big Game into the nation’s largest
celebration of giving and caring for those in need. WEATHER CANCELLATIONS
Through this mission, people learn they can make Worship Services/Sunday School
a positive difference in the world as they collect Check WHO or answering machine
food, raise money and serve at hunger-relief Other events
charities and show caring and compassion in local When there is:
communities across the country. No School – check church answer machine
Early Dismissal – Event cancelled
Share in God’s love for our neighbors in need
and give generously on Souper Bowl Sunday.
All of the donations collected will go directly to
our Souper Bowl of Caring Charity of Choice:
Loaves and Fishes
Finance Committee (count offering): 4 elected per Audit Committee: 1 person elected per year for a 3
year for a 2 year term (remaining: Nancy Carlson, year term
Valaree Muhlenburg, Jennifer Knutson, Tony (remaining: Diana Keech, Janet Mortvedt)
Committee members Elect 1
Committee members Elect 4 Al Holm
Donna Guard
Janet Mortvedt
Ann Healy
Denice Reisetter