Manual Remazol Dyes

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DyStar R
Remazol Dystar is a heat reactive colour. Its ability to bind with the fibre is
moderate. Because of this the colour needs a slightly higher dyeing temperature
(approx.600C). Remazol colour molecule forms a tough chemical bond with the fibre,
which makes the sustainability of the colour very good. Light resistance varies
according to colour tone, generally lighter colour tones can resist/bare less UV-
light. The material used for the dyeing process has an effect on the end result, so if
you are using a formerly unknown material always test-dye first. With Remazol you
can make colour baths, paint and print.

Suitable materials for dyeing: Remazol Colour Pigment weight /

From natural fibres for example Cotton (CO), volume ratios:
Linen (LI), Hemp (HA), Sisal (SI) and Kapok. CODE COLOURTONE g / tbs. g / dl.
R-7002 Brilliant Yellow 5 g / 41 g
Celluloid Viscose (CV) dyes with variable intensity. R-7172 Brilliant Orange 4 g / 40 g
From animal fibres at least Wool (WO) and Silk R-7207 Brilliant Red 5 g / 51 g
(SE) can be used. R-7286 Brilliant Blue 5 g / 48 g
R-7307 Turquoise Blue 8 g / 77 g
Synthetic and unorganic fibres are unsuitable R-7546 Navy Blue 6 g / 58 g
for dyeing with Remazol colours. R-7010 Black 3 g / 34 g
Sewing strings for example are usually made of
Polyester (PES) which is unsuitable for dyeing with F-10 Alginate Powder 8 g / 82 g
Remazol. Polyamide (PA) makes the only F-11 Sodium Sulphate 15 g / 150 g
difference and dyes in sour dyeing liquid with F-12 Sodium Carbonate (light) 8 G / 80 g
variable results.

The Dyeing Broth:

Prehandling of the dyeing materials: The Dyeing Broth should be mixed from Water
The material used for dying should always be (temperature 60 C), Colour Pigment, Sodium
prewashed to remove any foreign substances used Sulphate and Sodium Carbonate. The amount of
when the material was originally produced. water should be calculated in relation to the
dryweight of the dyed material. For an even result
If you are dying used materials be always sure that the proportion of the broth should be:
they are clean. The original colour of the dyed 1:20 - 1:40 liters because the material to be dyed
material always has an effect on the end result. should be freely under water.
Warn out or bleached material always gives an When you are dyeing knotted batique for example
uneven result. Presoaked material before dying can the proportion be: 1:5 - 1:10 liters
gives usually a more even result. For example:
1:20 = 1000g material in relation to 20 liters
of water
Remazol Colour Pigments:
Remazol Colour pigments sold at Seriväri are
powders or granulates and they should be The Aiding Substances:
measured by weight. About 100 g of pigment Sodium Sulphate:
dissolves in 1 l of water. The temperature of water When dyeing different materials you can increase
should be approx. 20C. The amount of colour the intensity of the colour by adding Sodium
pigment should be measured from the dry weight Sulphate. The amount of Sodium Sulphate should
of the dyed material. be calculated in relation to the amount of water
For example: To 1 liter of water you should always add 50-
To reach a 2% medium dyeing result use 1 kg of 100g of Sodium Sulphate.
dry material and 20 g of Remazol Colour Pigment. The more brighter and stronger colour tone you
The black pigment makes an exception however use want to achieve the more Sodium Sulphate you
30-50 g / 1 kg of dry material. should use.
Remazol:E:\pmd sivu 1
Sodium Carbonate (light): 12.
Sodium Carbonate is an alkalic binding substance. Pick up the material from the broth and rinse it
To 1 liter of water add 20-100g Sodium with running water until the rinsing water is clear.
Carbonate. 13.
The amount of Sodium Carbonate increases in Boil some water and pour it in the bucket where
relation to the amount of Sodium Sulphate. you have the already rinsed material.
Hot water effectively loosens any unbinded colour
Urea (Carbamide): 14.
Urea can be used as an agent to increase the Once again rinse the material with running hot
dissolving properties of colour pigment or to water until the rinsing water is clear.
increase binding. Alternatively you can rinse the material in a
washing machine using the machines rinsing
program. You can also add some rinsing agent for
Vinegar: the final rinsing to retreive the materials original
Adding vinegar to the rinsing water stabilizes the softness.
Ph. of the water.

Dyeing in the washing machine:

Manual Dyeing:
1. The program for dyeing should last about 1,5-2 h.
Make sure that the material to be dyed is for a proper reaction time.
prewashed before dyeing, so that it´s free of all The amount of aiding substances is easy to
chemical finishing substances. measure if you know the total water capacity of the
2. washing mashine.
Weigh the dry material to be dyed and then
moisten it thorouly. To achieve an even dyeing result you should dye
3. max. 1kg dry weighed material.
Dissolve the scaled colour pigment to about 1 liter 1.
of warm water. The Remazol Pigment dissolves in The aiding substances Sodium Sulphate and
200Ctemperature. Notice the amount of water Sodium Carbonate (light) and the Colour Pigment
used for dissolving in the total amount of water. in the same bucket and mix them dry together.
4. 2.
Measure the rest of the total amount of water (over Pour the mixed powder inside the washing
600C ) in the mixing vessel and mix the already maschines drum. Shake the drum so that the
dissolved colour in the same bucket. powder pours under the drum.
5. 3.
Dip the material to be dyed in the broth and wait Moisten the material to be dyed thorouly before
that the colour absorbes in the material (approx. you put it in the washing maschine.
5-10 min.) mix the broth constantly. Select 600C washing temperature. Start the
6. washing maschine.
Pick up the dyed material from the broth. 4.
7. When the washing program ends, repeat the
Add the agent (Sodium Sulphate) increasing rinsing program to remove the unbinded Pigment.
intensity in the dyeing broth and keep mixing until
it has thorouly dissolved in the broth.
8. Cleaning the washing maschine after
Put the dyed material back in the broth and let it dyeing:
soak for approx. 1 hour. Run one washing program with the maschine
The material should be in constant movement to empty to remove any Pigment remnants.
reach an even result.
Pick up the material from the broth.
Add the binding agent (Sodium Carbonate) in the
broth and keep mixing until it has fully dissolved.
Seriväri Oy
11. Elimäenkatu 32, 00520 Helsinki,
Put the dyed material back in the broth and let it Phone: +3588(0)9-86239300,
soak for another 1-2 hours. Mix every now and e-mail: [email protected]

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