ZEGO-CERTIFICATE-Natanael de Jesus Ferreira de Godoi-2021

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Scooter Annual HR inc SDP

Work provider customer number:

1. Cer ficate number:

2. Registra on mark of vehicle:


3. Name of Policyholder:
Natanael De Jesus Ferreira De Godoi

4. Effec ve date of the commencement of insurance for the purpose of the relevant law:
23/03/2021, 12:07

5. Date of expiry of insurance:

22/03/2022, 23:59

6. Persons or classes of persons en tled to drive:

Provided that the person driving holds a licence to drive the vehicle or has held and is not disqualified for or prohibited by
law from holding or obtaining such a licence
Insured Only: Natanael De Jesus Ferreira De Godoi

7. Limita ons as to use:

Business use for the transporta on of goods for Hire and Reward whilst working for

(FAST FOOD DELIVERY and PARCEL / PACKAGE DELIVERY) including Social, Domes c and Pleasure purposes

8. Exclusions:
- Use whilst the vehicle is let on hire
- Use while carrying pillion passengers
- Use for any racing, pacemaking, contest, reliability or speed trial
- Use for any purpose in connec on with the motor trade

I hereby cer fy that this cer ficate sa sfies the requirements of the relevant Law applicable in the United Kingdom, the Channel
Islands and EU countries or countries approved, by the EU commission to comply with the First Direc ve on Motor insurance.

Extracover Insurance Company Limited

First Floor
Grand Ocean Plaza
Ocean Village

This policy has been underwri en by Extracover Insurance Company Limited. Extracover Insurance Company Limited, First Floor, Grand Ocean Plaza,
Ocean Village, Gibraltar (Registra on No. 118662).
Note: For full details of the insurance cover, reference should be made to the Zego Policy, Schedule and Endorsements.
Advice to third par es: Nothing contained in this cer ficate affects your right as a third party to make a claim.

If you have any enquiries regarding your insurance, please contact Zego. These notes do not form part of you Cer ficate of
Motor Insurance. Your Cer ficate of Motor Insurance is an important document. If it is incorrect you are liable to prosecu on, so
please check it very carefully.

Please keep this Cer ficate of Motor Insurance safe.

1. You should no fy Zego immediately if you:

a. Change the Insured Vehicle or obtain an addi onal vehicle. {No fica on is a condi on of your insurance.}
b. Require a change in the use of the vehicle.

2. Zego must also be no fied as soon as possible of any change in circumstances affec ng the insurance:
a. Any modifica ons or engine conversion to your vehicle.
b. Change of address.
c. Change of drivers.
d. Any convic ons.
e. Any pending prosecu ons.
f. Any physical or mental defect, including heart condi ons, diabetes, epilepsy, disabili es or infirmi es.
g. The prescrip on of permanent medica on.
h. Addi onal audio or communica on equipment.

If you have any doubt as to whether or not to tell us of any fact, please contact Zego for advice.

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