How To Play: An Official Guide To Tofu

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How To Play: An Official Guide To Tofu

Last updated: 20/12/2021

Check the gallery added at the end for examples of commands!
You can also view a table of contents on the left in the document outline.
Select a title to go to that section instantly.

Note: You can access the guide link at any time with t!guide.


Refer to t!help for quick information on how to use commands and their details.

t!help <command> for information on specific commands.

Setting up Tofu in your Server

i. Setting Summon Channel

If you have administrator permissions, you can set a particular channel for summoning by
sending t!set in it. You can change the channel at any time by sending the command in the
channel you wish to change it to.

ii. Changing Prefix

The default prefix is t! With administrator permissions you can change the prefix by typing
t!prefix <new prefix> , replacing <new prefix> with the prefix you wish to use,
we recommend t!prefix t

iii. Restricting Commands

Tofu has many categories of commands, and you can restrict a category to work in a channel
with t!restrict <category>. This requires the “Manage Server” permission. T!help restrict
shows you the available categories for restriction.
Just using t!restrict will reset the channel to no restrictions.

iv. Anti-Snipe

If you find your Internet or speed at grabbing cards frustrating, or wish to have a friendlier server
environment, and have the “Manage Server” permission, you can enable an anti-snipe.

This allows a delay in grabbing after a summon appears.

This means if you have an anti-snipe of 5 seconds, then everyone will have a chance to grab (if
it’s off cooldown or it’s an extra grab) within those 5 seconds.
The winner of the card shows up after the delay.

Set up an anti-snipe with t!antisnipe <time>, with time being a whole number between 0-10,
signifying the seconds for the delay.

v. Invite

Anyone can invite Tofu through t!invite, or going to our page at:

You can join the Tofu Community Server at


Use the t!summon (or t!s) command to summon a group of completely random cards. Each
character, of the tens of thousands that Tofu contains, has the same chance of being

The summon will have reactions below it, each reaction corresponding to a card, and they can
be grabbed by anyone, the summoner and any player, but if a fight occurs between who gets
it, the summoner gets priority, meaning they will win 100% of the time. A fight is when 2 or
more unique players attempt to grab a card.

A summon is composed of 2 regular cards that are known, and 1 mystery card that is
randomly generated once you grab it. It does not provoke summon list pings.

The cards will expire and will not be able to be grabbed 1 minute after they are summoned.

Upon expiration, the cards will move into the fusion pile, explained later in the fusion board

Grabbing and winning a card activates the default 10 minute cooldown, and grabbing but
losing a fight activates a default 1 minute cooldown.

Summons have a default cooldown of 20 minutes.

Activity Summons
Cards also get summoned based on real user activity, the more frequently more players send
messages in real conversation, the higher the spawn rate. Spamming and “fake activity” do
nothing. There are no activity summon cooldowns, but grab cooldowns occur as normal.

Importantly, anyone can attempt to grab, and the winner is randomly selected.

You can see your cooldowns at any time by using t!cooldowns (or t!cd); currently the
command displays summon, grab, daily, vote, and minigame cooldowns.

However, you can buy single-use items such as Extra Grabs and Extra Summons, which can
be bought in the shop (t!shop). They are used in the case you have cooldowns on either grabs
or summons, and do not affect your cooldowns.

Alarms & Reminders

To be notified in DMS whenever a cooldown runs out,

use t!alarm or t!al <cooldown>. An example is t!al summon.
t!cd <cooldown> can also be used interchangeably.

To toggle an alarm off, simply use t!al or t!cd on the cooldown once more,
like a light switch.

You can see if a cooldown has an alarm or not by checking cooldowns with t!cd or t!al;
if an alarm is enabled, an intact alarm clock appears next to the cooldown.
If no alarm is set, the alarm clock is crossed out.
Note: Minigames do not have alarms.

You can use t!al all to set every alarm.

Card Viewing & Details

Each card has its unique code, and you can view it by doing t!view (or t!v) <the code>,
or without the code to view the latest card you received. Not including the parameters in
card or character detail commands such as the ones below will also use the latest card
you received.
Each summoned card also has a specific print number, specific edition number,
includes character name and series, and a quality (or condition).
If the card is tagged, viewing also displays tag emoji.

Note: You can also view cosmetics such as Stickers, Hexes, Auras.


As follows, to lookup a character or series you would do t!lookup (or t!lu) <keyword>,
keyword being part of, or the whole name of the character, or a general series.

Use the magnifying glass below the lookup to easily magnify the image.

Lookup is also split into cards gained from summons, mystery, and card packs, and
have some separate statistics.
You can also see the claim rate and number of those characters fused, among other

Card Info

To get more detailed information about a card, such as who grabbed or summoned it,
who owns it, original card summon quality, which server it was summoned, at what time
and date was it summoned, how many times upgrades have failed, how many people
you fought off to obtain the card, and so on, you can use the t!cardinfo (or t!ci)
<code> command.


You can view all the cards you own by using the command t!collection (or t!c), or
someone else’s by doing t!c <user ID>. There is a maximum of ten cards per page, and
you can flip through the pages with arrows below.

You can also search collections by doing t!c (user ID in case you’re looking at someone
else’s collection) character=<name of character> (or t!c c=<name>)

You can also look for series, just replace “character” with the name of a “series”, and
“c” with “s” such as t!c s=mob psycho.


So far, you can order your collection by the following, commands included:

- number of likes with t!c order=likes or t!c o=l

- print number with t!c order=print or t!c order=number or t!c o=p or t!c o=n
- quality with t!c order=quality or t!c o=q
- character name with t!c order=characters or t!c o=c
- series name with t!c order=series or t!c o=s

All in descending order. ( = and : are interchangeable)

You can add r to reverse, ordering in ascending order.


Using the above abbreviations (l,p/n,q,c,s) you can actually filter collections by including
Further, you can see if a card has a hex or aura or frame or not. (t, true, and 1 are
interchangeable; f, false, and 0 as well)

- if it has a hex with t!c hex=1 or h=1

- if it has an aura with t!c aura=1 or a=1
- if it has a frame with t!c frame=1 or f=1

Other examples are shown below.

t!c q=4 shows all pristine cards (lower qualities are corresponding to 0,1,2,3 in
ascending order)
t!c n=1 to see all your print ones, etc, you can also combine them for more complex
filters, such as
t!c n>14 n<17 o=n l>1
to show cards that have prints lower than 17 but larger than 14, order that, and more
than 1 like per character.

t!c t!=jojo
Shows tagged cards that are not tagged with jojo.


To tag your cards, first you have to make a tag.

To make a tag, say t!tagadd <tag name> <emoji>, or t!ta <tag name> <emoji>.

Note that currently you can only use the default global Discord emojis for tags.
Tag emojis can be seen when viewing cards in tags.

To remove a tag, use t!tagremove <tag name> or t!tr <tag name>.

You can view a list of tags and how many cards they contain, with t!taglist (or t!tl).

To tag a card, do t!tag <tag name> <card code>. (or t!t) Leaving card code empty will
tag your latest card.

You can filter your collection with tags, with t!c tag=<tagname> or t!c t=<tagname>.
This displays all the cards in that tag.
You can find untagged cards with t!c tag=untagged or t!c t=ut . (or t=none)

To rename a tag, you don’t need to remove it, you can simply use:
t!tagrename <old tag name> <new tag name>

To change the emoji used in a tag, you can do:

t!tagreemote <tag name> <new emoji>


Would you like some things, such as your collection or inventory, to not be publicly viewable?
Use t!private or t!pr <command> to make certain things unviewable to everyone unless you
choose to display them.

As of now, you can make your Inventory, Collection, Hexes, Auras, Stickers, and Buffs private.

To view what settings you have used, as in what you have privated, use t!pr or t!private.
The open/closed locks and public/private descriptions detail the privacy of each.

Privacy is a toggle, meaning if you t!private <command> when it is already private, then it will
become public.

Use the command t!pr all to set all commands private.

Use the command t!pr none to set all commands public.
Fast Fusion

Want to get rid of cards from your collection? And get resources? Use fast fuse.
The command for fast fuse is: t!fastfuse or t!ff <filter>.
Filters can be methods of sorting collections as explained above, for example by tags
(with t=tag) or by sorting with p/n,s,c,q,l, et cetera.

Not adding a filter will fuse your latest card.

Upon calling the command, you will need to select the lock, and then the checkmark to
complete fusion. You can also flip through what will be fused with the arrows. If you
change your mind, you can select the “X” to cancel the process. You can only have one
fusion process at a time.

Fusing yields resources, in the form of Gold and Cinders, and moves the card into the
fusion pile, a sort of limbo, which will be explained later with fusion boards.
Cinders are used primarily to upgrade cards to better qualities, and Gold has many
purposes throughout the game.
Black Gold can also be obtained, and it can be used for bidding in global Auctions.


Currently, all your resources in game are contained in your inventory.

You can view your inventory with t!inventory or t!i .
Here you can see your Opals, Clovers, Gold, Stickers, Packs, Cinders, Upgrades,
Extra Grabs/Summons and so forth if you have any. They have corresponding emojis.

Qualities and Upgrades

Notice that some pictures of the same character look better than others? This is due to
the quality, as mentioned prior.
The qualities in the game are called, in ascending order of purity:
Scarred, Worn, Good, Great, Pristine

Pristine has absolutely no blemishes, and you must upgrade a card to pristine before
applying customization to it.

To upgrade a card’s quality, all you need are quality upgrades, which are available in the
shop. They have varying costs of Gold, but use 3 Cinders each.

Even without purchasing an upgrade, you can still begin the upgrading process, but you
will be prompted to buy one if you don’t have it.

Upgrade a card with t!upgrade <card code> , and select the checkmark if you wish to
continue. You can continue upgrading without having to go to the shop each time, with
the prompt mentioned above.

Each upgrade has a percentage chance of success, but failing an upgrade just means
you have to re-attempt the same upgrade. It does not reset to summon quality.
Number of upgrade failures are detailed per card in their card info.


Want to see what you can buy? Access the shop using t!shop .
You can buy a variety of items including, but not limited to, Upgrades, Extra
Summons/Grabs, Gear, Stickers, Buffs, Hexes, Cinders, and Card Packs!

Details for each item such as price and how to buy them are included below
To buy an item, you can use t!buy <item>.

If you want to buy multiples of said item, add a number before the item.
E.g. t!buy 22 extra grabs.

The shop includes Packs, which contain a number of cards, the contents of which are
randomly generated. You can view the cards you unbox by opening the pack with
t!open <card pack type>
And then flip through the cards with the arrows.


Currently, packs can only be obtained with Clovers, which are a currency obtained by
voting. You receive 1 Clover per vote in the weekdays, and 2 Clovers per vote in the
weekends. You can vote every 12 hours.

To vote, do t!vote and follow the link, .


Claim your daily reward by using t!daily.

You can claim daily rewards every 24 hours, and claim more of them in a row for an
additional weekly reward. This surprise is given every 7th day of streaking, and is
chosen randomly from a large selection of rewards.
Keeping up the streak also decreases the range of rewards to better ones.
You have 36 hours from your previous daily to keep the streak!

Summon List

To get pinged for a card as it gets summoned, you have a summon list.
To set a server for pings, say t!summonwatch or t!sw in it.

To add characters to the list,

t!summonadd <character name> or t!sa <character name>

To remove them, t!summonremove <character name> or t!sr <character name>.

To view your summonlist, do t!summonlist or t!sl.

To increase number of slots on summonlist, you can do t!summonlistupgrade or t!slu.

The cost increases the more slots you have.

Summon lists are private as they are only used for pings, especially useful for adding
newly released characters.
Like List

Like lists are different from summonlists, they are not used for pinging, but rather to
show characters that you genuinely like long-term. This can be useful in trading,
displaying favorites, et cetera.
Also, having a character on your likelist can result in you being gifted that character
randomly by another player, using t!gift or t!giftcard, as detailed in the next section.

Likes are tallied up globally and can be found next to each character in your collection
by default or by sorting with likes, as well as in lookup.

To this extent, removing likes costs Gold, encouraging a stable economy and
preventing market manipulation. So make decisions carefully about who you will add.

You can add a character to your like list with t!like or t!likeadd (or t!la) <character
A confirmation will appear to ensure you wish to add that character.

To remove a like, t!likeremove or t!lr <character name>

To view your, or someone else’s, likelist, use t!likelist or t!ll. Add someone’s username
after this command to check someone else’s.

You can also upgrade likelist slots, with t!likeslotupgrade or t!lsu. The cost increases
the more slots you have.

Have you ever obtained a card of a character with only 1 like and want to give it to the person
but you don’t know who it is? You can just t!giftcard or t!gift <card code>, choosing whether to
send it anonymously or not.

In cases where the character has more than one like, a recipient is chosen at random from all
the people that have liked them.

The recipient will be sent a notification of the gift via DMs, and you can check t!gifts for your
gifts. This is a sort of limbo, where you can choose whether to accept or decline the gifts.

Use t!gifts <gift number>, to accept or decline the gift, upon acceptance it goes into your
collection, and if declined it will go back to the gifter.


You can give another player a card with t!give or t!g <player name> <card code>.
To accept, both parties must select the checkmark.

If you don’t add a card code, then t!give will give the latest card you have received!
Trading & Multi-Trading

Now you have cards and want to trade for someone else’s?

To trade 1 card with another player’s 1 card, you can do:

t!trade <other player name> <your card code> <their card code>


To trade more cards and resources, you can start a trade with another player with
t!multitrade <player name> or t!mt <player name>
Then they must select the blue checkmark to initiate the trade.

Further, you can add all the card codes and quantities of resources and they will appear
in the trade. If you change your mind about quantity or want to remove something, just
type it again to remove, or type the resource type and new quantity.

Then you have to select the lock emoji to lock your side of the trade, meaning you can’t
change your side of the trade further. Once the other player has added their side and
locked, then you can verify everything they are trading. If both parties are satisfied,
you will select the green checkmark, and the trade is through once the trade turns
green. You can cancel the trade at any time before it goes through with the red X.
Hexes & Auras

Add more colour and even glow to a card with hexes and auras.
Hexes change the colour of colourable elements such as the side panels on the default frame,
with 1 or 2 colours.
Auras add varying intensities of unique coloured glow to cards, and Special Auras can have
multiple colours and patterns.

You can pair different coloured Hexes with different coloured Auras, they act separately.

Hexes are available in the shop for 500 Opals each, and each Hex opening has a small chance
to also open a corresponding colour Aura! There’s an even rarer chance that the Aura you
obtain is a special Aura! Fortunately if you have terrible luck at opening Hexes and get no
Auras, there is a pity feature, meaning you’re guaranteed an Aura within 100 Hexes. You can
track your Aura pity status in User Info, with t!userinfo or t!ui.

Use t!open hex to open, and t!hex or t!hexes allows you to see all your Hexes.
t!aura or t!auras shows your Auras.
Hex codes begin with - and Aura codes begin with &.

You can look find a specific Hex/Aura by adding a filter, t!hex n=broccoli as an example.
You can sort them by charge as well,
t!hex o=c shows your hexes that have charges first,
and t!aura c=1 only shows charged Auras.
Using c=0 would mean filtering to only show uncharged ones.

To use Hexes and Auras on cards, the cards must be Pristine, then
t!u or t!use <aura or hex code> <card code>
Then a preview is shown, if you want to continue, press the checkmark to apply the Hex or
Each Hex or Aura has 1 charge, meaning it can be used only once without needing recharge.
If your Hex or Aura has 0 charge, you will need to recharge it with the Recharge Merchant.

Bring up the Recharge Merchant with t!rechargemerchant or t!rm.

It can help you with storing or using Energy, which is used to recharge.
Your current Energy is displayed, and if you’d like to add more, select the first option.
Then you will be prompted to enter the codes of what you want to convert into energy, either of
charged or uncharged Hexes & Auras. It acts like a one-sided trade.

Each different category of item can be converted for a specific amount of energy. Uncharged
Hexes give 10 Energy, charged ones give 30, Uncharged Auras give 30, Charged Auras give
140. If you don’t use the Energy, the merchant still fortunately stores it.
Recharging a Hex requires 70 Energy, and recharging an Aura requires 500 Energy.

To recharge a Hex or an Aura, select the merchant’s option 2 for Hexes, and option 3 for Auras.
Then type the code of the Hex/Aura you’d like to recharge. If you have enough Energy, it’ll be
recharged and you can use it again.

To remove a hex from a card, you can use t!rh <card code>
To remove an aura from a card, you can use t!ra <card code>
Note: Removing hex/aura will not return any energy


Frames replace the default frame of a card, and can incredibly improve the overall
appearance of your card.
This includes the hexable elements, the print box, the series/character pads; everything
besides the picture itself.

You can view all currently available frames with:

t!frameshop or t!fs

The first frame(s) to be found in the shop, the Opal Frames, are purchasable with opals, and
appear for a limited time and rotate, but there are
many more amazing exclusively F2P (free to play)
options available for purchase year-round.
Use the arrows to go through the frame options and
view prices.

The non-premium frames are purchasable with

currency obtained from quests named Shards. (or
event currency)

To purchase:
t!buy <amount> <frame name>
To use:
t!use <frame name> <card code>

You can also preview how a frame would look on your card with:
t!framepreview or t!fp <frame name> <your card code>
Note: You DON’T NEED TO HAVE THE FRAME to use framepreview!

Removing a frame
t!rf <card code>
Either pay the fee displayed to get the frame back or remove it for free and the frame will be


Stickers are interesting cosmetics which can actually be added to the image of a card.
You can buy them from the shop with t!buy <amount> sticker, no amount meaning you buy
only one.

To uncover the sticker, use the sticker machine, with t!stickermachine or t!sm <amount>.
Note: t!open <amount> sticker can also be used!
An animation is played as the sticker is chosen at random from a very large pool of stickers, with
custom ones being added periodically.

You can view your stickers with t!stickers. To apply a sticker on a card, first the card must be in
pristine condition.
t!stick <card code> <sticker id> <placement>

Replace <card code> with the card you wanna add a sticker to,
<sticker id> with the id of the sticker you wanna add (including the $),
And <placement> with the position you want to place your sticker [1-19].
You'll then be prompted with the result; acceptance applies it.
(example: t!stick 4gry $2222 6)
(t!stick can also be replaced with t!applysticker or t!as)

Regret adding a sticker? Just remove it.

Replace <card code> with the code of the card you want to
remove the sticker from.
The sticker will be lost.
You'll then be prompted with the result and required to accept.

Usage: t!unstick <card code>


Buffs can be used to give you certain perks or improvements/advantages.

Access t!shop and go to the buffs page to see all current buffs!
Currently, there are four buffs that are all purchasable with Opals, and once activated last for 30
days/1 month

- Upgrade - Increase the success rate for upgrades by 20%

- Mystery - Have a 20% chance of grabbing 2 cards from the Mystery Card grab
- Grab - Reduce your grab cooldown by half
- Fusion - Gain x1.5 the gold and x2 the cinders you receive from fusion

Activate a buff with t!open <buff name> once purchased, and check your current buffs with

Fusion Board

You might be wondering about the previous mentions of the fusion pile, which is a sort
of limbo. The fusion pile consists of all the unclaimed cards that expired in summons
and weren’t grabbed, and cards that were fused using fastfuse or the fusion board.

Using a fusion board, it becomes possible to actually fuse 3 cards together to gain 1
card from the fusion pile. This card would potentially be of greater value (more fusion
points) than the average of the cards you used.

You can view your fusion board with t!fusionboard or t!fb.

You can add cards to the board with t!fusionadd or

t!fa <card code 1> <card code 2> <card code 3>

Viewing the board displays them on the board, and once you are ready to fuse,
do t!fuse or t!f. Do t!fa to reset/clear your board.

Then review everything and see how many points you have. Once ready, select the
checkmark. Your reward will appear.

We punish rule-breakers severely (see the Tofu Terms of Service message, first
message sent by Tofu upon interacting with it, for the rules) and as such we may
remove their collection.

Their collection doesn’t go to waste however, and any player can obtain their cards from
the global Auctions. (Part 1 of the ban pile features; stay tuned)

Full of highly sought-after cards, you can view the current auctions with t!auctions or

Currently auctions have 4 slots, and you can bid on the first two slots with Opals, and
the latter two use Black Gold.

Each slot is numbered on top, and has the card code, the current highest bid, the
current highest bidder, and the time left until the auction is over.

You can use t!a <Slot Number> to view a singular slot’s card.
e.g. t!a 1

You can bid on a slot with t!bid <Slot Number> <Amount>

Note: The amount will automatically be deducted from your inventory, but will be
returned if you are outbid.
You will get a message from Tofu if you are outbid.

If you win an auction, the card will automatically be added to your collection.

Outbidding someone with less than 2 minutes left will reset that auction’s time back to 2
Other auctions might end but they will wait to refresh the slots with new cards until all
current slot auctions are done.

Auction standard durations are 7 hours long.

Black Gold Conversion

One way of obtaining Black Gold is through fusing cards, but you can also exchange groups of
any 10 Shards for 1 Black Gold each. To do so, use:
t!exchange or t!ex
This will prompt a trade, where you can add your groups of 10 Shards.
The embed will show how much Black Gold you obtain.
To confirm, press the lock and then the checkmark.
The Black Gold will be in your inventory.

Note: Black Gold is tradeable


Tofu also has minigames! An excellent way to demonstrate your knowledge or have fun,
minigames also provide Gold and profile XP (experience points).

You can access minigames with t!minigames or t!mg.

Currently there are two minigames, which you can access with t!mg 1 and t!mg 2.

t!mg 1 leads to a guessing game which prompts you with character pictures and initials,
which you attempt with guess=“character name guess”.
The harder the character is to guess, the more gold you are rewarded.

t!mg 2 leads to a multiple choice trivia game, with Easy, Medium, and Hard questions
that have different levels of rewards.

Minigames have their own set of cooldowns.

Profile & Customization

Each player has their own customizable profile!

This profile has levels, customisable background, text colours, level bar colours
and opacity, a blurb (short status), a profile note, a badge showcase, and more!

See your profile with t!profile or t!p.

You can also see other people’s profiles with t!p <user name>.

First off, the text under your name is called the “blurb”. Here you can write a short
status or motto or whatever you’d like.
To change the blurb, use t!blurb <text> . Leaving text empty will reset it.

The place for text on the left is called the profile note. It has space for more text. You
can edit what it says with t!profilenote or t!pn <text> .

You can actually change the background of your profile!

Look at your available backgrounds with t!backgrounds or t!bgs
All backgrounds are viewable with t!backgroundscatalog or t!bgc

Then use t!profilebackground or t!pb <background ID> to do so.

You can change the background’s opacity with

t!profileopacity or t!po <decimal from 0 to 100>
The higher the number, the clearer the background is seen.

The level bar, displays your progress to your next level, and has your current player
level on the right.
Levelling up by playing Tofu gives rewards (to be revealed)! These depend on level.

You can change the color of the entire level bar fill with
t!progressfillcolor or t!pfc <# hexadecimal colour code>

You can change the color of the progress bar with

t!progressbarcolor or t!pbc <# hexadecimal colour code>

You can also change the opacity of the level bar with
t!progressbaropacity or t!pbo <from 0 to 100>
Note: changing it to 0 makes the progress bar invisible, but the numbers are also seen
to the right.
Also, you can change the text color for the whole profile!
You can do so with t!profilecolor or t!pc <# hexadecimal colour code> .
Note: has to have the # as well

Below the profile and to the right of the note, there is a badge and achievement
showcase, this will be detailed more in the next section.


Badges are a big and unique part of profile customization, and they can be earned from
achievements or events.
One example is the Halloween 2021 Badge.

You can see all of your badges with t!badges or t!b, or see other players’ badges with
t!badges <username>.
You can set a badge to display on your profile with t!setbadge <badge number>.
A limited number of badges can be displayed on your profile badge showcase below
your level bar and to the right of the profile note.


Earn badges or items with achievements!

Do t!achievements or t!ach to see achievements and your progress/completion status.

t!completeachievement or t!ca <achievement ID> completes an achievement and obtains the
do t!ai <achievement ID> to see more info on achievement, like if they are repeatable or not
Some examples of rewards are backgrounds, and Reset Potions, which reset your stats to be
redistributed again.
The “Win 25 Quests” achievement gives you 3 Reset Potions, which you can use
with t!use Reset Potion <card code>

User Info

You can check details of statistics such as total cards summoned, fused, times voted, et
cetera, with t!userinfo or t!ui. You can also check other players’ user info. The info is
organized into categories, and your Tofu join date is found at the very bottom.
The aura pity status is also found in the user info.

Opals: Premium Currency

You can also purchase premium currency called Opals, which is used for various purposes in
game such as buying Hexes and Premium Frames, with t!opals. (Plus it supports us, the Tofu
team, and allows us to keep on keeping on). You can also obtain Opals through trading/selling
with other players.

This shows the possible tiers of amounts you can buy and their price. To buy a certain amount,
do t!opals. Then follow the link to make your secure purchase on our website through PayPal
or other payment methods.

Card Requests

All characters in the game are added manually, and if you wish to request a new series
or character or new versions for a character, you can do so through this link:

Want to see your request progress? The progress spreadsheet is here:

Quest Guide

Welcome earthly traveller, once mistakenly rooted in just one basic existence.

You probably have many questions, but I assure you all will be revealed in due time.

My name is Tofu, and you may or may not know me, but what you see before you is just a

shadow, a whisper of my actual self.

I am a benevolent being, yet I was wrongfully imprisoned somewhere in this land, sealed

away by those who feared my might.

This chaotic reality is known by many names, but perhaps the most fitting is the Expanse.

It was once a peaceful, thriving place, full of wonder and creation.

Countless species lived in harmony and advanced together.

Then one day, the sky split.

A wretched hand of evil corrupted the land and the very fibre of beings, an ancient evil, sealed

away since time immemorial.

Innumerable bodies and souls became warped, poisoned by wickedness.

Those who remained pure sought refuge in every nook and corner, and banded together to

defend themselves and in fact all of creation.

I brought you here, to this world, to nurture the sliver of potential present in you, and in fact in

all living beings.

With my help you can make your innate power blossom and grow.

Then you can rescue me, and yourself from this lonely existence.

You must understand the difficult challenge you now face, a journey fraught with danger and


Your ability can be used to create your own domains, plucking all sorts of beings from across

the stars, taking them from their realities and bringing them here, united.

Band together to survive, and perhaps uncover the secrets of this unfathomable realm.

Beware though, allies are few and threats are many.

Enemies plague the land, besides normal everyday criminals and bandits, fearsome tales are

told in hushed whispers about the dread Colossus, the vile creatures of the Void, the hordes of

the Crimson Maw, and the mighty Maelstrom, just to name a few.

Create teams and become stronger, and as you progress, rewards and treasures too

become greater and grander.

Equip your teammates and fellow survivors with weapons and gear of legend and embark on

wondrous quests.

Collect powerful artifacts, explore inconceivable locations, defeat fearsome foes, and

keep yourself and your people safe.

Allies and friends that you never would have had in your "other" life.

Experience an adventure that not many would ever even dream of.

When you're ready, set me free.

Quo vadis?

More lore here:


Now that you understand your possibilities, time to make your questing team(s)!

View all your teams with:

t!teams or t!ts (adding a user will show their respective teams)
Each team has a status: Home or Questing.
Home indicates that the team is home and ready for questing; Questing means it is actively on
a quest.

View your team display for a specific team with:

t!team <team name>
This shows cards, card levels, stats, and their images.

Add a new team with:

t!addteam or t!at <team name>
Note: Currently you can only have 2 teams, you unlock the 2nd upon reaching Profile Level 10
E.g. t!at star crusaders

Remove a team with t!removeteam or t!rt <team name>

Rename a team with t!teamrename or t!mr <old name>, <new name>

Add members to your newly-made teams!
Quest with any and all of your favourite
To do so,
t!teammember or t!tm <team name>
<position> <card code>
to assign a card to a team at the specified
position. The card must be in Pristine
Omit the card code to remove the card at that
position on your team.
Note: By default you can only add 2 members
per team, 2 slots are locked.
Positions being 1 & 2. To unlock position 3, you
need a Slot 3 Key which is obtainable from
easy quests. Use t!unlock or t!un 3 <team
name> to unlock your 3rd slot on a specific
E.g. t!tm shinobi 1 vyx
View any card’s stats with t!stats <card
A display screen will appear with details
about the card, such as its level, what gear it
has equipped, if any, and total stats. Gear
will be explained more in its respective
Note: Every card has base stats of 5 Attack , 5 Health, 5 Defense, and 0 Speed.
E.g. t!stats 2fgq

Cards can only obtain XP from questing for now, and they use that XP to level up!
Levelling up gives you stat points which you can distribute to increase different stats
Levels 1-9 give 1 point, 10 gives double, 11-19 give 2 points, so on so forth
Use stats points you’ve accumulated with levelling up your card with:
t!distributestats or t!ds <card code>

Each stat increase of 1 has a cost of one point, except speed which costs two. (Speed starts
taking effect at 4 speed for easy, and works differently for different difficulties) (more of an
endgame stat)
You can distribute as many points as you have across any stats, with the emojis.
To complete, react with the checkmark.
Note: Speed is a special stat as it decreases the duration of your quests.
Use t!qs to see precisely how much the quest duration is affected.

Card levels are capped according to your profile level, meaning you need certain profile
levels to increase the level cap for your cards. This doesn’t mean it is one-to-one.
For example, at Profile Level 1, your Card Level Cap is Level 10. Refer to the section!

Now that you have a team or two, it’s time to quest and explore the Expanse!
Gather resources, have adventures! Obtain frames and gear!

See all quests currently available with:

t!questlist or t!ql

Each quest has an ID, name, difficulty, picture, description, recommended stats, and
You can see more details about a quest,
such as rewards, with:
t!questinfo or t!qi <Quest ID>

Note: To go on a quest with a higher

difficulty, first you must successfully
complete all lower difficulty quests at that

E.g. To go on Whitehall Manor (Hard), you

must’ve already completed Whitehall
Manor (Easy) and Whitehall Manor

Further, you can’t send multiple teams on

the same quest.

To actually embark on a quest,

t!quest or t!q <Quest ID> <team name>

This will show you a screen for confirmation.

Included, importantly, is the chance that you will succeed given your stats and the
recommended stats, as well as which stat the quest favours, if any.

When your team returns from the quest, this success chance will then determine if you have
succeeded or failed.
Note: Having the recommended stats for a quest means you have a 60% chance of success.

You can also see the time that the quest will take, taking into account team members' speed,
and the standard duration for the quest.

Note: Harder quests take longer to complete and have higher recommended stats, but they do
have increased rewards!

Failure leads to no rewards, and a random failure message as to why you might’ve failed.
Success leads to many rewards, namely being Shards, Card XP, Gold, (and possible mystery
items such as a Slot 3 Key), and a random success message.
Shards, scrap, keys, et cetera, are all tradable.

Shards can then be used to buy non-opal frames in the frameshop, accessible with
t!frameshop or t!fs.

The first completion of a quest by any team leads to double rewards.

To see how much time you have left until a team returns from a quest, use:
t!quests or t!qs

Then, complete the quest with:

t!completequest or t!cq <Team Name>

This will show if you have succeeded or not, and what rewards you have obtained.
To see what mats you have, shards or such, use t!materials or t!mats
As of yet, 1,000 shards create a non-premium frame.

If you change your mind about a quest, you can always cancel the quest (and return your team
without any rewards) with:
t!questreturn or t!qr <Team Name>


Besides aesthetics, gear is used for increasing stats.

There are different types of gear, which go into different gear slots.

At the moment, the types are: helmet, shield, and weapon.

You can only equip one of each type on a card at a time.
Some gear sets have set bonuses, which means that equipping the entire set on a card will
add that set bonus to your card/team.
You can craft gear with scrap. Basic gear sets have their basic scrap sold in the t!shop.

See what scrap or other crafting materials you may have with:
t!materials or t!mats

View the gear collection belonging to you or the specified user with:
t!gear <user>
This also shows if the gear is equipped by a card, which card code it is, and their stats.

You can order/sort/filter gear with t!gear o=attack/defense/health/name or t!gear o=a/d/h/n

Use t!view or t!v <gear code> to see stats and details about the gear.

To equip gear onto a card, use:

t!equip <gear code> <card code>

Note: You cannot equip gear onto a card that is currently on a quest.

To unequip a gear, use:

t!unequip <gear code>

Note: You cannot unequip gear off a card that is currently on a quest.
As of yet, each gear is in a specific set of other types of gear, with the same theme.

~ Stained Set

~ Wooden Set

~ Rusty Set
Inferno Set

To craft a random gear from a set, you need the necessary set materials, and then:

t!craft or t!cr <set name> piece

t!craft wooden set piece
t!cr stained set piece
Your gear piece will appear.
The stats for each piece are randomly generated in a range, according to the set, and gear
Some gear sets favour some stats, others may be neutral, figure out which stats you’d like
to favour, for which quests.
To view all the gear in a specific set, use:

t!gearsets or t!gs <set name>

Omit a set name to view all the sets available.

There’s a recharge merchant for hexes/auras, and there’s also a crafting merchant for gear.
The crafting merchant contains all available gear, their descriptions, and the recipes on how
to craft them.
To summon the crafting merchant, use:
t!craftingmerchant or t!cm

And peruse.

Level Caps
Profile Cap and Corresponding Card Level Cap
A list is available here:
Profile level 1 = Card level 10
Profile level 2 = Card level 10
Profile level 3 = Card level 11
Profile level 4 = Card level 11
Profile level 5 = Card level 11
Profile level 6 = Card level 11
Profile level 7 = Card level 12
Profile level 8 = Card level 12
Profile level 9 = Card level 12
Profile level 10 = Card level 12
Profile level 11 = Card level 13
Profile level 12 = Card level 13
Profile level 13 = Card level 13
Profile level 14 = Card level 14
Profile level 15 = Card level 14
Profile level 16 = Card level 14
Profile level 17 = Card level 15
Profile level 18 = Card level 15
Profile level 19 = Card level 16
Profile level 20 = Card level 16
Profile level 21 = Card level 17
Profile level 22 = Card level 17
Profile level 23 = Card level 18
Profile level 24 = Card level 18
Profile level 25 = Card level 19
Profile level 26 = Card level 19
Profile level 27 = Card level 20
Profile level 28 = Card level 20
Profile level 29 = Card level 21
Profile level 30 = Card level 22
Profile level 31 = Card level 22
Profile level 32 = Card level 23
Profile level 33 = Card level 24
Profile level 34 = Card level 24
Profile level 35 = Card level 25
Profile level 36 = Card level 26
Profile level 37 = Card level 27
Profile level 38 = Card level 28
Profile level 39 = Card level 29
Profile level 40 = Card level 30
Profile level 41 = Card level 31
Profile level 42 = Card level 32
Profile level 43 = Card level 33
Profile level 44 = Card level 34
Profile level 45 = Card level 35
Profile level 46 = Card level 36
Profile level 47 = Card level 38
Profile level 48 = Card level 39
Profile level 49 = Card level 40
Profile level 50 = Card level 42
Profile level 51 = Card level 43
Profile level 52 = Card level 45
Profile level 53 = Card level 47
Profile level 54 = Card level 48
Profile level 55 = Card level 50
Profile level 56 = Card level 52
Profile level 57 = Card level 54
Profile level 58 = Card level 56
Profile level 59 = Card level 58
Profile level 60 = Card level 60
Profile level 61 = Card level 62
Profile level 62 = Card level 65
Profile level 63 = Card level 67
Profile level 64 = Card level 70
Profile level 65 = Card level 72
Profile level 66 = Card level 75
Profile level 67 = Card level 78
Profile level 68 = Card level 81
Profile level 69 = Card level 84
Profile level 70 = Card level 87
Profile level 71 = Card level 91
Profile level 72 = Card level 94
Profile level 73 = Card level 98
Profile level 74 = Card level 101
Profile level 75 = Card level 105
Profile level 76 = Card level 110
Profile level 77 = Card level 114
Profile level 78 = Card level 118
Profile level 79 = Card level 123
Profile level 80 = Card level 128
Profile level 81 = Card level 133
Profile level 82 = Card level 138
Profile level 83 = Card level 143
Profile level 84 = Card level 149
Profile level 85 = Card level 155
Profile level 86 = Card level 161
Profile level 87 = Card level 167
Profile level 88 = Card level 174
Profile level 89 = Card level 181
Profile level 90 = Card level 188
Profile level 91 = Card level 195
Profile level 92 = Card level 203
Profile level 93 = Card level 211
Profile level 94 = Card level 220
Profile level 95 = Card level 229
Profile level 96 = Card level 238
Profile level 97 = Card level 247
Profile level 98 = Card level 257
Profile level 99 = Card level 267
Profile level 100 = Card level 278
Gallery and Screenshots
to be updated
Screenshots of the different commands

The help command

Summoning (and using extra summon)
Viewing a Card
Claiming a daily
Activity Summon
Card Info
Upgrading a card to pristine
Fusion Board
Viewing Profile (customized)
Profile with 0 opacity progress bar and 1 badge

Minigames (Trivia)
Special Aura Examples
Using an Aura with another Hex
Copyright © 2021 Some Rights Reserved. Written by Mojo Jojo and thanks to Peepo, Be, Haruka, Arch, Oppai for
examples, and to Al for the cover art. Except as otherwise noted, this guide is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit
Essentially if you use it or change it, it should be cited/included.

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