St. Thomas More School of Law and Business: Actual Teaching Rating Sheet

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Thomas More school of law and business

Doctolero Avenue, Magugpo East, Tagum City


Name Date

Grade Level Subject Taught

Directions: Please rate the actual teaching performance of the PST in a particular subject area. There are five major
components in these rating criteria and each component has specific indicators. Put a check on the column that
corresponds to your rating.
4 – Excellent 3 – Very Satisfactory 2 – Fair 1 – Poor
Statements Levels of Performance

I – Planning and Organizing (Lesson Planning) 4 3 2 1

A. The teacher’s lesson objectives are stated in specific, measurable, attainable, realistic,
time-bounded terms.

B. There is congruence between the lesson objectives and the following: subject matter,
teaching method, formative test, and assignment.

C. The teacher selects appropriate instructional materials.

D. The teacher selects appropriate instructional strategies/learning activities.

E. The teacher selects appropriate assessment strategies.

II – Mastery of Content & Delivery of Instruction

A. The teacher demonstrates mastery of the lesson.

B. The teacher relates and connects lesson to students’ practical experiences.

C. The teacher provides learning activities appropriate to diverse learners.

D. The teacher uses appropriate questioning techniques.

E. The teacher presents relevant and updated information.

III – Classroom Management Skills

A. The teacher organizes and uses available physical environment to facilitate learning.

B. The teacher consistently treats students with respect, and facilitates positive relationships
among students.

C. The teacher effectively handles routine activities (i.e., attendance, collecting papers, group
activities, etc.)

D. The teacher begins and ends the class on time.

IV – Instructional Materials

A. The teacher prepares quality instructional materials for diverse learners (i.e., Multiple
Intelligences, Learning Styles, etc.).

B. The teacher utilizes appropriate IMs for varied teaching-learning activities.

C. The teacher uses updated and functional IMs during his/her teaching.

V – Communication Skills

A. The teacher communicates clearly to students (verbal and non-verbal).

B. The teacher speaks clearly and audibly.

C. The teacher writes legibly and free from errors from grammar and spelling.

VI – Teacher’s Personality

A. The teacher comes to class neat and well-groomed.

B. The teacher’s personality commands respect and attention.

C. The teacher displays enthusiasm in the delivery of the lesson.

Total raw score:

92 Transmuted Grade Formula:

= (������ ����������
92 ) 50 + 50

= (92 ) 50 + 50

Signature over Printed Name

Percentage Description

98-100 Excellent

95-97 Outstanding

92-94 Very good work

89-91 Very satisfactory work

86-88 Quite good work

83-85 Good work

80-82 Satisfactory work

77-79 Moderately satisfactory work

75-76 Passing

below 75 Failure

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