The Relationship Between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality
The Relationship Between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality
The Relationship Between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality
1 (2021)
Introduction: Adolescent are very interested in gadgets that make it easier for them to carry out
various social activities. One of the problems that can arise from gadget overuse is decreased quality
of sleep. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between gadget usage behavior
and adolescent sleep quality.
Methods: Cross-sectional design was used in this study. Ninety-nine respondents had chosen with
a proportionate stratified random sampling. Analysis was done by Chi square test.
Results: Data analysis showed that 84.8% of the respondents were categorized as gadget addiction
and 80.8% of the respondents experienced poor sleep quality. The relationship between gadget
usage and sleep quality was significant with a p-value of 0.0001.
Conclusion: There was a relationship between gadget usage and sleep quality in adolescents, in
which gadget dependency had poorer quality of sleep.
Article History: Received: 7th April 2021, Revised: 23th April 2021, Accepted: 28th April 2021
The Relationship Between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality. JPHTCR. Vol 4 No. 1 (2021)
The Relationship Between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality. JPHTCR. Vol 4 No. 1 (2021)
Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Gadget Usage Behaviour and Sleep Quality (n=99)
Variables Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Gadget Usage Behaviour
a. Gadget independency 15 15.2
b. Gadget dependency 84 84.8
Sleep length at night
a. > 6 hours 42 42
b. ≤ 6 hours 58 58
Sleep Quality
a. Good 19 19.2
b. Poor 80 80.8
Table 2. The Relationship between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality (n=99)
Sleep Quality
Gadget Usage Behaviour Total
Good (n %) Poor (n %)
n (%) n (%) n (%)
Gadget independency
14 (93.3%) 1 (6.7%) 15 (100%)
Gadget dependency 5 (5.9%) 79 (94.1%) 84(100%)
Total 19 (19%) 80 (81%) 99 (100%)
p-Value : 0.000*
The Relationship Between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality. JPHTCR. Vol 4 No. 1 (2021)
The Relationship Between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality. JPHTCR. Vol 4 No. 1 (2021)