The Relationship Between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality

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The Relationship Between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality. JPHTCR. Vol 4 No.

1 (2021)


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ISSN : 2597-438

The Relationship Between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep

Indi Ivana1, Murniati2, Noor Rochmah Ida Ayu Trisno Putri3*
1. School of Nursing Faculty of Health Science Harapan Bangsa University Purwokerto, Central Java
Province, Indonesia. Email : [email protected]
2. School of Nursing Faculty of Health Science Harapan Bangsa University Purwokerto, Central Java
Province, Indonesia. Email: [email protected]
3. School of Nursing Faculty of Health Science Harapan Bangsa University Purwokerto, Central Java
Province, Indonesia. Email: [email protected]
*Corresponding author, Email: [email protected]

Introduction: Adolescent are very interested in gadgets that make it easier for them to carry out
various social activities. One of the problems that can arise from gadget overuse is decreased quality
of sleep. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between gadget usage behavior
and adolescent sleep quality.
Methods: Cross-sectional design was used in this study. Ninety-nine respondents had chosen with
a proportionate stratified random sampling. Analysis was done by Chi square test.
Results: Data analysis showed that 84.8% of the respondents were categorized as gadget addiction
and 80.8% of the respondents experienced poor sleep quality. The relationship between gadget
usage and sleep quality was significant with a p-value of 0.0001.
Conclusion: There was a relationship between gadget usage and sleep quality in adolescents, in
which gadget dependency had poorer quality of sleep.

Keywords : gadget usage, sleep quality, adolescents

Article History: Received: 7th April 2021, Revised: 23th April 2021, Accepted: 28th April 2021

The Relationship Between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality. JPHTCR. Vol 4 No. 1 (2021)

Introduction teenagers to have longer time to fall asleep.

The current era of 4.0 shows an increasing This is due to the sophistication and
number of technological developments. The convenience of the gadgets used. Teenagers
development of this technology is of interest to often use gadgets for a long time to have
some people, especially teenagers. One of the conversations with other people on social
most popular developments is gadget. A media such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
gadget is an electronic device connected to the or Tik-tok.12 Based on the results of interviews
internet and has a special function in each that have been conducted, it is known that
device.1 The prevalence of gadget users has children use gadgets more than 3 hours per
increased from every year, where in 2019 it day until late at night and admit that there is a
reached 3.2 billion, which has increased 5.6% decrease in the quality of their sleep process.
from the previous year. The prevalence is The purpose of this study was to determine the
predicted to continue to increase to reach 3.9 relationship between gadget usage behavior
billion in 2022.2 and adolescents’ sleep quality.
The prevalence of gadget users in
Indonesia has reached 4th place, with a Methods
prevalence of 69%, after Nigeria with a This study used a cross-sectional design.
prevalence of 81%, India 79%, and South The population of this study were all
Africa 78%.3 Gadget users in Indonesia have adolescents who were in class X and XI of
increased rapidly with the number of users SMA Negeri 1 Purwokerto. The total number of
about 64.8% in 2018 become 73.7% in 2019.4 99 respondents were chosen from class X and
According to the Indonesian Internet Service XI SMA Negeri 1 Purwokerto using
Providers Association (APJII) in 2019, Java proportional random sampling. Data were
Island is the first ranked gadget user to access collected through interviews using the
to the internet with a percentage of 56.4%, Smartphone Addiction Scale-Short Version
followed by the island of Sumatra with a (SAS-SV) questionnaire with 10 question
prevalence of 22.1%.4 Adolescents are one of items to determine the level of gadget
the highest groups of gadget users with a addiction and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality
prevalence of 24.82%.4 Index (PSQI) questionnaire, which has 9
Adolescence is a stage of growth and questions to determine the sleep quality of
development from childhood to adulthood adolescents.13,14 Data were analysed by Chi-
which is very important to note.5 The Square test with a significant level of 0.05. This
adolescent phase requires good time, quality study had passed the ethical merits of the
and quantity of sleep to support successful Research Ethics Commission of the University
growth and development and academic of Harapan Bangsa.
achievement.6 Lack of quality and quantity in
adolescent sleep will have several impacts, Results
including decreased concentration, decreased The result showed that 84.8 % of
activity, decreased learning process caused by adolescents were in gadget dependency,
drowsiness and fatigue due to lack of sleep.7 80.8% experienced poor sleep quality and
Other studies showed the same thing that the 58% have sleep time > 6 hours. Table 2 shows
physiological effects such as fatigue, that 94.1% of adolescents who were in gadget
weakness, eye disorders, decreased dependency had poor sleep quality, and only
endurance to frequent dizziness.8 Adolescents 6.7% of the adolescents who were in gadget
need normal sleep time ranging from 8 to 10 independency had poor sleep quality
hours to produce better rest.9 (p=0.0001). It can be concluded that there was
Adolescents who frequently use gadgets a relationship between gadget usage
will tend to experience addictions so that the behaviour and sleep quality, in which the
quality of sleep is poor due to staying up late, gadget dependency had poorer quality of
and has less sleep time.10 Teenagers often use sleep.
gadgets for more than 60 minutes and even
more than 11 hours per day and this causes

The Relationship Between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality. JPHTCR. Vol 4 No. 1 (2021)

Table 1. Frequency Distribution of Gadget Usage Behaviour and Sleep Quality (n=99)
Variables Frequency (f) Percentage (%)
Gadget Usage Behaviour
a. Gadget independency 15 15.2
b. Gadget dependency 84 84.8
Sleep length at night
a. > 6 hours 42 42
b. ≤ 6 hours 58 58
Sleep Quality
a. Good 19 19.2
b. Poor 80 80.8

Table 2. The Relationship between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality (n=99)
Sleep Quality
Gadget Usage Behaviour Total
Good (n %) Poor (n %)
n (%) n (%) n (%)
Gadget independency
14 (93.3%) 1 (6.7%) 15 (100%)
Gadget dependency 5 (5.9%) 79 (94.1%) 84(100%)
Total 19 (19%) 80 (81%) 99 (100%)
p-Value : 0.000*

Discussions their daily lives with heavy feelings. The results

The results showed that majority of the also showed that there were 58 respondents
respondents has gadget dependency (84.8%). who had ≤ 6 hours of sleep per day. This
They revealed that the use of gadgets is used shows that adolescents had short sleep hours,
to interact with other friends through chatting, where the normal sleep time is 8.5 hours per
playing social media and using it for online day.16
selling or buying. This condition is an The researcher suggested that there were
advantageous as communication becomes several possibilities that cause short hours of
more practical, train intelligence and sleep at night, such as doing school work,
information access is available worldwide or chatting, playing games, accessing social
globally.15 Various kinds of features in various media such as Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter,
gadgets make adolescents more interested Facebook, line. This condition led to the sleep
than others. Gadget usage has become more irregularity. Some of these causes were
attractive as information can be received obtained from the conclusions of respondents'
visually or in audio, easy to use, practical to answers regarding the reasons for sleeping
carry and used anywhere, furthermore late at night. Some teenagers, mostly had
curiosity about technological developments trouble sleeping until late and wake up early in
such as the internet, online games, and others the morning. Adolescents had irregular
were increased.16 About 85% of adolescents sleeping hours, and often experience sleep
more often used gadgets than doing other dissatisfaction.17 Some of the factors that
activities, which lead to decreased cause sleep disorders in adolescents were
socialization with the environment. This has an changes in lifestyle, such as the habit of using
impact on the aspect of socializing with other gadgets on a daily basis.18
people.16 The results showed that 94.1% of students
Sleep quality was assessed using the experienced gadget addiction and
Pittstburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) experienced poor sleep quality, with a p-value
questionnaire. The results showed that in this <0.001. This indicated that there was a
study, 53 out of 80 respondents who significant relationship between gadget usage
experienced poor sleep quality, went through and sleep quality among the adolescents.

The Relationship Between Gadget Usage and Adolescent Sleep Quality. JPHTCR. Vol 4 No. 1 (2021)

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