189 Syllabus
189 Syllabus
189 Syllabus
Office Location:
Telephone: 408-924-3878:O
MTWRF 0800-0830, 1130-1200 and by appointment
Office Hours:
MTWRF 0830-1130
Class Days/Time:
BBC 107
This is the capstone course. Students should have completed or
be within one semester of completing all of their course of
Prerequisites: study.
Faculty Web Page and MYSJSU Messaging
Copies of the course materials such as the syllabus, major assignment handouts, etc. may
be found on my faculty web page accessible through the faculty home page. You are
responsible for regularly checking with the messaging system through MySJSU .
Course Description
This course is the integrative capstone seminar analyzing the interrelationships of
managerial decisions/actions within and between the firm and its environment. As such
you may be asked to recall things you have learned from any one of your prior classes.
It applies multi-disciplinary techniques to diagnose and recommend actions appropriate
to specific company situations using the case method.
Required Text
Charles W. L. hill and Gareth R. Jones , “Essentials of Strategic Management,
South-Western/Cengage Learning, 2009. ISBN-10: 0-547-19432-3
WriteExperience 2.0: Available on—line through Cengage learning at
Classroom Protocol
If you have not taken a winter term course before, please be aware that we move
very quickly through the material. It is therefore important that you plan to attend
every class and that you keep up with the reading. Most of the work we do in this
class will be in a team context. This is because it is likely that most of the work
you do professionally will also be as a member of a team. Success in this course
will be achieved to the extent that you personally commit to the team’s success.
To that end, at the completion of the case study analysis, every team member will
be given a 3x5 card on which to evaluate the performance of your teammates.
We will use a forced ranking system similar to the one use at Cisco and General
Electric. You will be asked to rank one member #1 (the top performer), one #2,
one #3 and so on. You do not rank yourself. If one team member is consistently
ranked #1, their grade will reflect that ranking. If one team member is
consistently ranked last, their grade will reflect that ranking.
Because this is an intense course, and time is short, you will be given a
substantial amount of time during the scheduled class period to work with your
team to complete your assignments. The instructor will be available to answer
questions, provide input and advice. But it is important to remember that you are
a self-managed team and are responsible for making the decisions and taking
the action necessary to ensure the team’s success.
Grades will be determined as follows: Weight Course Points
Team Chapter Presentation
20% 80
Team Case Study Presentation 25%
Classroom Participation
10% 40
Write Experience Essays (3)
15% 60
Exams (15% each)
30% 120
100% 400