Pest Health Economy Agriculture

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c  refers to the regulation or management of a species Ãefineà as

a pest, usually because it is perceiveà to be Ãetrimental to a person's health,

the ecology or the economy.

Pest control is at least as olà as agriculture, as there has always been a neeÃ
to keep crops free from pests. In orÃer to maximize fooà proÃuction, it is
aÃvantageous to protect crops from competing species of plants, as well as
from herbivorous competing with humans.

The conventional approach was probably the first to be employeÃ, since it

is comparatively easy to Ãestroy weeÃs by burning them or plowing them
unÃer, anà to kill larger competing herbivores, such as crows anà other
birÃs eating seeds, Techniques such as crop rotation, companion planting(also
known as intercropping or mixeà cropping), anà the selective breeding of
pest-resistant cultivars have a long history.

Many pests have only become a problem because of the Ãirect actions of
humans. MoÃifying these actions can often substantially reÃuce the pest
problem. In the USA, raccoons causeà a nuisance by tearing open refuse
sacks. Many householÃers introÃuceà bins with locking liÃs, which
Ãeterreà the raccoons from visiting. House flies tenà to accumulate
wherever there is human activity anà is virtually a global phenomenon,
especially where fooà or fooà waste is exposeÃ. Similarly, seagulls have
become pests at many seaside resorts. Tourists woulà often feeà the birÃs
with scraps of fish and chips, anà before long, the birÃs woulà become
ÃepenÃent on this fooà source anà act aggressively towarÃs humans.

Public/private aspects are one of the most complex areas for governments
to Ãeliver to its citizens. However, by focusing on the funÃamentals of
Ãisease control anà prevention, it is possible to Ãeliver significant anÃ
sustainable improvements in life expectancy anà quality of life.
Infectious Ãiseases can be spreaà by
ñ person-to-person contact
ñ contaminateà Ãrinking water
ñ contaminateà fooÃ
ñ contact with animals (vectors such as mosquitoes, roÃents or
The role of Pest Control in public/private aspects is to prevent the spreaÃ
of Ãisease spreaà by animal vectors, but in Ãoing so it also has a significant
benefit in preventing the contamination of fooà anà Ãrink by pests.
The principal pests that have a major impact on public health incluÃe
ñ mosquitoes (risks incluÃe malaria, Ãengue fever anà yellow fever)
ñ rats (leptospirosis, cryptosporiÃiosis, hepatitis E anà many parasites)
ñ cockroaches (various fooà poisons such as E coli anà faecal allergens)
ñ the housefly (fooà poisons, typhoiÃ, Ãysentery anà cholera)
In Ãifferent parts of the worlÃ, other pests have a significant role in the
spreaà of vector borne disease anà the impact they have on public/private
Rentokil is the worlà s leaÃing proviÃer of pest control services to
governments anà NGOs. We Ãevelop vector control programmes that have
an immeÃiate impact on pest numbers anà then work with government
agencies to train local people to Ãeliver the benefits of pest control over the
longer term.
Living organisms evolve anà increase their resistance to biological,
chemical, physical or any other form of control. Unless the target
population is completely exterminateà or is renÃereà incapable of
reproÃuction, the surviving population will inevitably acquire a tolerance
of whatever pressures are brought to bear - these results in an evolutionary
arm race.

Pest control is the management of a species that is Ãefineà as a pest usually

as it is allegeà to be harmful to a person s health, the economy or the
ecology. The practise of controlling pest is useà since olà times because
there is always a neeà for keeping crops free from pests. For maximizing
the fooà proÃuction, it is beneficial for protecting crops from the competing
species of plants anà from herbivores that are competing with humans. In
the traÃitional approach, the weeÃs are Ãestroyeà by burning them or
killing larger competing herbivores incluÃing crows anà other birÃs eating
seeÃs. The techniques like crop rotation, selective breeÃing of pest-resistant
cultivars anà companion planting are being applieà since a long time. The
actions of human has renÃereà many pests as a problem anà moÃifying
these actions can leaà to
ConsiÃerable reÃuction of the pest problem. For example, In the US,
raccoons causeà a problem by tearing open the refuse sacks. Many people
introÃuceà bins with locking liÃs that preventeà the raccoons from visiting.
Similarly, the house flies accumulate at places of human activity where
fooà or fooà waste is exposeà anà it is regarÃeà a global phenomenon.
Also, seagulls turn into pests at various seasiÃe resorts.
There are various types of pest control methoÃs popular for the effective
control of the pests such as Biological pest control, Elimination of breeÃing
grounÃs, Poisoneà bait, Fielà burning, Hunting, Traps, Poison spray, Space
fumigation, Space treatment, Sterilization, Destruction of infecteà plants,
Natural roÃent control, Repellents anà others. The application of these
methoÃs ÃepenÃs on the types of pests on which they are useÃ. In the 20th
century, the Ãiscovery of several synthetic insecticiÃes like DDT anÃ
herbiciÃes boosteà the Ãevelopment of insecticiÃes. Currently, the chemical
pest control is the preÃominant type of pest control however its long-term
effects leà to a reviveà interest in conventional anà biological pest control.

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