J Spring Swing PDF
J Spring Swing PDF
J Spring Swing PDF
08 Nov 2005
This tutorial introduces you to the Spring framework and the concept of dependency
injection (also known as Inversion of Control), in the context of writing a simple
Java™ Swing GUI application. You will develop a complete, working application from
the ground up. You'll also get a taste of the Spring Rich Client Project, a new
framework for developing Swing applications under Spring. You'll come away with an
appreciation of Spring's versatility and the ways in which it can ease your
development tasks.
tutorial code.
The last section is a brief and high-level review of the Spring Rich Client (RCP)
framework, a subproject of the Spring framework that's working to provide a platform
for developing rich-client Swing applications under Spring. The tutorial does not
include step-by-step instructions for using the Spring RCP but is a starting point for
obtaining the source code and exploring the project on your own.
The tutorial shows each new piece of code that you need to type. The complete
source code is also available (see Download). The downloadable source code was
created by following along and pasting code directly from the tutorial, so it should be
bug-free and identical to what you create as you follow along. Because you'll write
the GUI application in the Java programming language, it will run on any platform
that Java code runs on.
The audience for this tutorial is Java developers. It is intended to be accessible to
multiple experience levels, and even if you are familiar with one topic you might still
learn something about another. Some sections discuss related design patterns and
development approaches. Feel free to skim past these if you are uninterested or
already familiar with them. The following knowledge and skill levels will be helpful:
Project demo in the final section) and an Internet connection for downloading the
required tools and libraries.
One of the following is required, or you can use your own build environment or IDE:
In order to minimize the amount of up-front downloading work required to start the
tutorial, both the Ant and Maven build scripts in the tutorial's source code provide
support for automatically downloading the required dependency JARs (including
Spring itself) from public repositories. This feature is built into Maven, and it is
provided in the Ant script by the get-dependencies target. To use these features
with Eclipse, you must have Ant or Maven installed. You'll find more details in
Environment setup.
You can obtain the correct required JAR versions manually if you prefer. Just refer to
the get-dependencies target in the Ant build.xml file (see Listing 1) to find out
which JARs and versions are required, as well as the URLs to download them from.
For more overview and background information on Spring, check out the project's
Check out Martin Fowler's site for some good descriptions of DI/IOC (see
You have three options to choose from for a build environment (see Prerequisites).
You can pick one that you're familiar with or try a new one to get some exposure to
it. You can use any one or all three:
• Apache Ant: You can run the Ant build script from the command line
(which requires that you download and install Ant) or from within an IDE
(such as Eclipse).
• Apache Maven: Maven is a popular build environment. To use it, you
must download and install it, but all of the required configuration files to
build with Maven are included in the tutorial.
• Eclipse: Note that even if you use Eclipse to build and run, you still need
to obtain the library JAR dependencies and then define references to
these dependencies in your Eclipse classpath. You can use the Ant or
Maven build script to auto-download the required dependencies to your
local machine, or download them yourself. You'll find more details in Set
up Eclipse.
Set up Ant
If you've chosen Ant as your build environment:
1. Install Ant and ensure that the Ant executable is on your path.
2. Type ant -version at the command line to verify that Ant is installed
correctly. Alternatively, you can use Ant from within your IDE of choice or
another tool.
4. Create the build.xml build script, shown in Listing 1, in the directory's root.
Note: For presentation purposes, some lines in the code listings are split at places
where you wouldn't ordinarily split them. In some cases, such as Listing 1, this
results in an invalid file that you must fix. In these situations, a NOTE is included
inline in the code listing instructing you to delete the note and join the lines together
with no spaces. (Ant appears to be smart enough to strip newlines and spaces from
URLs, but it's better to make them look nice anyway.)
Listing 1. build.xml
<target name="compile">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/classes"/>
<javac srcdir="src"
<copy todir="${build.dir}/classes" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="src">
<include name="**/*.xml"/>
<target name="run" depends="compile">
<java classname="todo.ToDo" fork="true">
<path refid="classpath"/>
<pathelement location="${build.dir}/classes"/>
<target name="default" depends="get-dependencies, compile, run"/>
Buildfile: build.xml
[mkdir] Created dir: D:\projects\todo\lib
[get] Getting: http://www.ibiblio.org/
[get] Getting: http://www.ibiblio.org/maven/
Total time: 30 seconds
You will be instructed to use other targets in the Ant script later in the tutorial. The
main ones are clean, compile, and run, which behave like most standard Ant
Set up Maven
If you've chosen to use Maven as the build environment:
1. Install Maven and ensure that the Maven executable is on your path.
Refer to the documentation on the Maven site for more details (see
2. Type maven -v at the command line to show the version and verify that
Maven is installed correctly. You can use Maven from within Eclipse via
an Eclipse or a Maven plug-in; see the Maven site for details.
Listing 2. project.xml
Listing 3. maven.xml
<project default="test"
<goal name="run">
<ant:path id="run.classpath" >
<ant:pathelement path="${maven.test.dest}"/>
<ant:pathelement path="${maven.build.dest}"/>
<ant:path refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>
<attainGoal name="java:compile"/>
<attainGoal name="java:jar-resources"/>
<ant:java classname="todo.ToDo" fork="true">
<ant:classpath refid="run.classpath"/>
Now, type maven at the command line in the root of the todo directory. The output
you see should look something like this:
__ __
| \/ |__ _Apache__ ___
| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \ ~ intelligent projects ~
|_| |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_| v. 1.0.2
Attempting to download spring-1.2.3.jar.
1787K downloaded
Attempting to download commons-logging-1.0.3.jar.
30K downloaded
[echo] Compiling to D:\projects\todo/target/classes
[echo] No java source files to compile.
[echo] No test source files to compile.
Don't worry about the "No tests to run" messages. You are looking for the
dependencies to download successfully. Also, be aware that they will download only
once, so you won't get the download message on subsequent Maven runs.
You will be instructed to use specific goals in Maven later in the tutorial. The main
ones are clean and java:compile, which are standard in Maven, and run, which
is a custom goal defined in maven.xml.
Set up Eclipse
This section applies if you've chosen Eclipse as the build environment for the sample
application. You'll use Eclipse to create a project, create new files, change
perspectives and views, configure your build path, and so on. If you are completely
new to Eclipse, I suggest you visit the Eclipse.org main page first to learn the basics
of getting around and building projects in Eclipse (see Resources).
First, go to the Java perspective and create a new Java project in your Eclipse
workspace named todo. If you already have the todo directory in your workspace
(perhaps if you already set up the project for Ant or Maven), you can use the same
directory, even though you might get a warning that the location already exists.
After the project is created, you can open the Navigator view (you can't see .* project
files in the Package Explorer view) and then create/edit/replace the relevant Eclipse
configuration files, shown in Listings 4 through 7. All paths are relative to the todo
project root. Usually you wouldn't directly create or edit these files (you would use
the menu options in Eclipse), but they are included here for completeness and to
reference if you have problems with your Eclipse project setup.
You can overwrite the .project file, shown in Listing 4, or you can use the one that
was generated when you created the project:
Listing 4. .project
The .cvsignore file, shown in Listing 5, is optional, but you'll want to use it if you
check your project into a CVS repository:
Listing 5. .cvsignore
Use the version of .classpath in Listing 6 if you want to download your dependencies
via Ant or if you have downloaded them yourself and placed them in the lib
Use the version of .classpath in Listing 7 if you want to download your dependencies
via Maven:
You must download the proper dependency JARs in order to run the sample
application under Eclipse. To make this easier, both the Ant and Maven builds
described in this section provide a way to download the JARs automatically to a
If you use the Maven approach, you also need to define an Eclipse classpath
variable named MAVEN_REPO to specify the location of your Maven repository, as
shown in Figure 1. (By default, it is in your user home directory.)
Finally, if you don't want to use Ant or Maven, or the auto-download is not working
for some reason, you can manually download the required dependencies and place
them in the lib folder. In this case, you would use the .classpath example in Listing 6,
which references the JARs in the lib folder.
Also, remember to switch back to the Package Explorer view if you are still on the
Navigator view. Working with Java code is easier in the Package Explorer view.
In this section, you'll create the basic runnable skeleton of the to-do list application,
including Swing and Spring files that you'll build on later in the tutorial. You'll perform
a simple example of dependency injection. At the end of the section, you'll have a
running application.
• A class that subclasses the Swing JFrame class. All Swing applications
must have a main outer frame to contain all other components. You'll call
this class MainFrame.
• A Launcher class, responsible for initializing and configuring the Spring
• A class with a main method, used to launch the application. You'll name
this class ToDo.
You could have combined these three separate classes into one or two classes or
inner classes, but it's simpler to keep them separate. Separating them has additional
advantages in more-complex applications. For example, during testing, you might
want to have a specialized Launcher class that you can configure and invoke
directly from your tests -- perhaps to avoid starting asynchronous tasks that would
interfere with testing but are needed during normal application startup.
Listings 8, 9, and 10 show the code for the MainFrame, Launcher, and ToDo
classes, respectively. Create a src directory in the project's root. Then create
MainFrame.java, Launcher.java, and ToDo.java in the appropriate package
structure. (This means that the directory structure under src must match the package
name of the class.) Note that MainFrame.java is in the todo.ui subpackage, where
you'll keep the classes related to the user interface.
Listing 8. src/todo/ui/MainFrame.java
package todo.ui;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Frame;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.WindowConstants;
Listing 9. src/todo/Launcher.java
package todo;
The purpose of the Launcher class is to initialize and launch the Spring framework
by creating an ApplicationContext and passing it an array containing the paths to the
bean definition file(s) that you'll create in Creating the Spring app-context.xml bean
definition file. Spring creates the MainFrame class automatically when the
framework starts up, because the bean will be defined as a Singleton (see
Resources). There are several other types of ApplicationContext
implementations besides ClassPathXmlApplicationContext, but they all serve
as a way to provide configuration for a Spring application.
package todo;
public class ToDo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Launcher launcher = new Launcher();
The ToDo class in Listing 10 simply has a main method that creates a Launcher
and calls launch() on it.
After you type these classes in, make sure they compile by using the appropriate
method for your build environment:
• Ant: Change to the root directory of the project that contains build.xml.
Type ant compile at the command line, or invoke the compile target
from your IDE.
• Maven: Change to the root directory of the project that contains
maven.xml. Type maven java:compile at the command line.
• Eclipse: Choose Build Project, or ensure you have Build Automatically
turned on.
You should get a BUILD SUCCESSFUL message at the command line or no errors
for the project in the Eclipse Problems view. If you have any problems, read the
compiler error messages carefully. Specifically, make sure you have the required
dependency JARs on your classpath. If you don't have them, go back to
Environment setup and read how to download the required dependencies
Note: From this point forward, you will be expected to compile all new files and
changes immediately after you make them and to fix any problems that occur. For
the sake of brevity, you won't always be explicitly instructed to compile.
The root element of the bean definition file is <beans>, which contains <bean>
elements. The <bean> element provides several attributes, but for your first bean
definition you'll use just three: id, class, and init-method. The id attribute defines the
bean's name, which is used to retrieve it from Spring. The class attribute tells
Spring which class to instantiate when it creates the bean. The init-method
attribute defines a method name on the class that will be automatically invoked after
Spring instantiates it.
It is important to know that all beans are Singletons by default, unless you specify
the singleton="false" attribute on the bean element. Spring automatically instantiates
all Singletons when it is first initialized, unless the lazy-init="true" attribute is
This autocreation of Singletons is the reason why the Launcher class needs to
create only the ApplicationContext and isn't required to do anything else.
Spring simply creates MainFrame as a Singleton and calls the init() method on
it, which causes it to show itself. Can't wait to try it out? Move on to the next panel,
Running the application, for instructions on running your new Spring application.
• Ant: Change to the root directory of the project that contains build.xml.
Type ant run or invoke the run target from your IDE.
• Maven: Change to the root directory of the project that contains
maven.xml. Type maven run.
• Eclipse: Run the ToDo class as a Java Application (right-click on
ToDo.java and select Run As > Java Application).
When you run the application, you should see a blank, gray frame with no title, as
shown in Figure 2. If you do, congratulations -- you just ran your first application
under Spring!
If it doesn't run, look for any exception messages on the console. Spring usually
provides straightforward and descriptive error messages and exceptions, so read
them carefully. Even if the application runs successfully, you might see some INFO
messages printed to the console, such as "INFO: Unable to locate
MessageSource with name 'messageSource': using default...." Don't
worry, these are normal.
Note: From this point forward, the instruction "run the application" means that you
should run the appropriate command for your build environment.
Spring also gives you an easy and powerful way to change simple
properties such as a window title without needing to edit the
configuration file or even recompile the application. You can define
these values in property files that you can keep in the filesystem
outside of your application. This capability lets you do handy things
like letting each developer on your team have local overrides in a
property file on his or her own machine (outside of the application
directory tree, so they don't get overwritten on new checkouts). This
is great for overriding things like the location and ID/password for
their personal development database or the e-mail address to use
when the application sends test e-mails. You can also use this
technique as a way to do "emergency" property overrides for
applications running in production, without needing to rebuild or
redeploy them. To learn more, read about
BeanFactoryPostProcessors in the Spring documentation.
<bean id="mainFrame"
class="todo.ui.MainFrame" init-method="init">
<property name="title">
<value>My To Do List</value>
Run the application, and you should see My To Do List as the title of the frame, as in
Figure 3:
This was your first simple use of dependency injection. You "injected" a plain
String object into the title property of your MainFrame class. Under the covers,
Spring is automatically creating a String with the value My To Do List and
passing that as a parameter to the setTitle() method of the
todo.ui.MainFrame class. This is an important concept, because all other types
of dependency injection in Spring are basically the same. You use the bean
definition file(s) to define values, objects, or collections of objects that will be passed
(injected) as properties into other objects. Then, Spring wires them together at run
time by handling the object creation and property setting for you.
Having the framework do the work of wiring things together is powerful. If you need
to change the way that things are wired together in the future, you might only need
to change the Spring configuration files and not need to touch your thoroughly tested
and bug-free code. Of course, integration problems can always occur when you
rewire existing components together in different ways. However, if your components
are designed according to good object-oriented principles such as loose coupling
and high cohesion (more on this in the next section, Creating the to-do list: Making a
reusable component and showing data in a table), you might find that these types of
integration problems are relatively rare.
package todo.ui;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
As you can see in Listing 13, the axis(X/Y) property of the BoxLayout is settable
with a setAxis() method. The panel has a List of Component s, which will be
automatically added to the panel when it is initialized. The code to set up the
BoxLayout and add the components to the panel are in an init() method that
Spring calls when the bean is created, just like the MainFrame bean.
There are a few things to notice in Listing 14. First, you create the mainPanel bean
much like the mainFrame bean. Then, you inject it into the mainFrame bean, by
using the contentPane property and <ref bean="mainPanel"/>.
setContentPane() is a method to add a panel to a frame. It is available to you
You also inject values into the axis and panelComponents properties of
BoxLayoutPanel. For axis, the 1 corresponds to the Y_AXIS constant of
BoxLayout. (Note that Spring does provide a way to set a bean property from a
static field value, by using a FieldRetrievingFactoryBean. But I don't want to get too
fancy, so you'll just hard-code the value of the axis constants.)
The panelComponents property takes a List , so you use the <list> element to
make Spring automatically create an ArrayList for you. Spring can automatically
create the following collection types: List, Set, Map, and Properties.
Run the application, and you should see ... pretty much the same thing you saw
before. Even though you added a Panel and a ScrollPane, Swing doesn't show
scrollbars unless there is something to scroll. You'll add a component to the
ScrollPane in the next section. Bear with me -- this will be a fully functional
application, once you get through some of these inevitable boring bits.
<bean id="itemScrollPane" class="javax.swing.JScrollPane">
<ref bean="itemTable"/>
<bean id="itemTable" class="javax.swing.JTable">
<bean id="buttonPanel" class=
"todo.ui.BoxLayoutPanel" init-method="init">
<property name="axis">
<!-- "0" corresponds to BoxLayout.X_AXIS -->
<property name="panelComponents">
Remember how you made the BoxLayoutPanel generic so you could reuse it (see
Creating a reusable panel)? The buttonPanel is an instance of BoxLayoutPanel
just like mainPanel. However, it holds buttons instead of a scroll pane, and it will
lay out along the X axis rather than the Y axis -- but this is all configured via Spring,
so you don't need to change the code. Reuse without needing to change code is
The fact that the javax.swing.BoxLayout X_AXIS and Y_AXIS
constant values are used as parameter values to the setAxis()
on todo.ui.BoxLayoutPanel is a bit ugly, because it would
break our todo.ui.BoxLayoutPanel in the unlikely event that
javax.swing.BoxLayout changed the value of its constants.
This means that any class that uses the setAxis() method on
todo.ui.BoxLayoutPanel has an implicit dependency on
javax.swing.BoxLayout, which is otherwise encapsulated in
todo.ui.BoxLayoutPanel. This results in increased and
unnecessary coupling. However, I exposed the constant value only
to keep the code concise for this tutorial; it could easily be cleaned
Take a minute to think about how you made the BoxLayoutPanel reusable. First,
you were careful of your dependencies. The only requirements of the
BoxLayoutPanel interface are the axis value and a List of Components.
(Almost every Swing GUI element inherits from Component.) You could have
originally created a ScrollPaneAndButtonPanePanel and had specific
setScrollPane and setButtonPane setters for each of those components, but
that wouldn't have been very reusable at all. Instead, you just took a generic List of
Components and iterated over it (facilitated by BoxLayout's linear layout scheme).
This means that this pane can be reused to lay out any number of GUI components
in a vertical or horizontal line, and it never needs to know what type of components
they are. This illustrates the good programming practices of low coupling and high
cohesion in action (see Resources). Your BoxLayoutPanel lays out components in
a row or column, does it very well, and doesn't do anything else (high cohesion).
And, it neither knows nor cares about what it lays out, other than the fact that it is a
List of Components (low coupling).
Run the application, and you should see -- nothing again. Don't despair -- I promise
something more exciting will happen very soon.
package todo.ui;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
• You can finish coding and testing your list-display GUI functionality
against a simple hard-coded list, and put off until later the details such
how you will store the list or retrieve stored lists.
Now, run the application, and you should see your data in the list, as shown in
Figure 4:
The list is even editable, because you always return true from isCellEditable.
Try it: just click in a cell and type or delete characters. When you get bored with that,
move on to the next section, where you'll add buttons for adding and deleting items
from the list.
You're in the home stretch now. All you need to do is create Add New and Delete
buttons and hook them up to the list using events and listeners. This is all fairly basic
stuff in Swing/Java programming (see Resources for good examples and tutorials on
these topics), so I'll cover it pretty quickly -- especially because the Spring wiring
code is pretty similar to what you've already seen. The classes you'll create to make
the buttons work use Swing's implementation of the Observer pattern. If you don't
understand that pattern you might get a bit confused; see Resources for more
information on the Observer pattern.
package todo.ui.button;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JButton;
You might notice one difference between the code you write in this
section and many other Swing examples. In your code, the
JButtons, ActionListeners, and the Components they interact
with are all defined in separate classes and files. In other examples,
these might all be coded together in a single file, using anonymous
inner classes. The Java API even has an EventHandler class that
makes this approach easier. Given that, some people might
consider it overkill to create separate classes manually. But others
might find it useful, especially if the classes will eventually contain
more-complex logic that could benefit from being unit tested in
isolation. Also, the more functionality you put into a single class, the
more you risk that class having low cohesion. It's a matter of
preference. At any rate, splitting the logic into several small classes
will help you understand how the different parts work together in this
tutorial, especially if you're unfamiliar with the Observer pattern. The
important thing is that you can still use Spring to wire your Swing
classes together, regardless of the granularity with which you group
them into files.
Observer pattern, and it will notify its ActionListener when clicked. Notice that
ActionListenerButton is in a new todo.ui.button package.
package todo.ui.button;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JTable;
package todo.ui.button;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
package todo.ui.button;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
This ActionListener gets the index of the currently selected row, if there is one,
and removes the corresponding item from the list if the row is not currently being
edited. After removing the item, the table is revalidated to display the changes.
<bean id="deleteButtonActionListener"
<property name="list">
<ref bean="itemList"/>
<property name="table">
<ref bean="itemTable"/>
<bean id="addNewButton" class="todo.ui.button.ActionListenerButton"
<property name="actionListener">
<ref bean="addNewButtonActionListener"/>
<property name="text">
<value>Add New</value>
<bean id="addNewButtonActionListener"
<property name="list">
<ref bean="itemList"/>
<property name="table">
<ref bean="itemTable"/>
You now have two button beans, addNewButton and deleteButton, both of
which are instances of ActionListenerButton. Two ActionListener beans
(deleteButtonActionListener and addNewButtonActionListener) are
defined. They each have the list and table injected into them and are in turn
injected into the buttons. The button beans themselves are added to the
buttonPanel bean's list of components, so it will lay them out. Note that both the
deleteButtonActionListener and addNewButtonActionListener beans
have the same Singleton instances of the list and table beans injected into
them. This means that they will both modify the same list and table objects.
That's it! Compile and run, and you should see something similar to Figure 5:
Try out the Add New and Delete buttons. Make sure you try adding enough rows
and/or resizing the window so that you can see the scrollbar working. You now have
a fully functional, rich-client application, written using Spring and Swing. There are a
few bugs hiding in it, resulting from this simple implementation. You get extra credit if
you find them, and double extra credit if you fix them. If you want to see a much
more production-quality example of a Swing application written using Spring,
continue on to the next section and check out the Spring Rich Client Project.
A slightly higher skill level is required for this section because you'll need to obtain
and run (and possibly build) the project yourself. Currently, JDK 1.5 is required to
run the sample application. Also, be aware that latest source might have some
temporary problems building or running because it is in still active development.
The Spring RCP is a good example of the Spring framework's flexibility and of the
way Spring provides building blocks that can be used as a foundation for more
complex applications and frameworks. It is a basic framework for building
Swing-based GUI applications. By providing high-level abstractions such as
commands, lifecycle, rules, wizards, forms, views, and preferences, it lets you create
nice-looking GUI components and event handling without too much low-level code.
A "Petclinic" sample application bundled with the RCP serves as a good example.
At the time this tutorial is being published, no distributed release package of Spring
RCP is available. Recent copies of the RCP binaries and source are available at a
hosting site (see Resources). If you can't get it there, or you want the latest source,
you need to check it out from the Spring RCP CVS repository and build it.
To get the RCP source from CVS, visit the CVS page for the RCP on SourceForge,
and check out the HEAD (see Resources). If you don't know how to use CVS, you
can visit the CVS home page and/or download a GUI CVS client such as
TortoiseCVS or Cervisia (see Resources). If you use Eclipse, then you can use the
CVS Repository Exploring perspective to check out the code.
Once you have the code checked out, find the Ant script at
samples/petclinic/build.xml and run the build-standalone target. Then run the
commands in samples/petclinic/bin/petclinic-standalone.bat. If you have problems
and you checked out the source, you might need to rebuild using the clean and
alljars targets in the main build.xml in project's root. If you use Eclipse, run
samples/petclinic/src/ ->
When you run the application, you should get a wizard and then a login screen.
Enter any ID and password and click on Cancel to get into the application, as shown
in Figure 6:
Play around with the application a bit and then look into the Petclinic sample source
code to see how it works. Even if you don't use the RCP directly, the code can
provide you with ideas for designing your own rich-client GUIs using Spring. The
RCP and the bundled sample applications also provide good examples of how to
use the services provided by the core Spring framework, including event handling,
remoting with Hessian, JDBC datasource access, and transaction management with
AOP. Just as in your to-do list application, the XML context files are a good starting
place to learn how a Spring application is put together.
Section 8. Summary
In this tutorial, you created a Swing GUI application from scratch, using the Spring
framework. You learned about the use and benefits of Spring and about dependency
injection. And you learned a bit about good programming practices, such as creating
reusable components, and the benefits of loose coupling and high cohesion. You
also took a look at the Spring Rich Client Project, which is an example of a
framework to support the construction of Swing-based GUI applications using
Spring. To learn more, try using Spring out on your next or current project. As you
can see from this tutorial, it's easy to learn and use the basics.
Also, using Spring is noninvasive, so you could easily use it in a new module of an
existing application without affecting the rest of the application. If you can create an
ApplicationContext and get beans from it, then you can use Spring to wire your
objects together. Even if you don't care about using dependency injection for your
application right now, you can still use the many useful components that are
provided as part of the Spring framework.
You don't even need to use an ApplicationContext if you don't want to. Instead,
you can use the helper and wrapper classes from the framework directly,
instantiating and wiring them together manually (although this would probably be
harder than just configuring and using them through an ApplicationContext).
The point is that you could if you wanted to, because of the flexibility and reusability
that are designed into all aspects of Spring.
Description Name Size Download method
Source code for the sample application j-springswingcode.zip
• Spring framework Web site and About Spring: Visit project headquarters for the
Spring framework and read the project's mission statement and feature list.
• "What Is Spring, Part 1" and "What Is Spring, Part 2": Excerpts from the book
Spring: A Developer's Notebook by Bruce A. Tate and Justin Gehtland (O'Reilly,
• The Spring series (Naveen Balani, developerWorks, 2005): A series of articles
and examples on the Spring framework.
• "Introduction to the Spring framework": Rod Johnson's article discusses using
Spring to develop J2EE applications.
• Spring Rich Client Project home page and developers' mailing list: Learn more
about the Spring RCP.
• Swing API Javadoc: Complete documentation for all Swing components.
• Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing: A series of Sun tutorials on how to create GUIs
using Swing.
• Singleton Pattern and Observer Pattern: Learn about these design patterns.
• TestDriven.com: Test-driven development (TDD) is a powerful development
approach that fits well with Spring.
• "Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern" and
Inversion of Control: Good descriptions of DI/IOC by Martin Fowler.
• "A beginners guide to Dependency Injection": A high-level overview of DI.
• Coupling And Cohesion: Learn more about the good programming practices of
low coupling and high cohesion.
• Well-Formed XML Documents: Learn what's involved in maintaining well-formed
• Aspect Oriented Programming with Spring: Documentation on Spring's support
for AOP.
• You Arent Gonna Need It (YAGNI): A development approach in which you do
not code any functionality until it is needed.
• Do The Simplest Thing That Could Possibly Work: A development approach
that encourages you to start new code by keeping it simple and getting it
running quickly.
• "An inside view of Observer": An article describing how the Observer pattern is
used in Swing.
Get products and technologies
• Spring download page: Download the Spring framework.
• Eclipse: Download the Eclipse IDE.
• Apache Ant: Download the Ant build tool.
• Apache Maven: Download the Maven build tool and project-management
• RCP hosting site: Download recent RCP binaries and source.
• CVS page for Spring RCP: Get current RCP source code from the project's
CVS repository on SourceForge.
• Concurrent Versions System (CVS): CVS is a popular open-source
version-control system.
• TortoiseCVS GUI and Cervisia CVS GUI: GUI CVS clients for Windows and
Unix, respectively.
• JUnit: Download the popular unit-testing framework. Spring makes it easy to
unit test.
• Jemmy: Jemmy is a tool for doing functional testing of Swing GUI applications.
• jMock: jMock is a library for testing Java code using mock objects. Spring,
JUnit, jMock, and test-driven development are a powerful combination for
writing robust, bug-free code.