Open Systems Pharmacology Suite

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Open Systems Pharmacology

This manual describes the Open Systems Pharmacology Suite. It includes a technical
description of each software element with examples and references for further reading. The
aim of the manual is to assist users in effectively developing PBPK models.

The handbook is divided into the following parts:

Mechanistic Modeling of Pharmacokinetics and Dynamics

"Mechanistic Modeling of Pharmacokinetics and Dynamics" provides a brief general

introduction to the science of computational systems biology with a strong focus on
mechanistic modeling of pharmacokinetics and –dynamics.

Go to: Mechanistic Modeling of Pharmacokinetics and Dynamics

Open Systems Pharmacology Suite

"Open Systems Pharmacology Suite" provides a brief overview of our software platform, its
scope, and puts it into context with the science.

Go to: Open Systems Pharmacology Suite

Working with PK-Sim®

A technical description of the different software elements is presented starting with PK-
Sim® focusing on physiologically-based pharmacokinetics in "Working with PK-Sim®".

Go to: Working with PK-Sim®

Working with MoBi®

MoBi® focusing on model customization and extension as well as on pharmacodynamics

in "Working with MoBi®".

Go to: Working with MoBi®

Shared Tools and Example Workflows

Tools shared between PK-Sim® and MoBi® and some workflow examples are presented in
"Shared Tools and Example Workflows".

Go to: Shared Tools and Example Workflows

Working with R

The interfaces to the common computing environment R is described in "Working with R".

Go to: Working with R

Open Systems Pharmacology Suite Manual
& Copyright
Version 10

Publication date October 2021

Copyright © 2021 Open Systems Pharmacology Community

The manual is provided “as is” without expressed or implied warranty.

Trademark information:

All trademarks within this manual belong to their legitimate owners.

The Open Systems Pharmacology Suite uses the CVODES solver:

Copyright (c) 2002-2021, Lawrence Livermore National Security. Produced at the Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory. Written by A.C. Hindmarsh, D.R. Reynolds, R. Serban, C.S.
Woodward, D. J. Gardner, S.D. Cohen, A.G. Taylor, S. Peles, L.E. Banks, and D. Shumaker.
UCRL-CODE-155950 (CVODES) All rights reserved.

Please, refer to the LLNL website for detailed information on licensing:


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Mechanistic Modeling of Pharmacokinetics and
Modeling Concepts
PBPK Modeling - Systems Biology
Systems biology is a multidisciplinary field of research. It is about understanding and
investigating biology from a systems perspective. That is to say, the focus is not on
isolated parts or processes, but on their interaction by which a certain behavior is generated
or a certain task is fulfilled.

In modern science and engineering, systems are often studied using mathematical models.
Mathematical models can be used to aggregate and integrate existing knowledge with an
aim to systematically analyse systems behaviour, test and generate hypotheses and plan
experimental next steps. The idea of using mathematical models also to investigate
biology is not new. What is relatively new is the increasing recognition and appreciation
that mathematical models can be an efficient way of learning and can form the basis for
decision making.

Molecular complexity forms the basis of life and it is clear that system boundaries and
certain levels of detail within a model may be limited. While experiments are and will
remain an essential part of biological (and systems biological) research, in line with many
"systems biologists", we consider mathematical models as the core discipline of systems
biology. Consequently, in this manual, if we speak simply of models we mean
mathematical models and we will indicate if another form of model is used.

The content of this manual naturally is selected and biased. Systems biology includes
many levels of biological diversity, but we will focus on organisms and topics of broader
relevance in pharmaceutical research and development, i.e. systems pharmacology. Many
facets of the software can however be used beyond systems pharmacology.

While the very early phases of drug development do not normally involve work on whole
organisms (animals or humans), the late preclinical phase includes animal experimentation
mainly in mammals such as mice, rats, dogs, or monkeys before entering the clinical phase
where the focus is on human participant research as outlined below. Various modeling
approaches have been developed to support investigations on different scales [39]. As
outlined above, we will focus on systems pharmacology, which can be viewed as a
mechanistic approach to the study of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics.
Phases, costs, and biological systems used in drug development
PK and PD Modeling
Pharmacokinetics (PK) may be defined as what the body does to the drug, as opposed to
pharmacodynamics (PD) which may be defined as what the drug does to the body [4].

The site of action of a pharmacological substance might be restricted to certain tissues or

cells, which is why a quantitative estimate of the amount of administered substance that is
available at the site of action is required. This question is the subject of pharmacokinetics
and different modeling techniques are well- established in pharmaceutical research to
support its investigation. So far, the most widely used approach is to establish descriptive
and comparatively simple compartmental PK models that can be well identified based on
available data. Often these models are applied to population PK data using nonlinear
mixed-effect techniques (NLME), e.g. to quantify sources of population variability or
covariate effects. Besides PK, such models may also include a description of a compound's
effects (PD), for example, in the form of a simple hyperbolic or sigmoid concentration-
effect relation (Michaelis-Menten, Hill, or Emax type).

In classical pharmacokinetic modeling, the aim is to fit a comparatively simple model to

experimental data in order to determine pharmacokinetic parameters from the fitted
concentration-time-course. These parameters are used to characterize and quantify the
behavior of the investigated substance in general or in a certain clinical trial and,
potentially, to make extrapolations to situations that have not been already investigated.

In contrast to the rather phenomenological consideration of drug PK in compartmental

models, physiologically–based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models aim for a detailed
representation of physiological processes as will be summarized in the following.
Consequently, PBPK-modeling is based on the mathematical description of physical and
physiological processes and in the framework of PBPK modeling a genuine simulation of
the pharmacokinetic behavior using this description is performed. Also, the
pharmacodynamics can be represented in more mechanistic detail as briefly discussed in
Modeling Concepts - PD and Reaction Network Modeling. A good starting point for further
reading can be found in [65].
Structure of compartmental PK model (A) and PBPK model (B)
Principles of PBPK Modeling
Introduction to PBPK Modeling

Physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling is a mechanistic approach to describe the

pharmacokinetics of a substance based on substance-specific properties and mammalian
physiology, for which a substantial amount of prior biological information is used for
model building, [92], [93], [95], [96], [97], [14], [22], [69], [116] - [120].

The general idea, introduced as early as 1924 [31], is to divide the body into physiologically
relevant compartments, essentially important organs, and to set up a mass balance
equation for each compartment describing the fate of the substance within that
compartment [76]. In PK-Sim® a physiological framework model is provided where the
mammalian body is divided into containers representing relevant organs or tissues as well
as arterial and venous blood pools connecting the different organs through the blood flow.
Organs are further sub-divided into several sub-compartments that describe essentially the
vascular space divided into plasma and (red) blood cells as well as the avascular space
divided into interstitial and cellular space. Such a model framework corresponds to a
detailed compartmental model and provides the structural basis to describe the behavior of
a substance.

For the simulation of the whole body, all mass balance equations are combined in a system
of interdependent differential equations. In the simplest version of this system, all organs
are connected in parallel between the arterial and venous blood pools such that blood flows
from arteries to veins, except in the lung where the circulation is closed by a blood flow in
the opposite direction.

When carrying out a simulation, this system of time-dependent differential equations is

solved numerically. The primary results of such PBPK simulations are concentration-time-
courses of the compound in the various compartments explicitly described in the
equations. This means, besides the plasma concentration, at least one concentration curve
for each organ is included in the output. Of course, derived PK parameter such as the area
under the curve (AUC) or the maximum concentration (Cmax) can be calculated based on
the primary output.

PBPK can also be well understood within ADME logics which is further detailed below:
(L)ADME logic and routes of administration

The pharmacokinetics of a substance can be understood by considering its (liberation),

absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME). While intravenously
administered substances are directly available in the systemic circulation for distribution,
substances administered e.g. orally, subcutaneously, or via inhalation need to be absorbed
first. Also, in some cases the substance might not be directly available for absorption, but
needs to be liberated first, in case an extended LADME scheme is of relevance.


Depending on the formulation of a substance, it might not be directly available for

absorption processes. Certain formulations liberate the substance in a more or less
controlled fashion and these processes can be included in PBPK models. Further details on
modeling liberation in PK-Sim® are described in PK-Sim® - Formulations.


Substances not administered intravenously, generally have to be absorbed before being

available in the systemic circulation. The most common route of administration for which
absorption is a very important issue, is oral (per os, PO) administration. Factors such as
gastric emptying and intestinal transit time, stability and solubility of a substance or
formulation, as well as the permeability across the intestinal wall based on passive and
active transport processes are important for the fraction of a substance that is absorbed
into the systemic circulation. Bioavailability is further determined by potential first pass
metabolization as described below. Historically, a plug-flow-with-dispersion model was
used in PK-Sim® [93]. From version 5.0 on, a compartmental gastro-intestinal model is
used, which is further detailed and discussed in [79] and [80].


After having reached the systemic circulation, the compound may distribute into tissue and
organs, which leads to a decrease in the plasma concentration. The (apparent) volume of
distribution is an important PK descriptor, theoretically defined as the volume in which the
total amount of drug would need to be uniformly distributed to produce the given plasma
concentration of a compound. However, the physiological processes that determine this
volume may be complex.

The basic passive processes, which determine the behavior of a substance in an organ, are
mass transport via the blood flow, permeation from vascular space into organ tissue and
partitioning between blood plasma and organ tissue. The level of detail used for the
description of these processes in a PBPK model can vary significantly. For the description
of the passive physical processes involved in partitioning into the organs, usually two
concepts are distinguished: blood flow limited and permeation limited partitioning. In the
first case, all organs are assumed to be well-stirred compartments that equilibrate
instantaneously with the plasma, and the time constant for the distribution of a substance
into the peripheral organ is determined only by the blood flow rates. Alternatively, in models
with permeation limitation, a permeation barrier is assumed between blood and organ
tissue, resulting in a permeability dependence of the distribution and the corresponding
time constants. Other important parameters determining the distribution behavior are the
partition coefficients between the organ tissues and the blood plasma. These partition
coefficients are given by the tissue to plasma concentration ratio under steady state

Apart from the passive processes described above, active transport processes or binding to
proteins, including the target, can strongly influence the distribution behavior.

The relative contribution of different processes to distribution also depends on the type of
molecule. For small molecules, the blood endothelial in the different organs often does not
constitute a major distribution hurdle. An exception is the very important blood-brain barrier.
For larger molecules such as biologics endothelial permeation can have a significant
impact on the PK and additional processes such as the lymph flow is important for

Further details and options for modeling distribution in PK-Sim® are described in Partition
coefficient calculation methods”.


Most substances are metabolized by enzymes in the organism. Often two distinct phases
are distinguished: Phase I enzymes catalyze modifications that generally add functional
groups to non-polar molecules; Phase II enzymes can then conjugate soluble molecules to
these groups to allow a better elimination via the kidney or the gall bladder.

The products of such biotransformation steps are referred to as metabolites. If they are not
active, they are often not further considered. However, metabolites can also constitute the
pharmacologically active form of the substance or be responsible for side-effects.

Generally, the liver is considered as the most relevant organ for biotransformation. However,
most metabolizing enzymes are also expressed in various other organs, even though often
to a lower extent. Nevertheless, extra-hepatic metabolization can be very important.
Mucosal clearance in the intestinal wall is just one prominent example. Together with first
pass clearance in the liver this process also influences the bioavailability of a substance

Metabolism is generally an active and substance-specific process. While the enzyme

equipment is a property of the organism, it has to be considered for each substance which
enzymes are relevant. Further details on modeling metabolization in PK-Sim® [are
described in ADME Properties.


Compounds and their metabolites are generally removed from the body via excretion or
elimination processes. The two most prominent routes of excretion are via the kidney into
urine and via biliary excretion into the intestine and further into the feces. During the latter
process, re-absorption can lead to entero-hepatic circulation of a substance. While biliary
secretion is generally mediated via active transport, urinary secretion can be passive
(glomerular filtration) or also due to active transport (tubular secretion). Other special
routes of elimination can include exhalation via the lungs.

Just as the metabolization processes, the transporter "equipment" is a property of each

individual organism. It has to be considered for each substance which transporters are
relevant and whether or not the substance is subject to glomerular filtration. Further details
on modeling excretion and elimination in PK-Sim® are described in ADME Properties.

PBPK model parameterization

Due to its physiological basis, most parameters in a PBPK model are independent of
substance knowledge or PK measurements. For example, information on blood flow rates,
compartment volumes or composition, e.g. in terms of volume fractions of water, proteins,
and lipids, can be implemented independently of the substance.

For establishing PBPK models to describe virtual humans, the physiological knowledge is
not restricted to average individuals. For many parameters their distribution within different
populations is known in an age-dependent or subject- specific manner allowing population
PK predictions or extrapolations rather than fitting to data for interpolation. PBPK models
can also be established for different animal species. With an established animal PBPK
model at hand, for example, the physiological parameters can be substituted to make a first
prediction for humans. The physiological correspondence of parameters enables both a
good interpretation of results as well as a translation to new scenarios of application.
Consequently, PBPK models are well-established in environmental toxicology and risk
assessment fields and are becoming increasingly popular also in pharmaceutical research.
In addition, PBPK models automatically provide exposure estimates at the site of action
and, therefore, provide a natural basis to build multiscale PK/PD models and thereby
provide a good platform for knowledge integration along the pharmaceutical research and
development process [85].

Besides this general information on mammalian physiology, PBPK models make use of
generic distribution models. Using these models, only a few basic physico- chemical
parameters of the substance such as molecular weight, lipophilicity, and protein binding
can be used to determine relevant passive processes such as permeabilities across
membranes and partition coefficients between compartments in order to describe the PK
behavior. Additional parameters are required for the representation of active processes such
as transport or enzyme- catalyzed metabolization.
Expression Data for PBPK Modeling
The most prominent examples of proteins that affect PK are enzymes that catalyze the
metabolization of drugs or transporters that can heavily influence drug absorption or
distribution. Proteins can also include those which a drug binds to, either by design (drug-
target interaction) or as an off- target interaction or side-effect. Such binding can also
influence distribution as well as metabolization and excretion of the drug.

In physiologically-based PK modeling approaches, it is desirable to mechanistically reflect

such relevant drug-protein interactions. In some cases, the addition of one specific protein
into the most relevant organ is sufficient to describe a process, e.g. cytochrome P450 3A4-
mediated metabolization in the liver. In other cases it may be necessary to consider protein
levels in more than one organ. The integration of a protein expression database with PK-
Sim makes it easy to assign parameter values for the involved proteins to account for
differential protein expression in various organs and assign them to virtual individuals. As
such, the user describes the absolute amount of protein in one reference organ and through
the use of relative expressions as generated with the protein database, the protein
concentrations are fixed for all organs where the protein is present. Details on how to use
the protein expression database are described in PK-Sim® - Expression Data. See [46] for
an example that demonstrates how taking into account protein expression leads to an
increase in PBPK model quality. Alternatively, the user can assign one set of kinetic
parameters characterizing the drug-protein interaction (e.g. kcat and Km, or kon and koff)
and use this in all organs.
Modeling of Proteins
Therapeutic proteins are an increasingly important class of drugs. Particularly, monoclonal
antibodies are used for different indications including cancer, inflammatory and
autoimmune diseases [88]. These engineered antibody fragments with tailored
pharmacokinetic properties have the potential to be used as diagnostic and therapeutic
agents [34].

PK-Sim® offers a model specifically designed to describe the pharmacokinetics of proteins

and other macromolecules [114]. The pharmacokinetics of protein therapeutics are
governed by a number of unspecific and specific processes, which, have to be incorporated
to describe the pharmacokinetics of protein therapeutics. This includes [42]:

Exchange across the vascular endothelium between plasma and interstitial space by
convection and diffusion.
Return of the drug from interstitial space of the organs to circulation by lymph flow.
Degradation and protection from degradation by neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) in cellular
Target-mediated disposition and clearance.

This model was developed by extending the standard model for small molecules by a
description of the transcapillary drug exchange, lymph flows and endosomal space
including drug degradation and protection from degradation by the FcRn receptor.

Within this model, the transcapillary exchange of the drug is described by the two-pore
formalism [58], [57], [3]. According to this theory, the barrier between plasma and interstitial
space is described as a membrane consisting of two types of pores: a few large and many
small ones. Macromolecules can pass through these pores by convection as well as
diffusion. In order to describe these processes, the endothelial permeabilities and osmotic
reflection coefficients of the drug for the different organs are calculated within PK-Sim®
from the Stokes radius of the drug and endothelial properties like pore radii and hydraulic
conductivity [58].

The FcRn sub-model is based on the model published by Garg and Balthasar [26]. The
fraction of drug that is bound to FcRn within the endosomal space is recycled to plasma
and the interstitial space whereas the fraction not bound to FcRn is cleared from the
endosomal space. In PK-Sim®, endosomes represent the endosome in the vascular
endothelium only and serve as a compartment for the protein. Endogenous IgG is also
represented that competes with the drug for the FcRn receptor. The clearance of the drug
thus depends on its affinity to the FcRn receptor, the endosomal concentration of
endogenous IgG and the endosomal concentration of the FcRn receptor. The main
difference to the model published by Garg and Balthasar [26] is that in the PK-Sim® model,
there is binding to the FcRn receptor which is explicitly represented and, thus, different
affinities to the FcRn receptor can be specified for the drug and the endogenous IgG.

Nonspecific binding or specific binding of the therapeutic protein to its target can be added
within PK-Sim®. Specific binding within a tumor or a detailed description of target
mediated clearance by receptor internalization can be added within MoBi® based on a PK-
Sim® protein.
PD and Reaction Network Modeling
Pharmacodynamics (PD) describes interactions of drugs with the organisms.

This includes binding of drugs to their targets (which may also be relevant for
understanding the PK) and resulting direct or indirect effects. Pharmacodynamics can also
relate drug concentration profiles (PK) to clinical endpoints, which usually requires
consideration of disease progression. Various modeling approaches are used to either
analyze PD or disease progression alone or in combination with PK. Simple models use a
sigmoidal function to relate a concentration to its effects (e.g. Hill, IC50, Emax-shape) - here
the maximum effect as well as the concentration that corresponds to half the maximum
effect are typical curve characteristics. Such approaches can be combined with advanced
statistical methods as the effect of a drug is rarely fully deterministic. Inter- individual or
inter-occasion differences can be investigated and quantified in such a way see also
Modeling Concepts - PK and PD Modeling

It is often not straightforward to transfer or translate such models to new scenarios of

application. This, tool can be desirable in order to make predictions. A typical question to
answer would be how the curve characteristics is expected to change in the new situation.
However, if the model explicitly considers the crucial physiologic and mechanistic aspects,
and it is known from independent experiments how these change in certain scenarios, a
translation and prediction can become feasible. The level of mechanistic detail needed
depends on the particular problem. In certain cases the desired detail might include
sophisticated reaction networks. Sometimes these are on their own sufficient to understand
relevant PD behavior . Detailed pathway modeling is also a major activity in systems
biology in academia. Many excellent reviews are devoted to this topic, which will not be
further detailed here.

In other cases or for other questions the PK/PD interaction is important to be considered.
Here, PBPK models offer an intuitive framework to couple PK with simple or mechanistic
PD models. See [18] for a recent example.
Open Systems Pharmacology Suite
Modules, Philosophy, and Building Blocks

The Open Systems Pharmacology Suite contains different software tools and has been
designed using a modular concept to allow efficient multi-scale modeling and simulation.
The overall platform with its various software tools is implemented in a modular way
explained in the Modular Structure section. The central software tools PK-Sim® and MoBi®
make use of building blocks as introduced in PK-Sim® and its building blocks and MoBi®
and its building blocks.

PK-Sim® is based on a whole-body concept, the focus of its counterpart, MoBi®, is at the
molecular level. However, both tools extend to additional physiological scales as illustrated

Multiscale modeling and simulation (taken from [18])

PK-Sim® is a comprehensive software tool for whole-body physiologically based
pharmacokinetic modeling [92]. It enables rapid access to all relevant anatomical and
physiological parameters for humans and common laboratory animals (mouse, rat,
minipig, dog, monkey and rabbit) contained in the integrated database. Users are able to
access to different PBPK calculation methods to allow for fast and efficient model building
and parameterization. Relevant generic passive processes, such as distribution through
blood flow as well as specific active processes such as metabolization by a certain enzyme
are automatically taken into account by PK-Sim®. Like most PBPK modeling tools, PK-
Sim® is designed for use by non-modeling experts and only allows for minor structural
model modifications. Unlike most PBPK modeling tools though, PK-Sim® offers different
model structures to choose from, e.g. to account for important differences between small
and large molecules (see Model settings). More importantly, PK-Sim® is fully compatible
with the expert modeling software tool MoBi®, thereby allowing full access to all model
details including the option for extensive model modifications and extensions. This way
customized systems pharmacology models may be set up to deal with the challenges of
modern drug research and development.

PK-Sim® uses building blocks that are grouped into Individuals, Populations, Compounds,
Formulations, Administration Protocols, Events, Observers and Observed Data. The
different building blocks are described in detail in “Working with PK-Sim®”. Building blocks
from these groups are combined to produce a model. The advantage of building blocks is
that they can be reused. For example, after having established a model for a drug after
single dose intravenous administration to an animal species, just substitute the individual
by a suitably parameterized virtual human population and obtain a first in man simulation
model. Further substitute the formulation, to obtain a controlled-release per oral simulation
model, substitute the protocol to a obtain a multiple dose simulation model, or substitute
the compound to obtain a simulation model for another drug.

PK-Sim® will be described in detail in Working with PK-Sim®.


MoBi® is a systems biology software tool for multiscale physiological modeling and
simulation. Within the restrictions of ordinary differential equations, almost any kind of
(biological) model can be imported or set up from scratch. Examples include biochemical
reaction networks, compartmental disease progression models, or PBPK models. However,
de novo development of a PBPK model, for example, is very cumbersome such that the
preferred procedure is to import them from PK-Sim®. Importantly, MoBi® also allows for
the combination of the described examples and thereby is a very powerful tool for modeling
and simulation of multi-scale physiological systems covering molecular details and whole-
body architecture.

De novo model establishment and simulation is supported by graphical tools and building
blocks to support expert users. MoBi® uses building blocks that are grouped into
Molecules, Reactions, Spatial Structures, Passive Transports, Observers, Events, Molecule
Start Values, Parameter Start Values, and Observed Data. The different building blocks are
described in detail in Working with MoBi®. Building blocks out of the above-mentioned
groups can be combined to generate models. The advantage of building blocks is that they
can be reused. Examples:

a different set of starting values may define a new scenario, situation, or individual.
refine a Reaction(s) network and update it in all tissues where it should be considered.

MoBi® will be described in detail in Working with MoBi®.

Modular Structure

The modular architecture of the software platform is outlined in screenshot below.

Apart from the two central, graphical user interface (GUI) based software tools PK-Sim®
and MoBi®, the software platform includes a qualification framework, validation and
automation tools, import and export options, as well as interfaces to general computing
environments, as detailed below.
Modular structure of the software platform

Qualification framework

The qualification framework enables an automated validation of various scenarios (use-

cases) supported by the OSP platform. This technical framework is used, for example, to
release, in full confidence, a new version of the OSP Suite by verifying automatically that an
ever-growing list of scenarios is performing as expected. Qualification framework will be
described in detail in Qualification.

Validation and automation tools

Validation and automation tools include for example:

Installation Validator: enables "1-Click" validation of the OSP Suite installation on a

target computer. The validation is performed by execution of the predefined set of
simulation scenarios and comparison of the simulated results with the (validated)
reference values.
Command Line Interface (CLI): allows batch processing of multiple projects in PK-Sim
and is described in Command Line Interface - CLI.

The OSP software suite provides a set of packages for the R computing environment that
allow scripted workflows with the models developed in PK-Sim® and MoBi®.

ospsuite package provides the functionality of loading, manipulating, and simulating

the simulations created in PK-Sim® and MoBi®. It also offers extended workflows
such as parameter sensitivity or PK-parameter calculation. The package is described in
detail in R documentation.
tlf package offers a set of functions and methods for creating standardized reporting
Tables, Listings, and Figures.
ospsuite.reportingengine for automated generating of model reports.
ospsuite.parameteridentification provides the functionality of performing parameter
identification (i.e., fitting the model to observed data) with simulations. The package is
currently under development and everyone is encouraged to contribute.

OSP Qualification Framework and R packages are not included into the main
OSP Suite setup and must be installed separately. Installation instructions are
provided in the documentation of the tools or on the GitHub download site.

OSP Model exchange format

Models created in PK-Sim® or MoBi® can be exported in PK Modeling Language (*.pkml)

format and shared between the OSP tools. Internally, PKML file format is nothing more than
XML with a predefined structure.

Import and Export

Apart from the communication and exchange via R, PK-Sim® and MoBi® have import and
export functions for MS Excel®, CSV and NONMEM® that allow for the import of
experimental data or the export of simulation results, for example. MoBi® has SBML import
PK-Sim can also import and export project snapshots in JSON format (s. Exporting Project
to Snapshot for details).
Getting Started
Software and Hardware Requirements

Windows 7®, Windows 8®, Windows 10®, Windows Server 2008 R2®,
OS Windows Server 2012 R2®, Windows Server 2016®, Windows Server

Processor minimum 1 GHz (the faster, the better)

Memory 2 GB RAM, 4+ GB recommended

minimum 2 GB

Optional software

R® version 3.6 or higher - 64bit

Information provided above refers to the core components of the Open Systems
Pharmacology Suite including PK-Sim®, MoBi®. Both, PK-Sim® and MoBi® can be
installed as stand-alone software packages to reduce the disk space required.

The Open Systems Pharmacology Suite includes interfaces to MS Excel® and R

(version 3.5 or 3.6, 64 bit). These are separate programs that are not available
within the Open Systems Pharmacology Suite. You need to have these programs
installed in order to use their interfaces!

Trademark Information

Excel® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Inc., Redmond, USA; R is a product of the R

Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.
Installation and Update

Core Components

To correctly install the software, administrator rights are necessary. If you do not
have these rights, your IT-administrator should carry out the installation.

The modular structure of the Open Systems Pharmacology Suite is explained in

Modules, Philosophy, and Building Blocks. Both PK-Sim® and MoBi® can be
installed stand-alone. However, to obtain full modeling and simulation
capabilities, we recommend that both programs are installed.

To install the Open Systems Pharmacology Suite core components:

1. Download installation packages from

2. Start the OSPSuite-Full.X.Y.Z.exe* (where X.Y.Z is a program version, e.g. 7.4.0) from
the menu Start -> Run or from Windows Explorer.
3. Follow the instructions of the installation program. In most cases, the installation
should be carried out with the default settings.
4. In most cases, you will have to restart your computer following installation.
5. Download PK-Sim® gene expression databases and copy it to a folder accessible for
all users.
. Configure PK-Sim® gene expression databases (for details see PK-Sim® - Options).
(Re-)Qualification Framework

Optional OSP Suite components which are only required for the creation of qualification

Installation instructions are provided here

Third Party Tools

Besides the core components of the Open Systems Pharmacology Suite including PK-
Sim®, MoBi®, interfaces are available for MS Excel®, Matlab® and R. For purchasing and
installation options, please contact the suppliers indicated in section, “Trademark

Help: Contact, Discussion Forum, Bug Reporting, ...

Additional information on the software is available on

For support, bug reports, etc. please contact

Working with PK-Sim
PK-Sim Documentation
Quick Guide
Here, only the basic steps needed to work with a PBPK simulation in PK-Sim® are briefly
described (creation of a model, comparison of simulation data to observed data and
refinement of the model):

PK-Sim® can be customized using several options. To do this click on the Options

Button within the Utilities Ribbon Tab.

Within the User Tab, you can specify the following user specific options:

Numerical Properties

Allows scientific notation: You can specify if parameter values and results are
displayed in scientific notation and if they are very small or very large.
Decimal place: You can specify the number of decimal places displayed for parameter
values and results.
Maximum number of processors to use
Absolute tolerance and Relative tolerance: You can specify the absolute and relative
tolerance in order to control the error of the ODE solver. Changes will only effect
simulations that are created after changing values.

Setting tolerances lower than default values (absolute tolerance: 1.0E-10;

relative tolerance: 1.0E-5) may cause conversion errors in simulations following
oral administration.

Look and Feel

Active skin: By changing the skin in the Skins group next to the Options icon the
graphical appearance of the program can be changed.
Number of recent file items shown: Changes the number of recent documents
displayed within the File Tab. The program needs to be restarted for the changes to
take effect.
Preferred view layout: Choose from either tabbed or accordion view in e.g. the
Compound window.
Restore opened view when loading project: Open tabs (e.g. particular simulations,
individuals or compounds) are saved upon saving and restored when re-opening the
Show software update notification if available: When enabled and connected to the
internet, a check for new versions of PK-Sim® is done automatically.


Default species and Default population: Changes the default species and default
population used for creation of a new individual.
Default parameter layout: Changes the default parameter layout used for parameters
shown within the Anatomy & Physiology tab of an individual and within the Parameters
tab of a simulation.
Lipophilicity, Fraction unbound and Solubility: You can specify the defaults for the
description used for the Experiment input box when a new compound is created.
Population analysis: After the first simulation run an analysis window opens
automatically. The default type of this first analysis ('Time Profile', 'Box Whisker', ...) is
set by this option.

Icon Sizes

You can change the size of the icons displayed within the Tree view, the Tabs and the
Context menu

Template Database Path

You can change the path to the template database or create a new template database by

clicking on


Formula parameter: Changes the background color for parameters which are
calculated by a formula.
Parameter changed: Changes the background color for formula calculated parameters
which have been manually changed by the user.
Chart background and Chart diagram background: Changes the chart colors. For
simulation charts, this is the default if no other color is specified in the Chart Editor of
the Results Tab.
Disabled: Changes the background color of all boxes with non-editable content.

Within the Application Tab, you can specify the path to a species-specific Expression
Database you would like to use. To do so, click on the three dots in the Expression
Database column in the row of the species you require.
Linking a species-specific expression database to an individual.

The available expression databases can be downloaded from
The organization of simulations is supported by PK-Sim® with a building block concept.
Each project contains a Building Block window that comprises one or several building
blocks for individuals, populations, compounds, formulations, protocols, events and
observed data. Simulations that are created with the building blocks and comparisons of
simulations are organized in a separate window. The user can create subfolders for
organization of observed data, simulations and comparison.

Only one project can be opened at a time in one PK-Sim® instance. If you wish
to work on more than one project in parallel you may start separate instances of
PK-Sim® for each individual project. If the identical project is already being
accessed by yourself or by another user, PK-Sim® will warn you and open the
project as read-only. You will still be able to use the project but won't be able to
save your changes.

The following table gives an overview on how to manage projects using the File tab:

Shortcut Description

A new project is generated. The current project is closed. If you

Create a
have not saved the current project yet, you will be asked if you
want to do so. If you answer Yes, all data belonging to the
project Ctrl+N
current project are saved using the current file-name. If the
project/file name is undefined, a dialog window will open for you
to specify the project name.
Select the *.pksim5 file you want to open.
Open an • Only one project can be opened at a time. If a project is already
existing open, you are asked if the currently open project should be saved
project Ctrl+O before closing.
• If you wish to work on more than one project in parallel, you
may start separate instances of PK-Sim® for each individual

The project is closed. If you have not yet saved the current
Close the project, you are asked if you want to do so. If you answer Yes, all
project data belonging to the project are saved using the current file-
name. If the project/ file name is undefined, a will open for you
to specify the project name. A new project can then be created,

Save the
Ctrl+S You can save your project by either selecting Save or Save as.

Show or
edit project
description Ctrl+D You can enter, show or change a description for the project.

project to Export current project to snapshot.
snapshot S. Exporting Project to Snapshot / Loading Project from
Snapshot for details.
Create a new project from snapshot.
S. Exporting Project to Snapshot / Loading Project from
Snapshot for details.

Journal Assign a working journal to the current project.
S. Shared Tools - Working Journal for details.

About this
An overview of the PK-Sim® version information is given.

PK-Sim® is closed. If you have not yet saved the current project,
Exit the
you are asked if you want to do so. If you answer Yes, all data
Alt+F4 belonging to the project are saved using the current file-name. If
the project name is undefined, a dialog window will open for you
to specify the project name.

The visualization of a project is organized in different panels. Each panel can be hidden or
be made visible by clicking on the respective icon in the View Tab. The panels have the
following meaning:

Panel, Icon Description

Within this panel the building blocks Individuals, Populations, Compounds,
Formulations, Administration Protocols, Events and Observed Data are
organized and can be accessed. Detailed information for each building
block can be found in:
● PK-Sim® - Creating Individuals
● PK-Sim® - Creating Populations
● PK-Sim®- Compounds: Definition and Work Flows
● PK-Sim® - Formulations
● PK-Sim® - Administration Protocols
● PK-Sim® - Events
● Shared Tools - Import and Edit of Observed Data.

In this panel all simulations of a project are managed. A detailed

description on how simulations are set up and managed can be found in
PK-Sim® - Simulations.
Besides simulations, this panel contains the following objects:
● Simulation comparisons (s. PK-Sim® - Simulations: Comparison charts
for details)
● Parameter Identifications (s. Shared Tools - Parameter Identification for
● Sensitivity Analyses (s. Shared Tools - Sensitivity Analysis for details)

Every user action performed within a given project work is documented
within this panel. Features of the History Manager are described in Shared
Tools - History manager and history reporting.

Shows comparison results of 2 building blocks or 2 simulations.
S. Shared Tools - Comparison of Building Blocks for details.

Journal Shows the working journal of the current project.
S. Shared Tools - Working Journal for details.
Shows the working journal of the current project.
S. Shared Tools - Working Journal for details.
Creating Individuals
In the building block Individual the properties of individuals are defined. In the database
underlying PK-Sim®, anatomical and physiological information on various animal species
as well as humans of different populations, gender, and age are provided. However, the
algorithm differs for animals and humans:

In case of the various animal species, no age-dependent distribution information for

the anatomical and physiological parameters is included in the database so far. The
generation of an animal of a predefined body weight thus simply is done by linear
scaling of an average animal of the given species. Consequently, all organs always
contribute to the same relative extent to the total body weight and differences e.g.
related to growth or to different races of the respective animal species are not taken
into account.
For humans, the population parameters database that comes with PK-Sim® includes
information on the dependence of anatomical and physiological parameters relevant
for PK-Sim® such as organ weights, blood flow rates, or tissue composition on age,
gender, body weight, body mass index, which have been collected in a comprehensive
literature search. Thus, when creating an individual of a given Age, Weight, and Height,
the parameters will be adjusted based on the information included in the underlying
database. There are three classes of parameters that will be adjusted:
Organ volumes
Further parameters for which distribution data are available in the database, e.g.
the hematocrit value.
The volume fractions, which are scaled using a global scale factor taken from the

Please note that the volume of fat tissue is not optimized by the algorithm as
this value is used to match the target body weight.

Definition of new Individual in PK-Sim®

Click on Individual in the Create New Building Blocks Group of the Modeling &

Simulation Tab
Right mouse click on Individuals in the Building Block Explorer and select Add
Use the short cut Ctrl+Alt+I

A dialog will pop up in which the properties of the individual can be specified. First, new
individuals are initialized by giving them a Name in the respective input field. These names
are then used to identify them when their properties are saved in the project and/or as
templates. In addition, names are used for identification of individuals in the simulation.
Second, the properties of individuals can be set or changed:

The Create Individual dialog. Here, the properties of a non-standard European individual are

The Create Individual building block window is subdivided into three tabs: Biometrics,
Anatomy & Physiology, and Expression.

In the first drop-down menu you can choose from the following species:










If Human is selected, you can select one of the following populations from the

next drop-down menu:

Asian (Tanaka, 1996) [74]

Black American (NHANES, 1997) [82]
European (ICRP, 2002) [84], [113]
Mexican American -White (NHANES, 1997) [82]
White American (NHANES, 1997) [82]
Japanese (2015) [67]
Preterm [111]
Pregnant (Dallmann et al. 2017) [107 - 110]
In the following drop-down menu, the gender is specified.

Further below, the Individual Parameters can be defined. In the case of the human Asian,
Black American, European, Mexican American, and White American populations, the
individual is characterized by the following parameters:

Age: The age in units of year(s), month(s), week(s), or day(s).

Weight: The body weight in units of kg or g.
Height: The body height in units of cm or m.

By clicking on the Mean button, the average body weight and height of the individuals of
the given population as well as gender and age will be generated based on the database

If as a special human population Preterm is selected, an additional age scale has to be

taken into account. Preterm neonates are characterized by their gestational age (GA), which
ranges between about 24 and 37 weeks, and their postnatal age (PNA). In the model,
preterm neonates catch up growth during their first two years of life so that there are no
differences in a >2 years old individual of the same race and gender born preterm or born
Postnatal growth curves for preterm infants pooled into different weight classes up to two
years (black solid lines) compared to term born infants matched to the growth charts of the
“Centers for Disease Control and Prevention” (CDC, shaded area).

Oral administration to preterm neonates is, so far, not possible in PK- Sim®. The
parameters relevant to oral administration are all set to "0" so that the fraction of
dose absorbed and, in addition, the distribution of drugs into the mucosa
irrespective of the administration route are disabled.

Please note that gender-specific information for all parameters except body
weight and height (biometrics) was not available for preterms.Therefore, it is an
assumption that for a given body weight the organ weights and blood flow rates
are equal for males and females.
Animal species

If one of the animal species, i.e. Monkey, Beagle, Dog, Minipig, Rat or Mouse is selected,
the menu items are slightly different.

Please note that PK-Sim® does currently not distinguish between male and
female animals. Animal models represent an average adult animal of the
species or breed.

If desired, the body weight of an animal can be changed under Individual Parameters. By
changing the body weight of the animal, PK-Sim® automatically scales the weight of the
different organs ( see Anatomy & Physiology tab) by keeping their relative contribution to
the total body weight constant. Likewise, the organ blood flow rate will be re-calculated by
keeping the organ specific blood flow rate, i.e. the blood flow rate per kg of tissue weight.

Significant breed-specific differences exist for some animal species. For

example, a Beagle dog obviously has a different physique than a Labrador and
the body weight of an adult Yucatan minipig doubles that of a Göttinger
minipig. See below for tips to determine how each species is defined in PK-

For monkeys, the default values represent an average monkey with a body weight of
5.6 kg. The monkey-specific physiological parameters were derived for macaques such
as rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys [98].
The default dog-specific physiological parameters were obtained from literature and
represent an average dog with a weight of 13.7 kg. Breed specific differences are not
taken into account. Still, for the most popular breed of dogs, the beagle, anatomical
and physiological information specifically representing an adult beagle dog that
weights 10.5 kg is implemented 1.
For minipigs, the default body weight is 40 kg. An important feature of the minipig is
the reported delay in gastric emptying. Furthermore, emptying appears to be
incomplete, so there may be food present in the stomach for 24 hours a day. The high
variability in gastric pH and emptying should be taken into account, particularly when
monolithic controlled release and enteric-coated dosage forms are intended to be
For the rat-specific physiological parameters affecting oral absorption from the GI tract
see [93]. An important feature of this species is that the rat lacks a gallbladder. As a
result, bile fluid is secreted continuously in dilute form, which has an important effect
on biliary clearance and entero-hepatic circulation (see PK-Sim® - Events).
If mouse is selected, the anatomical and physiological data are set at default values
for a mouse with a mean weight of 20 g.
For rabbits, the default body weight is 2.5 kg. For the parameter values not found in the
literature, the mouse PBPK model parameters were transferred and used, as it is the
closest animal species to the rabbit among the species available in the physiology
database (e.g., mouse retains a gallbladder unlike the rat). [112]
Currently, only for mouse, monkey and human species specific values for the
concentration of the FcRn receptor, the concentration of the endogenous IgG and the
affinity of the endogenous IgG to the FcRn receptor (needed for the Model for proteins
and large molecules) are available. For all other animal species, these values are taken
from the monkey model.

Irrespective of the species chosen, the Calculation Method for the estimation of the surface
area of the capillary endothelium has to be selected. The endothelial surface area is needed
for calculation of the rate of permeation through the endothelial barrier between plasma
and interstitial space, which is determined by the permeability - surface area product. The
drug dependent specific organ permeability can be defined in the Compound building block
(see PK-Sim® - Compounds: Definition and Work Flows).

Literature for capillary surface areas for the different organs and species is rather limited.
Therefore, PK-Sim® provides two heuristics to estimate the capillary surface area of the
organs, which can be selected from the drop-down menu

1. Organ vascularization (default method). The capillary surface area (SA) is estimated

by , with the constant of proportionality k, the fraction of

vascular space of an organ , and the organ volume . The idea

behind this heuristics is the following: with the assumption that the morphology of the
vascular tree is similar in each organ, the specific surface area per organ volume can
be estimated by the capillary density of an organ, which in turn can be estimated by the
fraction of vascular space of an organ.
2. Blood flow. The capillary surface area is estimated by

, with the constant of proportionality k, the organ blood flow Qorgan, the shape factor
beta (default: beta=1). The permeability-surface area product is related to

the extraction E by [8]. With the assumption that the extraction

of drug in each organ is equal, is obtained. If it is further assumed,

that the permeability is equal for each organ one obtains .

Anatomy & Physiology

Anatomical and physiological properties in PK-Sim® are set at default values for a mean
representative of a species. These default values were carefully selected from literature. In
the human species module, also the mean values for children of all age groups are
included. For some purposes, e.g. to simulate pathological disorders, it is desirable to
change these values. This can be done in the Anatomy & Physiology tab, in which the
parameters are, using the default settings, displayed in a tree structure on the left hand

By default, a Simple view of the various properties is displayed, in which only the most
relevant parameters are shown. Using the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window,
you can switch to the Advanced tree view or to the Hierarchy view. In the Simple and the
Advanced view, the parameters are grouped based on function whereas in the Hierarchy
view, they are listed according to the internal model structure. Please note that only
containers comprising visible parameters are displayed. There are additional parameters in
the model which are not displayed in PK-Sim®. They are, however, displayed in MoBi®. For
details please see Working with MoBi®. The tree view shows only drawings that are
currently open. To access the various parameters,

1. Click on the light grey arrow to open the respective tree view node
2. If present, click on the next light grey arrow to open the subsequent level of the tree
3. Click on the desired parameter group
Use the Filter function above the tree view to find parameters more quickly.

In the window on the right hand side, the details of the respective parameter group will be

Typically, the first column(s) contains the Name of the parameter and/or its location (i.e.
the organ or segment). In the next column, the default Value for the parameter in the given
organ or segment for the species selected is provided together with the corresponding unit.
For humans, the column Percentile depicts the percentile within the respective population.
If an average subject is selected, this bar should be equal or at least close to 50%. In the

last column, you can define parameters as Favorites in order to select certain

parameters, e.g. if they have to be changed frequently. Parameters defined as favorites will
be listed in the undermost node of the tree view and are thereby easily accessible.

The order of the columns can be changed manually. Drag the column header to
the desired position to change the sequence of columns.

The column by which the parameters are grouped can be selected. Drag the
column header to the top of the table into the group box.

To change the value of a parameter, do one of the following

Enter a new value in the respective input field

Multiply the default values with the scale option There are three types of parameter
Parameter values displayed by default on a white background represent constants
values. By changing the parameter value, the default value will be overwritten and the
background of the field turns yellow. To reset the parameter value to default click Reset
parameter to default or use the Rollback function of the History manager, see

Shared Tools - History manager and history reporting.

Parameter values displayed by default on a light blue background represent
parameters calculated using a formula. By changing these values, the formula is
overwritten and the background of the field turns yellow. To reset to the default value(s)

click Reset parameter to default .

Parameter values displayed by default on a grey background represent values which

cannot be changed by the user, because otherwise a fundamental relationship could be

The background colors that indicate the different types of parameters (1.-3.) can
be changed by the user. For details please see PK-Sim® - Options.

For some parameters, reasonable ranges are defined. For example pH values should be less
than or equal to 14. In case a value outside this range is defined, a warning appears and the
window cannot be closed without setting the parameters to a reasonable value.

The Advanced view offers the implementation of a zonated liver into an individual.
Metabolic pathways in the liver are spatially separated along the liver sinusoids [29].
Splitting the liver into more than one zone will improve simulation accuracy. As shown
below, the liver is not zonated per default (only periportal zone). Upon zonation, the liver is
split into a periportal and a pericentral zone. The parameter Fraction of periportal zone
defines the ratio of the zone volumes and the surface areas and is set to 50% per default.
The Advanced view in the Anatomy/Physiology tab offers the use of a zonated liver.

Switching between zonated and non-zonated liver does not alter the model structurally, but
changes only the model parameterization.

The relative expressions for enzymes, transporters and binding proteins can be set
independently for both zones. The relative expression in the pericentral zone have no effect
if the liver is not zonated. Currently, the PK-Sim gene expression database delivers the same
relative expression for both zones for all proteins, but this will be improved in the future.

Please note that when switching to another species on the Biometrics tab all
parameters of the individual defined in the Anatomy & Physiology tab and in the
Expression tabs, including applied changes (e.g. active processes), are
User Defined parameter node shows an overview of all parameters changed by
the user in the individual.


In the Expression tab, all relevant enzymes, transport proteins and protein binding partners
can be defined for the selected individual.

For details please see PK-Sim® - Expression Data.

Editing and Scaling Individual Properties

To edit properties of existing individuals:

1. Right mouse click on the respective individual in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Edit...

or simply double click on the existing individual in the Building Block Explorer.

This will open the properties window of the individual. The properties defined in the
Anatomy & Physiology tab and those defined in the Expression tab can be set or changed
appropriately. Changes are saved by simply closing the window (click on ).

Please note that the Biometrics of an existing individual cannot be changed later on. In
order to change the Biometrics please create a new individual or use the scale function.
Using the scale function transfers modifications at the individual and expression levels to
the scaled individual.

In order to scale an existing individual:

1. Right mouse click on the respective individual in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Scale...

The Scale Individual dialog opens, which is divided into four tabs: Biometrics, Scaling
configuration, Anatomy & Physiology, and Expression. Details about the three tabs
Biometrics, Anatomy & Physiology, and Expression have already been described for
the Create Individual dialog (please see above). Here, only details about the tab
Scaling configuration are given:
If, and only if, certain individual parameters such as organ weights or blood flow rates
were modified in the base individual used for scaling, these parameters will be listed in
this tab. This is e.g. the case if an individual with specific characteristics due to certain
diseases (e.g. renal or hepatic impairment) was created and you would now like to
transfer these changes to another individual.
The following six columns appear in the Scaling configuration tab:
Parameter: The name of the parameter modified in the base individual used for
Source default value: The original value of the parameter in the base individual
according to the database underlying PK-Sim®. The source default value depends
on the biometrics (race, age, and gender) of the base individual.
Source value: The modified value of the parameter in the base individual.
Default value: The default value of the parameter in the scaled individual
according to the database underlying PK-Sim®. This value will differ from the
source default value if the scaled individual is characterized by different biometrics
(race, age, and/or gender).
Scaled value: The modified value of the parameter in the scaled individual. This
value depends on the scaling method selected in the last column (Scaling
Scaling method: Select between four options for the scaling method from the drop-
down menu:
1. Same percentile: This method is only available in the case of distributed
parameters such as organ weights and blood flow rates in human populations.
If a modification was made in the base individual the parameter value will not
represent an average value anymore, i.e. it will not lie on the 50th percentile of
the distributed parameters for the given population (characterized by race, age,
and gender). Choosing this option, the same percentile will be used for your
scaled individual of the selected population based on the PK-Sim® database.
2. Use default value: The modification made in the base individual will not be
transferred to the scaled individual. Instead, the default value of the parameter
in the scaled individual according to the database underlying PK- Sim® will be
3. Use source value: If a modification was made in the base individual the
identical parameter value will be used in the scaled individual. Please note that
for most parameters this is only a reasonable option if the biometrics (race,
age, gender) of the base and the scaled individual are identical or at least
4. Same ratio: The ratio of the source value divided by the source default value is
multiplied by the default value of the scaled individual.

The line Target weight, which appears only on the top of this window if modifications in
organ volumes were made in the base individual, indicates the body weight of the scaled
individual. A modification of organ volumes will automatically lead to a change in total
body weight, which is the sum of all organ weights. Thus, if the default value of an organ
weight is changed, the new body weight, which is no longer in agreement with the body
weight previously selected on the biometrics tab, will be shown.

Clone an Individual

To clone an individual in the project:

1. Right mouse click on the respective individual in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Clone...

3. Set an alternative name for the clone and enter a description if desired

4. Confirm and close the window by clicking OK

Saving of Individuals as Templates

Previously defined individuals can be saved as a template in the template database and
then be shared among several projects and users.

To save an existing individual as template:

1. Right mouse click on the respective individual in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Save as Template...

A message will appear confirming that the Individual was successfully saved in the
template database.

In case an individual with the same name already exists, a warning message will pop up
and you have the following opportunities:

Override: This action will override the existing template.

Save as: You can save the individual under a different name. In this case, you will be
asked to Rename the new template.
Cancel: This action will abort the saving process.

Loading existing Individuals from Templates

To load existing individuals from the template database:

1. Right mouse click on Individuals in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Load From Template...

3. Select the desired individual from the user templates. In case an individual with the
same name already exists in the project, a warning appears and you will have to
Rename the individual that is to be loaded from template.

4. Click OK
The selected individual will appear in the Building Block Explorer view.

In addition, individuals can be directly loaded from the template database within a
simulation (see PK-Sim® - Simulations.

Deleting Individuals

To delete individuals from a project:

1. Right mouse click on the respective individual in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Delete...

3. Confirm to delete the individual by clicking Yes

Please note that an individual that is used in any simulation of the project
cannot be deleted.
Creating Populations
The properties of a population of individuals can be defined in the building block
Population using the physiological database of PK-Sim®.

In case of the various animal species, no age-dependent distribution information for

the anatomical and physiological parameters is included in the database so far. The
algorithm generates random values in the Minimum Weight, Maximum Weight interval
defined by the user. The generation of a population then simply is done by linear
scaling of an average animal of the given species. This means, all organs always
contribute to the same extent to the total body weight without taking into account
differences e.g. related to growth or to different races of the respective animal species.
For humans, the population parameters database that comes with PK-Sim® includes
information on the dependence of anatomical and physiological parameters relevant
for PK-Sim® such as organ weights, blood flow rates, or tissue composition on age,
gender, body weight, and body mass index, which have been collected in a
comprehensive literature search. The algorithm generating a population then involves
the following steps which are repeated until the target number of individuals is reached
A list of genders is created according to the settings chosen by the user. Then for each
gender, the algorithm tries to create an individual that should fulfill the previously
defined criteria:
An age value Age is drawn from a uniform random number distribution in the
Minimum Age, Maximum Age interval.
For the Age assigned above, a height value Height is randomly generated according to
the height distribution defined in the database for the given age.
Depending on the user inputs, the generation of the height value Height might fail (i.e.
for Age defined in 2., the returned Height in 3. is not within the Minimum Height,
Maximum Height interval). In that case, the algorithm tries to perform steps 2. and 3.
again. After at maximum 100 attempts, there is certainly no data available in the
database matching the user inputs and an exception is thrown.
With Age and Height defined, the algorithm tries to create a random individual based
on these values. The resulting body weight Weight should be in the Minimum Weight,
Maximum Weight interval. The organ volumes are randomly generated according to
their organ volume distribution. If the resulting weight, i.e. the sum of all organ volumes
times their density, is in the desired Minimum Weight, Maximum Weight interval, the
individual will be kept. If not, another individual is generated. This step is repeated up
to one hundred times. If then still no individual with a BW within the Minimum Weight,
Maximum Weight interval is found an exception is thrown.
Then, the organ volume fractions of protein, water, and lipids are scaled according to
the value defined in the database for the given age.
Finally, all parameters other than organ volumes for which also distributions are
available in the database (e.g. blood flow rates, hematocrit etc.) are being randomly
generated according to their distributions.
Finally, the algorithm checks that the BMI value corresponding to the generated Height
- Weight combination resides in the Minimum BMI, Maximum BMI interval. If so, the
individual is added to the population. If not, the individual is discarded.

The following figures show, as an example, the age dependence of the body weight, body
height, and body mass index distribution for a certain population (white males). The data
were taken from the NHANES study 82.

Age dependence of the distribution in body weight for white males according to the
NHANES study
Age dependence of the distribution in body height for white males according to the
NHANES study

Age dependence of the distribution in body mass index for white males according to the
NHANES study
Definition of new Populations in PK- Sim®

To create a new population, do one of the following:

Click on Population in the Create New Building Blocks Group of the

Modeling & Simulation Tab

Right mouse click on Populations in the Building Block Explorer and select

Add Population...

Use the short cut Ctrl+Alt+P

A dialog box will open where the properties of the population can be selected and/ or
defined. The Create Population building block is subdivided into three tabs: Demographics,
User Defined Variability, and Distribution.

The population is initialized by giving it a Name in the respective input field. The name is
used to identify the population when its properties are saved in the project and/or as a
template. Moreover, the name is used for identification of the population in the simulation.


In the first drop-down menu (Based on individual) you can specify an Individual that you
previously defined in this project. A Population can then be created based on any Individual
already defined. You need to specify the number of individuals in your populations
comprises and the percentage of females therein. In the tab User Defined Variability,
changes in anatomical and physiological properties of the population you chose may be
specified, i.e. anatomy and physiology including expression and ontogeny information
about metabolizing enzymes, transport proteins and protein binding partners. Likewise, the
distribution of the property may specified and results are visualized in the next tab
Distribution. A population can be based on an individual saved as template:
Click on Load

Select the individual from User Templates or Predefined Templates

Click OK
If the name of the Individual loaded from template is already used in the project, a new
name has to be defined.

Alternatively, you can create a new individual which serves as a basis individual for the

Click on Create

Define the properties of the Individual. For details see PK-Sim® - Creating Individuals.

In the following line, information about the population that will be used based on the
selected basis individual is given. For the different animal species no alternative
populations are provided, but for humans, the following populations are available:

Asian (Tanaka, 1996) [74]

Black American (NHANES, 1997) [82]
European (ICRP, 2002) [84]
Mexican American -White (NHANES, 1997) [82]
White American (NHANES, 1997) [82]
Japanese (2015) [67]
Pregnant (Dallmann et al. 2017)

In the Population Properties the number of individuals can be selected. For humans the
individual's gender is defined additionally. You can define a female (proportion of females
100%), male (proportion of females 0%), or a mixed gender (proportion of females 1-99%)
virtual population.

Further below, the Population Parameters Ranges can be set i.e. the anthropometry of the
individuals can be constrained at the lower and/or upper end of the range.

If one of the animal species, i.e. Monkey, Beagle, Dog, Minipig, Rat, Rabbit or Mouse is
selected, solely the minimum and maximum body weight in units of g or kg can be set.
Please note that for animal populations the minimum and maximum body
weight represent required input parameters.

Technically, there is no restriction on the Minimum Weight, Maximum Weight

interval values. However, please note that the generation of an animal
population simply results from linear scaling of the average animal species with
the algorithm generating random values in the entire Minimum Weight,
Maximum Weight interval defined by the user. Hence, reasonable values should
be chosen for this interval.

If a human population is defined, the menu items for the Population Parameters Ranges
change and ranges for the following parameters can be set:

Age: The age range in units of year(s), month(s), week(s), or day(s).

The population database contains physiological information starting from newborns (age
"0") to 80 year old individuals. In addition, a preterm model has recently been developed
that has been integrated as a special population (see below). When a pediatric or elderly
population is simulated, only the age dependence of anatomical properties (size of the
organs, blood flow rates, body composition, etc.) is considered. However, important
pharmacokinetic differences in children and elderly can be caused by age-related
differences in, for example, hepatic metabolic activity. These effects are automatically
accounted for if the ontogeny of the elimination process has been defined in the
Expression tab for the underlying Individual. To manually account for variations in
elimination, use the User Defined Variability tab.

Height: The range of body heights of the individuals in units of cm or m.

Weight: The range of body weight of the individuals in units of kg or g.
BMI: The range of body mass index of the individuals in unit of kg/m2.

The BMI is a measure for the human fat content. It is given by the individual's height (H)
and weight (BW) according to: BMI = BW / H2.
If as a special human population Preterm is selected, an additional age scale has to be
taken into account. Preterm neonates are characterized by their gestational age (GA), which
ranges between about 24 and 37 weeks, and their postnatal age (PNA, "Age"). In the model,
preterm neonates catch up growth during their first two years of life so that there are no
differences between a > 2 year old individual of the same race and gender born either
preterm or term.

Please note that for human populations, the minimum and maximum age (and
gestational age in case of preterms) are required input parameters. For height,
weight and BMI, empty fields indicate the unconstrained state. The population
database contains information on the age dependence of the body weight, body
height, and body mass index distributions of various human populations. To
remove a user input value press the delete button.

The algorithm will only create virtual individuals with reasonable characteristics,
i.e. that are in agreement with the database. It is, for example, impossible to
create a 30 year old male with a height of 100cm weighing 200 kg. If
implausible combinations of weight, height and body mass index are given as
constraints, PK-Sim® will not be able to create any individuals.

User Defined Variability

In the User Defined Variability tab, further physiological parameters can be varied, e.g. the
gastrointestinal transit pattern, or transport or elimination via active processes, that are not
automatically varied in the algorithm. The parameters that are available for additional
statistical variation are grouped based on function and displayed, using the default
settings, in a tree structure on the left hand side. Two parameter groups will always be
available, namely the Anatomy and the Physiology parameter group. The appearance of a
third parameter group, the Relative expressions is dependent on the processes defined in
the basis individual.

The tree view shows only drawings that are currently open. To select a parameter,
1. Click the plus sign (+) to open the respective tree view node
2. If present, click the next plus sign (+) to open the subsequent level of the tree view
3. Click on the desired parameter

Use the Filter function above the tree view to find parameters more quickly.

Selected parameters can be added to the box on the right hand side by clicking

Add. Accordingly, parameters can be removed from the box by clicking Remove.

Parameters added to the box on the right hand side can be varied within the population
simulation. For each parameter, a type of distribution and associated parameters can be
chosen. Four types of distributions are available:

Normal: The parameter is normally (Gaussian-like) distributed. Mean and standard

deviation must be given. Select the unit accordingly.
LogNormal: The parameter is log-normally distributed. Mean and geometric standard
deviation must be given. Select the unit for the mean value accordingly. The standard
deviation can be given as a (dimensionless) relative standard deviation.
Uniform: The parameter is evenly distributed between the minimum and maximum
value. Select the unit accordingly.
Constant: The mean value is used for all individuals. Select the unit accordingly.

Variability in clearance processes does not only originate from variability in the
organ volume or blood flow to the eliminating organ, but also from variability in
the expression levels of the protein involved. Therefore, variations of the
reference concentration of the enzyme or transporter can be taken into account
in addition to the variability that automatically results from the physiological
In case of a virtual human population that contains individuals of different ages,
PK-Sim® automatically takes into account the developmental changes in the
specific glomerular filtration rate, i.e. in the glomerular filtration rate normalized
to the volume of the kidney. However, like for active processes, additional
variations of the specific glomerular filtration rate can be taken into account.

If for active processes, i.e. metabolizing enzymes, transport proteins, and protein
binding partners, an ontogeny function was selected in the Expression tab of the
Individual building block for the basis individual, relative activity as a function
of age will be taken into account in the human population.


In the Distribution tab, the distribution of parameters that are variable in the virtual
population are shown. To select a certain parameter, mark it in the parameter tree on the left
hand side. Again, you can use the Filter function above the tree view to find parameters
more quickly. The distribution of the parameter selected will be depicted in the adjacent
graphic. The parameter distribution can either be displayed as absolute counts or as
percentage. Choose either Count or Percent from the drop-down menu below the parameter
tree. For human populations, the parameter distributions are color coded. In case of a
virtual human population that contains male and female individuals, you can select from
the first drop-down menu whether all, only male, or only female individuals should be
displayed. If All is selected, the gender specific data can either be shown as neighboring
bars or stacking bars.

The distribution of any parameter can be copied as image via right mouse click
on the graphic on the right hand side of the tab.
Setting or Editing Population Properties

To set or edit the properties of an existing population:

1. Right mouse click on the respective population in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Edit...

or simply double click on the existing population in the Building Block Explorer.

The window with the properties of the population will open. The properties defined in the
Additional Parameters tab can be set or changed appropriately. Changes can be verified in
the Distribution tab. After having set or changed the properties, the window can be closed
by clicking on which will save the changed population properties.

Please note that the Demographics of an existing population including all

parameters automatically generated by the population algorithm cannot be
changed later on. In order to change the Demographics please create a new

Exporting Populations to CSV

Populations generated in PK-Sim® can be exported to a CSV format. The file, which can be
opened in Excel®, contains all anatomical and physiological parameter values of each
individual of the population. In order to export a population to csv:

1. Right mouse click on the respective population in the Building Block Explorer
2. Select Export to CSV...
3. Choose directory and enter file name
4. Click Save. The file is saved and can be subsequently opened with excel
In addition to the export of the population parameters to CSV, population
simulations can be exported to CSV via the Simulation Explorer. Then, the
population parameters file (.CSV), the respective model file (.xml) as well as an
information file (.txt) with the relevant information about the PK-Sim® version
number will be generated. For details please see (see PK-Sim® - Importing and
Exporting Project Data and Models.

Cloning of Populations

To clone populations in the project:

1. Right mouse click on the respective population in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Clone...

3. Set an alternative name for the population clone and enter a description, if desired

4. Confirm and close the window with OK

Saving Populations as Templates

Previously defined populations can be saved as templates and then be shared among
several projects and users.

To save an existing population as template:

1. Right mouse click on the respective population in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Save as Template...

In case a population with the same name already exists, a warning message will pop
up and you have the following options:
Override: This action will override the existing template
Save as: You can save the population under a different name. In this case, you will
be asked to Rename the new template.
Cancel: This action will abort the saving process

Loading of existing Populations from Templates

To load an existing population from the template database:

1. Right mouse click on Populations in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Load From Template...

3. Select the desired population from the user templates

In case a population with the same name already exists in the project, a warning
message will pop up and you will have to Rename the population that is to be loaded
from the template.

4. Click OK

The selected population will appear in the Building Block Explorer view.

In addition, populations can be directly loaded from the template database within a
simulation (see PK-Sim® - Simulations.

Deleting Populations

To delete a population from the project:

1. Right mouse click on the respective population in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Delete...

3. Confirm to delete the population by clicking on Yes

Please note that a population that is used in any simulation of the project
cannot be deleted.
Expression Data
Background: Active Processes in PK-SIM

The role of proteins in PBPK modeling

Small molecules frequently interact with proteins. All aspects of ADME may be influenced
to a varying extent by protein/compound interaction. Metabolic and transport processes are
of particular importance in this context. Most proteins concentrations vary spatially as well
as temporally. PK-Sim® allows the user to model proteins and compound/protein

Active, protein-mediated processes involved in drug ADME generally occur simultaneously

in various organs. A quantitative description of active processes, however, is difficult due to
limited experimental accessibility of tissue-specific protein activity in vivo. PK-Sim® uses
gene expression data as a surrogate for protein abundance to estimate in vivo activity of
such enzymes or transporters which have an influence on drug pharmacokinetics. This
concept implies that protein availability and catalytic rate constants, which ultimately
underlie enzyme and transporter activity, are decoupled. For more detail, please see [46].

In brief, the concept of using gene expression data as proxy for protein abundance is based
on the definition of the maximum velocity Vmax µ_mol/l/min. According to the Michaelis-
Menten equation, _Vmax depends on both the total enzyme or transporter concentration E0
µmol/l and the catalytic rate constant kcat 1/min:

Equation 1

Assuming that kcat is not influenced by in vivo factors, the tissue-specific maximum
velocity Vmax,organ is defined as:

Equation 2
Protein expression data

Following from Equation 2, the effective rate of a protein-mediated process, be it

metabolization or transport or binding reaction, is directly dependent on the total amount of
the protein in the respective compartment. The abundance of proteins in different organs in
PK-Sim is calculated from relative expression values. For each organ, the relative
expression defines the concentration of the protein in whole organ as a fraction of a
defined reference concentration value.

Protein expressions overview

Reference Concentration

The reference concentration can be measured in vitro and allow direct in vitro - in vivo
extrapolation (IVIVE). The concentration of the protein in the organ with the relative
expression = 1 will equal to that measured concentration. The concentrations in all other
organs will be set relative to that value. In case no in vitro protein abundance values are
available for any organ, the reference concentration can be set to any arbitrary value (the
default value is 1 µmol/L). While direct IVIVE will not be possible in this case, the model will
still be able to account for the different contributions of the organs to the total process rate
(e.g. metabolism of a compound) through the relative expressions.

For example, CYP3A4 is mainly expressed in the liver of human adults, some in the
gastrointestinal tract, and minor amounts in almost all other tissues. The concentration of
CYP3A4 in the liver is 108 pmol/mg microsomal protein [63]. The concentration of
microsomal protein in the liver is 40 mg per g liver. Assuming a specific tissue density of 1
g/mL the concentration of CYP3A4 in whole liver is 4.32 µmol/L . This number can be used
as a reference concentration with relative expression of 1 in the liver.

The following table shows reference concentrations from a selection of CYP enzymes. The
values were derived from measurements of human microsomal samples, see [63].

Table: Reference concentration of CYP enzymes

pmol/mg human liver µmol CYP/L liver tissue (Reference

microsomes concentration)

CYP1A2 45 1.8

CYP2A6 68 2.72

CYP2B6 39 1.56

CYP2C18 <2.5 <0.1

CYP2C19 19 0.76

CYP2C8 64 2.56

CYP2C9 96 3.84

CYP2D6 10 0.4

CYP2E1 49 1.96

CYP3A4 108 4.32

CYP3A5 1 0.04

Special attention has to be paid when using ontogeny information together with the
reference concentration. The reference concentration is subject to an age depending
ontogeny, and the underlying implementation assumes that the reference concentration
refers to an ontogeny factor of 1. For example: if it is known that for a 0.5 year old
individual the ontogeny factor of a particular enzyme is 0.1, and the concentration of the
enzyme in individuals of that age is 0.13 µmol/ L, the reference concentration (of an adult)
is 1.3 µmol/L (that is 0.13/0.1).

The PK-Sim® library includes large-scale human gene-expression data from publicly
available sources which were downloaded, processed, stored and customized such that
they can be directly utilized in PBPK model building [63]. The database needs to be
configured in the PK-Sim® options, see Options. Public databases which were imported are

whole genome expression arrays from ArrayExpress (ArrayExpress, 2010)

RT-PCR derived gene expression estimates from literature [49], [50], [51]
expressed sequence tags (EST) from UniGene.

The consolidated expression data was stored in a database with three sections termed EST
(UniGene), Array (ArrayExpress), and RT-PCR (literature cited above), respectively.

It should be noted that the current version of the database only describes spatial
distribution of active processes in PBPK models. Temporal aspects such as circadian
rhythms underlying chronogenetics are not included in the current version of the database.
If necessary, such effects may be considered in a corresponding MoBi® model. Also, the
current version of the database is restricted to human expression data. Extensions to other
organism are currently under development and will be become available in future versions
of PK-Sim®.

The cellular and tissue specific location of active proteins

Proteins involved in metabolism or transport of compounds are located in different organ

sub-compartments. While enzymes usually reside inside organ cells, transport proteins are
located in membranes. Another important feature of biological cells that has to be
considered is polarity.

Organs containing epithelial cell membranes, like intestinal mucosa or liver (bile duct
epithelium) and kidney (tubular epithelium), express different types of proteins on either
side of the cell, whether basolateral or apical. The apical membrane is exposed to the
luminal space, while the basolateral membrane is facing the interstitial space of the tissue.

The relative expression defines the concentration of the protein in whole organ, i.e., the sum
volume of the sub-compartments interstitial space, intracellular space, blood plasma and
blood cells, and (for the large molecules model) the endosomal space. Within the organ, the
protein can be distributed over the different sub-compartments, with the effective
concentration in the compartment being calculated by PK-Sim such that the concentration
in the whole organ is

Effective protein concentration

with RC being the reference concentration and the relative expression in this

organ. The following sections give an overview over the possible localizations and the
equations used to calculate the effective concentrations in the different compartments for
enzymes and transport proteins.

Localizations and initial concentrations of enzymes

Localization Enzymes

By default, an added enzyme is localized only in the intracellular space of the organs. The
user can select additional compartments where the enzyme should be expressed and set
the expression values.
Plasma: Enzymes floating in blood plasma. The specified relative expression will be
added to the expression of the enzyme in plasma compartment of every organ.
Blood Cells: Enzymes expressed in blood cells of all organs; the specified relative
expression refers to blood cell volume. These enzymes can be located either within
blood cells or in the cell membrane, facing blood plasma. The relative distribution of
the enzyme between cellular space and plasma membrane is defined by the
“Fraction expressed in blood cells” defines the amount of protein within the cell
and acts on educts located in the cell,
“Fraction expressed in blood cell membrane” is added to the expression in plasma
and acts on educts located in blood plasma.
Vascular endothelium: Enzymes expressed in arteries, veins, and capillaries. The
relative expression refers to the volume of vascular endothelium of the organ. Due to
the specificity of implementation in PK-Sim, vascular endothelium is not explicitly
modeled in the organs “Arterial Blood”, “Venous Blood”, and “Portal Vein”.
“Fraction expressed in endosome”: The enzyme is located in the endosomes of the
vasculature. Please keep in mind that the endosomal compartment is not present
in the model for small molecules.
“Fraction expressed on plasma-side membrane of vascular endothelium”: the
enzyme is located in the membrane of endothelial cells facing blood plasma and
acts on educts in plasma. The fraction of the relative expression is added to the
expression in plasma.
“Fraction expressed on tissue-side membrane of vascular endothelium”: the
enzyme is located in the membrane of endothelial cells facing the interstitial space
and acts on educts in the interstitial space of the organ. The fraction of the relative
expression is added to the expression in interstitial space.

The relative expressions (and the fractions expressed at different sites) of the
enzyme in the vascular system are equal for all organs.

Tissue: The expression values for the organ tissue (excluding the vascular system) can
be defined per organ and refer to the amount of the protein in whole organ (including
plasma and blood cells). The “Fraction expressed intracellular” defines the
concentration of the enzyme located intracellularly as fraction of total amount and
acts on educts located intracellularly. The “Fraction expressed interstitial” defines the
amount of the enzyme that is available in the interstitial space. Usually this refers to
the enzymes located in the cellular membrane facing the interstitial space. NOTE: As
per construction, it’s always
Fraction expressed interstitial = 1 - Fraction expressed intracellular 

Initial concentrations of the enzymes in the different compartments within the model are
combined from the relative expression values of organs having direct access to this
compartment. The name “initial concentration” refers to the fact that these concentrations
may change during simulation course e.g. through mechanism based inactivation. The
concentration of the enzyme in the compartment ultimately defines the rate of the reaction
catalyzed by this enzyme.

BloodCells: RC * rel_exp_bc * f_exp_bc_cell 

RC: Reference concentration
rel_exp_bc: Relative expression in blood cells
f_exp_bc_cell: Fraction expressed in blood cells
Plasma (ArterialBlood, VenousBlood, PortalVein): Combination of the expression in
plasma and in blood cells in the membrane facing plasma.
RC * (rel_exp_pls + rel_exp_bc * f_exp_bc_membrane * HCT / (1 - HCT)) 

RC: Reference concentration

rel_exp_pls: Relative expression in plasma
rel_exp_bc: Relative expression in blood cells
f_exp_bc_membrane: Fraction expressed in blood cells membrane
HCT: Hematocrit
Plasma (in organs except for ArterialBlood, VenousBlood, PortalVein): Combination
of the expression in plasma, in blood cells in the membrane facing plasma, and in
vascular endothelium in the membrane facing plasma.
RC * (rel_exp_pls + rel_exp_bc * f_exp_bc_membrane * HCT / (1 - HCT) +
rel_exp_vasend * f_exp_vasend_apical * V_vasend / V_pls) 

RC: Reference concentration

rel_exp_pls: Relative expression in plasma
rel_exp_bc: Relative expression in blood cells
f_exp_bc_membrane: Fraction expressed in blood cells membrane
HCT: Hematocrit
rel_exp_vasend: Relative expression in vascular endothelium
f_exp_vasend_plasma: Fraction expressed on membrane of vascular endothelium
facing blood plasma
V_vasend: Volume (endothelium)
V_pls: Volume plasma
Interstitial: Combination of the expression in organ and in vascular endothelium in the
membrane facing interstitial space. Be aware that depending on how the expression
values for the organs have been obtained, explicit addition of the expression in
vascular endothelium may result in higher calculated effective concentration.
RC * (rel_exp_org * f_exp_org_int * 1 / f_int + rel_exp_vasend *
f_exp_vasend_tissue * V_vasend / V_int) 

RC: Reference concentration

rel_exp_org: Relative expression in organ
f_exp_org_int: Fraction expressed interstitial
f_int: Fraction interstitial (of total organ volume)
rel_exp_vasend: Relative expression in vascular endothelium
f_exp_vasend_tissue: Fraction expressed on membrane of vascular endothelium
facing tissue
V_vasend: Volume (endothelium)
V_int: Volume (organ interstitial)
Intracellular: RC * rel_exp_org * f_exp_org_cell * 1 / f_cell 
RC: Reference concentration
rel_exp_org: Relative expression in organ
f_exp_org_cell: Fraction expressed intracellular
f_cell: Fraction intracellular(of total organ volume)
Endosome: RC * rel_exp_vasend * f_exp_vasend_endosomes * 1 / f_endo 
RC: Reference concentration
rel_exp_vasend: Relative expression in vascular endothelium
f_exp_vasend_endosomes: Fraction expressed in endosomes
f_endo: Fraction endosomal (of total organ volume)

Localizations, directions, and initial concentrations of transport proteins

Localization Transporter

Transporters are located in the cell membranes, connecting two neighbor compartments.
Four transport directions can be specified:

Influx: The substance is transported from the interstitial space or lumen to the
intracellular space.
Efflux: The substance is transported from intracellular space to interstitial space or
Bi-directional: Facilitated transport along the concentration gradient. It is assumed that
Vmax and Km values are equal for both directions. Only Michaelis-Menten kinetics can
be used with this direction.
Plasma to interstitial space across endothelial border
Interstitial space to plasma across endothelial border
P-gp like: The substance is transported from intracellular space and interstitial space
to the interstitial space.

As the model structure of PK-Sim does not explicitly contains membranes, expression of
transporters is modeled in one of the neighbor compartments. In addition to the default
transporter direction that is applied for all compartments, the direction can be specified for
each compartment separately. As for proteins, the relative expression of a transport protein
in an organ refers to the volume of organ tissue without blood cells and blood plasma.
Following localizations are available:

Blood cells: Transport between blood cells and plasma Initial concentration:
RC * rel_exp_bc 

RC: Reference concentration

rel_exp_bc: Relative expression in blood cells
Vascular endothelium: Transport between blood plasma and the interstitial space of all
organs. The transporter is placed in blood plasma with initial concentration given by
the equation RC * rel_exp_vasend * V_vasend / V_pls 
RC: Reference concentration
rel_exp_vasend: Relative expression in vascular endothelium
V_vasend: Volume (endothelium)
V_pls: Volume of plasma

Be aware that depending on how the expression values for the organs have been
obtained, explicit addition of the expression in vascular endothelium may result
in higher calculated effective amount of the protein in tissue.

Organs: In organs that do not have a lumen (bone, fat, gonads, heart, lung, muscle,
pancreas, skin, spleen, stomach, and non-mucosal small and large intestine), with the
exception of brain, transport proteins are always modeled in the interstitial space,
transporting the molecules between intracellular and interstitial spaces. The initial
concentration is given by the equation RC * rel_exp_org * 1 / f_int 
RC: Reference concentration
rel_exp_org: Relative expression in organ
f_int: Fraction interstitial (of total organ volume)
Brain: Transporter proteins in brain tissue are usually located in endothelial cells,
transporting molecules across the blood-brain-barrier. This distinct nature of the brain
tissue is captured in PK-Sim by locating the transport proteins by default into plasma
compartment for the transport between plasma and interstitial space. The user can
enforce expression of the transporter in interstitial compartment for the transport
between interstitial and intracellular by setting the “Fraction expressed at blood brain
barrier” and “Fraction expressed in brain tissue”. The concentrations in the respective
compartments are calculated such that the total concentration in brain is
RC * rel_exp_org .

The concentration in plasma is given by the equation

RC * rel_exp_brn * f_exp_brn_bbb * 1 / (f_vas * (1 - HCT)) 

RC: Reference concentration

rel_exp_brn: Relative expression in brain
f_exp_brn_bbb: Fraction expressed at blood brain barrier
f_vas: Fraction vascular (of total organ volume)
HCT: Hematocrit
The concentration in interstitial space is given by the equation
RC * rel_exp_brn * f_exp_brn_tissue * 1 / f_int 

RC: Reference concentration

rel_exp_brn: Relative expression in brain
f_int: Fraction interstitial
Kidney and Liver: In kidney and liver, transport proteins can be located between
interstitial and intracellular spaces (defined by “Fraction expressed basolateral” and
modeled in interstitial space) and/or on the apical site of renal tubule and hepatic bile
duct cells (defined by “Fraction expressed apical” and modeled in intracellular space),
respectively. Transporters located on the apical site are responsible for active excretion
of the compounds into urine and bile in kidney and liver, respectively.
Initial concentration in interstitial space is given by the equation
RC * rel_exp_org * f_exp_org_basolatateral * 1 / f_int 

RC: Reference concentration

rel_exp_org: Relative expression in organ
f_exp_org_basolatateral: Fraction expressed on the membrane between
cellular and interstitial spaces
f_int: Fraction interstitial (of total organ volume)
Initial concentration in intracellular space is given by the equation
RC * rel_exp_org * f_exp_org_apical * 1 / f_cell 

RC: Reference concentration

rel_exp_org: Relative expression in apical
f_exp_org_apical: Fraction expressed on epithelial membrane
f_cell: Fraction intracellular (of total organ volume)
Mucosal tissue: The apical site of mucosal cells is facing the gastrointestinal lumen
and facilitates the absorption or active excretion, while the basolateral site connects
the intracellular and interstitial spaces.
Initial concentration in interstitial space is given by the equation
RC * rel_exp_org * f_exp_org_basolatateral * 1 / f_int 

RC: Reference concentration

rel_exp_org: Relative expression in organ
f_exp_org_basolatateral: Fraction expressed on the membrane between
cellular and interstitial spaces
f_int: Fraction interstitial (of total organ volume)
Initial concentration in intracellular space is given by the equation
RC * rel_exp_org * f_exp_org_apical * 1 / f_cell 

RC: Reference concentration

rel_exp_org: Relative expression in apical
f_exp_org_apical: Fraction expressed on epithelial membrane
f_cell: Fraction intracellular (of total organ volume)

The workflow

If you want to use the gene expression databases, ensure that they are correctly installed
and linked to the application, see Options.

The workflow of integrating protein data with PBPK models comprises the following steps:

1. Identification of relevant metabolizing enzymes, transport proteins, and protein binding

partners for the compound of interest (your internal research or literature)
2. Determination of organ and tissue specific distribution of protein concentrations (PK-
Sim® supports this task with an in-built database)
3. Identification of cellular location of proteins (your internal research or literature)
4. Devise applicable kinetics and adjust kinetic parameters (modeling, your internal
research or literature)

Modeling protein/drug interactions in PK-Sim®

Proteins are added to a PBPK model as part of the building block individual. Proteins are
added as binding partners, as metabolizing enzymes or as transporters for “compound”.
The specifics of the interaction is adjusted in the compounds building block, see PK-Sim®
Compounds: Definition and Work Flows, while the quantities and localization of proteins is
parameterized in the individual building block. There are two ways of adding proteins to the
building block “ individual”, either via a database query using the PK-Sim® gene expression
database, or through direct entering of protein quantities to a list of organs and tissues. In
either case, a protein is added either as “Metabolising Enzyme”, as “Transport Protein” or as
“Protein Binding Partners”. Below the tab “Expression”, you find an area that lists all
possible protein ‘types’. For each type, it is possible to select via right click a context menu
with two entries, Add type… (Default) or Add type… (Database Query) with type being one
of “Metabolising Enzyme”, “Transport Protein” or “Protein Binding Partners”.

Expression Input Form

Adding protein quantities manually

If you know quantities of proteins in one or several organs you can define the expression
data manually. Start by selecting the type of protein you have, enzyme, transporter or
binding partner.

Right click on this type, and select the first entry in the context menu: Add Metabolizing
Enzyme ... (Default) (assuming you want to add an enzyme).

Expression Input Form Context Menu

Next, you will be required to choose a name for your protein. After doing so, an area to
configure properties of this protein will appear.

To be able to query expression data from a database you have to select a

database for the current species in PK-Sim ®options (see PK-Sim® Options.
Expression Data Input Form For Manually Data Input

We will explain settings in detail in Settings in the protein expression tab.

Adding protein quantities by querying the internal database

Use this if you do not know quantities of proteins in all PK relevant organs/tissues. PK-
Sim® is shipped with an internal gene expression database. Gene expression is
experimentally more amenable then actual protein expression, in particular with the wide
spread use of micro array chip technology. Then, a proportionality of gene expression and
protein quantities across organs and tissues is assumed.

Start by selecting the type of protein you have, enzyme, transporter or binding partner. Right
click on this type, and select the first entry in the context menu: “Add Metabolizing Enzyme
(Database query)” (assuming you want to add an enzyme).

Next, a database query wizard will open. This is discussed in more detail in, “Advanced
Analysis”. Here we walk you through the simplest possible process.

Adding search criteria

The first panel of the database search wizard allows you to enter a search term in the
search bar

Expression Protein Selection

This term can be anything from gene name, gene symbol, or parts of the description.

The term is automatically enclosed by wildcards. You can turn off this default
behavior by enclosing the term with “quotes”. As wildcards you can use a
percent sign (%) or a star (*) for multiple characters and a question mark (?) or
underscore (_) for a single character.
Once you hit enter, you will see a list of database entries that match your search. Several
details are displayed like:

Gene Name
Name Type (e.g. is the gene name a synonym)
the gene symbol (this is the most authoritative naming convention)
the (entrez) gene ID
the official full name for the protein or gene

Select the appropriate entry in the list of search results (or refine your search).

The (entrez) gene ID is also a hyper link to the NCBI gene page where you can
find additional information about the gene.

A hit row is highlighted in gray if the gene is known in the database but there are
no expression data available. In this case the other tabs are disabled.

Reviewing measured gene expression

In the upper panel you can find a table of gene expression values. The table is organized
with tissues in rows, and data sources in columns.

You can select one or several cells with the mouse (press left mouse key down),
copy the content with Ctrl+C, and paste the values into another application, e.g.
Microsoft Excel,® with Ctrl+V.

The lower panel gives a graphical representation of the gene expression values. In the table
(upper panel), the data can be filtered by several criteria. (REF: How to use the database
query wizard).
Expression Data Analysis

Reviewing data before transfer

In the data transfer overview tab the data to be transferred are compiled for reviewing. Note,
that relative expression values are given. In the upper part of the windows one or more radio
buttons are displayed. The radio buttons are used to select the appropriate data source.
Currently, Array, EST or RT-PCR can be selected. After selecting one of the data sources the
expression levels in different PBPK containers are displayed in the lower panel. Select the
most appropriate data source and click OK to close the database query wizard. The
expression data is transferred to PK-Sim®
Expression Data Transfer

The Array Database is best in terms of the number of genes covered (essentially
the complete genome), RT-PCR provides the most accurate measurements, and
EST data in some cases covers unusual types of tissue. Use the data sources
that has the most appropriate coverage of tissues for your purpose. Array data
is usually a good choice.

When using several proteins different data sources for different proteins may
safely be used.
Expression Input Form With Transferred Data

The complete data set is stored within the PK-Sim® project. If you re-enter the
query by selecting the Edit... menu item from the context menu of a defined
protein, all data will be taken from the internally saved data set. To force access
to the database you need to re-query the protein in the protein selection form.

You can rename a defined protein within your PK-Sim® project by selecting the
Rename... menu item from the context menu of a defined protein. This name
has no impact on the query and is only used to identify the protein within the PK-
Sim® project.
Settings in the protein expression tab

In the upper section, the following entries can be adjusted:

Reference concentration: Enter the molar concentration of the protein in the organ with
the highest enzyme concentration (typically the liver). This is useful as you will later
solely enter relative enzyme concentrations. If you do not know the absolute
concentration in the organ with the highest expression level you can leave this entry at
its default value of 1.00 pmol/mg and adjust the active process, e.g. via the Vmax
value. See Reference Concentration for a more detailed discussion of the Reference
t1/2 (liver) and t1/2 (intestine): Half-life of the protein turnover in the liver and in the
Ontogeny like: A list of typical enzymes and locations is shown for which the PK-Sim®
software already knows ontogenies. Ontogenies are age-depending changes of enzyme
concentrations in the respective organ or tissue.

Currently, ontogeny information is only available for the liver and for the intestine and
restricted to a selection of important enzymes.

Detailed information on the integrated enzyme ontogenies is available in the

separate documentation PK-Sim® Ontogeny Database

If the selected enzyme is recognised and ontogeny information is available, that enzyme is
preselected. Otherwise, from this list the ontogeny of an enzyme/ protein may be selected.
The button to the right of the list can be used to visualise the ontogeny. The fraction of
adult protein content in a specific organ is plotted against age.

The gene expression that is used in the simulation incorporates the age- dependency of the

In the lower section, values of relative expression can be edited for individual tissues,
vascular system and GIT - Lumen. Additionally:

For metabolizing enzymes and protein binding partners:

The localization in tissue, blood cells and vascular endothelium can be modified
(see Localizations and initial concentrations of enzymes for explanation of the

various parameters).

Activating/deactivating checkboxes in each of these 3 localization groups changes

some parameter values and shows/hides parameters following the following logic:
If only one option in a group is activated: corresponding fraction expressed 
parameter will be set to 1; other fraction expressed  parameter(s) of this
group will be set to 0; all fraction expressed  parameters of the group will
be hidden. E.g. activating the checkboxes as in the screenshot above will result
Tissue localization parameters:
Fraction expressed intracellular = 1  (parameter is hidden)

Fraction expressed interstitial = 0  (parameter is hidden)

Blood Cells localization parameters:

Fraction expressed in blood cells = 1  (parameter is hidden)

Fraction expressed in blood cells membrane = 0  (parameter is

Vascular Endothelium localization parameters:
Fraction expressed in endosomes = 1  (parameter is hidden)

Fraction expressed on plasma-side membrane of vascular

endothelium = 0 

(parameter is hidden)
Fraction expressed on tissue-side membrane of vascular
endothelium = 0 

(parameter is hidden)
If more than one option in a group is activated: corresponding
fraction expressed  parameters are shown and can be edited by user. E.g.

for the selection below:

Tissue localization parameters:

Fraction expressed intracellular  is shown and can be edited by

Fraction expressed interstitial  is shown

(not editable; always set as

1 - Fraction expressed intracellular )
Blood Cells localization parameters:
Fraction expressed in blood cells  is shown and can be edited

by user
Fraction expressed in blood cells membrane  is shown

(not editable; always set as

1 - Fraction expressed in blood cells )

Vascular Endothelium localization parameters:

Fraction expressed in endosomes  is shown and can be edited by

Fraction expressed on plasma-side membrane of vascular

is shown and can be edited by user

Fraction expressed on tissue-side membrane of vascular

is hidden and always set to

1 - (Fraction expressed in endosomes + Fraction expressed on
plasma-side membrane of vascular endothelium) 

If all options in a group are deactivated: all corresponding

Fraction expressed  parameters are hidden AND all corresponding relative

expressions are automatically set to 0. E.g. deactivating both options "Blood

cells intracellular" and "Blood cells membrane" will not only hide the
parameters Fraction expressed in blood cells  and
Fraction expressed in blood cells membrane  but also set

Relative expression in blood cells  to 0 and hide it.

In such a case, before setting relative expressions to zero a warning is shown

to the user to avoid the loss of information:
For transport proteins:
For some organs, Fraction expressed apical  can be set (see Localizations,
directions, and initial concentrations of transport proteins for explanation of the
various parameters).
Transporter direction can be set to Efflux, Influx, Bi-Directional or Pgp-Like.
Transporter direction can be set for each organ independently. In order to
change the direction in all organs simultaneously, change the selected value in
the "Default Transporter Direction" selection box.

The value of the "Default Transporter Direction" is only used to reset all organ
transporter directions to the given type and is not used in the model. E.g. if the
user sets the default transporter direction to Efflux in all organs and then
changes it to Influx in one organ: in this particular organ the Influx transporter
will be created!
Transporter directions

For all proteins:

Initial concentration in every compartment (which is calculated based on the
reference concentration, relative expression values and localization settings as
described above) is hidden as per default. To show and to edit it (if required), the
Show initial concentration checkbox must be activated:
Show/Edit (effective) initial concentration

Advanced Analysis

In this section the more advanced features of the expression database integration are

Pivot Table

In the upper section of the “Data Analysis tab page” the expression data is compiled in a
pivot table. With the help of a pivot table cross tabulations are easily possible. You can
drag fields to use them as additional row or column headers. The table changes
Expression Data Analysis Pivot Table

You can change the X-Axis field used by the corresponding chart by double
clicking on a row header. This feature is only available for fields with no empty

You can change the series building field used by the corresponding chart by
double clicking on a column header. This feature is only available for fields with
no empty values.
You can reset all fields back to their default position by double clicking on a filter
field header. The fields used in the chart are also reset by that action.

Filtering Data

Each field can be used for filtering. To open the filter dialog click on the filter symbol
which is shown in the field header when hovering over a field.

Field Filter Dialog

By ticking the check boxes you can toggle the filtering of individual values.

The buttons in the upper area have the following meaning:

The button can be used to limit the list of values to only those that are
currently visible. If you would have added a filter on another field some
values might are unreachable. Those values would be hidden.
The button can be used to change the check box into an option box
which means that you can only select one filter value at a time and that the
previously selected value gets automatically deselected by selecting a new
The button can be used to invert the selected filter values which means
that every selected value gets deselected and vice versa..
The respective active filter is shown right under the table.

Expression Data Analysis Pivot Table With Filter

Click on Edit Prefilter to open a dialog for editing complex filter conditions.
Prefilter Dialog

To add a condition for the age of the population used in the expression data measurements
you can add a condition in the prefilter dialog with the following steps:

First save the current condition to the clipboard by selecting the topmost logical
operator and pressing Ctrl+C.
Change the topmost logical operator to “And”.
Restore the original condition by pressing Ctrl+V.
Add a new condition by pressing the button behind the topmost logical operator “And”.
Select the column “Age(Minimum)” and select the condition operator “Is greater than or
equal to” and enter the value “18”.

Now the condition has changed and only data from adults will be used
Prefilter Dialog With Age Condition Added

For filtering age ranges of populations you might find it more convenient to use
the [Age(Minimum)] and [Age(Maximum)] columns.

Edit Mapping

A default mapping maps measured expression data of tissues to PK-Sim® containers. This
mapping can be changed by users. If you double click on the value of a container or tissue
the edit mapping dialog opens.
Edit Mapping Dialog (End of List)

On the left hand side of the dialog the containers with their corresponding icons are shown
and on the right hand side the currently mapped tissue is shown. Blue font means that
there is no expression data available for that tissue. At the end of the list all tissues are
displayed for which data could be found but which are not already mapped.
Edit Mapping Dialog (End of List)

It is possible to map one tissue to multiple containers. For example the Small Intestine is
mapped by default to several areas of the GI tract.

In the navigator panel of the edit mapping dialog, the following buttons can be used:

The button brings you to the first record.

The button brings you 10 records backwards.
The button brings you to the previous record.
The record counter ( ) shows you the actual position and the total
number of records.
The button brings you to the next record.
The button brings you 10 records forwards.
The button brings you to the last record.
The button enters the edit mode.
The button leaves the edit mode and accepts the changes.
The button leaves the edit mode and rejects the changes.
Even though you can accept changes in the edit mode, ultimately they will only be saved by
leaving the dialog and pressing the OK button. Changes done within the dialog are
highlighted with orange background color.

Highlighting of Changes

If you want to discard all changes you can just leave the dialog with the Cancel button.
Compounds: Definition and Work Flows
A Compound is a set of data that describes the properties of the substance whose behavior
is to be simulated. These properties are defined within the building block Compound. For
each project, several compounds may be defined. The compounds defined can be saved as
a templates and then be shared among several projects and users.

Definition of new Compounds in PK- Sim®

To create a new compound, do one of the following:

Click on Compound in the Create New Building Blocks Group of the Modeling

& Simulation Tab

Right mouse click on Compounds in the Building Block Explorer and select

Add Compound...
Use the short cut Ctrl+Alt+C

A dialog will open, where the properties of the compound can be defined. The compound is
initialized by giving it a Name in the respective input field. The name is used to identify the
substance when its parameters are saved in the project and/or as a template. The
properties of the compound can then be set or changed:
The Create Compound dialog. Here, the basic physico-chemical properties of diclofenac are

The Create Compound building block is subdivided into three tabs: Basic Physico-
chemistry, ADME Properties, and Advanced Properties.

Basic Physico-Chemistry

The first checkbox one can define the compound as being a small or a large molecule, such
as a protein. If Is small molecule is de-selected, the permeability for passive diffusion into
blood cells and into the intracellular space of the organs as well as the intestinal
permeability will be set to zero. If the drug is a small molecule and is used in a Model for
proteins and large molecules, the drug will not enter the endosomal space (see Modeling
of Proteins).
The basic physico-chemical properties have to be specified in the Basic Physico-chemistry
tab. Drug properties in many cases, have numerous values, determined using various
methods or assays, the following are available (logMA, logP, clogP for lipophilicity). You are
able to specify several alternative values. Later, in the simulation, you can choose the most
appropriate value from the list.

To Enter an additional value:

1. Click Add at the end of a row.

2. Enter the alternative name

3. If desired, enter a short description in the respective input field

4. Click OK

To delete a value:

1. Click Delete

2. Click Yes

If several alternative values have been defined, you can select a default one by ticking the
check box. When setting up the simulation, a value set as default will be ranked first. The
alternative values can still be selected, if desired.

Please note that a value set as default cannot be deleted. In order to delete the
value, define another default value.


As lipophilicity input, the partition coefficient between lipid membranes and

water, i.e. the membrane affinity (logMA) is recommended. Alternatively, other
lipophilicity values (e.g. logP, clogP) can be used, but in this case the quality of
the simulation results might be affected. The type of lipophilicity measurement
can be described in the first column (experiment).

Lipids in organ tissue are predominantly present in the form of phospholipid

membranes. The best descriptor for lipophilicity is the partition coefficient
between lipid membranes and water, as determined at physiological pH [43].
This is called membrane affinity and the value to be entered is the logMA. It is
recommended to use these membrane affinities as input parameters for PK-
Sim®. With their use, it is very likely that specific organ and intestinal
permeability coefficients are obtained that require no or only marginal

If the membrane affinity is not available, other lipophilicity values can be used
as surrogates. The membrane/water partition coefficient is predominantly
affected by two contributions. A real lipophilicity, which describes the
partitioning into the lipid core of a membrane, and the interaction between a
molecule and the phospholipid head groups. Particularly for charged
substances this can lead to large differences between membrane affinity and
other lipophilicity descriptors. A common observation is that membrane affinity
is much less pH dependent than e.g. logD [21].

For this reason it is recommended to use a lipophilicity value for the neutral
form, e.g. logP, as a replacement for membrane affinity if membrane affinity is
not available. A reasonable variation around the logP value should be allowed
since this parameter is not 1:1 correlated with membrane affinity.

Fraction Unbound (plasma, reference value)

The free fraction of drug in plasma (fu) is a mixed parameter depending on both the
species and the drug. Thus, it might be necessary to define several values for one
compound, namely one for each species to be simulated. The respective species can be
selected in the Species column from the drop-down menu.

Later, during the create simulation process, the appropriate value can be selected from the
alternatives defined here.

In the uppermost row of this field the user is asked to decide whether the drug is
predominantly bound to either albumin or alpha1-acid glycoprotein. Depending on the
predominant binding partner in plasma, the corresponding ontogeny function underlying
PK-Sim® will be used for scaling the plasma protein binding in children. If this information
is not available or needed, you can also select unknown and the reference value selected in
the simulation will be used irrespective of the age of the individual.

In order to modify the fraction unbound as a function of disease please use the Plasma
protein scale factor defined in the Individual building block. With the help of this factor, the
fraction of drug bound to either protein can be scaled up or down. The resulting fraction
unbound parameter used in the simulation can be found in the list of parameters of the
Simulation under the header Distribution.

If the fraction unbound is known for one species, e.g. rat, but unknown for
another one, e.g. the dog, it is technically possible to simulate pharmacokinetics
in the dog using the fraction unbound defined for the rat. In other words, PK-
Sim® does not judge the consistence of the combination of the species and the
fraction unbound. However, in this case the value should only be considered as
a best guess and a reasonable variation around the fu values should be allowed.

Similarly, for the scaling of pharmacokinetics from one species to another, make
sure that not only the building block Individual is replaced but also mixed
parameters such as fraction unbound in plasma and clearance pathways
and/or expression data are changed appropriately.


In the first line the molecular weight (MW) of the substance is specified. For substances
containing halogen atoms the number of these atoms should chosen from the drop down
menu that can be opened next to the Has Halogens field. This input is used to calculate an
effective molecular weight, which is needed to estimate permeability values. It takes into
account the small contribution of halogens to the molecular volume in relation to their
weight. After the nature and number of halogens have been entered, the effective molecular
weight is calculated automatically.

Even though the property determining the diffusion coefficient is the molecular
volume rather than the weight, only the latter is commonly available and has
therefore been chosen as easily accessible input parameter. However, in some
cases this leads to inaccurate results, particularly since halogen atoms have a
much smaller volume than what would be expected from their weight. Therefore,
for substances containing such atoms “effective molecular weights” based on
the following corrections are used (N = number of atoms, CF = correction factor):
Effective Molecular Weight with CF = 17 for fluorine, CF =

22 for chloride, CF = 62 for bromine, and CF = 98 for iodine (see [93]).

Compound type / pka

The type of compound: neutral, base, or acid. In case the compound is a base or an acid
choose either Base or Acid from the drop-down menu. You will then be able to specify the
respective pka(s). Up to three pka values can be specified.

pka values always refer to the pka value of the acidic form of the compound.
The compound type defines whether the pka value refers to the uncharged acid
"HA" (= type acid; the compound is charged when it dissociates to H+ and A-) or
to the conjugated acid of a base "BH+" (= type base; the compound is uncharged
when it dissociates to H+ und B). In other words, the compound type always
refers to the uncharged form of the molecule.

The pka values are used for the calculation of pH-dependent changes in
solubility in the gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore, when using the distribution
model (see Creating new simulations in PK-Sim®) of Rodgers and Rowland or
the model of Schmitt the compound type is a basic parameter for calculating
the partition coefficients. It is furthermore used by the two charge-dependent
methods of Schmitt to calculate the permeability of the barrier between
interstitial and cellular space.


The solubility of the compound (in the intestine): The solubility can be specified together
with the type of measurement or the medium used (first column, Experiment). The
corresponding unit can be chosen from the drop-down menu in the second column
(Solubility at Ref-pH). For charged compounds, the pH value at which the solubility of the
compound was measured should be given in the third column (Ref-pH). In the fourth
column, the Solubility gain per charge can be modified, which defines the factor by which
the solubility increases with each ionization step. In order to calculate the charge of the
molecule, the fraction of each microspecies is calculated according to the Henderson-
Hasselbalch equation for a given pH. This is done across the entire pH-range such that the
fractions are used to calculate the probability with which a molecule is in a certain
ionization state. Based on this information, the pH-dependent solubility of molecules with
one or more ionizable groups is calculated. By clicking on Show Graph, the pH-dependent
solubility across the whole pH range calculated based on the experimental solubility at the
defined pH is shown. For neutral compounds the input fields Ref-pH and Solubility gain per
charge and the graph are irrelevant.

In the simulation, the intestinal solubility can be displayed for each segment
based on the inputs made here and the pH values in the gastro-intestinal tract of
the individual used in the simulation.

The solubility of the compound is only needed for the oral administration route.
Additionally, it can be taken into account if e.g. a Noyes-Whitney dissolution is
assumed for other routes of administration such as intramuscular or
subcutaneous drug administration. However, for this purpose, the dissolution
function has to be defined in MoBi®.
First estimates can be made using water solubility. However, especially for
lipophilic compounds this value might underestimate the solubility in the
intestine so that it is better to use a value obtained under bio-relevant conditions
(e.g. in Fasted State Simulated Intestinal Fluid, FaSSIF). If different values are
available for one compound (e.g. in FaSSIF and in Fed State Simulated
Intestinal Fluid, FeSSIF), several alternative solubility values can specified and
the appropriate value can then chosen in the Simulation.

Intestinal solubility as table function of pH

Intestinal solubility can also be defined as a linear interpolation of measured (pH,

Solubility) data pairs.


ADME Properties

After having defined the basic physico-chemical properties of the compound, processes
known to be involved in its distribution and elimination can be specified in the ADME tab.
The ADME tab is accessible either by clicking Next or by directly clicking on the respective
tab in the Create Compound window.

Five kinds of processes can be defined in the ADME tab depending on the type of
interaction between the compound and the biological entity influencing the
pharmacokinetics of the drug in vivo:
Transport & Excretion

For each of these items one or more ADME processes can be defined in order to
systematically collect all available information on absorption, degradation, transport and
binding processes from e.g. in vitro assays and use this information to obtain specific
kinetic rates used in the simulation.

A general workflow for defining a specific process in Protein Binding Partners, Metabolizing
Enzymes, Total Hepatic Clearances, Transport Proteins, Renal Clearances, Biliary
Clearances is as follows:

Right click on the biological process you want to add to (e.g. Metabolizing Enzymes in
the Metabolism branch, Renal Clearances in the Transport & Excretion branch, …).
Click on the Add … command (e.g. Add Metabolizing Enzyme …).
Enter a name for the biological process you want to add.
Enter a name for the data source (e.g. in vitro assay, literature, laboratory results).
Select the process type from the list.
Enter the required input parameters (see tables below for an overview of the input
parameters for each process type).
If physiological parameters are based on in vivo measurements, e.g. the intrinsic
clearance, the respective species used in the experiment has to be selected.
Click OK.

After definition of the required parameters the specific clearance or kinetic rate constant
used in the simulation is automatically calculated taking into account the parameters listed
under Calculation parameters.

Specifying a value for Specific clearance, which is normally calculated

automatically by PK-Sim®, will overwrite the original formula. This is indicated

by the symbol . The formula can be reset by clicking on

After having defined the biological properties of the compound, you will have to link specific
processes to enzymatic, transport, and binding settings defined for the selected
individual/species in the Simulation. This is described in Select relevant biological

In the following an overview of the process types is given that can be defined for the
different biological properties including additional information on the required input


Calculation of Specific Intestinal Permeabilities

Within the PK-Sim® standard package, transcellular specific permeability of the intestinal
wall is deduced from physico-chemical properties.

In addition to the calculated specific intestinal permeability, experimentally determined

permeabilities, e.g. from Caco-2-cell permeability assays can be used. However, due to the
large inter-laboratory variability in Caco-2 permeations, a proper calibration of the measured
in vitro values and the calculated in silico permeabilities for a defined set of compounds is
necessary. If experimentally determined values for intestinal permeabilities are available
and the customized calibration method has been implemented in PK-Sim®, this option is
then available in the drop-down menu in the Calculation methods window.

Specific Intestinal Permeability

Similarly, the specific intestinal permeability, i.e. the surface area-normalized transcellular
permeability of the innermost layer of the intestinal wall, is calculated from the drugs´
lipophilicity and effective molecular weight. The paracellular pathway has been shown to
have no impact on the accuracy of prediction of the fraction dose absorbed in humans [79]
and is therefore not accounted for, i.e. the value for the paracellular specific permeability is
not automatically calculated. However, the paracellular pathway can be included in the
simulation, if desired. You will find the parameter Intestinal permeability (paracellular) in
the simulation within the parameter group Permeability.
For acids and bases, the transcellular intestinal permeability can be dynamically calculated
throughout the intestinal tract based on the pH within the intestinal segments. Per default it
is assumed that the pH-effect on the intestinal permeability is already reflected by the
measured membrane affinity used as input and thus, the specific transcellular permeability
is constant over the whole intestine. However, this parameter can be adjusted manually, if
desired. You will find the parameter Use pH- and pKa-dependent penalty factor for
charged molecule fraction in the simulation within the parameter group Permeability.

In case more than one lipophilicity value has been specified all corresponding permeability
values calculated are displayed in the drop down list that opens if you click on Show
Values. Later, in the Simulation, you can select which lipophilicity value is to be used for the
calculation of the specific intestinal permeability or you can select the manually entered
specific intestinal permeability. It is possible to use experimentally determined intestinal
permeabilities, e.g. taken from Caco2- cell permeation experiments, as input instead of the
calculated permeabilities.

In contrast to the procedure for permeability of organ membranes, the relation

between intestinal permeability and the molecular properties of the compound
was generated using experimental fraction of dose absorbed values. It was
optimized to provide the best prediction of total fraction absorbed (for details
see [79]).

In the simulation parameters, the calculated specific intestinal permeability

(transcellular) cannot be modified under the compound properties of the
simulation. The appropriate simulation parameter can be found under the tree
header "permeability". Please note that if the (calculated or manually entered)
intestinal permeability (transcellular) is modified in the simulation, the
permeability between the intracellular and interstitial space within the mucosa (
P (intracellular -> interstitial) ) will also automatically be scaled by the

same factor. Otherwise, a disproportion between in the permeability of the apical

and basolateral side of the enterocytes could be produced, leading to an
accumulation of drug in the enterocytes. Likewise, a factor between the
calculated intestinal permeability (transcellular) and an optional manual entry
will be calculated to scale the permeability of the basolateral side of the
enterocytes ( P (intracellular -> interstitial) ) appropriately.

If experimental values for intestinal permeability are available, e.g. from Caco2-
cell permeability assays, a calibration of these in vitro values has to be
performed for a defined set of compounds before they can be used as input
parameters. This is due to the high inter-laboratory variability in absolute
permeability values. In this calibration the fractions of dose absorbed of the set
of substances are correlated with the measured permeabilities. For new
compounds, the corresponding intestinal permeability used in PK- Sim® is
automatically calculated based on the Caco2 permeability value input. If you
require an expert calibration of a defined set of experimentally determined
permeabilities derived from in vitro assays, please contact your PK-Sim®
support (


Partition coefficient calculation methods

Two parameters determine the rate and extent of passive distribution in the body: steady
state organ-plasma partition coefficients as well as permeability surface area (PxSA)
products of each organ.

The partition coefficients are calculated from the physico-chemical data of the compound
currently active in the simulation.

How are model parameters predicted in PK-Sim®?

PBPK modeling requires many substance-specific parameters, which are usually unknown
and rarely accessible directly. These include the organ/plasma partition coefficients, the
permeability surface area products and intrinsic clearances. The difficulty in gathering this
type of data is one of the major reasons that prevented a more widespread use of PBPK-
modeling in the past. PK-Sim® addresses and solves this issue by including several
published and proprietary methods for parameter deduction from physico-chemical data,
which are easily experimentally accessible and are, in most cases, frequently determined
during the course of drug development.

How are organ/plasma partition coefficients deduced from physico-chemical


Organ/plasma partition coefficients are based on the concept of partition coefficients

between drug binding tissue constituents and water. These include lipid/water and
protein/water partition coefficients. Several similar concepts for utilizing such partition
coefficients and the composition of organ tissue to calculate the organ/plasma partition
coefficients have been published recently (see [53],and [86]b for examples, an overview is
given in [32]). Even though the idea is very similar in all cases, they deviate in the kind of
parameters that they use. In PK-Sim® there are five ways to calculate the partition
coefficients for the organs: The PK-Sim® standard model, which is described in more detail
below, and the approaches developed by Rodgers & Rowland, Schmitt, Poulin & Theil, and
Berezhkovskiy. The mechanistic equations for the different models are found in the
respective literature ([53], [59], [62], [60], [61], [68], [54], [55], [52], [5]). In the PK-Sim®
standard model the partition coefficients are calculated using the following equation:

Partition Coefficients

with = volume fraction of water, lipid and protein, = lipid/water partition


= protein/water partition coefficient,

= free fraction in plasma.

Partition coefficients are derived from input data as follows:

The value entered as Lipophilicity is directly used.

Calculated from Lipophilicity using a correlation determined experimentally by

measuring the unspecific binding to different tissue protein fraction of various organs for a
large set of diverse compounds.

Drug partitioning between plasma and red blood cells is calculated in analogous manner to

The only exceptions are the Schmitt model that additionally takes into account the amount
of acidic and neutral phospholipids as well as neutral lipids, and the Rodgers & Rowland
model, if experimental data for blood-to-plasma concentration ratios (B:P) are available.

The equation for the calculation of Krbc in the Schmitt partition model is:

If a value for B:P is used in the Rodgers & Rowland model, Krbc is calculated as follows:

where HCT is the hematocrit and BPratio is the blood-to-plasma concentration ratio.

Five different methods for the calculation of organ-plasma partition coefficients are
available in PK-Sim®. No general rules have emerged to determine which distribution
model is best suited based on knowledge about the substance properties. However, some
trends are contained within the different model foundations and assumptions as outlined

The relevant compound parameters are lipophilicity and binding to
plasma proteins. As lipophilicity measure, the membrane affinity
(partition coefficient between water and an artificial membrane bilayer)
is preferred in this model. The subcompartments of tissue and blood or
plasma are assumed to consist of lipids, proteins, and water. Therefore
the respective volume fractions as well as lipid/water (Klipid) and
protein/ water (Kprotein) partition coefficients of the compound are

In contrast to the previous models this approach explicitly considers

electrostatic interactions between ionized compounds (e.g. moderate-to-
strong bases) and anionic phospholipids at physiological pH. It also
considers interactions with intracellular neutral phospholipids and
Rodgers & neutral lipids. Two additional input parameters are therefore necessary
Rowland for the calculation of partition coefficients: the blood to plasma
concentration ratios BPratio, as a measure for electrostatic interactions
of drugs with acidic phospholipids, and the vegetable oil-water partition
coefficient (Dvo:w) which is a better surrogate than the octanol-water
partition coefficient (Po:w) for neutral lipid [59], [62], [60], [61].

This new approach offers a universally applicable method to calculate

organ-plasma partition coefficients under explicit consideration of
electrostatic interactions between charged molecules at physiological
pH and acidic phospholipids. pH differences between different
subcompartments are taken into account, which leads to different
amounts of dissociated and undissociated weak acids and bases. In
contrast to the Poulin & Theil model the lipid subcompartment is
assumed to consist of neutral lipids, neutral phospholipids and acidic
phospholipids in order to better describe partitioning into biological
membranes – especially of charged drugs. For each of these membrane
constituents fractional volumes based on experimental literature data
were used 68.
The approach developed by Poulin and Theil considers the cell lipid
subcompartment as mainly consisting of phospholipids with a
lipophilicity-hydrophobicity behavior similar to a mixture of 30 % neutral
lipids and 70 % water. Organ-plasma partition coefficients are then
calculated using the volume fractions of the aqueous (Fw) and organic
subcompartments (Fneutral lipid and Fphospholipid) of the respective
Poulin & Theil
organ and plasma for this distribution model (select the combobox
"advanced" in Individual --> Anatomy & Physiology and go to Physiology
--> Tissue and body fluid physiology --> Tissue composition). For
adipose tissue vegetable oil-water partition coefficients (Dvo:w) are used
as lipophilicity measures, whereas octanol- water partition coefficients
(Po:w) are used for non-adipose tissue [53], [54], [55], [52].

The assumptions made to describe drug partitioning into biological

membranes as well as the input parameters correspond to those made
Berezhkovskiy in the Poulin & Theil model. However, peripheral drug elimination as well
as drug exchange between compartments are considered, which leads to
a modified version of the equation presented by Poulin and Theil [5].

Cellular permeability calculation methods

The rates of permeation across the cell membranes (interstitial-cell barrier) depend on the
permeability surface area (PxSA) products of each organ. The permeability values (the part
of the PxSA-products that is substance-dependent) are proportional to the permeability of a
phospholipid bilayer for the simulated substance. They are calculated from the physico-
chemical data of the compound currently active in the simulation.

How are permeability surface-area (PxSA) products predicted in PK-Sim®?

As a first approximation it can be assumed that all mammalian lipid membranes have the
same permeability for a given substance. Of course this it not strictly true, because
permeability depends on the composition of a membrane; the types of phospholipids and
the content of cholesterol influence the rates with which a substance passes through the
membrane [24] [9]. However, within the accuracy with which it is possible to estimate
permeability from compound properties, it is permissible to make this simplifying
assumption. Under these presumptions the PxSA-products are composed out of a
compound specific term (permeability) and a species or physiology specific term (surface

Because it is difficult to determine PxSA-products or their two components explicitly, the

calculation method incorporated into PK-Sim® is based on the following procedure [36]:

First, PxSA-products were previously determined by fitting simulations to experimental

concentration-time curves for the different organs. Secondly, such pinned values are scaled
by the organ volume to take the change of surface area, e.g. from species to species, into
account. Furthermore, it is assumed that permeability is proportional to the partition
coefficient and the diffusion coefficient, the latter of which depends on lipophilicity and
molecular size for lipid membranes. This means, that permeability can be scaled with
lipophilicity and molecular volume relative to given values. This is done in PK-Sim® using
the values derived from the fit described above and dependencies which rely on published
and proprietary knowledge.

There are three different methods available in PK-Sim® to calculate the permeability
parameters for the barriers between interstitial space and intracellular space which can be
chosen from the drop-down menu:


With the method PK-Sim® Standard, the permeability parameters are

calculated from the physico-chemical properties given in the Compound
Data Window. The degree of dissociation of acids and bases is not taken
into account. It is assumed that this value is the same in all organs and
species and that differences originate only from size-dependent surface
With this method, the degree of dissociation of acids and bases is taken
into account assuming that the permeabilities for charged species are
significantly smaller than for neutral species. The degree of dissociation
is calculated from the pKa-values given for the Compound and the pH-
values of the interstitial and intracellular spaces given. The permeabilities
calculated with the method PK-Sim® Standard P0 are modified by a
factor f(pKa- values, pH-value) accounting for the fractions of
dependent neutral/charged species:

Since the pH-values of the interstitial and intracellular space differ for
some organs, the permeability in the direction interstitial space ->
intracellular space can differ from the permeability in the direction
intracellular -> interstitial space.

This method calculates the permeabilities in a similar way as dependent

the method Charge Dependent Schmitt with the difference, that Schmitt
the permeabilities are normalized to obtain the values calculated
Charge normalized to with the method PK-Sim® Standard:
PK-Sim® Thus, the permeability in the direction interstitial -> intracellular is the
same as calculated with the method PK-Sim® Standard while the ratio of
the permeabilities in the two directions is the same as calculated with the
method Charge Dependent Schmitt.

Specific organ permeability

The specific organ permeability, i.e. the organ permeability normalized to the surface area,
represents the part of the permeability times surface area (PxSA)- products that is
substance-dependent and they are proportional to the permeability of a phospholipid
bilayer for the simulated substance. They are calculated from the physico-chemical data of
the compound, namely the lipophilicity and the effective molecular weight. If different
lipophilicity values have been specified several permeability values based on these
alternative values are displayed in the drop down list that opens if you click on Show
Values. If available, further permeability values can be entered manually. You can later
chose the lipophilicity value that is to be used in the Simulation from the values specified

As a first approximation it can be assumed that all mammalian lipid

membranes have the same permeability for a given substance. Of course, this is
not exactly true because organ permeability depends on the composition of the
membrane. The types of phospholipids and the content of cholesterol influence
the rates with which a substance passes through the membrane [24] [9].
However, within the accuracy with which it is possible to estimate the
permeability from compound properties, it is permissible to make this
simplifying assumption. Under these presumptions, the organ PxSA-products
are composed out of a compound specific term (permeability) and a species or
physiology specific term (surface area).

Because it is difficult to determine PxSA-products or their two components

explicitly, the calculation method incorporated in PK- Sim® is based on the
following procedure [36]:

First, PxSA-products were previously determined by fitting simulations to

experimental concentration-time curves for the different organs. Second, such
pinned values are scaled by the organ volume to take the change of surface
area, e.g. from species to species, into account. Furthermore, it is assumed that
permeability is proportional to the partition and diffusion coefficient, the latter of
which depends on the lipophilicity and molecular size for lipid membranes. This
means that permeability can be scaled with lipophilicity and molecular volume
relative to given values. This is done in PK-Sim® using the values derived from
the fit described above and dependencies which rely on published and
proprietary knowledge.

Specific Binding
Distribution of a compound is also influenced by specific binding to proteins either in
plasma, interstitial or intracellular space. It is possible to define such specific protein
binding processes in the Specific Binding/Protein Binding

Partners branch. When setting up a simulation the binding partner defined in the Compound
Building Block has to be linked to the protein defined in the Individual Building Block as
binding partner.

Protein Binding Partners

Description Input

If experimental data on binding of the compound to specific

protein binding partners are available, these values also suit as
input parameters.

Sometimes enzymes that catalyze a metabolic degradation process can also

bind the compound at a binding site different to the catalytically active center. It
is therefore possible to link an enzyme defined in the individual/species to both
a metabolic and a binding process when setting up a simulation.


Depending on the available experimental information you can either define process types in
the Metabolizing Enzymes branch or the Total Hepatic Clearance branch. Please note that
the calculation sheet offered for metabolizing enzymes refers to the liver in case of intrinsic
clearance processes and in all other cases to the organ in which the respective enzyme is
expressed. Using this calculation sheet, input values will be transferred to specific clearance
values which are then used in the simulation. The sheet is only meant to help the user with
the calculations. However, processes defined here may also be applied to other organs
given that relevant expression levels are appropriately defined in the individual.

Metabolizing Enzymes
Required Input
Process Type Description

A first order degradation process catalyzed by

intracellular enzymesis defined in the liver. The
input parameters are intrinsic clearance values
which are either estimated orscaled from in vitro
Intrinsic data. The specific clearance used in the
with liver cells or
clearance – simulation is obtained by scaling the intrinsic
fitted); Volume(liver);
First order clearance value from liver cells to the whole
Fraction intracellular
organ using the following calculation
• Volume (liver)
• Fraction intracellular (liver)

It is also possible to define a Michaelis-Menten

type saturable kinetics process for intrinsic
clearance. The input parameters are Km and
Vmax (referring to liver tissue, e.g. liver slices or
perfused liver) which were either estimated or Km; Vmax(measured
Intrinsic scaled from in vitro data. with liver tissue or
clearance – The specific Vmax value used in the simulation fitted); Fraction
Michaelis- (referring to the cellular volume) is scaled from interstitial
Menten the Vmax in liver tissue using the following (liver);Fraction
calculation parameters: intracellular (liver)
• Fraction interstitial (liver)
• Fraction intracellular (liver)
The default value for Km is 1 μmol/l. Itmay be
changed manually.
By explicitly defining specific clearance values
referring to the cellular volume (either estimated Enzyme
or scaled from in vitro data) and the concentration;
In vitro
corresponding enzyme concentration a specific Specific
clearance –
clearance value normalized to the enzyme clearance(measured
First order
concentration is calculated automatically. with cellular in
The default value for enzyme concentration is 1 vitrosystem or fitted)
μmol/l. It may be changed manually.

You can also explicitly define specific Vmax

values referring to the cellular volume (either
estimated or scaled fromin vitro data) to
In vitro implement a Michaelis-Menten type saturable
Vmax; Km(measured
clearance – kinetics process.This value is then used to
withcellular in
Michaelis- calculate kcatby normalizing the specific Vmax
vitrosystem or fitted)
Menten value to the respective enzyme concentration.
The default value for Km and the enzyme
concentration is 1 μmol/l. It may be changed

Metabolic enzyme activity is described as
concentration; Vmax;
In vitro saturable process displaying a cooperativity,
Km; Hill
clearance – which is characterized by the Hill equation. The
Hill corresponding kcat value is calculated from
with cellular in vitro
Vmax determined in an in vitro assay.
system or fitted)
Some in vitro assays use recombinant CYP
enzymes to determine in vitro clearance values.
These can be used as input for PK-Sim® after
correction for the enzyme concentration in the
In vitro assay when implementing a firstorder In vitro clearance /
metabolic rate degradation process. Differences in intrinsic concentration of
in the presence activity (per unit CYP)between rhCYP and recombinant
of recombinant human liver enzymes complicate the issue [63], enzyme; Intersystem
CYPs/enzymes [56]. Therefore, an intersystem extrapolating extrapolating factor
– First Order factor (ISEF), which is a dimensionless number (ISEF)
used as a direct scaler to convert data obtained
with a rhCYP system to the "HLM environment"
may be used.This factor has to be calculated by
the user.

If Km and Vmax values for a saturable kinetics

process were determined experimentally using
recombinant CYP enzymes, Km can be directly
In vitro In vitro Vmax
used as for PK-Sim® where as Vmax has to be
metabolic rate /concentration of
normalized to the enzyme concentration in the
in the presence the recombinant
assay. Differences in intrinsic activity (per unit
of recombinant enzyme; Km;
CYP) between rhCYP and human liver enzymes
CYPs/enzymes Intersystem
complicate the issue [63], [56]. Therefore, an
– Michaelis- extrapolating factor
intersystem extrapolating factor (ISEF),which is
Menten (ISEF)
a dimension less number used as a direct scaler
to convert data obtained with a rhCYP system to
the "HLM environment" may be used.
In vitro clearance values obtained from
microsome assays can be used as input
parameters for definition of a first order
metabolization process. If the clearance values In vitro clearance for
In vitro are normalized to the amount of microsomal liver microsomes;
metabolic rate protein present in the assay they can be used Content of CYP
in the presence without further modification.The in vitro proteins in liver
of liver clearance value is scaled to an in vivo specific microsomes from
microsomes – clearance value using the content of CYP literature (e.g. [63],
First Order proteins in liver microsomes. The default value [64]) or measured
is 108 pmol/mg microsomal protein which is experimentally
the CYP3A4 protein content in liver microsomes
(see note under thetable). Please change this
value if other enzymes were defined.

For the definition of a saturable Michaelis-

Menten like kinetics process in vitro Vmax
values normalized to the enzyme concentration In vitro Vmax for
In vitro
in the microsomal assay can be used as input liver microsomes;
metabolic rate
parameter. Content of CYP
in the presence
The in vitro Vmax value is then scaled to an in proteins in liver
of liver
vivo Vmax value using the content of CYP microsomes from
microsomes –
proteins in liver microsomes. The default value literature (e.g. [63],
is 108 pmol/mg microsomal protein which is [64]) or measured
the CYP3A4 protein content in liver microsomes experimentally; Km
(see note under the table). Please change this
value if other enzymes were defined.

For calculation of in vivo clearance or Vmax values from in vitro values obtained
from microsomal assays the content of the CYP enzyme defined as the process
type has to be specified. The default value in PK-Sim® is 108 pmol/mg
microsomal protein which is the CYP3A4 protein content in liver microsomes
[63]. CYP enzyme contents in liver microsomes from this reference are shown
when you move the mouse over the parameter Content of CYP proteins in liver
microsomes. If you have defined other than these CYP enzymes, please insert
the corresponding value in PK-Sim®.

Total Hepatic Clearance

Description Necessary Input Parameter

If you have experimental plasma

clearance values you can use them by
choosing this process type. The specific
clearance used in the simulation is then
automatically calculated on the basis of
the following parameters:
• Body weight
• Volume (liver) Fraction unbound (plasma);
• Hematocrit Plasma clearance; all
Liver • Blood flow rate (liver) parameters listed in the left
Plasma • Blood flow rate (portal vein) column (if not entered, default
Clearance • Fraction intracellular (liver) values as specified in the
• Blood/Plasma concentration ratio Compound building block for
• Fraction unbound in plasma the given species are used)
• Plasma clearance
• Lipophilicity
The default value for fraction unbound
(experiment) is 0.5 in PK-Sim®. Please
change this parameter if you have
experimental data for the fraction
You can also directly use t1/2 values
from hepatocyte assays. The specific
clearance used in the simulation is then
automatically calculated considering the
following parameters:
• Number of cells/g liver tissue
In vitro Number of cell/incubation;
• Number of cell/incubation
hepatocytes Fraction unbound (assay);
• Fraction intracellular (liver)
– t1/2 t1/2 (assay)
• Fraction unbound (assay)
• t1/2 (assay)
The default value for fraction unbound
(assay) is 0.1 in PK-Sim®. Please change
this parameter if you have experimental
data for the fraction unbound.

If hepatocyte assay data with residual

fractions are available, please specify
these values in this process type. The
specific clearance used in the simulation
is then automatically calculated on the
basis of the following parameters:
In vitro Number of cell / incubation;
• Number of cells/g liver tissue
hepatocytes Fraction unbound (assay);
• Fraction intracellular (liver)
– residual Measuring time; Residual
• Fraction unbound (assay)
fraction fraction
• Measuring time
• Residual fraction The default value for
fraction unbound (assay) is 0.1 in PK-
Sim®. Please change this parameter if
you have experimental data for the
fraction unbound.
t1/2 values from microsomal assays can
be used as input parameters to calculate
specific liver clearances. Scaling of the in
vitro value is done using the following
• Microsomal protein mass/g liver
• Amount of protein in the incubation Amount protein/incubation;
In vitro liver
• Fraction intracellular (liver) Fraction unbound (assay);
• Fraction unbound (assay) Measuring time; t1/2
– t1/2
• t1/2 (microsomal assay) The value for (microsomal assay)
fraction unbound (assay) is calculated in
PK-Sim® using the lipophilicity of the
compound and the amount of protein in
incubation. Please change this parameter
if you have experimental data for the
fraction unbound.

Residual fractions obtained from liver

microsome assays may also serve as
input parameters. The value for the
specific liver clearance is then calculated
using the following parameters:
• Microsomal protein mass/g liver
• Amount protein/incubation
In vitro liver • Fraction intracellular (liver) Amount protein/incubation;
microsomes • Fraction unbound (assay) Fraction unbound (assay);
– residual • Measuring time Measuring time; Residual
fraction • Residual fraction fraction
The value for fraction unbound (assay) is
calculated in PK-Sim® using the
lipophilicity of the compound and the
amount of protein in incubation. Please
change this parameter if you have
experimental data for the fraction
Total hepatic clearance is a systemic process that does not have to be linked to
properties defined in an individual/species when generating a simulation.

Transport & Excretion

Drug transport across endothelial, epithelial or cellular barriers is responsible for

distribution and renal or biliary elimination of a compound. Different experimental
approaches are available either to determine rate constants or organ clearances. Depending
on the experimental data available you can define different process types for your
compound in the Transport Proteins branch, the Renal Clearances branch or the Biliary
Clearance branch.

Transport Proteins

Description Input

A transporter-mediated unidirectional transfer of a

compound across a cellular membrane is described as
saturable process following the Michaelis-Menten type
Intrinsic Km; Vmax
kinetics. The specific Vmax value used in the simulation
active (measured
(referring to the cellular volume) is scaled from the Vmax in
transport - with liver
liver tissue using the following calculation parameters:
Michaelis- tissue or
• Fraction interstitial (liver)
Menten fitted)
• Fraction intracellular (liver)
The default value for Km is 1 μmol/l. It may be manually

Here a Michaelis-Menten type saturable transport process is
Specific concentration;
defined. The input parameters are Km and Vmax (either
active Vmax; Km
estimated or scaled from in vitro data). The kcat value used
transport - (measured
in the simulation is scaled from the input Vmax value by
Michaelis- with liver
normalization to the transporter concentration. The default
Menten tissue or
value for Km is 1 μmol/l. It may be manually changed.
A transporter mediated unidirectional transfer of a
compound across a cellular membrane is described as
saturable process displaying a cooperativity which is
transport -
characterized by the Hill equation. The corresponding kcat
value is calculated from a specific Vmax as input value.

In vitro Vmax
In vitro
A transporter mediated unidirectional transfer of a / transporter;
compound across a cellular membrane is described as Km
saturable process following Michaelis-Menten type kinetics. (measured
The corresponding kcat value is calculated from a specific with cellular
assay) -
Vmax normalized to the amount of transporter as input in vitro
value which was determined in a vesicular transport assay. system or

Renal Clearances

Description Input

When choosing this process type experimental values for

kidney plasma clearance can be used as input parameters.
The specific clearance used in the simulation is then
automatically calculated on the basis of the following
• Body weight
Kidney clearance;
• Volume (kidney)
Plasma Fraction
• Hematocrit
Clearance unbound
• Blood flow rate (kidney)
• Fraction unbound in plasma
• Plasma clearance
The default value for fraction unbound (experiment) is 0.5 in
PK-Sim®. Please change this parameter if you have
experimental data for the fraction unbound.
Filtration fractions are used in the case that the renal
clearance differs from the GFR according to the properties of
the individual. Please note that for small molecules this
Glomerular observation indicates that the compound is either actively GFR
Filtration reabsorbed or secreted, respectively. The GFR fraction can be fraction
used as a surrogate to compensate for active re-absorption
(GFR fraction 1). The calculation of the resulting "GFR" is done
when setting up the simulation.

Tubular For definition of a first order tubular secretion process you can
Secretion use tubular secretion rates (either estimated or scaled from in Tubular
– First vitro data). The specific tubular secretion rate is then secretion
Order calculated on the basis of the kidney volume.

You can also define a saturable tubular secretion process by
specifying Km and TSmax values (either estimated or scaled TSmax;

from in vitro data). The specific tubular secretion rate is then Km
calculated taking into account the kidney volume.

Kidney Plasma Clearance is a systemic process that does not have to be linked
to properties defined in an individual/species in a simulation. In the case of the
Glomerular Filtration, the individual/ species-dependent GFR represents a
default value defined in the Individual building block.

Biliary Clearance

Description Input
If you have experimental biliary plasma clearance data you can
use them by choosing this process type. The specific clearance
used in the simulation is then calculated automatically on the
basis of the following parameters:
• Body weight
• Volume (liver)
• Hematocrit
• Blood flow rate (liver) Plasma
Biliary • Blood flow rate (portal vein) clearance;
Plasma • Blood/Plasma concentration ratio Fraction
Clearance • Fraction intracellular (liver) unbound
• Fraction unbound in plasma (plasma)
• Plasma clearance
The default value for fraction unbound (experiment) is 0.5 in
PK-Sim®. Please change this parameter if you have
experimental data for the fraction unbound. The amount
secreted as bile flow is subsequently split into two fractions:
The fraction of hepatic bile that flows into the gallbladder for
storage and the fraction that flows straight into the duodenum.

Biliary clearance is systemic process that does not have to be linked to

properties defined for an individual/species when establishing a simulation.

Definition of a metabolite in an enzymatic process

A metabolite of a compound can be defined and used either as a "sink" or treated like any
other compound. See How to set up a parent/metabolite simulation for details.

Advanced Parameters

After the biological properties have been specified, further parameters can be defined in the
Advanced Parameters tab. The Advanced Parameters tab can be opened either by clicking
Next or by clicking on the Advanced Parameters tab.
Additional compound-related parameters can be defined here that are needed in case the
particle dissolution function (see Formulations) or the model for proteins and large
molecules (see Modeling of Proteins) are used in the simulation. In all other cases, the
parameters defined in the Advanced Parameters tab will not be used in the simulation and
can be left unchanged.

Particle dissolution

The particle dissolution function can be used for the simulation of the dissolution process
of spherical particles administered orally and represents a dissolution function of the
Noyes-Whitney type that is based on particle size [102].

In the Advanced Parameters tab the compound-related parameters needed for calculation
of dissolution kinetics of spherical particles can be defined, namely:

• how the precipitated drug is treated (either as Soluble or Insoluble)

• the aqueous diffusion coefficient D

• the density of the drug in its solid form

• and the maximum size of particles that dissolves immediately

Further parameters such as the mean particle size and the particle size distribution, the
number of bins and the diffusion layer thickness are considered to be related to the
formulation and thus can be defined in the Formulation Building Block (see Formulations).

Model for proteins and large molecules

Four drug-related parameters which are used in the model for proteins and large molecules
can be defined in the Advanced Parameters tab, namely:

• the solute radius, i.e. the hydrodynamic radius of the drug. The default value for the solute
radius is estimated from the molecular weight defined in the Basic Physico-chemistry tab

• Kd (FcRn) in endosomal space: the dissociation constant for binding to FcRn in the acidic
endosomal space. By default, this value is set to a very high value,
i.e. no binding is assumed.

Kd (FcRn) in plasma/interstitial: the dissociation constant for binding to FcRn in

plasma and the interstitial space (neutral environment). By default, this value is set to a
very high value, i.e. no binding is assumed. For monoclonal antibodies the binding to
FcRn in neutral environment is generally very weak or not detectable. In this case the
high default value for Kd (FcRn) in plasma/ interstitial space can be kept.
kass (FcRn): association rate constant for binding to FcRn for the acidic endosomal
space as well as for plasma/interstitial space. The default value is a typical value for
monoclonal antibodies and can usually be kept.

After all information about the compound properties has been entered, the Create

Compound window can be closed by clicking OK . The new compound will appear

in the Building Block Explorer view.

Setting or Changing Compound Properties

To set or change the properties of an existing compound:

1. Right mouse click on the respective compound in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Edit...

or simply double click on the compound in the Building Block Explorer.

A window with the three tabs Basic Physico-chemistry, ADME Properties and Advanced
Parameters will open. The properties can be set or changed appropriately. The changes
can be saved by closing the window by clicking on .

Cloning Compounds
To clone a compound in the project:

1. Right mouse click on the respective compound in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Clone...

3. Enter an alternative name for the compound clone and enter a description, if desired.

4. Confirm and close the window by clicking OK

Saving Compounds as Templates

For each project, several compounds can be defined. They can be saved as templates and
then be shared among several projects and users.

To save an existing compound as template:

1. Right mouse click on the respective compound in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Save as Template...

In case a compound with the same name already exists, a warning appears and you have
the following options:

Override: This action will override the existing template.

Save as: You can save the compound under a different name. In this case, you will be
asked to Rename the new template.
Cancel: This action will abort the saving process.

Loading Existing Compounds from Templates

As mentioned before, the compounds defined in a project can be saved as templates and
then be shared among several projects and users.
To load an existing compound from the template database:

1. Right mouse click on Compounds in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Load From Template...

3. Select the desired compound from the user templates

In case a compound with the same name already exists in the project, a warning pops
up and you will have to Rename the compound that is to be loaded from template.

4. Click OK

The selected compound will appear in the Building Block Explorer view.

Compounds can also be directly loaded from the template database within a simulation.

Deleting Compounds

To delete a compound from the project:

1. Right mouse click on the respective compound in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Delete...

3. Confirm by clicking Yes

Please note that a compound that is used in any simulation of the project
cannot be deleted.
Compounds: Defining Inhibition/Induction
Drugs may influence a broad variety of ADME processes that in turn will then affect the PK
of the drug and possibly also other drugs. A specific and very common case of this very
generic description of a drug-drug-interaction is the inhibition of a metabolizing enzyme or
transporter by a drug. Most metabolizing enzyme are highly expressed in the liver and
therefore drug clearance and the first pass metabolisms will be affected. Inhibition of a
transporter may change the rate of absorption of a drug or the amount absorbed of a drug.
If an inhibited transporter is expressed in the kidney or liver, drug excretion will be altered.

To set up an inhibition by a compound, do the following:

Right mouse click on Inhibition in the ADME tab of the compound that acts as an
inhibitor and select Add Inhibition Process.
Select the affected enzyme/transporter and specify the source for assuming this
Specify the type of inhibition from the Process type list (competitive, uncompetitive,
non-competitive, mixed).

Inhibition changes reaction rates and/or the kinteics of active transports by modifying
reaction and/or transport parameters:

the Michaelis-Menten constant Km and the turnover number kcat for Michaelis-Menten
the Specific Clearance for first order kinetics

In a setting without inhibition, the reaction velocity is given by:

with = maximum velocity which is the product of kcat and E, the

amount of enzyme/transporter, S = free substrate concentration.

In an inhibition scenario, both, the turnover number kcat and the Michaelis- Menten
constant are modified to new apparent values.
with = apparent maximum velocity which is the product of

apparent kcat and E, the amount of enzyme/transporter, S = free substrate concentration.

PK-Sim® calculates the apparent kcat and apparent Michaelis-Menten constant for the
specified inhibition scenario. In case of a simple setting with just one inhibitor per process,
the equations are listed in the next section.

If first order processes are inhibited, the specific clearances will be altered. The generic
expression for a reversible linear, non saturable metabolism/transport process of first order

Apparent intrinsic specific clearance in a scenario with m competitive inhibitors, o non-

competitive inhibitors and p mixed inhibitors.

If an inhibition is set up for an enzyme or transporter, all processes with the same name will
be linked and affected by the inhibition. An autoinhibition cannot be set-up because
measured Ki values will already be altered due to autoinhibition.

Metabolism or transport processes that are specified for a compound can be selected for
Competitive inhibition - simple setting with one inhibitor

In a competitive enzyme inhibition, the inhibitor binds reversibly to the enzyme and
competes with the substrate for free enzyme. In case of a reversible inhibition, high
substrate concentrations can overcome this inhibition. The apparent Michaelis-Menten
constant increases while the apparent maximum reaction velocity remains unchanged.

Schematic representation of a competitive inhibition

Reaction velocity in a reversible competitive inhibition

with v = reaction velocity,

= maximum reaction velocity,

S = free substrate concentration,

= apparent Michaelis-Menten constant,

Apparent Michaelis-Menten constant for inhibition of the enzyme E by inhibitor I in a
reversible competitive inhibition

with the variables defined above and = Michaelis-Menten constant in absence of an

inhibitor, I = free inhibitor concentration,

= dissociation constant of the inhibitor-enzyme complex.

Uncompetitive inhibition - simple setting with one inhibitor

In a uncompetitive enzyme inhibition, binding of the inhibitor to the enzyme requires prior
binding of the substrate to the enzyme. Binding of the inhibitor to the enzyme-substrate
complex is reversible. This kind of inhibition decreases the apparent Michaelis-Menten
constant and the maximum reaction velocity.

Schematic representation of a non-competitive inhibition.

Reaction velocity in a uncompetitive inhibition

with = apparent maximum reaction velocity

S = free substrate concentration,

= apparent Michaelis-Menten constant,

The apparent maximum reaction velocity is decreased depending on the concentration of

the inhibitor, and its affinity to the enzyme-substrate complex.

Apparent maximum reaction velocity for inhibition of the enzyme E by inhibitor I in an

uncompetitive inhibition

with = free inhibitor concentration

I = free inhibitor concentration

= dissociation constant of the enzyme-substrate-inhibitor complex

Apparent Michaelis-Menten constant for inhibition of the enzyme E by inhibitor I in an

uncompetitive inhibition

with the variables as defined above.

Mixed Inhibition : Simple Setting with One Inhibitor

In a mixed inhibition, the inhibitor binds reversibly to the enzyme or the enzyme/ substrate
complex with different affinities (and different dissociation constants). The inhibitor
binding site is different from the substrate binding site on the enzyme molecule. The
apparent Michaelis-Menten constant is changed and the apparent maximum velocity is

Schematic representation of a non-competitive inhibition.

Equation 16.9. Reaction velocity in a mixed inhibition


= apparent maximum reaction velocity

S = free substrate concentration,

= Michaelis-Menten constant in the absence of the inhibitor.

The apparent maximum velocity and the apparent Michaelis-Menten constant are
calculated as follows:

Apparent maximum velocity in a mixed inhibition


= maximum reaction velocity

I = free inhibitor concentration,

= dissociation constant of the (enzyme-substrate)-inhibitor complex.

Apparent Michaelis-Menten constant in a mixed inhibition

= dissociation constant of the enzyme-inhibitor complex and the variables defined as


Non-Competitive Inhibition : Simple Setting with One


The non-competitive inhibition is a special case of a mixed inhibition in which an inhibitor

binds reversibly to the enzyme and/or to the enzyme/substrate complex with the same
inhibition constant (KI=KIu=KIc). The reaction velocity is described by the same equation as
in a mixed inhibition and the apparent maximum velocity is described by the same
equation as in an uncompetitive inhibition.
Irreversible Inhibition

Principally, an irreversible inhibition is a time-dependent inhibition (TDI) in which recovery is

only due to de novo protein, e.g. enzyme synthesis. Thus, the in vivo production and
degradation of enzyme has to be taken into account by PK- Sim®. Turnover of any protein
inherently is a function of both, protein synthesis (a zero-order process) and protein
degradation (a first-order rate process). In view of the kinetic nature of these processes, the
rate constant of degradation frequently is the sole determinant of the "steady-state"
concentration of each protein as it oscillates between the basal and the induced/repressed
state. The natural enzyme turnover in PK-Sim® is represented as shown below.

Enzyme E turnover (dEcat/dt) at steady state.

Initial enzyme concentration E0 and turnover rate constants kdeg are set to default values
based on literature.

The rate of inactivation follows a hyperpolic kinetic pattern. Generally, TDI has a slow
onset, but potentially its effects are more profound than those of reversible inhibitions. The
most prominent example of a practically irreversible inhibition is the inactivation of CYP-
mediated reactions in the presence of NADPH.

A common model for mechanism-based inactivation is illustrated below:

Schematic representation of a enzyme inhibition by a mechanism-based enzyme

According to Silvermann et al. [72], a mechanism-based enzyme inactivator (MBEI) requires

a step to convert the compound to the inactivating species (k2). This step, which is
generally responsible for the observed time dependence of the enzyme inactivation, usually
is irreversible and forms a new complex (EI') which can have two distinctive fates:

The EI' is a reactive species and forms a covalent complex with the enzyme (Einact)
The species generated is released from the enzyme as a product/metabolite P of the
inactivator and the enzyme is again available as active enzyme (k3).

The ratio of product release to inactivation is termed the partition ratio and represents the
efficiency of the mechanism-based inactivator: the partition ratio is described by k3/k4.

The two principal kinetic constants that are useful in describing mechanism-based
inactivation are kinact (the maximum rate of inactivation) and Kkinact_half (in literature
also often referred to as KI, the concentration at which the inactivation rate is half-
maximal). Based on the reaction scheme shown above and with the typical assumption of
quasi steady-state, it can be shown that kinact is a complex mixture of k2, k3, and k4, while
Kkinact_half is a complex mixture of k1, k-1, k2, k3, and k4:

kinact is the maximum rate of inactivation

Kkinact_half is the concentration at which the inactivation is half-maximal

The implementation in PK-Sim® of one mechanism-based inactivator follows the equation

shown below:

Enzyme E turnover (dEcat/dt) in the presence of one inhibitor I.

Note that irreversible inhibition in PK-Sim® also always includes reversible binding of the
mechanism-based inactivator to the enzyme so that it also acts as a competitive inhibitor.
This process is defined by its dissociation constant Ki. By default (assuming the
mechanism-based model based on [72]), Ki equals Kkinact_half. The user may choose a
different value if applicable.

If more than one compound other than the mechanism-based inactivator competes for the
binding at the enzyme, this can easily be implemented by specifying for the respective
compound a reversible (e.g. competitive) inhibition process. This process automatically
accounts for the so called substrate protection of the enzyme. An example where there is
one substrate and one mechanism-based inactivator simultaneously competing for the
binding site is illustrated below.
Schematic representation of an enzyme (E) inhibition by a mechanism-based enzyme
inactivator I in the presence of a substrate S. E converts I into a metabolite P and S into M,
additionally the inactivator inactivates irreversibly the Enzyme.

This model could be represented in PK-Sim® as follows

Simultaneous modeling of mechanism-based inactivation by the Inhibitor I, competitive

inhibition by the Inhibitor I and substrate protection. Upper equation: enzyme turnover; lower
equation: substrate depletion rate via the respective enzyme.

Note that substrate protection can only be modeled by specifying a reversible inhibition
process for the substrate (enter a Ki value).
Given the variability and uncertainty associated with experimental determination
of enzyme turnover rates, a sensitivity analysis for the enzyme half life should
be considered in the modeling approach.

Please note that for the mechanism-based inactivator no clearance process is

defined via the inactivation process by default. In theory, for every inactivated
enzyme molecule, also one inactivator molecule is cleared; this must be
separately defined by the user in form of additional metabolization/excretion
processes for the inhibitor.

Enzyme Induction

Enzyme induction can occur as a result of either increased de novo synthesis of enzyme or
(in very rare cases and currently not implemented in PK-Sim®) a decrease in degradation
following protein stabilisation induction. Some examples of induction processes are:

CYPs 1A1, 1A2 and 1B1 induced by aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) that is activated
by binding of e.g. dioxin, benzoapyrene, omeprazole (in vitro), tobacco smoke
CYP3A induced primarily by pregnane X receptor (PXR) that is activated by binding of
e.g. rifampicin, phenobarbital, nifedipine
Activation of the pregnane X receptor induces a number of Phase II enzymes involved
in drug metabolism as well as numerous transporters

Implementation of induction in PK-Sim® uses the following parameters:

EMax: maximum in vivo induction effect (Dimension: dimensionless)

EC50: concentration of the inducer to reach half the maximal in vivo induction effect
(Dimension: concentration)

In an induction, EMax ranges from 0 (=no induction) to infinity. A value of 1 means that the
effect is twice the effect without induction. Modelling of suppressed de novo synthesis
(suppression) (for example in some cytokines) is also possible with PKSim using the
induction specification of a compound. In a suppression, EMax ranges from 0 (=no
suppression) to -1 (full suppression, no synthesis anymore).

If the reaction of the enzyme Ex and the substrate Sj follows a Michaelis-Menten kinetics,
the rate of the enzyme Ex degradation/production and the substrate Sj degradation are
given by:

Multiple Inhibitors : Equations Used by PK-Sim®

The enzyme turnover for Enzyme X in the presence of m competitive (CI), n uncompetitive
(UI), o non-competitive (NI), p mixed-type inhibitors (MI), q mechanism-based enzyme
inactivators/time dependent inactivators (TDI) and r inducers (IND) is given by:

Enzyme Ex turnover (dEx/dt) at steady state in the presence of m competitive (CI), n

uncompetitive (UI), o non-competitive (NI), p mixed-type inhibitors (MI), q mechanism-based
enzyme inactivators/time dependent inactivators (TDI) and r inducers (IND).

If the reaction of the enzyme Ex and the substrate Sj follows a Michaelis-Menten kinetics,
the rate of the substrate Sj degradation is given by:

Substrate Sj degradation dSj/dt) at steady state in the presence of m competitive (CI), n

uncompetitive (UI), o non-competitive (NI), p mixed-type inhibitors (MI), q mechanism-based
enzyme inactivators/time dependent inactivators (TDI) and r inducers (IND).
In the above equation, the substrate Sj may also be an inhibitor of all kind, e.g. CI, UI, NI, MI,

Similarly, if the reaction of the enzyme Ex and the substrate Sj follows a first order kinetics,
the rate of the enzyme Ex degradation/production and the substrate Sj degradation are
given by:

Enzyme Ex turnover (dEx/dt) at steady state in the presence of m competitive (CI), n

uncompetitive (UI), o non-competitive (NI), p mixed-type inhibitors (MI), q mechanism-based
enzyme inactivators/time dependent inactivators (TDI) and r inducers (IND).

Substrate Sj degradation dSj/dt) at steady state in the presence of m competitive (CI), n

uncompetitive (UI), o non-competitive (NI), p mixed-type inhibitors (MI), q mechanism-based
enzyme inactivators/time dependent inactivators (TDI) and r inducers (IND).

In the above equation, the substrate Sj may also be an inhibitor of all kind, e.g. CI, UI, NI, MI,

Please note that

As for all other inhibition types, there is no reversible auto-inhibition (which means: if a
compound is substrate and reversible inhibitor of the same enzyme, it does not appear
in the Km_interaction_factor.) In the formula above it's done by excluding the substrate
from the sum terms (a#j, b#j, etc.).
For mechanism-based inactivators auto-inhibition can be accounted for by specifying a
specific clearance pathway via the affected enzyme.
Free (unbound) concentrations of all inhibitors are used (e.g. TDI_u,l(t) means:
unbound concentration of TDI_l).
Administration Protocols
An administration protocol is a set of data describing administration type, dose and dosing
regimen. These properties can be specified within the building block Administration

Protocol . A number of administration protocols can be defined and saved as

templates.These can be shared among other projects and users.

Definition of new Administration Protocols in PK-Sim®

To create a new administration protocol, do one of the following:

Click Administration Protocol in the Create New Building Blocks Group of the

Modeling & Simulation Tab

Right mouse click on Administration Protocols in the Building Block Explorer

and select Add Administration Protocol...

Use the short cut Ctrl+Alt+A

A new window will open where you can define your administration protocol. You can
choose between Simple protocol and Advanced protocol. To switch between these two
views select the respective protocol type in the uppermost checkboxes of the window.

Note that when switching between simple and advanced protocol several of the
already defined parameters will be reset. When switching from simple to
advanced protocol, the dosing schedule will be transferred. This is not true for
the opposite direction.
Simple protocol, drug administration via different routes can be defined by means of a
single or predefined multiple dosing scheme.

Advanced protocol, multiple dosing regimens and treatment cycles of any scheme and
combination can be defined.

The default is the Simple Protocol . In both options, the dose and dosing scheme are
visualized in the lower panel of the window. Depending on the dose unit selected, the Y-axis
description will change accordingly.

The administration protocol is initialized by providing it a Name in the respective input field.
The name is used to identify the protocol when its parameters are saved in the project
and/or as a template. Then, choose between Simple protocol and Advanced protocol and
set the properties of the protocol.

Simple Protocol

To create a Simple Protocol follow the the instructions in the table below.

Depending on the choice of administration protocol the required input parameters change.


1. Select the administration type Intravenous Bolus from the drop-

down menu
2. Enter the dose and select the appropriate dose unit from the drop-
down menu
3. Select the appropriate dosing interval from the drop-down menu
Intravenous 4. In case a multiple dosing regimen is selected, the protocol end time
Bolus has to be defined.

5. Confirm and close window by clicking OK

1. Select the administration type Intravenous Infusion from the drop-
down menu
2. Enter the dose and select the appropriate dose unit from the drop-
down menu
3. Select the appropriate dosing interval from the drop-down menu
Intravenous 4. In case a multiple dosing regimen is selected, the protocol end time
Infusion has to be defined.
5. Enter the infusion time and select the appropriate time unit from the
drop-down menu
6. Confirm and close window by clicking OK

1. Select the administration type Oral from the drop-down menu

2. Enter the dose and select the appropriate dose unit from the drop-
down menu.
3. Select the appropriate dosing interval from the drop-down menu.
4. In case a multiple dosing regimen is selected, the protocol end time
has to be defined.
Oral 5. Enter the volume of water co-administered. The default is 3.5 mL/kg
body weight, which corresponds to a volume of 250 mL (8-9 fl. oz.) of
water for an average human. This volume is also considered
appropriate in animal dosing 103. However, if desired, the liquid volume
can be adjusted according to the protocol of the (pre)clinical study.

6. Confirm and close window by clicking OK

Please note that if the administration type Oral is selected this will require the
definition of a Formulation in the Formulation building block for the Simulation.

1. Select the administration type User Defined from the drop- down
2. Enter the dose and select the appropriate dose unit from the drop-
down menu.
3. Select the appropriate dosing interval from the drop-down menu.
4. In case a multiple dosing regimen is selected, the protocol end time
User has to be defined.
5. Enter the target organ into which the drug is to be administered, e.g.
Defined Muscle in the case of intramuscular administration.
6. Enter the target compartment within the target organ into which the
drug is to be administered, e.g. "Interstitial" in the case of intramuscular

7. Confirm and close window by clicking OK

Please note that in case that the administration type User Defined is selected
this will require the definition of a Formulation in the Formulation building block
for the Simulation.

Advanced Protocol

Activate Advanced protocol in the Create Administration Protocol window.

In the uppermost drop-down menu, the time unit for visualization of dose and dosing
scheme in the lower panel of the window can be selected. Depending on the dose unit(s)
selected, the Y-axis label(s) will change appropriately.

The table used to defined the advanced protocol consists of the following five columns:

1. The Start Time at which the protocol schema starts.

2. The Number of Repetitions defining the iterations of the protocol schema.
3. The Time Between Repetitions defining the time lag between the iterations of several
protocol schemata.
4. The End Time defining the end time of the protocol schema. The end time is
automatically calculated based on the input parameters.
5. In the last column, additional protocol schemata can be added by clicking or
deleted by clicking . Please note that at least one protocol schema needs to be
defined. The various protocol schemata will automatically be re-sorted according to the
protocol schema start time.

The secondary table, can be opened by clicking in the column Start Time, a number of
individual schema items can be defined for the given protocol schema. The following five
columns can be found:

1. The Start Time of schema items in relation to the start time of the protocol schema. If
the start time of the schema items is 0, the administration time equals the start time of
the protocol schema.
2. The Dose in units mg or mg/kg of the drug administered.
3. The Administration type. You can choose from the following administration types from
the drop-down menu:

Intravenous Bolus

Intravenous Infusion: requires the input of the Infusion time in units min,

h, or s

Oral: requires the input of the Volume of water/body weight co-

administered, which is 3.5 mL/kg BW per default (see PK- Sim® - Formulations)
and, additionally, the definition of a Placeholder for formulation in column 4.
4. Placeholder for Formulation.
For an intravenous administration (Intravenous Bolus and Intravenous Infusion), the
definition of a formulation placeholder is not necessary, because the drug is always
assumed to be dissolved when given intravenously (see PK-Sim® - Formulations).

In case of oral and user defined administration, you should add a note on the type of
formulation. Later, in the simulation, the formulation placeholder can be matched with the
corresponding Formulation building block. This may sound trivial in the case of only one
formulation given repeatedly at the given times. However, consider that you can set up
sophisticated dosing schedules, in which various administration types and formulations
are administered at various times. Then, the formulation type should already be signified in
the administration protocol in order to be able to appropriately match the schedules with
the various formulations. For further information please see PK-Sim® - Simulations.

1. In the last column, additional dosing schedules can be added or deleted by clicking.
Please note that at least one dosing schedule needs to be defined for each protocol
scheme. The various schema items will automatically be re-sorted according to the
schema item start time.


In the following screenshot, an example of an advanced protocol is given. The protocol

example consists of only one protocol scheme. However, the protocol schema is repeated
after 24 hours. Within one repetition, the drug is administered three times: first, an
intravenous bolus loading dose of 1 mg/kg is given; second, an immediate release (IR)
tablet containing 50 mg of drug is given 2 hours later; third, an enteric coated (EC) tablet
containing 50 mg of the drug is given 12 hours after the intravenous dose, i.e. 12 hours
after the beginning of the protocol schema. The dissolution profiles of the two formulation
types have to be defined in the Formulation building block. The formulations can be
imported and linked to the corresponding administration time points during the generation
of the simulation. Here, only a "placeholder" has to be defined that can be used during the
generation of the simulation to identify the different tablet types and thus, to appropriately
match the administration time points and the formulation types. Since the last dose within
the protocol items is administered after 12 hours and the protocol schema is repeated two
times with a time between the repetitions of 24 hours, the last dose is administered after 24
+ 12 = 36 hours (End Time of the protocol schema). This is also shown in the lower panel
of the window.
The Create Administration Protocol dialog. Here, the example of an individually created
advanced protocol is shown.

Please note that the combination of the Administration type User defined and
the Advanced protocol is not available.

Setting or Changing Administration Protocol Properties

To set or change the properties of an existing administration protocol:

1. Right mouse click on the respective administration protocol in the Building Block
2. Select Edit...

or Double click on the administration protocol in the Building Block Explorer

A window with the current settings will open where properties can be set appropriately. The
changes are saved by closing the window by clicking on .

Please note that when you switch between simple and advanced protocol, this
action will reset several parameters already defined. However, when switching
from simple to advanced protocol, the dosing schedule will be transferred. This
does not apply to the opposite direction.

Cloning Administration protocols

To clone a protocol in the project:

1. Right mouse click on the respective protocol in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Clone...

3. Set an alternative name for the protocol clone and, if desired, enter a description

4. Confirm and close the window by clicking OK

Saving an Administration Protocols as Templates

For each project, a number of administration protocols can be defined. They can be saved
as a template and then be shared among several projects and users.

To save an existing administration protocol as template:

1. Right mouse click on the respective administration protocol in the Building Block

2. Select Save as Template.... If a protocol with the same name already exists, a

warning appears and you have the following options:

3. Override: This action will override the existing template.
4. Save as: You can save the protocol under a different name. In this case, you will be
asked to Rename the new template.
5. Cancel: This action will abort the saving process.

Loading Existing Administration Protocols from Templates

To load an existing administration protocol from the template database:

1. Right mouse click on Administration Protocols in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Load From Template...

3. Select the desired administration protocol from the user templates. In case a protocol
with the same name already exists in the project, a warning appears and you will have
to Rename the protocol that is to be loaded from template.

4. Click OK

The selected administration protocol will appear in the Building Block Explorer.

Administration protocols can also be directly loaded from the template database within a

Deleting Administration Protocols

To delete an administration protocol from the project:

1. Right mouse click on the respective administration protocol in the Building Block

2. Select Delete...

3. Confirm by clicking Yes

Please note that a protocol that is used in any simulation of the project cannot
be deleted.
In the building block Event you can define special events that are to occur during simulation
time. These are, for example, the ingestion of a meal and the associated physiological
changes or the discrete emptying of the gallbladder independent of a meal event. It is the
idea of this building block that special physical conditions such as sports or nightly sleep
can be defined in the Event Building Block, and thus, considered in the simulation.

Please note that the Event Building Block does not represent an essential
building block for the simulation.

Definition of new Events in PK-Sim®

To create a new event, do one of the following:

Click Event in the Create New Building Blocks Group of the Modeling &

Simulation Tab

Right mouse click on Events in the Building Block Explorer

and select Add Event...

Use the short cut Ctrl+Alt+E

The following dialog will open in which the properties of the event can be selected and/or
Create Event dialog (with properties of a standard meal for humans)

First the event is initialized by giving it a Name in the respective input field. The name is
used to identify the event when its parameters are saved in the project and/or as a
template. The name is used for the identification of the event in the simulation.

From the drop-down menu you can currently choose from the following predefined events:

Meal: Standard (Human)

Meal: High-fat breakfast (Human)
Meal: Ensure Plus® (Human)
Meal: High-fat soup (Human)
Meal: Mixed solid/liquid meal (Human)
Meal: Dextrose solution (Human)
Meal: Egg sandwich (Human)
Gallbladder emptying

In the case of the meals, the typical composition of the selected meal is provided below the
drop-down menu.

The following model-relevant parameters of the meal are given:

Meal energy content in units of kcal or cal.

Meal volume in units of L or mL.
Meal fraction solid (value between 0 and 1), characterizing the composition of the meal
with respect to solid and liquid components.

Finally, the following two parameters can be defined:

The decision on whether the discrete gallbladder emptying should be enabled or

disabled. Enabling gallbladder emptying will activate discrete mass flow from the
gallbladder into the duodenum.
The gallbladder emptying lag time, i.e. the lag time between the ingestion of meal and
gallbladder emptying

Please note that enabling gallbladder emptying does not automatically imply
active secretion of the compound into the bile! In order to simulate enterohepatic
circulation of the compound, an active transport process from the liver into the
bile is needed, i.e. the definition of an efflux or P-gp like efflux transport process
at the apical side of the hepatocytes or a biliary clearance process, which can be
defined in the Compound Building Block, is required.

Please note that the rat lacks a gallbladder. The combination of discrete
gallbladder emptying with the species rat, thus, is not possible! However,
continuous bile flow from the hepatocytes into the duodenum can now be
simulated in the rat as well as in all other species.

In order to additionally or alternatively activate continuous mass flow from the

liver into the duodenum please change the EHC continuous fraction in the
Individual Building Block accordingly. In fasted humans, the fraction of hepatic
bile that flows into the gallbladder averages about 60-70% and, accordingly, the
fraction that flows directly into the duodenum is about 30-40%. Per default,
however, the continuous bile flow is set to 0% as continuous enterohepatic
circulation of a drug is frequently not observed, because this would only result in
a net reduction of the plasma clearance. Other parameters related to the
gallbladder emptying function, such as the gallbladder ejection fraction and the
half-time of gallbladder emptying, can also be parameterized in the Anatomy &
Physiology tab of the Individual Building Block.

For the various meals provided, the pH in the stomach and the gastric emptying function
will change significantly. Irrespective of the meal chosen, the gastric pH will be increased
5.5 and then decay exponentially. The rate of gastric emptying, which controls the transport
of the drug to the absorption sites in the intestine, will change according to a function that
is based on the Weibull equation. The Weibull function was parameterized based on about
100 datasets for gastric emptying profiles in humans following ingestion of various meals

The predefined events are, so far, only parameterized based on information

obtained for human adults. Therefore, the combination of these events with
children and/or the various animal species in the simulation without adjusting
certain meal parameters may not be possible. This is true particularly for the
meal volume, which cannot exceed the volume of the stomach of the individual!

Setting or Changing Event Properties

To set or change the properties of an existing event:

1. Right mouse click on the respective event in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Edit...

or simply double click on the existing event in the Building Block Explorer

The window with the properties of the event will open. The properties can be set or changed
appropriately. To save the changes close the window by clicking on .
Cloning of Events

To clone an event in the project:

1. Right mouse click on the respective event in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Clone...

3. Set an alternative name for the event clone and enter a description if desired.

4. Confirm and close the window by clicking OK

Saving Events as Templates

For each project, a number of events can be defined. They can be saved as templates and
then be shared among several projects and users.

To save an existing event as template:

1. Right mouse click on the respective event in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Save as Template...

In case an event with the same name already exists, a warning appears and you have the
following options:

Override: This action will override the existing template.

Save as: You can save the event under a different name. In this case, you will be asked
to Rename the new template.
Cancel: This action will abort the saving process.

To load an existing formulation from the template database:

1. Right mouse click on Events in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Load From Template...

3. Select the desired event from the user templates

In case an event with the same name already exists in the project, a warning appears and
you will have to Rename the event that is to be loaded from template.

1. Click OK

The selected event will appear in the Building Block Explorer view.

Alternatively, events can be directly loaded from the template database within a simulation.

Deleting Events

To delete an event from the project:

1. Right mouse click on the respective event in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Delete...

3. Confirm to delete the event by clicking Yes

Please note that an event that is used in any simulation of the project cannot be
In the building block Formulation the properties of the dosage form that is administered
can be defined. Most of the predefined formulations are related to formulations typically
administered via the oral route, whereas others, such as the Zero Order and the First Order
release function, can technically be administered into any other compartment desired.
Please note that not all combinations of formulations and administration routes are
possible. For an intravenous administration (bolus and infusion), formulation is not
required as a drug administered intravenously is assumed to be dissolved in a medium.

Definition of new Formulations in PK- Sim®

To create a new formulation, do one of the following:

Click on Formulation in the Create New Building Blocks Group of the

Modeling & Simulation Tab

Right mouse click on Formulations in the Building Block Explorer and select Add
Use the short cut Ctrl+Alt+F

A dialog will open where the properties of the formulation can be selected and/ or defined.

The formulation is initialized by giving it a Name in the respective input field. The name is
used to identify the formulation when its parameters are saved in the project and/or as a
template. The name is also used for identification of the formulation in the simulation.

For the different types of empirical or user-defined release functions, the dissolution curve
will be depicted in the adjacent graph as fraction of dose dissolved vs. time. To zoom into
the plot either use the mouse wheel or keep your finger pressed on the left mouse button
and move the cursor down to where you want the bottom right-hand corner to be. For
Particle Dissolution, the dissolution function represents the result of the mechanistic
dissolution model of the Noyes- Whitney type in combination with the physiological
conditions, rather than an input function. Thus, the dissolution properties do not only
change as a function of the physico-chemical properties of the drug and the formulation
characteristic, but also with the physiological conditions of the individual or animal. The
resulting fraction dissolved as a function of time within the intestinal segments represents
a simulation output that can be displayed in the Results Window of the simulation (see
Shared Tools - Chart Component).

From the drop-down menu you can choose from the following predefined formulations:

Particle Dissolution
Zero Order
First Order

In the following sections, the different formulation functions are described in more detail.


Using this type of formulation the drug is assumed to be administered in solution. This type
of formulation can only be combined with the Administration type Oral. However, e.g. by
using the Zero Order function with an End time = 0, a bolus administration of a drug in
solution into every compartment can also be simulated. For an intravenous administration
types, i.e. intravenous bolus injection and intravenous infusion, the drug is assumed to be
administered in solution. In that case only, a formulation building block is not required.

The formulation type Dissolved characterizes the drug as being in solution at

the point of oral administration. However, in case of poorly soluble compounds
the intestinal absorption may be limited by the solubility, with the solubility (or in
case of ionizable compounds the local pH-dependent GI solubility calculated
using to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation), imposing an upper bound to the
absorption rate.

The Weibull function can be used to empirically describe the dissolution behavior of
various dosage forms. However, this function does not characterize the dissolution
properties mechanistically. The advantage of the Weibull function is its ability to fit almost
any kind of dissolution curve, and it is, therefore, often used to describe experimental data,
especially when the mechanism of release that underlies dissolution is not known [7] [30].

When applied to drug dissolution and release from pharmaceutical dosage forms, the
Weibull function expresses the accumulated fraction of the drug (m) in solution at a time t
according to the following equation [40].


where a is the scale parameter, defining the time scale of the process, the location
parameter Tlag characterizes the lag time before the onset of the dissolution or release
process, and the shape parameter b characterizes the curve as either exponential (b = 1),
sigmoid (b > 1), or parabolic (b < 1).

The following parameters have to be defined when choosing the Weibull function:

Dissolution shape corresponding to the shape parameter b and, thus, characterizing the
curve as either exponential (b = 1), sigmoid (b > 1), or parabolic (b < 1).
Dissolution time (50% dissolved) defining the time after the start of dissolution, when
50% of the administered dose is dissolved and, thus, corresponding to the scale
parameter of the Weibull function.
Lag time characterizing the time after which dissolution begins.

Please note that the Weibull function can only be combined with the Administration type

The Lint80 is an empirical function assuming linear release until 80% of the administered
dose is dissolved. This type of formulation can also only be combined with the
Administration type Oral.

The following parameters have to be defined when choosing the Lint80 function:

The Dissolution time (80% dissolved), defining the time, after the start of dissolution,
when 80% of the administered dose is dissolved.
The Lag time characterizing the time after which dissolution starts.

Particle Dissolution

Particle Dissolution calculates the dissolution kinetics of spherical particles with a

predefined particle size distribution based on the Noyes-Whitney approach. The details of
the mechanistic dissolution model have been described by Willmann et al [102]. In PK-
Sim®, the particle dissolution can only be combined with the Administration type Oral. To
simulate the particle size dependent dissolution, the following formulation-dependent
parameters have to be defined in the Formulation Building Block.

Thickness of the unstirred water layer (thickness of the diffusion layer).

Particle size distribution (either normal or log normal, for polydisperse particle size
distribution only).
Type of particle size distribution (either monodisperse or polydisperse).
Mean particle radius.
Standard deviation of the particle radius (for polydisperse, normal particle size
distribution only) or the coefficient of variation of the particle radius (for polydisperse,
log normal particle size distribution only).
Number of bins (for polydisperse particle size distribution only).
Minimum particle radius, i.e. the lower limit for the particle radius (for polydisperse
particle size distribution only).
Maximum particle radius, i.e. the upper limit for the particle radius (for polydisperse
particle size distribution only).

In addition, in order to use the Particle Dissolution function, the drug-related parameters
have to be defined in the Compound Building Block. These include the aqueous diffusion
coefficient, density of the drug material and the threshold for immediate dissolution.
Further, you will have to indicate how the precipitated amount should be treated (either as
soluble or insoluble).


Table defines the amount of drug applied per unit time as a continuous function. You can
either manually specify time and fraction of the applied dose values or import dissolution
data from Excel®.

In order to manually enter values:

Click on Add Point to add a new row to the table

Enter appropriate values for Time and Fraction (dose) dissolved

The origin (0, 0) is always present. Values must be monotonically increasing in

the Time column. The resulting function will be represented in the adjacent
graphic. The absolute dose will be taken from the respective Administration
Protocol Building Block that will later be used in the simulation.

In order to import experimental dissolution data from Excel®:

1. Click Import Formulation

2. Select and open the Excel® file

3. Import and transfer the appropriate Excel® sheet

For additional information about the import data and mapping workflow see
Import and Edit of Observed Data.

Zero Order
Zero Order defines the application as occurring in a dose-dependent manner. The required
input is the time at which the entire application has been input (End time).

First Order

First Order defines the application as a first order input. The required input is the half-life of
application value (t1/2).

Setting or Changing Formulation Properties

To set or change the properties of an existing formulation:

1. Right mouse click on the respective formulation in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Edit...

or simply double click on the formulation in the Building Block Explorer

The window with the properties of the formulation will open. The properties can be set or
changed appropriately. The changes are saved by closing the window by clicking on .

Cloning Formulations

To clone a formulation in the project:

1. Right mouse click on the respective formulation in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Clone...

3. Set an alternative name for the formulation clone and enter a description, if desired.

4. Confirm and close the window by clicking OK .

5. Saving Formulations as Templates

For each project, a number of formulations can be defined. They can be saved as a
template and then be shared among several projects and users.

To save an existing formulation as template:

1. Right mouse click on the respective formulation in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Save as Template...

In case a formulation with the same name already exists, a warning appears and you have
the following opportunities:

Override: This action will override the existing template.

Save as: You can save the formulation under a different name. In this case, you will be
asked to Rename the new template.
Cancel: This action will abort the saving process.

Loading existing Formulations from Templates

To load an existing formulation from the template database:

1. Right mouse click on Formulations in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Load From Template...

3. Select the desired formulation from the user templates

In case a formulation with the same name already exists in the project, a warning appears
and you will have to Rename the formulation that is to be loaded from template.

1. Click OK

The selected formulation will appear in the Building Block Explorer view.
In addition, formulations can be directly loaded from the template database within a
simulation (see Simulations).

Deleting Formulations

To delete a formulation from the project:

1. Right mouse click on the respective formulation in the Building Block Explorer

2. Select Delete...

3. Confirm to by clicking Yes

Please note that a formulation that is used in any simulation of the project
cannot be deleted.
Simulations can easily be performed in PK-Sim® after having defined at least one building
block for Individuals, Compounds and Administration Protocols in the Building Block
panel. Optionally, populations, formulations, events and observed data may be defined.
Details on these building blocks can be found in the respective sections of this manual:

PK-Sim® - Creating Individuals

PK-Sim® - Creating Populations
PK-Sim®- Compounds: Definition and Work Flows
PK-Sim® - Formulations
PK-Sim® - Administration Protocols
PK-Sim® - Events
Shared Tools - Import and Edit of Observed Data

Even if not all required building blocks are defined you may still set up a simulation. You
will then be systematically led through each missing building block where you can specify
data or parameters. For details on each building block please refer to the respective
chapters of this manual.

Simulations are performed in 3 steps: Creating a simulation (see Creating new simulations
in PK-Sim®), running a simulation (see Running a simulation in an individual) and
displaying the results in the chart window (see Analyzing results for a simulation in an
individual). Experimental data can also be imported in the chart window to enable
comparison to the simulated results and to facilitate model refinement.

Creating new simulations in PK-Sim®

To create a new simulation:

Click Simulation in the Create Group of the Modeling Tab or

Use the short cut Ctrl+Alt+S

In the Create Simulation dialog window the simulation is set up by specifying Individual or
Population simulation, selecting a compound from a list and choosing the model settings:

The Create Simulation dialog. Here, the Model tab is shown in which the Individual
"European Male" has already been selected.

In order to create a new simulation, you are guided through five tabs of the Create
Simulation window:

The Model Structure tab to define model properties

The Compounds tab to select the compounds used for the simulation
The Processes tab to assign the relevant biological processes
The Administration tab to select between different predefined applications
The Events tab to choose a specific event defined in the Event Building Block
Definition of model structure

In the Model Structure tab of the Create Simulation window you need to:

Enter a name for the simulation

Specify an individual or population by doing one of the following:
Select a previously defined individual or population from the drop-down menu

Define a new individual or population by clicking Create and follow the

instructions of the dialog windows

Load a new individual or population from template by clicking Load and

follow the instructions of the dialog windows

Allow aging: If a human individual or population is selected the growth of the human
individual(s) during the simulation time will be taken into account when5 choosing this
option. Based on the human growth and maturation functions available for most
parameters in PK-Sim® (e.g. organ volumes, blood flow rates, organ composition, etc.) the
parameters are updated along the time scale of the simulation. This is important for
multiple drug administration to

e.g. preterm and term neonates, for which the rapid changes in anatomical and
physiological properties can influence the pharmacokinetics during the simulated study
circle. Please note that the use of the growth function will need additional simulation time
so that it is recommended to use this option only if really needed.

Specify compound(s) by doing one of the following:

Select a compound from the list of previously created compounds in the Building
Block window.

Create a new compound by clicking Create and follow the instructions in

the dialog windows.

Load a new compound from template by clicking Load and follow the

instructions in the dialog windows.

Select the model settings, i.e. either select the standard model for small molecules or
the model for proteins and large molecules

Model settings


The PK-Sim® standard distribution model assumes 4 subcompartments per

organ, i.e. compartments for blood cells, plasma, interstitial space, and
cellular space. This model type considers a permeation barrier between
plasma and interstitial space and takes into account that the interstitial
space has a lower protein content than the plasma. It is especially suitable
for small molecules.
The plasma-interstitial partition coefficients result from the lower protein
concentration in the interstitial space compared to plasma and the unbound
fraction in plasma. It is assumed, that the drug has the same affinity to
plasma as to interstitial proteins. Thus, effects from the partitioning between
Standard plasma and interstitial space may (depending on other physico- chemical
model for data) become important for compounds with a low fraction unbound.
small The rate of permeation through the endothelial barrier between plasma and
molecules interstitial space is determined by the product of endothelial permeability
and surface area. The drug dependent permeability can be defined within the
Distribution Tab and the individual dependent surface area can be defined
for the individual. In the present version of PK-Sim®, the endothelial
permeability parameters of the plasma-interstitial barriers are not calculated
from physico-chemical compound data. The default value for the plasma-
interstitial permeabilities is very large, i.e. the permeabilities have to be
adjusted manually, if the permeation across the plasma-interstitial barriers
of the organs is expected to be restricted. Using the large default value for
plasma-interstitial permeabilities, the exchange rate between plasma and
interstitial in 4 subcompartments model are almost instantaneous.
This model type was developed to simulate the pharmacokinetics of
macromolecules such as therapeutic proteins. It is an extension of the
Model for standard model for small molecules and contains a description of the
proteins transcapillary drug exchange, lymph flows and an additional sub-
and large compartment per organ that represents the endosomal space. The
molecules endosomal compartment contains FcRn receptors that are able to protect
the macromolecules from catabolism via binding to these receptors
(important for e.g. IgG antibodies).

Please note that currently only for mouse, monkey and human species specific
values for the concentration of the FcRn receptor, the concentration of the
endogenous IgG and the affinity of the endogenous IgG to the FcRn receptor
(needed for the Model for proteins and large molecules) are available. In case
of all other animal species just reasonable values are used as physiological
default values.

Review compound settings

In the Compounds tab of the Create Simulation window you can review the Calculation
methods selected for the partition coefficients and the cellular permeabilities. Also, you can
review and override values for the Parameter Alternatives.
The Create Simulation dialog. Here, the two selected compounds can be viewed in the
tabbed view.

Click Next in order to assign the relevant biological processes. Note that you can switch
between the Tabbed view and the Accordion View in the Utilities/ Options menu if you
selected more than one compound.

Select relevant biological processes

The Create Simulation dialog. Here, the Processes tab is shown, in which the proteins, i.e.
the enzymes, transporters and binding proteins, expressed in the Individual can be linked to
the corresponding active processes defined in the Compound.

In the Processes tab of the Create Simulation window, processes like e.g. metabolic,
transport, excretion and specific binding processes defined in the selected individual (or
population) can be linked to the ADME properties of the selected compounds. A detailed
description of how to set up interaction of a drug with enzymes/transporters (e.g. via a
drug-drug interaction or induction) can be found in PK-Sim® Compounds: Defining
Inhibition/Induction Processes.

If, and only if, processes in individuals are linked to properties of the
compounds, these processes are modeled in the simulation.
A green check mark indicates that the process is modeled when running the
simulation whereas the yellow exclamation mark indicates that there is no
match between the expression data defined in the individual and active
processes defined in the compounds, as shown in the following screenshot.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Renal excretion of the compounds should be incorporated into the model. The following
settings are required for the selected individual (the capability of renal excretion is a default
The Create Individual dialog. Here a european male will be created.

Add a renal clearance process for the selected compound in Compound → Biological
processes → Transport & Excretion → Renal clearances, as exemplified in the following
Defining the renal clearance process.

Link the process in the individual with the biological process of the compound (if not yet
automatically done):

The Transport & Excretion dialog. Here paper 2 is assigned as data source for renal
If you wish to simulate a renally impaired individual, decrease the GFR
properties in the selected individual, not in the compounds!

Click on Next in order to assign an application to your simulation

Select administration

In the Administration tab of the Create Simulation window, the administration protocol can
be loaded from the project database or from a template. Further, a novel administration
protocol can be defined and used. In addition, in the case of oral and user defined
administration types, a formulation is required for the simulation.
The Create Simulation dialog. Here, the Administration tab is shown, in which different
administration protocols can be selected for different drugs. At least one compound must
be administered.

To insert an administration do one of the following:

Select a previously defined protocol from the Administration Protocol drop- down

Define a new administration by clicking Create and follow the instructions of

the dialog windows

Load an administration from the template database by clicking Load and

follow the instructions of the dialog windows

In case of oral and user defined administration, you will have to additionally map the
formulation(s) defined in the Formulation building block. In case of sophisticated dosing
schedules, different formulations can be chosen for the various administration times. For
an intravenous administration (Intravenous Bolus and Intravenous Infusion), the definition
of a formulation name is not necessary, because the drug is always assumed to be given in
solution. For these administration types, therefore, no match with formulations has to be
made. For further information please see PK-Sim® - Administration Protocols.

None or exactly one administration protocol can be assigned to every compound

used in the simulation. Each administration protocol can be assigned to
maximally one compound.

Select events (optional)

In the Events tab of the Create Simulation window, events such as the administration of
meals and/or discrete gallbladder emptying can be defined at various points of the
The Create Simulation dialog. Here, the Events tab is shown, in which the administration of
a Standard Meal immediately at the start of the simulation is selected.

Events are optional for creating a simulation. Possible predefined events are currently the
application of a meal to simulate fed conditions for an oral administration and gallbladder
emptying independent from meal administration. To insert an event do one of the

Select a previously defined event from the Event drop-down menu

Define a new event by clicking Create and follow the instructions of the

appearing dialog windows

Load an event from the template database by clicking and follow the

instructions of the appearing dialog windows

Click OK to finish the Create Simulation process and to close the window.

If you have successfully created a simulation, it will appear in the simulation window with
its name and its components:
The Simulations explorer.

The green check marks indicate that the building blocks used in the simulation
have the same settings as the original building blocks saved in the building
block explorer window. Changing the settings in the simulation is done locally
without affecting the original building blocks in the building block explorer

How to set up a parent/metabolite simulation

PK-Sim® offers two alternatives to define drug metabolites. First, metabolites can be a
"sink" which means that not actively or passively transported. They possess no physico-
chemical or ADME properties and cannot be used as compounds in a simulation. Second,
one of the compounds in a simulation can be assigned to be a metabolite or another
compound. The metabolite possesses physico-chemical and ADME properties and be
transported. In addition, the metabolite can be used in further metabolizations and thus a
metabolic network can be built.

The name of the metabolite can be defined in specifying the metabolic processes.

If you want the compound not be treated as sink, it needs to be included into the list of
compounds in the building blocks.
Metabolites are treated like any other compounds when listed in the building blocks.

If you click on Show Diagram, a reaction network of all reactions in the simulation is shown
(not just the metabolic network).

All reactions in a simulation are depicted in the reaction diagram.

Running a simulation in an individual

If a simulation was successfully created, press the Run simulation button in the

Modeling & Simulation ribbon or press the F5 key. If the simulation is run for the first time,
ths following window will appear in which the simulation curves that will be generated in
the simulation can be selected:

The Individual Simulation Settings window. Here, the organs and compartments for which
concentration time curves are generated in the individual simulation can be selected.

Per default, the peripheral venous blood plasma is already selected. If desired, select further
outputs and then press OK. The result of the individual simulation will be automatically
In order to select another or additional outputs for the current simulation, click on Define
Settings and Run simulation button.

By clicking Save Settings into... at the bottom left corner of the Curve Selection
window the settings can be saved as a default for the project or as a user-
specific default.

Two venous blood outputs can be selected: “Venous Blood” and “Peripheral Venous Blood”.
“Venous Blood” refers to the compartment “Venous Blood” representing the large veins. In
clinical practice it is common to sample blood at patients superficial veins, e.g. the
antecubital vein. Therefore, PK-Sim® offers the opportunity to also display the
pharmacokinetics of the drug in the peripheral venous plasma in order to allow a more
accurate description of clinical data. Per default “Peripheral Venous Blood” is a weighted
mean of skin and muscle tissue blood (about 70% contribution from skin and about 30%
contribution from muscle for all species). You can change the default contribution to
“Peripheral Venous Blood” by adjusting the parameters “Fraction of peripheral blood flow in
organ” at “Physiology” -> “Flow Rates” -> “Peripheral Blood Flow Fraction” (select
“Advanced” view for parameters). The contributions can be defined for arterial blood, bone,
fat, muscle, and skin, i.e. all compartments which could possibly contribute to “Peripheral
Venous Blood”. The arterial plasma is also considered because of the arteriovenous
anastomoses in e.g. the skin of the hand (shunts between arteries and veins involved in the
regulation of body temperature). A similar approach to describe peripheral venous plasma
concentrations can be found in literature [41].

As the observer for peripheral venous blood sampling represents a balanced

mixture of plasma concentrations of the drug in arterial blood, bone, fat, muscle,
and skin please do not use the peripheral venous blood observer in the case of
e.g. subcutaneous or intramuscular drug administration. This will lead to an
overestimation of the concentration in plasma.
The Results tab of the Simulation window. Here, the simulated plasma concentration-time
profile following oral administration of a diclofenac IR tablet is shown in comparison to
experimental data.

For general information about the chart component, i.e. chart settings and options etc.,
please see Chart Component.

If you would like to cancel the running process, press the Stop button next to the
Run button.

If you wish to change the settings of the simulation, click on the Parameters tab. If you
have simulated a population, there are two more tabs User Defined Variability and
Distribution in which the settings also might be changed. For both, individual and
population simulations, there are three views on the parameter settings to select at the
bottom of the window:
The Parameters tab of the Simulation window. Here, the Settings of the simulation are

Simple view: in this view, not all parameters are displayed

Advanced view: all parameters are displayed
Hierarchy view: all parameters are displayed as located in the spatial model structure

You may change the parameter settings for your simulation in order to e.g. achieve a better
fit to the observed data. The settings in the building blocks will be unaffected.

It is recommended to select all parameters under consideration as Favorites and

to document the source of all parameter values changed from the default in the
column Value Description. Then you have a comprehensive overview about the
essential input of your simulation, which you can document by copying just the
Favorites table.
User Defined parameter node shows an overview of all parameters changed by

the user in the simulation.

If you change the parameter settings in the Parameter tab, the green check
marks (traffic lights) on the Results tab will turn red indicating that the displayed
simulation results were not performed with the current settings:

Press the Run simulation button in the Modeling & Simulation ribbon or press
the F5 key again to re-run the simulation with the current settings and display
the results.

If parameter settings were changed in the simulation, the red traffic lights in the
Simulation window indicate that the local settings in the simulation are different
from the settings in the Building Block, i.e. the global settings:
A right click on the red traffic lights in the simulation window allows for two

Update from building block: The simulation settings (local) will be updated
with the (global) settings of the building block. This is useful if you want to
discard the settings of your simulation and get back to the original settings
defined in the building block.

Commit to building block: The (local) settings of the simulation will be

committed to the building block (global settings). This is useful if you want
to make these settings available in other simulations.

Configure: Instead of updating a single building block within your

simulation you can also Configure the entire simulation and update or
exchange several building blocks at a time. To do so, right mouse click on
the simulation and select Configure. The Create Simulation dialog will open
where you can exchange the parameters and building blocks of your
simulation. In the case of building blocks for which changes were made in
the simulation, the name will be supplemented by the warning This is not
the template building block!. To update the settings of the simulation select
the appropriate building block from the drop-down menu.

Analyzing results for a simulation in an individual

As described in the previous chapter Run simulation, clicking on Run in the Modeling &
Simulation ribbon or pressing F5 starts the calculation of the simulation. The results will be
automatically displayed after finishing the calculation. The calculated results can the be
exported to various file formats.

For more information on displaying and editing the charts, see Chart Component

For more information on uploading observed data, see Import and Edit of
Observed Data

Generally, two different views are available and switching between these view can be done
by clicking on Show PK-Analysis and Show Chart button on the bottom of the chart

Chart view (default): The simulated curves and the observed data are displayed

PK-Analysis view : The calculated PK parameters for the selected simulated

curves are displayed.

Chart view

The simulated curves can be displayed. If simulated curves selected in the curve selection
window are missing after (re-)running a simulation, most probably these are not selected in
the chart. The graphs can be selected by clicking on Chart Editor on the right hand side of
the chart. Curve options, axis options and chart options can be selected here and the
general layout of the chart can be configured.

For more information on displaying and editing the chart Display, go to Chart
For comparison, observed data in MS Excel® format (*.xls and *.xlsx) can be loaded and
displayed in the chart as well. If observed data were added to the Observed Data Building
Block, they can be added to the chart by dragging and dropping them onto the chart.

For more information on how to load observed data and compare them to your
simulated data, go to Import and Edit of Observed Data

Multiple results windows

If you wish to display different curves or use different settings for the same simulation, you

can add new results charts windows by clicking on the Results button in the

Ribbon group Simulation.

Special features for population simulations

If you wish to display other percentiles or other curves without simulating again, click on

the Results button in the ribbon group Simulation. You will be directed to the Curve

selection for chart window (see above).

PK-Analysis view

If a simulation has been successfully created, click Show PK-Analysis on the bottom of the
chart window. PK parameters are then calculated and displayed next to the chart.
PK-Analysis view of the Results window.

The calculated pharmacokinetic parameters are:

1. In all simulations:

PK parameter Description

Area under curve from tstart to tend of the simulation.

Area under curve extrapolated to infinity (using the terminal 10% of
data points).


, where λ is the terminal elimination rate (calculated from the

terminal 10% of simulated points).

Percentage of AUCinf after end of simulation time.


Area under curve extrapolated to infinity and normalized to the dose

dose in drug mass per body weight.

Area under curve extrapolated to infinity and normalized to the dose

[dose in drug mass per body weight].

AUC_I/AUC (Area under the plasma concentration-time curve of the

AUC Ratio substrate in the presence of the inhibitor / Area under the plasma
(AUCR) concentration-time curve of the substrate in the absence of the

C_max Maximum concentration

Maximum concentration normalized to dose dose in drug mass per

body weight

C_max_I/C_max (Maximum concentration of the plasma

C_max Ratio concentration-time curve of the substrate in the presence of the
(Cmax_R) inhibitor / Maximum concentration of the plasma concentration-time
curve of the substrate in the absence of the inhibitor)
C_tEnd concentration at the end of simulation

t_max Time at which the maximum concentration is assumed

Terminal half life time (calculated from the terminal 10% of data


, where λ is the terminal elimination rate (calculated from the

terminal 10% of simulated points).

Mean residence time is calculated by:

The infusion time is set to 0 for non intravenous administrations. The

AUMCs are calculated according to:


, where λ is the terminal elimination rate (calculated from the

terminal 10% of simulated points).

1. In simulations with intravenous administration:

Volume of distribution at steady state calculated from the plasma curve

VSS(plasma) according to:

Apparent volume of distribution is calculated from the plasma curve

according to: , where λ is the terminal elimination rate

(calculated from the terminal 10% of simulated points). If simulation time
is short, the distribution volume may be incorrect. Run a longer simulation
(to approach steady state) and reevaluate the distribution volume.

Predicted volume of distribution = Volume-weighted mean organ to

plasma partition coefficient calculated from physico- chemical
compound data.

Total clearance calculated from plasma curve according to:

Total plasma
clearance CL

Total body D/AUC - Total body clearance of drug or apparent clearance (CL/F for
clearance extravascular application), dimension is ml/min/kg

1. In simulations with oral administration

PK parameter Description

Volume of distribution at steady state calculated from plasma curve

(see above) divided by bioavailability

Apparent volume of distribution calculated from the plasma curve

according to


(see above) divided by bioavailability

Total clearance calculated from plasma curve according to

Total plasma

divided by bioavailability

Fraction Absorbed fraction of applied oral dose. Please note that, e.g. in the case
absorbed of enterohepatic circulation, this fraction may exceed 1

The bioavailability is only calculated on request. After pressing the

button Bioavailability a second simulation with an intravenous (i.v.)
short infusion is carried out (internally without being displayed) using
identical parameters to the last simulation with oral (p.o.)
administration. The bioavailability is then calculated from AUCinf
Bioavailability (p.o.)/AUCinf (i.v.) in the venous blood compartment. For a proper
estimate of the AUCinf (p.o.) it is recommended to simulate as long as
total gastrointestinal transit takes. After changing any parameter the
results of previously run simulations are no longer valid. In such a
situation, the Bioavailability button is deactivated until the p.o.
simulation has been executed with the current parameters.

1. In simulations with multiple administrations

PK parameter Description

Area under the concentration vs. time curve from the first data point
extrapolated to infinity (further administrations are not considered!)

oArmrea under the concentration vs. time curve from the first data point
AUC_inf_tD1_n extrapolated to infinity (further administrations are not considered!)
normalized to dose, with dose in drug mass per body weight

Respective PK parameter from the administration time of the first dose

until the administration time of the second dose

....tDlast-tDEnd Respective PK parameter following the last application

....tDlast-1- Respective PK parameter in the interval between the (last -1) application
tDlast and the last application

C_trough_dDi Trough concentration just before the i-th dose is administered

C_trough_dlast Trough concentration just before the last dose is administered

All values are calculated using the standard equations for PK-values (see e.g. M. Rowland,
T. N. Tozer, “Clinical Pharmacokinetic Concepts and Applications”, (1994) Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia). For extrapolation to infinity an exponential function is
used on the basis of the last 10% of the calculated time steps. AUC is calculated by
extrapolating the first time steps to t = 0. Depending on the curve shape the result of this
extrapolation may be sensitive to time resolution. This may lead to some variability in AUC
and thus, in clearance and distribution volumes.

By clicking on Export to Excel®... the calculated PK-parameters (including the simulated

concentration-time profiles) can be exported to MS Excel® format.

Running and analyzing a population simulation

The population simulation analysis

Population simulation analysis function offers a variety of analyses and graphical

displays: Time Profile, Box Whisker, Scatter and Range Analysis that will be explained in
detail in the following sections of the manual.

Running a population simulation

Unlike for simulations in single individuals, additional variability for parameters in

population simulations may be defined. In the User Defined Variability tab, parameters
from all building blocks that need to be varied may be selected and specific
distributions/variabilities can be set. In the Distribution tab, these settings are graphically
For more information on adding variability to a defined population, go to PK-
Sim® - Creating Populations.

Once all parameters are set, click the Run simulation button in the Modeling &

Simulation group or press the F5 key. The Population Simulation Settings window: Curve
selection window will appear in which organs and compartments are selected in which
time profiles and PK-parameters will be calculated.

The Population Simulation Settings: Curve Selection window. Time profiles and PK-
parameters will be calculated in the selected organs and compartments.
Choose the organ and the compartment by expanding the respective drop-down menue and
select by ticking the box in the right column of the table. Press OK to start the simulation

By clicking into the Save Settings at the bottom left corner of the Curve Selection window
the settings can be saved as user-specific default.

Analyzing a population simulation

After the simulation has been calculated, the Create Time Profile Analysis window opens
up next in which the graphical display of simulated time profiles can be specified. If you do
not want to plot time profiles, close this window and choose the analysis type you require
from the Analysis button.

For plotting time profiles, use the Output tab to specify in which of the previously selected
organs/compartment you want to analyze and plot time profiles. Highlight the respective
organ/compartment and add it to the right panel. In the panel below, the Outputs: Select
distribution statistics for display, you may specify which statistical quantity of your output
will be graphically displayed.

You may change the name, the unit and the scaling of selected output in all plot
types. Changing the name may be useful when graphically displaying several
parameters and the parameter name is printed along the y-axis.

The calculated PK-parameters of all individual curves can be exported using the
Export PK-Analyses to CSV... item from the context menu of the simulation.

The underlying data of population analysis can be exported to Excel® using the
Export to Excel®... item from the context menu of the chart view. Two sheets
are created containing the data as original and transposed matrix.
Select specific curves from the list of organs/compartments in which time profiles were

Definition of groupings

Output may be grouped using population parameters and PK-parameters. The Population
Parameters tab offers grouping by population parameters e.g. Characteristics of individual
(weight, age, etc.), anatomy or physiology. A comprehensive list itemizes each PK-
parameter in the organs/compartments specified in the Outputs tab. In order to select a
parameter as a grouping criterion, expand the tree underlying each group of criteria and use
the Add or Removebutton to add or remove a specific grouping PK-Parameter to the right
panel. Highlight the respective grouping and click on the Create Grouping button to specify
the grouping intervals (binning).
For PK-parameters with numerical values like C_max or AUC grouping can be done into
equally sized intervals using the User defined limits. Alternatively, grouping by numerical
PK-parameters can be done into equally populated intervals of varying size using the User
defined (equally populated) number of bins. For PK-parameters that assume string values
like gender or race grouping is defined by Value mapping. Groupings have to be named and
the name of the grouping appears later on as an item in the list of grouping parameters.

User defined limits

Grouping by customized intervals is available in both the Population Parameter and the
PK-Parameter tabs. If you decide on defining the limits of each bin, the minimum and
maximum values of your grouping criterion are automatically entered in the table listing the
grouping intervals.

Continue as follows:

Define the maximum value of the first bin.

Add additional bins by clicking on the + button in the right column of the table that lists
the binning intervals.
In your last bin, the upper limit of you last bin is the maximum value of the parameter.
For each interval, select a label and change color and symbol (used in scatter plots) by
changing default settings.
Using customized grouping of output by Population Parameters or PK- Parameters.

User defined (equally populated) number of bins

If you decide on using equally populated bins for grouping of your output, labels for the
individual bins have to be designed for the display.

In the Label Generation panel, do the following:

Decide on the number of bins used for grouping.

Choose from the drop-down menu a symbol that will be used in a scatter plot.
Choose a start and end color for plotting the output in the first and the last interval. The
color gradient in between is set automatically. Colors in individual intervals can be
changed in the Generated Label panel below.
Individual intervals are named using the selected Naming pattern that can be
customized. Per default it consists of the selected Template e.g. alphabetic or
numerical labelling together with the lower and upper limit of the interval. However, any
of these elements may be omitted. More information on customizing the label
generation are available directly within the software.
When you finish defining the grouping intervals, the grouping appears in the list
of selected parameters. If you highlight a specific grouping, the lower panel of
the Population Parameters and the PK-Parameters shows the distribution of
the individuals of the population when stratified by this grouping along with the
label of each bin.

Value mapping for string parameters

Population parameters such as gender, race and population name can be grouped by their
string values. This grouping can be used to customize labels e.g. F or M instead of Female
or Male and/or the relative order of these labels in the analysis (i.e. which label should
come first) menu serves the design of customized labels.

The Time Profile Analysis

In the Time Profile tab, concentration-time profiles or fraction-time profiles can be plotted.
First, in the Selected Outputs window, select from list of previously specified
organs/compartments the concentration-/fraction-time profile(s) that you want to plot.
Please note that concentration and fraction cannot be used at the same time for a given
analysis. Second, if you want to display by grouping, select from the Available Fields panel
a grouping criterion specified in the Population Parameters or the PK-Parameters.

There are several ways to visualize stratified results:

If you drag a grouping criterion into the Panes panel, time-profiles in each subgroup will
be displayed in a separate panel on the right. More than one grouping criterion may be
selected and the respective number of panels will be generated.
If you drag a grouping criterion into the Colors panel, time-profiles in each subgroup
will be displayed in one color. Colors were previously selected in the Outputs window.
Only one grouping criterion may be selected here, to be able to differentiate the
If you want to display results grouped by two criteria, use the Panes and the Colors
panels simultaneously. In this case, it may wise to select only one output because
curves from different compartments can only be differentiated by their progression.
For each curve PK parameters are calculated and can be shown by clicking on the Show
PK-Analysis button.

Chart view (default): The calculated curves and the observed data are


PK-Analysis view : The calculated PK parameters for the selected calculated

curves are displayed. See “PK- Analysis view”.

Display simulated concentration-/fraction-time profiles stratified by Population Parameters

and/or PK-parameters.
If you hover over the simulated time-profiles, details of the curve are displayed, e.g. the
organ/compartment in which the time-profile was simulated, the statistical quantity that is
plotted and the x- and y-values of the underlying data points.

Details of your grouping can be changed:

Go back to the Population Parameters or the PK-Parameters tab.

Highlight the name of the grouping in the panel listing the selected parameters.
Right mouse click on the name of the grouping and select Edit from the menu.

Confirm and close the window by clicking OK

Use the magnifying glass to zoom into an area that you wish to enlarge.

Use the magnifying glass to zoom into an area that you wish to enlarge.

Displaying Observed Data in the Time Profile Analysis

In order to display Observed Data in your Time Profile Analysis do and note the following:

Drag and drop the observed data from the Building Block panel into the Analysis panel.
Either display specific files or folders of observed data in the building block.
Use the Chart Options to specify the settings for display of the observed data.
When observed data is displayed for the first time, it appears in all analysis panels by
In the Chart Options, observed data can be grouped by meta data and is displayed in
the respective panel. To apply the grouping also to the observed data the meta data
field of the observed data must be named like the field in the analysis and the value
must match.
Once observed data is dragged into the analysis panel, it is associated to that
simulation and can be removed by removing the observed data from the simulation
For comparison charts observed data can not be removed from the analysis, but
only made invisible by unticking the Visible box in the Chart Options.

Display observed data in a time profile analysis. Upon drag and drop into the analysis,
observed data is displayed in all panels by default.

Observed data can be grouped by meta data used in stratification and is then displayed in
the corresponding panel only.

The Box Whisker Analysis

In contrast to the Time Profile Analysis, population parameters and PK- parameters serve
not only as grouping criteria in the Box Whisker Analysis, but may also be plotted. Any
parameter selected in the Population Parameters tab and PK-Parameters tab is listed in
the Selected Outputs panel of the Box Whisker Plot tab. Select a parameter for plotting by
ticking the respective box. Grouping criteria are defined as described above and can be
selected from the Available Fields. For grouping along the x-axis, several criteria may be
selected by dragging to the X-Grouping panel. Grouping by color may be used for one
criterion only and a corresponding legend is automatically created. The box comprises 25%
(lower rim) to 75% (upper rim) of the values. The whiskers extend from 2.5% to 97.5% of the
values in the population. The distance between the lower and upper box rim is called the
inner quartile range (IQR). Outliers are values which lie outside the range from lower whisker
limit - 1.5 time IQR to upper whisker limit + 1.5 time IQR.

Display simulated parameters in a box whisker plot stratified by Population Parameters

and/or PK-parameters.
A separate panel is created for each of the selected output parameters in the graphical
display. The name and unit of the output parameters is printed along the Y-axis.

The Scatter Plot Analysis

In the Scatter Plot Analysis population parameters and PK-parameters can also be used as
grouping criteria and be plotted. Grouping criteria are defined as described above. In
addition to grouping in different panes or by different colors, you can group your output by
symbols. Do so by dragging a grouping criterion into the Symbols panel. The symbols need
to be defined along with the other grouping criteria in the Population Parameter or PK-
Parameter tab.

Display simulated parameters in a scatter plot stratified by Population parameters and/or

The Range Plot Analysis

Similar to the Scatter Plot Analysis, the Range Plot Analysis offers continuous plotting of
parameters on both axis. Grouping by Population Parameters and/or PK-Parameters is
done as described above. The range plot displays the median of the parameter as a thick
line and the parameter range that comprises 5-95% of individuals of the population.

Display simulated parameters in a range plot that displays the median and parameter
range covered by 5-95% of individuals of that population.

Details of your analysis can be changed by right mouse click into the plot and selecting

Cloning a Simulation
In certain cases, it can be helpful to clone a simulation, e.g. in order to keep all parameters
defined in the simulation, such as the partition coefficient method, and exchange only one
particular building block, e.g. the administration protocol. This can easily be done by
cloning an existing simulation and subsequently exchanging the respective building block
using the Configure functionality (see above).

To clone a simulation in the project:

1. Right mouse click on the respective simulation in the Simulations Explorer

2. Select Clone...

3. The Cloning Simulation dialog, which is identical to the Create Simulation dialog for
new simulations, will open. You will have to enter an alternative name for the
simulation clone.
4. You can now go through the Cloning Simulation dialog and exchange parameters
and/or entire building blocks of your simulation clone. To update the settings of the
simulation select the appropriate building block from the drop-down menus.
5. Once all parameters and building blocks are appropriate confirm and close the window

by clicking OK

Please note that a simulation can only be cloned if the local simulation settings
are in agreement with the global settings of the building blocks, as indicated by
green check marks.

Comparison chart for individual or population simulations in one plot

The comparison chart function allows for comparison of results of different individual or
population simulations in one plot.

To create a comparison plot for simulation in individuals proceed in the following way:
Click on the Comparison Chart button in the Ribbon group Simulation and

select For Individual Simulations. A new entry in the Simulation window will appear,
Comparison Chart 1.

The Comparison chart for comparing simulations in individuals.

Open the comparison chart (if not already open). An empty chart will be displayed.
Drag and drop the simulations you want to compare from the Simulation window into
the empty comparison chart.

Drag and drop of simulation results into the comparison chart.

Select the simulated curves you would like to display in the comparison chart.

Comparison Chart: Select the compartments for which simulated curves are to be

If desired, add observed data from the building block by drag and drop to the chart.

To rename a comparison chart, right mouse click on the respective summary

chart in the Simulation window, select Rename and enter the new name of the

PK-Sim® offers a comparison chart also for population simulations. To create a

comparison plot for simulations in populations proceed in the following way:

Click on the Comparison Chart button in the Ribbon group Simulation and

select For Population Simulations. A new window Select simulations to use in

comparison opens up. Select the simulations you want to compare by ticking the
respective boxes. In addition, you can select a population as a reference population
and specify labeling, symbol and color for plotting.
Select population simulations that you want to compare.

When you have approved your selection of the curves by clicking OK, the Comparison
chart chart offers you to look at the distribution of population parameters in the set
union of the populations.
The Distribution tab of the Comparison Chart displays the distribution of population
parameters in all populations.

You can then select the analysis type for your comparison from the Analysis button
and then proceed with selection output and grouping criteria as described above.

For a comparison of populations, only the intersecting set of output appears,

e.g. if you selected venous plasma concentrations as output in all populations, it
appears in the list of Outputs in the time profile analysis tab.

Using the Comparison Chart combined with grouping of output allows a differentiated view
of the results of population simulations.
If you define a population as a reference population, it will not be grouped into
subpopulations. This might be useful when you want to compare variability in subgroups
of one population with the variability of a reference population. This is illustrated below.

Box Whisker Analysis of two populations in a Comparison Chart without defining a

reference population.

Box Whisker Analysis of two populations in a Comparison Chart defining one (the adult)
population as reference population.
Importing and Exporting Project Data and
Importing Observed data

The Open Systems Pharmacology Suite offers a convenient handling of experimental data
that you wish to compare with your simulations, e.g. observed data. The dialogues that

cover this feature are called by clicking on the Observed Data button in the

Import/Export ribbon bar. The following steps are described in detail in Shared Tools -
Import and edit of Observed Data.

Importing Individual and Population Simulation

The Import function of individual and population simulations allows you to use
simulations that have been modified outside of PK-Sim® - most likely using MoBi® - in the
PK-Sim® environment. This has several advantages:

Simulations are handled in the well-known PK-Sim® environment.

An imported simulation can be handled for the most part like any other simulation built
in PK-Sim®.
All simulations can be saved in one project file.
The user has access to all new parameters defined in MoBi®. This is especially useful
when a simulation was enhanced for instance with a submodel that requires some

In summary, the user will be able to simulate complicated scenarios like drug-drug-
interactions, parent-metabolite interactions and pharmacokinetic/ pharmacodynamic
scenarios in PK-Sim® after importing the respective models.

Loading an individual simulation

Click on the Import/Export tab then click on the Individual Simulation icon and

specify the file to be imported. The simulation will be imported into the project and will
be available from the Simulation Explorer.
Any imported simulation behaves exactly like any standard PK-Sim® simulation with
the exception that its structure cannot be altered. That means that it is not possible to
swap parts of the simulation using the building block concept described in Modules,
Philosophy, and Building Blocks.
If an imported simulation contains parameters that are unknown in PK-Sim®, they can
be found in the simulation parameter tree under the node MoBi®.

Loading a population simulation

Click on the Import/Export tab, then click on the Population Simulation icon . In

the Simulation panel of the opening window, you have to select the file to be imported.

In the Population panel, the population used to run the population simulation

needs to be specified. There are three different ways of defining the aforementioned

Use a population that is defined as building block in your current project. Available
populations are itemized in the drop down menu of the Population field. In addition,

you can define a new population by clicking on the Add button or load a

population from a template by clicking on the Load from template button.

Load a population from a .CSV file. This is a file that was previously generated from a
population and saved in CSV format.
Use this option if you want to manually modify the default distribution generated
by PK-Sim® for a given parameter or if you wish to vary parameters that were
created in MoBi® and that PK-Sim® is not aware of.
The file is selected by specifying the population file path.
Allocate the number of individuals. This is typically used when importing a simulation
that was entirely created in MoBi® and is not based on a PK-Sim® model. In that case,
all distributed parameters defined in the simulation will be randomly varied according
to their distribution. Also all parameters marked with the flag “Can be varied in a
population” in MoBi® can be varied manually after importing in the User Defined
Variability tab of PK-Sim®.

Export To Excel®

You can export the simulation results (concentration-time profiles within all included organs
and compartments) to MS-Excel®.

Right mouse click on the simulation name within the Simulations Explorer and select
Export results to Excel

A window opens where you can enter the Excel® file name and the file type (*.xls or *.xlsx).
Then Excel® is automatically started showing the exported data.

Export To MoBi®

You can export a PK-Sim® simulation to MoBi® by one of the following steps:

Click on the MoBi icon in the Export group of the Modeling &

Simulation tab
Right mouse click on the simulation name within the Simulations Explorer and select

Export To MoBi...
The program MoBi® will open with the exported simulation. You can then save the exported
simulation within MoBi® in MoBi® format (*.mbp3 file).

Please note that if the active window in PK-Sim® corresponds to a building

block rather than a simulation, the MoBi icon in the Export

group of the Modeling & Simulation is deactivated.

Export to *.pkml file for MoBi®

The Shared Modeling File (*.pkml) can be used to load single building blocks of a PK-
Sim® simulation into a MoBi® project. You can also load a whole simulation from a *.pkml
file into a MoBi® project in order to couple two models. To export a PK-Sim® simulation to
a *.pkml file:

Right mouse click on the simulation name in the Simulations Explorer .

and select Save Simulation to MoBi pkml format ...

A window opens where you can choose the directory and enter the *.pkml file name. The file
is saved an can be subsequently opened from MoBi®.

Export to PDF

Via exporting the simulation to PDF format a report will be generated. For details please see
Exporting Simulation Structures To File

You can export a PK-Sim® simulation to a text file that contains all model and simulation
details: model structure, rate equations and parameter values. You can export the
simulation by:

Right mouse clicking on the simulation name within the Simulations Explorer and
selecting Export Simulation Structure To File...

A window opens where you can choose the directory and enter the file name. The file is
saved and can be opened with a suitable text editor.

Exporting the Project History To File

To export the project history that contains any user action to an Excel® file. In order to do

Click on the Create Report icon in the Export group of the Modeling &

Simulation tab

A window opens where you can choose the directory and enter the *.xls file name.

Exporting Population data

To export the physiological parameters which are varied within a population to a table
(*.csv format) by

Right mouse click on the population name within the Building Blocks Explorer

and select Export To CSV...

If you have created a population simulation, you can also export the population data by
right mouse click on the simulation name within the Simulations Explorer and select
Export To CSV...

A window opens where you can choose the directory and enter the .csv file name.

Exporting Project to Snapshot / Loading Project from


PK-Sim includes various structural models together with relevant physiological and
molecular databases for PBPK modeling of small and large molecules in different animal
species and human populations. Relatively few inputs from the user are required to setup a
complete PBPK model.

Model and/or data information stored in PK-Sim databases may change over time (e.g. in
order to reflect the newest scientific findings) and be incorporated into newer PK-Sim
versions. Please ensure you have the latest version installed.

If an old project is simply opened with a new PK-Sim version, it will contain old model
information, old anatomical/physiological data etc. and will not make use of improvements
in the new version. The most appropriate way to incorporate the new knowledge would be
to recreate, from scratch, the existing project in the new PK-Sim version.

To simplify this task, a concept of project snapshot was introduced in PK-Sim 7.3.

A project snapshot contains the minimal amount of information required to recreate the
project from scratch. This includes the information on primary substance specific input
parameters (e.g. molecular properties like molecular weight, lipophilicity, etc.) and required
inputs (e.g. demographic characteristics) for defining the system parameters. Further, any
changes made in the existing model, such as a change in liver volume, that is not a default
value, will be stored in the snapshot and included in the new model once recreated from the

Project snapshots are human-readable text files in JSON format

Snapshot example

The following PK-Sim entities are currently supported by snapshots and will be recreated
when a project is loaded from snapshot:

All building block types (incl. observed data)

Parameter Identifications
Simulation comparisons

The following PK-Sim entities are not yet supported:

Sensitivity Analyses
To export a project to snapshot, select File :arrow_right: Export to Snapshot

Snapshots for a project created with a version of PK-Sim <=7.2 might be

incorrect. In this case PK-Sim will warn you. If exported anyway, the new project
created from this snapshot may have some undesired deviations from the
original projects, which must be corrected manually by the user.

To load a project from snapshot, select File - Load from Snapshot

Conversion of Projects from Previous
Starting with version 9, the following restrictions will be implemented:

PK-Sim: Only PKSim project created with version 6.0 and above can be converted to the
new version.

MoBi: Only MoBi project created with version 6.0 and above can be converted to the new
Command Line Interface - CLI
CLI allows batch processing of multiple projects in PK-Sim. To start PK-Sim CLI:

Open windows command prompt ( cmd ) and switch to PK-Sim installation folder.
Enter PKSim.CLI --help  to show the list of available commands
Enter PKSim.CLI <COMMAND_NAME> --help  (e.g. PKSim.CLI snap --help ) to show
options for a command

Working with MoBi
MoBi Documentation
First Steps
This section guides you to your first project with MoBi® and familiarizes yourself with the
software's user interface. First, the window structure of MoBi®and the basic steps for
setting up a new MoBi® project are described and second how to set up and carry out a
simulation. Additionally, the import of a PK-Sim® simulation is explained. However, more
sophisticated applications can be performed in MoBi®, and you are referred to the
following chapters for a more detailed description.

To create your first MoBi® project, simply follow the steps described in the sections below.

Start the Program

After successful installation, MoBi® can be found under Programs in program group Open
Systems Pharmacology in the Windows® Start menu. Start the program by clicking on this
menu entry and an empty workspace will appear.

MoBi® - Window Overview

In this section, we give a brief overview of the MoBi® window architecture and introduce
some nomenclature.

A typical MoBi® window looks like screenshot below. The window contains different
subviews; although some of them are visible only after creating a project, we describe them
right here in a comprehensive way.
MoBi® window

The tabs File, Modeling & Simulation, Import/Export etc. with a Ribbon Bar specific for
the selected tab in the upper part of the window provide shortcuts to functions on the
currently selected building block or simulation,
the Building Block Explorer on the left, which gives access to all building blocks of the
the Simulation Explorer on the left,
the History Manager at the bottom that shows the history of model development,
the Building Block Editor with a building block specific layout. Generally, it consists of a
List, Tree or Diagram Area of all elements of the building block and a Properties Editor
where you can edit the properties of the selected Element.

You can rearrange the window by different actions:

Click to hide the ribbon bar or to show it,

Click to auto hide the Building Block Explorer, the Simulation Explorer or the
History Manager or to dock it,
Click to close these views or click the corresponding symbol in the Views group in
the Utilities ribbon bar to open it,
Furthermore, you can drag these views and dock them to a different location. To do so,
click on the title bar of the view, drag it around and drop it on one of the icons like
Docking a window to different positions

In the following we describe some details of the different subviews.

The Modeling & Simulation ribbon bar is separated into the History group, Create Building
Blocks group, the Simulation group, options for specific Workflows and the Project
functionality that helps to manage and display the units of parameters. Views contains the
selection of the basic windows in MoBi®, the building block explorer window, the
simulation explorer, and the history manager window.
Ribbon Bar for selection of different functionalities in MoBi®

The Building Block Explorer consists of the different building blocks for Molecules,
Reactions, Spatial Structures, Passive Transports, Observers, Events, Simulation Settings
and the Start Values defined for Molecules and Parameters. Additionally, you may find
imported observed data in the building block window. More elaborate information on the
concept of building blocks with an explicit explanation of all building blocks of the MoBi®
concept can be found in The Building Block Concept.

A detailed introduction on how to use the building block concept to develop a project in
MoBi® is given in Model Building and Model Components. An in-depth explanation on how
to use the Create simulations ribbon to define specific simulations from the different
building blocks can be found in Setting up a Simulation.
Once you have defined the simulations in the current project, the Simulations Explorer lists
all of them. For details, see Simulation Results.

The History Manager lists all modeling steps and gives the opportunity to look at earlier
versions and thus at the modeling history of the project. For details, see History Manager
and History Reporting.

Create a Project

The first step to start working with MoBi® is to create a new project. To do this, click on the
New Project command in the File menu. You can either work with amount or concentration
based reaction networks which needs to be specified when creating a new project. Empty
building blocks are automatically created shortly after in the Building Block Explorer:
Molecules, Reactions, Spatial Structures, Passive Transports, Observers, and Events. Some
of these building blocks need to be filled with data, which is successively done in the next

Enter Molecules

You now need to create molecules which are later used as reaction partners. Do this by the
following steps:

1. Click the + symbol in front of the Molecules folder in the Building Block

Explorer. Alternatively, double-click the Molecules folder.

2. Double-click the Molecules entry to edit this building block. A new tab with an

empty space will open.

3. Click the newly visible icon New in the context ribbon, or right-click into the

empty space below the Molecules tab and choose Create Molecule from the context
menu. A new window titled "New Molecule" will open.
4. Enter "A" as name and press the Enter key, or click OK. The molecule "A" appears in the
left part of the Molecules tab, and a tab on the right shows the properties of the
5. Within the properties window, uncheck the box Stationary to define a fully mobile
. Enter "100" into the input box named Value, which represents molecule A's start amount
in µmol.

The window should now look like this:

Molecule "A" is Created

In the same way, create a second molecule, name it "B". Also, uncheck the box
Stationary, but this time leave the Value input box at its default 0. "B" will become our
reaction product, so its initial amount is 0 µmol. You may also enter all these changes in
one step in the "New Molecule" window together with the molecule's name prior to clicking
OK or pressing Enter.
Enter a Reaction

1. Click on the + symbol in front of the Reactions folder in the Building Block

2. Double-click the newly visible building block name "Reaction" in the Building Block
Explorer. A new tab with an empty space will open.
3. We will now make all needed previously created molecules available for the reactions

to be defined. To do this, click the newly visible ribbon button Insert Molecule,

or right-click into the empty white edit space of the Diagram Area and select Insert
Molecule. A new window titled "Molecule" will open, showing an input box for manual
name entry and a list of available molecules.
4. Mark both molecules "A" and "B" by clicking on them with the mouse while
simultaneously keeping the Shift key pressed. Then release the Shift key and click the
OK button. Green circular symbols will appear on the Diagram Area for each molecule.

5. Click the ribbon button New, or click again into the white space of the Diagram

Area to get the context menu and select Create Reaction. A new window titled "New
Reaction" will open.
. Enter "R" into the Name input box.

7. Click the Add Formula button. You will be asked for a reaction formula name.

Enter "R" into the New Name input box, and the circular red error symbol will

vanish. Press Enter or click OK.

. Back in the "New Reaction" window, the circular red error symbol in the Formula

Name combo box has now vanished. Press again Enter or click OK. A reaction triangle

symbol with the name "R" underneath will now appear in the Diagram Area in

addition to the molecules "A" and "B".

9. You can now move the reaction triangle or either molecule within the Diagram Area by
clicking on them, holding the left mouse button and moving the mouse into the
desired direction. To move a reaction, its grey center needs to be clicked on. To move a
molecule, it needs to be clicked on in its darker green center.
Practice this procedure before advancing to the next step!

1. Now you are going to connect molecules to a reaction to use them as educt and
product. Some preparations are needed:
2. First, move the reaction triangle and the molecules into a position where "A" is on the
left of the reaction triangle, and "B" on the right. Educts of a reaction are by default
connected to the blue circle at the left triangle corner of a reaction, and products to the
right green circle on the right triangle.
3. Connections can be drawn by either "grabbing" (keeping the left mouse key
pressed) the outer light green rim of a molecule and pulling it to the corresponding
place of a reaction triangle, or by "grabbing" the corresponding reaction port (i.e., the
colored circle) and pulling it to the desired molecule.
4. In each case, a hand symbol will appear in place of the standard arrow mouse
pointer .

Try it first without making a connection by just hovering with the mouse over a
reaction or molecule symbol!

A line will be extended from the reaction or the molecule symbol. If it does not connect,
the line will disappear as soon as you release the mouse key.
If you want to delete a connection (or if you produced a connection by mistake), click
on the connection (which will then be highlighted by green squares) and then press the
Delete key on your keyboard.
To complete the reaction where "A" reacts to "B", click onto the blue circle in the reaction
triangle (educt port), keep the left mouse key pressed, and pull the line to molecule
"A". Release the mouse key, and a connection line will be displayed between molecule
"A" and the left corner of the triangle.
Move the mouse pointer to the green reaction triangle circle (product port) on the left,
click it, hold the left mouse key , and pull a connection to molecule "B".

Below the Diagram Area you find a window with the three tabs Properties, Stoichiometry,
and Parameters. Click the tab Stoichiometry. If the previous steps went well, you should
see the molecule "A" listed in the "Educts" part with a stoichiometric coefficient of 1, and
molecule "B" listed in the "Products" part, also with a stoichiometric coefficient of 1.

Reaction Stoichiometry

Now start to create a kinetic equation; in this example assuming an irreversible first order
kinetic of molecule "A" reacting to "B". To proceed, define a first order rate constant as a
reaction parameter.

1. Click the Parameters tab, and then the Add Parameter button. A new window titled
"New Parameter" will open.
2. Input "k1" into the Name input box.
3. Select Inversed Time as Dimension in the combobox, and enter 0.001 as Value. Then
press Enter or click OK. The new parameter "k1" should be visible in the parameters list.
Like for the molecule values, you can always change the entered values in the right part
of the edit tab in case you pressed Enter prematurely.
4. Click the Properties tab in the window. In the lower right of the window, there is a list
called "Possible Referenced Objects". Click on the + sign in front of reaction name "R",
and the reaction parameter "k1" that was just created will appear. Drag and drop the
parameter "k1" into the left part of the window, to the blank space below the list with
the molecules "A" and "B" and their corresponding paths and dimensions. "k1" will
appear just below both molecules.

5. Below this list, an input box with a red error symbol is present. Enter the

following formula into the input box right next to the error symbol: "A*k1". The error
sign will disappear, and the screen should look like in the figure below.

Reaction Entered Completely

Create Start Values for the Simulation

Now, you need to create the Molecules and Parameters Start Values. In our example, these
are the initial amounts for the two molecules.

1. In the building block explorer, right-click the entry Molecule Start Values.

2. Right-click it, select ![Image](../assets/icons/AddAction.ico Create Molecule Start

Values Building Block from the context menu. A new window named "Create new start
values" opens.
3. Enter the name "1" (or any other name you prefer) and click the OK button. A window
showing the start values for the molecules "A" and "B", 100 and 0 µmol, opens in the
edit window of the screen. The values could be edited if other values than the defaults
are required for the simulation.

4. Repeat the procedure with the next building block, Parameter Start Values:

Right-click it, select Create Parameter Start Values Building Block from

the menu, enter "1" as name in the "Create new start values" window, and click OK. This
building block, however, should not show any values since our simple model does not
contain any relevant parameters.

Start values can also be created during the next step (Simulation Creation

Wizard window) by using the icons which start the same parameter

generation procedure. Compare and Create a Simulation.

Create and Run a Simulation

Now you are ready to create a simulation using all the generated building blocks of the
previous sections.
1. Click the ribbon tab Modeling & Simulation.

2. Click the ribbon button Create. The simulation creation wizard opens, showing

you the default values for all building blocks to be used for the simulation.

3. Enter a "1" into the Name input box, and the circular red error symbol will vanish.

4. Click the now activated Finish button in the bottom of the window. After a few seconds,
a tabbed simulation window should appear in the edit window.
5. In case any warnings appear on the screen, you can ignore them at this point and click
OK again.

. Click the orange arrow ribbon button to run the simulation, or alternatively

press the F5 key.

Simulation Wizard Window

Finally, after the computation is now done, we want to visualize the simulated results. In the
simulation window, click the Results tab. On the right, a vertical Chart Editor bar is visible.
Clicking it or hovering over it with the mouse pointer will bring up the possible selections for
displaying the result curves.

1. Click into the checkbox on the right of molecule "A" (Column "Used") in the Data
Browser, the top section of the Chart Editor.
2. Repeat the previous step for molecule "B". Two curves should be visible.

The above description refers to an Editor Layout set to "Standard View". This
should be the case in a fresh installation.

In other layouts, if you do not see any molecules, subsequently click on the +
symbols in front of compartments, like "Organ" until you will see the checkboxes
for the molecules "A" and "B" .
Simulation Result Window

In the Chart Options section, the chart editor allows you to select grid lines and scales. You
may want to try this option as well. You can look at the kinetics curves by clicking into the
chart section and making the Chart Editor disappear.

Congratulations, you have done your first simulation using MoBi®!

Running a PK-Sim® Simulation

If you want to run a simulation in MoBi® that you have already created in PK- Sim®,
proceed with the following steps:

1. Save your project as PK-Sim® simulation to a .pkml (see Export To MoBi®.

2. Open the .pkml file using the File menu and choose the Open Simulation


3. In the Simulations Explorer, double-click the Simulation Icon or the name of

your simulation left to it.

4. Click the run ribbon button of press the F5 key. Wait until the calculation is

5. Select the Results tab.
. Click the vertical Chart Editor bar on the right edge of the window (see the previous
7. In the Data Browser section of the chart editor, select the proper organ and
compartment as in your PK-Sim® project, for example Peripheral Venous Blood, and
then Plasma. Check the box in the column "Used". A PK curve should appear; if all
went right, the results displayed in MoBi® should be the same as displayed with your
original PK-Sim® simulation.
Exit MoBi®

After a successful simulation session, MoBi® can be closed by selecting File -> Exit from
the menu bar; alternatively, press Alt+F4. Before the program is closed you are asked to
save the current project. If you answer "Yes", all data belonging to the project are saved
using the filename and folder you choose. You can reopen this project in a later session and
continue your work at exactly the point where you left it.
The Building Block Concept
The building block concept in MoBi® offers large flexibility during model establishment
and greatly supports extrapolation to e.g. different species or patient subgroups. The
building block concept focuses on the actual physical interactions of the components in a
system, i.e. once two molecules are defined as associated reaction partners, they may
interact in any compartment of a system given their simultaneous availability. This
availability, in turn, is dependent on the structural organization of a model, i.e. if two
containers are linked by so-called neighborhood relation and if active or passive transport
of the components is generally possible. The building block concept thus greatly supports
the structural separation between properties of the compound which are defined by basic
physico-chemistry of the molecule, and the physiology of the organism which is set by
organism-specific parameters in the fundamental spatial structure of the model.

Defining a neighborhood between compartments is a prerequisite for exchange

processes like active or passive transports.

The kinetic rate laws that describe the dynamics of the transport processes have to be
defined independently in the building block Passive Transport. Logical containers in turn
represent descriptive entities which support organization and visualization of the models.
An important information on containers is also the hierarchy of its sub-models (parent vs.
child) which ultimately defines path names and thus identifiers of the different containers,
molecules and reactions.

Two different species like mice and humans are not necessarily different in their
spatial structure. (By default, the spatial structures are even equal!) These two
species differ in their parameter start values such as organ sizes, the blood flow
rates, etc..

Generally, molecules can be any kind of countable entities. Mostly, molecules will be
chemical or biological compounds and can either be quantified by amount or by

It is important to specify whether a molecule may move freely through all containers of a
model, which is the default setting, or if it is stationary, i.e., it is immobilized in the current
container. In the latter case, for example, the molecule may represent a membrane-bound
receptor protein. Non-stationary molecules imported from PK-Sim® projects are
automatically associated with their distribution calculation method (e.g., PK-Sim®
standard, Rodgers and Rowland, etc.) which describes the basic ADME properties of a
compound. Enzymes, metabolizing processes and transporters imported from PK-Sim®
projects can be found in the Molecules building block as stationary molecules.

Being substrate of a transporter, unlike being the substrate of an enzymatic

reaction, is considered to be a drug property. Therefore, active transports are
found under the drug properties in the Molecules building block.


Reactions define the causal interplay of the various molecules in a model. Note that, they
are not associated with a particular location or container, but are rather physical rules for
the interactions of the components of a system. If two molecules are defined as potential
reaction partners, they will therefore react everywhere at any time throughout the model, as
long as both molecules are simultaneously available in the same compartment. The
inherent precondition for a reaction to be created is that all reaction partners are present;
the precondition to really take place is that the amounts of the corresponding partners are
not equal to zero.

Reactions are defined independent of the location and take place wherever all
reaction partners are present in non-zero amounts.
This concept has important implications for systems where more than one molecule is of
interest and hence several molecules are simultaneously included in the overall model

If both, drug A and drug B are known to bind the same binding partner, the mere
structural consideration of both binding reactions leads to competitive binding,
if the availability of the binding partner becomes limiting.

Drug-drug-interactions such as competitive inhibition of CYP3A4 can easily be

described by defining a competitive inhibition in the reactions building block.
Competitive inhibition takes place in compartments where drugs and CYP3A4
are simultaneously available.

Passive Transports

The building block "passive transport" defines transport processes such as diffusion and
convection. By MoBi®definition, passive transports are only non-molecule mediated
transports between two containers connected via a neighborhood, which have to be defined
by the spatial structure of the model. Target and source containers can be defined by
setting tag identifiers as a mandatory condition.

It is possible to establish passive transports like between the plasma and

interstitial compartments of all organs with one equation, if the neighborhoods
between these compartments were defined in the spatial structure. The kinetics
for this passive distribution have to be defined only once.

Observers visualize specific simulation results, while not interfering with the mass balance
of the molecules under consideration. Observers can be derived by formulas including
molecules and parameters. Basically, there are Molecule Observers, which keep track of the
amount or concentration of a single molecule, and Container Observers, which describe
amount or concentration of molecule in different containers, for which a spatial
neighborhood relation was defined. Container observers can also be used to summarize
amounts of several molecules within containers.

MoBi® internally works with amounts rather than concentrations. Hence, all
concentrations in a MoBi® project are defined as observers or parameters as
amount divided by volume of the compartment.


Events describe conditional changes during a simulation, usually a time- dependent change
of values or formulas, but also complex events like drug administration, nutritional uptake
or physical exercise. MoBi®allows for any kind of change which can be described by
means of an if condition.

An event is explicitly defined by a boolean formula including an "if" condition,

which is will very often depend on time, specific parameters or the amount or
concentration of a specific molecule.

An important distinction is whether an event only occurs once or repeatedly whenever the
condition is true.
Simulation Settings

The simulation settings can be managed separately from the actual simulations and can
hence be used in different simulations in a project. When a new project is created, a default
simulation settings building block is created. Simulation settings are divided into four
distinct groups:

Output Intervals: start and end time point of a simulation and resolution of a
simulation; can be edited in this view in the Output Intervals tab.
Solver Settings: solver parameters such as tolerance, use of Jacobian etc.; can also be
edited in this view in the Solver Settings tab.
Output Selection: outputs that will be available for plots; cannot be edited in this view
but will be listed in the Output Selection tab after a successful simulation run in the
Simulation Creation Wizard.
Chart Templates: a set of chart templates can be managed in the Chart Editor as
described in Tools; is part of the simulation settings, but not visible in this view.

Molecule Start Values

This building block defines the start values of the molecules in the model. These are the
initial amounts or concentration of all molecules and molecule- related parameters. The
impact of an individual molecule (molecule in the sense of MoBi e.g. compound) can be
assessed by setting the initial values of all other molecules to zero. This is an important
concept in PBPK modeling that allows for successive consideration of different molecules
and differentiation of their effects. In addition, specific values to enzyme concentrations
derived from relative expression values that were extracted from the protein expression
database in PK-Sim® can be assigned. If you want to exclude a specific molecule from a
specific container, de-select the "is present" checkbox.

Parameter Start Values

This building block defines the start values of the parameters in the model. This allows for
the setting of specific physiological parameters if different individuals, species or patient
subgroups are to be considered.

The size of the organs of a species, i.e., the containers, are defined in this
building block. This means that scaling from one species to another or scaling
from adults to children can be done by exchanging the parameter start values of
the organs, blood flows etc..

Observed Data

This building block includes the imported experimental (observed) data which can be e.g.
displayed in charts or used for parameter identification.

The import process is described in detail in Shared Tools: Import and Edit of Observed
Model Building and Model Components
After having made yourself familiar in the previous chapters with the building block
concept and with the general structure of the program and projects (“MoBi® - First Steps”),
this section describes the practical approach how to build MoBi® models by stepwise
entering content into the building blocks. Also, this knowledge is of use to upgrade models
imported from PK-Sim®, as will be described in Setting up a Simulation.

Always watch for the helpful tool tips that appear when hovering for a few
seconds with the mouse pointer over an input box or its description.

MoBi® - Projects

New Project

Your first step is to create a new project.

To create a new project select New Project on the File ribbon tab or alternatively press
File tab

The ribbon bar Modeling & Simulation with the different Ribbon Groups for creation of
building blocks, simulations, and more will appear. Empty building blocks are now present
for Molecules, Reactions, Spatial Structures, Passive Transports, Observers, and Events and
are shown in the Building Block Explorer. You can now edit a building block by double-
clicking the corresponding entry.
New project in MoBi®

Other project actions in the File tab

1. Open a Project

To open a project select Open Project (Ctrl+O) on the File tab.

A File Selection Dialog will open in which a project file (mbp3 file) can be selected.
Alternatively, you can also choose one of the Recent documents.

After selection, the MoBi® project is opened.

You can alter the Number of recently opened projects: on the Utilities tab click
Options and select the General tab.

Only one project can be opened at a time! This project may, however, contain
several simulations. To work on more than one project in parallel, MoBi® can be
started several times.

1. Close a Project

Close a project by selecting Close Project in the File tab. A confirmation dialog opens if
there are unsaved changes.

1. Save a Project

To save the current project select Save Project (Ctrl+S) in the File tab or use the quick

action button .

You can then choose either Save Project, which saves the project under the name

already given or Save As to save the project with a new name in another file. The

currently opened project will be saved with all information.

Parameters, Formulas, and Tags

In all building blocks that are now created, there may be a need to create and edit
parameters, to work with formulas or other elements like tables. This section describes the
general options you have for parameters and formulas, and the general procedures to work
with them.

Parameters are typically listed in a separate tabbed view, named "Parameters"; compare the
figures within this Chapter for their exact location which will vary, depending on the building
block. A parameter is used to describe physical or physiological properties of a molecule, a
reaction or transport, a spatial structure, an event or an application.

For improved readability, two categories of parameters exist: "regular" and "advanced"
parameters. In any parameter list of a building block, a checkbox exists above the list which
is named Show Advanced Parameters. If this box is checked, only those parameters
tagged as "advanced" are displayed. Any parameter can be tagged as being "advanced" by
checking the box Advanced Parameter when a parameter is created or edited.

Parameters can be newly created, copied, moved, edited, or loaded from a pkml file:

A parameter is added by clicking on the Add Parameter button that is present

in a parameter tab view, or by right-clicking the building block item's name (molecule,
reaction, etc.) in the tree, list, or diagram view and choose Create Parameter from the
context menu that appears.
Instead of newly creating a parameter, you may also load it from a file. Use the Load
Parameter button or context menu entry for this purpose and select a pkml file (e.g., a
previously saved building block or simulation) that already contains a suitable
A third option is to copy and paste parameters between building block items by
pressing Ctrl+C (on the source parameter, like from an already entered molecule or
reaction) and Ctrl+V after moving to the target area and after clicking into the empty
parameter space. Instead of Ctrl+C to copy a parameter, you can use Ctrl+X to cut a
parameter from its current position.

Within the different building blocks, there are slight differences in the procedure and in the
selectable options which will be explained in the corresponding sections in this chapter. In
the Molecules and Reactions building blocks, parameters may be of different types: Local,
Global, and Property. As these names already suggest, the differences are the following:

Parameters defined as Local can only be used locally, i.e., within the corresponding
reaction or for a molecule where a local parameter is defined.
Parameters defined as Global can also be used in other formulas, i.e., they appear in
the reference lists described in Working with Formulas. Furthermore, they are located in
different places of a simulation hierarchy, as described in Molecular Properties.
Parameters defined as Property are identical to Global parameters except that they will
not be listed and set in the parameter start values.

A change of the parameter type will influence the path wherever this parameter
is used in a formula (compare Working with Formulas).
Furthermore, this different path will make this parameter appear in different
locations within the simulation hierarchy. Global parameters appear below the
reaction list in the top level hierarchy, local parameters below the reaction list in
the container level where the reaction occurs.

Any parameter needs to have a Dimension assigned to it or the option Dimensionless has
to be selected from the Dimension combobox. This feature is needed for the automatic
dimension validation provided by MoBi®. Typical dimensions are concentration, volume,
time, or the more complex dimensions for flow or rate constants.

If the box Validate Dimensions is unchecked in Utilities -> Options -> General,
the dimension field is not used in the model.

A parameter can be assigned to a Group using the combobox of the field. This information
is only used for display purposes to show the list of parameters in e.g. a given container
and will enable a grouped view instead of default flat view. You can switch from flat to
grouped view by ticking the Group parameters box.

In the combobox of the field Formula Type, you can select if the parameter is defined as:

a constant, consisting of a numeric value and a unit;

a formula, having a formula name and a formula string (i.e., a mathematical
expression) including references to the formula items;
a table, using individual data pairs from which a value is interpolated over the
simulated time;
a value distributed around a constant value or between two limits (only available for
parameters of spatial structure containers);
a calculation method parameter, whose formula will be defined depending on the
selected calculation method of each molecule in the model (only available for
parameter of spatial structure container). Currently, this calculation method cannot be
edited within MoBi® and is imported from PK-Sim® together with the parameter.

In the bottom part of the Create or Edit window are several input options that have different
effects on the parameter:
Checking Parameter is state variable will open additional input fields for the right
hand side of a differential equation (explained in detail in State Variable Parameters).
Checking Plot Parameter will tag this parameter so that it can be visualized in a
chart with the simulation results (see Chart Component).
Checking Advanced Parameter will hide this parameter from the lists if

Show Advance Parameters is un-checked in the parameter list view.

For all parameter types, a description can be added into the input box at the bottom,
for example to quote a reference. Clicking into the text field will open an edit dialog into
which you can enter or paste any text of your choice.

You may also add tags to any parameter which is done by first clicking the Tags

tab in the parameter window. This will switch you to the tag list view.

To add a tag, click the "Add Tag" button and enter the tag in the input box.
To delete a tag, click the symbol that appears behind every tag in the list.

Parameter tags are used for the evaluation of formulas of the type "Sum", see Sum
Formulas. The general rationale behind tags is explained in, How Tags are used.

Each parameter can be edited by selecting it from the parameter list, upon which the
parameter edit dialog right of the list is updated to show the selected parameter, then
allowing to edit it.

Working with Constant and Distributed Parameters

A constant parameter is simply entered as a number in the field Value. You may use
decimal points, exponential notation, and minus signs (e.g., 2.34; 1.2E-6;

-150). Next to the value, its unit will be shown; the default unit is selected by your choice in
the Dimension field, but it can be changed to other units listed in the combobox, e.g. from
1/min to 1/sec or 1/h.

Examples for constant parameters are given below, like the property "Molecular weight" for
a molecule (see Molecule Parameters) or the rate constant for a reaction (see Reaction

Distributed parameters (only available for parameters of spatial structure containers)

describe a variation around a constant value or between two numerical limits. Within a
given MoBi® simulation, a distributed parameter has a fixed value (default defined by the
value in the field value). A distributed parameter can be used only to calculate the percentile
of the parameter value given a certain distribution. Distributed parameters are useful if
population statistical data are to be defined within a model. To define such a parameter,
use the Create Distributed Parameter command from the context menu of a spatial
structure item, like for containers (e.g. organ sizes) or neighborhoods (e.g., blood flow rate).
In addition to what is entered for constant parameters, the Distribution Type has to be
selected. Available options are:

Discrete Distribution, which is identical to a constant parameter; this feature is

implemented for the purpose of simply disabling the distribution function without
going through the parameter creation process again.
Uniform Distribution, where a parameter will be uniformly distributed between a
Minimum and a Maximum, both have to be defined as numeric values. This is done by
the same rules for value and units as used for the constant parameter value.
Normal Distribution, where a parameter is varied around a Mean value using a
Standard Deviation - both values have to be specified.
LogNormal Distribution, where a parameter is logarithmically varied around a Mean
value using a Geometric Standard Deviation - both values have to be entered.

If you use one of the different distributions, a percentile will be automatically calculated for
the parameter value define in field value given the defined distribution. The functionality of
this feature is particularly useful in combination with the script toolboxes for MoBi®.

Working with Formulas

A parameter can be defined by a formula that may also use other parameters. A formula
string defines the formula. Additionally to parameters, formulas are used in the kinetics
equations of reactions and transport processes as well as in the monitor equation of
observers. See the corresponding sections for a description. To define a formula, select
Formula in the combobox Formula Type.
Each formula needs a formula name. The combobox Formula Name allows you to select
from already existing formulas or to enter a new name. A new formula can be entered by

clicking the Add Formula button and you will be asked for the formula name. Then

press Enter or click OK to return to the main window.

It is a good idea to use a name related to the object where the formula is used
(e.g., parameter, reaction, observer) - you may even use identical names here.

To enter or edit a formula string, click into the unnamed input box above the Description
field and then use your keyboard. This formula string will be evaluated by the solver once
the simulation is run. It is written as a mathematical term that comprises numeric values,
arithmetic operation signs, and names of parameters or their alias names. As long as the

formula has errors or is incomplete, a red error sign is displayed left of the empty

input box. Hovering the mouse over this warning symbol will show you a tool tip on the
validity of the equation (e.g., missing references or syntax errors).

Useful workflows with parameter aliases or with reference paths to aliases are
described below, see Reaction Kinetics and Passive Transports.

In a formula, the following characters may be used:

numbers can be entered as described for constants

the arithmetic operation signs +, -, *, /, ^ (for exponents)
round brackets ( )
the constants pi and e
the mathematical functions ACOS, ASIN, ATAN, COS, COSH, EXP, LN, LOG (identical to
LN, natural logarithm), LOG10, MAX, MIN, POW, SIN, SINH, SQRT, TAN, TANH; if two
operators are required (MAX, MIN, POW), a semicolon is used for separation, e.g.,
POW(3;2) which corresponds to 3^2
the random number generator functions RND and SRND, both to be used with the
dummy argument ()
if conditions, using the notation
<condition> ? <formula string for true> : <formula string for false> 

in the conditions, the operators <, >, <>, >=, <=, = ; alternatively: LT, GT, NEQ, GEQ, LEQ,
EQ, for which the use is <function>(<expression1>;<expression2>) 
conditions can be composed out of sub-conditions that are logically connected by
AND, OR, or inverted by NOT. An alternative symbol for AND is &; an alternative symbol
for OR is |. Besides logical conditions, the numbers 0 and 1 can be used as arguments.

The above mathematical functions are defined as in the C programming

language. For standard reaction kinetic models, these functions are not required
at all. It is recommended to use events rather than "if conditions" in a formula.

Furthermore, defined aliases can be used in a formula as described in the next paragraph.

As opposed to mathematical functions, constants, and operators aliases are

case sensitive.

Below the formula name and above the formula string, there is a Reference Table showing
a header line above the columns named Alias, Path, and Dimension. On the right hand side
of the reference table, there is a second table (separated by a vertical bar) titled References
to add. From this left part, references are moved to the right Reference Table part by drag &

In some cases, e.g. when working with formula-defined molecule parameters, it

may be helpful to expand this window to have enough working space. To do so,
use the vertical bars between the window sections and drag them with the

References can be of two different kinds:

An absolute path reference specifying the complete path to a referenced object (e.g.,
parameter, another formula). An example for this would be "Organism| Organ|Volume".
A relative path reference specifying the truncated path relative to the current formula.
The expression ".." is used for "one level up", using a structure similar to that of file
systems paths. An example for such a relative reference would be "..|..|Volume".

You need to choose between absolute and relative path by selecting the corresponding
radio button in the References to add a section of the window. If you select relative, you will
be asked for a Local Reference Point. This reference point depends on the level on which
you create your formula (e.g., the organism or an organ level) and may be specified in the
expandable selection tree (see below). Recommendations of how to choose your reference
point are given within this chapter. Click OK to finalize your selection.

The selected local reference point will be displayed with its absolute path in the "References
to add" window. In case you need to correct or alter the local reference point, click on the ...
icon right of the path. This will re-open the reference point selection window.

To add a reference to a formula, after having selected the reference point:

1. Find the reference by name in the Possible Referenced Objects tree. Click on the +
signs in the displayed tree to get to deeper levels of selectable points.
2. Click on the object's name, then drag it to the Reference Table area left to it; drop it
there by releasing the mouse button. The object will be added to the list, usually with its
name as the alias. If that name already exists in the list, the alias name is
automatically renamed by adding a number. The path and dimension of the object are
also added.

Not all entries in the tree are allowed to be moved to the left, depending on the
context of the formula. A + sign displayed next to the mouse pointer indicates
an allowed reference.

1. If needed, you may edit the alias name of the object manually. Alias names need to be
identical to the names that are used in the formula string. Simply click on the alias
name and change or override (or copy/paste) the name. For example, if you added
several "Concentration" parameters from different molecules to a reaction kinetics
equation, it may be helpful to manually add the molecule name next to them.
2. In the same way as for aliases, it is also an option to manually edit the path. However,
the standard procedure would be to remove the object and add it again, using a new
local reference point.
3. Dimensions can be changed by clicking on the displayed dimension and selecting a
different one from the combobox.

A reference path may also contain a global part, like "|MOLECULE", which is
recognizable by being written in all capital letters. The reference to "|MOLECULE"
means that this part of the path refers to a parameter or property of the currently
evaluated molecule, whatever its name. This is useful in formulas that are
computed for all molecules present in a container. Compare the formulas in
Observers or Passive Transports. A global reference is selected automatically by
MoBi® where appropriate.

To remove an object from the reference list, right-click it and select Removefrom the
context menu.

Clicking on the Formulas tab in the edit window will show a list of all formulas used in the
reaction building block. This list is a quick overview of formula names within one building
block. Clicking on a formula in the list will show the references and the equation for the
selected formula. Right-clicking on a formula in the list opens a context menu that allows
you to Rename, Clone and Remove formulas.

Sum Formulas

In addition to the formulas described in the previous section, sum formulas can be used to
calculate sums of a specified parameter name. As a selection criterion, parameter tags can
be specified.

To define a parameter or a reaction by a sum formula, use the following procedure:

1. Select Sum Formula in Formula Type combobox.

2. To create a new sum formula, click the Add Formula button, upon which you

will be asked for the formula name. Then press Enter or click OK to return to the main
3. In the Formula Name combobox, you may alternatively select an existing sum formula
4. In the Parameter Criteria field, right click into the empty white space and select either a
New match tag condition. (The New not match tag condition is available too if
needed). You will then be asked to enter a tag to match; or select one after clicking the
combobox arrow. All parameters carrying the specified condition will be summed; if
more than one condition is used, they will be connected with a logical AND. The general
rationale behind tags is explained in (How Tags are used](#how-tags-are-used).
5. Conditions can also be removed using the context menu that appears when right-
clicking into the white space in the Parameter Criteria field.

Working with Tables

A parameter can be defined by a table that is made up out of pairs of simulation- time and
corresponding functional value. The parameter value as a function of time that is used in
the simulation will be interpolated between these values. To enter a table:

1. Select Table as Formula Type. A table layout will open below the Formula Type

2. To create a new table formula, click the Add Formula button, upon which you

will be asked for the formula name. Then press Enter or click OK to return to the main
3. In the Formula Name combobox, you may alternatively select an existing table formula

A formula name needs to be entered or selected before entering any value


1. To add a data point, click the Add Value Point button.

2. Enter a time value in the X (Time) input box and a parameter value in the Y value input
box. Units of the values can be selected as described for a constant parameter value.
3. You may check Restart Solver box in case the solver generates errors when arriving at
these time points.
4. More data points can be entered by clicking Add Value Point again, or by clicking on
the button in the right to the values lines. You can delete a data pair by clicking the
delete button .
5. If you would like to use the first derivative of the interpolation, check Use Derivative
Values. Values before the first and after the last data point of the series are set to 0.

Data points cannot be edited, but have to be deleted and newly entered. Data
point units can be changed, leading to a recalculation of the associated value to
its new unit.

Working with Table Formulas with Offset

A table described in Working with Tables may need to be reused and shifted by a constant
time value. For example, PK-Sim® uses this logic to build up repeated advanced
application protocols (compare PK-Sim® - Administration Protocols). To enter a table
formula with offset:

1. Select Table Formula with Offset as Formula Type.

2. To create a new table formula with offset, click the Add Formula button, upon

which you will be asked for the formula name. Then press Enter or click OK to return to
the main window.
3. In the Formula Name combobox, you may select an existing table formula with offset.
4. In the box below the formula name, there is a selection to a path with a table object.
Upon clicking the "..." icon, you can select one such object from a path tree. This must
be a parameter, a transport or a reaction defined by a table defined as described in

Working with Tables. Only when you select a valid object, the OK button will

become active, and you can successfully continue.

5. Below the table object path, there is a selection to a path with an offset object. Upon
clicking the "..." icon, you can select one such object from a path tree. This must be a
parameter containing a time, i.e., its dimension has to be Time.

Only when you select a valid object, the OK button will become active, and you

can successfully continue. The X values of the table selected before will be shifted by
the constant time value given in the selected parameter of this step.

State Variable Parameters

A parameter can also be defined as state variable. This means, that the parameter value is
defined by a differential equation. To do this, click the checkbox Parameter is state
variable when entering or editing a parameter. The parameter value of a parameter p, for

example, is defined as: , with representing the expression for

change of parameter value per unit time step defined by the formula on the right hand side
(RHS). Once the checkbox is active , the parameter edit view is extended by an additional
input box for a formula. This formula defines the Right Hand Side of the parameter's
differential equation. This right hand side equation itself is entered in the same way as a
constant or formula type parameter. The formula in the top half of the parameter edit view
now defines the initial condition for the differential equation of the parameter. The value of
the parameter is defined when the differential equation is solved during the simulation of
the model.

Once the Parameter is state variable checkbox is deactivated again, the

input box for the RHS will disappear. The parameter is no longer a state variable,
and the right hand side (RHS) formula reverts to RHS = 0. If you have
accidentally deactivated the checkbox and then reactivate it, the formula you
may have previously defined as RHS is not lost, since all created formulas are
stored. To reinstate the formula you may have previously defined as the RHS,
select the formula from the combobox after the formula type explicit formula is
How Tags are used

Containers and neighborhoods within a spatial structure, elements of an application, or

parameters may be labelled with tags. These tags, together with the name given to a
container or neighborhood, may be used for selectively enabling observers, active or
passive transports, or events. They are used for formula evaluations of the formula type

Tags can be entered when creating or editing a tag-carrying entity. The detailed procedures
are described within this chapter in the corresponding sections describing spatial
structures, observers, events, or parameters. Generally, one or more names are entered in a
special input window of the corresponding entity.

Tags are evaluated in fields of observers, transports, or event groups titled "In Container
with" or "Between Containers with". More than one condition can be used, being one of the
following classes:

1. Match tag condition: the condition is fulfilled when the tag name is matched.
2. Not match tag condition: the condition is fulfilled when the tag name is not matched.
3. Match all tag condition: the condition is fulfilled for all tags (not available for transport
processes or sum formulas).

More than one condition can be combined for evaluation; the combinations are connected
with a logical AND. The detailed procedures when and how to enter tag conditions are
described in this chapter (Sum Formulas, Transport Processes, Observers, Events and

Models generated in PK-Sim® make extensive use of tags: For example, open a PK-Sim®
model and look under Passive Transports for one part of the blood flow through the organs
of an organism called "MassTransferBloodPool2OrgPl". This is a passive transport process
that occurs from the arterial plasma compartment to the plasma compartments of all
organs except for the lung. Consequently, this transport process is occurring under the
following conditions:

1. Source container: tagged with "Arterial Blood" and tagged with "Plasma".
2. Target container: tagged with "Plasma" and not tagged with "Arterial Blood" and not
tagged with "Lung".
Similarly, observers or events can be included or excluded from being created in different
parts of the spatial structure. The molecule observer "Fraction excreted", for example,
makes use of the tag "Urine", so this observer is only created in the urine container.

Spatial Structures

A spatial structure can be an organism consisting of organs, cells and other substructures.
Alternatively, it can be a laboratory setup, like a test tube or a flow chamber with
interconnected compartments. Typically, each structure is described by physical
parameters, in particular by volume. Containers of a spatial structure can be defined as
Physical, which may contain molecules in the simulation. They can also be defined as
Logical, meaning they do not represent a real container with molecules but instead just
representing a grouping of sub-containers. Containers are also grouped in categories like
Organism, Organ, and others. This way, the physical makeup of an organism is described.

The complex structure of a complete organism can be inspected, used, and modified after
loading a simulation that was generated in PK-Sim® (see Load a Simulation). Alternatively,

a spatial structure can be loaded on its own by using the Load Spatial Structure

command in the Building Block Explorer and selecting the pkml file generated in PK-Sim®
or MoBi®. The operations described below for creating new structures can also be used to
modify imported structures.

In the process of this and the next sections of this chapter, you will create an
example project. An already completed project file named
"ManualModel_Sim.mbp3" is automatically installed together with MoBi® in the
default program data directory. The entry "Examples" in the program start menu
in the "MoBi" group will lead you to the proper path.

A very simple spatial structure named "Organism" has already been automatically created
by executing the New Project command. For becoming familiar with editing spatial
structures, proceed further:
1. Click on the + sign next to "Spatial Structures" in the Building Block Explorer.
2. Edit the "Organism" by double-clicking on it or by using the Edit command of the
context menu that appears after right-clicking on Organism.

The screen should now look as shown in the following figure:

Spatial Structure as created by New Project

In the Edit window of a spatial structure, you have a diagram area like in the

Edit Reactions mode, which is used here to display the physical and logical arrangement of
organs or reaction vials and their interactions. On the left of the Diagram Area is a
miniature view of the entire diagram which is thought to be helpful in navigating within
larger spatial structures. Below the miniature view is a tree view of the spatial structure
including any neighborhoods.

Creating a Spatial Structure

For continuing with our example project, construct a simple spatial structure which consists
of a surrounding top level container having two interconnected sub-containers. A common
tag will be added to both sub-containers which will be used later for restricting some
computations (e.g., observers) to be only done for the two sub-containers. Tags are also
used for restricting events or selecting source and target for transport processes. Check the
corresponding sections for their use.

1. First, rename the top level container from its default name that was initially created.
Right-click the greenish oval symbol with the name "Organism" inside. A context menu

will come up; select Rename from it.

2. You will be asked for a new name. Enter "BigVial" and press Enter or click OK.
3. A new window named "Rename also" will open, where a list of object references to the
renamed spatial structure will appear. Leave all the checkboxes checked , and
continue by clicking OK. The names in the Diagram Area and in the tree views will now
show "BigVial".
4. Now create two sub-containers. Right-click again into the light green oval symbol in the

Diagram Area, but this time select Create Container.

5. A new window named "New Container" opens, similar to the creation of molecules or
reactions. Enter "Vial1" as name, and leave the Container Type on Organ. Select
Physical Container in the right combobox below the name input box.
. Click the Add Tag button below the Container Type. You are asked for a tag name.
Enter "Obs" as a tag name.
7. Finally, click OK or press Enter.
New Container window

After this step, the top container "BigVial" has expanded in the Diagram Area, and a new
oval "Vial1" has appeared within the expanded range. Now, repeat the "Create Container"
steps 4 to 7. Make sure to right-click into the green-shaded "BigVial" area surrounding
"Vial1", but not into "Vial1" and not in the white area outside the outer "BigVial"! A good
place would be some distance to the right of "Vial1". Name the second sub-container "Vial2"
and tag it also with "Obs". You can then expand the view by dragging "Vial2" to a more
distant point from "Vial1" using the mouse. The screen should now look like this:
Spatial Structure with two child containers

The spatial structure can be handled in a similar way as the reactions diagram area. You
can zoom in and out using the mouse wheel and the Ctrl key, through the context menu or
the ribbon icons, and you can move structures around by dragging and dropping. Structures
can be expanded by clicking on the + sign in the upper right, or they can be collapsed by
clicking on the - sign. Templates can be saved or applied, and a Layout function can be
applied using the context menu after right-clicking. Sometimes the display needs to be

refreshed, using the Refresh entry in the context menu.

Any container or sub-container may have parameters associated with it. They can describe
physical or biological properties of the container that are required for processes like
transports or reactions. What is needed in our practice model is the volume parameter
which is used to calculate concentrations required for kinetic equations or for plotting
concentrations after a simulation has been performed.

As for molecules or reactions, parameters become accessible after clicking the

"Parameters" tab in the lower section of the edit window. To enter a spatial structure

1. Click on "BigVial" either in the Diagram Area or in the edit tree.

2. Click the "Parameters" tab.

3. Click the button Add Parameter, upon which a window named "New

Parameter" opens.
4. Enter "Volume" into the Name input box, select Volume in the Dimension input box, then
enter "1" into the Value input box. The Formula Type remains on "Constant".
5. Finally, click OK, and the new parameter "Volume" will appear in the parameter list.
. Repeat this procedure for the sub-containers "Vial1" and "Vial2", but set their volume
values to smaller values, like 0.1 and 0.2 liters.

A Spatial Structure (whole or in part) can also be loaded from or saved to a template (pkml)
file. Right-clicking into the Diagram Area will open a context menu that show a Load
Container and a Save As entry.

To save a Container of a Spatial Structure as pkml file:

1. Right-click on it in the Diagram Area or in the tree view, and select Save As from the
context menu.
2. In the file browser window that will open, select a location where it is saved and choose
a name to save it.

The selected container, including all its sub-containers, parameters and neighborhoods
between the sub-containers will be saved.

To load a Container into a Spatial Structure from a pkml file:

1. Right-click onto the desired target position for it in the Diagram Area or in the tree view,
and select Load Container from the context menu.
2. Select a folder and then a pkml file from the file browser window that will open.
3. If the pkml files contains more than one container, select the desired container.

The selected container, including all its sub-containers and neighborhoods between the sub-
containers, will be loaded. If duplicate names occur, you may be asked to enter a new
name. Any desired neighborhood relations (see Creating Neighborhoods) to already existing
containers in the spatial structure will have to be newly created.

You may also load and save an entire Spatial Structure building block as pkml file. This is
described in detail for molecules in Loading, Editing, and Saving Molecules and applies
also for a spatial structure.

A collection of template files with predefined building blocks is automatically

installed together with MoBi® in the default program data directory. The entry
"Templates" in the program start menu in the "MoBi" program group will lead you
to the proper path.

Creating Neighborhoods

Within a spatial structure, transport processes may occur (see Active Transporter Molecules
or Passive Transports). If you plan to define a transport process within a project, it is
necessary to define a neighborhood for a transport to become active. Creating a
neighborhood works similar to connecting reaction partners with a reaction triangle:
1. Move the mouse to one of the connected containers until the mouse pointer changes
from the standard arrow to a hand symbol .
2. Hold the left mouse button and drag the connection, displayed by a line, to the
container you want to have as a second neighborhood partner until the line hits its rim.
In our case, connect "Vial1" with "Vial2".
3. You will be asked for a neighborhood name that is required to proceed. Enter
"V1V2Connection" and click OK. In the Diagram Area, the thin initial line is replaced by a
bold line showing a circle half-way in the connection. Also, the neighborhood appears
in the tree view of the spatial structure.

The screen now looks like this:

Neighborhood created between two child containers

Like the containers, the neighborhood may contain parameters and may carry tags. These
parameters could describe the physical makeup of a neighborhood, and these values may
later be used in the formulas of transport processes. If you look at simulations imported
from PK-Sim®, you will see examples for such parameters. The spatial structure of such a
PBPK model is much more complex, but editing it works in the same way as described for
our simple example.


The Molecules building block contains all molecules with their default start values,
molecule-specific parameters and properties. A molecule has a name, typically the name of
the compound. Parameters and properties can be defined by you to describe the physico-
chemistry, like solubility or lipophilicity. These parameters may later be used in reactions,
passive and active transport processes, or may influence events. Also, active transporter
molecules and transport processes are defined for each molecule, if relevant for the model.

Start by opening a Molecules building block for editing. In the Building Block Explorer, open
the Molecules folder and edit the Molecules building block by either right-clicking it and
selecting "Edit", or by double-clicking on it. A new tab with an empty space will open. This is
the work space where you can add new molecules or load molecules from other projects.
You may notice that the ribbon of the MoBi® window has changed, being tabbed "Edit
Molecule", to offer you clickable ribbon buttons for molecule-related actions (compare in
Enter Molecules).

Creating New Molecules

To create a new molecule:

1. Click in the newly visible ribbon Add on the button New, or right-click into the

Diagram area (the empty space below the tab "Molecules") and choose Create
Molecule from the context menu that appears. A new window titled "New Molecule" will
2. Enter a molecule name into the "Name" input box.
3. Alternatively, a molecule can be created based on a PK-Sim® template. This can be
achieved by using the button PK-Sim Molecule in the Add ribbon or Add PK-Sim
Molecule from the context menu in the diagram area.
4. Enter a name for the PK-Sim molecule and the four physicochemical properties as

At this point, you may already input a value for the "Default Start Amount" which is set to
zero by default. Also, you may define molecule parameters after clicking on the
"Parameters" tab of the "New Molecule" window (see below). Both operations, however, can
also be done after the molecule is created (see below), which is finalized by pressing the
Enter key or by clicking OK. The newly created molecule name now appears in the left part
of the Molecules edit tab, and a tab on the right shows the properties of the molecule.
New Molecule window

Loading, Editing, and Saving Molecules

Alternatively to newly creating a molecule, molecules can be loaded from a pkml file. This
file can be

a PK-Sim® export containing molecules (see Export to *.pkml file for MoBi®, for how to
create such a file),
an entire previously saved MoBi® simulation,
a saved Molecules building block from a previous project,
or a previously saved molecule file.
A collection of template files with predefined building blocks is automatically
installed together with MoBi® in the default program data directory. The entry
"Templates" in the program start menu in the MoBi program group will lead you
to the proper path.

Use one of such files an proceed in the following way:

1. Click the Load ribbon button, or right-click into the empty space below the tab

"Molecules" and choose Load Molecule from the context menu that appears.
2. Select a folder and then a pkml file from the file browser window that will open.
3. If the pkml file contains more than one molecule, select one or more from the list that is
displayed. If one or more molecule names are already in use in the current project, you
will be asked for alternative names.

You can edit the molecule properties for the molecule in the tree that is currently being

Within the properties window, the checkbox Stationary determines if the

corresponding molecule will be transported by Passive Transports processes described
below (see Passive Transports) - this box should thus be checked only for immobile
molecules, like membrane-bound receptors or transporters.
Select the Molecule Type specification from the combobox. This has only influence on
the icon depicted in front of the molecules in the molecules tree view to the right.

Selectable options are Drug, Enzyme, Transporter,

Complex, Metabolite , Protein, and Other Protein.

The Default Start Amount determines what default value will be used whenever
"Molecule Start Values" are created (see “Molecule Start Values”). The value should be
left on 0 for all molecules which only will be created in the process of the simulation.
For complex spatial structures, it might be an alternative strategy to set all default start
amount values to 0 and set everything manually in the molecule start values for those
containers where a molecule is present in known concentrations.
The Used Calculation Methods at the bottom right of the edit window shows three
comboboxes for the selection of calculation methods for the distribution of the
molecule within a model exported from PK-Sim®. The calculation method defines
which method is used to calculate parameter values of parameters located in the
"Spatial Structure" ("MoleculeProperties") which have the Formula Type Calculation
Method. These selections are only needed if you want to use distribution methods from
PK-Sim®. Otherwise, leave them on No Calculation Method. For further information on
this subject, please refer to the discussion of the different distribution models in the PK-
Sim® manual (Simulations). If you select a certain "Calculation Method" you can get
tool tip information on the equations and specific parameters used in the "Calculation
Method" by hovering with the mouse over the "Category" entry.

To save a molecule as pkml file:

1. Right-click on its name in the molecules tree, and select Save As from the context
2. Select a location where it is saved in the file browser window that will open and select a
name to save it.

In a similar way, you can save an entire molecules building block.

1. Go to the Building Block Explorer, right-click your building block (the default name
would be "Molecules", it would be the level under the building block group "Molecules"),
and select Save As from the context menu.
2. Select a location where it is saved in the file browser window that will open and select a
name to save it.

You can load such a molecules building block into any project by right-clicking the building
block group (top level) and selecting Load Molecules Building Block. Also, you can use any
saved molecules building block to load individual molecules from it into other projects,
using the Load Molecule function described above.

If you are frequently building models in MoBi® where new molecules have to be
defined, it is a good idea to once configure your typical default molecule and
save it in your working directory. You can then compile your molecules building
blocks by repeatedly loading your default molecule and each time changing the
name to your desired molecule names.

Any molecules building block can also be removed (i.e., deleted), renamed, or cloned (i.e.,
copied under a different name) using the corresponding context menu functions.

The above operations, including save and load, are functions available for all
other building blocks through the context menu that appears on right-clicking
with the mouse at the corresponding positions.

Molecule Parameters

Molecule parameters can created, loaded, copied, or changed after clicking on the
Parameters tab in the right half of the window. For comprehensive information on
parameters and parameter handling, see above Parameters, Formulas, and Tags.

A molecule parameter needs to have a name, a parameter type (Local, Property, or Global),
a dimension, a value or a formula, and it may be a state variable.

A typical local parameter is "Concentration", defined by the formula "Amount/ Volume".

A typical property is "Molecular weight" which is used for calculating weight- based
An example for a global parameter might be a total start amount from which the start
amounts of differently bound molecules are calculated.
A description can be added into the input box a the bottom, like for giving a literature
reference from where you obtained this value.

More examples for molecule parameters can be found by looking at a molecule in a

simulation imported from PK-Sim®. If you enter a formula-defined or a state variable
parameter, please refer to the general section defining how to use this functionality.

As an example, we create the property "Molecular weight" for the molecule created above.
1. Click Add Parameter, and a "New Parameter" window will open.

2. Enter "Molecular weight" as parameter name.

3. Select the Parameter Type Property from the combobox and confirm the security
4. Select MolecularWeight in the Dimension combobox - you can narrow down your
search by entering the first few characters after clicking this combobox field.
5. Leave "Formula Type" on Constant and enter the molecule's molecular weight in g/mol
into the "Value" input box.
. Finally, press the Enter key or click OK. The screen should look like in the screen shot

Molecule building window

As a second example, load the parameter "Concentration" from a PK-Sim® simulation

export (see Export to *.pkml file for MoBi® for how to create such a file).

1. Click the Load Parameter button or select it from the context menu.
2. Select a pkml file that you previously generated in PK-Sim® and select Concentration
from the list. This local parameter is defined by a formula, and it is useful to have it in
every molecule which is later used in a reaction kinetic equation.
For a detailed description of the creation and use of formulas see below,

For continuing our test project, enter three molecules and name them "A", "B",
and "C". Uncheck the checkbox Stationary for each molecule to allow
transport processes. Set the Default Start Amount for molecule "A" to 50 µmol
and leave "B" and "C" at the default, 0 µmol. It will be needed to practice in the
next sections.

Active Transporter

In addition to the molecules described so far, active transporter molecules and transport
processes related to them can be created. Since their use requires that a spatial structure
and neighborhoods have been created, they and the dependent active transport processes
are described below in Active Transporter Molecules.


In a Reactions building block, all (bio-)chemical reactions which are of interest for the
current project are defined. Like a molecule, each reaction has to have a unique name, a
reaction kinetics equation, may have parameters, and it also needs reaction partners.

Like in the Molecules section, you first need to select a reaction building block for editing.

1. In our newly created project, open the Reactions folder and edit the Reaction building
block by either right-clicking it and selecting Edit, or by double- clicking on it.
2. A new tab with an empty diagram area will open. This is the work space where you can
add new reactions and molecules or load reactions from other projects. Again, the
ribbon of the MoBi® window changes to a reaction-related view, named "Edit Reaction".
Working with reactions is done mostly using the Reaction Diagram. We describe the most
important features in this section, for more details see Diagrams Overview

Reactions and Molecules

When creating a simulation (see Setting up a Simulation) the reactions defined in this
building block are combined with the molecules from the Molecules building block. When
we use the term Molecule in this section we refer to Molecule names only, which define the
relationship between the Reactions to the Molecules from the Molecules building block.

If you insert a molecule that has not yet been defined in the Molecules building
block, this may cause an error later when setting up a simulation. Remember to
define that molecule later.

To have access to molecules as reaction partners for the reactions you want to create, it is
advisable to first insert the molecules that you need into the Diagram Area, our work space.
Alternatively, you may insert the molecules after reactions are created. To insert molecules:

1. Click the newly visible ribbon button Insert Molecule, or right-click into the

Diagram Area and choose Insert Molecule from the context menu that appears. A box
listing all molecules available in this project will appear.
2. You can either enter a name manually into the "Molecule Name" input box, or select as
many as you wish from the list below this input box. Multi-select is done in the
standard Windows® way by keeping the Shift key (for a contiguous part of the list) or
the Ctrl key pressed (for individual selection) followed by clicking with the mouse on
the desired molecule range or molecule names.
3. Click OK to execute the operation. For each molecule, a green circular symbol appears
in the diagram area.

The added molecules can be moved by the mouse within the diagram area. To do this, left-
click a molecule on its dark-green center, hold the mouse button and drag it with the mouse.
Release the mouse button when the molecule sits at its desired place.
To create a new reaction:

1. Click the ribbon button New, or right-click into the diagram area at the position

where you want to have the new reaction, then choose Create Reaction from the
context menu that appears. A new window titled "New Reaction" will open with the
"Properties" tab selected.
2. Enter a reaction name into the "Name" input box, e.g. "R1".
3. Below the name, you can check the box Create process rate parameter. If this box
is checked, a parameter which equals the reaction rate equation is automatically
generated when a simulation is build. You can use this parameter to refer to the
reaction rate in any equation. It can also be used to plot the reaction rate (additionally
check the box Plot Process Rate Parameter) .
4. Next, you can choose the Formula Type from a combobox - by default, Formula is
5. If you want to use a formula that has already been defined, you may select it from the

"Formula Name" combobox. To create a new formula, click the Add Formula

button. You will be asked for a reaction formula name. It is a good idea to use a related
name for the reaction and for the reaction's formula - you may even use the same
names here. Then press Enter or click OK to return to the "New Reaction" window.
. You may then continue to create reaction parameters (like rate constants) and the
reaction formula, but that can be done later as well.
7. Finally, press Enter or click OK.
New Reaction window

For completing our example and to get more practice, repeat steps 1 to 6 to enter
a second reaction that you name "R2".

A reaction triangle symbol showing the reaction name "R1" underneath will be created in

the Diagram area. This triangle has differently colored circles on its corners:

The blue circle, by default on the left, is where the educts are to be connected (see
where already two reactions are present).
The green circle, by default on the right, is where the products are connected.
The red circle on the top is where reaction modifiers, like catalysts or inhibitors, are
connected - i.e., those molecules that do not change in the course of the reaction, but
influence the reaction kinetics.

Like molecules, reaction triangles can be dragged with the mouse to a desired position
within the diagram area. Click into the grey center of a reaction triangle and hold the left
mouse key to drag the reaction symbol.

Connecting Molecules and Reactions

Now you may want to connect molecules to the reaction and verify or change the
stoichiometry. There are two ways to connect a molecule to a reaction as educt, product, or

You can either click on the corresponding circle of the reaction triangle (i.e., blue for
educt) and drag it towards the desired molecule, holding the left mouse button pressed
and releasing it when the connection line that is protruding from the triangle connects
to the proper molecule.
Alternatively, you can drag the light-green rim of a molecule symbol towards the desired
position of a reaction triangle until the connection line connects to the correct target

In both cases, the correct position of the mouse pointer to start the action is indicated by a
change of the mouse pointer from an arrow symbol to a hand symbol . As long as
you keep the left mouse button pressed, the connection is not yet finalized. So, if the
connection line appears to connect to the wrong target, continue moving the mouse
towards the desired target symbol and only release the mouse button when the correct
points are connected. You should get an arrangement like shown for reaction R1 in below.

In case a wrong connection is established, you can click on a connection, after

which it is highlighted by light green squares, and then press the Delete key on
the keyboard.
Building Reactions: Three molecules (A, B, C) and two reactions (R1, R2) have been added
to the Diagram. R1 has already been connected to its reaction educt A and product B.

Now, continue and check the reaction's stoichiometry. If you have connected one or more
molecules to the reaction, you should see them appearing in the properties tab of this

1. Click the reaction triangle. Below the Diagram area, the Properties Editor, a three-
tabbed window, is shown.
2. Click the Properties tab, and you see the Alias names (how they will be used in the
formula, see next section), the path, and the dimension of the amount of molecules .
3. Clicking on the Stoichiometry tab will list the educt and product stoichiometric
coefficients. By default, these coefficients are set to 1, and you need to change that
manually if your reaction has a different stoichiometry, e.g. if two molecules form a

Reaction Kinetics
You are now ready to define Reaction Parameters, like kinetic rate constants, Michaelis-
Menten parameters (kcat or KM), or binding constants. These parameters will then be used
for the equation that defines the reaction kinetics. A new reaction parameter is defined by
the following procedure:

1. Click the Parameters tab in the edit reactions window.

2. Click the Add Parameter button. A "New Parameter" window opens (compare

molecule parameter creation, “Molecule Parameters”).

3. Enter a parameter name, like "k1" as a first order rate constant in our example.
4. Select the parameter type (Local/Property/Global). For a rate constant only used in one
single reaction, the recommendation is to choose Local, whereas Global is the right
choice if several reactions need this parameter and you want to define it only once.
5. Select the proper dimension in the Dimension combobox, which is Inversed Time for
the first order rate constant in our example.
. Enter a value for your parameter, 0.01 as an example. If needed, select a different
dimension unit in the combobox to the right of the value input box. The parameter may
also be defined by a formula or data table, or you may make the parameter state
variable (compare Parameters, Formulas, and Tags).
7. Optionally you may enter a description.
. Finally, press Enter or click OK.

Alternatively to entering it manually, you may also load it from a file or copy and paste it
from another reaction in the same way as described above, see Parameters, Formulas, and
Tags. Any setting of a parameter can be edited later, and as many parameters as you need
can be added to a reaction. The figure below shows what the screen would look like after
one parameter has been added.
Reaction parameter k1 has been added to reaction R1

The following steps describe how to enter a kinetic equation to the reaction:

1. Click the Properties tab again, and notice the red error sign left of the empty

input box (see lower left). Hovering with the mouse over this warning symbol will show
you a tool tip with information on the validity of the equation - currently the problem is
that it is still empty. Examples for kinetic equations are a irreversible term, like "k1*A",
an equilibrium like "k1*A- k2*B", or a Michaelis-Menten type of equation.
2. If you want to use relative paths, select the corresponding radio button on the right
hand side, and then the corresponding reference point in the tree window that pops up.
3. All variables you use in the kinetic equation will have to be present in the reference list.
The molecules that were previously drawn to the reaction (educts, products, or
modifiers) are already present with their corresponding amount parameters.
4. To add the reaction parameters that you defined before to the reference list, click on the
+ sign next to the reaction name in the tree display in the "Possible Referenced Objects"
part of the window. Drag and drop all reaction parameters that you want to use in your
formula into the references area left of the tree, where product and educt molecule
references are listed.
5. If you need molecular concentration parameters in the formula, select Relative path
and choose one container. Open this container in the possible referenced objects tree
by clicking on the + sign next to it, then open MoleculeProperties underneath it, open
the needed molecule and drag the concentration parameter (which needs to be created
beforehand in the Molecules building block, see Molecule Parameters) into the
references area left of the tree. Finally, you may want to edit the automatically
generated alias names to have molecule names as part of the aliases. Just click into
the alias name field and edit the name.
. Besides reaction and molecule parameters, parameters of other building blocks, like the
volume of a spatial structure, might be needed. They have to be defined first, so look up
the corresponding sections in this chapter to see how to do that.
7. Finally, enter your kinetic equation into the empty input box below the references; for

our example, enter "k1*A". This will let the error symbol disappear, if everything is

properly defined and if all parameters are defined in the references. Compare your
results to the series of screen shots of the Quick guide in Enter a Reaction.

To complete reaction R2 (created above, see Reactions and Molecules) which

you will need for continuing with the model building, connect molecule "B" as
educt to R2, then "C" as product, as done for R1 in the previous section. Then
define another k1 parameter for R2, this time set it to 0.005. Note that the name
k1 appears twice, but is assigned to different reactions - thus they can both be
separated. Next drag k1 to the references list, then enter k1*B as reaction
kinetics formula. We will need a working reaction system if we move on to
setting up a simulation later on.

If using the same rate constant name for two different reactions is too
confusing, use different names for the rate constants in different reactions.

Additional Features for Editing Reactions

There are more features available to handle reaction building. Some of which are briefly
described here:

you can delete an object using the Delete key or the context menu,
you can zoom, for instance by pressing the Shift key and selecting a rectangle by
dragging the mouse,
different layout features like usage of templates and auto layout mechanisms are

To get more details on which techniques are available in all diagrams, see Diagrams

Instead of the diagram area, the graphical display of all reactions, you can switch to a list
view by clicking the List tab in the upper part of the edit window. Reactions are listed by
name with their stoichiometry and kinetic equations. Right-clicking the lines allows you to
edit, rename, save, and remove any reaction by selecting the corresponding entry in the
context menu.

Transport Processes

In MoBi®, passive and active transport processes use common logics in their setup.
However, for technical reasons they are defined in different building blocks: a separate
passive transports building block for those passive processes that are generic for all
molecules, while the active and passive transport processes specific to the molecules are
defined in the molecules building block. Typical examples for all groups are mentioned in
the sections below.

Passive Transports

Passive transports which will affect all non-stationary molecules can be defined in this
building block. Examples are passive diffusion, the flow of body fluids like blood, or
perfusion processes. Open the building block for editing by opening the folder "Passive

Transports" in the Building Block Explorer and then double- clicking the building

block which is by default also called "Passive Transports". A passive transport is defined by
source (origin) and target (sink), while the transport rate is defined by a kinetic formula.
Often, it is desired to define transport processes by a generic type of equation, e.g., in all
organs from blood to interstitial space. This is done by selecting the corresponding
container tag conditions which previously should be defined to contain such container type
information (see Creating a Spatial Structure). Further, passive processes that should
transport all present and non-stationary molecules require a kinetic equation with generic
references to molecule concentration or amount. By default, MoBi® uses relative reference
paths with such generic names. This will be shown in the following example process.

For creating a new transport or loading one from a previously saved file:

1. Select the corresponding ribbon button New or Load. Alternatively,

you may right-click into the empty white space in the left part of the edit window and
select Create Passive Transport or Load Passive Transport from the context menu. If
you choose New or Create, a window named "New Passive Transport" opens.
New Passive Transport Window

1. Enter a name for this transport process, for example "Diffusion".

2. Define descriptors for target and source containers:
Right-click into the corresponding empty space below "Condition" and "Tag", then
either select New match tag condition or New not match tag condition.
A window where you will be asked for the tag name will open.
A tag can simply be the name of a container of a spatial structure; you can select
from the available names by clicking the drop-down arrow. In our example project,
select "Vial1" as "New match tag condition" for "Source Descriptor", and select
"Vial2" as "New match tag condition" for "Target Descriptor". Selecting the "not
match condition" will simply invert the selection.
The arrangement of neighborhood connections set up in the spatial structure (see
Creating Neighborhoods) will restrict the pattern of transport streams.
3. Define which molecules are transported. Per default, the checkbox All is selected,
which means that all molecules which are present in the corresponding compartments
are transported. Exceptions can be defined in the Exclude List. In order to add a

molecule to the Exclude List, click the Add Molecule button within the section

Exclude List. Molecules listed in the Exclude List will not be transported. If the
checkbox All is un-checked, you can add molecules to the Include List. Then, only
molecules listed in the Include List are transported.
4. If the box Create process rate parameter is checked, a parameter which equals the
transport rate equation is automatically generated when a simulation is build. You can
use this parameter to refer to the transport rate in any equation. It can also be used to
plot the transport rate (additionally check the box Plot Process Rate Parameter) .
5. In order to define a transport rate, go to the Tab Kinetic. Select Formula in the Formula
Type combobox.

. Click the Add Formula button. You will be asked for a reaction formula name.

Name the formula "Diffusion". Press Enter or click OK.

7. Next you need to compile the referenced values for the diffusion formula. To have more
space for easier navigation, you may either click OK and edit the formula in the larger
space of the edit window, or you may increase the size of the window by pulling on its
rims with the left mouse button pressed.
A diffusion equation typically requires you to use concentration differences between two
connected containers. Also, a diffusion constant is required which may be molecule-

To have such values as molecule parameters available, you need to go back to edit the
Molecules building block and introduce them (see Molecule Parameters).
If transport rates depend primarily on the processes rather than on the molecular
properties (e.g., blood vessel flow rates), it might be better to attach such parameters to
the neighborhood (see Creating Neighborhoods).
If only one global diffusion coefficient is needed (e.g., if all molecules diffuse rather
similarly), you may define it as a parameter to the transport process. Use the
"Parameters" tab in the edit window of the newly created passive transport, and create
a diffusion constant in the way described for the other building blocks, using the "New
Parameter" button.
Another alternative is to just enter a diffusion constant as a numerical value into the
formula input box, as it is done below.

In any of the above cases, the tree view within the field "Possible Referenced Objects"
allows you to pick parameters from a variety of building blocks.

If you notice later that a parameter would rather be placed at another location,
you can move a parameter by clicking to the left of it, pressing Ctrl+X and
inserting it with Ctrl+V at the proper position. However, all "Possible Referenced
Objects" list entries pointing to this parameter need to be entered again

Continuing with our example, let us enter a simple diffusion equation based on a constant
multiplied with the concentration difference between source and target container.

1. Make sure that the molecules created above all have a "Concentration" parameter. If
not, see Molecule Parameters how to proceed.
2. To make the concentrations available for the diffusion formula, work with the "Possible
Referenced Objects" tree view, as described in Reaction Kinetics. Select "Relative path",
and choose "BigVial|Neighborhoods|V1V2Connection" as reference point. The relative
path will result in source and target molecule paths that are generic for all molecules,
whereas selecting an absolute path will be molecule-specific.
3. Successively expand the "Possible Referenced Objects" tree view by clicking on the +
signs to the left of "BigVial", then again "BigVial" in the level that opened, there on
"Vial1", then on "MoleculeProperties", then on "A" (or any other molecule name). The
"Concentration" parameter should now appear, if present.
4. Drag and drop exactly this "Concentration" parameter to the white references area to
the left of the tree. The alias name "Concentration" and the path
"SOURCE|MOLECULE|Concentration" should appear in the list.
5. Then open the tree below "Vial2" -> "MoleculeProperties" -> "A" and drag exactly this
"Concentration" parameter into the references as well. This time, the alias should be
named "Concentration1" and the path should read
. Compare your screen to to the images below. If you want to change the aliases
manually, you can do so by clicking on any name input box and replace the
corresponding name with another.
7. Now enter the formula "0.001*(Concentration-Concentration1)" into the formula input

box below the references. The error symbol that was displayed to the left of this

input box should now disappear, if everything is typed correctly. Compare your result
again with the images below.

The resulting formula is a generic formula. The example model has 3 different
molecules, "A", "B", and "C". Each of them will be transported by the above
passive transport, as long as they are all present in the compartments "Vial1"
and "Vial2" and the checkbox "All" is selected, which is the case in our example.
Passive Transport has been added - Properties Tab
Passive Transport has been added - Kinetic Tab

Molecule-specific Passive Transports

Besides generic transport processes, molecule-specific passive transports may be required.

An example is a molecule's clearance from the body which is not further characterized and
cannot be attributed to specific enzymes or transporters.

As with generic passive transports, molecule-specific transports only affect non-stationary

molecules. Following the logic of MoBi®, molecule-specific transport processes are to be
defined in the "Molecules" building block. Refer to Creating New Molecules and open your
Molecules building block for re-editing by double-clicking or by use of the context menu. If it
is still open, you can click the Molecules tab in the edit window.
To create a molecule-specific transport process:

1. In the molecules building block and in the molecules tree, right-click on the molecule
that you want to be transported.
2. Select Create Passive Transport from the context menu.
3. A "New Passive Transport" window opens.
4. Then follow the same protocol as given for the generic passive transports, “Passive

Like with the generic passive transports, you may also load an existing process from a
pkml file. Existing passive transports appear below the affected molecule in the tree view.
Selecting such a process by clicking it will display an edit window as for the active

Active Transporter Molecules

An active transport process, as opposed to a passive transport, requires a transporter

molecule (like a protein channel) that works similar to an enzyme. Unlike a chemical
reaction, however, this process does not change a molecule but transfers it between
containers, for example, from the intercellular space into a cell. As with passive transports,
active transports only affect non-stationary molecules. Following the logic of MoBi®, all
active transporter molecules and their transport processes are to be defined in the
"Molecules" building block. Refer to Creating New Molecules and open your Molecules
building block for re-editing by double-clicking or by use of the context menu. If it is still
open, you can click the Molecules tab in the edit window.

First, an active transporter molecule needs to be defined:

1. In the molecules building block and in the molecules tree, right-click on the molecule
that you want to be transported.
2. Select Create Transporter Molecule from the context menu.
3. You are asked for a transporter name. Either enter a new name (e.g., "PGP"), or the
name of an already existing transporter molecule if the very same transporter is active
for several molecules in your list and has been previously defined.
4. Press Enter or click OK. In the molecules tree, a transporter molecule is displayed, and a
transporter entry is added to the molecule selected in step 1.
5. In the transporter entry below the selected molecule, you may enter a description and
parameters, as for any molecule.
. Click on the transporter molecule at the top level of the molecules tree to modify this
molecule's parameters, as described above in, Molecule Parameters. This may be the
initial amount of transporter or a concentration parameter.
7. Right-click on the transporter attached to the molecule to be transported, and select
Create Transport from the context menu. A window named "New Active Transport"
. Enter a name into the Name input box, like "PGP Transport". Then, follow the steps
described in the previous section “Passive Transports” for selecting source and target,
define a transport rate parameter and entering a transport kinetics formula.
9. The kinetics formula of an active transport process is entered into the formula input

box within the Tab Kinetic so that the red error symbol will disappear. A typical

active transport formula will be dependent on the transporter concentration, substrate

concentration in source and target container, and on molecule specific parameters, like
a KM value for substrate and transporter. You will need to add all the required
concentrations and parameters as references, or you may enter them in numeric form
into the equation.

Continuing with our example project, let us enter a transport called "PGP" for molecule "A"
and a transport process called "PGP Transport A" which runs in the opposite direction of the
above passive transport, i.e., from "Vial2" as source to "Vial1" as target. As references for
the transport equation, you need the concentration parameters of "PGP" and of "A" from the
references tree. The alias of the PGP concentration is renamed to "C_PGP", and that of
molecule "A" to "C_A" by just overriding the default names. The equation to be entered is
"0.001*C_PGP*C_A". The figure below shows what the screen should look like after
everything is properly set up.
Active Transport has been entered

If more than one molecule is transported by the very same transporter, you just
create the same transporter molecule twice, i.e., with the same name under the
second molecule. This will only create a new active transport, but no duplicate
transporter molecule. You can then proceed like for the first molecule and create
a transport process.

If two molecules compete for the same transporter, you can add inhibition terms
to the transport equations that use all molecules, either as transporter substrate
or as transporter inhibitor.


An observer which can be displayed in a chart (see Simulation Results) is an output derived
from one or several molecules or parameters by a defined formula. There are two classes of
observers: molecule observers and container observers; creating and editing of both
classes will be explained in this section. The main difference between those two classes is
that a container observer can be computed for every molecule in every container (or for a
selectable subset of both), whereas an molecule observer can be used to compute a value
from one or more molecules specified in its formula, but for all or a selectable subset of

In our example project, a spatial structure named "Observer" has already been created by
initially executing the New Project command. To proceed further, click on the + sign to the
left of "Observers" in the building block explorer, and then open the "Observer" for editing by
double-clicking on it or by using the Edit command of the context menu that appears after
right-clicking on "Observer". In the edit window, you can choose between the tabs "molecule
observer" (the default selection on opening) and "Container Observer".

For creating a new observer or loading one from a previously saved file, select the

corresponding button New or Load from the context-dependent ribbon

and there select the proper observer type. Alternatively, you may right-click into the empty
white space of the edit window and select Create Molecule (resp. Container) Observer or
Load Molecule (resp. Container) Observer from the context menu. If you choose New or
Create, a window named "New Molecule (resp. Container) Observer" opens.

Each observer class has a conditions attached to it that determines for which molecules
and in which parts of the spatial structure an observer is calculated. Observers can be
selected by inclusion or exclusion criteria based on their tags by selecting New match tag
condition or New not match tag condition. Tags are either the name of a container or they
can be manually added (compare “Creating a Spatial Structure”). All conditions entered for
one observer are connected by a logical "and". Make sure you have entered proper data into
these fields, or otherwise an observer is not generated in a simulation and warnings will be
reported when creating a simulation (see Create a Simulation). As a further option, you may
select the Add match all tag condition, which selects all containers.

All conditions, parameters, formulas, names, and paths that have been defined for any
observer may later be edited, renamed, or deleted. Use the corresponding context menus, or
override the entries in input boxes, comboboxes, or checkboxes.

Molecule Observers

To work with molecule observers, make sure the tab "Molecule Observer" in the edit window
is selected. To create a new molecule observer, use Create Molecule Observer as described
above, upon which the "New Molecule Observer" window opens (see image below). For our
test project, we want to create an observer that calculates the molar concentration from the
amount of molecules, doing so for each molecule and each compartment except for

1. Enter the name "MolarConcentration" in the Name input box, and select Concentration
as Dimension below.
2. Check the box "All" in the section "Calculated For Molecules".
3. Check the box All in the section "Calculated for following molecules". If this checkbox is
selected, the observer is defined for all existing molecules. Exceptions can be defined in

the Exclude List. In order to add a molecule to the Exclude List, click the Add

Molecule button within the section Exclude List. The observer is not defined for
molecules listed in the Exclude List. If the checkbox All is un-checked, you can add
molecules to the Include List. Then, the observer is defined only for molecules listed in
the Include List.
4. Then right-click into the white space below "In Container with", and select New match
tag condition from the context menu.
5. You are asked for a tag name. Select "Obs" from the combobox or enter it manually.
The "New Molecule Observer" window should now look like:

. The next step is to create the Monitor formula which defines how the value of the
observer is calculated from the molecule or parameters. At this point, at least a formula
name is required for the observer creation; all other data like the observer formula can
be defined at a later point, if needed. Click on the "Monitor" tab in the "New Molecule
Observer" window.

7. Click the Add Formula button. You will be asked for a reaction formula name;

enter the name "MolarConcentration"; if this formula name is already existing, you may
select it in the combobox instead of adding a new formula. In any case, the error

symbol will disappear from the "Formula Name" line as well as from the

"Monitor" tab, and the OK button becomes active.

. • You can now continue to create the formula in the "New Molecule Observer" window.
In this case, it is advisable to enhance the size of this window to have more work
• Alternatively, you can click OK or press Enter and return to the edit window, where you
need to click the "Monitor" tab again. Let us continue our example in the edit window
since there is more space to select references.
9. On the right hand side of the Monitor window, you will see the "References" column.
The screen now looks like in the screen shot below:

10. The formula for molecular concentration you will need to enter is the ratio of molecule
amount and container volume. For both, you need the references, similar to all
previously described formulas. For the amount of molecules, this is straightforward:
just drag and drop the word "MOLECULE" from the "Possible Referenced Objects" tree
on the right to the white space below "Alias/Path/Dimension" on the left. The alias "M",
the path "..", and the dimension "Amount" will appear. This alias "M" stands for the
corresponding amount for each molecule the observer is calculated for, according to
the conditions defined previously, visible under the "Properties" tab.
11. Since our concentration observer should be computed for containers of different
hierarchical levels (in case the spatial structure will be extended in the future), you need
to select "Relative Path" by clicking the corresponding radio button on the right. The
first time you do that in this window, you will be asked for entering a path by the
window shown below. To completely visualize the path, press the * key or click on all +
symbols to the left of the names. You may select any of the containers here and then
use its corresponding Volume parameter; however, do not use any of the
"MoleculeProperties" branches, as that would invalidate the path. To complete our
example observer, click on "Vial1" and then on the OK button; see the following image.

12. On the right hand side of the edit window, the "Possible Referenced Objects" tree, "Vial1"
is now highlighted. Open the "Vial1" tree by clicking on the + symbol to the left of
"Vial1". You will see the parameter "Volume" below it, after "MoleculeProperties".
13. Drag and drop exactly this "Volume" to the left, below the "M". The alias "Volume", the
path "..|..|Volume", and the dimension "Volume" should appear. Compare the screen
shot below with your monitor window.
14. Finally, enter the formula "M/Volume" into the input box below the references (showing

a red symbol next to it before the formula is entered), and all should look like in

this image.

15. The warning symbol disappears, you can see the still highlighted "Volume" that was
used to drag the reference path, and you will see the amount of molecules M. In case
there was a mistake and you need to reset the Local Reference Point, click on the ...
symbol to the right of the path and re-enter it. Wrong references above the formula can
be deleted by right-clicking on them and selecting Remove from the context menu.

If you have already loaded or created a concentration parameter when building the
molecules (see Molecule Parameters), you may wonder why you cannot use this reaction
parameter for the observer. This is indeed an alternative option. Instead of dragging and
dropping "M" and "Volume", you can use the "Concentration" parameter with the correct
relative path, which can be found under "Vial1/MoleculeProperties/A", if you repeatedly
click on the corresponding + signs to open up the paths. As formula, this time just insert
"Concentration", and you are done. you will use this method again for the container
observers, so it will be further elaborated there.

Examples for many other molecule observers can be best studied when opening the
observer building block in a simulation exported from PK-Sim®.

Container Observers

To work with container observers, make sure the tab "Container Observer" in the edit
window is selected. For our test project, we want to create an observer that calculates the
sum of our two metabolites, B and C. This creation procedure is almost identical to
molecule observers, but the paths you get are different, and you will use different properties
and formulas.

1. To create a new container observer, use "Create Container Observer" as described

above, upon which the "New Container Observer" window opens, similar to the molecule
2. Enter "SumMetabolites" as Name, "Concentration" as "Dimension".
3. Then click the "Add Molecule" button within the section "Include List". You will be asked
for a molecule name; select or enter "C" and click OK. Select the Add match all tag
condition, which means that the observer will be calculated for all containers.
4. You need to select a target container tag in the "In Container with" field in the same way
as described in Molecule Observers or for "Source" or "Target" in Transport Processes.
For our example project, use the same condition as for the example molecule observer:
select New match tag condition from the context menu and then Obs from the

5. Click on the "Monitor" tab, then click the Add Formula button. Enter

"SumMetabolites" as Formula Name. Then click OK or press Enter. (As described above
for the molecule observers, you may also continue the formula work in the "New
Container Observer" window.)
. Since the display returns to the properties tab, you need to click the "Monitor" tab again.
Set the relative path as described for the Molecule Observer to "Vial1".
7. In the "Possible Referenced Objects", open the "Vial1" paths all the way down until you
see the "Concentration" parameters for molecules "B" and "C".
. Drag and drop both of them successively to the reference list.
9. Enter "Concentration + Concentration1" into the formula input box left of the red

symbol , which should disappear upon completion.

The screen should look like in the screen shot below:

Container Observer for Sum of Metabolites

Events and Applications

An event is used to change an entity, like the amount of molecules or a reaction rate, when
a given condition is met. This condition can be, for example, that a given simulation time is
reached, or that the concentration of a molecule has exceeded a certain value. Thus, such a
programmed event is used to reflect external changes to the simulation, like the application
of a drug or a sudden physical change in the spatial structure, like a vessel rupture.

In the drug delivery case, however, you rather want to use an application instead of an event
to have more options available for drug release and repeated applications. Since the
generation of an application in MoBi® can be rather complicated and is beyond the scope
of this manual, we will restrict the description to adapting applications that were previously
imported from PK-Sim®, where complex applications schemes can be generated more

Events and applications are grouped in an events building block, where events are sub-
grouped in event groups. To create such a structure, you may need to create a new events
building block using the context menu of the building block explorer or the corresponding
ribbon button of the Modeling & Simulation tab. In our example, an empty events building
block named "Events" has already been created automatically. Simulations imported from a
PK-Sim® project also contain such a building block that contains the applications.

To add events or applications to the project, you need to open the events building block for
editing. This can be done by double-clicking on it or by using the Edit command of the
context menu in the building block explorer.

Event Groups and Events

To create a new event group, either

use the New ribbon button,

or right-click into the white space in the event edit window and select the

Create Event Group command.

A window named "New Event Group" will open. Then proceed with:

1. Enter a unique name into the Name input box, like "EventGroup1".
2. Enter a condition to define for which containers the event will be applicable. In order to
do so, click into the white space below the "In Container with" field, and select New
match tag condition or New not match tag condition - depending if you want to include
or exclude containers with a specific name or tag. You can enter more than one
condition, which will be combined by a logical "and". A further option is to select the
Add match all tag condition, which selects all containers.
3. After this, you will be asked to enter a container tag for your condition, where you can
select from available tags in a combobox. In our example project, select BigVial as a
New match tag condition. This will make the event group effective for the entire spatial
structure you created above.
4. As always, you may enter a description into the input box at the bottom.
5. Click OK or press Enter to finalize the event group. The new event group should now be
listed in the left part of the event building block edit window. The right part should
show the previously specified event group tag conditions.

As in other instances, you may define parameters for an event group. To access the
parameters window, click on the "Parameters" tab in the right part of the edit window.
Entering a parameter entry works in the same way as described for molecules, reactions, or
for spatial structure containers. Examples for event group parameters are values for event
timing or amounts of molecules that you want to set within the individual events of this
event group.

New Event Group window

After the event group is created, individual events can be defined for this group. Right-click
your event group, and you will see the options you have in the context menu. These are:

Edit - this has the same function as selecting the name.

Save As - saves the selected event group to a pkml file.
Remove - deletes the selected event group.
Create Application - see Applications.
Load Application - see Applications.
Create Event - creates a new event within the current event group.
Load Event - loads an existing event from a pkml file.
Create Event Group - creates a new event group below the highlighted event group.
Load Event Group - loads an existing event group from a pkml file below the
highlighted event group.
Create Container - see Applications.
Load Container - see Applications.

To create an event, click the Create Event option. A window named "New Event" will open
(see image below). Then proceed with the following steps:

1. Enter an event name in the Name input box, e.g. "E1".

2. If your event should only be executed once during the simulation, check the box
One Time Event below the name. This is a useful option if, for example, you want to
set an amount of molecules to a new value at a given time. For this example, check this
3. The section "Condition" below the checkbox requires that you enter an event condition
name, which is comparable to a formula name of a reaction or a parameter. Enter "E1"
into this input box.
4. To have more space for building the condition, close this window now by clicking OK or
pressing Enter to complete the event building in the edit window. However, all required
data could also be entered in the "New Event" window.

5. Continue working with the right part of the edit window with building the event in the
"Properties" tab. From the Possible Referenced Objects tree, you need the TIME variable,
which reflects the simulation time. The procedure is the same as described for
referenced objects used in reaction equations (see Reaction Kinetics): Drag the TIME
with the mouse to the left hand side and release it in the white space below the "Alias"
header under the "Condition". "Time" should appear in this field.

. There is still a Condition equation to be entered, as indicated by the red error sign

in front of that input box. The easiest way to let an event happen at a given simulation
time would now be to enter the formula "Time > 500", which would execute the event at
500 minutes. The use of "> 500" instead of "= 500" is advantageous since it might well
be that during the simulation, the exact value of 500 will never be assumed, depending
on the time step. If you plan to quickly test different values for this time, it is
advantageous to define this execution time as a parameter which can be altered in the
7. Define a time parameter as an event parameter (alternatively, it can be set as an event
group parameter if it is needed in several events of this group). Click the "Parameters"

tab, then the button Add Parameter. A "New Parameter" window opens.

. Enter "E1Time" as parameter name.

9. Select Time from the combobox "Dimension".
10. Enter "500". If you prefer to do this in other units than minutes, you may change the
dimension (e.g., to "h") in the combobox to the right of the value.
11. Click OK or press Enter. The new parameter will appear in the parameters list.
12. Click the "Properties" tab. Drag and drop the newly created parameter "E1Time" from
the Possible Referenced Objects list on the right into the white space below the already
added "Time" reference. To find this parameter, you need to look below the E1 event, so
click on the + sign to open that part of the reference tree. In case you have defined the
parameter under the event group, you will find it below the event group.

13. Enter "Time > E1Time" into the formula input box, after which the error sign to

the left of it should disappear.

14. What is still needed is the assignment which determines what will happen when the
event condition is fulfilled. As an example, we will set the amount of molecule "A" in the
container "Vial1". To proceed, click the button Add Assignment. A window named "New
Event Assignment" will open.
15. Enter "SetA" as name into the Name input box.
1 . Click the ... on the left hand side of the "Changed Entity" input box below Name. A
window named "Select Changed Entity" will open. Select the molecule "A" in "Vial1" as
target. To see it and be able to click it, you need to open the levels BigVial|BigVial|Vial1
by clicking successively on the + sign to the left of them. Then click on A. The window
should look like the following screen shot.

17. Click the OK button. The red error symbol to the left of the "Changed Entity" input

box should now be gone, and a path to molecule A, "BigVial| Vial1|A", should be visible.
1 . Check the box Use Assignment As Value, then enter "50" into the Value input box.
This will set the amount of molecules to 50 µmol in "Vial1" when the event is executed.
Finally, click the OK button or press Enter. The screen should look like in the following
image, and the event is now completed.
Event building completed

Instead the amount of molecules, an event allows for changing a number of assignments,
like reaction or transport rate constants, container volumes or neighborhood parameters.
The entire formula of a reaction or transport may be changed by not checking "Use
Assignment As Value" during the creation of an assignment, and by selecting Formula
instead of Constant in "Formula Type". Also, you may change several assignments upon
one condition: just click the button "Add Assignment" again, and you can go through the
above steps 14 to 18 again and have another value changed.

Instead of a one time event, you can have an event permanently active if you uncheck the
box One Time Event in "Properties". In our example of setting the amount of molecule
"A" to 50 µmol at above 500 minutes, this would result in keeping the amount of "A"
constant at 50 µmol after 500 minutes.

An assignment can be changed by the following actions:

Click the ... symbol to the right of "Changed Entity Path", and you will see the Select
Changed Entity window again to alter the above choice.
In the "New Formula" input box (or row in case of several assignments), you can
change between different values or formulas for the target assignment.
The box Use Assignment As Value can be changed to insert a formula at the
The symbol has the same function as the button Add Assignment.
Clicking the symbol will delete the corresponding assignment.

The above actions allow for basic editing of assignments. For all other and
deeper changes, the recommended workflow is to delete and re-create an


An application is basically an event group with a more complex structure than that
described in the previous section. In almost all cases, the application will be created within
PK-Sim®and then transferred to MoBi®. The scope of this section will be limited to working
with this recommended workflow.

The image below shows two example applications imported from PK-Sim®, one

i.v. and one oral. You can see the two application in the tree view of the event edit window.
Each application consist of the application group, the application start event, and the
protocol schema item. To make changes, look at the parameters of the protocol schema
item, as displayed in the image.
Example Applications

You may make changes in the following parameters of this group:

Altering DosePerBodyWeight will change the dose per kg body weight. This will only
work if it was used in the original PK-Sim® project, which can be recognized by having
a formula in the Dose parameter.
Altering Dose will let you change the absolute drug dose administered. If the original
PK-Sim® project contained a dose per body weight, that formula will be overridden by
the absolute value.
The time where the drug administration starts can be altered by changing the

Start time parameter.

The volume of water per body weight can be changed for oral applications only by
using the parameter Volume of water / body weight. This will only work if it was used
in the original PK-Sim® project, which can be recognized by having a formula in the
Amount of water parameter.
Altering Amount of water will let you change the absolute amount of water
administered with the drug. If the original PK-Sim® project contained a volume of
water per body weight, that formula will be overridden by the absolute value.
The other parameters of this block should not be changed.
The descriptions at the bottom section of each parameter gives you more
information on each parameter.

More complex changes, like changing complex dosing schemes or changing dissolution
patterns are much easier to achieve using the user interface of PK- Sim® and then
exporting the corresponding simulation. Within a MoBi®project, you may then combine
drug applications from several PK-Sim® exports. The following describes the workflow for
this operation:

1. Save all applications of interest as PK-Sim® simulations to pkml files (see Export To
2. Load your MoBi® project.

3. Right-click the Events entry in the building block explorer, select Load Event

Group Building Block.

4. Enter the name and location of your pkml file. You may be asked for a new building
block name. A new Events building block is created.
5. When creating a simulation (Create a Simulation), you can now select between several
possible application building blocks.

A collection of template files with predefined building blocks is automatically

installed together with MoBi® in the default program data directory. The entry
"Templates" in the program start menu in the MoBi program group will lead you
to the proper path.

Descriptive names for each of these applications building blocks could be

helpful. Use the Rename function from the building block context menu

for this purpose.

Molecule Start Values

Molecule start values are needed to define the initial amounts of all molecules present in
the molecules building block used in a simulation for all containers. These values are either
imported when loading a simulation, or they can be created automatically and edited
manually, if needed.

Molecule and Parameter Start Values can also be created within the Simulation
Creation Wizard (compare Create a Simulation).

To automatically create molecule start values by MoBi®:

1. Right-click the entry Molecule Start Values in the building block explorer.
2. Select Create Molecule Start Values Building Block from the context menu that
3. A window called "Create new start values" opens. Enter a unique name for the building
4. In the comboboxes below, you can select between different molecules or spatial
structure building blocks from which the start values are calculated.
5. Click OK or press Enter.
. If the name you have entered is already in use, you may be asked for entering a new
7. An edit window opens, containing all created parameters.

All molecule or concentrations are automatically set to their default values as defined in the
selected molecules building block, and these values are used for all containers in the
selected spatial structure. All molecules are set to the status IsPresent in all physical

Start values which are defined by a formula are displayed as "" at this stage,
which means that their values are not determined before the simulation is
Instead of creating molecule start values, you may load them from a previously saved
simulation or a saved molecule start value building block, a pkml file.

1. Right-click the entry Molecule Start Values in the Building Block Explorer.
2. Select Load Molecule Start Values Building Block from the context menu that has
3. Select the pkml file in the file explorer window.

Molecule start values can also be imported from Excel-files which is detailed below.

To edit a molecule start value building block, double-click on it or use the context menu in

the Building Block Explorer and select Edit . An edit window opens, analogue to the

one used when creating new start values. You can now

manually override the start concentrations or dimensions for every molecule in every
manually change the "IsPresent" state for each molecule;

use the Extend ribbon button to automatically add new molecules in case

more of them have been created or loaded in the molecules building block after initially
creating the start values or executing the last Extend command;
use the combobox "Is Present" in the upper right to make global selections for the
"IsPresent" state for all molecules, where you can check or uncheck it for all molecules
or selected molecules, giving you a high degree of flexibility in defining the presence of

molecules only in desired organs. The Apply button has to be pressed after a

global selection. Manual changes (see second bullet) are still possible afterwards.

Restricting the presence of molecules to certain organs may improve your

computing performance, but use it carefully to keep your model valid!

Restricting the presence of molecules to certain organs may improve your computing
performance, but use it carefully to keep your model valid!
A complete start values building block can be saved as pkml file by

1. Right-clicking on its entry in the Building Block Explorer.

2. Select the command Save As.
3. Select a folder and file name under which it is saved for later use.

A start values building block can also be cloned by choosing the Clone command from the
context menu in the Building Block Explorer. The name "Clone of <\building block name>" is
chosen by default, and you may be asked for a different name if it is not unique. Cloning is
particularly useful if you want to create several sets of similar start values building blocks
with few manual changes to test different simulation scenarios.

Every start values building block can also be renamed by choosing the Rename command
from the context menu in the Building Block Explorer. This operation allows you to choose
more descriptive names for cloned building blocks.

For our test model, create new molecule start values and set the concentration
of molecule "A" in "Vial2" to 0. Then, set the concentration of "PGP" to 1 µmol.
Uncheck the IsPresent box for the unnamed path elements which represent
the top level container "BigVial".

Parameter Start Values

Parameter Start Values are needed to define the values of various parameters present in the
molecules and spatial structures building blocks used in a simulation. For example, this is
true for the volume parameters of containers. These values are either imported when
loading a simulation, or they can be created automatically and edited manually, if needed.
Handling of this building block is very similar to the procedure described in the previous
section for Molecules Start Values. In particular, cloning, loading from and saving to a pkml
file is done in the same fashion (see previous section).

To automatically create Parameter Start Values by MoBi®:

1. Right-click the entry Parameter Start Values in the Building Block Explorer.

2. Select Create Parameter Start Values Building Block from the context menu that
3. A window called "Create new start values" opens. Enter a unique name for the building
4. In the combo boxes below, you can select between different molecules or spatial
structure building blocks from which the start values are calculated.
5. Click OK or press Enter.
. If the name you have entered is already in use, you may be asked for entering a new
7. An edit window opens, containing all created parameters.

All parameter start values are set to the values used in the corresponding building block.

To edit a parameter start value building block, double-click on it or use the context menu in
the building block explorer and select Edit. An edit window opens, analogue to the one that
is used for creating new start values. You can now

manually override the displayed values or dimensions.

use the Extend ribbon button at the top to automatically add new parameters

in case more of them have been created or loaded in the selected building blocks after
initially creating the start values or executing the last Extend command.

Again, cloning and manual parameter changes at this level allow for quickly switching
among different simulation scenarios.

The example model is now ready for setting up a simulation which is described
in the next chapter (see Create a Simulation).

Import Molecule and Parameter Start Values from Excel

A major new feature of MoBi®™ 3.5 allows import of Molecule and Parameter Start Values
from Excel files on an existing building block. This features enables easier maintenance of
start values and exchange with other software tools. The import is started through the
context menu of the respective building block.

Files might be of older (.xls) or newer format (.xlsx). The Excel®™ file may include several
worksheets and selection of relevant worksheets is part of the import workflow. The
workflow includes an import step that validates and creates a start value on each row. Once
the import step is successfully completed and all rows are validated, the start values are
transferred into the selected building block. This workflow prevents improperly specified or
formatted data from from being partially imported.

Importing start values for Molecules or Parameters involves an import and a transfer
(validation) step

It is not necessary that the target building block of the import is empty. If there is a collision
of existing and imported start values (a collision is defined by matching name and path),
the imported value takes precedence.

A valid Excel file for import of Molecule Start Values must have columns specified for Path,
Molecule Name, Is Present, Value, Unit, Scale Divisor and columns must appear in that
You may update Molecule Start Values by importing a file of a valid format that contains
new values only and is empty otherwise. Upon import for updating, existing Molecular Start
Values matching the empty columns remain as is and only those matching the non-empty
columns are updated.

Path Molecule Name Is Present Value Unit Scale Divisor

M|W A 1 30 µmol

M|W B 50 µmol 3.5

Upon import, the heading row will be ignored and can contain any values indicating the
purpose of this column; however, all columns must have a heading.

Scale divisor: Internally, very small numerical values are divided by the scale
divisors to get to an order of magnitude which is reasonable for the solver. The
purpose is to reduce numerical noise and to enhance computation performance.
This is also important when working with a broad variety of magnitudes of
values. The scale divisors specify a typical scale for each species. Per default,
all scale divisors are set to 1. The scale divisors are defined in the Molecule Start
Value building block for each start value. If you work with with very small
amounts and/or a broad variety of magnitudes of values and your simulation
yields implausible results (numerical noise, negative values etc.), use the
Calculate Scale Divisor to adjust the scale divisor for computational purposes.

A valid Excel file for import of Parameter Start Values must have columns specified for
Path, Parameter Name, Value and Unit and columns must appear in that order.

Path Parameter Name Value Unit

M|W B 321 g/mol

Editing of Molecule and Parameter Start Values

Start values can be edited which allows the user to quickly modify the list of start values.
However, the user has to take care that the data entered manually makes sense within the
existing building block. Refreshing a start value will allow the user to revert any
modifications made to a start value, formula or dimension and use the values for start
value, formula and dimension in the original builder. This is realized by finding the original
builder using the container path of the start value.

Start values that were edited or which can't be traced back to a builder are highlighted
Setting up a Simulation
After having made yourself familiar with the processes of building model components in
MoBi® - Model building and model components, this section describes the workflows of
setting up a simulation using these components. There are two ways to set up a

Load an existing simulation (pkml file) into the MoBi® project.

Create a new simulation from existing model components (building blocks). These two
workflows of setting up simulations will be described in the following.

Load a Simulation

Existing simulations can be loaded by either:

Clicking on the Load Simulation into Project button in the Import Ribbon


Right-click on an existing simulation in the Simulations Explorer and select

Load Simulation in the context menu.

In both cases a new window is opened from where the existing simulation can be selected.
After loading the pkml file, the simulation and the corresponding building blocks are
automatically added to the Building Block Explorer and the Simulations Explorer.

When working with PK-Sim®, simulations can be directly exported to MoBi® as

described in Export To MoBi®.
Create a Simulation

To create a simulation, a full set of building blocks is needed. All building blocks and the
workflows to create them are described in MoBi® - Model building and model components.

A simulation can be created by:

Clicking on the Create button in the Simulation Ribbon Group.

Right-clicking on an existing simulation in the Simulations Explorer and select

Create Simulation in the context menu.

Creating a simulation opens the Simulation Creation Wizard in a new window as shown
Simulation Creation Wizard

In the first step of the simulation creation you can choose the building blocks from which
the simulation will be created. Using the combobox you can browse through the existing
building blocks and select the desired item. You also need to specify a unique name for the
new simulation. which you may also do later in the simulation creation process.

In the first step of the Simulation Creation Wizard, you can also create new Molecule and

Parameter Start Values building blocks by clicking on the button. This follows the

same workflow as for the creation of the Molecule and Parameter Start Values as described
in Molecule Start Values and Parameter Start Values.
Clicking on Next will bring you to the second step of the simulation creation as

depicted. Here you can edit the selected (or newly created) Molecule Start Values building
block (for details see Molecule Start Values). You can also Save the displayed Start Values

as a new Molecule Start Value building block using the Save Changes as new

building block button.

Simulation Creation Wizard: Edit Molecule Start Values

Clicking on Next will bring you to the third step of the Simulation Creation as

shown. Here you can edit the selected (or newly created) Parameter Start Values building
block (for details see Parameter Start Values). You can also save the displayed start values
as a new parameter start value building block using the Save Changes as new building
block button.

Changes of start values will affect newly created simulations. Adding them to
the project, will leave the original start values building blocks unaffected. Save
Changes as new building block will create a new building block under a
different name.
Simulation Creation Wizard: Edit Parameter Start Values

Newly created Molecule and Parameter Start Value building blocks in step one,
or Start Values building blocks saved in steps two and three during the
simulation creation process will only be added to the project when the

simulation creation is completed by clicking Finish and not cancelled


The third and fourth steps after clicking Next allow you to edit the Output Intervals

and Simulation Settings which is described in more detail in “Simulation Settings”.

In the last step, you can choose to immediately run the simulation upon completion of the
simulation creation process by selecting the checkbox Run Simulation as depicted.
Simulation Creation Wizard: Finish

Finish the simulation creation by clicking on OK . MoBi® now generates the new

simulation, the progress of which is visualized by a progress bar. During this process the
simulation is also checked for consistency, and possible issues will be reported.

Warnings and Errors

If the simulation creation process detects inconsistencies in the creation process, they will

be displayed either as Warning or Error depending on their severity.

Errors and warning messages are shown in a notification viewer at the bottom of the page
similar to the history viewer. Warnings and error notifications are described in more detail in
the viewer as such describing

the origin of the message

the warning text
the warning type
The list of warnings and errors is constantly updated, i.e. if a warning is resolved, the entry
is removed from the list. Likewise the viewer can be hidden or shown by pressing the
Notification button in the Views section of the Building block section of the page.

Warning: Non-fatal inconsistency.

Warnings are generated, for example, in these cases:

References in formulas for non-essential objects like observers are faulty. In this case,
the affected observer is simply omitted in the created simulation.
An error in the dimension of a formula, if the option Validate Dimension is selected in
Options/User Settings/General (which is the MoBi® default).
An empty condition is present in an event.

Error: Fatal inconsistency.

In this case, the simulation cannot be created. Errors are generated, for example, in case of:

Missing or wrong references in formulas for essential objects like Molecule Start
General syntax errors in formulas.

You can choose if only errors, only warnings or both are displayed by clicking

(activating/deactivating) the Errors and Warnings buttons in the top row

of the Notifications window. Warnings are grouped according to their category.

Notifications View: Warnings

The Warnings and Errors displayed in the Notifications View can also be

saved in a Log file (csv format) using the Save Log... button. You may apply

changes and selections to the Notifications table as for any table, see Shared Tools -
Features of Tables, which can be helpful for longer lists. A double-click on the error
message or the warning directly opens the editor in the corresponding building block.

Simulation Settings

Simulation Settings allow you to specify the resolution of the results as well as the output
time intervals for which results should be generated. Furthermore, you can edit the
properties of the solver used for solving the differential equations which the MoBi®
simulation model is based on.

Output Intervals

Output Intervals specify the simulation times at which simulation results are stored. In
MoBi® you can specify a variable number of Output Intervals (as depicted below).

Simulation Creation Wizard: Output Intervals

Each Output Interval is defined by the following options:

Start Time: Starting time of the Output Interval.

End Time: End time of the Output Interval.

Defines the resolution with which simulation results are displayed and
stored. A higher resolution increases the smoothness of the plotted curve.

Each set of options defines a separate simulation Output Interval


with the corresponding number of output time points


Additional output intervals can be defined and added to the list by clicking on the Add
button to the right of the list.

Output Intervals can be overlapping.

The total time of simulation is from t = 0 to the highest specified End Time.
The changes made to the Output Intervals during simulation creation will
become the default settings for the next simulation created.

The solution will be produced at the following time points for a number of k Output

ODE Solver Properties

Special points (e.g. times of Events such as Applications) will be added automatically.

MoBi® uses the CVODE differential equation solver. The solver settings can be accessed
and edited either in the Simulation Wizard when creating a simulation (as depicted below)
or in the simulation edit mode in the Settings tab.

For more information on the solver, please refer to the documentation of the
CVODE solver: [CVODE]

Simulation Creation Wizard: ODE Solver Properties

The following options can be changed by the user:

Maximum number of internal steps to be taken by the solver in the attempt

calculate one time step.

For some "difficult" problems, the predefined value of MxStep might be too
small. In case of such difficulties, try to increase the value of MxStep.

H0 Initial step size.

Minimum absolute value of step size allowed. Increasing Hmin may speed up
the simulation but also reduces the accuracy of the solver.

Maximum absolute value of step size allowed. Reducing Hmax may slow down
the simulation but also increases the accuracy of the solver.

AbsTol Absolute tolerance of solver accuracy.

RelTol Relative tolerance of solver accuracy.

The parameters RelTol and AbsTol define a vector of error weights, ewt, defined as:


where y is a variable vector y = f(t).

This vector is used in all error and convergence tests, which use a weighted root mean
square (RMS) norm on all error-like vectors v:


If the Jacobian matrix of the ODE system should be supplied to the solver,
UseJacobian use the value '1', otherwise use '0'. The default value is '1'. Using the
Jacobian speeds up the simulation.

Editing Simulations

Once a simulation is created from existing building blocks as described in “Create a

Simulation”, the basic structure of the simulation model is fixed.

In a simulation, you can only change the values of parameters. Also, if the value of a
parameter is defined by an explicit formula you can only edit the numeric value of the
formula, but not the formula definition. This means, that for example the kinetic formula of
a reaction or the formula used for a certain observer are no longer editable. They may only
be changed by changing a parameter the used formula depends on.

It is recommended to select all parameters under consideration as Favorites and

to document the source of all parameter values changed from the default in the
column Value Description. Then you have a comprehensive overview about the
essential input of your simulation, which you can document by copying just the
Favorites table.

If you change the value of a parameter defined by an explicit formula, the

Formula Type will switch to Constant and the parameter is no longer dependent
on the specified formula, but stays on the newly specified numeric value.

After changing a parameter value, the parameter can be reset to its original

value by clicking on the icon Reset Parameter to default , which appears

after changing a value. (If a formula dependency of a parameter is overwritten

by changing the parameter value, a yellow warning sign appears.

If you need to change formulas, edit the corresponding building block and create
a new simulation instead of editing the simulation.

In the following sections, a brief overview is given on where you can find the
parameters that are specified in the building blocks from which the simulation
was created. The examples given in some cases refer to a standard PK-Sim®
simulation which was exported to MoBi®.

Molecular Properties

If you define parameters for molecules of the Molecules building block used, it depends on
the Parameter Type where you can find them in your simulation.
The parameter is attached to the respective molecule at the first level of your
Simulation Hierarchy tree.

The parameter is attached to the respective molecule where it is located in a

Local physical container, e.g., accessible by double- clicking on a molecule located at
the "Organism|Liver|Plasma" level of your Simulation Hierarchy tree.

Property The same as Global.

Transporter properties defined for transporting molecules can be found below

"Neighborhoods" in the Simulation Hierarchy tree, but are no longer editable, as mentioned

Container and Neighborhood Properties

The container parameters are located at the same level where they were originally defined
in the Spatial Structures building block, e.g., accessible by double- clicking the "Plasma"
container at the "Organism|Liver" level.

Parameters associated with Neighborhoods, e.g., "Surface Permeability Area", are also
located at the same level on which they were originally defined in the Spatial Structures
building block. For the kidney, for example, "Surface (Permeability) area" can be found
under "Neighborhoods|Kidney_int_Kidney_cell".

Properties of Passive Transports, which are also associated to Neighborhoods are not
directly editable in a simulation; as mentioned, they are only editable at the building block

Reaction Kinetics

Parameters associated with reactions are also specified by the property Parameter Type.
Thus, the same rules as for molecule parameters apply also to reaction parameters as
specified above.

Properties of reactions can be viewed directly at the hierarchy level where the reaction is
located. However, they are not directly editable in a simulation, they are only editable at the
building block level.

Event and Application Properties

Parameters associated with Event and Application Properties can be accessed at the root
level of the simulation hierarchy tree through the "Events" and "Applications" subtree. They
are located at the same relative location as the Events building block from which the
simulation was created.

Container Layout

The Container layout of a simulation is based on the layout of the Spatial Structure
building block from which the simulation was created. A detailed description of how the
layout of the container structure can be edited is given in “Spatial Structures” and “Spatial
Structure Diagram”.

Update and Commit Changes Between Simulations and

Building Blocks

Within the Simulation Explorer, each building block item of the Configuration tree is
displayed with a green or red traffic light. The traffic lights indicate if the building block item
of the simulation is consistent with the corresponding general Building Block. If a Building
Block or parameter settings within a Simulation are changed, the red traffic lights in the
Simulation window indicate that the local settings in the simulation are different from the
settings in the general Building Block.

A right click on the red traffic lights in the Simulation window allows for two actions:

Update: The simulation settings (local) will be updated with the (general) settings of
the building block. This is useful if you want to discard the settings of your simulation
and get back to the original settings defined in the building block. Updating from a
Spatial Structure or Molecule Building Block will open a dialogue that allows you to
check your configuration. You may check here automatically applied changes in the
Molecule Start Values and Parameter Start Values and adjust them manually.
Commit: The (local) changes of the simulation will be committed to the general
building block. This is useful if you want to make these changes available in other

The Update and Commit logic in MoBi is slightly different from the one used in

Running a Simulation
To run a simulation, use the simulation edit mode by either double clicking on the
simulation in the Simulation Explorer or by right-clicking on the simulation and select

Edit from the context menu.

Now you can run the simulation by one of the following options:

Click the Run button in the Simulation Ribbon Group

Press the function key F5

Alternatively, select the Run option within the simulation context menu (opens

when right-clicking on the simulation in the Simulation Explorer ). Selecting the

Undo option from the menu bar discards all changes made in the simulation and resets
settings to those of the original Building Blocks.

The progress of a simulation run is shown by the progress bar in the lower right corner of

the MoBi® window. A running simulation can be stopped by clicking the Stop

button in the Simulation Ribbon Group which will become active during a run.

The results of all simulation runs are accessible through the Simulation Explorer and the
edit window. After a successful simulation run, the most recent results can be displayed in
the Results tab in the simulation edit mode as described in MoBi® - Simulation Results.

Further Options for Simulations

Once a simulation is created, a number of options besides simply running the simulation,
are available. Clicking on the + sign of the simulation will expand the entry and show a
Configuration entry. This again is expandable by a click on the + sign in front of it and
yields a list of all building blocks used in the corresponding simulation.
The context menu that opens when right-clicking on the simulation in the Simulation
Explorer offers the following options:

Create Simulation - opens the Simulation Creation Wizard (see Create a


Load Simulation - loads a new simulation into the project (see Load a


Run - runs the simulation.

Refresh - discard all changes made in the simulation.

Edit - opens the simulation in the edit window (same as double-clicking).

Rename - renames the simulation.

Remove - deletes the simulation from the project.

Save As - saves the simulation as pkml file.

Start Population Simulation - calls the Population Simulation Analysis in PK-

Sim®, loads the simulation and runs the population simulation (see “Running and
analyzing a population simulation” for description).
Start Parameter Identification - calls Parameter Identification tool (see Parameter
Identification for description).

Export results to Excel® - generates an MS Excel® output file containing all

result data (see Simulation Results).

Export to PDF - generates a PDF report of the model (see


Create Simulation Report - generates a plain text (txt) file containing all

simulation information.

Export Simulation as Matlab® Differential Equations ... - exports the system of

ordinary differential equations (ODE) of the simulation to m-files for MATLAB®. Into
the output directory defined, several m-files defining the ODE system are written. The
most important files are:
ODEMain.m. This is the main function. Calling this function from the MATLAB®
command window by typing tout, yout = ODEMain will provide the numerical
solution to the ODE system, whereby tout is the time- point vector and yout the
solution matrix, containing the time-dependent changes of the modeled species.
The matrix entry ordering is as specified and explained in the file
ODERHSFunction.m. This file contains both the parameters and the differential
equation definitions. Parameters are transformed from a hierarchical structure
used in MoBi® to a flat structure used in MATLAB®. Therefore a renaming is
necessary to P_number using a consecutive numbering. The hierarchical MoBi®
correspondence is provided as a commentary.
ODEInitialValues.m. This file specifies the initial conditions. The hierarchical
species names of MoBi® are transformed into vectors in MATLAB®. The
MATLAB® commentary provides information on the MoBi® species - vector
ODEoptions.m. This file contains numerical settings as chosen in MoBi®. The
ode15s solver is used within MATLAB® (cf. ODEMain.m) . Please consult the
MATLAB® help for additional information.

Export Model as Tables - exports Reactions, Parameters and Molecule Start

Values into separate worksheets of an Excel® file.

Workflow - Merging simulations into a project

In addition, simulations from one project can be merged into another project.

The merge workflow is initiated from the button in the Workflows menu

If two building blocks of the same name are merged together, a conflict management offers
the following resolution options:

Leave - Keep the existing and disregard the new

Replace - Overwrite the existing with the new
Clone - Keep the existing and assign a new name to the merged
In some cases, combine the two

The following specific conflict resolution logic exists for each building block:

Reaction Leave, Replace, Clone

Leave, Replace, Combine molecule list when

formula is the same

Leave, Replace, Combine molecule list when

Passive Diffusion
formula is the same

Molecule Start Values/ Parameter

Leave, Replace
Start Values

Spatial Structure None

Molecules Leave, Replace, Clone

Events Leave, Replace, Clone

The merge conflict resolution function approximates the Windows Explorer® method of
resolving copy/paste conflicts. A dialog will present the user with the appropriate options
and the number of remaining conflicts. The user can also specify whether or not to apply
the option he picked to all remaining conflicts.
Simulation Results
Simulation results are stored during a simulation when observers are defined as described
in “Observers”. The results are available for display once an existing simulation has been
run. The simulation results of a simulation are listed in the simulation explorer tree below
the corresponding simulation. To display the simulation results, either double-click on the

results or right-click on them and select Show Data in the context menu. The

results can then be accessed in a new tab in the main window. The most recent results are

also shown in the "Results" tab which can be accessed in the simulation edit


To display the simulation results in a chart window use the Chart Editor as described in
detail in Shared Tools - Chart Component.

Results of different simulations can be displayed in the same chart. Simply

drag&drop a simulation result node from the Simulation Explorer into an existing
chart. The corresponding repository is displayed in the data browser. For better
overview you can select the column Repository in the data browser table using
the Column Chooser. Then you can select data from both result repositories for

Observed Data

To compare the simulation results with observed (i.e., experimental) data, e.g.,
measurements of blood plasma concentrations, the Open Systems Pharmacology Suite
comes with a powerful tool for importing observed data which is described in Import and
Edit of Observed Data, which is also available in MoBi®.

Importing Observed Data

To import observed data either use the Observed Data button in the

"Modeling&Simulation" ribbon group "Import" or right-click on the Observed Data

building block in the Building Block Explorer and select Import Observed Data

from Excel in the context menu. MoBi® supports the import of MS Excel® worksheets in a
defined format which is also described in detail in Shared Tools: Import and Edit of
Observed Data.

Once the import has been completed, the imported data are added to the "Observed Data"
building block in the Building Block Explorer. The building block that contains the observed

data may be renamed by right-clicking on it and selecting Rename in the context


Display Observed Data

The imported datasets can be displayed either in a new chart or within an existing chart.

To display the data in a new chart right-click on the data and select Show Data in

the context menu.

To display the dataset in an existing chart window, simply drag&drop the dataset into the
chart. The observed dataset is then also listed in the data browser of the chart editor.

Deleting imported Observed Data

To delete imported observed data from the project right-click on the data and select

Remove in the context menu (or simply press the Delete key on your keyboard to

delete the selected data). This also removes the data from the chart and the data browser
of the chart editor.
Exporting Simulation Results and Parts of a Simulation

MoBi® supports the export of simulation results to MS Excel® as xls or xlsx spreadsheets
as well as the export of an image of the chart.

Export Data

To export simulation results, right-click on the simulation in the simulation explorer and

select Export results to Excel in the context menu.

All existing results of the selected simulation are exported! In case the
simulation produces a large number of results (high number of compartments,
molecules, or observers), you may reach the limit of MS Excel® file size.

MS Excel® is automatically started and new worksheets, one for each simulation, are

Export an Image of a Chart

Charts can be exported by copying an image of the chart to the clipboard:

Right-click on the chart and select Copy as Image

Press Ctrl+C when viewing the chart

Then change to an image processing program and insert the image of the chart using the
paste function. MS Windows® standard for this operation is Ctrl+V.

Export Parts of a Simulation Model

Specific parts of a model can be exported as editable list into xls format. The export is done
per simulation and initiated by context menu in the simulation explorer. Upon initiation of
the export, the user has to specify the path for import and either use the suggested file
name or else override it. The exported parts comprise reactions, molecules and parameters
that will be exported into one sheet each in the export file.

Export of the simulation parts reactions, molecules and parameters as processable list is
initated in the context menu
Diagrams Overview
In this chapter you find an overview and details of the diagrams usage.

For the three building blocks Reactions, Spatial Structure, and Simulation, diagrams (also
known as flow charts) are available in addition to the structure by lists or trees for the
following reasons:

Reactions and molecules form networks, which are much easier to comprehend from a
graphical representation.
The spatial structure consists of hierarchical containers, which are connected by so
called neighborhoods; a two dimensional diagram can represent the structure much
more naturally than a one dimensional list or tree.
The simulation is built from a spatial structure and reaction networks within each
compartment; so here the most complex graphical representation is required.

These diagrams are used for three purposes: visualization, navigation and editing of
complex models.

In the following sections we will first describe these general concepts and features (using
examples from a Spatial Structure diagram), and then the features specific for the different
building block diagrams.

General Visualization, Scrolling and Zooming

Obviously, you can comprehend two-dimensional network structures much easier in

appropriate graphical representation. The most common example is an organism model
exported from PK-Sim® to MoBi®, but you may also have simpler spatial structures (see
“Spatial Structures” for an example).

You may zoom and scroll within the diagram, if the whole model cannot be displayed at

To scroll the diagram, use one of the following options:

Use the scrollbars.
Use the mouse wheel to scroll vertically or press the Shift key while using the mouse
wheel to scroll horizontally.
For the spatial structure and simulation, there is a Diagram Overview to the left of the
diagram and above the model tree. Here, the current clipping is marked by a rectangular
frame. You can pick this frame at its edge and move it to select the displayed clipping
of the diagram, i.e., to scroll the diagram.

To zoom the diagram, use one of the following options:

Press the Ctrl key and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
Press the Shift key and drag the mouse to select a rectangle to zoom into the selected
Right-click in the diagram to open the context menu and select a zoom command from
the submenu Diagram.
In the Diagram Overview (see above), use the mouse to grab the frame at the corner
and resize it to zoom the diagram.

Spatial Structure Visualization

For visualization, model containers are represented by container nodes, which can be
expanded and collapsed (see next section). Other model entities are represented by
elementary nodes and links. Neighborhoods, for example, are represented by a
neighborhood node and links.

General Navigation, Expand and Collapse

You do not want to remain a passive viewer of these pictures, instead you want to use the
graphical representation for navigation within the model and even for editing the model.
Of course, the navigation by the diagram and list or tree view is synchronized. You can
navigate to some entity in the tree view or list and when you double click it, the diagram
view is adjusted to show this entity and the Properties Editor opens.

Alternatively, you can navigate to some entity in the diagram, double click it, and the list or
tree view is adjusted to show the entity and the properties editor opens.

In the spatial structure and simulation view, you can navigate into subcontainers and return
to the parent container by expanding and collapsing a container. Do one of the following:

Click the expand symbol in the top left corner of a container to expand the
container. Except for the parent containers, the superstructure is often masked out for
Click the collapse symbol to collapse a container. A possibly hidden superstructure
is redisplayed.
At anytime you can right-click into the diagram to open the context menu and select
Show all children to show all hidden children of a container.
Press Shift and click to expand a container without hiding other containers.
Press Shift and click to collapse a container without redisplaying hidden structures.
Press Ctrl and click / to expand resp. collapse a container recursively.

Expanded Kidney Structure

General Editing
Editing is a more complex topic than navigating. You can make three kinds of changes:

Model changes by adding or removing entities

Diagram changes for example by changing or fixing the location of nodes
Display changes like zooming and scrolling and Diagram options

The model and diagram state after changes is stored within the project, diagram options
are stored within the user settings, zooming and scrolling is not stored.

You can perform many changes via the context menu. To open the context menu, right-click
somewhere into the diagram. Depending on the location context, different menu items are
displayed. The following context menu is shown when you right-click on a container.

Container context menu

The different context menu items are described in the sections below.

Model Changes

To edit the model, do one of the following:

Select Create Container from the context menu to add a new container (or

any other entity type).

Select Load Container to load a previously saved container (or any other entity


Select Rename to rename an entity.

Double click the entity or select Edit from the context menu to focus and edit

an entity.

Select Save to save an entity separate from the project. You can load such

entities in the same or into other projects.

Select Remove to remove an entity.

Diagram Changes

You can rearrange the position of nodes or hide nodes in order to get a better visualization
in general or for publishing (you can export diagrams as bitmaps, see More Actions).

Selection of Nodes

First select a single diagram node or a collection of diagram nodes you want to change. Do
one of the following:

Click a node to select it.

Press the Ctrl key and click a node to add it to the selection
Press the Ctrl key and drag a rectangle to add all nodes inside the rectangle to the
Select Select / All Children from the context menu to select all children of a container.
Select Select / Visible linked nodes to select all visible nodes, which are linked to
nodes in the current selection.
Select Select / Invert selection to invert the selection within a container.
Basic Actions

Now you can move, hide or resize the selected nodes:

Drag the mouse to move the selected nodes. After moving a container, its
neighborhood node positions are automatically adjusted.
Select Diagram / Location fixed from the context menu to fix the location of selected
nodes and prevent them from automatic movement (neighborhood node adjustment or
Auto layout). You can deselect the checkbox, if you want to re-enable automatic
Select Hide Selection to hide the selected nodes.
Select Show all children to show all hidden children of a container.
If your collection contains not only container nodes but also elementary nodes, you can
select Large, Middle, Small from the submenu Nodesize to change the node size of
selected element nodes (neighborhoods, molecules, reactions, observers).

You may use different node sizes to emphasize important reactions and
molecules or to minimize marginal reactions or molecules.

Select Undo Diagram Layout change to undo diagram changes like

collapse/expand or auto layout. Model changes break the undo sequence, and also
hide/show cannot be undone. Observe that the History Manager only stores model
changes but not diagram changes.

Select Diagram / To front or Diagram / To back to bring an element

into front resp. back of another element/container in case of overlapping of containers

and other nodes.

Select Refresh to refresh a diagram, for example after changing the Diagram

Options (see Display Changes).

Layout Actions
Instead of laying out the diagram by these basic actions you can also lay out the selected
containers by using diagram templates or auto layout algorithms.

Auto layout of nodes via forces (repulsion by electrical charges, attraction by springs) is
generally available, but yields inferior results in case of complex node networks. In the
Reaction diagram, the context menu item "Auto layout in layers" yields good results in most
cases, so using this function is recommended here.

The first template is often already used. When opening a Spatial Structure for an organism
without diagram information (e.g., from PK-Sim®), a SpaceOrganismTemplate.mbdt is
used - from the corresponding users profile (default path is
C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\Open Systems Pharmacology\MoBi\3.0), if available, or else
from the MoBi® installation folder.

Here are two tips, how you can benefit from templates:

You may define your own default organism template. For this purpose, save the
organism container that you have modified according to your needs at the
above location as SpaceOrganismTemplate.mbdt. (Saving templates is
described below).

You can layout an organ in a simulation with all compartments expanded and
reaction and transport networks arranged. Then save this organ container as
template and apply this template to a selection of other organs.

To use a container template for layout:

1. Layout a container manually as described in the previous section.

2. Right-click in this container and select Layout / Save Container as named Template
from the context menu to save the diagram information of the container and all
contained elements as a template.
3. Select one or more containers, which you want to layout with this template.
4. Right-click on one of these containers and select Layout / Apply named Template to
Selection to apply the container template to the selected containers. The diagram
settings from the template and its contents will be transferred to the selected
containers; the children are identified by their path.

In case of missing information in the template the respective element remains unchanged.
In case of template elements not available in the container nothing happens.

You can use spatial structure templates for a simulation, but not vice versa.

In addition, you may use the following features:

To save and load a diagram template, select the analogous items from the diagram
context menu (right-click on the diagram pane).
Select Layout / Apply named Template to Container recursive to apply a template to a
container recursively; that means the template is applied to each subcontainer of the
container. For example you can apply an organ template to all organs inside an
organism by selecting this context menu item at the Organism container.
Select Layout / AutoLayout children to apply a force-based auto layout.

More Actions

You can export a container as bitmap:

Select Diagram / Copy as bitmap from the container or diagram context menu to copy
the selected container or diagram as bitmap into the clipboard, from which you can
insert it into documents or slides.
Select Diagram / Save as bitmap from the container or diagram context menu to save
the selected container or diagram as bitmap to a file.

Display Changes

We have already explained in “General Visualization, Scrolling and Zooming” how to

change the display of a diagram by zooming and scrolling.
You can change the general appearance of the diagrams in the Diagram Options

tab within the User Settings dialog (click Options in the Utilities ribbon tab).

All these options are stored in the user settings and apply to newly opened diagram tabs.
Refresh a diagram to apply the diagram options to an existing diagram tab (see “Basic

The default node sizes apply only to newly created elementary nodes, because current node
sizes may have already been changed by the user.

Here you can change the diagram colors for nodes and links.

You can change the default node size for reaction, molecule and observer nodes. You can
show or hide

the snap grid of the diagram pane,

the molecule properties container in the spatial structure and simulation diagram,
the observer links in the simulation diagram,
Molecule nodes, which are unused in the simulation diagram containers.

Reactions Diagram


The Reaction building block consists of a list of reactions. Each reaction has educts and
products, which are listed in the stoichiometry tab of the reaction properties editor. In the
reactions diagram the reaction is represented by a triangle with a blue educts port, a green
products port and a red modifiers port.

Modifiers are molecules which influence the reaction, but which are neither consumed nor
produced, e.g., enzymes. Modifiers, like educts and products, are listed in the properties tab
of the reaction properties editor, so they can be used within formulas.
Besides these reaction nodes, the reaction diagram can contain molecule nodes. The
molecule nodes themselves do not represent any model objects (neither from the reactions
building block nor from the molecules building block), they only represent molecule names.
Instead, an educt is represented by the connection between the educts port of a reaction
node and a molecule node with the educt name. Products and modifiers are represented
analogously by connections to the corresponding ports.

Example Reaction Diagram

In the reaction diagram, no containers are used, so the remarks from “General Navigation,
Expand and Collapse” do not apply here.

The diagram colors can be changed in the diagram options (see Display

Model Changes

You can insert reactions and molecule nodes by the context menu as described in “Model

To add an educt, product or modifier to a reaction, connect a molecule node with its name
to the corresponding port of the reaction node by doing one of the following:

1. Move the mouse to the outer circle or the molecule node until the mouse pointer looks
like ; now you are in connection mode.
2. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse to the intended port. A
straight connection line is shown during dragging the mouse.
3. When you reach the vicinity of a port, the connection line snaps to that port. Move the
mouse to the vicinity of the intended port.
4. Release the mouse button. A colored bended connection line is drawn now.
Alternatively, you can establish a connection in the opposite direction: Move the mouse
first to the port until you are in connection mode ( ) and connect to a molecule node
as described before.

To remove an educt, product or modifier from a reaction, disconnect the molecule node
from the corresponding port of the reaction node by clicking on the connection line (it will
then be marked by four squares) and pressing the Delete key.

In the same way, you can remove an unconnected molecule node by clicking it and then
pressing the Delete key.

Diagram Changes

To move a molecule or reaction node, move the mouse to the center of the node until the
cursor looks like click it and move it around.

In circular reaction-molecule networks you may swap the positions of the educts and
products port for some reaction nodes. To do so, check Connect Educts right in the context
menu of a reaction node.

To apply an auto layout in layers to a reaction diagram, select AutoLayout in layers. This
auto layout yields good results in most cases. Molecules and reactions are ordered from
basic educts on the left to final products on the right. Any swapped ports for educts and
products are therefore reset by this action.

You can emphasize and minimize reaction and molecule nodes by changing their node size
in the context menu.

In more complex reaction-molecule networks, some molecule names may be

used in many reactions. In such cases, you may prefer more than one molecule
node for this molecule name to avoid long connection lines with many
intersections. You can create so called twin nodes by inserting a molecule node
with the same name. Ports are now connected to the nearest twin node of a
molecule name - at least after a Refresh. You cannot connect them to a twin
node further away.
Spatial Structure Diagram

Most features of spatial structure diagrams have been explained in the general sections

To insert a neighborhood between two physical containers:

1. Move the mouse to the boundary of one of the physical containers you want to connect
by a neighborhood until the cursor looks like ; now you are in connection mode.
2. Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse to the other physical
container. A straight connection line is shown when dragging the mouse.
3. When you reach the vicinity of a physical container, the connection line snaps to that
container and turns from a thin red line to a thick black line. Move the mouse to the
vicinity of the intended container.
4. Release the mouse. A New Neighborhood dialog appears.
5. Enter a unique name and click OK. A new neighborhood is generated.

Simulation Diagram

Most features of simulation diagrams have been explained in the general sections before.

For the layout of a simulation diagram, you have an additional option. You can layout the
underlying spatial structure and reaction diagrams first and then select Apply current
layouts from Structure and Reaction from the context menu to apply that spatial structure
layout to the container structure of the simulation diagram and to apply the reaction layout
to the reaction-molecule network inside each physical container.

If you have opened (and possibly edited) the spatial structure diagram before you have
opened the simulation diagram for the first time, the current spatial structure diagram (and
the reaction diagram, if applicable) is automatically used as a template. Otherwise, when
opening a simulation for an organism without diagram information (e.g., from PK-Sim® )
for the first time, the same SpaceOrganismTemplate.mbdt is used.

In the Diagram Options of the User Settings (Display Changes) you can show or hide
the molecule properties container in the spatial structure and simulation diagram,
the observer links in the simulation diagram,
molecule nodes, which are unused in the simulation diagram containers.
Search Function

MoBi® contains a powerful search function to find parameters, molecules, reactions, or

other elements in a project or simulation. This function is useful to locate parameters or
elements of building blocks or simulations (e.g., molecules, parameters, container) within
the current project.

To perform a search, make sure that the search window at the right side of the
MoBi®window is expanded; like the Chart Editor or History window, the Search window can
be collapsed by clicking auto hide (see MoBi® - Window Overview) and made again
visible by clicking the Search bar. If in collapsible mode, the search window can be
switched to the permanently visible mode by clicking dock .

A search text can then be entered into the Search input box. This may be the name of an
element of a building block or simulation or a part of a description.

The scope of the search can be selected in the Scope combobox:

Selecting Project will search through the entire project, meaning all contained building
blocks and simulations.
Selecting Local will search only within the currently edited building block.
Selecting AllOfSameType will search within the currently edited building block and all
other building blocks of the same type. If, for example, you are currently editing a
Molecules building block and have several of them in your project, the search will show
results from all molecules building blocks.

Several search options can be selected by checkboxes:

Checking Match whole word will only return results where the whole word is matching
what is entered in the Search input box.
Checking Use regular expression will treat the text in the Search input box as a
Regular Expression in the search. See other references (e.g., for the explanation of a Regular
Expression if you are not familiar with them.
Checking Match Case will only return results where the upper and lower case of the
characters entered into the Search input box matches. This checkbox cannot be used
in combination with Use regular expression and will thus become inactivated once
you select the previous checkbox.

To start the search, click on the magnifier glass icon at the right side of the Search input
box. The results will then be displayed in the Search Results table; if nothing is found, this
list will remain empty. Initially, only the building block names with search hits are listed in
the results window, but you can expand the lists by clicking the symbol in front of the

Double-clicking a listed item will show it in the edit window where you can view
it in detail or enter changes.

Parameter Identification

To perform a parameter identification, proceed analogously to the Population Simulation

described above. Select Start Parameter Identification in the context menu of a simulation
and specify a directory.

The Parameter Identification Toolbox is started then.

Project History

The history manager allows you to document all steps that lead to a specific project status
and particular results in MoBi®. With this manager you will be able to easily step back to
previous states of your project work in the current session (i.e. a session endures from start
of MoBi® to closing the program). The different lines in the manager represent different
steps in modeling in the current project.
Here we only give a brief description; for more details see History Manager and History

If you want to test different possible directions in modeling of a specific

problem, you can use this functionality to step back to the "decision point"
(within the current session).

You will be able to reproduce every step that you have made during the project. In the
window you will see the number of steps in the column State After Action. You can add
labels in the history to mark important steps in your project modeling history and comment
them by using the Add Label... button in the bottom. You can also change these comments
by selecting a status in history and click on Edit Comments.... The Rollback... allows the
user to step back to any numbered status in the current session.

History Manager in MoBi®

MoBi® Options

The program options window can be opened by clicking the Options in the Utilities

ribbon tab. This opens the options window. MoBi® here allows the user to define some
basic settings, e.g., concerning the number of recently opened projects or settings for the
diagrams or (de-)activating the dimensions validation in the General tab.
Options window in MoBi®

The tabs Diagram Options, Diagram Auto Layout, and Chart Options enable the control of
the diagrams and charts. Most of these options are either self-explanatory (like colors or
sizes of diagram elements), are explained in MoBi® - Diagrams overview, or may be used to
empirically optimize the outcome of the auto layout function.

Since no rollback or cancel of the user settings is possible, keep track of

whatever changes you have done in the user settings.
Reuse of Project Information from Previous
Reuse of MoBi® 2 projects in MoBi® 3

MoBi® 2 projects are not supported any more.

Conversion of MoBi® 3.1 projects.

Projects created with MoBi® 3.1 are automatically converted when opened.

In MoBi® 3.1 in some cases it was necessary to insert manual conversion factors into
formulas, if dimensions with inconsistent base units were used. In the current version such
conversion factors are not longer necessary.

If you have inserted such manual conversion factors, you have to eliminate
those factors and to rebuild the simulations to get proper simulation results.
Please perform the following steps to identify and remove manual conversion
factors and to rebuild the simulations.

1. Open the project stored from MoBi® 3.1.

2. Open the Notifications view, which is autohidden at the bottom by default.
3. Double click each row with message "Dimension check warning".
The corresponding formula is opened. Remove any manual conversion factors (mostly
powers of 10), if available. Do not remove other factors.
4. Rebuild each simulation of interest, i.e. build a new simulation with the same building
blocks and use the same simulation settings and modifications as in the
corresponding old simulation.
5. Run each new simulation and compare the results. In case of differences check the
formulas with "Dimension check warning" again. In case you have to adjust a formula
rebuild the simulation again. Otherwise compare carefully the used building blocks,
simulation settings and simulation parameter modifications. If you still get different
results, please contact our support (
. If you successfully managed to rebuild the simulations with the same results, remove
the old simulations from the project. (Due to the conversion factors still contained in
those simulations you would produce wrong results running the old simulations with
the new version of MoBi.)
Shared Tools and Example Workflows
Features of Tables
In this chapter you find the documentation of the table view, which is generally used
throughout the Open Systems Pharmacology Suite.


In PK-Sim® and MoBi®, tables are often used for input and output, for instance in
parameter lists, history, and the chart editor. The tables have several useful features whose
availability in some cases depends on the context.

In this section we describe the most important features on the example of the table
Physiology > Organ composition in the tab Anatomy & Physiology of an individual in PK-

Organ Table

Before we describe the features in more detail in the following subsections, we give a brief
overview of the most used concepts and actions:

Column width - you can change the width of a column by dragging the separator line
between two column headers .
Column order - you can change the order of columns by dragging a column header to
another location in the Column Header Row.
Sorting - you can sort the rows by the content of a column by just clicking on the
column header. The sorting column is marked by a triangle on the right of its header.
Filtering - you can filter the rows by a certain value of a column by hovering with the
mouse over the right hand side of the column header and clicking on the filter symbol ,
which then appears.
Grouping - you can group the rows by dragging a column header to the grouping panel
and vice versa.

Right-click on a column header to get a context menu with more features. In the following,
we simply use Context Menu to denote the context menu of a column header.

The screenshot below shows a table

grouped by the Organs/Compartment column,

sorted by the Organ/Segment column,
filtered by Name = 'Fraction vascular',
and the name column moved left to the value column.

Organ Table With Changes Applied


To sort the rows of a table ascendingly by a column, click the column header.
Click on the column header again to toggle the sort order between ascending and
descending row values.
Select Clear Sorting from Context Menu to undo the sorting.
To sort by multiple columns, you need to press the shift key when clicking on the
column headers for sorting. The ordering within a multiple column sort depends on the
sequence with which the columns have been selected for sorting. To alter this
sequence you deselect a column by Clear Sorting from Context Menu and then re-
select it.


To group the rows of a table by a column, drag the column header from the Column
Header Row to the Grouping Panel, if visible, or select Group by this column from its
Context Menu.
To show the Grouping Panel, select Show Group By Box from Context Menu.
You can group by several columns hierarchically. In order to do so drag a column
header to the left or to the right of another column header in the Grouping Panel.
To ungroup the rows, drag the corresponding column header from the Grouping Panel
back into the Column Header Row or select Ungroup from the Context Menu in the
Grouping Panel.

Note that the grouping feature is not available for all tables.


To filter the rows of a table do one of the following:

Hover with the mouse over the right hand side of the column header and click the

appearing filter symbol . Then select one or more values in the values list. The

filter condition is displayed at the bottom of the table, where you can delete or edit it.
Select Show Auto Filter Row from Context Menu. An auto filter row appears as first row
in the table. There you can enter values; use * as wildcard.
Select Filter Editor from Context Menu. An filter editor dialog appears, where you can
combine conditions for different columns.
Select Show Find Panel from Context Menu. The find panel with a single search field
appears above the Grouping Panel. Here you can enter some text and all rows of which
any field contains that text are displayed.

You can easily combine different filter features, as exemplary shown in below.

Organ Table With All Features Applied

Select columns

Select Column Chooser from Context Menu.

Drag a column header from Column Chooser to Column Header Row to show the
Drag a column header from Column Header Row to Column Chooser or outside the
table to hide the column.

The column chooser is not available for organ composition table.

Arrange columns

You can change the order of columns by dragging a column header to another location
in the Column Header Row.
You can change the width of a column by dragging the separator line between two
column headers .
You can adjust the width of a single column to fit its contents by double clicking its
column header.
To automatically set an appropriate column width for all columns, select Best Fit (all
columns) from Context Menu.
Chart Component
Chart Display and Chart Editor

The chart component is used in PK-Sim® as well as in MoBi® . It consists of two views, the
chart display and the chart editor. The chart display displays a chart, the chart editor is used
to create and edit charts.

By default, the chart editor is auto hidden; when you hover over the vertical chart editor
button on the right, the chart editor opens and you can edit the chart settings. To dock the
chart editor click the auto hide button . The button icon then changes to , and the
chart editor is docked. Afterwards, you are able to move the chart editor to other edges as
well. To auto hide the chart editor, click the auto hide button again.

The chart editor consists of several subviews that depend on the number of tabs specified
in the chart layout and that comprise:

the data browser table for browsing and selecting data to be displayed in a chart,
the curves table and the axis table in the tab Curves and Axis Options for editing curve
and axis properties,
the tab Chart Options for editing chart properties like title, legend position or back color.
the tab Chart Export Options for editing chart and font sizes used when exporting a

The most frequently edited chart elements, axes and curves, can be edited
directly from the chart display without using the chart editor. Just double click
the axis or curve you want to edit or right click and select Edit from context
Data Chart

General Chart Basics

For a better understanding of the workflows and features of the chart component, we briefly
introduce some chart basics. Charts are used to visualize data. In the Open Systems
Pharmacology Suite, data consists of time series from simulation and measurements.
Charts consist of axes and curves. Typically, the x-axis has the dimension time and the y-
axis to dimension concentration.

Curves are based on time series, mostly one curve corresponds to a single time series, in
this case the x-values represent the time axis and the y-values are the corresponding
functional values of the time series. However, curves can also correspond to two time series
with the same time scale, in this case the x-values are the values of the first time series and
the y-values are the values of the second time series. Thus, for example, concentrations can
be plotted against other concentrations.

Creating a chart consists of selecting the data and editing the curve / axis / chart settings.
The chart settings and chart export settings can be reused to create uniform charts for a
sequence of simulation projects.
In the next sections, we describe the basic workflow and the subviews in detail.

Creating a Chart

Creating a chart consists of two steps:

1. Select the data for the curves in the data browser.

2. Edit the chart settings
Edit curve options,
Edit axis options,
Edit chart options.

We describe these steps in the following subsections.

Selecting Data

The data browser contains one row for each available time series. Depending on the
complexity of your model, there can be thousands of rows. (For convenience, trivial time
series with the constant value 0 are automatically excluded.)

Properties of the time series are displayed in the columns of the data browser, e.g.,
Organ/Container, Compartment, Molecule, Name, Dimension, Used.

To organize these data there are three concepts, which we describe here only briefly.

Grouping - you can group by a column by dragging it from the column headers to the
so called grouping area and vice versa.
Sorting - you can sort by a column by just clicking on the column header.
Filtering - you can filter a column by moving the mouse to the right side of the column
header and clicking on the filter symbol, which appears.

Right-click on the column header to get a context menu with more options.
In the figure below, data are grouped hierarchically by organ and compartment, they are
sorted by molecule and filtered by the condition Dimension = 'Concentration'.

Data Browser

To select data:

1. organize your data according to your needs,

2. do one of the following:
3. Check the checkbox of a row in the used column,
4. Drag a row from the data browser to the curves table,
5. Select multiple rows by holding the CTRL or the SHIFT key when clicking them and
drag them together to the curves table or check the checkbox Use selected in the right
upper corner of the Chart Editor.
. Repeat step 2 until your data selection is complete.

The creation of charts with alternative x-values, e.g., other concentrations, is

explained in “Using Alternative X-Values”.

After selection, the corresponding curves are automatically shown and listed in the curves

To deselect data, do one of the following:

Uncheck the checkbox of the row in the used column of the data browser,
Click the Delete button on the right side of the curve row in the curves table.
Click the row header on the left side of the row to select the curve row and press Delete.

Editing Curve Options

The properties of the curves can be edited in the curves table. Each curve is displayed in
one row, and the properties of the curves are displayed in different columns.

The most important columns are:

The first curve is assigned to the first y-axis Y and the dimension of the axis
Y is set from the corresponding time series. The next curves are assigned to
the same y-axis as long as their time series have a compatible dimension.
For the first curve based on a time series with a different dimension, a
second y-axis Y2 is created with that dimension and the curve is assigned to
that y-axis.
If there are curves based on time series with further dimensions, they cannot
be displayed, because they do not match one of the two possible y-axis
dimensions. Then this row is marked with an error symbol and you have to
adjust the axes dimensions and the y-axis property of the curve manually.

The curve name is created automatically when inserting a new curve. For
simulation data it consists by default of organ, compartment, molecule and
Curve name of the time series. You can overwrite this name manually.
Name You can select additional discriminating curve properties for curve name
generation at chart options of user settings: simulation name, top
container/organism name, dimension name.

Colors are automatically selected for the first 16 curves; however, you can
Color adjust them by clicking on the color editor in the cell. See also paragraph
below for coloring curves with the same color.

You can select between the following styles: Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot and
None (for measured data points).
You can select from the following symbols: None (default for simulation
data), Circle, Diamond, Triangle, and Square.

Thickness You can select line thicknesses as 1, 2, and 3. (Hidden by default)

Visible To hide a curve from the chart, uncheck this checkbox.

To hide an entry in the legend for a curve, uncheck this checkbox. For
In Legend different observed data curves, you can use for example only one legend

If a row header or cell content cannot be fully displayed, the full content is shown in a
tooltip when you hover with the mouse over that field, as shown below:

Curve Options

Coloring curves with the same color

Often you may want to use the same color for different curves, e.g. for curves of the same
molecule or organ or for observed data.

You can easily copy the color from one curve to another by just dragging the color symbol
from one curve to the color field of another curve. During the dragging process, a + symbol
is shown.

If you want to color different curves - for instance of observed data - with the same color,
you can also use the Default Color of the y-Axis.

1. In the axes table, select the column Default Color in the column chooser (right click on
column header).
2. Change the Default Color for the corresponding y-Axis to the intended color.
3. Select the curves from the data browser.
4. Reset the Default Color for the y-Axis to White which deactivates default color.

Creating clear legends

To make you legends clear and readable - especially when exporting them - you can do the

Edit the curve name.

Curve names are automatically composed (in MoBi you can control the curve name
composition via some settings in the Chart Options). Mostly, not all information contained
by default is relevant in a certain situation and therefore the names should manually be
reduced or renamed to contain the relevant information.

(If, after renaming you, are in doubt about the data of your curve you can always identify it
by selecting the column y-Data from the column chooser of the curves table.)

Hide needless legend entries in particular for multiple observed data sets.

If you do not intend to refer to single individuals, uncheck the checkbox In Legend for all
but one observed data set.

Reorder your legend entries to show the most important entries on top.

You can reorder them directly in the legend by dragging the line symbol to another symbol
which moves the legend entry of the dragged curve just above the entry where it is dropped.

You can reorder them also by dragging the row headers (the small gray area on the left of a
row) in the curves table.

Editing Axis Options

You can edit properties of axes in the axes table. There is always one unique x- axis and
one y-axis. You can add up to 2 additional y-axes by clicking the button on the right end of
the y-axis row. Each axis is displayed in one row, and the properties of the axes are
displayed in different columns.

You can select columns which are hidden by default using the Column Chooser and right
click on the column header. The most important columns are:

Axis Type of the axis.

The dimension of an axis is automatically determined by the selected data,

Dimension see “Editing Curve Options” for details. You can change the dimension here
manually in more complex situations.

This field is empty by default. Then dimension and unit are displayed as
Caption axis caption in the chart. You can enter an alternative caption here, which is
displayed instead of the dimension name. (Hidden by default)

Unit You can select a unit for the dimension of the axis from a list.

You can switch between Linear and Log scaling. In case of Log scaling,
Scaling values less than or equal to 0 are not displayed. By default, the scaling for y
axes is Log, but in MoBi® you can change this in the Chart Options.

You can select the numbers representation from Normal, Scientific and
Relative. If you select Relative for a y- axis, each curve is displayed relative
to its own maximum value, which then corresponds to 100% . (Hidden by

Empty for automatic range to show all values. You can override the values
Min, Max to restrict the displayed range. To return to automatic range, delete Min or
Max value.

Curves added to a y-axis get this linestyle by default. This way, Linestyle in
the chart, curves can be easily correlated with their y-axes. You can change
the default linestyles here, which are by default solid for y, dashed for y2
and dotted for y3.
Default If a color different from White is selected, curves added to a y-axis get this
Color color by default. (Hidden by default)

Grid You can check this to display grid lines at the major ticks of the axis.

The Min and Max values are overridden by zooming the chart.

Editing Chart Options

You can edit the properties of the chart in the chart options tab.

Name Name of the chart, which is used as tab header.

Title Title is displayed above the chart.

A description is displayed below the chart. To insert line breaks press the
Enter key.

Legend You can select whether the legend is displayed at the right or at the bottom
Position of the chart, inside or outside of the diagram area.

Chart Color The color of the chart.

Diagram The color of the diagram background. You can change these colors in the
Background Chart Options.

Side You can check to leave about 5% margins at each side of the chart or
Margins uncheck to fit the diagram area exactly to the Min and Max values of the
Enabled curves.
Editing Chart Export Options

You can export charts to the Working Journal or other applications by copy & paste. To
copy the chart, just right click into the chart area and select Copy to clipboard.

You can define the size of the exported chart in the Chart Export Options. Then, the
exported chart is independent of the current size of the application window. You can also
define the font sizes of the exported chart to get readable legend entries in your slides for

In the Chart Export Options tab, you can select Preview these settings in Chart Display to
preview any changes you have made in the settings of the Chart Export Options. You can
select Include origin data and show the title of the PK-Sim® or MoBi®file, the name of
simulation and the date of creation beneath the Chart®, as illustrated in the image below.
This can be useful for example, if you want to refer to the simulation state used in a chart
in a presentation.

Chart Export Options

You can edit the following properties of the exported chart in the tab Chart Export Options.

Width [px] The width of the chart in pixel units.

Height [px] The height of the chart in pixel units.

Here you can select the text font. The standard font is Microsoft Sans

Font size axis You can adjust the font size of the axis via a drop down menu.

Font size
You can adjust the font size of the legend via a drop down menu.

You can adjust the font size of the chart title in case you have defined
Font size title
one in Chart Options.

Font size You can adjust the font size of the description of the chart in case you
description have defined one in Chart Options.

Font size You can adjust the font size of the origin data in case you have selected
origin the Include origin data option.

Zooming the Chart

To zoom into the chart, do one of the following:

Hover the mouse over the chart. A zoom symbol appears. Press the left mouse button
and drag the mouse to select a rectangle. Release the mouse button to zoom into the
selected rectangle.

Explicitly define the range to be displayed in the Min and Max columns in the Axis
Use the mouse wheel while the mouse pointer is located in the chart area.
To reset the zoom right click on the chart area and select Reset Zoom (Ctrl+0) or use the
shortcut Ctrl+0 (Do not use the 0-key from the numeric block, but from the typewriter keys.).

Further Actions

Saving and managing chart settings

You can save the chart settings (Chart Options and Chart Export Options, Curve and Axes
Options) in different Chart Templates and reuse them in a simulation. This is useful for
example, if you want to switch between different settings. You can also save and load
these Chart Templates to files and reuse them in other simulations.


in PK-Sim®, the Chart Templates are reusable in any clone of a simulation,

in MoBi®, the Chart Templates and Curves Selection are part of the Building Block
Simulation Settings and can be reused like any other Building Blocks.

The chart manager can be accessed directly from the chart editor after running a
simulation. The following options are available:

Apply Template: choose from a list of saved templates,

Create New: create a new template based on current settings for data, curves, axis and
chart options,
Update Existing: changes the settings for the template to the current settings for data,
curves, axis and chart options,
Manage Templates: brings you directly to the chart template manager that displays an
overview of all settings in a template which can all be edited.
Accessing chart templates and chart manager from the chart editor

In the chart manager, templates can be managed in the left hand side window and settings
for an individual template can be edited in the two right hand side windows.

Management and editing of chart templates in the chart manager

The following options are available for managing templates:

Clone: useful when changing specific settings based on an existing template.

Save template to file: allows you to reuse this template in another simulation settings
building block, simulation or project.
Delete template

In addition, a template can be loaded as .xml file using the button.

In the right panel, the user can specify which curve will be selected as output and how it will
be displayed.

An automated algorithm is implemented that decides which curves are selected when a
certain template is chosen. Decision criteria are based on the output path (Y-Path) and the
output type (Y-Type). The following decision scenarios are feasible:

If a selected output matches both, Y-Path and Y-Type, it will be selected and the curve
name will be used as is.
A selected output matches the Y-type, but not the Y-Path of a template. The Y- Path of
the output is for example Organism|Venous|Blood|Plasma|Diclofenac. The algorithm
will then try to find all output located in the container Organism| Venous|Blood|Plasma.
If only one output is found, the curve name will be used as is. If two or more outputs
are found, the curve name will be ignored and a new unique name will be generated
based on the actual path of the output. Sometimes, this heuristic approach might result
in many selected curves at once. If more than ten curves will be selected, the user will
be asked whether be wants to proceed or choose a different template for display of the
selected output curves.

All changes to a template or selection of output are made at the level of an

individual simulation. The simulation settings for the project remain unchanged,
until the user explicitly updates the changes to the project simulation settings
building block using the context menu as shown below.
Changes in the simulation setting can be committed to the settings at the project level

Selecting Editor Layouts

You can select one of the following predefined editor layouts:

The chart editor is auto hidden. The data browser is displayed in the upper
Standard area of the editor, the curves and axis options are displayed in the lower area.
View The chart options are displayed on a different tab since they are used less

The chart editor is auto hidden. Data browser, curves options, axis options,
chart options are displayed on four different tabs. Use this view, when you
need maximal space for data browser or curve options display.

Two The chart editor is auto hidden. The data browser and curves options are
Tabs displayed on the first tab, axis options and chart options are displayed on the
View second tab. Use this view, if the automatic axis settings fulfill your needs.
This layout is similar to standard view, but display all columns necessary for
selection of an alternative x-axis (see Using Alternative X-Values). The chart
editor is docked. Use this view, if you want to use an alternative x-Axis.
(Available in MoBi® only.)

Save your preferred Editor Layout to your user settings. Just select Save to User
Settings from the Layout menu at the top of the Chart Editor.

In this layout are stored the selected view and column settings in the subviews
like visibility, order, column width and grouping.

Using Alternative X-Values

As mentioned in the introduction of this section, typically one curve corresponds to a single
time series in which the x-values represent the time axis and the y- values are the
corresponding functional values, such as concentration.

Concentration versus Time Plot

However, curves can also correspond to two time series with the same time scale. In this
case, the x-values are the values of the first time series and the y-values are the values of
the second time series. Thus, concentrations can be plotted against another concentration
or a fraction of the dose, for example.

To select other x-values than the default ones, do the following (you can skip steps 1 and 2
when using the editor layout Variable x-Axis View):

1. Show the x-Data column in the curves table. In detail:

1. Right-click on the columns header row of the curves table.
2. Select Column Chooser.
3. Drag the x-Data (and y-Data, if you like) to a position between two other column
headers in the header row.
4. Close the Column Chooser.
2. Show the dimension column in the axis table (like in step 1) and in the data browser.
3. Drag the time series with same the time scale and the intended values from the data
browser to the x-Data field of the desired curve in the curves table.
An error symbol appears at the x-Data field, because now the x-Data and the x-axis
have different dimensions, which cannot be resolved automatically.

4. Change the Dimension of the x-axis in the Axis Table to the dimension of the x-values
5. Change curve or x-axis caption according to your needs. Now the concentration is
plotted against the selected x-values.
Concentration versus Concentration Plot

Chart Options in User Settings

In MoBi®, you can change the default editor layout and the default curve name generation

in the Chart Options tab within the User Settings dialog (click Options in the

Utilities ribbon tab).

All options here are stored in the user settings and apply for newly opened charts and
Comparison of Building Blocks
The comparison of building blocks can help when to compare different versions of a model
for e.g. reporting purposes. Alterations of individual building blocks can be seen at a
glance. Converting models can also lead to alterations in building blocks. This can be the
case, if one version of a model uses a functionality of PK- Sim® that was not available in
the older version, e.g. tagging building blocks. A further, rather special case, is a listing of
extended start values upon comparison. If, in MoBi® parameter or molecule start values are
incomplete, they are extended during the Create Simulation process. These amended start
values will be listed if the respective building block before and after creation of a simulation
are compared.

Generally, only two building blocks can be compared at a time. Comparison of building
blocks can be done within a group. For example, to compare two different molecule
building blocks, press the Control key and mark both building block by left click. Upon right
click, the context menu appears as shown below.

Comparison of different molecule building blocks within a group

Comparison of building blocks can also be done within a simulation when a building has
been altered and the differences to the original version need to be known. This is illustrated
in the example shown below in which using the Show differences option in the context
menue will produce a list of changes. Chosing the Update from building block option will
reset all settings in the building block to those of the original.

Comparison of different molecule building blocks within a group

Comparison of building blocks can also be done between two simulations on the same
kind of building block as shown below.
Comparison of molecule building blocks between two simulations

Comparison of building blocks yields a list as shown below that can be filtered for better
overview. To do so, right click on the small filter symbol in the top right hand corner of the
row header and choose the filter setting from the context menue.

Filter your comparison list for better ovierview

Comparison can be made according to specific settings defined by the user. The value
entered for Comparison tolerance (relative) is a multiplication factor that sets the limit for
two values being equal. For example, if this is set to 0, then two values need to be exactly
the same for being considered equal. In contrast, setting the relative tolerance to 1, the
values are considered equal. By default, the relative comparison tolerance is set to 1E-5.
Using this setting, two values are equal if - in a first approximation - the first five digits after
the decimal point are equal. The tolerance has no effect when comparing non-numerical
values, like "present/ absent".

A derived parameter can be defined by a formula that uses other parameters. Choosing the
option By values, numerical values in the formula or the output of the formula are
compared. Here, no limit for being equal can be introduced and numerical values need to be
identical for being considered equal. All numerical values that differ between the two
building blocks are compared. Choosing the option By formula compares the structure of
the formulas. Both comparison criteria can be limited to impacts on the results of the
simulations that contains the compared building blocks.

Define your comparison criteria using these settings

Parameter Identification
The first three chapters provide a basic understanding of the Parameter Identification tool:
background and basic workflow and illustration in a simple example.

In the following chapters you find more detailed descriptions of the features and
configuration of the tool and a more complex second example of a parameter


The models built by PK-Sim® or MoBi® depend on a lot of input parameters which are
based on literature values, measurements, databases, assumptions. For a given set of input
parameters a number of output curves is computed in a simulation.

Often, experimental data for the outputs are given and the reverse question is asked: Which
input parameters lead to a simulation with output curves corresponding to the given
experimental data?

This reverse problem is called Parameter Identification: which values of certain input
parameters yield simulation outputs that fit the observed data?

A Parameter Identification problem is a kind of optimization problem: Minimize the

residuals between observed data and corresponding simulation output by varying selected
input parameters in a given range. (For a definition of residuals see the table “Scaling”)

A variety of algorithms exist to solve optimization problems. The required effort and the
quality of the solution depend on several factors, e.g. number and bounds of the input
parameters of interest, complexity of the model, quality of start values for the input

Because not all possible combinations of input parameter values can be evaluated,
sometimes not the global optimum is found, but a so called local optimum.
The user should be aware that a Parameter Identification as an optimization problem can
become challenging, in particular for complex situations with many input parameters of
interest or missing knowledge about their range.

In a lot of situations the available Parameter Identification features of the Open Systems
Pharmacology Suite allow you to identify unknown parameter values much easier than by
manual trial and error.

Overview of the workflow

Within a Parameter Identification you have to perform the following steps:

Prepare simulations

In order to use the Parameter Identification tool, you should add all observed data you want
to use to one or more simulations.

Ensure that meta data for Organ, Compartment, Molecule is up to date, because this meta
data is used for automatic mapping to outputs.

In the simulations which will be used for Parameter Identification, select all outputs to be
mapped to observed data.

Selecting the input parameters of interest as Favorites makes it much easier to

select those parameters later in Parameter Identification.

Create a Parameter Identification

A Parameter Identification can be based on one simulation or several simulations which

correspond to different experiments. To create a Parameter Identification, multiselect those

simulations and select Start Parameter Identification ... from the context menu.
Map outputs to observed data

A mapping of observed data to corresponding simulation outputs is done automatically

according to Organ, Compartment and Molecule meta data. Additionally, you can edit the
mapping manually.

Define Identification Parameters

You have to select those input parameters which should be varied and identified. Each of
these Identification parameters can be linked to corresponding input parameters in different

Configure Optimization

You can select between three optimization algorithms, edit their standard settings or
change the usage of Lower Limit Of Quantification (LLOQ) values.

Run Optimization

After finishing the previous steps, you can run a Parameter Identification which does not
block the application. So you can proceed with manual work in your project. However the
changes made in referenced simulations are not reflected in the running Parameter

View results

After the Parameter Identification is finished, you will find the parameter values and
corresponding output curves. Other views can help to assess the quality of the result, e.g.
Predicted vs. Observed values for drug concentration or the correlation between
Identification Parameters at the identified parameter values.

During the Parameter Identification Run you can get visual feedback about the current
state. If you like, you can stop the Parameter Identification manually.
Simple Example

For a hands on exercise, open the example project Theophylline.pksim5. You can open the
folder with the example projects from the Start menu by selecting All Programs/Open
Systems Pharmacology/PK-Sim/Examples.

1. In the Simulation Explorer mark the two simulations "Kaumeier IV 208 mg fit" and

"Kaumeier oral solution 185mg" and select Start Parameter Identification ...

from the context menu.

2. A new view for Parameter Identification 1 is displayed and the tab Data is opened. On
the left, the simulations with the assigned observed data are displayed. On the right, a
list of mappings from outputs to observed data is displayed. For each observed data
set for concentrations and fractions the corresponding output is mapped automatically
(based on the Organ, Compartment, Molecule meta data).

Parameter Identification - Mapping of outputs and observed data

1. Switch to the next tab Parameters. Here, you have to define the parameters for
identification. On the left, a list of all parameters grouped by Simulation and Organ is
displayed. You can reorder the list for a more convenient view:
1. In the column Favorite, filter for checked to display just the Favorites.
2. Ungroup the columns Simulation and Organ (by right click on the column names
you find that entry in the context menu).
3. Group by column name.
Select both Lipophilicity parameters and click the upper Add button, then select both
GFR fraction parameters and click the upper Add button again. Now, you have selected
two identification parameters each linked to both corresponding simulation
Switch to the next tab Parameters. Here, you have to define the parameters for
identification. On the left, a list of all parameters grouped by Organ and Name is
displayed. (If you are interested only in the Favorite parameters you can filter the
column Favorite.)
By default, all Favorite parameters are already selected as Identification Parameters
in the right list of Identification Parameters.
In this example project Lipophilicity and Specific Clearance were selected as Favorites.
Here we want to identify the GFR Fraction instead of Specific Clearance.
Remove Specific Clearance from the list of Identification Parameters and keep the
Lipophilicity parameter. Then select both GFR fraction parameters (Expand Kidney/GFR
fraction) and click the upper Add button. Now you have selected one new identification
parameter linked to both corresponding simulation parameters.
Enter Minimum Value 0 for both Identification Parameters and Maximum Value 2 Log
Units for Lipophilicity and 1 for GFR fraction.

2. In the tab Configuration keep the default settings.

3. In the Ribbon Bar Run & Analyze click Show Visual Feedback and then Run to start the
4. Now the Visual Feedback Window shows the intermediate state during the Parameter
Identification Run.

5. After some iterations, the run is finished and you can switch to the tab Results.

You can transfer the optimized values for the parameters to the simulations by clicking
Transfer to Simulation. Or you can select one of the Analyses views from the Parameter
Identification ribbon. If you are not satisfied, you can change mapping of outputs or
definition of Identification Parameters and run the Parameter Identification again.

Creating a Parameter Identification

To create a new Parameter Identification, do one of the following

Mark one ore more simulations for the Parameter Identification in the Simulation

Explorer and select Start Parameter Identification ... from the context menu.

In the ribbon bar Parameter Identification click Create .

In the Simulation Explorer right click the Parameter Identification root node and select

Add Parameter Identification from the context menu.

The Parameter Identification view is displayed and the tab Data is opened.

To add an additional simulation, drag & drop the corresponding node from the Simulation
explorer to the Simulations list in the Parameter Identification view or use the button Add

In the Simulation Explorer, the Parameter Identifications are also displayed in a tree. Using
the context menu, you can

rename a Parameter Identification,

clone it in order to reuse the Identification Parameter Definition or the mapping of
outputs to observed data,
add a Parameter Identification to a Journal page,
export the Parameter Identification definition to Matlab,
delete a Parameter Identification.

Mapping Simulation Outputs to Observed Data

A mapping of observed data to corresponding simulation outputs is done automatically

according to Organ, Compartment and Molecule meta data of observed data and path
elements of the outputs.

One observed data item can be mapped to one output only, but the same output can be
mapped to several observed data items.

Because meta data of observed data can be incomplete or wrong, you should
check whether the right output is mapped to each observed data item. In case of
different outputs with the same meta data (this can happen at least in MoBi),
you should also check whether the automatically chosen output is correct.
You can also edit the mapping manually by selecting Output and Observed Data from the

In case of incomplete or missing meta data, it is recommended to correct the

meta data first to enable automatic mapping.

For each mapping, the scaling can be defined as Lin or Log which determines the residual


Residuals are calculated as: Simulation value - Observed value. This means that
the residuals are defined by absolute differences. If the magnitudes of values are
different for different parameters, the different magnitudes of residuals should be
harmonized by corresponding weights (reciprocal values).

Residuals are calculated as: log(Simulation value) - log(Observed value) = log

(Simulation Value / Observed Value). This means that the ratio of values is
considered which is independent of the magnitude of the value. But for very small
Log observed values, in particular close to 0 values, this can lead to problems, because
log(10E-N) = -N can becomes large. Then, the weights should be manually adjusted
or LLOQ handling should be adjusted in the Configuration. (See “Configuration of

To reflect the quality or importance of the Observed Data item or to balance different
magnitudes of values in case of Lin scaling, you can edit the weights of each mapping.

If you select a mapping, the corresponding Observed Data is displayed as table and chart in
the bottom area. There you can edit pointwise weights, e.g. to reduce or remove influence of
In MoBi®, you can freely define observers to match any kind of observed data.
In order to enable the automatic mapping ensure that the meta data for Organ,
Compartment and Molecule is the same for corresponding observed data and
observers. Therefore, you can define the observers for specific Containers and
Molecules and/or edit the meta data of the observed data.

Defining Identification Parameters

In the tab Parameters you can select the parameters which should be identified. If you have
different simulations in one Parameter Identification, you have to decide, if one
Identification Parameter is linked to multiple Simulation Parameters or one Simulation
Parameter only. (If necessary you can even link different simulation parameters from the
same simulation to one Identification Parameter.)

If you have, for example, two simulations for two individuals with the same compound you
may have one identification parameter lipophilicity which is linked to both lipophilicity
parameters in the two simulations. At the same time, you define two identification
parameters for the individual reference concentrations of a certain enzyme.

In general, you should select Identification Parameters which are informed by the available
observed data. You should be aware that the more Identification Parameters you define, the
higher the complexity of the optimization problem.

For the efficient selection of Simulation Parameters it is helpful to mark those

input parameters as Favorites in a Simulation. For convenience by default all
Favorite parameters are automatically selected as Identification Parameters. In
the Parameters list of the Parameter Identification you can filter then by checked
Favorites (here you cannot edit the Favorites).

If you like, you can ungroup the column Organ (via the context menu). So you get a list of
Favorite Parameters with corresponding Simulation Parameters.
To define one Identification Parameter for all corresponding Simulation Parameters,
simply select them all and click the upper Add button.
To define one Identification Parameter for each Simulation Parameter per Simulation,
select them subsequently and click the upper Add button each time.
To add Simulation Parameters to an existing Identification Parameter (e.g. after adding
another simulation to the Parameter Identification), select the Identification Parameter
and the Simulation Parameter(s) and click the lower Add button.
To unlink a Simulation Parameter from an existing Identification Parameter, click the
Unlink button in the Identification Parameters Simulation Parameters list (bottom
right area); the Simulation Parameter is then unlinked from that Identification
Parameter and a new Identification Parameter is generated for it.

Of course, you can use other ways to filter, sort and group the list of Simulation Parameters.
And you can use the Text Filter to filter by a text element in any column. Use enclosing
quotation marks to search for composite strings, otherwise a search is conducted for both

Text Filter in List of Simulation Parameters

After selection of the Identification Parameters you should define their Minimum and
Maximum Values. With these ranges you define the solution space of the optimization

Per default, the value of the first corresponding Simulation Parameter is used as a Start
Value. You can edit this value manually or reset it to the Simulation Parameter value, e.g.
after change of value in simulation (see column Value in the list of Simulation Parameters).
By Scaling you define how the Identification Parameter is modified during optimization; if
the magnitude of the parameter is not known, Log scale should be selected.

Per default, the value of the first corresponding Simulation Parameter is used as a Start
Value. You can edit this value manually or reset it to the Simulation Parameter value, e.g.
after change of value in simulation (see column Value in the list of Simulation Parameters).

By Scaling you define how the Identification Parameter is modified during optimization; if
the magnitude of the parameter is not known, Log scale should be selected, which requires
a Minimum Value > 0.

In special cases you may want to couple two simulation parameters but not by the same
value, e.g. you know that the specific clearance of metabolite is half of compound's specific
clearance. In this case you can add both Simulation Parameters for specific clearance to
one Identification Parameter, check Use as Factor and use e.g. a Minimum Value of 0.5 and
Maximum Value of 2. Then both specific clearances are varied in parallel by multiplication
of the respective simulation value with the same factor between 0.5 and 2.

Configuration of Optimization

You can configure the handling of LLOQ values, select among three optimization
algorithms and edit the settings of the selected optimization algorithms.

When checking Calculate Sensitivity at the end of the optimization, the partial derivatives
are calculated locally for the optimized parameter values. From those, a Covariance Matrix
and Correlation Matrix are calculated which give some information about local sensitivity
of Identification Parameters.

Additionally, you have special options to vary calculation methods (PK-Sim only) or to start
multiple optimizations with randomized start values.

Handling of LLOQ values

You can decide if data values below LLOQ should be used or removed and how they should
be handled in the residual calculation.
Remove data below LLOQ

All LLOQ values are used. In particular, for sparse data, the information that
for a certain time point the value was measured and is between 0 and LLOQ
can be relevant.

No LLOQ values are used. And in case of Log Scaling of outputs, no 0 values
are used.

Sometimes observed concentrations end with several trailing .L.L.O.Q values.

In particular when only the Observed data below LLOQ is transformed, those
trailing values should be reduced because the ratio between untransformed
simulation values and transformed observed values can become large and
cause trouble for Log scale outputs.

If in Observed Data LLOQ values are contained as 0 values, for Remove data
below LLOQ the option Always should be used. Otherwise, those values can
distort the optimization results, because log(0) resp. log(eps=10E-20) is
evaluated in the residual calculation and these single residuals may dominate
the whole optimization.

Transform data below LLOQ

Observed data and simulation data are transformed

Observed data and
consistently to avoid artificial residuals, especially for log
simulated data below
scaled outputs.
LLOQ set to LLOQ
Values below LLOQ are set to LLOQ to avoid discontinuity
for values little above and little below LLOQ.
This option is left for backward compatibility. Here,
Observed data below
simulation data below LLOQ is not transformed in residual
LLOQ set to LLOQ/2
calculation in contrast to observed data.

Optimization Algorithms

The three available optimization algorithms have specific advantages and disadvantages.
While for simple optimization problems (e.g. 1 - 3 Identification parameters which are well
informed by sufficient and not contradicting observed data) each of the algorithms works
stably and fast, there can be big differences in applicability, robustness and performance in
more complex situations. In such cases, some optimization experience is often required.
The descriptions and hints given here can only give some basic support, for more detailed
information follow the references.

We recommend the following general approach:

1. You should start with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and the option Standard (=
single optimization run) which are the default settings.
2. If the result of a Parameter Identification is not satisfying, choose one of the following
In case you do not have enough time and/or hardware resources available, switch
to Monte-Carlo algorithm and the option Standard;
Afterwards, you may perform an additional Levenberg- Marquardt run using
optimal parameter values produced by Monte-Carlo as the new start values.
Otherwise (enough time and hardware resources): perform parameter identification
using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm with option Multiple optimization.

General hints

Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is faster than Monte-Carlo algorithm. However, it is

susceptible to being trapped by local minima.
Using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm: sometimes increasing the value of Finite
derivative step size parameter (e.g. setting it to 1e-4 or 1e-3) might improve the result
of parameter identification.
Using multiple optimization (along with any algorithm): if some single optimization
runs fail with Out of memory exception: reduce the value of Max. number of
processors to use program option. You can find it under Utilities/ Options (both PK-Sim
and MoBi

Monte - Carlo

In each iteration, every free parameter value is separately varied one step upwards and one
step downwards from its current value and the objective function is calculated.

If the objective function improves (residual sum of squares becomes smaller), the variation
is accepted.

Here, the variation order is a random permutation. The variation steps are taken at random
within in the given parameter intervals and the probability for a step near to the current
parameter value is higher than for a step far from the current value, corresponding to the
projection grade parameter (alpha).

When a parameters variation shows improvement, its projection grade is decreased,

otherwise it is increased.

This iteration is performed until the break condition holds.

Algorithm parameters

Break condition for

Termination occurs when the relative improvement of the
relative error
error evaluation is less than the break condition.

Scale of projection Start value for projection degree. Termination occurs when
degree (alpha) the minimal alpha is larger than 10 times alpha.

Maximum number of
The maximum number of iterations performed.

Levenberg - Marquardt
For a description of this algorithm see

Henri P. Gavin: "The Levenberg-Marquardt method for nonlinear least squares curve-fitting
problems" (May 2016) (


PROBLEMS” (2nd Edition, April 2004)

Algorithm parameters

Relative chi-
square Termination occurs when both the actual and predicted relative
convergence reductions in the sum of squares are at most ftol. Therefore, ftol
criterium measures the relative error desired in the sum of squares.

parameter Termination occurs when the relative error between two consecutive
convergence iterates is at most xtol. Therefore, xtol measures the relative error desired
criterium in the approximate solution.

Orthogonality Termination occurs when the cosine of the angle between fvec and any
convergence column of the jacobian is at most gtol in absolute value. Therefore, gtol
criterium measures the orthogonality desired between the function vector and the
(gtol) columns of the jacobian.

Used in determining the initial step bound. This bound is set to the
Initial step product of factor and the euclidean norm of diag*x if nonzero, or else to
bound factor factor itself. In most cases, factor should lie in the interval 0.1, 100. 100
is a generally recommended value.
The maximum number of iterations to perform. If the number of
Maximum calculation iterations exceeds MAXITER, then the algorithm returns. If
number of MAXITER = 0, then the algorithm does not iterate to adjust parameter
iterations values; however, the user function is evaluated and parameter
errors/covariance/ Jacobian are estimated before returning.

number of Termination occurs when the number of calls to objective function is
function greater or equal this value by the end of an iteration.

Used in determining a suitable step length for the forward- difference

approximation. This approximation assumes that the relative errors in
the functions are of the order of epsfcn. If epsfcn is less than the
step size
machine precision, it is assumed that the relative errors in the functions
are of the order of the machine precision.

Nelder - Mead

This algorithm does not use the defined bounds defined for the Identification Parameters.

For a description of this algorithm see

Nelder, John A.; R. Mead (1965). "A simplex method for function minimization". Computer
Journal 7: 308–313

Algorithm parameters

Relative convergence tolerance

Maximum Termination occurs when the number of calls to objective function is

evaluations greater or equal this value

Variation of calculation methods and multiple optimizations

Multiple optimization

As explained above, optimization results can depend on the start values, if different local
optima exist. This can happen for instance, if more identification parameters are selected
and the observed data is heterogeneous. In such situations performing multiple
optimization with randomized start values (randomly chosen from the range defined for the
Identification Parameters) can lead to different results. Results can compared manually by
the global error.

If multiple optimizations all return the same result, this is more likely a global optimum.

Depending on the number of processors in your computer and the corresponding setting in
the General Options (Menu Utilities), optimizations are performed in parallel.

Calculation Methods Variation

In PK-Sim® often it is not clear, which Calculation Method is most appropriate to fit given
observed data. Using the Calculation Methods Variation you can optimize simulations for
different calculation methods e.g. for the Partition Coefficients, and compare the results.

Configuration of Calculation methods variation

If you have more than one molecule, you can decide whether the calculation methods
should be All the same for all molecules or if different combinations of molecules and
calculation methods should be tested.

Also, here optimization are done in parallel as long as processors are available to the Open
Systems Pharmacology Suite.
Display of intermediate and final results

Visual Feedback

During the optimization run, you can view intermediate results. Click Show Visual Feedback
in the Ribbon bar Run & Analyze. A new window is displayed.

Parameter Identification - Visual Feedback data

In this window the status of the optimization run is displayed and a table with the best and
currently tested Identification Parameter values and the resulting total error.

The error history is displayed in a chart. You can use this information to stop the
optimization run manually in certain situations and to assess if the optimization run had
decreased the error substantially.
In the lower area you can select an output mapping and the current comparison between
simulation and observed data values is displayed.

You can click the button Parameters History to export a table with all parameter value
vectors tested during the optimization . And you can export the error history to Excel by right
click into the chart. You can use this information for evaluation of the solution path, e.g. to
assess the sensitivity of parameters.

In case of Multiple optimization or Calculation Methods Variation the Visual Feedback

window gives an overview about the status of the different optimizations. You cannot
switch to the detailed Visual Feedback view here.

Visual Feedback of Calculation methods variation

Results of Parameter Identification

After the optimization run is finished, you can view the results in the tab Results.

Status, elapsed time, number of evaluations and the resulting total error are displayed in the
upper table.

Below, you find a table with the optimal values, start values and ranges for all Identification

You can copy and paste both tables for documentation of the results e.g. to the Working
Parameter Identification - Results data

In case of Multiple optimization or Calculation Methods Variation you can compare the
identified parameter value vectors and total errors for different Calculation Methods or Start
Values in the tab Results.

Result of Calculation methods variation


From the ribbon Run & Analyze you can select different charts to analyze the optimization
result and assess its quality.

Time Profile

For the different outputs, simulation and observed data values are displayed in different

Parameter Identification Analysis - Time Profile

Predicted vs. Observed

For each observed concentration value a point is plotted with observed value as x-Value
and corresponding simulation value as y-Value.
Parameter Identification Analysis - Predicted vs. Observed

In case of different dimensions of the outputs you have to switch the x-Axis dimension to
see the respective outputs.

Residuals vs. Time

This chart is similar to the Time Profile chart, but on the y-axis the (absolute) residuals used
in the optimization are plotted. The chart includes scaling, weights and LLOQ usage and the
values are dimensionless, so you can assess the actual influence of the observed data.
Parameter Identification Analysis - Residuals vs. Time

Histogram of Residuals

Using this chart, you can check if the residuals are distributed normally - the normal
distribution is indicated by the black curve. Strong deviations from normal distribution
indicate that the scaling of the parameters may not be appropriate or the model does not
reflect the observed data.
Parameter Identification Analysis - Histogram of Residuals

Correlation Matrix

Based on the partial derivatives calculated locally at the found optimal parameter values,
the Correlation Matrix and Covariance Matrix give some information about local sensitivity
of Identification Parameters.

The correlation between two identification parameters based on the observed data is high
(positive or negative), if the entry in the correlation matrix is near to 1 or -1. Entries between
-0.5 and 0.5 indicate a low correlation.

You can use the correlation information to select the parameters to identify. In general, you
will often observe correlations, if you have selected many identification parameters, see for
example the results if you add the Specific clearance as an identification parameter.

Keep in mind that all information in this analysis is calculated only at the
optimal values and is not necessarily valid in general.
Parameter Identification Analysis - Correlation Matrix for two identification parameters

Parameter Identification Analysis - Correlation Matrix for three identification parameters

Covariance Matrix

The Covariance matrix gives additional statistical information and can be used to estimate
confidence intervals for the identification parameters.

Keep in mind that all information in this analysis is calculated only at the
optimal values and is not necessarily valid in general.

Parameter Identification Analysis - Covariance Matrix for two identification parameters

Parameter Identification Analysis - Covariance Matrix for three identification parameters

Confidence Interval

From the ribbon Run & Analyze in the ribbon bar Confidence Intervals you can select
different confidence interval charts to assess the quality of the Parameter Identification

Keep in mind, that Visual Predictive Check interval and Prediction interval are only
available for measured quantities.

Even if the curves itself are positive, the lower ranges can become negative.
Because negative values cannot be displayed in a log scale chart the curves are
not visible then. In that case just switch the scaling for the corresponding y-Axis
to linear, which is anyway recommended for fractions.

For more detailed background information about the confidence intervals, model error and
data error see [23], [20], [2].

Confidence Interval

This chart displays the 95% confidence interval of the model error, which is based on the
uncertainty of estimated parameters. This uncertainty is based on an estimation of the
error between the mean value of used observed data compared with the mean value of the
(unknown) total data.

Parameter Identification - Confidence interval

Visual Predictive Check Interval

This chart displays the 95% Visual Predictive Check interval, which corresponds to the
uncertainty based on the data error. The data error is the standard deviation of the
distribution of the used observed data.

You should check, if the distribution of observed data corresponds to the

calculated interval, e.g. about 95% of the data points should lie in the calculated
interval and the shape of the interval fits to the observed data.

If major deviations exist, the reliability of the Parameter Identification result is in question.
In that case you should consider to

improve the optimization, e.g. by different settings in the tab Configuration,

improve the error model, e.g. changing weights or scaling of outputs in tab Data,
improve the model itself.

Parameter Identification - Visual Predictive Check interval

Prediction Interval

This chart displays the 95% Prediction interval, which corresponds to the combination of
the model error and the data error. It shows, how much future measured data are expected
to differ from the model predictions.
Parameter Identification - Prediction interval

More Features

Reuse of a Parameter Identification

Parameter Identifications are saved in the project files and can be attached to the Working
Journal. So you can rerun Parameter Identifications after modification of the original
simulations as long as used outputs and simulation parameters are kept in the simulation.

You can also clone a Parameter Identification by selecting Clone in the context menu of a
Parameter Identification in the Simulation Explorer. In the cloned Parameter Identification
you may define different Identification Parameters or a different configuration.

Sometimes you may have different simulations for the same observed data to compare
model alternatives. In this case you can also reuse a Parameter Identification by cloning it.
Afterwards, you can replace a used simulation with another simulation (with same or
similar observed data, outputs and simulation parameters) by selecting Replace Simulation
... in the context menu of the simulation in the Data tab.

The mapping definition with weights, the definition of Identification Parameters and the
Configuration remain the same as long as the corresponding parameters are available.

Export of Parameter Identification to Matlab®

If you want to use the Matlab® optimization capabilities for optimization, you can export
the Parameter Identification to Matlab® by selecting the corresponding entry from the
context menu of a Parameter Identification in the Simulation Explorer.

Into the selected folder then are exported:

the simulations as .xml-Files,

the configuration of the Parameter Identification as .xml-File,
a example script for optimization and display of results as .m-File.

Before calling that script ensure in Matlab® that the path contains the directory "Open
Systems Pharmacology\MoBi Toolbox for Matlab".
Sensitivity Analysis
The first two chapters provide a basic understanding of the Sensitivity Analysis tool.

In the following chapters you find more detailed descriptions of the features and
configuration of the tool.


The models built by PK-Sim® or MoBi® depend on a lot of input parameters which are
based on literature values, measurements, databases, assumptions. For a given set of input
parameters a number of output curves is computed in a simulation.

Often, those input parameter values are not well known. If experimental data for the outputs
are given and the model output does not fit the experimental data, then the values for the
input parameters have to be adjusted.

Because PBPK models can be complex and contain numerous input parameters, it would
be useful to know which input parameters have most impact on the output curves. The
Sensitivity Analysis tool provides an answer to this question.

For a chosen simulation with selected outputs, the relative impact of selected - or all - input
parameters on the PK parameters of those selected output curves is calculated and
displayed. In addition, the input parameters can be ranked by their impact on a certain PK
parameter of an output. This way, input parameters which have the biggest impact on e.g.
the AUC of the Venous Blood concentration of a given drug or on the end value of the
fraction excreted to urine.

Or from the perspective of PK parameters for outputs: It is calculated how sensitive these
outputs are to changes in different input parameters. In addition, for certain PK parameter
of an output the input parameters can be ranked by the sensitivity of that PK parameter on
the input parameter.

The general workflow to perform a Sensitivity Analysis for a chosen simulation consists of
the following steps:
1. Open the simulation and define the interesting outputs in the simulation setting.

2. Create a Sensitivity Analysis for that simulation.

3. Select the input parameters of interest (can be all parameters) in tab Parameters.
4. If necessary adjust their variation range to appropriate values.

5. Start the Sensitivity Analysis. .

. View the sensitivity rankings in tab Sensitivity Analysis for the outputs to identify those
input parameters with the highest impact.
7. View the sensitivity matrix in tab Results for all output-PK Parameter combinations and
all input parameters for details.

In the following, we explain the mathematical background of the sensitivity analysis


Mathematical background

To calculate the sensitivity of a PK Parameter of a certain output = PKj to an input

parameter = [ pi ]

the input parameter is varied/perturbed around the value in the simulation by a (small)
change = [ Δpi ] ,
a new simulation is performed for the changed input parameter value (all other input
values remain unchanged)
the change of the PK Parameter [ = ΔPKj ] is calculated as the difference between the
values in the new simulation and the original simulation.

The sensitivity for the PK Parameter to that input parameter is then calculated as the ratio
of the relative change of that PK Parameter [ = (ΔPKj) / PKj ] and the relative variation of
the input parameter [ = (Δpi) / pi ]:

Thus, the sensitivities are dimensionless quantities. As an example, a sensitivity of -1.0

implies that a 10% increase of the parameters leads to a 10% decrease of the PK parameter
value, and a sensitivity of +0.5 implies that a 10% increase of the parameters leads to a 5%
increase of the PK parameter value.

For reasons of numerical stability, a sensitivity is calculated as the average of several

sensitivities based on different variations Δk :


The relative variations Δk are defined by multiplication of the value in the simulation with
variation factors. These variation factors are defined by setting two configuration
parameters "Number of Steps” [ = n ] and “Variation Range” [ = a ] in the following way :

For each value of k = 1 ... n, two factors are used: and

For the default setting n = 2 and a = 0.1, we get 4 variation factors: 1/1.1, 1/1.05, 1.05, 1.1 .
Selection of interesting outputs for a simulation

Outputs of a simulation cannot be changed while creating or configuring the Sensitivity

Analysis, you need to decide on the outputs before you create a Sensitivity Analysis.

To select the outputs of interest for a simulation, open that simulation and click

Define Settings and Run to display the Curve Selection Dialog.

Creating a Sensitivity Analysis

To create a new Sensitivity Analysis, do one of the following

Mark a simulation for the Sensitivity Analysis in the Simulation Explorer and select

Start Sensitivity Analysis ... from the context menu.

Click Create in the ribbon bar Sensitivity Analysis.

In the Simulation Explorer, right click the Sensitivity Analysis root node and select

Add Sensitivity Analysis from the context menu.

The Sensitivity Analysis view is displayed and the tab Parameters is opened.

For a hands on example, open the example project Theophylline.pksim5. You can open the
folder with the example projects from the Start menu by selecting All Programs/Open
Systems Pharmacology/PK-Sim/Examples.

In the Simulation Explorer, mark the simulation "Kaumeier IV 208 mg fit" and select

Start Sensitivity Analysis ... from the context menu.

Sensitivity Analysis - Tab Parameters

In the Simulation Explorer, the Sensitivity Analyses are also displayed in a tree. Using the
context menu, you can

rename a Sensitivity Analysis,

clone it in order to reuse the Sensitivity Analysis configuration,
add a Sensitivity Analysis to a Journal page,
delete a Sensitivity Analysis.

Tab Parameters

Selection of interesting input parameters

You can select the input parameters that are of interest to you and that you want to test in
the Sensitivity Analysis in two ways:

1. You can select all input parameters by clicking Add All Constants. Depending on the
selection Simple or Advanced in the lower selection list, all parameters in the left list
(not only the filtered ones) are tested in the Sensitivity Analysis. You can then remove
single parameters by clicking .
2. You can select specific input parameter by manually selecting them (multiple selection
is possible) and clicking Add. To identify the parameters of interest it can be helpful to
reorganize the parameter list view on the left and use column filters or the Find field.

Selection of interesting input parameters

Be aware that only independent input parameters are displayed and selectable
for Sensitivity Analysis, input parameters calculated by a formula cannot be

Sensitivities are not calculated for input parameters with initial value = 0 (to
prevent accidental structural model changes during sensitivity calculations); if
such parameters are selected, they are ignored and not displayed in the results.

Parameters that have a table formula are not available for selection.
In PK-Sim, parameters which should not be changed are also not available for
selection. In MoBi,there are no hidden parameters; thus also those parameters
could be selected for Sensitivity Analysis (especially using “Add All Constant
parameters” functionality). But sensitivity calculation of those parameters does
not make any sense.

You can also select another simulation at the top of this tab. If you have selected
parameters already which are not available in the newly selected simulation, a warning
pops up.

Adjustment of variation range

See “Mathematical background” for the description of the variation concept in the
calculation of sensitivities.

On the right side of the tab Parameters, you can adjust the variation parameters Number of
steps and Variation range. You can change the parameters by doing one of the following:

change the parameters individually in each row,

change the parameters in the top area and set the value for all input parameters by

clicking All,

change the parameters in the top area, select multiple input parameters and set the
value for the selected parameters only by clicking Selection.

Be aware that the time to compute the Sensitivity Analysis is proportional to the
number of simulations

= number of input parameters * number of steps.

So in case of performance problems, think about restricting the tested input

parameters or reducing the number of steps.
Starting Sensitivity Analysis

In the ribbon bar Sensitivity Analysis, you can start and stop the calculation of the

Click Show Visual Feedback to see a progress bar of the simulations calculation.

Visual Feedback - Progress bar of calculated simulations

After the calculation is finished, you can:

switch to the tab Sensitivity Analysis to see for a selected PK Parameter a ranking of
the input parameters by their impact on that PK parameter.
add additional Sensitivity Analysis tabs for other PK parameters by clicking

Sensitivity Analysis in the ribbon bar Analyses.

switch to the tab Results to see a tabular overview of all calculated sensitivities.

Tab Sensitivity Analysis

Select an output and a PK Parameter for that output. (Normalized PK parameters are not
displayed, because they have the same sensitivity as the corresponding non normalized PK

Then a list of the input parameters with the most impact on that PK Parameter is displayed
ranked by their impact resp. sensitivity.
Ranking of Input paramters by sensitivity

For some outputs not all PK Parameters are reasonable, for instance clearance parameters
for Fraction excreted outputs. Then no ranking is calculated and displayed.

For display in the chart, the parameters which contribute 90% of the cumulated
sensitivity are determined. To do this the sensitivities are sorted by the absolute
values and then they are cumulated in order of their sorting, according to

with l=1,…,nP (number of parameters) and j index of PK parameter. The

cumulated sensitivities as defined above include normalization to the absolute
total sensitivity. Therefore, the normalized total sensitivity Stotal = SCum, nP j =
1. The cut-off is defined so that the above cut-off parameter sensitivities capture
90% of the total sensitivity.
Tab Results

Here, the matrix of all calculated sensitivities is shown. See Warnings in “Selection of
interesting input parameters” for remarks which sensitivities are calculated.

Sensitivity values in -1.0e-4 .. 1.0e-4 are displayed as 0 for reasons of clarity.

Rows correspond to the selected input parameters (with values <> 0).

Columns correspond to the outputs of the simulation - for each output the reasonable PK
Parameters are shown with exception of normalized PK parameters, as they have the same
sensitivity as the corresponding non normalized PK parameters. (For example for Fraction
excreted outputs Clearance PK Parameters are not reasonable.)

You can sort and filter rows and columns to restrict the view to the sensitivities of interest in
different ways:

Sort rows and columns by just clicking the sort triangle symbol at the right of the
For simple filtering just move the cursor right to the sort symbol of the headers
Parameter, Output, PK Parameter and click the filter symbol which shows up. You can
select the values of interest in the filter list.

For more sophisticated filtering, right click the header and select Show Prefilter. A
dialog shows up, click the + symbol and enter more complex conditions.


As a result, you get a restricted view of the sensitivity matrix.

Sensitivity Matrix

Alternatively, you can export the full matrix (filters are not used) to Excel by clicking Export
to Excel.
Import and Edit of Observed Data
A generic tool for handling observed data within the Open Systems Pharmacology Suite is
used in both applications (PK-Sim® and MoBi®) for importing observed data from
Microsoft Excel® or CSV files.

Supported Formats

All files need to fulfil the following pre-requisites:

A file contains one or several sheets with data tables.

Column headers are in the first non-empty row.

Each data table:

must have at least 2 data columns with numeric values: one column with time values
and one column with measurement values.
can have additional data column with numeric values for measurement error values
can have additional data column with numeric values for the lower limit of
quantification (LLOQ)
It is also possible to provide LLOQ values directly in the measurement column (s.
LLOQ for details)
can have arbitrary number of further numeric or non-numeric data columns, which can
be interpreted as meta data which describes a data set (e.g. "Study Id", "Subject Id",
"Organ", "Compartment", ...). S. Data sets for the explanation how meta data is used to
split a data table into different data sets.

The order and the naming of data columns is not important: the proper assignment of data
columns to Time/Measurement/Error/Meta Data will be performed during the column
mapping process. However to speed up the mapping process it is advisable to name the
columns according to their information (e.g. "Time" for the time column etc.)

Units of numeric columns (Time/Measurement/Error) can be defined in 2 ways (s. units for
Either as part of the header caption in the square brackets (e.g. "Time [h]"). In this case
all values of the data column will have the same unit.
Or in a separate column.

If no unit is specified (or the specified unit is not valid or not supported by OSP: it can be set
manually during the column mapping process).

Some examples:

Minimal possible example: time and measurement columns; units in the same column

Time [min] Concentration [mg/ml]

1 0,1

2 12

3 2

10 1

20 0,01

Time, measurement and error; units in the column header

Time [min] Concentration [mg/ml] Error [mg/ml]

1 0,1

2 12 3

3 2 1,9

10 1 0,8

20 0,01

Time, measurement, error, LLOQ, additional meta data; units in the column header
Time Concentration
Organ Compartment Dose Route Error LLOQ
[min] [mg/ml]

1 Brain Plasma 1 mg Oral 0,1

2 Brain Plasma 1 mg Oral 12 2

3 Brain Plasma 1 mg Oral 2 0,5

10 Brain Plasma 1 mg Oral 1

20 Brain Plasma 1 mg Oral 0,01 0,1

1 Liver Plasma 2 mg IV 0,2

2 Liver Plasma 2 mg IV 8

3 Liver Plasma 2 mg IV 2

10 Liver Plasma 2 mg IV 0,5

20 Liver Plasma 2 mg IV 0,05 0,2

Time/Measurement/Metadata; units in separate columns; LLOQ in the measurement


Time Time_Unit Organ Compartment Concentration Concentration_Unit

1 min Brain Plasma <0,1 mg/ml

2 min Brain Plasma 12 mg/ml

3 min Brain Plasma 2 mg/ml

10 min Brain Plasma 1 mg/ml

20 min Brain Plasma <0,1 mg/ml

0 h Liver Plasma 0,2 µmol/l

1 h Liver Plasma 8 µmol/l

2 h Liver Plasma 2 µmol/l

5 h Liver Plasma 0,5 µmol/l

10 h Liver Plasma 0,05 µmol/l

Time/Measurement/MetaData; units partly in column headers and partly in separate

columns; error unit assumed to be the same as measurement unit

Organ Compartment Measurement Type Measurement_Unit

1 Brain Plasma 0,1 Concentration mg/ml

2 Brain Plasma 12 Concentration mg/ml

3 Brain Plasma 2 Concentration mg/ml

10 Brain Plasma 1 Concentration mg/ml

20 Brain Plasma 0,01 Concentration mg/ml

1 Liver Intracellular 10 F_metabolized %

2 Liver Intracellular 20 F_metabolized %

3 Liver Intracellular 25 F_metabolized %

10 Liver Intracellular 30 F_metabolized %

20 Liver Intracellular 39 F_metabolized %

Data sets

A data set describes all observed data which belongs to a combination of all mapped meta
data columns (s. Mapping panel). Thus the number of data sets which is created from one
observed data table is the same as the number of unique combination of the used meta
Example: let's assume the observed data table looks like below and Organ, Compartment
and Route are all used as meta data during the import configuration process.

Time [min] Concentration [mg/ml] Organ Compartment Route

1 0,1 Brain Plasma Oral

2 12 Brain Plasma Oral

3 2 Brain Plasma IV

10 1 Brain Plasma IV

20 0,01 Brain Plasma IV

1 0,2 Liver Plasma Oral

2 8 Liver Plasma Oral

3 2 Liver Plasma IV

10 0,5 Liver Plasma IV

20 0,05 Liver Plasma IV

Then this data will be split into 4 data sets corresponding to the available combinations of

{Organ, Compartment, Route} :

Import result: Observed data sets

Data set 1: " Brain.Plasma.IV "

Time [min] Concentration [mg/ml]

3 2

10 1

20 0,01

Data set 2: " Brain.Plasma.Oral "

Time [min] Concentration [mg/ml]

1 0,1

2 12

Data set 3: " Liver.Plasma.IV "

Time [min] Concentration [mg/ml]

3 2

10 0,5

20 0,05

Data set 4: " Liver.Plasma.Oral "

Time [min] Concentration [mg/ml]

1 0,2

2 8

Import Workflow
The general process of importing observed data is outlined here. A detailed description is
provided in the following subsections.

To import data, you should do the following:

1. Click on "Add Observed Data..." in the context menu of "Observed Data" in the Building
Blocks explorer of PK-Sim® or MoBi®:

In PK-Sim® you can also preselect for which molecule observed data should be
imported. For this, click on "Add Observed Data for" and select a molecule from the
dropdown list:

Add Observed Data for

1. Select the input file (see File Selection).

2. Specify the column mapping (see Mapping panel), enter all required metadata and set
the unit and LLOQ information.
3. [Optionally] Apply data filters to exclude some data sets/values from import (see Data
4. Add one or more sheets to the import preview. Sheets that should not be imported can
be closed by clicking the "x" or the context menu.
5. [Optionally] Adjust column mapping and/or data filtering. Upon editing of the column
mapping, the data preview is re-interpreted and updated automatically. The configured
mapping remains the same for the whole import process, and all the imported sheets
will be using the same mapping. If you want to import data with different mappings,
you have to do this in separate imports.
. [Optionally] Adjust the naming pattern of the data sets to be imported.
7. Complete the transfer of the imported data sheets by clicking the import button.

File Selection

To import a new set of data from a file, click on the Add Observed Data button in the
context menu of the observed data and specify the file to be imported.

The input file must comply with one of the supported formats. If only one sheet
does not comply to any of the supported formats, the file is considered invalid
and cannot be imported. The import process is stopped.

Both excel file formats (.xls and .xlsx), as well as CSV files (.csv, .nmdat), are
supported, and it is not required to have Microsoft Excel® installed on your

By switching the file type combo box value, it is possible to import a comma-
separated values file (.csv or .nmdat). For such files, the user is prompted to
select the column separator used for parsing. Supported separators are ';', ',', '.',
and tabulator. Values can be enclosed in double quotes.

Preview of imported and original data

After selecting the file, a split window appears (see the screenshot below).

The left panel ("Mapping settings") is described in detail in the next section (Mapping
The right panel shows a preview of the imported data file, each tab representing one sheet.

Importer Window

Sheets can be closed by clicking the 'x' or by right-clicking on a tab and selecting one of the
options displayed. Closed sheets will not be imported and need not comply with the current
data mapping. The user can retrieve all closed sheets of a document by the context menu
option "Reopen all sheets".

If the user closes an already loaded sheet, it will be removed from the loaded
Importer Sheet Context Menu

The data preview table offers various possibilities for filtering and sorting the data. One can
use the filter symbol in the column header of the data to open the filter menu (see
screenshot below). By right-clicking the column name, the user can sort the data according
to a specific column or open the 'Filter Editor' to create more sophisticated filters (s. this
tutorial and this video tutorial (up to minute 2:55) for examples).

By default, the defined filter changes only the preview of the data. The user can
choose to restrict importing to the filtered data by checking the checkbox "Use
the filters for importing the data" under the data preview table.

There are two buttons for adding data to the import preview - one for adding the current
sheet that the user is viewing and the other to add all currently open sheets of the file. In the
latter case, all opened sheets need to comply to the current data mapping.
On the top-right part of the window, one can see the path of the selected source file and
also use the "..."-button to select a new file. Selecting a new file, though, will cause the
mapping and loaded sheets to be reset, and the work you have done on the current input file
will be lost.

Mapping panel

The left panel of the window displays the mapping of the imported data column to the time,
measurement, error values and to the meta data of the observed data sets. The initial
mapping is performed automatically upon selection of the file and identification of the
format, but it can be overwritten by adjusting the entries. This initial mapping recognizes
the settings automatically if the data is structured properly. The discovery of columns
occurs as follows:

1. Target data columns (Time, Measurement, Error) are resolved. If the data contains any
column with numerical data and a header starting with the target name, the column is
mapped. The search is not case sensitive. The following column headers will be
recognized as the "Measurement" target data column for example:
"Measurement (12.02.2021)"
" measurement old [old unit] [mg/ml] "
2. The unit of recognized target data columns are resolved. If the data contains any
column with a header starting with the target name followed by "_unit", the column is
mapped as the unit. The search is not case sensitive. The following column headers
will be recognized as the time unit for example:
"Time_unit (12.02.2021)"
" Time_unit old [old unit] "
3. Meta data columns (Species, Organ, Compartment, Molecule, Molecular Weight, Study
Id, Subject Id, Gender, Dose, Route) are resolved. If the data contains any column with a
header starting with the target name, the column is used for such a mapping. The
search is not case sensitive. The following column headers will be recognized as the
"Species" mapping for example:
"Species (12.02.2021)"
" species old [old data] "
4. All columns on the data containing numerical data has not been used yet and will be
used for any still missing target data column in the order they are (e.g., Example file 3).

Consider the following examples:

Example file 1.

Time Concentr
Organ Compartment Species Dose Molecule
[min] [mg/l]

75 [g] GLP-1_7-
PeripheralVenousBlood Arterialized Human 1 2
glucose 36 total

75 [g] GLP-1_7-
PeripheralVenousBlood Arterialized Human 2 19
glucose 36 total

75 [g] GLP-1_7-
PeripheralVenousBlood Arterialized Human 3 23
glucose 36 total

75 [g] GLP-1_7-
PeripheralVenousBlood Arterialized Human 4 19
glucose 36 total

Results in the following mapping:

Data Column Mapping

Organ Organ

Compartment Compartment

Species Species

Dose Dose

Molecule Molecule

Time [min] Time

Concentration [mg/l] Measurement

Error [mg/l] Error

Route Route

a -

b -

Example file 2.

Organ time (old) time_unit (new) c

PeripheralVenousBlood 1 h 75

PeripheralVenousBlood 2 h 75

PeripheralVenousBlood 3 h 75

PeripheralVenousBlood 240 min 75

Results in the following mapping:

Data Column Mapping

Organ Organ

time (old) Time

time_unit (new) Column containing unit of time

c Measurement

Example file 3.

e time (old) time_unit (new) c

75 1 h 1

75 2 h 1

75 3 h 1

75 240 min 1

Results in the following mapping:

Data Column Mapping

time (old) Time

time_unit (new) Column containing unit of time

e Measurement

c Error

The mapping panel is available throughout the whole import process. If the user
changes the mapping, the changes are automatically applied to all data sheets,
and the result of the modified mapping is automatically updated.

As shown in the screenshot below, the user gets a view of all the available mappings and
can map a column to them. A column can be selected to a mapping only once and will no
longer be available on the drop-down menus for other mappings, with one exception: the
unit column for the measurement can also be mapped as the unit column for the
corresponding error.
Importer Selecting an Excel Column

Additionally, for some meta data mappings (e.g., Organ, Species and others), the user can
select one option from the predefined ones that come from PK-Sim/MoBi. E.g. for the Organ
mapping in the example below user could either map the Organ meta data to the source
data column "Organ" or set it to any of predefined values ("Peripheral venous blood", ...,
"Spleen", "Stomach").

In the latter case: the selected predefined value will be used as "Organ" for ALL imported
data sets.
List of values

The minimum set of a valid data mapping includes a 'Time' and a

'Measurement' mapping.

For the molecule mapping, a column from the sheet can be selected. Alternatively, the user
can select from a drop-down menu of the available molecules from the project or specify a
new molecule manually by clicking "Edit manually" under "Edit extra fields".

Mapping molecules
The user can also add one or more 'Group by'-mappings. Those mappings are used to
define additional meta data and will be used together with the predefined meta data
("Organ", "Compartment", ...) to break down a single data sheet into multiple data sets as
described in Data sets.

Add GroupBy

The mapping can be reset by right-clicking on the mapping panel and selecting
one of the displayed options.
Observed data mapping context menu

Selection of units

The units for the mapped columns can either be manually entered or specified by a column.
In the latter case, each data point can have a distinct unit but from the same dimension. In
the unit dialog, the mode of unit definition can be selected. If the unit is specified as part of
the header name (e.g. Time[h]) it is automatically recognized by the importer. The user can
edit the unit by opening the dialog in the column "Edit extra fields" of the corresponding
Setting the units manually

Setting the units from a column

When setting the unit manually, the user needs to select the dimension first, upon which the
unit drop-down menu will be filled corresponding units.


The LLOQ can either be specified from the column of the measurement or from a separate
column. In the first case, the LLOQ values in the measurement column must be preceded by
a "<", e.g. "<0.2", where 0.2 is the LLOQ value. In the second case, there can only be one
single LLOQ value for every data set. In case there are several LLOQ values defined, the user
is warned, and in case the user wants to proceed with the import, the highest of these
LLOQs will be assumed for the whole data set. for the values that are below the LLOQ, the
measurement assigned is LLOQ/2. For example "<0.2" will be imported in the data
repository as "0.1".

Configuring the error

The error can be set to 'Arithmetic Standard Deviation' or 'Geometric Deviation'. Since the
geometric deviation is dimensionless, it is not possible to specify a unit for it. Otherwise, the
user can specify the unit either manually or by a column. The dimension of the
measurement and the error unit, as well as their source (manually entered or specified by a
column), have to be consistent. This is checked when loading the sheet, and data with
inconsistent dimensions cannot be imported.

When the unit is configured as manual input, the user must first select the "Dimension" from
the drop-down, and then the corresponding units to this dimension will become available in
the "Unit" drop-down menu.

Selecting Error Type

Molecular weight

Concentration data can be imported either in molar units (e.g. [µmol/l]) or in mass units
(e.g. [mg/ml]). In order to switch between molar and mass units (e.g. to display the data
which was imported in [µmol/l] in [mg/ml]) it is required to specify the Molecular weight of
a data set.
This can be done either by mapping of the data set to a molecule or by mapping of the
molecular weight to a data column.

If neither Molecule nor the Molecular Weight are mapped: the molecular weight of all
data sets is not set.
If only the Molecule (but not the Molecular Weight) is mapped to a data source column
or is set to specific value: the software (PK-Sim® /MoBi®) will check for each data set
if the molecule with the name assigned to the data set is available in the project:
If yes: observed data set will be automatically assigned the molecular weight of
this compound.
If no: molecular weight of the given data set is undefined. However, if a new
molecule with the name assigned to the data set is added to the project later on:
observed data set will automatically become the molecular weight of this

If molecular weight of the molecule is changed by user: molecular weight of all

data sets linked to this molecule via the "Molecule" meta data will be
automatically adjusted to the new value.

If the "Molecule" meta data was not mapped during the import process - it can
be done later by editing the meta data of an observed data set.

If only the Molecular Weight (but not the Molecule) is mapped to a data source
column: the value of the molecular weight is taken from the mapped data source
In such a case: mapped data column must contain the same molecular weight
value for all rows of a data set - otherwise the import is not possible
If the Molecule is mapped to a data source column or is set to specific value and the
Molecular Weight is mapped as well:
For each data set for which the molecule name is not available in the project:
molecular weight will be taken from the imported data column as described above
For each data set which the molecule name is available in the project: molecular
weight from the data column will be compared with the molecular weight of the
molecule in the project. If they differ - import is not possible. Otherwise, the data
set will automatically become the molecular weight of "its" molecule as described

The NaN indicator

It is possible to define a specific number (e.g. 99999) as an equivalent of NaN. The value
and the importer's action on the occurrence of this value can be defined on the bottom of
the left panel. On the input field "NaN indicator" the user can specify the value that should
be identified as NaN. This value has to be a numeric value - it cannot be alphanumeric. In
the drop-down menu below, the user can specify to either ignore the whole row containing
the NaN value ("Ignore the row"), or to prevent the import ("Prevent the import"). In this case,
a pop-up message appears to inform the user of the existence of a NaN value, prompting
him to clean up his data and preventing him from importing.

Confirmation Tab

Data sets can be added to preview by clicking on "Add current sheet" or "Add all sheets":
Add data sheet(s) to preview

When at least one data set has been added to the preview, the confirmation tab "Import
preview" gets activated.
Confirmation Tab

Here, the user can see which data sets have already been loaded. On selecting a data set,
the data are being previewed to the right, both as values and in a chart form. The naming
with which the data will be imported can be specified on the left side of the panel. This can
be done by manually typing in the "Naming Pattern" input field: The user can type keys that
represent the name of a mapping inside of curly brackets {}. This will be replaced by the
corresponding value for every individual data set. The user is also free to write text that will
then be the same for all the data sets names. Additionally, a drop-down with presets for
naming patterns is also available.

Alternatively, the "Create naming pattern" collapsible panel can be used. One or more
'Naming Elements' can be selected from the list, along with a separator that will be used
between these elements. By clicking "Add keys", they are added to the naming pattern.
The import can be finalized by clicking on the Import button.

Saving the configuration

By clicking the "Save configuration"-button, the user can save all configuration settings to
an .xml file. This configuration includes the mapping, the NaN preferences, the selected
sheets, the path to the selected file and all the other information that can be configured in
the importer (data filters, naming pattern, ...).

The saved configuration can be used to resume the configuring at a later time point or to
import a different file that should be imported with exactly the same configuration.
Save/Load configuration

If some sheets have already been loaded, this state is also part of the

Loading the configuration

The user can also load a saved configuration. Clicking the "Load configuration" button will
open a "File Selection" menu where the user can select a previously saved configuration
.xml file. The settings of that configuration are then applied to the current import process. If
something is missing, for example, a column was mapped in the configuration but does not
exist in the file the user is trying to load now, the user will receive a warning that this
mapping could not be found and will be ignored.

Missing columns will be ignored.

Editing Observed Data

Once a repository of observed data is imported, it can be manipulated by adding new data
points, numerically changing data points or changing metadata. Changes are reversible

through and will be tracked in the project history. Numerically changing a value is

reflected in real-time in the preview graph below and will result in moving the data point in
the data grid to the new settings.

The editing window can be accessed by double-clicking the observed data in the building
block view or through the context menu.
All values in the time column must be unique in an observed data repository.

Editing All Meta Data Using the context menu of the Observed Data folders, the
metadata values can be accessed and changed. This is very useful to
supplement metadata or to re-organize data. Changes will be applied to all data
tables in that folder.

Update Observed data

Using the context menu on a single data set, the user can update all data sets which were
imported together with the selected one.

Update previously imported data sets

Upon selecting this option, the user is prompted to select the file from where the data will be
re-imported (This can also be the same file used for the original import, just with edited
data.) A window appears, showing the changes this re-import would make to the observed
data: which data sets will be deleted, which will be overwritten and which will be newly
imported. The user can then decide to proceed with the reload or abort it.
Reload summary

Reloading previously imported data will always update all data sets which
belong to the same import process. This also means that data sets which are
not available in the new data source anymore will be automatically deleted from
the project. If this is not possible (for example because a data set is used in a
parameter identification or in a simulation) - the update is not possible and the
user is prompted to remove such a data set from all simulations/parameter
identifications/... manually. After that, the update process can be started again.
Default, Display and Base Units
The modeling tools PK-Sim® and MoBi® deal with a variety of physical quantities. Each
quantity is related to a physical dimension. This dimension is displayed in a display unit,
the preferred display unit is called default unit.

Display units can be chosen for a dimension in a project and for a user. In addition, a
default display unit for each dimension can be defined.

The settings are applied in the following order:

Project Display Units

User Display Units
Default Display Units

Use the Display Units toolbar in the Modeling and Simulation tab to define display units for
projects and for a user

The upcoming view is similar for both, display units in a project and for a user.
Choose the display unit for a dimension from the dropdown menu

Units can be saved and loaded to and from a xml file. New display units can be added
using the Add Unit button and filling up the new entry in the unit table. In addition, default
display units for each dimension can be defined in the User Settings in the Options toolbar.
When a new entity (parameter, molecule, ...) is created, the default display unit is used
Define the default display unit for a dimension in the User Settings

If you want to update all display units to the default units, use the Update all Display Units
button. This action will not change the value of a dimension.

If a view is open while reverting all units to the default settings, it might be
required to close the view and open it again to verify that display units are set
back to default settings.

Internally, the values for all quantities of a certain dimension are stored and calculated in
the same unit, the so called base unit of that dimension. You find an overview of all
dimensions with their base units in the appendix.

The base units are consistent since version 3.2.1; when you want to work with projects
stored with previous versions, where you have used manual conversion factors in formulas,
please refer to “Conversion of MoBi® 3.1 projects in MoBi® 3.2”

The reporting engine generates reports in form of PDF documents for both applications.

The content of the document is mainly specified by the place from where the actions was
called. That means, if you call the reporting generation from a context menu of a
simulation the created document describes the simulation and if you call it from a building
block the building block is described.

For any report you want to create the following dialog opens for specifying the output:
Create PDF Report Dialog

In the first part you can specify some information for the title page of the report like title,
subtitle and author.

With the template selection you can take influence on the general report layout. A short
description is given about the provided layout.

Independently from the selected template several options are supported:

Report Options

Option Description

Extended output
(descriptions, images Check this to extent the report by descriptions and images.

Check this to get a watermark indicating that this report is in a

Draft watermark
draft mode.

Select whether result plots should use the same color as in the
Color or Gray scale application or whether all colors should be transformed to gray

Font Select a font. All text and all captions in plots are adjusted.

Open the report once

Check this to open the pdf file directly after creation.

Save reporting
Check this to get an extra folder with single files for each
artifacts (exported in
created plot.
folder _Files)

After clicking on Create a file selection dialog will ask you for the name and location of the
pdf file to be created.
Technical Background

Internally the report processing is done via LateX and the MikTex distribution for windows
(version 2.9) is used.

Following LateX packages are used:

Working Journal
Project Documentation

The Working Journal allows for easy documentation of your working process with the Open
Systems Pharmacology Suite. Because building PBPK and PD models is often a complex
process, a documentation is necessary

for the modeler to remember the model building process,

for people who take over a model,
for authorities who have to evaluate the quality of modelling results.

Although it is possible in principle to use any text editor to write a documentation, the
Working Journal provides several features, which give additional benefit:

Integrated rich text editor with the essential formatting options,

Easy transfer of Open Systems Pharmacology Suite content to the Journal (tables,
Storage of simulations or building blocks as attachments to Journal Pages which can
later be compared to other simulations or even reloaded,
Fast full text search in the complete Journal,
Journal Diagram as graphical overview of the model building process,

A Working Journal can be shared among several PK-Sim and MoBi project files, so one
unique journal can be used within your project even if you use different project files. Even
different users can access the same Working Journal at the same time - but only one user
can edit a Journal Page at a time. From the technical point of view, the Journal consists of
a .sbj file which contains all content, attachments and meta information.

After each important workstep, intermediate results or decision points can and should be
added a Journal Page to the Journal. This should include the result, the input values, and
description of decisions.

For instance, the values of the favorite parameters and result charts can be copied into the
Working Journal by copy & paste and corresponding simulations and building blocks can
be attached to the Journal Page directly from the context menu.

To access the Working Journal, select the Tab Working Journal. Most buttons are
deactivated before having created or selected a Journal for the current project file.

Journal Ribbon

To add the first Journal Page, click Add Page. You are asked, whether you want to open an
existing Journal or to create a new one.

If you have already created a Journal for the project (NOT project file), click

Open and select the .sbj file.

Otherwise, click Create and select a location and enter a file name for the .sbj file.

A Text Editor opens, and here it is possible to

edit the Title of the Journal Page, which is also visible in the Journal View (see “Journal
enter and format text like in other text editors (you can also insert pictures or symbols,
create tables, use hyperlinks etc.),
tag your document with keywords, e.g. the project file name, which can later be used for

The Page is saved automatically, when closing the Editor or switching to another Page.

Additionally, you can save any time explicitly using the short cut CTRL-S or the
corresponding button in the file menu.
Journal Editor window

Journal view

On the right side of the PK-Sim or MoBi application, the Journal view is shown by default.
You can show and hide it like other views. In case you have removed the view, you can

reopen it by clicking the corresponding button in the Tab Views.

By default, the Journal pages are ordered by the creation date in a descending order. For
each page, the unique index, the title, creation date, tags and the first characters of the text
are displayed. You can select other columns with the column chooser to display for
example the userid of the author. You can use the columns for sorting, filtering and
grouping. This is helpful in particular in large projects, where different authors contributed
or different project files are used.

To open a Journal Page in the Editor or to bring the Editor on top of the other windows, just
double click on the corresponding Journal Page row. Alternatively, you can use the context
menu (by right click) to edit or delete a Journal Page.

With a single click on a Journal Page row, you activate the Journal Page without bringing
the Editor on top.

At the bottom of the Journal View, some detail information is displayed for the selected
Journal Page, in particular a list of related items, if you have attached e.g. simulations or
building blocks.

Journal Ribbon group

After you had selected a Working Journal for your project file, all buttons in the Journal
Ribbon group are active.


In the following sections we describe the available functions.

Add Page

A new Journal Page is created and displayed in the Journal Editor. Changes in the
previously edited Journal Page are stored.

Journal Editor
The Journal Editor is opened on top of other windows, if you have closed or hidden the
Journal Editor. Only one Journal Editor window is open at the same time.


The search area is opened in the Journal view. See “Searching the Journal” for more
information about searching in Working Journal.

Export Journal

The currently filtered subset of Journal Pages in the Journal View is exported to a .docx
Document. This function allows you to export the complete Journal or a subset. If you
would like to distinguish between public and internal Journal pages, you can use
corresponding tags for example.

Refresh Journal

The current changes in the Journal Editor are saved and displayed in the Journal view.
Moreover, changes in the Working Journal made by other users are reflected in the Journal
view. Keep in mind that a Working Journal can be shared by different project files and so
different users can use the same Working Journal simultaneously.

Select Journal

A file selection dialog is opened, which allows you to select another Working Journal .sbj
file. This is usually not necessary, only in case you have selected the wrong Working
Journal before.

Adding content to a Journal page

Besides manually entering content into a Journal page, you can copy and paste tables and
charts from PK-Sim or MoBi. So you can for example copy the

Favorites table and the simulation chart within seconds to a Journal page and in this way
document input and output of your model.
It is recommended to select all parameters under consideration as Favorites and
to document the source of all parameter values changed from the default in the
column Value Description. This ensures a comprehensive overview of the
essential input of your simulation which you can document by copying just the
Favorites table.

Copy & paste of tables

You can copy tables or selection of rows to a Journal Page.

In both cases only the visible rows and columns are copied. So you can use the sorting and
filtering features of the table to restrict the transferred table content. You can also remove a
column by just dragging the column header out of the table area.

To copy the visible table into the Working Journal, do the following:

1. Right click into a row header (on the left of a row) and select
Copy Table - to copy the whole visible table - or
Copy Selected Rows - to copy all selected rows (you should have selected rows
before by SHFT + Click or CTRL + Click)
2. Switch to the Journal Editor, move the cursor to the intended position and select Paste
from the context menu (by right click).

Alternatively, you can paste the tables also to other tools like Powerpoint® or Excel®.

Copy and paste a Table

Use short cuts for copy (CTRL+C for Selected Rows, SHFT+CTRL+C for whole
table) and paste (CTRL+V).
Copy & paste of charts

You can copy charts in standard size independent on the size of the application window. To
define the chart size and also font sizes open in the Chart Editor the Tab Chart Export
Options and define the properties.

To copy the chart into the Working Journal, do the following

1. Right click into the chart area and select Copy to Clipboard.
2. Switch to the Journal Editor, move the cursor to the intended position and select Paste
from the context menu.

Alternatively you can paste the tables also to other tools like Powerpoint® .

Copy and paste a Chart

Working with Related Items

Additionally to the content written and copied in a Journal Page, you can attach
Simulations and Building Blocks to a Journal Page as Related Items to save the current
state of your work.

For example, you create a Journal Page to document the working state at some milestone
presentation and attach the simulations used. Later, you can easily compare current
simulations to those milestone simulations and identify differences. Or you can even reload
the simulation in its old state and rerun it with a changed parameter value. (Reload of a
simulation in MoBi results in loading missing Building blocks, too - in PK-Sim only the
simulation itself is reloaded.)

To attach a Simulation or a Building Block to the active Journal Page, just select the

context menu entry Add to Journal ... at a Simulation or Building Block in the

respective Explorer view.

The Simulation or Building Block is then displayed in the Related Items list at the bottom of
the Journal view.


Using the icons on the right of a Related Item you can

compare the attached Simulation or Building Block to one of the current Simulations or
Building Blocks of the project,
reload the attached Simulation or Building Block into the project using a unique name,
delete the Related Item.
Searching the Journal

After you documented your project work using the Working Journal, you might want to use
these "memories". To do so, you can use the meta data like Title, creation date or tags to
find the Journal Page you are interested in. But often it is easier just to search for a specific
keyword or phrase you used in your documentation.

To search for a word or phrase do the following:

1. Click the Search button in the tab Working Journal to open the Search area in

the Journal view.

2. Enter the phrase into the Search field (or select one previous search phrase from the list
you get by clicking the button at the right of the Search field). If necessary, open
the Search Options by clicking the button and select options.
3. Click on the Find button.
4. A list of Journal Pages which contain the search phrase is displayed. For each Page
the matches are displayed in the context.

Double click on a Journal Page to open the Page in the Journal Editor - the Find Dialog of
the Editor is displayed automatically; so you can browse through the find results in the
Page. (A direct navigation from the match in the Journal view is not possible.)

Click the button on the left of the Search field to close the search area.

The Journal Diagram

The modelling process in PBPK/PD projects is often not straight forward but requires
consideration of different alternatives and testing of several approaches. So the working
process is mostly not represented appropriately by just a sequence of work status. Instead,
it looks like a tree with several dead ends and one path to the final solution.

Using the Journal Diagram, you can visualize your working process in a more appropriate
way to maintain an overview of complex projects. You can use this overview for yourself or
export it to project reports or slides. You can also see the Journal Diagram as a "diagram of
content" of your Working Journal.

You can find the Journal Diagram at the bottom of your PK-Sim or MoBi window. It is
hidden by default. If you have removed the view, you can activate it using the button
Journal Diagram in the Tab Views. There is only one unique Journal Diagram per

Working Journal.


The Journal Diagram displays green rectangular nodes for each Journal Page and blue
circle nodes for each attached related item at a Journal Page. You can arrange the nodes
as you like just by drag & drop. If you move a Journal Page node the connected Related
Item nodes are moved, too.

The green links represent predecessor-successor (or parent-child) relations in your working
process. While a Journal Page representing a work status can have several successor
Journal Pages, it can have only one predecessor Journal Page.

To connect two Journal Pages, do the following:

1. click on the right connection port,

2. hold the mouse key and drag to a left connection port of another Page,
3. release the mouse key.

To delete a connection, select it and press the DEL key.

After you have arranged the Journal Diagram, click the Save Diagram button to

save the Diagram layout to the Working Journal.

Clicking on Reset Layout to Default does immediately overwrite your layout

work, so be careful using this button. (Result: All Journal Page nodes are
displayed side by side in one horizontal sequence.)

You can zoom the diagram like all other diagrams by pressing the CTRL key while moving
the mouse wheel.

By right click into the diagram area you get a context menu, which allows you to

Copy to clipboard the Journal Diagram (and paste it into other applications like
Powerpoint® ,
Reset Zoom of the Journal Diagram,
Hide/Show Related Items to maintain the overview in large diagrams.
History Manager and History Reporting
Logging, undoing, and re-doing user actions

The history manager serves two purposes. On the one hand, it allows you to precisely log,
and thereby document, all steps that lead to a particular result. This log can be saved to
disk as an Excel® report. On the other hand, with the history available, the user can step
back in the history to any previous state of the current session, and take that as starting
point for a different direction in model development.

History manager, and history related ribbon groups in PK-Sim®

The history manager is available both in PK-Sim® and MoBi®, with only minor differences
between the two programs. It is located at the lower part of the application window
screenshot above. If it is not apparent, look for the little handle on the lower left corner
which can be used, by hovering over, to pop up the history manager. Use the top right
controls (in this history window) to make the history permanently visible. Other elements of
relevance for interaction with the history are placed in the "Modeling & Simulation" ribbon
as Buttons:
Add Label...
Create Report

The history manager itself presents a table view of the history. Each line of the history
describes a specific state of the project that was arrived at after a user interaction. The
topmost state in the list is the current state of the project. Each line has several columns
that describe the state, with small differences between PK-Sim® and MoBi®:


State After Action: The number of the state of this history line
Building Block Type: Which building block type was affected by the associated action
Building Block Name: Which building block name was affected by the associated
Command Type: The particular command of this state
Object Type: A building block may be composed out of different objects, it is mentioned
here which type was affected
Description: What was done in this action. This columns deserves your main attention
User: Since a project may be edited by several users, the user that caused this item is
listed here
Time: Date and time of the action


State After Action: The number of the state of this history line
Command Type: The particular command of this state
Object Type: An object type may be a building block, a reaction, a formula, or
something else. Here, the particular object type that was affected is listed
Description: What was done in this action. This columns deserves your main attention
User: Since a project may be edited by several users, the user that caused this item is
listed here
Time: Date and time of the action
Like most tables in PK-Sim®, the history table view can be sorted and filtered by
any column. The column can be used for sorting by clicking on the column
header. When hovering over the column header with the mouse, you can see a
little funnel symbol: By clicking on the funnel a list with all entries in that
particular column is shown. You can select one of the entries and the table will
be filtered to show only rows containing that entry in the column.

The following sections describe the use of the history manager for a) navigating in the
project history, b) adding labels and comments to the history, and c) exporting the history
as a report.

Undo and rollback: Navigating through the history

As known from other applications, user interactions of the current session can be un-done:

The history manager has a "Rollback..." button and an associated numerical field. Within
the history manager, the history list displays all previous user actions. You can select an
entry in this list. The entry is numbered, and the number appears in the numerical field. You
can click the "Rollback..." button, and this will undo all actions that were performed after the
respective step and revert the state of the project to that numbered state.

Please note that by using the rollback function all intermediate steps will,
nevertheless, be conserved and can be restored. However, in contrast to the undo
functionality, simulation results will not be reconstructed and it is required to re-
run the simulation.

PK-Sim® offers an additional way to achieve this:

The "Modeling & Simulation" ribbon has a ribbon group History that offers a button "Undo".
By clicking this button, you undo the last action. A second click on this button will undo the
undo - that is reverting to the original state.
Labels and comments

At any stage, the current stage of the application can be labeled. The History Manager
provides an button "Add Label...". When clicking on this button, an "Add Label..." window
appears and allows you to add a label and a comment. This label will appear in the history
manager and be time stamped with the current date and time. Labels are always applied to
the current state of the project.

In addition, the history manager provides an button, "Edit Comments". This can be used to
add a comment to the currently selected entry of the history. If a comment already exists, it
can be edited. Comments of a label can be edited as well.

In PK-Sim®, the "Add Label..." and "Edit Comments" functionality is additionally available as
buttons in the "Modeling & Simulation" ribbon.

Exporting the history

The "Modeling & Simulation" ribbon provides a "Export History" button. When clicking on
this button and selecting "Export history to Excel®", a file save dialog appears. Please
choose a location and name for the file. The file will be saved in Excel® format and opened
in Excel® after saving is complete.
Setting up a Reaction Network
This chapter will give a brief overview of:

how a simple reaction network is established within the building blocks

how different building blocks are combined to get a functioning network (simulation)
how a dynamic simulation of the newly established reaction network can be performed

This workflow will be described in detail below.

Step 1: Create a new project:

Start MoBi®

Click on the File tab and select New Project

Use the shortcut key Ctrl+N

Creating a new project automatically creates new building blocks for molecules,
reactions, the spatial structure, passive transports, observers and events.

Step 2: Open the new Molecules building block named


To open a building block, extend its tree view in the building block explorer and either:

Double-click on the appearing building block .

Right-click on the appearing building block and select Edit from the context


The building block is now opened in the main window and the ribbon view changed to the
building block specific ribbon tab (Edit Molecules).

Step 3: Create three new Molecules named "Educt",

"Product" and "Drug":

Click New in the building block specific ribbon tab or right-click on the empty

space in the building block (Molecule List Tree View) in the main window and select

Create Molecule.

In the appearing window, select a name for the molecule and enter a Constant default
start amount with the value set to 1 µmol.
Deselect the Stationary property (to indicate that the molecule is non- stationary) and
click OK.

In the main window, the molecules building block should now contain three list entries
named "Educt", "Product" and "Drug".

Step 4: Create a container where the reaction takes place:

Open the "Organism" building block in the spacial structure building block group.
In the new main window, double-click on the green container in the diagram area
named "Organism".
Select the Properties tab in the lower half of the main window and using the right
combobox of Container Type. Select: Logical Container ....
In the diagram area, right-click anywhere and select Refresh in the context

menu: the color of the green container named "Organism" should change to blue, which
characterizes logical containers.

In the diagram area, right-click on the container named "Organism" and select

Create Container in the context menu.

In the appearing "New Container" window, choose a new name for the container (here:
liver), set the Container Type to Logical Container ..., and click OK.
Right-click on the new "Liver" container. Again, create a new container named "Plasma"
with Container Type set to Physical Container ... and click OK.
Double-click on the new "Plasma" container. In the parameters tab below the diagram

area click on the Add Parameter button.

In the appearing "New Parameter" window, specify a name for the parameter (here:
Volume), verify that the Dimension is set to Volume and Formula Type to Constant,
and set the Value to 1 liter.

Step 5: Create a new reaction named "Re":

Open the reaction building block for editing.

To create a reaction, either click on New in the building block specific ribbon

tab or right-click on the empty space in the diagram area of the building block edit

window and select Create Reaction.

Add the molecules created in Step 3 by either clicking on Insert Molecule in

the building block specific ribbon tab or right-clicking on the diagram area of the

building block edit window and select Insert Molecule.

A new window appears: select the molecules displayed in the list (select all three while
holding down the Ctrl key) and click OK.
To connect the molecule "Educt" as an educt of the reaction "Re", move the mouse to the
edge of the molecule in the diagram area until the mouse cursor changes into a "Hand"
symbol. . Click and drag your cursor towards the reaction until the appearing line snaps
onto the blue circle (the educt port) at the lower left end of the reaction symbol.

Reactions Building Block: Connecting Molecules to a Reaction

Repeat this procedure for the "Product" molecule and the green circle at the lower right
corner of the reaction symbol, and the "Drug" Molecule and the red circle at the top of the
reaction symbol.

The molecule "Drug" is now a modifier (as is indicated by the red circle) of the
reaction that is neither consumed nor produced by the reaction, but required (as
all participating molecules) to be present at the same location (even if at
concentration zero) for the reaction to be generated in the simulation creation
process as described later in Step 9.

Step 6: Specify the kinetics of the reaction:

To edit the reaction "Re" and define its kinetics:

Double-click on the reaction symbol in the diagram area;

or right-click on the reaction symbol in the diagram area and select Edit from

the context menu.

Select the properties tab in the window below the diagram area.

By default, all molecules are defined in the Dimension Amount. As reaction

kinetics are computed from concentration values of reactants, volumes of the
containers where reactions take place have to be taken into account.

We will now define the reaction kinetics as a reversible reaction in which the molecule
"Educt" is:

consumed according to the Michaelis-Menten rate law: k1*Drug/V*((Educt/V)/

produced according to the mass action kinetics rate law: k2*Product/V

By default, the Formula Type of the kinetics is set to Formula (an explicit formula). You can
change this selection by use of the combobox, if needed.

Now select the formula string input box to the right of the yellow warning sign with the

exclamation mark and enter the chosen reaction rate:


The properties tab should now look like depicted below:

Reaction Properties: Defining the Kinetics of a Reaction

The color of the circles of the reaction symbol determines the sign of the kinetic
formula. For molecules attached to the blue circle (always the educts) it is
negative as they are consumed. For molecules attached to the green circle
(always the products) it is positive as they are produced.

In the properties tab, two essential inputs are still missing:

An explicit formula requires a name as indicated by the symbol .

The specified formula cannot be parsed due to the unknown entities: k1, k2, Km and V

as indicated by the symbol .

First, a new formula has to be created. To create a new formula, click on the Add

Formula button. A new window appears, where you can define a new name for the formula.
Type in "r1" and confirm the name by clicking OK. The formula is also listed in the formula
list in the formula tab located above the diagram area.
The yellow warning sign indicates that the construction of our kinetic rate equation

is not yet complete. To get a consistent formula, you need to assign the missing
parameters to the reaction and add them to the referenced objects list.

As depicted above, molecules are automatically added to the referenced objects

list of an explicit Formula when connected to the reaction. The referenced
objects are by default listed by the following properties:

The table below belongs to note above.

Defines the name by which the referenced objects are used in the Formula.
If the name in the formula does not correspond to the Alias of the respective
reference, a warning sign appears.

Path Path where the referenced object is located within the project.

Dimension Dimension (e.g., Volume l or Concentration µmol/l) of the referenced object.

Formulas are automatically stored even if incomplete! However, they can be

completed any time later. A list of all formulas used in one building block can be
found in the formulas tab next to the main tab of each building block in edit

Step 7: Add new parameters:

Select the parameters tab next to the properties tab. To create a new parameter:
Click on the Add Parameter button.

In the new window

Select a new name: k1, for the first rate constant.

Select Parameter Type: Local.
Using the combobox, set the Dimension to InversedTime.
Select the Formula Type: Constant.
Set a Value: 1 1/min.

Repeat the process for parameter k2. For parameter Km, select Dimension

Concentration and the Constant Value 1 µmol/l.

To add parameters to the reaction, go back to the properties tab. Go to the tree list "Possible
Referenced Objects" on the right side of the window. The selected reaction "Re" should
appear at the top of the tree. Extend the tree view of "Re". The parameters k1, k2 and Km
should be listed below "Re". To add the parameters to the list of referenced objects, drag &
drop each parameter into the list to the left, where "Educt", "Product" and "Drug" are already

To add the volume parameter "V" to the list, select the bullet Relative Path. A new window
appears where you can select the local reference point. Extend the tree and navigate to
Organism|Liver. Select "Plasma" and click OK. Now, navigate to the same point
(Organism|Liver|Plasma) in the tree in the "Possible Referenced Objects" window and drag
& drop "Volume" into the referenced objects list. Change the Alias of "Volume" to "V". Your
properties tab should now look like depicted below.
Reaction Properties: Defining the Kinetics of a Reaction

Step 8: Define start values:

Before we can create a simulation, we need to define start values. To create new molecule
and parameter start values:

Right-click on the molecule start values building block group in the building block

explorer and select Create Molecule Start Value Building Block from the

context menu.
In the appearing "Create new Start Values" window, define a name (here: "MSV") for the

molecule start values building block and confirm by clicking OK .

Repeat the procedure for a new parameter start values building block using the name

Step 9: Create a Simulation from the newly defined building

Before we can simulate, the reactions network of a simulation has to be created from the
building blocks. To create a simulation:

Click on Create in the Simulation Group the Modeling & Simulation ribbon tab.

In the appearing "Simulation Creation Wizard" window, specify a name for the
simulation. Here: "RN".

Confirm the simulation creation process by clicking Finish .

A new simulation "RN" is added to the simulations explorer and automatically opened in
edit mode in the main window. Your MoBi® program user interface should now look like
depicted in below.

Create a Simulation

Step 10: Simulate the dynamics of the newly created

simulation of "RN": To run the simulation we first need to
adjust the simulation settings:

Select the Settings tab of the simulation in the main window.

In the top half of the Settings tab set the EndTime to 0.25 h and the Resolution to
600.00 pts/h.

Now we can run the simulation. To run the simulation, click Run in the simulation

group of the modeling & simulation ribbon.

To view the simulation results:

Select the Results tab of the simulation in the main window.

To the right of the window, click on or hover with your mouse over the autohidden chart
editor view to slide out the chart editor.

You can permanently dock the chart editor by clicking on the "pin" icon .
Undock the chart editor by again clicking on the icon .

To display the simulation results in a plot window:

Extend the tree "Organ: Liver" in the Data Browser at the top of the chart editor, if it is
not already open.
Select both checkboxes in the column Used.

You can now see the simulation results in the plot, and your Results tab should now look as
depicted below.
Simulation Results
Setting up a Drug-Drug Interaction in PK-Sim
Inhibition of a metabolizing enzyme or transporter by a drug can be defined directly in PK-
Sim® in a simple and user-friendly manner. In the example workflow below, a drug-drug-
interaction (DDI) model is set up using preconfigured templates compounds, e.g. the drug
itraconazole, its metabolite hydroxy-itraconazole, and midazolam.

Load the predefined compound from templates into PK-Sim® by clicking on the Compound
icon in the Load Building Blocks menu of the Import/Export tab.

Load predefined compounds templates to ease set up of a DDI

In this case, the preconfigured itraconazole compound building block is imported.

Itraconazole is a predefined compound

In the predefined compound Itraconazole, Hydroxy-Itraconazole is already pre- specified as

primary metabolite. However, users can make changes to all fields if desired and well-
Metabolite Hydroxy-Itraconazole is predefined for Itraconazole

Process type and Ki values of the inhibition have already been pre-specified for the
template compounds Itraconazole and Hydroxy-Itraconazole:

Process type is predefined for Itraconazole/Hydroxy-Itraconazole

Next, expression levels of metabolizing enzymes can be added to the Individual building
block to be used in the simulation:
Expression levels of enzymes needs to be specified

Further building blocks can be defined in the respective sections and a simulation is then
created by clicking on the Create button in the Simulation section in the Modeling and
Simulation tab.

In the pre-configured compound templates, the inhibition processes for each enzyme or
transporter are predefined, but can be adjusted by the user if applicable. Enzymes present in
the Individual building block are matched with processes specified in the used Compound
building blocks and metabolites are defined. Also, systemic processes regarding transport
or excretion (e.g. ‘Glomerular Filtration’ like in the example displayed here) are shown and
can be modified as desired.
Processes associated with Itraconazole and Hydroxy-Itraconazole in the pre- defined

In the next step, application protocols for each compound are defined using the available
building blocks the user has configured before.
Definition of administration protocols for each compound from available building blocks

After having added and matched all building blocks required, the simulation is set up and
can be run by either hitting F5 or using the Run button in the Simulation section of the
Modeling and Simulation tab.

After running the simulation, all compounds and metabolites (in this case Itraconazole,
Hydroxy-Itraconazole and Midazolam) can be plotted and the simulated PK data can be
analyzed for each.
Analysis view of all Itraconazole, Hydroxy-Itraconazole and Midazolam

Also, at any given time after the simulation has been created, the simulated metabolic
network that was defined can be displayed as a reaction diagram. Like in MoBi®, the blue
dot of the reaction triangle connects to the educts of the reactions, the red dot to catalysts
(e.g. interacting substances, enzymes or transporters) and the green dot to reaction
products as shown below.

Reaction diagram is the graphical representation of the metabolic network

Qualification framework


The qualification framework enables an automated validation of various scenarios (use-

cases) supported by the OSP platform. This technical framework is used, for example, to
release, in full confidence, a new version of the OSP Suite by verifying automatically that an
ever-growing list of scenarios is performing as expected.

A qualification scenario can be performed after an evaluation of the involved PBPK models
has been done. A PBPK model evaluation only contains the healthy adult model
development, and is divided into the following steps:

PBPK model development and verification with observed data

Model evaluation plan generation ("evaluation plan" = "qualification plan for one
Evaluation report generation ("evaluation report" = "qualification report for one model")

The workflow of a PBPK model evaluation is similar to that of a PBPK model scenario
qualification. A qualification scenario can be based on a single PBPK model or several
models and is divided into the following steps:

Scenario qualification (pure predictions) with observed data (e.g. DDI scenario,
Enzyme ontogeny scenario)
Qualification plan generation
Qualification report generation
As a PBPK model evaluation workflow is similar to that of a qualification scenario, with the
difference being model development and model application, respectively, the focus here will
be on the scenario qualification workflow. In a first step, the qualification scenario is saved
to a dedicated qualification repository on GitHub. This repository contains a detailed
qualification plan that links and combines respective models and data describing the use
case to qualify. The qualification plan consists of:

PK-Sim project files (more precisely: PK-Sim project file snapshots)

Descriptions of potential cross-dependencies between PK-Sim project files (if
adequate) (e.g. it is possible to inherit building blocks or simulation parameters)
Observed data sets (needed for model development and verification)
Qualification scenario description text modules
Detailed report settings related to the generation of charts and qualification measures.

Any file used in the qualification plan (e.g. PK-Sim projects, observed data sets,
text modules etc...) can also be saved in an external repository and then
conveniently referenced by the qualification plan.
In the next step, the Qualification Runner (stand-alone tool) processes the qualification
plan, i.e. all project parts are exported and prepared for the Reporting Engine. The Reporting
Engine provides a validated environment (currently implemented in MATLAB®, a transfer to
R is in development) for model execution and generates tables and figures for the final
qualification report. This report contains the evaluation of the individual PBPK models with
observed data (i.e. standard goodness of fit plot, residuals-vs-time plot, visual predictive
checks) and a comprehensive qualification of the specific use case assessing the predictive
performance of the OSP suite by means of a predefined set of qualification measures and
charts. The automated execution of the described workflow can be triggered to assess re-
qualification, for example, when new data is available, after changes in model structure or
parameterization, or when releasing a new version of the OSP Suite.

Example: Showcase of predicting cytochrome P450 3A4-mediated drug-drug interactions


Creating a (re-)qualification plan part I

Creating a qualification report is similar to writing a scientific article: A report is written and
structured in chapters, for example beginning with a short description of the scientific
background of the scenario (use-case), followed by a brief methodological description (e.g.
modeling strategy, available data used during model building (for model evaluation report),
and underlying main assumptions) and the presentation of the qualification workflow
results in the third section of the report.

The qualification plan orchestrates this process and defines how all the static and dynamic
content will be combined into the final report document.

“Static content”: Will be taken AS IS and inserted into the report without any further
“Dynamic content”: Software must actively do something to produce expected results
(e.g. create plots). This content may change between OSP versions in case of
differences between the previous and new model structures/parameterizations.

Technically, a qualification plan is nothing more than a text file in JSON format (file
extension: .json). You can use any plain text editor for creating and modification of such a
file. However, it is much faster and easier to use a json editor (e.g. the free Visual Studio
Code (VSCode); s. the section Creating a (re-)qualification plan part II: Tools for details).
Note that many scripting environments (Matlab, R, etc...) also allow for the comfortable
editing of JSON files.

Components of a (re-)qualification plan


Describes all projects used in a qualification scenario. Currently, only PK-Sim projects are
supported. MoBi projects will be supported in the mid-term future.

"Id": Whenever a project is referenced within a qualification plan: it happens via its
project id. Any non-empty string can be defined by the author of a qualification plan as
a project id (the only restriction: a project id must be unique within one qualification
"Path": path to a project snapshot. Can be defined:
Either in form of an URL of remote file (e.g. "
or in form of a path to a LOCAL file (given relative to the location of current
qualification plan), e.g. "Input/Itraconazole-Model.json")
"BuildingBlocks": OPTIONAL, may be empty. List of inherited building blocks.
The idea behind is: The use-case requires some building blocks (e.g. compound,
individual, ...) to be exactly the same in one or more projects. Instead of modifying
those projects by hand, the qualification plan can automate this action and ensure that
building blocks are used consistently.
"Type": type of a building block (one of: "Compound", "Event", "Formulation",
"Individual", "ObserverSet", "Population", "Protocol")
"Name": name of a building block (must be the same in both parent and child
"Project": Id of the parent project
Individual building block "European (P-gp modified, CYP3A4 36 h)" in the project
"Itraconazole-Midazolam-DDI" will be overwritten by the Individual building block
with the same name from the project "Midazolam" (if there is no individual with
the same name in the "Midazolam" project: execution of the qualification plan will
stop with an error)
Compound building block "Midazolam" in the project "Itraconazole-Midazolam-DDI"
will be overwritten by the Compound building block with the same name from the
project "Midazolam" (if there is no Compound with the same name in the
"Midazolam" project: execution of the qualification plan will stop with an error)
"SimulationParameters": OPTIONAL: List of inherited simulation parameters (i.e.
parameters that are not specified in building blocks, but in the simulation, e.g.
blood/plasma concentration ratio  or P (interstitial->intracellular) ). Same

principle as in case of inherited building blocks: simulation parameters can be inherited

between projects. Each inherited simulation parameter description consists of:
"Project": Id of the parent project
"Simulation": Simulation name within the parent project
"Path": Path to the simulation parameter
"TargetSimulations": Simulation name(s) within child project


In all target simulations shown below (DDI Control - xxx, DDI Treatment - xxx), the value
of parameter P (interstitial->intracellular)  defined in
Neighborhoods|Duodenum_int_Duodenum_cell|Midazolam  will be set to the value of

the same parameter in the simulation po 3mg (solution) 

Observed data sets

Similar to a project, an observed data set is identified by its Id, which must be unique within
a qualification plan.

There are two kinds of observed data set:

1. Observed data set which is included into one project used by the qualification plan.
This data set can be used in the qualification plan without any further specification.
The Id  is, in this case, the name of the observed data set as defined in the PK-Sim
2. Observed data set which is not included into one project. It must be described in the
"ObservedDataSets" section of a qualification plan.

"Id": (Unique) id of an observed data set

"Path": path to an observed data set file. Can be given as remote URL or local file
path (s. the Projects section for details).
"Type": type of an observed data set. Can be one of:

"TimeProfile". Corresponding observed data set must have the columns with time
values, measurement values and (optionally) error values with units (s. also here).
"PKRatio". Example. Mandatory columns are:
an ID number to reference to ('ID')
PK-parameter value and its unit (e.g 'AUC Avg' and 'AUC AvgUnit' for AUC; 'CL Avg'
and 'CL AvgUnit' for CL etc.)
the simulation duration ('t0' ; 'tend' ; 't Unit').
"DDIRatio". Example. Mandatory columns are:
a unique ID number to reference to ('ID')
a unique descriptive name (i.e. Author Year) ('Study ID')
the corresponding victim drug ('Victim')
the corresponding perpetrator drug ('Perpetrator')
the route of administration (e.g. PO, IV, ...) of the victim ('Route Victim')
the route of administration (e.g. PO, IV, ...) of the perpetrator ('Route Perpetrator')
the compartment (i.e. plasma, whole blood, etc.), from which the victim drug PK
parameters should be assessed ('Compartment')
the dose of the perpetrator ('Dose') and its unit ('Dose Unit')
the observed AUC ratio of the victim expressed as AUC with perpetrator divided by
AUC without perpetrator ('AUCR Avg')
the observed C_max ratio of the victim expressed as C_max with perpetrator
divided by C_max without perpetrator ('CmaxR Avg')
the time frame of the simulation without perpetrator, from which the simulated
AUC and C_max of the victim should be calculated ('t_placebo_0' ; 't_placebo_end')
the time frame of the simulation with perpetrator, from which the simulated AUC
and C_max should be calculated ('t_treatment_0' ; 't_treatment_end')
and the unit of the respective time definitions ('t Unit').
Note that observed clearance ratios need to be transformed to AUC ratios before
(adding a comment in the 'Comment' column is recommended).


Defines the chapter structure of the report. A section  consists of:

"Id": Unique section-Id. This id is referenced in other parts of the qualification plan to
define which dynamic content must be added to the chapter (dynamic content will be
added at the end of the chapter)
"Title": Chapter title
"Content": Path to the static content file which will be inserted at the beginning of the
chapter. Can be given as remote URL or local file path (s. the Projects section for
details). Static content files must be written in Markdown format (s. below).
"Sections": OPTIONAL list of sub-sections. Every sub-section is built in the same way
(thus report structure can be defined with an arbitrary chapter depth level).


Markdown files are text files in Markdown format (file extension: .md).
Markdown is a way to style text on the web. You control the display of the
document; formatting words as bold or italic, adding images, and creating lists
are just a few of the things we can do with Markdown. Mostly, Markdown is just
regular text with a few non-alphabetic characters thrown in, like #  or * .

Good introductions into the markdown format can be found here:

You can use any plain text editor for creating and modification of markdown
files. However it is much faster and easier to use a dedicated markdown editor,
e.g. Typora (


An (optional) introduction can be added to the report. The differences between introduction
and sections are:

1. In the generated report, the introduction will be inserted at the very beginning, before the
TOC (table of content) and is not part of the TOC.
2. The introduction does not have any Id and it is not possible to assign any dynamic
content to it.

The introduction is defined by:

"Path": Path to the static content file. Can be given as remote URL or local file path (s.
the Projects section for details). Static content files must be written in Markdown

A convenient way to specify which building blocks and/or simulations should be described
in the report as well as the section of the report where the descriptions should be located.

Each input entry definition consists of:

"Project": Id of the project

"Name": name of the building block or simulation to describe
"Type": type of the building block/simulation (one of: "Compound", "Event",
"Formulation", "Individual", "ObserverSet", "Population", "Protocol", "Simulation")
"SectionId": Id of the section where the input description will be inserted.

Input description contains all input settings (model- type, calculation methods etc.) and all
input parameters that deviate from the default incl. their value origins.


This section defines the type of plots (and some additional related information like tables
and qualification measures) to generate for the report.
"PlotSettings": OPTIONAL Global plot settings (pictures size, font properties). In
addition, every plot can define its local plot settings.
If both (global and local) plot settings are defined for some plot: local settings will
be used.
If neither global nor local plot settings are defined for some plot: program defaults
will be used.
"AxesSettings": OPTIONAL Global axes settings per plot type. In addition, every plot
can define its local axes settings.
If both (global and local) axes settings are defined for some plot: local settings will
be used.
If neither global nor local axes settings are defined for some plot: program defaults
will be used.
Global axes settings can not be defined for "AllPlots"

1 "AxesSettings": {
2 "ComparisonTimeProfile": [
3 {
4 "Unit": "h",
5 "Dimension": "Time",
6 "Type": "X",
7 "GridLines": false,
8 "Scaling": "Linear"
9 },
10 {
11 "Unit": "ng/ml",
12 "Dimension": "Concentration (mass)",
13 "Type": "Y",
14 "GridLines": false,
15 "Scaling": "Log"
16 }
17 ],

"AllPlots"; "GOFMergedPlots"; ... : different kinds of plots, explained in detail below.


All plots defined in the PK-Sim project Project under simulation Simulation will be placed
into the report using their settings defined in the PK-Sim project. Thus one node from the
"AllPlots"-section in the qualification plan will be expanded into N (N>=0) plots in the final

1 "AllPlots": [
2 {
3 "SectionId": 13,
4 "Project": "Midazolam",
5 "Simulation": "iv 0.001 mg (5 min)"
6 },
7 {
8 "SectionId": 13,
9 "Project": "Midazolam",
10 "Simulation": "iv 0.05 mg/kg (2 min)"
11 },

NOTE: at the moment, only Time Profile Plots (Individual and Population) will be exported.

1 "GOFMergedPlots": [
2 {
3 "SectionId": 14,
4 "Title": "Midazolam concentration in plasma/blood",
5 "PlotType": "predictedVsObserved|residualsOverTime",
6 "Artifacts": ["Plot", "Measure", "GMFE"],
7 "Groups": [
8 {
9 "Caption": "Midazolam iv",
10 "Symbol": "Circle",
11 "OutputMappings": [
12 {
13 "Project": "Midazolam",
14 "Simulation": "iv 0.001 mg (5 min)",
15 "Output": "Organism|PeripheralVenousBlood|Midazolam|Plasma (Pe
16 "ObservedData": "Hohmann 2015 - iv 0.001 mg - Plasma - agg. (n
17 "Color": "#FF0000"
18 },
19 ...

Two types of plots are supported here:

Predicted vs. Observed

Residuals over time

Combines data from several simulations; every simulation data can be displayed in
different color/symbol.

"Title": title of the plot

"SectionId": Id of the section where the plot (and related artifacts; s. below) will be
"PlotType": One of "predictedVsObserved", "residualsOverTime",
if "predictedVsObserved|residualsOverTime" was selected: both plots will be
"Artifacts": OPTIONAL must contain a subset of {"Plot", "Measure", "GMFE"}. Defines
which artifacts will be generated in the report. If omitted: all artifacts will be generated
"Plot": Plot(s) as described above
"Measure": Table with the percentage of data points within X-Error fold

Number Ratio [%]

Points total 456 -

Points within 1.5-fold 400 87,7

Points within 2-fold 440 96,5

"GMFE": geometric mean fold error

"Groups": several simulations can be grouped All simulations from the same group
have the same symbol in the plot
"Caption": group caption for the plot legend
"Symbol": one of "Asterisk", "Circle", "Cross", "Diamond", "Point", "Square", "Triangle"
"OutputMappings": definition of pairs {
Simulated output <=> Observed data set }

"Project": Id of the project

"Simulation": name of the simulation
"Output": path of the simulated output curve of interest. This must be the path
internally used by PK-Sim (without the leading simulation name)
If you are not sure how such a path is defined:
1. Open project in PK-Sim
2. From the context menu of the simulation of interest: select "Export
simulation structure to file..."
3. Open exported file with a text editor and look for "OBSERVER"
4. In the OBSERVER section: look for your output of interest and copy its
path without the leading simulation name.
E.g. in the example below correct output path for the qualification plan would
Organism|PeripheralVenousBlood|Theophylline|Blood Cells

1 --------------- OBSERVER (Non zero only) ----------

2 Observer: Blood Cells
3 Path: S1_diss|Organism|PeripheralVenousBlood|Theophylline|B

"ObservedData": Id of an observed data set (s. Observed data sets for details)
"Color": Color in "#RRGGBB" format. There are numerous free tools for color
generation, e.g.

Creates comparison time profile plots similar to Comparison Charts in PK-Sim. In addition,
original results may be shifted in time.

1 "ComparisonTimeProfilePlots": [
2 {
3 "SectionId": 26,
4 "Title": "Ahonen 1995",
5 "SimulationDuration": 20,
6 "TimeUnit": "h",
7 "OutputMappings": [
8 {
9 "Project": "Itraconazole-Midazolam-DDI",
10 "Simulation": "DDI Control - Midazolam - Ahonen 1995",
11 "Output": "Organism|PeripheralVenousBlood|Midazolam|Plasma (Periph
12 "ObservedData": "Ahonen 1995 - Midazolam - PO - 7.5 mg - Plasma -
13 "StartTime": 0,
14 "TimeUnit": "h",
15 "Color": "#2166ac",
16 "Caption": "Control (without Itraconazole)",
17 "Symbol": "Circle"
18 },

"Title": title of the plot

"SectionId": Id of the section where the plot (and related artifacts; s. below) will be
"SimulationDuration" and "TimeUnit": s. below
"OutputMappings": definition of pairs { Simulated output <=> Observed data set }
"Project": Id of the project
"Simulation": name of the simulation
"Output": path of the simulated output curve of interest. This must be the path
internally used by PK-Sim (without the leading simulation name) (s.
GOFMergedPlots for details!)
"StartTime" and "TimeUnit": Simulated and observed data will be shifted in the
curves will be shifted along the time axis so that original "StartTime"
corresponds to Time=0  in the plot
only the time range [ StartTime .. StartTime + SimulationDuration ] of the
original data will be plotted;
"ObservedData": Id of an observed data set (s. Observed data sets for details)
"Color": Color in "#RRGGBB" format. (s. GOFMergedPlots for details). Will be used
for both simulated output and observed data
"Symbol": Symbol (s. GOFMergedPlots for details) - will be used for observed data


Creates DDI Ratio plots as described e.g. in Hanke et. al ([106])

Two types of plots are supported here:

Predicted vs. Observed (generates plots like in the example above)

Residuals vs. Observed (generates plots Predicted/Observed vs. Observed )

1 "DDIRatioPlots": [
2 {
3 "SectionId": 5,
4 "Title": "CYP3A4 DDI",
5 "PKParameter": "AUC|CMAX",
6 "PlotType": "predictedVsObserved|residualsVsObserved",
7 "Artifacts": ["GMFE","Measure","Plot","Table"],
8 "Groups": [
9 {
10 "Caption": "Itra+Mida (Mida iv)",
11 "Color": "#FF0000",
12 "Symbol": "Square",
13 "DDIRatios": [
14 {
15 "Output": "Organism|PeripheralVenousBlood|Midazolam|Plasma
16 "ObservedData": "DDI Ratios",
17 "ObservedDataRecordId": 378,
18 "SimulationControl": {
19 "Project": "Itraconazole-Midazolam-DDI",
20 "Simulation": "DDI Control - Midazolam - Olkkola 1996 (iv
21 "StartTime": 0,
22 "EndTime": 9999,
23 "TimeUnit": "h"
24 },
25 "SimulationDDI": {
26 "Project": "Itraconazole-Midazolam-DDI",
27 "Simulation": "DDI Treatment - Itraconazole/Midazolam - O
28 "StartTime": 74,
29 "EndTime": 122,
30 "TimeUnit": "h"
31 }
32 }
33 ]
34 },

"Title": title of the plot

"SectionId": Id of the section where the plot (and related artifacts; s. below) will be
"PKParameter": PK Parameter for which DDI Ratios will be calculated. One of "AUC",
if "AUC|CMAX" was selected: 2 plots will be generated (one for AUC Ratio and one
for CMAX Ratio)
"PlotType": One of one of "predictedVsObserved", "residualsVsObserved",
if "predictedVsObserved|residualsVsObserved" was selected: both plots will be
generated for each selected PK-Parameter. Thus selecting this option in
combination with "AUC|CMAX" will result in generation of 4 plots in the report:
AUC Ratio predicted vs. observed
AUC Ratio residuals vs. observed
CMAX Ratio predicted vs. observed
CMAX Ratio residuals vs. observed
"Artifacts": OPTIONAL must contain a subset of {"Plot", "Measure", "GMFE", "Table"}.
Defines which artifacts will be generated in the report. If omitted: all artifacts will be
"Plot": Plot(s) as described above
"Measure": Table with the percentage of data points within X-Error fold

- Number Ratio [%]

Points total 456 -

Points within Guest et. al 400 87,7

Points within 2-fold 440 96,5

"GMFE": geometric mean fold error (s. GOFMergedPlots for details)

"Table": creates a table containing quantitative values of all predicted and
observed AUC,CMAX and corresponding DDI-Ratios and additional information
about Control and DDI simulation (similar to the table described in Hanke et. al)
"Groups": plotted DDI ratios can be grouped. Each group has its own caption, color and
"Caption": plot caption
"Color": color in "#RRGGBB" format. (s. GOFMergedPlots for details).
"Symbol": group symbol (s. GOFMergedPlots for details)
"DDIRatios": list of DDI ratios belonging to the group. Each DDI Ratio is defined by:
"Output": path of the simulated output curve for which DDI ratio of interest will
be calculated. This must be the path internally used by PK-Sim (without the
leading simulation name) (s. GOFMergedPlots for details!).
"ObservedData": Id of an observed data set (s. Observed data sets for details)
"ObservedDataRecordId": Id of the data record (line) within the given observed
data set. (corresponds to the Id-column of the data set)
"SimulationControl": description of the Control/Placebo simulation, given by:
"Project": Id of the project
"Simulation": name of the simulation
"StartTime", "EndTime" and "TimeUnit": PK-Parameter(s) of interest will be
calculated in the time range [ StartTime .. EndTime ]
"SimulationDDI": description of the DDI simulation, given in the same way as
Control simulation


Creates plots of predicted/observed ratios for PK parameters of interest

1 "PKRatioPlots": [
2 {
3 "Title": "Overall predictivity of the PBPK models. Open circles repres
4 "SectionId": 2,
5 "PKParameter": "AUC|CL",
6 "Artifacts": ["GMFE", "Measure", "Plot", "Table"],
7 "Groups": [
8 {
9 "Caption": "Caption",
10 "Color": "#000000",
11 "Symbol": "Circle",
12 "PKRatios": [
13 {
14 "Project": "Sufentanil",
15 "Simulation": "Davis 1987 15.5months",
16 "Output": "Organism|ArterialBlood|Plasma|Sufentanil|Concentrat
17 "ObservedData": "PK-Parameter",
18 "ObservedDataRecordId": 5130
19 }
"Title": title of the plot
"SectionId": Id of the section where the plot (and related artifacts; s. below) will be
"PKParameter": PK Parameter for which DDI Ratios will be calculated. One of "AUC",
"CL", "AUC|CL"
if "AUC|CL" was selected: 2 plots will be generated (one for AUC and one for
"Artifacts": OPTIONAL must contain a subset of {"Plot", "Measure", "GMFE", "Table"}.
Defines which artifacts will be generated in the report. If omitted: all artifacts will be
"Plot": Plot(s) as described above
"Measure": Table with the percentage of data points within X-Error fold (s.
GOFMergedPlots for details)
"GMFE": geometric mean fold error (s. GOFMergedPlots for details)
"Table": creates a table containing quantitative values of all predicted and
observed AUC and/or CL and corresponding PK-Ratios, e.g.

Age BodyWeight Predicted AUC Observed AUC Pred/Obs

Study ID
[y] [kg] [µmol*h/l] [µmol*h/l] AUC Ratio

15 56 1.4103 15.7 1.4103

9 29.4 0.85609 18 0.85609

15.2 56.2267 1.0989 10.2 1.0989

10 31.5 1.063 13.4 1.063

Rizk 2015 1.25 8.5 1.7188 19.8 1.7188

"Groups": plotted PK ratios can be grouped. Each group has its own caption, color and
"Caption": plot caption
"Color": color in "#RRGGBB" format. (s. GOFMergedPlots for details).
"Symbol": group symbol (s. GOFMergedPlots for details)
"PKRatios": list of PK ratios belonging to the group. Each PK Ratio is defined by:
"Project": Id of the project
"Simulation": name of the simulation
"Output": path of the simulated output curve for which DDI ratio of interest will
be calculated. This must be the path internally used by PK-Sim (without the
leading simulation name) (s. GOFMergedPlots for details!).
"ObservedData": Id of an observed data set (s. Observed data sets for details)
"ObservedDataRecordId": Id of the data record (line) within the given observed
data set. (corresponds to the Id-column of the data set)

How generated artifacts are combined into a report

All static and dynamic elements described in a qualification plan are compiled into a report
in the following order:

1. Intro (if defined in the qualification plan)

2. Table of Contents (is generated automatically)
3. (Top level) sections in order of their appearance in the qualification plan. Per section:
3.1 Static content of the section
3.2 For all inputs with SectionId = Id of the current section: generated input
descriptions in order of appearance in the qualification plan
3.3 For all plots with SectionId = Id of the current section: generated plots (and related
artifacts) in order of appearance in the qualification plan
3.4 Subsections of the current section (if any) in order of appearance in the
qualification plan. Per subsection ... (s. 3.1..3.4)

Creating a (re-)qualification plan part II: Tools

1. Install VSCode (Visual Studio Code).

Download User-Installer or System-Installer from

2) If you are behind a firewall: configure firewall proxy

Start VSCode
Go to File►Preferences►Settings
Then go to User Settings►Application►Proxy
Enter your Firewall-Proxy

1. Install the snippets file

Download Snippets for Visual Studio Code (qualification.code-snippets) from
Copy this file to C:\Users\<USERID>\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\snippets 
In case you are using portable version of VSCode: copy the snippets file to
<VSCode_InstallDir>\data\user-data\User\snippets  (create the folder if it

does not exist)

Restart VSCode

4) Create/Edit a qualification plan

Create a new empty file and save it as .json (unless the file was saved as json, snippets
will not work)
For every element of a qualification plan (project, plot, section, input) there is a
predefined code snippet, which will create a skeleton of this element.
To use a snippet, type its shortcut and press ENTER
The full list of qualification plan snippets is given in the table below. Parent node
column describes at which places of a qualification plan a snippet can be used.
The first snippet to be used is always bs (bootstrap) - this will create a skeleton of a
qualification plan
All other snippets are defined as abbreviations of "Add XYZ".
Full snippets list

Shortcut Description Parent node

Creates the skeleton for

bs •ROOT
a qualification plan

ap Add a project reference •Projects

Adds a building block
reference. Useful to
abb •Projects{i}/BuildingBlocks
replace a building block
in a project

Adds a simulation
parameter reference.
Useful to replace a
asp parameter in a •Projects{i}/SimulationParameters
simulation with a
parameter from
another simulation

Adds an observed data

reference. Only for
aod •ObservedDataSets
external observed data

Adds an input
(reference to a building
ai •Inputs
block or simulation in a
given project)

Adds an introduction
aintro •Intro

as Adds a section
•Sections{i}/Sections …

==== GLOBAL ====

Adds the default plot ==== LOCAL ====
aps settings configuration •GOFMergedPlots{i}
(global or local) •ComparisonTimeProfilePlots{i}

Adds the global axes

aas •Plots/AxesSettings
settings skeleton
==== GLOBAL ====
Adds axes X and Y
axy settings content (global
==== LOCAL ====
or local)

Adds an all plot entry

aap •Plots/AllPlots
for a simulation

Adds a GOFMergedPlot
agof •Plots/GOFMergedPlots

Adds a GOFMergedPlot
agofg •Plots/GOFMergedPlots{i}/Groups
group entry

Adds a GOFMergedPlot
OutputMapping entry
agofo •Plots/GOFMergedPlots{i}/Groups{j}/OutputMappings
(to be used within a

Adds a
actp ComparisonTimeProfile •Plots/ComparisonTimeProfilePlots

Adds a
actpo ComparisonTimeProfile •Plots/ComparisonTimeProfilePlots{i}/OutputMapping
OutputMapping entry

Adds a DDIRatioPlot
addir •Plots/DDIRatioPlots
Adds a DDIRatioPlot
addirg •Plots/DDIRatioPlots{i}/Groups
group entry

Adds a DDIRatioPlot
addirr ratio entry (to be used •Plots/DDIRatioPlots{i}/Groups{j}/DDIRatios
within a group)

Adds a PKRatioPlot
apkr •Plots/PKRatioPlots

Adds a PKRatioPlot
apkrg •Plots/PKRatioPlots{i}/Groups
group entry

Adds a PKRatioPlot
apkrr ratio entry (to be used •Plots/PKRatioPlots{i}/Groups{j}/PKRatios
within a PKRatioPlot)

If you do not remember the shortcut of a snippet:

_ either start typing: the list of all snippets starting with this shortcut will be shown via
_ or press CTRL+SPACE: the list of ALL snippets will be shown. Then just navigate to
the right snippet and select it

After you inserted a skeleton via snippet: fill all the placeholders with correct
information. Just start typing (don't click with the mouse!) into the first entry; once
finished - press TAB to switch to the next input
If a value to be entered is an enumeration: click between double quotes and press
CTRL+SPACE, then select from the list

If a Dimension/Unit pair has to be defined: select the dimension first (CTRL+SPACE),

AFTER that select the unit

Every time when a new element of a qualification plan was entered via snippet (or
manually) and filled out: immediately check errors and warnings and correct them as
soon as possible.
When adding a new element of NON-EMPTY array, do not forget a comma before or
after inserted element. (Before when inserted as last element, after otherwise).
Some helpful links for editing json files with VSCode:
Getting started with VSCode:
Editing JSON with VSCode:
Extending/Modifying Snippets:

Processing a (re-)qualification plan

Creation of a qualification report from a qualification plan requires installation of additional
tools, which are not part of the OSP Suite setup. All required tools can be downloaded from

QualificationRunner: download 

and unzip it into any folder on your hard disc.
Reporting Engine. There are two installation options:
1. In case you have a Matlab license: install as a source code. For this: download  and unzip it into any folder on your hard disc.

2. In case you have no Matlab license: install as compiled library.

1. Prerequisite: download and install free Matlab Compiler Runtime version
2. Download  and unzip it into any
folder on your hard disc.
3. Unzip folder contains the file CreateQualificationReport.bat . Adjust it (s.
comments in the file)
Markdown Joiner: Download and unzip it into any folder on your
hard disc.

Creating a report in Markdown format

A good starting point is


Download this repository locally and adjust Workflow.m  in the subfolder Evaluation (s.
comments in the file).

Execute Workflow.m.

If you have a Matlab license: start Matlab and execute Workflow.m

If you have no Matlab license:
1. Start command prompt (cmd). In the command prompt:
1. Switch to the folder where was unzipped.
2. Execute CreateQualificationReport.bat "". E.g.
CreateQualificationReport.bat "C:\Evaluation-plan-

This will create a report in markdown format in the Evaluation/report subfolder.

For any new qualification report: just create a new copy of Workflow.m and adjust it for the
new report.

Converting Markdown report to pdf.

Different (commercial and free) markdown to pdf converters are available. We recommend
to use Typora ( for this task.
Working with R
ospsuite-R Documentation
The ospsuite-R package

The ospsuite-R package provides the functionality of loading, manipulating, and

simulating the simulations created in the software tools PK-Sim and MoBi.

The documentation of the package can be found here:

Installing the ospsuite-R package

Installation instructions are provided here:


Specific workflows and details regarding the ospsuite-R package can be found here:


The list of functions defined in the package can be found here:
A.1. Dimensions and Base Units

Here you find an overview of all dimensions with their base units. Default display units are
listed, where deviating from base units.

A.1. All dimensions and base units

Deviating default display

Dimension Base unit

Abundance per mass protein µmol/kg mic. protein pmol/mg mic. protein

Abundance per tissue µmol/kg tissue pmol/g tissue

Age in years year(s)

Age in weeks week(s)

Amount µmol

Amount per time µmol/min

Area dm² cm²

AUC (mass) kg*min/l µg*min/l

AUC (molar) µmol*min/l

BMI kg/dm² kg/m²

CL per mass protein l/min/kg mic. protein µl/min/mg mic. protein

CL per recombinant enzyme l/min/µmol rec. enzyme µl/min/pmol rec. enzyme

Concentration (mass) kg/l mg/l

Concentration (molar) µmol/l

Concentration (molar) per

Compliance l/(kg/(dm*min²)) ml/mmHg

Count x10^6 x10^6

Count per mass x10^6/kg x10^6/g

Count per volume x10^6/l x10^6/ml

Density kg/dm³ g/cm³

Diffusion coefficient dm²/min cm²/min

Dose per body weight kg/kg mg/kg

Energy kg*dm²/min² kcal

Flow l/min

Flow per weight organ l/min/kg organ ml/min/100g organ

Flow per weight l/min/kg ml/min/kg

Flow² (l/min)²


Hydraulic conductivity l/min/(kg*dm/min²) ml/min/N

Inversed length 1/dm 1/cm

Inversed mol 1/µmol 1/mol

Inversed time 1/min

Inversed volume 1/l

Length dm cm

Log Units Log Units

Mass kg
Mass per tissue kg/kg mg/g

Molecular weight kg/µmol g/mol

Pressure kg/(dm*min²) mmHg

Resistance kg/(dm*min²)*min/l mmHg*s/ml

Resolution pts/min pts/h

RT (kg*dm/min²)*dm/µmol N*cm/mol

Second order rate constant l/µmol/min

Slope l/(kg/(dm*min²))/dm² ml/mmHg/m²

Time min h

Velocity dm/min cm/min

Viscosity min/l s/ml

Vmax per mass protein µmol/min/kg mic. protein pmol/min/mg mic. protein

Vmax per weight organ

µmol/min/kg tissue

Vmax per recombinant µmol/min/µmol rec. nmol/min/pmol rec.

enzyme enzyme enzyme

Vmax per transporter nmol/min/pmol transporter

Volume l

Volume per body weight l/kg ml/kg

OSP Suite Fact Sheet
Main modeling and simulation features:

PBPK modeling of small molecules and biologics

Species Extrapolation / First in Human dose prediction
Parent-Metabolite Studies / Drug-Drug-Interaction
Pediatric Study Design – PIP/PDP support
Special Populations: Hepatic/Renal impairment / Obese / Elderly / (Pre)term neonates
/ Children / Pregnant women / more
Formulations / Meal effects
PBPK/PD, QSP as well as pathway, network and disease modeling

Model building blocks


Pre-parameterized whole-body PBPK models including detailed integrated GI tract for

Dog (beagle and mongrale)
Allowing for full flexibility for parameterization of (anthropo)metrics, anatomical and
physiological properties, protein expression levels ETC.
Most important organs included. For each organ optional processes can be added:
Metabolizing pathways
Different active transporter types(influx, efflux, Pgp-like, bi-directional)
Protein binding partners
Biliary tract included, enables enterohepatic cycling
Scaling of Individuals
Scaling can be used to change the biometrics of an existing individual, i.e. an adult
model may be scaled to an infant model while maintaining/scaling all specific


Database for population simulations with distributions of anatomical and

physiological parameters for
European Caucasians (ICRP, 2002)
US Caucasian (NHANES, 1997)
US Asians (NHANES, 1997)
US Africans (NHANES, 1997)
Asian (Tanaka, 1996)
Japanese (2015)
Preterms (2015)
Pregnant (Dallmann et al. 2017)

Protein Expression

The PK-Sim® library includes large-scale gene-expression data from publicly available
sources which were downloaded, processed, stored and customized such that they can be
directly utilized in PBPK model building. Public database which were imported are

Whole genome expression arrays from ArrayExpress (European Informatics Institute,

RT-PCR derived gene expression (Nishimura et al., 2003; Nishimura and Naito, 2005,
Expressed sequence tags (EST) from UniGene (National Center for Biotechnology
Information, 2010,


Full ADME characterization of drugs including

Molecular weight
Protein binding
Acid/base pKa
Intestinal permeability
Specific protein binding kinetics
Enzyme specific metabolization kinetics
Transporter specific transport kinetics
Inhibition and induction parameters
and for large therapeutic molecules (e.g. antibodies)
Solute radius (calculated for molecular weight as per default)
Dissociation constant for binding to FcRn
Including a set of pre-parameterized standard compounds

Partition Coefficients

Prediction models for tissue partition coefficients

PK-Sim 2003
Rodgers & Rowland
Poulin & Theil


Prediction models for cellular permeabilities and intestinal permeability


Particle distribution
1st order
Zero order

Administration protocols
Administration routes:
IV (Bolus and Infusion)
User defined (free choice of target organ/compartment)
Administration Schemes:
once daily, bi-daily, …
complex (multi-)periodic schemes


Gallbladder emptying


Modeling tools

Parameter identification (PI)

A fully integrated PI Toolbox provides a straightforward means to adjust key model

parameters automatically within user-defined ranges. It is possible to optimize multiple
simulations, for example with different dose levels, and multiple observed data sets,
simultaneously. A clear visualization of the optimization process and of the optimization
results gives you full control and direct feedback whether the identification process was
Simultaneous optimization of multiple simulations
Simultaneous optimization of multiple observed data sets
LLOQ (Lower Limit of Quantification) values are taken into account
Linking of multiple simulation parameters to one identification parameter (as absolute
value or as a factor)
Lin/Log scaling of identification parameters
Lin/Log scaling of residuals
Multiple optimizations with randomized start values
Combining parameter identification with optimization for best suited partition
coefficients/permeability methods
Available optimization algorithms:
Visual feedback during optimization
Time profile
Predicted vs. Observed
Error history: Total error vs number of evaluations
Total error: current/best value
Identification parameters: current/best value
Export of parameters history to MS-Excel
Visualization of optimization results
Time profile
Predicted vs. Observed
Residuals vs. Time
Histogram of Residuals
Total error
Number of evaluations
Identification parameters: min/max/start/best value
Warning if best values are "close to" boundaries
Easy cloning of PI configuration within a project
Replacing simulations in PI configuration without losing the settings
Update simulations with optimized parameter values
Calculation of time profile confidence intervals
Confidence Interval: Corresponds to the model error, which is based on the
uncertainty of estimated parameters. This uncertainty is based on an estimation of
the difference between the mean value of used observed data compared with the
mean value of the (unknown) total data.

Visual Predictive Check Interval: Corresponds to the uncertainty based on the data
error. The data error is the standard deviation of the distribution of the used
observed data.
Prediction Interval: Corresponds to the combination of the model error and the
data error. It shows how much future measured data are expected to differ from
the model predictions.

Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity of PK-Parameters (AUC, CMax, …) vs. simulation parameters.

Because PBPK models can be complex and contain numerous input parameters, it would
be useful to know which input parameters have the most impact on the output curves. The
Sensitivity Analysis tool provides an answer to this question. For a chosen simulation, the
relative impact of selected - or all - input parameters on the PK parameters of the output
curves is calculated and displayed. In addition, the input parameters can be ranked by their
impact on a certain PK parameter of an output. Results of Sensitivity Analysis can be
shown as:
Sensitivity table:

Ranking of most sensitive simulation parameters. Most sensitive parameters comprise

all parameters that contribute to 90% of total sensitivity.

Lab Journal ("Working Journal")

Automated documentation of modeling work in model history working journal

documenting including labeling and commenting function
Built-in working journal for manual annotation of models and simulations
Roll-back / undo functionality
Model Editor

Full transparency and full edit access to all structural model properties

Simulation Tools

Simulation creation by simple combining of previously defined building blocks

Simulation of individuals and populations
If a human individual or population is selected the growth of the human individual(s)
during the simulation time will be taken into account when choosing this option.
Based on the human growth and maturation functions available for most parameters
in PK-Sim® (e.g. organ volumes, blood flow rates, organ composition, etc.) the
parameters are updated along the time scale of the simulation. This is important for
multiple drug administration to e.g. preterm and term neonates, for which the rapid
changes in anatomical and physiological properties can influence the
pharmacokinetics during the simulated study circle.
Calculation of drug time courses in the most important organs for every
subcompartment (Plasma, Endosome, Interstitial, Intracellular, Blood Cells)
Calculation of the fraction of dose metabolized/excreted
Plotting of all calculated time courses
Plot settings (axes, styles, etc.)
Individual simulations:
Time profile plots
Population simulations
Time profile plots

Box-Whisker plots
Range plots

Scatter plots

Multiple plots per simulation

Export of plotted/simulated results to Excel/CSV/PDF/Image
Calculation of the most important PK-Parameters
In all simulations
AUC Ratio (AUCR)
C_max Ratio (Cmax_R)
In simulations with intravenous administration
Total plasma clearance CL
Total body clearance
In simulations with oral administration
Total plasma clearance/F
Fraction absorbed
In simulations with multiple administrations
...tDlast-1- tDlast
In simulations with drug drug interactions
AUC Ratio
C_max Ratio
Comparisons of calculated simulation results over multiple simulations (both
individual and population simulations)
Cloning of simulations
Replacing of Building Blocks in already created simulations
Synchronization between a building block used to create a simulation and the
Comparison between simulations
Comparison between building blocks and simulations

Comparison of building blocks can also be done between two simulations on the same

kind of building block


Import of experimental (observed) data from:

MS Excel
Import of SBML models

Editing of PK-Sim simulations to the detail of all parameters, structural elements,
transports, reactions, events, and more.
Adding features to PK-Sim models, like tumors, complex molecular interactions, or
non-standard drug applications
Display and editing of a simulation as tree or diagram
Result comparison charts
Simulation and building block comparison, exportable list of differences
Merging of building blocks from different simulations
Parameter identification and sensitivity analysis
Re-sending simulations back to PK-Sim for population simulation
Integrated working journal, sharable with PK-Sim, for documentation
Automatic tracking of changes made in a history log file
Export of simulated results as Excel file
Various formats of model exports and listings, like XML, Excel
Import of model parameters from Excel files
Import of model files in SBML format for QSP model building
Building models from scratch, like reaction pathways into a user-built spatial structure
or for compartmental modeling
Option to select frequently accessed parameters as favorites
References & Information

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