Internet Market - 3rd Activity

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Gavino, Angel Jade S.

Internet Marketing

1. Outline Marketing Process

The Marketing process consists of four elements: strategic marketing analysis, marketing-
mix planning, marketing implementation, and marketing control

Strategic marketing analysis, or marketing strategy, is a term that you may hear quite a lot,
but perhaps not quite understand it fully. It is sometimes dismissed as only being of relevance to
larger enterprises. But, in actual fact, strategic marketing thinking should underpin every
marketing activity that an SME business undertakes.

Marketing mix planning refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a company uses to
promote its brand or product in the market. Pricing can also be used a demarcation, to
differentiate and enhance the image of a product. Product: refers to the item actually being sold.

Marketing implementation is the process of turning your marketing strategy into real-life
actions tasks and projects, people responsible for them, and deadlines. In other words, it's about
bringing your marketing plan to life

Marketing control is the process of monitoring the proposed plans as they proceed and
adjusting where necessary.

2. Search for four P’s of a sample product

Product: The item or service being sold must satisfy a consumers need or desire.

Price: An item should be sold at the correct price for consumer expectations; neither too low
nor too high.

Promotion: The public needs to be informed about the product and its features in order to
understand how it fills their needs or desires.

Place: The location where the product can be purchased is important for optimizing sales.

3. What is said to be the 5th P of Marketing?


People refer to the staff, salespeople, and those who work for the business. People decisions
are usually centered around customer service, how do you want your employees to be perceived
by customers?

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