OAF R12 Extension Example

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com Brief Steps - OA Fwk R12 Extension Example

An example of View Object Extension in conjunction with Controller class extension

This is a real life implementation example of OA Framework Extension on Release12.

In this extension, you will see how to
1. Extend a View Object to add a new Column
2. How to extend a controller class
3. How to apply substitution of View Object
4. How to export personalization and deploy the same

Given that this was a real life solution implemented for a client of mine, I am unable to make the business requirement a public knowledge.
For the very same principles, I am not detailing the source code for the controller extension.

But yet this document will give you a good idea of how extension of BC4J, extension of Controller and Personalizations work in tandem.

Before you begin :-

1. Set environment variable JDEV_USER_HOME to C:\anilpassi\JDev_for_R12\jdevhome\jdev

2. copy the vis.dbc file from server to pc. (eg. Jdevbin\oaext\dbc_files\secure)

3. create database connection

4. open the workspace for tutorial and rebuild its projects, so that myclasses folder gets created

Solution Working steps

1. Create a button and a checkbox using personalization
2. Extend view object to add email and a column to support the new checkbox
3. Create the substitution in jDev and upload the jpx substitution to the Database
4. extend the controller, which does the following
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Make the new checkbox fire an action
Put a dummy javascript function
Attach the dummy javaScript function to the Button
Check if the checkbox event has fired
If Yes
Then loop through the ViewObject, for records with Checkbox equals Yes
Construct the Email String
Replace the definition of the javaScript Function
5. Add the extended controller to the region using personalization
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Deployment Steps
1. Deploy entire tree from myclasses/xxrzb to $JAVA_TOP
Also copy the source code to $JAVA_TOP
2. Next, copy the jpx file and the upload script to $xxrzb_top
3. Upload the substition to the DB using the jpx-upload script
4. Add the Personalization for the controller

Setup steps for working on jDeveloper Extension

1. Create a new OA Workspace
2. Create new OA Project. In the jDeveloper project property, assign the DBC File, which was FTPed from server. Ensure that the username,
password, responsibility application and responsibility Key combination is correct.
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3. FTP the files from JAVA_TOP to myclasses. Make sure that dependent classes are copied as well.
4. Copy the files from myclasses to myprojects. Remove the .class files from the myprojects. Here, you need to copy just those files which you
wish to extend.
5. FTP the xml files from $PRODUCT_TOP/mds to myprojects
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6. Change the Library path for jDeveloper, as in image above. For this, click on project properties, and select Libraries from the left hand side
of the pane. Click on “Add Library” to add all the available libraries.

Steps to extend the view Object

1. Create a business component Package named xxrzb.oracle.apps.ota.shared.enrolment.server

As per below image, right click on the “server” node to create new view object
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2. This new view object will extend the standard View Object named oracle.apps.ota.shared.enrollment.server.ListOfClsEnrollmentsVO
Name of the new view object will be xxListOfClsEnrollmentsVO
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Doing the above will copy the SQL from the parent View Object.
Now we need to add three columns [Two based on PL/SQL Function and one transient]

The pl/sql function can be added directly in SQL.

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Click on the “New” button to create a transient attribute required for the checkbox. This is done as below.
Ensure that radio button “Updatable” is set to “Always”
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For the view attributes based on pl/sql function, see the below two images
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Also, ensure the following checkboxes are checked, so that we can loop through the records on the extended VO easily. This option is available
under java in left panel
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Creation of Substitutions

Double-click on the project, to open the project properties.

Select the option for Substitutions link within the Business Components

Select the original view object on the left hand side, and the new view object on the right hand side.
Then click on add.
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This will create an entry into the jpx file.

In this case, the jpx file should look like, as below in blue
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252' ?>
<!DOCTYPE JboProject SYSTEM "jbo_03_01.dtd">

PackageName="" >
<Substitute OldName ="oracle.apps.ota.shared.enrollment.server.ListOfClsEnrollmentsVO" NewName
="xxrzb.oracle.apps.ota.shared.enrollment.server.xxrzbListOfClsEnrollmentsVO" />

The script for loading the jpx file is




"Echo load substitution"

adjava \
oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.JPXImporter $c_rzb_top/oaf/xxRzbSubstituteListOfClsEnrollmentsVO.jpx \
-username apps \
-password apps \
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Steps to extend Controller

The extended controller was created in package xxrzb.oracle.apps.ota.admin.event.webui
To create the extension of controller, right click on webui in the tree, underneath xxrzb, and select “New”

Then, select Java Class, as below

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And then enter the new Class Name, the PackageName[starting with xx], and the standard class name in field “Extends”
You may also click on browse button to select the Standard Controller Class
Note:- Using personalization, the standard class must be replaced by custom class, at Site level.

Steps to export personalizations

Navigate to responsibility “Functional Administrator”
And within that, click Personaliyation and then click Import/Export
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Search for personalizations based on Application name and the Last Updated field.
Click on Go, and select the personalizations that you wish to Export to file system
The file tree will be created in a directory on server. Name of the directory is mentioned in profile FND%Root%
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Click on “Export to File System”

In this case, as per the profile option, the directory is “/tmp/custdocs”
Create the tar file using command below
tar -cvf xxEmailPersonalize.tar ./oracle/*

This file xxEmailPersonalize.tar can be FTPed to the new environment, from where you can unzip this by command
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tar –xvf xxEmailPersonalize.tar ./

IMPORTANT:- Ensure that all the files from myclasses/xxrzb directory get copied to $JAVA_TOP

The tar file with personalizations is also FTPed to C:\anilpassi\JDev_for_R12\jpxScripts

List of actions before user sign-off

1. Create proper pl/sql functions that will return the email addresses, for both the Learner and the Supervisor
2. Edit the extended view object to make calls to these pl/sql functions
3. The controller code needs to be enhanced to calculate email string for Supervisor as well
4. An additional Button must be added, for sending emails to Supervisors as well
5. If required, extend the controller on other pages.
6. Deploy the changes to extended VO and extended CO and Personalization
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Useful documentation:

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