tổng quan dâu tằm
tổng quan dâu tằm
tổng quan dâu tằm
Morus alba L.
nature’s functional oxidation and thus atherosclerosis. Likewise, some other
components such as 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ) and Moran
20K have been reported to be effective against hyperglycemia
tonic and lipid peroxidation in diabetics. Mulberry leaves as protein
source in food formulations and neuroprotective functions can
be used against neurodegenerative disorders such as Alz-
Masood Sadiq Butta, heimer and Parkinsonism. Furthermore, it also demands
special consideration to improve skin tone. Chemopreventive
Akmal Nazirb,*, potential has been highlighted in some studies but still
M. Tauseef Sultana and researchers should pay attention to validate the findings to
enhance meticulousness.
Karin Schroënb
National Institute of Food Science & Technology,
University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Phytochemicals rich plants played a significant role in
Agrotechnology and Food Sciences, Food and diet based therapies to cure various maladies (Butt, Sultan,
Bioprocess Engineering Group, Wageningen Butt, & Iqbal, 2008; Ramaa, Shirode, Mundada, & Kadam,
University, The Netherlands (e-mail: akmal.nazir@ 2006). Consumer’s trend is being widened due to awareness
yahoo.com) spread and research interventions indicating potential
health benefits associated with consumption of plants and
their functional components (Butt & Sultan, in press;
Currently, importance of natural products is being revitalized
Gosslau & Chen, 2004). Detailed study of phytochemistry
to alleviate various health discrepancies. The link between
of fruits and vegetables provides insight about phenolic
health and diet is well documented and the consumers’ trend
compounds (Balasundram, Sundram, & Samman, 2006;
reflects conscience towards their dietary habits. Probing these
Randhir, Lin, & Shetty, 2004). These phenolic compounds
links has led to the emergence of functional, nutraceuticals
often exhibit wide range of physiological activities that
and pharma foods, now taking hold over global nutrition
include antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory
market. Phytochemicals in diet could provide protection
properties (Halliwell, 2007; Manach, Mazur, & Scalbert,
against several threats like free radical formation, degenerative
disorders and lifestyle related diseases but still role of array of
Traditional medicines also show reliance on phytochem-
active ingredients should be unveiled. The review is intended
icals rich plants extracts to cure various maladies. Genus
to focus on rich phytochemistry of Morus alba L., its antioxi-
Morus (Mulberry) is one of such example that consists of
dant potential, inhibition of LDL oxidation, neurodegenerative
over 150 species, among these Morus alba L. is dominant
disorders and mode of action in boosting skin tone. It has
(Srivastava, Kapoor, Thathola, & Srivastava, 2006). Gener-
a unique nutritional profile containing proteins, phenolics,
ally, it is used as foliage to feed the silkworms (Bombyx
flavonoids and anthocyanins that enhances its significance as
mori L.) and ruminants (Arabshahi-Delouee & Urooj,
promising nature’s functional tonic. Chemistry of mulberry
2007; Ercisli & Orhan, 2007). In many countries like Tur-
leaves enumerate that it contains some antimicrobial agents
key and Greece, M. alba and other mulberries are grown for
like kuwanon G and leachianone etc. Mulberry extracts or
fruit production that have certain application in some tradi-
components especially flavonoids i.e. quercetin, rutin and iso-
tional foodstuffs (Ercisli, 2004). The instant review intends
quercitrin scavenge free radicals showing potential against
to explore the chemistry of M. alba, its antimicrobial and
oxidative stress. Presence of prenylated flavonoids further
antioxidant perspectives. Whilst, its role in disease preven-
strengthened its antioxidant claims. Additionally, these antioxi-
tion and cure is too indispensable and highlighted with
dants provide cardiovascular protection as these inhibit LDL
special reference to atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, can-
cer, immunonutrition and neuroprotective functions. Lastly,
* Corresponding author. the manuscript is an attempt to draw a conclusive approach
0924-2244/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
506 M.S. Butt et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 19 (2008) 505e512
in these domains and to get researchers attention for further Table 1. Composition of Morus alba L. leaves and fruit (dry weight
advancement in this field. basis)
Leaves Fruit
Classification Moisture (%) 5.11e7.24 Fruit weight (g) 3.49
Crude protein (%) 15.31e30.91 Total dry 29.5
Kingdom Plantae weight (%)
Subkingdom Tracheobionta Crude fat (%) 2.09e7.92 Moisture (%) 71.5
Superdivision Spermatophyta Crude fiber (%) 9.9e13.85 pH 5.60
Division Magnoliophyta Total ash (%) 11.3e17.24 Total acidity (%) 0.25
Class Magnoliopsida Carbohydrates (%) 9.70e39.70 Total soluble 20.4
Subclass Hamamelididae solids (%)
Order Urticales NDF (%) 27.60e43.6 Total fat (%) 1.10
Family Moraceae Ascorbic acid 100e200 Fatty acids (%)
Genus Morus L. (mg/100 g)
Species Morus alba L. b-Carotene 8.44e13.13 C 14:0 0.98
(mg/100 g)
Oxalates 183 C 16:0 22.42
(mg/100 g)
Phytates 156 cis-C 16:1 u7 0.67
(mg/100 g)
Tannic acid (%) 0.13e0.36 C 18:0 4.27
Source: USDA, NRCS. 2008. The PLANTS Database (http://plants.
Minerals cis-C 18:1 u9 10.49
usda.gov, 28 June 2008).
(mg/100 g)
Iron 19.00e50.00 cis-C 18:2 u6 57.26
Common names Zinc 0.72e3.65 cis-C 18:3 u3 0.00
White mulberry, Common mulberry, Silkworm Calcium 786.66e2726.66 cis-C 19:1 u6 0.62
mulberry, Shahtoot (Urdu, Persian, Hindi). Phosphorus 970 cis-C 18:1 u7 0.00
Magnesium 720 C 22:0 0.26
Nutritional value Sources: Andallu and Varadacjaryulu (2003); Ercisli and Orhan
M. alba L. (white mulberry) contains an appreciable (2007); Srivastava et al. (2006); Yen et al. (1996).
amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fibers, mineral con-
tents and some vitamins or their precursors. Srivastava et al., deficiency syndromes. Phytochemicals with antimicrobial
(2006) studied the nutritional composition of mulberry potential are extensively explored in the recent epoch to
leaves and reported on dry weight basis that it contains yield components with possible applications (Grayer & Har-
15.31e30.91% protein, 2.09e7.92% fat, 9.9e13.85% borne, 1994). Rich chemistry of Mulberry extracts provides
crude fiber, 27.60e43.6% neutral dietary fiber (NDF) and antimicrobial potential against harmful microorganisms
11.3e17.24% ash contents. Proteins of mulberry leaves (Park, You, Lee, Baek, & Hwang, 2003). Mulberry leaves
are of high quality and used with wheat flour to make para- contain kuwanon C, mulberrofuran G and albanol B all
thas in the sub-continent. Supplementation of mulberry shown strong antibacterial activity with minimum inhibitory
powder also improves storage stability of wheat up to two concentrations (MIC’s) ranging from 5 to 30 mg/ml (Sohn,
months (Srivastava, Kapoor, Thathola, & Srivastava, Son, Kwon, Kwon, & Kang, 2004; Nomura, 2001).
2003). Ascorbic acid, b-carotenes, iron, zinc, calcium, phos- Various fractions of mulberry such as chloroform
phorous and magnesium are present in substantial amounts extract have strong antimicrobial activities against Bacill-
(Ercisli & Orhan, 2007; Srivastava et al., 2006) (Table 1). lus subtilis, and fractions extracted with acetic acid against
Chemistry of mulberry leaves also provides evidences
that it certainly contains some additional therapeutic agents
such as Moran 20K and 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ) against
diabetes mellitus while Isoprene-substituted flavanones
such as kuwanon G and kuwanon C as antimicrobial agent
(Kimura et al., 2007; Kim et al., 1999).
The fruit is also of significance importance and presence
of essential fatty acids has already proved its nutraceuticals
worth. It also holds medicinal worth due to presence of active
ingredients with notable therapeutic potential (Doi, Kojima,
Makino, Kimura, & Fujimoto, 2001; Ercisli & Orhan, 2007).
Staphylococcus aureus, B. subtilis and Escherichia coli application of mulberry leaves extract or functional compo-
(Kim, Kim, Choi, & Park, 1993). Morusin, kuwanon C, nents to reduce in vitro and in vivo oxidation process (Chen
sanggenon B and D, bioactive molecules from Morus & Li, 2007; Enkhmaa et al., 2005; Katsube et al., 2006).
bark, possess strong antimicrobial activity against S. au- Some other components of mulberry leaves are also of
reus, Streptococcus faecalis, B. subtilis, Mycobacterium significant importance such as prenylflavanes and prenylfla-
smegmatis and some molds species (Nomura et al., 1988). vane glycoside, Quercetin 3-O-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1 /
Park et al., (2003) determined MIC (8.0 mg/ml) for 6)-b-D-glucopyranoside and quercetin (Doi et al., 2001;
kuwanon G another important antimicrobial agent extracted Kim et al., 1999) (Fig. 2).
from ethyl acetate fraction of mulberry leaves against In addition to leaves, its fruit also has shown antioxidant
Streptococcus mutans that causes dental caries. They activity. Ercisli and Orhan (2007) reported total phenolics,
further demonstrated that it can completely inactivate total flavonoids and ascorbic acid in fresh M. alba fruit as
S. mutans at the concentration 20 mg/ml in 1 min and also 181 mg/100 g (gallic acid equivalent), 29 mg/100 g (quer-
inhibits the growth of Streptococcus sobrinus and Strepto- cetin equivalent) and 100e300 mg/100 g on dry weigh
coccus sanguis, and Porpyromonas gingivalis (Fig. 1). basis, respectively (Bae & Suh, 2007; Zadernowski, Naczk,
Root bark also harbor some components with antiviral & Nesterowicz, 2005). These all are functional components
potential as elaborated by Du et al., (2003) who reported and effective antioxidants enhancing chances of mulberry
antiviral activity (IC50 ¼ 1.6 mg/ml) for leachianone G, extract supplementation.
a compound isolated from root bark, against herpes simplex A well established positive correlation exists between an-
type 1 virus (HSV-1). tioxidant activity and anthocyanin constituent with some ex-
M. alba contains several active ingredients that can act ceptions (Konczak-Islam, Okunu, Yoshimoto, & Yamakawa,
as potent antimicrobial agents but they further need in 2003; Solangaarachchi & Gould, 2001). Chen et al. (2006)
vivo exploration. Further research is needed to enhance its attempted to extract and identify anthocyanin components
chances of commercial application as antimicrobial agents. from M. alba fruit for their antioxidant potential and reported
cyanidin 3-rutinoside and cyanidin 3-glucoside are of signif-
icance importance as antioxidants. M. alba leaves water ex-
Antioxidant potential and oxidative stress tract has highest antioxidant properties as evaluated by
A number of reactive oxygen species (ROS) like singlet Wattanapitayakul et al. (2005) through ferric reducing/anti-
oxygen (1O2), superoxide anion radical (O
2 ), hydroxyl rad- oxidant power assay. In some other assays, ethanolic extract
ical (OH ), nitric oxide radical (NO ), and alkyl peroxyl contains 5,7-dihydroxycoumarin 7-methyl ether and oxyres-
(ROO ) are produced regularly in the human body as a result veratrol and they scavenge superoxide (Oh et al., 2002).
of oxidation process. Protective mechanisms exist to Mulberroside A and oxyresveratrol show inhibitory
mediate their harmful effects but sometimes ROS overrides effect against FeSO4/H2O2-induced lipid peroxidation in
the defense capabilities of the body resulting in oxidative rat microsomes and a scavenging effect on DPPH (1,
damage to molecules and membranes (Seifried, Anderson, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical (Chung et al., 2003).
Fisher, & Milner, 2007; Sývacý & Sökmen, 2004). In such Water extract of M. alba also scavenge hydroxyl radical
cases, there is a need to strengthen this mechanism by anti- (Ohsugi et al., 1999). Moreover, stem portion of M. alba
oxidant supplementation (Wong, Leong, & William-Koh, may produce some bioactive molecules that may exhibit
2006). better antioxidant properties (Sývacý & Sökmen, 2004).
Rich chemistry of M. alba is important with respect to In some disease conditions such as diabetes mellitus and
antioxidant compounds (Cui et al., 2006; Doi et al., 2001; cardiovascular diseases, oxidative stress complicates the
Du et al. 2003; Kofujita, Yaguchi, Doi, & Suzuki, 2004). conditions. Lipid peroxidation in case of diabetes mellitus
Presence of phenolic compounds especially the presence decreases the glutathione (GSH) contents and under such
of different flavonoids and among them quercetin 3- conditions mulberry leaves counteract by reducing catalase
(6-malonylglucoside) is most important for antioxidant po- activities and improving the GSH concentrations. Cardio-
tential of mulberry plant (Table 2). vascular health can be improved with supplementation of
Mulberry leaves even contain higher amounts of querce- antioxidants from mulberry leaves as they have the stability
tin than onions that render further support for possible to inhibit LDL oxidation (Andallu & Varadacjaryulu, 2003;
O’Reilly, Sanders, & Wiseman, 2000).
Table 2. Flavonol glycosides in mulberry leaves Antioxidant potential of M. alba leaves, root bark and in
some instances stem enables its chances of utilization as
Flavonol glycosides mg/100 g (dry weight)
source of antioxidant but still a lot of things should be
Quercetin 3-(6-malonylglucoside) 754e1046 addressed before its application.
Rutin 487e659
Isoquercitrin 168e220
Astragalin 26e36 Disease, treatment and prevention
Leaves of mulberry species apart from their use as
Katsube et al. (2006).
animal and insect feed, have been widely consumed in
508 M.S. Butt et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 19 (2008) 505e512
Korea, Japan, and Chile as antihyperglycemic nutraceutical apolipoprotein E-deficient mice fed a diet containing 1%
foods for patients with diabetes mellitus. Deep-colored mulberry leaf powder. Butanol extract of mulberry leaves
fruits, especially black and red mulberry, are healthier for scavenged the DPPH radical and inhibited the oxidative
the human body as they are good source of phytochemicals modification of rabbit and human LDL (Doi, Kojima, &
(Cieslik, Greda, & Adamus, 2006). All parts of M. alba are Fujimoto, 2000; Katsube et al., 2006).
of great therapeutic worth and their main mechanism of Some functional ingredients such as anthocyanins and
action involves their antioxidant activities. Old traditions quercetin are extensively reported for their protective
got newer look and recent findings supported its role effects as antioxidant nutrients. Quercetin and its conju-
against atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and etc. (Shibata gates are major representatives of the flavonol group of
et al., 2006; Enkhmaa et al., 2005). mulberry; flavonoids have strong inhibitory effects on oxi-
dative modification of human LDL in vitro (Naderi, Asgary,
Atherosclerosis Sarraf-Zadegan, & Shirvany, 2003; Day & Williamson,
Atherosclerosis is principal contributor to pathogenesis 2001; Moon, Tsushida, Nakahara, & Terao, 2001).
of several cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial and Other parts of mulberry are also of significant impor-
cerebral infarction (Chang, Huang, Huang, Ho, & Wang, tance and findings of El-Beshbishy, Singab, Sinkkonen,
2006). Epidemiologic studies indicated that dietary intake and Pihlaja (2006) revealed oral administration of the
of antioxidant substances from plants is inversely associ- bark extract results in alleviation of atherosclerotic state,
ated with mortality from coronary heart disease. Choles- LDL oxidation, LDL aggregation and LDL retention.
terol deposition and LDL oxidation are two main partners Moreover, Chen and Li (2007) confirmed the hypolipi-
in the crime of atherosclerosis. However, antioxidants demic effect of the total flavonoids from mulberry leaves
supplementation could decrease the development of athero- in hyperlipidemic mice.
sclerosis lesions (Enkhmaa et al., 2005). These all findings supported its potential use against
M. alba leaves extracts are important in stopping athero- atherosclerosis and further studies are urgently required to
sclerosis as they inhibit oxidative modification of LDL. validate the existing findings. Nutritionists and clinicians
Dietary consumption of M. alba leaves and major flavonol could also be benefited from ongoing research to recom-
glycoside, quercetin 3-(6-malonylglucoside) are associated mend its use to populations at risks.
with reduced atherosclerotic lesion area through enhance-
ment of LDL resistance to oxidative modification in LDL Diabetes mellitus
receptor-deficient mice (Katsube et al., 2006; Enkhmaa Diabetes mellitus in general is a syndrome characterized
et al. 2005). In another investigation Harauma et al. by high blood sugar and altered insulin metabolism
(2007) detected significant increase in the lag time of lipo- (Tierney, McPhee, & Papadakis, 2002). Root and bark of
protein oxidation (using diene formation) and a 40% reduc- mulberry has been employed as a component of antidia-
tion in atherosclerotic lesion size in the aorta in betic remedy in Oriental Medicine (Bantle & Slama,
M.S. Butt et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 19 (2008) 505e512 509
2006). Different parts of mulberry are of greater interests exact mechanism of action of mulberry in human subjects.
owing to their nutraceuticals worth for diabetic patients Mulberry leaves and their components hold some interest-
(Nuengchamnong, Ingkaninan, Kaewruang, Wongareonwa- ing mechanism of action regarding their antidiabetic po-
nakij, & Hongthongdaeng, 2007). tential. They reduce the blood glucose by increasing the
Mulberry plants play its role by means of various routes insulin concentrations indicating that they have insulino-
such as reduction in food intake and reduced absorption of tropic properties. On the other hand, its antioxidant poten-
blood glucose (Lee et al., 2008). Much of action attributed tial can yield protection against complications of diabetes
to some functional components like 1-deoxynojirimycin mellitus.
(DNJ), a polyhydroxylated piperidine alkaloid present in
both leaves and bark, known to be one of the most potent
a-glycosidase inhibitors (Oku, Yamada, Nakamura, Immunonutrition and cancer
Sadamori, & Nakamura, 2006; Sývacý, & Sökmen, 2004). Immunonutrition is getting popularity among researchers
A human study indicated that the single oral administration who are designing foods with potential to boost immunity or
of 0.8 and 1.2 g of DNJ-enriched powder significantly bringing balance to immune system. Its role is more impor-
suppressed the elevation of postprandial blood glucose tant in cancer patients as morbidity and mortality due to
and secretion of insulin (Kimura et al., 2007) (Fig. 3). various cancer cell lines is increasing in developed countries.
Root bark of M. alba also possess promising hypoglyce- Immunonutrition has dual role to play, one in prevention of
mic activity and according to Singab, El-Beshbishy, maladies by bringing balance to immune system and other
Yonekawa, Nomura, and Fukai (2005), dose of 600 mg kg1 to cure after onset of disorders such as cancer. Some natural
day1 of 70% alcohol extract of the M. alba root bark to di- products have the potential to act as immune boosters (Butt
abetic rats for 10 consecutive days reduced the amount of the et al., in press) and M. alba as rich in flavonoids and anthocy-
glucose by 59% as compared to control and increased insulin anins can play important role in the concepts of
production by 44%. Moran 20K, a protein purified from the immunonutrition. Chen et al. (2006) observed that the cyani-
aqueous methanolic extract of root bark of M. alba has the din 3-rutinoside and cyanidin 3-glucoside (anthocyanins
potential to lower blood glucose level in streptozotocin-in- extracted from M. alba fruit) exert dose-dependent inhibitory
duced hyperglycemic mice model. Composition of Moran effect on the migration and invasion, of highly metastatic
20K is also of significant importance as it contains above A549 human lung carcinoma cells (Colonna et al., 2008;
20% serine and cysteine similar to that of insulin that further Martin-Moreno, Soerjomataram, & Magnusson, 2008)
ensures its chances of utilization in hyperglycemic patients (Fig. 4).
(Kim et al., 1999). Hepatoma is a primary malignancy (cancer) of the liver.
Mulberry leaves are also used in combination with other Kofujita et al. (2004) isolated 7, 20 , 40 , 60 -tetrahydoroxy-6-
herbs and hold positive impact against diabetes mellitus geranylflavanone, a prenylated flavanone, from ethyl
(Lee et al., 2008; Musabayane, Bwititi, & Ojewole, acetate extracts of M. alba root. This prenylated flavanone
2006). In recent years, mulberry tea made from leaves is exhibited cytotoxic activity against rat hepatoma cells with
getting attentions in various Asian countries as it is claimed an IC50 of 52.8 mg/ml.
to be an antidiabetic drink. According to Hansawasdi and Nam et al., (2002) while studying the effects of water
Kawabata (2006) 1 g of mulberry tea when heated for 3e extract of Cortex Mori (CM, M. alba L.: Sangbaikpi)
5 min in 100 ml water (98 C) could inhibit the activities proposed that cells exposed underwent apoptosis and
of various enzymes such as a-glucosidases, sucrase and exhibited cytotoxic activity on human leukemia and B16
maltase enzymes. mouse melanoma cells. Agents which can inhibit prosta-
The possibility of preventing the onset of diabetes and glandin biosynthesis and nitric oxide production have
obesity using natural dietary supplements containing anti-inflammatory and chemopreventive potential. M. alba
1-deoxynojirimycin and other alpha-glucosidase inhibi- at the concentration of 10 mg/ml reported to inhibit iNOS
tors in high concentration is of great potential interest and COX-2 activity (Chung et al., 2003). In another
(Asano et al., 2001) that needs further exploration. Com- research intervention conducted by Choi and Hwang
munity based studies are urgently required to explore the (2005), it was further revealed that methanolic extract
Fig. 3. Structure of 1-deoxynojirimycin (Nuengchamnong et al., 2007). Fig. 4. Structure of cyanidin 3-glucoside and cyanidin 3-rutinoside.
510 M.S. Butt et al. / Trends in Food Science & Technology 19 (2008) 505e512
from M. alba leaves and its subfractions (chloroform, buta- melanoma, ephelide and lentigo (Iozumi, Hoganson,
nol, and aqueous fractions) inhibited NO production and Pennella, Everett, & Fuller, 1993).
significantly decreased the production of TNF-a in LPS- Thus, tyrosinase inhibitors are important in improving
activated RAW264.7 macrophages. skin to prevent the overproduction of melanin. A number
Polysaccharide of M. alba (PMA) root bark potentially of natural tyrosinase inhibitors have been reported (Khan
increases lymphocyte proliferation and decreases antibody et al., 2003). Among those, extracts from leaves and root
production from B cells. Both these activities play an im- barks of mulberry exhibited high inhibition on the DOPA
portant role in its anti-inflammatory potential (Kim et al., oxidase activity and antityrosinase activity (Lee et al.,
2000). Chai, Lee, Han, Kim, and Song (2005) address the 2002). Oxidative stress caused by free radicals was proposed
anti-allergic potential of hot water extracts of Mulberry for hyperpigmentation. The extract of mulberry (M. alba L.)
leaves that could be further explored as effective therapeu- from leaves or root barks (Mori radicis cortex) exhibited free
tic tools against allergic diseases. The mechanism of action radical scavenging and antioxidant activities thus, it may
yet to be explored but these findings provide sound footing benefit for depigmentation (Andallu & Varadacjaryulu,
that M. alba leaf extract suppresses inflammatory media- 2003; Fang, Hou, & Chao, 2005).
tors. COX-2 and iNOS inhibition warrant them for further Hyperpigmentation is associated with melanin biosyn-
elucidation of active principles for developing new chemo- thesis and Lee et al. (2002) investigated in vitro effects of
preventive and/or anti-inflammatory agents (Chung et al., 85% methanol extract of dried M. alba leaves on melanin
2003; Sohn et al., 2004). biosynthesis. These extracts inhibited the tyrosinase activ-
Decreasing invasiveness of cancerous cells may be of ity that converts DOPA to dopachrome in the biosynthetic
great value in developing a potential cancer therapy. Focus process of melanin. Mulberroside F isolated from mulberry
of studies should be dual on hand considering the therapeu- leaves might be used as a skin whitening agent. Although,
tic potential of whole leaves, bark or fruit or attempts health benefits of M. alba are well documented but still
should be made to extract functional components and needs further exploration in terms of other cosmetic appli-
explore their role. cations. Health benefits will further strengthen its claim as
Nature’s Functional tonic.
Neuroprotective functions
Free radical production is often associated with neurode- Conclusions
generative disorders (Tian et al., 2005). Recent studies sup- Major interventions in the field of nutrition focused on
port the role of oxidative mechanisms in cerebral ischemia identification and extraction of functional components of
injury. Cyanidin and its 3-O-b-D-glucopyranoside chrysan- plants that hold therapeutic potential. Recently, M. alba L.
themin were first isolated from the fruits of M. alba by has been highlighted in various scientific investigations,
Ikuta, Fukai, Nomura, and Uzawa (1985). Later, Kang, exploring its medicinal worth to validate its medicinal worth.
Hur, Kim, Ryu, and Kim (2006) investigated the effects Mulberry is rich in phenolic compounds especially flavo-
of C3 G on neuronal cell damage and their findings also noids and anthocyanins and holds antimicrobial & free radi-
provided some evidences that it provides protection against cal scavenging potential. Inhibition of LDL oxidation
cerebral ischemia. improves functionality of cardiovascular system. It contains
Cyanidin 3-O-b-D-glucopyranoside (C3 G) has free hypoglycemic agents such as DNJ and glycoproteins. The
radical scavenging and inflammation suppressing activity chemopreventive properties of mulberry and its role in immu-
and protects brain from endothelial dysfunction (Seeram, nonutrition need further exploration. Its neuropretective
Momin, Nair, & Bourquin, 2001; Serraino et al., 2003). Fur- functions and skin whitening abilities may add prospects to
thermore, utilization of mulberry leaves reduces the risk of utilize as a remedy against various health disparities. Though,
Alzheimer’s disease. Mulberry leaf extract provides a viable there are sufficient evidences in support of therapeutic worth
treatment for Alzheimer’s disease through the inhibition of of M. alba, but requires further researchers attention to probe
amyloid beta-peptide (1e42) fibril formation and attenua- its health benefits for strengthening the claim as nature’s
tion of amyloid beta-peptide (1e42)-induced neurotoxicity functional tonic.
(Niidome et al., 2007).
Skin tone
Andallu, B., & Varadacjaryulu, N. (2003). Antioxidant role of mulberry
Recently, much attention has focused on the application (Morus indica L. cv. Anantha) leaves in streptozoticin-diabetic rats.
of natural components as skin whitening agents (Lee et al., Clinica Chimica Acta, 338, 3e10.
2002). Polyphenol oxidase (PPO), also known as tyrosinase, Arabshahi-Delouee, S., & Urooj, A. (2007). Antioxidant properties of
is the key enzyme involved in melanin biosynthesis, convert- various solvent extracts of mulberry (Morus indica L.) leaves. Food
Chemistry, 102, 1233e1240.
ing tyrosine into dopaquinine. L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylala-
Asano, N., Yamashita, T., Yasuda, K., Ikeda, K., Kizu, H., Kameda, Y.,
nine (DOPA) is only produced from the recycling of et al. (2001). Polyhydroxylated alkaloids isolated from mulberry
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