Discrete Maths Sylaabus
Discrete Maths Sylaabus
Discrete Maths Sylaabus
Session 2018-19)
B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering
Objective: The objective is to introduce students to language and methods of the area of Discrete
Mathematics. The focus of the module is on basic mathematical concepts in discrete mathematics and on
applications of discrete mathematics in computer science.
Module Teaching
No. Hours
Sets, Relations and Functions: Introduction to Set Theory, Venn diagrams,
algebra of Sets, Inclusion-Exclusion Principle, Partitions, Proof Techniques,
Relations, Properties and their types, Function and their types.
I 13
Recurrence Relations and Generating Functions
Introduction to Counting Principle: Permutation, Combination, Permutation
with Repetition, Combination with Repetition, Pigeonhole Principle.
Probability Theory: Introduction to Probability Theory, Conditional Probability,
Total Probability, Bayes’ Theorem.
Propositional Logic - Logical Connectives, Truth Tables, Normal Forms
II 14
(Conjunctive and Disjunctive), Validity;
Predicate Logic - Quantifiers, Inference Theory, Methods of Proof: Direct,
Indirect, Mathematical Induction.
Algebra: Motivation of Algebraic Structures, Finite Groups, Subgroups and Group
Homomorphism; Lagrange’s Theorem; Commutative Rings and Elementary
III 13
Graph Theory: Introduction to Graphs, Types: Planner, Directed, Complete,
Bipartite Graph, Isomorphism , Euler Graph, Hamiltonian Graph, Operations on
Graphs, Representation of graphs, Connectivity.
Text Book:
• Kenneth H Rosen (2012), “Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications”, 7th edition, TMH.
Reference Books:
• J.P.Tremblay (1997), “Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer
Science”,TMH, New Delhi.
• V. Krishnamurthy (1986), “Combinatorics: Theory and Applications”, East-West Press, New Delhi.
• Ralph P. Grimaldi (2004), “Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics- An Applied Introduction”, 5th
Edition, Pearson Education.
• C.L.Liu (2000), “Elements of Discrete Mathematics”, 2nd Edition, TMH.
Outcome: After the completion of the course, the student will be able to:
• Understand the notion of mathematical thinking, mathematical proofs, and algorithmic thinking,
and be able to apply them in problem solving.
• Understand the basics of discrete probability and number theory, and be able to apply the
methods from these subjects in problem solving.
• Use effectively algebraic techniques to analyze basic discrete structures and algorithms.