W10 Checking Sentences

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CHECKING SENTENCES_W10.indd 1 12/07/17 14:39

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Lesson 241 Lesson 241
Practice Change the sentences according to the
1. I was startled by the gossip they were model
spreading. / breaking news / rumors Teacher: Will he be working overtime this
2. This is a very authoritative book on weekend?
English grammar. / medical terminology / Group A: No, he won’t.
software programming Teacher: Next weekend
3. The accuracy of the description was Group B: He will be working overtime next
analyzed. / statistics / data weekend.
4. Politicians sometimes rely prematurely on 1. Will you be revising the articles this
polls. / Candidates / Electors afternoon? / headlines
5. The skewed interpretation of the motives 2. Will they be considering the requests
caused the quarrel. / tabloid news / at the teachers’ meeting? / at a private
coverage of the event. debate
Paraphrasing 3. Will Mom be cooking lunch when we
6. He is doing fine by himself. (on his own) arrive? / making the dessert
7. She allows herself to spend her money on 4. Will he be driving on the highway after
expensive jewelry. (indulges herself with) dark? / in town
8. Have you considered the advantages and 5. Will you be studying for the test? / doing
disadvantages? (pros and cons) my homework
9. He is tall and has a strong body. (well- Practice
built) 5. Adapting to the new procedures will take
10. They will present it to the public as soon some time. / setting / regulations
as it’s ready. (advertise) 6. That talk about chemical reactions was
very unfamiliar to me. / refined cuisine /
Lesson 242 7. gestures
8. Most of the students quickly befriended
1. What sources of information do you
believe are biased and should not be me in the new school. / class / study
totally trusted? group
2. Which news stories have startled you in 9. You must have a broad knowledge of a
the past few days? language in order to master it. / an area /
3. What are the pros and cons of being
constantly informed about everything 10. Are you headed to the mall? / downtown
that’s going on? / to the fair
4. What improvements in speech prevent
skewed understanding of what is said? Lesson 244
5. Do you indulge yourself with expensive
things, excessive entertainment or Questions
relaxation? 1. What can you do to broaden your English
vocabulary in a certain area?
2. What can a person’s handshake tell you
about their personality?

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3. In which situations would people take a Review 1
4. Which usually feels more awkward,
uncomfortable silence or tactless The professors awarded a
comments? scholarship to him.
5. What is the setting of your favorite movie The professors awarded him a
or book? scholarship.
1. He showed a shorter way to me.
2. They offered a higher salary to her.
Lesson 245 3. The barber told the funniest joke to us.
Practice 4. Do you still owe money to him?
1. We have time to grab a snack. / bite / 5. Grandpa has always given the best advice
some popcorn to me.
2. Are those leaves edible? / mushrooms / Practice
6. Cook the sauce until it gets a creamy
3. Do most dietetic foods have less calories? texture. / smooth / soft
/ fat / sodium
7. What types of food gross you out? /
4. I just wolfed down a sandwich. / a few behaviors / insects
cookies. / a slice of pizza
8. Prepare your lesson beforehand and be
5. The turkey and the gravy are scrumptious. very straightforward. / speech / lecture
/ delicious / amazing
9. He managed to settle the quarrel sensibly.
Paraphrasing / wisely / fairly
6. This apple is so full of juice. (juicy) 10. What springs to mind when you hear
7. They had an abundant meal to celebrate “diet”? / “Tokyo” / “classical music”
the wedding. (a feast)
8. The kids were given too many candies
Lesson 247
and chocolate bars. (treats)
9. Did you satisfy your thirst? (satiate) Practice
10. The meal was provided by the best 1. Are you in the mood to play video games
restaurant in town. (catered) tonight? / go bowling / go out
2. What a soothing voice he has! / relaxing /
Lesson 246 3. Not every famous singer is a songwriter. /
Questions artist / performer
1. Tell me about a time when you felt 4. I saw her weep as she watched the
tempted to buy something but had to movie. / play / musical
hold your horses. 5. Do today’s children enjoy the same
2. What time does your alarm clock go off in lullabies? / stories / games
the morning? Paraphrasing
3. Name two things that upset you when 6. The message they tried to communicate
they are delayed. wasn’t very well accepted. (convey)
4. What springs to mind when you hear the 7. How could he declare that in front of
word “politeness”? everybody? (state)
5. What makes you get butterflies in your 8. Nothing could make him feel happier.
stomach? (cheer him up)

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9. This behavior is not considered
appropriate for a CEO. (fit)
Lesson 250
10. The children donated many of their toys of
their own free will. (gave away) Questions
1. How do you rank your favorite artist’s
latest release?
Lesson 248
2. How do you keep track of your expenses?
Questions 3. How do you deal with jealousy?
1. How can you tell when someone is 4. What are the most important decisions
enthusiastic about doing something? that must be made consciously?
2. How do authorities convey the importance 5. When is it challenging to practice what
of complying with laws? you preach?
3. Why should we read medicine labels?
4. What things let people know whether
you’re in a good or a bad mood? Lesson 251
5. How can a teacher bring out the best in Practice
their students? 1. The office looks much better when
everybody keeps clutter off their desks. /
papers / folders
Lesson 249
2. If you read between the lines, you’ll
Change the sentences according to the find out much more. / the truth / what
model happened
Teacher: The little blonde girl sings very 3. Can you decode those symbols? / signs /
beautifully. / like an angel letters
Students: She sings like an angel. 4. What is the applicability of those theories?
1. Why didn’t you do it the way I told you? / / ideas / strategies
as I told you 5. He was made to believe it. / do / doubt
2. He and his brother look very alike. / looks Paraphrasing
like his brother
6. His views don’t really make sense to me.
3. I won’t have time to come here with the (add up)
same frequency. / as often
7. She hates to be challenged. (confronted)
4. My laptop is similar to yours. / like yours
8. When you mention someone’s words, you
5. When in Rome, do what the Romans do. / have to cite the author. (quote)
as the Romans
9. Did you notice the unclear implications in
Practice the contract? (read between the lines)
6. They sought help from a specialist. / an 10. The mayor has been thinking it over very
expert / researcher carefully. (pondering)
7. Jealousy is one of the things couples have
to work on. / Trust / Money management
Lesson 252
8. She had a fit of rage. / laughter / jealousy
9. A therapist has to be a good listener. / Questions
psychologist / counselor 1. Do you usually ponder over your
10. I love the new path they designed for the problems, or try to forget them until a
garden. / bench / landscape solution comes up?

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2. Which authors write the most gripping 3. The puns he makes are disturbing. / clever
stories in your opinion? / creative
3. What skills does someone need to have 4. Did you proofread and spellcheck the
the power of persuasion? e-mail before forwarding it? / your essay /
4. What would you describe as bizarre the ad
clothing for a formal occasion? 5. It’s not a serious mistake, it’s just a
5. What previous knowledge of an area typo. / misunderstanding / common
should one have before choosing a misconception
career? Paraphrasing
Lesson Review 2 6. Phillip always checks if he locked his car
door twice. (double-checks)
7. She lost control and screamed when she
They might call off the saw the cockroach. (freaked out)
wedding if it rains.
8. Mrs. Rogers is so particular about spelling.
They will call off the wedding (such a stickler)
whether it rains or not.
9. What was the judge’s final decision?
1. They might laugh at you if you dress like (verdict)
10. You’ve been very careless with your
2. He might seek professional help if he has obligations. (sloppy)
more of those fits.
3. You might have to explain it to the officer
if he asks you. Lesson 254
4. They might profit from the campaign if it
goes national.
1. What are the implications of the littering
5. She might want to do it if she is in a good
2. What is the difference between a typo and
Practice a spelling mistake?
6. What they conveyed was not what we 3. When should you use a period or a
had agreed on. / claimed / stated comma when writing?
7. You’ll get to know it better as you go. / 4. Have you ever felt embarrassed for
understand it / figure it out somebody else?
8. He’s a very good-tempered man. / good- 5. How would you describe a foolproof
humored / good-natured method of losing weight?
9. Have you ever undergone surgery? / had a
fit of laughter / traced your family tree
10. Jenna is seemingly very engaged in her
Lesson 255
new job. / interested / excited Change the sentences according to the
Teacher: A married man must always be
Lesson 253 there for his wife.
Practice Students: A married person must always be
1. Never have they neglected their children’s there for their spouse.
education. / welfare / health 1. A policeman is not allowed to take
2. These statements imply a change of plans. advantage of his authority.
/ claims / This evidence 2. The store is hiring a new salesman.

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3. Whenever a friend seeks advice, you must 5. Will man ever stop harming nature? / the
be there for him/her. environment / our ecosystem
4. A flight attendant sometimes stays away Paraphrasing
from his/her family for a long time.
6. Well-known local employers were taking
5. Younger businessmen have moved up in advantage of their employees. (exploiting)
the past few years.
7. Avoid littering for the good of nature and
Practice the city’s appearance. (sake)
6. Yesterday’s meeting was a very important 8. Toxic gases are hazardous to the ozone
one, albeit too long. / too crowded / too layer. (harmful)
hasty 9. Seek to use fertilizers from your own
7. It was so funny that our wedding dates garden on your plants. (compost)
coincided. / birthdays / graduation parties 10. Should we get rid of these polystyrene
8. The tastefully decorated room looked very boxes? (Styrofoam)
inviting. / cozy / comfy
9. Vacationers visit the square year-round. /
Tourists / Locals Lesson 258
10. We spent the holiday in a quaint town Questions
a few miles from London. / Cardiff / 1. If you have to get rid of a cardboard box,
Edinburgh what could it still be used for?
2. What items besides plastic bags degrade
the quality of the soil?
Lesson 256
3. Does the packaging help sell the product?
Questions 4. Have you ever done anything with
1. Where did you last go on vacation? Styrofoam in school?
2. What should you know about local 5. How have companies promoted
gestures and greetings before traveling? sustainability?
3. Talk about the best accommodation
you’ve ever had when traveling. Review 3
4. Which is cheaper, a hotel or a hostel? Fluency
5. Are the locals in your city inviting and We enjoyed staying at the
open to helping visitors? hostel.
Did you enjoy staying at the
Lesson 257
1. I regret acting like that.
Practice 2. I wouldn’t mind waiting for you.
1. Plastic bags are harmful to the soil. / to 3. They have considered vacationing on the
animals coast.
2. We hadn’t considered carpooling before. 4. Man must avoid practices that are
/ exploring that idea / expanding the degrading to nature.
business overseas 5. She wouldn’t stand being referred to like
3. We started sorting trash in different bins. / that.
We read about / We should be
4. Would you mind taking that cardboard Practice
box out of the way, please? / Styrofoam 6. We’ve got to proofread this document
box / bin before it’s issued. / article / essay

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7. What a coincidence that we live on the 3. Which do you find the most important
same floor! / building / condo ingredient to professional achievement,
8. This discussion is over. Period. / I’m done. talent, genius or hard work?
/ I’ve had enough. 4. What can be more rewarding in a career
9. Aren’t you fond of rock music? / sitcoms / than the amount you get paid?
extreme sports 5. What does it take to start up your own
10. Road tripping is my favorite thing to do on business?
holidays. / Sightseeing / Showing tourists
Lesson 261
Change the sentences according to the
Lesson 259 model
Practice Teacher: There is a lot of controversy over
1. What does a handshake reveal about homeschooling.
one’s personality? / handwriting / musical Group A: There has been a lot of controversy
taste over homeschooling.
2. He’s struggling with his new work shift. / Teacher: There seems to be
the new procedures / to get up early Group B: There seems to be a lot of
3. These topics resemble those in my essay. / controversy over homeschooling.
thesis / paper 1. There are a lot of young boys interested in
4. She’s definitely passionate about enlisting in the army. / used to be
teaching. / acting / writing 2. There is data that outlines the harm of
5. How can we best assess a student’s excessive Internet use. / must be
performance? / child’s / an adult’s 3. There is a growing interest in making a
Paraphrasing sequel to the movie. / seems to be
6. How did you discover your aptitude? (life 4. There are opportunities for students to
calling) take remedial classes. / should be
7. I have sincere interest in your well-being 5. There are more resources than we actually
whenever I ask how you are. (genuine) need. / could be
8. The researcher suddenly could perceive Practice
and understand it clearly. (had an insight) 6. They broadened their experience when
9. If there’s any form of life on other planets, they took up the landscaping project. /
do you think they look like humans? website designing project / text editing
(resemble) project
10. The 8-year-old boy was sent to a special 7. My dog used to be more playful when he
school for super talented children. (gifted) was a puppy. / cat - kitten / cuter
8. Can we do away with our books now
that they’re all digitalized? / textbooks /
Lesson 260 pictures
Questions 9. You’ll get the hang of it quickly. / someday
1. How effective can a vocational test be to / pretty soon
figure out your life calling? 10. He had to swallow his pride and
2. Do you struggle to do tasks that are not apologize. / say he was sorry / admit he
your strong suit? was wrong

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2. Is there any case in which folk traditions
can heal more effectively than science?
Lesson 262
3. Can illnesses be treated with medicinal
1. What is the most enticing ad you have plants rather than drugs?
ever seen? 4. Which over-the-counter medicines do you
2. How long does it usually take you to get buy, and what for?
the hang of a new job or cell phone app? 5. What do you do when your head is aching
3. How do you get rid of boredom? and you have no painkillers?
4. Are you a playful person who enjoys Review 4
being around kids?
5. Name a movie where the sequel was Fluency
much better than the original screenplay. I will afford to buy my own
place someday. (this month)
I am going to buy my own
Lesson 263 place this month.
Practice 1. Will they incorporate the new regulations?
1. It was a very thought-provoking debate. / (this month)
discussion / reading 2. The online assessment will place the
2. It is just a hypothesis with no student in the appropriate groups. (right
scientific value. / tested material / away)
acknowledgement 3. This endeavor will take time to be put into
3. The discovery was a breakthrough in the practice. (longer than we thought)
realm of medicine. / physics / genetics 4. We will need to do a lot of paperwork.
4. A great deal of work has gone into (before beginning)
explaining this reaction. / research / time 5. She will be there soon. (on time)
5. I’m very fond of folk music. / folklore / folk Practice
6. The remedy cured his allergy. / reaction /
Paraphrasing rashes
6. Richer countries had to come in between. 7. Who has the highest SAT score? / TOEFL /
(intervene) TOEIC
7. Come here. Take this to relieve your pain. 8. What does this popular saying really
(painkiller) mean? / reveal / communicate
8. There’s no point in discussing these 9. Gifted kids generally excel in the area of
unimportant details. (trivial) mathematics. / physics / chemistry
9. It was difficult to comfort her; she was 10. He tends to be very skeptical towards
hopeless. (in desperation) science / prehistory / astronomy
10. Cat is a generic term for mammals such as
tigers, ocelots and lions. (umbrella term)
Lesson 265
Lesson 264
1. He was very disciplined, thus very
Questions productive. / industrious / dedicated
1. What must a scientist do once he/she 2. Historians engage in a lifelong quest. /
comes up with a hypothesis? Archaeologists / Scientists

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3. How can we enhance the performance of 5. We’ll have him report every single detail.
the gadgets? / devices / tools
4. Some of the major universities are offering
scholarships. / awarding / advertising 6. These dressing tendencies are shaping a
new market. / fad / attitude
5. People’s reactions depend highly on your
approach. / Consumers’ / Students’ 7. I get a discount at every branch
as a perk. / free tickets to the games / a
Paraphrasing company car
6. He struggled to manage to solve that 8. The event organizers gave us leeway to
problem. (tackle) decorate the place. / to choose / the date
7. So you mostly traveled away from the of the event
coast in Europe. (inland) 9. Isn’t it lonely to be a singleton? / only
8. She has a few very uncommon habits. child / single parent
(peculiar) 10. Have you ever lived in a dorm? / boarding
9. They lack the motivation needed to carry school / in the countryside
on their tasks. (stimulus)
10. Have you memorized your application
Lesson 268
number? (Do you know - by heart)
1. Are you eager to finish your English
Lesson 266 course soon?
Questions 2. Do you believe the place where a child is
1. Does every knowledgeable person know raised shapes their personality?
how to pass on their experience? 3. What are the advantages of being an only
2. Name a few examples of natural child?
phenomena that change a place’s 4. Up to what age should one have a
landscape. curfew?
3. How do you usually tackle problems? 5. Some people plaster their refrigerator
4. Do you usually prefer the weather on the door with notices or magnets. What is on
coast or in inland regions? yours?
5. How do you best approach someone you
want to sell something to?
Lesson 269
Lesson 267 1. He made it because he had a strong desire
Change the sentences according to the to win. / to make it happen / make it come
model true
2. Their business has been ranked at the top
Change into negative since it was founded. / it changed owners
1. He had her agree on the plan. / 1998
2. Older siblings like to have the younger 3. The tycoon who envisioned this resort is
ones do favors for them. from Dubai. / Russia / Singapore
3. She had him locked out because he broke 4. How far your vision reaches makes a big
curfew. difference in your goals. / plans / career
4. Your son can have you do everything as
he pleases.

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5. This is a story which, without an Practice
illustration, wouldn’t make much sense. / 6. You were supposed to pass the message
add up / be clear on. / news / weren’t
Paraphrasing 7. Can you learn a language effortlessly? /
6. We still haven’t been told what the lose weight / make a fortune
conclusion of the meeting was. (outcome) 8. Being a singleton, he didn’t have a
7. He had to work two jobs to pay all his curfew. / roommate / bunk bed
bills. (make ends meet) 9. Are you an only child? / the youngest / the
8. One of the previous judges had been so eldest
severe. (prior) 10. When we moved in together, we furnished
9. She was raised by very strict parents. the house from scratch. / apartment /
(brought up) penthouse
10. He started his own business by himself
from the very beginning. (from scratch) Lesson 271
Lesson 270 1. Are you coming along? / they / he
Questions 2. He threw up because he ate too much. /
1. Were you brought up in a conservative or She / Jay
more liberal home? 3. We’re just hanging around. / They / The
2. What would you do if you inherited a one- guys
million dollar fortune? 4. Learning a foreign language pays off. /
3. What can help people overcome their Exercising your mind / Saving money
inhibition and shyness? 5. Ronny passed out. / last night / at the
4. What is the difference between a dream, party
a desire and a goal? Paraphrasing
5. Have you ever gotten so upset at 6. Why does your alarm clock ring so early?
someone that you said it was the last (go off)
straw? 7. We’ll have to start from scratch. (start
Review 5 over)
8. Did they end the relationship over such a
Fluency small thing? (break up)
How did you get her to sign 9. How many people actually attended?
the check? (turned up)
How did you have her sign the 10. He learned the correct way to do it
check? quickly. (caught on)
1. She gets him to do whatever she wants.
2. The engineers will get the workers to
enhance every single function of the Lesson 272
device. Questions
3. Get the students to take notes on these 1. What areas do you excel at?
2. Which type of puzzle do you find the
4. I’ll ask Dr. Grant to glance at your hardest, riddles, crosswords or math
proposal. problems?
5. We’ll get them to help us.

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3. How do you get out of your comfort zone 3. What topic would you like to write a
when it comes to your mental health? journal about?
4. What memorization techniques do you 4. In how many ways can “fun” be
know of? described?
5. How do memorization and dynamic 5. What collectible items are popular today
reading courses help people develop their which were not 20 years ago and vice
skills? versa?

Lesson 273 Lesson 275

Change the sentences according to the Practice
model 1. She is trying to talk them into going with
Teacher: The girls did a great job cheering her. / working for her / helping her
up the audience. 2. He used up all his money in two weeks. /
Students: The girls did a great job cheering savings / funds
them up. 3. They put off the meeting until tomorrow. /
1. Look up the word in the online dictionary. debate / appointment
2. The police officer pulled over the driver for 4. They turned down my request. / proposal
speeding. / invitation
3. I’m going to check out the link you sent 5. How long will it take you to write up the
me. report? / essay / description
4. I’m going to have my neighbor look after Paraphrasing
the kids.
6. They demolished the walls to build taller
5. Please don’t bring up the topic in the and safer ones. (tore down)
7. When will the teacher give us the report
Practice cards? (hand out)
6. I thought it over and I made a decision. / 8. I didn’t mean to disappoint you. (let you
know what to do / understand it down)
7. He had a baseball hat on. / bow tie / 9. Whenever you want to throw one of those
formal pants parties again, invite me. (count me in)
8. The firefighters put out the fire in time. / in 10. She separates her clothes in different
the building / at the warehouse drawers. (sorts out)
9. Will you tell on me to them? / Mom and
Dad / everybody
Lesson 276
10. Someone went through my drawer. /
things / papers Questions
1. Which techniques have eased the
language learning process?
Lesson 74
2. Describe the most appropriate
Questions environment for language learning in your
1. What are the best uses of your spare opinion.
time? 3. Would you say that there are dialects of
2. What courses does one have to take in your language in your country?
order to become a therapist? 4. Which multilingual country would you like
to have been born in?

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5. How close is English to your mother 7. I will no longer accept this insulting
tongue? behavior. (put up with)
Review 6 8. You shouldn’t underestimate a young
professional at his age. (look down on)
Fluency 9. The police caught the guy that invaded
They called off the meeting. their house. (broke into)
The called it off. 10. Do you and your uncle have a good
1. Who is in charge of carrying out the relationship? (get along well)
2. I still haven’t figured out the whole
Lesson 278
3. We’ll never leave these memories behind. Questions
4. When are you supposed to hand in the 1. What operational system features the
homework? most user-friendly interface and tools in
5. I won’t make it to pick up Carly today. your opinion?
2. Can you do accents in your language or in
Practice English?
6. They struggled, but were able to pull 3. What does it take to get you down to
through. / The parents / The soldiers work when you’re tired or feeling lazy?
7. We would have run over the guy if you 4. Name a person’s habit you can’t stand.
hadn’t slowed down. / hit the wall / had 5. What is a clever way to use slang? When
an accident are swear words allowed?
8. She wanted to set me up with Jesse. / her
/ my sister
9. I’m sorry, but they turned down your Lesson 279
request. / application / the deal
Change the sentences according to the
10. You must call the company back. / the model
stockbroker / them
Teacher: This doesn’t depend on you
Lesson 277 Student: What does it depend on?
1. He’s not someone we can rely on.
2. This magazine is the one I subscribe to.
1. The boys jumped over the fence. / the wall
/ the hedge 3. I am not staring at the girl.
2. Our boss had us come up with a whole 4. I’m trying not to think about it anymore.
new project. / idea / mock-up 5. I would like to talk to someone about it.
3. You are really a friend I look up to. / Practice
teacher / a role model
6. My parents have always been very
4. I’ve got to do away with these unwanted supportive. / wife / co-workers
feelings. / emotions / thoughts
7. She was forced to retreat from her plan. /
5. He bailed on me and I had to handle it decision / strategy
alone. / face it / find a way out
8. That was a very thoughtless comment. /
Paraphrasing remark / response
6. Will you have financial help from your 9. He seems to have an inborn talent for
father? (fall back on your father’s money) speaking. / singing / painting

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10. The sponsors always supported and
nurtured the athletes. / players /
performers Lesson 282
1. Which behaviors shouldn’t be overlooked
Lesson 280
by parents when it comes to children’s
Questions upbringing?
1. Do you think behavioral paradigms can be 2. What are you planning to do for the
changed? upcoming holidays?
2. Why should one believe and take into 3. What happens to people who bite off
account everything a doctor prescribes? more than they can chew?
3. What do you have to say about the 4. Have you done your good deed for the
standard of beauty portrayed by the day?
media? 5. What does the phrase “Carpe diem” mean
4. Which do you believe influences a to you?
person’s personality more, nature or
Review 7
5. How have your parents been supportive Fluency
about the decisions you make? How much does it cost to buy
all the equipment to work out
at home?
Lesson 281 How much does it cost to buy
Practice workout equipment?
1. Your state of mind determines your will. / 1. Is it true or just a story that you made up?
mood / willingness 2. Are they aware of all the problems that
2. Enclose both the letter and the receipt are going on?
in the envelope. / bill and money / 3. These jokes he tells always set me off.
documents and charts 4. The doctor said I must decrease the
3. The inspectors overlooked the most amount of salt I take in.
obvious irregularities. / flaws / mistakes 5. The discovery of the cure broke through
4. I found the idea too ordinary to be the traditional treatment.
approved. / accepted / incorporated
5. One has to deal with frustration at some
point. / disappointment / discouragement 6. His theory encompasses proposed
solutions to the problem. / issue / matter
Paraphrasing 7. The electrician wired the light switch
6. I could tell this business would be great correctly, didn’t he? / outlet / room
since its beginning. (kickoff) 8. You won’t attain your goals without effort.
7. She had a nervous collapse when she / dreams / desires
found out the truth. (breakdown) 9. Young people living alone outnumber
8. Did you feel nervous as the plane lifted those that are married. / in dorms / with
off the ground? (during takeoff) their parents
9. The protestors were an impediment for 10. They encountered problems that were
the president’s motorcade. (a setback) hard to figure out. / situations / opinions
10. He does like to brag about his
accomplishments. (is a show-off)

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We received the news that we
had awaited for so long.
Lesson 280
We received the long-awaited
Practice news.
1. Competitiveness is an important trait 1. That song breaks my heart.
in today’s professionals. / leaders / 2. This lecture seems to never end.
entrepreneurs 3. That landscape took my breath away.
2. They should be acknowledged and 4. He is dating a girl that has blue eyes.
rewarded for such a great job. / deed /
performance 5. The teacher’s mind is open to learning
new things.
3. I try not to forget my friends’ birthdays. /
my wedding anniversary / appointments Practice
4. High school seniors need guidance to 6. This is the beginning of a new era for
choose a career. / seek / are offered Cooper Industries. / stage / endeavor
5. If all participants cooperate, we can get it 7. He had enough money to resign before
done by tomorrow. / this evening / early retirement age. / turning 65 years old /
November working for 30 years
Paraphrasing 8. Spending time with family is priceless.
/ alone / Spending time with your
6. I can’t believe he finally had the courage significant other
to tell her. (had the guts)
9. The predictions are favoring the current
7. Stop bragging that you won. (gloating) mayor. / governor / president
8. You shouldn’t do everything your son 10. How can I make it up to you? / for what I
wants. (spoil your son) said / did
9. He is such a smarty-pants. (so conceited)
10. When talking about religion, their attitude
is very different. (when it comes to) Lesson 286
Lesson 284 1. In which situations is an hourglass used?
2. What time-robbers are the hardest to get
Questions rid of?
1. What tasks can be performed without 3. What methods are used to attempt to
guidance or close supervision? foresee what is going to happen?
2. How often do you participate in contests, 4. Name a few companies that you know
and what type? have made charitable contributions to
3. How do you feel when you receive people in need.
deserved praise? 5. What stories spring to mind when you
4. How can someone best motivate you to think of a moonlit sky?
engage in an activity?
5. How do you get people to cooperate with
you? Lesson 287
Lesson 285 1. He was assigned to announce the results.
/ outcome / change of plans
Change the sentences according to the 2. Do you usually talk about personal things
model with acquaintances? / invite acquaintances

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to your house / to get-togethers at your Practice
house 6. He is far-sighted. / short-sighted / cross-
3. I’m not going to do it unless you prove me eyed
wrong. / to take it back 7. He is as well-educated as he is conceited.
4. They are rushing to hand in the new / spoiled / self-centered
design. / mock-up / proposal 8. I told you never to mention it again. /
5. They’re studying a new way to treat bring it up / talk about it
addictions. / approach / get rid of 9. What is your reaction to unforeseen
Paraphrasing events? / attitude / solution to
I live in a building that has ten 10. Studying in conventional classrooms is
floors. not that popular anymore. / schools /
I live in a ten-floor building
6. She is going to be my wife soon.
7. It is 10 minutes away walking from here. Lesson 289
8. You can only drive in one direction on this Practice
street. 1. We mostly talked about the projects that
9. It is a situation in which both you and I are going on. / plans / came up with new
win. ideas
10. She wrote this play very well. 2. You should check if this author is credible.
/ website / testimony
3. I could barely move through the crowd. /
Lesson 288
see you / hear you
Questions 4. You can’t discard a hypothesis you barely
1. How would you treat your boyfriend or analyzed. / possibility / conjecture
girlfriend if they were high-maintenance? 5. His motives are fairly reasonable. /
2. Where can somebody seek professional explanations / intentions
help to get rid of an addiction?
3. How is your relationship with
acquaintances? 6. I expected more from the climax of the
joke he told us. (punch line)
4. Do you have a hard time dealing with
situations when somebody proves you 7. He was paid fifty grand to advertise that
wrong? product. (endorse)
5. When have you felt insecure because you 8. I don’t think that headline sounds very
were a first-timer? commercial or attractive. (catchy)
9. We nearly surrendered to those
Review 8 unnecessary fancy things. (luxuries)
Fluency 10. There are piles of books that we should
a man that looks good get rid of. (heaps)
a good-looking man
1. a girl that has dark hair Lesson 290
2. a sky that is illuminated by the moon Questions
3. an experience that opens your eyes 1. Do you sometimes catch yourself
4. a stove that cleans itself humming popular songs that you don’t
5. an item that was made by man really like?

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2. What areas of knowledge does 4. What is the difference between your
advertising involve? buying power and your parents’ when
3. What makes an advertisement more they were your age?
credible? 5. Have you ever blown your money on
4. What makes a song or punch line catchy? something you didn’t need to buy?
5. Who is the target audience of the music
Lesson 293
Lesson 291 1. How can we make this business more
Change the sentences according to the profitable? / promising? / successful
model 2. She likes meditating, but she still can’t see
the benefits of it. / doing Yoga /working
Change into interrogative out
1. He really possesses the power of 3. There are many stories we have yet to find
persuasion. out. / listen to / investigate
2. The company incurred too many 4. I’ve reviewed the lessons, but I still don’t
unnecessary debts. feel ready to take the test. / exam / to
3. He dug in his pocket and found a penny. compete
4. You don’t have to be stingy to manage 5. Her attitude is very convincing, yet I
living on a budget. won’t change my mind. / threatening /
5. We swapped seats because I felt cold intimidating
where I was sitting.
Practice 6. The experience will not bring immediate
6. You sound really relaxed for a first-timer. / results. (will bring results in the long run)
confident / experienced 7. You will see it’s worth it in the future. (it
7. The nominee could hardly believe he had pays off)
won the award. / scholarship / election 8. Everybody feels pleased when they are
8. Should they teach the basics of physics to praised. (complimented)
sixth-graders? / seventh-graders / eighth- 9. Is it wise to keep food in stock? (to store
graders food)
9. The interviewee seemed a little nervous. / 10. The daily consumption of certain nutrients
uncomfortable / hurried is essential. (intake)
10. The design of the restaurants doesn’t
depend on the franchisee’s style. /
preference / taste Lesson 294
Lesson 292 1. You were supposed to take part in a
meeting at work but also had tons of
Questions things to do. Your boss then says you’re
1. How do you keep your reputation as a fair off the hook. What does that mean and
employer? how do you feel about it?
2. Does it help to be stingy if you’re trying to 2. How often does something happen if you
save money? say it happens once in a blue moon?
3. Why is it so easy to incur debt? 3. What foods can be stored because they
are non-perishables?

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4. What small things can a person do to 4. The method through which I’ve learned
show appreciation and respect for their English was developed by a Brazilian. /
significant other? books / school where
Review 9 5. This is a stage at which the student can
communicate fluently. / freely / confidently
I understand it only
superficially. (scarcely) 6. He has a learning disability. (disorder)
I scarcely understand it. 7. His clarification was substantially helpful.
1. I could almost never save money. (hardly)
8. He got over his fear of heights. (overcame)
2. We had very little time to review the
topics. (barely) 9. How do you best control the money you
spend? (keep track of)
3. I almost grasped the idea of what he
explained. (nearly) 10. The weather is so pleasant today. (mild)
4. Most of what we do is exchange books
and CDs. (mostly) Lesson 296
5. The new facade looks kind of charming.
(fairly) Questions
1. Which of these behaviors do you think is
Practice harder to overcome, a sedentary lifestyle
6. It is important to adapt to the lifestyle or disorganization?
of your significant other. / spouse / life 2. Would it be an overreaction if you
partner screamed and shouted when you won the
7. You don’t have to be stingy to avoid lottery?
blowing your money. / penny-pinching / 3. How long does it take to condition
cheap yourself to need less sleep?
8. Her stubbornness wears me out. / 4. When have you noticed that positive
pushiness / hard-headedness thinking actually worked for you?
9. Did you use to get an allowance for 5. Would you say you are mostly a cheerful
running errands? / get paid / get money person?
10. Their buying power remains the same
even with the high interest rate. / Our /
The citizens’ Lesson 297
Change the sentences according to the
Lesson 295 model
Teacher: There isn’t really a potion to make
Practice you look younger.
1. I usually feel very energized early in the Students: There isn’t really a potion to make
morning. / after a cold shower / a relaxing you look younger, is there?
Teacher: Not really. / Not quite. / Not
2. The kids were exposed to good examples. exactly. (negative)
/ behaviors / stimuli
Student: There sure is. / There definitely is.
3. The address to which I mailed it wasn’t (positive)
found. / company / addressee
1. You grow mature after those experiences.
2. Stan isn’t bold enough to say that to her.
3. Her crow’s feet don’t really bother her.

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4. It’s not quite time to unveil what it is Paraphrasing
about. 6. We offer the most innovative styles.
5. She doesn’t look much younger with her (avant-garde)
hair dyed. 7. She shouldn’t have let them assume the
Practice power. (take over)
6. The protesters were coerced to submit to 8. Are you sure you won’t embarrass
the police. / rebels / rioters yourself saying that? (compromise)
7. She would like to get her freckles 9. He’s too arrogant to admit he’s wrong.
removed. / laugh lines / moles (proud)
8. Is it too vain to use moisturizer? / to 10. She finally made her way among the most
undergo plastic surgery / to exfoliate famous artists. (earned a place)
9. Too much exposure to the sun accelerates
the aging process. / Smoking / Eating junk Lesson 300
10. She got a chemical peel. / liposuction / Questions
Botox injection 1. Would you say citizens are dedicated to
making your city a better place to live?
2. What is a youth hostel?
Lesson 298 3. Which types of businesses are taking over
Questions today?
1. Have you ever dyed your hair? 4. The pursuit of new careers has demanded
2. Which cosmetic products give you a fair, a new profile of professionals. Describe
smooth complexion? this profile.
3. Do men generally look much older when 5. What does it take to earn a place among
they are unshaven? well-established businesspeople?
4. Do you consider yourself a vain person? Review 10
5. What causes wrinkles and what is bad Fluency
about them?
What is the key to a healthier
lifestyle? (to live)
Lesson 299 What is the key to living a
healthier lifestyle?
1. She has always been very devoted to
1. She made a scene at the restaurant. / in raising her kids. (to raise)
public / in front of her mother-in-law
2. Scientists haven’t found out the secret to
2. We have to work at a fast pace. / steady / eternal youth. (to be forever young)
3. Companies are investing in workplaces
3. The weather forecast diminished the that are more conducive to production. (to
probability of us traveling. / going out / produce)
road tripping
4. He is not used to audiences. (to speak in
4. Would you like to have lived your youth public)
differently? / in another country / city
5. You are more prone to mistakes when
5. What is the key to becoming self- you’re multitasking. (to make mistakes)
disciplined? / self-sufficient /

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6. Do you peel apples before you eat them? /
potatoes / pears
7. Do you hide your wrinkles with makeup? /
laugh lines / crow’s feet
8. He has a receding hairline just like his
dad. / grandfather / great-uncle
9. We tend to socialize with like-minded
people. / open-minded / interesting
10. The doctor said “Stick out your tongue”. /
“Take off your shirt” / “Lie down on your

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