How To Play Equal Positions: Vassilios Kotronias
How To Play Equal Positions: Vassilios Kotronias
How To Play Equal Positions: Vassilios Kotronias
Equal Positions
Vassilios Kotronias
Chess Stars
How to Play Equal Positions
Printed in Bulgaria
ISBN: 978-619-7188-32-5
Preface 4
Chapter 1
Handling equal positions without a clear plan. Rules that govern the play 6
Chapter 2
Equal positions with a choice of bailing out or playing on.
Calculated risk 27
Chapter 3
Common wise sayings. Do they apply to positions where not much is
going on 52
Dealing with the slogan “It is better to play with a wrong plan than no
plan whatsoever” 52
Plain-plan vs no-plan situations 79
“Attack is the best defence” syndrome 94
Chapter 4
Fighting the Fear of Exchanges 145
Chapter 5
Long-term Assets 177
Chapter 6
Overpressing 202
Chapter 1
“By three methods we may learn The purpose of this book is to shed
wisdom: First, by reflection, which some light on the underlying prin-
is noblest; Second, by imitation, ciples that govern “boring” chess
which is easiest; and third by ex- positions, bordering on equality.
perience, which is the bitterest.” Such positions have gradually be-
Confucius come the main dish of nowadays’
chess menu because people have
This book aims to spare you a part increased their level, their stamina,
of the bitter experience and teach their desire to grind down wins out
you the easiest way – by imitat- of nothing.
ing the example of great players.
Of course, I will also provide a fair Chess has definitely changed over
deal of my own reflections. the past few decades, becoming
more and more dense, energy de-
The first steps in chess are manding, technical. To win (or sur-
easy. You quickly learn to fight vive, if you so prefer) you need a
for the centre, to attack and mate full arsenal of weapons and a well
the enemy king. Books and train- worked out home front. You have to
ers teach you a lot of wise things understand, classify, combine, im-
– to develop your pieces quickly, to plement a complex set of rules, find
take open files, to sacrifice for the exceptions, and even create new
initiative. You learn basic openings, rules out of them.
improve your calculation. All that
knowledge brings quick results – I propose a clear streamlined
most talented could become candi- method of thinking in dry
date-masters in two years. equal positions without long-
And then you reach a plateau. term plans. It is based mostly on
Whatever you do, you cannot make correct evaluation and categoriza-
the next step. You can see already tion of the position, and on move
enough tactics, you are able to by move play. We’ll see that some
develop initiative, but you horri- widely accepted slogans as “Attack
bly “drift” without clear plan and is the best defense” and Marshall’s
targets. You simply cannot play famous remark “a bad plan is better
“equal” positions. than none at all”, are rarely valid.
We’ll also discuss calculated risk, sitions hasn’t been covered ad-
fear of exchanges and the danger of equately in chess literature and I
overpressing. would like to thank Semko Semkov
But most of all we’ll discover that for bringing this topic to my atten-
dry equal positions could hide a lot tion. It was a pleasure and highly
of positional subtleties and even instructive for my chess under-
top grandmasters fail to cope with standing to analyse the games this
them successfully. book contains. I hope that it will
The method of playing equal po- prove so for the readers as well.
Vassilios Kotronias
Athens, 24/11/2020
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Handling equal positions without a clear plan
Rules that govern the play
“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”
Yogi Berra
Chapter 1
Equal positions without a clear plan
sense that the first imbalance has or become slightly more passive by
occurred, be it an imbalance in retreating his bishop to d7!
space, in the pawn structure, or in The other move would most cer-
the quantity/quality of the pieces. tainly be 24.Nd2, but it leads to the
Let me now try to become more exchange of too much wood after
specific. 24...c5! 25.Qd3 Qd7, making the
What do I mean with this move draw trivial. So I am sure Carlsen
by move motto? I’ll be discussing would have avoided it.
this term many times during the Therefore, 24.Qd3!? Bd7!?. I am
book. Let’s start here with a short not examining the captures on e4
explanation. Playing move by move because we assumed that Black in-
means that we do not build com- sists on the symmetry. Now e4 is
plex long-term plans or calculate hanging, so White has to make a
long variations. Instead we make decision:
a list of candidate-moves and try It seems that White would finally
to build a variation tree with short, have to do something, like 25.c4.
but dense branches. But I am not sure Magnus would
have played it, especially if facing
To give you an idea of what I mean, a significantly lower rated player
we should go one move back, to than him. Here we have basically
the position after 23.Bb2. If Black one of the cases where we should
chooses to keep the symmetry, he pick a move depending on the
would have to defend his b-pawn strength of our opponent, his time
with his queen, pawn or bishop. management, tournament situa-
XIIIIIIIIY tion, etc. However, the basic thing
9q+-+-+k+0 is to play a move which doesn’t
9+-zp-snpzp-0 weaken strategically our posi-
9-+-vllsn-zp0 tion.
9+p+-zp-+-0 25.Nd2 isn’t liked by the engines
9-zP-+P+-+0 as it removes the pressure from
9+-zP-sNN+-0 the e5-pawn. Still, it doesn’t dis-
9-vLQ+-zPPzP0 rupt the equilibrium, and keeps
9+-+-+LmK-0 the game going. Well, if only for
xiiiiiiiiy a couple of moves: 25...Ng6!
In the given situation Black would 26.g3 Bf8!. This is the recom-
most probably put his queen to b7 mendation of the machine, but
or the bishop to d7. also my own logical thought.
After 23...Qb7 White has two moves Now Black is ready for ...c7-c5.
that adhere to our motto: In such a situation, when the
24.Qd3!? is the best one. White opponent has found all the best
hits the b5 pawn, again challeng- moves, it is logical to call it a
ing Black to break the symmetry, day.
Returning to 25.c4, play will most attention to small 2-3 move deep
likely proceed 25...bxc4 26.Nxc4 skirmishes is absolutely essential
Qxe4 27.Qxe4 Nxe4 28.Nfxe5 Bxe5 in our effort to create something in
29.Nxe5 Be6=. White has gotten apparently barren situations.
the bishop pair, but it is insignifi-
cant as the queenside pawns are 24.Qxe4 Nxe4 25.Bxb5 f5
bound to disappear. XIIIIIIIIY
23...Bd7 is the other logical conti 9+-zp-sn-zp-0
nuation for Black. Here again both 9-+-vll+-zp0
24.c4 and 24.Nd2 are possible, 9+L+-zpp+-0
with similar ideas and evaluations. 9-zP-+n+-+0
However, on this occasion 24.c4 9+-zP-sNN+-0
requires an accurate reply from 9-vL-+-zPPzP0
Black: 9+-+-+-mK-0
XIIIIIIIIY xiiiiiiiiy
9q+-+-+k+0 Carlsen’s “luring strategy” has suc-
9+-zplsnpzp-0 ceeded. While theoretically the
9-+-vl-sn-zp0 game remains equal, it isn’t sterile
9+p+-zp-+-0 anymore. Both sides have a plan
9-zPP+P+-+0 now. White’s one is the easier to
9+-+-sNN+-0 carry out in practice as he has the
9-vLQ+-zPPzP0 prospect of an outside passed pawn
9+-+-+LmK-0 on the queenside. I am almost cer-
xiiiiiiiiy tain that Magnus would score at
24...Nc6!. Definitely not a piece of least 75-80% against 2500+ op-
cake to find. position if he is offered the chance
Most likely many people would to play this position several times.
choose the simplistic 24...bxc4?! In the present game, the legendary
25.Nxe5 Bxe5 26.Bxe5 Qxe4 Volodya manages to keep the ba
27.Qxe4 Nxe4 28.Bxc7 when lance in style.
suddenly White comes out on
top. 26.Bd3 Nf6 27.Bf1 g5
25.Qc1!?. Planning either c4xb5 or XIIIIIIIIY
c4-c5 and the game is going on. An 9-+-+-+k+0
important point is that when play- 9+-zp-sn-+-0
ing 24...Nc6! Black would have to 9-+-vllsn-zp0
evaluate that 25.c5 Nxb4 26.Qc3 9+-+-zppzp-0
Na2! is at least okay for him. Usu- 9-zP-+-+-+0
ally seeing such small tactical ideas 9+-zP-sNN+-0
(or overlooking them) can change 9-vL-+-zPPzP0
the course of the game, so paying 9+-+-+LmK-0