Optimization of Gating System Parameters Ofci Conv

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Journal of Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences


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Devendra Pandit, S. R. Jachak and S. L. Banker
PG Student1, Assistant Professor2, Associate Professor3
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Yeshwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur, India.
Email:{[email protected]}

In sand casting method, process of making casting depends upon various factors like mould, gating system, type of metal
etc.For a sound casting, it is required to optimize the casting parameters for a given geometry of casting, to remove the defects
and improve the quality in casted products.In this paper Taguchi technique along with design of experiments method (DOE)
and Computer Aided Casting Simulation Technique are combined for optimization of gating system parameters of a CI
Conveyor Bracket to improve the Product Yield (PY) and Hardness (HRD) of the casting.The gating system related
parameters considered are, Runner Upper Diameter (mm), Runner Lower Diameter (mm), Runner Height (mm), Ingate
Height (mm), Pouring Time (sec). In the First half part of the work, Taguchi based L18 Orthogonal Array was generated for
experimental purpose and analysis of result was done using S/N ratio, Minitab 17 Software and Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) to analyze effect of gating system parameters on Product Yield and Hardness. In the second half part of work,
AutoCast simulation software was used for validation of the result. Parameters are also validated by implementing it in
Key Words :

1. Introduction manufacturing process, out of which again many

As looking towards history traditional casting process is researchers has reported that 90% of the defects are due to
running since 6000 years long and is a basis of the entire incorrect design of Gating and risering system.
mechanical industry. However, it still faces various 1.1 Process parameters of Green Sand castings
problems such as difficulty in quality improvement, less
production rate, to improve energy efficiency, to reduce The process parameters can be listed in five categories as
material consumption and the question of environmental follows:
protection; one of the reasons behind it is complex casting 1. Mould-machine-related parameters
process and lack of theoretical guidance (C.M. Choudhari 2. Cast-metal-related parameters
et al., 2014). Sand casting is one of the most simplest type 3. Green-sand-related parameters
of casting process and highly used for centuries since it 4. Mould-related parameters
accounts for largest tonnage of production of different
types of castings and because of its economical facts and 5. Shake-out-related parameters
flexibility in production (Manikanda Prasath K. et al., An Ishikawa diagram (cause and effect diagram) was
2014). Casting process has many quality affecting casting constructed as shown in Fig. 1to identify the casting
process parameters some of which are controllable and process parameters that may influence green sand casting
some are noise factors. Therefore Taguchi Technique is defects (S. Guharaja et al. 2006).
the good choice for quality improvement in castings.
Taguchi's contributions have made the practitioner's work
simpler by advocating use of very less number of
experimental designs and providing clear understanding
of variation nature and economic consequences of quality
engineering in the manufacturing sector (S. Guharaja et
al., 2006). Dr. Taguchi has introduced several new
statistical concepts in the field of quality improvement
which have proven to be estimable. Many Japanese
manufacturers have improved their product and process
quality with a great success. Taguchi has calculate on
W.E. Deming's observation that only 15% to the worker
and more i.e. 85% of the poor quality is attribute to the Fig. 1 : Cause and effect diagram

ISSN (Print) : 2456-6411, ISSN (Online) : 2456-6403 31 JREAS, Vol. 04, Issue 01, Jan 2019
2. Literature Review values are found to be moisture content (2.6%), Green
sand strength (950gm/cm²), permeability number (235),
Presently various research work and experiments has and mould hardness number (80). These optimized values
been done on several distinct casting parameters for all were used in final experimentation and gave result as,
casting methods. In sand casting the process parameters improvement in casting yield and reduction in castng
are classified in following categories as: 1. Machine defect from 25% to a maximum of 3.25%. Manikanda
related parameters 2. Metal related parameters 3. Sand Prasath K. et al. (2014) reduced the sand related casting
realetd parameters 4. Mould related parameters 5. Shake- defects and improved the effective yield of casting by
out related parameters, etc. Most percentage of defects are optimizing the green sand process parameters using
improved by optimizing sand and gating system related Taguchi method and by using Solid cast simulation
parameters. Software for simulating gating system. The optimum
Zhizhong Sun et al. (2008)optimized the gating system conditions for the control factors of casting process
parameters of cylindrical magnesium casting in iron parameters found to be moisture content (4.5%), Green
foundry by maximizing signal to noise ratios and sand strength (1300gm/cm²), permeability number (200),
minimizing the noise factors using Taguchi method with and mould hardness number (75), Pouring temperature
multiple performance characteristics. They have selected (1400 °C), Sand particle size number (AFS) (53). As a
four gating system parameters, namely ingate height, result of optimization they have got reduction in casting
ingate width, runner height, runner width for optimization defects i.e. from 8.10% to 2.71% and effective yield are
with consideration of multiple performance improved to 64.30% from 58.5%.Dr. B. Ravi (1999)has
characteristics including filling velocity, shrinkage discussed how computer system has brought revolution
porosity and product yield.Although the product yield has in manufacturing sector. A scene of Past-present-future of
decreased by 1.57%, the shrinkage porosity is decreased computer-Aided system is described in this paper and has
by 56.57% and the filling velocity is decreased by 58.05% shown that how this system helped industries to directly
and finally it is concluded that the multiple performance improve the profit of production by reducing lead time
characteristics such as product yield, shrinkage porosity and cost of production. He has generated software named
and filling velocity can be simultaneously considered and AutoCAST which has became a fine tool for casting
improved through this optimization technique.Uday A. industry. So instead of going to do shop floor experiments
Dabhade et al. (2013) applied Taguchi method to optimize in making First Article Approval, the software found to be
the green sand casting parameters as Moisture content very helpful in generating step by step casting process and
(%), green compression strength (gm/cm²), Permeability gives final result in which we can find out whether defects
Number, Mould Hardness Number for improvement of will be present or not and after final result we can apply it
casting quality by reducing casting defects like sand drop, in shop floor. In this way the software was found to be
bad mould, blow holes, cuts and washes for reducing % very helpful in saving time, cost, material wastage, etc.
rejection in casting products. From all these literatures, Taguchi method is found to be
Also, for reducing Methoding, Filling, and solidification the best method for optimization of parameters.
defects such as shrinkage porosity, hot tears etc, 3. Experimental Work
Computer Aided casting simulation technique is used.
Experimental result obtained using optimized parameters 3.1 Research Methodology
as; % rejection in castings due to sand related defects is
This research work is done at a small scale Industry where the
reduced from 10% to a maximum up to 3.59%. Also
methodology of work done is shown briefly in figure 3.1.
concluded that; shrinkage porosity defect, quality and
yield of casting can be efficiently improved by Computer Examine the casting process at Deepshikha Industry
assisted casting simulation technique in shortest possible
time and without doing actual trials in foundry shop. C. To study the gating system at Deepshikha Industry
M. Choudhary et al.(2014)discussed about the simulation
Process optimization and modification of casting parameters
method of sand casting design using AutoCast-X software
for minimizing the casting defects to improve its quality. Process analyze by using Design of Experiments
They mentioned that various casting defects occur
because of improper design of feeding system. Hence Experimentation
instead of going for direct experimental way, the attempt
is made to compute an optimum feeding system using Validation of Conveyor Bracket using AutoCAST software
simulation software. S. Guharaja et al. (2006) applied Performing actual casting to get the optimized values
Taguchi method to optimize the process parameters of
green sand casting. First of all the cause and effect Result of Optimization
diagram was constructed to identify the process
parameters that may influence green sand casting defects. Conclusion
the most significant parameters with their optimized Fig. 2 : Flow chart of research methodology

ISSN (Print) : 2456-6411, ISSN (Online) : 2456-6403 32 JREAS, Vol. 04, Issue 01, Jan 2019
3.1 Experimental Process 3.2.2 Conducting the experiments
Experiments were performed at small scale foundry After assigning the parameters and their interactions in
producing grey cast iron components. the columns of selected orthogonal array, the factors are
assigned for each trail as shown in experimental array
3.2.1 DOE method for selection of orthogonal array
table 3. As per L18 orthogonal array all the 18
Process parameters of gating system that influences experimental trials were performed sequentially.
product yield and hardness are selected with their levels
as shown in table 1. Table 3
Experimental L18 Orthogonal Array
Table 1
Process parameters and their levels Trial No. PT RUD RLD RH IH
1 8 45 30 90 8
Sr. Parameters Levels
No. 2 8 45 35 95 11
1 2 3
3 8 45 40 100 15
1 Pouring Time (sec) 8 16 -
4 8 50 30 90 11
2 Runner Upper 45 50 55 5 8 50 35 95 15
Diameter (mm)
6 8 50 40 100 8
3 Runner Lower 30 35 40 7 8 55 30 95 8
Diameter (mm)
8 8 55 35 100 11
4 Runner Height (mm) 90 95 100
9 8 55 40 90 15
5 In-gate Height (mm) 8 11 15 10 16 45 30 100 15
Out of five selected parameters, one parameter is at two 11 16 45 35 90 8
levels and other five parameters are at three levels. 12 16 45 40 95 11
Therefore using MINITAB 17 software from a mixed 13 16 50 30 95 15
level design, L18 orthogonal array is selected for the
experimentation. Various factors and their interactions 14 16 50 35 100 8
are assigned in each column of the L18 orthogonal array 15 16 50 40 90 11
as shown in table 2. 16 16 55 30 100 11
Table 2 17 16 55 35 90 15
L18 orthogonal array
18 16 55 40 95 8
4. Experimental Annalysis
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 2 2 2 4.1 Analysis of experimental result
3 1 1 3 3 3 The castings of Conveyor Bracket were made against the
4 1 2 1 1 2 trial conditions. After getting the castings first they are
5 1 2 2 2 3 taken to the process of sand removing throughout the
6 1 2 3 3 1 surface of casting along with gating system. Then the
weight of casting with gating system was measured and
7 1 3 1 2 1 noted down with trial sequence. Then all the castings
8 1 3 2 3 2 were sent to remove the gating system and for finishing
9 1 3 3 1 3 process. Again the weight measurement was done for all
10 2 1 1 3 3 finished castings and was noted down in the same
11 2 1 2 1 1 sequence. The Product Yield (PY) of casting was then
calculated by using following formula
12 2 1 3 2 2
13 2 2 1 2 3
Product yield (PY) =
14 2 2 2 3 1
15 2 2 3 1 2
And the Hardness (HRD) measurement test was done for
16 2 3 1 3 2 all castings using Brinell Hardness Testing machine. In
17 2 3 2 1 3 Brinell Hardness Testing machine the weight of 3000 kg
18 2 3 3 2 1 was applied using 10 mm diameter ball point and then the

ISSN (Print) : 2456-6411, ISSN (Online) : 2456-6403 33 JREAS, Vol. 04, Issue 01, Jan 2019
diameter of circular impression generated on casting was 8 8 55 35 100 11 85.25 38.6139
measured using microscope. Then from the BHN chart
9 8 55 40 90 15 84.84 38.5720
hardness number for respective diameter was found out.
10 16 45 30 100 15 84.37 38.5238
The values of product yield and hardness for respective
trials are recorded in table 4. 11 16 45 35 90 8 87.71 38.8610
12 16 45 40 95 11 85.25 38.6139
Table 4
Product Yield and Hardness Values 13 16 50 30 95 15 84.84 38.5720
Trial PT RUD RLD RH IH PY HRD 14 16 50 35 100 8 83.58 38.4420
No. (%) (BHN) 15 16 50 40 90 11 83.07 38.3889
1 8 45 30 90 8 90.32 217 16 16 55 30 100 11 83.87 38.4721
2 8 45 35 95 11 87.71 207 17 16 55 35 90 15 83.07 38.3889
3 8 45 40 100 15 85.71 187
18 16 55 40 95 8 84.37 38.5238
4 8 50 30 90 11 88.52 197
5 8 50 35 95 15 87.71 178
Larger is better: = -10 )
6 8 50 40 100 8 85.25 178
7 8 55 30 95 8 87.09 207 For example,
8 8 55 35 100 11 85.25 169 For trial no. 1, the S/N ratio is:
9 8 55 40 90 15 84.84 170
10 16 45 30 100 15 84.37 177 = -10 = 39.115678
11 16 45 35 90 8 87.71 197
12 16 45 40 95 11 85.25 178
13 16 50 30 95 15 84.84 178 Similarly S/N ratio for all other trials is calculated and
14 16 50 35 100 8 83.58 185 also S/N ratio is calculated by using MINITAB 17
software which is found to be the same.
15 16 50 40 90 11 83.07 175
16 16 55 30 100 11 83.87 170
17 16 55 35 90 15 83.07 169 M ain Ef fects Plot (data means ) f or SN ratios
18 16 55 40 95 8 84.37 163 38.75


4.2 Signal-to-noise ratio and ANOVA Analysis 38.65

Mean of SNratios


4.2.1 For Product Yield 38.55

8 16 45 50 55 30 35 40
The casting Product Yield is the “Larger the better” type RH IH

of quality characteristics. Larger the better S/N ratios 38.75

were computed for each of the 18 trials and the values are 38.65
recorded in table 5. 38.60


Table 5 90 95 100 8 11 15

Product Yield values and Signal-to-noise Signal- to-noi se: Lar ger i s better
Ratio values against Trial Numbers
Fig. 3 : Main effects plot for S/N ratios for PY
No. (%) Ratio From the S/N ratio values of table 5, MINITAB 17
1 8 45 30 90 8 90.32 39.1157 estimates the Main effect plot for S/N ratio as shown in
figure 3. As the required product yield is 'Larger the better'
2 8 45 35 95 11 87.71 38.8610
type, so from the chart in figure 3; we can select the best
3 8 45 40 100 15 85.71 38.6606 set of parameters that can be determined by selecting the
4 8 50 30 90 11 88.52 38.9408 levels with highest value of each factor. So we get the
optimum values of parameters as:
5 8 50 35 95 15 87.71 38.8610
PT = 8 sec, RUD = 45 mm, RLD = 30 mm, RH= 90 mm,
6 8 50 40 100 8 85.25 38.6139
IH =8 mm respectively.
7 8 55 30 95 8 87.09 38.7994

ISSN (Print) : 2456-6411, ISSN (Online) : 2456-6403 34 JREAS, Vol. 04, Issue 01, Jan 2019
Table 6
ANOVA for Product Yield at 95% confidence limit Larger is better: = -10 )
Parameter DoF SS Variance F- P-
For example,
ratio value
For trial no. 1, the S/N ratio is:
PT 1 0.28173 0.28173 39.48 0.000
RUD 2 0.1373 0.1373 9.62 0.007 = -10 ) = 46.729194
RLD 2 0.0939 0.0939 6.58 0.020
RH 2 0.0947 0.0947 6.64 0.020 Similarly S/N ratio for all other trials is calculated and
also S/N ratio is calculated by using MINITAB 17
IH 2 0.0510 0.0510 3.57 0.078 software which is found to be the same.
Error 8 0.05709 0.05709 From the S/N ratio values of table 7, MINITAB 17
Total 17 0.71573 estimates the Main effect plot for S/N ratio as shown in
figure 3. As the required product yield is 'Larger the better'
S = 0.08448 R-Sq = 92.0% R-Sq(adj) = 83.0% type, so from the chart in figure 3; we can select the best
set of parameters that can be determined by selecting the
Rank: 1 = PT, 2 = RUD, 3 = RLD, 4 = RH, 5 = IH
levels with highest value of each factor. So we get the
optimum values of parameters as:
ANOVA in table 6 indicates that Pouring temperature has
most impact on Product Yield followed by Runner Upper PT = 8 sec, RUD = 45 mm, RLD = 30 mm, RH= 90 mm,
Diameter, Runner Lower Diameter and Runner Height.
IH = 8 mm respectively.
But Ingate Height does not influence much.
4.2.2 For Hardness M ain Ef fects Plot (data means ) f or SN ratios
Similarly as S/N analysis of Product Yield done above, 45 .6
the casting Hardness is the “Larger the better” type of 45 .4

quality characteristics. Larger the better S/N ratios were 45 .2

Mean of SNratios

computed for each of the 18 trials and the values are 45 .0

recorded in table 7. 44 .8
8 16 45 50 55 30 35 40
Table 7 45 .6
Hardness values and Signal-to-noise Ratio values against 45 .4

Trial Numbers 45 .2

Trial PT RUD RLD RH IH HRD S/N 45 .0

44 .8
No. Ratio 90 95 100 8 11 15

Signal- to-noi se: Lar ger i s better

1 8 45 30 90 8 217 46.7292
2 8 45 35 95 11 207 46.3194 Fig. 4 : Main effects plot for S/N ratios for HRD
3 8 45 40 100 15 187 45.4368
4 8 50 30 90 11 197 45.8893 Table 8
ANOVA for Hardness at 95% confidence limit
5 8 50 35 95 15 178 45.0084
6 8 50 40 100 8 178 45.0084 Parameter DoF SS Variance F-ratio P-value
7 8 55 30 95 8 207 46.3194 PT 1 1.6185 1.6185 13.57 0.006
8 8 55 35 100 11 169 44.5577
RUD 2 2.4995 2.4995 10.48 0.006
9 8 55 40 90 15 170 44.6090
10 16 45 30 100 15 177 44.9595 RLD 2 1.5876 1.5876 6.65 0.020
11 16 45 35 90 8 197 45.8893 RH 2 0.6240 0.6240 2.62 0.134
12 16 45 40 95 11 178 45.0084
IH 2 1.3135 1.3135 5.50 0.031
13 16 50 30 95 15 178 45.0084
14 16 50 35 100 8 185 45.3434 Error 8 0.9544 0.9544
15 16 50 40 90 11 175 44.8608 Total 17 8.5975
16 16 55 30 100 11 170 44.6090
S = 0.3454 R-Sq = 88.9% R-Sq(adj) = 76.4%
17 16 55 35 90 15 169 44.5577
18 16 55 40 95 8 163 44.2438 Rank: 1 = RUD, 2 = RLD, 3 = IH, 4 = PT, 5 = RH

ISSN (Print) : 2456-6411, ISSN (Online) : 2456-6403 35 JREAS, Vol. 04, Issue 01, Jan 2019
ANOVA in table 8 indicates that Runner Upper Diameter After confirmation of mould filling process, simulation
has most impact on Hardness followed by Runner Lower work starts. It is divided in two levels as: Simulation 'Till
Diameter, Ingate Height and Pouring Temperature. But the End of complete filling' and 'Till the end of
Runner Height does not influence much. solidification'. Both the processes are shown in following
figure 7.
4.3. Validation by Autocast Software
AutoCAST-X software is a fine tool for casting industry
in which simulation of casting product can be done; which
in result gives the report of Casting Yield, optimized value
of gating system and the quality affecting defects like
shrinkage porosity, blow holes formation, cold shut, Hard
zone etc.
A solid model in STL format is imported in AutoCAST
software. All the values of process parameters are entered
in initial stage. Then gating system is designed by giving
the dimensional input as the optimum values we get by
experimentation i.e. PT = 8 sec, RUD = 45 mm, RLD = 30
mm, RH = 90 mm, IH = 8 mm. By feeding these values the
casting model with gating system gets generated as shown Fig. 7 : Simulation process of mould complete
in figure 5. filling and solidification in AutoCAST software

After completion of simulation process, software

generates simulation report. From this report we get that,
Product Yield value is found to be 90.91% and which is
very near to the experimental value of 90.32% we get. So
we can say that our optimal value of all parameters is
valid. Report of software is shown in figure 8.

Fig. 5 : Gating system generated in AutoCAST software

The next stage of software work is, it checks the gating

system for its effectiveness in complete filling of mould
cavity. And which is done in this case as can be seen in red
colored view of a completely filled model in figure 6.

Fig. 8 : Simulation report of AutoCAST software

5. Result and Discussion

Experiment was carried out to increase Product Yield and
Hardness of CI Conveyor Bracket at industry.
Optimization of Product Yield and Hardness was done by
using Taguchi technique and by the analysis we get the
value as 90.32% and 217 BHN respectively. From the
Fig. 6 : Mould filling Process in AutoCAST software Taguchi analysis optimal values of parameters for both
Product Yield and Hardness are tabulated in table 9.

ISSN (Print) : 2456-6411, ISSN (Online) : 2456-6403 36 JREAS, Vol. 04, Issue 01, Jan 2019
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3 Runner Lower Diameter 30 mm
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ISSN (Print) : 2456-6411, ISSN (Online) : 2456-6403 37 JREAS, Vol. 04, Issue 01, Jan 2019

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