A Project Report On: Aspects Involved in Legalizing Gambling in India
A Project Report On: Aspects Involved in Legalizing Gambling in India
A Project Report On: Aspects Involved in Legalizing Gambling in India
Gambling is the act or practice of risking the loss of something important by taking a chance
or acting recklessly.
Gambling is the wagering of something of value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with
an uncertain outcome, with the primary intent of winning money or material goods.
Gambling thus requires three elements to be present:
1. Consideration (an amount wagered)
2. Risk (chance)
3. A prize.
While the age-old debate about what form of gambling is legal or not continues; it’s pretty
evident that Indians love to gamble. According to a report published by the International
Centre for Sports Security (ICSS), the betting market in India might be worth over US$130
The Public Gambling Act, 1867 ("Gambling Act") is the general law governing gambling in
The state legislatures, under the Constitution of India, have been entrusted with significant
regulatory leeway to form state specific gambling laws. The Gambling Act is the central
enactment which has been adopted by certain states in India and other states have enacted
their own legislation to regulate and govern gaming/gambling activities within their territory
("Gambling Legislations").
Most of the Gambling Legislations have been enacted prior to the advent of virtual or online
gambling and hence these Gambling Legislations primarily refer to gaming/gambling
activities at the physical premises.
Goa and Sikkim are the only exceptions which have allowed gambling and betting in their
state, subject to regulation of their respective state Governments. List II of Seventh Schedule
of the Indian Constitution, endows the state Governments with the power to legislate on
matters concerning gambling and betting.
The state of Goa has allowed gambling by enacting the Goa, Daman and Diu Public
Gambling Act, 1976.
The state of Sikkim has also legalised gambling by enacting Sikkim Regulation of Gambling
(Amendment) 2005.
Nowadays, you can only bet on a few sports/games, that too in particular states. Currently,
horse racing, online poker, online rummy, lottery, and a few casinos are legal in India. To
understand the convoluted stance of each state on the legality of these sports will take time
and patience.
Different state have different gambling laws even though there are centralized Acts in place.
The reasons to look at legalising and regulating gambling are several. First, gambling is
already operating in a spread out and operating in a huge way. Despite devoting several
legal measure andc covert actions, legal enforcement authorities are not able to curb it.
Gambling and betting is mostly done very secretly and which is handled in a delicate
manner. It is mostly headed underworld and strong syndicates who use the unaccounted
money earned from gambling activities for nefarious activities. These activities could
include terror financing. So legalising the activity will not only help curtail an important
source of black money and stop funds flowing to terror agencies.
Huge Revenues
Estimates about the size of the gambling market in India vary according to various private
and government agencies. According to KPMG report, the size could be around $ 50- $60
billion, while other, more recent, studies from financial institution peg the value even to
higher numbers. Even a normal estimate suggests with just 15 per cent GST, the
government could earn tens of thousands of crores by legalising sports betting. If online
gambling and casinos are also permitted in a strong restrictive way, the estimated tax
revenue very huge to both state and central government. These can be used to fund health
and other constructive projects of the government.
Employment opportunities
Apart from revenue generation, legalizing the gambling will surely create huge
employment. Globally, wherever gambling is regulated, it has created a massive
opportunity for employment generation. In India it could create direct and indirect jobs for
around 25-40 lakh. How? U.S. employs over 2.5 lakh people in the gambling industry,
while over 1 lakh individuals are employed in the U.K.
Integrity is a core component in any activity, but in sports and games is crucial to its
success. It serves the basis for the enjoyment of participants and spectators. But if the
gambling and betting are legalized, integrity and honesty will be under great threat. Match
fixing and spot fixing would drastically increase. Athletes and players will be tempted.
Psychologically, players attracted to gambling naturally because of their competitive
nature, media success, money and self-assured sense of entitlement.
If betting were to be legalised, this lower class of the country will affect. Betting attracts
the common man to try their luck and tempts them to play with money. It is very tough to
imagine the consequences of a poor person losing his hard-earned money or his life saving
on betting. Law commission report on legalizing gambling
Among the recommendations is for a law to be enacted for the regulation of gambling that
can then be adopted by India’s various states. The report also recommends that gambling
services should be offered only by licensed Indian operators who would be granted licenses
by the regulatory authority and that gamblers should have the number or size of bets capped
within a given time period.
There is an overwhelming support backed by the law commission report for the idea to
legalize gambling. Some of the important points put forward are the failure to control illegal
betting (large scale), government losing a huge revenue-earning opportunity, employment
generation. So the only recourse left is to legalise, regulate and tax which can lead to huge
income. Those these opinions have strong points, but it is no guarantee that legalising betting
will generate revenue as projected, How? Did the strong economic steps like demonetisation
and giving more power to tax authorities have made a huge impact on the revenue inflow or
curbed black money? Legalizing gambling would also lead to demands for legal frame work
other nefarious activities like prostitution, drugs etc. So the government has to weigh the pros
and cons before indulging the act of legalizing gambling, which can lead to a complex impact
on the society.