Design of RTU and SCADA
Design of RTU and SCADA
Design of RTU and SCADA
Abstract: This work aims at designing a system with which the various parameters viz.
Frequency(Hz), Bus-bar Current(kA),Bus-bar Voltage(kV), Reactive Power(MVAR),Active
Power(MW) and equipments like Isolator ,Relay ,Circuit Breaker of Sub-Station or
Generating Station can be monitored and controlled from a remote location . To achieve the
desired output Remote Terminal Unit(RTU) will be placed in the Sub-Station or Generation
Station which will acquire the various data and these data will be transmitted to the
SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) station of RLDC (Regional Load Despatch
Centre) . In this work, Arduino integrated with Step Down Voltage Transformer , ACS712 Hall
Effect Current Sensor and SPDT Relay is configured as RTU and a PC loaded with a GUI is
configured as SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition).
Keywords: RTU,SCADA,Arduino,PC,GUI,ACS712 Hall Effect Current Sensor, RLDC.
Switches. Select Before Operate(SBO) security the power being distributed all over the country and
provision and a circuitry is there in order to ensure outside the country.
that only one Control Relay in the RTU is operated at
a time . The Control Processing Module helps in In order to do this a system known as SCADA
achieving closed loop control based on comparing the (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) System
measured quantity to a set value received from the is made which work in co-ordination with the RTU
master SCADA station. If the measured value is less (Remote Terminal Unit). As an example the Indian
or more than the set value then control action is taken Grid Control Hierarchy chart for load scheduling
in order to achieve the set value. Data Processing diagram is shown below.
states. As shown in the Fig 1 there are five RLDCs in Arduino will be used as a Remote Terminal
India namely ER RLDC (Eastern Regional Load Unit(RTU) & a PC will be used for development of a
Despatch Centre), WR RLDC (Western Regional SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition)
Load Despatch Centre), SR RLDC (Southern system. Arduino which is configured as RTU will be
Regional Load Despatch Centre), NR RLDC placed in the substation or generating station , it will
(Northern Regional Load Despatch Centre) and NER take the following inputs from the substation : Bus
RLDC (North-Eastern Regional Load Despatch Bar Voltage using Potential Transformers(PT), Bus
Centre). All of these RLDCs then forward the data to Bar Current using Current Transformers(CT)
the NLDC (National Load Despatch Centre) where ,Isolator & Circuit Breaker status; the relays will also
the load consumed and sent out of the country are be connected to the Arduino board . For prototype
calculated in real-time and recorded for each and design purpose step down voltage transformer will be
every second. All these data which is received in the used in place of PT and ACS712 Hall Effect Current
NLDC are monitored at the master PC and are sensor will be used in place of CT, SPDT relay will
recorded in the hard drive for months. In our project be used for switching purpose(it will serve the
we have proposed to used Arduino as the RTU, since purpose of Circuit Breaker) whenever there will be
Arduino uses simpler language namely Arduino C any fault condition the coil of the relay will be
and is inexpensive too, therefore programming with energized and as a result of which it will break the
Arduino is user friendly and for transmission of the circuit in order to protect the power system. Once V,I
data from the RTU to the SCADA USB cable will be
used which is light, efficient and cost effective. are taken from the system the other parameters like
frequency, power factor, real power & reactive power
3. Problem Formulation will be found/calculated. The RTU’s normally use
Power Line Carrier Communication(PLCC) or Fiber
A Distribution Automation(DA) system will be Optic Communication to send the data from the
designed using Arduino & PC . RTU and SCADA substation to the Regional Load Despatch
system will be used to achieve the desired output. Centre(RLDC). On the contray , in this work we have
Using this proposed system we can monitor Bus Bar used USB cables to set up a communication link
voltage(KV), Reactive Power(MVAR), Active between the RTU and RLDC, RLDC will have the
Power(MW), Frequency(Hz) , Isolator status, Circuit SCADA system to monitor the various parameters of
Breaker(CB) status of various substations from a the substation as mentioned above. In order to boost
remote location. Automatic and manual tripping of the current output of the Arduino pin which is
CB’s will be incorporated in the proposed system. required for energizing Relay ULN2803 is used.
current(Instantaneous current). Using these formulas Using the pulseIn( ) function the Time Period of the
we have found out the RMS current : signal was found out(For a 50Hz signal ,T =20 ms).
Frequency was found out by using this formula,
Average Squared Current = f = 1/ T.
∑ (Instantaneous Current) /Samples
RMS Current = sqrt(Average Squared Current)
The output of both the zero crossing detectors are fed 9.2 Arduino Uno
to Digital Pins of Arduino ,with the help of coding Arduino Uno was used to collect and process the data
we have found out the time duration(t) for which the from various sensors and circuits; it served as RTU.
Ex-OR output of the two signal is HIGH (Ex-OR The Microcontroller of the board was ATmega 328P.
operation was performed in Arduino code and using It has 14 Digital Pins and 6 Analog Pins. SRAM
timer of the Arduino, time(t) was found). ,EEPROM, Clock Speed are 2KB, 1KB and 16MHz
Synchronization of the two signals was done in respectively.
Arduino Code in order to give correct and accurate
In order to convert this time(t) in degree we have
used the formula: D= (360/T) * t where T is the Total
Time Period of the Line voltage( for 50Hz ,T=20
ms). In order to find Power Factor we have used
cos(D),where D is the Phase Angle between V & I .
As Power Ractor , RMS Voltage ,RMS Current has
been found, those values were used to find out Fig 8: Arduino Uno
Apparent Power, Real Power and Reactive Power.
Real Power = Vrms * I rms * Cos(D) 9.3 Step Down Voltage Transformer
Reactive Power = Vrms * I rms * Sin(D) As we know that electronic circuits operates on low
Apparent Power can be found by vectorically adding voltage hence in order to feed the line voltage to the
Real Power & Reactive Power. electronic circuits a step down voltage transformer
was used (230 V/15V).
9. Hardware Used
9.4 Half Wave Rectifier
9.1 ACS712 20A Current Hall Effect Sensor
As we know that Microcontrollers can’t read negative
It was used for measuring the circulating current. It
voltage hence in order to clip off the negative half
can be used for both AC and DC circuits.
cycle a signal diode, 1N4007 was used as Half Wave
The sensitivity of ACS712 20A Hall Effect Sensor is
100mV/A. The internal resistance of the current
conduction path is 1.2 mΩ typically , in order to
9.5 LM741 IC
provide low power loss.
Its an Operational Amplifier . It’s a 8 pin IC. LM741
was used to design Voltage Zero Crossing Detector
and Current Zero Crossing Detector.
Since the voltage input to the board should not Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express was used to
exceed 5V. develop a GUI i.e. SCADA . The GUI has two
buttons : TRIP & RECLOSE , in order to manually
9.7 Piezo Buzzer & SPDT Relay control the Relay for connecting/ disconnecting the
A 5V buzzer was used for alarm purpose, whenever line.
any parameter of the substation or generating station A Richtext box was added in order to view the data
exceeds or decreases than the set value of the Master continuously. Automatic Disconnection of the line
Station an alarm will be raised. A tolerance limit was added in the SCADA program whenever the
was added to the system i.e. if its within the tolerance parameters are not within the set point.
limit only then alarm will be raised and if its out of Alarm Condition are also set in the code according to
the tolerance limit then automatically the CB will be the set tolerance limit i.e. if the parameter is within
tripped (in our prototype the SPDT relay will be the tolerance limit alarm will be raised in order to
energized leading to isolation of the line from the make the operator aware that they need to take some
Grid, in order to protect the Power System from measures in order to bring those parameters in
collapsing ). control.
SPDT Relay stands for Single Pole Double Throw 11. Snapshots
Relay . It has five terminals : two terminals for the
coil , one is the Center and other two are
NO(Normally Open) & NC(Normally Connected).
The armature of the relay is connected to NC when
its not energized, when the coil of the relay gets
energized the armature of the relay comes to
Normally Open . The phase of the circuit is
connected to Center and Neutral is connected to NC
whenever any fault occurs the armature gets
connected to NO as the coil of the relay gets
energized hence isolating the faulty part from the
Lot many parameter control can be incorporated in MONITORING AND CONTROL", eISSN: 2319-