GuidelinesIPCR Regional Provincial
GuidelinesIPCR Regional Provincial
GuidelinesIPCR Regional Provincial
3. Item 3: Instead of MFOs in the old form, the new IPCR form now
highlights the OUTPUTs. This is in consonance with the transition from activities
to outputs.
5. Make sure that the entries in the first column of the IPCRs are
“OUTPUTS”, i.e. goods, products, services, projects or programs. IPCRs
stating tasks, work activities, duties or responsibilities in the said column
shall be returned until done properly.
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6. Outputs under the “General Management and Supervision” refer to
general outputs made by the employee in alignment with the outputs of
his/her office; and shall be numbered 1., 2., 3., and so on. Examples of outputs
falling under General Management and Supervision are listed but not limited to
the following:
10. Write “Q-“ or “E-“ or “T-” before each of the SUCCESS INDICATORs
for the rater to know in which “Performance Measure/s” will he/she rate his/her
subordinate; and in which “Performance Measure/s” found in the RMF will be
filled in.
Quality (Q)means getting the right things done. It refers to the degree
to which objectives are achieved as intended and the extent to which issues are
addressed with a certain degree of excellence. It involves the following elements:
Meeting standards
Client Satisfactory with services rendered
Completeness or Comprehensiveness of reports
Creativity or innovation
Personal initiative
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Efficiency (E)is the extent to which targets are accomplished using the
minimum amount of time or resources. Efficient performance applies to tasks or
frontline services (i.e., issuance of licenses, permits, clearances, and
certificates). It involves the following elements:
Timeliness (T) measures if the target deliverable was done within the
scheduled or expected timeframe. Timely performance involves meeting
deadlines as set in the work plan.
12. Item 5: The authorized signatories of the IPCR: Rater, Ratee, PMT
Secretariat, PMT Chairperson and the Head of Office.Dates of signatures shall
be written on the “Date:” space provided and NOT on the “Start/End of
Rating Period”.
13. Make sure that Items 3 and 4 are not solely printed on the last
page but with at least the last output of the IPCR.
14. Item 6: ISO 9001:2015 QMS code. This code should be embedded
in all pages in order to be considered official. Further, codes should not be
altered nor changed.
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15. The RATING MATRIX FORM (RMF), formerly known as Levels of
Performance (LOP), should always accompany the IPCR. This is used to assess
the ratings in accordance to the actual accomplishments. The columns to be
filled in are only those to be used to measure the SUCCESS INDICATORS.
16. RMF is done in the same manner as LOP, where you will indicate
the scales of each outputs; 5 (outstanding performance) as the highest and 1
(poor performance) as the lowest.
17. Make sure that both the Rater and the Ratee duly sign the RMF and
signatories are not solely printed on the last page but with atleast the last
output/content of the RMF.
18. Item 7: This is also a unique code in each page of the RMF. The
presence of this code makes the document official.
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