Faculty of Science & Technology Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune, Maharashtra, India

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CBCS 2019-20 TYBCA

Faculty of Science & Technology

Savitribai Phule Pune University

Pune, Maharashtra, India

Syllabus for

Third Year
Bachelor of Computer Applications
(2019 Pattern)
(with effect from A.Y. 2021-22)

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CBCS 2019-20 TYBCA

On behalf of Board of Studies in Computer Applications, it is a great pleasure and
honor for me to present the syllabi for TYBCA (Third Year Computer Applications -
2019 Pattern).

While revising syllabus, every efforts were made to design the syllabus for Computer
Applications program as per the guidelines and objectives set out by the UGC and
our University. The draft was prepared by taking into account the recent
technological developments and expectations of employers.

The revision of Syllabus was carried out with dedicated efforts, active participation
and suggestions from stakeholders. All efforts have been made by the members of
Board of Studies and faculty members from affiliated colleges to decide contents as
per the guidelines and recommendations of faculty of Science & Technology, SPPU,

The BoS in Computer Applications had appointed a subcommittee for the preparation
of the draft. Two of our BoS members, Dr. Pallawi Unmesh Bulakh and Dr. M N
Shelar coordinated the task of preparation of drafts for Semesters V and VI

For each course, the draft suggests course objectives and outcomes and could be
suitably modified, if needed, by faculty members from affiliated colleges teaching
these courses.

I am thankful all the faculty members, members of subcommittee, Heads of the

departments and all members of the BoS Prof. Dr. R M Sonar, Dr. M N Shelar, Dr.
Pallavi Bulakh and Dr. Razak Sayyad for their help and support in preparation of this

I appreciate various suggestions received through emails and during the online
workshop to finalize the draft contents.


Dr. Shirish S Sane

Chairman, Board of Studies (Computer Applications), SPPU, Pune

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CBCS 2019-20 TYBCA

Faculty of Science & Technology

Savitribai Phule Pune University

Third Year of Computer

Applications (2019 Pattern)

(With effect from Academic Year 2021-22)

Table of Contents
Sr. No. Title Page Number
1. Structure of TYBCA 4
2. Course Drafts for Courses at SEM V 5 - 31
3. Course Drafts for Courses at SEM VI 32 – 52
4. Equivalence for TYBCA syllabus (2016) 53
with TYBCA syllabus (2019)
5. Details of Subcommittee for Syllabus 54 -55
6. Acknowledgements 56

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Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Faculty of Science and Technology
Third Year Bachelor of Computer Application (TYBCA)
Pattern-2019 (With effect from A.Y. 2021-22)
Structure of TYBCA
Course Code Course Name Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme Credits
(Hours /week)
BCA351 DSE I (Programming in 5 -- 30 70 100 4 --
BCA352 DSE II (Data Mining and 5 -- 30 70 100 4 --
Data Science)
BCA353 DSE III (Principles of 5 -- 30 70 100 4 --
Operating Systems)
BCA354 SEC I (Artificial 3 -- 15 35 50 2 --
BCA355 SEC II (Cloud Computing) 3 -- 15 35 50 2 --
BCA356 DSE I Lab (Programming -- 4* 15 35 50 -- 2
in Java)
BCA357 DSE II Lab (Data Mining ) -- 4* 15 35 50 -- 2
BCA358 DSE III Lab (Operating -- 4* 15 35 50 -- 2
Systems and AI)
21 12* 165 385 550 16 6
BCA361 DSE IV Android 5 -- 30 70 100 4 --
BCA362 DSE V Programming in 5 -- 30 70 100 4 --
BCA363 DSE VI Software Project 5 -- 30 70 100 4 --
BCA364 SEC III Management 3 -- 15 35 50 2 --
Information Systems
BCA365 SEC IV Internet of Things 3 -- 15 35 50 2 --
BCA366 DSE IV Lab (Android -- 4* 15 35 50 -- 2
BCA367 DSE V Lab (Programming -- 4* 15 35 50 -- 2
in GO and IoT)
BCA368 DSE VI Project Lab -- 4* 15 35 50 -- 2
21 12* 165 385 550 16 6
TH: Theory PR: Practical CE: Continuous Evaluation ESE: End Semester Examination
DSE: Discipline Specific Elective SEC: Skill Enhancement Course
* Laboratory sessions each of 4 hours 20 minutes duration to be conducted for each batch of 12
students in each week

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BCA 351: DSE I (Programming in Java)
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Theory: 05 Hrs./Week 04 Continuous Evaluation: 30 Marks
End-Semester : 70 Marks
Pre-requisite Course:
● BCA 241 Object Oriented Programming and C++
Companion Course:
● BCA 356 DSE I Laboratory (Programming in Java)
Course Objectives:
● To learn implementation of object-oriented conceptswith Java.
● To understand collection classes and interfaces.
● To know the process of application development using Graphical User Interface (GUI).
● To acquire knowledge about handling databases using Java.
● To study web components for developing web applications.
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, learner will be able to:
● Identify classes, objects, class members and relationships for a given problem.
● Design end to end applications using object oriented constructs.
● Apply collection classes for storing java objects.
● Use Java APIs for program development.
● Handle abnormal termination of a program using exception handling.
Course Contents
Unit I Introducing Java, Classes and Objects 10 Hrs
Introducing Java
1.1 A Short History of Java
1.2 Features of Java
1.3 Java Environment – Compiler, Interpreter, JVM
1.4 Simple java program
1.5 Types of Comments
1.6 Declaring single and multi-dimensional arrays
1.7 Accepting input using Command line arguments
1.8 Accepting input from console (Using BufferedReader and Scanner
Classes and Objects
1.9 Defining Your Own Classes
1.10 Access Specifiers (public, protected, private, default)
1.11 Array of Objects
1.12 Constructor, Overloading Constructors and use of „this‟ Keyword
1.13 static blocks, static Fields and static methods
1.14 Predefined classes – Object class methods (equals(), toString(),

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1.15 Garbage Collection (finalize() Method)

Unit II Inheritance and Interface 10 Hrs

2.1 Inheritance Basics (extends Keyword) and Types of Inheritance
2.2 Superclass, Subclass and use of Super Keyword
2.3 Method Overriding and runtime polymorphism
2.4 Use of final keyword related to variable, method and class
2.5 Use of abstract class and abstract methods
2.6 Defining and Implementing Interfaces
2.7 Runtime polymorphism using interface
2.8 Creating, Accessing and using Packages
Unit III Collections, Exception Handling and I/O 10 Hrs
3.1 Wrapper Classes
3.2 Introduction to the Collection framework
3.3 List – ArrayList, LinkedList and Vector
3.4 Set - HashSet, TreeSet, and LinkedHashSet
3.5 Map – HashMap, LinkedHashMap, Hashtable and TreeMap
3.6 Interfaces such as Iterators, ListIterators, Enumerations
Exception Handling
3.7 Exception class, Checked and Unchecked exception
3.8 Catching exception and exception handling – try, catch, finally, throw
and throws, multiple catch block
3.9 Creating user defined exception
3.10 String class(basic methods) , String Buffer class
3.11 File class
3.12 DataInputStream and DataOutputStream class
Unit IV Swing 10 Hrs
4.1 What is Swing?
4.2 The MVC Architecture and Swing
4.3 Layout Manager and Layouts, The JComponent class
4.4 Components – JLabel, JButton, JText, JTextArea, JCheckBox,
JRadioButton, JList, JComboBox, JMenu and JPopupMenu Class,
4.5 Dialogs (Message, confirmation, input), JFileChooser
4.6 Event Handling: Event sources, Listeners – ActionListener, ItemListener
4.7 Mouse and Keyboard Event Handling
4.8 Adapters – MouseAdapter, KeyAdapter
4.9 Anonymous inner class
Unit V Database Programming 10 Hrs

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5.1 The role of jdbc, jdbc configuration

5.2 Types of drivers
5.3 Connectivity with database
5.4 JDBC Statements – Statement, PreparedStatement, CallableStatement
5.5 Scrollable and updatable result sets
5.6 Metadata – DatabaseMetadata, ResultSetMetadata
(Database : PostgreSQL)
Unit VI Servlets & JSP 10 Hrs
6.1 Introduction to Servlets and Hierarchy of Servlets
6.2 Life cycle of a servlet
6.3 Tomcat configuration (Note: Only for Lab Demonstration)
6.4 Handing get and post request (HTTP)
6.5 Handling a data from HTML to a servlet
6.6 Session tracking – Cookies and Http Session
6.7 Simple JSP program
6.8 Life cycle of a JSP
6.9 Implicit Objects
6.10 Scripting elements – Declarations, Expressions, Scriplets, Comments
6.11 JSP Directives – Page Directive, include directive
6.12 Mixing Scriplets and HTML
Reference Books:
1) Core Java Volume I - Fundamentals By Cay S. Horstmann, 11th Edition, Prentice Hall,
ISBN 978-0-13-516630-7
2) The Complete Reference By Herbert Shildt, 11th Edition, McGraw Hill Education,
ISBN 978-260-44023-2
3) Java Beginners Guide By Herbert Shildt, 8th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education ISBN 978-1-
4) Core Java Volume II – Fundamentals By Cay S. Horstmann, 11th Edition, Prentice Hall,
ISBN 978-013-516631-4
5) Java 2 Programming Black Book By Steven Holzner, DreamTech Press, ISBN 978-93-
1) The Complete Reference By Herbert Shildt
2) Java 2 Programming Black Book By Steven Holzner
Online Courses:

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CBCS 2019-20 TYBCA

BCA 352: DSE II - Data Mining and Data Science
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Theory: 05 Hrs./Week 04 Continuous Evaluation: 30 Marks
End-Semester : 70 Marks
Pre-requisite Course:
● BCA 117 Applied Mathematics Laboratory
● BCA 232 Database Management Systems-II
Companion Course:
● BCA 357 DSE- II Laboratory (Data Mining)
Course Objectives:
● To introduce students to the basic concepts and techniques of Data Mining and Data
● To study data mining algorithms for solving practical problems.
● To understand data visualization and exploratory analysis.
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, learner will be able to:
● Identify the key processes of data mining, data warehousing and knowledge discovery
● Design data warehouse with dimensional modeling and apply OLAP operations.
● Identify appropriate data mining algorithms to solve real world problems
● Compare and evaluate different data mining techniques like classification, prediction,
clustering and association rule mining
● Choose an appropriate method to perform exploratory analysis.
● Interpret results by carrying out data visualization and formal inference procedures
Course Contents
Unit I Introduction to Data Mining 10 Hrs
1.1 Definition Data mining
1.2 Data Mining issues
1.3 Stages of the Data Mining Process (KDD)
1.4 Data Mining Techniques/Tasks
1.5 Knowledge Representation Methods
1.6 Applications of Data mining
1.7 Data Pre-processing
1.7.1 Data Cleaning
1.7.2 Data Transformation
1.7.3 Data Reduction
1.7.4 Data Discretization
Unit II Data Warehousing 08 Hrs
2.1 Introduction to Data Warehouse
2.2 Data Warehouse Architecture and its components
2.3 Data Modeling with OLAP
2.3.1 Introduction
2.3.2 Difference between OLTP and OLAP

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2.3.3 Data Mart

2.3.4 Fact Table, Dimension Table, OLAP cube
2.3.5 Different OLAP Operations
2.4 Schema Design
2.4.1 Introduction
2.4.2 Star and snow-Flake Schema
2.5 Introduction to Machine Learning
2.6 Introduction to Pattern Matching
2.7 Case study based on Schema Design
Unit III Classification 12 Hrs
3.1 Introduction, Definition
3.2 Decision Tree
3.2.1 Introduction
3.2.2 Construction Principle
3.2.3 Attribute Selection Measures
3.2.4 Tree Pruning
3.3 Rule-Based Classification
3.3.1 Using IF-THEN Rules for Classification
3.3.2 Rule Extraction from a Decision Tree
3.4 Bayes Classification Methods
3.4.1 Bayes‟ Theorem
3.4.2 Naive Bayesian Classification
3.5 Bayesian Networks
3.6 Parameter and structure learning
3.7 Linear classifier
3.8 Perceptron
3.9 k-Nearest-Neighbor Classifiers
3.10 SVM classifiers
3.10.1 Introduction
3.10.2 Types of SVM
3.10.3 Working of SVM
3.11 Regression
3.11.1 Linear Regression
3.11.2 Non linear Regression
3.12 Introduction to Prediction
Unit IV Clustering and Association Rule Mining 10 Hrs
4.1 Cluster Analysis
4.1.1 Introduction
4.1.2 Requirements for Cluster Analysis
4.2 Hierarchical Methods
4.2.1 Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering
4.2.2. Divisive Hierarchical Clustering
4.3 Partitioning Methods
4.3.1 k-Means: A Centroid-Based Technique
4.3.2 k-Medoids: A Representative Object-Based Technique
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4.4 Introduction to Association Rule Mining

Market Basket Analysis, Items, Itemsets and Large Itemsets
4.5 Apriori Algorithm
4.6 Kinds of Association Rules
Mining Multilevel association rules
Constraint Based Association rules mining
Unit V Introduction to Data Science 10 Hrs
5.1. Basics of Data
5.2 What is Data Science?
5.3. Data science process
5.4. Stages in a Data Science project
5.5 Applications of Data Science in various fields
5.6. Basics of Data Analytics
5.7 Types of Analytics – Descriptive, Predictive, Prescriptive
5.8 Statistical Inference - Populations and samples - Statistical
modeling - probability distributions
Unit VI EDA and Data Visualization 10 Hrs
6.1 What is Exploratory Data Analysis ?
6.2 Steps in EDA
6.3 Basic tools (plots, graphs and summary statistics) of EDA
6.4 Types of exploratory data analysis
6.5 Basic principles of data visualization
6.6 Benefits of Data Visualization
6.7 Data visualization techniques
6.8 Tools for data visualization
Reference Books:
1) Data Mining : Introductory and Advanced Topics by Margaret Dunham, S. Sridhar,
Pearson Publication
2) Data Mining concepts and Techniques by Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber, ELSEVIER,
Third Edition,
3) R and Data Mining, By Yanchang Zhao, Elsevier Inc., ISBN-10: 0123969638
4) Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python By O‟Reilly Media, 20153.
5) Making sense of Data: A practical Guide to Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining
by Glenn J. Myatt John Wiley Publishers, 2007

1. http://myweb.sabanciuniv.edu/rdehkharghani/files/2016/02/The-Morgan-Kaufmann-
2. https://data-flair.training/blogs/data-mining-tutorial/
3. http://infolab.stanford.edu/~ullman/mmds/book.pdf
4. https://archive.org/details/IntroductionToDataMining
5. https://www.academia.edu/6489220/Data_Mining_ebook
6. https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Data_Mining_Algorithms_In_R
7. https://www.cs.umd.edu/~samir/498/10Algorithms-08.pdf
8. http://www.elfhs.ssru.ac.th/morakot_wo/file.php/1/9781788290678-

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9. https://www.programmer-books.com/introducing-data-science-pdf/
10. https://www.cs.uky.edu/~keen/115/Haltermanpythonbook.pdf
11. https://www.pdfdrive.com/doing-data-science-d58735039.html


Online Courses:
1) Data Mining : https://onlinecourses.swayam2.ac.in/cec19_cs01/preview
2) https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_cs12/preview
3) https://www.classcentral.com/course/swayam-data-mining-13982
4) Data Science For Engineers : https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc19cs60
5) Introduction to Data Science in Python :https://www.coursera.org/learn/python-data-
6) Python for Data Science : https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc21cs33

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BCA 353: DSE III (Principles of Operating Systems)
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Theory: 05 Hrs./Week 04 Continuous Evaluation: 30 Marks
End-Semester : 70 Marks
Pre-requisite Course:
 BCA123 Operating System Concepts

Companion Course:-
● BCA 358 DSE III Laboratory (Operating Systems & AI)

Course Objectives:
● To study algorithms for CPU-scheduling, process creation and termination.
● To understand the notion of a Multithreading and Inter-process communication.
● To learn critical-section problems and classical process-synchronization problems.
● To know the concept of deadlock, different methods for preventing or avoiding
deadlocks and techniques for memory management.
● To learn and understand file system, directory structure, file allocation methods and
disk scheduling algorithms.

Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, learner will be able to:
● Describe algorithms for process, memory and disk scheduling
● Apply technique for inter-process communication and Multithreading.
● Implement concept of critical-section
● Compare and contrast deadlock avoidance and prevention.
● Use functions for file system management

Course Contents
Unit I Process Scheduling and Multithreaded Programming 14 Hrs
1.1 Process Scheduling – Scheduling queues, Schedulers,
context switch
1.2 Operations on Process – Process creation with program
using fork(), Process termination
1.3 Interprocess Communication – Shared memory system,
Message passing systems
1.4 Multithreaded Programming – Overview, Multithreading
1.5 Basic Concept – CPU-I/O burst cycle, CPU Scheduler,
Pre-emptive Scheduling, Dispatcher
1.6 Scheduling Criteria
1.7 Scheduling Algorithms – FCFS, SJF, Priority scheduling, Round-
robin scheduling, Multiple queue scheduling, Multilevel feedback
queue scheduling
1.8 Thread Scheduling
Unit II Process Synchronization 8 Hrs

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2.1 Background
2.2 Critical Section Problem
2.3 Semaphores: Usage, Implementation
2.4 Classic Problems of Synchronization – The bounded buffer problem,
The reader writer problem, The dining philosopher problem
Unit III Deadlocks 10 Hrs
3.1 System Model
3.2 Deadlock Characterization – Necessary Conditions,
Resource Allocation Graph
3.3 Deadlock Prevention
3.4 Deadlock Avoidance - Safe state, Resource-Allocation-Graph
Algorithm, Banker‟s Algorithm
3.5 Deadlock Detection
3.6 Recovery from Deadlock – Process Termination, Resource Pre-
Unit IV Memory Management 12 Hrs
4.1 Background – Basic Hardware, Address Binding, Logical Versus
Physical Address Space, Dynamic Loading, Dynamic Linking and Shared
Libraries, Overlays
4.2 Swapping
4.3 Contiguous Memory Allocation – Memory mapping and protection,
Memory allocation, Fragmentation
4.4 Paging – Basic Method, Hardware support, Protection,
Shared Pages
4.5 Segmentation – Basic concept, Hardware
4.6 Virtual Memory Management – Demand paging,
Performance of demand paging, Page replacement – FIFO, Optimal,
LRU, Second Chance Algorithm
4.7 Thrashing – Cause of thrashing, Working-Set Model
Unit V File System 10 Hrs
5.1 File Concept, File Attribute, File Operations, File Types, File
5.2 Access Methods - Sequential Access Method, Direct
Access Method, Other Access Methods
5.3 Directory overview, Single level directory, Two level
directory, Tree structure directory, Acyclic graph directory, General
graph directory
5.4 File System Structure and Implementation - Partitions and Mounting,
Virtual File Systems
5.5 Allocation Methods - Contiguous allocation, Linked
allocation, Indexed allocation
5.6 Free Space Management – Bit vector, Linked list,
Grouping, Counting, Space maps

Unit VI Disk Scheduling 6 Hrs

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6.1 Overview
6.2 Disk Structure
6.3 Disk Scheduling, FCFS Scheduling, SSTF Scheduling, SCAN
Scheduling, C-SCAN Scheduling, LOOK Scheduling
6.4 Disk Management
Reference Books:
1) Operating System Concepts, Avi Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, Greg Gagne, 8th
Edition, Wiley Asia
2) Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, William Stallings, Prentice Hall of
3) The Design of the UNIX Operating System By Maurice J. Bach., PHI publication
1) http://www.uobabylon.edu.iq/download/M.S%202013-

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BCA354: Artificial Intelligence
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 Hrs./Week 02 Continuous Evaluation: 15 Marks
End-Semester :35 Marks
Pre-requisite Course:
● BCA112 Problem Solving and C Programming
● BCA231 Data Structures.
Companion Course:
● BCA358 Laboratory (Operating Systems and AI)
Course Objectives:
● To learn various types of algorithms useful in Artificial Intelligence (AI).
● To convey the ideas in AI research related to emerging technology.
● To introduce ideas and techniques underlying the design of intelligent computer systems
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, learner will be able to:
● Apply the suitable algorithms to solve AI problems
● Identify and apply suitable Intelligent agents for various AI applications
● Build smart system using different informed search / uninformed search or heuristic
● Represent complex problems with expressive language of representation
Course Contents
Unit I Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 4 Hrs
1.1 Introduction to AI
1.2 Comparison of AI, Machine Learning, Deep Learning
1.3 Applications of AI
1.4 AI Techniques
1.5 Intelligent Agents, Agents and Environments, Structure of Agents
Unit II Problems, Problem Spaces and search 5 Hrs
2.1 Defining problem as a State Space Search
2.2 Production System
2.3 Problem Characteristics
2.4 Search & Control Strategies
2.5 Problems – Water Jug problem, Missionary Cannibal Problem, Block
words Problem, Monkey & Banana problem
Unit III Searching Algorithms 6 Hrs
3.1 Uninformed Search Algorithms/Blind Search Techniques
3.1.1 Breadth-first Search
3.1.2 Depth-first Search
3.2 Informed (Heuristic) search Techniques
3.2.1 Generate-and-test
3.2.2 Simple Hill Climbing

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3.2.3 Best First Search

3.2.4 Constraint Satisfaction
3.2.5 Means End Analysis
3.2.6 A* and AO*
Unit IV Knowledge Representation 7 Hrs
4.1 Definition of Knowledge
4.2 Types of knowledge (Procedural and Declarative knowledge)
4.3 Approaches to Knowledge Representation
4.4 Knowledge representation using Propositional and Predicate logic
4.5 Conversion to clause form
4.6 Resolution in Propositional logic
4.7 Resolution in Predicate logic
Unit V Slot and Filler Structures 4 Hrs
5.1 Weak structures (Semantic networks and Frame)
5.2 Strong structures (Conceptual dependencies and Script)

Unit VI Recent Trends in AI and Applications 4 Hrs

6.1 Introduction to Machine Learning,

6.2 Types of Learning, (Supervised, Unsupervised and Reinforcement
6.3 Predictive Analytics (Weather Forecasting)
6.4 AI-Powered Chatbots (SBI card chatbot (ILA))

Reference Books:
1) Artificial Intelligence, Tata McGraw Hill, Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight
2) Computational Intelligence, Eberhart, Elsevier, ISBN 9788131217832
3) Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis, Nilsson, Elsevier, ISBN 9788181471901
4) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert System, Dan Patterson, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1997
5) Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Russel &Norvig, Pearson Education
6) Introduction to Machine Learning, Ethem Alpaydin, PHI
1) https://www.oracle.com/in/chatbots/what-is-a-chatbot/
3) https://www.senseforth.ai/conversational-ai-case-studies/SBI-Cards/

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BCA 355: SEC II (Cloud Computing)
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 Hrs./Week 02 Continuous Evaluation: 15 Marks
End-Semester : 35 Marks
Pre-requisite Course:
● BCA233 Computer Network

Companion Course: NIL

Course Objectives:
● To study cloud computing concepts, technologies, architecture and applications.
● To understand issues in application deployment and implementations in
cloud environment.
● To learn recent trends in cloud computing.
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, learner will be able to:
● Explain the core issues in cloud computing such as security, privacy, and
● Choose the appropriate technologies, algorithms, and approaches for the given
● Compare and contrast various cloud services
Course Contents
Unit I Introduction to Cloud Computing 3 Hrs
1.1 Overview, Layers and Types of Cloud
1.2 Desired Features of a Cloud
1.3 Benefits and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing
1.4 Cloud Infrastructure Management
1.5 Infrastructure as a Service
Unit II Abstraction and Virtualization 6 Hrs
2.1 Using Virtualization Technology
2.2 Load Balancing and Virtualization – The Google Cloud
2.3 Understating Hypervisors – Virtual Machine types
2.4 Exploring SaaS – salesforce.com
2.5 Exploring PaaS- force.com, Exploring IaaS – Amazon EC2
Unit III Programming Environment 6 Hrs
3.1 Features of Cloud and Grid Platforms,
3.2 Programming Support of Google App Engine
3.3 Programming on Amazon AWS
3.4 Microsoft Azure
3.5 Emerging Cloud Software Environments.
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Unit IV Deploying Applications and cloud services 5 Hrs

4.1 Moving application to cloud
4.2 Microsoft Cloud Services
4.3 Google Cloud Applications
4.4 Amazon Cloud Services
4.5 Cloud Applications.
Unit V Emerging trends in cloud computing 5 Hrs
5.1 Multi-Cloud Vs Omni-Cloud
5.2 Integrated Blockchain technology
5.3 Kubernetes
5.4 Cloud AI
5.5 Intelligent SaaS
5.6 Kubernetes Supremacy
5.7 Containerization by Industry Giants
Unit VI Security In The Cloud 5 Hrs
6.1 Security Overview
6.2 Cloud Security Challenges and Risks
6.3 Software-as-a-Service Security
6.4 Security Governance
6.5 Risk Management – Security Monitoring
6.6 Security Architecture Design.
Reference Books:
1) Cloud Computing: Principles and Paradigms, Editors, RajkumarBuyya, James Broberg,
Andrzej M. Goscinski, Wiley,2011.
2) Enterprise Cloud Computing - Technology, Architecture, Applications, Gautam Shroff,
Cambridge University Press, 2010.
3) Cloud Computing Bible, Barrie Sosinsky, Wiley-India, 2010.
4) Cloud Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Secure Cloud Computing, Ronald L. Krutz,
Russell Dean Vines, Wiley- India,2010.
5) Cloud Computing: Technologies and Strategies of the Ubiquitous Data Center, Brian
J. S. Chee and Curtis Franklin.
5) AWS, The ultimate guide from beginners to advanced, Maveric Koston.
6) Microsoft Azure: Planning, Deploying, and Managing Your Data Center in the Cloud,
Anthony Puca, Mike Manning, Marshal Copeland, Julian Soh, David Gollob.
1) https://openlibrary.org/
2) https://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/
3) https://archive.org/
4) https://books.google.co.in/

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BCA356: DSE I Laboratory (Programming in JAVA)

Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
PR: 4* Hours/Week 02 Continuous Evaluation: 15 Marks
End-Semester Exam : 35 Marks
Prerequisite Courses:
● BCA 241 Object Oriented Programming and C++

Companion Courses:
● BCA 351 DSE I (Programming in Java)
Course Objectives:
● To learn implementation of object-oriented concepts with Java.
● To understand collection classes and interfaces.
● To know the process of application development using Graphical User Interface (GUI).
● To acquire knowledge about handling databases using Java.
● To study web components for developing web applications.
Course Outcomes:
After Completion of this course, students will able to
● Identify classes, objects, class members and relationships for a given problem.
● Design end to end applications using object oriented constructs.
● Apply collection classes for storing java objects.
● Use Java APIs for program development.
● Handle abnormal termination of a program using exception handling.

Lab Course Contents

Assignment No Assignment Name No.Of Sessions
1 Basics of Java, Classes and Objects 04
Classes and objects, Array of objects, Static keyword,
1. Write a Java program to accept a number from command
prompt and generate multiplication table of a number.
2. Write a Java program to print the factors of a number.
3. Write a Java program to display Fibonacci series using
4. Write a Java program to accept a number from user and
print all prime numbers upto that number(Use Buffered
Reader class)
5. Write a Java program to print the sum of elements of the
6. Write a Java Program which define class Product with data
member as id, name and price Store the information of 5

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products and Display the name of product having minimum

price(Use array of object).
7. Write a Java Program which define class Employee with
data member as id, name and salary Store the information of n
employees and Display the name of employee having
maximum salary (Use array of object).
8. Define a class student having rollno, name and percentage.
Define Default and parameterized constructor. Overload
the constructor. Accept the 5 student details and display it.(use
this keyword).
9. Define a class MyNumber having one private integer data
member. Write a default constructor initialize it to 0 and
another constructor to initialize it to a value. Write methods
isNegative, isPositive, isOdd, iseven. Use command line
argument to pass a value to the object and perform the above
10. Define a class CricketPlayer(name, no_of_innings,
no_of_times_notout, total_runs, bat_avg). Create an array of
“n” player objects. Calculate the batting average for each
player using a static method avg (). Handle appropriate
exception while calculating average. Define static method
“sortPlayer” which sort the array on the basis of average.
Display the player details in sorted order.
2 Inheritance and Interface 04
Types of Inheritance, Method Overriding, Super keyword,
Abstract classes, Interfaces, Package
1. Write a Java program to create a super class Vehicle having
members Company and Price. Derive two different classes
LightMotorVehicle (mileage) and HeavyMotorVehicle
(capacity_in_tons). Accept the information for “n” vehicles
and display the information in appropriate form. While taking
data, ask user about the type of vehicle first.
2. Define a class Employee having members – id, name,
department, salary. Define default and parameterized
constructors. Create a subclass called Worker with private
member bonus. Define methods accept and display in both the
classes. Create “n” objects of the Worker class and display the
details of the worker having the maximum total salary (salary
+ bonus).
3. Define a class Student with attributes rollno and name.
Define default and parameterized constructor. Override the
toString () method. Keep the count of Objects created. Create
objects using parameterized constructor and Display the
object count after each object is created.
4.Create an interface “CreditCardInterface” with methods:
viewCreditAmount(), useCard(), payCard(), and
increaseLimit(). Create a class “SolverCardCustomer” (name,

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cardnumber (16digit), creditamount-initialized to 0,

creditLimit-set to 50,000) which implements above interface.
Inherit class GoldCardCustomer from SilverCardCustomer
having same methods but creditLimit of 1,00,000. Create an
object of each class and perform operations. Display
appropriate messages for success or failure of transaction.
(Use method overloading)
a) useCard() method increase the creditAmount by a specific
amount uptocreaditLimit.
b) payCreadit() reduces the creditAmount by a specific
c) increaseLimit() increases the creaditLimit for
GoldCardCustomers (only 3 times, not more than 5000 rupees
each time.)
5. Create an abstract class Shape with methods area &
volume. Derive two classes Sphere (radius), Cylinder(radius,
height) from it. Calculate area and volume of both. (Use
Method Overriding)
6. Define an Interface Shape with abstract method area().
Write a java program to calculate an area of Circle and
Sphere.(use final keyword)
7. Create a package named Series having three different
classes to print series:
a. Fibonacci series
b. Cube of numbers
c. Square of numbers
Write a java program to generate „n‟ terms of the above series.
8. Write a package game which will have 2 classes Indoor &
Outdoor. Use a function display() to generate the list of player
for the specific game. Use default & parameterized
3 Collection, Exception handling and I/O 04
List, Set, Map interface related classes, Exception handling-
try and catch, User defined Exception, File class
1. Accept N integers from the user and store them in a
collection. Display them in the sortedorder. The collection
should not accept duplicate elements. (Use a suitable
2. Construct a Linked List having names of Fruits: Apple,
Banana, Guava and Orange and Display
i. the contents of the List using an Iterator;
ii. the contents of the List in reverse order using a ListIterator;
3.Create a Hash table containing Student Name and
Percentage. Display the contents of the hash table. Also
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search for a specific Student and display his percentage.

4. Write a java program to accept a number from the user, if
number is zero then throw user defined exception ―Number
is 0, otherwise check whether no is prime or not
5. Write a java program to accept Doctor Name from the user
and check whether it is valid or not. (It should not contain digits
and special symbol ) If it is not valid then throw user defined
Exception ―Name is Invalid -- otherwise display it.
6. Write a class Driver with attributeslicense_no, name,
address and age. Initialize values through the parameterized
constructor. If age of Driver is less than 18 then user-defined
exception should be generated ―Age is below 18 years -.
7. Write a java program that displays the number of
characters, lines and words of a file.
8. Write a java program to accept details of n customers
(c_id, cname, address, mobile_no) from user and store it in a
file ( Use DataOutputStream class). Display the details of
customers by reading it from file.( use DataInputStream class)
4 Swing 04
GUI designing, Event handling on GUI

1. Write a java program to design the following GUI using

Swing components.

2. Write a java program to design a following GUI using

Swing. After submission, display the accepted details on the
next page. (Use Event Handling)

3. Write a java program to design the following GUI using

Swing components.

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4.Write a program to create following GUI using Swing and

check whether username and password is correct or not. (Use
Event Handling)

Database Programming : 04
Use DriverManager class, Statement, PreparedStatement
5 interface, ResultSet interface, ResultsetMetaData Interface to
Execute DML commands

1. Create a table Country (Name, continent, Capital,

Region).Insert values in the table. Write a program to display
all the countries located in West Region.

2. Write a program to display information about the ResultSet

like number of columns available in ResultSet and SQL type
of the column. (Consider the table mentioned in 1.)

3. Write a menu driven program to perform the following

operations on the table
District(ID, Name, Population, State, Area).

a. Insert b. Modify c. Delete d. Search e. Display f. Exit

4. Create a table Course (Code,name, department,

number_of_students). Insert values in the table. Write a
program to update number_of_studentsof “BCA Science”
to 1000.

5. Write a program to insert the records into the table

Employee (ID,name,salary) using PreparedStatement

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6 Servlets and JSP : 04

Servlet lifecycle: Init(), Service(), doGet(), doPost(),
destroy(), Form data parsing: getParameter(),
getParameterValues(), JSP implicit objects,
JSP tags: Directives, Declarations, Scriptlets, Expressions

1. Write a program to display Servlet Life Cycle.

2. Write a SERVLET program to display number of
times user has visited the page. (use cookies)
3. Write a JSP program to check whether given number
is Prime or not. (Use Include directive).
4. Write a JSP program to display the details of Player
(ID, Name, TeamName) from a database on a browser
using JSP.
5. Write a JSP Program to validate username and
6. Write a JSP program to calculate factorial value for an
integer number. Take the input in a HTML form.

Total Number of Sessions 24

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BCA357: DSE II Laboratory (Data mining )

Examination Scheme:
Teaching Scheme: Credits
Continuous Evaluation : 15 Marks
PR:4* Hours/Week 02 End-Semester Exam : 35 Marks
Prerequisite Courses:
● BCA 246 Python Programming Laboratory
Companion Courses:
 BCA 352 DSE II (Data Mining and Data Science)
Course Objectives:
 To understand the basics of R programming
 To study facilities for performing data mining with R packages
 To learn python functionalities and features used for data mining
 To explore Data analysis and Data Visualization using Python

Course Outcomes: After completion of this course, students will able to

 Implement data mining tasks using R
 Use the python packages to carry out data mining tasks.
 Perform data analysis and data visualization using python packages.

Lab Course Contents

Assignment Assignment Name No. Of

No Sessions
1 R Programming Basics, Programs using List, Matrix, String and 10
Factors, Program using data frame and visualization
1. Write a R program to add, multiply and divide two vectors of
integer type. (vector length should be minimum 4)
2. Write a R program to calculate the multiplication table using a
3. Write a script in R to create a list of employees and perform
the following:
Display names of employees in the list.
Add an employee at the end of the list.
Remove the third element of the list.
4. Write a R program to sort a list of strings in ascending and
descending order.
5. Write a R program to reverse a number and also calculate the
sum of digits of that number.
6. Write a R program to calculate the sum of two matrices of
given size.
7. Write a R program to concatenate two given factors.
8. Write a R program to create a data frame using two given
vectors and display the duplicate elements.
9. Write a R program to perform the following:

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Display all rows of the data set having height greater than 120.
Display all rows of data set in ascending order of weight.
a. (Use inbuilt data set woman)
10. Write a R program to perform the following:
Display all the cars having mpg more than 20.
Subset the data set by mpg column for values greater than
Display all cars having four gears. (Use inbuilt data set mtcar)
11. Write a R Program to perform the following:
Create a Scattered plot to compare wind speed and
Create a Scattered plot to show the relationship between
ozone and wind values by giving appropriate values to colour
Create a Bar plot to show the ozone level for all the days
having temperature > 70. (Use inbuilt datasetair quality)
2 Classification – Decision tree 03
Conversion of Categorical values in numeric format for a given
Perform Classification using Decision Tree algorithm

3 Association Rules and Clustering (Using inbuilt Data set) 04

Perform ARM using Apriori Algorithm
Perform Clustering using k-means clustering algorithm

4 Regression Analysis and Outlier detection 03

Perform Regression Analysis.
Perform Linear Regression

5 Python programs for Clustering 04

Write a python program to implement k-nearest Neighbors ML
algorithm to build prediction model (Use Forge Dataset)
Write a python program to implement k-means algorithms on a
synthetic dataset.
Total Number of Sessions 24

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BCA 358: DSE III Laboratory (Operating Systems and AI)
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
PR: 4* Hours/Week 02 Continuous Evaluation : 15 Marks
End-Semester Exam : 35 Marks
Prerequisite Courses:
● BCA123 Operating System Concepts
Companion Courses:
 BCA 353 : DSE III (Principles of Operating Systems)
 BCA 354: SEC I (Artificial Intelligence)

Course Objectives:
● To study the process management and scheduling.
● To Study Memory Management
● To study and understand searching techniques
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, learner will be able to:
● Implement algorithms for Process scheduling and Memory management
● Describe process synchronization and multithreading
● Compare and contrast the algorithms for memory management and its allocation policies.
● Use searching algorithms
● Design a simple Expert system
Lab Course Contents

Assignment No Assignment Name No. Of Session

1 Assignment 1: Operations on processes 2
1. Create a child process using fork(), display parent and child
process id. Child process will display the message “Hello World”
and the parent process should display “Hi”.

2. Creating a child process using the command exec().

Note down process ids of the parent and the child processes,
check whether the control is given back to the parent after the
child process terminates.

Write a similar program using execv() and execvp() and observe

the differences in behaviors of the commands

3. Creating a child process without terminating the parent process

Write a program to create a child process using fork().The parent

should goto sleep state and child process should begin its

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execution. In the child process, use execl() to execute the “ls”


4. Write a program to illustrate the concept of orphan process (

Using fork() and sleep())

5. Write a program that demonstrates the use of nice() system

call. After a child process is started using fork(), assign higher
priority to the child using nice() system call.

6. Write a program to find the execution time taken for execution

of a given set of instructions (use clock() function)

2 Assignment 2: CPU Scheduling 4

FCFS, SJF, Priority Scheduling, Round-robin scheduling
a. Write a program to simulate FCFS CPU-scheduling
algorithm. Accept number of Processes as input. Also accept
arrival time and CPU burst time for each process as input.
The output should generate a Gantt chart, turnaround time
and waiting time for each process. Also display the average
turnaround time and average waiting time.
b. Write a program to simulate Non-Pre-emptive Shortest Job
First (SJF) CPU scheduling algorithm. Accept the number of
Processes and arrival time and CPU burst time for each
process as input. The output should generate a Gantt chart,
turnaround time and waiting time for each process. Also
display the average turnaround time and average waiting
c. Write a program to simulate Non-Pre-emptive Priority and
Round robin CPU scheduling algorithm. Accept the number
of Processes and arrival time, CPU burst time and priority for
each process as input. Priorities should be in High to Low
order (Example 1 is High and 5 is Low). For Round robin,
consider time slice is 2 units.
3 Assignment 3: Deadlock detection and avoidance 4
Write a program for deadlock detection considering a single
instance of each resource using wait for graph.
Write a program which will traverse the graph to check for
cycles. If a cycle is detected, print the list of processes that are
involved in the deadlock.

Deadlock avoidance using Banker‟s Algorithm

Write a program to implement a Banker‟s Algorithm. Accept the total

number of processes (n) and resource types (m) as input. Also accept
the number of instances for each resource type, Allocation and Max of

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size “n x m” as input and perform the following operations:

a) Show the contents of Available array of size “m” b) Calculate and

display the contents of Need matrix of size “n x m”

Using Safety and Resource-Request algorithm perform the following

operations: a) Check whether the system is in safe state or not
b) If a request of size “m” arrives from process Pi , can it be granted
immediately by keeping the system in safe state? Where 0 <= i<=m-1.

2. Consider the following snapshot of the system

Process Allocation MAX Available


0 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 5 2 0

1 0 0 0 1 7 5 0

1 3 5 4 2 3 5 6

0 6 3 2 0 6 5 2

0 0 1 4 0 6 5 6

Calculate and display the contents of matrix Need

Using Safety and Resource-Request algorithm decide:

a) Whether the system is in safe state or not.

b)If the request from process P4 arrives as (0, 0, 4, 1), can it be granted
immediately by keeping system in safe state?

4 Assignment 4: Page Replacement Algorithms: FIFO, 4

Optimal, LRU
a. Consider the following page reference string:
1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 6, 2, 1, 2, 3, 7, 6, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3
How many page faults would occur for the following page
replacement algorithms assuming four frames? All frames are
initially empty.
1. LRU 2. Optimal 3. FIFO

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b. Write a program to simulate demand paging using FIFO,

LRU, optimal page replacement algorithms. Assume the
memory of “n” frames. Show the contents of the page
after every page replacement in a frame and at the end
show the total number of page faults accordingly.
Reference String : 3,4,5,4,3,4,7,2,4,5,6,7,2,4,6

5 Assignment 5: Implement A* Algorithm 4

Sample Assignment
Given an initial state of a 8-puzzle problem and final state to be

Find the most cost-effective path to reach the final state from
initial state using A* Algorithm.
Consider g(n) = Depth of node and h(n) = Number of misplaced
6 Assignment 6: Implement AO* Algorithm 4
Sample Assignment
Implement AO* algorithm on the following graph.

7 Design of an Expert System for popular domains such as 2

Medical Diagnosis

Total Number of Sessions 24

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BCA 361: Android Programming
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Theory: 05 Hrs./Week 04 Continuous Evaluation: 30 Marks
End-Semester: 70 Marks
Pre-requisite Course:
● BCA 351: DSE I (Programming in Java)
● BCA 356: DSE I Lab (Programming in Java)
Companion Course:
● BCA 366: DSE IV (Android Programming)

Course Objectives:
● To understand the Android Operating System
● To study Android Apps Development Cycle
● To learn to create Android Applications.
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, learner will be able to:
● Describe the process of developing mobile applications.
● Create mobile applications on the Android Platform.
● Design and implement mobile applications involving data storage in SQLite database
● Use location-based services while developing applications
Course Contents
Unit I Introduction to Android 06 Hrs
1.1. Overview
1.2. History
1.3. Features of Android
1.4. Architecture of Android
• Overview of Stack
• Linux Kernel
• Native Libraries
• Android Runtime
• Application Framework
• Applications
1.5. SDK Overview
• Platforms
• Tools – (JDK, SDK, Eclipse/Android Studio, ADT,
AVD, Android Emulator), Versions
1.6. Creating your first Android Application
Unit II Activities, Fragments and Intents 10 Hrs
2.1. Introduction to Activities
2.2. Activity Lifecycle
2.3. Introduction to Intents
2.4. Linking Activities using Intents
2.5. Calling built-in applications using Intents
2.6. Introduction to Fragments
2.7. Adding Fragments Dynamically
2.8. Lifecycle of Fragment
2.9. Toast

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Unit III Android User Interface 06 Hrs

3.1. Understanding the components of a screen
• Views and View Groups
• Linear Layout
• Absolute Layout
• Table Layout
• Relative Layout
• Frame Layout
• Scroll Layout
• Scroll View
• Constraint Layout
3.2. Adapting to Display Orientation
• Anchoring Views
• Resizing and Repositioning
3.3. Split Screen / Multi-Screen Activities
Unit IV Designing Your User Interface with Views 13 Hrs
4.1. Using Basic Views
• TextView
• Button, ImageButton, EditText, CheckBox
• Switch, ToggleButton, RadioButton, and RadioGroup Views
• ProgressBar View
• AutoCompleteTextView View
4.2. Using Picker Views
• TimePicker View
• DatePicker View
4.3. Using List Views to Display Long Lists
• ListView View
• Using the Spinner View
4.4. Understanding Specialized Fragments
• Using a ListFragment
• Using a DialogFragment
4.5. Displaying Pictures and Menus
4.5.1. Using Image Views to Display Pictures
• Gallery and ImageView views
• Image Switcher
• Grid View
4.5.2. Using Menus with Views
• Creating the helper methods
• Options Menu
• Context Menu
4.6. VideoView
● Play video from URL with using VideoView
● VideoView Create
● Optimized VideoView
● Optimized VideoView in ListView
Unit V Databases – SQLite, Messaging and E-mail 14 Hrs
6.1. Introduction to SQLite
6.2. SQLite Open Helper and SQLite Database
6.3. Creating , opening and closing database
6.4. Working with cursors, Insert, Update, Delete
6.5. Building and executing queries
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6.6. SMS Messaging

• Sending SMS Messages Programmatically
• Getting Feedback after Sending a Message
• Sending SMS Messages Using Intent
• Receiving SMS Messages
• Caveats and Warnings
6.7. Sending E-mail
Unit VI Location-Based Services and Google Map 11 Hrs
6.1. Display Google Maps
• Creating the project
• Obtaining the Maps API Key
• Displaying the Map
• Displaying the Zoom Control
• Changing Views
• Navigating to a specific location
• Adding Markers
• Getting the location that was touched
• Geocoding and Reverse Geocoding
6.2. Getting Location Data
6.3. Monitoring a Location
Reference Books:
1) Beginning Android4 Application Development, By Wei-Meng Lee WILEY India Edition
WROX Publication
2) Professional Android 4 Application Development, By Reto Meier WROX Publication
3)Head First Android Development: A Brain-Friendly Guide, By David Griffiths and Dawn
1) https://enos.itcollege.ee/~jpoial/allalaadimised/reading/Android-Programming-
2) https://www.programming-book.com/download/?file=10988
3) http://projanco.com/Library/Android%20App%20Development%20in%20Android%20Stu
4) https://www.programmer-books.com/professional-android-4th-edition-pdf/
1) The official site for Android developers - https://developer.android.com
2) https://www.tutorialspoint.com/android/index.htm
3) https://www.javatpoint.com/android-tutorial

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BCA 362: DSE-V Programming in Go
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Theory: 05 Hrs./Week 04 Continuous Evaluation: 30 Marks
End-Semester : 70 Marks
Pre-requisite Course:
● BCA122: Advanced C Programming
● BCA241: Object Oriented Programming and C++
Companion Course:
● BCA367: DSE V Lab (Programming in GO and IoT)
Course Objectives:
● To study various programming constructs in GO
● To understand salient features in GO
● To know advance features in GO
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, learner will be able to:
● Describe the core features and concepts in Go
● Write simple Go programs using functions
● Apply defining methods and Go Interfaces
● Use Go routines and Channels
● Explore Go Packages
Course Contents
Unit I Introduction 10 Hrs
1.1 Go Runtime and Compilations
1.2 Keywords and Identifiers
1.3 Constants and Variables
1.4 Operators and Expressions
1.5 Local Assignments
1.6 Booleans, Numeric , Characters
1.7 Pointers and Addresses
1.9 if-else, switch, for loop
1.10 Iterations
1.11 Using break and continue
Unit II Functions 10 Hrs
2.1 Parameters and Return Values
2.2 Call by Value and Reference
2.3 Named Return Variables
2.4 Blank Identifiers
2.5 Variable Argument Parameters
2.6 Using defer statements
2.7 Recursive Functions
2.8 Functions as Parameters
Unit III Working with Data 8 Hrs
3.1 Array Literals
3.2 Multidimensional Arrays
3.3 Array Parameters
3.4 Slices and Slice Parameters

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3.5 Multidimensional Slices

3.6 Structures and Structure Parameters

Unit IV Methods and Interfaces 12 Hrs

4.1 Method Declarations
4.2 Functions vs. Methods
4.3 Pointer and Value Receivers
4.4 Method Values and Expressions
4.5 Interface Types and Values
4.6 Type Assertions and Type Switches
4.7 Method Sets with Interfaces
4.8 Embedded Interfaces
4.9 Empty Interfaces
Unit V Goroutines and Channels 10 Hrs
5.1 Concurrency vs. Parallelism
5.2 Goroutine Functions and Lambdas
5.3 Wait Groups
5.4 Channels
5.5 Sending and Receiving
5.6 Unbuffered and Buffered Channels
5.7 Directional Channels
5.8 Multiplexing with select
5.9 Timers and Tickers
Unit VI Packages and Files 10 Hrs
6.1 Packages and Workspaces
6.2 Exporting Package Names
6.3 Import Paths and Named Imports
6.4 Package Initializations
6.5 Blank Imports
6.6 Unit Testing with Test Functions
6.7 Table Tests and Random Tests
6.8 Benchmarking
6.9 Working with Files
Reference Books:
1) Introducing Go, Caleb Doxey, Oreilly publication
2) Learning Go Programming: Build Scalable Next-Gen Web Application using Golang
(English Edition), Shubhangi Agarwal, BPB publication
1) Introducing Go By Caleb Doxey, Released January 2016Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
ISBN: 9781491941959https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/introducing-go/9781491941997/
2) Go Bootcamp by Matt Aimonettihttp://www.golangbootcamp.com/book
Online Courses: Golang free online course with MOOC

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BCA 363: DSE VI Software Project Management
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Theory: 05 Hrs./Week 04 Continuous Evaluation: 30 Marks
End-Semester: 70 Marks
Pre-requisite Course:
● BCA243 Software Engineering
Companion Course:
● BCA 368 DSE VI Project Laboratory
Course Objectives:
● To understand the fundamentals of Software Project Management
● To introduce Software project planning and management tools
● To study software project scheduling and tracking
● To know the agile project management
● To learn managing people in software project
Course Outcomes:
On Successful completion of the course, learners should be able to
 Comprehend Software Project Management Concepts
 Use various tools for Software Project Management Schedule various activities in
software projects
 Track a project and manage changes
 Apply Agile Project Management concepts
 Analyze staffing process for team building and decision making
Course Contents
Unit I Introduction to Software Project Management 10 Hrs
1.1 Project Definition
1.2 Project versus Flow type work
1.3 Project Lifecycle
1.4 Processes and Knowledge Areas in Project Management (PM)
1.5 Build or Buy decision,
1.6 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and its types
1.7 Introduction to PMBOK,
1.8 Program and Portfolio Management
Unit II Project Planning and Project Management Tools 10 Hrs
2.1 Project Planning
2.2 Steps for Project Planning,
2.3 PERT and Gantt Charts
2.4 Introduction to Project Management using Gantt Project
2.5 Objectives of Activity planning
2.6 Project Schedules, Activities, Sequencing and Scheduling
2.7 Network Planning Models,
2.8 Formulating Network Model.
Unit III Activity based Scheduling 10 Hrs
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Objectives of Activity Planning
3.3 Activity relationships (FS, SF, SS, FF)

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3.4 Forward Pass technique

3.5 Backward Pass techniques
3.6 Critical Path concept and remedies
Unit IV Project Tracking and Control 10 Hrs
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Collection of Project data
4.3 Visualizing progress
4.4 Cost monitoring
4.5 Earned Value Analysis
4.6 Project tracking
4.7 Change Control
4.8 Software Configuration Management
4.9 Managing contracts and Contract Management.
Unit V Agile Project Management 10 Hrs
5.1 Predictive versus Empirical Management
5.2 Comparison between Non-Agile and Agile Project
5.3 Three stages of Agile Project
5.4 Estimation
5.5 Scope Management
5.6 Roles and Responsibilities
5.7 Scheduling and Tracking
Unit VI Staffing in Software Projects 10 Hrs
6.1 Managing People Organizational behavior
6.2 Best methods of Staff Selection
6.3 Motivation
6.4 The Oldham Hackman job characteristic Model
6.5 Stress, Health and Safety
6.6 Ethical and Professional Concerns
6.7 Working in Teams, Decision Making
6.8 Organizational structures, Dispersed and Virtual Teams
6.9 Communications Genres and Communication Plans.
Text Book:
1. Bob Hughes, Mike Cotterell and Rajib Mall, “Software Project Management”,
Sixth Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Robert K. Wysocki, “Effective Software Project Management”, Wiley Publication,2011
Reference Books:
1. Ken Schwaber, “Agile Project Management”, MicrosoftPress,2004
2. Walker Royce, “Software Project Management”, Addison-Wesley,1998.
3. Jalote Pankaj, “Software Project Management in Practice”, Addison-
4. PMBOK Guide
 https://www.kornev-online.net/ITIL/Mcgraw.Hill.Software_Project_Management_2nd_Edition.pdf

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BCA364: SEC III Management Information System
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 Hrs./Week 02 Continuous Evaluation: 15 Marks
End-Semester : 35 Marks
Pre-requisite Course:
● BCA243 Software Engineering
Companion Course: None

Course Objectives:
 To know the role of information technology and decision support systems in business
 To learn the fundamental principles of information systems
 To understand the principles and techniques used for management and decision making
 To explore various applications of MIS
Course Outcomes:
After successful completion of this course, learners will able to
 Describe MIS, BPR, EMS
 Compare MIS with BPR, DSS and EMS
 Identify various ERP modules for a given application
 List the applications of MIS in Manufacturing and service sectors

Course Contents
Unit I Introduction to MIS 3Hrs
1.1 Introduction to MIS
1.2 Definition
1.3 Role of MIS
1.4 Impact of MIS
1.5 MIS as a control system.
1.6 MIS: a support to the management.
Unit II Decision Making and Information 5 Hrs
2.1 Decision Making Process and models
2.2 Decision Analysis by Analytical Modeling
2.3 Behavioral Concepts in Decision-Making
2.4 Organizational Decision-Making
2.5 Information Management: Classification of Information
2.6 Methods of Data and information collection
Unit III Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) 5 Hrs
3.1 Introduction to BPR and Business process
3.2 Process Model of the organization
3.3 Value stream Model of Organization
3.4 Relevance of Information Technology
3.5 MIS and BPR
Unit IV Enterprise Management Systems (EMS) 7Hrs
4.1 Introduction to EMS and ERP
4.2 ERP Model, Modules, Benefits of ERP

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4.3 ERP Product Evaluation and Implementation

4.4 Introduction to Supply Chain management (SCM) and Customer
Relationship Management)
4.5 EMS and MIS
Unit V Decision Support Systems & Knowledge Management 6 Hrs
5.1 Introduction to Decision Support Systems (DSS)
5.2 Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)
5.3 Business Intelligence and Analytics
5.4 Executive Information Systems & Executive Support Systems
5.5 Introduction to Knowledge Management
5.6 Knowledge Management Systems
5.7 Knowledge Based Expert Systems (KBES)
Unit VI Applications of MIS in Manufacturing and Service Sectors 4Hrs
6.1 MIS for Financial and marketing Management
6.2 Introduction to service and service sector
6.3 Service Process Cycle
6.4 Customer service Design and Service Management System
Reference Books
 Jawadekar, W.S., “Management Information Systems”, Tata McGraw
Hill Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009.
 Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane P. Laudon: “Management Information
Systems” 9/e, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
 Goyal, D.P.: “Management Information System”, MACMILLAN India
Limited, New Delhi, 2008.
 Mahadeo Jaiswal, Monika Mital: “Management Information System”,
Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2008.
 Murthy C.S.V.: “Management Information System”, Himalaya
Publications, New Delhi, 2008.

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CBCS 2019-20 TYBCA

BCA365: SEC IV Internet of Things (IoT)
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 Hrs./Week 02 Continuous Evaluation: 15 Marks
End-Semester : 35 Marks
Pre-requisite Course:
 BCA121: Computer Organization
 BCA125: Computer Organization Laboratory
 BCA233: Computer Networks
 BCA355: SEC II (Cloud Computing)

Companion Course:
 BCA367 DSE V Laboratory (Programming in GO and IoT)

Course Objectives:
● To understand fundamentals of Internet of Things (IoT) and Embedded Systems
● To know methodologies for IoT application development
● To study the IoT protocols, cloud platforms and security issues in IoT
● To learn real world application scenarios of IoT along with its societal and economic impact
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, learners should be able to
 Define Embedded Systems and the Internet of Things
 Apply enabling technologies for developing IoT systems
 Design simple IoT applications
 Analyze protocols for communication among IoT devices
 Describe cloud-based IoT systems
 Comprehend security issues in IoT applications
Course Contents
Unit I Introduction to Embedded Systems 5 Hrs
1.1 Definition, Characteristics of Embedded System,
1.2 Real time systems, Real time tasks 1.3 Processor basics: General
Processors in Computer Vs Embedded Processors, Micro controllers and
Properties, Components of Microcontrollers, System-On- Chip and its
1.4 Components of Embedded Systems,
1.5 Introduction to embedded processor.

Unit II Internet of Things : Concepts 5 Hrs

2.1 Definition, Characteristics of IoT, Trends in Adoption of IoT,
2.2 IoT Devices, IoT Devices Vs Computers,
2.3 Basic Building Blocks.
2.4 Physical Design of IoT: - Things in IoT, Interoperability of IoT Devices,
Sensors and Actuators, Need of Analog/Digital Conversion.
2.5 Logical Design of IoT:- IoT functional blocks, IoT Enabling
technologies, IoT levels and deployment templates, Applications of
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Unit III Introduction to IoT Design Methodology 5 Hrs
3.1 Design Steps
3.2 Basics of IoT Networking, Networking Components, Internet Structure
3.3 IoT Communication Models and IoT Communication APIs,
3.4 Sensor Networks
3.5 Four pillars of IoT: M2M, SCADA,WSN, RFID

Unit IV Introduction to IoT Protocols 5 Hrs

4.1 Protocol Standardization for IoT
4.2 M2M and WSN Protocols
4.3 RFID Protocol,
4.4 Modbus Protocol, Zigbee Architecture.
4.5 IP based Protocols: MQTT (Secure), 6LoWPAN, LoRa.
Unit V Cloud Platforms for IoT 5 Hrs
5.1 Introduction to Cloud Storage Models, Communication API
5.2 Cloud for IoT
5.3 Introduction to Amazon Web Services for IoT and SkyNet IoT
5.4 Messaging Platform
5.5 Introduction to RESTful Web Services -GRPC,SOAP.
Unit VI Security in IoT 5 Hrs
6.1 Introduction, Vulnerabilities of IoT, Security Requirements
6.2 Challengesfor Secure IoT, Threat Modeling
6.3 Key elements of IoT Security: Identity establishment, Access control,
Data and message security, Non-repudiation and availability
6.4 Security model for IoT
6.5 Challenges in designing IOT applications, Introduction to
Lightweight cryptography

Reference Books:
1. Arshdeep Bahga,Vijay Madisetti, “Internet of Things– A hands- on approach”,
Universities Press, ISBN: 0: 0996025510, 13:978-996025515
2. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick, Omar Elloumi, “The Internet of Things: Key
Applications and Protocols”, 2nd Edition, Wiley Publication,ISBN:978-1-119-99435-0
3. Dawoud Shenouda, Peter Dawoud, “Microcontroller and Smart Home Networks”,
ISBN: 9788770221566, e-ISBN: 9788770221559
4. Charles Crowell, “Internet of Things for Beginners: An Easy-to-Understand Introduction to
IoT”, ISBN-13 : 979-8613100194
5. David Hanes, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Robert Barton, Jerome Henry, “IoT
Fundamentals: Networking Technologies, Protocols, and Use Cases for the Internet of
Things”, Cisco Press, ISBN-13: 978-1-58714-456-1 ISBN-10: 1-58714-456-5

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CBCS 2019-20 TYBCA

BCA366: DSE IV Laboratory (Android Programming)
Teaching Scheme: Credit Examination Scheme:
PR: 4* Hours/Week 02 Continuous Evaluation : 15 Marks
End-Semester Exam : 35 Marks
Prerequisite Courses:
 BCA 351: DSE I (Programming in Java)
 BCA 356: DSE I Lab (Programming in Java)
Companion Courses:
 BCA – 361 Android Programming

Course Objectives:
● To understand the Android Operating System and
● To study Android Apps Development Cycle
● To learn to create Android Applications.
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, students will able to
● Describe the process of developing mobile applications.
● Create mobile applications on the Android Platform.
● Design and implement mobile applications involving data storage in SQLite database
● Use location-based services while developing applications
Lab Course Contents
Assignment No Assignment Name No. Of Sessions
1 Introduction to Android 02
2 Activities, Fragments and Intents 04
3 Android User Interface 04
4 Designing User Interface with Views 05
5 Databases-SQLite, Messaging and E-mail 05
6 Location-Based Services and Google Map 04
Total Number of Sessions 24
Sample Assignments Programs
Assignment 1 Introduction to Android
Install Android Studio and build simple Hello World application.

Assignment 2 Activities, Fragments and Intents

Create Simple application to display details of selected list item on Second
Activity (use Fragmentation).
Create simple application with Login Screen. On successful login, gives message
go to next Activity (Without Using Database).

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Create a Simple Application Which Send ―Hello‖ message from one activity to
another with help of Button (Use Intent).
Assignment 3 Android User Interface
Design following-add a border to an Android Layout

Assignment 4 Designing Your User Interface with Views

Construct an app that toggles a light bulb on and off when the user clicks on
toggle button.
Create gallery application to display all images date wise (Use Grid View).
Assignment 5 Databases-SQLite, Messaging and E-mail
Construct a simple notes list that lets the user add new notes but not edit them.
Demonstrates the basics of ListActivity. Use a SQLite database to store the notes.
Create application to send and receive messages.
Create application to send email with validation.
Assignment 6 Location-Based Services and Google Map
Write a program to track android device using Google Maps.
Write a program to draw path along a route in Google map.
Suggested Online Courses:

Learners may study following online courses

 Advanced App Development in Android Capstone (Coursera)

 Android Basics: Multi screen Apps (Udacity)
 Android Basics: Networking (Udacity)
 Firebase in a Weekend: Android (Udacity)
 Android App Development for Beginners (edX)
 Introduction to Mobile Application Development using Android (edX)

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CBCS 2019-20 TYBCA

BCA367: DSE V Laboratory (Programming in GO and IoT)
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
PR: 4* Hours/Week 02 Continuous Evaluation : 15 Marks
End-Semester Exam : 35 Marks
Prerequisite Courses:
 Knowledge of Programming Languages C, C++, Java, Python
Companion Courses:
 BCA362 Programming in GO
 BCA365 Internet of Things (IoT)

Course Objectives:
 To introduce essential programming features in GO
 To become familiar with programming techniques in GO
 To understand the technique of building Packages and File handling
 To learn developing simple IoT applications
Course Outcomes:
On completion of this course, students will be able to:
 Write programs using features supported in GO
 Handle errors and utilize Goroutines and Channels
 Write programs on File handling
 Compare and contrast features of GO with other object oriented languages
 Design Simple IoT application
Lab Course Contents
Assignment No Assignment Name No. Of Sessions
Programming in GO
1 Introduction to Go Programming 02
2 Functions 03
3 Working with data 03
4 Methods and Interfaces 04
5 Go routines and channels 03
6 Packages and files 03
Internet of Things (IoT)
7 Interfacing Raspberry-Pi/ Adriano with IR sensor 02
8 Interfacing Raspberry-Pi/ Beagle board with temperature 02
9 Interfacing Raspberry-Pi/ Beagleboard with camera 02
Sample Assignments Programs
Assignment 1 SET A
1. WAP in go language to print Student name, rollno, division and college name
2. WAP in go language to print whether number is even or odd.
3. WAP in go language to swap the number without temporary variable.
1. WAP in go to print table of given number.
2. WAP in go language to print PASCALS triangle.

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3. WAP in go language to print Fibonacci series of n terms.

1. WAP in go language to concatenate two strings using pointers.
2. WAP in go language to accept two strings and compare them.
3. WAP in go language to accept user choice and print answer of using
arithmetical operators.
Assignment 2 SET A
1. WAP in go language to print addition of two number using function.
2. WAP in go language to print recursive sum of digits of given number.
3. WAP in go language using function to check whether accepts number is
palindrome or not.
1. WAP in go language to swap two numbers using call by reference concept.
2. WAP in go language to demonstrate use of names returns variables.
3. WAP in go language to show the compiler throws an error if a variable is
declared but not used.
1. WAP in go language to illustrate the concept of call by value.
2. WAP in go language to create a file and write hello world in it and close the
file by using defer statement.
3. WAP in go language to illustrate the concept of returning multiple values from
a function
Assignment 3 SET A
1. WAP in go language to find the largest and smallest number in an array.
2. WAP in go language to accept the book details such as BookID, Title, Author,
Price. Read and display the details of n number of books.
3. WAP in go language to Initialize a Slice using Multi-Line Syntax and display
1. WAP in go language to create and print multidimensional Slice.
2. WAP in go language to sort array elements in ascending order.
3. WAP in go language to accept n student details like roll_no, stud_name,
mark1,mark2, mark3. Calculate the total and average of marks using structure.
1. WAP in go language to accept two matrices and display it's multiplication.
2. WAP in go language to accept n records of employee information
(eno,ename,salary) and display record of employees having maximum salary.
3. WAP in go language to demonstrate working of slices (like append, remove,
copy etc.)

Assignment 4 SET A
1. WAP in go language to create an interface shape that includes area and
perimeter. Implements these methods in circle and rectangle type.
2. WAP in go language to print multiplication of two numbers using method.
3. WAP in go language to create structure author. Write a method show() whose
receiver is struct author.
1. WAP in go language to create structure student. Write a method show() whose
receiver is a pointer of struct student.
2. WAP in go language to demonstrate working type switch in interface.
3. WAP in go language to copy all elements of one array into another using
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1. WAP in go language to create an interface and display it‟s values with the help
of type assertion.
2. WAP in go language to store n student information(rollno, name, percentage)
and write a method to display student information in descending order of
3. WAP in go language to demonstrate working embedded interfaces.
Assignment 5 SET A
1.WAP in Go to illustrate how to create an anonymous Goroutine.
2. WAP in Go how to create channel and illustrate how to close a channel using
for range loop and close function.
3. WAP in Go maingoroutine computes the 10th fibonacci number using an
inefficient recursive algorithm.
1. WAP in GO prints out the numbers from 0 to 10, waiting between 0 and 250
ms after each one using delay function .
2. WAP in GO prints “from 1” every 2 seconds and “from 2” every 3 seconds.
select picks the first channel that is ready and receives from it. If more than one
of the channels are ready then it randomly picks which one to receive from. If
none of the channels are ready, the statement blocks until one becomes available.
3.WAP in Go to illustrate channels buffering.
1 WAP in GO . Lambda function handler using structured types you can also pass
in structured events to your function handler:
2. WAP in GO implement multiple goroutine function and schedule is determined
by the scheduler.
3. WAP in Go program such that the squares are calculated in a separate
Goroutine, cubes in another Goroutine and the final summation happens in the
main Goroutine
Assignment 6 SET A
1. WAP to create student struct with student name and marks and sort it based on
student marks using sort package
2. WAP in Go language using user defined package calculator that performs one
calculator operation as per the user's choice.
3. WAP in Go language to create an user defined package to find out the area of a
1. WAP in Go language to add two integers and write code for unit test to test this
2. WAP in Go language to subtract two integers and write code for table test to
test this code.
3. Write a function in Go language to find square of a number and write a
benchmark for it.
1. WAP in Go language to read a XML file into structure and display structure
2. WAP in Go language to print file information.
3. WAP in Go language to add or append content at the end of text file.
Assignment 7 Understanding the connectivity of Raspberry-Pi/ Adriano with IR sensor.
Write a program to detect obstacle and notify a user using LEDs

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Assignment 8 Understanding the connectivity of Raspberry-Pi/ Beagle board

Circuit with temperature sensor. Write a program to sense temperature. If
temperature crosses a threshold value, generate alerts using LEDs.
Assignment 9 Understanding and connectivity of Raspberry-Pi/Beagle board with camera.
Write a program to capture and store the image.

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CBCS 2019-20 TYBCA

Semester VI
BCA368: DSE VI Project Laboratory
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
PR: 4* Hours/Week 02 Continuous Evaluation : 15 Marks
End-Semester Exam : 35 Marks
Prerequisite Courses:
 BCA243 Software Engineering
Companion Course: BCA363 DSE VI (Software Project Management)
Course Objectives:
1. To understand concepts of Project Management
2. To know how various tools for development and management of software projects are used to
carry out various tasks involved
3. To learn the importance of project documentation
Course Outcomes:
After completion of this course, learners will able to
1. Demonstrate a sound technical knowledge of selected project topic.
2. Apply techniques for project management
3. Create various documents used during the development of the project and a project report
Project Implementation Guidelines:
Sr. Guidelines
1 Students shall choose any topic for project work in consultation with project guide, Project
In-charge and head of the department.
2 The students shall work on a Project in a group of not more than three students.
3 Students are expected to work on the chosen project during the entire semester.
4 Students shall undertake application oriented/web-based/database-oriented/research based
5 Students shall successfully implement the chosen work. Only a hypothetical / theoretical
study shall not be accepted.
6 Students shall choose any appropriate programming language/ platform, computational
techniques and tools in consultation with the guide, In-charge and the head of the
7 The faculty members from affiliated college shall act as a project guide for each project
group with equal distribution of groups amongst each eligible faculty.
8 The guide shall track and monitor the project progress on a weekly basis by considering the
workload of 4 laboratory hours per week.
9 The project work shall be evaluated based on the novelty of the topic, scope of the work,
relevance to computer science, adoption of emerging techniques/technologies and its real-
world application etc.
10 Students shall prepare a project report with the following contents:
a) Title Page
b) Certificate
c) Index Page detailing description of the following with their sub sections:-
- Title: A suitable title giving the idea about what work is proposed.
- Introduction: An introduction to the topic giving proper background of the topic.
- Requirement Specification: Specify Software/hardware/data requirements.
- System Design details :Methodology/Architecture/UML/DFD/Algorithms/protocols
used(whichever is applicable)
- System Implementation: Code implementation
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- Results: Test Cases/Tables/Figures/Graphs/Screen shots/Reports etc.

- Conclusion and Future Scope: Specify the Final conclusion and future scope
- References: Books, web links, research articles etc.

11 The Project report should be prepared in a spiral bound form with adequate number of
copies. Copy shall be submitted to the guide and college for the records.
12 The Project work and report shall be certified by the concerned Project guide and Head of
the department.
13 Students shall make a presentation of working project and will be evaluated as per the
Project evaluation scheme as detailed below
Assignments using Gantt Project tools
 Students are advised to carry out the following assignments w.r.t. their chosen project topics

1 Create Project Plan

 Specify project name and start and finish dates.
 Identify and define project tasks.
 Define duration for each project task.
 Define milestones in the plan
 Define dependency between tasks
 Define project calendar.
 Define project resources and specify resource type
 Assign resources against each task and baseline the project plan

2 Execute and Monitor Project Plan

 Update %Complete with current task status.
 Review the status of each task.
 Compare Planned vs Actual Status
 Review the status of Critical Path
 Review resources assignation status

3 Generate Dashboard and Reports

 Dashboard
o Project Overview
o Cost Overview
o Upcoming Tasks
 Resource Reports
o Over-allocated Resources
o Resource Overview
 Cost Reports
o Earned Value Report
o Resource Cost Overview
o Task-Cost Overview
 Progress Reports
o Critical Tasks
o Milestone Report
o Slipping Tasks

Evaluation Scheme

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I. Continuous Evaluation, Progress Report: 15 marks

II. End Semester Examination in the form of presentation/demonstration and viva: 35 marks

Description Marks
Presentation & Project Report 15
Demonstration of the Project 15
Viva 05
Total 35
Note: Submission of Certified Project Report is mandatory for appearing the Practical
Examination (Project).

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Equivalence for TYBCA syllabus (2016) with TYBCA syllabus (2019)

Pattern 2016 Pattern 2019
CourseCode Course Name Course Code Course Name
Semester V
BCA501 Java Programming BCA351 DSE I Programming in Java
BCA502 Advanced Web Technology BCA242 Web Technology
BCA503 Software Quality Assurance To be continued
BCA504 Operating System BCA353 DSE III Principles of Operating
BCA505 Lab I (Core Java) BCA 356 DSE I Lab (Programming in Java)
BCA506 Lab II (Adv. Web Technology) BCA245 Web Technology Laboratory
BCA507 Soft Computing (2 credits) To be continued
Semester VI
BCA601 Android Programming BCA361 DSE IV Android Programming
BCA602 Python Programming To be continued
Recent Trends in -IT To be continued
(Internet of Things)
BCA604 Data Analytics To be continued
BCA605 Android Programming Lab BCA366 DSE IV Laboratory (Android
BCA606 Python Lab BCA246 Python Programming Lab
BCA607 Introduction to Green Computing To be continued

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Details of Subcommittee for revision of syllabus

Advisors – All Members of BOS in Computer Applications
Prof. Dr. R M Sonar, Dr. M N Shelar, Dr. Pallavi Bulakh, Dr. Razak Sayyad
Special Invitees
Dr. Abhijat Vichare, Dr. Manisha Bharambe, Dr. Anjali Sardesai, Prof. Arun Gangarde, Prof. Rahul Patil,

TYBCA Semester-V
Name of the Coordinator: Dr. Pallawi U Bulakh
Name of the Institute: PES Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Ganeshkhind, Pune

Course wise Team Details

Subject Name of the Course Name of the Team Names of Team

Code Leader Members
BCA 351 DSE I (Programming in Java) Aparna Gohad 1. SonaliShivarkar

2.Surekha Jadhav

BCA 352 DSE II (Data Mining and Dr.DipaliMeher 1. Sanjay Wani

Data Science)
2. VidyaBankar

BCA 353 DSE III (Principles of Swati Jadhav 1. Suvarna Patil

Operating Systems)
2. NiketTajne

BCA 356 DSE I Laboratory VandanaNemane. 2.Sheetal Patil

(Programming in Java)
3. DeepashreeMehendale
BCA 357 DSE II Laboratory (Data Dr.DipaliMeher 1. KavitaKhoje
Mining )
BCA 358 DSE III Laboratory Dr. Manisha 1.Mayuri Dasri
(Operating Systems and AI) Bharambe
2. Sampada
BCA 354 SEC I (Artificial Intelligence) CharushilaPatil 1. MeenalJabde

2.Rajesh Dhumal

3. MadhuriKhadtare

BCA 355 SEC II (Cloud Computing) SuvarnaPardeshi 1. Sachin Mhaske

2. Ambike Satish

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TYBCA Semester-VI

Name of the Coordinator: Dr. Madhukar Shelar

Name of the Institute: KRT Arts, BH Commerce and AM Science (KTHM) College,

Course wise Team Details

Subject Code Name of the Course Name of the Team Names of Team
Leader Members
BCA 361 DSE IV – Android Kamil Khan 1. Satish Mulgi
Programming 2.Vrushali Shinde
BCA 362 DSE V-Programming in Dr. Kalyani Salla 1. Dr.DipaliMeher.
Go 2.Thorat Surekha
BCA 363 DSE VI-( Software KishorDhane 1. Rupali Jadhav
Project Management) 2.Manisha Jagdale
3.Nagesh Dhyatonde
BCA 366 DSE IV Laboratory MohsinTamboli 1. RajashreeNehe
(Android Programming) 2. Deepak Kumbhar
BCA 367 DSE V Laboratory Dr. Kalyani Salla 1. Neeta Nadgude
(Programming in GO 2. SonaliPowar
and IoT)
BCA 368 DSE VI Project Dr.ArunGangarde 1. BhushanNikam
Laboratory 2. DeepaliJagdale
3.Priyamvada Patil
BCA 364 SEC III Management Rahul Patil 1.Deepak Derle
Information System 2. SudarshanLakhdive
3. Abhishek Awate
BCA 365 SEC IV Internet of Dr. A.B. Nimbalkar 1.Veena Gandhi
Things (IoT) 2.Rasika Rahalkar
3. Veena Gandhi

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CBCS 2019-20 TYBCA

On behalf of Board of Studies in Computer Applications, it is a great pleasure and
honor for me to present the syllabi for TYBCA (Third Year Computer Applications -
2019 Pattern).

At the outset I am thankful to Hon. Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Nitin Karmalkar, Pro-
Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. N S Umrani and Hon. Dean, Science and Technology,
Prof. Dr. M G Chaskar, SPPU, Pune for their guidance and motivation.

I am thankful each and every faculty members from all affiliated colleges, each
member of the subcommittee, all Heads of the departments and members of the BoS
Prof. Dr. R M Sonar, Dr. M N Shelar, Dr. Pallavi Bulakh and Dr. Razak Sayyad for
their help and support in preparation of this draft. Special thanks to all ex-BoS
members, Dr. Anjali Sardesai, Prof. Arun Gangarde, Prof. R A Patil and Mr.
Abhijeet Vichare for their inputs. I thank Prof. Dr. Manisha Bharambe for her


Dr. Shirish S Sane

Chairman, Board of Studies (Computer Applications), SPPU, Pune

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