COSA Letter: Erik Walsh, City Manager

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=" MT texas Department of Transportation {25 AST LAT STREET, AUSTN. TEXAS 787012489 | 512.463.8588 | WH TROOT.GOV January 26,2022 Cy of San Antonio, -tin: Erk Walsh, City Manager PO Box 839966 ‘San Antonio, Texas 78283 Dear Mr. Walsh, ‘This letter i in egard to the portion of State Loop 368 thatthe Texas Transportation Commission's February 26, 2015 Minute Order 114219 proposed transfer to Cy of San Antonio jurisdiction. AS part f this MO a condition precedent was established that TxDOT Issue a project acceptance letter ‘upon the completion of a TxDOT propased project rehabilitating ths portion of SL 368 (CS) 0016-08. (034). Additional conaton precedents to any conveyance of property from the State's highway system would include a recommendation tothe Governar to convey the property interests underying this stretch of roadway. As of today, the ct has not completed the environmental clearance on this project and this projet has yet to let for construction. Therefor, no project acceptance letter has ‘een esd that would Viger the removal ofthe caadway tram the State's highway eystem and ‘recommendation of conveyance ofthe underying property Interests. SL 368 remains onthe State's highway system and under the jurisdiction of THDOT. {thas come tothe attention of TxDOT thatthe Cty of San Antonio has made numerous references to the media and public that TOOT has previously transferred the property underying State Loop 368 (SL 368) tthe City. Tiss incorret and misieading tothe public. In adion, we are aware that the (iy of San Antonio has granted permission for private property owners to biock or ulize state right ‘of way on SL 368 without permission from TxOOT. TxDOT has previously asked that oly staff not grant this unauthorized permission. By this letter, OT respectfully requests thatthe City refrain fom these actions or from making incorect statements tothe pubic about ownership of SL 368. Please contact me if you have any additional questions or comments, TxDOT wil continue working withthe City to address the transportation needs of the citizens of Texas. AM ans SD. Willams, PE Executive Director Cc: Texas Transportation Commission Roderick Sanchez, Assistant City Manager, City of San Antonio Fa7i Hosseini, PE Directar/ity Enginaer ity of San Antonio. Gina Gallegos, PE, San Antonio District Engineer, THOT canMecson Covecig ou wine

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