Synopsis: Power-Generating Shock Absorber
Synopsis: Power-Generating Shock Absorber
Synopsis: Power-Generating Shock Absorber
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The project here is all about Power-Generating Shock
Absorber (PGSA). The Power-Generating Shock
Absorber (PGSA) converts kinetic energy into
electricity through the use of a Linear Motion
Electromagnetic System (LMES).
An electromagnetic linear generator and
regenerative electromagnetic shock absorber is
disclosed which converts variable frequency,
repetitive intermittent linear displacement
motion to useful electrical power. The innovative
device provides for superposition of radial
components of the magnetic flux density from a
plurality of adjacent magnets to produce a
maximum average radial magnetic flux density
within a coil winding array. Due to the vector
superposition of the magnetic fields and
magnetic flux from a plurality of magnets, a
nearly four-fold increase in magnetic flux density
is achieved over conventional electromagnetic
generator designs with a potential sixteen-fold
increase in power generating capacity. As a
regenerative shock absorber, the disclosed
device is capable of converting parasitic
displacement motion and vibrations encountered
under normal urban driving conditions to a
useful electrical energy for powering vehicles
and accessories or charging batteries in electric
and fossil fuel powered vehicles. The disclosed
device is capable of high power generation
capacity and energy conversion efficiency with
minimal weight penalty for improved fuel
How it Works
A conventional automotive shock absorber dampens
suspension movement to produce a controlled action
that keeps the tire firmly on the road. This is done by
converting the kinetic energy into heat energy, which
is then absorbed by the shock’s oil.
The PGSA is the same basic size and shape, and
mounts in the same way, as a standard shock
absorber or strut cartridge.
Adjustable Dampening
An electronic control system monitors the
requirements of each individual road wheel’s
suspension and varies the dampening by quickly
switching on or off individual stator coil rings. With all
stator coil rings switched on the PGSA produces a
strong dampening force which can then be varied for
disparate road conditions by switching coils on and
off as needed. This provides an added level of
benefits in allowing the shock to be very soft in
cruising situations (small, high-frequency
movements) and instantly change to a sport shock in
aggressive cornering situations (longer, lower-
frequency movements). Further, the rebound and
compression strokes can have different dampening
values and application curves depending on
performance requirements.
This application could conceivably produce over
twenty watts per wheel in normal operation. City
driving, with its varying road surface characteristics,
as well as stop and go traffic’s font-to-back loading,
will generate more power than driving on smooth
roads at consistent speeds.
Manufacturing Considerations
Manufacture of the Power-Generating Shock
Absorber will require a machined main shaft with
embedded permanent magnet stack, a strong air-gap
cylinder housing, high quality stator windings, and
robust slide bearings. Other systems, such as
microprocessor-controlled voltage, current, and
dampening regulation, external casing, protective
bellows, etc. will also need to be designed and
LMES technology is already finding its place in ocean
power generating systems. Its introduction into the
automotive world is the next logical step. This
technology can be applied to any type of vehicle that
employs movable suspension technology and uses
electricity in some form as its fuel.
• Regenerative shock absorbers devloped by
team at MIT - A team of undergrads at MIT - led
by Shakeel Avadhany and Zack Anderson - has
produced a prototype of a shock absorber for
vehicles which can harness and generate
electricity back into the vehicle. The team claims
that their prototype increases a vehicle's fuel-
efficiency by up to 10 percent by using a
"hydraulic system that forces fluid through a
turbine attached to a generator.
"This has been done many, many times...Purdue
University did it, BYU did it, Tufts University (as
another poster noted) and countless other
individuals. Everything from extracting energy from
the hydraulics to adding magnetic coils....been there,
done that. Engineers have been messing with this
tech for years...and years....and years.
Related Technologies
Power-Generating Shock Absorber - Shock
absorbers that generate electricity, which are
being developed by Cambridge, MA-based
Levant Power, can lower fuel consumption by 1.5
to 6 percent, depending on the vehicle and
driving conditions. The system can also improve
vehicle handling.