Robert Zoller.: Medieval Astrology Foundation Course Lesson Three: Delineation of The Astrological House
Robert Zoller.: Medieval Astrology Foundation Course Lesson Three: Delineation of The Astrological House
Robert Zoller.: Medieval Astrology Foundation Course Lesson Three: Delineation of The Astrological House
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This having been said, it will be apparent that, in order to
predict we must first delineate. We must have a thorough
understanding of the natal figure's promise. In order to do this
we must understand how the planets are operating both
universally as per their natures and specifically as relates to
the chart in question as per their local determination {their
house position, rulership(s) and aspects as well as per their
dignity or debility}. The way a planet operates, its quality, is a
function of its dignity or debility. You were introduced to this
concept in a previous lesson and now you will see it more
concretely spelled out.
The Specific approach entails a battery of delineation
techniques for judging specific interests pertaining to the life
of the native {Longevity, Social Status, Profession, Finances,
Marriage/sex life, Children, Spiritual Life, Death, etc}. These
specific techniques are not always restricted exclusively to the
consideration of the house we would normally associate them
with. For instance, Medieval Astrologers did not use the 7
House much in the delineation of women's marriages.
Instead, they looked at configurations of the planets and
Almutens {this is explained a little later} and they identified
Significators of the things they were concerned about.
Once you understand the procedure for the delineation of
any house you can apply it to all the houses of the chart. The
General Approach permits you to be quite precise in your
delineation of the affairs of life corresponding to the house
under examination and is an important step in the process of
coming to understand how the planets are working in the
chart. As you will see, the process of delineation of one
house usually leads to the consideration of the position of
one or more of its rulers in other houses. This in turn entails
the delineation of these other houses and so, step by step,
we are led to an understanding of the entire chart. It is this
understanding that we need in order to be able to predict.
Figure 9 Example Chart
Firdaria Planetary
‚ 25 Jan 1947 10 yrs †00à04 24 Hours
‚ ‚ 25 Jan 1947 san01à29 Ý Day Hours
‚ … 30 Jun 1948 13°
‚04à46 34
…17Þ58 20° 1 7:17 am ˆ
‚ „ 3 Dec 1949 à spirit06à07 ß 20° ¢10Þ07R 2 8:05 am ‡
‚ ƒ 10 May 1951 31 Þ ‡24Ý12 3 8:54 am †
„06à16 16° ¨20Þ46
‚ ˆ 12 Oct 1952 faith07à38 46 4 9:42 am ‚
‚ ‡ 17 Mar 1954 5 10:31 am …
‚ † 22 Aug 1955 11 10 9 6 11:19 am „
… 25 Jan 1957 8 yrs ƒ11á17 12 8 7 12:07 pm ƒ
… … 25 Jan 1957 8 12:56 pm ˆ
… „ 18 Mar 1958
… ƒ 10 May 1959
Natal Chart 9 1:44 pm ‡
10 2:33 pm †
38 17°
… ˆ 1 Jul 1960
Robert Zoller Ü
11 3:21 pm ‚
… ‡ 21 Aug 1961 12 4:09 pm …
… † 13 Oct 1962 12°
25 Jan 1947 AD GC 20
Night Hours
… ‚ 5 Dec 1963 1 4:58 pm „
„ 25 Jan 1965 13 yrs 8:59:00 AM 2 6:09 pm ƒ
„ „ 25 Jan 1965 3 7:21 pm ˆ
„ ƒ 4 Dec 1966 §12á38 1
EST +05:00:00 7
4 8:32 pm ‡
„ ˆ 13 Oct 1968 38 5 9:44 pm †
„ ‡ 22 Aug 1970 Mount Vernon Û 6 10:55 pm ‚
„ † 30 Jun 1972 7 12:07 am …
„ ‚ 9 May 1974 17° United States 12°
8 1:19 am „
„ … 18 Mar 1976 Ö 73w50'15, 40n54'45 9 2:30 am ƒ
ƒ 25 Jan 1978 9 yrs 20 10 3:42 am ˆ
ƒ ƒ 25 Jan 1978 11 4:53 am ‡
ƒ ˆ 10 May 1979 £19Ö09 12 6:05 am †
2 6
ƒ ‡ 21 Aug 1980 hyleg22Ö26 3
Day Hours
ƒ † 4 Dec 1981 1 7:16 am ‚
ƒ ‚ 18 Mar 1983
ƒ … 30 Jun 1984 Ø Parts
ƒ „ 13 Oct 1985 46 13° Fortune 19 Ö 09
24 necess25×32 34
ˆ 25 Jan 1987 11 yrs subst29×54 Ú Spirit 06 à 07
ˆ ˆ 25 Jan 1987
× Ù ˆ05Ú30R 31 Substance 29 × 54
ˆ ‡ 21 Aug 1988
20° ¡10Ø07R 16°
Faith 07 à 38
ˆ † 18 Mar 1990 Hyleg 22 Ö 26
ˆ ‚ 12 Oct 1991
ˆ … 9 May 1993 Traditional Chart, Geocentric, Tropical
ˆ „ 4 Dec 1994
ˆ ƒ 30 Jun 1996 House House Calculation Parameters Chart Results
‡ 25 Jan 1998 12 yrs Cusps Almutems House Sys: Alchabitius Semi-Arc Chart is Diurnal
‡ ‡ 25 Jan 1998 1. 12 á 38 1‡ Almut Trip: Day+Night+Partic PL Day Saturday ˆ
‡ † 13 Oct 1999 2. 17 Ö 20 2‚ Trip Ruler: Dorothean PL Hour of birth †
‡ ‚ 30 Jun 2001 3. 20 × 24 3… Term Ruler: Egyptian Almutem of Chart ˆ
‡ … 18 Mar 2003 4. 20 Ø 46 4„ Decan Ruler: Chaldean No Final Dispositor
‡ „ 4 Dec 2004 5. 16 Ù 34 5ƒ Orient Defn: Ori/Occ to Sun Moon 1st Quarter Waxing
‡ ƒ 21 Aug 2006 6. 13 Ú 31 6‚ Tropical, True Node Hayz ‚
‡ ˆ 9 May 2008 7. 12 Û 38 7„ True Sunrise Financial Sig †
† 25 Jan 2010 7 yrs 8. 17 Ü 20 8ˆ Ang houses offset 8 degs Prof Sigs ƒ…
† † 25 Jan 2010 9. 20 Ý 24 9† Suc houses offset 5 degs PS Class … Artisan
† ‚ 25 Jan 2011 10. 20 Þ 46 10 ‡ Cad houses offset 3 degs SAN 01 à 29
† … 26 Jan 2012 11. 16 ß 34 11 † Chart is Conjunctional
† „ 25 Jan 2013 12. 13 à 31 12 ˆ Mutual Receptions
† ƒ 25 Jan 2014 ‚-ˆ by Rulership
† ˆ 25 Jan 2015 Source: Government Record ‚-ˆ by Triplicity
† ‡ 25 Jan 2016 Birth Certificate ‡-ˆ by Term
¡ 25 Jan 2017 3 yrs
¢ 25 Jan 2020 2 yrs
PL Long Rul Exn Tri Trm Fac Det Fal Dig Ori Sun Antisc Decl Vel F/S
‚ 04à46 ˆ ˆ „ … ‚- 5 25 Ý 14 19s04 +01 01 F
ƒ 11á17 ‡ … … … ‡ „ „ prg ori 18 Ü 43 12s02 +12 34 S
„ 06à16 ˆ ˆ „+ … ‚ 2 ori cmb 23 Ý 44 20s43 +01 43 F
… 17Þ58 ‡ ‚ „ ƒ „ prg occ 12 ß 02 19s10 +00 59
† 00à04 ˆ ˆ „ … ‚ prg ori cmb 29 Ý 56 21s07 +00 47 F
‡ 24Ý12 † … ˆ … … ƒ prg ori 05 à 48 17s49 +00 08 F
ˆ 05Ú30R ‚ ‚ ‡ ˆ+ ˆ- 6 ori 24 × 30 19n29 -00 04 S
¡ 10Ø07R „ ˆ ‡ † ‡ 19 Ù 53 21n58
¢ 10Þ07R ‡ ‚ ‡ ƒ „ 19 ß 53 21s57
§ 12á38 ‡ … … ‡ ‡ „ „ 17 Ü 22 06s48
¨ 20Þ46 ‡ ‚ „ ˆ „ 09 ß 14 23s06
£ 19Ö09 † ‚ ‚ „ ‚ … ˆ 10 Û 51 07n30
Thus, in the example figure, Mars' position in the 11 House
is more important than Saturn's rulership of the 11h house.
"More important" means that Mars contributes more to
shaping the experience of the 11th house -friends- than
Saturn does. The planets actually in the house (if there are
any) have a dominant effect in shaping the objective structure
of the native's life as pertains to the house in question, in this
case the 11th house. So, having Mars, Sun and Mercury in
the 11 is more important than Saturn's rulership of the 11th.
When no planets are found in the house under examination,
you rely upon the testimony of the Sign on the cusp and the
ruler of the house. If a Sign is intercepted within a house, the
Sign on the cusp takes precedence along with its ruler.
be a great good thing. It was held to be similar to having the
two planets in dignity, working together. So, employing this
opinion, we can expect the Sun to be brilliant and powerful
and Saturn to be reserved, knowledgeable and indicating a
taste for ancient, arcane studies. Mercury has both honour of
triplicity and honour of term in its position, but it is combust
and opposed to Saturn. This indicates laborious study,
carefully thought out opinions and prudent communications.
Now, there are three planets in the 11 House. Morinus tells
us that "when several planets are in a house that planet
which is closest to the cusp of the house is the most powerful
over the affairs of that house unless the ruler by Sign of
the house is also in the house." That is not the case here.
th th
Saturn, the ruler of the 11 (Capricorn is on the 11 House
cusp) is not in the house by position. Mars is closest to the
cusp. Therefore Mars dominates the affairs of the house. As
Mars is in Aquarius, a position known from experience to be
associated with crusading zeal for some ideal or other, we
can say that the native's friends are people who have strong
opinions zealously expressed.
Noting that Mars is the ruler of the 9 House permits you to
say that the native's contentious friends have some sort of
religious, educational or foreign connection i.e. they will be
religious zealots or haters of religion, educators with zealous
philosophical opinions or aggressive or courageous persons
of foreign birth, possibly persons met during foreign journeys.
Notwithstanding that some of the native's friends are
aggressive, feisty Martians, they are friends of the native and
will seek to help him in accordance with their nature and
condition. This is because planets in the 11 House are
determined towards befriending the native.
As there are three planets in the 11 there are three kinds of
friends or perhaps just three friends Martian, Solar and
Mercurian. That is, belligerent, authoritative/creative and
learned. More can be learned about the native's friends by
studying the rulerships of the other two planets in the 11th
house. In this way you begin to get the picture of the objective
facts of the basic structure of the native's social life (11
House). This relates to the question, "What is it?"
Morinus criticises the promiscuous use of Universal
Significators as too broad. It offends his reason that in every
chart, the Sun is simultaneously the Universal Significator of
Men, men in authority, the father, the right eye in a man, the
heart and fame. Likewise, the Moon is the Universal
Significator of the mother, women in general, their breasts,
the stomach in men and women, the right eye for a woman,
the public (everybody, men & women), etc. His practice was to
restrict the Universal Signification of planets by relying more
upon the rulership of the signs although he uses what he
calls the "analogy" of the planets. For example Morinus felt
the Sun had analogy with fame, but it promises fame only
th th
when determined to it by being in the 10 or 11 or when
th th
ruling the 10 or 11 or when aspecting the MC.
1. by being in the 11th house (because position determines
the influence of a planet towards the affairs of the house it
is in)
2. by being the Significator of the 11 House
Rule 3: Examine the ruler of the house
But applying the rule: "The good or bad signified by an house
emanates from the ruler of the house" to the 11 House in
the example we can see causality. The good or bad indicated
th th
by the 11 House is explained thus: the 11 House is a good
house. Friends are good to have. But this 11 House is
dominated by the malefic Mars which is combust and
opposed to the ruler, which is also its dispositor. As Mars is in
Aquarius, it may be said to be received by Saturn, which
mitigates the opposition somewhat, but we are left with a
combust malefic dominating the 11 House thereby spoiling
the perfect good of the 11 House by introducing unresolved
conflict into the House, an area of life in which we would want
to find harmony. Good can still come from such an 11
House but the native's friends will be contentious, litigious and
combative. Because Mars is combust and therefore afflicted,
their combats will often be inconclusive (because a combust
planet cannot fully realise what it promises). Again, note that
it is the friends who are fighting, not the native.
friends partnerships or dealings with others. In other words,
the cause of the hostility marring the native's social life is
due to the native's friends either wanting to dominate others
or running into disputes in connection with partnerships.
Once again I wish to point out that there are three kinds of
friends indicated for this native. Not all will be contentious,
litigious and aggressive. Indeed, as the planet closest to the
cusp indicates the affairs of the house earlier in life, the
second the affairs in midlife and the third towards the end of
life, we can see that this pattern was typical of early
associations. It was followed by more glorious and brilliant
friends (Sun) and is followed after that by learned friends.
This happens when all the rulers {by dignity} of a house are
afflicted. Afflictions are of ten kinds according to Bonatti in
146 Considerations translated from the Latin by Coley and
published by Lilly in 1675) Of these ten, four are most
common: Planets are afflicted when retrograde, combust,
cadent and conjunct, square or opposed a malefic Planet. If
most of a house's rulers are afflicted and the few which are
not are minor rulers (decan, term), there is still danger that
the house affairs may not be operative or will operate with
difficulty. A healthy, operative house has 1. All rulers
angular, succedent and unafflicted. 2. The ruler(s) of the
house in the house. 3. The ruler(s) of the house in favourable
aspect to the benefics.
Let us analyse the 11 House of the example and see
whether the native has friends. First, we note that 16
Capricorn is on the 11 cusp (the example uses Alchabitius
cusps). The Sign ruler is Saturn which is in a succedent
house but opposed to Mars and therefore afflicted. Mars is
the ruler of the 11 by exaltation, but he is combust and
opposed to Saturn, hence afflicted (the benign effect of the
mutual reception can be debated). Capricorn is an earth sign
and its triplicity rulers are Venus, Moon and Mars. Mars we've
looked0at. Venus is angular (because though in the
9 it is within 5 of an angular cusp) and unafflicted. The
Moon is angular (for the same reason) and unafflicted. 16
Capricorn falls in the terms of Venus, which as we saw, is
strong and unafflicted. 16 Capricorn falls in Mars' decan.
Mars is afflicted. So, of 4 rulers, 2 are afflicted, but the 2 who
are OK are Venus and the Moon, triplicity rulers and
therefore major dignities. Once again the hierarchy of dignity
is rulership, exaltation, triplicity. These are major dignities.
Term & decan are minor.
Given what has been said, we can conclude that the native
has an 11 House, has friends and that these friends are
fighters, powerful and learned.
Rule 4: Examination of the Almuten of the house
The Almuten is used like the ruler of the Sign, but because it
is occasionally different than that ruler and in a different place
from that ruler, it often indicates a second or even a superior
source for the good or bad indicated by the house. Often, if
things look bad or impeded from the ruler of the sign being
afflicted, they may be better through the Almuten. For
instance, the ruler of the 7 House (marriage) may be
afflicted in the 3rd indicating that the native might meet his
spouse at a neighbour’s house. Since the ruler is cadent and
afflicted, there will be problems with this. But if the Almuten of
the 7th is well disposed in the 9th, he will be more successful
looking for her in a church, college or foreign country.
Let's calculate the Almuten of the 11 House in the example.
The Sign ruler Saturn gives 5 points. Mars {ruler of the 11
by exaltation} 4 points. Capricorn is an earth Sign and its
triplicity rulers are Venus, Moon and Mars, each of which get
3 points. This gives Mars 4 + 3 = 7 points. 16 Capricorn falls
in the terms of Venus giving Venus 2 + 3 = 5 points. 16
Capricorn falls in Mars' decan giving Mars an additional point
(7 + 1 = 8 points). Mars totals 8 points, Saturn the Sign ruler
totals only 5 points, therefore Mars is the Almuten.
5. Examine the Arabic Part (or Parts) relating to the
6. Conclusion:
3. What is an Almuten?
5. What is a Significator?
6 Conclusion
10. Rulership.
If you got eight or more answers correct you have done well
and should now go onto LESSON FOUR. If you got less
than eight answers correct you should thoroughly revise the
Lesson before proceeding.
Robert Zoller.