Construction of Industrial Battery Charger
Construction of Industrial Battery Charger
Construction of Industrial Battery Charger
The life span of a battery mostly used by automobile drivers can be maximized by avoiding
over loading, overcharging, and inputting charge current higher than battery manufacture’s
rated value (Bangaru, et al, 2013). It was observed over time that most commercial battery
charging service centers in town that are patronized by automobile drivers uses the
conventional battery charger type that is built without an automatic charging cut-off circuit to
provide charging services to their customers. The unavailability of this automatic charging
cut-off circuit causes the operator to constantly be on manual check to determine when the
connected battery is charged (Baker, 2014). Irrespective of the discharge level of the battery
received from customers, the service center operator often connects the battery and allows it
to charge over night without monitoring. This frequent practice often leads to overcharging of
the connected battery. Secondly, in an attempt to deliver quick service and satisfy the
customer’s expected time of need, they sometimes, adjust the charging setting of the charger
to increase the charging current so as to reduce the charging time in order to get the battery
charged within a short time. This kind of practice shortens the life span of the battery.
However, these common problems had suggested the development and construction of a 12V
portable battery charger with built-in automatic charging cut-off circuit in order to encourage
domestic usage. This would help automobile drivers to avoid charging problems associated
Some components like a protection fuse and current reverse prevention diode were
considered during development of this product to prevent problems that may result from short
circuit current and reverse current. Considering, the compact shape of the battery charger,
with very low ventilation an extractor fan was incorporated to drive away hot air and
moisture that would be generated inside the charger compartment during operation (Bangaru,
et al, 2013).
battery being charged. The simple charger does not alter its output based on time or the
charge on the battery. This simplicity means that a simple charger is inexpensive. The circuit
of a battery charger has the ability to convert voltages from one form to another (usually AC
to DC voltages). This process is carried out through the use of some important components
like: rectifiers, capacitor to filter and remove ripples from the AC source and a voltage
regulator (IC). However, this project is based on the construction of a 12volts industrial
battery charger with local materials to reduce cost. The proposed project design works on
12V batteries. There is resistance connected in the battery charger to limit the short circuit
The aim of this project work is to construct an industrial 12volts battery charger.
To design a device that will recharge 12v lead acid battery when discharged.
To design a device that has the ability to indicate charging process, low battery and
To design and construct a battery charger that can be use to charge 12V rechargeable
1.4 Significance of the study
A 12volt industrial battery charger is a simple circuit that comprises of different component
that are soldered together on a circuit board to give or produce a require function. Therefore,
the importance of this project work is to aid both technicians and students on how to
construct an industrial battery charger circuit and how it works. It is hoped that after the
construction of this charger circuit, it will be kept on the laboratory to be used for battery
This project work is limited to the construction of 12v industrial battery charger. The circuit
input voltage is 240volts from the A.C supply mains which will be stepped down by a step-
down transformer to 12volts. The 12volts A.C is rectified through a bridge rectifier and
filtered through capacitor connected in parallel from the positive terminal of the bridge
rectifier. The output voltage is used to charge a battery. The project is limited to 12V
During the project work, the researcher encountered the following problems which in one
way or the other have prevented him from completing the work at the usually time. These
include: financial problems, time factor and unavailability of material which the researcher
have to move from far distance area in search of textbooks and other important materials.
Pesaran et al. introduced the thermal performance of electric car battery modules and packs.
With the purpose of precisely design the thermal management system for electric cars, so
thermal analysis should be conducted. Therefore, to get the estimate of the thermal
performance, the heat transfer principles and finite element analysis software have been used
Ahmad A Pesaran et al. also explained about the systematic approach in order to design and
analyze the thermal management inside the battery pack. Thus the thermal management
system is essential for maintaining and controlling the electric car battery pack temperature.
They defined that the battery pack must be compatible with all modules so as to operate in
the preferred temperature range. Besides, the uneven temperature distribution between the
modules should be decreased towards minimizing the electrical imbalance and this result in
their research, simple process to coat the electrodes with micro porous composite polymer
films have been conducted. Hence, the improved results that the graphite is protected by the
composite polymer film from reacting with Mn2+ dissolved from the spinel LiMn 2O4 cathode
Okamoto et al. worked on an implantable battery system and assessment of temperature rise
of lithium ion battery. They figured out that lithium-ion battery and lithium-ion polymer
battery have the same heat characteristics. Yet the internal resistance of the lithium ion
battery is much larger. They defined that the lithium-ion polymer battery has the capability to
keep cooler itself due to higher specific heat and lower internal resistance. Therefore, they
concluded that lithium-ion polymer battery is more suitable for use in the implantable battery
system because it has a benefit of temperature rise during operation (James and John, 2003).
Iwahori et al. developed the solid-state battery by using carbon material as the anode for the
Reaserch Association (LIBES) research (James and John, 2003). Cycle life and energy
density of the battery technology have been improved in order to use it in electric car.
Sandy Thomas reported that the battery electric cars are used to labelled ―green‖. This
technology is to minimize the greenhouse gas and oil consumption from the transportation
sector. Also, they found the higher specific power battery is required to improve and replace
larger cars with a long driving capacity to make substantial reductions in greenhouse gas and
oil consumption. Hence, they specified hydrogen and electricity can be made from lower
Ritchie and Howard found that the battery safety and battery cost are the main important
factors in the usage of lithium-ion polymer battery in larger sizes, such as for electric cars.
However, the lithium-ion polymer rechargeable battery has been developed for the
telecommunication applications.
Pesaran et al. increased their attention to battery thermal management. They found that the
performance and life of battery are affected by temperature. They described that thermal
control is critical to ensure the battery performance and life. They also believed that with
designing a good module and cell (James and John, 2003) can help them to improve the good
thermal performance.
In various installations, batteries are kept floating on the line and are so connected that they
are being charged when load demands are light and automatically discharged during peak
periods when load demands are heavy or when the usual power supply fails is disconnected.
In some other installations, the battery is connected to the feeder circuit as and when desired,
allowed to discharge to a certain point, then removed and recharged for further requirements
(Doggett, 2014).
For batteries other than the floating and system governed type, following twp general
methods (though there are some variations of these) are employed (David and Thomas,
The voltage of a battery varies over a considerable range while under discharge. It is
necessary to find some means to control the battery voltage up to the end so as to confine
variations within reasonable limits. These limit being supplied by the battery.
It is useful to know the state of charge of a battery since charging a battery continually when
they are already charged as this would degrade the batteries (James and John, 2003).
the battery voltage so that incipient failure can be spotted at an early stage. The circuit
will also indicate any fault in the car voltage regulator which may lead to overcharging
and damage to the battery. Battery voltage can of course be measured using a
conventional moving coil voltmeter. However, as only the voltage range from about 9 to
15v is of interest only the top third of the scale of a 15v meter would be used, unless a
suppressed zero facility was added. Moving coil meters are also fairly delicate
2.3 Review of Available Technology
A battery charger is an electrical device employed in charging batteries that are usually
charged by battery charges are the storage batteries also known as “accumulators”.
The charger is made up of various electrical and electronics component which for the purpose
of charging are group into your basic unit, they are (Power, 2014):
A Battery charger comes in various designs and voltage. The choice of a particular and of
charger that depends largely in Ah size of battery or batteries which charge the mini battery
charger could be used to charge batteries whose voltage ranges from 6 – 12 volts. The
bigger battery changes are for batteries with voltage ranging from 12 – 48 volts. These are the
The battery charge is built in such a way that it delivers a constant value of d.c current into
the battery it is charging in the opposite direction from which current flows on the batteries
during discharge one cannot successfully design a battery charge without a fundamental
al, 2009)
These are the absolute cheapest chargers around. They consist of a wall mount transformer
and a diode. The transformer is designed to deliver 13 to 14 volts over a reasonable current
range. The biggest problem with this approach is that when the current tapers off, the voltage
raises to 15, 16, 17, even 18 volts. At these high voltages electrolysis of the water in the
battery starts in. These must not be left to trickle or float charge a battery, they must be
disconnected when the battery is fully charged. This is not a problem with flooded batteries
as long as you check the water periodically and refresh it. Sealed lead acid batteries can
recycle the generated gasses as long as they are being overcharged at less than C/3. However,
leaving the battery to be overcharged even at C/10 will corrode the plates if left on for weeks
at a time. The transformer is so designed as to limit the current while the battery is in
absorption mode. As the battery voltage rises the current decreases to top off the battery.
Because the transformer is used to control the current and voltage these chargers are typically
Another cheap way to charge a sealed lead acid battery battery is called a taper charge. Either
transformer, diode, and resistance. The unregulated chargers mentioned above are taper
chargers. A better, and not very expensive, alternative is a regulated taper charger. These do
not let the voltage climb higher than the trickle charge voltage, so they can be also be used to
maintain a battery. They won't damage the battery if left on charge too long, and they do not
change their charging characteristics if the line voltage should change (Jackey, 2007).
Regulated taper chargers are very useful when you need a 12V battery backup. A taper
charger in parallel with the battery, in parallel with the load makes an effective battery back-
up. You should take care to ensure that the taper charger is designed to give continuous
current equal to the load plus some left over for battery charging. It is also important that the
current limit of the taper charger is the voltage-cut-back method, and not the hiccough method
or other PWM methods. There are two ways to make a regulated charger. The first is to use a
transformer and a simple voltage regulation circuit. This has the disadvantages of weight and
heat, but it is still inexpensive. The second uses a modern switching power supply in a wall
mount or desk mount package. These low power high frequency switchers are surprisingly
cheap, efficient, and small. They are rapidly taking over the overnight charging requirement
A more sophisticated and not much more expensive charger uses an electric circuit to control
the charging current. This method is useful for recovering batteries that have suffered from
extensive storage without charging, but is capable of overcharging a battery if there is not
some voltage limiting function, usually from the transformer. For this reason these chargers
A circuit that is set for the maximum allowable charge voltage, but has a current limit to
control the initial absorption current can produce a very nice charger. This type of charger
can both charge at a reasonable rate and maintain the battery at full charge without damage.
Not all constant voltage chargers are made equal, however, because the maximum voltage is
should be used where the temperature varies significantly from room temperature (Ali and
John, 2010).
There are a few methods that are available or known to be able to charge a lead acid battery
but in this case, we are focusing the constant current-constant voltage charging method where
it uses a voltage based algorithm that is the same with the lithium ion battery charging
method too where a usual charge time for a sealed lead acid battery can be up to 16 hours.
There is a faster way to charge the battery which is known as the fast battery charging
method where it uses a high current pulse that is pumped into the battery at a faster rate with
high capacity of current which will cut down on the charging time but at the same time, if it is
not under close supervision, it might damage the battery due to its high current pumping into
the battery. The constant current-constant voltage charging method will be explained and
further discussed in 3 sections which is the constant current charge, constant voltage (topping
charge) and the float (trickle charge) (Andreas and Henrik, 2012).
This constant current charging is the first phase of the recharging of the batteries where it
usually takes up 50% of the charging period. Usually a battery that has just been discharge
have a voltage of 11.50V approximately and when it undergoes the charging process, this
constant current charging will ensure that the voltage of the battery rises to a voltage that is
determined by the characteristics of the battery itself which will be approximately 13V with a
This helps to eliminate the imbalances of cells and batteries that are connected in series
which is the most appropriate for cyclic operation where a battery is required to obtain a full
charge overnight. In this phase, the battery will be charged up to 70% approximately in the
range of 4-7 hours and the other 30% is charged using the trickle charging method. The
change of phase from the constant current charging to the next phase occurs when the battery
reaches its voltage limit. This method is widely used for most battery chargers. (Anu, 2007).
This charging takes place when the lead acid battery voltage increases and stays constant at
its voltage limit which will be in the range of 12V to 13V. For every standard lead acid
battery, the approximate pre-determined battery is 12.6V. Once it reaches its saturated
voltage, the current that is applied into the battery will start to decrease where it leads to a full
charge condition once it reaches 3% of the rated current. This process is mainly to ensure that
the battery cells remains at the same voltage in the battery pack. During the charging and
discharging process, each cell in the lead acid battery might react differently to other cells
that are in the battery due to certain factors such as the quantity of charge in each cell is
different. (Ahmad et al, 2013). Hence during the charging process, this topping charge will
help to give a slight overcharge to bring the other cells up to full charge. Topping charge
should be applied every six months to avoid voltage drop below 2.10V per cell. (Anu, 2007).
The stronger cells in the battery will absorb the overcharge through the dissipation of heat
from the boiling and gassing while the weaker cells will absorb the current from the
overcharge until it is sufficient. This topping charge period should be long enough to help
This topping charge is also used to complete the process of fast charging where it is left to
charge for at least 30 minutes with a low current. If the battery is used regularly, it will tend
to have high leakage current which means when it is left on shelf, the process of self
discharging happens rapidly. This high rate of leakage might not attain this low saturation
A precautionary step should be taken to ensure that overcharging doesn’t take place for too
long of a time because once the lead acid battery is being overcharged, the electrochemical
process will cause it to heat up and boil. The phenomenon of hydrogen gas been let off at the
negative cathode plate and oxygen gas being let off at the positive anode takes place due to
any charging current beyond that required to liberate the small amount of sulphate radicals
from the plates, ionizes the water in the electrolyte. Hence, triggering the process of
electrolysis where it separates the water into hydrogen and oxygen gas. While this process
occurs to form water vapour, the presence of flammable and potentially explosive hydrogen
gas will encourage charging to be done in a well ventilated area. If this is not conducted
properly, it will result in a battery explosion due to the hydrogen gas that is being released by
the boiling acid. This brings more bad news for sealed lead acid battery where it have a
higher chance of an explosion to happen as it has nowhere for the gas to exit hence indirectly
building up the pressure in the case leading to an explosion. On the other hand, at low
temperature, the electrolyte might freeze up, affecting the performance of the battery. The
safe operating temperature for a battery pack is usually 80 Fahrenheit or 26.37 degree Celsius
(Anu, 2007).
The float charging is also known as the trickle charging method where its definition is a
charging current that can be applied to the battery without damaging it or simply defined as
slow charge. This process keeps the voltage at a constant where else the current will be
operating at a very low level. The float charge compensates for the self discharging process
that happens when the battery is put on shelf where it will self discharge at a rate of 2% - 3%
every month. Aging batteries will be an issue when the float charge is set due to the different
age condition that each of the cells have. This can be seen where a float current that is too
high for the aging cell will starve the stronger cells in the same battery causing sulfation due
to undercharging. The figure below shows the characteristics of the constant current constant
Figure 2.1: Constant-Current Constant-Voltage Charging Method (Source: Baker, 2014)
To further understand the state of charge, or also known in short as SOC, there are also other
battery parameters that we have to look into such as the discharge rate, depth of discharge
and also state of discharge or known as SOD. First, the discharge rate can be defined as the
current at which a battery is discharged and can be expressed as Q/h rate where Q is the
battery capacity and h is known as the discharge time in terms of hours. The depth of
discharge is known as the percentage of battery capacity (rated capacity) to which a battery is
discharged. If the withdrawal of at least 80% of the battery (rated) capacity is known as the
deep discharge state. (Buchmann, 2014). Hence this leads to the state of charge where it is
closely related to this two terms where SOC is defined as the present capacity of a battery
where it is the amount of capacity that remains after discharging from a top-of-charge
condition. It is known that every cell have a different range of SOC hence leading to a
performance difference among the batteries in the pack. This helps to balance up the charging
and discharging in order to maximize the battery pack lifespan and the energy efficiency.
This means, with the combination of battery voltage, internal resistance, and the amount of
sulphuric acid combined with the plates at any one time are the indicators of how much
energy is in the battery for a given time. It is understood that the SOC is given as a
percentage of its fully charged value, for example, if it is at 75% means that the amount of
battery capacity is available at 75% and shows that 25% has been used. In a battery, the rate
of which the energy is drawn affects the overall amount of energy available from the battery.
Give example, if a 100Ah battery is rated at 10 hour rate, that means that at over 10 hour,
there are 100Ah available or in other words, the load can draw up to 10A per hour up to 10
hours where 10A X 10H = 100Ah. A standard 12V lead acid battery have a usual 100% state
of charge that shows that it’s fully charged with a voltage reading of 12.6V on average and on
the other hand, when that state of charge is at 0%, the voltage reading is usually average at
11.8V. Once again, this may differ from different lead acid batteries due to its own battery
characteristics as mentioned earlier. The relationship between the state of charge with the
battery voltage can be seen in the figure below. (Moubayed et al, 2008).
Figure 2.2: Voltage vs State of Charge (12V Battery) (Source: Baker, 2014)
The charging and discharging current in a lead acid battery is measured in C-rate where most
battery are usually set to have a charging and discharging current characteristics of 1C. For
example, if the C-rate is set to discharge at 1C (also known as one hour discharge) on a
500mAh battery, it will discharge 500mAh in a period of an hour. Instead, if the C-rate is set
at 2C, the battery of 500mAh will provide an output of 1000mAh for a shorter period of time
at an approximation of 30 minutes. Based on the research done, the standardized C-rate of the
battery is at 0.05 (20 hour discharge). At this slow discharging rate, a 100% capacity (ability
to provide current from the battery for 20 hours in this case) is almost impossible. Usually a
capacity of a lead acid battery is measured using a battery analyzer where it is displayed in a
percentage rating. For example, a 500mAh battery provides current for an hour at 1C
meaning that it has a 100% capacity but a battery has 50% capacity when the battery only
supplies current at a time period of 30 minutes. To summarize, if the battery is set to
discharge at a lower C-rate, we will obtain a longer time period for the battery to discharge
(higher capacity). Hence with high C-rate, the capacity of the battery will deteriorate sharply
The usual traditional way to measure the state of charge is through hydrometer where it
measures the specific gravity of the electrolyte and with a little calculation, we can obtain the
state of charge of the particular battery. As time passes, it is known that voltage can also be
used to determine the battery state of charge with a few calculations. The voltage
measurement is a better option preferred to than the hydrometer is because the hydrometer
can cause inaccuracy in reading and it contaminates the battery cell. Besides that, we cannot
use the hydrometer for this project is because the battery that is provided is sealed lead acid
There are a few things that are needed to be avoided to ensure that the state of charge does
not drop critically for determining its battery efficiency. When the batteries are being charged
and discharged, it indirectly affects their state of charge which makes it as a critical factor. To
prevent this from happening, try to avoid placing continuous heavy loads on the battery
anywhere in their state of charge cycle to avoid fast draining of its battery charge. A battery
pack that delivers 100% of its capacity when discharged in 1 hour, for example, might deliver
only 50% of its capacity when it is forced to discharge in 20 minutes. When the state of
charge is below 20%, we must stop discharging the batteries to ensure that the battery life is
not greatly reduced or destroyed due to the high rate discharging. Besides that, make sure that
heavy charging is done within 20% to 90% of the state of charge range due to the ability of
the lead acid battery to store energy when it is almost full or nearly empty. In the 20% - 90%
range, C/10 (divide the capacity by 10) delivers the fastest rate at which it is efficient to
charge a lead acid battery. In order to obtain the accurate state of charge reading, the battery
must rest for a few hours (2-6 hours or 24 for optimum accuracy) due to the surface charge
where if the plates are damaged or sulphated, the battery might give the appearance of being
fully charged but instead its capacity is much lesser than that. When measuring the state of
charge, we must ensure that the temperature of the room or its surrounding must be almost
constant because if the surrounding temperature is too warm, the chemical reactions within
the battery will be accelerated and the battery life might be shortened and if the battery gets
too cold, the chemical reactions tend to slow down, reducing the battery output. (Moubayed
et al, 2008). This makes the battery temperature dependent where the available capacity and
maximum current both drops at low temperature and increases at higher temperatures. The
possibility of freezing is also there for a fully discharged battery at temperatures below zero
due to the slowing down of the chemistry process in the battery. Hence in this case, the
charging voltage needs to be increased when the temperature falls to ensure that the battery
continues to receive charge but on the other hand, it is necessary to provide an upper limit on
this raised voltage to ensure that the load equipment that is connected to the battery during
the charging process is doesn’t operate out of its specified range (Jackey, 2007). Besides that
heat stagnation can also be a problem where it causes thermal runaway where it is defined as
a critical condition arising during constant voltage charging process where it is accelerated
by increased temperature of the battery in turn releasing energy that further increases the
temperature and in the end, it leads to the destruction of the battery. (Jackey, 2007).
Figure 2.4: Standard Single Cell Lead Acid Battery (source: James and John, 2003)
A standard lead acid battery consists of several single cells connected in series where each
cell produces approximately 2V and usually a 12V battery have six single cells in series
which produces a battery that is fully charge with an output of 12.3V to 12.8V as shown in
the figure below. In the battery, it has two lead plates which are the positive plate that is
covered with a paste of lead dioxide and a negative plate that is made of sponge lead. There is
an insulating material that separates both plates and the plates will be enclosed in a plastic
battery case which is submersed in water and sulphuric acid which is the electrolyte liquid for
the battery as shown in the figure above. Lead acid cells in the battery will produce voltage
when it receives a charging voltage of 2.1V and above from a battery charger where it
doesn’t generate voltage by itself but they are capable to store a charge from another source.
Lead acid battery is known to be storage batteries for this as they works as a charge storing
device. The amount of charge a lead acid battery can store is depending on the size of the
battery plates and the amount of electrolyte. The unit that is used to measure the capacity of
the battery is known as Ampere-Hour (Ah). For example, if a battery has 75Ah means it has
the capability to discharge 75A for one hour or 1A for 75 hours. The total capacity can be
Figure 2.5: Standard Lead Acid Battery (source: James and John, 2003)
In order to discharge the battery, a load (light bulb) is used to drain the battery and when it is
connected, the chemical reaction between the sulphuric acid and lead plates will produce
electricity to the light bulb. As electricity is supplied to power up the light bulb, internally,
the sulphation process takes place where lead sulphate starts to coat both the positive and
negative plates where this process usually occurs during a discharge cycle. It will become
worst when the discharging process is prolonged where the lead sulphate coats more and
more of the plates causing the voltage of the battery to drop from its original fully charged
If a battery is being discharged below 10.5V, it will damage the battery and also decrease its
capacity. As the lead sulphate starts to coat most of the battery plates, it must not be left
discharged for a prolonged period of time due to the hardening of the lead sulphate where
initially lead sulphate is a soft material that is able to be converted back into lead and
sulphuric acid. This will further cause the formation of hard crystals which cripple the ability
of the battery to charge if we were to use a standard fixed voltage battery charger (James and
John, 2003).
Charger Performance
The battery type and the application in which it is used set performance requirements which
The charger should deliver a clean regulated voltage output with tight limits on
spikes, ripple, noise and radio frequency interference (RFI) all of which could cause
For high power applications, the charging performance may be limited by the design of the
When charging high power batteries, the energy loss in the charger can add
significantly to the charging times and to the operating costs of the application.
Typical charger efficiencies are around 90%, hence the need for efficient designs.
Inrush Current
When a charger is initially switched on to an empty battery the inrush current could
be considerably higher than the maximum specified charging current. The charger
Power Factor
This is detailed information gathered during practical at the lab. It entails the method used in
3.1 Materials
In light of the foregoing appraisal of design styles, the following components will form an
integral part of the design and hence, their importance and working principles are discussed.
A list of necessary components required to carry out the design on this project are as follows:
5808 regulator
Variable resistor
Electrolyte capacitor
Fixed resistor
Paper capacitor
BC547 transistor
12V transformer
Heat sink
1. IC (555): It is called a micro chip; the integrated circuit is a semiconductor device
where loads of resistors, capacitors and transistors are fabricated. It can function as
2. IRF 3205 MOSFET (metallic oxide semiconductor field effect transistor): this is a
unipoler semiconductor material with PN junction charge carrier. It is used for voltage
device generally used in electronic circuit, where small current or high frequency are
terminal which is used to maintain and regulate a certain amount of voltage entering
in a terminal.
5. Variable resistor: This is an electrical component that is used to vary the flow of
made from two conductive plates with an insulator between them. The main function
of a capacitor is that it stores electrical energy when an electrical charge is forced unto
the terminal from a power source. It maintains the charge even after getting
disconnected from the power source. A capacitor can also used as a filter to allow AC
current and act as a switch to electronic signals. The BC547 is a unipoller transistor
with two charge carrier PNP (Positive negative positive) i.e. base, collector, emitter
where the base terminal is responsible for activating the transistor emitter is negative
8. 12V volts transformer: is an electrical device which consists of two coils of copper
wire that are linked by iron core. Its increase (steps up) the voltage or decrease the
(step down) AC voltage. The transformer works on the principle of faradays law of
electromagnetic induction.
9. Heat sink: this is an electronic device made of aluminum which is used to absorb
10. Switch: it is used to break the circuit, interrupting the current and to supply the
11. Diode: It is a device made from semiconductor material that allow the flow current in
one direction and blocks the current which tries to go against the flow in a circuit.
12. LED: (Light emitting diode): The Led is the alternative of diode, when current is
applications like key board, hard disk, TV remote control and this device are very
The design of the hardware of lead acid battery charger is clearly illustrated by the
We started by assembling the component and reading them all, to make sure that there are no
faulty components. We place the R1 resistor into my dotted vero-board and soldered it in star
connection with the D1 diode and paper capacitor Cs at the same star point connection We
soldered another resistor with its end at the dran terminal to the IRF3205 unipoler transistor.
We then extended the gate terminal of the MOSFET to the positive point in the power pack
and the source terminal joined to ground. Placing IC555 timer and joined the pin-1 to earth,
pin-3 to 104 paper capacitor, pin-4 joined with 360/6.5K ohm resistor in series joined with
the BC547 transistor. There after joined pin-4 with 104 ceramic capacitor terminated to earth
with pin-5 then pin-7 and pin-8. At same pin-8 we joined 7808 regulator carrying two 470UF
electrolyte capacitor at input and output point terminal and the ground point of the regulator
sent to earth. At resistor RA the 1.5K resistor is joined with the output terminal of the 8v
regulator and the other end joined in series with a 10K and 1.8K ohms resistor linked to GND.
While designing the power pack of the battery charger, I used a signal diode joined positive
to achieve high rectification and filtetration of voltages after that I linked the positive and
12v battery charger circuit
When the battery charger is energized in AC current, the circuit will rise to its maximum cut-
off at 14.7v. But if the battery is inserted it will release current, more current for fast
charging. As the battery voltage increases so do the current decreases until it get to 14.7v.
Then the battery will stop charging i.e. entering the trickle – mode.
4.1 Result
As I finished designing my circuit, at first it smoked and my findings was that I have over
heated charging MOSFET while soldering it, due to this, my circuit didn’t work. There after I
notice that there was thermal emission of heat at the positive terminal of the battery. Later
after I also notice that it indicates full battery even went to battery inserted. After then I
replaced the damage MOSFET and change the battery terminal supply cable to 4mm and then
adjusted the charging variable resistor to enable it charge pro zero voltage. And after which
that I was able to active a well constructed and rapid fast charging circuit.
4.2 Discussion
A good battery charger provides the base for batteries that are durable and perform well. The
12v DC system provides power for engine starting and for the switches, relays, contractors,
solenoids etc., which control operations of the engine electrical system 60 Hz and 400 Hz
electrical systems, conditioned air system and water system. The batteries which provide up
to one hour of emergency light service to other elements of the must hospital in the event of
engine or electrical system failure. The batteries are recharged through a transformer-rectifier
type battery charger powered from the 400 Hz electrical system. Provisions are also
incorporated in the 12 v DC power for engine starting in the event the batteries are
5.1 Summary
This Industrial Battery Charger final thesis is arranged into following chapter:
background of the project, objectives, scope of the project, problem statement, and also the
thesis outline.
Chapter 2: Focuses on literature reviews of this project based on journals and other
Charger. Details on the progress of the project are explained in this chapter.
Chapter 4: Presents the results obtained and the limitation of the project. All discussions are
Chapter 5: Concludes overall about the project. Obstacle faces and future
5.2 Conclusion
The 12volt industrial battery charger was designed successfully. The proposed charger can
work in constant voltage or constant current mode although constant voltage mode is the
most preferred. The battery charger has many advantages like successful 3-stage charging,
over charge protection, battery discharge protection and a simple design. However the battery
5.3 Recommendation
This research work has some limitations and therefore has the need for future work. Future
investigators should consider these areas as an improvement to this particular research work:
2. The battery charging circuit should be redesign in order to charge as much as battery
bank up to 200V.
4. The switching components for both inverter section and converter section should be
made up of both high diodes and IGBT switches for low switching losses.
5. Further we can improve the heatsink to dissipate the heat better and also indicators
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