Upload Magelis by Vijeo Designer
Upload Magelis by Vijeo Designer
Upload Magelis by Vijeo Designer
What is the To implement that still possible to upload project from HMI devices using Vijeo
purpose Designer
Section Title
1 Parts List
2 Step by step setup
3 Online testing
4 Remarks
In the Target properties, in the Download menu, enable the property Include Editor
In the Target properties, in the Data Locations menu, set the Data Files location to
"Secondary Drive" (CF card)
In the Security properties, select the property "Use Security" of Data Manager Security.
Then create a security group and security user(s) with at least Read Only rights in Data Manager
The XBT GT/GK must contain a CF Card. The iPC must contain a secondary CF Card. Before
download, the project must be saved in Vijeo-Designer. Due to the copy of the full editor project
on CF Card, the time of download may be long.
There are two ways to upload the Editor project. The first way is to use the tool Vijeo-Designer
Data Manager to connect to HMI target. The second way is to plug the CF Card on PC.
• Connect CF Card to PC
1. Extract the CF card and connect it to the PC.
The resulting project is in VDZ format. It must be imported in Vijeo-Designer for further use.
Section 4; Online Testing
Online testing :
1. Donwload the program to HMI with check the include project editor
2. Try to Upload from HMI and get the project from HMI
Section 5; Remark
By using this way we can upload the HMI project for internal use especially for
commissioning, this features can be enable as documentation back up for engineer when
they do trial on site.