Minor Disorders I Jon C
Minor Disorders I Jon C
Minor Disorders I Jon C
0 12,297
3 authors:
Gaurav Kohli
Chitkara University
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Background: The minor disorders are most common among newborns, neglecting the minor health
problem is the one of the factor contributing to the newborn mortality rate. In India most the mothers
are not aware of management regarding minor disorders of newborn (vomiting, constipation, diarrhea,
physiological jaundice, conjunctivitis, umbilical cord infection, pseudo menstruation, breast
engorgement, and skin rashes). In a view of limited studies and resources, important consideration
on literature review taken.
Aim: This study aims to investigate in the terms of incidences of minor disorders of newborn including
knowledge of postnatal mother regarding minor disorders. To increase the attention of least fathered
area but it is early needed of neonatal health in the state of Karnataka will help the nursing personnel
to reduce the incidence of minor disorder of newborn.
Method and material: A narrative review undertaken using the following databases in the end of
2010, pub med, CINAHL, MEDLINE, Local Newspaper (THE HINDU), National, International
Journals, and Magazines of Karnataka regarding minor disorders of newborn.
Results: Twenty research studies on nursing from databases regarding minor disorders of newborn.
The incidence Knowledge of postnatal mothers concludes most of the studies 10 (78%) shows mothers
had below average knowledge and 66% mothers showed negative attitude and there was big gap
between actual and desired practice in carding newborn.
Discussion: In the National, International literature regarding minor disorders of newborn, the
consensus would be needed around the knowledge, attitude, and practice of postnatal mother since
the studies and awareness were very less in number.
Keywords: Level of Knowledge, Socio Demographic Variables, Minor Disorders, Newborns, Postnatal Mothers
adaptation to the new environment, as nursing Minor disorders in the newborn are very common.
professionals it is one of our responsibility to impart About 22% of newborn will get minor disorders in their
knowledge to mothers about the minor disorders of life period. 3-7 days considered as a peak days in
newborn and its management. The mother ’s getting minor disorders of newborn 11.
responsibility is to provide necessary facilities and care
to the newborns and enjoy their life 4. There is a relationship between the female literacy
with newborn mortality rate. The knowledge of
Indian statistical reports says 50% deaths occurs mothers can reduce the neonatal mortality rate. Indian
below 5 years.33% of all deaths occurs below 1 statistics says that only the states of Kerala and Punjab
year.20% of all death occurs below 1 month. 10% of all have recorded is NMR is less and Tamil Nadu, Andhra
death occurs below 1 week 5. Pradesh, Karnataka, orissa are recorded in
intermediate category due to lack knowledge of
Indian academy of pediatrics reports states that postnatal mothers regarding care of newborns 12.
approximately 22.01% newborns were affected with
minor disorders. In that Physiological jaundice is The department of health and family welfare had
contributing 78.25%, and vomiting is 80.6%, diarrhea implemented several important programs and
is79.5% and others contributes 40% 6. schemes to address the issue of highest infant and child
mortality rate in the country. Approximately 50% of
The minor disorders are most common in newborn, Perinatal and neonatal deaths can be prevented by
neglecting the minor health problem is the one of the simple measures at the primary care. The neglect of
factor contributing to the newborn mortality rate. In nutrition, health and health education of girl child and
India most the mothers are not aware of management mothers are the fundamental reason for adverse state
regarding minor disorders of newborn. It is the of perinatal health in the country 13.
responsibility of the nurse to educate mothers
regarding the management of minor disorders among The Deccan Herald recently reported the progress
newborn, which is an extended activity for promotion in the reduction of India’s child mortality rate with an
of maternal and child well being 7. average fall of approximately 2.6% between 1990 and
2006. However, if India is to reach the millennium
Perinatal period is the most hazardous one in a development goal set by the united nation. The average
person’s life. The global burden of newborn deaths is annual rate of reduction over the next nine years
estimated to be 4 million per year in that 96% is should be approximately 7.6%. We certainly hope this
contributed by the developing countries. As many as goal to be achievable. In Karnataka to reduce the
2 million newborns die every year in Southeast Asia newborn mortality rate the government had
Region 8. established home based newborn care in rural areas,
Each year over 26 million babies are born in India in that mothers are given training to provide care to
accounting for 50 births per minute, in that 1.2 million the newborns in the home setting 14.
newborns die per year representing almost three A study conducted on newborn health problem and
deaths per minute, every 3 second one child dies in their home remedies in urban community area at New
India. Newborn deaths now account for up to two Delhi in 100 newborn babies .It identifies the common
thirds of all infant deaths in developing countries. This problems of newborn, that are vomiting, skin rash,
means that interventions to reduce newborn mortality eye infection, diarrhea, feeding problem, and
rate are at the cutting edge of the child survival physiological jaundice, and also all mothers using
program 9. some form of home remedies for relieving these
High newborn mortality rate one of the most problems. Education to mothers on minor health
sensitive indicators of the health status of the problems of newborn will help them to have better
population. In 2008 the status of the newborn mortality understanding of these problems 15.
rate is 34 per 1000 live birth in India, in that Karnataka A study was carried out to see the mother ’s
contributes 23.5%. Karnataka is one of the provinces knowledge regarding minor disorders of newborn. 120
of India situated in the southern part of India. There mothers were selected for the study by convenient
are 177 hospitals and 1696 PHC in the state which are sampling technique. It revealed that there is a
rendering maternal and child health services 10. significant association among mothers between the age
and education with knowledge scores. The mothers (THE HINDU), National, International Journals, and
who were educated, 30 years and above had Magazines of Karnataka (refer figure:1).
demonstrated good knowledge on the management
of minor disorders of newborn 16. Selection criterion of the study and data extraction
Mothers plays keys role in identifying minor The selection criteria for the systemic review
developmental deviation and early evidence of the regarding minor disorders of newborn are
disease process because she is constantly and closely • Articles and publication related to minor disorders
watching her baby, so she needs the basic knowledge of newborn like vomiting, constipation, diarrhea,
and skills pertaining to child feeding, others common physiological jaundice, conjunctivitis, umbilical
problem during newborn period 17. cord infection, pseudo menstruation, breast
National neonatology forum (NNF) had reclined engorgement, and skin rashes
ten steps to reduce NMR. In that teaching the mother • Incidence and prevalence of the each minor
about identifying and managing minor developmental disorders of newborn in India and Karnataka
deviation during newborn period is important. Major
reason for the high mortality rate is lack of knowledge • Studies related to minor disorders of newborn
regarding care of newborn at birth to 7 days 20.
• Studies related to newborn health problems and
The knowledge about the basic care of a newborn home remedies used in India and Karnataka
such as environment, temperature control at birth, card
• Studies related to knowledge attitude and practice
care, and feeding, identifying minor illness is woefully
inadequate among postnatal mothers 21. of mothers regarding minor disorders of newborn.
Data sources and searches: data collected from the In National, International literature regarding
pub med, CINAHL, MEDLINE, Local Newspaper knowledge, attitude, practice regarding of postnatal
mothers are very few, after in this the scientific review Science 2007 May 10;5(54); http://
we felt that ate very few studies and articles regarding www.who.com.
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to pay more attention mainly to reduce mortality and family education program. Indian journal of
morbidity of newborn mother must possess good pediatrics 1994 Aug 20; (4) 359-361.
knowledge regarding this concern. 8. Dhaulta P.A. Community Health Nursing
Manual. 9th reprint .New Delhi; 2002 available in
9. Thomas. S. Perinatal Period and Neonatal Death.
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who helped with stimulating suggestions, knowledge, (2). http://www.unicef. Com.
experience and encouragement helped us in all the 10. Indra Sekhar Rao. Home Based Neonatal Care;
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our family and friends who morally supported Nov 7; 6(34)7-8.
throughout the construction of view successfully. 11. Elizabeth Ashman. Causes of Neonatal Mortality.
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