Parte Dos Del Examen Final

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the first use of the word compute was first introduce in

When was the word "computer" first used?

The word "computer" was first recorded in 1613. And it was originally used to
describe a human who performed the calculations. The definition of the
computer remained the same until the end of the 19th century, when the
industrial revolution gave way to machines whose main purpose was

The first mechanical computer or automatic computing engine concept

In 1822, Charles Babbage conceptualized and began developing the difference
engine. It was considered the first automatic computing machine capable of
calculating various sets of numbers and making hard copies of the results.

Babbage received help from Ada Lovelace in the development of the Difference
Engine, considered by many to be the first computer programmer for her work
and notes on the Difference Engine. Unfortunately, due to funding, Babbage
was never able to complete a full-scale working version of this machine.

2. the instruction that computer can process are mainly executed

How are the instructions executed by the computer? Instruction cycle sequence
of actions Find the instruction in main memory. The value of the program
counter is dumped onto the address bus. ... Decode the instruction. The
instruction decoder interprets and implements the instruction. ... Execute the
statement. ... Store or save results.

3. the main memory of a computer considered volatile due to the capacity

of storing information that information could be kept as long as
RAM and ROM RAM is volatile memory that temporarily stores the files you
are working on. ROM is non-volatile memory that permanently stores
instructions for your computer.

4. we can diferentiate input device fron output because input refers to

In summary, we can say that an input device is anyone that sends information to
the computer, while an output device reproduces or displays the results of such
processing. Depending on the interaction that is established between the device
and the PC, we can also find peripherals that fulfill both functions, that is, it can
be both an input and an output device.

5. the term computer system in relation with term computer alone makes
its difference because

A computer system is a basic, complete and functional computer or computer,

which includes all the hardware and software necessary for it to be functional
for a user. It is the system in charge of collecting the data, processing it and
transmitting the information once it has been processed.

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