Pharmaceutical Legislation & History: Philippine Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs, Laws & Ethics
Pharmaceutical Legislation & History: Philippine Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs, Laws & Ethics
Pharmaceutical Legislation & History: Philippine Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs, Laws & Ethics
Philippine Pharmaceutical
Regulatory Affairs, Laws & Ethics
Chapter 1
■ Fundamentals of the Law
■ Stalinon, Thalidomide & other Therapeutic
■ History of Drug Regulation in the US
■ History of Drug Regulation in the UK
■ History of Drug Regulation in the Philippines
■ General Terminology Related to Pharmacy Law
■ Abbreviations in Pharmacy Law
■ References
■ The pharmacy laws in the Philippines are
regulated by 3 major government agencies
■ Food & Drug Authority (FDA)
■ This is where all the pharmaceuticals are regulated, this
includes drugs, food, cosmetics, medical device, and
household hazardous substances
■ Licensings, inspections, product registrations are
conducted by this bureau to ensure regulation
■ Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB)
■ This is the policy making body for the dangerous drugs
■ Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA)
■ This is the implementing body of the DDB
■ The Legal System of the Philippines
■ Statutory Law
■ These are laws that have been passed by legislative bodies. In the
Philippines, this is mainly the senate and the congress
■ Regulatory Law
■ These are laws promulgated by the government agencies for the
enforcement and understanding of the law
■ Common Law
■ These are laws that encompasses those areas of law that have
evolved over hundred of years of judicial decisions
■ Cannon Law
■ These are the religious laws which are accepted in most countries –
the separation of church and state, mainly based on scriptures
■ Administrative Order
■ Enforceable order issued by a public authority (under the powers conferred
to it by one or more statutes) to an individual or an organization to take
certain corrective action, or to refrain from an activity
■ Bureau Circular
■ These are short notes sent to remind or inform people within FDA
■ Executive Order
■ These are legally binding orders given by the President, acting as the head
of the Executive Branch, to Federal Administrative Agencies. Executive
Orders are generally used to direct federal agencies and officials in their
execution of congressionally established laws or policies. However, in
many instances they have been used to guide agencies in directions contrary
to congressional intent
■ Memorandum Circular
■ These are short notes sent to remind or inform people
■ Presidential Decree
■ An edict or law made by the President of the Philippines
■ Republic Act
■ These are laws passed by the senate and congress which are later approved
by the President of the Philippines
■ In France, 102 people had died and 100 more
were affected by paraplegia in 1957 as a result
of the administration of Stalinon capsules for
the treatment of boils
■ The Stalinon episode had resulted from a
formulation error – Stalinon capsules for
marketing contained 15mg diiodoethylin and
100mg isolinoleic acid esters
■ Clinical trials were carried out with capsules
containing only 3mg diiodoethylin (one-fifth
of the marketed dose)
■ Subsequent studies in animals and in human
confirmed the neurotoxicity of diiodoethylin,
which was characterized by intramyelinic
vacuolation and astrocyte swelling with no
evidence of neuronal degeneration.
■ This tragedy, however, was a foretaste of an
ever greater disaster – that of thalidomide…
■ Thalidomide, is responsible for over 10,000 human birth
deformities such as phocomelia