MJ0320335ENN en
MJ0320335ENN en
MJ0320335ENN en
Final Report
June 2020
E-mail: [email protected]
European Commission
B-1049 Brussels
This document has been prepared for the European Commission however it reflects the views only of the
authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information
contained therein.
The study team of the second technical support study wishes to thank the broad
stakeholder community for providing inputs, in particular those stakeholders volunteering
to participate in topical groups A, B and C and individuals participating in the public beta
test. We also wish to thank policy officer Sylvain Robert (EC DG ENER) for his supervision
and valuable guidance throughout the project, as well as colleagues of DG ENER and other
EC DG’s who provided their inputs in discussing and reviewing parts of the project
This report builds upon – and contains extracts from – the first technical support study on
the establishment of the SRI. We gratefully acknowledge their contributions into this final
report. Contributors to the first technical support study are: for VITO: Stijn Verbeke, Yixiao
Ma, Paul Van Tichelen, Sarah Bogaert (coordination and management), Virginia Gómez
Oñate; for WAIDE STRATEGIC EFFICIENCY: Paul Waide ; for ECOFYS: Kjell Bettgenhäuser,
John Ashok, Andreas Hermelink, Markus Offermann, Jan Groezinger ; for OFFIS: Mathias
Uslar, Judith Schulte.
Although the persons listed above have provided many constructive comments and
suggestions or contributions in the reporting of the first technical support study, they were
not asked to endorse the final conclusions and/or recommendations. Responsibility for the
final content of this report rests entirely with the authors.
The technical study team has observed a broad consensus among stakeholders
on the key principles and methodological choices of the SRI. A beta version of the
methodology was tested on a voluntary basis during an open public testing phase,
which resulted in 112 assessments being conducted by interested actors across
the EU. This provided confirmation of the viability of the approach and led to
further improvements of the consolidated methodology. Furthermore, the studies
explored various options for the implementation of the SRI in order for the
Commission Services and Member States to be informed of the possible
arrangements for an effective implementation of the SRI scheme and the
associated potential impacts. The EU impact analysis indicates that significant net
beneficial benefits can result from implementing the SRI instrument across the
European Union.
In conclusion, the technical support studies have developed and tested a viable
definition and assessment methodology for the SRI. The proposed approach is
aligned with the objectives set out in the EPBD, produces acceptably consistent
results, can be readily implemented and has been shown to provide useful
information to building users. It has been extensively reviewed and appears to
enjoy broadly-based support across a wide range of stakeholders, suggesting that
it could be an adequate basis to support an effective implementation of the SRI
including, where relevant, further testing at Member State level.
A first technical study to support the establishment of the SRI was launched in March
2017 and conducted by a consortium consisting of VITO NV, Waide Strategic Efficiency,
Ecofys and Offis1. A second technical support study - conducted by a consortium
consisting of VITO NV and Waide Strategic Efficiency Europe - started in December 2018
and concluded in June 2020.
This summary provides a resumé of the main findings and conclusions discussed in the
full report of the second technical support study, which also integrates the outcomes of
the first technical support study. Specifically, this document presents a summary of the
main conclusions concerning:
• a consolidated proposal for the SRI calculation method and its main components,
including the service catalogues of method A and method B
• a proposal of weighting factors for the multi-criteria analysis on impact and domain
• suggestions on the SRI assessment procedures
• suggested implementation pathways for the SRI
• findings on SRI formatting and value to the respective users
• an overview of the main interactions with stakeholders and member state
• results from the EU-level impact analysis of the SRI instrument.
There is a clear need to accelerate building renovation investments and leverage smart,
energy-efficient technologies in the building sector across Europe. Smart buildings
integrate cutting edge ICT-based solutions to optimise energy-efficient control of
technical building systems and enable energy flexibility as part of their daily operation.
Such smart capabilities can also effectively assist in creating healthier and more
comfortable buildings, which adjust to the needs of both the user and the energy grid
while reducing building energy consumption and carbon impacts.
“Support for setting up a Smart Readiness Indicator for buildings and related impact assessment - final
report”; August 2018; Brussels. Authors: VITO: Stijn Verbeke, Yixiao Ma, Paul Van Tichelen, Sarah Bogaert,
Virginia Gómez Oñate; Waide Strategic Efficiency: Paul Waide ; ECOFYS: Kjell Bettgenhäuser, John Ashok,
Andreas Hermelink, Markus Offermann, Jan Groezinger ; OFFIS: Mathias Uslar, Judith Schulte
The SRI-scheme is intended to raise awareness about the benefits of smart buildings -
in particular from an energy perspective - and thereby stimulate investments in smart
building technologies and support the uptake of technology innovation in the
building sector. It is also within the scope of the SRI to enhance synergies between
energy, buildings and other policy segments, in particular in the ICT area, and through
this contribute to cross-sectorial integration of the buildings sector into future energy
systems and markets.
Smartness of a building refers to the ability of a building or its
systems to sense, interpret, communicate and actively
respond in an efficient manner to changing conditions in
relation to the operation of technical building systems or the
external environment (including energy grids) and to demands
from building occupants.
Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings as amended by Directive (EU) 2018/844.
For building occupants, owners and investors of both existing and new buildings, the SRI
is designed to provide information on the smart services the building could deliver.
Valuable information on the smartness level of the building - and potential improvements
- could steer investment decisions. A transition towards ‘smarter’ buildings will induce
multiple benefits to the users of the buildings, such as better energy efficiency, health
and wellbeing, comfort and convenience. Facility managers will also be an important
audience for the SRI as they may operate the smart systems and may influence the
investment decisions. The other important audience for the SRI will be service providers,
including network operators, manufacturers of technical building systems, design and
engineering companies and many others. The SRI can help them to organise and position
their service offering by providing a neutral and common framework wherein the
capability of their smart services can be directly compared with those of their competitors
including the incumbent non-smart services.
By providing a common language for all main stakeholders, the SRI can help boost the
market uptake of smart ready technologies through the establishment of a credible and
integrated instrument.
The first technical support study proposed an SRI methodology according to a set of
guiding principles (see list below) and implemented via inspection of the ‘smart ready
services’ available in a building. Such services are enabled by (a combination of) smart
ready technologies, but defined in a technologically neutral way, e.g. the ability to
“control the power of artificial lighting”. The SRI assessment procedure is based on the
establishment of an inventory of the smart ready services which could be available in a
building and an evaluation of the functionalities they can offer. Each of the services can
be implemented with various degrees of smartness, referred to as ‘functionality levels’.
In the example of lighting control this can range from the simple implementation of
“manual on/off control of lighting” to more elaborate control methods such as “automatic
on/off switching of lighting based on daylight availability”, or even “automatic dimming
of lighting based on daylight availability”.
The services within a building operate in multiple domains (e.g. heating, lighting, electric
vehicle charging, etc.), inducing various kinds of impacts (e.g. energy savings, comfort
improvement, flexibility towards the energy grid, etc.). To cope with this multitude of
domains and impact categories, a multi-criteria assessment method was proposed
and developed as the underlying methodology for calculating the smart readiness
The methodology is flexible with regard to the choice of assessment method, e.g. through
on site-inspections by external SRI assessors, self-assessment by building owners, a
blend of checklists and self-reporting by intelligent equipment, etc. To demonstrate the
methodology, two in-field case studies were carried out. These follow a simple checklist
process filled-in by third-party assessors who made site visits to the premises to conduct
the SRI assessments and compute the scores.
The SRI:
• Creates a technology-neutral level playing field for market actors through the
definition of functional capability rather than the prescription of certain
technological solutions.
• Is consistent with the goal of having a simple, expressive, and easy to grasp
indicator which conveys transparent and tangible information.
• Balances the desire for a sufficiently detailed and reliable assessment with the
desire to limit the time and cost requirements of assessing the smartness of a
• Allows for the incorporation of multiple distinct domains (e.g. both heating
services as well as electric vehicle charging capabilities, etc.) and multiple distinct
impact categories (e.g. energy efficiency, energy flexibility and provision of
information to occupants, etc.).
• Is designed to be able to adapt to relevant contextual factors, which include
variations by building type, climate, culture, and the collective impact these have
on the demand for certain services.
• Is flexible enough to allow regular updates to support innovation in line with the
rapidly changing landscape of policies and commercially available services.
During both technical support studies, the consortium partners have conducted extensive
consultations of relevant stakeholders in an open and inclusive process. The feedback
gathered has informed and deepened the analysis being undertaken and helped to build
awareness and consensus over both the project aims and the most viable approaches to
realise them.
During the technical studies, the dissemination and written consultation open to the
public was managed via a public website3. The draft reports, interim deliverables and
other relevant documents have been published regularly. At the end of the second
technical support study, 813 people were registered as stakeholders and signed up to
receiving updates. In total, five large plenary stakeholder consultation meetings were
organised, with an average attendance of over 80 stakeholders in Brussels as well as the
numerous stakeholders who followed the web-stream.
During the second technical support study, three dedicated thematic stakeholder working
groups were set up specifically to enter into in-depth discussions with compact and well-
balanced expert groups of approximately 30 members, representing different sector
organisations and Member States, as follows:
Both study teams have set up structured surveys to request feedback on interim
deliverables. In addition, the Commission’s DG Energy set up a targeted consultation on
its website, to collect further feedback from stakeholders on some key issues related to
the SRI. This consultation opened from 9 August 2019 to 11 October 2019. The
consultation resulted in the collection of detailed feedback from 93 respondents located
in 21 countries. This feedback was processed by the study team to inform the
developments on the SRI methodology and implementation pathways.
Finally, stakeholders were also given the opportunity to test a draft version of the SRI
calculation framework on buildings of their choice. In total, 112 complete and unique
calculation sheets were received, constituting a rich source of information to assess the
viability of the approach and finetune the proposed SRI methodology.
This website was set up for the purpose of the study and is bound to be taken offline when this summary and
related report are published by the Commission.
• During the public testing, 112 assessments were performed, covering 81 unique
buildings from 21 member states. For 31 buildings, both the simplified methods A and
the more detailed method B were applied to the same building.
• Based on the analysis of the calculation sheets and the received feedback, the study
team concludes that the SRI calculation methodology is generally well-received.
Results were generally in line with the expectations, and the results were found to be
insightful. The formatting and communication on the SRI will play an important role in
creating a reference frame for the results. Additional (default) recommendations could
strengthen the role of the SRI as an informative tool.
• It is concluded that objectively the results for both methods A and B are generally well-
aligned. Furthermore, issues of comparability will not likely arise since in practice only
one of the two methods would be applied to a given building. Nevertheless, both service
catalogues were updated to harmonize the methods. It is suggested to include a clear
reference to the method used in the communication on the SRI of a particular building.
• From a practical perspective, the assessment typically took less than one hour for
method A, whereas most assessments with method B did not take more than 4 hours.
This is in line with the expectations. In general, sufficient information was available to
perform the assessment. To facilitate the assessment, the guidance document should
include more detailed definitions of the functionality levels and provide additional
examples or guidelines for complex systems. The role of the facility manager as a
source of information was highlighted.
When considering the implementation of the SRI it is important to recognise that there
is a tension between the notion of a centrally managed and coordinated SRI and that of
subsidiarity where each EU Member State may seek to implement the SRI as they see
fit. The legal framework for the SRI in the EPBD clearly sets out the applicable legal basis,
so this is beyond discussion, however, practically, it is still important to consider the
implications for the efficacy of the SRI of a more or less harmonised methodology. While
the methodology needs to be flexible enough to adequately reflect local specificities such
as climatic and building type variations it also needs to be sufficiently unified for it to
leverage the power of the Single Market for goods and services. In particular, this implies
an approach which is common in the manner in which the smart functionalities of goods
and services are classified so that their providers can position their offers in a common
way across the Single Market and avoid the need (and associated extra cost) of
developing separate offers for each local implementation of the SRI. The discussion of
implementation, beginning with the prospective pathways, builds on this understanding
of the necessary trade-offs between harmonised and locally flexible approaches.
The investigation of the prospective pathways for the effective implementation of the SRI
in the EU involved the following three elements:
• identification of the schemes and initiatives on which the SRI could build on, or
connect to, to facilitate its implementation
• identification and analysis of the potential options for implementing the SRI at EU-
level and at Member States-level
• definition of a set of robust and flexible implementation pathways for the roll-out of
the SRI in the EU.
An extensive review was conducted of available schemes at both EU and national level
that the SRI could connect to (e.g. Energy Performance Certificate schemes). One of the
key factors to assess with regard to the schemes reviewed was to evaluate how they
have set about building engagement and stimulating adoption, which will be one of the
key success factors for the SRI. The study team undertook a structured analysis of the
barriers to adoption that these schemes (and the SRI) confront and the mechanisms they
have used to overcome them. Their relative success in doing so has been to derive
relevant lessons for the implementation of the SRI. In so doing it is recognised that
engagement rates are related to the inherent value propositions of the initiatives and the
legal frameworks that apply to them and so these have been considered too.
The identification and analysis of the possible options for implementing the SRI at EU-
level and at Member State-level involved the examination of equivalent frameworks as
possible templates for the SRI’s adoption. In principle, the SRI’s governance will require
a final decision-making body, supported by technical group(s) with mechanisms for
stakeholder input.
Some models of other initiatives which are instructive for the SRI’s governance include
the Ecolabelling scheme, and CEN/CENELEC standardisation bodies. Each of these
initiatives involves oversight, review and maintenance and incorporates Member State
representation with technical support just as the SRI will need to. However, the explicit
governance structure that will best suit the needs of the SRI will need to be formally
linked to the EPBD’s governance and also needs to combine routine review and
maintenance functions, with the ability to respond quickly to potentially rapid
innovations. This last aspect implies the possible relevance to have a fast track decision
making pathway in addition to the conventional review and maintenance functions.
The definition of a set of robust and flexible implementation pathways for the roll-out of
the SRI in the EU entailed extensive consultation with SRI stakeholders, including regular
physical or virtual meetings with the Topical Group A concerned with SRI value
proposition and implementation.
This consultation process led to the development of the following set of potential
implementation pathways:
In principle, SRI deployment could be linked to any one or all of these trigger points.
In reflecting on these it is first important to appreciate that the SRI is expected to exert
an influence on the market adoption of smart services and technologies through:
The market pull effect is driven by the impact that SRI assessments on properties have
on the deployment of smart services and technologies, through raising awareness among
stakeholders in the value chain at the property level. In this regard its impact could be
expected to be rather similar to the impact effect associated with EPCs on building energy
performance. The SRI impact is rather broader than the EPC’s, however, because it also
provides a common organisational framework within which the purveyors of smart
technologies and services can identify and market the functionality and value proposition
of their product and service offerings on a common basis across the EU. This “market
push” effect will often operate at the Single Market level and hence has more in common
with the organisational impacts of say, Ecodesign information requirements, than is the
case of EPCs.
The duality of the SRI in this regard is important to appreciate because it implies that at
one level (the push level) it needs to operate as a harmonised EU-level scheme to
maximise impact whereas at the other level (the pull level) it could follow the same
subsidiarity rationale as is applied to EPCs. Nonetheless, the leading implementation
pathways mapped out above are necessarily all orientated to the pull level because they
address how Member States could choose to implement the SRI. In this context option C
would appear to be a common, lowest, dominator because it implies an entirely voluntary
engagement with the SRI that in principle could be served by a common EU platform (an
on-line SRI assessment and information tool made available in all EU languages). Member
states and interested market actors could potentially choose to promote this in whatever
way suits their concerns and the Commission could support this by the creation of a
common interactive platform; however, while such a platform would provide value to any
implementation pathway option C gives the least stimulus to SRI assessment and hence
is the most passive pathway.
The determination of the most appropriate format that the SRI should take needed to
consider factors such as:
From a design and communication perspective there is another discussion about whether,
or not, the SRI should make use of mnemonics and/or a logo to support communication
and branding. Mnemonics are used to simplify the processing and retention of
information. The most famous example in the energy sector is the energy label that ranks
appliance efficiency from A to G and is reinforced by colour coding (Green to Red). Other
examples of mnemonics used to simplify rankings are the number of stars e.g. a 5-star
hotel. Stakeholders have been asked if:
• mnemonics should be used for the SRI? And does the answer depend on the target
• mnemonics should be used in combination with numerical scores or as a replacement?
• Some form of A to G and/or colour-coded mnemonic should be an option, or does it
risk confusion vis a vis energy labelling and EPCs?
• other mnemonic scales could/should be considered?
• conventional logos
• simple mnemonics which apply a single simple mnemonic scoring system to convey
the aggregate performance (e.g. Figure 3)
• more complex, tri-partite mnemonics which apply a mnemonic scoring system for
each of the three pillars mentioned in the EPBD text and also for an aggregate score
(e.g. Figure 4)
• a comprehensive scoring matrix that includes scores per domain and per impact
criterion as well as aggregate scores per impact criterion and the overall SRI
aggregate score (Figure 5).
To test the SRI concepts consumer focus groups with a representative set of members
of the public were conducted in Madrid and Budapest by a professional market research
company (Kantar Millward Brown) and WSEE in state-of-the-art market research
premises using professional moderators and best practice methods.
Figure 3 – Examples of single mnemonics to convey the overall SRI score and/or rank
Figure 4 – Examples of Tri-partite mnemonics to convey the overall SRI score/rank and sub-
score/ranks for the three SRI “pillars”
The importance of ensuring data protection and confidentiality has been highlighted as a
critical factor that would severely weaken the SRI were it to compromise these factors.
GDPR requirements therefore need to be respected as a minimum, including ensuring
that only legally mandated actors should have access to the SRI information pertaining
to any specific property.
It is equally essential that SRI assessments should not cause any increase in
cybersecurity risk and that if/where possible the SRI should be structured to enable
information on the cybersecurity status of the smart services and devices being assessed
to be reported to the SRI recipient. As it will not be actionable to have an on-site
inspection of cybersecurity aspects, the SRI will have to rely on other data sources, e.g.
the EU’s voluntary cyber-security label which might become available for specific TBSs
used within buildings in the future. This could feature on the SRI and its accompanying
documents as additional information in addition to other relevant information such as the
EC broadband-ready label4 of a building when this information is available from trusted
Additionally, the SRI or accompanying documents could also feature information on the
cross-cutting issues of interoperability. It is suggested to take interoperability inexplicitly
into account in some of the services which deal with interaction of various systems (e.g.
the provision of preventing simultaneous heating and cooling in building zones requires
some form of interoperability). Optionally, the SRI and its accompanying documents
could report on the standards and communication protocols used by the technical building
systems, or introduce a simplified metric to indicate interoperability for each of the
technical domains. The latter is likely to be more of a longer-term objective than a near
term reality, as currently it is particularly challenging to determine the interoperability
status of technologies from on-site (or other) assessment.
See Article 8 of Directive 2014/61/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 15 May 2014 on measures
to reduce the cost of deploying high-speed electronic communications networks.
• An SRI format that combines a mnemonic graphic design such as those shown
in Figure 3 or Figure 4 at the top with the matrix shown in Figure 5 somewhere
beneath would seem to be viable and address most users’ needs – it seems to
work well for consumers and professional users. This would combine a whole
building score and ranking (which many users have indicated is important) with
the detailed information on the scores by domain and impact criterion in a
manner that is readily accessible. It would also ensure that users can see how
the whole score is comprised from the sub-scores and provide the richness of
information that many users desire without putting off those that simply want
a whole-building score/ranking. The mnemonic ranking complements the
percentage score as it gives a more easily retainable and comparable reference.
It is suggested to use this approach for all building types and user segments.
• With regard to the set of media used to such an approach (i.e. a top-line
mnemonic ranking/score with a matrix of sub-scores beneath) could be
presented via a certificate and/or report with the option to access more details
through an on-line tool. Such a tool could be accessible via a QR code and/or
weblink and could potentially include the option for the user to enter (and/or
retrieve) their building details so they could examine how they could improve
its smart readiness in detail. The on-line tool could combine the functionalities
of: explaining the SRI purpose and calculation to users; explain the higher
levels of SRT functionality that are available and their benefits; and being able
to calculate SRI scores from raw input data while allowing users to see how
improved SRTs would improve their building’s overall score and sub-scores.
• The use of an on-line platform would provide a solid and flexible foundation for
the SRI’s informational needs and be most responsive to the range of user
needs. It could help to: facilitate SRI assessment, enable interactive
determination of the impact of prospective changes in a building’s smartness,
manage evolutions in the SRI, manage evolutions in the data for any specific
property, support data exchange with other service platforms whenever
appropriate permissions are granted. Critically, the use of such a platform, if
arranged to be in a navigable hierarchical manner, would avoid the need for
the scheme to have to present the information in a single condensed format
based on assumptions about user needs, as users would be able to readily find
the information they are most interested in.
The assessment time is strongly linked to the degree of complexity of the SRI definition.
At least two different SRI assessment types could be envisioned: a light version with a
limited set of services and a detailed version. Differentiating between a light version and
a detailed version would allow the costs to be brought down for simple buildings, which
in turn could increase the uptake. At the same time, the detailed version would permit
validation of the added value of advanced systems in complex buildings. On the
downside, differentiation may bring confusion, which could hamper the communication
of the SRI. Finally, there is also a demand amongst certain stakeholders to take the SRI
a step further by basing it on actual performance data of in-use buildings. From
consideration of these aspects, the study team has investigated the three potential SRI
assessment methods depicted below:
Transparent processes will be needed to support the evolution of the SRI once it is
established. The SRI method may need to be adapted over time to include additional
domains, services, functionality levels or impact categories. Transparent frameworks and
procedures will have to be defined and set up to manage this process in close interaction
with relevant stakeholders.
As the SRI scheme becomes more established, it may evolve into a more sophisticated
and less intrusive - thus less costly - assessment process(es). Potential options for this
could include the use of Building Information Models (BIM) to facilitate the assessment
process, self-reporting of smartness by BACS and the emergence of some form of
standardised labelling on (packages of) smart-ready products. The full report discusses
several important considerations that should be addressed in the implementation of the
SRI scheme or could assist in a practical assessment on-site.
The SRI assessment can be linked to other assessment schemes and voluntary labels.
This approach could potentially allow engagement of voluntary schemes introduced by
some industry and service sectors that go into greater depth for specific smart services.
Potential linkages to various schemes and initiatives are discussed in the full report.
The full report also discusses various approaches to deal with smart services that are
only present in a part of the building. By introducing inspection thresholds or defining
representative rooms in a building, the assessment efforts can be reduced significantly.
• To support this approach, two separate service catalogues have been developed
by the study team in consultation with the stakeholder community: a simplified
service catalogue A and a detailed service catalogue B. Both methods have
been subject to the public beta test which led to further finetuning and
harmonisation of both methods. The consolidated service catalogues are
distributed as annex C and annex D of the full report.
• The SRI needs to be a dynamic instrument. Within the framework of the current
method, elements such as smart ready services and their scores and
functionality levels will need to be adapted over time to keep in line with
innovations available on the market. Furthermore, novel assessment methods
(e.g. focussing on actual in-use performance) could be introduced. Various
initial options for future evolutions of the SRI scheme have been canvassed and
discussed with the dedicated topical stakeholder group C. While the outcomes
of the technical support study mainly focused on an actionable first version of
the SRI which can readily be implemented, the study team suggests that in
parallel a process is set-up to discuss and facilitate future updates to the SRI
in close collaboration with relevant stakeholders and Member States.
The proposed SRI methodology builds on the assessment of the smart ready services
present in a building. Services are enabled by (a combination of) smart ready
technologies, but are defined in a technology neutral way, e.g. ‘provision of temperature
control in a room’. To support this, two catalogues of smart ready services has been
compiled: a detailed method (method B) and a simplified method (method A). Each
catalogue lists the relevant services and describes their main expected impacts towards
building users and the energy grid. Many of these services are based on international
technical standards. In accordance with the requirements from the revised EPBD, three
key functionalities of smart readiness in buildings have been taken into account when
defining the smart ready services in the SRI catalogue:
2. The ability to adapt its operation mode in response to the needs of the
occupant, paying due attention to the availability of user-friendliness,
maintaining healthy indoor climate conditions and ability to report on energy use.
In the SRI service catalogues developed, services are structured within nine domains:
heating, cooling, domestic hot water, controlled ventilation, lighting, dynamic building
envelope, electricity, electric vehicle charging and monitoring and control.
The detailed service catalogue (method B) and the simplified service catalogue (method
A) have been thoroughly reviewed based on various stakeholder feedback, a review
session with members of Topical Group B and feedback from the public beta testing. The
final consolidated proposal for a detailed service catalogue (method B) consists of 54
services, the simplified (method A) of 27.
A smart ready service can provide several impacts to the building, its users and the
energy grid. In the proposed approach, a set of seven impact criteria is evaluated, but
scores can potentially be aggregated along the three key functionalities mentioned in the
Figure 9 – Matrix displaying the impact scores for the seven impact categories of a fictitious
"service A". Functionality level 2 is assumed to be present in the building, which has the following
impact scores listed: “2” for energy savings, “2” for flexibility and storage, “2” for comfort, etc.
For each of the smart ready services in the catalogue, provisional impact scores have
been defined for their respective functionality levels according to a seven-level ordinal
scale. While most of the impacts are positive, the scale also provides the opportunity to
ascribe negative impacts.
Under the proposed SRI methodology, the smart readiness score of a building is a
percentage that expresses how close (or far) the building is to maximal smart readiness.
The higher the percentage is, the smarter the building. The percentage can also be
converted to another indicator, e.g. star rating or alphabetical score (A, B, C, etc.). This
has been further tested through the development of graphical designs and market
surveying with selected consumer focus groups.
• The process starts with the assessment of individual smart ready services.
Services available in the building are inspected and their functionality level is
determined. For each service, this leads to an impact score being ascribed for
each of the impact criteria considered in the methodology.
• Once all these individual services impact scores are known, an aggregated impact
score is calculated for each of the domains considered in the methodology. This
domain impact score is calculated as the ratio (expressed as a percentage)
between individual scores of the domains’ services and theoretical maximum
individual scores.
• For each impact criterion, a total impact score is then calculated as a weighted
sum of the domain impact scores. In this calculation, the weight of a given domain
will depend on its relative importance for the considered impact.
Figure 11 - The domain score is based on the individual scores for each of the services that are
relevant for this domain
The SRI score is thus based on a weighted sum of the 7 total impact scores. In this multi-
criteria assessment, the weighting factors can be attributed to both domains and
impact criteria to reflect their relative contributions to an aggregated overall impact
score. An aggregated SRI score indicates the overall smartness level of the building, while
sub-scores allow to assess specific domains and impact categories. Conceptually, three
approaches for the derivation of the domain and service level weighting factors can be
envisioned: equal weighting, predicted impact approach and energy balance approach.
The weighting factors for domains will be derived from an energy balance whenever
possible. This approach reflects the differences in relative importance with respect to
regional differences. By using weightings from an energy balance, the heating domain
would gain importance in northern areas of Europe, whereas the relative importance of
the cooling domain would increase in southern areas of Europe. For those domains where
no direct link with an energy balance can be made (e.g. monitoring & control, dynamic
building envelope), a weighting factor can be defined based on the estimated impact of
The proposed methodology provides default weighting factors which are differentiated by
building type and climate zone. Figure 12 and Figure 13 provide an overview of the
proposed weighting scheme which consist of a blend of fixed weights, equal weights, and
energy balance weights, depending on domain and impact.
• Based on the input from stakeholders, the study team has developed a hybrid
approach for the derivation of the weighting factors. The methodology defines
a weighting scheme with three types of weighting factors: fixed weights, equal
weights, and energy balance weights. The methodology includes the option to
use building-specific energy balance data whenever available (for instance from
an EPC calculation).
The proposed SRI methodology provides a flexible and modular framework. The
applicability of the SRI methodology is likely to vary depending on specific circumstances
(building type, climate, site specific conditions, etc.). Local and site-specific context will
mean that some domains, services and service levels are either not relevant, not
applicable, or not desirable and thus the SRI needs to be flexible enough to accommodate
this. The maximum nominal impact score is not simply the sum of the impacts of the
services listed in the streamlined SRI catalogue. It is highly likely that due to local and
site-specific context some domains and services are either not relevant, not applicable,
or not desirable. The SRI methodology accommodates this by performing a triage
process to identify the relevant services for a specific building.
It may be that some domains are not relevant, e.g. some buildings might not be able to
provide parking (and hence electric vehicle charging facilities) and some residential
buildings might not need cooling. Furthermore, some of the services are only applicable
if certain technical building systems are present, e.g. a storage vessel for domestic hot
water or a heat recovery ventilation unit. Also, some services may be mutually exclusive,
since it is unlikely that a building has both district heating and combustive heating and
heat pumps. If such services are not present, they obviously do not need to be assessed
during on-site inspections. Due to these different factors, in any real building, the number
of services to be inspected as part of an SRI assessment will be lower than the 54 (or 27
in case of method A) smart ready services listed in the SRI catalogue.
Figure 14 – Visualisation of triage process: for this specific example service E is not considered
relevant for the building and thus is not inspected
The triage process does not only affect the inspection time and efforts, but also the
‘maximum obtainable score’, as it would be unfair to penalise a building for not providing
services that are not relevant. The SRI should not promote complexity in buildings and
will therefore only take into account services which are either present or desirable. For
some services, this can be context specific. For instance, a passive house with solar
shades, ventilation and / or window opening control, would not need mechanical cooling
and should not be penalised for not having such services.
In essence, two approaches to deal with absent domains or services are combined:
• Some services only have to be evaluated in cases where the relevant technical
building systems are present (hence: “smart ready”). This approach is appropriate
when assessors cannot unambiguously determine the relevance of the domain. For
instance, the relevance of automated shading devices strongly depends on the
building’s design (orientation, window-to-wall ratio, etc.). Such an assessment cannot
be made objectively within the scope of the SRI. When moveable shading is present,
the SRI can however assess how smartly the shading devices are controlled.
Figure 15 – Normalisation of the domain score. As a result of the triage process, certain services
are not included in the maximum score of a building (b), which can therefore be lower than the
theoretical maximum score (c). The SRI score is calculated by dividing the building score (a) by
the maximum score of the building (b).
The study team recommends the following approach to deal with absent services
• For some services, an evaluation is only relevant in cases where the technical
building systems it relates to are present. This approach is appropriate when
one cannot a priori conclude that a domain or service should be present in a
particular building (e.g. a building could be comfortable without cooling
systems). If such a service is not present, the service is excluded from the
assessment and does not affect the maximum attainable score.
• Some services may be mutually exclusive; if such services are not present,
they can be excluded from the assessment
As part of the technical study, an impact analysis was performed to analyse the benefits
and costs of implementing an SRI to support an increased uptake of smart ready
technologies in buildings across the EU. It is also intended to help understand the impact
of implementing the SRI in conjunction with other accompanying policies to enhance the
impact of the SRI. The methodology used to assess the potential impacts of the SRI is
split into two steps:
• The first focuses on the modelling of the evolution of the EU building stock within
the framework of the revised EPBD. The building sector pathways used in this analysis
describe the general development of the building sector calculated in five geographic
zones across the EU. They consider new buildings, the demolition of buildings and
retrofits with regard to energy efficiency measures applied to the building envelope
and the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. These models are
in line with the impact assessment carried out in the first technical support study for
the SRI.
• In the second part of the impact assessment, the effects of an uptake of smart
ready technologies (SRTs) is modelled. Various scenarios of how the SRI and
accompanying policy measures spur the uptake of SRTs are modelled. For this impact
assessment, the level of smart readiness of buildings is clustered into different levels
(from I to IV) in the models. If a building undergoes improvements, it will be allocated
to a higher smart readiness level (e.g. moving from I to II or from II to IV). This
translates into final energy savings, monetary savings and CO 2-savings due to the
improved energy efficiency of the buildings and enhanced demand side flexibility.
Additional benefits (increased work force, health and well-being…) will be described
in a qualitative way but not explicitly quantified.
The business-as-usual (BAU) scenario for the SRI already includes the impacts of all the
other policy measures within the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive and thus has
already locked-in very significant final energy savings in EU the building sector. These
measures pertain to the construction of new energy-efficient buildings, and energy-
efficient retrofits of existing buildings with regard to the building envelope and the
heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems. Nonetheless, the impact
analysis indicates that the SRI can unlock up to 5% additional final energy savings by
2050. Under the BAU scenario an investment of 75 billion euro would be made in smart
ready technologies over the next 30 years, yet under the SRI A1 implementation pathway
this would increase by an additional 126 billion euro, resulting in final energy savings up
to 198 TWh by 2050 and 32 million tonnes of avoided greenhouse gas emissions per
year. The annual projected cost of conducting the SRI assessments and annual energy
savings also depend on the preferred implementation pathways.
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) introduced the concept of a Smart
Readiness Indicator (SRI) which is expected to become a cost-effective measure that can
effectively assist in creating healthier and more comfortable buildings with a lower energy
use and carbon impact, and can also facilitate the integration of renewable energy
sources. Within the scope of the first and second technical study on the SRI, the following
definition has been adopted:
The SRI aims to raise awareness of the benefits of smarter building technologies and
functionalities and their added value for building users, energy consumers and energy
grids. Thereby it can support technology innovation in the building sector and become an
incentive for the integration of cutting-edge smart technologies into buildings.
A first technical study developed a definition and draft methodology for the SRI. The
second technical support study has built further on the available knowledge of the first
technical study to deliver the technical inputs needed to refine and finalise the definition
of the SRI and the associated calculation methodology. Furthermore, it explored possible
options for the implementation of the SRI and evaluated their impact at the EU level in
order for the Commission Services and Member States to be informed on the possible
modalities for an effective implementation of the SRI scheme and related potential
Throughout this work the consortium partners of both technical studies have consulted
with relevant stakeholders and used the findings to inform the analysis while helping to
build awareness and consensus with regard to the project’s aims and the most viable
approach to achieve them.
In the final report the technical study team propose a consolidated methodology to
calculate the SRI of a building. The methodology is a flexible and modular multi-criteria
assessment method which builds on assessing the smart ready services present in a
building. Services are enabled by (a combination of) smart ready technologies but are
defined in a technology neutral way. The proposed calculation methodology is structured
amongst 9 technical domains and 7 impact criteria. For each of the services several
functionality levels are defined. A higher functionality level reflects a “smarter”
implementation of the service, which generally provides more beneficial impacts to
building users or to the grid compared to services implemented at a lower functionality
In the proposed method, the smart readiness score of a building or building unit is
expressed as a percentage which represents the ratio between the smart readiness of
the building or building unit compared to the maximum smart readiness that it could
• Three key smart readiness capabilities as highlighted in Annex Ia, point 2 of the EPBD:
1. Energy performance and operation
2. Response to the needs of the occupants; and
3. Energy flexibility.
A smart service catalogue for both a detailed and a simplified assessment method was
elaborated in extensive consultation with stakeholders. The simplified Method A would be
mainly oriented towards small buildings with low complexity (single family homes, small
multi-family homes, small non-residential buildings, etc.), whereas the more detailed
Method B is mainly oriented towards buildings with a higher complexity (typically large
non-residential buildings, potentially large multi-family homes). For either method an
informative self-assessment could be made available as an alternative to a formal
certificate. The final report of the study also includes a proposal for weighting factors, a
methodology for normalisation of the scores and a suggested triage process which details
how to deal with absent services.
The SRI calculation methodology was successfully tested in a public beta test comprising
112 cases across Europe, which proved the viability of the approach. The feedback from
the stakeholders participating in this test led to further finetuning and harmonisation of
the SRI calculation methodology and the delivery of two consolidated service catalogues
which are distributed as annex C and annex D of the full report. The proposed SRI
calculation methodology is flexible to allow for adaptations to specific local contexts and
allows for future updates in order to keep pace with new innovations in smart products
and technologies available on the market.
Building on the outcomes of this work, the study provides technical guidelines and
recommendations addressing (1) the operational, organisational and legal design of the
SRI scheme, (2) the efficient and cost-effective assessment of the SRI and (3) the
management of the SRI after adoption. These were informed by considerations of costs,
data needs, training for assessors, etc. which helped to shape the development of the
methodology and implementation pathways in an iterative manner.
Finally, the study quantified the costs and benefits of implementing an SRI in the EU
building sector for the horizons of 2030, 2040, 2050. The impact analysis reveals that
rolling out the SRI across the EU would be strongly beneficial, with the greatest net
benefits arising from linking the SRI assessments to the Energy Performance Certification
(EPC) assessments of buildings, or the article 8 requirements under the EPBD. The SRI
could lead to 5% higher final energy savings by 2050, unlocking an increase in
investment of 181 billion euro over 30 years compared to a business-as-usual case and
up to 32 million tonnes of avoided greenhouse gas emissions per year.
The study team concludes that the roll-out of the SRI would result in a strongly beneficial
impact and observes a broad consensus among stakeholders on most of the key principles
and methodological choices of the proposed SRI developments.
INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………… - 1 –
Figure 2 – Applications of BIM along the engineering and construction value chain. Source: Shaping
the Future of Construction ______________________________________________ - 24 -
Figure 3 - For preferential boiler space heaters and preferential boiler combination heaters, element
of the fiche for a package of space heater, temperature control and solar device and a package
of combination heater, temperature control and solar device, respectively, indicating the
seasonal space heating energy efficiency of the package offered _________________ - 51 -
Figure 4 - Components of a lighting system and the most relevant performance parameters related
to energy efficiency ____________________________________________________ - 54 -
Figure 9 - Stakeholder questionnaire: additional services for specific building types ______ - 71 -
Figure 18 - Seven impact criteria as suggested by the first technical study on the SRI ___ - 115 -
Figure 19 - Three impact criteria aligned to the EPBD functionality domains ___________ - 115 -
Figure 20 - Seven impact sub-criteria (SRI1) that are aggregated to three impact criteria (EPBD) -
116 -
Figure 23- relative importance of a domain by climate zone, for residential buildings (αdomain)- 121
Figure 24 - relative importance of a domain by climate zone, for non-residential buildings (αdomain)
__________________________________________________________________ - 121 -
Figure 28 – Single mnemonics to convey the overall SRI score and/or rank __________ - 169 -
Figure 29 – Tri-partite mnemonics to convey the overall SRI score/rank and subscore/ranks for
the three SRI “pillars” _________________________________________________ - 171 -
Figure 30 – Matrix showing SRI scores by domain and impact criterion, aggregate scores per
impact criterion and the overall SRI score _________________________________ - 171 -
Figure 31 – Schematic Illustration of the calculation methodology. Source: CEN/TR 15615. - 212 -
Figure 32 – Example of the calculation tool for residential buildings __________________ - 214 -
Figure 33 – Specific annual energy cost savings resulting from energy efficiency gains from SRT
uptake for the example of single-family houses in Northern Europe as a function of
construction year and renovation level ____________________________________ - 215 -
Figure 34 – Relative energy savings resulting from SRT upgrade for the example of offices in
Northern Europe as a function of construction year and renovation level __________ - 216 -
Figure 35 – Relative energy savings resulting from SRT upgrade for the example of offices in
Southern Europe as a function of construction year and renovation level _________ - 216 -
Figure 36 – Relative energy savings resulting from SRT upgrade for wholesale and retail buildings
in Southern Europe as a function of construction year and renovation level _______ - 217 -
Figure 37 – Specific annual energy cost savings through energy efficiency gains from SRT uptake
for the example of offices in Northern Europe as a function of construction year and renovation
level ______________________________________________________________ - 218 -
Figure 38 – Specific annual energy cost savings through energy efficiency gains from SRT uptake
for the example offices in Southern Europe as a function of construction year and renovation
level ______________________________________________________________ - 218 -
Figure 39 – Relative CO2 emission savings gained through SRT upgrades for the example of office
buildings in Northern Europe as a function of construction year and renovation level - 219 -
Figure 40 – Environmental cost of material use. Source: Trigaux, 2017 _______________ - 227 -
Figure 41 – Share of adults in the EU reporting “poor general health” when perceiving good or bad
thermal comfort in winter (left) and summer (right). Source: Hermelink & John, 2017 (Ecofys)
__________________________________________________________________ - 230 -
Figure 42 – Evolution of the SRI deployment rate for the implementation pathways as defined in
Activity 2 ___________________________________________________________ - 239 -
Figure 43 – Evolutions of buildings that have undergone an increase by 1 level of smartness- 240
Figure 44 – Evolution of buildings that have undergone an upgrade to smartness level A _ - 241 -
Figure 45 – Annual investment cost in SRT upgrades by 1 level of smartness __________ - 242 -
Figure 46 – Annual investment cost in SRT upgrades to smartness level A ____________ - 242 -
Figure 48 – Evolution of EU28 building stock final energy use as result of different implementation
scenarios for the SRI __________________________________________________ - 244 -
Figure 49 – Annual final energy savings as compared to the BAU scenario ____________ - 244 -
Figure 50 – Annual primary energy savings as compared to the BAU scenario__________ - 245 -
Figure 51 – Annual reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2) compared to the BAU SRT
integration scenario __________________________________________________ - 246 -
Figure 52 – Increase in flexible capacity (GW) compared to the BAU SRT integration scenario __ -
249 -
Figure 53 - Annual value of increased demand side flexibility compared to the BAU SRT integration
scenario ____________________________________________________________ - 249 -
Figure 54 – Net additional employment created compared to the BAU SRT integration scenario _ -
254 -
Figure 55 – Sensitivity of SRI deployment rate as percentage of the EU building stock for which an
SRI assessment is available. Results for the high SRI uptake rate scenario ________ - 267 -
Figure 56 – Sensitivity of SRI deployment rate as percentage of the EU building stock for which an
SRI assessment is available. Results for the low SRI uptake rate scenario ________ - 267 -
Figure 57 – Sensitivity of SRI deployment rate as percentage of the EU building stock for which an
SRI assessment is available. Results for the high market push and pull effect scenario- 268 -
Figure 58 – Sensitivity of SRI deployment rate as percentage of the EU building stock for which an
SRI assessment is available. Results for the low market push and pull effect scenario - 269 -
Figure 59 - Sensitivity of SRI deployment rate as percentage of the EU building stock. Results for
positive scenario promoting self-assessment _______________________________ - 270 -
Figure 60 - Sensitivity of SRI deployment rate as percentage of the EU building stock. Results for
scenario promoting expert-assessment ___________________________________ - 270 -
Figure 61 - Results for the high uptake rate scenario, showing SRT upgrades by 1 level (top) and
to level A (bottom) expressed as share of the building stock that has had an upgrade.- 272 -
Figure 62- Results for the low uptake rate scenario, showing SRT upgrades by 1 level (top) and to
level A (bottom) expressed as share of the building stock that has had an upgrade._ - 273 -
Figure 63 - Results for the high market push and pull effect scenario, showing SRT upgrades by 1
level (top) and to level A (bottom) expressed as share of the building stock that has had an
upgrade. ___________________________________________________________ - 274 -
Figure 64 - Results for the low market push and pull effect scenario, showing SRT upgrades by 1
level (top) and to level A (bottom) expressed as share of the building stock that has had an
upgrade. ___________________________________________________________ - 275 -
Figure 65 - Results for the positive impact scenario (promoting self-assessment), showing SRT
upgrades by 1 level (top) and to level A (bottom) expressed as share of the building stock
that has had an upgrade. ______________________________________________ - 276 -
Figure 66 - Results for the negative impact scenario (promoting expert-assessment), showing SRT
upgrades by 1 level (top) and to level A (bottom) expressed as share of the building stock
that has had an upgrade. ______________________________________________ - 277 -
Figure 68 – Impact of sensitivity scenarios on the additional cumulated investment in SRTs by 2050
__________________________________________________________________ - 279 -
Figure 69 – Impact of sensitivity scenarios on the primary energy savings for the different
implementation pathways by 2030 _______________________________________ - 280 -
Figure 70 – Impact of sensitivity scenarios on the primary energy savings for the different
implementation pathways by 2050 _______________________________________ - 280 -
Figure 71 – Impact of sensitivity scenarios on the CO2-emission savings for the different
implementation pathways by 2030 _______________________________________ - 281 -
Figure 72 – Impact of sensitivity scenarios on the CO2-emission savings for the different
implementation pathways by 2050 _______________________________________ - 281 -
Figure 73 – Impact of sensitivity scenarios on the energy cost savings for the different
implementation pathways by 2030 _______________________________________ - 282 -
Figure 74 – Impact of sensitivity scenarios on the energy cost savings for the different
implementation pathways by 2050 _______________________________________ - 282 -
Figure 75 – Buildings participation to public testing by method and member state ______ - 300 -
Figure 77 - Distribution of the total SRI score by method (left) and building type (right) _ - 302 -
Figure 78 - Box plot of the total SRI score by method and building type ______________ - 302 -
Figure 79 - Comparison of methods A and B, applied to the same buildings during the public beta
test _______________________________________________________________ - 303 -
Figure 82 - Is the SRI score in line with initial expectations by the assessor or building owner/user?
__________________________________________________________________ - 306 -
Figure 83 - How much time did the assessment process take you (excluding travel, administration,
intake discussions)? __________________________________________________ - 308 -
Figure 84 - Which information was missing to complete the assessment? _____________ - 308 -
Figure 85 - Overview of applicable standards in the ongoing review of EPB (Hoogeling, 2016) __ -
325 -
Figure 86 - Structure of German EPBD calculation standard DIN V 18599 Important EN product
and/or smart building system standards ___________________________________ - 330 -
Figure 88 – Monthly outdoor temperatures for the selected climate regions ______________ 337
Figure 89 – Distribution of EU building stock among building types [source: EU Building Stock
Observatory] ___________________________________________________________ 338
Figure 91 – Share of retrofitted residential buildings. Source: First technical study on the SRI based
on [ECOFYS, 2012], based on [Euroconstruct, 2005] with further updates and assumptions
for 2005–13. ___________________________________________________________ 340
Figure 92 – Share of retrofitted non-residential buildings. Source: First technical study on the SRI
for 2014 based on [Euroconstruct, 2005]. ____________________________________ 340
Figure 93 – Example of market push and pull effect on SRI assessment _________________ 348
Figure 94 – Example market push and pull effect on SRT uptake _______________________ 355
Figure 95 – SRI deployment rate for single-family houses, under implementation pathway A1 363
Figure 96 – SRI deployment rate for single-family houses, under implementation pathway C _ 363
Figure 97 – SRI deployment rate for office buildings, under implementation pathway A1 ____ 364
Figure 98 – SRI deployment rate for office building, under implementation pathway C ______ 364
Figure 99 – Distribution of SRT classes (A–D) among single-family houses (SFH) in Northern
Europe, under implementation pathway A1 ___________________________________ 365
Figure 100 – Distribution of SRT classes (A–D) among single-family houses (SFH) in Northern
Europe, under implementation pathway C ____________________________________ 365
Figure 101 – Distribution of SRT classes (A–D) among single-family houses (SFH) in Western
Europe, under implementation pathway A1 ___________________________________ 366
Figure 102 – Distribution of SRT classes (A–D) among single-family houses (SFH) in Western
Europe, under implementation pathway C ____________________________________ 366
Figure 103 – Distribution of SRT classes (A–D) among office buildings in Northern Europe, under
implementation pathway A1 _______________________________________________ 367
Figure 104 – Distribution of SRT classes (A–D) among office buildings in Northern Europe, under
implementation pathway C ________________________________________________ 367
Figure 105 – Distribution of SRT classes (A–D) among office buildings in Western Europe, under
implementation pathway A1 _______________________________________________ 368
Figure 106 – Distribution of SRT classes (A–D) among office buildings in Western Europe, under
implementation pathway C ________________________________________________ 368
Figure 107 – Cumulative relative energy savings resulting from SRT upgrades in single-family
houses, under implementation pathway A1 ___________________________________ 369
Figure 108 – Cumulative relative energy savings resulting from SRT upgrades in single-family
houses, under implementation pathway C ____________________________________ 369
Figure 109 – Cumulative relative energy savings resulting from SRT upgrades in offices, under
implementation pathway A1 _______________________________________________ 370
Figure 110 – Cumulative relative energy savings resulting from SRT upgrades in offices, under
implementation pathway C ________________________________________________ 370
Table 1 – Example of BREEAM section weightings for common project types (BREEAM Technical
Manual 2016) ________________________________________________________ - 33 -
Table 2 – Example of the BREEAM rating overview (BREEAM Technical Manual 2016) _____ - 35 -
Table 3– The six BREEAM building environmental performance classes and associated scoring
thresholds (BREEAM Technical Manual 2016) ________________________________ - 35 -
Table 4 – Example of a check of minimum standards (BREEAM Technical Manual 2016) ___ - 36 -
Table 5 – The impact criteria and weightings applied in the DGNB building environmental rating
system _____________________________________________________________ - 41 -
Table 6 – Default environmental footprint (EF) impact categories (with respective EF impact
category indicators) and EF impact assessment models for PEF studies ____________ - 43 -
Table 7- Weighting matrix for non-residential buildings in Western Europe ____________ - 122 -
Table 8 - Subject, Scope, Maturity and Scale of initiatives or actions the SRI could link to - 137 -
Table 9 - Assessment, Site/visits, Audience, Actors and Certification of initiatives or actions the SRI
could link to_________________________________________________________ - 139 -
Table 10 - Quality, Mandate, Organisation, Governance initiatives the SRI could link to __ - 141 -
Table 14 - Estimated material related environmental impacts (from manufacture, distribution, EOL)
compared to BAU for implementation pathway A1 ___________________________ - 255 -
Table 15 - Estimated material related environmental impacts (from manufacture, distribution, EOL)
compared to BAU for implementation pathway C ____________________________ - 257 -
Table 16 - Estimated Value of incremental SRI health & wellbeing benefits compared to BAU in
2023 (€m) __________________________________________________________ - 259 -
Table 17 - Estimated Value of incremental SRI health & wellbeing benefits compared to BAU in
2030 (€m) __________________________________________________________ - 260 -
Table 18 - Estimated Value of incremental SRI health & wellbeing benefits compared to BAU in
2040 (€m) __________________________________________________________ - 261 -
Table 19 - Estimated Value of incremental SRI health & wellbeing benefits compared to BAU in
2050 (€m) __________________________________________________________ - 262 -
Table 20 – Incremental SRT cost of the SRI compared to the BAU (€m per year) _______ - 263 -
Table 22 –Value of SRI induced energy bill savings compared to the BAU (€m per year) _ - 264 -
Table 24 - rate of SRI assessment per triggers under high impact scenario (in %) ______ - 266 -
Table 25 - rate of SRI assessment per triggers under low impact scenario ____________ - 266 -
Table 27 - Incremental SRT costs compared to BAU (€m) in year 2030 _______________ - 283 -
Table 29 – Energy bill savings compared to BAU (€m) in year 2030 _________________ - 285 -
Table 30 – Net cost savings compared to BAU (€m) in year 2030 ___________________ - 286 -
Table 31 - Incremental net employment compared to BAU (no. of jobs created) in yr 2030 - 287 -
Table 32 - Summary of the main modular structure of the EPB Standards _____________ - 324 -
Table 35 – Geometry parameters for the selected reference buildings. Source: iNSPiRe, 2014. 342
Table 36 – U-values (W/m²K) for reference buildings after retrofit _____________________ 343
Table 38 – Effective ventilation rates and heat recovery factors for the different reference buildings
and renovation levels ____________________________________________________ 345
Table 40 – Example of triggers and rate of action for single-family houses in Northern Europe for
implementation pathway A1 _______________________________________________ 347
Table 41 – Default rates (%) of SRI assessments following trigger events________________ 353
Table 42 – Default maximum effect sizes for the market push and pull effects on the SRI
assessment rate ________________________________________________________ 353
Table 43 – Default parameters for SRT uptake linked to SRI assessments ________________ 355
Table 44– Default factors to express the influence of the assessment method and assessment
methodology on the push and pull effects ____________________________________ 358
Table 46 – Investment costs (€/m²) for SRTs per building type and region _______________ 361
Table 47 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway A1 ____________________________________________________________ 371
Table 48 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway A2 ____________________________________________________________ 371
Table 49 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway A3 ____________________________________________________________ 372
Table 51- Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway C _____________________________________________________________ 373
Table 52 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway D _____________________________________________________________ 373
Table 53 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway E1 ____________________________________________________________ 374
Table 54 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway E2 ____________________________________________________________ 374
Table 55 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway E3 ____________________________________________________________ 375
Table 56 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway F1 ____________________________________________________________ 375
Table 57 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway F2 ____________________________________________________________ 376
Table 58 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway F3 ____________________________________________________________ 376
Table 59 - Estimated material related environmental impacts (from manufacture, distribution, EOL)
compared to BAU for implementation pathway A1 ______________________________ 377
Table 60 - Estimated material related environmental impacts (from manufacture, distribution, EOL)
compared to BAU for implementation pathway A2 ______________________________ 379
Table 61 - Estimated material related environmental impacts (from manufacture, distribution, EOL)
compared to BAU for implementation pathway A3 ______________________________ 381
Table 62 - Estimated material related environmental impacts (from manufacture, distribution, EOL)
compared to BAU for implementation pathway B _______________________________ 383
Table 63 - Estimated material related environmental impacts (from manufacture, distribution, EOL)
compared to BAU for implementation pathway C _______________________________ 384
Table 64 - Estimated material related environmental impacts (from manufacture, distribution, EOL)
compared to BAU for implementation pathway D _______________________________ 385
Table 65 - Estimated material related environmental impacts (from manufacture, distribution, EOL)
compared to BAU for implementation pathway E1 ______________________________ 386
Table 66 - Estimated material related environmental impacts (from manufacture, distribution, EOL)
compared to BAU for implementation pathway E2 ______________________________ 387
Table 67 - Estimated material related environmental impacts (from manufacture, distribution, EOL)
compared to BAU for implementation pathway E3 ______________________________ 388
Table 69 - Estimated material related environmental impacts (from manufacture, distribution, EOL)
compared to BAU for implementation pathway F2 ______________________________ 390
Table 71 – Summary of services and functionality levels of simplified service catalogue for method
A ____________________________________________________________________ 392
Table 72 – Summary of services and functionality levels of detailed service catalogue for method
B ____________________________________________________________________ 399
MS Member States
M&C Monitoring & Control
Buildings consume 40% of the European Union’s final energy. Around 75% of the
current EU housing stock is considered to be energy inefficient; annual renovation
rates are low (0.4–1.2%) and the renovation depth is generally considered too
shallow. There is a clear need to accelerate and finance building renovation
investments and leverage smart, energy-efficient technologies.
One of the focus points of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) 5
is to better tap the potential of smart ready technologies (SRT). A greater uptake
of smart technologies is expected to lead to significant energy savings in a cost-
effective way, meanwhile improving comfort in buildings and allowing a building
to be adjusted to the needs of the user. Additionally, smart buildings have been
identified and acknowledged as the key enablers of future energy systems, in
which there will be a larger share of renewables, distributed supply and energy
flexibility that is also managed on the demand side (e-mobility infrastructure, on-
site electricity generation, energy storage). Smart technologies, such as building
automation and control systems or smart meters, allow to flexibly adapt the
energy consumption of buildings, thereby contributing to the development of
smart grids and to a better integration of renewable energy 6 e.g. through self-
Introducing such an SRI will raise awareness of the benefits of smarter building
technologies and functionalities and their added value for building users, energy
consumers and energy grids. It can support technology innovation in the building
sector and become an incentive for the integration of cutting-edge smart
technologies into buildings. The SRI is expected to become a cost-effective
measure that can effectively assist in creating more healthy and comfortable
buildings with a lower energy use and carbon impact and can facilitate the
integration of renewable energy sources (RESs). Besides providing a framework
to rate the level of smartness of individual buildings, the SRI will also contribute
Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings as amended by Directive (EU)
This first study aimed at investigating the possible scope and characteristics of
such an indicator. It explored the concept of smart ready buildings and compiled
a catalogue of smart ready services as well as a provisional methodological
framework for the calculation of the SRI score via assessment of these smart ready
services. It also presented a provisional EU impact assessment of the SRI
A second technical support study started in December 2018 and was conducted
by a consortium consisting of VITO NV and Waide Strategic Efficiency Europe. This
second study builds upon the knowledge acquired via the first study, and aims to
deliver the technical inputs needed to refine and finalize the definition and
calculation methodology for the SRI. This study also explores several options for
the implementation of the SRI and evaluates their potential impact at the EU level
so that the Commission Services may assess the technical modalities for the
effective implementation of the SRI scheme.
Throughout the process, the consortium partners of both technical studies have
consulted extensively with relevant stakeholders and used these findings to inform
the analysis while helping to build awareness and consensus over the aim and the
most viable approach to develop and implement a Smart Readiness Indicator for
This final report summarises the outcomes of the second technical support study,
thereby integrating the main findings of the first technical support study.
This report is structured amongst the main tasks undertaken in the technical
support study:
“Support for setting up a Smart Readiness Indicator for buildings and related impact assessment -
final report”; August 2018; Brussels. Authors: VITO: Stijn Verbeke, Yixiao Ma, Paul Van Tichelen,
Sarah Bogaert, Virginia Gómez Oñate; Waide Strategic Efficiency: Paul Waide ; ECOFYS: Kjell
Bettgenhäuser, John Ashok, Andreas Hermelink, Markus Offermann, Jan Groezinger ; OFFIS:
Mathias Uslar, Judith Schulte
In all the activities of this task, specific attention is paid to the formulation of
technical recommendations that are technology-neutral and are designed not to
constrain the implementation of the scheme.
• cover the key functionalities highlighted in the SRI technical annex of the
amended EPBD – ability to maintain energy performance and operation of the
building through the adaptation of energy consumption; ability to adapt a
building’s operation mode in response to the needs of the occupant; flexibility
of a building’s overall electricity demand
• be complementary to relevant existing initiatives, including policy initiatives
such as Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs), Ecodesign and energy
labelling, Level(s), Building Renovation Passports (BRPs) and broadband-ready
label, but potentially also to other market initiatives such as voluntary labelling
schemes for buildings or specific product segments
• be practically applicable in an efficient and cost-effective manner
• provide a fair and well-balanced representation of smart technologies in
buildings while remaining technology-neutral
• reflect the potential and added value of advanced and innovative technologies
• pay attention to interoperability, connectivity of buildings and cybersecurity.
• analysing the output of the first technical study in relation to the definition of
the SRI, the draft calculation methodology and the preliminary analysis of
impacts and carrying out a detailed assessment of the feedback collected from
stakeholders in the scope of the first technical study
• reviewing other relevant initiatives (at the EU, Member State, local/regional
and wider international level when relevant) that are aimed at characterising
smart buildings
• reviewing other initiatives that could be related to the SRI or that the SRI could
have an impact upon (including certification and labelling schemes, such as
EPCs, voluntary building passports, etc.)
• conducting an analysis and synthesis of the findings within a report that will
be used to inform the direction and activities taken in the rest of the study.
To do this work the study team of the second technical support study began with
a review of the first technical study and the stakeholder comments received, which
largely covered the following topics:
• the guiding principles to develop the SRI as set out in the first study (included
as ANNEX I in this report)
• the scope of the SRI including whether or not to broaden it, and the most
pertinent parameters
• treatment of absent services
• the quality and reliability of the assessment process
• guidance and training of the assessors
• streamlining the assessment procedure
• the scoring system applied
• weightings and weighting systems and the need for also reporting
disaggregated scores
• relevance of SRI outputs to specific target groups
• the potential for quantified, rather than ordinal, assessment
• evolving towards remote quantified assessment
• the catalogue of services and functionality levels within them
• the proper interpretation of “smart ready” versus “smart now” capabilities
• commissioning
The responses were documented and organised by theme so that the range of
views and suggestions per topic are clear, and were summarised prior to
discussion with the Commission. The findings were also communicated to the team
members responsible for any activity covered by these comments (especially those
in the Tasks 1 to 3) so that their work could consider and build upon these
comments. Note that to a large extent the stakeholder comments mirrored and
informed the set of activities to be conducted in the study and hence it was
essential for the study team to be fully cognisant of these. Note, as consortium
members also conducted much of the first study they had established
communication channels with key stakeholders, they were well aware of their
views which had substantively informed the first study.
The ensemble of stakeholder comments received after the conclusion of the first
technical study are summarised by theme below.
The overall approach expounded in the first SRI study was broadly supported by
stakeholders both during and after the study period. Some key stakeholders
expressed strong support for the initiative and approach adopted by the study
team. Other stakeholders representing an array of interests (equipment and
service providers, construction sector, property owners or managers, the energy
efficiency services sector, consumers associations and NGOs) all expressed
support for the initiative and basic approach. No stakeholders said they were not
in support, although some expressed views about certain aspects of the approach
and or scheme, as will be summarised below.
In general, stakeholders did not express any reservations about the scope of the
SRI as defined in the EPBD and only had comments about interpretation or areas
that are potentially open to interpretation.
With regard to the scope of the SRI, including whether or not to broaden it and
the most pertinent parameters, several stakeholders representing property and
landowners indicated that:
• they do not favour linking the concept and eligibility of smart buildings to
nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEB) or very efficient buildings, but rather see
smartness as mostly linked to system functionalities
• although the scope of the SRI (as given by the EPBD) focuses on energy, their
members did not see energy as the first area where smartness has impact;
rather, security is mentioned first, although comfort and sustainability are also
important aspects.
The issue of whether a building would need to attain a high energy efficiency – as,
for example, determined by an EPC assessment – before it becomes eligible for
the SRI divides stakeholder opinion. In general, stakeholders representing the
insulation sector and energy efficiency interests believe that it should do, while
those representing other groups – for example property owners, consumers,
service suppliers and manufacturing – tended to argue for the opposite. This is
the aspect of SRI eligibility where there is most division in stakeholder views.
The other area of scope where some stakeholders have expressed different
perspectives is the treatment of smart building aspects that are not explicitly
referenced in the EPBD. These can include smart security features, smart
accessibility services and smart safety features, e.g. addressing fire safety as well
as other systems (e.g. lifts) and services (e.g. water services). In general,
suggestions that these factors should be considered have only been made by a
small number of stakeholders who were not engaged in the first study’s
stakeholder consultation process. This implies that they may not have been
following the EPBD process and were unaware of the constraints its focus imposes;
however, as these issues are undoubtedly of interest to building owners and
occupants, clarity in the delineation of the SRI could be important to avoid
confusion about what it addresses.
Considering that the SRI is voluntary (at least in terms of Member State adoption),
several stakeholders have stressed the importance of clearly identifying its target
groups and clarifying their needs so that the SRI can be positioned to respond to
these and hence be sufficiently enticing to be adopted.
The members of Topical Group A, which was convened as part of the present SRI
technical study to address the value proposition and implementation of the SRI,
were asked their opinions on the SRI’s value proposition. In general, they
suggested that two benefits of smart buildings are the most important:
In addition, it was said that for a successful market uptake, the SRI must have an
impact on the value of the property. A group member also commented that the
theme of the overall environmental performance of the building was not very well
highlighted in the current proposal for the SRI but argued that this is inherently
the background of the SRI’s development.
With regard to the intended audience of the SRI, several stakeholders from the
property sector asserted that building occupiers, bill payers and owners are the
most important audiences and thus their needs should take precedence, not least
because of the need to get them to grant permission to access the related data.
In contrast, one stakeholder from the same sector proposed that the SRI should
target investors more than consumers themselves, particularly for social housing.
These responses imply that the target audience(s) could vary as a function of the
building type.
It was also remarked that small- and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) could be
treated as a separate category of buildings, including pubs, restaurants, etc., as
they are a group apart from the residential and non-residential sector split.
Overall, however, the group expressed the view that the important audiences for
the SRI are facility managers, owners and occupants.
This implies that all the eight impact criteria considered in the first study, except
potentially the self-generation parameter, could be taken forward into the
technical definition work of the SRI. Section 1.3.2 of this report discusses how this
input was used to consolidate the proposal to seven impact criteria. Definition
The issue of what would fall within the definition of the SRI and what would belong
elsewhere (e.g. within an EPC) was probed in the first meeting of Topical Group
B, when members were asked to vote for or against in response to the statement:
‘The SRI should only score the added value of smarter controllability,
information gathering, communication features and interoperability, and not
the (energy) performance of the technical building systems themselves (e.g.
lighting control irrespective if these are LED or incandescent lights) since the
goal of the SRI should be primarily to illustrate the current level of smartness
compared to the maximum potential of that specific building rather than to
form a comparison framework among buildings.’
Twenty voted to agree, and none to disagree, which suggests that there is
unanimity that the SRI should only aim to address the value-added that is brought
by smart technologies and services rather than the inherent energy performance
of the TBS away from its control.
It was also mentioned that different levels of readiness exist: some services can
react to signals from the BEMS, whereas others can also react to external signals.
These differences in readiness are captured in the functionality levels of a service:
services that can respond to external signals have higher functionality levels (and
thus a higher SRI score) than services which only interact with the BEMS.
Those stakeholders interviewed between the first and second technical studies
generally expressed support for the SRI calculation methodology set out in the
first study; however, some proposed some amendments. When comments were
proffered, they tended to be either to support the approach in the first study or to
stress the need to keep the process simple – which might imply some
simplification. Some proposed starting with a simple method and evolving towards
a more detailed approach in a second version of the SRI. The use of a checklist,
as is the case in the first study’s methodology, was generally supported. While
some stakeholders emphasised the need to “keep things simple” they did not put
forward suggestions on how the first study’s methodology could be further
Topical Group B: Calculation methodology – web meeting 7/5/2019
Treatment of services
Most stakeholders provided comments on the services to be included in the first
technical study, so in general stakeholders interviewed between the studies had
little to say on the choice of services, which suggests a relative level of satisfaction
with the list proposed. Nonetheless, the following suggestions were made:
Impact criteria
A number of stakeholders interviewed between the studies suggested that one
means of simplifying the methodology would be to reduce the eight impact criteria
set out in the first technical study to the three aspects set out in the EPBD text:
• The ability to adapt its operation mode in response to the needs of the
occupant, paying due attention to the availability of user-friendliness,
maintaining healthy indoor climate conditions and ability to report on energy
• The ability to maintain energy efficiency performance and operation of the
building through the adaptation of energy consumption, e.g. through use of
energy from renewable sources.
• The flexibility of a building’s overall electricity demand, including its ability to
enable participation in active and passive as well as implicit and explicit
demand-response, in relation to the grid, e.g. through demand side
flexibility and load-shifting capacities.
It should be noted that while stakeholders seem to have made this suggestion
primarily to simplify the SRI, practically it would not lower the assessment effort
as the methodology would still involve assessing the TBSs to determine their basic
type and functionality, and once that is done the assessment tool automatically
calculates the impacts (whether there are eight or three). Therefore, the real value
of this suggestion is in regard to whether it would assist communication (or not)
of the SRI value proposition.
As mentioned previously under the value proposition discussion, this topic was
also surveyed during the Topical Group A meeting, where each participant was
asked to vote up to four times to express which of the impact criteria they thought
the target audience for the SRI would find most important. It was concluded that:
Interestingly, prior to voting, this same group was invited to propose impacts that
had not been considered in the first technical study or comment on whether the
eight were the impacts that the SRI should assess. In that discussion nobody
proposed to add or remove impacts from this list. The voting, however, suggests
that self-generation has the least impact.
• for buildings and projects where detailed information and models are available
(typically, new and major renovations of large non-residential buildings),
quantitative indicators could be included in the SRI
• for ‘average’ existing buildings and building units (in particular apartments and
houses), a more basic approach such as the one proposed by the first study
would be acceptable.
Another stakeholder said they would favour an SRI based on performance data
and not only on the assessment of available smart ready services/functionality:
The assessment method and process are critical to the success of the SRI and
stakeholder views, as set out below, were canvassed between the studies and
during the first stakeholder meeting.
At a meeting on the SRI hosted by a stakeholder and held on 15 May 2018, work
was presented on what ETSI is doing on standards for interoperability, in particular
with regard to SAREF ontologies. It is noted that this is mainly targeted towards
interoperability between novel TBSs and the energy grid. In the scope of the SRI,
operability among various TBSs can also be of importance, and equally legacy
systems should be considered.
Several stakeholders commented on the need to clarify how the SRI will interact
with other schemes such as EPCs, Level(s), BRPs, etc. As mentioned previously,
some proposed that in the case of the EPC a minimum EPC level should be set
below which it is not permitted to have an SRI, whereas others would like buildings
to be eligible for the SRI whatever their energy performance. One stakeholder
suggested that the SRI could be used as a tool to assess the impact of
refurbishments and thereby be linked to energy efficiency financing. A more
common comment is to ensure that the SRI is complementary to other building
initiatives, such as BRPs, Level(s) and tools/technologies such as digital logbooks
and BIM.
Aside from the well-known schemes discussed above, the SRI will be operating in
a context wherein major private sector players are aiming to roll out digitalisation
services in households. For example, one stakeholder of the utility sector is
reported to be developing a new offer for “future energy hubs” – smart homes
with PV, batteries, EVs, smart thermostats, etc. – wherein they intend to create a
digital customer experience around an advanced software environment for
monitoring and control of home energy. This would also include a dashboard to
maximise user interaction. They have asserted that they see a link between this
type of offer and the SRI, which could give customers a simple and easy-to-
understand picture of home smartness (in an analogy with EPCs and energy
labels). They think the SRI could contribute to helping to market the benefits of a
smart ready home.
Several stakeholders offered their support to assist in the testing and validation of
the SRI methodology. To support this process, the study team initiated an open
public testing phase of the draft SRI methodology to capture this feedback from
the stakeholder community (see section 5.1.3 for more details). Implementation
Implementation was one of the key foci of Topical Group A. At the meeting held
on 26 March 2019 various implementation issues were touched upon briefly.
Aside from the above, many other suggestions were forthcoming. There was a
lively discussion, with some advocating that the SRI be focused on new-builds only
in its early stages as this would allow system designers and commissioners to
factor it into their design deliberations and would also allow it to be piloted on a
small part of the building stock before it is rolled out to a large proportion of the
One stakeholder suggested that the SRI could provide answers to tangible
questions posed by users and service providers, for example:
One stakeholder suggested that the SRI could be promoted effectively by smart
energy solution providers; in particular, aggregators and cities/municipalities
could also be involved.
Implementation options and pathways have been explored in much more depth
with Topical Group A (see
The need to establish a common technical basis for the codification of services and
their functionality levels was raised in the first technical study. Some stakeholders
commented that this is important but that reliance on formally adopted technical
standards risks being too unresponsive to the rapidly evolving nature of smart
services. While this is recognised, stakeholders did not proffer any specific
suggestions on how the technical consistency and clarity that can be provided by
technical standards can be achieved by other means that would be sufficiently
responsive. This topic was therefore to be explored by Topical Group A.
This topic was raised as an issue in the first technical study and many stakeholders
have since also expressed the importance of the methodology being capable of
rapid update so that emerging smart solutions are not impeded due to their not
being catalogued and recognised within the SRI methodology. While all agreed on
the importance of the issue, no specific suggestions of how best to do this were
put forward, apart for some stakeholders suggesting that this was a reason why
the SRI should aim to evolve to a quantified performance-based assessment
methodology as quickly as possible. It should be noted that many schemes face
The next step of the targeted review was the conduct of research into other
relevant works and initiatives (at the EU, Member State, local/regional and wider
international level when relevant) that are aimed at characterising the smartness
of buildings or related aspects. To conduct this work, the study team:
The findings of this review are reported in the sections below together with the
outputs of the review of other initiatives that could relate to the SRI.
EPCs provide information for consumers on buildings they plan to purchase or rent.
They include an energy performance rating and recommendations for cost-
effective improvements. Certificates must be included in all advertisements in
commercial media when a building is put up for sale or rent. They must also be
shown to prospective tenants or buyers when a building is being constructed, sold
or rented. After a deal has been concluded, they are handed over to the buyer or
new tenant. Under the EPBD, all EU countries have established independent
control systems for EPCs.
EPCs are mandated under the EPBD but are implemented in different ways at
Member State level. Most Member States require EPCs to be produced via a third-
party inspection. Many use an asset-based assessment where the inspector enters
details of the building’s energy characteristics into a software tool that then
calculates the energy performance of the building as an asset. Usually these
software tools have encoded calculations from building energy performance
standards – the tools themselves may or may not be proprietary but are generally
approved by a managing authority. Some Member States permit energy
The rules applied make a large difference to the coverage (i.e. share of the total
building stock having an EPC) that is achieved. From data reported in the public
domain, the UK seems to have the highest annual issuance of EPCs with ~2.5
million issued per year, as compared to ~850,000 in France, ~420,000 in Italy,
~320,000 in Germany, and fewer in smaller Member States. In part, the
differences in numbers are explained by:
• whether a fresh EPC must be issued every time a building changes tenancy or
ownership, or whether it is only when the validity of a previous EPC has
expired, or it is only every time there are major renovations
• whether a single EPC is issued for a multi-family building or a separate one for
each apartment within it
• the number of buildings in the national building stock
• the average frequency that buildings change occupancy or ownership
• the share of single- versus multi-family dwellings
• the coverage of EPCs in the non-residential sector
• compliance with the requirements
• how long the scheme has been in effect.
Based on an analysis reported for 8 Member States, the cost of issuing an EPC
varies from as much as ~€4.5/m2 (Germany) to as little as €0.10/m2 (Romania).
Of course, the level of effort required for the appraisal is likely to vary
considerably, as is the expertise required by the assessor.
Availability of assessors
All Member States that have data available report a large number of qualified
assessors available to conduct the EPC assessments, e.g. there are reported to be
over 1000 such assessors in Flanders, over 7000 in France, and over 17,000 in
Quality of EPCs
The quality of EPCs is sometimes challenged by stakeholders and appears to be
quite variable. A survey10 conducted by the Commission in 2014 asked Member
States to indicate the number of EPCs they had subject to validation checks.
Among the 19 Member States for which data are reported, the share of EPCs
subject to validation checks averaged at about 2.4%, but the share varied
considerably by Member State. The nature of these validation checks was unclear
(e.g. from as little as checking that data were entered correctly and results
calculated properly, to as much as revisiting the same properties and validating
that the data collection and entry was done correctly), as was the percentage of
checks that revealed problems, so the overall quality is unknown except by
individual Member State authorities.
Impact of EPCs
The European Commission published a study on the impact of EPCs in 2013 11.
Based on an analysis of residential markets in Europe, the study found that higher
energy savings resulted in substantially higher sale or rental prices on average.
National reports
EU countries have produced reports on the independent control systems they use
for energy performance certificates12.
%20Building%20Certification%20Schemes%20-%20FINAL%2026112014.pdf Level(s)
Level(s) can also be used to aid design and construction of sustainable buildings
– which are not only more comfortable and healthier, but also use less energy and
fewer materials. Sustainable buildings have a reduced environmental impact, and
due to their lower running costs are more profitable over longer time periods. The
initiative seeks to move away from the “take, make and waste” economic model
in favour of greater resource efficiency in sustainable buildings. The initiative
recognises that the buildings sector accounts for approximately half of total energy
consumption, half of all material extraction, one third of generated waste and one
third of water consumption, making it one of Europe’s most resource-consuming
Policy background
In 2014, the European Commission adopted the Communication “Resource
Efficiency Opportunities in the Building Sector”. This initiative’s objective is to
improve resource efficiency, thus reducing the environmental impact of buildings
and improving the related competitiveness of businesses in the sector.
In 2015, the Circular Economy Action Plan reiterated this objective and added that,
given the extended lifetime of buildings, it is key to encourage improvements in
design in order to reduce their impact on the environment and increase the
recyclability and durability of their components.
Level(s) is intended to be used by:
Both building professionals and clients can use Level(s) to develop their
understanding of how buildings have an impact on the environment. Level(s)
explains techniques to reduce environmental impact and can be used to prepare
users for other, more advanced tools and assessment schemes.
Level(s) can also be used by certification and assessment schemes to make sure
that their criteria reflect the most important priorities for circular economy at a
European level, and to enable the comparability of data and results across different
building performance rating systems.
Pilot testing
Level(s) is currently undergoing pilot testing following a conference held on 4
December 2017, wherein 80 pioneering organisations committed to test Level(s)
and joined a workshop organised by the European Commission, to learn more
about the testing phase, how other organisations plan to test Level(s) and what
the benefits of the tool can be according to building certification schemes 14. A
recently released report details the test’s progress 15.
Information sources
An introduction to Level(s) is provided on line16 ,17. The Joint Research Centre
(JRC) website details all information related to the study 18.
Conference report: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/eussd/pdf/Level_publication_EN.pdf
On-site data gathering is the first step towards the creation of a BRP. The data
processing can change according to each model (e.g. by using a dedicated
software tool or by adapting existing energy auditing software). The outcome of
steps 1 and 2 is a comprehensive step-by-step renovation roadmap, with tailored
solutions aiming at achieving deep-staged renovation. This step-by-step
renovation roadmap (or staged renovation) involves a renovation plan with a
horizon of up to 15–20 years that, by looking at the building as a whole, suggests
the installation of selected measures in a certain order to avoid the situation that
at any stage of renovation the installation of additional measures is precluded.
Some common principles are applied in the various national/local BRP schemes
currently being trialled. These include:
In addition to the renovation roadmap, the BRP can include a separate element, a
storage log book where the building’s features and information (e.g. stability,
durability, water, installations, humidity, maintenance requirement, etc.) can be
collected and regularly updated, becoming a proper repository of information and
data related to a specific building. The log book could also include other sets of
information related to each individual building, such as the financing options
available in the area for renovation projects (e.g. green loans, incentives, tax
credits) as well as energy bills, equipment maintenance recommendations,
insurance and property obligations. All this information could be inventoried in a
digital register available to property owners.
The main user of the log book will be the building owner. Depending on the type
of log book or its intended use, owners could grant access to some information to
public authorities (e.g. municipality, property tax office), building professionals
and craftsmen, and make some information publicly available, while keeping other
data private or restricted (semi-public upon authorisation to third parties). In its
most sophisticated form, the log book could also be used as an interactive tool to
monitor (both at individual building level and building stock level) and compare
real energy consumption with designed energy consumption, sending alerts in
instances of unusual consumption patterns or flaws in technical installations. It
could also be linked to market actors (such as building professionals, craftsmen or
financial institutions) to provide information regarding (certified) contractors and
installers, facilitate invoicing and simplify the process for subsidies or loans
Digital log books for buildings are usually intended to provide a simple, easily
accessible summary of a new or refurbished building rather than the detail
contained in operation and maintenance manuals. In some Member States the
provision of such information to building owners has become mandatory through
the form of a building log book (which needn’t necessarily be electronic but
increasingly is). The log books will typically cover how a building is intended to
work and how it is meant to be maintained and serviced. They also provide a
means to record the energy use and maintenance of the services within the
building. The information in such log books is generally aimed at:
• facilities managers
• building and building services designers
• those replacing or altering building services plant in existing buildings
• building owners/clients.
BIM is a digital tool aimed at the construction industry as a platform for central
integrated design, modelling, and asset planning, running and cooperation. It
provides all stakeholders with a digital representation of a building’s characteristics
in its whole life cycle and thereby holds out the promise of large efficiency gains.
Figure 2 – Applications of BIM along the engineering and construction value chain.
Source: Shaping the Future of Construction19
World Economic Forum, Shaping the Future of Construction: A Breakthrough in Mindset and
Technology, 2016
The uptake and sophistication of BIM vary considerably from country to country
and from company to company, according to their size and position in the value
chain. For some large engineering companies, BIM is already part of business as
usual, but most small companies across the value chain have little BIM experience;
in fact, even some of the major contractors have never used BIM on any of their
projects. The difference in adoption rates within Europe is reported to be
considerable but also highly dynamic; for example, according to information
published on the JRC website20, “16% of E&C companies in the United Kingdom
are reported never to have used BIM, while in Austria it is 49%”; however, this
statement is already out of date. The National Building Specification in the UK
conducts an annual survey of BIMs adoption that draws on the views of more than
1000 construction industry professionals. In the most recently published 2016
survey21 it was found that 54% of respondents were aware of and using BIM (up
from 48% the previous year) whilst 42% were just aware of BIM; 86% expected
to be using BIM in a year’s time, and 97% in 5 years’ time. Some 70% had
produced 3D digital models in the last year, and 74% had worked collaboratively
on design; however, 28% were not confident or not at all confident in their
knowledge of and skills in BIM. There was more use of BIM on public sector
projects, but there was also significant BIM adoption in the private sector for
housing, offices and leisure facilities.
In the UK survey, immediate colleagues were the most commonly used source of
information about BIM, along with external professionals and the UK BIM Task
Group. Standards used included the RIBA Plan of Work 2013, PAS 1192-2:2013,
PAS 1192-3:2014 and BS 1192:2007. However, 65% believed BIM had not been
sufficiently standardised. Some 80% did not generate COBie (Construction
Operations Building Information Exchange) output or did not know whether they
did. COBie is a data format for the publication of a sub-set of building information
models focusing on delivering asset data rather than geometric information and is
one of the key outputs required by level 2 BIM.
The JRC has identified the same problem at the European level and is arguing that
what the industry needs is “big and open” BIM, which integrates the entire value
chain and is characterised by full interoperability of software and open access to
it. While the technical challenges are likely to be overcome in the near future, it
might prove more difficult to change existing processes and to increase
collaboration, including data sharing.
Building Information Modelling (BIM) standardization, Martin Poljanše, JRC Technical Reports 2017
BIM and digital logbooks are relevant to the SRI with regard to implementation as
the information they contain can overlap with SRI needs and in utilising a digital
platform opens the possibility of sharing relevant datasets in a manner that is
beneficial to both. Acquiring the data needed by BIM entails a site visit and
inspection for existing buildings and in principle this process could be done in
common for both BIM and an SRI. Once the data has been acquired it is stored
digitally and this could facilitate future updates as systems are added or amended
as from a technical perspective only a partial assessment (of the part which has
changed) is needed. BIM also entails management of data confidentiality in a
digital environment and hence has lessons for potential implementation pathways
that could be used by the SRI.
BIM is a voluntary private sector practice and is a tool used to manage building
projects more efficiently. Therefore, an SRI assessment conducted within a BIM
framework would not ordinarily be a 3rd party assessment. For it to have value,
even in a B2B capacity it would imply that the BIM assessor would have acquired
the requisite skills to conduct the assessment.
Recently the EU has set out its approach towards ensuring cybersecurity in the
energy sector24, including the establishment of a comprehensive legislative
framework. The framework builds on the EU Cybersecurity strategy (JOIN
(2013)01 final25) and the Directive on Security of Network and Information
Systems (the NIS Directive) (EU) 2016/1148 26 and from September 2017 has
been reinforced by the Cybersecurity Package (JOIN (2017) 450 final), which also
includes the Cybersecurity Act. In April 2019, the European Commission adopted
sector-specific guidance (recommendation C(2019)240 final 27 and staff working
document SWD (2019)1240 final28) to implement horizontal cybersecurity rules.
This guidance aims to increase awareness and preparedness in the energy sector.
The above were informed by a study on cybersecurity in the energy sector that
highlights the risks and mitigation options29.
These measures potentially have consequences with regard to the SRTs that could
be included within the SRI framework, especially with regard to requirements that
energy network operators are likely to aim to impose to assure the cybersecurity
of their networks.
‘(a) apply the most recent security standards for new installations wherever
adequate and consider complementary physical security measures where
the installed base of old installations cannot be sufficiently protected by
cybersecurity mechanisms;
(b) implement international standards on cybersecurity and adequate
specific technical standards for secure real-time communication as soon as
respective products become commercially available;
(c) consider real-time constraints in the overall security concept for assets,
especially in asset classification;
Where available, energy network operators should also:
(a) choose a secure communication protocol, taking into consideration real-
time requirements, for example between an installation and its
management systems (Energy Management System – EMS / Distribution
Management System – DMS);
(b) introduce an appropriate authentication mechanism for machine-to-
machine communication, addressing real-time requirements.
concerning measures for a high common level of security of network and information systems
across the Union https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dir/2016/1148/oj
These are not unique, however, as the other cybersecurity actions have been
initiated or are pending.
In 2004 the EU set up the European Union Agency for Network and Information
Security (ENISA)30. ENISA works closely together with Member States and the
private sector in facing network and information security challenges, as well as
delivering advice and solutions on cybersecurity.
The rationale for this is that certification plays a critical role in increasing trust and
security in products and services that are crucial for the digital single market. At
the moment, a number of different security certification schemes for ICT products
exist in the EU. Without a common framework for EU-wide valid cybersecurity
certificates, there is an increasing risk of fragmentation and barriers in the single
"EU Cybersecurity Agency", and repealing Regulation (EU) 526/2013, and on Information and
Communication Technology cybersecurity certification (''Cybersecurity Act'')
The Internet of things is the extension of Internet connectivity into physical devices and everyday
objects. Embedded with electronics, Internet connectivity, and other forms of hardware, these
devices can communicate and interact with others over the Internet, and they can be remotely
monitored and controlled.
Under the proposal, the monitoring, supervisory and enforcement tasks lie with
the Member States. Member States will have to provide for one certification
supervisory authority. This authority will be tasked with supervising the
compliance of conformity assessment bodies, as well as of certificates issued by
conformity assessment bodies established in their territory, with the requirements
of this Regulation and the relevant European cybersecurity certification schemes.
The SRI will need to be mindful of this framework and ensure that it is
complementary to its development. In particular, it will be necessitate to monitor
the work programme established for the Voluntary Cybersecurity Certification
scheme to see if it is targeting SRTs and smart services related to the SRI and
exploring mechanisms to engage with it if it is.
To achieve this objective, the buildings for which permits are submitted after 31
December 2016 must be equipped with physical infrastructure, such as mini-ducts
capable of hosting high-speed networks, and an easily accessible access point for
the providers of public communications networks who wish to terminate their
networks at the premises of the subscriber. Such buildings shall be eligible to
receive the voluntary “broadband-ready” label in Member States where this is
Directive 2014/61/EU of the European Parliament and the Council https://ec.europa.eu/digital-
“1. Member States shall ensure that all newly constructed buildings at the
end-user's location, including elements thereof under joint ownership, for
which applications for building permits have been submitted after 31
December 2016, are equipped with a high-speed-ready in-building physical
infrastructure, up to the network termination points. The same obligation
applies in the event of major renovation works for which applications for
building permits have been submitted after 31 December 2016.
A report in 2018 on the implementation of the Directive asserted that Portugal and
Italy have introduced broadband-ready labels and that Spain and Germany are
considering following suit. In France there is a standard to indicate fibred zones 35.
Table 1 shows the environmental sections that are used to determine the
sustainability assessment. For each environmental section, a weighting factor for
the different building types is given. The weighting and ranking exercise is
performed by an expert panel. The weightings may be adapted to local conditions.
This adaptation has to be reviewed and approved by BREEAM 37.
Table 1 – Example of BREEAM section weightings for common project types (BREEAM
Technical Manual 2016)
Within those sections a range of criteria are defined for which the building in
question may be awarded credits. For most criteria, one or two indicators can be
achieved. Credits are always discrete numbers; fractions of credits do not exist.
Therefore, for most criteria, the compliance is a discrete (Yes/No) choice of
compliance. This compliance is either the presence of a technology, concept or
practice or the quantitative fulfilment of a threshold value.
Note, this is not done on a case-by-case basis, but via an updated version of the "standards and
weightings" file which is published regularly. This file indicates for each country which weightings
should apply. Also it contains a set of standards which may be applied for the calculations. When
a project is first registered to BREEAM, the latest version of this file is assigned to the project and
remains unchanged during the course of the project.
These impact factors must be calculated with accredited building software. The
resulting indicator, the “Energy Performance Ratio for International New
Constructions (EPRINC)”, is then calculated with a proprietary tool. The outcome
of this tool is mapped to a discrete credit scale, or alternatively, a checklist
approach by which up to 10 credits can be awarded is used.
Table 2 shows an example of a BREEAM rating for a specific building. For each
section, the credits achieved are related to the credits available, resulting in a
relative performance within this section. The section score can be calculated in
combination with the weighting factor, and the sum of all section scores gives the
relative performance of the building.
The overall rating of a building is given on a 6-level rating ranging from “Pass” to
“Outstanding” as pass grades, and “Unclassified” as a fail grade. This relative
performance is mapped to this rating according to the values in Table 3.
Table 3– The six BREEAM building environmental performance classes and associated
scoring thresholds (BREEAM Technical Manual 2016)
For each rating, minimum requirements for individual criteria can be defined. This
ensures that a poor performance in crucial criteria cannot be compensated with
an excellent performance in other criteria. Therefore, it is ensured that certain
minimum criteria which are regarded as mandatory for a BREEAM certified building
are fulfilled.
• all national health and safety legislation and regulations for construction sites
are considered and implemented
• all fluorescent and compact fluorescent lamps are fitted with high frequency
• materials containing asbestos are prohibited from being specified and used
within the building
• all water systems in the building are designed in compliance with the measures
outlined in the relevant national health and safety best practice guides or
regulations to minimise the risk of microbial contamination, e.g. Legionella
• all timber and timber-based products used on the project are legally harvested
and traded timber.
In the example shown in Table 4, all minimum criteria for the “very good” rating
are achieved; therefore, this rating can be awarded.
The structure used in the BREEAM system is to define impact categories, apply
scoring up a maximum value within each of these and then to aggregate points to
give an overall total via the application of weightings to the impact category
scores. This structure can be said to be akin to a standard Analytical Hierarchy
Process (AHP)38 impact category weighting system. Like many AHP models it
combines qualitative (Yes/No) and quantitative impact categories (where the score
is derived on a linear scale and either calculation software based on quantified
physical simulation is used or metered data is used and ranked via a normalisation
Method of evaluation
The BREEAM methodology represents an effective and largely transparent
methodology to assess the sustainability performance of a building. Through the
inclusion of a broad range of sustainability indicators covering the whole life cycle
of the building, a holistic assessment is enabled.
The methodology uses a very straightforward approach to integrate the broad
range of impact criteria into one overall rating. In principle the setting of minimum
requirements for crucial indicators ensures that a balanced assessment is attained,
although expert judgement is clearly required to determine which indicators are
deemed to be crucial and which are not.
For most criteria, discrete choices are the basis for credit assignment. Discrete
choices lack the ability to represent the potential range of criteria achievement.
The use of a discrete-choice approach for the credit assignment allows easy
reproduction for most of the criteria. Some of the criteria require the use of
proprietary tools relying on rather detailed building information. In principle, the
reproducibility for those criteria should be high, although the use of detailed input
data could lead to differing assumptions for the calculation.
BREEAM ratings are required by some local authorities as well as private sector
companies in the UK. In the public sector a variety of institutions require a
minimum BREEAM rating for all new buildings. In practice the energy performance
rating process used in BREEAM is aligned with that used in mandatory building
energy performance requirements such as building codes and energy performance
certificates, and thus takes advantage of the same type of compliance
infrastructure and market surveillance mechanisms as have been developed for
these. From a technical level the enforceability of BREEAM specifications is roughly
the same as for building code requirements, but as BREEAM is a private initiative
it relies on the quality of the initial BREEAM assessment to ensure its integrity –
rather than ex post evaluations.
The method to be applied is very transparent as the guide is publicly available and
the assessment can be followed step by step. Nevertheless, for some criteria, the
use of proprietary tools is inevitable, especially for energy use, for which a
proprietary indicator that is incompatible with common metrics is used.
The rationale behind the section weightings and the selection of those criteria
where it is mandatory to pass are not in the public domain and hence are not
Capacity to be implemented
A priori the impact assessment methods used within BREEAM are not inconsistent
with the methodological aspects of the SRI and both could be adapted to fit within
the other’s assessment process. The BREEAM approach entails the application of
implicit environmental impact criteria aggregator functions based on panel
weightings of which criteria should be assessed and the scoring that they can
attain. This approach is inherently similar to the SRI methodology.
The rating system Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) was
developed by the non-profit US Green Building Council in 1994. The LEED system
has evolved over time, with the most recent update LEED v4 being introduced in
2013. The use of LEED v4 has been mandatory since November 2016.
Although the general principles of the system are comparable to those of the
BREEAM system, some methodological differences exist. Whereas the BREEAM
system uses points to calculate a relative target achievement, LEED is a “pure”
points system: no weighting factors between the different categories exist, but the
weighting is made implicitly by the allocation of points to the different criteria.
The structure used in the LEED points system is to define impact categories, apply
scoring up a maximum value within each of these and then aggregate the points
to give an overall total. In general, this structure can be said to be akin to a
standard AHP model, except the application of bounded maximum points per
category is akin to an AHP impact category weighting system. The method used
to derive weightings per impact category appears to be proprietary and is not
explained to the end users.
Method of evaluation
In general, the evaluation comments that apply to the BREEAM method also apply
to LEED because its features are so similar. Differences arise because to some
extent the methodology is more complex due to its broader scope and the need
for a full life-cycle analysis of the materials used. Nor does it use weighting
between impact categories and hence it might be deemed to be slightly less
accurate as a result.
On the other hand, the holistic approach goes beyond the BREEAM and LEED
approaches and hence could be considered to be more thorough and accurate. The
flip side of this is that it will be more demanding to implement as more factors are
accounted for and require calculation.
Again, the system used to derive the weighting factors is not explained and is
The rating system of the German Society for Sustainable Building (Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen; DGNB) is the youngest of the building rating
systems described in this report.
The current version of the system is the result of a revision in 2015. The general
principle of the methodology is comparable to the BREEAM and LEED approach,
though there are some differences.
Compared to the other schemes, energy issues play a minor role in the
assessment. Their major impact is on criterion ENV1.1, which considers life-cycle
impacts of the building with a relative relevance of ~8%, and ENV2.1, which
considers primary energy use with a relative relevance of 5.6%.
Economic criteria, which are not relevant in BREEAM and LEED, contribute more
than 20% to the overall result. As life-cycle costs are considered, energy costs are
also relevant in this category.
A point system is used, in which credits are assigned for the individual criteria.
The credits are weighted and aggregated to achieve a final score.
The structure applied in the DGNB points system (see Table 5) is to define impact
categories, apply scoring up a maximum value within each of these and then to
aggregate the points to give an overall total via the application of weightings to
the impact category scores. This structure can be said to be akin to a standard
AHP model using impact category weightings, although the application of bounded
maximum points per category is akin to a second layer to a standard AHP impact
category weighting system. The method applied to derive the maximum scores
and weightings per impact category is proprietary to the scheme developers and
is not explained to the end users.
Method of evaluation
In general, the evaluation comments that apply to the BREEAM method also apply
to DGNB because its features are similar. Differences arise because to some extent
the methodology is more complex due to its broader scope and the need for a full
life-cycle analysis of the materials used. However, like BREEAM, it uses weighting
between impact categories.
On the other hand, the holistic approach goes beyond the BREEAM approach and
hence could be considered more thorough and accurate. Conversely, it will be
more demanding to implement as more factors are accounted for and require
calculation. As a consequence, the reproducibility and capacity to implement
scores given by the team are one point lower than for BREEAM.
Again, the system used to derive the weighting factors is not explained in publicly
accessible documents and is proprietary.
For any specific PEFCR, the intention is that a benchmark and performance grades
will be established. The benchmark shall be calculated for all 15 impact categories
separately. The final PEFCRs also describe the uncertainties common to the
product category and identify the range in which results could be seen as not being
significantly different in comparisons or comparative assertions.
Next to the calculated benchmark, each pilot defines five classes of environmental
performance (from A to E, with A being the best performing class). The benchmark
is the characterised results of the PEF profile of the representative product(s) and
always represents class C. The definition of the remaining classes should be taken
into account the estimated spread around the benchmark results, which might
differ from one impact category to another, and an estimation of the expected
environmental performance for the best and worst in class products. All relevant
assumptions regarding the identification of the benchmark and the classes of
environmental performance are documented in the PEFCR and are part of the
virtual consultation and review processes.
The PEF method has certain similarities with other multi-criteria assessment
methods such as the Analytical Hierarchy Process 41. Both begin with multiple
criteria, where the criteria in the PEF method are the various environmental impact
categories. In both cases, indicator scores are ascribed to each of the assessment
criteria (impact categories). The normalisation and grouping steps are directly
equivalent to the process within the AHP of ascribing alternatives to each criterion
and providing normalised scores. The weighting of the criteria is also directly
analogous to the AHP, thus the PEF can be said to be an example of the application
of the more generic AHP approach to environmental impact assessment.
Some general observations about the status of the PEF methodology are now
The method is effective for the indicators that can be reliably measured but not so
much for those which are difficult to measure or for which impacts are challenging
to quantify. In principle the PEF should be an effective instrument from a technical
methodological perspective, but it faces challenges in the derivation of consensual
weightings between the impact categories and in establishing the magnitude of
some of the impacts.
The level of accuracy is good for readily measurable impact parameters and less
so for those that are less readily measured or established. As with the SRI, the
initial default application of equal weighting between impact categories is arbitrary
and hence potentially inaccurate or subjective; however, were suitable weighting
processes to be developed this limitation would be overcome.
Reproducibility should be reasonable when the impact parameters are readily
measurable with an acceptable degree of accuracy (however, this is not presently
the case for all of the impact parameters) and when PEFCR have been developed.
In cases where such a PEFCR is unavailable the reproducibility is likely to be low.
The PEF should be reasonably enforceable from a technical perspective when the
impact parameters are readily measurable with an acceptable degree of accuracy;
however, this is not presently the case for all of the impact parameters. The large
number of impact parameters will make verification of test results and
documentation more challenging than for schemes that require fewer parameters
to be assessed.
The method is transparent in principle and is being fully documented in a publicly
accessible manner. Ecolabelling
The EU Ecolabel covers a wide range of product groups, from major areas of
manufacturing to tourist accommodation services. Key experts, in consultation
with main stakeholders, develop the criteria for each product group in order to
decrease the main environmental impacts over the entire life cycle of the product.
Because the life cycle of every product and service is different, the criteria are
tailored to address the unique characteristics of each product type.
Every 4 years on average, the criteria are revised to reflect technical innovation
such as evolution of materials, production processes or emission reduction and
changes in the market. The intention is that the EU Ecolabel will represent the
highest environmental performance for the product or services it is applied to.
Currently, EU ecolabelling criteria have been established for the following products
and services:
The approach taken to derive the Ecolabel criteria can vary from product to product
as the development group determines what best fits the needs of the product. In
practice, the first stages of a standard life-cycle analysis approach are followed
wherein a set of pertinent environmental impact criteria are established and typical
impact magnitudes established. These may subsequently be screened for their
potential to be reduced and for the viability of application and potentially limited
to a smaller set of impact criteria that will be used within the Ecolabel award
system. Once the set of criteria has been established it is common practice to set
requirements for each of them. Although aggregation via weighting is not
precluded from the EU Ecolabel, thus far there has been no example of it being
used. Rather, in the case of quantifiable criteria the practice is to use normalisation
and benchmarking to establish minimum values that must be met to be eligible to
receive the Ecolabel.
The Ecolabel criteria are binary in the sense that a product/service either satisfies
them and hence is eligible to apply for the use of the Ecolabel, or it does not and
hence is ineligible. In all instances of the label as currently implemented, all criteria
must be met for a product or service to be eligible for the label. However, not all
the criteria are quantitative. For example, some may concern the presence or
absence of a feature or service.
Thus, for most products the Ecolabel criteria are similar in structure to Ecodesign
criteria but tend to address more environmental impact parameters. Furthermore,
unlike for Ecodesign regulations, the energy efficiency requirements set within
Ecolabels are not guided by an objective of minimising the life-cycle cost.
The EU criteria are developed by ad hoc working groups established for each
product of interest and are subject to approval by the Ecolabel Board, which is
comprised of a set of notified bodies. Usually the Commission hires an impartial
technical consultancy to conduct analysis and develop draft criteria. These are
The Ecolabel has been awarded to over 30,000 products and services across the
EU and hence is effective at influencing part of the market. As it is a voluntary
scheme it does not have the same scale of impact that is associated with the
mandatory energy label or Ecodesign requirements, but it applies to a diverse set
of products and services that would not be entirely suited to those instruments.
Furthermore, it addresses a broader set of environmental impacts.
In principle the accuracy by which the quantifiable criteria used within the
Ecolabelling scheme can be determined is similar to that found for other EU
environmentally related product regulations such as Ecodesign, RoHS, WEEE, etc.
In principle, the reproducibility of the quantifiable criteria measurements used
within the Ecolabelling scheme is similar to that found for other EU environmentally
related product regulations such as Ecodesign, RoHS, WEEE, etc.
From a technical perspective, the enforceability of the Ecolabelling scheme is
similar to that for other EU environmentally related product regulations such as
Ecodesign, RoHS, WEEE, etc. The fact that on average a greater number of
assessment criteria need to be evaluated implies that document inspection and
verification testing against Ecolabelling criteria is a more involved process than for
Energy labelling or Ecodesign regulations. From an organisational perspective it is
different, however, as Ecolabelling requirements are not mandatory within the
Single Market and hence Member States are not required to designate a specific
market surveillance body to check compliance with the requirements. Rather,
verification of conformity with the requirements would usually be the responsibility
of the same trading standards entities that have a broad mandate to enforce truth
in advertising and consumer protection legislation – in practice alleged non-
conformity is usually brought to the attention of such agencies by other parties
rather than through an active market monitoring process.
The scheme criteria are fully transparent and within the public domain.
The EU energy label for space heating systems applies to packages of space
heater, temperature control and solar device offered for sale, hire or hire-
It is essentially an extended product approach which ranks and displays the energy
efficiency of the heating system as a system and not just for each individual
component within it.
Ostensibly the method used considers the seasonal heating efficiency of the boiler
at the location in isolation, it then adds efficiency credits depending on the nature
of controls used (note these only concern the direct control of the boiler not the
control of the heating distribution system, which is often where larger energy
savings are possible), the impact of using an additional boiler, the impact of using
a solar heating device, the impact of using a heat pump, the impact of using a
solar heating device and a heat pump, and takes all of this through the calculation
structure shown in Figure 3 to derive an overall heating system efficiency score.
• it does not address the heat losses in the distribution system and hence gives
no reward to the use of distribution loss reduction measures such as: zoning,
TRVs, individually programmable heat emitter controls and actuators linked to
a room thermostat, learning the thermal response of rooms and optimum
stop/start controllers, weather compensation controls.
• it does not address the impact of heating system sizing on its overall
In practice, these latter two factors (especially the first) can have a very large
impact on the overall efficiency of the heating system.
Method evaluation
The scheme has only recently entered into force and thus there is currently no
evidence of its effectiveness, however, if it has even a modest proportion of the
impact of other energy labels it will likely lead to energy savings and as a minimum
it allows the energy efficiency of the heating system to be made visible in such a
manner than it can readily be completed by other policy instruments such as EPCs,
building codes, incentives etc.
In principle, the accuracy by which the quantifiable criteria used within the heating
system energy label can be determined is similar to that experienced for other
labelled products except that because the overall systems efficiency rating is
effectively a multiplicative sum of the efficiencies of its individual components
compound errors will be propagated through to the system level. This is
unavoidable when dealing with multiple components, however, and is not
indicative of any methodological weakness.
The reproducibility of the quantifiable criteria measurements used within the space
heating energy label should be similar to that experienced for other EU
environmentally-related product regulations such as Ecodesign, RoHS, WEEE etc.
From a technical perspective the enforceability of the space heating energy
labelling schemes is similar to that experienced for EU environmentally-related
product regulations such as Ecodesign, RoHS, WEEE etc.; however, it introduces
a different challenge because it requires the actions of system installers, as well
as component suppliers to be addressed.
The criteria applied and the process of deriving the space heating systems energy
label are fully transparent and within the public domain.
The space heating energy label is probably most relevant to the SRI in terms of
its implementation. It requires qualified space heating installation professionals to
issue an energy label on site to the customer based on the characteristics of the
installed system. This entails the imposition of additional obligations, duties and
competences on the affected profession. It is an EU managed scheme which
includes Member State input and stakeholder consultation. As it is mandatory
Member States are required to implement a market surveillance process under a
designated market surveillance agency but organisationally this poses a challenge
because verifying conformity with the requirements entails ensuring all concerned
products and components within the supply chain meet the requirements,
including the installed system as a whole as well as products leaving the factory.
The recent Lot 37 lighting study into lighting systems 44 has established how the
energy performance of each separate module of a lighting system can be analysed
in a compartmentalised manner and fed into a calculation to determine the overall
energy efficiency of the lighting system.
By comparing the available average and best available technology (BAT) solutions
for each application it’s possible to determine the range of viable LENI values per
application. If life cycle cost optimisation were to be incorporated into this process
it becomes technically possible to devise a specific LENI target for each class of
typical lighting system, in a manner that could meet the aims of the Ecodesign
regulatory process. However, a priori this would be applicable at the application
level rather than the sub-system level and thus this raises the question of on
whom regulatory requirements could be placed. The space heater energy label
demonstrates that it is at least legally permissible for system labelling
requirements to be imposed on installers and not just component manufacturers.
Methodology evaluation
The LENI approach described above is already adopted in European standards, is
incorporated in lighting design software and is embedded in some Member State
building codes. While it works from a technical perspective it is voluntary to apply
in most of the EU and thought to only being applied by a limited proportion of
market actors as a consequence.
In principle the accuracy by which the quantifiable criteria used within the LENI
approach can be determined is similar to that experienced for other products
subject to Ecodesign or energy labelling requirements except that because the
overall systems efficiency rating is effectively a multiplicative sum of the
The reproducibility of the quantifiable criteria measurements used within the LENI
calculation at the component level is similar to that experienced for other EU
environmentally-related product regulations such as Ecodesign, RoHS, WEEE etc.
There are more calculation steps at the systems level necessary to derive the LENI
and hence there is more scope to introduce variance than for simple products.
The enforceability of the LENI approach is similar to that of other technical energy
using systems specified with the EPBD (Article 8) and has been demonstrated
through incorporation into building code requirements in countries such as the UK
and Switzerland. It introduces a different challenge compared to standard products
within Ecodesign because the actions of system specifiers and installers, as well
as component suppliers would need to be addressed.
The criteria applied and the process of deriving the LENI calculation are fully
transparent and within the public domain.
Created in 2012, the SBA federates to date 253 organizations representing all
building related trades and Smart City stakeholders, to think and define the Smart
Building. Its ambition is to enable its members - manufacturers, service
companies, consultancy firms, architects, builders, developers, developers or
innovative start-ups - to contribute to developing the Smart Buildings sector and
derive the value of the building towards the future, for all stakeholders: owners,
users and communities.
The SBA acts to brings together the entire Smart Building ecosystem and offers
stakeholders in the sector the opportunity to harmoniously integrate new
technologies, enable the development of new services, optimise the use of
resources (particularly energy), and to increase the use value and the financial
value of the building assets.
According to the SBA this triptych, which unites the providers of solutions around
the concept of smart buildings, must in turn enter into dialogue with the historical
stakeholders of the building world:
The SBA, building on the work of its commissions and working groups, develops
technical reference systems (Ready2Services, Ready2Grid, Digital Mock-up, Smart
Data, etc. ...), as well as smart building valuation models (i.e. Building as a
Service, Smart Building for Smart Cities, Asset Valuation, ...). The association
produces collaborative work by working together across the entire construction
sector from upstream to downstream, integrating new players from the world of
new technology.
• Digital building
• Smart buildings for smart cities
• Smart lighting
• Ready2services
• Ready2grids
• Safe city
• Continuous current
• Training
The common solution to provide overarching control for TBSs is to add gateways
to the SRT system. Nevertheless, such gateways (e.g. via a Wide Area Network
(WAN)) come at extra cost, consume power to function, and can be a source of
system failure.
While systems and applications at buildings and utilities in the past were operated
separately, today interactions between multiple systems and applications are
increasingly important to operate buildings and their technical systems more
effectively and provide greater energy services, comfort, well-being and health to
Unfortunately, today there is not one universal overarching SRT system but there
are several ecosystems on the market and a building often includes a multitude of
them (e.g. KNX, DALI, IP user interface server). Interoperability between those
systems is often a point of concern. The common solution for this is to add
gateways to the SRT system, for example a DALI-to-KNX gateway to integrate
lighting and KNX IP gateway and router for the user interface with a web browser.
E.g. the call for a voluntary broadband-ready label for buildings, https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-
Directive 2014/61/EU
To address the issue of the multiple overlapping and competing standards within
the smart home -between the energy smart appliances and the home/building
energy management system- the European Commission/DG CONNECT ordered a
study on “Available Semantics Assets for the Interoperability of Smart Appliances:
Mapping into a Common Ontology as a M2M Application Layer Semantics" 57. The
study resulted in the development of a common ontology58 for this domain, called
SAREF (Smart Appliance Reference) and a standard based on it developed by
Information sourced from: Ecodesign Preparatory Study on Smart Appliances (Lot 33) - Final report
Defining semantics for technologies and functions
The SAREF ontology thus enables semantic interoperability in the energy smart
appliances domain matching appliances and systems from different
manufacturers, exchanging energy related information and interacting with any
other Building Energy Management System. Extensions to the SAREF ontology for
smart machine-to-machine communication provide specifications for the energy
domain61 and the building domain62. SAREF focusses on an application-
independent ‘horizontal’ service platform with architecture capable of supporting
a very wide range of services including smart metering, smart grids, eHealth, city
automation (smart cities), consumer applications, car automation and smart
appliances 63. SAREF is however not the only attempt to achieve a common data
model and language for energy smart appliances. The Ecodesign study on smart
appliances also references amongst others the initiatives SPINE (Smart Premises
Interoperable Neutral-message Exchange), IEC TS 62950 ED1, ZigBee DOTDOT,
the IoT schema.org initiative and the IotTivity and oneIoTa Data Model Tool by
the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF).
In the field of smart grids, a layered approach of the Smart Grid Architectural
Model (SGAM) has been developed by Cenelec and IEC 64. European
Standardization Organizations CEN, CENELEC and ETSI consolidate the
standardisation for smart grids through Mandate M/490 of the European
Commission65. Further details on the landscape of standardisation in relation to
smart grids and smart buildings is documented in Annex D of the final report of
the first technical support study to the establishment of the SRI.
Within the Ecodesign framework of the European Commission, further focus has
been given to interoperability in the product and service design of smart
SmartM2M; Smart Appliances Extension to SAREF; Part 1: Energy Domain
SmartM2M; Smart Appliances Extension to SAREF; Part 3: Building Domain
Explicit Demand Response (eDR SRTs) refers to SRT services that support the
grid operators to provide balancing or congestion management. It can be for
example curtailment based on line voltage or grid frequency.
While this type of common framework or ontology is already in place for some
specific technologies such as smart appliances, this is not the case for all the
domains and technologies within the scope of the SRI. Non-energy related or
domain specific interoperability aspects are not part of the SAREF ontology, e.g.
indoor environment quality measurements or shading control. Furthermore, recent
developments such as SAREF are not applicable in a straightforward manner to
the legacy equipment that is mostly present in existing buildings.
Ecodesign Preparatory Study on Smart Appliances (Lot 33) http://www.eco-smartappliances.eu
Ecodesign preparatory study for Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS)
https://www.cencenelec.eu/standards/Sectors/SustainableEnergy/SmartGrids/Pages/d efault.aspx
As recommended by stakeholders in the consultation process
• the scope of the SRI including whether or not to broaden/narrow it and the
most pertinent parameters
• the approach for the treatment of absent services
• country/region specificities and implications for the methodology
• climatic specificities
• building type or intrinsic specificities
• the most appropriate level of streamlining necessary to deliver a viable scheme
as a function of the organisational pathway considered (see Activity 1 Tasks 2
and 3)
• data protection
• interactions with other schemes such as EPCs, Level(s), building renovation
passports, etc.
• appropriate terminology and language
• standardisation and codification of services and functionality levels
• how to allow updates of the methodology, e.g. to properly address innovation.
• the consistency of the SRI definition with the key functionalities highlighted in
the SRI technical annex of the amended EPBD, i.e. the ability to maintain
energy performance and operation of the building through the adaptation of
energy consumption, the ability to adapt a building’s operation mode in
response to the needs of the occupant, and flexibility of a building’s overall
electricity demand
• interoperability between systems (including treatment of data formatting
• connectivity of buildings (particularly the influence of existing communication
• Cyber-security.
Analysis of the findings from the review of initiatives in Activity 1 is also intended
to help in determining the extent to which the SRI definition will be complementary
to, or potentially overlap, those found in related initiatives, so that this information
can also be considered in the appraisal of the SRI definition. This feeds the
refinement and consolidation of the definition of the SRI, ready for Commission
services to address, with the twofold objective of (i) ensuring that the scope of the
SRI covers all aspects of interest and (ii) ensuring that the SRI is fully
complementary to relevant existing initiatives, in particular those linked to building
performance and those at the EU level.
• covers all aspects of interest as agreed with the Commission Services and
• is complementary to relevant existing initiatives (particularly those linked to
building performance and at EU level, hence EPCs, Ecodesign etc.).
Interactions with stakeholders (Task 1 Activity 1) highlighted the need for clarity
regarding the scope of the SRI. In the feedback we received on the first study,
some stakeholders suggested adding domains such as safety and security
systems, material use and noise reduction, to name a few. This feedback reveals
valuable insight into their interpretation of the scope of the SRI:
• safety and security systems may have smart features: for the residential
sector, there are smart home applications that cover these features; for non-
residential buildings, we may expect to see these features as part of a building
management system (BMS)
• material use is an important theme in sustainability assessments, as it
significantly contributes to the carbon footprint of the built environment
• attention to themes such as noise pollution is increasing, given their link with
the health and well-being of building users.
Stakeholder feedback has been collected in various ways, including a questionnaire sent out to
stakeholders prior to the first Stakeholder Meeting, interactions during the first Stakeholder
Meeting and two Topical Group sessions on 26 March 2019 in Brussels, two teleconference calls
with Topical Group A on the implementation pathways and value proposition, four teleconference
calls with Topical Group B on the calculation methodology, written feedback and other bilateral
Within the scope of the first and second technical study on the SRI, the following
definition has been adopted:
Second, the SRI should be clearly positioned in the field of smart ready
technologies (SRTs). Within the scope of the first and second technical study on
the SRI, the following definition has been adopted:
“Smart Ready Services are delivered to the building user or the energy grid
through the use of Smart Ready Technologies. These smart ready
technologies can either be digital ICT technology (e.g. communication
protocols or optimization algorithms) or physical products (e.g. ventilation
system with CO2 sensor, cabling for bus systems) or combinations thereof
(e.g. smart thermostats). The smart ready technologies referenced in this
study are considered to be active components which could potentially:
Amirhosein Ghaffarianhoseini, Umberto Berardi, Husam AlWaer, Seongju Chang, Edward Halawa, Ali
Ghaffarianhoseini & Derek Clements-Croome (2016), What is an intelligent building? Analysis of
recent interpretations from an international perspective, Architectural Science Review, 59:5, 338-
357, DOI: 10.1080/00038628.2015.1079164
Given the fact that the SRI fits within the EPBD, its scope is (currently) limited to
those SRTs that affect the energy performance, indoor climate conditions and
energy flexibility of a building. As such, safety and security systems, for instance,
are deemed out of scope of the SRI as framed by the EPBD, despite their clear
potential to offer smart services to users and their potential to be integrated in
BMSs. However, this would not prevent extension to the SRI (e.g. with “optional”
domains) to encompass additional services that are not part of the scope set by
the EPBD, if it clearly adds value to the SRI from a user perspective.
In addition to the high-level discussion of domains fitting within the scope of the
SRI based on the three key functionalities in the EPBD, there is a discussion on
the scope of each of these key functionalities as such. It should be clear that the
SRI is not an evaluation of a building’s energy performance, but instead should
evaluate its smartness.
The following statement was presented to the members of Topical Group B (on
the SRI calculation methodology):
‘The SRI should only score the added value of smarter controllability,
information gathering, communication features and interoperability, and
not the (energy) performance of the technical building systems themselves
(e.g. lighting control irrespective if these are LED or incandescent lights)
since the goal of the SRI should be primarily to illustrate the current level
of smartness compared to the maximum potential of that specific building
rather than to form a comparison framework among buildings?’
The statement was unanimously accepted by the Topical Group B members 74 (20
votes), indicating that there is a correct understanding of the scope of the SRI
among these members. Clear communication towards the larger stakeholder
community, Member States and ultimately end users is highly important.
The issue also strongly relates to the positioning of the SRI within the landscape
of other initiatives, such as EPCs and Level(s). Complementarity of the SRI with
other initiatives is discussed in section 1.2.6.
Finally, there is a discussion whether a building would need to attain a high energy
efficiency as determined by an EPC assessment before it becomes eligible for the
SRI. As mentioned in section 1.1, the discussion divides stakeholder opinion:
Topical Group B: calculation methodology; Topical Group meeting on 26 March 2019 in Brussels.
The study team has identified a number of arguments. It should be noted that
these arguments are closely linked to potential implementation pathways, which
are discussed in section 2.1. These arguments aim to feed the discussion and
identify opportunities.
• Keeping in mind the aim of the EPBD – to increase the energy performance of
the building stock – a significant reduction in energy needs should always come
before the optimisation of the remaining energy use, e.g. through smart
controls. Without prerequisites on energy efficiency, the SRI could award
(potentially high) SRI scores to energy inefficient buildings that have
implemented a large number of smart services without having reduced the
energy needs by improving thermal insulation, for instance. In this case a high
SRI score may convey the unwanted message that the building has achieved
its maximum potential, thus leaving the remaining energy savings potential
untapped. Minimum energy performance requirements present an opportunity
to force building owners to prioritise reducing energy needs over implementing
smart services to optimise energy use.
• Imposing a minimum energy performance level holds a number of advantages
with respect to the assessment. Energy efficient buildings would have an EPC,
containing an inventory of TBSs. Having an EPC at their disposal or
simultaneously performing an EPC and SRI assessment would lead to a
significant reduction in the required assessment time – and thus the cost.
• Having a calculated energy balance at our disposal creates the opportunity to
calculate more accurately the impact of a certain smart service on the energy
performance of the building. As such, domain weighting factors for energy
performance could become redundant. For example, for an intelligently
designed building with a low cooling demand, the impact of SRTs for cooling
could be automatically reduced, given its low impact on the energy balance of
that particular building.
It can be envisaged that the SRI score reflects differences in regard to geographic
conditions, such as the climate. For instance, the relative importance of heating
and cooling with respect to the energy balance varies significantly according to
climate conditions. In the first technical study it was suggested that weighting
factors could be used to reflect these regional differences.
The main advantage of applying a single set of weighting factors across Europe is
the comparability of the SRI across Europe. However, user acceptance may suffer,
since the relative importance of domains based on uniform European weighting
factors may significantly deviate from the perceived relative importance given local
The stakeholder questionnaire sent out in preparation for the first stakeholder
meeting contained questions on various topics, including the tailoring of the SRI
calculation methodology to specific conditions, such as climate conditions. The
majority of the respondents (59.3%) supported the proposal to introduce
weighting factors for climate conditions.
Question: Do you see the need to adapt the calculation method to specific
conditions, e.g. using weighting factors? If so, which ones?
Essentially the same question was also raised during the first Topical Group B
meeting. The following statement was presented to the group members:
‘To balance homogeneity of the SRI while acknowledging not all buildings
are subjected to the same boundary conditions, the weight given to specific
services and domains in the impact scores should be specified on a climate
region level (rather than an overall EU or specific member state level).’
Accordingly, the study team recommends defining different weighting factors for
a number of climate zones. Alternatively, it could be envisaged that for each
climate zone and each domain applicable range are defined, rather than fixed
values. Such an approach allows Member States to tailor the SRI to their policy,
within bounds set by the methodology. Finally, it could be envisioned that
weighting factors are (partially) linked to the energy balance of the actual building,
for instance using calculated data from EPCs. This approach implicitly takes into
account climatic conditions, as well as the building design.
Importantly, in any case the weighting factors or the approach to obtain them will
be predefined, based on guidelines by either the Commission or the Member
States. Under no circumstances should the assessor have the liberty to adapt
The definition of domain weighting factors – taking into account climatic conditions
– is discussed in section
First and foremost, there may be a distinction between residential and non-
residential buildings. These building types have significantly different needs
inherently associated with their use. For instance, in large parts of Europe,
residential buildings do not typically require active cooling, whereas generally this
is needed in non-residential buildings such as office buildings. Hot water provision,
on the other hand, has a higher relative importance in the energy balance of
residential buildings as opposed to most non-residential buildings such as office
To reflect the relative importance of certain domains, the use of weighting factors
is proposed. The approach of using weighting factors – rather than omitting certain
domains or services – holds the advantage of still allowing the evaluation of certain
domains and services, although their impact maybe limited under current
Based on the results from the stakeholder questionnaire (Figure 7), it can be
concluded that there is much support for differentiating between residential and
non-residential buildings (86.4%).
Apart from different weighting factors for residential and non-residential buildings,
it can be argued that in the case of the latter, the relative importance of certain
domains will differ depending on the specific building type (i.e. distinguished by
function). For instance, the consumption of domestic hot water has a higher impact
on energy consumption in healthcare buildings than in office buildings.
In addition to weighting factors, certain specific buildings types could benefit from
having additional services that are specific to their usage, e.g. energy
management of refrigerated counters in supermarkets, or flexibility aspect of
heating water in swimming pools.
In the questionnaire, the majority of respondents indicated that they agree to the
inclusion of additional services for certain non-residential building types (Figure
9). This question was also put to the participants of Topical Group B. Out of 21
responses, 15 participants agreed, 3 disagreed and 3 did not have an opinion.
During the discussion, the Topical Group participants confirmed that additional
services for specific building types are relevant. One group explicitly mentioned,
however, that the definition of weightings for these building types is more
important than the introduction of additional services.
To select the most relevant non-residential building types for further investigation,
the stakeholder questionnaire asked respondents to rank the importance of six
non-residential building types. They indicated that offices, healthcare buildings
and educational buildings should be prioritised.
The study team has carefully investigated the possibility to tailor the SRI based
on building usage. Firstly, the most viable option is to define different sets of
weighting factors by building use. However, to define these weighting factors
highly granular data on energy consumption must be available, allowing a break-
down by geographical conditions (e.g. country), energy end use (e.g. heating,
cooling…) and building usage (e.g. offices, healthcare…). Analysis of various
valuable data sources – including the European Building Stock Observatory –
showed that the availability of qualitative data at this level of granularity is
currently insufficient to support the definition of separate domain weightings by
end use. Secondly, the development of a tailored set of services by building usage
is considered. However, investigating a multitude of different building usages and
developing a tailored set of services was not deemed feasible within the time
constraints of the second technical study. In order to support further tailoring in
future updates of the SRI, it could be envisioned to structurally capture feedback
from assessors (and the broader stakeholder community) to identify specific
services for future inclusion.
Based on the analysis, the study team suggests the following approach:
The level of streamlining for the service catalogue should be determined to deliver
a viable scheme. The most appropriate level of streamlining will be a function of
the organisational pathway considered. In order to obtain a viable scheme, it is
crucial to respond to the needs of the end user (see also Activity 1 Task 2 and
Activity 2 Task 3). This includes a careful balancing of the desired output (a reliable
SRI) and the required input (assessment time, and thus assessment cost).
Finally, there is also a demand among certain stakeholders to take the SRI a step
further, rather than provide a simplified version. This demand is based on an issue
that is found across many labelling or certification initiatives, namely the
performance gap. Most initiatives, including the SRI, target the theoretical
performance of a building; however, experience has shown that in many cases the
actual performance of the building (e.g. energy performance, thermal comfort,
etc.) deviates from the theoretical predictions. Many causes can be identified for
the performance gap, including deviation from calculation assumptions (occupancy
rates, setpoints, etc.), occupant behaviour and execution errors in the technical
installations. As a result, a demand arises to have building scores based on actual
performance. Although for many services and impact criteria there is a clear
potential to derive performance on the basis of measured or metered data, the
implementation of a fully measured/metered SRI is not deemed feasible for a first
version of the SRI and should be further investigated for subsequent versions.
The envisaged scope of the simplified method has been presented during both
stakeholder meetings and to the topical groups. An open brain-storm was
organised in Topical Group B75, focusing on how the service catalogue and
corresponding calculation method might be affected by switching from the expert
assessment as outlined in the first technical study, to a quick-scan approach
(Method A). The opening question was phrased as follows:
Participants indicated that the applicability of Method A should be aligned with the
complexity and expected level of smartness of the TBSs. In that context, a first
suggested approach for Method A (quick-scan) would be to extend the triage
process. First, a quick assessment should be conducted based on a number of
high-level questions with the aim of identifying the key services. Next, further
detailed questions could be posed for “high potential” services.
Topical Group B: calculation methodology – topical group meeting on 26/03/2019 in Brussels
In Topical Group A, SWOT analyses were conducted for the three methods. The
analyses indicated that the key concern for Method A is reliability: making the
method too simple creates the risk of making it simplistic, which could significantly
harm the reliability of the SRI. Opening the SRI to self-assessment leaves it prone
to manipulation, which could also harm the reliability. The members do see the
advantage of creating awareness and see the self-assessment as a potential
stepping stone to a full assessment. Some members were concerned that there
could be little interest in the quick-scan and that it would not be used. Finally, as
the SRI remains a theoretical calculation, it is not a solution to the performance
Three dedicated web meetings on the subject were organised with Topical Group
B, elaborating on the feasibility of the suggested database method and the
alternative of a simplified service catalogue.
A first web meeting76 discussed the feasibility of a database method. With such an
approach, manufacturers could report the functionality levels of their different
products in an online database. Occupants (or other users of the simplified
method) could select the brands and product types of their TBS from a database,
rather than assess the functionality levels themselves. The functionality levels
could be attributed automatically to the services. Such an approach would simplify
the input efforts for the occupants without reducing the level of detail of the
calculation methodology. This approach also creates an opportunity for
manufacturers to position themselves in the market.
Methodological issues
Topical Group B: calculation methodology – web meeting 11/06/2019
Practical issues
The study team proposes an approach where a limited number of services are
included for each domain. These services are structured in each domain by the
following three topics:
In principle, this entails providing a maximum of three services for each of the
nine domains. However, a few exceptions are foreseen, as follows.
Topical Group B: calculation methodology – web meeting 28/06/2019
Upon the study team’s request, experts from Topical Group B have provided their
feedback on the defined services and functionality levels, and the study team has
updated the simplified service catalogue based on feedback. Topical group
members raised the concern that restricting the application of method A to self-
assessment would limit the applicability of the method. It is argued that allowing
formal 3rd party expert assessments using the simplified method should not be
A third and final discussion was held with topical group B to discuss the scope of
the simplified method, to address previously raised concerns regarding the field of
application78. The study team presents two potential options for dealing with the
simplified method (A) and the detailed method (B):
Topical Group B: calculation methodology – web meeting 04/11/2019
One stakeholder raises the concern that mixing methods A and B may be
confusing, and suggests to only use method B for 3rd party assessment and only
allow online self-assessment in method A. To overcome the issue, the results of
the assessment should clearly state whether or not it is a formal assessment or
an informative assessment.
The suggested simplified service catalogue for method A can be found in ANNEX
• a checklist approach using the detailed service catalogue developed in the first
technical study;
• on-site inspection;
• third-party qualified expert assessment (cf. EPC) OR self-assessment by a non-
independent expert (e.g. facility manager);
• assessment time: ½ day to 1 day, depending on the size and complexity of
the building;
• open to large non-residential and residential buildings (net surface floor area
• aim: to raise awareness of the smartness of buildings, formal assessment to
provide detailed insight into the smartness of a building compared to its
maximum potential smartness.
The detailed Method B remains the default method, applicable to all building types,
including residential and non-residential buildings, as well as new constructions,
retrofits and existing buildings. The assessment is to be performed by a third-
party expert assessor and is currently the only method that issues a formal
assessment. Alternatively, self-assessment by a non-independent expert (e.g.
facility manager) may be envisioned. Similar to method A, a self-assessment
would be merely informative, and would not issue a formal assessment.
Interactions with various facility managers highlighted their general support for
SRI as a tool to assess, compare and optimise their building portfolio. In particular,
the ability to allow self-assessment for the detailed method was strongly
supported79. Similar to the simplified method, self-assessment has the benefit of
being able to provide an indication of the current smartness and the potential to
improve, without requiring the cost and inconvenience of a formal assessment. Its
main purpose would be to provide insight and raise awareness of the smartness
of buildings. In the case building experts such as facility managers, this could
empower them to plan future upgrades of the building in terms of smartness.
Based on discussions at the conference for Future Oriented Facility Management, 22/10/2019,
Both for methods A and B, it could be envisioned that over time TBSs/BACS might
be able to self-report functionality levels. Such an approach would allow for a
(partial) automated assessment, which would reduce the required effort and cost
of the assessment. Since the functionalities of the TBSs/BACS control systems are
often the most complex to assess on site, automated reporting by these systems
could significantly reduce the required expertise by third-party assessors, and
contribute to the overall accuracy of the assessment. Since the methodology relies
on data collection from the TBSs/BACS, the field of applicability would be limited
to in-use SRI assessments. Hence, it is likely that a non-automated assessment
approach remains available alongside the automated approach, to enable
assessments in the design phase of the building.
In their advice to the technical study consortium and the Commission Services,
Topical Group C states that:
Topical Group A: implementation pathways and value proposition, meeting on 26/03/2019 in
and Topical Group B: calculation methodology, meeting on 26/03/2019 in Brussels
The full report of topical group C can be found on www.smartreadinessindicator.eu/ stakeholder-
• ‘Be future-proof and evolve from a “smart ready assessment” towards “true
building performance: the timely introduction of the SRI as a quantitative
indicator will help guide necessary investments and upgrades of buildings.
However, only if the SRI, as an indicator, evolves into a true quantitative
measure of the performance of the building over time, and performance
improvement goals are set accordingly will there be a positive impact on the
EPBD goals.’
• 'Future developments of the SRI should consider in-use smart building
performance assessment.’
• 'A large-scale deployment of state-of-the-art Building Automation and Control
Systems will create the conditions, in the future, for having a detailed, in-use
assessment performed automatically. […] We agree with the presentation
displayed during the Stakeholder meeting: this is not applicable as of today,
but it should be the goal of a future evolution of the SRI. The deployment of
BACS functionalities in Art. 14/15 of the revised EPBD by 2025 will be key to
ensure that this method could become reality in the future.’
• 'A steering committee is needed to update the SRI framework every year to
ensure product innovations are included in the catalogue of services and
methodology. A subgroup of this Committee should be tasked to investigate
how to move towards Method C, i.e. move the SRI towards a quantitative
building performance indicator.’
Topical group C has also reflected on the concept of the suggested method C. In
their advice to the technical study consortium and the Commission Services,
Topical Group C states that method C could be a framework/process that would
bring all relevant stakeholders together and gear the digital transformation of the
built environment towards reaching the EU's long term goals. On potential benefits
of a method C, the recommendations report of topical group C states the following:
• ‘For a new method C it is very important to keep in mind that the whole point
of this method is to let the SRI evolve from a parameter which consists of
factors levelling functionalities of services from the Smart Services Catalogue
(currently methods A and B) to a parameter which quantifies the building’s
In some cases, smart services might only be present in a part of the building. For
instance, “control of artificial lighting power based on daylight levels” may be
available in the open office space, but not in corridors. From a methodological
perspective, this can easily be tackled by assessing all relevant services in all
rooms of a building, and subsequently weighting the impact scores depending on
their relative presence (e.g. by introducing weighting factors corresponding to the
floor areas where services are present). One can however also imagine other
assessment approaches which could significantly reduce the assessment efforts.
For instance, one could define representative rooms, or only include either the
minimum or maximum functionality level present in the building. That way, the
assessor does not have to collect information on every service in every room in
great detail. Neither is there a need to calculate the applicable net surface floor
areas or collect other data to define additional weighting factors, both of which
could be quite burdensome and represent a significant share of the assessment
This issue was also touched upon in the first meeting of Topical Group B, with
members being asked to vote for, or against the statement:
During the public beta testing, participants were provided with two options to deal
with the issue of services which are only present in parts of the building, namely:
The second option was seldom used in the testing phase, and the feedback
received enabled clear clarification of stakeholders preferences on this issue.
In summary, the following options are possible to deal with services being present
in part of the building or with varying functionality levels:
b) assessing the service with the highest functionality level, even if only
present in small sections of the building
d) assessing the services only in key areas of the building, e.g. by defining
‘representative rooms’ for specific building usages.
Option a) is the easiest to implement, but could be too strict, considering that
some smart services may not be as relevant in all areas of the building (for
instance in areas such as hallways, technical rooms, etc., there is less need for
indoor air quality monitoring compared to offices or class rooms). Option b) is
equally easy to implement, but could trigger effects of ‘gaming’ the SRI
assessment, by implementing services to a high level but only in very limited parts
of the building. This could in turn affect the trustworthiness of the indicator. Option
c) is the most detailed approach, but also requires the most effort, both in
assessing various service levels as in defining the weighting factors. Besides the
net surface floor area, other metrics could be considered. In case of multiple heat
generators, for instance, the maximum power or the generators or even the
annual delivered energy could be used to express the relative importance of two
distinct functionality levels. A variant could be to require such analysis only if
differentiation of functionality levels is significant; for instance by introducing a
threshold of 80% of floor area. If a service level is present in 80% or more of the
net floor area, the alternative functionality levels do not have to be assessed in
this case. Finally, option d) also reduces the assessment efforts by requiring the
functionality levels only to be assessed in key areas of the building. In principle,
all four options - or a blend thereof – are feasible.
The study team suggests that this issue is dealt with by introducing detailed
guidelines in the inspection protocols, preferably coordinated at European level. Conclusion
The study has pursued the development of both Method A and Method B, in close
consultation with topical group A and B, and informed by the results of the public
beta test in which both methods were made available to stakeholders. This
resulted in:
It is clear that the SRI process will need to abide by the provisions of the GDPR
and ensure that necessary permissions are given to access (and potentially share)
any user data the scheme may require. Stakeholders have offered no comments
apart from this on this topic; however, for the development of any specific SRI
organisational pathway the study team will need to work through the GDPR
requirements and ensure that the approach is set up in a manner that complies
with them but is also viable. In this regard it will be important to conduct a Data
Privacy Impact Assessment to assess the data protection of the scheme’s
operational ecosystem whose components could include the smart grids, smart
metering systems and connected built-in devices within the target buildings. Such
DPIA would need to complement and integrate the existing Impact Assessment
template for smart grids and smart metering systems 82.
In particular, Annex II specifies that data protection aspects will be considered for
the costs-benefits analysis of the implementation of the recast Energy Efficiency
“1. Member States shall ensure the deployment of smart metering systems
in their territories that may be subject to an economic assessment of all
of the long-term costs and benefits to the market and the consumer
or which form of smart metering is economically reasonable and cost-
effective and which time-frame is feasible for their distribution. 2. Such
assessment shall take into consideration the methodology for the cost-
benefit analysis and the minimum functionalities for smart metering
systems provided for in Commission Recommendation 2012/148/EU1 as
well as the best available techniques for ensuring the highest level
of cybersecurity and data protection.”
With respect to cybersecurity, the main issues that could arise will concern the
security of data being shared by any TBS or smart service via the internet (which
would be the case for Method C in particular but also for many other smart
systems). There will also be cybersecurity risks with databases of either on-line
(e.g. Method A) or third-party (Method B) systems.
The SRI cannot be expected to resolve these risks because they are inherent in
the use of progressively smarter TBSs and services that are being offered to the
market independently of the SRI; however, the SRI must take a responsible
approach to this issue and this means that it should aim to draw user attention to
the risks and the solutions. The obvious approach will be to highlight that there is
(more accurately, will be) a voluntary cyber security label which each
interconnected device/TBS could adhere to. The SRI could thus either simply
include notification to users to be aware of cybersecurity risks and that the
systems that carry the cyber security label are better protected, or indicate which
systems have the label and which do not. The viability of the latter approach will
depend on how the voluntary cyber security label is eventually implemented.
However, as its development is just beginning and choices about which products
and services will be addressed are still to be taken, this is likely to be an issue that
will need to be revisited after the current technical study is completed.
The conclusion of the technical study consortium is that it is not viable to explicitly
assess cybersecurity in the framework of the SRI in the absence of well-
established third-party certification schemes.
The SRI’s interaction with other schemes such as EPCs, Level(s), broadband ready,
voluntary cyber security label, building renovation passports, etc., is one of the
key issues to be resolved in the lead-up to its implementation. As noted in the
previous text there are a great many schemes the SRI could potentially interact
with and this text is not comprehensive. Stakeholder remarks (especially those
received between the two technical studies) highlight the importance of clarifying
this issue. Many stakeholders have expressed a desire for the SRI to be linked to
EPCs and stressed the evident synergies that could exist, including taking
advantage of the EPC assessment process to also address the SRI and thereby:
• ensure that the SRI is rolled out at least as rapidly as the EPC is (especially if
it is made mandatory by Member States)
• use the same third-party assessor, thereby helping to ensure the integrity of
the assessment and avoiding duplicate effort.
While this is self-evident, it is also a decision for Member States and hence the
study team must proceed on the basis that it is one of the implementation
pathways that could be envisaged, but that others may also be pursued.
The issue of potential linkages of the SRI with other schemes has been examined
in discussion with Topical Group A amongst others, and the findings have helped
to inform the development of the prospective set of implementation pathways
described in Task 2.
The degree of interoperability of TBS can be a limiting factor affecting the smart
services and impacts that can be delivered within a building. Interoperability of
systems can avoid duplication of efforts (e.g. investment for occupancy detection
systems and monitoring displays for lighting, for space heating and cooling and
ventilation systems) and optimise the control and maintenance of TBS (e.g. single
interface for controlling heating and cooling facilitates the operation of the building
and prevents spilling energy through uncoordinated simultaneous heating and
cooling in building zones). Next, interoperability is essential for allowing TBS to
interact with the energy grids. Finally, interoperable systems are desirable in the
light of future upgrades of the building as they can avoid proprietary lock-in and
facilitate innovative solutions.
In the second interim report of July 2019, three potential approaches to consider
interoperability within the SRI were presented, each with different implications
towards SRI calculation methodology and assessment process:
In July 2019, technical experts of the topical stakeholder working groups A and B
where surveyed on the theme of interoperability in the SRI. A total of 21
respondents filled out this survey. Generally, their responses reflect the notion
that an extensive assessment of interoperability aspects in the SRI assessment
would be intricate and require extensive efforts.
Only 3 respondents agree that visual inspection would be a viable option, while 14
disagree and 4 remained neutral. 13 respondents state that interoperability cannot
readily be assessed since this information is generally lacking on product labels
and technical documentation (4 ‘disagree’, 4 ‘I don’t know’). 16 out of 21
respondents agree that the efforts required for a detailed assessment of
interoperability aspects would significantly increase the time needed to conduct
an SRI assessment (3 ‘disagree’, 2 ‘I don’t know’).
When presented with the three approaches suggested by the study team for
including interoperability aspects in the SRI, 10 respondents prefer the implicit
approach, whilst 6 favour an informative approach and 5 the explicit approach. 2
respondents answered ‘no opinion/not relevant for the SRI’.
In the survey, respondents of the topical working groups were presented with a
preliminary list of various candidates for common communication protocols and
standards which could potentially be favoured in terms of interoperability. Initially
provided suggestions were 1-wire, BACnet, DALI, DMX, EnOcean, KNX, Lonworks,
Modbus, M-bus, TCP/IP, X10, ZigBee and Z-Wave. Respondents also had the
opportunity to add other protocols and standards. One respondent did so, adding
DECT/ULE. Another stakeholder commented that instead of looking for common
protocols one should aim for common languages, hereby suggesting SAREF,
SAREF4ENER and SPINE. This was however covered in another question.
Respondents were able to select multiple options. All of the suggested options
received between 1 and 7 votes. This reflects the current heterogeneity of the
field. A stakeholder commented that nevertheless the list was still too generic and
incomplete, flagging up that for example TCP/IP consists of various versions.
Respondents were also invited to indicate their preferences on the use of SAREF
to treat interoperability, especially with regard to flexibility to the energy grid.
SAREF (Smart Appliance Reference) is a common ontology in the domain of smart
appliances. The European Commission has boosted the development of this
common ontology and a technical standard has been developed by ETSI. Four
respondents claim that “Compliance to SAREF should be explicitly assessed as part
of the SRI assessment procedure of flexibility services.”, whereas six respondents
report that “Compliance to SAREF should not be assessed in the SRI, as this will
anyway be the standard for new products on the emerging field of grid flexibility
services in buildings”.
Three respondents indicated “I consider there are other relevant standards and
protocols”, but when asked none of them specified these. It was however correctly
commented that SAREF is only an ontology considering data points semantics but
not covering communication aspects, thus only covering a part of the
interoperability aspects.
The SAREF ontology is a promising initiative which receives broad support from
stakeholders and EU policy initiatives. The SAREF ontology helps to create a
common language, even if various technical products use different protocols.
A simple and straightforward assessment criterium for interoperability could
potentially consists of simply requiring compliance to the SAREF ontology or
one of its domain extensions such as SAREF4BLDG. A few concerns limit the
practical applicability of this potential approach:
This proposal bears many similarities with the proposal described before. A few
additional comments can be raised:
This could indeed be a valuable suggestion, but risks to blur the EU wide
recognition of the scheme and related benefits to structure the market of
smart technologies. If this option would be preferred, the study consortium
suggests to implement it as an additional information provision alongside
the SRI score, rather than introducing national assessment schemes in the
main SRI scoring mechanism.
Based on the observations of the consortium and discussions with topical group
members, the study team consortium proposes to include interoperability in a
blended approach, combining the implicit approach and a voluntary inclusion of
information provision on interoperability aspects.
A formal evaluation of interoperability which affects the SRI scoring process is not
retained as a feasible option. Whilst interoperability is acknowledged as a very
important concern in relation to the SRI, there are significant limitations to the
actionability of the explicit evaluation of the interoperability. This approach would
require in-depth information on a very broad range of technology and
This approach has been presented during the second stakeholder meeting in
Brussels and discussed and finetuned with the topical group B experts at multiple
Mostly from different vendors and OEMs (Original equipment manufacturers)
In terms of interfaces and sensor interpretation
The proposal of the technical study team is to develop this additional information
provision in two stages:
• In a first version of the SRI, the information provision would entail a listing
of the communication protocols of the various TBS. In case this information
could not be obtained, this could also be explicitly indicated.
• In future iterations of the SRI, a dedicated evaluation of interoperability
aspects could be added.
A suggestion to structure this evaluation has been proposed by the study team.
It consists of the evaluation of two interoperability aspects on domain level:
1. The extent to which TBS are capable of sharing operational data (e.g.
current and historic energy consumption data) through an open
2. The extent to which TBS can also be controlled through an external
signal; e.g. through external smartphone apps or building energy
managers which can access the actuators through an open and well-
documented API.
This approach was tested by some topical group B members on actual case
study buildings. The appraisal of the technical study team is that this
approach is promising, but requires further investigation, testing,
standardization and development of datasets. It should therefore not be
part of the first version of the SRI, but can be added in future updates once
fully actionable.
In line with the implicit approach suggested for dealing with interoperability issues
in the SRI, it is therefore suggested to treat connectivity as an implicit requirement
to some of the services - e.g. in relation to monitoring and control through
handheld devices, or flexibility aspects requiring minimal digital connectivity – but
not to perform an explicit assessment. This proposal has been discussed with
topical group B in a conference call on 4 November 2019. The topical group experts
agree that a separate assessment would be out of scope of the SRI and are
supportive of the suggested approach.
This is especially the case for many of the services sourced from EN 15232 ‘Energy
Performance of Buildings — Impact of Building Automation, Controls and Building
Management’ (module M10). This standard is the overarching standard that
models the impact of BACS on a building’s energy consumption. The standard is
developed by CEN/TC 247 and part of a series of standards aiming at international
harmonization of the methodology for the assessment of the energy performance
of buildings, called “EPB set of standards”. This standard contains a list of BACS
and technical building management (TBM) functions and categorises them in line
with the modular structure defined by the over-arching EPB standard (EN ISO
52000-1). Other examples of standards used include the lighting control systems
as defined in EN 15193-1:2017, Smart Grid Use cases from IEC 62559-2:2015,
etc. More general background information on relevant standards for smart ready
services is reported in Annex D of the final report of the first technical support
study for the SRI.
The suggested approach has been well received by stakeholders. One organisation
wrote in their white paper:
During a discussion with Topical Group B86 on this matter, one member reiterated
the need to set up a steering committee, responsible for updating the SRI
framework. Members suggested that the process of updating could largely be
copied from standardisation processes, where typically 5-year cycles exist. Shorter
cycles – e.g. 3 years – could be envisaged, although yearly updates are not
deemed necessary. In addition to the fixed updating cycles, it was suggested that
industry could be allowed to signal product innovations to the committee in case
important new services or functionality levels become available. Upon request
from industry, the committee could decide to advance an update if needed.
Following the discussion, the study team received a number of position papers
addressing the issue, in which the aforementioned are largely confirmed. However,
agreement on the frequency of the updating cycles is currently lacking.
• 'A Steering Committee is needed to update the SRI framework every year to
ensure product innovations are included in the catalogue of services and
methodology. A subgroup of this Committee should be tasked to investigate
how to move towards Method C, i.e. move the SRI towards a quantitative
building performance indicator.’
Topical Group B: calculation methodology; Web meeting on 14/05/2019
Additionally, Topical Group C have been tasked to discuss a process for updating
the SRI methodology; e.g. updating the service catalogue by adding or removing
domains, services, or functionality levels, etc. The topical group has made the
following recommendations in terms of format and process 87:
• ‘At EU/Europe level the set of CEN/ISO Energy Performance of Buildings (EPB)
standards (developed for the EPBD's implementation, https://epb.center/epb-
standards/background/) seems like a good implementation avenue to consider
i.e. make the SRI methodology an EN (maybe also ISO) standard (EN SRI
standard would be adopted automatically at national level, although not
mandatory, easing the SRI implementation). As such the CEN SRI working
group could be integrated in the overall (envisioned) SRI platform and more
content in terms of relations to other EN (maybe also ISO) standards would be
easily incorporated. High attention should be though given to the length of the
updating cycles i.e. the SRI might need shorter cycles because it is dealing
with fast evolving technology.’
• ‘At national level the EPC schemes seem to be the most obvious
implementation avenues, which are by now mature and poses a lot of "dos and
don'ts". The SRI could be a voluntary or mandatory add-on on the current EPC.
It could thus be ensured that the framework of the EPC (which is widely
accepted and known by the public) acts as a multiplier for the SRI. At the same
time a go-to-the market could be a voluntary based scheme.’
In the view of the study team this probably implies a process wherein there is a
standing body charged with ensuring the update of the SRI in response to technical
developments and any issues that arise from its implementation. The process of
inaugurating, resourcing and maintaining such a body is discussed in section 3.3.
The full report of topical group C can be found on www.smartreadinessindicator.eu/stakeholder-
The main objective of this activity is to provide technical input with regard to the
calculation methodology of the SRI that enables the Commission Services to draft
the methodology according to the framework provided in the amended EPBD. A
key challenge to reaching this goal is to ensure mapping of the smart ready
services and their impacts over different KPIs (e.g. energy, comfort, health and
well-being, grid interaction, etc.) that both correctly reflects the expected
performance of smart ready technologies and is endorsed by the stakeholder
community and Member States.
As a starting point, this activity builds on the outcomes of the critical review in
Activity 1 and reflects on the updated technical recommendations for the SRI
definition and associated smart service catalogue of Activity 2 to identify possible
updates and improvements to the calculation methodology. Thus, the focus is on
the translation of the functionality levels of smart ready services to the final SRI
score of the building being considered. For the SRI to both (i) resonate with
building occupiers, service bill payers and owners and (ii) ensure it reaches its
goal of stimulating the uptake of smart technologies in buildings, the integrity and
credibility of the SRI are of essence. In other words, a higher SRI score should
correctly reflect the greater ability of a building to adapt to the needs of its users,
to optimise energy efficiency and to adapt to signals from the grid.
This section presents a consolidated calculation methodology for the SRI. The
presented methodology is the result of:
• a critical analysis of the ordinal scores for the smart ready services in the
service catalogue for all impact criteria
• an evaluation of different propositions of weighting schemes to aggregate the
scores for the selected impact domains to an overall SRI score and by extent
an evaluation of the selected impact domains themselves
a triage process to identify the optimal set of evaluated technical building services
in relation to the specific building context (e.g. residential versus non-residential,
climate region, etc.). Throughout the study, the technical study consortium have
presented intermediate iterations of the calculation methodology to the
stakeholder community, and have captured their feedback for further refinement.
This includes various discussions with the topical B expert group which was set up
to support the technical study on methodological issues as well as the feedback
captured from the public beta testing (see section 5.1.3). White papers, open
public surveys (e.g. the feedback form on the second interim report) and direct
interactions further fed into the discussion.
1. Heating
2. Cooling
3. Domestic hot water
Feedback received on the first technical study indicates that some stakeholders
would like to see additional domains, including the following.
• Material use
Although material use is a crucial theme in sustainability, there is no clear link
to building smartness. It is therefore deemed to be out of scope for the SRI.
Within the scope of the SRI, infrastructure is not assessed explicitly but is
valued implicitly as a prerequisite for other smart services. In other words,
infrastructure is only valued when the smart service it enables has been
Controlled ventilation refers to a ventilation system with air flow rates that are controlled based on
settings chosen by the user and / or other parameters on the indoor environment (e.g. indoor air
quality, thermal comfort).
The study team believes that a distinction should be made between two
elements: (i) the passive design feature itself and (ii) the (potential) dynamic
management capability of such a feature. The first element refers to measures
such as rational window-to-wall ratios, window overhangs or sufficient thermal
mass to prevent overheating. The examples given do not entail any dynamic
management capabilities and therefore do not fit within the scope of the SRI.
They are, however, covered by EPCs. This remark illustrates the relevance of
aligning with other frameworks and schemes, as discussed in Task 1 Activity
2. A second element relates to the dynamic management capabilities of passive
features, e.g. automated control of solar shading devices. Although solar
shading can be seen as a passive measure, the controls of solar shading can
have different degrees of smartness. Therefore, dynamic control of passive
measures does fit within the scope of the SRI and is already represented in the
service catalogue.
• Air circulation
This is understood by the study team as air circulation that is not caused or
prevented by a controlled ventilation system, which is already covered in the
SRI. These controlled ventilation systems include both mechanical ventilation
systems (i.e. through the use of one or multiple fans) and controlled natural
ventilation systems (i.e. through the control of ventilation openings, potentially
based on IEQ parameters). Examples of such air circulation are unwanted
draught (potentially resulting in comfort and health issues) or uncontrolled
natural ventilation (potentially leading to good indoor air quality without a need
for a controlled ventilation system). Neither example has controllability,
therefore both are considered to fall outside the scope of the SRI.
• Noise reduction
Although noise and acoustic comfort are relevant to comfort and to health and
well-being, acoustic performance is governed by design choices (such as
adequate sizing or sufficient dampers) and not by clearly identified TBS
As mentioned in section 1.1, a clear definition of the scope of the SRI is crucial for
determining which aspects are out of scope and which ones may be relevant. Some
aspects do not fit within the scope of the SRI but are taken into consideration in
other initiatives. Therefore, it is also important to identify potential linkages to
other initiatives.
Apart from the suggestions for additional SRI domains, the study team has
investigated possibilities for further optimising the definitions of the currently
included domains. At this stage, two major changes are envisioned.
The study team have redistributed the services to the domains most closely
related to each service. As a result, the definition of a dedicated demand-
side management domain becomes obsolete. This redistribution may also
ease communication, since the term “DSM” is likely to be unknown to the
wider public, despite being a well-known concept among experts. It should
be emphasized that the redistributing of services does not reduce the
importance of demand side management and grid control. On the contrary,
the updated detailed service catalogue (see section 1.3.4) now contains 17
services that include DSM and the use of grid signals, whereas formerly
only 12 grid-related services were included.
The services in the building service catalogue translate into different impacts
related to the three key functionalities defined in the amended EPBD, namely the
energy performance of the building, the building users and the energy grid. During
the first technical study, eight impact criteria were identified to cover the intended
pillars defined in the amended EPBD.
The analysis revealed an overlap between “energy flexibility and storage” and
“self-generation”. The former acknowledges services that provide either demand
side flexibility (the ability to shift loads in time) or the ability to store energy, with
a clear focus on the advantages for the energy grid. The latter also rewards
services that allow for energy storage, but from a user perspective. The focus is
shifted towards providing more autonomy in terms of security of supply. It can be
argued that autonomy should be seen as convenience for the occupant (e.g.
guaranteed continuity in energy provision).
Under the SRI methodology proposed in the first technical study, the smart
readiness score of a building is a percentage that expresses how close (or far) the
building is from maximal smart readiness. The higher the percentage is, the
smarter the building. The process to calculate this global score is straightforward.
N=A×a+B×b+C×c+D×d+E×e+F×f+G×g (1)
The following paragraphs describe potential methods for defining the weighting
factors to aggregate scores on domain and impact criterion level, and eventually
to a single score SRI indicator.
This approach diverts from the ambition to weight the domains (and/or
services in the domain) in order to reflect their relative importance to the
total score for an impact category. In contrast, an equal weight is given to
each service domain and to each of the services within a domain. Note that
the hierarchical approach is maintained between domains and services
within a domain. Consequently, a domain with more services will not have
a higher weight than one with fewer services listed in the service catalogue.
With this approach, the weight of domains (or specific services) can differ
for the various impact categories. For example, the services in the heating
domain might jointly account for 60% of the obtainable score for the
“energy savings” impact category, whereas for other impacts such as
“convenience” or “comfort”, the relative weight of the heating domain is
lower, e.g. 25%. Thus, this expresses that added smartness to the
operation of cooling systems, ventilation, etc., also offers significant
comfort and convenience benefits, even though for a particular building
One of the main limiting factors in developing such an approach is the lack
of generally accepted calculation methods or even comparison frameworks
that allow the differentiation of the importance of the domains in the total
score for some of the impact categories. For the impact category “energy
savings”, multiple sources can provide valuable input (e.g. statistical
building stock data, EPCs and standards such as EN52016 and EN15232).
To the knowledge of the consortium, for many of the more qualitative
impact domains (convenience, information provision, etc.) no scientific
evidence is available to support the calculation of weighting factors.
Weighting factors will therefore have to be established through other
methods, e.g. expert groups or public questionnaires. In any case, deriving
scores should not be based on interpretation by individual SRI assessors,
but should be defined in the method to ensure a fully replicable SRI
The weight given to a certain service could reflect the importance of that
service in the overall energy use of the building. Typically, an energy
balance allows the derivation of the relative importance of different
domains. To take into account climatic conditions, an energy balance could
be derived for a given building type (e.g. residential buildings) in a certain
climatic zone. Statistical building stock data allow the generation of default
weighting factors for a given climatic zone. For buildings that have (or are
in the process of obtaining) an EPC, it could be envisioned that the
weighting factors for energy savings are derived from the EPC calculation.
As such, the SRI calculation includes not only climatic conditions but also
individualised building characteristics.
Given the lack of quantification schemes for some of the impact categories
(e.g. convenience, well-being, information to occupant), one could consider
to extrapolate the weightings for the impact category “energy” to all other
impact categories. In other words, the influence of all services is associated
with the impact on a building’s energy use.
• The idea of the predicted impact method was well received. However, it was
acknowledged that no solid grounds for the quantification of these weighting
factors are readily available. For domains related to energy consumption,
weightings could be derived from an energy balance (hence: energy balance
method). For the quantification of the weighting factors for other impact
criteria, other sources should be found. Stakeholders were asked to provide
data sources that may support the definition of weighting factors, but the study
team did not receive any significant sources.
• Focusing on energy-related impact criteria, there is strong support for using
existing energy performance certificates to derive weighting factors. This
Topical Group B: calculation methodology – web call 7/5/2019
Based on the input from stakeholders, the study team has developed a hybrid
approach. The study team suggests applying the energy balance method for all
impact criteria that are directly linked to energy. In particular, this includes
“energy savings”, “maintenance and fault prediction”, and “energy flexibility and
storage”. It should be noted that it is currently not possible to derive weightings
from the energy balance for all domains. The contribution of the domain
“monitoring and control” typically cannot be derived from an energy balance. Also,
the impact of a dynamic envelope is typically not quantified in an energy balance.
The proposed method attributes a fixed weighting factor to these domains, e.g.
20% for monitoring and control and 5% for dynamic building envelope, with the
remaining 75% being determined from the energy balance.
• Residential buildings
• Non-residential buildings
• Space heating
• Space cooling
• Water heating
• Lighting.
Additional operations are needed to obtain a weighting factor for the controlled
ventilation domain, as it is not included in the BSO energy balance. The energy
demand related to controlled ventilation consists of two components: the
(auxiliary) electricity demand for fans and the contribution of ventilation to the
energy demand for space heating (= ventilation losses). The ratio between the
average transmission heat loss coefficient and the average ventilation heat loss
coefficient is used. For details on the calculation procedure, please consult the
guidance document (0, section
To determine weighting factors for the cooling domain, additional data is required.
Many buildings across Europe do not have a mechanical cooling system. This
means that – to avoid underestimation of the importance of the cooling domain –
the national energy consumption for cooling should only be applied to those
buildings equipped with a mechanical cooling system. Two types of data were used
to determine the weighting factor for cooling:
• the annual, national energy consumption for space cooling: the building stock
observatory: https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/eu-buildings-database
• the share of buildings equipped with mechanical cooling installations, broken
up by country and by building type (residential or non-residential):
To determine the weighting factor for a climate zone, national data is weighted
using the population of the respective countries. Countries with no data on the
energy consumption for space cooling have been excluded from the calculation, to
avoid a negative impact on the weighting factors.
Despite the correction for buildings without cooling, the obtained weighting factor
is 0% for some conditions (residential buildings in Northern and North-Eastern
Europe). Other conditions lead to very low weighting factors as well. Until better
quantitative data is available, it is suggested to apply a fixed minimum weighting
for the cooling domain (e.g. 5%), or to allow adaptation to the local context.
The obtained weighting factors can be found in the respective service catalogues
in ANNEX E and 0.
Based on the first technical study and the input and feedback received from
stakeholders, Member States and the Commission during and after that first study,
three proposals were introduced focusing on three principal alternatives in defining
the impact criteria. These proposals vary in the relative importance they attribute
to seven previously defined impact criteria and relate back to the initial EPBD
definition91. The proposals are:
First, the proposals could issue a change in the ordinal scores attributed to impact
criteria. Currently, for every functionality level of every service an ordinal score is
attributed to each of the seven impact criteria. When following Proposal 2, only
three impact criteria would be retained. Consequently, instead of attributing a
score for “comfort” or “convenience” separately, a score would be attributed that
reflects the impact of a given service on the “needs of the occupant” in more
general terms. Given the relatively wide scope of each of these three impact
criteria, the definition of the ordinal scores is at risk of becoming less transparent
and objective. In the case of Proposal 3 (hybrid approach), the scores for the
seven impact criteria would be retained, but an aggregation (using a certain
weighting) would be applied.
Second, the proposals could – but do not necessarily have to – affect the
contribution of an impact criterion on the single SRI score. In the first study, an
equal weighting was proposed for the impact criteria. As such, the following
weightings would be obtained:
• Proposal 1: equal weight for each impact criterion, namely 14.3% (= 1/7)
• Proposal 2: equal weight for each impact criterion, namely 33.3% (= 1/3)
• Proposal 3: equal weight for the EPBD impact criteria (33.3%), with equal
weights within each EPBD criterion:
o 33% for “energy performance and operation”, divided into 16.7%
each for “energy savings” and “maintenance & fault prediction”
o 33% for “needs of the occupant”, divided into 8.3% each for
“comfort”, “convenience”, “health and well-being” and “information
to occupants”
o 33% for “energy flexibility and storage”.
Third, the selected strategy will affect communication relating to impact scores.
In Proposal 1, communication is needed for seven impact criteria, whereas in
Proposal 2, only three impact criteria need to be addressed. The high number of
impact criteria in Proposal 1 increases the volume of information to be conveyed
At the time of the discussion, 8 impact criteria were considered.
Figure 18 - Seven impact criteria as suggested by the first technical study on the SRI
Figure 20 - Seven impact sub-criteria (SRI1) that are aggregated to three impact criteria
The aforementioned options were presented to Topical Group B 92, and a SWOT
analysis was performed. The following could be concluded from the discussion.
This was discussed during the first meeting of Topical Group B: calculation methodology on
26/3/2019 in Brussels.
Note: at the time of the discussion, 8 impact criteria were considered, leading to a 50% contribution
of “needs of the occupants”. Currently, only 7 impact criteria are considered, leading to a weight
of 57% for occupant-related impact criteria.
Related to this discussion, participants suggested that building users might want
to know more about different aspects of the building smartness rather than just
one overall indicator. Even in the case of moving to a single score, there should
be opportunity for end users to get impact scores (= sub-score on the impact
criterion level), as they provide more insight to the qualities and shortcomings of
a building. This was also well reflected in the questionnaire results. It is also
pertinent that this conclusion aligns with the views expressed in Topical Group A
that the eight impact criteria (perhaps excluding “self-generation”) have intrinsic
value and should therefore be retained either explicitly (as in the first technical
study option) or implicitly (as per the hybrid option).
Finally, the proposals also affect the definition of ordinal scores. Since the three
impact criteria in Proposal 2 are relatively broad and vague, the performance
assessment of these criteria becomes more complicated; for instance, how is the
impact on user friendliness measured? Proposals 1 and 3 share the advantage that
the defined eight impact criteria can be assessed individually. In the case of
Proposal 3, the score for each impact criterion should further be aggregated to the
three EPBD impact criteria.
A voting session was organised at the end of the discussion with Topical Group
B94. There were 21 participants in total in the voting session, and five of them did
not vote. The first proposal (eight impact criteria from the first technical study)
received five votes, whereas Proposal 3 (hybrid version) received 11 votes. This
exercise suggests that either the eight impact criteria from the first technical
study, or the hybrid approach – in which the impact criteria are aggregated into
the three EPBD aspects – should be pursued. Among the Topical Group B
respondents, there was no support for pursuing the three EPBD aspects in isolation
from the underlying impacts.
The horizontal aggregation has been further discussed during a meeting with
topical group B. Most stakeholders agreed that the 1/3 weighting of the EPBD key
features correctly reflects the intentions of the revised EPBD and should be
adopted in the SRI methodology. Stakeholders also confirmed the importance of
demand side flexibility as a key aspect of the SRI, justifying the 1/3 weighting of
this domain. One stakeholder expresses their concern that the SRI should focus
more on user needs and hence should not implement the second layer of impact
criterion weighting factors. Hence, no unanimity exists on this subject.
In conclusion, the study team proposes to withhold the hybrid approach (Proposal
3), as illustrated in Figure 21. The approach is considered to reflect most
This was discussed during the first meeting of Topical Group B: calculation methodology on
26/3/2019 in Brussels.
• Building type
• non-residential buildings
• residential buildings
• Climate zone
• Northern Europe
• Western Europe
• North-Eastern Europe
• South-Eastern Europe
• Southern Europe.
• for all impact criteria: a 20% weighting is assigned to the domain “monitoring
and control”
• for the impact criteria “energy savings”, “maintenance and fault prediction”
and “energy flexibility and storage”, a 5% weighting is assigned to the domains
“electric vehicle charging” and “dynamic building envelope”. If no impact
scores exist for a given domain, the value is forced to zero.
• these values are not dependent on the climate zone or building type
• these values cannot be changed when using an alternative energy balance.
• these values are not dependent on the climate zone or building type
• these values cannot be changed when using an alternative energy balance.
For instance,
(1 − 𝑓𝑀𝐶,𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑓 )
𝑓𝐻𝐸𝐴𝑇,𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑓 =
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑣𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑠
(1 − 0,20)
𝑓𝐻𝐸𝐴𝑇,𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑓 =
𝑓𝐻𝐸𝐴𝑇,𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑓 = 0,16
where 𝑓𝑑𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛,𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡 is the weighting factor for a given domain and impact
Energy balance weights are assigned to the impact criteria “energy savings”,
“maintenance and fault prediction” and “energy flexibility and storage”. The value
of the weighting factor is obtained by multiplying the remaining weight for the
given impact criterion (100% - Σ(fixed weights)) by the relative importance of the
domain in the energy balance:
For instance, for non-residential buildings in Western Europe the default weighting
factor for the domain “heating” on “energy savings on site” is calculated as follows:
𝑓𝐻𝐸𝐴𝑇,𝑒𝑛𝑒 = 0,27
• 𝑓𝑑𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛,𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑡 𝑐𝑟𝑖𝑡 is the weighting factor for a given domain and impact criterion
• 𝛼𝑑𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛 is the relative importance of a domain in the used energy balance
(values to be obtained from Figure 23 or Figure 24).
Figure 23- relative importance of a domain by climate zone, for residential buildings
Should the assessor wish to use a building-specific energy balance (for instance
from an EPC calculation), the primary energy uses for space heating, domestic hot
water, space cooling, controlled ventilation, lighting and production of on-site
renewable electricity should be available.
For each of these 6 domains, the correction factor 𝛼𝑑𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛 is calculated by dividing
the primary energy use of the given domain by the sum of the six primary energy
For instance, the correction factor for heating would be calculated as follows:
• 𝑄𝐻𝐸𝐴𝑇 is the primary energy use for space heating of the given building
• 𝑄𝐷𝐻𝑊 is the primary energy use for domestic hot water of the given building
• 𝑄𝐶𝑂𝑂𝐿 is the primary energy use for space cooling of the given building
The detailed service catalogue (method B) and the simplified service catalogue
(method A) have been thoroughly reviewed based on various stakeholder
feedback, including written feedback on the 2 nd interim report, a review session
with members of Topical Group B and feedback from the public beta testing. The
review resulted in a number of modifications, including:
The consolidated service catalogues are found in ANNEX E and 0 of this report.
Below, an overview of the main modifications is elaborated.
• Heating-1e, Heating-1g and Heating-2c have been omitted, given the
existence of overlap with other services
• Heating-4 has been merged with elements from Heating-1g and Heating-2c
(see above)
• Functionality level added to Heating-1f
• Minor rephrasing of functionality levels in Heating-2d and Heating-3
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in Heating-1a, Heating-1b, Heating-1c,
Heating-1d, Heating-1f, Heating-2b, Heating-2d and Heating-3.
• Cooling-1e has been omitted, given the existence of overlap with other services
• Cooling-4 has been merged with elements from Heating-1e (see above)
• Functionality level added to Cooling-1f
• Functionality levels of Cooling-2a and Cooling-2b harmonized with
corresponding services in the heating domain
• Minor rephrasing of functionality levels in Cooling-1a, Cooling-1g and Cooling-
Currently, impact scores can range from -3 to +3. A stakeholder suggested to review this scale and
allow impacts up to +4, since some of the services can also have four functionality levels. This
suggestion can be relevant for future updates of the SRI, but has not been upheld at this stage as
this would require reviewing all impact scores throught the service catalogue, potentially causing
this to deviate significantly from the version which has been discussed with topical groups and
tested by the SRI stakeholder community.
Controlled ventilation
• Ventilation-1b and Ventilation-2b have been omitted
• Modifications to functionality levels 3 and 4 in Ventilation-6
• Minor rephrasing of functionality levels in Ventilation-1c and Ventilation-2d
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in Ventilation-3 and Ventilation-6
• Minor alterations to the service name in Ventilation-2d.
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in Lighting-1a
• Minor rephrasing of functionality levels in Lighting-2.
Dynamic envelope
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in DE-4
• Minor rephrasing of functionality levels in DE-1.
• New service Electricity-8 added and updated (previously omitted)
• New services Electricity-12 and Electricity-13 added, to harmonize with the
simplified service catalogue
• Modifications to functionality levels in Electricity-3, Electricity-4 and Electricity-
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in Electricity-3, Electricity-4 and Electricity-
• Minor alterations to the service name in Electricity-2.
Electric Vehicles
• Minor rephrasing of functionality levels in EV-16 and EV-17
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in EV-16
• Minor alterations to the service name in EV-15.
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in Heating-S1, Heating-S2b and Heating-
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in DHW-S1.
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in Cooling-S1, Cooling-S2 and Cooling-S4
• Modifications to functionality levels in Cooling-S2.
Controlled ventilation
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in Ventilation-S3
• Minor alterations to the service name in Ventilation-S1.
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in Lighting-S1.
Dynamic Envelope
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in DE-S1 and DE-S2.
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in Electricity-S1
• Minor alterations to the service name in Electricity-S3 and Electricity-S4.
Electric Vehicles
• Minor alterations to ordinal scores in EV-S1 and EV-S2
• Minor rephrasing of functionality levels in EV-S3 and EV-S4
• Minor alterations to the service name in EV-S1.
The maximum nominal impact score is not simply the sum of all the impacts of
the 54 (or 27 in case of method A) services listed in the SRI catalogue. It is very
likely that due to local and site-specific context some domains and services are
not relevant, not applicable or not desirable. The SRI methodology accommodates
this by performing a triage process to identify the relevant services for a specific
building. In any case, deciding on the applicability of services should not be based
on interpretation by individual SRI assessors, but should be defined in the method
to ensure a fully replicable SRI assessment.
During the first technical study, a triage process was proposed to deal with the
issue. Indeed, some domains may not be relevant, e.g. some buildings might not
be able to provide parking (and hence electric vehicle charging facilities) and some
residential buildings might not need cooling. Furthermore, some of the services
are only applicable if certain technical building systems are present, e.g. a storage
vessel for domestic hot water or a heat recovery ventilation unit. In addition, some
services may be mutually exclusive, since it is unlikely that a building has both
district heating and combustive heating and heat pumps. If such services are not
present, they obviously do not need to be assessed during on-site inspections. In
cases where a service is not present and not relevant, the service will not be
scored, and the maximum attainable score will be reduced. This renormalisation
process ensures that the absence of such a service or domain is not penalised. As
a result of this triage process, in any real building the number of services to be
inspected as part of an SRI assessment will be less than the 54 or 27 smart ready
services listed in the streamlined catalogues.
During a discussion with Topical Group B 96, the treatment of absent services was
approached from different angles, mostly related to the message to be conveyed
by the SRI.
A Topical Group B member linked the question of whether or not the absence of a
domain should be penalised to the question of whether the assessment is about
being “smart ready” or “smart possible”. In this case, “smart ready” relates to the
smartness of the services already present in the building (hence not penalising
absent services), whereas “smart possible” relates to the possibility of having
(smart) services in the building (hence penalising absent services). In this context,
a number of members suggested adhering to the essence of the SRI, namely
assessing the smartness of services already available. Other members argued that
the essence is not to assess the current smartness, but to give a stimulus to
improve a building. In other words, the SRI should incentivise the uptake of SRTs.
By not penalising the absence of certain domains, the SRI cannot give an incentive
to install certain services that are currently absent, even though they could
improve the comfort of the occupant. For instance, controlled ventilation has been
proved to contribute to indoor air quality. Nonetheless, there remains
Topical Group B: Calculation Methodology – 2nd Web meeting 14/05/2019
• a domain is deemed relevant for new constructions and retrofit, but not for
existing buildings
• a domain is deemed relevant for non-residential buildings, but not for
residential buildings
• a mix of both: a domain is relevant for all non-residential buildings and newly
constructed or retrofitted residential buildings.
Topical Group B members also noted that the triage process affects the
comparability of buildings, since the renormalisation process means that buildings
are not rated with the same baseline. Differences in approaches across Europe
could jeopardise such comparability even further. For example, two buildings with
the same score could have completely different TBSs installed. During the
discussion, the study team argued that the need for comparability strongly
depends on the target audience: for property owners wanting to assess or improve
their building’s smartness, comparability is probably less important. If the triage
process is to tailor the assessed domains to building context, the Topical Group B
members concluded that transparency of the assessed domains – rather than
comparability – is essential. To this end, two ideas were raised.
• Communicating all scores: the building score, the building maximum score and
the theoretical maximum score. The difference between the building maximum
and the theoretical maximum could then illustrate how many services were
• Using illustrations on the SRI documentation to show which domains were
assessed (e.g. greyed-out or strike-through icons for domains not present in
the building).
To conclude, the study team recommends the following approach to deal with
absent services:
• For some services, an evaluation is only relevant in cases where the technical
building systems it relates to are present. This approach is appropriate when
one cannot a priori conclude that a domain or service should be present in a
particular building (e.g. a building could be comfortable without cooling
systems). If such a service is not present, the service is excluded from the
assessment and does not affect the maximum attainable score.
• Some services may be mutually exclusive; if such services are not present,
they can be excluded from the assessment.
• Some services might be absent but nonetheless desirable from a policy
perspective. This approach may provide stimuli for upgrading existing buildings
with additional (smart) services. The technical study team recommends to
allow implementing bodies to define guidelines depending on contextual
factors such as the relevance of specific services and domains to particular
building types and climatic zones and requirements in local building codes.
These services are included in the assessment.
For each of the relevant smart-ready services the functionality level implemented
in the building or building unit is assessed, e.g. through a visual inspection or
retrieved from technical documentation.
For each of seven impact criteria, the impact criterion score of each technical
domain is determined, as follows:
𝑰(𝒅, 𝒊𝒄) = ∑𝒊=𝟏 𝑰𝒊𝒄 (𝑭𝑳(𝑺𝒊,𝒅 )) (2)
𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥 (𝑑, 𝑖𝑐) = ∑𝑖=1 𝐼𝑖𝑐 (𝐹𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥 (𝑆𝑖,𝑑 )) (3)
• 𝐹𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥 (𝑆𝑖,𝑑 ) is the highest functionality level that service 𝑆𝑖,𝑑 could have
according to the smart-ready service catalogue
• 𝐼𝑖𝑐 (𝐹𝐿𝑚𝑎𝑥 (𝑆𝑖,𝑑 )) is the impact criterion score of service 𝑆𝑖,𝑑 for its highest
functionality level, which means the maximum impact criterion score of service
𝑆𝑖,𝑑 for impact criterion number 𝑖𝑐
• 𝐼𝑚𝑎𝑥 (𝑑, 𝑖𝑐) is the maximum impact criterion score of domain number 𝑑 for impact
criterion number 𝑖𝑐.
∑N Wd,ic ×I(d,ic)
SR ic = ∑N d=1 × 100 (4)
d=1 Wd,ic ×Imax (d,ic)
• climatic zone’s energy balance for the weighting factors of ‘heating’, ‘cooling’,
‘domestic hot water’, ‘controlled ventilation’, ‘lighting’, and ‘electricity’
technical domains along the ‘energy efficiency’, ‘maintenance and prediction’
and ‘energy flexibility and storage’ impact criteria
• fixed weighting factors and equal weighting factors otherwise.
The standard weighting factors of technical domains can differ between residential
and non-residential buildings for some impact criteria. The full description of
proposed domain weighting factors is included in the service catalogues (see
ANNEX E and 0).
For each of the three key capabilities highlighted in Annex Ia, point 2 of the EPBD,
smart readiness scores (expressed as a percentage) can be determined by
weighing the calculated scores as follows:
SR c = ∑M
ic=1 Wc (ic) × SR ic , (5)
The domain weighting factors are expressed as a percentage. Each impact criterion
is relevant for only one key functionality and for each key functionality, all relevant
criteria have equal weighting factors.
• For the ‘energy performance and operation’ key capability, the relevant impact
criteria are ‘energy efficiency’ and ‘maintenance and fault prediction’.
• For the ‘response to user needs’ key capability, the relevant impact criteria are
‘comfort’, ‘convenience’, ‘information to occupants’ and ‘health & wellbeing’.
• For the ‘energy flexibility’ key capability, the only relevant impact criterion is
‘energy flexibility & storage’.
SR d,ic = × 100 (7)
Imax (d,ic)
The objective of Task 2 is to investigate the potential pathways for the effective
implementation of the SRI in the EU and to clarify which are the most promising
options regarding the SRI format.
This section concerns the identification of the schemes and initiatives on which the
SRI could build or connect to, in order to facilitate its implementation.
At the EU level and Member State level the relevant schemes or actions include all
those concerned with the implementation of the EPBD i.e.:
In addition, at the private organisation level there are: private sector building
sustainability certification schemes – BREEAM, HQE, DGNB, LEED; smart
buildings/appliances initiatives such as the Smart Building Alliance, the SAREF
common ontology etc.; and smart metering roll out initiatives.
To assess the potential interactions between the SRI and these initiatives it’s
important to consider them in a structured manner. The following framework is
put forward to consider this. First the focus and scope (subject matter) of the
schemes is considered, second their maturity, third their scale, and fourth their
potential fit with the SRI.
The subject matter of the schemes is their focus and scope. The focus determines
their objective, while the scope is the domain they address. For a meaningful
linkage to exist with the SRI both the focus and scope will need to overlap with
that of the SRI. Maturity
The maturity reflects how long the scheme has been in existence. For longstanding
schemes their maturity will be high, and their characteristics will be well known
and defined. For new or emerging schemes there will be less certainty. Scale
In principle, the scale of the scheme could concern everything from the geography
and range of target domains they address; however, in the current context what
is relevant is how large their scale is in regard to that part that overlaps with the
objectives and focus of the SRI. As the SRI principally concerns the assessment of
buildings then the scale of the schemes reported here concerns the extent to which
they access (cover) Europe’s buildings and smart ready technology & services.
Directive 2014/61/EU of the European Parliament and the Council https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-
European Commission. 2013b, COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) No 811/2013 of 18 February 2013
supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council with regard to the energy labelling of space
heaters, combination heaters, packages of space heater, temperature control and solar device and packages of combination
heater, temperature control and solar device
The fit is the degree of complementarity between the scheme and the SRI. It is
comprised of any sub-elements of which the following are addressed in the current
• Building assessment
• Site visits/inspections
• Target audience
• Actors directly involved in delivery
• Certification
• Quality Assurance
• Mandate
• Organisation
• Governance.
The building assessment fit parameter is whether, or not, the scheme entails
conducting an assessment of buildings, or some aspect of the building which is
pertinent to the delivery of the SRI. If it does there is likely to be a better fit with
the SRI because there may be a potential to share techniques, methods and
resources and minimise duplication.
The site visit/inspections fit parameter is whether, or not, the scheme entails
conducting a site visit and/or inspection of buildings, or some aspect of the building
which is pertinent to the delivery of the SRI. If it does there is likely to be a better
fit with the SRI because there may be a potential to share processes, methods and
resources and minimise duplication. Note, as a major component of cost and delay
in doing site visits is the process of contacting the owner/occupant, gaining
permission, and travel to and from the site – duplication in these aspects could be
minimised where schemes that require site visits/inspections share resources. This
could also be less burdensome for property owners/occupiers.
The target audience fit parameter is the degree to which the intended audience
for the schemes products overlaps. The more that they do the more synergies
there are likely to be and the greater the potential to share techniques, methods
and resources to minimise duplication.
The actors directly involved in delivery fit parameter is the degree to which those
involved in the delivery of the scheme’s services are likely to overlap with each
other. The more that they do the more synergies there are likely to be and the
greater the potential to share techniques, methods and resources to minimise
The certification fit parameter is whether or not the scheme involves issuance of
formal certificates to denote that an authorised assessment has been conducted.
If they do there may be greater synergy with the SRI, should the latter be
implemented in a format that includes certification.
The quality assurance fit parameter is the degree to which the service delivery of
the scheme is subject to formal and verifiable quality assurance processes. The
more that it is the greater the confidence can be expected in the quality/veracity
of the outcomes and the less chance that interaction with the scheme could pose
any reputational risk for the SRI. Furthermore, it may be possible to link aspects
of the two scheme’s QA processes to avoid duplicative effort.
The organisation fit parameter is the degree to which the organisation of the
scheme’s implementation is likely to be complementary to options which could be
envisaged and viable for the SRI. The more that it is the easier it is likely to be to
share delivery pathways and minimise duplication.
The governance fit parameter is the degree to which the governance of the scheme
could be complementary to the governance and mandate of the SRI. For example,
if the governance is seen to be too partial or structured to favour certain economic
interests then linkage with the scheme may risk a conflict of interest for the SRI.
The tables set out below present a first assessment of these elements for the
schemes/initiatives previously mentioned.
EU schemes
EPBD associated
BIM & digital Building digital Private enterprise High but still High but
logbook information evolving disparate
Other schemes
Smart metering
Smart Buildings
EU schemes
EPBD associated
Article 8 TBS Sometimes Yes but no Property Building service Not a priori
provisions inspections owners, engineers
Broadband Yes, but for Yes, but for Property MS specific Yes, of
ready label connectivity connectivity owners, building
tenants connectivity
Smart metering
Smart Buildings
EU schemes
EPBD associated
BIM & digital Diverse practice Private sector Private sector Private sector
logbook associations
Other schemes
Smart metering
Smart Buildings
This array of information can be rather overwhelming but from it the following
observations can be made by theme.
The subject matter is closest to the SRI’s for the Smart Buildings initiatives and
the EPBD related initiatives but even with these there is simply overlap rather than
convergence. For all other schemes an overlap exists but is usually quite narrowly
focused. The target domains overlap most strongly for those initiatives that target
buildings and rather less so for those that target products, or specific services.
The operational scope overlaps most closely for those initiatives implemented at
EU, across all Member States, or at the Single Market level. However, for those
implemented at a specific Member State level there is stronger overlap for the SRI
within that Member State. Maturity
While some of the schemes are quite mature and their characteristics are well
established others are new, or under development and hence have significantly
more uncertainty. Scale
The scale of the schemes is one of the areas of significant divergence. EPCs cover
the majority of the EU’s building stock and hence have a very high degree of
coverage. The other EPBD related initiatives cover a high to very high proportion
of the building stock with the exception of Building Renovation Passports, which
are new and being trialled. Like EPCs the Article 8 TBS measures affect installations
in a very high proportion of EU buildings (all over time) but are targeted differently
as they occur at the moment a new TBS is installed, or an old one is replaced. The
Article 14 and 15 measures regarding the mandatory installation of BACS apply to
all buildings with > 290kW of effective installed heating & cooling capacity and are
to be implemented between now and 2025. In addition, the Article 14 and 15
requirements regarding heating & cooling system inspections for systems of >
70kW apply to a significant part of the building stock but are implemented in
different ways by EU member states. The installer energy label for heating and
hot water systems will also have a very high coverage of the EU building stock.
The use of BIM is growing rapidly in new build projects and to a lesser extent in
major renovations, but these are inevitably slower to cover the building stock than
the measures mentioned above (as the rate of new build and major renovations
as a proportion of the total building stock is modest). Also, BIM is used on a
project-by-project basis and hence is not necessarily coherently implemented
across projects, even if some file formats and practices are standardised.
Smart metering has been or is being (depending on the Member State), rolled-out
across a large proportion of Europe’s buildings.
Inevitably, the new schemes, even those designed to operate at EU level, have
uncertain scale as it is not yet known what part of the building-stock they will be
successful in covering. In theory initiatives such as the cybersecurity certificates
and broadband ready labels could cover a significant part of their target markets
and hence overlap with part of the SRIs, but the rate of uptake is highly uncertain.
Building assessments are done by most of the schemes and generally closely
correlates with the conduct of site visits and inspections. They are not done for
the purely product focused initiatives such as the PEF, cybersecurity label, or
SAREF. However, the nature of assessments and inspections varies quite
The principal target audiences often overlap around the main groupings of
property owners, facility managers and tenants. However, in some cases they are
focused more on those responsible for procuring specific types of equipment,
which may not be the same.
The actors directly involved in delivery include EPC assessors, building service
engineers, HVAC engineers and qualified building professionals. In product-
focused initiatives, such as cybersecurity certification, they may include
manufacturers operating at the Single Market level, while in the case of smart
meters they include electrical engineers working for DSOs. It is important to
appreciate that these actors will have distinct skill sets, which are more or less
well suited to being engaged in SRI assessment. Certification
Quality assurance is generally carried out for EPCs, in that assessors generally
have to be certified as being competent to fulfil their function. The same is true
for HVAC inspectors and would be expected for the issuers of Building Renovation
Passports. It is certainly the case for the sustainability certification schemes. For
other schemes the situation can vary or is not yet clarified. Mandate
Using BIM requires building technical details to be measured/assessed and entered into software. In the case of existing
buildings it requires a site visit and assessment.
At a high level the various schemes fit within one of the following organisation
frameworks: Governance
The governance fit parameter is the degree to which the governance of the scheme
could be complementary to the governance and mandate of the SRI. For example,
if the governance is seen to be too partial or structured to favour certain economic
interests then linkage with the scheme may risk a conflict of interest for the SRI.
The government (EU and/or Member State, region) implemented initiatives have
the least risk of conflicts of interest.
Among the private sector schemes the governance is often structured for an
association with a privately agreed constitution. Conclusions
The analysis above has illustrated that there is some degree of complementarity
and overlap between the SRI and all the schemes, or initiatives mentioned.
However, the extent varies, and so does the degree to which they share common
aspects (and hence could help to leverage each other by minimising duplicative
effort and providing a more comprehensive service offer, which could raise their
value proposition).
The government (EU and/or Member State, region) mandated initiatives have the
least risk of conflict of interest and as several operate through the EPBD have
potential to share similar operational and governance platforms. Those that entail
site visits have the potential to support and complement the operational side of
the SRI if an SRI is to be based on on-site assessment.
The greatest potential scale benefits, and hence potential impact, is offered by the
prospect of linkages with the schemes that have the broadest coverage – EPCs,
EPBD Article 8 measures, EPBD Article 14 & 15 measures, energy labelling of
installed heating and hot water systems, and smart metering.
More modest scale effects would be expected from linkage with the other
initiatives, but they can bring different benefits and could help in a) creating a
stronger collective value proposition (especially for the new initiatives) and b)
This section addresses the identification and analysis of the possible options for
implementing the SRI at EU-level and at Member States-level.
In the course of this work the study team have assessed a broad spectrum of
prospective implementation options at both the EU and Member State levels and
combinations thereof. Specifically, the assessment has determined and analysed:
As previous sections have described the currently most viable assessment method
for an SRI requires a person on-site to conduct the assessment. The only exception
to this is the case of a person who is off-site with access to all the requisite
information through pre-collected data available via BIM (e.g. a digital twin
model), digital logbooks, building renovation passports etc.; however, in the start-
up phase of the SRI such instances will be extremely rare if not inexistent. For
assessments to be conducted on site there are options with regard to how qualified
and how independent the assessor is. If a certified SRI is to be issued the assessor
would need to be a certified 3rd party assessor, suitably qualified to do the
assessment. If a certified SRI is not required, then the SRI would not have the
same status and external market value and hence it is more of a matter for the
agency procuring the assessment as to the degree of qualification and
independence required. Many building owners, occupants, portfolio managers, or
facility managers might wish to conduct self-assessments of the properties they
have responsibility for. The degree of technical competence of those delivering
such self-assessments could vary appreciably.
In the case of formal 3rd party assessments quality control instruments would need
to be established as discussed further in the sub-section on quality and training in
this same section and in section 3.2.2.
Formal linkage should only be sought if it will bring clear beneficial synergies.
Those synergies would include:
EU schemes
Article 8 TBS Y - Y VS Y Y Y
Level(s) Y Y L Y Y Y
Voluntary N Y U Y Y U
Broadband Y Y L Y Y Y
ready label
Ecodesign/ELR Y - Y VS Y Y Y
Other schemes
Building Y Y L Y Y Y
Smart Y - Y VS MS specific Y
metering roll-
SBA U Y in France Y U Y
Y = yes
N = no
VS = very strongly
S = strongly
M = medium
L = limited
U = uncertain
MS = Member State
Considering these factors, it is clear that the impact of the SRI would be greatly
enhanced were it possible to establish linkages between it and the most promising
of these existing schemes. Even for those that would have less impact for the SRI
there is clear complementarity, which means that efforts should be made to ensure
the implementation is complementary.
The reliability of and trust in the experts used to deliver the scheme will be a key
success factor in building confidence in the assessments and advice it provides.
The most critical aspect will be to ensure that 3rd party assessors mandated by the
scheme to formal 3rd party assessments are suitably qualified and deliver an
impartial, consistent and accurate assessment in strict accordance with the rules
established in the methodology.
This requires high quality training, mechanisms to ensure that assessors are
competent and ideally a performance verification process with the option of
retraining and/or disqualifying assessors who do not correctly implement
The above discussion presumes that 3rd party assessment will be a component of
the scheme; however, for cases where self-assessment is used there is still a need
to provide guidance and training for self-assessors. These could encompass online
documents, advice and training videos as well as hosting training events at cost
for professionals who are willing to pay to be trained to do self-assessments.
Considering the analysis set out above it is clear that there are a broad range of
potential pathways the SRI could follow in its implementation. Furthermore, there
are a great many variants or combinations of options that could be adopted. Given
this and given that very few sub-options are mutually exclusive, the focus for this
first draft of these pathways is necessarily to focus on the main distinctions and
map the most promising or distinctive set of pathways which capture these.
A principal rationale for making a linkage with other schemes or actions is the
degree to which the linkage would help to roll-out the SRI to be able to cover a
significant proportion of the EU building stock in an efficient manner. Viewed from
this perspective the onus is upon identifying linkages that can help the SRI attain
a large scale of deployment. It is therefore appropriate to assess the extent to
which the schemes, initiatives and actions presented in section 2.2.1 cover the EU
building stock over time. For non-residential buildings the order of
scheme/initiative/action coverage (ranked from highest coverage to lowest) is as
For all other initiatives mentioned the annual rate of coverage of the building stock
is either less than 0.1% per annum or is unknown.
The above figures are EU average figures based on analysis of various sources but
principally the EU Building Stock Observatory database. The actual future rate of
coverage will vary by EU Member State and in response to future plans (rather
than historical actions), and hence the reported values are only indicative;
however, broadly speaking their relative orders of magnitude are likely to be quite
stable for most member states.
Considering that the biggest challenge the SRI will have to deliver significant
impact is the volume of assessments that are conducted and considering that there
are strong synergies between potential assessment volumes and linkages with
other schemes the following set of pathways are proposed.
In principle, a mosaic of the above is also an option, noting that Member States
have subsidiarity with regard to the SRI so may choose any of these options – also
combinations of A/B/C/D/E/F are possible within any single MS. It is also possible
to consider pathways that link to other initiatives that are not mentioned in this
list, however, as these are likely to have much lower levels of building stock
coverage such options might be most appropriate as complementary actions
and/or as vehicles to trial roll-out options.
Those pathways that don’t necessarily link to other initiatives (pathways C and D)
encompass a more voluntary approach where market actors would engage with
the SRI only if they consider there to be sufficient merit in the SRI’s value
proposition as a wholly independent initiative. In addition, a critical distinction is
that unlike the pathways with linkages to other schemes, there is no automatic
introduction of the SRI to the target audience. Thus, the target audience has to
already be aware of the SRI and choose to engage with it for an assessment (online
or expert on-site) to be commissioned/undertaken. This means that in the absence
of strong and effective marketing efforts uptake rates would be expected to be
much lower. Pathway D aims to compensate for this by providing incentives to
participate in the scheme, which, dependent on how attractive they are, would
help to increase uptake rates. Of course, incentives can be provided with any of
these pathways but are likely to add most extra uptake impact when added to
pathway C as the other scenarios entail adapting existing delivery mechanisms to
ensure uptake occurs. One route by which incentives could be established is to
use the powers of the Energy Efficiency Directive Article 7 concerning the
establishment of energy efficiency obligations (EEO) for utilities or energy savings
policies more generally as a vehicle to create funding for the incentives.
For clarity, pathways A and B are the only ones where linkage is made to an
existing assessment scheme (the EPC for pathway A, or the EPC and building code
inspectorate process for pathway B). Pathways E and F are linked to an event
where an external professional party is visiting the property (to install a BACS/TBS
for pathway E, or a smart meter for pathway F), but neither of these ordinarily
involves an inspection of the building. Nonetheless, as the professional entities
engaged in these activities are qualified in areas which are pertinent to some smart
building features, some of them are already required to issue labels or certificates
(e.g. energy labels for space and hot water systems or safety certificates), their
installations are subject to legal conformity requirements (e.g. meeting Member
State imposed energy performance requirements under the terms of Article 8 of
the EPBD), and critically they involve high volumes of buildings being visited and
hence have the potential to achieve significant scale.
However, another key issue, which is partly principal pathway independent, is the
choice and types of buildings these pathways would be applied to including in
terms of both building function (principal pathway independent) and stages in the
building lifecycle (does have linkages with the principal pathway).
This activity involves the conduct of research to determine potential designs for
the format of the SRI. This recognizes that for the scheme to be effective it will
need to have an attractive and recognizable format that gives visibility to the SRI
and effectively conveys information to end users of the scheme such as home
owners and tenants, both tertiary building owners and users and facility managers.
The decisions regarding the SRI format need to resolve the following:
The first and most essential aspect of this transparency will be to communicate
what the scheme does address and what it doesn’t. This is likely to be a critical
issue for the SRI’s success because if its target audiences feel that the SRI does
not address what they believe it claims to be addressing then they are likely to
quickly lose confidence in it. However, communication of the scope is not a simple
matter for such a multi-faceted instrument as the SRI. The scope is broadly
defined in the Directive as set out in the following three pillars:
• The ability to adapt its operation mode in response to the needs of the occupant
paying due attention to the availability of user-friendliness, maintaining
healthy indoor climate conditions and ability to report on energy use
• The ability to maintain energy efficiency performance and operation of the
building through the adaptation of energy consumption for example through
use of energy from renewable sources
• The flexibility of a building's overall electricity demand, including its ability to
enable participation in active and passive as well as implicit and explicit
demand-response, in relation to the grid, for example through demand side
flexibility and load shifting capacities.
• Entertainment
• Communications
• AV environments
• Aesthetics
• Safety
• Security
• Accessibility.
Smart services and technologies which relate to these aspects are already the
predominant part of the smart-buildings services/technologies market and thus
their relationship to the SRI cannot be ignored. Failing to address this is likely to
create confusion and a risk of the SRI being dismissed.
When considering the requirements of the SRI imposed in the EPBD it is clear that
all the services and functionalities within its scope are energy-related in some
manner. Therefore, the formatting issue to address is how best to communicate
that the SRI, at least in its initial framing, is only concerned with energy-related
aspects of building smartness.
To help to understand how the SRI’s scope is likely to be understood and how best
to transparently and efficiently communicate it the study team set out to test the
topic with two key target audiences:
• focus groups made up of the general public who either own or rent buildings
• surveys with facility managers.
The former cover typical prospective SRI users from the residential and small non-
residential building sector, while the latter cover prospective users from the mid-
and large non-residential building sector and a subset of larger multi-family
The approach entails initially gaining an insight into what the target audiences
autonomously understand smart buildings to be about, and what aspects of
smartness they think they encompass, before introducing the notion of the smart
readiness indicator in a general sense. After having done so they can then be
questioned on what areas of smartness they imagine the SRI would address, and
what they believe it should address, and then only after that would they be
informed of the energy-related scope of the SRI. At this juncture they can be asked
how do they think this scope should be clarified to avoid confusion.
Just as there’s a need to communicate the scope of the SRI there’s also a need to
provide information to explain and clarify the intrinsic concepts embedded within
the SRI. Users will need to feel that they understand these aspects for the scheme
to have any traction, so it’s important to present the information in as transparent
a manner as possible. This thought has had a significant impact on the discussions
about the structure of the SRI reported in section While the EPBD requires
the SRI to respond to the three pillars, as reported above, it also clarifies the
elements that these need to address, which has led to the impact criteria choices
proposed in the first study and modified as set out in section It is likely
that if presented in a compound manner the three pillars may be too aggregate to
be able to transparently communicate their intrinsic meaning, especially to target
audiences (the majority) who are not well versed in energy and energy policy. As
experience shows that lack of transparency has a seriously negative impact on the
resonance and impact of schemes that aim to trigger a voluntary engagement (in
this case stimulate adoption of beneficial smart services) then it is essential to
establish the extent to which the format of the scheme is successful at
communicating the intrinsic concepts embedded within it. The degree to which the
intrinsic concepts are communicable and how that is affected by the structure of
the SRI is one of the aspects that needed to be tested with the target audiences.
As has been made clear in the previous chapters, the SRI contains information
that can be presented at multiple levels. At an aggregate level it could contain an
overall ranking on a building’s smartness as determined and expressed within the
confines of the scope of the scheme and the SRI’s definition. Equally, though, at
the sub-aggregate level it contains information on intrinsically more tangible
aspects such as the energy efficiency performance of a control solution for a
specific technical building system, or the delivery of indoor air quality. Proper
engagement in the consideration of what information set should be communicated
probably has to be presaged by consideration of the conflicting needs of:
Not surprisingly, and quite reasonably, when asked about these aspects,
stakeholders have tended to demand both; however, they when it comes to the
SRI they are not really fully compatible. This is because simplicity and efficiency
dictates an informational format that conveys the core message at a glance;
however, determining the “smartness of a building” necessarily involves
assessment across multiple parameters in the form of a multi-criteria assessment,
which requires an aggregation based on ranking the sub-criteria and that requires
application of a values-based relative weighting (because the sub-criteria are
intrinsically non-comparable for the most part) – this whole process is complex
and inherently less transparent.
Most buildings will have plenty of potential to increase their smartness and as the
SRI will establish their smart readiness functionality it can also be used to indicate
what options exist to improve the building’s smartness by raising the functionality
of smart services. This information could simply be structured to show what the
available higher levels are, or also, to explain these higher levels in more depth,
clarify what extra functionality they would provide and offer information on the
types of services that would provide them. Furthermore, guidance on how to
improve the SRI score of a building could be provided in a generic way without
input from the user, or in a targeted way in response to targeted requests from
the user about specific domains or impacts.
When consulted on this topic stakeholders tended to strongly support the notion
of presenting guidance on how to improve SRI scores to the SRI target audiences;
however, this raises the issue of how best to do this without overloading the user.
If a printed document is to be presented to the SRI user, then this is likely to be
constrained in size and potentially to be counterproductive if it becomes over long.
Based on the practice with EPCs that include improvement advice, this tends to be
quite focused and limited to listing a few improvement options which would have
the greatest impact (sometimes also expressed in terms of cost-
effectiveness).This SRI is inherently more complex because it addresses multiple
impacts, where in principle the same hierarchical approach could be presented per
impact criterion e.g. a list of the improvement options which would improve the
given impact, ranked in order of their importance for the impact criterion score.
However, this risks becoming rather long, and perhaps would risk focusing too
much on large jumps in smartness score rather than on (potentially) more
affordable incremental steps. The same could be said about a list of the options
Many users are likely to want to understand the calculation methodology used in
the scheme, but their interest is likely to range from a simple explanation of the
basic approach to a detailed explanation of each functionality score and how the
aggregate score is derived.
Users of the SRI assessment who are considering upgrading the functionality of
smart services in their buildings are particularly likely to welcome explanations of
the current functionality levels and what the prospective higher functionality levels
are for any given service. Thus, presenting information and guidance on this is
likely to be a key part of the SRI’s success factor as an agent for change towards
smarter buildings.
Many users will wish to have information on the scheme itself, including who is
behind it, what its provenance is, how it is operated, what its governance is, how
it uses and protects their data, and its current status. How this can be best
provided might be contextual.
Lastly, many users will also have informational needs regarding associated topics
such as interoperability of smart services, cybersecurity issues, linkages and
distinctions between the SRI and other schemes, such as EPCs, Level(s),
broadband ready label, etc.
Stakeholder views on these topics were partially canvassed, as discussed, and this
helped to provide some clear perspectives. The missing element was to establish
how actual prospective users of the SRI might respond and react to the various
possibilities regarding informational content (addressed in section 2.3.12). A
priori, though it was already clear that the more diverse the user needs are with
regards to the SRI informational content the more likely that a navigable,
hierarchical, on-line information delivery system will be required. This could be
complemented by printed media and verbal exchanges with an assessor but if
informational richness, and diversity of information, is required then that is best
delivered in a digital on-line platform.
To explore the user responses to these issues further the study team set out to
probe the responses of the two key target audiences:
While it’s clear that different types of users will have different informational needs
and responses to the SRI it’s also apparent that there are structural differences
between potential SRI audiences. On a first level the audiences (especially when
considered in terms of the audience of first contact) can be distinguished between
professional and non-professional. Professional audiences at the property level for
the SRI will include: (from downstream to upstream) facility managers, property
portfolio managers, system commissioners, building service engineers, systems
integrators, system designers, builders, architects and developers. Beyond those
directly responsible for operation, maintenance and upgrade of a building they will
include service providers, utilities and investors. The primary target for the SRI
within this structure is the entity of first contact with an SRI assessment, i.e. the
facility manager.
A priori it can be anticipated that these professional audiences will have, and
demand, a deeper understanding of the SRI and its elements than (the majority)
of non-professional audiences. This implies that the richness of information that
would be appropriate for the professional users of the SRI will need to be greater
than for the typical non-professional. The non-professional audience is superficially
simpler in that they entail home owners & tenants; however, there is also a large
part of the non-residential building stock that is used by small businesses and has
a very similar demographic in terms of those that would be the first receivers of
SRI information and make decisions about smart services and investments.
Furthermore, many smart services are pioneered in residences and targeted at
the spectrum of inhabitants and needs – these include everything from early
technology adopters to those with little interest or understanding of technology.
Broadly speaking though professional users will usually require more in-depth
information presented in more sophisticated formats than non-professional users
– they are equally likely to wish to exert more effort to mine and process the
information obtained. Considerations of these aspects, informed by stakeholder
consultation, gave rise to the following set of archetypal SRI assessment formats.
Although it was initially considered that “simplified on-line quick scans” could be
offered to residential sector users and expert SRI assessments with on-site
inspection by independent 3rd party assessors to non-residential users,
discussions with stakeholders have highlighted the request to allow both (informal)
self-assessments and (formal) expert assessments on residential and non-
residential buildings. As such, these archetypes combine several aspects that are
neither necessarily mutually exclusive nor likely to exclusively suit the needs of
building sector specific target audiences, so they are better considered as vehicles
to frame discussion and analysis than definitive proposals at this stage of the SRI’s
The earlier discussion has highlighted the array of informational circumstances and
needs that the SRI should address. This covers everything from a simple logo
and/or mnemonic that identifies that the information is related to the SRI by
readily associating it with the scheme in a clear format, and possibly conveys high-
level ranking information, sub-scores, explanations of smartness and smart
functionality, advice on how to upgrade, details of specific functionalities and
services, and informational about the scheme itself. At the top of this hierarchy
will be the logo/mnemonic/image and simple text that identifies that the scheme
is about the SRI - this may also present a high-level score. The next layer down Logo Mnemonics
Mnemonics are used to simplify the processing and retention of information. The
most famous example in the energy sector is the energy label that ranks appliance
efficiency from A to G and is reinforced by colour coding (Green to Red). Other
examples of mnemonics used to simplify rankings are the number of stars e.g. a
5-star hotel.
Mnemonics have already been used by the study team to simply convey some
aspects of the scheme, as shown below, however, these are simply working ideas
and have not been formally elaborated or tested in the field. Alternative
mnemonics are possible and in principle could help to communicate both a top line
performance classification while also creating an identity for the scheme (much as
a logo aims to do). In this sense mnemonics can serve a dual function, as they
can fulfil the role of a brand while also conveying a classification or ranking in a
relatively concise manner.
• Should mnemonics be used for the SRI? (does the answer depend on the target
These are issues best resolved through research with the target audience. To
undertake this the study team engaged a professional graphic designer to develop
various design options and tested these with consumer focus groups and
professional stakeholders – see section 2.2.11 and 2.2.12.
In principle, the following media can be used to present the information assembled
through an SRI assessment:
• verbal communication from the assessor to the person present when the
assessment was conducted
• physical printed material
• on-line digital information.
Theoretically, any one-, or any combination of these could be used, including all
three, to convey the requisite information. The decision about which should be
used will be contingent upon:
A potential risk with an on-line scheme is that if user building data has to be
entered into an on-line database then it could raise risks and concerns about
breaches in data confidentiality and cybersecurity. Even if best GDPR and
cybersecurity practices are followed the perception of risk could still deter
engagement from users who are particularly sensitive to these concerns.
On the other hand, as on-line services are strongly associated with smartness to
many users it would seem intuitively appropriate to manage some or all aspects
of the SRI on-line and would reinforce its central message and value proposition.
For example, if a user were at retail outlet and were considering a smart service
purchase to have the option of examining via their smartphone how the proposed
product/service would impact their buildings smartness could be seen as being
very convenient and immediate, and therefore add value to the SRI’s proposition.
As these various media have different pros and cons a blend of methods could be
the most appropriate. An on-line platform could be provided for all SRI users
regardless of whether they might use it to undertake a self-assessment, to gain
advice or updated information, or as a repository for a professional assessment
(3rd party or otherwise). The detail of assessment could also be flexible – with a
basic assessment, a detailed assessment and even higher levels of detail offered
in principle. The nature and status of the assessment could be tracked and could
be provable if appropriate user ID were to be confirmed. Different vintages of SRI
assessment for the same property could also be stored, allowing the evolution of
a property’s smartness to be tracked and equated to potentially different vintages
of the SRI calculation framework itself. Such a system could also be structured to
be downloadable (assuming suitable permissions are conferred) into a BIM
system, or conversely for BIM, building logbook, building renovation passport,
EPC, Level(s) etc. data to be uploaded into it (and thereby facilitate the
assessment process itself). As new services are added to a property their SRI
functionality, interoperability & cybersecurity certification status could also be
entered into the on-line SRI for the property, thereby allowing both an automated
update and facilitating the data entry process. Were products and services to also
report their SRI functionality via standardised on-line platforms (e.g. either
In addition, an on-line platform could be centrally managed, which means that the
approach would be standardised and harmonised across the EU. This could help
to ensure consistency, minimise burdens on member state authorities and avoid
duplicative effort, while also ensuring that changes/evolutions to the scheme are
rolled out in the same way and at the same time across the EU. A centrally
managed scheme would also increase comparability which is especially important
for product and service providers who sell their products within the context of the
Single market, but also for those wishing to manage, or invest in portfolios of
buildings across the EU. Lastly, an on-line platform can also facilitate the
supportive analysis. For example, an option could be provided to users to share
their data (anonymously) into a benchmarking system that would allow the
smartness of their property(ies) to be compared to all other properties of a similar
type that have granted permission to take part in the benchmarking process.
Confidentiality would be maintained because under such a scheme all data that
was not the specific users would be anonymous to that user. This kind of
benchmarking process is used in many areas and has been shown to be a powerful
change agent.
Thus, while the power of using an on-line platform is clear it can also be
complemented by the other media. The human presence for an expert assessment
stage allows verbal human interaction to complement the on-line element and
thus provides a more rounded informational service. Printed labels, certificates or
reports can also add weight to the on-line aspects and provide a certain status
that the on-line information might otherwise lack.
Branding is a means of giving an identity to a service and helps establish its value
with the target audiences. Branding is closely associated with design and
particularly with having a distinctive design.
As previously discussed in section 2.3.7. branding of the SRI could make use of a
logo and/or mnemonic to help provide the scheme with a visual image and identity.
Branding can also be used in associated information or promotional material;
however, as this is a scheme initiated and managed by the EU it has to be managed
The study used a very modest budget to conduct graphical design work to develop
some initial concepts – see section 2.3.11; however, should a decision
subsequently be made to push ahead with giving the scheme a distinctive brand
through design then it is expected that further development work may be needed.
In principle, the scheme’s format could depend on its implementation pathway and
how it interacts with other schemes. For example, were an implementation
pathway to be adopted that leveraged the EPC assessment process to also conduct
and issue SRI assessments then there would be a choice of whether and, if so,
how to integrate the formats of both. The same could be true of other EU schemes
such as Level(s), cybersecurity certification, etc. but also of private schemes such
as private sustainability certification schemes, private sector smart buildings
initiatives, etc. In each case where there is an operational intersection between
schemes and an agreement that both schemes would wish to work with each other
in a complementary manner, then there would be associated design and
formatting decisions to be made. In anticipation that such needs are likely to arise
the SRI’s format can already be structured to facilitate this kind of interaction. If
two schemes are to be presented in the same design-space, then it implies that a
compact communication will be required for at least the top-line information. For
example, were the SRI to have a logo/mnemonic it would be possible to position
this flexibly within other design formats. As such a device would almost certainly
not allow sufficient information to be communicated of itself it could be presented
with a link or gateway to the rest of the SRI’s information e.g. a web address or a
QR code that can be flashed by a QR reader on a smartphone and take the user
straight to an on-line information repository. Such hierarchical informational
access approaches are becoming quite common place and have been under
consideration for energy labelling for some time (they are already implemented in
some economies).
Clearly there will also be conditionalities linked to the type of assessment method
(e.g. the simplified (case A), the 3rd party expert (case B), or potentially in the
future the in-use smart building performance (case C).
A professional graphic designer was hired to develop a set of trial SRI design
concepts which were subsequently tested in Consumer focus groups held in Madrid
and Budapest. The designs combined a blend of the following:
Figure 28 D
Figure 28 C
Figure 28 – Single mnemonics to convey the overall SRI score and/or rank
Figure 29 C
Figure 29 D
Figure 29 E
Figure 30 – Matrix showing SRI scores by domain and impact criterion, aggregate scores
per impact criterion and the overall SRI score
To test the SRI concepts consumer focus groups of eight members of the public
each were conducted in Madrid and Budapest by a professional market research
company (Kantar Millward Brown) in state-of-the-art market research premises
and using professional moderators. A moderator’s guide was produced by WSEE
and the moderators were consulted (to optimise the guide) and fully briefed prior
to the conduct of the focus groups. The guide and all relevant materials (including
the trial graphic designs) were translated into the national language whenever
appropriate. The participants were recruited using best practice market research
techniques to ensure the participants were as representative as possible of the
general public that might make use of the SRI – this entailed screening candidates
for socio-economic and professional groupings, gender, age, education and
technological familiarity to ensure they were a good reflection of the population as
a whole in each country.
The focus groups were done in their respective national languages (Spanish and
Hungarian) and when text was used in the graphic designs this was translated and
the designs adjusted to reflect the national language as appropriate. The only
The trial SRI graphic designs were organised into the structured moderator’s guide
that set about probing focus group participants’ views on the issues raised
previously in this section on the SRI format. After an introductory discussion the
participants were presented with each of the graphic design concepts to explore
which ones they favoured and why and equally which they didn’t and why. The
focus group process was designed to be non-leading and to explore participants
responses to the topics in a natural and progressively deeper way. For this reason,
the subject of the focus group and the reason it was being conducted was not
revealed until the end. Rather, it was structured to explore the topic progressively
in layers so that previous comments were not influenced by expectations and to
ensure the responses were much as would be expected were consumers to come
across the SRI in a real implementation situation.
It began by asking them what they understood by the term “smart” and asked
them to define this. They were then asked to consider whether buildings could be
smart and if so in what ways? This was followed by asking the participants to
consider how the smartness of a building could be assessed and measured. They
were then asked to imagine that an indicator of building smartness was being
developed and to consider what aspects it should address and which were the
highest priority to them.
Only following these opening discussions were the participants shown the trial
graphic designs and asked to indicate what they liked about them, what they didn’t
and to rank them. This began by showing them the single mnemonics to convey
the overall SRI score and/or rank as shown in Figure 28. After this the participants
were shown the tri-partite mnemonics to convey the overall SRI score/rank and
sub-score/ranks for the three SRI “pillars” from
Figure 29. Subsequent to this they were shown the matrix of SRI scores by domain
and impact criterion of Figure 30. At each stage respondents were also asked to
complete a questionnaire where they rank-ordered by preference the various
images e.g. for the single mnemonic designs and then subsequently for the tri-
partite mnemonic designs. They were subsequently shown the logos of Figure 27
and asked which they liked best, least and why and what they thought of a simple
logo compared to the earlier mnemonic approaches.
• In terms of smart buildings and the functions that could be provided some of
those proposed were: automatically adjusting consumption and delivering
energy savings, adapting the heating system, powering the equipment from
solar panels, easy control of appliances and equipment, security and secure
access to the building, remote control of equipment and heating, smart
charging of EVs, domotics, systems to protect your computer and IT,
occupancy sensors and automatic control of lighting and other services related
to occupancy, simple and low cost maintenance, monitoring consumption and
• The simple logos (Figure 27) were considered to not be very informative or
useful and there was a universally greater preference for the mnemonic
designs of Figure 28 and
• Figure 29.
• By contrast both the simple mnemonic designs that showed the overall SRI
score and those that showed the tri-partite and overall scores were well
received and generally well understood.
• Of the simple mnemonic designs (Figure 28) image A and image D were
preferred to images B and C - based on processing the preference rank
ordering scores reported by respondents in the questionnaire. This preference
was quite clear but there was little to choose between the popularity of images
Figure 28 A and Figure 28 D.
• Respondents preferred designs that included both the letter ranking and a
numerical score. They found this easier to understand and also more precise
(which they mostly liked). Resemblance of aspects of the designs to the
existing energy label ranking for appliances or EPCs for buildings was not
considered to be a problem or confusing.
• Most respondents appreciated that the overall SRI score shown in the tri-
partite designs is the average of the three sub-scores.
• For the tri-partite designs the term “Energy savings and maintenance” was
well understood, the term “Comfort, ease and wellbeing” mostly well
understood, but the term “Grid flexibility” (even with good local language
translations) was not understood – most respondents wondered what it is and
why it’s important. Even at the end of the focus group when the meaning was
explained many said they wouldn’t care about this unless they benefitted from
lower bills.
• The impact criterion shown in the matrix (Figure 30) were well understood
except for there was discussion about what the distinction was between
comfort and convenience (which are distinct concepts in English but seem to
be almost identical concepts in both Spanish and Hungarian even though there
are distinct words for each). There was also confusion about the “Energy
flexibility & storage” term although this was slightly better understood than
the “grid flexibility” term. In general, the icons to express these concepts were
appreciated and considered to be appropriate; however, it is unlikely they
would have been understood without the accompanying text.
• In the case of the domains shown in the matrix (Figure 30) they were well
understood with the partial exception of: dynamic building envelope (most
appreciated that this was related to shading after thinking about it but several
thought it would be better to simply say shading); in the Spanish group
“controlled ventilation” was questioned because several participants said they
thought this was redundant given that cooling was present – the distinction
between ventilation and cooling was not clearly understood – this was not a
problem in the Hungarian group though; both groups slightly questioned the
term “sanitary hot water” as some thought the word sanitary was unnecessary.
Despite these issues the clear sentiment was that the matrix was reporting
useful information and that while participants would not wish to be presented
with this first or in isolation it is a very useful adjunct to the overall score
mnemonic (whether expressed as a simple mnemonic design or a tri-partite
mnemonic design).
• When initially presented with the tri-partite designs (following the simple
mnemonic designs) most respondents appreciated the extra detail they
contained, because although this was took more effort to understand it helped
their understanding of what was behind the overall SRI score; however,
opinion was evenly divided about whether it was best to use a simple
mnemonic score and the matrix of information (to provide more detail) or to
use a tri-partite mnemonic design and the matrix of information – those who
favoured the first approach said that the simple mnemonic design conveyed
the overall score at a glance and the extra detail was fully present in the
matrix, thus there was no need to have a tri-partite design. Overall,
respondents thought either approach would be viable.
• In both groups there was a clear desire to have layers of information organised
in a hierarchy that includes an overall score but also additional detail that users
could probe when they wished to have more information (e.g. via the matrix).
When asked about what media format the SRI should take respondents
expressed a preference for multiple formats e.g. a certificate (which many
thought was important to show credibility), a report (which could accompany
the certificate and include more explanation) and online material (perhaps
accessed through a QR code on the certificate and which would have navigable
pages with a hierarchy of information, so those that wanted to understand
exactly how the scoring was done for a given element and potential
• There was equal support in both focus groups for an approach that initially
presented the single overall score mnemonic and then the matrix, or which
initially presented the overall score/tri-partite score mnemonics and then the
matrix – thus either approach would seem to be viable; however, there are
more problems with understanding the demand side flexibility concept in the
tri-partite designs than the way this is conveyed in the matrix.
• When asked about the QR code shown on the EPCs slightly over half of
respondents indicated that they knew what it was and that it could be used to
link to a webpage via a smartphone app. There was apparent unanimity that
using a QR code with the SRI would be useful as it would allow those who are
interested to access more information.
• When asked who should do the SRI assessment, respondents were of the view
that independent qualified assessors should do so – several said they would
not trust an assessment done by a commercially interested party. They were
open to the idea that self-assessment could be done with the support of on-
line tools but did not think it should have any status on a certificate, or publicly
claimed score. Nonetheless, several said they would welcome having the
opportunity to see how the score on their property could change as a function
of the type of smart services they could potentially install and thus would
welcome the opportunity to take a formal assessment of their building and
examine via an on-line tool what the effect of potential changes could be.
• Overall, there was remarkable consistency between the responses given in the
Madrid focus group and the Budapest group which implies that the findings
might be relatively robust i.e. tend to be confirmed were additional focus
groups to be conducted in other locations, although this has not been proven.
The findings from the consumer focus groups were broadly supported by the
findings from the informal survey of facility managers achieved via the
communication received with participants in the SRI trials (see 5.1.3) and from
discussions held at an event with facility managers (see in that facility
managers seem to be quite happy to receive both the overall SRI ranking and the
information presented in the table of SRI sub-scores. These findings were further
reported back to the final primary stakeholder meeting as well as to Topical Group
A and all feedback seemed supportive of this conclusion.
From the analysis and research conducted above the following conclusions are
tentatively drawn by the study team.
• As such an approach has been found to be viable for the least technically
sophisticated set of the potential target users (consumers) yet includes the full
set of information on scores by domain/impact criterion that many facility
managers and non-residential users have expressed an interest in seeing it
seems that it would be viable to use this approach for all building types and
• With regard to the set of media used such an approach (i.e. a top-line
mnemonic ranking/score with a matrix of sub-scores beneath) could be
presented via a certificate and/or report with the option to access more details
through an on-line tool. Such a tool could be accessible via a QR code and/or
weblink and could potentially include the option for the user to enter (and/or
retrieve) their building details so they could examine how they could improve
its smart readiness in detail. The on-line tool could combine the functionalities
of: explaining the SRI purpose and calculation to users; explain the higher
levels of SRT functionality that are available and their benefits; and being able
to calculate SRI scores from raw input data while allowing users to see how
improved SRTs would improve their building’s overall score and sub-scores.
• The use of an on-line platform would provide a solid and flexible foundation for
the SRI’s informational needs and be most responsive to the range of user
needs. It could help to: facilitate SRI assessment, enable interactive
determination of the impact of prospective changes in a building’s smartness,
manage evolutions in the SRI, manage evolutions in the data for any specific
property, support data exchange with other service platforms whenever
appropriate permissions are granted. Critically, the use of such a platform, if
arranged to be in a navigable hierarchical manner, would avoid the need for
the scheme to have to present the information in a single condensed format
based on assumptions about user needs, as users would be able to readily find
the information they are most interested in.
• Both professional stakeholders and consumers seem to welcome that the SRI
format should present information on improvement options; however, the
most appropriate route for doing this might be implementation pathway
dependent. An on line platform could readily be designed to facilitate this.
• As the SRI scheme evolves it is likely that new versions will come into being
and hence there will be a need to communicate the version being used at any
one time so users are aware when methodologies have changed.
For each of these three aspects, the consortium explores the optimal connection
to other schemes and initiatives (EPC, Level(s), etc.) and the potential to tailor
the SRI to different implementation pathways and assessment procedures.
• assessment of operational, organisational and legal design options for the SRI
• development of technical recommendations for the efficient and cost-effective
assessment of the SRI
• development of guidelines for the management of the SRI after adoption.
This activity builds upon the findings from Task 2 on the options for implementing
the SRI at EU-level and at Member States-level that will have previously been
presented and discussed with the Commission and stakeholders to agree upon the
most promising pathways to implement/organise the SRI. Specifically, the activity
sets out options for the effective implementation of the SRI in accordance with
these pathways. It is structured with the intent of providing guidance on the
effective operational, organisational and legal design options for the SRI scheme,
at EU and at Member States level.
The prospective actors are then mapped against these for the best fit. For each
organisational approach the organisational building blocks are identified and
described. This includes establishing what activities are required for the scheme
to operate and the interactions between them.
This section considers the organisation of the scheme, detailing actors which would
need to be involved in setting up and implementing the scheme, their roles,
responsibilities, activities and interactions. Where relevant, the role of the
Commission in the implementation of the SRI and its relationships with other
players is clarified.
Before considering these aspects, it begins by reflecting on the pros and cons of
each of the principal implementation pathways outlined in Task 2. This appraisal
is done via SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analyses
which are presented for each of the main implementation pathways in turn below.
These SWOT analyses constitute the initial appraisal of the study team. While
various elements within them have arisen from stakeholder discussions they have
not been put to stakeholders in a structured way and hence do not necessarily
reflect the views of the SRI’s stakeholder community.
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
Strengths Weaknesses
• Predictable assessment volume means • The rate of new build and major
a guaranteed coverage of SRI renovation is currently < 2% per
assessments if made mandatory for annum and hence stock coverage will
new build/major renovations take decades to achieve.
• Avoids the complication of how to deal • Adds an additional regulatory cost to
with both new and legacy equipment new build and major renovations.
which will occur in unrenovated • Risks having low to modest awareness
existing buildings of the scheme except in the
• Provides smart assessment at moment construction sector
of change in ownership/occupancy and • If linked to the EPC process would
hence increases SRT upgrade potential increase the time and cost associated
as this is a moment when there is with this step and EPC credibility is not
more chance that capital investments always high with all market actors
will be considered • Requires extra training/accreditation of
• Incentivises developers, designers and EPC/SRI assessors
system integrators to incorporate • Would not address portable assets
smart services into their projects
• If linked to 3rd party assessment, e.g.
via the EPC, it should maximise
assessment quality and increase
integrity & market value
• Assessment can directly inform new
owner/occupier via targeted advice
Opportunities Threats
Strengths Weaknesses
• Allows the market to engage with the • Risks having low engagement and low
SRI in a flexible manner that suits coverage of the building stock – SRI
their needs assessment volumes would be very
• Avoids adding additional regulatory un-predictable
costs • Risks having low awareness of the
• Minimises burdens on regulatory scheme
authorities with responsibility for EPBD • Risks providing little incentive to
implementation upgrade SRTs and smart services
• On-line tools can be structured to • Self-assessment increases the
allow users to assess the aspects of likelihood of poor assessment quality
the SRI which are of most interest to and could reduce the quality of
them and which provide information at explanation of the upgrade potential
the level they wish to receive it even if managed on-line
• If self-assessment predominates the
assessments would carry almost no
value in the marketplace except to
those who have done or commissioned
the assessment
• Market willingness to pay for 3rd party
assessment risks being very low
Opportunities Threats
Strengths Weaknesses
• Allows the market to engage with the • If incentives are insufficient risks
SRI in a flexible manner that suits having low engagement and low
their needs coverage of the building stock – SRI
• Avoids adding additional regulatory assessment volumes could be quite
costs to market actors un-predictable
• The provision of incentives will • Risks having low to modest awareness
stimulate a higher level of adoption of the scheme
than would occur in option C • Unless specifically designed to address
• Minimises burdens on regulatory this, it could risk providing little
authorities with responsibility for EPBD incentive to upgrade SRTs and smart
implementation services
• On-line tools can be structured to • Self-assessment increases the
allow users to assess the aspects of likelihood of poor assessment quality
the SRI which are of most interest to and could reduce the quality of
them and which provide information at explanation of the upgrade potential
the level they wish to receive it even if managed on-line
• If self-assessment predominates the
assessments would carry almost no
value in the marketplace except to
those who have done or commissioned
the assessment
• Market willingness to pay for 3rd party
assessment risks being very low
Opportunities Threats
• If incentives were to cover the cost of • If incentives are insufficient, then with
3rd party assessment, then willingness low assessment volumes there is a real
to have an assessment would increase risk that suppliers of smart services
• If incentives were to cover some of the and SRTs will see little value in
incremental costs of smart services positioning their service/product
and SRTs then their rate of adoption offerings within the SRI framework and
would increase this could result in a much weaker
• Were SRT/smart service incentives to “push” effect.
be offered to those that have a 3rd • A predominance of self-assessment
party SRI assessment then the scheme could result in even 3rd party certified
would incentivise both SRI assessments having lower value in
• Training and qualification of certified the market due to misunderstanding
assessors can develop organically at the distinction
the pace the market demands
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
Strengths Weaknesses
Opportunities Threats
A priori, in the view of the study’s authors, the establishment of the SRI requires
certain key components to be put in place. These are:
These aspects are discussed more in section 3.3 but for now the nature of their
functions and composition (actors) is considered.
The entity responsible for overall management of the scheme needs to govern and
manage all the high-level decisions regarding the scheme’s scope, governance and
implementation within the boundaries established by the legal framework. As a
consequence, it needs to include appropriately high-level representation from the
EC and Member States and needs to either report to the EPBD governance process
or be an integral part of it.
While the functions associated with these entities are described distinctly above it
remains an option to incorporate the responsibility for overall management within
the current EPBD governance structure rather than have it addressed by a new
entity with a specific SRI focus.
At the Member State level these functions will need to be mirrored with regard to
the parts of the scheme’s implementation and governance which are within each
Member States’ purview.
When considering the interaction of the functions described above with the
different implementation pathways the following observations can be made:
• The competences required to implement and manage the central SRI platform
and provide secretariat support services will depend on the nature of its
implementation, but are not necessarily related to the principal pathways –
with regard to these, the key technical competency issues will concern the
decisions about the nature of online services including whether to host and
manage an online assessment calculation tool and how to manage data
submitted into it. These decisions will affect the workload, technical skills and
liabilities associated with hosting the central platform. Other tasks associated
with this role would/could include: maintenance of a web presence for the
scheme, listing of approved calculation tools (if outsourced) and assessors
(linking to the Member State level), online help desk and support, promotional
actions, management and quality control of training (depending on how
centralised this is), provision of online resources, organising and convening
meetings and events. Many of these functions could be provided at Member
State or pan-EU level so decisions need to be made on the most appropriate
division of responsibilities.
This section considers options for the operation of the SRI scheme for each given
organisational approach, detailing how the scheme operates when it is in place.
This includes e.g. monitoring, quality control, verification, and market surveillance
• assessment
• certification
• calculation methodology
• calculation tools
• data management
It considers each of these in turn and the dependencies they exhibit as a function
of the implementation pathway. Assessment
The SRI assessment process could be conducted on-site or remotely (e.g. for the
assessment Case C). In the case of on-site assessment, there are choices between
whether a specifically organised site visit is required or whether the actors already
present in a building could do the assessment (i.e. a self-assessment), however,
even this latter case would entail the person doing the assessment being on site
unless they had access to the necessary information in the form of documentation
held electronically or as printed documents. As previously discussed, remote
assessment is not a viable option for the initial implementation of the SRI and
hence is not considered further within the current discussion but could be an option
that is developed over the longer term. The near-term options thus all entail on-
site assessment. The type of actors that would be involved in these is set out in
the table below as a function of the implementation pathway. In this table the
actors who would implement the principal assessment option are highlighted in
bold, but the principal option does not preclude also permitting alternative options
and these are indicated in italics. Thus, under pathway A, an SRI assessment
would be conducted by 3rd party EPC assessors who are also qualified to do SRI
assessments and this would (or could) occur each time an EPC is issued. However,
this doesn’t preclude that self-assessment could also be permitted and facilitated
as this would allow buildings to be assessed outside (in-between) the EPC issuance
cycle, would encourage occupants/owners/facility managers to engage with the
SRI and reflect more on its implications (which is especially relevant when an SRT
investment decision is being considered), and would allow them to explore and a
time of their choosing to explore the various ways that they could upgrade the
smart functionality of their property and the benefits that would be expected from
doing so – this is especially so if an online assessment platform was always
available. Such an online self-assessment could be complementary to a 3rd party
assessment carried out at the same time as an EPC is issued, but clearly would
not carry the same weight when communicating the SRI to other market actors.
The same is true for pathways B, E and F where the principal assessment is done
by a 3rd party professional and self-assessment is an additional option. In these
cases, though, the principal assessment distinction between the pathways is the
nature of the 3rd party assessor. While pathway A would use a qualified EPC
assessor, pathway B would use a qualified building regulations compliance
inspector, pathway E would use the building services professionals involved in the
installation and inspection of TBSs, and pathway E would use the professionals
involved in the installation of smart meters. The key assessment consideration in
each case is which group is best placed to issue an SRI. Lastly, pathways C&D are
different from the others because they would rely principally on self-assessment
and hence do not require site visits by 3rd party professionals, although this would
still be an option for those willing to pay for a 3rd party assessment. The upside of
A B C/D E F Certification
The issue of certified performance (SRI scoring) is intrinsically linked to that of the
permitted assessment pathways. In principle, issuance of a certificate to endorse
an SRI assessment gives value to the assessment in the market by demonstrating
that an assessment has been done in accordance with agreed norms by an
independent qualified assessor and hence, a priori, market actors can place
greater credibility in the information it provides than information provided through
a self-assessment conducted by an interested party who may or may not be
qualified to undertake the assessment. Any assessor who is officially mandated to
do an assessment (e.g. pathways A, B, E and F) would also need to be qualified
to do the assessment and be independent. In such cases the assessments they
provide would be suited to the issuance of certified assessment which would add
negligible additional cost but provide more value. In the other pathways (C & D)
the principal mode of self-assessment would not (optional 3rd party assessment
would be). With regard to the independence of certifiers pathways A and B offer
the greatest independence, while pathways E and F would need safeguards to be
established to ensure the certification is independent of the installers’ product
Establishing clear and secure data management protocols linked with appropriate
levels of consent will be a priority in all SRI assessment pathways, but there is
greater risk of unauthorised use of data and greater data owner concern with
online and cloud-based platforms than those that rely on portable calculation
methods that do not report data back to a central database. On the other hand,
passage of data via the internet would allow the use of centrally managed online
calculation software with less risk of inconsistency in the application of version
control than downloadable software and greater opportunity to implement a
navigable, hierarchical SRI assessment that would allow users to continue to
analyse the information embedded in their data after a 3rd party assessor has left
the premises, to receive richer and more targeted advice and explore the impact
of potential upgrades in SRTs.
Any implementation pathway that makes use of digital data transmission will need
to respect GDPR requirements. Training
If the SRI is to use a common calculation and assessment method across the EU
there would be a rationale for training of the trainers to be centrally initiated and
supported, at least in the initial stages of the scheme. This could help ensure a
standardised approach is followed from the outset and minimise variance in
Conformity assessment is the process that the suppliers of goods and services
undertake to ensure their products comply with requirements. In the case of the
SRI this is the method, or methods, that would need to be specified in order for
suppliers to show that there is a legally accepted basis to support claims they
make about their products’ characteristics in relation to the SRI.
It will be beneficial to establish an online platform for the scheme to serve as the
focal point and information resource for the scheme and also to host and
implement any related online services, such as online assessment platforms or
downloadable assessment software, provide links to national implementation
hubs, provide training functions, etc.
Aside from the mechanisms discussed under conformity assessment and market
surveillance the other aspect of legal protection and enforcement of the scheme
concerns the option to copyright it to protect its intellectual value and limit the
risk of misuse and mis-attribution.
Copyright is applicable to certain forms of creative work. Some, but not all
jurisdictions require "fixing" copyrighted works in a tangible form. It is often
shared among multiple authors, each of whom holds a set of rights to use or
license the work, and who are commonly referred to as rights holders. These rights
frequently include reproduction, control over derivative works, distribution, public
performance, and moral rights such as attribution.
Copyrights can be granted by public law and are in that case considered "territorial
rights". This means that copyrights granted by the law of a certain state, do not
extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction. Copyrights of this type
vary by country; many countries, and sometimes a large group of countries, have
made agreements with other countries on procedures applicable when works
"cross" national borders or national rights are inconsistent 101.
Also relevant to this are the recently adopted Directive (EU) 2019/790 of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on copyright and related
rights in the Digital Single Market and amending Directives 96/9/EC and
2001/29/EC, also known, together with the Infosoc Directive, as the EU Copyright
Copyrighting the SRI would ensure the ownership and control of the intellectual
property of the scheme would be legally protected and ensure that designated
operatives had the right to use its intellectual property.
The latter two are well-known and managed through normal employment
practices. Thus, the main need would be to put in place any additional risk
mitigation and limitation strategies necessary to minimise the risks associated with
the first two aspects.
• data needs and data collection methods, e.g. through on-site inspections.
• processing the gathered data to rate the smartness of the various components
and services present in the building up to aggregated scores.
• procedures on storing and updating SRI data.
Alongside the type of assessor, the data collection procedure itself can vary
depending on the implementation pathways and the degree of accuracy and
representativeness favoured. Various procedures for data collection include:
In practice, there may be a hybrid solution that combines elements from more
than one of the procedural categories. For example, on-site inspections may be
supported by automated remote detection procedures to automatically evaluate
part of the services in the service catalogue.
It is expected that the efficiency of the assessment process will vary significantly
based on the expertise of the assessor, the accessibility of the building, the quality
of data available and the characteristics and complexity of the TBSs. Potentially,
other factors such as the type of buildings, climate zone and type of ownership,
etc., will equally affect the efficiency and effectivity of the assessment process.
The applicability of the proposed assessment procedures will be evaluated in terms
of time and cost for assessment, availability and accuracy of required building
technical information, access to technical services and data protection, etc.
Moreover, for each of the assessment pathways, the consortium will evaluate the
degree to which it is actionable now, or could be in the future, by identifying
potential barriers or technological evolutions that affect the efficiency and cost-
effectiveness of the assessment. For example, an automated assessment is not
expected to be actionable now, as current technologies mostly do not support open
data access and a standardised protocol to compute and/or communicate the
smart readiness level of technology has not yet been established.
In order to assist the testing phase or the SRI concept (see section 5.1.3), a
provisional information package, including a calculation sheet and a guidance
document was developed (see 0). It mainly focuses on the approach of on-site
inspections through a checklist of smart services that could be performed by
various types of assessors. The document provides step-by-step instructions on
how to complete the calculation sheet, providing additional information on the
various options that may be selected.
Finally, instructions are provided to fill out the check-list based calculation sheet.
The instructions are strongly linked to the specific context of the calculation sheet,
which was developed for testing purposes only. The document focuses on the use
of the calculation sheet and does not elaborate on individual services or
functionality levels. As part of the implementation of the SRI methodology, it is
advised to develop a more elaborate inspection protocol that may include
additional details. Potentially, a protocol for documenting and collecting proof on
the functionality level of each service may be included.
As part of this field trial, the efficiency of the assessment process was probed in a
broad sample of buildings, comprising various building types, climatic zones and
types of assessors. Registered stakeholders were encouraged to take part in this
field trial and test the SRI assessment procedure on buildings of their choice.
Stakeholders who signed up for this field trial received an information package
comprising the calculation sheet and the assessment guidelines. The results of the
public field trial are discussed in section 5.1.3.
The lessons learned from the test phase were collected and consolidated in the
final technical recommendations on the SRI definition and methodology.
During the assessment process, the assessor (or an automated system) collects
data on the various smart services present in a building. This can cover a wide
range of services, e.g. temperature regulation, EV charging capabilities and
provisions on automated solar shading control.
To make the SRI effective and cost-efficient, the process of converting inspections
on smart services to SRI scores should be fully automated. This will also ensure a
far more objective and replicable approach, where one does not rely on the
appraisal of individual assessors to derive the impacts from smart technologies or
provide weighting factors for a multitude of domains and impact categories.
The calculation methodology for the SRI is straightforward and based on simple
summations using sets of weighting factors. Nevertheless, the number of services
and weighting factors and the potential need for normalisation would make a
manual calculation cumbersome and prone to errors. Therefore, it is suggested
that the calculation is embedded in a numerical tool. During the field trial a
spreadsheet application was provided to the assessors. The information to be
provided by the assessor is two-fold: on the one hand, general information on the
building and its technical building systems should be provided. This supports the
selection of the correct weighting factors and the triage process. On the other
hand, the functionality level should be provided for each service. To this end, the
list of relevant services – based on the triage process – is presented to the
assessor. The calculation of impact scores and the overall scores occurs in an
automated manner.
Given the low computational power needs, various other tools can be envisaged
during a later implementation phase, including smartphone or tablet applications
and online calculators. A priori, it would be possible to have one single calculation
core to be used across the entire EU. Some elements within the calculation core
(e.g. weighting factors for heating versus cooling needs) could then be further
tailored to local conditions in various climatic zones.
Much of the data will be processed into an applicable format comprising the results
of the SRI assessment. It can be relevant to store such outcomes (label, report,
etc.) in a central database. This allows for the handing over of information to new
owners or tenants, carrying out statistical analyses to support policy-making and
the performance of quality control checks. One might also opt to open up specific
parts of the data to external actors, e.g. grid operators requesting insight on the
Apart from the assessment outcomes, the source data and accompanying data
generated during the assessment process could also be stored. This could be part
of an official accreditation process, allowing quality control on the SRI
assessments. Second, a data repository would be a powerful instrument when
updating the SRI of a building. Depending on the implementation pathways
favoured, such updates of an SRI score could happen at fixed intervals (say every
5 or 10 years) or trigger points (e.g. change of owner) or be more flexibly updated
(e.g. when installing a new TBS). A smooth and secure process for retrieving
previously entered SRI data will greatly support the efficiency of the SRI
assessment. For some of the implementation pathways, this could lead to a regular
update by the owner, facility manager or contractor every time the building
receives a TBS upgrade.
Finally, a secure set of SRI data for a particular building is also essential for
forward-looking SRI approaches. These could take various formats, including:
Whereas the technical framework for the SRI definition and underlying calculation
methodology is proposed in a manner that is open for innovation, a key challenge
for the success of the long-term SRI impact is to stay aligned with the fast-growing
industry of smart technologies and quickly evolving smart services. This task
therefore formulates guidelines for maintaining and adapting the catalogue of
smart services and the methodology for calculating the SRI.
In the last part of this activity, implications for the effective management of these
processes are set out.
Each of these are discussed below with regard to the set of activities that would
need to be done and in the case of the management structure it’s characteristics.
Topical group C has also reflected on the need for updating the SRI – both with
regard to the methods A and B and the potential evolution towards a performance
based method C. Their suggestions are discussed in the topical group C first
recommendations report.
The regular periodic review can be broken down into two reviews:
The purpose of the periodic review of the SRI service catalogue is to ensure that:
The steps necessary for these actions are now described in turn.
• What new solutions are available to provide the service and what additional
level of functionality do they provide?
• How feasible is it to assess this functionality?
• Does the extra functionality provided merit either adding a new functionality
classification above the existing ones in the (usually ordinal) scoring system or
implementing a reclassification of all the functionality levels applied for the
Ensuring that impact scores ascribed to the functionalities are in line with
the evidence
The impact scoring used in the current iteration of the SRI service catalogue
ascribes ordinal rankings to each smart service functionality level per impact
criterion. The evidence used to inform these rankings needs regular review to
ensure they correctly reflect current understanding and that impacts are
appropriately mapped to functionality levels. This review can be conducted service
by service to clarify the relative ranking of impacts per functionality level, but this
then needs to be repeated horizontally across all the services to ensure maximum
consistency and coherence in how the scores are ascribed across the ensemble of
This distinction is potentially important for the management of the review process
because while expertise at the service level is necessary to understand the distinct
characteristics of each service, multidisciplinary evaluation skills applied within a
transparent framework are required to provide an even-handed evaluation of
impact scores across the set of service offerings included in the catalogue.
Ensuring that the most appropriate services are listed within the catalogue
To review whether the smart services contained within the catalogue are the most
appropriate the review body will need a distinct but related assessment process
for new prospective services that could be added to the catalogue and for existing
services. For new prospective services the review body will need to:
• map the array of new services that could theoretically be included within the
• determine their compatibility with the scope of the scheme as set out in the
EPBD and exclude any services that are outside that scope
• assess the expected magnitude of benefits, in terms of the scheme’s impact
criteria, that each prospective new service offers
• consider how readily the service can be assessed in accordance with the
scheme’s assessment process (or processes) and determine the viability and
level of effort required to conduct such an assessment(s).
• assess the definition and boundaries of the service and whether they are still
appropriate given market and technology developments
• review whether the magnitude of impacts the service delivers is still in line
with previous expectations
• assess the evidence of the practicality of assessment of the service in terms of
its viability of being assessed and level of effort required to assess it.
Once both of the above set of actions are complete the review body should bring
the findings together and consider the relative merits of the existing and potential
new services for inclusion in the scheme. In doing this they need to consider:
In the event that it is viable to add a new service without requiring the removal of
existing ones (i.e. that the extra assessment effort associated with the new service
would have little impact on the overall assessment process and level of effort)
then the prospective new services this applies to could be put forward for
consideration for inclusion in the next iteration of the scheme.
For prospective new services where it would not be not viable to include them
without excluding an existing service, then:
• the review body needs to determine whether any of the prospective new
services would bring more benefits than any of the existing ones
• if it is not the case then the service would not be recommended for inclusion
in the next iteration of the scheme but rather return to a prospective service
tracking list for future reviews
• if it is the case then an assessment needs to be made of the relative viability
of assessment of both the prospective new service and the service it could
replace before determining whether the expected extra benefits of the
prospective new service compared to the existing one and the practicalities of
assessment are sufficiently compelling that it would be recommended for
consideration for inclusion in place of the existing service on those grounds.
The same is true of any modifications to be made in the catalogue, including those
concerning evolution in functionalities and impact scores.
The review of the calculation methodology will consider a higher-level set of issues
than those discussed for the service catalogue. In particular, it needs to consider:
This step will need to ensure that appropriate feedback on the interaction between
the scheme’s implementation and the calculation methodology is gathered and
analysed so the findings can be taken into account. This will need to take account
of the set of implementation pathways being followed, the type of SRI
methodology being used (if more than one type of SRI methodology is developed),
and the evidence from the field of how the issues encountered in using the
methodology in terms of the reliability of the results produced, the strength of the
value proposition to the target audiences, the readiness and uptake of the
methodology (and related interactions with the nature of the methodology). As
more than one SRI methodology could be in use (depending on decisions yet to
be made) the review will need to segment the review as a function of the permitted
set of combinations of the type of methodology and the implementation pathway
it is applied to.
Review of the suitability of the weightings applied will be a critical element in the
review process and be can expected to require substantial analysis. As the
derivation of weightings can be partly deterministic e.g. for climate related impacts
on energy and partly subjective (based on application of a set of values which may
be held personally or intended to be representative of the broader community)
care needs to be exercised to ensure that weighting determinations are
The weightings review will also need to distinguish any necessary differentiations
as a function of the following:
• impact criterion
• domain
• building type
• climate type
• missing services.
The first point of contact would then ask for the basis of the suggestion and a
minimum set of supporting evidence or documentation. If the proposer does not
have all of the minimum set of evidence a process would have to be undertaken
to appraise if the evidence or arguments submitted are sufficiently compelling to
merit making additional efforts to acquire that information. In the event they are,
Maximum time delays associated with each stage would need to be established,
both with regard to the time given to applicants to compile required evidence and
with regard to the time the fast track respondents/bodies need to process the
material and make determinations.
Every time changes are made to the SRI service catalogue or methodology it would
constitute a change in the manner of SRI assessment and hence would mean a
reduced comparability between one assessment and another. This reduction in
comparability has consequences in terms of the understanding of the SRI scoring
and the organisational effect the SRI has on service offers. If the scheme’s criteria
change too frequently, they will diminish the ability of service and SRT suppliers
to position their offers within the framework and reduce their engagement and the
associated strength of the “push” effect. If they change too slowly, they will render
the scheme obsolete and make it unresponsive to important changes in technology
and the market. Thus, the decision of whether such changes merit issuing a
revised catalogue and/or methodology will need to weigh-up the relative
importance of these effects. As a consequence, they are not purely technological
or technical in nature but require a much broader understanding of how the
scheme functions and the different consequences of issuing updated SRI versions.
It should be noted that changes that involve adding new services or domains do
not ordinarily affect the classification and assessment of existing ones (unless it
would lead to a service being demoted from the scheme) and thus, changes of this
nature can occur without any negative impacts on the positioning of existing
products and services within the framework. On the other hand, it is also the case,
as has been experienced with energy labelling, that taking too long to update
performance scales can also have a negative impact on the market as services
become bunched into the top of the scale and there is insufficient differentiation.
Many existing schemes confront version management issues and the usual
response is to clearly delineate versions in the reporting of the scheme, so users
are aware of the version which was used in the assessment and can take that into
account. It is also technically possible to take data submitted under an old version
and calculate how the scoring would change under the latest version. Thus, if the
data used under a previous version of the scheme is still accessible a facility could
be established to enable this recalculation.
In any case, as the decision regarding whether to issue a new distinct version
requires careful deliberation of the merits and demerits a body has to oversee this
which has the requisite mandate and competences. It could be imagined that a
periodic, or fast-tracked, meeting of the relevant review body leads to a
provisional recommendation that from a technical perspective the SRI should be
updated to accommodate various evolutions; however, the body charged with the
decision of whether to issue a new version (which could be the same as the review
body or separate from it) may consider that the stability of the scheme is more
important at that stage than the value of including the changes. In which case,
the proposed changes could be parked and reconsidered at the next review cycle
when additional proposals for change, creating more overall value from the
issuance of an up-dated version, may be put forward and lead to a critical mass
being reached in favour of issuance of an update.
The discussion above has set out the functions and some organisational aspects
that would be required to:
The review and maintenance of the service catalogue requires service and domain
specific knowledge concerning the available technologies and markets but also
knowledge regarding the implementation of the scheme. It also requires
multidisciplinary appraisal competences capable of doing horizontal assessments
across service offerings and impact categories. In both regards this implies access
to experts rather than policy representatives. In principle, the organisation of this
work could best be managed by a blend of an overall working group (charged with
making overall determinations across services, domains and impacts) supported
by domain specific-working groups (perhaps established on a per need or ad hoc
basis). The option exists to establish formal “working group(s)” or to hire
consultants to conduct the assessments, or a blend of both. The advantage of a
formal expert working group structure is that it is more clearly transparent and
could bring in a broader set of subject matter experts chosen to represent the
The decision-making with regard to agreeing and issuing version changes and
associated reporting requirements could be undertaken by a more politically
representative management committee. It has a higher-level function and requires
less direct technical knowledge. Its meeting could be held periodically or convened
by request from those responsible for maintenance and upgrade of the catalogue
and methodology. Considering that it would be charged with appraising the
material presented to it by the catalogue and methodology managers to determine
whether an updated version needs to be issued it could also fulfil a scrutiny role
on the conduct of the catalogue and methodology managers.
The objective of Task 4 is to quantify the costs and benefits of implementing SRI
in the EU building sector for the horizons of 2030, 2040, 2050. This impact analysis
encompasses the different implementation pathways proposed in Task 2. The
benefits and effects along the selected criteria will be accurately quantified
(primarily in monetary, energy and emission units) on a yearly and cumulative
basis and will be subjected to a sensitivity analysis. This analysis has built further
on the outputs from the preliminary analysis of impacts performed in the first
technical study on the SRI and has aligned with other recent studies on the wider
benefits of energy efficiency and smart ready technologies.
The impact analysis is organised into three parts. First, the building-level impact
of increasing levels of smart technology integration is quantified for a carefully
selected set of reference buildings covering single-family and multi-family (both
small and large) residential buildings as well as offices, wholesale and retail
buildings and education buildings. In addition, the analysis diversifies according to
climate region, construction period and renovation level.
Finally, combining the output from the building-level impact and the projections
on the deployment of the SRI, the impact of the different implementation
pathways and policy options at the EU level is quantified.
The overall methodology outlined above comprises the following four sub-
The main objective of this activity is to quantify the impact of smart technologies
and smart services at the individual building level for a representative and diverse
set of reference buildings. The results can subsequently (in Activities 2 to 4) be
used to determine scaled impacts at the whole EU level. Furthermore, these results
will support the scenario analyses carried out in Task 1 Activity 3 in support of the
calculation methodology development and in Task 3 Activity 2 to investigate the
different implementation and assessment pathways.
The bottom-up approach followed in this study starts with the selection of a set of
reference buildings. A reference building is defined as a typical building in terms
of its function, geometry, thermal quality, HVAC system and BAC system within
the building stock. This allows for the subsequent analysis of an entire building
stock by conducting analyses – from the bottom up – on different reference
buildings and then aggregating the results as a function of how common these
buildings are within the whole stock.
To determine the building-level impact of SRTs, six performance criteria have been
• energy use
• greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
• self-consumption of renewable energy
• energy security
• material circularity
• comfort and well-being.
Since the building-level energy and GHG emissions savings are important input
parameters in assessing the EU-level impact of the SRI, a detailed model has been
developed and implemented to directly calculate these KPIs. These calculation
results are complemented with impacts estimated from a detailed literature study
on the other KPIs. The following sub-sections present the approach and results for
each of the KPIs.
In the context of the EPBD, the impact of smart ready services and technologies
on the energy use of buildings is evaluated as a first key performance indicator.
For each of the reference building cases, the energy use is modelled in accordance
with the EN 52000-1:2017 series. The energy savings related to smart services
and technologies are quantified based on key EU standards such as EN 15232 for
Smart services and technologies may unlock energy savings both by improving
the energy efficiency at building level as well as by allowing the optimization of
energy flows on an aggregated energy grid level. The energy use impacts of smart
services and technologies targeted in this paragraph only considers the building
level impact, using the ‘on-site’ perimeter definition in EN 52000-1:2017. The
impact of smart buildings in relation to the energy grids, e.g. through offering
demand-response services, is accounted for in further KPI’s on “renewable uptake”
and “energy security”.
For each of the selected reference buildings, the net energy demand for heating,
cooling, ventilation, sanitary hot water and lighting are determined. Based on the
reference geometries and building envelope and TBS characteristics, the net
energy use for heating and cooling is assessed using EN 52016. As these net
demands are primarily governed by the building design and fabric characteristics,
which are assumed not to be affected by the SRI, these net energy demands are
verified and aligned to match the total energy use of the corresponding segment
of the building stock as presented in the EPBD impact assessment and the first
technical study on the SRI. Given the wide scope of the analysis and its main
purpose of feeding into the EU-level impact analysis, it was decided that the
different levels of smartness for the analysis of the impact of SRTs would be
defined only at the energy domain level (heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic
hot water, lighting) rather than at a technical system level. In other words, the
calculation method allows the assessment of the overall energy savings when, for
example, improving the level of smartness of the heating system by one or more
levels of smartness. As such, the calculation method is technology-neutral and
largely follows the proposed calculation method in EN 15232. The energy use for
each of these configurations is modelled according to the standards described
above. Based on EN 15323 the impact of increasing the smartness of TBSs on final
energy use is quantified. An overview of the calculation process, that is followed
for each of the building types, is given in Figure 31 based on the umbrella
document (CEN/TR 15615). It involves following the energy flows from the left to
the right.
102The figure is a schematic illustration and is not intended to cover all possible combinations of energy supply,
on-site energy production and energy use. For example, a ground-source heat pump uses both electricity and
renewable energy from the ground; and electricity generated on site by photovoltaic could be used entirely within
the building, or it could be exported entirely, or a combination of the two.
Figure 32 shows a snapshot of the calculation sheet outcome for one of the
reference buildings, i.e. a retrofitted single-family building for the Western
European climate zone. For the example building, the calculation sheet shows the
absolute and relative energy savings for each of the components of energy use
(heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, domestic hot water) when improving the
level of smartness of the TBSs. Evidently, the largest savings are obtained when
increasing the system smartness from level D to A according to EN 15232, with a
resulting 25% total energy saving. Note that just as the relative share of the
domains will vary for different building types, total energy savings will depend on
the building type as well as the boundary conditions (e.g. climate). The calculation
tool allows the rapid selection of combinations of building type, age class,
renovation level and climate region for analysis of the detailed energy saving.
Based on current energy prices, annual savings are up to 6 €/m² for the oldest,
unrenovated houses and 2–3.5 €/m² for recent constructions or renovated
buildings when upgrading from level D to level A. When upgrading by one level of
smartness, savings vary between 0.2 €/m² and 2 €/m². As expected, these results
show a clear dependence on the original energy demand of the building prior to
installing the SRTs, since the calculated relative energy savings are found to be
independent of the building type. Considering specific investment costs of 4.8
€/m² and 16.8 €/m², respectively, for an upgrade of one level of smartness or an
Figure 33 – Specific annual energy cost savings resulting from energy efficiency gains
from SRT uptake for the example of single-family houses in Northern Europe as a function
of construction year and renovation level
Another outcome of the building level impact calculation are the relative energy
savings as exemplified in Figure 34 for offices. The results are shown as a function
of the construction period and renovation level. As correction factors defined in EN
15232 vary more significantly among the energy domains, a variation in the
relative energy savings is found as function of the building thermal quality depicted
by the construction period and building renovation level. Overall, relative energy
savings are higher than for the residential buildings, with a maximum relative
energy reduction of 45–49% when upgrading Northern European office buildings
from level D to level A.
As the distribution of energy use among the energy domains (heating, cooling,
ventilation, lighting and domestic hot water) plays a significant role in the relative
energy savings following SRT upgrades in non-residential buildings, differences of
up to eight percentage points are found when comparing the same buildings for
different climate zones (e.g. Figure 35) or different types of non-residential
building type (e.g. wholesale and retail buildings in Figure 36).
104 These figures are in line with values reported in Ecofys & WSE (2017), Optimising the energy use
of technical building systems: Unleashing the power of the EPBD’s Article 8 – Ecofys and Waide
Strategic Efficiency for Danfoss.
Figure 35 – Relative energy savings resulting from SRT upgrade for the example of offices
in Southern Europe as a function of construction year and renovation level
The absolute energy cost savings depend not only upon the relative energy savings
obtained after integrating SRTs but also on the original energy demand. For the
example of offices in Northern Europe, annual energy cost savings resulting from
the efficiency improvements when upgrading from level D to A vary between 6.5
€/m² for unrenovated offices built before 1960 to 3.2 €/m² for offices that have
been under deep retrofit. In Southern Europe, the annual savings are 11 €/m² and
7 €/m², respectively, for those same building cases. Obtained savings are higher
for the Southern European offices as they show significantly higher initial cooling
needs. For upgrades by one level of smartness, annual cost savings vary between
1 €/m² and 3 €/m², with the highest savings achieved when upgrading from level
D to C in the oldest unrenovated buildings. Considering the investment costs for
SRT upgrades estimated in the first technical study (tabulated in Table 46 in
ANNEX D.c) significant variations in simple pay-back times are found depending
upon the building type and climate zone. When upgrading from a level D to A
average payback times may vary between 2 and 12 years whereby higher values
are generally obtained as the initial energy demand of the building decreases.
Figure 38 – Specific annual energy cost savings through energy efficiency gains from SRT
uptake for the example offices in Southern Europe as a function of construction year and
renovation level
Based on quantified energy use for each energy carrier and including the CO 2
intensity of the energy vectors, the impact of SRTs and services on GHG emissions
are quantified.
CO2 intensities and prognosis for Member State GHG emissions are taken from the
European Energy Agency and Member state prognosis reports.
For the building-level impact, a snapshot for 2020 uses an EU carbon intensity for
electricity of 295.8 g CO2 per kWh105; for heating and domestic hot water
production the projection from the first technical study is used, resulting in a
carbon intensity of 191.5 g CO2 per kWh.
Figure 39 shows the relative CO2 emissions savings gained through improving
energy efficiency by upgrading the SRT in single-family houses. As these results
are directly obtained from the energy use calculations, similar trends are found as
for the energy use savings.
Figure 39 – Relative CO2 emission savings gained through SRT upgrades for the example
of office buildings in Northern Europe as a function of construction year and renovation
The goal of the SRI, and hence this analysis of impacts, is not directly oriented
towards increasing the capacity of renewable energy production on site but rather
on stimulating smart technologies and services that allow for an optimal use of
∫𝑡1 min[𝑔(𝑡) − 𝑆(𝑡) − 𝜁(𝑡), 𝑙(𝑡)]𝑑𝑡
𝛾𝑠 = 𝑡2
∫𝑡1 [𝑔(𝑡) − 𝑆(𝑡) − 𝜁(𝑡)]𝑑𝑡
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available battery or storage tanks systems may be controlled, which is
implemented by an increase in self-consumption of 25%. Finally, the additional
increase of self-consumption due to smart electric vehicle charging is modelled as
function of the uptake rate of electric vehicles.
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In line with supporting renewable energy uptake, smart ready services and
technologies enable buildings to offer services to the energy grids. As such, smart
ready services aid in increasing energy security and the optimisation of flows in
the energy grids. In the context of the IEA EBC Annex 67 project “Energy Flexible
Buildings”, an extensive review of evaluation methodologies and indicators used
to quantify the demand-response services that can be offered by buildings has
been conducted. That study concludes that the energy flexibility that can be
offered by a building cannot be captured by a single-value indicator as it covers
multiple dimensions (time, power, energy, rebound, etc.). As an alternative to
these bottom-up quantification methodologies, the impact analysis will quantify
the impact of smart technologies and services based on quantitative evidence of
the energy savings and reductions in GHG emissions obtained when integrating
buildings in smart energy grids. This impact criterion will therefore only be
discussed from the EU perspective under Activity 3.
The lower the energy consumption in the use phase, the more the construction of
the building and the selection of (construction) materials and their processing
become important while considering the total environmental impacts of building
over their entire life cycle. Increasing the energy efficiency of a building and
improving energy system technologies, combined with an increase in the use of
renewable energy sources, will affect the total environmental impacts of buildings:
the impact of building construction and technical building systems will increase in
relative terms while the impacts of the operational energy use will decrease.
The study focuses on a comprehensive view of the various systems over their
entire life cycle (i.e. considering production, use, recovery/disposal), including all
associated energy sources and material supply chains, to enable a holistic and
complete basis for comparison.
The evaluation of the technologies takes place within their operational context,
and the influence of the following parameters were examined:
The eco-efficiency analysis in this study contrasts the environmental impacts with
the total cost over the whole life cycle of a technology, to identify highly eco-
efficient technologies with respect to determining the additional cost of reducing
the environmental impact. In order to achieve the broadest possible coverage of
environmental issues, in addition to the emission of GHGs, other environmental
categories such as acidification, eutrophication, particulate matter, toxicity and
resource consumption were included and aggregated via a weighting key (single-
score indicator) to allow direct comparability of technologies across all
environmental categories.
The study shows that during the lifetime of a heating system, the environmental
impact is highest in the utilisation phase. In a new building performing at the
passive house standard, the utilisation phase of a gas condensing boiler including
solar thermal has a share of 71% of CO2-equivalents (20-year lifetime). For heat
pumps this share is even higher, at 80–95% (including losses of refrigerant).
Based on these results, it can be derived that SRTs for HVAC systems, such as
control and feedback systems, positively affect the impact on the environment by
raising energy efficiency based on advanced methods such as data analytics, self-
learning control systems and model predictive control to optimise building
Trigaux (2017) compared the life-cycle material cost for different variants of
residential houses132. He observed that electrical services (6 in Figure 40) only
cause a significant impact (up to 10%) in new buildings, due to the installed PV
systems. In existing buildings, assumed not to have a PV system, the
environmental costs of electrical systems comprised about 1% of the total building
environmental cost. As the scope of the SRI concerns stimulating the uptake of
smart technologies that add communication and control services to technical
building systems, the environmental cost of the materials used for the smart
technologies within scope of the SRI might be expected to be in that same order
of magnitude.
Trigaux, D. (2017) Elaboration of a sustainability assessment method for neighbourhoods. PhD
Thesis, KU Leuven.
Based on these studies, it is concluded that the impact of the SRI on the
environmental cost of material use for buildings is likely to be marginal and the
environmental impact as a whole is expected to be positive due to the significant
reductions in energy use that can be linked to adopting smart technologies. This
conclusion evidently does not account for potential investments into energy
technologies such as heat pumps, batteries or PV that may be linked to
investments in smart technologies. This presumption is considered fair because
energy savings resulting from integration of these technologies are not included
in this analysis of impacts; only the impact of improving the smartness in terms
of providing controllability, flexibility and communication services to these systems
is included. Yet, in order to still include a quantitative estimate of the material
impact of the SRI an assessment methodology has been developed based upon
the available reports for relevant technologies under the Ecodesign Directive.
The products chosen for this purpose and their relative normalised contribution to
the overall estimated SRT impact are:
• boilers (22.5%)133
• batteries (5%)134
• induction motors (22.5%)135
• LCD TVs (50%)136.
The rationale behind this blend is that SRTs are a compilation of electro-
mechanical and electronic products with a significant aspect associated with
displays, actuators (often motorised), sensors/thermostats, IT & communication
technologies, and sometimes also use batteries.
The analysis of material impacts has been directly carried out on the EU-level.
Results are presented in section 4.3.2.
SRTs offer a range of health and well-being benefits. These include: improved
indoor air quality control, ability to better manage thermal comfort, lower pollutant
emissions due to reduced energy consumption, and maximising the use of natural
daylight while improving lighting regulation with associated well-being and
productivity benefits. While there are no current studies (known to the study team
consortium) which directly estimate the impacts that SRTs have themselves on
these aspects, there is a body of literature that considers the nature, magnitude
and monetised value of the co-benefits of energy efficiency in general and
especially within buildings. These have been compiled in a draft study under
preparation by the JRC137and applied to assess the expected impacts of the EPBD
Development of a Methodology to Include Multiple Benefits in Energy Efficiency Policy Development, European Commission
JRC Technical Reports – draft study, 2019
The JRC study compiles and synthesises the data on the impacts and monetised
values of the following:
As an illustration of the type of impacts that are reported Figure 41 show that the
probability of negative health issues across the EU-28 increases 17 percentage
points when living in buildings with bad thermal comfort in winter, while
overheating during summer increases this probability by 3 percentage points.
Overall, around 22 million Europeans (ca. 4.4%) suffer from bad thermal comfort
in winter or summer. Taking into account other deficiencies such as a lack of
daylight, damp, etc., the share increases to nearly 17%, i.e. 1 in every 6
Europeans reports living in unhealthy buildings. In some countries, that number
is as high as 1 in 3.139
Furthermore, a survey from 2015 and 2016 140 examined several characteristics of
a healthy home and the importance for healthy living. In this context, participants
were asked to score health categories from 1 to 7 (1 being “not important” and 7
being “very important”). Three of the five top drivers can be directly related to the
building and score significantly above 5:
Healthy Home Barometer 2016 (Velux)
Share of adults reporting"poor general health" Share of adults reporting"poor general health"
in dwellings with good or bad thermal comfort in in dwellings with good or bad thermal comfort in
winter summer
20% 20%
0% 0%
Good thermal comfort Bad thermal comfort Good thermal comfort Bad thermal comfort
(warm during winter) (too cold during winter) (cool in summer) (too hot in summer)
Figure 41 – Share of adults in the EU reporting “poor general health” when perceiving
good or bad thermal comfort in winter (left) and summer (right). Source: Hermelink &
John, 2017 (Ecofys)
As with the first SRI technical study the starting point against which comparisons
with the potential SRI implementation pathways are compared is an EPBD
reference scenario, or more specifically the Agreed Amendments scenario from
the revised EPBD impact assessment. The range of impacts that could be
anticipated from implementing the SRI are considered through a set of SRI impact
scenarios. These assume identical implementation of all non-SRI related aspects
of the EPBD to the Agreed Amendments scenario (see the discussion of this
scenario in the first SRI technical study).
See also case study from S. Chen & J. Huang, 2012: A Smart Green Building: An Envirionmental
Health Control Design. Energies, 1648-1663, 2012.
In principle, a mosaic of the above is also an option, noting that Member states
may choose any of these options – also combinations of A/B/C/D/E/F are possible
within any single MS.
The problem that these pathways aim to address is the limited deployment of
beneficial smart-services and SRTs within Europe’s buildings, which is considerably
below the techno-economic potential and is hindering the contribution to key EU
policy objectives in relation to energy and climate change. The SRI is an
instrument that is designed to provide consumers and market actors greater
awareness and clarity about the status of and potential for such products and
services within the building stock and thus aims to help overcome barriers related
to low awareness of and lack of clarity and understanding of the potential for such
Each of the implementation pathways considered are associated with the manner
in which SRI assessments could be delivered and are mostly chosen because they
encompass the most logical set of trigger points which could be made use of to
implement the SRI. These trigger points constitute moments when there is an
event in the building life cycle that presents an opportunity for an SRI assessment
to be conducted and which might present synergies in any of the following:
• conducting an assessment
• installing technical building systems
• installing other smart system-related hardware
• trigger points in the building construction cycle
• trigger points in the building occupancy cycle
• the delivery of building services.
These implementation pathways can thus be converted into scenarios. For those
that concern forging linkages to trigger points (pathways A, B, E and F) the first
aspect to establish is the frequency of the trigger points concerned (which is the
moment that the SRI assessment would be offered). The second aspect is the rate
at which an SRI assessment is conducted when it is offered. The third is the degree
to which the conduct of an assessment is a stimulus to adopt smart services and
technologies (SRTs) and how strong that effect is. This logic presumes that the
action of conducting SRI assessment leads to greater awareness of the potential
for smart services and SRTs to be implemented and bring sought after benefits.
However, it is important to recognise that the SRI is also likely to have an impact
on the suppliers of smart services and SRTs. This is because it creates an
organisational framework wherein products and services can be positioned, and
their value proposition communicated on a common basis. The fact the that the
EU and the EU Member States are the progenitors and implementors of the scheme
and can provide a common structure across the Single Market creates an
organisational power for the market that individual private entities would not
ordinarily be able to generate. If the private sector engage with the scheme and
position their products and services within it – e.g. market their product as
providing a specific service functionality level as set out in the SRI, it helps to
organize and standardise how product value propositions are determined and
communicated. This has considerable market power potential because currently
almost all stakeholders agree that the major market failure that the SRI can help
to address is the lack of clarity in the market place about the benefits that can be
delivered by smart services/technologies and a means of classifying these that is
transparent to and trusted by the target users of these services. This is related to
the sheer range and diversity of smart services on offer, their comparative
newness and hence limited levels of familiarity, and the very diverse ways in which
they can be (and are being) marketed which risks confusion. In principle, the SRI
helps address this by providing a consistent framework across the EU, which
hopefully will be trusted and respected by the market. In part this is because the
government entities behind the SRI have no commercial stake in the sale of smart
services and have a mandate to support the interests of the public and thus can
better fill the role of a neutral arbiter of the market than any commercial
organization or alliance. Through this mechanism the SRI thus helps to create an
organisational power and coherence, much as commonly accepted standards do.
If the suppliers of services and products support this framework and position their
offer within it, it will provide a significant market push effect that could help
remove barriers to the faster deployment of smart ready services.
The strength of this market organisational “push” effect will also be contingent on
the strength of the SRI assessment “pull” effect. The more that SRI assessments
are conducted, the more than those that procure building technologies and
services will wish to know how new smart services will affect their buildings’ SRI
scores and the impacts it reports on. This means there will be greater reward for
service providers who are able to answer that question and offer smart
services/SRTs that produce tangible impacts within the SRI framework.
The experience of product energy labelling is instructive in this regard. In the early
1990s when energy labelling was undergoing its initial development the products
offered for sale were completely randomly distributed in terms of their energy
performance because the market was opaque with regard to product energy
performance and there was no agreed framework to report on it or market it. In
the case of refrigerators, for example, there was a factor of 8 difference between
the most and least efficient products offered for sale and on average the lifecycle
energy costs of products were 3 to 4 times the purchase cost. Once the energy
label began to be developed it started to influence the market even before it
The SRI is broader and hence necessarily not as focused as the energy label, so
its organizational power is unlikely to be so pronounced, but nonetheless it will
exist and the greater the proportion of the market which is exposed to the SRI the
greater that power will become. Thus, there can reasonably be expected to be a
clear feedback between the proportion of buildings that undergo an SRI
assessment and the extent to which smart services and products use the SRI to
classify their performance and value proposition. The more they do this the more
the market will make use of the SRI to frame their procurement decision-making
because the market suppliers will add their promotional power to the informational
pull effect. Thus, under the more proactive pathways there is expected to be
“virtuous circle” where greater deployment of SRI assessments stimulates greater
promotion of the SRI by market actors, leading to greater transparency of the
value proposition of smart products and services and greater uptake rates.
The challenge for the analysis of impacts is first to structure the analysis (and
associated analytical tools) so it is capable of capturing these effects and secondly
to quantify/estimate their magnitudes. To address this as effectively and plausibly
as possible the responses are broken down by logical step. Beginning with the
factors that affect the rate of SRI assessments (the first component of the “pull
effect”) the study team has compiled evidence of the frequency of the trigger
events in pathways A, B, E and F – each of these events constitutes a moment
when an SRI assessment would be offered. However, simply offering an
assessment does not ensure that the offer is accepted. Rather that is contingent
on whether the assessment is:
Uptake of assessments will be lowest where market actors have to request it and
pay for it and will be highest when it is offered as a default (or is mandatory) and
is free. The case of subsidised or incentivised assessments falls between these
such that adoption rates will depend on how strong the subsidies and incentives
For these reasons the scenarios associated with the major implementation
pathways set out above are further differentiated as follows:
B. Linkage of the SRI to new buildings and major renovations so that each
time a new build/or renovation is undertaken it would be a requirement
For each of the scenarios associated with clear trigger points of when an SRI
assessment could be offered the structure set out above distinguishes between
when the offer is a mandatory requirement (and hence would be done), when it is
a voluntary requirement (and hence would only be done if the market actor with
responsibility for the building wished it to be done and was willing to pay its costs
or implement it directly) and when it was subsidized (and thus would be done if
the market actor wished to have the information and found the subsidies
sufficiently compelling). Note, the term “subsidies” is rather loose in this framing
as its intention is to cover the whole spectrum of potential financial inducements.
These could encompass at the least the following:
• subsidies to cover the cost of the SRI assessment (from partially to wholly)
• direct subsidies to offset the cost of procuring specific smart services or SRTs
which are contingent on an SRI assessment being conducted first
• direct subsidies to offset the cost of procuring specific smart services or SRTs
where it is recommended that an SRI assessment is conducted first or that
greater subsidies are offered to those that have had an SRI assessment
• free assessments combined with incentives to adopt specific smart services or
technologies – for example higher grades of BACS or the capability to use EV
batteries as grid power storage with two-way communication and control
• soft loans with low interest rates and favourable repayment terms for smart
services and SRTs that are contingent on an SRI assessment being conducted
• soft loans with low interest rates and favourable repayment terms for smart
services and SRTs that are contingent on an SRI assessment being conducted
and the cost of the assessment is subsidized (partially or fully).
In fact, many more cases can be envisaged, but from a modelling and scenario
perspective the important aspect is that they create an added inducement to have
In the scenario cases where SRI assessments are not only offered but are
mandatory then the rate that the assessments are conducted is the same as that
of the trigger events they are related to. For the voluntary cases the rate of
assessment will be the product of the trigger rate and the voluntary uptake rate.
For the subsidised rates it is the same except that the voluntary uptake rate will
be increased by a factor that reflects the attractiveness of the incentive. The
strength of the incentive is thus a kind of floating variable that operates between
the upper boundary of a mandatory assessment and the lower one of a completely
voluntary and unsubsidised assessment.
It is also important to understand that the trigger events where the SRI is offered
are also likely to be much softer trigger events for market actors to consider
undertaking an SRI assessment, providing they are aware that the SRI exists and
that having an assessment is an option. This is because the trigger events are all
related in some way to building energy performance and smartness and hence will
have a natural association with thinking of and potentially planning to address this
issue. For example, when a TBS is being replaced and/or BACS are being installed
service providers might draw it to the relevant market actor’s attention that the
SRI exists and can help to understand their buildings’ capabilities. This can create
a much softer linkage between the trigger events and SRI assessments than the
directly linked cases, but still a degree of linkage can be anticipated. As a result,
it makes sense to relate the SRI assessment uptake rate to the frequency of these
trigger points even for the wholly voluntary and passive (laissez-faire)
implementation pathway C.
The analysis of impacts is thus structured to model the assessment rates under
each of these cases by multiplying the frequency of the trigger points to the
probability that the trigger point will result in an SRI assessment being carried
out. While the conduct of an SRI assessment for the majority of these scenarios
is clearly strongly related to a specific type of trigger point (e.g. to the installation
of a smart meter for case F) this does not necessarily preclude the possibility of
an SRI assessment being conducted at another moment than the trigger point.
For case C, where an SRI assessment is purely voluntary and is unsubsidized, all
or the set of trigger points present limited stimuli to the conduct of an SRI
assessment and this would be true for all other cases unless SRI assessments
were to be exclusively bound to a single or specific set of trigger events. This is
not assumed at present, but rather it is assumed that there is always an option to
request an SRI assessment and pay for it (if it is not a self-assessment), outside
of any other specifically mandated or supported pathway.
Aside from the rate of assessment it is also necessary to consider the stimulus
effect that the conduct of an SRI assessment would be likely to have on the rate
of procurement of SRTs and smart services. This is likely to be higher in cases
where SRTs are subsidised or were there to be any mandatory limits imposed on
the level on smartness required in buildings. The former case has already been
discussed and is assumed to be so for the subsidized scenarios of A3, D, E3 and
F3. The latter case is not considered to be very likely for an ostensibly voluntary
scheme and hence is not considered further.
It is also apparent that the implementation pathways scenarios set out above also
directly map to policy choices at the Member State and EU level. For example, a
Member State policy decision and issuance of a related policy instrument would be
necessary to link the SRI assessments to the issuance of EPCs, or to the roll out
In addition, the building stock is not monolithic and hence nor is the manner in
which these implementation pathways could be mapped to it. It would be perfectly
possible for a Member State to require issuance of an SRI with an EPC for large
non-residential buildings but to apply a less binding pathway (such as scenarios C
or D) for non-residential and small commercial buildings, for example. Thus, a
blend of pathways could be imagined being applied to different parts of the
building stock at the member state level.
Activity 3 develops the calculation tool – and applies it – to determine the impacts
of the various SRI scenarios at the EU level. Thereby, the tool primarily focusses
on modelling the uptake of smart ready technologies and services (SRTs) and the
resulting the energy savings and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Aside
from the impact parameters explicitly mentioned above this activity reports the
remaining set of impact criteria as discussed with the Commission services. These
include parameters such as comfort and well-being, impact to self-consumption
and demand response, costs and macro-economic benefits, etc. These KPIs are
quantified based on impacts quantified following the results in terms of uptake of
SRTs and based on impacts identified from an extensive literature review.
The modelling starts by taking the individual reference building level results from
Task 4 Activity 1 and applying representative aggregation methods to create
estimates of the EU level impacts in line for the scenarios defined in Activity 2.
The methodology involves mapping the reference buildings to the building stock
for each EU region to be simulated and then projecting them through time in line
with the Activity 2 scenarios to 2050. This is done using a vintage stock model
approach as is detailed in ANNEX D, and which draws upon the preceding analysis
of impacts done for the first SRI technical study.
Under this approach, the building stock for each EU region is characterised in terms
of the types of buildings (i.e. SFH, SMFH, LMFH, office, retail and educational), the
types of technical building system (TBSs)/smart service domains found in the
buildings and the prevalence of SRTs. In this regard it is similar to the first impact
analysis study model but is more detailed. In modelling terms this is done by
establishing the distribution of reference buildings (from Activity 1) as a function
of the total regional building stock floor area that most closely matches the
The same five regions as used in the first technical study and in the EPBD impact assessment are
Once this starting point (base year characteristics) is established the evolution of
the stock under each of the scenarios is modelled through the systematic
replacement of SRT reference buildings in line with the Activity 2 scenario drivers
and installation/replacement cycles. This uptake of SRTs linked to the Activity 2
scenarios is modelled using the “SRI and SRT uptake model”, as detailed in ANNEX
D. Note, as SRTs are liable to be installed/replaced faster than the building fabric
is renovated or replaced then this process reflects the installation and renewal of
SRTs rather than the fabric. Nonetheless, the dynamic evolution of the fabric, the
underlying TBSs/service domains and energy system is also simulated so that the
outcome in any given year reflects the overlay of all the relevant effects. As the
building stock of each Member State are attributed (i.e. apportioned) to the main
regions it subsequently becomes possible to decompose the impacts to the
Member State level in approximate terms (by considering each Member State’s
share of the building stock within their broader aggregate region). Annual impacts
fall out of this stock modelling process by applying per-unit-floor-area values of
impacts from the Activity 1 reference buildings to the regional stock in a manner
that reflects their relative share in the total regional building stock distribution.
Thus, as the building stock evolves towards a distribution of the Activity 1
reference buildings that has a higher proportion of SRTs with more advanced
capabilities the floor area weighted impacts evolve accordingly.
The scenarios are simulated by considering how rapidly the building stock is
expected to evolve as a function of building type, TBS and SRT under the drivers
in each scenario defined in Activity 2. The reference scenario is aligned with the
reference scenario(s) of the EPBD impact assessment (minus the impact of the
SRI on SRTs). Similarly, the SRI scenarios are aligned with the implementation
pathways and organisational frameworks being considered in Task 2 Activity 1 and
Task 3 Activity 1 (see discussion in Activity 2). Thereby, the effect of the drivers
per scenario is determined by mapping realistic impact functions to each scenario,
considering the boundaries that they operate within (i.e. their scope of
applicability) and the nature of the barriers that they seek to overcome and then
applying available evidence to replicate the strength of the drivers and barriers to
allow the simulation of the net effect. As was the case for the first SRI study, this
needs to simulate SRT adoption rates and the rate of evolution in SRT functionality.
This is done by assuming the rate of SRT adoption follows a logistics function (an
S-curve). Supporting analysis of the relative strength of the barriers and drivers
enables coefficients that describe the curve to be characterised for each segment
As SRTs are progressively added to the building stock their associated investment
costs will be accounted for and investment and operating costs simulated. Given
that the expected savings in operating costs from SRTs lag the up-front investment
costs the model simulates and reports annual investment costs, annual operating
costs and discounted life cycle costs (using the EU’s standard real discount rate to
discount the value of future savings as per the Ecodesign Directive Impact
Assessments143 for example). Projected future energy tariffs are in line with the
values used in the EPBD Impact Assessment 144.
This section discusses the results obtained following the scenarios defined under
Activity 2. While the modelling analyses variations in e.g. the implementation
pathways across climate regions or building types, it was chosen to present here
only the results on the EU28 level. Thereby, scenarios regarding the
implementation pathways for the SRI have been applied to the building stock as a
whole and assuming the “agreed EPBD amendments” scenario for the building
stock evolution. The analysis of a more diverse implementation will be performed
during the sensitivity analysis in Activity 4.
As a starting point, Figure 42 shows the deployment rate of the SRI for the
different implementation pathways. The deployment rate has been defined as the
share of the buildings for which an SRI assessment has been carried out.
Significantly higher deployment rates are found between pathways that foresee a
mandatory linkage to the trigger events rather than a voluntary link. For the
completely voluntary pathways (A2, C, E2 and F2), deployment rates generally
reach about 5% coverage, except for the 26% coverage found for pathway A2 for
which the SRI assessment is linked on a voluntary basis to the EPC assessment.
Due to the high volume of EPC assessment compared to the other triggers,
Ecodesign Impact Accounting – Status Report 2018 -
Commission staff working document SWD(2016) 408 final – Evaluation of directive 2010/31/eu on
the energy performance of buildings
Figure 42 – Evolution of the SRI deployment rate for the implementation pathways as
defined in Activity 2
Figure 43 and Figure 44 show the evolution of buildings that have undergone an
upgrade of their technical building systems increasing the level of smartness of
the building respectively by 1 level or to an A level 146. Under BAU conditions, hence
assuming no SRI assessments are carried out, 36% and 0.6% of buildings will by
2050 have been upgraded by 1 level smartness or to an A level respectively.
Compared to this BAU scenario, the results for the fully voluntary implementation
pathway C show an increase of 4% for SRTs upgrades by 1 level and 0.85% for
upgrades to an A level. In the voluntary pathway that foresees a linkage to EPC
(A2), increases of respectively 14% and 2.6% are found. These relatively low
uptake rates evidently follow from the low SRI deployment rates for the fully
voluntary pathway scenarios found in Figure 42 and primarily follow from the
This is because of the high frequency of trigger events under scenario E1; however, the present
analysis does not consider other aspects of the suitability of the pathway, such as the viability of
requiring assessment to be done by specific market actors.
Note that, the rate at which SRT upgrades are carried out in the business as usual (BAU) scenario
and following SRI assessments being carried are detailed in ANNEX D.d.ii.
The highest uptake of SRTs is found for the implementation pathway scenarios A1
and E1. For these pathway scenarios 81% and 76% of buildings undergo an
upgrade by 1 level respectively. In addition, 9.6% and 8.6% respectively move
immediately to an A level of smartness. Note that compared to the SRI deployment
(Figure 42), the SRT uptake due to A1 and E1 only differ marginally. This can be
attributed to two effects. Firstly, in A1 there is a large number of buildings that
undergo more than one EPC assessment (trigger for A1) and hence SRI
assessment over the period until 2050. A second or third SRI assessment for a
specific building does not contribute to the deployment but can lead to an SRT
upgrade. Hence, it should be noted that theoretically values above 100% are also
possible as buildings may follow several consecutive upgrades to go from level D
or C to level A. Secondly, market push and pull effects play a significant role and
are more important when SRI assessments are clustered to specific buildings
and/or climate regions.
Figure 45 and Figure 46 show the annual investments in smart technologies again
respectively for buildings increasing their level of smartness by 1 level and
buildings upgrading immediately to an A level. Apart from the differences in height
across the analysed implementation pathway scenarios, also a significant
difference in trend can be found between the voluntary and mandatory pathway
scenarios. For the mandatory scenarios the investments start at a high value while
slowly decreasing towards 2050. For the voluntary scenarios a slow increase
towards 2050 is observed. The decreasing effect for the mandatory cases results
from market saturation, whereby the share of buildings that can still do an SRT
upgrade rapidly decreases due to the relatively high uptake rate. In contrast, the
increasing investments for the voluntary pathways demonstrate the market push
and pull effects.
As shown in Figure 47 the high uptake rates for implementation pathway scenario
A1 result in a total cumulated investment of 58 billion euro by 2030 and 181 billion
euro by 2050. This scenario is closely followed by pathway E1 resulting in a total
cumulated investment of 56 billion euro by 2030 and 180 billion euro by 2050.
Compared to a BAU investment of 24 and 74 billion euro respectively. The SRI
would hence be responsible for a market increase of 32 to 34 billion euro by 2030
for respectively pathways A1 and E1. By 2050 that market increase would evolve
to 105 billion euro by 2050 when following respectively implementation pathway
A1 and E1.
This section presents the results of the impact of the SRI on the final and primary
energy use in the EU28 building stock as a result of TBS efficiency improvements
by upgrading the level of smartness of these systems. As emphasized in section
4.1, the energy savings shown here only represent the energy savings at the
building sector resulting from the efficiency gains. The potential energy savings
resulting from an improved interaction with the energy grid, is discussed further
in the section on “demand-response and self-consumption”.
Figure 48 presents the evolution of the primary energy use of the EU building stock
as a result the “agreed EPBD amendments” scenario147 and the energy efficiency
gains from the increased SRT uptake as a result of the SRI. The results are shown
for the different implementation pathways whereby the BAU depicts the scenario
without an SRI implementation. From this figure it clear that energy savings in the
building sector will primarily come from the measures proposed in the “agreed
EPBD amendments” scenario. On top of these savings, the SRI can unlock up to
5% greater final energy savings by 2050. As shown in more detail on Figure 49
and Figure 50, the highest energy savings are obtained for the A1 and E1
implementation pathways, resulting in final energy savings up to 183-198 TWh or
201-219 TWh primary energy savings by 2050. By 2030, primary energy savings
of 96 TWh and 89 TWh are predicted for pathways A1 and E1 respectively.
The results for the reference scenario “agreed EPBD amendments” are taken from the first technical
study on the SRI
The energy savings shown in these scenarios are quite compatible with the
provisional impact analysis results presented in the first technical study. The first
technical study considered moderate and ambitious implementation scenarios that
resulted in primary energy savings in 2050, compared to the BAU, of 204 and 270
TWh/year respectively. In the current study the A1 pathway savings are 219 TWh
in 2050. The first technical study did not explicitly link the deployment
assumptions in its scenarios to specific implementation pathways tied to any
events or trigger points. When this is done, as it has been in the current analysis,
the implications of the intervention frequency and strength of implementation
mechanisms become more apparent.
Based on the energy use obtained by the SRI and SRT uptake model, the
reductions in CO2 emissions have been calculated. Thereby average CO 2 intensities
for the building energy use are implemented until 2050 in function of the building
type, climate region based on the results of the “agreed EPBD amendments”
scenario as modelled in the first technical study on the SRI. Figure 51 shows the
CO2 emission reductions compared to the BAU scenario. In line with the energy
savings, the largest reductions are found for the implementation pathway
scenarios that consider a mandatory link to the trigger events, resulting in annual
savings of up to 32 million ton per year by 2050. For the implementation pathway
scenarios involving a voluntary link to the trigger events, emission reductions
between 8 and 20 million ton per year are obtained by 2050 given adequate
supporting measures are included in the implementation pathway.
In the future energy system, storage and demand side flexibility – provided by
amongst others smart use of appliances and technical building systems – will play
an important role in assuring system adequacy and in optimizing the uptake of
renewables by reducing curtailing needs. The Metis study S1 “Optimal flexibility
portfolios for a high-RES 2050 scenario, outlines four levels of flexibility:
• at the hourly and sub-hourly level, increase of flexibility needs are mostly
driven by the required ability to face imbalances caused by RES forecasting
• at the daily level, the flexibility needs are found to be mostly driven by daily
patterns of demand and the daily cycle of solar generation
• at the weekly level, the flexibility needs are mostly driven by wind regimes
and by the weekday/weekend demand structure
• at the annual level, needs are driven by seasonal effects and the load-
temperature sensitivity.
Stinner, S., Huchtemann, K., Müller, D., 2016. Quantifying the operational flexibility of building
energy systems with thermal energy storages. Appl. Energy 181, 140–154.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.08.055; Reynders, G., Nuytten, T., Saelens, D., 2013.
Potential of structural thermal mass for demand-side management in dwellings. Build. Environ.
64, 187–199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.03.010
To estimate the value for increasing flexible capacity due to the uptake of SRTs
that is stimulated by the SRI, this impact analysis builds on four important studies
related to energy flexibility in the energy sector:
In the COWI study, the potential system cost savings resulting from the adoption
of flexibility services at the demand side are estimated until 2030. Economic
savings up to 6180 M€/year are reported for the most ambitions policy option
(option 3 in the study), compared to 4497 M€/year for the BAU scenario. These
scenarios would reflect a flexible capacity in 2030 of 34 GW in the BAU scenario
(6% of peak load) and 57 GW or (10% of peak load). From these results the value
for flexible load can be deduced, leading to a value of 144 €/kW of potential power
Roy, J. Van, Leemput, N., Geth, F., Salenbien, R., Buscher, J., Driesen, J., 2014. Apartment building
electricity system impact of operational electric vehicle charging strategies. IEEE Trans. Sustain.
Energy 5, 264–272. https://doi.org/10.1109/TSTE.2013.2281463
The METIS study finds that for the METIS-S1-2050 scenario, which is based on the European
Commission’s EUCO30 scenario and assumes high shares of variable renewable energy production
(80% of production from RES of which 60% from PV and Wind), requires a significant increase of
flexibility compared to the EUCO30 scenario for 2030: +80% for daily flexibility, +60% for weekly
timescale and +50% at the annual timescale.
The METIS study concludes that most of this flexibility shall be delivered from cross-border
exchanges (164 GW).
To map this with the impact calculation method for the SRI and the resulting SRT
uptake, it is assumed that buildings with a smartness level D offer 6 % of flexibility,
level C results in 10 % of flexibility, 21% for level B and 44% for level A. Following
the modelled distribution of the EU building stock among these classes of
smartness, the response rate in the residential sector to grid incentives for the
BAU scenario without any impact of the SRI is 6.8% in 2020. Under this BAU
scenario for SRT uptake, hence without any effect of the SRI, this would increase
to 8.8% in 2030, 11.2% in 2040 and 14.2% in 2050. Remaining at the
conservative side, the theoretical demand reduction potential for the traditional
residential appliances is based on Gils. The SRI BAU scenario would represent a
flexible capacity of 3.1 GW in 2020, 4.0 GW in 2030, 4.9 GW in 2040 and 5.7 GW
in 2050.
A1 A2 A3 B C D
E1 E2 E3 F1 F2 F3
Figure 52 – Increase in flexible capacity (GW) compared to the BAU SRT integration
Figure 53 - Annual value of increased demand side flexibility compared to the BAU SRT
integration scenario Employment
The approach used to estimate the employment impacts of the SRI is two-fold.
First, an analysis is done on the employment related effects due to the influence
of the SRI on the uptake of smart ready technologies (SRTs) and related services,
and the effect it has on employment in the energy supply sector. Second, an
analysis is done of the expected impact of the SRI on employment associated with
assessment of the SRI. In both cases the influence that the SRI is expected to
In all cases the SRT and related services value chain can be decomposed into the
following aspects:
• Manufacture
• Installation
• Wholesale
• Retail
• Maintenance.
The approach taken in this IA is to base the estimated SRI employment effects on
the estimated SRT revenues attributed to each of these activities in the SRT value
chain. Given the plethora of SRTs and services it is impractical to conduct a
detailed analysis of the exact costs and breakdowns related to each type of SRT
and related service. Rather the approach adopted is to draw upon the evident
parallels with investment and employment effects due to the uptake of more
energy efficient products under the Ecodesign directive – many of which exhibit
very similar market characteristics in terms of the nature of the market structure
to the types of SRTs that could be stimulated by the SRI.
The set of SRTs and related services that could be stimulated by the SRI are rather
diverse. They include the following: BACS, EV charging systems, indoor air quality
control and monitoring systems & shading controls amongst many others. Overall
though the types of technologies that will be used in SRTs include a blend of
actuators, motors, sensors, IT systems, monitors and displays, out-stations and
batteries. Thus, without knowing in advance the exact blend of technologies and
components it is possible to derive estimates based on the evident parallels with
similar technologies that have been the subject of Ecodesign assessments and
impact analyses. In particular, this analysis makes use of the findings of the 2016
Ecodesign impact assessment by VHK that derived employment impact values for
each product subject to Ecodesign requirements.
Ecodesign Impact Accounting: Summary Report, Van Holstiejn en Kemna, 2016
Where the average EU employment per €bn of revenue per part of the supply
chain for imaging equipment, central heating combi systems, and central heating
boilers comes from the VHK (2013) study. Analysis of the data in the same study
shows that on average for these three equipment types that:
Acquisition cost = (Ind Rev + Install Rev + Wholesale Rev + Retail Rev) / 0.90
• Ind Rev = industry revenue i.e. the cost to manufacture the product
• Wholesale Rev = wholesale revenues for the product
• Retail Rev = retail revenues for the product
• Install Rev = installation revenues for the product.
Analysis of the average share of revenues by supply chain activity for these three
products shows the following relationships:
Acquisition cost = (Ind Rev + Ind Rev * 0.84 + Ind Rev * 0.23 + Ind Rev * 0.26)
/ 0.90
The estimated SRT acquisition cost per year following the SRI’s launch is derived
as explained in ANNEX D and summarized in Table 46 as a function of
implementation pathway scenario. Thus, the time series of acquisition costs for
each scenario can be inserted into the formulae above to create a time series of
estimated revenues for each SRT supply chain activity. These can then be
multiplied by the average number jobs per €bn of revenues figures presented at
the start of this section to create the time series of expected direct employment
per supply chain activity.
It is worth noting that while the blend of values for heating systems and imaging
systems were used in the current analysis the VHK values are quite similar across
diverse equipment types thus there is a high degree of consistency in the expected
ratios of employment per unit spend and equally of the division of employment
across the supply chain.
Some SRTs are expected to lead to energy savings and hence reduce the
consumption of energy – this in turn is likely to produce a reduction in employment
in the energy sector. To estimate the expected direct employment losses from
reduced energy sales due to the energy efficiency benefits of SRTs it was
necessary to establish the employment per unit of revenue in the energy supply
sector. Most of the expected energy savings from SRTs are from gas and electricity
savings. Scouring the Eurostat datasets did not reveal employment per industry
activity data; however, data for the UK (2016) was found for the energy sector
and was used as a proxy after adjustment for currency exchange rates. This data
showed that the average number of employees per €billion of revenue in the
energy sector was just 1607. Employment per unit revenue in the manufacture of
equipment is more than a factor of 12 above this, which reflects that the energy
supply sector has a very low employment intensity and is the principal reason why
energy efficiency measures in general create more jobs than they destroy.
The implementation pathway scenarios show that the value of net savings from
greater deployment of SRTs exceed the investment and assessment costs by
between ~€4 bn and €13 bn per annum by 2050 depending on the implementation
pathway considered. In principle, the money saved from reduced energy bills will
be recirculated in the economy and this will generate additional employment. A
simple method to estimate the magnitude of this effect is to multiply the average
number of employees per €bn of GDP in the EU economy by the net cost savings
expressed in €bn to derive the number of indirect jobs created. Analysis of
Eurostat (2017) data shows that there were 202 million employees in the EU in
2015 and the GDP was €14600 bn, thus the average number of people employed
per €bn GDP is 13808, which implies that there could be additional net indirect
The manner in which the SRI is to be assessed could also create direct employment
associated with the assessment of the SRI. If professional third-party assessors
are used these would need to be hired, trained and certified. If in-house
professional assessors are used to conduct self-assessments of properties owned
or managed by their employers, then these would also need to be trained and part
of their duties assigned to conducting SRI assessments and thus this would also
be expected to create a need for more employment of such assessors. However,
this kind of “in house” assessment could also potentially be absorbed in the
existing duties of facility managers and hence has a much less certain effect on
employment than the establishment of qualified 3rd party assessors. In
consequence it is, conservatively, assumed not to add to direct employment
although in practice it almost certainly would but to a lesser extent than 3rd party
To estimate the impact of 3d party assessment data from the experience of SRI
assessment in the test phase is analysed to determine how long it takes to conduct
an SRI assessment in practice. Reasonable assumptions are then made about the
length of time it takes to travel to and from a property and, depending on the
implementation pathway, the additional time it would take to arrange an SRI
assessment. These figures are then processed to determine how much floor area
could be assessed per type of building stock per annum by a trained certifier and
adjusted to take account of average staff utilisation factors that are consistent
with the experience of conducting other kinds of 3rd party building assessments,
such as EPCs or environmental assessment. Direct employment impact is
determined by dividing the total floor area assessed per type of building per annum
by the estimated average annual floor area assessment per 3rd party SRI
Figure 54 – Net additional employment created compared to the BAU SRT integration
The estimated material related environmental impacts derived from this method
are reported in Table 14 and Table 15 for SRI implementation pathways A1 and C
respectively, which cover the two extremes from the set of pathways. These
include impacts associated with all the product lifecycle stages except the use
phase which is already accounted for in the energy and greenhouse gas analysis.
The values reported are those which are incremental to the base case (business
as usual) scenario, and hence are the additional impacts associated with the higher
SRT use induced through the SRI. Full data showing impacts for each
implementation pathway are presented in Annex D.
resources &
resources &
To give an indicative estimation of the potential comfort, health and wellbeing co-
benefits from the SRI the study team has post-processed the JRC findings of the
monetized impacts of these benefits due to the energy savings attributable to the
EPBD in 2030 to derive the estimated monetised value of SRI benefits for each
implementation pathway for the years 2023, 2030, 2040 and 2050 (as shown in
Table 16 to Table 19). The method assumes that the energy savings expected
from the greater deployment of SRTs under the various SRI implementation
pathway scenarios are a proxy for the health and wellbeing co-benefits
proportional to the projected energy savings under the EPBD to 2030. While this
exercise has been conducted to determine some tentative values of these co-
benefits it should be noted that these are clearly subject to significant uncertainties
in the absence of a specific investigation of the health and wellbeing impacts
directly attributable to SRTs and also given the large spread in values reported in
the JRC study itself.
A2 62 74 144 19 32 15 346
C 54 65 126 17 28 14 304
E2 55 66 128 17 29 14 308
F1 78 93 181 24 41 19 435
F2 54 65 126 17 28 14 304
F3 66 79 153 20 35 16 369
The estimated costs and benefits of the SRI are summarized in Table 20 to Table
23. These include the additional costs for the acquisition and installation of SRTs
above the business as usual (reference) case (Table 20), the cost of conducting
the SRI assessments (Table 21), the value of the SRI induced energy bill savings
(Table 22) and the net cost savings attributable to the SRI (Table 23) which is the
simple sum of the above. It should be noted that the value of additional benefits
(associated with the health & wellbeing impacts of the SRI, reduced maintenance
costs, higher convenience and comfort) and the additional costs (associated with
the environmental impacts of materials used in the SRTs) are not included in these
assessments due to the high uncertainty in, or unfeasibility of estimating their
monetised value.
A2 39 42 64 92
C 1 1 1 2
E2 12 13 19 26
F1 61 65 101 149
F2 10 11 15 21
F3 48 51 73 103
Table 23 –Value of net SRI induced cost savings compared to the BAU (€m per year)
and Table 25 show the rates applied under respectively the high and low impact
scenario. Note that in both cases only the rate of SRI assessments for voluntary
links to a trigger event have been modified. This is done only for the targeted
trigger events in that specific implementation pathway. For example, In A2 – a
voluntary link to EPC assessments – the rate of SRI assessments has increased
from 10% in the default scenario to 20% in the high uptake scenario. In the low
impact scenario, these have been reduced to 5%.
A1 A2 A3 B C D E1 E2 E3 F1 F2 F3
EPC ASSESSMENT 100 20 60 0.5 1.0 40 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
REPLACEMENT OR UPGRADE OF 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 20 100 0.5 40 0.1 0.1 0.1
MAJOR RENOVATIONS 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 3.0 40 100 1.5 60 1.5 1.5 1.5
NEW CONSTRUCTION 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 3.0 40 100 1.5 60 1.5 1.5 1.5
INSTALLATION OF LOCAL RES (E.G. PV) 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 20 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
EV PURCHASE 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 5.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
SMART METER DEPLOYMENT 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 20 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 10 60
HVAC INSPECTIONS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 0.5 40 0.1 0.1 0.1
OTHER 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Table 25 - rate of SRI assessment per triggers under low impact scenario
A1 A2 A3 B C D E1 E2 E3 F1 F2 F3
EPC ASSESSMENT 100 5.0 20 0.5 0.5 10 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
REPLACEMENT OR 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 5.0 30 0.5 10 0.1 0.1 0.1
MAJOR RENOVATIONS 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.5 10 100 1.5 20 1.5 1.5 1.5
NEW CONSTRUCTION 0.0 0.0 0.0 100 0.5 5.0 100 1.5 20 1.5 1.5 1.5
INSTALLATION OF 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 5.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
EV PURCHASE 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 2.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
SMART METER 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 5.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 3.0 20
HVAC INSPECTIONS 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 0.5 10 0.1 0.1 0.1
OTHER 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Figure 56 – Sensitivity of SRI deployment rate as percentage of the EU building stock for
which an SRI assessment is available. Results for the low SRI uptake rate scenario
As expected, the high impact scenario, especially benefits the outcome of the
implementation pathways that provide a voluntary but support link to the trigger
events. Under this high impact assumption, also implementation pathways A3, D
and E3 lead to more than 85% of the building stock having an SRI assessment
carried out by 2050. Also, under these assumptions the E1 scenario has the fastest
uptake, exceeding implementation pathway A1 which has the highest uptake in
the default scenario. The latter stems from the increase of SRI assessments for
To assess the importance of these factors on the results a high- and low-impact
scenario is again evaluated. In the high-impact scenario market push and pull
effects are set to 4% and 2% for respectively the subsidized and non-subsidized
implementation pathways. In the low-impact scenario both are set to 0%. For the
implementation pathways that propose a mandatory coupling of an SRI
assessment to certain trigger events, the market push and pull effects are
assumed to be 0%.
Figure 57 – Sensitivity of SRI deployment rate as percentage of the EU building stock for
which an SRI assessment is available. Results for the high market push and pull effect
For the default calculation, a correction of 0.9 and 1.1 was given to respectively
the expert assessment and the self-assessment. This reflects that if an external
expert needs to be involved in the assessment process, the uptake of the SRI is
expected to be lower. Similarly, correction factors of 0.9 and 1.1 were used for
respectively the detailed and simplified method. This reflects that a more simplified
assessment protocol may yield a higher amount of assessments being carried out.
In the low-impact scenario, the 1.1 values for self-assessment and a simplified
methodology have been reduced to 0.8. As such, self-assessment and a simplified
method are assumed to result in less SRI assessments compared to detailed and
expert assessments. In the high-impact scenario these values have been increased
to 1.3, favouring the simplified, self-assessment.
Based on the cases above, 2 extreme scenarios are compiled that reflect a high
and low deployment scenario for the amount of SRI assessment.
The high uptake scenario assumes the uptake rates of SRI assessments linked to
a trigger event as tabulated in Table 24. In addition, high values of market push
and pull effects are assumed. The low uptake scenarios assumes uptake rates as
specified in Table 25 and low values for the market push and pull effects. The
correction factors for the impact of the assessment methodology are kept at the
default rates.
In the default scenario the rate of SRT uptake following an SRI assessment is set
to 15% for upgrades by 1 level of smartness and 3% for upgrades to class A. This
value is a conservative estimate compared to values reported in e.g. early energy-
labelling studies or the energy star label that was introduced in the US. Reports
on the energy star label state that 90% of customers recognize the label. 45%
have both labelled products and 74% of those acknowledge that the label has
influenced their choice. Therefore, in this sensitivity analyses a high uptake
scenario is defined using an uptake rate of 33% and 3% for respectively upgrades
by 1 level of smartness and to a level A. Note that the value of upgrades to a level
A has not been increased. This is kept constant because upgrades to a level A
would in most cases require more disruptive changes to the technical building
systems which may require a certain level of building renovation. Increasing this
uptake rate above the ambitious 3% building renovation rate target was therefore
deemed unrealistic. For the low impact scenario, the 15% rate of upgrades by 1
class has been reduced to 10%. The 3% value for upgrades to level A has been
reduced to 1% being in line with the current renovation rate.
The uptake of SRTs in the impact analysis model is influenced by the maturity and
popularity of the SRI after implementation. This reflects that as the SRI gets more
mature and more widespread, it will have a positive impact on the uptake of smart
ready technologies.
In the default scenario market, the maximum value of market push and pull effects
was limited to 0.41% and 0.082% for respectively upgrades by 1 class or to a
level A. For the high impact scenario, these values are increased to 1.2% and
0.2%. For the low impact scenario, both values are set to 0%. Note that for
implementation pathway C, the maximum values for the market push and pull
effect parameters have been reduced to half the values of the other
implementation pathway. This assumption is maintained in the sensitivity analysis
to maintain consistency with the base scenario.
Figure 65 - Results for the positive impact scenario (promoting self-assessment), showing
SRT upgrades by 1 level (top) and to level A (bottom) expressed as share of the building
stock that has had an upgrade.
Based on the high and low impact scenario for SRI deployment and the high and
low impact scenarios for the SRT uptake, four scenarios have been composed and
compared against the default scenario that formed the basis for the impact
analysis. The four scenarios are listed in Table 26. Scenario 1 and 2 represent the
two extreme cases with respectively the highest and lowest estimated effects of
the implementation of the SRI. Scenario 3 represents a scenario where the SRI is
well appreciated and picked up by the market, but it does not yield the expected
uptake of the market in smart ready technologies. This scenario is expected to
yield worst case results in terms of costs and benefits as the scenario would reflect
a high cost scenario in terms of implementation of the scheme (high number of
assessments) yet low investments in SRTs and corresponding benefits. On the
contrary, scenario four reflects a case where the number of SRI assessments
would stay limited, yet the rate of SRI assessments leading to an SRT upgrade is
1 High High
2 Low Low
3 High Low
4 Low High
Figure 67 and Figure 68 show the impact of the scenarios on the cumulated
investment into smart ready technologies in respectively 2030 and 2050. These
results are the increased investment compared to the business as usual SRT
uptake and hence clearly demonstrate the impact of the SRI on this market.
Comparing scenarios 3 and 4, shows significantly higher uptake of SRTs in scenario
4 compared to scenario 3. This suggests that it is more important to assure that
SRI assessments lead to an upgrade of SRTs for that building. As pointed out by
scenario 3, striving for increasing the number of SRI assessments without assuring
an adequate rate of SRT upgrades is not efficient.
Figure 69 and Figure 70 show the resulting primary energy savings. These values
evidently follow the trends for the results of the SRT uptake. For the high impact
scenario (scenario 1), primary energy savings are up to 50% greater. These trends
are similar for all pathways. Note the high differences for implementation pathway
E1. This follows from the change in the rate of SRI assessments linked to the
trigger “upgrade or replacement of technical building systems.” Corresponding
CO2-emission savings and energy cost savings are reported in
Figure 70 – Impact of sensitivity scenarios on the primary energy savings for the different
implementation pathways by 2050
Figure 72 – Impact of sensitivity scenarios on the CO2-emission savings for the different
implementation pathways by 2050
Figure 74 – Impact of sensitivity scenarios on the energy cost savings for the different
implementation pathways by 2050
The spread in the estimated costs and benefits for the four sensitivity scenarios
are shown in Table 27 to Table 30 for the year 2030. In each case the values for
the original scenario are also shown as a reference.
A2 42 84 25 84 25
C 1 2 1 2 1
E2 13 15 12 15 12
F1 65 68 62 68 62
F2 11 22 12 22 12
F3 51 75 29 75 29
The spread of the estimated employment impacts for the four sensitivity scenarios
are shown in
Table 31 for the year 2030. In each case the values for the original scenario are
also shown as a reference.
Table 31 - Incremental net employment compared to BAU (no. of jobs created) in year
The spread of the estimated material circularity for the four sensitivity scenarios
basically scales proportionately to the SRT cost expenditure (e.g. see Table 27)
while the health and wellbeing impacts scale proportionately with the energy
The sensitivity analysis has evaluated the impact of two main parts of the impact
analysis calculation method. First, the assumptions regarding the number of SRI
assessments that would follow each of the implementation pathways has been
analysed. In the second step, the rate at which SRI assessment would lead to
action – in the sense of resulting in increased uptake SRTs – has been studied.
• Scenario 1: high SRI assessment scenario and high SRT uptake scenario
• Scenario 2: low SRI assessment scenario and low SRT uptake scenario
• Scenario 3: high SRI assessment scenario and low SRT uptake scenario
• Scenario 4: low SRI assessment scenario and high SRT uptake scenario.
Analysing the resulting volume of SRT upgrades clearly outlines the effect of these
scenarios. Note that the other KPIs scale in either a linear or non-linear way with
the amount of SRT upgrades.
For implementation pathways for which a voluntary link is to the trigger events is
assumed, the impact of stimulating the amount of SRI assessments is greater. For
example, in the case of pathway A3, for which a voluntary link to EPC assessments
with supporting measures is assumed, the original impact analysis results in a
total cumulated investment of 70.9 billion euro by 2050. Sensitivity scenarios 2
and 4 respectively lead to 11 and 66 billion euro. In the original scenario, it was
assumed that for pathway A3, 40% of EPC assessments would result in an SRI
assessment. Sensitivity scenario 2 clearly shows that if these numbers would only
reach 20% or less, e.g. through inadequate supporting measures, and if at the
same time the conducted SRI assessments have a limited uptake rate of SRTs,
the SRT investments are marginal. This evidently reflects on the other impact
criteria, such as CO2-emission savings, employment, etc.
The objective of Task 5 was to establish an open and inclusive consultation process
to provide support to the development of the SRI, by ensuring that all relevant
stakeholders are involved and have the opportunity to express their views on the
project. Particular emphasis has been given to build a wide consensus among the
stakeholders of the construction/renovation value chain – from the architect to the
operator of the building – on the design and development of the SRI.
Eight different ways for the stakeholders to interact with the study team have been
available during the course of the two technical support studies:
In the framework of the first technical support study, a first stakeholder meeting
took place on 7th June, 2017 in Brussels, dedicated to introducing the objectives
and scope of the study, the work plan and the first findings. Several invited
external speakers presented relevant other initiatives related to the themes of the
SRI. More than 65 representatives were present, from a broad variety of
stakeholder organisations representing Member States, EPBD Concerted Action
members, industry associations, research institutes, NGOs and individual
The fourth stakeholder meeting (the first of the second technical support study)
took place on 26 March 2019 and was attended by 120 stakeholders – as well as
the numerous stakeholders who followed the web-stream. The study team briefly
reminded participants of the outcomes of the first study and presented the work
plan of the second technical study. The study team also described the various
ways in which stakeholders are invited to be involved in the second technical
study. Finally, the study team presented the working assumptions of the second
technical support study, based on the feedback from stakeholders collected during
and after the first technical support study.
The fifth stakeholder meeting took place on 9 October 2019 and was attended by
71 stakeholders – as well as the numerous stakeholders who followed the web-
stream. During this meeting the technical study team consortium presented
interim conclusions on the calculation methodology and consolidated results on
the evaluation of quantitative impacts as presented in the interim report. Also,
ongoing work regarding the format of the SRI and its potential implementation
pathways was discussed. Finally, the study team also presented intermediate
results from the public bèta testing and reported on the contributions of the Topical
Working Groups.
In the context of this study, the study team has reached out to actively engage
stakeholders to cluster with other stakeholders in dedicated thematic groups.
Using such an approach, inputs can be gathered more effectively and a consensus
on many important issues will likely be more easily obtained.
Initially, two Topical Stakeholder Working Groups were set up, a third one was
added more recently:
All registered stakeholders were invited to apply for membership of one of the
Topical Groups. Drawing from the applications received, the study team – in
consultation with the Commission services – composed compact and well-balanced
expert groups of approximately 30 members, representing different (mainly
European) sector organisations and Member States.
Topical Group A and Topical Group B gathered twice in Brussels for meetings in
person, back to back with the first and second stakeholder meeting. A plenary
feedback meeting with stakeholder topical groups A, B and C was organised on 13
February 2020 to feed the further consultations with EU Member States and
support the process of drafting the delegated and implementing acts.
3 AT – Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism
4 AT – OIB – Austrian Institute of Construction Engineering
6 DK – Danish Energy Agency
10 EPF
11 eu.bac
13 EURELECTRIC (replacement)
14 EuroACE
15 FI – Finnish nat. SRI methodology/Aalto Univ.
16 FR – Developpement Durable
17 FR – SBA
18 GCP
20 Housing Europe
1 Applia
2 AT – EE Institute for Sustainable Technology
5 BU – Budapest University of Technology and Economics
6 COGEN Europe
7 CY – Cyprus
8 DE – Federal Energy Efficiency Center
9 DE – IFEU (replacement)
10 DK – Danish Energy Agency
11 EHI
12 EHI (replacement)
16 Eu.bac
18 Euroheat
20 FI – Aalto University
21 FI – Aalto University (replacement)
25 KNX association
26 Lighting Europe
27 NL – The Netherlands Enterprise Agency
29 Smart Building Alliance
30 SmartEn
* Four participants did not consent to sharing their organisation
The Topical Group C on future evolutions of the SRI aims to explore how the
SRI can remain sufficiently future proof. Members of this topical group have been
The topical working group has provided recommendations to the technical study
consortium and the Commission Services, which are summarised below.
Topical group C, the independent body operating in parallel to this study, have
made the following recommendations regarding the SRI within their 1st
recommendations report. The report is available on the project website 153.
Concerning the objectives of the SRI and the definition of smart buildings they
Overall, the SRI should serve towards the achievement of the EU Green Deal goals,
and especially through the Renovation Wave initiative. It should not be just an
image tag. Moreover, the SRI assessment should be incorporated in all phases of
the building life cycle and furthermore be validated and tracked, therewith
providing comfortable buildings at minimum use of energy and maximizing the
flexibility potential buildings can deliver in a smart energy grid.
More generally the other recommendations are structured under three main
The full report of topical group C can be found on www.smartreadinessindicator.eu/ stakeholder-
For a new method C it is very important to keep in mind that the whole point of
this method is to let the SRI evolve from a parameter which consists of factors
levelling functionalities of services from the Smart Services Catalogue (currently
methods A and B) to a parameter which quantifies the building’s impacts for all 3
relevant categories (building occupants needs, building operational efficiency and
building energy flexibility) with a strong focus on the impact upon the reduction of
CO2 emissions. A new method C would add further value to real estate. Therefore,
go-to-market strategy should be considered to support added-value in the market.
As such, having a clear and transparent (sustainable) business case (value
proposition) from the very beginning is essential. Just considering the goal of
decarbonising the EU’s building stock, monetisation should be quantified at least
in terms of CO2 savings. In addition, benefits like enhanced productivity by an
improved indoor work environment, reduced investment cost for upgrading the
energy grid by fully employing the building flexibility potential and reduced total
cost of ownership by the use of data driven predictive maintenance techniques
should be quantified.
The entire SRI process will be managed and further developed via the so called
“SRI platform”. The “SRI platform” (for which a basic concept is proposed in the
report) should be established by end 2020 to support the work of the SRI TGC and
enable the exchange with and between Member States during the SRI national
A plenary feedback meeting with stakeholder from topical groups A, B and C was
organised on 13 February 2020 to feed the further consultations with EU Member
States and support the process of drafting the delegated and implementing acts.
Prior to the meeting, the attendees were provided with a draft version of the
interim report and its summary, service catalogues A and B, and a draft version
of the discussion documents on the implementing and delegated act.
Stakeholders were given the opportunity to test a draft version of the SRI
calculation framework. The aim of the public testing is to receive targeted feedback
on the feasibility of the approach, allowing the study team to fine-tune
methodological framework. Public testing took place in two phases:
The dry-run testing took place in August 2019. Topical group members were
invited to test a draft version of the SRI calculation methodology on buildings of
their choice. To this end, they received an information package, including a
calculation spreadsheet (for method B) and a guidance document (see extracts in
0). In total, 11 members of topical groups A and B participated to the dry-run
testing. Participants were asked to assess the feasibility of the assessment,
provide feedback on the user-friendliness of the spreadsheet and the clarity of the
guidance document. They were also invited to signal any calculation errors or
linguistic issues in the information package. Based on the received feedback, a
number of updates were made to the information package.
The wider stakeholder community was invited to participate in the public beta
testing. Stakeholders who are interested in participating to the public beta testing
were asked to sign up on the SRI website before end of August 2019. Participants
received the updated information package on 15 September 2019 and were asked
to provide us the completed calculation sheet and their feedback by 15 November
2019. The information package (all in English), including a guidance document
and two calculation sheets (methods A and B) were provided to perform an SRI
assessment on one or more buildings, chosen by the stakeholder. The beta testing
was carried out on a voluntary basis and did not require any specific prior
knowledge on the SRI.
In total, 112 complete and unique calculation sheets were received, covering 81
unique buildings. For 31 buildings, both methods A and B were applied to the same
building. Two buildings were only assessed using method A, whereas 50 building
were assessed using method B. In total, the dataset contains 33 buildings
assessed with method A and 79 buildings assessed with method B. Discussion of the results: total SRI score by method and building
Figure 77 illustrates the distribution of the obtained SRI scores by method (left)
and by building type (right). When comparing the results for methods A and B, no
statistically significant difference between these methods is found. This confirms
that method A, although using a subset of the full service-catalogue, sufficiently
reflects the smart readiness of the building as compared to method B. The
distributions for residential and non-residential buildings do reflect significant
differences. In general, lower scores are found for residential buildings, compared
to non-residential buildings. This is in line with the expectations, since smart ready
services are typically found in more advanced technical building systems that are
not widely applied in residential buildings. It should be noted that Figure 77 (right)
only distinguishes on building type and hence includes both methods A and B. A
further break-down of the results by method and building type can be found in
Figure 78. The boxplot confirms similar means for both methods, but clearly
illustrates the differences between residential and non-residential buildings.
Figure 78 - Box plot of the total SRI score by method and building type
During the public testing, 31 buildings were assessed applying both methods A
and B on the same building, and by the same assessor. Figure 79a shows the
density plots of the obtained results. Figure 79b presents a direct comparison of
the results obtained by both methods. The graphs show that scores obtained
through method B tend to be slightly lower than the scores obtained through
method A, although the results are generally well-aligned. The statistical analysis
revealed no significant difference between both method (p >.46). The perceived
alignment between methods A and B by assessors is further discussed under
“feedback from stakeholders”.
Similarly, the results for various domains are depicted in Figure 81. None of the
domains showed significant differences when comparing the two calculation
methods. This illustrates that method A sufficiently captures the smart readiness
of the individual technical domains as compared to method B, despite the limited
set of services.
As part of the public beta testing, participants were asked to provide their feedback
on the assessment. The following questions were asked:
• Is the SRI score in line with initial expectations by the assessor or building
• Did you do an onsite walkthrough of the building?
• How much time did the assessment process take you (excluding travel,
administration, intake discussions)?
• Which information was missing to complete the assessment?
• Are there smart services relevant for this building which are currently not part
of the draft SRI methodology?
• Were any relevant functionality levels missing for this particular building?
• Do you have any indications on the interoperability or cybersecurity of the
technical building systems?
• For this particular building, you have any other comments?
The stakeholders participating in the public beta test were offered the opportunity
to provide additional feedback in a survey, which was completed by 26
respondents. The survey included the following additional questions:
• Did the SRI assessment provide you with new insights on how to upgrade the
assessed buildings?
• If you assessed multiple buildings, are the results well-balanced?
• Did you discuss the results with the occupants or the facility manager? Please
share feedback
• In your opinion, what are the training needs for an assessor?
• Is the triage process (= the initial multiple-choice questions on the "building
information" tab) straightforwardly applicable?
• If you applied both methods to the same building, do you have any comments
on the comparability of the results?
• In your opinion, are the services sufficiently forward-looking?
A selection of these questions will be further discussed below. All comments were
carefully analysed by the technical study consortium and were taken into
consideration for the update of the calculation methodology and the service
On the question whether the SRI score is in line with initial expectations by
the assessor or building owner/user, 52% of the respondents reacted
positively (see Figure 82). For 16% of the respondents the results were not in line
with their expectations. Within this group, 9 respondents explicitly stated they
expected a higher score and 4 respondents stated they expected a lower score.
Furthermore, 18 respondents indicated they are lacking a baseline or benchmark.
• “Yes. It's a new building in which we invest time and money to reach high
energy efficiency and smartness level. It appears to us that the score is in line
with what we can expect.”
• “No. The first building (an office building) we assessed includes all the technical
building systems listed in the triage process. The global SRI score is 51%. It
is less than we expected for a building that was awarded in 2013 as a smart
• “Yes. The […] building opportunity to increase its score is hindered by the
limited control over the scheduling of facilities, which is one of the conclusions
of the project, the lack of organisational readiness.”
• “Yes, for assessor. Owners having no awareness of the calculation method
have no specific expectations”
The study team concludes that the results were generally well in line with
expectations of the assessor. The analysis did reveal that end users – and in some
cases the assessors – were lacking a frame of reference to determine whether the
score was “good” or “bad”. Special attention should be given to this issue upon
implementation, through proper communication and formatting of the SRI. This is
discussed in detail in section 2.2.
• “Yes. The SRI methodology is a good guidance to explore some other smart
functionalities. Overall, during the design project of a new building phase, it is
a reminder for not forgetting (to consider certain smart functionalities, editor’s
• “Yes. It was interesting to see the score divided by impacts and domains
because it quantifies the current strengths and the weaknesses of the building.
Also, during the referred H2020 project (HOLISDER) diverse smart devices had
been deployed in the assessed buildings, so we could check how thanks to
these devices some functionalities have been upgraded.”
It is concluded that sub-scores at the level of the domains and impact criteria were
appreciated by the assessors, as they provided or confirmed insight with regard
to the strengths and weaknesses of the building. The provision of (default)
recommendations was identified as a way to potentially strengthen the role of the
SRI as an informative tool.
• “[…] Generally, the SRI scores using Method A are higher than the SRI scores
with Method B. This means Method B provides more precise and realistic
assessment. There are significant deviations in the results for certain Impact
categories (e.g. Flexibility) and Domains (e.g. Electricity) […]”
• The global score is close but domain and impact scores are quite different.
Thus, there is not a good comparability between both methods. My
recommendation is maintain only one simplify method (Method B).
• “The results were almost the same (2% difference) so it might not have a large
• “[…]Totally different results. I.E Method A Wellbeing 0% while method B
Combining the findings from the statistical analysis and the stakeholder feedback,
it is concluded that although objectively the results for both methods are generally
well-aligned, the differences in results may be undesirable to some stakeholders.
Therefore, it is important to ensure than in practice only one of the two methods
would be applied to a given building, so no problem of comparability can arise.
Additionally, when SRI results are communicated it should be made clear which
assessment method was used. In any case, it is desirable from a methodological
point of view to align the methods as much as possible. Based on the received
feedback, the study team has updated the service catalogues, including a
harmonization of the services and ordinal scores in the catalogues for both the
simplified and detailed method (see ANNEX E and 0).
Participants were also asked to indicate the time spent on the assessment.
Figure 83 shows that the assessment typically took less than one hour for method
A, whereas most assessments with method B did not take more than 4 hours. The
slightly longer assessment time for method B may be explained by the more
elaborate service catalogue, including more detailed and complex services. In this
context, it is worth mentioning that at least 53% of the respondents did an on-
site walk-through, whereas 30% did not do an on-site walk-through. 14% of the
participants did not respond to the question.
Figure 83 - How much time did the assessment process take you (excluding travel,
administration, intake discussions)?
To assess the feasibility of the assessment method and the completeness of the
guidance document, participants were asked if there was any information
missing to complete the assessment. As shown in Figure 84, 44% of the
participants did not report any missing information, and many others did not
respond to the question. A limited number of participants (18%) provided
comments on missing information. These comments mainly include the request to
further clarify the definition of services and functionality levels. Others suggested
to include examples in the guidance document to further support assessors, in
particular for more complex buildings with multiple systems serving a single
technical domain. Finally, some participants highlighted the role of the facility
manager as a necessary source of information for the assessment.
• “No. There was not missing information, however the support of the facility
manager in conducting the assessment is required.”
• “No. As-built documentation together with on-site walk-through were sufficient
to complete the assessment.”
• “Yes. The buildings in the hospital are very complex and have a mix of solutions
in the assets implemented. More examples of functionality levels could have
been helpful.”
During the public testing, 112 assessments were performed covering 81 unique
buildings from 21 member states. For 31 buildings, both methods A and B were
applied to the same building.
Based on the analysis of the calculation sheets and the feedback received, the
study team concludes that the SRI calculation methodology is generally well-
received. Results were generally in line with the expectations, and the results were
found to be insightful. The formatting and communication on the SRI will play an
important role in creating a reference frame for the results. Additional (default)
recommendations could strengthen the role of the SRI as an informative tool.
It is concluded that objectively the results for both methods A and B are generally
well-aligned. Furthermore, issues of comparability are not likely to arise since in
practice only one of the two methods would be applied to a given building.
Nevertheless, both service catalogues were updated to harmonise the methods. It
is suggested to include a clear reference to the method used in the communication
of the SRI for a particular building.
From a practical perspective, the assessment typically took less than one hour for
method A, whereas most assessments with method B did not take more than 4
hours. This is in line with the expectations. In general, sufficient information was
available to perform the assessment. To facilitate the assessment, the guidance
document should include more detailed definitions of the functionality levels, and
provide additional examples or guidelines for complex systems. The role of the
facility manager as a source of information was highlighted.
Consumer focus groups were organised to test the understanding of the SRI by
end users. Section 2.3.12 describes the set-up and feedback retrieved.
After the plenary stakeholder consultation meetings, all materials, including the
presentations and meeting minutes, have been made available through the project
website. Stakeholders had the opportunity to send written comments on draft
deliverables. The study teams of both technical studies have collected and
processed the comments to support the finalisation of the deliverables.
Most position papers originate from European organisations, covering the following
Here, communication refers to the way the information on smart readiness is communicated to end
During the course of the technical studies, the dissemination and written
consultation open to the public was managed via a public website
The SRI aims to raise awareness of the benefits of smarter building technologies
and functionalities and their added value for building users, energy consumers and
energy grids. Thereby it can support technology innovation in the building sector
and become an incentive for the integration of cutting-edge smart technologies
into buildings.
A first technical study developed a definition and draft methodology for the SRI.
The second technical support study has built further on the available knowledge
of the first technical study to deliver the technical inputs needed to refine and
finalise the definition of the SRI and the associated calculation methodology.
Furthermore it explored possible options for the implementation of the SRI and
evaluated their impact at the EU level in order for the Commission Services and
Member States to be informed on the possible modalities for an effective
implementation of the SRI scheme and related potential impacts.
Throughout this work the consortium partners of both technical studies have
consulted with relevant stakeholders and used the findings to inform the analysis
while helping to build awareness and consensus with regard to the project’s aims
and the most viable approach to achieve them.
In the final report the technical study team propose a consolidated methodology
to calculate the SRI of a building. The methodology is a flexible and modular multi-
criteria assessment method which builds on assessing the smart ready services
present in a building. Services are enabled by (a combination of) smart ready
technologies, but are defined in a technology neutral way. The proposed
calculation methodology is structured amongst 9 technical domains and 7 impact
criteria. For each of the services several functionality levels are defined. A higher
functionality level reflects a “smarter” implementation of the service, which
generally provides more beneficial impacts to building users or to the grid
compared to services implemented at a lower functionality level.
In the proposed method, the smart readiness score of a building or building unit
is expressed as a percentage which represents the ratio between the smart
readiness of the building or building unit compared to the maximum smart
readiness that it could reach.
A smart service catalogue for both a detailed and a simplified assessment method
was elaborated in extensive consultation with stakeholders. The simplified Method
A would be mainly oriented towards small buildings with low complexity (single
family homes, small multi-family homes, small non-residential buildings, etc.),
whereas the more detailed Method B is mainly oriented towards buildings with a
higher complexity (typically large non-residential buildings, potentially large multi-
family homes). For either method an informative self-assessment could be made
available as an alternative to a formal certificate. The final report of the study also
includes a proposal for weighting factors, a methodology for normalisation of the
scores and a suggested triage process which details how to deal with absent
The SRI calculation methodology was successfully tested in a public beta test
comprising 112 cases across Europe, which proved the viability of the approach.
The feedback from the stakeholders participating in this test led to further
finetuning and harmonisation of the SRI calculation methodology and the delivery
of two consolidated service catalogues which are distributed as annex C and annex
D of the full report. The proposed SRI calculation methodology is flexible to allow
for adaptations to specific local contexts and allows for future updates in order to
keep pace with new innovations in smart products and technologies available on
the market.
Building on the outcomes of this work, the study provides technical guidelines and
recommendations addressing (1) the operational, organisational and legal design
of the SRI scheme, (2) the efficient and cost-effective assessment of the SRI and
(3) the management of the SRI after adoption. These were informed by
considerations of costs, data needs, training for assessors, etc. which helped to
shape the development of the methodology and implementation pathways in an
iterative manner.
Finally, the study quantified the costs and benefits of implementing an SRI in the
EU building sector for the horizons of 2030, 2040, 2050. The impact analysis
reveals that rolling out the SRI across the EU would be strongly beneficial, with
the greatest net benefits arising from linking the SRI assessments to the Energy
Performance Certification (EPC) assessments of buildings, or the article 8
requirements under the EPBD. The SRI could lead to 5% higher final energy
savings by 2050, unlocking an increase in investment of 181 billion euro over 30
years compared to a business-as-usual case and up to 32 million tonnes of avoided
greenhouse gas emissions per year.
The study team concludes that the roll-out of the SRI would result in a strongly
beneficial impact and observes a broad consensus among stakeholders on most of
the key principles and methodological choices of the proposed SRI developments.
Building user is defined as a stakeholder of the building, who can have different
roles, e.g. the owner of the building or the occupant. The building user interacts
with the services provided by the building, therefore, his or her viewpoints are of
highest interest in assessing the perceived smartness of individual technologies in
the building and the overall perceived smartness of the building. In addition, the
building user can interact with the grid, providing his building to the grid as an
asset for flexibility, generation or storage of energy.
In the scope of this study, we define a smart service catalogue for a building
technology as the overview of the services provided by a smart building.
Domain: Within this project, domains are high-level viewpoints used to structure
the smart services models. Each domain focuses on a key aspect of the building.
Heating, lighting, cooling, etc., are domains of services which are provided by the
End user is defined as a building user who always interacts directly with the
services provided by the building. The end user is typically providing the trigger
event to start a service and use it. In the case of a building this can be an occupant,
or a technical facilities manager.
For instance, a system can be smart-ready (e.g. a controllable heat pump) but not
smart (the controllable heat pump is not connected to a controller and / or has no
configuration interface).
Smart ready technologies are the foundation for the services to be implemented
on. Services use those technologies like e.g. bus systems, communication
protocols or building automation systems. These smart ready technologies can
either be digital ICT technology (e.g. communication protocols or optimization
algorithms) or physical products (e.g. ventilation system with CO2 sensor, cabling
for bus systems) or combinations thereof (e.g. smart thermostats).
The smart ready technologies referenced in this study are considered to be active
components which could potentially:
Services are enabled by (a combination of) smart ready technologies, but are
defined in a technology neutral way, e.g. ‘provide temperature control in a
room’. Many of the services listed in the catalogue are based on international
technical standards, for example BACS control functions (EN 15232-1:2017),
lighting control systems (EN 15193-1:2017) and Smart Grid Use cases (IEC
The term “ready” indicates that the option to take action exists, but is not
necessarily realized, e.g. due to cost constraints, legal or market restrictions, or
occupant preferences. However, the equipment needed to implement the service
has to be present in the building.
Taxonomy: In the scope of the project, a taxonomy is the result of the practice
and science of classification of things or concepts, including the principles that
underlie such classification. Within this context, the aim is to classify certain
attributes of building technologies and link to their characteristics in order to find
functionality levels.
The M/490 Smart grid mandate was issued to the three large standardisation
bodies CEN, CENELEC and ETSI in order to consolidate the standardization
landscape for smart grids. In order to ensure interoperability for the
heterogeneous systems at infrastructure level, standards had to be either found
or defined in later stages. The working groups within the mandate created a
process for governance of smart grid standardization, created an overview and
mapping of existing standards taking into account the various viewpoints from the
stakeholders involved and did a gap analysis for the standardization bodies in
order to find gaps for new working item proposals for those bodies and their
working groups. In the second stage of the four year term of the mandate, security
and interoperability testing were the focus. In addition, the results from both the
metering mandate as well as the electric vehicles mandate were harmonized and
taken into account, making the overview of smart grid as an infrastructure, smart
The request from the Commission (EC mandate M/495) is a horizontal mandate
covering more than 25 different types of products that use energy or have an
impact on the use of energy. Types of products covered by this mandate include:
air conditioning and ventilation systems, boilers, coffee machines, refrigeration
units, ovens, hobs and grills, lamps and luminaries, tumble dryers, heating
products, computers and monitors, washing machines, dryers and dishwashers,
sound and imaging equipment and water heaters, etc.
In the European Union, only standards developed by CEN, CENELEC and ETSI are
recognized as European standards.
Within CEN Standards are prepared by Technical Committees (TCs). They do not
deal with electrical equipment neither telecommunication which is within the scope
Within CEN TC 371 is the Program Committee on EPB standards. This TC 371
organizes this central coordination team in cooperation with the other relevant
A European Standard (EN) is a standard that has been adopted by at least one
of the three recognized European Standardisation Organisations (ESOs): CEN,
When an ISO document is released, countries have the right to republish the
standard as a national adoption. When CEN adopts an ISO standard its reference
becomes, e.g. EN-ISO-52000-1, and later on when a Member State adopts this
e.g. DIN-EN-ISO. In the context of the ongoing review of EPB standards, many
are expected to be published as EN & EN-ISO standards. This means that the old
numbering system of 2007 in an EN 15000 series of standards is not necessarily
maintained and sometimes replace by the ISO 52000 series of standards.
• ISO/TC 163 is responsible for Thermal performance and energy use in the
built environment and part of the EPBD related standards.
• ISO/TC 205 is responsible for Building environment design, a.o. is
responsible for ISO 16484 on BACS.
Within IEC the most relevant TCs from our view are:
The standards from Mandate M/480 consist in general of two parts, where the first
part is a normative part (for example with the template) and the second part is an
informative part (for example containing proposals for default data). Hereafter is
a short description of the main standards. Also, according to The Detailed
Technical Rules, and in agreement with the mandate M/480 for each EPB-standard
containing calculation procedures an accompanying spreadsheet has been
prepared to test and validate the calculation procedure. The spreadsheet also
includes a tabulated overview of all output quantities (with references to the EPB
module where it is intended to be used as input), all input quantities (with
references to the EPB module or other source from where the data are available)
and a fully worked example of the application (the calculation method between
the set of input and output quantities) for validation and demonstration 157.
The main output of this standard is the overall energy performance of a building
or building part (e.g. building unit). In addition: breakdown in partial energy
performance, e.g. per energy service (heating, lighting, etc.), per building unit,
per time interval (hour, month, etc.) and breakdown in energy flows at different
perimeters and e.g. delivered versus exported energy.
Depending on the application, all or some of the other standards related to the
energy performance of buildings that cover other parts of the modular structure
are needed (EPB standards). It introduces a modular structure to cover all aspects
of the building energy balance and its subsystems, see Table 32.
In general it is important to note that the standard defines system boundaries (the
concept of concept of perimeters and assessment boundary, zoning,) and amongst
others also defines a Renewable Energy Ratio (RER).
• Control Accuracy (mainly used in emission and control modules M3-5, M3-
4, M3-5)
• BAC Functions (mainly used in modules M3-5, M3-9, M9-5, M9-9)
• BAC Strategies (mainly used for M10-12)
Directly related to EPB there are about 52 EN and/or ISO standards to define the
calculation method (see Figure D1 for an overview). It can already be concluded
that this update consists of a complex set of interrelated standards for which the
application of the proposed version is still in its infancy and it will need to be judged
in how far the data contained herein can be applied for the SRI indicator.
• Reduce stand by losses in hot water storage tank (if any) with automatic
on/off control based on forecasted demand.
• Control of DHW pump (if any).
For cooling control:
Blind control; there are two requirements which are prevent overheating and
reduce glare and therefore controls can be combined with HVAC and lighting.
Technical Building Management (TBM) system, the aim is to adapt easily to the
user needs and therefore it shall be checked frequently. TBM functions are (see
also EN 16947 with more details):
The standard also defines four classes that poses specific requirements on the
previous control functions. It contains a simplified calculation method based on
BAC efficiency factors, for lighting reference is made to EN 15193.
Afterwards the simple method in the standard defines relations between building
energy systems and so-called BAC efficiency factors for different types of energy
use, including lighting, see figure D-3. These factors enable savings to be
estimated. For a detailed calculation on the impact the individual standards should
be considered and therefore references to these related standards are included
(e.g. EN 15193 for lighting).
Also, according to The Detailed Technical Rules, and in agreement with the
mandate M/480 [2], for each EPB-standard containing calculation procedures an
accompanying spreadsheet has been prepared to test and validate the calculation
procedure. The spreadsheet also includes a tabulated overview of all output
quantities (with references to the EPB module where it is intended to be used as
input), all input quantities (with references to the EPB module or other source from
where the data are available) and a fully worked example of the application (the
calculation method between the set of input and output quantities) for validation
and demonstration158.
• Function 1 – set points is meant for set point definition and set back.
• Function 2 – run time is intended for estimating run times.
• Function 3 – sequencing of generators is intended for estimating the
sequential arrangement of different functions to be performed
• Function 4 – local energy production and renewable energies is intended
for managing local renewable energy sources and other local energy
productions as CHP.
• Function 5 – heat recovery and heat shifting is intended for shifting thermal
energy inside the building.
This standard defines the building latent heat load using an hourly calculation
interval. It describes an important parameter for modelling the impact of for
example the BACS night time set back temperature function (EN or thermal
storage in smart grids is the building time constant (τ)[hours]. It also contains a
parameter to model the impact of the temperature control system (Δθctr), which
is 0 for a perfect control system.
This standard deals with energy requirements for lighting and defines different
lighting control systems (e.g. occupancy control type, type of daylight control,
type of blinds control) and their impact on energy savings (e.g. occupancy factor
(Fo), daylight factor (Fd)). It calculates the Lighting Energy Numeric Indicator for
a building (LENI) in kWh/m²/y based on assumption for occupants’ schedules (EN
ISO 17772-1:2017). Background information to this standard is documented in
CEN/TR 15193-2: Energy performance of buildings — Energy requirements for
lighting; Part 2: Explanation and justification of EN 15193-1, Module M9.
This document is developed in the frame of ENER Lot 37 and describes the key
design considerations in the process for good quality, energy efficient and effective
lighting systems in the tertiary sector.
The standard contains indoor environmental input parameters for the design and
assessment of energy performance of buildings. It deals also with occupants’
schedules for energy calculations which can have important impact on energy
calculations. Of course, apart from the assumptions, the real occupant behaviour
will have similar impact. Advanced Building Automation and Control Systems
(BACS) (EN 15232-1:2017) can include set point management which means that
set points (e.g. illumination levels, comfort temperature, air quality, ..) can be
redefined over the life time of the building when the task area, zone requirements
or real user needs change. Usually however EPBD calculations [kWh/y/m²] are
based on predefined occupants’ schedules and comfort requirements and therefore
they do not model properly the impact from set point management that adapt to
changes in the user needs over its life time.
The implementation of EPBD calculation methods can vary by Member State; more
information can be found in the Book (EPBD, 2016) on ‘Implementing the Energy
Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) – Featuring Country Reports’. It
reported that the German transposition of the EPBD resulted in an exemplary all-
in-one calculation method based on a local standard series DIN V 18599, see figure
D-4. DIN V 18599 has been an important source of information for the
development of European Standards.
It should also be noted that not all Member States used a local standard to
implement the calculation methods. For example in France (RT2012, 2012), the
EPBD is regulated within local decrees and limits the maximum primary energy
per year and m² together with a combination of other minimum performance
requirements to be calculated. Calculation software to prove compliance needs to
be purchased. This software needs to be validated before it is commercialised.
Belgium, e.g. follows the same approach but the software is harmonized and
openly available (PEB, 2011). These EPBD calculation methods already validate in
some extend smart building controls; for example in Flanders automatic solar
shading, presence detection for lighting, demand controlled ventilation,
temperature control per room, etc.
This standard introduces requirements and advices for the design or refurbishing
of an electrical installation with regards to electrical energy efficiency. It proposes
a number of various electrical energy efficiency measures in all low voltage
electrical installations as given in the scope of IEC 60364 from the origin of the
installation including power supply, up to and including current-using-equipment.
Amongst others it describes methods to decrease losses in electrical cables and
This standard is still under development. This standard provides requirements and
recommendations to users and facility managers or similar of low-voltage electrical
installations to operate their electrical installations as Prosumer’s Electrical
Installation. These requirements and recommendations cover safety and proper
This standard is intended to develop the common architecture which applies widely
to different use cases and appliance types, and the principles of measuring smart
performance within the context of the common architecture. The standard is in
the Draft Technical Specification (DTS) stage and is expected to be published in
September 2017. The focus of the standard is in smart capabilities for
interoperability with Smart Grids.
This part of IEC 60364 applies to the electrical installation of PV systems intended
to supply all or part of an installation.
- the specification of the connection between the EV supply equipment and the
Amongst others it put additional requirements that has an impact in the electrical
distribution board, protection devices and cabling within buildings to supply
electrical vehicles. For example which and how Residual Current Devices that are
This standard is still under development. This part of IEC 62933 is applicable to
EES systems designed for grid connected indoor or outdoor installation and
operation at a.c. or d.c. irrespective of voltage.
CEN 294, ‘Communication systems for meters’ provides a series of standards with
respect to communication interfaces for systems with meters and remote reading
of meters for all kind of fluids and energies distributed by network. This can
especially be relevant for the services in the ‘monitoring and control’ domain of
the SRI catalogue.
EN 1990 - EN 1999 are the so-called ‘EN Eurocodes’ which are a series of 10
European Standards, providing a common approach for the design of buildings and
other civil engineering works and construction products. This standards might be
relevant to check that the construction stability and fire safety preconditions to
install photovoltaics, thermal or electrical storage to increase self- consumption of
renewables. For example to install photovoltaics in a flat roof it needs to be able
to withstand the additional loading, batteries might need fire safe building
compartments, etc. .. and those standards could provide approaches to assess
those capabilities. Of course, here again also local national standards can apply.
A starting point for both the building-level and EU-level impact analysis calculations is the
description and disaggregation of the building stock. The following sections provide an
overview of the data sources used to gather the necessary input on the EU building stock
(ANNEX C.a.i) and its disaggregation across building types, climate regions, etc. (ANNEX
C.a.ii). Section ANNEX C.b then presents the reference buildings that have been defined
as representative buildings when modelling the impact of SRTs on energy use. In setting
up this building stock model, and the consecutive SRT uptake and impact models, this
study builds further upon the work carried out in the first technical study on the SRI.
The primary data source for the building stock description is the EU Building Stock
Observatory, which monitors the building stock and energy performance characteristics of
residential and non-residential buildings across Europe and contains databases, data
mappers and factsheets describing Europe’s building stock. In addition to information on
the share (numbers and total surface areas) of different building types in the EU building
stock, it contains information about average U-values of building components, distribution
of heating systems, etc. Moreover, it contains information about some of the trigger events
used in the SRI deployment model such as the number of EPCs, renovation rates, etc. A
comparative analysis of data presented in other EU building stock models and reports, such
as the BPIE study “Europe’s Buildings Under the Microscope”159 and the report “Average
EU Building Heat Load for HVAC Equipment” by VHK (2014)160, showed that although there
are differences among the assumed building total floor surface areas and average energy
performance characteristics, these differences are small compared to the intrinsic
uncertainty of some of the data-sources reported in these studies. Hence, it was deemed
valid to extensively build further on the data reported in the EU Building Stock Observatory
Nonetheless, for a significant number of input parameters, no or only partial data are
available in the EU Building Stock Observatory. A good complementary data source for this
task is the TABULA webtool,161 which provides detailed reference building data for up to 20
European countries, differentiated by residential building type and age class. The national
cost-optimality reports from EU Member States also provide useful information for different
residential and non-residential buildings162. More general examples for European reference
buildings are provided in the FP7 project iNSPiRe, especially in its report D2.1a163.
162 https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency/buildings
In the context of this impact analysis the building stock is differentiated across four
Climate regions
To appropriately address the effect of different climate conditions on the energy demand
calculations, the EU building stock is disaggregated into five climate regions, as defined in
Table 34 and shown in Figure 87. For the energy demand calculation, climate data for the
Member States highlighted in bold in Table 34 have been used to represent the climate for
each of the five regions.
Figure 88 shows the monthly averaged outdoor temperature profiles for the climate regions
as main driving factor for the heating demand calculation. The distribution of the building
stock (in terms of total floor surface area) among the different climate regions is shown in
Figure 90.
Six building types have been selected, covering both residential and non-residential
sectors. For residential buildings, the building stock of single-family houses, small multi-
family buildings and large multi-family buildings are modelled. While there is no split
between small and large multi-family houses within the EU Building Stock Observatory,
this split is included for the impact analysis as implementation pathways might differ for
both types of multi-family buildings. For the non-residential sector, the model explicitly
targets office buildings, wholesale and retail buildings, and educational buildings. These
types have been selected as they cover the highest share in the non-residential building
stock. The total floor area covered by these building types across the different climate
regions is shown in Figure 90.
Buildings in EU
Hospitals & retail
Multi 7% 28%
Houses Hotels &
36% 11%
Houses Education Offices
64% 17% 23%
Non-residential buildings in EU
Residential buildings in EU
Construction periods
Four construction periods are defined, corresponding to the breakdown used in the EU
Building Stock Observatory:
• pre-1960
• 1960–1990
• 1990–2010
• post-2010.
Renovation levels
• renovated
• unrenovated.
This disaggregation enables the establishment of two levels of thermal characteristics for
each segment being considered. In the scenario calculation for both residential and non-
residential buildings and for each climate zones, one retrofit level (major renovation) is
used. The fact that not every renovation is a major renovation will be considered in the full
thermal retrofit rates assumed for each specific scenario. The thermal qualities assumed
for both residential and non-residential buildings in the renovated and unrenovated cases
are defined in section ii.
Figure 91 shows the share of retrofitted residential buildings per reference zone. Figure 92
shows the share of retrofitted non-residential buildings per reference zone.
Figure 92 – Share of retrofitted non-residential buildings. Source: First technical study on the SRI
for 2014 based on [Euroconstruct, 2005].
Considering both the relative share of the buildings stock and an ex ante identification of
buildings that are likely to be targeted by different implementation pathways, a set of
reference buildings is selected and identified as:
i. Geometry
The geometry parameters for the chosen reference buildings are shown in Table 35. As for
the first technical study on the SRI, the residential building geometries are obtained from
the iNSPiRe study (2014)164. The reference buildings for non-residential buildings are
defined along the Annex I.5 of the EPBD 165. The geometries are based on data from the
European Copper Institute (ECI) for the study “Panorama of the European Non-Residential
Construction Sector”166.
Hospitals are listed under health buildings and hotels and restaurants under touristic buildings. Sport facilities
are addressed with other non-res buildings.
Average room height (m) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.6 3.6 2.6
Building physical and HVAC system characteristics of the EU28 building stock will be
analysed in a simplified manner starting with the five climate zones, each represented by
one country if data availability allows it. If not, EU-28 averages are used. Wherever
possible, building type and/or age-band-specific values are used for the parameters serving
as an input to calculate serial steady-state (monthly) energy balances. This calculation is
executed for the building stock in its original state and for the renovated building stock.
Average thermal transmittance values for existing (“original”) buildings are taken from the
EU Building Stock Observatory database for residential and non-residential buildings per
type of envelope construction part (walls, floors, roofs, windows) and for different age-
band categories.
For renovated buildings, U-values for walls, roofs and floors of residential and non-
residential buildings are taken equal to these cost-optimal levels. Annex 2 of the Ecofys
study executed for Eurima in 2007167 contains results for optimal U-values for cost-
efficiency purposes. These U-values have been compared with the World Energy Outlook
2006 reference price scenario of cost-optimal U-values.
U-values for better energy performance of buildings - Thomas Boermans and Carsten Petersdorff, Report
established by ECOFYS for EURIMA, 2007: https://www.eurima.org/uploads/F_EURIMA-ECOFYS_VII_report_p1-65.pdf
No cost-optimal U-values are reported for windows in the Eurima study. Therefore, the U-
values for renovated building windows used in the current study are derived from the
retrofit packages implemented in the Eurima study and are modelled as a function of the
U-value of the wall of the corresponding retrofit packages. It can be expected that similar
wall to window insulation ratios are implemented. The resulting U-values of the windows
are included in Table 7.
A simplified model is constructed to calculate the g-value of a window based on its U-value.
It is based on glazing characteristics168 and a simplified model to calculate the U-value of
the window based on U-values of glazing and frame. Typical combinations of glazing and
frames are considered to estimate input for frame characteristics.
Table 37 gives an overview of the assumptions and description of the model. For cooling-
load calculations, a shading factor of 0.5 is assumed independent of the building type.
http://www.vgi-fiv.be/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Een-glasheldere-kijk-op-de-Belgische-beglazingen-Juni-2015-LowRes.pdf (dutch)
Heating system efficiency is the factor used to translate net energy demand to end energy
consumption; it is the ratio of the net energy demand to the total energy required at the
building location to meet the net energy demand in magnitude, temperature level and at
the time it is needed. It comprises the combined efficiencies of the production, storage (if
any), distribution, emission (only in case of space heating) and control systems.
Kemna et al. reported values for system efficiency for residential and service sector 169. The
average value (weighted by the heat output for each heating technology type) is low
compared to, for example, the default efficiencies for space heating that are used in EPCs
in Flanders (for residential and small, non-residential buildings)170. The latter values for
system efficiency are supposed to be conservative in the sense that most systems in
practice will reach higher efficiencies. These are not representative for large non-residential
buildings. Also, when comparing the Kemna efficiency values with the values reported in
the frame of the Stratego project as function of energy source 171, the Kemna values are
relatively low. On the one hand this is illogical given the fact that the Kemna values are for
space heating alone while the Stratego values are for combined space heating and domestic
hot water, as it is expected that efficiency would be lower for domestic hot water (usually
at a higher temperature on average, intermittent production and or storage, possible
circulation loop for distribution). On the other hand, the Stratego values only represent
production efficiencies, implying that these need to be decreased by taking the storage,
distribution, emission and control losses into account.
The average system efficiency value of 0.55 derived from the Kemna et al. report is
retained for the current analysis for space heating and domestic hot water for residential
and non-residential buildings in the original state of the building stock. For renovated
buildings, an average system efficiency of 0.82 is retained.
VHK reports average effective ventilation rates for residential and non-residential buildings
of 0.68 and 1.15 ACH, respectively [Kemna et al.; 2019]. The value reported effective
ventilation rate (ACH) also includes infiltration. These values also take heat recovery into
account assuming on average 7% of residential and non-residential buildings are equipped
with heat recovery systems. Calculated at an average efficiency of the heat recovery of
60%, the average recovery efficiency on building stock level becomes 5%. The ventilation
rates become 0.72 ACH and 1.21 ACH for residential and non-residential buildings on
Kemna, R.; 2014; Average EU building heat load for HVAC equipment - Final report contract No.
ENER/C3/412-2010/15/FV2014-558/SI2,680138; VHK; Delft; August, 2014;
VEA; 2019; EPB-Cijferrapport 2019 - Procedures, resultaten en energetische karakteristieken van het Vlaamse
gebouwenbestand - periode 2006 – 2018. [in Dutch]; Vlaams Energieagentschap (VEA); Brussel, België;
april 2019
Energy use by ventilation systems is assumed to be 0 W/(m³/h) for the original residential
buildings built pre-1990 as ventilation in these building types is assumed to result primarily
from infiltration and natural ventilation. From 1990 onwards and for renovated buildings,
a mix of exhaust ventilation (Type C) and balanced supply and exhaust systems (Type D)
is assumed, with 33% of buildings implementing type D and 67% type C. Type D is used
for non-residential buildings. The specific energy use of both ventilation types is given in
Table 39.
System D System C
As a first building block for the impact analysis tool, the “SRI and SRT uptake model”
quantifies the number of SRI assessments carried out for the different building types and
climate regions. This assessment rate is evidently a function of the implementation
pathways. In a second step, the effect of the SRI implementation pathway on SRT uptake
is modelled based on volume of SRI assessments, as well as market push and pull effects.
This section explains in detail the methodology behind the modelling, allowing readers to
also assess the impact of certain implementation options and the sensitivity to the
underlying assumptions.
In the modelling, differentiation is made between building types and climate zones. This
also allows the evaluation of different implementation pathways for different types of
buildings as well as for different Member States. The methodology is, however, uniform for
all building types and climate zones.
i. Methodology
The starting point for the impact analysis is the quantification of the number of SRI
assessments being conducted in relation to a specific implementation pathway. This
number of assessments in the next step will feed into the SRT uptake model, which in turn
is the starting point for calculating, amongst others, the energy savings corresponding the
potential SRI implementation pathways.
Evidently, the number of SRI assessments carried out depends primarily on the
implementation pathways adopted by the Member States. To make the calculation flexible
and transparent regarding the assumptions and impacts proposed for the different
implementation pathways, it was decided to build the calculation around the foreseeable
trigger events that could lead to SRI assessments. The calculation includes the following
trigger events for which annual occurrence rates have been assessed:
• EPC assessments
• replacement of technical building systems (e.g. boiler replacement)
• major renovation
• new constructions
• installation of local RES (e.g. PV)
• purchase of an EV
• smart meter installation
• inspection of HVAC (according to Art. 14 and 15 of the EPBD)
• other (e.g. link to other voluntary schemes, such as BREEAM).
For each of these trigger events a rate is defined by which each trigger results in an SRI
assessment. There rates are modelled depending on the implementation pathways and
policy options. For example, if the implementation pathway would adopt a mandatory SRI
assessment linked to each EPC assessment, the rate of SRI assessments would be 100%
for the trigger event EPC assessment, see Table 40.
When a certain implementation pathway would foresee a voluntary assessment of the SRI,
e.g. when a smart meter is installed, then it could be expected that the rate at which the
trigger “Smart meter deployment” results in an SRI assessment would increase as the SRI
scheme grows more mature. Such an increase may result from a market pull effect, i.e.
the end-user interest in the SRI increases as the SRI deployment rate increases, or a
market push effect, i.e. as the SRI deployment rate increase manufacturers and installers
may start promoting or advising SRI assessments. To reflect these growth effects, it is
possible to include the foreseeable increase in the rate of SRI assessments that follow from
each trigger event due to market push and pull effects. For example, for an implementation
pathway that foresees a voluntary SRI assessment for major renovations, more building
owners can be expected to carry out an assessment as the market penetration of the SRI
increases. These push and pull effects are modelled using a typical S-shape growth model
as a function of the deployment rate of the SRI. The deployment rate is defined as the
percentage of buildings of that specific type and climate region that have already
undergone an SRI assessment. Figure 93 shows a theoretical example of the push and pull
effect size. This effect size is a percentage point increase in the rate of SRIs granted during
the trigger event.
In summary, for a certain implementation pathway (ipw), the annual number of SRI
assessments obtained as the sum over all triggers (tr) is given by:
𝑆𝑅𝐼𝑖𝑝𝑤 = ∑ 𝑆𝑅𝐼𝑖𝑝𝑤,𝑡𝑟
𝑆𝑅𝐼𝑡𝑟,𝑖𝑝𝑤 = 𝑛𝑡𝑟 (𝛼𝑡𝑟,𝑖𝑝𝑤 + 𝛽𝑡𝑟,𝑖𝑝𝑤 + 𝛾𝑡𝑟,𝑖𝑝𝑤 )
𝛽𝑡𝑟,𝑖𝑝𝑤 ~ 𝑆𝑅𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑙 , 𝛽𝑡𝑟,𝑖𝑝𝑤,𝑚𝑎𝑥
𝛾𝑡𝑟,𝑖𝑝𝑤 ~ 𝑆𝑅𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑙 , 𝛾𝑡𝑟,𝑖𝑝𝑤,𝑚𝑎𝑥
• 𝑛𝑡𝑟 = the number of trigger events (e.g. number of EPC assessments for that building
type in that climate region)
• 𝛼𝑡𝑟,𝑖𝑝𝑤 = the base rate of SRI assessments linked to the trigger
• 𝛽𝑡𝑟,𝑖𝑝𝑤 = the market push effect as a function of the SRI deployment rate (𝑆𝑅𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑙 ) and
the maximum effect size 𝛽𝑡𝑟,𝑖𝑝𝑤,𝑚𝑎𝑥 , and
• 𝛾𝑡𝑟,𝑖𝑝𝑤 = the market pull effect as a function of the SRI deployment rate (𝑆𝑅𝐼𝑑𝑒𝑝𝑙 ) and
the maximum effect size 𝛾𝑡𝑟,𝑖𝑝𝑤,𝑚𝑎𝑥 .
In order to estimate the deployment rate of SRI assessments, the methodology has
identified different moments during a building’s construction and use phase as potential
trigger events for an SRI assessment. As such, the estimation of the total number of SRI
assessments for a given implementation pathway is broken down into a quantification of
the occurrences of these trigger events and the rate of SRI assessments that follow from
a trigger event. The rate of trigger event that lead to an SRI assessment can be directly
linked to the actual implementation pathway, as discussed in section iii. On the contrary,
the frequency of trigger events can be estimated based on the analysis of available building
stock data. The following paragraphs describe this process for the selected trigger events.
EPC assessments
As one of the implementation pathways suggests a possible linkage of the SRI to EPC
assessments, the first trigger event is the number of EPCs carried out annually for a given
building type and climate region.
Data on the annual and total number of EPCs granted at Member State level are available
in the EU Building Stock Observatory 172. As these data are only partially available at
Member State level and not with the detailed granularity of building types used in this
impact analysis, the data have been extrapolated to obtain input values for each building
type and climate region. More specifically, the number of residential and non-residential
EPCs per climate region has been estimated by calculating the average assessment rate
(number of EPCs issued per total number of buildings in that category) based on the
Member States within a climate region for which data are available. This average rate is
then applied to all Member States within that climate region. At the climate region level,
the number of residential EPCs issued is then distributed over the sub-types (single-family
houses, small multi-family buildings, large multi-family buildings) according to the relative
number of buildings within each subtype. This same approach is followed for non-
residential buildings.
Note, annual EPC issuance rates of up to 48% of the building stock as a function of the building type and
Member State have been reported in the building stock observatory so this limit of a maximum rate of 15%
(and much less on average) is a significant conservatism
To calculate the number of major renovations and new constructions, fixed renovation and
construction rates are based on the first technical study. For residential buildings, the major
renovation and new construction rates are 0.8% and 1%, respectively; for non-residential
buildings rates of 1% and 0.9%, respectively, are assumed. Again, these values are in line
with the historical levels and more conservative projections.
Given that renewable energy generation is one of the services evaluated in the SRI, the
installation of RESs can be expected to be a potential trigger for SRI assessment. To
estimate the number of trigger events, data on the annual capacity installed and connected
to the grid obtained from the EurObserv’ER database 174 are combined with the EU28
installed PV capacity from Eurostat175.
The Eurostat data show that within the EU28, 21% of PV capacity stems from small
installations of less than 20 kWp, 44% stems from medium-size installations with a peak
capacity of 20 kWp to 1MWp, and 35% results from large installations of more than 1 MWp.
In the next step, the average distribution in plant size is used to calculate the annually
installed capacity of plants with a peak power <20 kW and those with a peak power of 20
kW to 1 MW for each country. The total capacity per country is thereby given by the
EurObserv’ER data.
In the final step, the installed capacity of small- and medium-size PV systems for each
country is distributed over the different building types. It is assumed that all installations
smaller than 20 kWp are installed at residential building premises, with an average plant
size of 10 kWp. The majority (75%) of the medium-size systems are assumed to be located
in non-residential building premises, with an average plant size of 250 kWp. The resulting
number of residential and non-residential systems are then distributed among the building
types according to their share of the total number of residential and non-residential
buildings, respectively.
Purchase of EVs
Charging facilities for EVs is one of the domains evaluated by the SRI. Hence, the purchase
of an EV is also a likely trigger event. In the current iteration, vehicle purchase volumes
have been implemented per Member State according to data obtained from ACEA 176.
Further data sources such as the European alternative fuel observatory will be incorporated
in future iterations of the model. The number of EVs has been estimated following the 15%
ambition level of ZLEV for 2025. For the impact analysis it is assumed that the purchase
In the report drafted by DG ENER and JRC titled "Benchmarking smart metering deployment in the
EU-27 with a focus on electricity"177, the progress in the deployment of smart metering in the EU
Member based on information on received Member States’ deployment plan.
To date, Member States have committed to rolling out close to 200 million smart meters
for electricity and 45 million for gas by 2020 at a total potential investment of €45 billion.
By 2020, it is expected that almost 72% of European consumers will have a smart meter
for electricity while 40% will have one for gas.
As prescribed in the EU directive 2019/944 “common rules for the internal market for
electricity”, issued in June 2019 and amending Directive 2012/27/EU, all consumers should
be able to benefit from directly participating in the market, in particular by adjusting their
consumption according to market signals. They should therefore have the possibility of
benefiting from the full deployment of smart metering systems and, where such
deployment has been negatively assessed, of choosing to have a smart metering system
and a dynamic electricity price contract. Article 19 of that directive includes that Member
States shall ensure the deployment in their territories of smart metering systems. Such
deployment may be subject to a cost-benefit assessment which shall be undertaken in
accordance with the principles laid down in Annex II of the directive. Where the deployment
of smart metering systems is assessed positively, at least 80 % of final customers shall be
equipped with smart meters either within seven years of the date of the positive
assessment or by 2024 for those Member States that have initiated the systematic
deployment of smart metering systems before 4 July 2019. In the case of a negative cost-
benefit assessment Member States shall ensure that this assessment is revised at least
every four years. Also, in the case of a negative assessments, consumers are still entitled
to a smart meter upon request.
Finally, Article 19(6) states that “Smart metering systems that have already been installed,
or for which the ‘start of works’ began, before 4 July 2019, may remain in operation over
their lifetime but, in the case of smart metering systems that do not meet the requirements
of Article 20 and Annex II, shall not remain in operation after 5 July 2031.”
Acknowledging that smart grids will become increasingly profitable in future energy
systems that rely heavily on renewable energy sources, it can be expected that following
the directive EU 2019/944 more than 95% of buildings will be connected by smart metering
systems by 2050. Based on the data presented in the DG ENER and JRC report and taking
into account a lifetime of 25 years for the smart meter, annually 1% of buildings are
estimated to install a smart meter. Given the current state of deployment across the EU,
the smart meter implementation rates that may lead to a trigger event for an SRI
assessment varies significantly among Member States. This spread is not considered in the
current implementation of the model. Also, in view of the lack of data for the non-
residential sector, the same implementation rate is assumed as a working hypothesis.
Articles 14 and 15 of the EPBD require mandatory regular inspections for heating and
ventilation/cooling systems in buildings if the installed capacity is greater than 70 kW. The
iii. SRI assessments for the trigger events as a function of the implementation pathways
As outlined in section i, the actual number of SRI assessments for each of the trigger
events is determined by the base rate at which SRI assessments are actually conducted
when a trigger event occurs, as well as by the market push and pull effects that represent
the increase in interest in SRI assessments as the deployment of the SRI increases. All
three effects are closely linked to the supposed implementation pathway as outlined in
section 4.2.
To model the impact of implementation pathways, three different options are implemented
regarding the rate at which SRI assessments are conducted for each trigger event. When
a certain pathway prescribes a mandatory SRI assessment for a certain trigger, the rate is
evidently set to 100%. This would be the case when, for example, there is a mandatory
link to EPC assessments. In that case, the rate for the trigger “EPC assessment” is set at
Table 41 gives an overview of the rates at which SRI assessments follow each of the trigger
events for the different implementation pathways (as outlined in section 4.2) as proposed
for the impact analysis. The structure of the calculation tool allows users to rapidly adapt
these scenario parameters based on specific contexts. These default values will be further
subjected to a sensitivity analysis in Task 4 Activity 4. Note, these values are provisional
estimates derived by the study team from assessment of relevant information in publicly
available literature; however, there is uncertainty with regard to many of these values.
EPC assessment 100 5.0 40.0 0.5 0.5 20.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Replacement of TBSs 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 10.0 100 0.5 19.9 0.1 0.1 0.1
Major renovations 0 0 0 100 1.5 20.0 100 1.5 41.0 1.5 1.5 1.5
New construction 0 0 0 100 1.5 20.0 100 1.5 41.0 1.5 1.5 1.5
Installation of local 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 10.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
RES (e.g. PV)
Buying an EV 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 5.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Smart meter 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 10.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 0.5 40.0
HVAC inspections 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 100 0.5 19.9 0.1 0.1 0.1
Other 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
In addition to the base rates, the market push and pull effects are important model
parameters. As for the base rates, the maximum effect sizes are function of the
implementation pathway. When an implementation pathway prescribes a mandatory
linkage to a certain trigger event, market push and pull effects are set to 0% for that
trigger, as the base rate is already 100%. In cases of voluntary linkage to the trigger
events, the parameters are set to 1% and 2% for the non-subsidised and subsidised
scenarios, respectively. As for the base rates, these values will be subjected further to a
sensitivity analysis. Note, these values are derived by the study team based on expert
judgement; however, they may subsequently be amended based on Member State and
stakeholder review.
Table 42 – Default maximum effect sizes for the market push and pull effects on the SRI
assessment rate
After modelling the number of SRI assessments carried out, this section discusses at what
rate an SRI assessment will lead to upgrades of the smart readiness level of a building. To
limit the model complexity, the model distinguishes two types of SRT upgrades: a gradual
upgrade for which the smartness level increases by one class at a time; and a major
upgrade for which the smartness level is increased to level A in one upgrade.
To set the parameter values for the SRT uptake rates, the model distinguishes three driving
forces for an SRT upgrade. First, there is the business-as-usual SRT uptake, estimated by
the current uptake of SRT in the market. Based on projections in the “Digital
Transformation Monitor – Smart Building: energy efficiency application”178, the smart
building market is expected to grow 15% between 2015 and 2025. Assuming this growth
is independent of the SRI deployment, an annual upgrade rate of 1.2% is implemented for
buildings upgrading by one class and 0.02% for buildings upgrading to the highest level of
smartness. A second driving factor evidently reflects the impact of the SRI. It is defined as
the rate of the buildings that undergo an SRI assessment and will carry out SRT
improvements as a result of that SRI assessment. The percentage of buildings undergoing
an SRT upgrade due to the SRI evidently depends on the potential supporting mechanisms
that are tied to the implementation pathway; default rates have been used as shown in
Table 43. Note, these default rates constitute approximately a 1/3 rd of the market
transformation impact levels observed from the introduction of energy labelling for
domestic appliances. This is intentionally conservative but also reflects that procurement
decisions for SRTs are more complex than for appliances and hence the impact of the
provision of information via the SRI on any specific SRT procurement decision are likely to
be diluted compared to the impact of the energy label on an appliance procurement
Finally, the impact of market push and pull effects on the SRT upgrade are modelled. An
S-shaped growth function is used for which the maximum effect size is the main input
parameter. As a driving force for the push and pull effect (horizontal axis in Figure 94), the
total percentage of buildings in classes A and B have been used as the driving factor for
market push and pull effects. In other words, the uptake of smart technologies will increase
with the number of buildings with a high SRI score.
In summary, for a certain implementation pathway (ipw), the SRT growth rate, i.e. the
percentage of buildings moving up one level (subscript +1) or to level A SRT configurations
(subscript 𝑋 → 𝐴), is given by:
The SRT uptake rates linked to an SRI assessment tabulated in Table 43 reflect the uptake
rates linked to an SRI assessment following the detailed, expert-assessment methodology.
As an alternative to the detailed assessment a simplified methodology has also been
proposed as part of the technical study, moreover an optional self-assessment
implementation has been proposed as an alternative to a 3 rd party expert assessment. In
general, it is expected that self-assessment will be less reliable than 3 rd party expert
assessment and hence the impacts triggered by an SRI assessment will be somewhat
diluted. Similarly, as the simplified method assesses less SRT domains and functionality
than the detailed method it is also expected that some prospective improvement options
will not be acted upon as a result of the information it provides. Therefore, correction
factors are introduced take this into account, see
Data for the distribution of SRTs by region and building type are derived from the following
studies, amongst others:
• Building Automation: The Scope for Energy and CO 2 Savings in the EU:
Table 45 shows the initial values for the SRT configurations as a function of building type
and climate region.
I: 0–25 20 25 30 20 25 30 35 25 15 20 25 15
II: 25–50 70 60 55 40 70 60 55 45 80 70 65 55
III: 51– 8 11 11 20 4 8 8 15 5 9 9 20
IV: 76– 2 4 4 20 1 2 2 15 0 1 1 10
The annual change in buildings in each category moving up one class or moving all the way to
class A is then explicitly modelled until 2050 given 𝑆𝑅𝑇𝑖𝑝𝑤,+1 and 𝑆𝑅𝑇𝑖𝑝𝑤,𝑋→𝐴
This section gives an overview of the data sources that have been investigated so far for
SRT costs and benefits. This list is still being worked on by the study team and all
studies/data sources that were mentioned in the proposal are scanned and are available
to the consortium. In addition, BACS Standard EN15232 is an important starting point for
the energy savings related to the eight BACS dimensions.
Ecodesign Preparatory Study on Smart Appliances (Lot 33) MEErP Tasks 1–6,
The data are available for theoretical monetary benefits of providing flexibility per smart
appliance per year per scenario per year as well as on an aggregated level for the EU-28.
The study considers and presents cost elements from the end-user perspective, such as
the initial investment costs for the appliance and the recurrent operational costs, as well
as the expected increase in the retail price of devices by adding a demand-response
The Preparatory Study on Smart Appliances (Lot 37) final report provides information on
the markets, users and technologies of lighting systems and an analysis of their
development, including technical, economic and environmental aspects. The focus of this
study is on indoor and road lighting systems. It presents and develops further the results
of the Model for European Light Sources Analysis (MELISA) for calculating the economic
and environmental impact of electricity consumption for lighting and lighting system
improvements over two benchmark years – 2030 and 2050.
Data are available on specific capital expenditure for acquisition and installation of LED
luminaires, optimising the design and addition of controls as well as a summary of EU-28
savings resulting from lighting system improvements, in terms of annual electricity
savings, GHG emission reductions, annual energy cost savings and annual user expense
savings per scenario.
The core aim of the SMART HOME project was to understand the potential role of smart
energy management technologies in nZEB homes and to quantify related energy and
energy cost savings. The study is based on modelling a sample home. The report estimates
total energy consumption and annual energy costs under three scenarios reflecting
different levels of use of energy management systems (EMSs): (i) no EMS; (ii) an EMS
that integrates all energy management functions; and (iii) an EMS that also controls energy
demand based on a variable electricity price.
Scope for energy and CO2 savings in the EU through the use of building
automation technology, 2014
This report presents an analysis that examined the potential of building energy controls to
accelerate energy savings. Data relate to estimated building automation technology
(BAT)/building energy management systems (BEMS) sales by residential building and
service sector building types in Europe, as well as the costs to procure, install and
commission BAT and BEMS per building type and estimated average savings per building
type and projected BAT penetration.
This report provides data on energy cost savings resulting from the optimisation of systems
and the installation of more efficient components for ventilation and cooling equipment.
This report presents data on final energy savings based on measured data before and after
optimisation of heating systems per residential building type.
Based on the reports listed above, and following the assumptions made during the first
technical study on the SRI, the investment costs for SRTs are implemented as shown in
Table 46.
Table 46 – Investment costs (€/m²) for SRTs per building type and region
This section presents detailed results obtained for pathway A1 (“Mandatory linkage of the
SRI to an EPC assessment”) and pathway C (“Market-based voluntary scheme where self-
assessment is supported by online tools and third-party certified assessments for those
willing to pay for it”). These pathways cover the extreme ends of the spectrum in terms of
rates at which SRI assessments will be carried out, as shown in Table 41. While the
modelling allows the further diversification of the implementation pathways across building
types and climate regions, a uniform implementation across the EU and all building types
is assumed for the example results shown here.
Figure 95 – SRI deployment rate for single-family houses, under implementation pathway A1
Figure 96 – SRI deployment rate for single-family houses, under implementation pathway C
Figure 98 – SRI deployment rate for office building, under implementation pathway C
Figure 99 – Distribution of SRT classes (A–D) among single-family houses (SFH) in Northern
Europe, under implementation pathway A1
Figure 100 – Distribution of SRT classes (A–D) among single-family houses (SFH) in Northern
Europe, under implementation pathway C
Figure 102 – Distribution of SRT classes (A–D) among single-family houses (SFH) in Western
Europe, under implementation pathway C
Figure 104 – Distribution of SRT classes (A–D) among office buildings in Northern Europe, under
implementation pathway C
Figure 106 – Distribution of SRT classes (A–D) among office buildings in Western Europe, under
implementation pathway C
Figure 107 – Cumulative relative energy savings resulting from SRT upgrades in single-family
houses, under implementation pathway A1
Figure 108 – Cumulative relative energy savings resulting from SRT upgrades in single-family
houses, under implementation pathway C
Figure 110 – Cumulative relative energy savings resulting from SRT upgrades in offices, under
implementation pathway C
Table 47 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway A1
Table 48 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway A2
Table 50 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway B
Table 52 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway D
Assessment 21 22 29 38
jobs (external)
Table 54 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway E2
Table 56 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway F1
Table 58 - Incremental employment impacts of the SRI compared to the BAU for implementation
pathway F3
Table 59 - Estimated material related environmental impacts (from manufacture, distribution, EOL)
compared to BAU for implementation pathway A1
resources &
resources &
resources &
Emissions Air
Emissions water
Emissions Air
Emissions water
Emissions Air
Emissions water
Emissions Air
Emissions water
Emissions Air
Emissions water
Emissions Air
Emissions water
Emissions Air
Emissions water
Emissions Air
Emissions water
Emissions Air
Emissions water
Table 71 provides a summarising overview of the smart ready services and their
functionality levels contained in this catalogue.
Table 71 – Summary of services and functionality levels of simplified service catalogue for method
signals (from
BACS or grid)
and fault
and fault
Controlled Supply air No ventilation Clock control Occupancy Central Local Demand
ventilation flow control at system or detection Demand Control based
the room manual control Control based on air quality
level control on air quality sensors (CO2,
sensors (CO2, VOC,...) with
VOC,...) local flow
from/to the
regulated by
and fault
Table 72 provides a summarising overview of the smart ready services and their
functionality levels contained in this catalogue.
Table 72 – Summary of services and functionality levels of detailed service catalogue for method B
Heating Heat emission No automatic Central Individual room Individual room Individual room
control control automatic control (e.g. control with control with
control (e.g. thermostatic communication communication
central valves, or between and occupancy
thermostat) electronic controllers and detection
controller) to BACS
Heating Control of No automatic On off control Multi-Stage Variable speed Variable speed
distribution control control pump control pump control
pumps in (pump unit (external
networks (internal) demand signal)
Cooling Cooling No automatic Central Individual room Individual room Individual room
emission control automatic control control with control with
control control communication communication
between and occupancy
controllers and detection
Cooling Control of No automatic On off control Multi-Stage Variable speed Variable speed
distribution control control pump control pump control
pumps in (pump unit (external
networks (internal) demand signal)
Controlled Supply air flow No ventilation Clock control Occupancy Central Local Demand
ventilation control at the system or detection Demand Control based
room level manual control control Control based on air quality
on air quality sensors (CO2,
sensors (CO2, VOC,...) with
VOC, humidity, local flow
...) from/to the
zone regulated
by dampers
Controlled Air flow or No automatic On off time Multi-stage Automatic flow Automatic flow
ventilation pressure control: control: control: To or pressure or pressure
control at the Continuously Continuously reduce the control without control with
air handler level supplies of air supplies of air auxiliary energy pressure reset: pressure reset:
flow for a flow for a demand of the Load Load dependent
maximum load maximum load fan dependent supp supplies of air
of all rooms of all rooms lies of air flow flow for the
during nominal for the demand demand of all
occupancy time of all connected connected
rooms. rooms (for
air volume
systems with
Controlled Free cooling No automatic Night cooling Free cooling: H,x- directed
ventilation with mechanical control air control: The
ventilation flows modulate amount of
system d during all outside air and
periods of time recirculation air
to minimize the are modulated
amount of during all
mechanical periods of time
to minimize the
cooling amount of
Calculation is
performed on
the basis of
and humidity
Dynamic Window solar No sun shading Motorized Motorized Combined Predictive blind
building shading control or only manual operation with operation with light/blind/HVA control (e.g.
envelope operation manual control automatic C control based on
control based weather
on sensor data forecast)
Dynamic Reporting No reporting Position of each Position of each Position of each Position of each
building information product & fault product, fault product, fault product, fault
envelope regarding detection detection & detection, detection,
performance of predictive predictive predictive
dynamic maintenance maintenance, maintenance,
building real-time real-time &
envelope sensor data historical
systems (wind, lux, sensor data
temperature…) (wind, lux,
Storage of None On site storage On site storage On site storage On site storage
(locally of electricity of energy (e.g. of energy (e.g. of energy (e.g.
generated) (e.g. electric electric battery electric battery electric battery
electricity battery) or thermal or thermal or thermal
storage) with storage) with storage) with
controller based controller controller
on grid signals optimising the optimising the
use of locally use of locally
generated generated
electricity electricity and
possibility to
feed back into
the grid
to optimise
consumption of
Monitoring Run time Manual setting Runtime setting Heating and Heating and
and control management of of heating and cooling plant cooling plant
HVAC systems cooling plants on/off on/off control
following a control based based on
predefined time on building predictive
schedule loads control or grid
Monitoring Detecting faults No central With central With central With central
and control of technical indication of indication of indication of indication of
building detected faults detected faults detected faults detected faults
systems and and alarms and alarms for and alarms for and alarms for
providing at least 2 all relevant TBS all relevant
support to the relevant TBS TBS,
diagnosis of including diagn
these faults osing functions
Monitoring Override of No DSM control DSM control Manual override Scheduled Scheduled
and control DSM control without the and reactivation override of DSM override of DSM
possibility to of DSM control control (and control and
override this by the building reactivation) by reactivation
control by the user the building with optimised
building user user control
(occupant or
Monitoring Single platform None Single platform Single platform Single platform
and control that allows that allows that allows that allows
automated manual control automated automated
control & of multiple TBS control & control &
coordination coordination coordination
between TBS + between TBS between TBS +
optimization of optimization of
energy flow energy flow
based on based on
occupancy, occupancy,
weather and weather and
grid signals grid signals
Note: this annex contains extracts from the guidance document which was
delivered to stakeholders participating in the SRI testing phase. This document
can serve as a starting point for deriving more detailed assessment guidelines
and protocols.
Performing the SRI assessment will require the assessor to have a walk-through of the
building with appropriate access to the technical building systems. Access to
documentation or contact with the facility manager will likely also be of relevance.
i. Assessor information
Provide information on the assessor. The study team may use this information to contact
you after the field trial to discuss your findings.
• Residential
• Non-residential
• Offices
• Educational buildings
• Healthcare
• Other
The selected building type and usage will be used to select the appropriate weighting
factors. Note that in the current version, no differentiation has been made in the weighting
factors within a building type. In other words, all non-residential buildings currently use
the same weighting factors, regardless of their building usage.
Field: Location
Please indicate the location (country) the building is located in. The appropriate climate
zone will be determined automatically. 5 climate zones have been defined:
The SRI calculation implements a triage process to identify which services should be taken
into account for the final score. It is very likely that due to local and site-specific context
some domains and services are not relevant, not applicable or not desirable.
• for some services, an evaluation is only relevant in cases where the technical building
systems it relates to are present (hence “smart ready”); this approach is appropriate
when assessors cannot unambiguously determine the relevance of a domain. The
service is excluded from the assessment
A number of inputs are required to perform the triage process as described above.
Triage process:
Please indicate for each of the technical building systems (TBS) whether they are present
in the building or not. In some cases, if the TBS is not present, the user will be asked to
indicate whether the TBS is mandatory in their country or region. This is the case for certain
domains that may be desirable from a policy perspective, as described above (Controlled
ventilation, Renewables and EV charging).
Please note that in the final version of the SRI the choice between mandatory and non-
mandatory should not be made by the individual assessor, but by the implementing body.
iv. Heating
• Storage present: this applies to heating systems that include storage capabilities, e.g.
under the form of a vessel or thermally activate building systems. This does not include
underfloor heating.
• No storage present: this applies to heating systems without storage capabilities.
• Non-electric: this applies to non-electric production of hot water, such as oil or gas
fired boilers;
• Electric: this applies to electric hot water heaters.
• Storage present: this applies to DHW systems that include a storage vessel;
• No storage present: this applies to DHW systems without storage capabilities.
• Solar collector present: this applies to DHW systems that include a solar collector;
• No solar collector present: this applies to DHW systems without a solar collector.
vi. Cooling
• Storage present: this applies to cooling systems that include storage capabilities, e.g.
under the form of a vessel.
• No storage present: this applies to cooling systems without storage capabilities.
• Heat recovery
• No heat recovery
This field is only applicable in case of mechanical ventilation used for space heating.
• All-air: this applies to ventilation systems which use air as a medium to transport
energy from the ventilation unit to the conditioned space;
• Combined Air-water: this applies to systems where both air and water are used for
providing the required conditions in the conditioned space. The air and water are cooled
or heated in a central plant.
• Present: this applies both to devices providing solar protection (to avoid overheating)
and devices avoiding glare;
• Not present: this is applicable when no devices are present providing solar protection
(to avoid overheating) and devices avoiding glare.
This field is only applicable in case on-site renewable electricity generation is present.
• Storage present: this includes batteries and thermal energy storage (TES);
• No storage present: this is applicable when no battery and/or TES is present.
This field is only applicable in case on-site renewable electricity generation is present.
• CHP: this is applicable when a combined heat and power plant is present on-site.
• No CHP: this is applicable when no combined heat and power plant is present on-site.
• EV charging: this applies when at least one of the aforementioned on-site parking
spots provides a recharge point;
• No EV charging: this applies when none of the aforementioned on-site parking spots
provides a recharge point.
The calculation sheet is where the actual assessment takes place. Every line in the sheet
represents a service of the smart service catalogue.
Based on the triage process, the services that are not applicable to this particular building
will be greyed out. No assessment is required for these services. The calculation sheet
explicitly mentions whether a service is to be assessed (1 = to be assessed; 0 = not to be
• Main functionality level: please enter the functionality level of the service. A
description of the different functionality levels is provided in columns G through K.
Please note:
o If the field is left blank, or the functionality level is not valid (e.g. higher
than the maximum possible functionality level), a warning will be displayed
in column F, and no SRI score will be calculated.
o If the functionality level is valid, the chosen functionality level (column G-K)
will turn orange, to facilitate visual validation.
• Share of the functionality level: this field enables to test partial compliance of a
building to the main functionality level. If you do not wish to test partial compliance,
please keep the default value of 100%. Else, indicate the percentage of net surface
area of the building that complies with the main functionality level. For further
instructions on partial compliance, refer to section e.
• Optional: additional functionality level: if the share of the functionality level
(column F) is set to less than 100%, please provide the functionality level that applies
to the remaining surface area.
• Optional: assessor comments
• Total SRI score: the total SRI score, taking into account domain weightings and
impact weightings.
• Impact scores: the impact scores for each impact criterion, taking into account
domain weightings.
• Domain scores: the domain scores for each domain, taking into account impact
In some cases, a building will not comply fully with a given functionality level. For instance,
control of artificial lighting power based on daylight levels may be installed in the open
office space, but not in corridors. There are two ways to implement this in the SRI
• By default, it is assumed that the selected functionality level applies to the entire
building. Therefore, the highest functionality level that applies to the entire surface
area of the building should be selected. Alternatively, one might also indicate the
functionality level that applies to the most relevant share of the building (e.g. a services
present throughout a dwelling apart from the attic and corridors).
The share of each functionality level is determined using the net surface floor area.
Note that at this moment the calculation only accommodates the definition of two
functionality levels per service.
To illustrate the process of entering partial compliance, the example of daylight correction
will be used. It is assumed that 60% of the building is equipped with automatic dimming
(functionality level 3) and the remaining 40% is equipped with manual (central) controls
(functionality level 0).
• In the field “Main functionality level” (column E), set the functionality level of the
first zone of your building, in this case “3”.
• In the field “Share of the functionality level” (column F), set the percentage of net
surface floor area of the building that complies with the main functionality level, in this
case 60%.
• In the field “additional functionality level” (column G), set the functionality level of
the remaining surface area, in this case “0”. The share of this functionality level will be
calculated automatically, and is displayed in column H.
a. Context
A targeted consultation was opened on the website of the Commission’s DG Energy from
9 August 2019 to 11 October 2019. As stated on the survey’s webpage 179, this consultation
offered stakeholders the opportunity to contribute to the SRI development process and to
provide relevant information in a structured way.
The consultation was open to all and sought in particular feedback from stakeholders from
the fields of interest to the development of the SRI (e.g. product manufacturers, installers,
building designers, building developers, contractors, etc.). The survey included 27
questions, articulated in five different sections:
b. Respondents data
The online survey was available at the following address:
Here, communication refers to the way the information on smart readiness is communicated to end users.
With a large representation of Belgium, as usual for such consultations, since many stakeholder associations
are based on Brussels.
When asked about the target audience of the SRI, most of the respondents suggest to
target first building owners and second building occupants, followed by facility managers,
professional property developers and architectural and engineering offices. Informing
building visitors or authorities was perceived least crucial. The majority of the respondents
is in favour of targeting both residential and non-residential buildings in the SRI scope
Some respondents have commented that they suggest giving priority to large buildings
and/or buildings with a high energy demand (whether commercial or residential), which
are perceived to have a greater potential to benefit from smart technologies.
The majority of the respondents are in favour of addressing both new and old buildings
(76%); whereas 24% of the answers suggest to focus solely on new constructions. In the
comment section of the survey, 19 out of 93 respondents have made explicit reference to
their perceived need to also include the existing building stock, given their large share on
the market and the high expected gains from improved smartness. Some stakeholders
suggest to only issue an SRI assessment for existing buildings in case of extensive building
It is envisioned that the SRI methodology might need to be updated, in particular in relation
to technological progress. The suggestions on the optimal update period are quite diverse:
1-3 years (17%), 3 years (28%), 5 years (31%), more than 5 years (11%) and ‘other’
(12%). In the comment section, some stakeholders relate the update of the methodological
framework to the need for re-issuing and SRI assessment for a particular building.
Respondents were asked whether they think that other aspects of buildings (e.g. energy
performance or broader life cycle aspects) should be expressed conjointly with the SRI.
73% answered in favour of this. 48 additional comments were received. 36 of these refer
to linking the SRI to information on energy performance of the building (19 of these
answers explicitly mention linking to Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)). A broad
range of other suggestions is received, including Life Cycle (impact) Assessment (6x),
information on holistic sustainability (2x), information on indoor Environmental quality
(2x), information on safety and security (2x), age of equipment, etc.
When questioned on the need to also include smart ready accessibility services, 64% of
the respondents answered in favour of this. Suggestions range from smart services for
deaf or blind people, lighting controls for people with mobility problems and the shear
accessibility of the building itself. In the comments, further nuances are sometimes added,
e.g. suggesting to restrict this information to particular building types (e.g. hospitals), or
to restrict this to future versions of the SRI. Some of the respondents who voted against
the statement claim that this is out of scope of the Energy Performance of Buildings
Directive or that accessibility should be mandatory in the building and thus not specifically
f. SRI formatting
Respondents were also questioned on their preferences regarding the presentation of the
SRI score(s): either as an overall smartness score, or sub-scores for each of the three key
SRI functionalities highlighted in the EPBD [user needs, energy performance and demand
side flexibility], or sub-scores by specific technical domains, or sub-scores by specific
impacts. The largest group (32%) opted for communicating the sub-scores for each of the
3 key SRI functionalities separately, others preferred to report only one score (18%) or
scores related to the technical domains (18%) or on the level of the more detailed impact
criteria (16%). 17% of respondents filled out ‘other’, detailing various configurations of
combining both aggregated scores and more detailed scores at the level of the three key
functionalities, impacts or services.
A large majority of respondents suggest to include recommendations along with the SRI
(89%). In the comments there is less agreement on how this should be implemented:
some suggest generic recommendations while other favour case-specific information, some
suggest to also include estimated costs for upgrades while a few other responses explicitly
demand to not include cost estimates.
Seventy-five percent of the respondents thought that SRI should prioritise an electronic
presentation but they also suggest that it needs to be printable when addressed to persons
with disabilities and older persons (94% considered this relevant).
Respondents were asked whether they suggest that the SRI would operate independently,
or whether it rather should be combined with existing schemes (e.g. energy performance
certificates) or future schemes (e.g. life cycle performance of buildings, with the Level(s)
tool)? 69% of respondents suggested to combine the SRI with other schemes.
In the comment section for this question, eight respondents refer to the multitude of
existing information, schemes and data, and plead for a structured way to store and
process all information, sometimes referring to building logbooks or building passports.
This demand – e.g. “All information related to building performance must be put together
in a structured framework, easily accessible and usable, and as well easy to be updated”-
does, however, not necessarily imply a joint assessment process of the multiple schemes.
Four respondents ask for a joint assessment with other schemes including Level(s) and
other sustainability schemes. 23 respondents suggest a combined assessment with energy
performance certificates (EPC). Arguments for this include the perceived need to tie the
SRI introduction to a mandatory assessment to support market uptake and the reduced
assessment costs and administrative burden by assessing both schemes jointly.
Furthermore, some respondents add that they see a need to tie EPCs and the SRI together
to avoid confusion and to be able to provide sound insights and investment suggestions.
Some barriers to combining schemes are also voiced, e.g. the person assessing the energy
performance is not necessarily capable of calculating the SRI. Three respondents comment
that combinations could be pursued in the long term, but suggest that implementation
would start independently from other schemes.
With regard to the implementation, 36% of the respondents considered that the
responsibility for implementing the SRI should reside at the member state level, while 31%
considered that it should be organised at both national and European level. 10% of the
respondents are in favour of having a large role for the private sector in the
implementation, although more than half of these express this should be in combination
with either Member State or European Commission involvement.
While 42% state that the assessment of the SRI should be restricted to an independent
inspection process, 11% are in favour of solely a self-assessment and 36% of a
combination of both self-assessment and an independent inspection process. In the
comments section, further nuances are added by some stakeholders, e.g. making this
dependent on the type of assessment method (referring to method A and B described in
the interim report of the SRI study), the business case of implementing the SRI or
individual Member State preferences.
The technical study introduces the concept of potentially evolving to a remote SRI
assessment process through remote measurement of the technical building systems. If this
would become possible in the future, a large majority (91%) think this should be permitted.
Some people pointed out that such an approach will also enable better commissioning of
buildings, potentially in a continuous process. Some respondents doubt the feasibility or
point out cyber-security concerns.
A question was raised on who should pay for the costs of the SRI assessment (noting that
these costs are not yet known; however, the Impact Assessment accompanying the
proposal for amending the Energy Performance of Buildings estimated these at a fraction
of the costs of an energy performance certificate). 42% expressed that building owners
and occupants should be the sole party to cover the costs of the SRI assessment, while an
additional 29% foresees payments of owners and occupants in combination with other
actors (Utilities, Smart services and technology industry, Member States).
62% consider that supporting measures are needed for the implementation of the SRI. In
order of preference, it is suggested that the implementation of the SRI be supported by
“Awareness raising and promotional campaigns” (40%); “Integration with existing
schemes (e.g. EPC)” (38%); “incentives” (38%); “Supporting policies targeting the uptake
of specific smart technologies” (31%) and “Mandatory regulation at Member State level”
(27%). Additional suggestions were raised including tax benefits and using the SRI scheme
as an additional criterion for granting public funds and support schemes in housing and
building renovation policies.
Finally, there was the opportunity to provide further comments at the end of the survey.
47 answers were received. Most of these provided further clarification to statements related
to earlier questions, or referenced other statements or documents provided by the
stakeholder in previous consultations of the technical support study. Comments on the
technical specifications of the calculation methodology have been processed by the
technical study team.
Prior to designing the SRI, it is essential to consider who it is to be aimed at and hence
designed for. It is imperative that this is thought through if the content, organisation and
presentation of the SRI is to be salient and motivating and hence to affect positive change.
In principle, the SRI will present smart readiness information with regard to both existing
or new buildings and if it is to be an effective stimulus to action it will need to influence
decisions regarding the smartness of these buildings. In principle, both building owners
and occupiers can make smart building investment decisions and both can be affected by
the degree of smartness attained; however, in general the owner will make the smart
services investments and the occupier will be affected by them (the owner can be too but
only indirectly so if they are not also the occupier and responsible for utility bills). Facility
managers too will be an important audience for the SRI as they may operate the smart
systems and may influence the investment decisions. In addition to the users and
investors, the other important audience for the SRI will be the smart service providers. If
an SRI resonates with them it can help organise and position their service offering by
providing neutral and common framework wherein the capability of their smart services
can be directly compared with those of their competitors including the incumbent non-
smart services. This is likely to be critical to the schemes success because experience
shows that service providers not only adjust their business models to position their services
within the context of such schemes but can also strongly promote and amplify the schemes
impact providing it is seen to be a viable and influential instrument. The potential service
providers are very broad. They include: DSOs and TSOs, aggregators, micro-grid
operators, heat network operators, gas and oil suppliers and service companies, RES and
storage suppliers, TBS manufacturers and OEMs (Original equipment manufacturers),
building service engineers and electro-mechanical contractors, facility managers, e-
mobility service providers and equipment manufacturers, IT service providers and
equipment suppliers, metering companies, building designers, building renovators, ESCOs
and multi-utility service company providers, maintenance servicing companies, water
utilities and service companies, third party assessors, health service providers, certification
and accreditation agencies.
Ideally the SRI needs to resonate with all the key actors and needs to provide a framework
that enables each party to find what they need regarding the articulation of smart services
and capabilities within it. However, each of these parties is likely to have quite different
needs and expectations and this implies that to the extent possible the SRI should be
structured so that it can reflect and convey relevant information at the level each needs.
Ultimately though it is the building occupiers, bill payers and owners who are the most
important audience and thus their needs should take precedence.
Establishing the value proposition of the SRI and considering how this affects its impact as
a change vector is important for the SRI’s success but also design. The key value
propositions articulated in the Commissions call for tender are:
1) Readiness to adapt in response to the needs of the occupant (e.g. the heating system
can be switched on or shifted to lower temperatures when there is nobody at home) and
to empower building occupants by taking direct control of their energy consumption and/or
generation (i.e. prosumer);
The methodology also needs to be mindful of the desires of users of the SRI and that it is
possible that building occupiers, service bill payers and owners might express their
priorities differently. In the absence of doing market research to establish what the value
proposition among these key audiences is, it is speculative to imagine what these may be.
A priori it is likely to reflect a blend of desires regarding smart capabilities to minimise total
expenditure on utilities and services, increasing comfort and convenience, providing health
alerts and improving the health of indoor environments, provision of smart aesthetic
experiences, and identification of faults and facilitation of maintenance. It may also address
safety (e.g. fire) and security services but these are outside the scope of the current study
as they are outside the scope of the EPBD. While facilitating e-mobility and helping reduce
energy bills is likely to feature highly on people’s priorities enhancing grid-flexibility is not
except to the extent that it is a trigger to bill reduction (i.e. at best it is likely to be perceived
as a means to an end and not an objective in its own right). This is likely to be a very
important factor in how the SRI could be rolled out because if its value proposition to end
customers is presented primarily in terms of grid flexibility engagement then engagement
with the scheme and impact are likely to be low. More likely it would require careful
packaging and presentation of the value propositions of which flexibility is one among
In addition, to be successful it will be necessary to structure the SRI so its value proposition
is of greater value than its cost of implementation. Otherwise engagement with the SRI
will not occur.
c. Policy objectives
The broad policy objectives for the SRI have been articulated in the Commission’s tender
document for the study and behind these is the intention that the SRI should support the
EU’s broad energy policy agenda by facilitating energy savings in buildings, improving grid
balancing capability and thereby facilitating deeper penetration of intermittent RES, and
facilitating the move towards low carbon transport via stimulating adoption of e-mobility
solutions. In a higher-level sense these objectives equate to a desire to support the
decarbonisation of the energy system, increase energy security and provide value for
money to end-users and bill payers. Due to its wide scope and multifaceted nature the SRI
will interface with many other policy domains and objectives, however. These concern
health, economic efficiency and employment, consumer rights and data protection, and
It is important though to have clarity regarding the policy-related objectives stated in the
EPBD to ensure the scheme is designed in a manner that best satisfies them:
“The smart readiness indicator should be used to measure the capacity of buildings to use
information and communication technologies and electronic systems to adapt the operation
of buildings to the needs of the occupants and the grid and to improve the energy efficiency
and overall performance of buildings. The smart readiness indicator should raise awareness
amongst building owners and occupants of the value behind building automation and
electronic monitoring of technical building systems and should give confidence to occupants
about the actual savings of those new enhanced-functionalities. Use of the scheme for
rating the smart readiness of buildings should be optional for Member States”
This text clearly outlines the purpose of the SRI and this needs to be reflected in the
methodology used to derive it.
The preceding discussion of the audience, value proposition and policy objectives should
inform the decisions about the information the SRI should convey. The art is to convey the
information which will best stimulate change that supports the policy objectives without
provoking unintended consequences. As the stimulation of this positive chance relies on
the target audience being receptive to and motivated by the information they receive this
requires the information to embrace the elements which can achieve this while retaining
the required policy-related content. In the case of the SRI the target audience is very
complex because the diverse set of smart service providers are also key actors and vectors
of positive change. The great complexity of information which defines and describes the
smart service capability cannot be ignored either.
The information needs of the end-user of the building (building occupier, owner, bill payer)
are likely to be contradictory. On the one hand consumer research and behavioural science
studies find that end-users decision-making is most influenced when information that
informs the process is simple and limited (i.e. there is only a small amount of it). On the
other hand, the same types of research will find that un-transparent information that does
not relate to something tangible to the end-user is not accessible and is not utilised in their
decision-making. The former observation would tend to drive the SRI in the direction of an
aggregate indicator that pulls together scores across all the impacts of concern to (and
hence motivating) to end-users. The latter observation would tend to mitigate against such
simplified compound scores/rankings because the information they contain becomes
muddled together and hence loses transparency and meaning. This is a particular problem
for a smartness indicator because there is no common understanding of what smartness
means and hence of what is being indicated when a compound indicator is used.
If one considers the issue from the perspective of service providers they are likely to want
the information conveyed in the indicator to be able to clearly position the value
propositions of their services against the rest of the market and incumbent (non-smart)
services. As these services are inherently diverse this implies conveyance of information
with a high degree of granularity. For some stakeholders such as DSO’s, aggregators etc.,
additional quantified information such as energy consumption and flexibility metrics might
be useful, alongside a compound score from the indicator. Furthermore, some audiences
might want to receive additional information besides the scoring of the building in its
present condition. To reach the policy objectives of spurring the uptake of smart services
The form taken to communicate the information to the target audience will also affect its
impact as positive change agent. In general research has proven that heuristic scales which
convert underlying scores into more accessible rankings (such as A to G scales, 0 to 5 stars
etc.) are more easily accessible by a non-technical audience than quantified numerical
scores. Firstly, the heuristic scales clearly indicate all the end points and where the service
offering lies upon it. Secondly, using a limited set of quantised levels makes it easier to
process the information and act upon it. The decisionmaking process can be much more
tractable with such scales because a service procurer could follow a simple horizontal rule
e.g. nothing worse than a class B, rather than having to get lost in the technical details
behind these rankings. Such information presentation can partly overcome the problems
highlighted in the previous section. This can however only be successful if end-users feel
that the scale reflects something they understand and care about. For other audiences,
such as utility providers or contractors, quantified numeric scores could be preferred over
heuristic scales.
The choice of media used to communicate the information is another aspect any SRI
scheme would need to consider. For some intended audiences, secured (online) datasets
might for example be preferred over a printed output. As far as the methodology is
concerned though, this is a secondary issue, and can be settled upon at a later stage closer
to implementation.
The integrity of the SRI will be crucial for its success. If the target audience does not
believe the information it contains it will not make any positive impact in their procurement
and utilisation decisions. The strength of belief in the schemes integrity will be clearly be
affected by the integrity of the rating and assessment process and the perception of this.
The credibility of the SRI will also be crucial for its success. If the target audience does not
believe the technical basis for the scoring is sound then it will undermine its impact. For
some audiences a quantification in physical metrics (kWh,…) could increase the perceived
credibility. This might however also entail additional risks towards credibility, in case the
predicted values differ significantly from measured data in its actual operation.
h. Adaptability to context
The SRI methodology needs to avoid unintended perverse outcomes by being adaptable to
relevant contextual factors. These can include variations by building type, by climate, by
culture and the impact it has on the desire to have certain services. These in turn can lead
to some smart services or even whole domains being inappropriate in some contexts. The
scoring methodology deployed needs to be capable of adaptation to reflect this context
and to avoid penalisation for the absence of irrelevant or impossible/impracticable services.
It also needs to be adaptable to reflect divergence in priorities and implementation
capabilities by jurisdiction. The implication of these concerns is that the methodology
should be modular and flexible.
The distinction between the two concepts is potentially important in the design of an
indicator. The term smart ready implies that the building itself is smart but its potential to
realise the benefits from smart services may be constrained by limiting factors in the
capability of the services it connects to at its boundary. This recognises the distinction
between smart readiness as opposed to operational smart capability.
This is the spirit in which the methodology presented in the rest of the report aims to
represent smart readiness.
The SRI and its methodology should not be inhibitors to innovation but rather should
encourage it, thus, it is important that the methodology is such that positive innovations
can be reflected and rewarded as early as possible. This means that the methodology
should allow relevant new capabilities to be reflected as soon as possible and address
future proofing needs by: allowing new solutions, recognising building smart readiness and
avoiding negative lock-in effects, and recognising the distinction between smart readiness
as opposed to operational smart capability. Furthermore, the impact of a rapidly changing
landscape of policies and commercially available services can be incorporated by some
extent by recognising a distinction between smart readiness as opposed to operational
smart capability.
The SRI methodology and scoring system needs to create a level playing field for market
actors and aim for technology neutrality through the definition of functional capability
rather than the prescription of certain technological solutions. The manner in which the
smart readiness services were defined in the Task 1 catalogue reflects this principle.
At present it is unclear how the SRI would interact, or operate in conjunction with, other
policy relevant instruments - most notably EPCs. It is therefore important that the
methodology set out permits any form of interaction deemed appropriate.
In principle there is a distinction between smart services that are embedded in the building
and those that can be readily taken somewhere else. Capability for remote operation of
smart building services by the occupant or their designated operative would need to stay
with any future occupant/designated operative of that building for the SRI score to remain
unchanged subsequent to a change in occupancy.
Assessing the smartness of a building will require to inspect the building and its systems
on site. The time and efforts needed for this will depend on multiple variables such as the
number of services to be inspected, the detail of the assessment of each of the services,
the size and accessibility of the building and the experience of the assessor. The costs for
deriving an SRI will also be affected by the requested qualifications of the assessor and the
additional efforts needed for operating any accompanying calculation software, in
administrative tasks, travel time to the inspection site, etc. An important consideration in
deriving the SRI methodology will thus be to balance the desire of a sufficiently detailed
assessment with the desire to keep the time and cost requirements limited.
p. Building-specific features
Buildings and building usage display a great variety across the building stock. Ideally, an
SRI reflects this complexity by encompassing some differentiation with regard to building
usage typologies (e.g. residential, offices, educational buildings) and potentially also the
age of a building (e.g. newly constructed versus existing building stock). Even within a
single building differentiation can occur if it mixes different functions or if smart features
are only present in specific parts of the building. The SRI methodology should be flexible
to accommodate this large variation and for example allow for the roll-out of specific
versions tailored towards a specific building type.
The process could be further facilitated were one central point to be established where this
smart readiness status information would be deposited each time a new SRI service is
added or an old one removed. Nor does this status information necessarily need to be
stored and recorded on site. It could be loaded into a cloud-based server such that a SRI
assessor would be granted access to this information to be able to make the assessment
(either remotely or in conjunction with a site visit). Equally the systems could be provided
with live remote status assessment capability to facilitate their remote and automated
Under such scenarios the assessor could be charged with making an aggregate assessment
of the smart readiness service status information provided by packaged equipment
suppliers, system installers and related service providers; each of whom could be held
legally liable for the accuracy of the information they communicate into the system. Some
kind of occasional sampling and verification process could then be established to support
the integrity of this system. A self-assessment process wherein owners, occupiers or
facility managers make the assessment and communicate it to the managing authority is
also conceivable but may suffer from low engagement and lack of credibility.
Then a working assumption is made that a competent third-party assessor will make a site
visit to the premises to conduct the SRI assessment and compute its score. This may evolve
over time into more sophisticated and less intrusive and costly assessment processes as
the scheme becomes established. It is important to appreciate that owners, facility
managers and occupiers may affect access to a building to make an SRI assessment or
equally may need to grant permission to access related data. This implies that they have
to see the SRI as something they value in order for them to engage in and support the
assessment process.
r. Data protection
With the advent of the General Data Protection Directive (GDPR) data protection will be a
key requirement for the smart readiness indicator. This will not only affect smart services
in buildings, but also the SRI certification itself. In particular, the building owner and
occupant will need to consent to their data being used for any purpose and the data will
need to be anonymised if it is to be used for statistical and research purposes. In addition,
data owners will need to be granted access on request to any data that they own.
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doi: 10.2833/41100
ISBN 978-92-76-19197-1