Masriyani With A Flower by Emily Dickinson-1
Masriyani With A Flower by Emily Dickinson-1
Masriyani With A Flower by Emily Dickinson-1
TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………………………………..
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………….
1.2. Statements Of
1.3. Scope Of The
1.4. Objectives Of
1.5. Significances Of The
1.5.1. Theoretical Significances…………………………………………………………...
1.6. Literature
1.7. Theoretical
1.7.1. Literary Reception Theory………………………………………………………….
1.7.2. Expressive Approach……………………………………………………………….
1.1. Background
Emily Dickinson is one of America's most famous poets, known for her innovative use of free
verse and her choice of unconventional subjects such as nature, spirituality, death, and solitude.
Emily Dickinson was born in 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts, and spent her life in her
childhood home. Dickinson came from a wealthy and educated family. His father was a state
senator and later a member of the United States House of Representatives.
Dickinson attended an exclusive private school, Amherst Academy, and attended Mount
Holyoke Female Seminary, now called Mount Holyoke College. After completing her education,
Emily Dickinson became reclusive and rarely left her home in Amherst. He died at the age of 55
from a kidney disease called nephritis. During her lifetime, Emily Dickinson was not really
known as a poet. Only ten of his poems were published while he was alive.
After Dickinson's death, his family found a collection of up to 1,700 poems. Literary critics,
Thomas Wentworth Higginson and Mabel Loomis Todd, a friend of the Dickinson family,
discovered the brilliance of Emily Dickinson's language. They compiled and edited a series of
Emily's posthumous collections. Unfortunately, they edited too much by adapting the word
choice in the original poem to the grammar of the time. Getting acquainted with poetry certainly
does not escape the author. The poem that I am studying this time is the poem of a poet whose
most of his works are about death and life.
Emily Elizabeth Dickinson is someone who for most of her life is known as a person who rarely
comes into contact with the outside world, not because she is anti-social but because she is
traumatized by death. He spends most of his time alone and writes poems that often describe his
fragility and downturn in the poem. Due to the trauma of repeated loss, most of his poems are
about death. One of the poems that describes death and loss is "with a flower".
When he experienced repeated trauma, someone raised him up by giving him moral support to
keep him writing. It was here that he became acquainted with other poets and began to follow
their style of writing poetry. The poets in question are William Wordsworth and Ralph Waldo
Emily's way of recovering her heart from adversity is by getting to know people who are also
involved in the world of literature and read the literature of famous poets.
1. What do you know about the poem "With a flower” by Emily Dickinson"?
The research was conducted only by examining one poem by Emily Dickinson entitled "with a
flower". According to Wellek & Amp, literature is a science that studies literary texts
systematically according to their function in society. The task of literature is to research and
formulate literature in a general and systematic way. Literary theory formulates general literary
rules and conventions. Because the scope of research conducted is about poetry, we must deepen
the meaning of this poem.
In this poem I examine it using an expressive approach. I take this approach because it can be
seen from the poem and the author's biography that the poetry he wrote is a manifestation of the
poet's self to express all his fragility in poetry. Especially the poem entitled "I hide myself within
my flower".
Of course, in conducting an assessment or research we need to find the purpose of the research
so that we do not deviate from the problems described previously. the objectives of the research
are as follows :
1. Add knowledge and insight on how to study a poem with an expressive approach.
2. Able to explain what is contained in the poem with a flower by Emily Dickinson.
In researching, of course, the significance of the research results is needed, there are several
benefits or impacts which can then be described as follows:
Theoretical benefits as a starting point for research that can be useful in providing an overview
for those who want to do further research on the analysis of the poem "with a flower" by Emily
Dickinson or as a basis for a study of poetry by Emily or other authors.
1.6. Review of Related Literature (Ini masih kurang harus cari tesis/skripsi yang
analisisnya juga menggunakan puisi yang sama, kemudian cari 1 thesis/skripsi yang
menggunakan teori yg sama yg dipakai oleh anda sendiri).
In researching this poem, the writer takes one definition of the theory of literary reception from
one of the journals, Junus (1985:1) suggests that the essence of literary reception is the meaning
by readers of literary works so that they can give reactions or responses. Segers (2000:35)
suggests reception aesthetics is a teaching that investigates literary texts on the basis of readers'
reactions to literary texts. With this investigation, the reader can decide on a literary text.
Literally reception is definitively derived from the word recipere (Latin), reception (English)
which is interpreted as acceptance or welcoming of readers. in a broad sense reception is defined
as text processing, ways of giving meaning to the work, so that it can respond to it. The response
in question is not carried out between the work and a reader but the reader as a historical process
of the reader in a certain period. in Indonesian literature.
In descriptive research, it is divided into two forms: 1 synchronous reception and 2 diachronic
receptions. The first form examines literary works in relation to contemporaries readers, a group
of reading for example gives a sociological and psychological response to a novel, a more
complicated form of reception is the reader's response diachronically because involving readers
throughout the history of literary works with their own problems, such as the novel My God,
short story Langit is getting cloudy, the poems of Chairil Anwar and Rendra and the works of
Pramoedya Ananta Toer have the same rich characteristics to be analyzed in diachronic research,
which is a documentary on the development of the history of western literature that has been
going on thousands of years clearly offers a very rich diachronic descriptive research model
Prof. Dr. Nyoman Kutha Ratna, S.U. Februari 2021 “Teori, metode, dan teknik penelitian