Masteringastronomy™ Web Tutorials: Lesson Questions & Lab Activities

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MasteringAstronomy™ Web Tutorials


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Introduction iii 12 Shaping Planetary Surfaces 67
1 Scale of the Universe 1 Lab Activity 71
Lab Activity 5 13 Surface Temperature of Terrestrial Planets 73
2 The Seasons 7 Lab Activity 77
Lab Activity 11 14 Detecting Extrasolar Planets 79
3 Eclipses 13 Lab Activity 83
Lab Activity 17 15 The Sun 85
4 Phases of the Moon 19 Lab Activity 89
Lab Activity 23 16 Measuring Cosmic Distances 91
5 Orbits and Kepler’s Laws 25 Lab Activity 95
Lab Activity 29 17 The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram 97
6 Motion and Gravity 31 Lab Activity 101
Lab Activity 35 18 Stellar Evolution 103
7 Energy 37 Lab Activity 107
Lab Activity 41 19 Black Holes 109
8 Light and Spectroscopy 43 Lab Activity 111
Lab Activity 47 20 Detecting Dark Matter in Spiral Galaxies 113
9 The Doppler Effect 49 Lab Activity 115
Lab Activity 53 21 Hubble’s Law 117
10 Telescopes 55 Lab Activity 119
Lab Activity 59 22 Fate of the Universe 121
11 Formation of the Solar System 61 Lab Activity 123
Lab Activity 65

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MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials
The MasteringAstronomy™ Web site,, is designed to assist students
taking an introductory astronomy course using either The Cosmic Perspective or The Essential
Cosmic Perspective. Your students receive free access to the MasteringAstronomy™ Web site with
each copy of a new textbook.
These activities are written specifically to accompany the 22 MasteringAstronomy™ Web Tutorials and are
available directly from the MasteringAstronomy™ Web site. Within each activity, questions accompany the
tutorial lessons to consolidate student understanding of the main concepts in the tutorial. A laboratory
activity follows the questions. This activity makes use of one of the many interactive tools in the tutorial for
a more in-depth investigation of a single important concept from the tutorial.
The questions and lab activities can be used in various ways when accompanying either The Cosmic
Perspective or The Essential Cosmic Perspective. The tutorials can be used as homework assignments in a

The Cosmic The Essential

MasteringAstronomy Perspective Cosmic Perspective
Tutorial Tutorial Title Chapter Chapter

1 Scale of the Universe 1 1

2 The Seasons 2, S1 2
3 Eclipses 2 2
4 Phases of the Moon 2 2
5 Orbits and Kepler’s Laws 3, 4, 7 3, 4
6 Motion and Gravity 4 4
7 Energy 4 4
8 Light and Spectroscopy 5 5
9 The Doppler Effect 5 5
10 Telescopes 6 5
11 Formation of the Solar System 8, 9, 11, 12 6, 9
12 Shaping Planetary Surfaces 9 7
13 Surface Temperature of Terrestrial Planets 10 7
14 Detecting Extrasolar Planets 13, 24 6

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iv ■ Introduction

The Cosmic The Essential

MasteringAstronomy Perspective Cosmic Perspective
Tutorial Tutorial Title Chapter Chapter

15 The Sun 14 10
16 Measuring Cosmic Distances 15, 20 11
17 The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram 15 11
18 Stellar Evolution 15, 17 ,18 12, 13
19 Black Holes 18, 19, 21 13
20 Detecting Dark Matter in Spiral Galaxies 19, 22 16
21 Hubble’s Law 20, 23 15, 17
22 Fate of the Universe 22 16

large lecture class or as in-class activities for smaller classes if a computer lab is available. The preceding
table correlates the MasteringAstronomy™ Web Tutorials with the chapters of both textbooks.
Since the MasteringAstronomy™ Web Tutorials provide activities on the full spectrum of astronomical
topics, they are also ideal for use in the laboratory portion of an introductory astronomy course or in a
separate introductory laboratory course. Having students complete and submit the lesson questions and
laboratory activity for one tutorial per week makes an ideal curriculum for a classroom laboratory course,
and the independent nature of the tutorials makes them ideal for a more independent or online class.
To aid in managing an independent or online laboratory course, the MasteringAstronomy™ Web site
includes a feature that allows instructors to create a class that students must join. Once they have joined,
they will be able to submit their work to the instructor, who will then have a complete record of the work
the students have done in the tutorial. The questions and activities from the Media Workbook can then be
submitted by the students for a grade. They can either be mailed or dropped off at an assigned location, a
department office, the instructor’s office, a mailbox, etc. The availability of 22 tutorials provides flexibility in
deciding which topics to cover in a typical 15-week semester.

Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Addison-Wesley


Scale of the Universe
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• understand the distances between astronomical objects relative to their sizes
• describe what a light-year and astronomical unit are
• identify how a light-year and astronomical unit compare to more familiar distances

1. How far away is the Moon? How far
is this in terms of Earth’s diameter
(see Figure 1-1)?

Figure 1-1 This tool from Lesson 1 determines the distance to the
Moon using the same scale as the size of Earth and the Moon.

2. What is the diameter of the Sun? How does it compare to the diameter of the Moon’s orbit around
Earth? The diameter of Earth?

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2 ■ MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials

3. How far is Jupiter from the Sun? How far is this in Astronomical Units (AU)? (The distance between
Earth and the Sun is 1 AU.)

4. How far is Pluto from the Sun in AU? How many times farther from the sun is Pluto than Jupiter?

5. If the Sun were the size of a grapefruit, what would be the size of Jupiter? On this scale, how far from
the Sun would Jupiter be? How far would Pluto be from the Sun on this scale? How far away would
the Earth be?

6. If the Sun were the size of a grapefruit, the nearest

star, Alpha Centauri, also would be about the size of
a grapefruit. How far away from the Sun would Alpha
Centauri be? On this scale, what location in the
United States would correspond to this distance
from Washington, D.C. (see Figure 1-2)?

7. Based on how long it takes light to travel from the

Sun to Earth, and the distance between the Sun and
Figure 1-2 This solar system model on the National
Earth in the model, determine the speed of light on
Mall in Washington, D.C., has a Sun the size of a grape-
the scale of the Solar System Scale Model on the fruit, which results in the planets being spread out over
Mall in Washington, D.C. (see Figure 1-2). almost 600 meters—that is, over six football fields. Use
this tool to help answer questions 6 and 7.

8. What is the distance between the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies? About how many times the
Milky Way or Andromeda Galaxy’s size is this distance?

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Scale of the Universe ■ 3

9. What is a light-year? How far is a light-year in meters? In AU? Write your answers in both regular and
scientific notation. Use the tool shown in Figure 1-3 to help you convert from meters to AU.

10. The speed of light is about 3 ⫻ 108 meters per second. Write this number in regular notation. The
speed of light can also be expressed as 186,000 miles per second. Write this number in scientific

11. For each pair of objects in the table below, estimate the
ratio of the distance between the objects to their size.
Obtain the distances for your estimates from
the order of magnitude tool shown in Figure 1-3.
List the pairs from the smallest to the largest ratios.

Figure 1-3 Shown here is the order of magnitude

tool from Lesson 3. Use the distance given at the
various orders of magnitude to make your esti-
mates for the questions in Lesson 3.

Object Approximate Size Distance to Distance/Size

Milky Way Galaxy 100,000 ly Andromeda Galaxy =
Sun 108 m Alpha Centauri =
Jupiter 107 m Sun =
Earth 106 m Moon =

12. Which distance to size ratio is the largest? The smallest? Which two of the distance-size ratios from
question 11 are most similar in order of magnitude?

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Scale of the Universe ■ 5

LAB ACTIVITY Scale of the Universe

The goal of this activity is to determine the time it takes at various speeds to travel the distance between
astronomical objects.
Use the tool from Lesson 2 (shown in Figure 1-4) to
answer these questions.
How long does light take to travel to Earth from the

How long would it take a starship traveling at half

the speed of light to get to Alpha Centauri?

The New Horizons spacecraft, launched in 2006, is

expected to arrive at Pluto in about 10 years. How
fast is it traveling? Remember to use the tool in
Figure 1-4! Figure 1-4 Use this tool from Lesson 2 to determine
the time needed to travel different distances at different

The Voyager spacecraft, launched in 1977, travels at about 120 kilometers per second. How far
away is it now? Is it still in the solar system? How long would it take Voyager to get to Sirius?
Remember to use the tool in Figure 1-4!

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The Seasons
Your goals in this tutorial are to be able to explain:
• the factors that affect the surface temperature of the Earth
• the reason why the Tropics are hotter than the Polar Regions
• the causes of the Earth’s seasons, solstices, and equinoxes

1. Which two factors affect the amount of sunlight received by a planet’s surface?

2. If Earth’s axis were not tilted, what effect would this have on the seasons (see Figure 2-1)?

Figure 2-1 This illustration shows the angle at which the Sun’s light would hit Earth if
Earth’s axis were not tilted.

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3. When is Earth closest to the Sun?

4. Based on your answer to question 3, does the variation in distance between Earth and the Sun affect
the seasons? Explain your answer.

5. Explain why the temperature at the equator is always hot and the temperature at the poles is always
cold, despite the passage of the seasons.

6. If it is summer in the United States, what season is it in Australia (see Figure 2-2)?

Figure 2-2 This diagram shows the angle at which sunlight hits Earth on June 21.

7. Which regions of Earth have the greatest seasonal changes as far as the amount of daylight and dark-
ness they experience? Which have the least?

8. Where would you have to go in order to observe a midnight Sun? When would this occur?

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The Seasons ■ 9

9. If it is dark almost all day at a location in northern

Alaska, what would be true of a location of similar
southern latitude at the same time of year? You may
have to try several of the slightly different versions of
the tool in the lesson, shown in Figure 2-3, to answer
the questions.

10. When is the Sun directly overhead at the equator?

Figure 2-3 This tool shows how the Sun appears from
different locations on Earth.

11. Where is the Sun directly overhead on December 21, the winter solstice?

12. When is the Sun directly overhead at your location?

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The Seasons ■ 11


The purpose of this activity is to determine whether the Sun’s altitude or duration (time the Sun is up) has
more of an effect on temperatures at a given location.
Use the tool from Lesson 3 (shown in Figure 2-4).
Fill out the table for the person standing in Canada.
You can estimate the hours the Sun will be up by
looking at how much of Earth is in daylight at the differ-
ent latitudes. For example, at the Tropic of Cancer,
about 2/3 of Earth is in daylight, and 2/3 of
24 hours is 16 hours of daylight. Next, move the
observer first to the North Pole and then to the
Equator and fill out the table for each of these

Figure 2-4 Use this tool from Lesson 3 to observe the

Sun from different locations on Earth. Be sure you use the
version of the tool that is tilted exactly as shown above
and allows you to move the person to different latitudes.

Location Altitude of Sun Hours Sun Will Be Up

North Pole

Think of typical temperatures at the three locations you visited. Based on your data, can you determine
which would be more important for warm weather, the Sun’s altitude or how many hours it is up? Cite
evidence from the above table for your answer.

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Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• discuss the differences between solar and lunar eclipses
• explain why eclipses do not occur every month
• explain why eclipses are sometimes total and other times partial

1. Explain what happens during a solar eclipse.

2. Explain what happens during a lunar eclipse.

3. Explain why eclipses do not occur every month

(see Figure 3-1).

4. In which lunar phase do lunar eclipses occur? In

which phase do solar eclipses occur?

Figure 3-1 The nodes of the Moon’s orbit appear as shown.

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5. What is an annular eclipse? Explain why they occur.

6. Explain why some observers of a solar eclipse see a total eclipse while others see only a partial
eclipse. Also explain why some observers from Earth see no eclipse at all.

7. Is there one and only one specific place on the Earth from which a given solar eclipse can be seen?
Explain your answer.

8. If a solar eclipse were

being observed from
Earth, describe what
an observer on the
Moon would see when
looking at Earth (see
Figure 3-2).

Figure 3-2 The Moon’s shadow on Earth creates an eclipse.

9. From where on Earth can a lunar eclipse be seen (see Figure 3-3)?

10. Which type of eclipse is more common, lunar or solar? Why?

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Eclipses ■ 15

11. Which type of eclipse do you think you are likely to observe more often in your lifetime? Explain your

12. If a lunar eclipse were being observed from Earth, what would an observer on the Moon see
(see Figure 3-3)?

Figure 3-3 The orientation of the Sun, Earth, and Moon during a lunar eclipse appears
as shown (see questions 9 and 12).

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Eclipses ■ 17


The purpose of this activity is to determine how differing
distances between Earth and the Moon will affect solar
Use the tool from Lesson 2 (shown in Figure 3-4) to
complete the table below.
The position to the right of the Moon in Figure 3-4
is position 1, and the position numbers progress

Figure 3-4 This tool from Lesson 2 allows you to

observe what a solar eclipse looks like depending on
the Moon’s position in its orbit.

Position Angular Size of Orbital Radius Total or Annular

Number Moon (in degrees) of Moon (in km) Eclipse?

In general, how does the angular size of the Moon appear to vary with changes in its orbital radius?

According to the table, ANNULAR | TOTAL (circle one) solar eclipses seem more likely.

In which position would the eclipse be least noticeable to observers on Earth? Explain your

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Phases of the Moon
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• understand the cause of lunar phases
• predict how the Moon looks from Earth in a particular phase and when it will rise and set
• determine the orbital position of the Moon based on where it is in the sky at a given time
(In this tutorial it will be especially helpful to use the tools in each lesson to help you answer the questions.
You will learn much more this way than by trying to answer the questions from memory.)

1. When the Moon is between the
Earth and the Sun, the Moon’s
DARK | ILLUMINATED (circle one) side
is facing Earth, and the Moon will
be visible from Earth mostly
during the DAY | NIGHT (circle one).

2. When Earth is between the Moon

and the Sun, the Moon’s DARK |
ILLUMINATED (circle one) side is
facing Earth, and the Moon will
be visible from Earth mostly
during the DAY | NIGHT (circle one).

3. The same side of the Moon is

always facing Earth. This side of Figure 4-1 This tool for the Lesson 1 questions shows the Moon orbiting Earth
the Moon is ALWAYS DARK | ALWAYS and being illuminated by the Sun.
(circle one).

4. Use the tool to determine if the Moon can ever be seen from Earth during the day.

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20 ■ MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials

5. What time is it when your
location on Earth is facing
directly toward the Sun?

Figure 4-2 This tool for the Lesson 2 questions shows how an observer’s location on
Earth defines the time of day.

6. What time is it when your location on Earth is facing directly opposite the Sun?

7. As seen from above the North Pole, Earth rotates CLOCKWISE | COUNTERCLOCKWISE (circle one). This is
from EAST TO WEST | WEST TO EAST (circle one).

8. When does the new Moon rise
and set?

9. If the Moon is up all night, what

phase is it in?

10. If the Moon is up half the night, Figure 4-3 Use this tool for the Lesson 3 questions to determine when the
then half the day, what phase is Moon is visible from Earth.
it in?

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Phases of the Moon ■ 21

11. When does a first-quarter Moon rise and set?

12. If the Moon sets just after the Sun, what phase is the Moon in?

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Phases of the Moon ■ 23

LAB ACTIVITY Phases of the Moon

The goal in this activity is to determine the phase and the rising and setting times of the Moon when
observed from Earth.
Use the tool shown in Figure 4-4, taken from the exercises
section of the tutorial, to answer the questions below.
About what time is it in Figure 4-4?
Where will the Moon be in the observer’s sky in Figure 4-4?
In what phase is the Moon in Figure 4-4?

At what times will the Moon rise and set in Figure 4-4?

Figure 4-4 Shown here is the lunar phases tool

from the Exercises section.

What is the name of the phase shown in

Figure 4-5?

At what times will the Moon rise, set, and be highest

overhead when in this phase?

If the Moon is at its highest in the south at 9 A.M.,

what phase is it in?
Figure 4-5 This photo shows a particular phase of
the Moon.

For the phase in the previous question, draw where the Moon would be in its orbit in Figure 4-4.

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Orbits and Kepler’s Laws
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• understand that objects in orbit are simply falling
• to be able to explain Kepler’s laws of planetary motion

1. What is necessary for an object to be able to escape a planet’s orbit?

2. What effect does an object’s mass have on its orbit (see Figure 5-1)? Try different masses while
keeping the speed constant.

3. Explain why a feather and a hammer fall

at the same rate on the Moon.

Figure 5-1 This tool in Lesson 1 determines the effect of launch speed
and mass on an object’s orbit.

4. Why do they fall at different rates on Earth?

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26 ■ MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials

5. Use the ellipse tool from Lesson 2 (shown in Figure 5-2) to prove that the semimajor axis of an ellipse
is a planet’s average orbital radius:
A. Orbital radius when the planet is closest to the
Sun: perihelion ⫽ AU
B. Orbital radius when the planet is farthest from the
Sun: aphelion ⫽ AU
C. Average of perihelion and aphelion ⫽
D. Length of the major axis of the ellipse ⫽
E. Length of the semimajor axis of the ellipse ⫽
Are the average orbital radius (C) and the semimajor
axis (E) equal?
Figure 5-2 Shown here is the ellipse tool from Lesson 2.

6. What special case of an ellipse is a circle?

Use the tool from Lesson 3, shown in Figure 5-3, to
answer the following questions.
7. When a comet is closer to the Sun, its orbital speed
is FASTER | SLOWER (circle one). This means that orbital
radius and speed are DIRECTLY | INVERSELY (circle one)
8. Explain why we see Comet Halley from Earth for a
few months only once every 76 years.

9. Is orbital radius a more meaningful quantity for the

Earth or for Comet Halley? Explain your answer.
Figure 5-3 Use this tool from Lesson 3 to observe an
orbit after setting its eccentricity.

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Orbits and Kepler’s Laws ■ 27

10. The orbital period is the amount of time a planet takes to go around the Sun. Which of the following
quantities would the orbital period of a planet depend on? (circle your answers)

Orbital Speed Orbital Radius Eccentricity

Use the tool from Lesson 4, shown in Figure 5-4, for
questions 11 and 12.
11. Use the tool to predict the orbital period of an
asteroid that has an orbital radius of 4 AU.
P ⫽ _______________.
Now use Kepler’s third law, P2 ⫽ a3, to check your
a3 ⫽ _______________. Now take the square root of
the result, P ⫽ _______________.
Is the orbital period the same as the answer you

Figure 5-4 This tool from Lesson 4 determines an

object’s orbital period after the initial orbital radius is set.

12. Use the tool to predict the orbital radius of an asteroid that has a period of two years. Hint: Would it
be farther or closer to the Sun than Earth? Check your answer using Kepler’s third law.

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Orbits and Kepler’s Laws ■ 29

LAB ACTIVITY Orbits and Kepler’s Laws

The goal of this activity is to test Kepler’s third law.
For each semimajor axis given in the table, use the stopwatch in the tool from Lesson 4 (shown below in
Figure 5-5) to time the orbital period. Then test Kepler’s third law.

Figure 5-5 This tool from Lesson 4 determines an

object’s orbital period after the orbit’s eccentricity and
semimajor axis are set.

Semimajor Axis (in AU) Period (in years) P 2 (period squared) a3 (semi-major axis cubed)

Do the squares of the periods seem to come out close to equal to the cubes of the semimajor axes?

Why do you think some of the squared periods and cubed semimajor axes came out very close but
not exactly the same?

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Motion and Gravity
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• discuss how force, mass, and acceleration are related using Newton’s laws of motion
• describe how your weight depends on your mass, Earth’s mass, and the radius of Earth
• discuss which factors determine the force of gravity between a planet and a star

You should use the tools in Lesson 1 to help you answer questions 1–3.
1. If the amount of force on a mass increases, how does the acceleration change? Explain your answer.

2. How do the accelerations compare if the same force is exerted first on a large mass and then on a
small mass? Explain your answer.

3. If you want the same acceleration, how must you change the force exerted on a small mass com-
pared to a large mass? Explain your answer.

4. If two objects of different mass are dropped from

the same height at the same time, ignoring air
resistance, which will hit the ground first, the more or
the less massive object? (Use the tool from Lesson 1
shown in Figure 6-1 for help.) Explain your answer.

Figure 6-1 This tool from Lesson 1 simulates free

falling masses.
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32 ■ MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials

5. If you didn’t ignore air resistance in question 4, how do you think your answer would be affected?
Explain your reasoning.

6. Explain the difference between mass and weight.

You may wish to use the tool from Lesson 2, shown in

Figure 6-2, to help you answer questions 7–9.
7. If you are transported to a planet that has the same
mass as Earth, but is larger in size, how would this
affect your weight when standing on the planet’s
surface? Explain your answer.

8. If you are transported to a planet that is the same

size as Earth, but has less mass, how would this
affect your weight when standing on the planet’s
surface? Explain your answer.

Figure 6-2 This tool from Lesson 2 determines the

weight of a mass on planets of different radii and mass.

9. If you could stand on the surface of Uranus, your

weight would be very similar to what it is on Earth.
Explain how this is possible, given that Uranus is
both more massive and larger than Earth.

10. If you were in a spacecraft traveling farther and

farther from Earth, what would be happening to the
amount of gravitational force exerted on you from
Earth (see Figure 6-3)?

Figure 6-3 The gravitational force exerted on a rocket

changes as the rocket moves away from Earth.

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Motion and Gravity ■ 33

11. If you are in a spacecraft midway between Earth and the Moon, which object would have a stronger
gravitational pull on your ship? Explain your answer.

12. Would it ever be possible for the Moon to exert more gravitational pull on your ship than Earth would?
Explain your answer.

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Motion and Gravity ■ 35

LAB ACTIVITY Motion and Gravity

The purpose of this activity is to learn how the radius and mass of a planet affect the gravitational pull it
exerts on another mass and to demonstrate the difference between mass and weight.
Use the tool from Lesson 2 (shown in Figure 6-4) to determine both the person’s largest and smallest
possible weights. Record your results in the table below.

Figure 6-4 This tool from Lesson 2 determines the

weight of a mass on planets of different radii and mass.

Person’s Mass (kg) Radius of Planet (REarth) Mass of Planet (MEarth) Person’s Weight (N)
80 Largest:
80 Smallest:

Which extremes of the radius and mass of the planet were needed to get the largest possible weight
for the person?

Which extremes of the radius and mass of the planet were needed to get the smallest possible weight
for the person?

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Your goals in this tutorial are to be able to:
• list the different forms of energy, giving an example of each type
• explain how kinetic energy depends on speed and mass
• explain how a spaceship’s gravitational potential energy depends on its distance from a planet, the mass
of the planet, and the ship’s mass
• explain the meaning of conservation of energy

1. On what property or properties of an object does kinetic energy depend?

2. On what property or properties of an object does

gravitational potential energy depend?

3. Describe the changes that occur in an object’s

potential energy when it is thrown upward,
reaches a maximum height, and then returns Figure 7-1 Changes in potential, kinetic, and total energy
to the position from which it was thrown. for an object that is thrown upward, reaches a maximum
height, and then returns to its initial position. Use this figure
to help answer questions 3–5.

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4. Describe the changes that occur in an object’s kinetic energy when it is thrown upward, reaches a
maximum height, and then returns to the position from which it was thrown.

5. Describe the changes that occur in an object’s total energy when it is thrown upward, reaches a
maximum height, and then returns to the position from which it was thrown.

6. What condition relating to energy must be met for an object launched from Earth to escape Earth’s

7. What property of an object is a measurement of its thermal energy?

8. How will the radiation from a hotter object differ from the radiation of a cooler object?

9. On what does electric force depend that is analogous to mass in gravitational force?

10. How will two objects with gravitational potential energy between them tend to move?

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Energy ■ 39

11. How will two objects with electrical potential energy

between them tend to move (see Figure 7-2)?

12. Write out Einstein’s mass-energy equivalence

equation. Explain the meaning of each symbol in
the equation and how the equation shows that
nuclear reactions are a source of tremendous Figure 7-2 Charged particles may attract or repel one
amounts of energy. another.

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Energy ■ 41


Use the tool from Lesson 1 (shown in Figure 7-3) to complete the table and answer the questions below.

Figure 7-3 This tool from Lesson 1 determines the distance traveled and flight time for a
rocket launched from Earth at different speeds.

Initial Speed (km/s) Maximum Distance from Earth (REarth) Flight Time (s)

What is the minimum speed necessary to escape Earth’s gravity?

If escape speed is achieved, what will happen to the values of the maximum distance from Earth and
the flight time?

Explain in terms of kinetic and potential energy what happens when escape speed is achieved.

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Light and Spectroscopy
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• define wavelength and list the types of electromagnetic waves in order of decreasing wavelength
• discuss how spectra are used in astronomy
• explain how emission and absorption lines are produced and discuss the information they convey
• describe how to use the spectrum emitted by an object to determine the object’s temperature

1. Which property of a light wave determines the color we see?

2. What do we see that the amplitude of a wave produces?

3. Name a type of
electromagnetic wave that
has a long wavelength.
Name one that has a high
frequency (see Figure 8-1).

Figure 8-1 This diagram shows the electromagnetic spectrum.

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4. As you learned in this lesson, some objects give off or reflect more than one color of light. What deter-
mines the color that we see when we look at an object?

5. Of the five objects in the tool shown in Figure 8-2,

which does not give off its own light?

6. Does a blue star, such as Spica, give off any other

colors? Why does it appear to be blue?

Figure 8-2 This tool from Lesson 2 displays spectra of

different objects.

7. Which colors do you see in the hydrogen spectrum?

Figure 8-3 This diagram shows the spectrum of hydrogen.

8. Which color is produced by the emission of the highest energy photons? The lowest energy photons?

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Light and Spectroscopy ■ 45

9. Which element’s atomic spectrum was the simplest of the ones you looked at? What does this sug-
gest about the structure of that kind of atom?

10. What kind of spectrum does a solid object emit (see Figure 8-4)?

Figure 8-4 The spectrum emitted from a solid object appears as shown.

11. Which kinds of electromagnetic waves do hotter objects emit? Cooler ones?

12. How would the temperature of a blue star compare to that of a red star?

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Light and Spectroscopy ■ 47

LAB ACTIVITY Light and Spectroscopy

The goal of this activity is to show how the temperature of an object and the wavelength of the light it
emits are related.
Use the tool from Lesson 4 (Figure 8-5) to answer the questions.
What color star would have the spectrum shown in
Figure 8-5?

Adjust the temperature until the spectrum gives

off all the visible colors with about the same intensity.
At about what temperature does this occur?

Figure 8-5 The graph shows the intensity of light of

What color would a star with this spectrum be? different wavelengths given off by objects of different

What is the maximum temperature of an object that gives off no visible light?

In what part of the spectrum does a star that looks blue probably have its peak wavelength?

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The Doppler Effect
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• understand the cause of the Doppler effect
• determine whether light will be redshifted or blueshifted
• discuss how the Doppler effect is used to determine the distances to astronomical objects
• discover the limitations in using the Doppler effect to determine an object’s speed

1. As the source of a sound passes you, which two properties will you hear change?

2. Of the properties in question 1, which property changes are due to the Doppler effect?

3. Which property of a sound wave is responsible for the pitch that you hear?

4. If a race car is approaching you, what change will

you hear in the pitch of the motor (see Figure 9-1)?

5. Explain why this change in pitch occurs.

Figure 9-1 Doppler shift in the wavelengths of the

sound varies in front of and behind a moving car.

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50 ■ MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials

6. Which aspect of the light that you see is caused by the same wave property that causes the pitch of
the sound that you hear?

7. Which wave property causes the color of light you see?

8. Explain what is meant by a redshift and a blueshift in a spectrum. Explain why the shifts occur and
what they tell us about their light sources.

9. If two galaxies are redshifted, one more than the other, what does that tell you about the direction in
which they are moving? Their speeds?

10. If something is blueshifted, does that necessarily mean that it appears blue? Explain your answer.

11. If a star shows no Doppler shift, does that necessarily mean that it is not in motion relative to us?
Explain your answer.

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The Doppler Effect ■ 51

12. A police officer pulls you

over for running a red light.
You claim that your motion
caused a Doppler shift and
you thought the light was
green! She still gives you a
ticket, but not for running
a red light. What is the
ticket for? Explain your
answer. (Figure 9-2 may Figure 9-2 What is the police officer using the Doppler effect to measure?
give you a hint.)

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The Doppler Effect ■ 53

LAB ACTIVITY The Doppler Effect

The goal of this activity is to observe changes that occur in light due to the Doppler effect.
Use the tool from the end of Lesson 1 (shown in Figure 9-3)
to complete the table. Try to adjust the speed of the heli-
copter so that you observe a wavelength in each portion of
the visible spectrum. Record the speeds, using a ⫹ for a
speed moving toward you and a ⫺ for a speed moving
away from you.

Figure 9-3 Doppler shifts in the LASER light from the

helicopter depend on its speed and direction.

Color Wavelength (nm) Speed (km/s)

Violet 400–450
Blue 450–500
Green 500–550
Yellow 589 0
Orange 600–650
Red 650–700

What color is the laser when the helicopter is standing still?

Name a color that the laser could be when the helicopter is moving away from you.

Name a color that the laser could be when the helicopter is moving toward you.

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Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• explain how reflecting telescopes focus light and produce images
• show how light-gathering power and angular resolution depend on the diameter of the telescope’s
primary mirror
• explain the main advantage of putting a telescope above Earth’s atmosphere

1. If stars radiate their light in all directions, explain why their rays are essentially parallel when they
reach telescopes on Earth.

2. Why do astronomers use a secondary mirror in a reflecting telescope?

3. If starting from the left you see with your eyes a blue
and then a yellow star, in what order starting from
the left will the stars appear when viewed through a
telescope? Explain your reasoning (see Figure 10-1).

4. If you double the diameter of the mirror of a reflect-

ing telescope, how does the amount of collected
light change?

Figure 10-1 This tool in Lesson 1 shows where an

image will appear on a detector.

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56 ■ MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials

5. Why are so many stars that appear to be single objects when viewed by the naked eye actually seen
to be pairs of stars when viewed through a telescope?

6. How does diffraction through a larger hole change the size of an image?

7. How does the angular resolution of a telescope change with the size of the mirror? Does a larger or a
smaller mirror have better angular resolution? Explain your reasoning.

8. How does the angular resolution of a telescope compare when observing a red star to when
observing a blue star? For which color star is the angular resolution better? When it comes to angular
resolution is bigger, better? Explain your answer.

9. Using the tool at the end of Lesson 2 (see

Figure 10-2), determine which will have greater
angular resolution: a 0.1 m diameter ultraviolet
telescope observing light of wavelength 2 ⫻ 10⫺7m
or a 10 m infrared telescope observing light of
wavelength 1 ⫻ 10⫺5 m.

Which telescope will have greater resolution? By

how many times? In this case, which telescope has
better resolution? Explain your reasoning.

Figure 10-2 This tool illustrates the angular resolution

of telescopes of varying diameters at different wave-
lengths of light.
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Telescopes ■ 57

10. Which types of electromagnetic waves penetrate Earth’s atmosphere the best (see Figure 10-3)?

Figure 10-3 Shown are the electromagnetic waves in Earth’s atmosphere.

11. Explain the advantage(s) of placing a telescope on a mountain.

12. Explain the advantage(s) of placing a telescope in space.

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Telescopes ■ 59


The purpose of this activity is to determine how the
amount of light collected by a telescope mirror varies
with the size of the mirror.
Use the tool from Lesson 1 (Figure 10-4) to complete the
table below and plot the graphs.

Figure 10-4 This tool from Lesson 1 illustrates the

amount of light collected by telescopes of different sized

Diameter of Mirror (m) Square of Diameter Amount of Light Collected


Diameter vs. Light Collected Diameter Squared vs. Light Collected

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60 ■ MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials

The amount of light collected by a telescope mirror is directly proportional to the DIAMETER | SQUARE OF THE
DIAMETER (circle one).

Which best describes the relationship between the amount of light collected (L) and the diameter of a tele-
scope mirror (d)? (circle one) Hint—were either of your graphs a straight line?
L=d L = d2 L = 1/d L = 1/d2

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Formation of the Solar System
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• list the sequence of events in the formation of the solar system
• list the similarities and differences between the types of planets and give the reasons for them
• discuss the reasons for the orbital properties of the solar system

See Figure 11-1 for help with the questions in this lesson.
1. Name the two major types of planets in our solar system.

2. Name the members of each of

the two types of planets.

3. List several differences between

the two types of planets.
Figure 11-1 This illustration shows the two planetary types and their properties.

4. How do the orbital distances from the Sun compare for the two types of planets?

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62 ■ MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials

5. Explain why a molecular cloud flattens out as it collapses.

6. How does the temperature of the cloud vary with

the distance from its center?

7. Explain why the frost line is the boundary between

the two types of planets.

Figure 11-2 This diagram illustrates materials found in

the solar nebula and their locations. This tool will help
8. Why are no planets found within 0.3 AU of you answer questions 7 and 8.
the Sun?

9. Explain why the planetesimals beyond the frost line were initially able to grow larger than those inside
the frost line.

10. Which of the two planet types has evolved more from its initial condition?

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Formation of the Solar System ■ 63

11. Why were planets closer to the

Sun not able to retain lighter
gases (see Figure 11-3)?

12. What do we now call the left-

over planetesimals (those that
did not become part of a Figure 11-3 Planets closer to the Sun could not retain lighter gases, while those
planet)? farther from the Sun could.

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Formation of the Solar System ■ 65

LAB ACTIVITY Formation of the Solar System

The purpose of this activity is to see the effect on planetary formation of temperatures at various locations
in the solar nebula.
Mark the positions of the rock/metal condensation line and the frost line on Figure 11-4. Also on Figure
11-4, indicate in which region each of the two major types of planets formed. You can find this tool in
Lesson 2.
What kinds of planets (if any) formed inside the rock/metal
condensation line? Explain the reason for the kind of planet
that formed there, or, if there are no planets, the reason
they did not form.

What kinds of planets (if any) formed between the

rock/metal condensation line and the frost line? Explain the
reason for the kind of planet that formed there, or, if there
are no planets, the reason they did not form.
Figure 11-4 Shown here is a plot of the temper-
ature of the solar nebula as a function of distance
from the Sun.

What kinds of planets (if any) formed beyond the frost line? Explain the reason for the kind of planet
that formed there, or, if there are no planets, the reason they did not form.

Which major type of planet is most evolved (i.e., which type has gone through the most changes)?
Explain how this can be attributed to where these planets formed.

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Shaping Planetary Surfaces
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• list the four main geological processes that can shape a planet’s surface
• identify features caused by these processes
• explain what factors determine which geological processes will be important in shaping a planet’s surface
• predict the final appearance of a planetary surface based on the size and temperature of the planet

1. What are the four geologic processes that are
responsible for shaping planetary surfaces
(see Figure 12-1)?

2. What factor controls the size that an impact crater

will have?

Figure 12-1 This illustration shows the geologic

processes that shape a planetary surface.

3. What major component of a planet are gases emitted from volcanoes responsible for forming?

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68 ■ MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials

4. How has the rate of crater formation in the solar system changed over time? Why has it changed?

5. Why are there so many more impact craters on the Moon and Mercury than on Earth, even though
Earth is a bigger target? Why are the craters on the Moon and Mercury so well preserved?

6. Which geologic processes are controlled by a

planet’s internal temperature? What factor affects
how long these processes will continue on a planet
(see Figure 12-2)?

7. Why, unlike most other planets, is erosion a

dominant process on Earth?

Figure 12-2 Use this animation for Lesson 2 to help

you answer question 6.
8. Which geologic process occurs at the same rate on all planets?

9. What factors control the geologic evolution of a planet?

10. Which factor seems to control the types of geologic activity that occur on a planet?

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Shaping Planetary Surfaces ■ 69

11. Which property of a planet seems to control the amount of time that the geologic process continues
on a planet?

12. What geologic process(es) would dominate on a small, cold planet?

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Shaping Planetary Surfaces ■ 71

LAB ACTIVITY Shaping Planetary Surfaces

The goals of this activity are to learn which geologic process will dominate the evolution of planetary
surfaces of various temperatures and sizes and how long the processes will last.
For this activity, use the tool from Lesson 3 shown in Figure 12-3.
By changing the planet temperature and planet size, you
can simulate the evolution of a planetary surface over
time. In the table below, enter the relative temperature
(hot, medium, or cold) and size (large, medium, or small)
that you think represents the specified objects in our
solar system.

Object Temperature Size

Earth Medium Large
Asteroid* Figure 12-3 This tool from Lesson 3 shows the
∗Note that the largest asteroids are only about 500 miles across evolution of a planetary surface after the planet’s
temperature and size are selected.
and that most of them are located beyond the orbit of Mars.

Once you have decided on the temperature and size that will be used for each planet, use the tool to set
the planet temperature and planet size and click on play to observe the evolution of each planet’s surface.
For each planet, notice which processes occur, when they occur, and how long changes in the planet’s
surface persist. After you observe each simulation, enter what you observed in the table below. Then,
based on your observations, answer the questions that follow.

Object Time∗ Dominant Process(es) Realistic?

Earth 4.6 G-years Tectonic, volcanic, erosion yes
∗Enter the amount of time the evolution took to stop or slow down considerably; be patient enough to allow the tool to run until it
stops on its own.

If necessary, rerun some of the simulations with the tool to answer the questions.
What did the objects dominated by impact cratering seem to have in common? Did other factors
seem to affect their surface evolution?

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72 ■ MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials

Which objects seemed to take the longest to evolve? Which evolved fastest? Which factor seems
to have the greatest effect on this?

What feature did you observe on the Earth that you did not find on Venus? What is the reason for
this? Did you observe this feature on Mars?

Which factor seemed to be the main reason that Mars evolved differently than the Earth did?

Which process seemed to dominate early on, but tapered off during the evolution of the planetary

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Surface Temperature
of Terrestrial Planets
Your goals in this tutorial are to be able to:
• explain how distance from the Sun, reflectivity, and atmosphere affect the surface temperature of a
terrestrial planet
• give the main reason that Venus is so much hotter and Mars is so much colder than Earth.

Use the tools in this lesson to answer the following questions.
1. On which factors does the rate at which a terrestrial planet emits radiation depend?

2. Does the size of a planet affect its temperature? Why or why not?

3. How is the change in temperature between day and

night affected by the rotation rate of a terrestrial
planet? Explain your reasoning (see Figure 13-1).

Figure 13-1 This tool from Lesson 1 shows how the

rotation rate of a planet affects its temperature.

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74 ■ Mastering AstronomyTM Web Tutorials

4. Use the tool in this lesson (see Figure 13-2) to
predict Earth’s surface temperature. Earth is 1 AU
from the Sun. Also use the tool to predict Mercury’s
surface temperature. Mercury is about
0.4 AU from the Sun.

5. Explain why an average surface temperature

predicted by the tool is not particularly meaningful
for Earth or especially for Mercury.

Figure 13-2 This tool from Lesson 2 estimates the tem-

perature of a planet based on its distance from the Sun.

6. Explain why the average surface temperature

predicted by the tool for Venus is not accurate.

Use the tool from Lesson 3 shown in Figure 13-3 to help
answer the questions in this lesson.
7. Define albedo and explain why the value for Earth
is an average.

8. Which planet has the highest albedo? Explain the

reason for this.

Figure 13-3 This tool from Lesson 3 estimates the

9. How does albedo seem to affect the overall temperature of a planet based on the planet’s reflectivity
temperature of a planet? (or albedo) and distance from the Sun.

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Surface Temperature of Terrestrial Planets ■ 75

10. Name the three factors that affect a planet’s surface temperature.

11. Which atmospheric gases affect the surface

temperature of a planet (use the tool shown in
Figure 13-4)?

12. Explain why Venus is so much hotter than Earth.

Figure 13-4 This tool from Lesson 4 demonstrates

which gases affect the surface temperature of a planet.

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Surface Temperature of Terrestrial Planets ■ 77

LAB ACTIVITY Surface Temperature of Terrestrial Planets

The purpose of this activity is to learn what factors determine the surface temperature of planets.
For this activity, use the tool found in Lesson 4 (shown in
Figure 13-5).
Use the version of the tool shown in Figure 13-5 (meant
to answer questions about Venus in Lesson 4) to fill in the
table below for Mercury and Venus. Then switch to the
slightly different version (meant for Mars) in the same
lesson to fill in the table for Earth and Mars. The only
difference is the range of relative amounts of CO2
compared to Earth.

Figure 13-5 This tool from Lesson 4 estimates the

temperature of a planet based on the planet’s
atmospheric composition, reflectivity (or albedo), and
distance from the Sun. Note: This tool is very similar to
one in the Exercises section of the tutorial; be sure to
use the one from Lesson 4.

Planet Albedo r (AU) CO2 H2O Temperature (°C) Realistic?

Mercury 0 0
Venus 65000 0
Earth 1 1
Mars 13 0

How would you expect surface temperature to vary with a planet’s distance from the Sun? Does it
vary in this way? Explain why or why not.

How would you expect surface temperature to vary with atmospheric content of Water Vapor and
Carbon Dioxide (greenhouse gases)? Does it vary in this way? Explain why or why not.

How would you expect surface temperature to vary with albedo? Does it vary in this way? Explain
why or why not.

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Detecting Extrasolar Planets
Your goals in this tutorial are to understand:
• why visual detection of a planet orbiting another star is very difficult
• how the Doppler shift in a star’s spectrum can be used to detect a planet and determine its mass
and orbital radius
• how small but regular changes in the brightness of a star can be used to detect a planet in orbit

1. Give two reasons why visual detection of planets orbiting other stars is close to impossible.

2. Which factors affect how much less luminous

a planet will be than its star (see Figure 14-1)?

3. Do planets give off their own light? If not, how do

they give off light?

4. As you move away from two objects, the apparent

angle between them INCREASES ⱍ DECREASES ⱍ
STAYS THE SAME (circle one). Figure 14-1 This tool from Lesson 1 determines the
relative luminosity of a star and a planet based on
the distance between the star and the planet and the
size of the planet.

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80 ■ MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials

5. Explain how the orbital period of an extrasolar planet
is determined (see Figure 14-2).

6. How does the mass of a planet affect the Doppler

shifts in its star’s light?

7. How does the orbital radius of a planet affect

the Doppler shifts in its star’s light?
Figure 14-2 Use the tool in Lesson 2 to determine the
period of an extrasolar planet.

8. How is the mass of a planet related to its orbital period?

9. Explain why our estimates of the masses of extrasolar planets are minimums.

10. Why are so many of the extrasolar planets that have been detected thus far as massive or more
massive than Jupiter?

11. Why are so many of the extrasolar planets that have been detected thus far in orbits so close
to their stars?

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Detecting Extrasolar Planets ■ 81

12. Which property of a star can be used to detect the

presence of a planet and the planet’s size? What
change in this property suggests the presence of
a planet, and why does it occur (see Figure 14-3)?

Figure 14-3 This tool shows what happens to a star’s

apparent luminosity when a planet transits in front of it.

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Detecting Extrasolar Planets ■ 83

LAB ACTIVITY Detecting Extrasolar Planets

The purpose of this activity is to learn how the properties
of a planet affect the light observed from its star.
Use the tool from Lesson 2 (shown in Figure 14-4)
to answer the questions.
Keeping the planet mass constant, vary the orbital radius
to see how the star’s speed varies. Then keep the orbital
radius constant and vary the planet mass to see the effect
on the star’s speed. Now consider the four graphs below.
Circle A on the graph showing the planet of larger mass
in a closer orbit. Circle B on the graph showing larger
mass in a farther orbit. Circle C on the graph showing
a smaller mass in a closer orbit. Circle D on the graph
showing a smaller mass in a farther orbit. Using the tool
to reproduce each graph will help you make your choices.

Figure 14-4 Use this tool from Lesson 2 to determine

the effect of the orbital radius and mass of a planet on a
star’s orbital speed.



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The Sun
The goals of this tutorial are to learn:
• the main difference between a star and a planet
• why and how nuclear fusion occurs in the core of the Sun

1. List the four layers of the solar interior, in order, from
the center to the surface of the Sun (see Figure 15-1).

2. How does the temperature of the Sun vary from the

center to the surface of the Sun? Explain the reason
for this variation. How does the pressure vary?
Explain the reason for this as well.

3. How does the energy of photons change as they Figure 15-1 This diagram shows the layers of the Sun.
travel from the core to the surface of the Sun?
Explain the methods of energy transfer that occur
and why they change as the photons travel from
the core.

4. Name two processes that occur in the Sun that also occur in Earth’s atmosphere. Explain how each
process works.

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86 ■ Mastering AstronomyTM Web Tutorials

5. Explain the main difference between a star and a planet. What is the one property of a star or planet
that is responsible for this difference?

6. Although the process of four hydrogen nuclei fusing into one helium nucleus is quite complex,
what ultimately happens during this process that allows a star to give off light?

7. What important fact about the Sun can be estimated based on the rate of nuclear fusion occurring
in the core?

8. Name the three types of particles given off during the proton-proton chain (see Figure 15-2).

Figure 15-2 Use this tool from Lesson 2 to determine the particles created during the
proton-proton chain.

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The Sun ■ 87

(Use Figure 15-3 to help answer questions 9 and 10.)
9. All protons carry positive charges. Explain how it is
possible for protons to not repel one another and
stay together in the nucleus of atoms heavier than
hydrogen (such as helium).

10. Why do protons tend to repel one another? What is

the key to getting them to “stick” together?

Figure 15-3 This tool allows you to compare

electromagnetic and strong nuclear forces.

11. How can this key to “getting them to ‘stick’ together” in question 10 be achieved?

12. Based on your answer to question 11, explain why nuclear fusion occurs only in the core of a star.

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The Sun ■ 89


The purpose of this lab activity is to determine how the mass and luminosity of a star affect the star’s
Use the tool from Lesson 2 (shown in Figure 15-4)
to answer the questions below.
Note: Although this tool is useful for showing the relation-
ship between mass or luminosity and the lifetime of stars,
it is important to know that, as you will learn in a coming
tutorial, there is a relationship between mass and
luminosity as well. More massive stars tend to be more
luminous and less massive stars less luminous. There
generally are not luminous low-mass stars and high-mass
stars of low luminosity.
Vary the luminosity while leaving the mass at 1.00.
How does varying the luminosity seem to affect
the lifetime of a star?

Figure 15-4 This tool from Lesson 2 determines the

lifespan of stars with different masses and luminosities.

Now vary the mass while leaving the luminosity at 1 ⫻ 100. How does varying the mass seem
to affect the lifetime of a star?

Based on your above answers, predict how the lifetime of a star less massive and less luminous than
our Sun would compare to the Sun’s lifetime. Also predict how the lifetime of a more massive and
more luminous star would compare to the Sun’s.
A less massive and luminous star should live a LONGER | SHORTER | SIMILAR LIFESPAN than the Sun
(circle one).
A more massive and luminous star should live a LONGER | SHORTER | SIMILAR LIFESPAN than the Sun
(circle one).
Now use the tool to check your predictions.
Were your predictions correct? Did the results of your tests surprise you? Explain your answers.

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Measuring Cosmic Distances
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• list the most accurate methods of determining distances for objects within our solar system, nearby stars,
nearby galaxies, and distant galaxies
• discuss how the parallax angle of a star depends on its distance from Earth
• explain how an object’s distance can be determined if its luminosity and apparent brightness are known
• list four standard candles and how their luminosities are found

1. Give two reasons that radar (rather than sonar) is used to determine distances in the solar system.
Why is sonar better on Earth?

2. Radio waves travel at the speed of SOUND | LIGHT

(circle one).
3. When at opposition, Jupiter is about five times
farther from the Sun than Earth. If radar takes eight
minutes to travel from Earth to the Sun, how
long would it take radar to travel from the Earth
to Jupiter and back when Jupiter is at opposition.
(see Figure 16-1)?

Figure 16-1 When Jupiter is at opposition, its

configuration with Earth is the same as Mars’s
except that Jupiter is farther away.

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92 ■ MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials

4. What is parallax? Give an example (see Figure 16-2).

5. Explain why radar cannot be used to measure the

distance to stars.

6. Explain why parallax does not work for measuring

the distance to all stars.
Figure 16-2 This diagram shows one example of

7. What makes it possible for a streetlight to appear so much brighter than a star (see Figure 16-3)?

8. How does the apparent brightness

of an object vary with an observer’s
distance from it?

9. Explain what is meant by a standard


Figure 16-3 A candle can appear as bright as a lighthouse.

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Measuring Cosmic Distances ■ 93

10. List the following methods for determining distance in order of their ability to measure increasing
distances. That is, the list should start with the method for measuring the distances to the closest
objects. Then, for each method, list an object whose distance would be measured using that

Fitting; Hubble Law; Parallax; Radar; Tully-Fisher Relationship

11. Each method used to measure farther distances depends on results from the previous method.
Errors in the first method thus are magnified with each successive method used. Explain why
larger errors in the distance to farther objects are not as significant a problem as errors in
the distance to closer objects.

12. The Tully-Fisher relationship is a correlation between which two properties of a galaxy
(see Figure 16-4)? How is it used to measure the distance to a galaxy?

Figure 16-4 This diagram illustrates the Tully-Fisher


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Measuring Cosmic Distances ■ 95

LAB ACTIVITY Measuring Cosmic Distances

The purpose of this activity is to determine how the apparent brightness of an object changes with one’s
distance from it.
Use the tool from Lesson 3 (shown in Figure 16-5)
to complete the table and answer the questions.

Figure 16-5 This tool from Lesson 3 compares the

apparent brightness to the distance of a star.

Star A Star B Distance Star A Star B Brightness

Distance Distance Ratio Apparent Apparent Ratio
(pc) (pc) A/B Brightness Brightness A/B
10 20 1
20 20 1
40 20 1
60 20 1

When Star A is half as far away as Star B, Star A

appears times as bright.
When Star A is twice as far away as Star B, Star A
appears times as bright.
When Star A is three times as far away as Star B,
Star A appears times as bright.
Which best describes the relationship between
brightness (B) and distance (d )? (circle one)

B⫽d B ⫽ d2 B ⫽ 1/d B ⫽ 1/d2

Plot a graph on the axes in Figure 16-6 of the

distance ratio versus the brightness ratio.
Figure 16-6 Distance ratio.

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The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• generate an H-R Diagram using the luminosities and temperatures of several stars
• explain the spectral classification scheme for stars
• use an H-R Diagram to determine a star’s radius
• explain how the mass of a star determines its location on the H-R Diagram

1. If one star appears brighter than another, can you be sure that it is actually brighter? Why or why not?

Use Figure 17-1 to answer questions 2–4.

2. List the four most common star colors (red, white, blue,
and yellow) in order from coolest to hottest.

3. Stars of each of the four colors from question 2 are of

which spectral type (OBAFGKM)?

Figure 17-1 Shown here is an H-R Diagram from

Lesson 1. Use this tool to answer questions 2–4.

4. Match the properties of a star on the left with where it will be found on the H-R Diagram.

Hot Low
Cool Right
Bright Left
Dim High

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98 ■ MasteringAstronomyTM Web Tutorials

The tool shown in Figure 17-2 may help you answer these
5. What colors are the brightest stars? The dimmest stars?

6. How does brightness vary with the size of a star?

Figure 17-2 This illustration shows the lines of

7. Which two factors determine the brightness of a star? equal radii on an H-R Diagram.

8. How does one star compare in size to another if it is directly to the left of the other on the
H-R Diagram?

9. How does one star compare in size to another if it is directly above the other on the H-R Diagram?

Use the tool shown in Figure 17-3 to answer the
questions in this lesson.
10. Which main-sequence star is more massive, a
brighter or a dimmer one? A hotter or a cooler

Figure 17-3 This H-R Diagram from Lesson 3 includes

the radii and masses of stars.

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The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram ■ 99

11. List the four main-sequence star colors (red, white, blue, and yellow) in order from most to least

12. A certain red giant star is bigger and brighter than a certain blue giant star. Can you tell for sure
which is more massive? Explain your answer.

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The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram ■ 101

LAB ACTIVITY The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram

The purpose of this activity is to use the luminosity and
temperature of stars on the H-R Diagram to name them
according to color and size.
Use the tool from Lesson 1 (shown in Figure 17-4) to complete
the table. In the last column, name each star in terms of its type
and its color and brightness—i.e., bright and cool ⫽ red giant,
dim and hot ⫽ white dwarf. Every star on the table must be named
in this way.

Figure 17-4 Use this H-R Diagram from

Lesson 1 for the lab activity.

Star Name Luminosity Temperature Star Type

Betelguese red giant
Centauri A
Gliese 725 A
Proxima Centauri red dwarf
Sirius A
Sirius B

Considering stars only on the main sequence and recalling the answers to the questions from
Lesson 3, which main-sequence stars from your table are the most massive? What kind of stars
are they?

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Which main-sequence stars from your table are the least massive? What kind of stars are they?

What kind of star is our Sun? Is it among the most or least massive of main-sequence stars?

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Stellar Evolution
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• understand the relationship between the mass and lifetime of a main-sequence star
• discuss the basic stages of stellar evolution for low- and high-mass stars
• explain why the H-R Diagram of a star cluster changes with time
• determine the age of the cluster from its H-R Diagram

1. What event that occurs inside a star is a signal that it is beginning to die?

Use the H-R Diagram tool shown in Figure 18-1 to help you
answer questions 2–4.

2. How is the length of a star’s life related to its mass? Which

will live longer, a brighter or a dimmer main-sequence star?
Explain your answer.

3. A blue giant star is MORE ⱍ LESS (circle one) massive

than our Sun. It is also BRIGHTER ⱍ DIMMER (circle one) and
HOTTER ⱍ COOLER (circle one) than our Sun but will live a
LONGER ⱍ SHORTER (circle one) life. Figure 18-1 This H-R Diagram from Lesson 1
is a plot of the temperature versus luminosity
4. A red dwarf star is MORE ⱍ LESS (circle one) massive than of stars.
our Sun. It is also BRIGHTER ⱍ DIMMER (circle one) and
HOTTER ⱍ COOLER (circle one) than our Sun but will live a LONGER ⱍ SHORTER (circle one) life.

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The illustration in Figure 18-2 may be helpful with the questions in this lesson.

5. After main sequence, what is the next major stage in

the life of a star like our Sun?

6. During this next stage, the star will become BRIGHTER ⱍ

DIMMER (circle one), HOTTER ⱍ COOLER (circle one), and
LARGER ⱍ SMALLER (circle one) than it is now.

7. In reaching this stage, which direction(s) will the star

move on the H-R Diagram?

Figure 18-2 This illustration shows the stage of the life

of a solar-mass star.

8. What is the next major stage after the one identified in question 5?

9. During this final stage, the star will become BRIGHTER ⱍ DIMMER (circle one), HOTTER ⱍ COOLER (circle one),
and LARGER ⱍ SMALLER (circle one) than it is now.

10. In reaching this stage, which direction(s) will this star

move on the H-R Diagram?

11. What event occurs at the end of the life of a
high-mass star (see Figure 18-3)?

Figure 18-3 Shown here is a supernova remnant.

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Stellar Evolution ■ 105

12. In the first animation Lesson 4 (see Figure 18-4a), list
the order in which you saw the differently colored stars
in the cluster disappear. Explain the reason that they
disappeared in this order.

13. In the second animation Lesson 4 (see Figure 18-4b),

the BRIGHTEST ⱍ DIMMEST (circle one) stars on the main
sequence disappeared first. These stars are also the
MOST ⱍ LEAST MASSIVE (circle one). Explain the reason
for the order in which the stars disappeared.
Figure 18-4a Stars of different masses have
lifetimes of different lengths, changing the
composition of a star cluster over time.

Figure 18-4b This H-R Diagram of a star cluster also

changes over time due to the differing lifetimes of
stars with different masses.

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Stellar Evolution ■ 107

LAB ACTIVITY Stellar Evolution

The purpose of this activity is to see how the mass of a
star is related to its lifetime and luminosity.
Use the tool in Lesson 1 (shown in Figure 18-5) to
determine the time each star in the table will take to
change all the hydrogen in its core into helium.

Figure 18-5 This tool from Lesson 1 determines the

lifetime and luminosity of stars of different masses.

Mass (MSun) Elapsed Time (years) Luminosity (LSun)

0.1 ⫽ 10⫺1
1 ⫽ 100
10 ⫽ 101
100 ⫽ 102

More massive stars live LONGER ⱍ SHORTER (circle one) lives than less massive ones. Brighter stars live
LONGER ⱍ SHORTER (circle one) lives than dimmer ones.

Can you think of a reason for your answers?

Plot your data from the table on the graphs on the next page.
Note: Plot only the exponents from your data.

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More massive stars are BRIGHTER ⱍ DIMMER (circle one). This is known as the Mass-Luminosity

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Black Holes
The goals of this tutorial are to:
• describe what a black hole is
• discuss the significance of the event horizon
• discuss the evidence that black holes exist

1. Define escape velocity. Define a black hole in terms of escape velocity.

2. How does the mass of an object affect escape velocity?

3. How does the size (radius) of an object affect escape velocity?

4. Explain why the escape velocity of a heavyweight star increases when it collapses.

5. What is an event horizon?

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6. What is the Schwarzschild radius?

7. Why can’t we see a black hole?

8. If we can’t see a black

hole, how can we detect
one (see Figure 19-1)?

9. What is the name given to

material orbiting the event
Figure 19-1 Black holes can be part of binary systems.
horizon of a black hole?

10. What kind of energy does material orbiting a black hole emit?

11. What happens to the size of a black hole when material

crosses the event horizon?

12. Where is a good place to look for a supermassive black

hole (see Figure 19-2)?

Figure 19-2 Supermassive black holes are

believed to be at the center of many galaxies
including our own Milky Way.

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Black Holes ■ 111


The purpose of this activity is to determine the relationship between the mass and size of a black hole.
Use the tool from Lesson 1 (shown in Figure 19-3)
to determine the Schwarzschild radius for black holes
of different masses. Record the masses on the table
and answer the question.

Figure 19-3 This tool from Lesson 1 determines the

Schwarzschild radius of a black hole as a function of
its mass.

Mass (MSun) ⫽ M Schwarzschild radius (km) ⫽ R R /M

3 9

Average your values for R divided by M (R/M) and use the value to complete the formula:

R⫽ ⫻M
Does the ratio of the mass to the radius of a black hole appear to change with mass or with radius?

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Detecting Dark Matter
in Spiral Galaxies
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• explain what a rotation curve is
• sketch the rotation curves for planetary systems and spiral galaxies
• describe how the shapes of the rotation curves depend on the distribution of mass in the
gravitational system
• explain how the curves for galaxies reveal the presence of dark matter

1. On a merry-go-round, a person closer to the center moves FASTER ⱍ SLOWER (circle one) than a person
on the edge.
2. In the solar system, planets closer to the Sun orbit FASTER ⱍ SLOWER (circle one) than planets farther
from the Sun.
3. Would changing the speed of the merry-go-round change the relationship between the speed of the
person on the edge and the speed of the person toward the center?

4. Would changing the mass of the Sun change the

relationship between the speed of the planets in
the closest orbits and the speeds of the planets
in the farthest orbits?
5. Near its center, the rotation curve of a real galaxy is more
like a MERRY-GO-ROUND ⱍ SOLAR SYSTEM ⱍ NEITHER (circle one).
6. At the edges, the rotation curve of a real galaxy is more like

7. Orbital speed is DIRECTLY ⱍ INVERSELY (circle one) proportional
to the mass of the central object. Figure 20-1 This tool from Lesson 1 determines
the rotation curve for a galaxy. Use this tool to
answer questions 5 and 6.

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8. Orbital speed is DIRECTLY ⱍ INVERSELY (circle one)

proportional to the distance from the central object.
9. What can we infer about the distribution of mass in
our galaxy by observing the orbital speeds of stars
as they get farther from the center of our galaxy?
Explain your answer (see Figure 20-2).

Figure 20-2 This diagram shows the plots of

luminosity and mass distribution in a galaxy.

10. Explain how stellar rotation curves for our galaxy suggest the existence of dark matter.

11. The amount of dark matter seems to INCREASE ⱍ

DECREASE ⱍ REMAIN THE SAME (circle one) as you move
away from the center of a galaxy (see Figure 20-3).
12. If dark matter could be anything except the stars in
our galaxy, what do you think it might be?

Figure 20-3 Shown here are the distributions of

total mass, stellar mass, and mass of dark matter
in our galaxy.

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Detecting Dark Matter in Spiral Galaxies ■ 115

LAB ACTIVITY Detecting Dark Matter in Spiral Galaxies

The purpose of this activity is to see how the rotation curves of a solid object, a solar system,
and a galaxy differ.
On the three axes below, sketch the rotation curves for a merry-go-round, a solar system, and a galaxy.
Review Lesson 1 for help. Ignore the numbers on the axes; just draw the shapes of the graphs.

Merry-go-round Reason for Shape

Solar system Reason for Shape

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Galaxy Reason for Shape

If you doubled your distance from the center of a merry-go-round, your orbital speed would
(circle one)
If you doubled your distance from the center of the solar system, your orbital speed would
(circle one)
If you started a good distance from the center and then doubled your distance from the center
of a galaxy, your orbital speed would (circle one)

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Hubble’s Law
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• explain Hubble’s law
• discuss how it implies that the universe is expanding
• determine Hubble’s constant
• discuss how the age of the universe depends on it

1. All distant galaxies (that is, those not
in our own local cluster) show a
BLUESHIFT ⱍ REDSHIFT (circle one).

2. This shift suggests that they are moving

(circle one).
3. To what does the amount of shift seem
to be proportional (see Figure 21-1)?

4. Is this shift a Doppler shift? Explain

your answer. Figure 21-1 This diagram shows Hubble’s law through a plot of the
recessional velocity of galaxies versus their distance from Earth. The
slope of the line is Hubble’s constant.

5. What does the observed shift in the light from distant galaxies suggest about the universe
as a whole (see Figure 21-2)?

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6. What does the answer to the previous question

and the first two questions in this tutorial suggest
about our position in the universe?

7. Does the answer to question 6 above seem likely?

Explain why it is not actually true.

8. Let’s say one galaxy is 4 Mpc away from us and

another is 16 Mpc away. If the nearer one moves
Figure 21-2 The distance to galaxies changes with
1 Mpc, how far will the more distant galaxy
time, as the farther galaxies move proportionally
move in the same amount of time? farther away.

9. How far away will each of the galaxies in question 8

be after that amount of time has passed?

Use the tool shown in Figure 21-3 for these questions.
10. Using a value of 50 km/s/Mpc for the Hubble
constant, what is the age of the universe?

Figure 21-3 This tool from Lesson 3 determines the age

of the universe for varying values of Hubble’s constant.

11. How would a higher value for the Hubble constant affect the calculation of the age of the universe?
A lower value?

12. If the value of the Hubble constant were 50 km/s/Mpc, what would be the farthest distance away at
which we could see an object? Explain your answer. Is it possible that there are objects farther away
that we cannot see? Explain your answer.

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Hubble’s Law ■ 119


The purpose of this activity is to show how we can use Hubble’s law to determine the distance to galaxies,
their recessional velocities, and the age of the universe.
Use the graph in Figure 21-4 to determine the
distance (in Mpc) to a galaxy that has a reces-
sional velocity of about 400 km/s.

Use the graph in Figure 21-4 to determine the

recessional velocity (in km/s) of a galaxy that is
about 14 Mpc away.

The age of the universe T, in billions of years, can be Figure 21-4 This tool from Lesson 1 determines
Hubble’s constant, the slope of a Hubble’s law plot.
approximated by the following expression:

T ⫽ 1000/H

where H is Hubble’s constant.

Use the value of the Hubble constant in the graph in Figure 21-4 to determine the age of the universe.

T⫽ billion years

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Fate of the Universe
Your goals in this tutorial are to:
• discuss why the expansion rate of the universe may change with time
• describe the significance of the critical mass density of the universe
• predict the fate of the universe based on its value of critical mass density

See the tool in Figure 22-1 for questions 1 and 2.
1. What are the two possible fates of a ball thrown
from a planet?

2. On what two factors does the fate of the ball in

question 1 depend?

Figure 22-1 This tool from Lesson 1 determines the

height attained by a cannon ball as a function of the initial
3. On what factors does the ultimate fate of the
velocity of its launch and the mass of the planet.
universe depend?

4. What are the possible fates of the universe?

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5. Based on current estimates of the mass density of the universe, which of the fates in question 4
seems most likely?

See the tool shown in Figure 22-2 for these questions.
6. Gravity tends to SLOW DOWN ⱍ SPEED UP (circle one)
the expansion of the universe.
7. Dark energy tends to SLOW DOWN ⱍ SPEED UP (circle
one) the expansion of the universe.
8. How could the presence of dark energy change
the fate of the universe, compared to considering
gravity alone?

Figure 22-2 This tool from Lesson 2 determines

the effects of gravity and dark energy on the fate
of the universe.

9. The universe would be YOUNGER ⱍ OLDER
(circle one) than presently thought if dark energy
did not exist (see Figure 22-3).
10. Current data seem to show that dark energy
DOES ⱍ DOES NOT (circle one) exist.

11. Based on current data, what is the age of the


12. Based on current data, what is the ultimate fate

of the universe?
Figure 22-3 The age of the universe depends on mass
density and the amount of dark energy present.

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Fate of the Universe ■ 123

LAB ACTIVITY Fate of the Universe

The purpose of this activity is to determine the possible
fates of the universe based on differing estimates of both
its mass density and the strength of dark energy.
Use the tool from Lesson 3 (shown in Figure 22-4) to
adjust the mass density and strength of dark energy
to the values in the table. Then, for each case, record
the age of the universe and its fate (open, closed,
or flat), using the following definitions:
Open: The universe will expand at an increasing rate
Closed: The universe will expand at a decreasing
Flat: The universe will expand at a constant rate.
Figure 22-4 This tool from Lesson 3 shows how
adjusting the mass density and the strength of dark
energy affects the age and ultimate fate of the universe.

Mass Density Strength of Dark Energy Age of Universe Fate

0.3 0
0.3 1
0.3 0.7 14 billion years open
2 0.7
1 0.7

For the next-to-last row, try to find the mass density and strength of dark energy that give the
oldest possible age for the universe.
For the last row, try to find the mass density and strength of dark energy that will give a closed
Based on your results, which fate do you think is most likely for our universe? Explain your choice.

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