Two-Pass Assembler: Optab Symtab Locctr

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Two-Pass Assembler

Pass 1
Assign addresses to all statements in the program
Save the values assigned to all labels for use in Pass 2
Perform some processing of assembler directives
Pass 2
Assemble instructions by translating opcode and symbolic operands
Generate data values defined by BYTE, WORD
Perform processing of assembler directives not done in Pass 1
Write the object program and the assembly listing

From input line: LABEL, OPCODE, OPERAND

Operation Code Table (OPTAB)
Symbol Table (SYMTAB)
Location Counter (LOCCTR)

OPTAB (Operation Code Table)

Mnemonic, machine code (instruction format, length) etc.
Static table
Array or hash table, easy for search

SYMTAB (Symbol Table)

Label name, value, flag, (type, length) etc.
Dynamic table (insert, delete, search)
Hash table, non-random keys, hashing function
Two Pass Assembler – Pass 1
read first input line
if OPCODE = ‘START’ then
save #[OPERAND] as starting address
initialize LOCCTR to starting address
write line to intermediate file
read next input line
else initialize LOCCTR to 0
while OPCODE  ‘END’ doEND’ do’ do
if this is not a comment line then
if there is a symbol in the LABEL field then
search SYMTAB for LABEL
if found then
set error flag (duplicate symbol)
insert (LABEL, LOCCTR) into SYMTAB

search OPTAB for OPCODE

if found then add 3 (instruction length) to LOCCTR
else if OPCODE = ‘WORD’ then
add 3 to LOCCTR
else if OPCODE = ‘RESW’ then
add 3 * #[OPERAND] to LOCCTR
else if OPCODE = ‘RESB’ then
else if OPCODE = ‘BYTE’ then
find length of constant in bytes
add length to LOCCTR
else set error flag (invalid op code)
write line to intermediate file
read next input line // end while
write last line to intermediate file
save (LOCCTR – starting address) as program length

Two Pass Assembler – Pass 2

read first input line from intermediate file
if OPCODE = ‘START’ then
write listing line
read next input line
write Header record to object program
initialize first Text record
while OPCODE  ‘END’ doEND’ do’ do
if this is not a comment line then
search OPTAB for OPCODE
if found then
if there is a symbol in OPERAND field then
if found then store symbol value as operand address
else store 0 as operand address and set error flag
(undefined symbol)

else store 0 as operand address

assemble the object code instructions
else if OPCODE = ‘BYTE’ or ‘WORD’ then
convert constant to object code
if object code will not fit into the current Text record then
write Text record to object file
initialize new Text record
add object code to Text record
write listing line
read next input line
write last Text record to object file
write End record to object program
write last listing line

Object Program
Col. 1 H
Col. 2~7 Program name
Col. 8~13 Starting address (hex)
Col. 14-19 Length of object program in bytes (hex)
Col.1 T
Col.2~7 Starting address in this record (hex)
Col. 8~9 Length of object code in this record in bytes (hex)
Col. 10~69 Object code (69-10+1)/6=10 instructions
Col.1 E
Col.2~7 Address of first executable instruction (hex)
(END program_name)
H COPY 001000 00107A
T 001000 1E 141033 482039 001036 281030 301015 482061 ...
T 00101E 15 0C1036 482061 081044 4C0000 454F46 000003 000000
T 002039 1E 041030 001030 E0205D 30203F D8205D 281030 …
T 002057 1C 101036 4C0000 F1 001000 041030 E02079 302064 …
T 002073 07 382064 4C0000 05
E 001000 starting address

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