HRM Assignment Individu (Complete)
HRM Assignment Individu (Complete)
HRM Assignment Individu (Complete)
No Title Page
1 Introduction 3
2 Problem 4
3 Methodology 5
4 Findings 5
5 Conclusion 7
6 References 8
Senarai Kandungan
Management Efficiency for Enhancing Education Among Staff", it was pointed out that there
are two main factors in practicing human resource management as well as organizational
operating systems because the operating system will have a direct impact on employee.
Therefore, this journal article has used the argument of a scholar who argues that the most
is considered one of the key innovations of the century, then the success of the organization
will depend on effectiveness use of resources and efficient combination of corporate strategy.
development goals. Although investment and technology play a key role in the development
of the organization, it must be acknowledged that the role of human resources in the
and supervisors identify methods or tools that can be used to improve performance in finding
and absorbing talented staff as well as increasing their incentives and capabilities in carrying
is an issue that has been discussed in this journal article. If we look at the categories and
criteria of effectiveness studied by experts, we will find that direct or indirect human resource
management plays a very important role in improving indicators such as employee turnover,
absenteeism, compatibility of norms and role, product quality and services, accidents,
Today, the responsibility of the human resource management department is not just
about the presence of staff or other simple problems, but it has more chronic issues such as
addressing motivational issues among employees, the need for spiritual aspects, the provision
of space for growth and creativity with a safe and healthy environment(Kavanagh, Gueutal,
& Tannenbaum, 1990). Lately, we have been designing and implementing several programs
to achieve development goals. For the political, economic and social sectors to be self-
sufficient, they must have their own strengths as well as the ability to perform tasks in their
Therefore, an organization must focus on its workforce. This is because the primary
responsibility is for human resource management and the department must carry out their
tasks and provide the appropriate substrates to produce talented and capable teams in the
organization so that they can fulfill the tasks of quality and ultimately develop appropriate
The research in this journal article was conducted through a survey. This survey
was conducted to look for validity or reality. This research method is also used to provide an
overview of the research in the context of the distribution of accepted phenomena. Therefore,
the researcher does not discuss the reason for the existence of the distribution, instead it
focuses on the scope of the research and describes it. The population of this study comprises
of all education staff. In this study, 120 teachers and administrators were selected through
simple random sampling. The main tool for data collection was through a 40-question
resources(Orlikowski & Barley, 2001). Therefore, research on the impact of human resource
management is important in organizations. This study has focused on research on the impact
of human resource management on improving work efficiency. To achieve this goal, 120
people were selected from Bandar Sari education staff as the study sample. After collecting
Among the findings of the study in this journal article is human resource
management in the context of finding, attracting and selecting workers with significant
impact. Items related to finding employees, attracting and selecting employees are such as the
worker mobility by eliminating discrimination, and employee recruitment have shown that
they have a significant average rating which is to say human resource management has an
impact on the effectiveness of finding, selecting and attracting employees into an
Issues related to the planning and implementation of training programs, the impact of
with creativity in delivering materials, reducing accidents through training, improving fit with
changing operating procedure standards, sharing specific standards with employees, reducing
differences in assessment. It can therefore be said that human resource management has an
In conclusion, this journal article by Reza Alami has studied how to improve the
management. The results of this work have provided many lessons to help the human
resource department develop new strategies and plans to safeguard the welfare of workers.
However, this journal article is limited to claims made against the human resources
department without stating any theory to support the needs of the workers. One of the
theories that should be stated is Maslow's Theory of Need for the reader to understand in
more detail what an employee needs. Therefore, I suggest that an organization should re-
as employees are an important asset in the organization. In this regard, the human resources
department must play an important role in providing the needs of the workers so that they can
Barnett, S.W. (1995). Long-term effects of early childhood programs on cognitive and school
Hanushek, E.A. (1997). Assessing the effects of school resources on student performance: An
Karsten, S. (2006). Policies for disadvantaged children under scrutiny: The Dutch policy
compared policies in France, England, Flanders and the USA. Comparative Education.
42(2). 261–282.
Orlikowski, W. J., & Barley, S. R. (2001). Technology and institutions: What can research
on information technology and research on organizations learn from each other?. MIS