Basic Movement Patterns
Basic Movement Patterns
Basic Movement Patterns
• considered to be the most complex
movement the human body is capable of.
Variations of the squat include:
• involves your body in a less stable position
of one foot further forward than the other.
• executed by kicking your butt back and
leaning your torso forward while maintain a
neutral spine—like when picking up
something off the floor.
The Four Phases of • Dynamic stretching is a form of active
stretching that is performed by engaging
Exercise the desired muscle’s antagonist through the
joint’s range of motion, only holding the
EXERCISE stretch for 2-3 seconds.
• Exercise is planned, structured, repetitive
and intentional movement. Exercise is also BALLISTIC STRETCHING
intended to improve or maintain physical • Ballistic stretching is the most
fitness. controversial form of stretching. Unlike
dynamic stretching, ballistic stretching
4 PHASES OF EXERCISE utilizes muscle activation through quick,
WARM UP jerky movements.
FLEXIBILITY • This inhibits the body’s stretch reflex and
ENDURANCE increases the muscle’s range of motion
COOL DOWN through the force created by the bouncing.
• The extra external force produced can
WARM UP overload the muscle, increasing the risk for
• is to elevate the body’s temperature to potential injury.
prepare the muscles to any succeeding
strenuous activity.
• By warming up, the muscles are provided ENDURANCE
with sufficient amount of blood and oxygen • you perform the exercise that produces
supply so that they will contract more fitness benefits, such as calorie burning,
efficiently. building endurance or muscle
BENEFITS OF WARM-UP • You may choose an aerobic exercise, or
• They help to increase body and muscle you may lift free weights, or play a high-
temperature; intensity sport such as soccer or basketball
• You'll reduce your risk of injury;
• They can help you to mentally prepare;
• You'll increase your flexibility, which will TYPES OF PEFORMING ENDURANCE
help with other exercise; • CALISTHENIC EXERCISES-using the body
• You'll be ready to tackle the heavy-duty weight are practical and inexpensive to
machines at the gym. perform esp. if there are no weight training
equipment in the school or if there are no
FLEXIBILITY fitness gym near you. In addition, only
• this phase of exercise follows immediately minimal space is needed to perform the
after warm up. activity
• It is done by doing gradual stretching
activities from upper to lower extremities. TYPES OF PEFORMING ENDURANCE
• AEROBIC EXERCISE- is the type of
STATIC STRETCHING moderate-intensity physical activity that
• It is a form of active or passive stretching you can sustain for more than just a few
in which you hold a position for about 30 minutes with the objective of improving
seconds, allowing the muscles to lengthen. your cardiorespiratory fitness and your
• This is the most commonly known style of health.
stretching. • "Aerobic" means "in the presence of, or
with, oxygen."
• The cooldown phase ends your exercise
session with recovery time for your body.
• Cooldown movements should allow your
heart rate, blood pressure and body
temperature to return slowly to normal.
• Cooling down requires you to keep
moving after you end the third phase.
Importance of Exercise
1. It can make you feel happier
2. Aid in weight management
3. It is good for your muscles and bones
4. It can increase your energy levels
5. It can reduce your risk of chronic disease
6. It can help skin health
7. Improve your memory and brain function
8. It can help with relaxation and sleep
quality 9. It can reduce pain
10. Fight cancer-related fatigue