Safety Assesment Allantoin
Safety Assesment Allantoin
Safety Assesment Allantoin
29(Supplement 2) 84S-97S
Final Report of the Safety Assessment of ª The Author(s) 2010
Reprints and permission:
Allantoin and Its Related Complexes DOI: 10.1177/1091581810362805
Allantoin is a heterocyclic organic compound. Allantoin ascorbate, allantoin biotin, allantoin galacturonic acid, allantoin
glycyrrhetinic acid, allantoin panthenol, and allantoin polygalacturonic acid are complexes of allantoin. All of the ingredients in
this review act as skin-conditioning agents. Allantoin was reported to be used in 1376 cosmetic products at concentrations up
to 2%. There are data gaps regarding use and concentration of the remaining allantoin complexes. Ascorbic acid, biotin, glycyr-
rhetinic acid, and panthenol have been determined by the CIR Expert Panel to be safe. Galacturonic acid and polygalacturonic acid
have not been reviewed by the CIR Expert Panel, and substantial data on these chemicals were not available. The safety test data in
this safety assessment and in previous safety assessments were considered sufficient to support the safety of allantoin and the
allantoin complexes in product categories and at concentrations reviewed in this safety assessment.
safety, cosmetics, allantoin
This is a safety assessment of the cosmetic ingredient allantoin organic compound that conforms to the formula in Figure 1A.
and the related complexes allantoin ascorbate, allantoin biotin, Its source in cosmetics is synthetic. Allantoin is also known as
allantoin galacturonic acid, allantoin glycyrrhetinic acid, allan- (2,5-dioxo-4-imidazolidinyl)urea; glyoxyldiureid; glyoxyldiur-
toin panthenol, and allantoin polygalacturonic acid. eide; glyoxylic diureide; urea, (2,5-dioxo-4-imidazolidinyl);
There was a paucity of data in the literature on the related allan- and 5-ureidohydantoin7 and 6-ureidohydantoin.8 Other names
toin complexes. The safety of ascorbic acid, biotin, glycyrrhetinic are alantan; alloxantin; ureidohydantoin; hemocane; paxyl;
acid, and panthenol, however, has already been assessed by the allantol; cordianine; hydantoin, 5-ureido-; and 2,5-dioxo-4-
Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel. These previ- imidazolidinyl-urea.9
ously reviewed cosmetic ingredients are summarized in Table 1. Allantoin ascorbate (CAS No. 57448-83-6) is the organic
Galacturonic acid and polygalacturonic acid have not been compound that conforms to the formula in Figure 1B. Its
reviewed by the CIR Expert Panel. A search of the literature chemical classes are heterocyclic compounds and organic salts.
revealed no safety test data relevant to these 2 compounds. It is also known as L-ascorbic acid, compounded with (2,5-
Galacturonic acid is a sugar that is, in the form of polygalac- dioxo-4-imidazolidinyl)urea.7
turonic acid, a major component of pectin. The US Food and Allantoin biotin (CAS No. 4492-73-3) is the organic com-
Drug Administration (FDA)6 has designated pectin as gener- pound that conforms to the formula in Figure 1C. Its chemical
ally recognized as safe (GRAS) as a food additive. classes are heterocyclic compounds and organic salts. It is also
Data in the safety assessments of allantoin and the related known as 1H-thieno(3,4-)imidazole-4-pentanoic acid,
complexes and further data about pectin allow conclusions to
be drawn about the safety of allantoin ascorbate, allantoin bio-
tin, allantoin glycyrrhetinic acid, allantoin panthenol, allantoin
galacturonic acid, and allantoin polygalacturonic acid. 1
Cosmetic Ingredient Review Scientific Analyst/Writer
Cosmetic Ingredient Review Expert Panel Members
Cosmetic Ingredient Review Director
Definition and Structure Corresponding Author:
Lillian C. Becker, Cosmetic Ingredient Review, 1101 17th Street, NW, Suite
According to the International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary 412, Washington, DC 20036, USA.
and Handbook,7 allantoin (CAS No. 97-59-6) is a heterocyclic Email: [email protected]
Becker et al 85S
Ingredient Uses % Conclusion
86S International Journal of Toxicology 29(Supplement 2)
Table 2. Chemical Properties of Allantoin Sznitowska and Janicki23 measured the release of allantoin
from various ointments using a modified Mutimer apparatus.
Property Reference At 150 minutes, more than 80% of the allantoin from the oil/
Molecular weight 158.12 Sheker et al8 water ointment (15% wt/wt oily phase and 84% wt/wt aqueous
Melting point, C 234.6-235.2 Buzard et al14 ethanol phase) was released with a solubility of 1.12 g/cm3. At
225-230 Akema Fine 300 minutes, *50% of the allantoin from the water/oil oint-
Chemicals11 ment (73% wt/wt oily phase and 26% wt/wt aqueous ethanol
230 Chemical LAND219 phase) was released with a solubility of 0.78 g/cm3. At 300
239 ChemIDplus Lite15 minutes, *50% of the oil/water ointment (no wt/wt oily phase
Solubility 1 g per 190 mL of distilled Sheker et al8
water and 94% wt/wt aqueous ethanol phase) was released with a
5260 mg/L of water ChemIDplus Lite15 solubility of 0.97 g/cm3.
0.5% at 25 C in water Chemical LAND219 Allantoin glycyrrhetinic acid has a shelf life of 5 years in the
(freely dissolves in alkalis) original packaging.19
pH 4-6 (0.5% solution) Chemical LAND219
Stability range pH 4-9 Mecca16
Vapor pressure 4.32E-09 mm Hg ChemIDplus Lite15 UV Absorption
Lukasiak et al24 reported that the absorption of allantoin in aqu-
eous solution is most stable at a pH range of 10.5 to 11.5 at
2% of the complex. It is a yellowish-white powder with a mild, lmax ¼ 225 nm.
characteristic odor. Allantoin glycyrrhetinic acid is soluble in
propylene glycol, dimethylisosorbide, and alcohol; it is practi-
cally soluble in water and mineral oil. Methods of Manufacture
In a product data sheet, Akema Fine Chemicals17 states that Allantoin can be extracted from blow-fly larvae25 and maize
allantoin glycyrrhetinic acid is a white-yellowish powder that is silk.26
alcohol soluble but not water soluble. It has a working tempera- According to Hartman et al,27 allantoin is prepared from the
ture of up to 80 C. heated combination of uric acid and sodium hydroxide with
Allantoin panthenol, as described in a product data sheet by the addition of potassium permanganate to the cooled flask.
Akema Fine Chemicals,17 is a white powder that is water The solution is filtered to remove manganese dioxide, and
soluble. acetic acid is added. After standing for several hours, allantoin
Allantoin polygalacturonic acid, as described in a product crystallizes and can be filtered. To further purify the filtrate, the
data sheet by Akema Fine Chemicals,17 is a white-yellowish allantoin is dissolved in boiling water, treated with Norite, and
powder. It forms a clear thin gel in sodium citrate solution. then rapidly filtered again.
Akema Fine Chemicals28 reported that it manufactures
allantoin by chemical means and does not use any animal
Stability sources.
Akema Fine Chemicals11 also reported that allantoin is
Allantoin degrades when dissolved in distilled water. At 0.13% synthetically obtained by oxidation of uric acid with permanga-
allantoin (0.6556 g per 500 mL), 6.3% was lost after 620 nate, heating of dichloroacetic acid and urea, and a condensa-
days; at 0.45% (1.1396 g per 250 mL), 1.5% was lost after tion process between glyoxylic acid and urea.
415 days; at 0.24% (2.421 g per 1000 mL), 6.4% was lost after The International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and
24 days. At 0.13% allantoin in tap water, 6.4% was lost after 24 Handbook stated that allantoin has a synthetic source for use
days. When 2 samples of allantoin (25 mL) were mixed with in cosmetics.7
23.94 mL of potassium hydroxide (KOH) and let stand for a
month, there was a 90.2% loss and a 91.1% loss. When 2 samples
of allantoin (25 mL) were incubated in KOH (20 mL) for 24 hours Analytical Methods
(at ‘‘body temperature’’), there was a 43.4% loss of allantoin.20
Analytical methods for measuring allantoin under different cir-
Kaliszan and Halkiewicz21 used infrared (IR) analysis to
cumstances and conditions are listed in Table 3.
look for deterioration in stored allantoin. After 3 months, the
samples differed at *720 cm–1 in the position of V amide band
of the hydrogen-bonded secondary amides and in the formation Impurities
of the III amide band at 1275 cm–1. The samples also differed at Allantoin. Kahn and Nolan41 reported that [4,514C]allantoin
the region of N-H rocking vibrations (666-800 cm–1). was 96.0% pure by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and
Allantoin is unstable in alkaline conditions and hydrolyzes 96.3% pure by high-performance liquid chromatography
to urea and glyoxylic acid, possibly via allantoic acid.22 How- (HPLC).
ever, it is stable in ordinary conditions.9 It should be stored at Wang et al42 gave the purity of allantoin powder from
room temperature away from sunlight.12 Jiangsu Huanghai Pharmaceutical Factory as 99.6%.
Becker et al 87S
Potentiometric titration in a mixed solvent Measure the amount of allantoin in a cream formulation Weber and Higgins29
IR analysis Measure deterioration in stored allantoin Kaliszan and Halkiewicz21
RP-HPLC Determine allantoin in human body fluids Tiemeyer and Giesecke30
HPLC Determine allantoin in human body fluids or cosmetic products Grootveld and Halliwell,31
Kawase et al32
Chromatographic assay Determine allantoin and uric acid in plasma ultrafiltrate Lux et al33
Direct spectrophotometry Determine presence of allantoin Chen et al34
Alkalimetric titration with pH indicator Determine presence of allantoin Chen et al34
TLC and LC Determine presence of allantoin Chen et al,34 Berthemy
et al35
Modified HPLC Measure allantoin and urate simultaneously Benzie et al36
HPLC Simultaneously determine the levels of hypoxanthine, uric Marklund et al37
acid, and allantoin in small (4 mL) microdialysis samples
GC-MS Determine presence of serum allantoin. Pavitt et al38
RP-HPLC Analyze allantoin extracted from maize Maksimović et al26
Enzymatic assay Measure serum allantoin in experimental animals Muratsubaki et al39
TLC Identify allantoin United States Pharmacopeia40
GC-MS, gas chromatography–mass spectrometry; IR, infrared; LC, liquid chromatography; RP-HPLC, reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography;
TLC, thin-layer chromatography.
Impurities have been reported to include sulfated ash 0.0001% to 2%.46 Allantoin ascorbate was reported by industry
(0.1%-0.2%), sulfate (200 ppm), chloride (50 ppm), heavy metals to be used at concentrations of 0.001% and 0.05% for allantoin
(10 ppm), lead (<20 ppm), iron (10 ppm), arsenic (3 ppm), urea biotin and allantoin galacturonic acid. Table 4 summarizes the
(0.5%), glyoxylic acid (0.5%), and glycoluril (<0.2%).9,11,19 available cosmetic use data on frequency of use and concentra-
tions of use of allantoin and allantoin complexes.
Natural Occurrence in Plants and Food Allantoin glycyrrhetinic acid was reported to be used in
6 cosmetic products, allantoin panthenol in 2 cosmetic prod-
Allantoin is found naturally in the leaf buds of Platanus orien- ucts, and allantoin polygalacturonic acid in 2 cosmetic prod-
talis (oriental plane tree), Acer pseudoplatanus (sycamore), and ucts47; concentrations of use were not reported to CTFA.
Acer campestre (hedge maple) and in the bark of Aesculus hip- The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare48 of Japan lists
pocastanum (horse chestnut) and A pseudoplatanus. Allantoin allantoin as an acceptable medicinal ingredient to be used in
is also found in the embryos of wheat separated in the milling cosmetics.
process and in beet juice.43 Allantoin has been found in trace Allantoin is used in 11 sprays and fixatives. The potential
amounts in other plants and in foods.11,26,44 adverse effects of inhaled aerosols depend on the specific
chemical species, the concentration, the duration of the expo-
sure, and the site of deposition within the respiratory system.49
Use In general, the smaller the particle, the farther into the respira-
tory tree the particle will deposit and the greater the impact on
the respiratory system.50
According to the International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary Anhydrous hair spray particle diameters of 60 to 80 mm have
and Handbook,7 allantoin functions as a skin-conditioning been reported, and pump hair sprays have particle diameters of
agent - miscellaneous and a skin protectant. Allantoin ascorbate, 80 mm or larger.51 The mean particle diameter is around 38 mm
allantoin biotin, allantoin galacturonic acid, allantoin glycyrrhe- in a typical aerosol spray.52 In practice, aerosols should have at
tinic acid, allantoin panthenol, and allantoin polygalacturonic least 99% of particle diameters in the 10- to 110-mm range. This
acid also act as skin-conditioning agents - miscellaneous.7 means that most aerosol particles are deposited in the nasophar-
According to information supplied to the FDA by industry yngeal region and are not respirable.
as part of the Voluntary Cosmetic Ingredient Reporting Pro-
gram (VCRP), allantoin is used in a total of 1376 cosmetic
products.45 A survey of current use concentrations conducted
by the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association (CTFA) Allantoin is FDA approved for use as a skin protectant at 0.5%
reported that allantoin is used at concentrations ranging from to 2.0%.53 It is considered safe for use as an oral wound healing
88S International Journal of Toxicology 29(Supplement 2)
Table 4. Frequency of Use and Concentration of Allantoin, Allantoin Ascorbate, Allantoin Glycyrrhetinic Acid, Allantoin Panthenol, and
Allantoin Polygalacturonic Acid
Product Category (no. of products in each category)45 Frequency of Use45 Concentration of Use, %46
Baby products
Lotions, oils, powders, and creams (67) 6 0.05-2
Other (64) 3 —
Bath products
Oils, tablets, and salts (207) 3 —
Soaps and detergents (594) 28 0.1-0.2
Bubble baths (256) 2 0.3
Other (276) 3 0.0001-0.1
Eye makeup
Eyebrow pencils (124) — 0.1
Eyeliners (639) 3 0.2
Eye shadow (1061) 2 —
Eye lotions (32) 12 0.1-0.2
Eye makeup remover (114) 15 0.0005-0.1
Mascara (308) 4 —
Other (229) 17 0.001-0.2a
Fragrance products
Powders (324) 4 —
Other (187) 20 —
Noncoloring hair care products
Conditioners (5) 34 0.001-0.1
Sprays/aerosol fixatives (294) 11 —
Straighteners (61) 1 —
Permanent waves (169) 4 —
Rinses (46) 1 —
Shampoos (1022) 31 0.1
Tonics, dressings, etc (623) 24 0.0001-0.1
Other (464) 4 0.3b
Blushers (459) 8 —
Face powders (447) 13 2
Foundations (530) 10 0.02-0.5
Lipsticks (1681) 51 0.01-0.8
Makeup bases (273) 6 0.02
Rouges (115) 1 —
Other (304) 17 0.5
Nail care products
Cuticle softeners (20) 1 0.1
Creams and lotions (13) 1 —
Other (58) 1 0.005-0.1
Oral hygiene products
Dentifrices (54) 5 0.1-0.2
Mouthwashes and breath fresheners (57) — 0.1-0.2
Personal hygiene products
Underarm deodorants (281) 10 0.001-0.1
Douches (8) 1 —
Other (390) 25 0.001-0.1
Shaving products
Aftershave lotions (260) 110 0.05-0.5
Shaving cream (135) 9 0.01-0.5
Other (64) 10 0.001-0.2
Skin care products
Skin cleansing creams, lotions, liquids, and pads (1009) 92 0.001-0.2
Face and neck creams, lotions, powders, and sprays (546) 102 0.002-0.4
Body and hand creams, lotions, powders, and sprays (992) 146 0.002-0.4
Foot powders and sprays (43) 2 —
Moisturizers (1200) 241 0.005-0.5
Becker et al 89S
Table 4 (continued)
Product Category (no. of products in each category)45 Frequency of Use45 Concentration of Use, %46
agent, but there are inadequate data to establish the effective- The oxidation of uric acid by cytochrome c produced allan-
ness.45 Allantoin for a variety of other skin uses has been toin. This may be a possible source of allantoin in human tissues
described.25,54-57 and may be of significance in patients with Reye’s syndrome, in
The safety and effectiveness of allantoin for use in dandruff/ whom elevated uric acid has been demonstrated.61
seborrheic dermatitis psoriasis drug products have not been
Use of allantoin ascorbate, allantoin polygalacturonic acid, Animals and Humans
allantoin glycyrrhetinic acid, and allantoin polygalacturonic Allantoin is found in blood or serum in humans in the range of
acid in various skin treatments has been described by 7.2 to 48.2 mmol/L.31,33,36,62-65
Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion
Sznitowska and Janicki66 applied allantoin (1%) in 3 different
General Biology
vehicles to the inner forearm of volunteers (n ¼ 6) to test skin
Most mammals process purines to allantoin, as shown in penetration. The vehicles were a hydrophilic gel (5% wt/wt
Figure 2. However, higher apes and humans do not possess aqueous solution of methyl cellulose with added glycerol and
urate oxidase, the final step in the process; thus, purines in propylene glycol), an oil/water cream (sodium lauryl sulfate
humans become uric acid, which is excreted in urine.60 and cetostearyl alcohol), and a water/oil ointment (cetyl
90S International Journal of Toxicology 29(Supplement 2)
Becker et al 91S
Animal Toxicology with the hydrogen peroxide. When allantoin was added 1.5
hours before and after hydrogen peroxide, the mutations
No short-term or subchronic toxicity data were available. Chronic
decreased (P < .001 and .01, respectively).
toxicity data are presented in the Carcinogenicity section.
Akema Fine Chemicals11 reported that allantoin was not
mutagenic in an Ames test.
Oral Acute Toxicity
In a toxicology assessment,70 an acute oral toxicity test on Dermal Irritation
Wistar rats (n ¼ 10, 5 males and 5 females) was performed. The
Akema Fine Chemicals11 reported that allantoin (0.5% in
rats were orally administered a single dose of allantoin (5000
water) was not a primary skin irritant when applied to the intact
mg/kg) and observed for 14 days. No clinical signs were
and abraded skin of rabbits (details not provided).
observed during the observation period. No mortality occurred.
Shiseido Research Center74 applied allantoin (10% in water)
No abnormalities were noted at necropsy.
to the clipped and shaved flanks of guinea pigs (n ¼ 3) daily for
Akema Fine Chemicals11 reported the oral median lethal
3 days. The skin was evaluated 24 hours after each application.
dose (LD50) of allantoin in rats to be more than 5000 mg/kg and
The cumulative irritation score index was 0.2. The authors con-
considered allantoin to be slightly toxic.
cluded that allantoin is classified as a ‘‘none to weak irritant’’
and is safe for use as a cosmetic ingredient.
Acute Dermal Toxicity The authors treated the germinated roots of Allium cepa L.
Akema Fine Chemicals11 reported the LD50 of allantoin on the (onion) with hydrogen peroxide after treating them with allan-
intact and abraded skin of rabbits (n ¼ 10) to be 5000 mg/kg or toin (10–6 to 10–5 M). After 18 hours, the seedlings were fixed
higher. and examined for aberrant cells, and chromosomal aberrations
were quantified and compared with untreated seedlings. The
treated seedlings decreased the level of Fe2þ-induced chromo-
Ocular Irritation somal aberrants (P < .001). The level of chromosomal aberra-
Centre International de Toxicoligie71 performed a primary ocu- tions decreased after 42 hours (P < .01). The authors stated that
lar irritancy test of allantoin (100 mg) on 1 eye of New Zealand allantoin is neither cytotoxic nor cytostatic while exerting anti-
rabbits (n ¼ 6). The other eye served as the control. The eyes mutagenic effects at concentrations corresponding to physiolo-
were examined 1, 24, 72, and 96 hours after instillation. No gical values (ie, blood plasma 6.5 10–6).75
ocular reactions were observed. The authors concluded that
allantoin was not irritating to eyes. Akema Fine Chemicals11
reported that no eye irritation was observed in a Draize test
on rabbits without washout (details not provided). Lijinsky76 fed F344 rats (males and females) rat chow with
and without 0.2% allantoin with or without 0.2% sodium nitrite
ad libitum for 106 weeks (n ¼ 20). The rats were necropsied
and all gross lesions and major organs and tissues were exam-
No phototoxicity or photosensitization data were available. ined histologically. Controls (n ¼ 24) were fed untreated chow
and tap water.
The approximate total doses of allantoin were calculated to be
Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity 42 g per male rat and 28 g per female rat. Most of the rats were
No reproductive or developmental toxicity data were available. alive at the end of the 2-year treatment; there was no difference in
the life spans of the rats in any group. The incidence of nonneo-
plastic lesions of the organs did not differ between treated and
Genotoxicity control rats. There was no difference in the incidence of tumors
Allantoin was not mutagenic to Salmonella typhimurium between groups. There was an increase in papillomas of the for-
strains TA1535, TA1538, TA98, and TA100, with or without estomach in male rats fed allantoin plus nitrite compared with
S9 up to 1000 mg.72 controls (P < .047). The incidence of pituitary tumors was lower
Gus’kov et al73 measured the frequency of rifampicin- in females, but not males, fed allantoin without nitrite than in the
resistant mutants in the Escherichia coli SOS-lux test to mea- untreated or nitrite-treated controls (P not provided).76
sure the mutagenicity of allantoin. Allantoin (1 mL) was added
to the test plates 1.5 hours before hydrogen peroxide (10–7 and Clinical Assessment of Safety
10–6 M) was added to plates containing E coli (PT-1 strain
transformed with plasmid pPls-1 carrying the Lux operon con-
Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion
trolled by an SOS-responder). Water was the control. Allantoin Young et al67 administered allantoin to male subjects orally,
decreased the mutant frequency at both hydrogen peroxide con- intravenously, and subcutaneously. Almost all of the allantoin
centrations (P < .05). In further testing, allantoin did not affect administered by IV and subcutaneous injection was recovered
the induction of the SOS response when added simultaneously by urinary excretion within 2 days; less was recovered
92S International Journal of Toxicology 29(Supplement 2)
following oral administration. The authors suggest that allan- detected with a normalized score of 0.00 out of 630. In a second
toin goes through decomposition in the intestine prior to test of the same product, with volunteers with self-perceived
absorption. sensitive skin (n ¼ 35), no skin irritation was detected with a
Friedman et al77 measured the clearance of orally adminis- normalized score of 8.9 out of 630.
tered allantoin in 5 men and 1 woman. The volunteers were In a repeated-insult patch test of baby talc containing allan-
administered 10 g of allantoin. The average plasma clearance toin (0.5%), the product was applied to volunteers with normal
of allantoin at 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 hours after ingestion was 5.9, skin (n ¼ 214). There were no reactions to 212 volunteers dur-
5.9, and 6.2 mg per 100 mL, respectively, and the average renal ing induction (2 volunteers with a minimal or doubtful
clearance of allantoin was 123, 123, and 123 mL/min, respec- response). There were no reactions during the challenge phase.
tively. No adverse effects were observed as a result of allantoin This study was repeated with volunteers with normal skin (n
ingestion.77 ¼ 213). During the induction phase, there were no reactions for
Freidman et al78 repeated the above experiment on healthy 211 volunteers (2 volunteers with minimal or doubtful
volunteers (n ¼ 9; 1 female, 8 males) and patients with hyper- responses). There were no reactions during the challenge phase.
tension (n ¼ 8; 3 female, 5 male), coarctation (n ¼ 1 male), or This study was repeated with volunteers with normal skin (n ¼
nephritis (n ¼ 2; 1 female, 1 male). The procedure was repeated 206). During the induction phase, there were no reactions in all
with inulin (10 g in saline intravenously). The authors con- volunteers. There were no reactions during the challenge phase.82
cluded that allantoin clearance was a measure of glomerular fil-
tration rate; allantoin is absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract at
a stable rate. There were no signs of toxicity following inges- Other Dermal Tests
tion of allantoin.78 Mecca83 stated that when allantoin is used in shampoos, not all
of the allantoin is washed away, but rather some is left on the
scalp and in the hair.
Dermal Irritation and Sensitization Henning84 tested the effects of allantoin on stratum corneum
Mecca79 reported a personal communication from R.W. Gould renewal by applying a cream containing allantoin (0.5%) twice
that allantoin was not a primary skin sensitizer in a Schwartz a day to untreated skin on forearms (number of subjects not
patch test on 200 people. Allantoin was nontoxic, nonirritating, stated). Another area was treated with a placebo and another
and nonallergenic. Allantoin was not a primary skin irritant or was untreated. A suspension of dansyl chloride in petrolatum
primary sensitizer in a repeated-insult test of 12 people. was applied to the forearm skin, and the level of fluorescence
Akema Fine Chemicals11 reported no irritation and no sen- was assessed every second day under UV light. The time taken
sitization using allantoin on healthy volunteers (n ¼ 200; for dansyl chloride to disappear provided a measure of stratum
details not provided). corneum renewal time. Untreated skin had a renewal time of
Tronnier80 performed a skin irritation test on volunteers (n *23 days, placebo *21 days, and allantoin-treated skin
¼ 50; 31 females, 19 males; 18-72 years old). Eleven of the *19 days. No adverse effects were reported.
subjects had allergies and 7 had sensitive skin. A plaster of In a second experiment, irritation on the volar skin of fore-
allantoin (2-5 mg/cm2) was applied to the backs of the volun- arms (number of subjects not stated) was induced by sodium
teers. The test plaster was removed after 24 hours. The test area dodecyl sulfate–tape stripping and UV radiation. Redness
was observed at removal of the plaster and after 72 hours. was measured with a chromatometer before irritation and after
There were no signs of irritation. 2 hours and 1, 3, and 5 days. The skin was untreated, treated
Consumer Product Testing Co81 performed a repeated-insult with a placebo (*2 mg/cm2), or treated with the cream con-
patch test of a product containing allantoin (0.095%) on human taining allantoin (0.5%; *2 mg/cm2). Before irritation, redness
subjects (n ¼ 105; age 16-78 years). The product (*0.2 mL) was measured at *8.4. Allantoin-treated skin had lower red-
was applied to the upper back under an absorbent pad 3 times ness scores at all observation times (no statistics were
a week for 9 applications. The pad was left in place for 24 reported). No adverse effects were reported.
hours. After *2 weeks’ rest, a challenge pad was applied to In a third experiment, transepidermal water loss (TEWL)
a naive site and read 24 and 72 hours after application. There was measured before treatment with sodium dodecyl sulfate,
were scattered, transient, barely perceptible to moderate after treatment, and then after treatment as in the above experi-
responses with occasional dryness and/or edema noted ments (number of subjects not stated). TEWL was closer to
throughout the test period. No evidence of induced allergic normalized in the allantoin-containing cream-treated group
contact sensitization was observed. The authors concluded that on day 5 than in the other 2 groups.84
the results did not indicate a clinically significant potential for Vinson and Proch85 tested the use of an allantoin-based pro-
dermal irritation or allergic contact sensitization. tectant as a moisture barrier in 12 subjects. The product con-
The Personal Care Products Council82 submitted summaries taining allantoin (concentration not provided) was applied to
of tests of products containing allantoin. In a 21-day cumula- 1-inch-square areas of the forearm and then covered with a ban-
tive irritation study, baby talc containing allantoin (0.5%) was dage treated with a saline solution that simulated the density
repeatedly applied, under occlusion, to volunteers with and ionic strength of urine and contained a dye solution. No
self-perceived sensitive skin (n ¼ 33). No skin irritation was reactions were reported from the allantoin barrier product at
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39. Muratsubaki H, Satake K, Enomoto K. Enzymatic assay of allan- lymphoma or leukemia at high risk for tumor lysis. Blood.
toin in serum using allantoinase and allantoate amidohydrolase. 2001;97:2998-3003.
Anal Biochem. 2006;359:161-166. 61. Martens Me, Storey BT, Lee CP. Generation of allantoin from the
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