Creative Nonfiction Elements Strategies Types
Creative Nonfiction Elements Strategies Types
Creative Nonfiction Elements Strategies Types
An Overview
At the end of the course overview you are to:
⊷ 1. enumerate the types of creative nonfiction;
⊷ 2. discriminate the different strategies of
creative nonfiction;
⊷ 3. write a one-paragraph evaluation of an
⊷ essay in terms of the right balance of
information, imagination, facts, and
personal impression
Creative Nonfiction:
Also referred as
⊶ Personal Journalism
⊶ Literary Journalism
⊶ Dramatic Journalism
⊶ New Journalism
⊶ Parajournalism
⊶ The New Nonfiction
⊶ The Literature of Fact
Why did creative nonfiction develop?
(Cheney 1991)
1. Addresses a new kind of reading
public in the west – a reasonably well-
educated public.
2. Addresses a public interested in
nonfiction because it is often stranger
than fiction
Creative Nonfiction (1991)
1. requires the skill of the storyteller and the
research ability of the reporter
Applications/Types of Creative Nonfiction
Why do we have to study creative nonfiction?
Why do we have to study creative nonfiction?
Nonfiction writers’ thoughts
Nonfiction writers’ thoughts
Ken Metzler
(a professor of journalism) in an article “Show, Don’t
Tell: How to Write Dramatic Nonfiction”
Nonfiction writers’ thoughts
Elements of Nonfiction
When police, responding to her call, arrived at her East Harlem tenement, she was
hysterical: “The dog ate my baby.” The baby girl had been four days old, twelve
hours “home” from the hospital. Home was two rooms and a kitchen on the sixth
floor, furnished with a rug, a folding chair, and nothing else, no bed, no crib.
“Is the baby dead?” asked an officer. “Yes,” the mother said, “I saw the baby’s
insides.” Her dog, a German shepherd, had not been fed for five days. She
explained: “I left the baby on the floor with the dog to protect it.” She had bought the
dog in July for protection from human menaces.
Elements of Nonfiction
“New York City is a city of things unnoticed. It is a city with cats sleeping under parked cars,
two stone armadillos crawling up St. Patrick’s Cathedral, and thousands of ants creeping on
top of the Empire State Building. The ants probably were carried there by winds or birds, but
nobody is sure; nobody in New York knows any more about the ants than they do about the
panhandler who takes taxis to the Bowery; or the dapper man who picks trash out of Sixth
Avenue trash cans; or the medium in the West Seventies who claims, ‘I am clairvoyant,
clairaudient and clairsensuous.’”
New York City is a city for eccentrics and a center for odd bits of information. New Yorkers
blink twenty-eight times a minute, but forty when tense. Most popcorn chewers at Yankee
Stadium stop chewing momentarily just before the pitch. Gum chewers on Macy’s escalators
stop chewing momentarily before they get off – to concentrate on the last step. Coins, paper
clips, ballpoint pens, and little girls’ pocketbooks are found by workmen when they clean the
sea lion’s pool at the Bronx Zoo.
Gay Talese, using suggestive description in his opening of the article “New York”
Elements of Nonfiction
Elements of Nonfiction
I spy on my patients. Ought not a doctor to observe his patients by any means and from any
stance, that he might the more fully assemble evidence? So I stand in the doorways of
hospital rooms and gaze. Oh, it is not all that furtive an act. Those in bed need only look up
to discover me. But they never do.
From the doorway of Room 542 the man in the bed seems deeply tanned. Blue eyes and
close-cropped white hair give him the appearance of vigor and good health. But I know that
his skin is not brown from the sun. It is rusted, rather, in the last stage of containing the vile
repose within. And the blue eyes are frosted, looking inward like the windows of a
snowbound cottage. This man is blind. This man is also legless – the right leg missing from
midthigh down, the left from just below the knee. It gives him the look of a bonsai, roots and
branches pruned into the dwarfed facsimile of a great tree.
- Dr. Richard Seltzer in “The Discuss Thrower”
Elements of Nonfiction
Elements of Nonfiction
1. Narration
2. Description
3. Definition
4. Comparison and Contrast
5. Classification
6. Illustration/Exemplification
7. Analysis
8. Cause and Effect
9. Argumentation and Persuasion
Elements of Nonfiction