3c.nuclear Physics (130 - 153)
3c.nuclear Physics (130 - 153)
3c.nuclear Physics (130 - 153)
36. When 15 P 30 decays to become 14 Si 30 ,the 48. 92 U
82Pb 206 8 42 He . The number of
particle released is particles released in this reaction is
1) electron 2) -particle 1) 6 2) 3 3) 1 4) 10
3) neutron 4) positron 49. The activity in any nucleus is measured in
37. During - decay, a neutron inside nucleus 1) Curie 2) Rutherford
converts into proton, electron and x. Then the 3) Both 1 &2 4) Newton
particle x is 50. The -particles are
1) - meson 2) neutrons 1) high energy electrons
2) positively charged hydrogen ions
3) anti-neutrino 4) -meson 3) high energy -radiation
38. If a nucleus emits a gamma-ray, its atomic and 4) doubly positively charged helium nuclei
mass number____ but there will be ___in the 51. -particles carries
energy of the nucleus.Select suitable pair 1) Mass 1 2) Mass 2 3) Mass 3 4) Mass 4
1) Remain same, increase 52. At a specific instant, the emission of radio
2) Remain same, decrease active compound is deflected in a magnetic
3) Decrease, increase field. The compound can emit
4) increase, decrease i) electrons ii) Positrons
39. In the following nuclear reaction iii) He 2 iv) neutrons
Al27+2He4 15P30+X,X will be
1) i,ii,iii 2) i,ii,iii,iv 3) iv 4) ii,iii
1) Proton 2) Electron
53. The atomic number (A ) and mass number (M)
3) Neutron 4) -particle
40. In nuclear reaction 4Be +2He4-->6C12+X,X will
9 of the nuclide formed where three alpha
and two particles are emitted from 92
1) Proton 2) Neutron 3) -particle 4) -particle
1) A 87, M 233 2) A 86, M 226
41. In nuclear reaction 2 He 4 z X A z 2 Y A 3 R R
3) A =88, M = 227 4) A = 88, M = 226
54. Element ZM A emits one (alpha) particle
1) electron 2) positron 3) proton 4) neutron
42. A positron is emitted by radioactive nucleus followed by two (beta) particles. Among the
of proton no 90. The product nucleus will have following the daughter element is
proton number 1) Z 2 M A4 2) MA
Z 2
1) 91 2) 90 3) 89 4) 88 A4
43. 13Al27 + -particle neutron +’X’ then ‘X’ 3) Z M A 4 4) Z2 M
is 55. Particles which can be added to the nucleus
1) 15p31 2) 14Si30 3) 15p30 4) 15Si30 of an atom without changing its chemical
44. The penentrating power of beta particle properties are called.
compared to alpha particle is 1) Neutrons 2) Electrons
1) Less 2) More 3) Protons 4) Alpha Particles
3) Equal 4) Can be more or less 56. An Electric field can deflect
45. In a nuclear reactor , heavy water is used as a 1) - particles 2) X - rays
1) Controlling material 2) Moderator 3) Neutrons 4) - rays
3) Fuel 4) Heat exchanger 57. On the bombardment of Boron with neutron,
46. The units of radioactivity is - particle is emitted and product nucleus
1) Fermi 2) Farad 3) Curie 4) Hertz formed is ...............
47. The half-life of a radioactive isotope is 3 hours. 1) 6C12 2) 2Li6 3) Li 8 4) 4Be9
The value of its disintegration constant is 58. The one has maximum activity
1) 0.3 hour-1 2) 0.693 hour-1 1) Uranium 2) Plutonium
3) 0.231 hour-1 4) 0.231 min-1 3) Radium 4) Thorium
59. Among the following one is not emitted by a 68. A fraction f1 of a radioactive sample decays
radioactive substance
in one mean life, and a fraction f 2 decays in
1) Electrons 2) - rays 3) Positron 4) Protons
228 212
one half-life.
60. 90 Th 83 Bi . the number of and
1) f1 f 2 2) f1 f 2 3) f1 f 2
particals given out during the process are 4) May be (a), (b) or (c) depending on the values
1) 4 , 7 2) 4 ,1 3) 4 4) 7 of the mean life and half-life.
61. The reciprocal of radioactive decay constant
is called
1) Half life period 2) Whole life period 69. The short range attractive nuclear forces that
3) Average life period 4) Avagadro number are responsible for the binding of nucleons in
62. The missing particle in the reaction a nucleus are supposed to be caused by the
1 p
role played by the particles called
1) Positron 2) m-Meson
1) deuteron 2) proton 3) neutron 4) - particle
3)K-Meson 4) - Meson
63. In the Radioactive transformation 70. The strong interaction exists in
R X Y Z ; the neuclii R and 1) Gravitational forces
Z are 2) Electrostatic force of attraction
1) Isotopes 2) Isobars 3) Isomers 4) Isotones 3) Nuclear forces
64. In the reaction 15 P 30 14 Si 30 , The change 4) Magnetic force on a moving charge
71. Nuclear forces are
requires the emission of
1) Non-central forces 2) saturated
1) - particle 2) -particle 3) Spin dependent 4) All the above
3) neutron 4) positron 72. Identify the correct statement/statements
65. When a radioactive substance is subjected to a) At greater distances nuclear forces are
a vacuum, the rate of disintegration per second negligible
1) increases considerably 2) is not affected b) Nuclear forces are non central forces
3) increases only if the products are gases c) Nuclear forces are weakest in nature
4) suffers a slight decrease d) Nuclear forces are charge dependent forces
66. A radioactive nuclide can decay 1) a, b 2) b, c 3) c, d 4) a, d
simultaneously by two different processes 73. Which of the following is not correct about
which have decay constants 1 and 2 . The nuclear forces?
effective decay constant of the nuclide is . 1) They are short range attractive forces
2) They are independent of charge
1 3) They change to repulsion at very close distance
1) 1 2 2) 1 2
2 4) They obey inverse square law
1 1 1 74. Among the following, short range, charge
3) 4) 12 independent and spin dependent forces are
1 2
1) Gravitational forces 2) Nuclear forces
67. A sample of radioactive material is used to 3) Electromagnetic forces 4) Weak forces
provide desired doses of radiation for medical 75. Let Fpp,Fpn and Fnn denote the magnitudes of
purposes. The total time for which the sample
the nuclear force by a proton on a proton ,by a
can be used will depend
proton on a neutron and by a neutron on a
1) only on the number of times radiation is drawn
neutron respectively when the separation is
from it
less than one fermi, then (2008 E)
2) only on the intensity of doses drawn from it
1) Fpp>Fpn=Fnn 2) Fpp=Fpn=Fnn
3) on both (a) and (b)
4) neither on (a) nor on (b) 3) Fpp>Fpn>Fnn 4) Fpp<Fpn=Fnn
76. Two protons are kept at a seperation of 85. The average life of an isolated neutron is
10nm.Let Fn be the nuclear force and Fe be 1) 1500 s 2) 1000 s 3) 1200 s 4) 3 minutes
electrostatic force between them. Then 86. The energy of thermal neutrons is
1) Fe=Fn 2) Fe>>Fn 3) Fe<<Fn 4) Fn= 3Fe 1) < 1 ev 2) > 1 ev 3) = 2 Mev4)= 4 Mev
77. Two nucleons are at a separation of 87. A nucleus with an excess of neutrons may
1x10–15m. The net force between them is F1 if decay with the emission of
both are neutrons, F2 if both are protons and 1) a neutron 2) a proton
F3 if one is a proton and other is a neutron. In 3) an electron 4) a positron
such a case 88. The most penetrating atom smashing particle
1) F2>F1>F3 2) F1=F2>F3 is
3) F1=F2=F3 4) F1=F3>F2 1) neutron 2) proton
78. Two protons attract each other when 3) alpha particle 4) deuteron
1) the distance between them is 10-10 m
89. Which of the followig is formed by decay of a
2) the distance between them is 10-1 m
free neutron?
3) the distance between them is 10-15 m
1) A number of electrons 2) Two Protons
4) the distance between them is 10-6 m
3) A proton and an electron 4) An - particle
79. Among gravitational,electrostatic and nuclear
90. In neutron discovery experiment Beryllium
forces,the two attractive forces between two
neutrons are target is bombarded by
1) Electrostatic and nuclear 1) Protons 2) Alpha particles
2) Electrostatic and gravitational 3) Neutrons 4) Deutrons
3) Gravitational and nuclear 4) Electrostatic 91. Slow neutrons are sometimes refer to as
80. Among the following interactions one is of thermal neutrons because
least significant in nuclear physics is 1) they are sort of heat radiations
1) nuclear interaction 2) they are in thermal equilibrium
2) gravitational interaction 3) they are capable of generating heat
3) electrostatic interaction 4) their energies are of same order as that of
4) electromagnetic interaction molecular energies at ambient temperatures.
81. The origin of nuclear force between nucleons 92. Thermal neutrons are
is due to the exchange of 1) Prompt neutrons 2) Slow neutrons
1) Mesons 2) Photons 3) Positrons 4) Electrons 3) Neutrons which are in the nucleus
4) Neutrons from the sun
93. In neutron discovery experiment, Be is
82. Which of the following particles is most bombarded with
unstable? 1) Proton 2) Deutrons
1) Neutron 2) Proton 3) Electron 4) particle 3) -particle 4) -particle
83. A free neutron decays spontaneously into:
94. The process of producing a new stable nucleus
1) a proton, an electron and an anti-neutrino
from the other stable nucleus is called
2) a proton, an electron and a neutrino
3) a proton and electron 1) Nuclear reaction 2) Artificial transmutation
4) a proton, an electron, a neutrino and an anti-neutrino 3) Nuclear fusion 4) Nuclear fission
84. Neutron was discovered by the experiment of NUCLEAR FISSION
1) Artificial transmutation of 4 Be
by - particles 95. At least how many thermal neutrons should
be available to start a fission reaction
2) Artificial transmutation of by -particles
11 1) 2 2) 3 3) 1 4) 4
96. Which of the following changes in the artificial
3) Rutherfored scattering of alpha particles by heavy
transmutation of elements?
1) number of neutrons 2) number of electrons
4) Bequerel with radio activity
3) atomic weight 4) nucleus
97. During the fission process of Uranium,the 108. In a critical chain reaction
amount of energy liberated per fission is nearly 1) energy is released at increasing rate
1) 100MeV 2) 200MeV 3) 150MeV 4) 300MeV 2) energy is released at steady rate
98. The number of neutrons that are released on 3) energy is released at decreasing rate
4) energy is not released
an average during the fission of U235nucleus
109. Among the following one is wrong
is 1) The energy of thermal neutrons is about 25 meV
1) 3 2) 1 3) 2.5 4) 5 2) In a nuclear reactor, when neutrons multiplication
99. Nuclear fisssion can be explained by factor, K = 1 then the reaction is said to be critical
1) Optical model of the nucleus
3) 92 U 235 undergoes fission by bombardment of high
2) Shell model of nucleus
3) Collective model of the nucleus energy neutron
4) On average 2.5 neutrons are emitted per fission of
4) Liquid drop model of the nucleus
100. Percentage of mass lost during the fission of 92U 235
U235 approximately is 110. When 1gm of U235 is completely annihilated
1) 0.01% 2) 0.1% 2) 0.7% 4) 0.9% energy liberated is E1 and when 1 gm of U235
101. Most of energy released in the fission is completely undergoes fission the energy
carried by liberated is E2 , then
1) neutrons 1) E1 > E2 2) E1 = E2 3) E1 < E2 4) E1 E2
2) fission fragments 111. In the process of fission, the binding energy
3) neutrons and fragments carry equally per nucleon
4) positrons 1) Increases 2) Decreases
102. Regarding Prompt neutrons 3) Remains unchanged
4) Increases for mass number A < 56 nuclei but
1) They are highly energetic 2) They constitute 99%
decreases for mass number A> 56
3) Cannot initiate chain reaction 112. Assertion (A) : Fragments produced in the
4) 1,2,3 are correct
fission of U 235 are radioactive.
103. Nuclear reactions obey the law of
Reason (R) : The fragments have abnormally
conservation of high proton to neutron ratio
1) Mass and energy 2) Charge 1) Both A and R are true and R is correct
3) Momentum 4) All the above explanation of A
104. The critical mass of a fissionable material is 2) Both A and R are true and R is not correct
1) 0.1kg equivalent explanation of A
2) The minimum mass needed for chain reaction 3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true
3) The rest mass equivalent to 1020 joule 113. The products of the fission of U235 by thermal
4) 0.5kg neutron are
105. For fast chain reaction, the size of U235 block, 1) Ba 141 and Kr 92 and 3 neutron always
as compared to its critical size, must be 2) Xe 140 , Sr 94 and 2 0n1 always
3) can be different in each fission
1) greater 2) smaller 3) same 4) anything.
4) should have same mass number
106. The critical mass of fissionable uranium-235 114. Consider the following statements A and B.
can be reduced by Identify the correct in the given answer.
1) adding impurities 2)heating material A) p-n; p-p; n-n forces between nucleons are
3) surrounding it by a neutron-reflecting material not equal and charge dependent.
4) surrounding it by a neutron-absorbing material B) In nuclear reactor the fission reaction will
107. Nuclear energy is released in fission since be in accelerating state if the value of neutron
binding energy per nucleon is reproduction factor k>1.
1) smaller for fission fragments than for parent nucleus 1) Both A and B are correct
2) the same for fission fragments and parent nucleus 2) Both A and B are wrong
3) larger for fission fragments than for parent nucleus 3) A is wrong B is correct
4) A is correct B is wrong
4) sometimes larger and sometimes smaller
115. The process of fission is responsible for the 126. The man-made element which was made in the
release of energy in nuclear reactor is
1) The hydrogen bomb 2) The atom bomb 1) polonium 2) plutonium 3) thorium 4) uranium
3) The sun 4) The star 127. In a fast breeder reactor, the main charm is
116. The working principle in atom bomb is that the nuclear ash is that it is
1) under-critical chain reaction 1) more fissile than parent fuel
2) Critical chain reaction 2) not dangerous as a potential pollutant
3) super-critical chain reaction 4) All the above 3) easily disposed off
117. Heavy water is 4) stable in terms of further decay
1) Water at 40C 128. If “x” gm of a nuclear fuel of mass number
2)Watercontaining various salts “A” undergoes fission inside a reactor then
3) Compound of heavy oxygen and hydrogen the number of fissions will be (N-Avagadro
4) Compound of oxygen and deuterium. number)
118. Nuclear reactor is surrounded by concrete walls 1) NA/x 2) NAx 3) Nx/A 4) Ax/N
to 129. The reactor which produces power due to
1) Strengthen the construction fission by fast neutron and at the same time
2) Control the chain reaction regenerates more fissionable material than it
3) form a protective shield 4) as moderator consumes is
119. The operation of a nuclear reactor is said to 1) Thermal reactor 2) Breeder reactor
be critical, if the multiplication factor (K) has 3) Both the above 4) Neither 1 & 2
a value 130. The reactor in which the number of fissionable
1) 1 2) 1.5 3) 2.1 4) 2.5 nuclides produced are more than the used is
120. Cadmium and Boron rods are used in a called
nuclear reactor to 1) breeder reactor 2) Pressurised reactor
1) Slow down the neutrons 3) Heterogeneous reactor
2) Absorb excess number of thermal neutrons 4) Homogenerous reactor
3) speed up neutrons 4) absorb fast neutrons 131. A good moderator should
121. The coolant in the nuclear reactor is 1) be a gas
1) Liquid sodium 2) cadmium 2) have appetite for neutrons
3) Deuterium 4) Liquid hydrogen 3) be lighter in mass number
122. Substance used to slow down the fast neutrons 4) heavier in mass number
released during nuclear fission is called. 132. Who designed the atomic reactor?
1) Fuel 2) Moderator 1) Wilson 2) Fermi 3) Rutherford 4) Teller
3) Controlling rods 4) Reflecting rods 133. From the following that are conserved in
123. If the neutron reproduction factor K is nuclear reactions are
a) greater than 1 the fission reaction is accelerated 1) mass number and energy
b) less than 1 the fission reaction retards 2) mass number and charge number
c) equal to 1 the fission reaction is at steady state 3) charge number and mass
1)only a,b are true 2)only b,c are true 4) mass number, charge number and energy
3)only a,c are true 4)only a,b,c true 134. (A) Fission is a thermonuclear process
124. Unstable fission fragments decay by emitting (B) Fusion is a thermonuclear process
neutrons and electrons, neutrons so emitted (C) Fusion is exothermic
are called (D) Fission is exothermic
1) prompt nuetrons 2) delayed neutrons Choose the correct answer
3) stray neutrons 4) sustained neutrons 1) A and B are correct
125. Chain reaction can be initiated by 2) B and C are correct
1) prompt neutrons 2) delayed neutrons 3) A and C are correct
3) slowed prompt neutrons 4) 2 or 3 4) B,C and D are correct
135. Consider the following statements A and B. 145. Average K.E of thermal neutron is of the order
Identify the correct choice in the given answer. of (in KeV)
(A) p-p,p-n,n-n forces between nucleons are 1) 3.0 2) 0.03 3) 0.3 4) 0.003
not equal and charge dependent 146. Inside the sun
(B) In nuclear reactor the fission reaction will 1) Four nuclei of hydrogen combine to form two
be in accelerating state if the value of neutron nuclei of helium
reproduction factor k >1 2) Four nuclei of hydrogen combine to form four
1) Both A and B are correct nuclei of helium
2) Both A and B are wrong 3) Four nuclei of hydrogen combine to form one
3) A is wrong and B is correct nucleus of helium
4) A is correct and B is wrong. 4) Four nuclei of hydrogen is transformed into one
136. A chain reaction in fission of Uranium is nucleus of helium
possible because 147. As the age of star increases
1) Large amount of energy is released 1) Helium quantity increases
2) Two intermediate size nuclear fragments are 2) Helium quantity decreases
formed 3) Helium quantity does not change
3) More than one neutron is given out in each fission 4) Helium, Hydrogen both quantities increases
4) Fragments in fission are radioactive 148. In the carbon cycle of nuclear fusion carbon acts
137. A slow neutron can cause fission in like a
1) U238 2) U235 3) Pb206 4) Sr90 1) Moderator 2) Activator
138. Heavy water is used as moderator in a nuclear 3) Catalyst 4) Controller
reactor. The function of the moderator is 149. In a fusion process a proton and neutron
1) To slow down the neutrons to thermal energies combine to give a deuterium nucleus.If mo and
2) To control the energy released in the reactor mp be the mass of neutron and proton
3) To cool the reactor faster respectively the mass of deuterium nucleus is
4) To absorb neutrons and stop chain reaction 1) equal to mo+mp 2) more than mo+mp
139. To control fission process of the reactor , the 3) less than mo+mp
following material is used_______ 4) can be less than or more than(mo+mp)
1) Graphite 2) Cadmium 3) Gold 4) Uranium 150. The binding energies of the atoms of elements
140. Nuclear fission is caused by P and Q are EP and EQ respectively. Three
1) fast protons 2) fast neutrons atoms of elements Q fuse to form one atom of
3) Slow protons 4) slow neutrons element P. In this process the energy released
141. The liquid drop model of nucleus was proposed is e. The correct relation between EP, EQ and
by e will be
1) Bohr,Wheeler 2) Fermi 1) EQ=3EP+e 2) EQ=3EP-e
3) Rutherford 4) Chadwick 3) EP=3EQ+e 4) EP=3EQ-e
142. In nuclear reactor, Cadmium rods are used as
1) Fuel 2) Moderator 151. The for deutron and an - particle are
3) Control Rods 4) None A
143. The material used to slow neutrons in a X1 and X2 respectively. The energy released
reactor is called in the fusion of deuterium into
1) Controlrod 2) Moderator -particle is
3) Fuel 4) Heat exchanger X 2 X1
1) 4 (X2-X1) 2) 2 ( X2-X1) 3) 4 (X2+X1) 4)
144. Atomic mass of the most useful material for 152. If Q1 and Q2 are the energies released in the
fusion reaction is fusion of hydrogen in Carbon - nitrogen cycle
1) 1 2) 4 3) 235 4) 292. and proton - proton cycle respectively then
1) Q1 > Q2 2) Q1 = Q2 3) Q1 < Q2 4) Q1 > Q2
153. Fusion reaction is initiated with the help of 163. In the carbon cycle from which stars hotter
1) low temperature 2) high temperature
3) neutrons 4) any particle than the sun obtain their energy the 6 C12
154. In an exo-ergic reaction the binding energies isotope
of reactants and products are E1, E2 1) splits up into three alpha particles
respectively then 2) fuses with another 6 C12 nucleus to form12 Mg 24
1) E1 <E 2 2) E1 =E 2 3) E1 >E 2 4) E1 E2
3) is completely converted into energy
155. In an endo-ergic reaction the binding energies
4) is regenerated at the end of the cycle
of reactants and products are E1, E2
164. Source of solar energy can be said to be due
to natural fusion in which hydrogen gets
1) E1 <E 2 2) E1 =E 2 3) E1 >E 2 4) E1 E 2 converted into helium with carbon serving as
156. Among the following reactions which is a natural catalyst. This carbon cycle was
impossible proposed by
1) 2He4+4Be9= 0n1+6C12 2) 2He4+7N14= 1H1+8O17 1) Bethe 2) Yukawa 3) Fermi 4) Soddy
3) 4(1H1) =2He4+2 (-1e0) 4) 3Li7+1H1 = 4Be8 165. In Carbon-Nitrogen fusion cycle , protons are
157. If the nuclei of masses X and Y are fused
fused to form a helium nucleus, positrons and
together to form a nucleus of mass m and
release some energy.The number of protons
some energy is released, then
fused and the number of positrons released
1) X+Y=m 2) X+Y<m 3) X+Y> m 4) X-Y=m
158. Fusion reactions take place at about in this process respectively are
1) 4,4 2) 4,2 3) 2,4 4) 4,6
1) 3 102 K 2) 3 103 K
166. Nuclear fission and fusion can be explained
3) 3 104 K 4) 3 106 K on the basis of ____
159. The percentage of mass lost during nuclear 1) Einstein theory of relativity
fusion is 2) Einstein specific heat equation
1) 0.1% 2) 0.4% 3) 0.5% 4) 0.65% 3) Einstein mass-energy relation
160. Nuclear fusion requires high temperature 4) Einstein photo electric equation
167. Energy in the sun is due to
1) All nuclear reactions absorb heat
2) The particles can not come together unless they 1) Fossil fuels 2) Radioactivity
are moving rapidly 3) Fission 4) Fusion
3) The binding energy must be supplied from an 168. The overall process of carbon nitrogen fusion
external source cycle results in the fusion of 4 protons to yield
4) The mass defect must be supplied helium nucleus and ---
161. Among the following true option is 1) positron 2) two electrons
1) Energy released per nucleon is same in both 3) two positrons 4) An electron.
fission and fusion reactions 169. The nucleus finally formed in fusion of protons
2) Energy released per nucleon is more in fission in proton-proton cycle is that of
than in fusion reaction 1) Heavy hydrogen 2) Carbon
3) Energy released per nucleon is less in fission
3) Helium 4) Lithium
than in fusion reaction
4) No energy is released in fusion reaction 170. 41H1 2 He4 2e 26MeV . The above
162. Fusion reaction take place at high temperature reaction represents .......
because 1) Fusion 2) Fission
1) atoms are ionized at high temperature
3) b-decay 4) g-decay
2) molecules break up at high temperatures
171. The source of stellar energy is __process
3) nuclei break up at high temperature
4) kinetic energy is high enough to overcome 1) Nuclear fission 2) Nuclear fusion
repulsion between nuclei 3) Nuclear fission&fusion 4) Nuclear decay
172. Fusion reaction takes place at very high 181. In pair annihilation two -ray photons are
temperature because. produced it is due to
1) atoms are ionised at high temperatures. 1) Law of conservation of energy
2) molecules breakup at high temperature. 2) Law of conservation of mass
3) nuclei break up at high temperature. 3) Law of conservation of momentum
4) kinetic energy is high enough to overcome 4) Law of conservation of angular momentum
repulsion between nuclei 182. In pair annihilation the least number of - ray
173. In the carbon cycle, from which stars hotter photons produced is
than the sun obtain their energy the 6 C12 1)2 2)3 3)4 4)1
isotope 183. The number of protons, electrons and neutrons
1) splits into three alpha particles
in the nucleus of 13Al27 is
2) fuse with another 6C12 nucleus to form 12 Mg 24
1) 13, 13, 14 2) 13, 0, 14
3) is completely converted into energy.
3) 14,14, 13 4) 14, 0, 13
4) is regenerated at the end of the cycle.
PAIR PRODUCTION & PAIR 184. 19 K and 4020 Ca are
190. (A): Free Neutron decays into proton, electron 196. This question contains Statement -1 and Statement -
and antinuetrino 2. Of the four choice given after the statements,
(R): Neutron is unstable outide the nucleus choose the one that best describes the two
191. (A): Nuclear forces arise from strong statements. (2008-AIEEE)
coulombic interactions between protons and Statement - 1:
neutrons Energy is released when heavy nuclei undergo
(R): Nulear forces are independent of charge fission or light nuclei undergo fusion. and
of the nucleons Statement - II
MATCHING TYPE For heavy nuclei,binding energy per nucleon
192. Match list I with list II increases with increasing Z while for light nuclei
List I List II it decrease with increasing Z.
a) Red dwarfs e) Carbon nitrogen 1) Statement - 1 is false,Statement -2 is true
cycle 2) Statement - 1is true, Statement -2 is true ;
b) stars having higher temperatures f) Isotope of carbon Statement -2 is correct explanation for Statement -1.
c) Blood circulation problems g)proton - proton 3) Statement - 1 is true, Statement -2 is true ;
Statement -2 is not a correct explanation for
d) Radio carbon dating h)radio sodium
1) a- e, b - g, c - h , d - f 2) a - g, b - e, c - f, d- h statement -1
3) a - g, b - e, c - h, d - f 4) a - f, b - e, c - g , d - h 4) Statement -1 is true, Statement -2 is False.
193. Matching C.U.Q - KEY
List – I List – II
A) K < 1 e) Critical state 1) 2 2) 3 3) 3 4) 3 5) 1 6) 1 7) 3
B) K = 1 f) Sub critical state 8) 2 9) 2 10) 2 11) 4 12) 4 13) 3 14) 4
C) K > 1 g) Super critical 15) 2 16) 2 17) 1 18) 4 19) 2 20) 2 21) 1
1) A f , B e , C g 22) 4 23) 2 24) 2 25) 4 26) 4 27) 1 28) 4
2) A e , B f , C g 29) 4 30) 2 31) 1 32) 1 33) 2 34) 3 35) 3
3) A g , B e , C f 36) 4 37) 3 38) 2 39) 3 40) 2 41) 4 42) 3
4) A e, B g C f 43) 3 44) 2 45) 2 46) 3 47) 3 48) 1 49) 3
194. Matching.
50) 4 51) 4 52) 1 53) 4 54) 3 55) 1 56) 1
List - I List - II
A) Radio Iodine e) Lukamia 57) 4 58) 3 59) 4 60) 2 61) 3 62) 3 63) 1
B) Radio sodium f) age of ancient 64) 4 65) 2 66) 1 67) 4 68) 1 69) 4 70) 3
objects 71) 4 72) 1 73) 4 74) 2 75) 2 76) 3 77) 4
C) Radio phosphorous g) Restriction in 78) 3 79) 3 80) 2 81) 1 82) 1 83) 1 84) 1
blood circulation 85) 2 86) 1 87) 3 88) 1 89) 3 90) 2 91) 4
D) Radio carbon h) Functioning of 92) 2 93) 3 94) 2 95) 3 96) 4 97) 2 98) 3
thyroid gland 99) 4 100) 2 101) 2 102) 4 103) 4 104) 2 105)1
1) A h , B g , C e , D f 106) 3 107) 3 108) 2 109) 3 110) 1 111) 1 112) 3
2) A g , B h , C f , D e 113) 3 114) 3 115) 2 116) 3 117) 4 118) 3 119) 1
3) A h , B e , C g , D f 120) 2 121) 1 122) 2 123) 4 124) 2 125) 4 126)2
4) A h , B g , C f , D e
127) 1 128) 3 129) 2 130) 1 131) 3 132) 2 133)4
195. Match the following.
List – I List – II 134) 4 135) 3 136) 3 137) 2 138) 1 139) 2 140)4
A) Moderator e) Absorbs heat 141) 1 142) 3 143) 2 144) 1 145) 2 146) 3 147)1
B) Control rods f) Prevent neutrons 148) 3 149) 3 150) 3 151) 1 152) 2 153) 2 154)1
exposed outside 155) 3 156) 3 157) 3 158) 4 159) 4 160) 2 161)3
C) Radiation shielding g) Absorb neutrons 162) 4 163) 4 164) 1 165) 2 166) 3 167) 4 168)3
D) Coolant h) Slow down neutrons 169) 3 170) 1 171) 2 172) 4 173) 4 174) 1 175)3
1) A – h, B – g, C – f, D – e 176) 2 177) 3 178) 1 179) 2 180) 1 181) 3 182)1
2) A – g, B – h, C – f, D – e 183) 2 184) 3 185) 1 186) 3 187) 4 188) 2 189)1
3) A – h, B – g, C – e, D – f 190) 1 191) 4 192) 3 193) 1 194) 1 195) 1 196)4
4) A – h, B – f, C – e, D – g
8. 1 Kg of iron (specific heat 120 Cal kg-1C-1) is
LEVEL-I (C.W) heated by 10000C. The increase in its mass
1. The density of a nucleus in which mass of each 1) Zero 2) 5.6 x 10-8 Kg
3) 5.6 x 10 Kg 4) 5.6 x 10-12 Kg
nucleon is 1.67 10 27 kg and R0 1.4 10 15 m is
9. In nuclear fission, 0.1% mass is converted into
1) 1.453 1017 kg / m3 2) 1.453 1016 kg / m 3 energy. The energy released in the fission of 1Kg
mass is
3) 1.453 10 21 kg / m 3 4) 1.453 1010 kg / m 3
1) 2.5 x 105 KWH 2) 2.5 x 107 KWH
2. r1 and r2 are the radii of atomic nuclei of mass 9
3) 2.5 x 10 KWH 4) 2.5 x 10-7 KWH
numbers 64 and 27 respectively. The ratio
r1 / r2 is 10. After the emission of one -particle
1) 64 / 27 2) 27 / 64 3) 4 / 3 4) 1
followed by two -particles from 238
92 U , the
3. The mass number of a nucleus is 216. The
size of an atom without changing its chemical number of neutrons in the newly formed
properties are called nucleus is
1) 140 2) 142 3) 144 4) 146
1) 7.2 10 13 cm 2) 7.2 1011 cm
11. A radioactive nucleus undergoes a series of
3) 7.2 10 10 cm 4) 3.6 1011 cm decays according to the sequence
number and atomic number of A3 are 172 and
69 respectively, then the mass number and
4. Energy released as mass of 2 amu is atomic number of A is
converted into energy is 1) 56, 23 2) 180, 72 3) 120, 52 4) 84, 38
1) 1.5 x 10-10 J 2) 3 x 10-10 J 12. The number of and particles emitted
3) 1863 J 4) 931.5 Mev
in the conversion of 90Th232 to 82Pb208 are
5. A 1 MeV positron encounters a 1 MeV
1) 6, 4 2) 4, 6 3) 8, 6 4) 6, 8
electron travelling in opposite direction. The
total energy released is (in MeV) RADIOACTIVITY, HALF LIFE, MEAN
1) 2 2) 3.02 3) 1.02 4) 2.04 LIFE, DECAY CONSTANT
6. The binding energies of the nuclei A and B are 13. The decay constant of a radio active
Ea and Eb respectively. Three nuclei of the element, which disintegrates to 10 gms from
element B fuse to give one nucleus of element 20 gms in 10 minutes is
‘A’ and an energy ‘Q’ is released. Then 1) 0.693 min 1 2) 6.93 min 1
Ea , Eb , Q are related 3) 0.693 sec 1 4) 0.0693 min 1
1) Ea 3Eb Q 2) 3Eb Ea Q 14. Half life period of radium is 1600 years.
2 gm of radium undergoes decay and gets
3) Ea 3Eb Q 4) Eb 3Ea Q reduced to 0.125 gms in
7. The binding energies per nucleon for 1) 3200 years 2) 25600 years
deuterium and helium are 1.1 MeV and 7.0 3) 8000 years 4) 6400 years
MeV respectively. The energy in joules will 15. After a certain lapse of time, the fraction of
be liberated when 106 deuterons take part in radioactive polonium undecayed is found to be
the reaction 12.5% of initial quantity. The duration of this
time lapse is (if the half-life of polonium is 138
1) 18.88103 J 2) 18.88105 J days)
3) 18.88 107 J 4) 18.881010 J 1) 414days 2) 407 days 3) 421 days 4) 410 days
13. The half-life of 238 U for decay is 4.5 109 5. E m 931.5MeV
years. The number of disintegrations per 6. Binding energy = m 931.5MeV
second occur in 1 g of 238 U is 7. Energy released=BE of products-BE of reactants
(Avogadro’s number= 6.023 1023 mol 1 ) 9. 7 N 14 6 X 14 1 e 0
1) 1.532 10 4 s 1 2) 1.325 104 s 1 K.E A 4
3) 1.412 10 4 s 1 4) 1.235 104 s 1 10. Where A 232
14. A certain substance decays to 1/32 of its initial n
activity in 25 days. The half-life is N 1 t
1) 1 day 2) 3 days 3) 5 days 4) 7 days 11. N 0 2 T1
15. The energy released by the fission of 1 g of 12. t N 1
n ;
U in joule, given that the energy released T1 N 0 2
per fission is 200 MeV. (Avogadro’s 2
number 6.023 10 23 ) N0
13. N
1) 8.202 10 12 2) 8.202 10 8 2n
3) 8.202 1010 4) 8.202 1014 dN
14. N here N avagadrono / 226, 1 /
15. E (avagadrono./235)X-200x106x1.602x10-19J
16. The ratio of the amounts of energy released 16. Energy relesed for nucleon in fussion = 7.28 (energy
as a result of the fussion of 1 kg hydrogen E1 released per nucleon in fission) E1 7.28 E2
and fission of 1 kg of 92 U E2 will be
1) 1.28 2) 3.28 3) 5.28 4) 7.28
LEVEL - I (H.W.) - KEY 1. A nucleus x 235 splits into two nuclei having
1) 3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4 5) 3 6) 3 7) 2 the mass numbers in the ratio 2:1. The ratio
8) 3 9) 1 10) 2 11) 4 12) 3 13) 4 14) 3 of the radii of those two nuclei is
15) 3 16) 4 1) 2:1 2) 1:2 3) 21/3:1 4) 1:21/3
2. A match box of 5 cm x 5cm x 1 cm dimensions
LEVEL - I (H.W.) - HINTS is filled with nuclear matter. Its weight is in the
3M n order of
1. d R radius 1) 10g 2) 108 g 3) 1012g 4) 1015g
4 R 3
1/3 1/3
2. As R R0 A1/3 1 1
3. If the speed of light were 2/3 of its present
1/3 A value, the energy released in a given atomic
14 A 56 (or) Z A N
4 explosion will be decreased by a fraction of
Z 56 30 26 1) 2/3 2) 4/9 3)4/3 4) 5/9
4. The binding energy per nucleon of C12 is 7.68
dE dm 2 MeV and that of C13 is 7.47 Mev. The energy
3. c
dt dt required to remove one neutron from C13 is
4. BE mc 2 m 931.5MeV 1) 495 MeV 2) 49.5 MeV
3) 4.95 MeV 4) 0.495 MeV
5. The binding energy per each nucleon in the 12. A nuclear reactor generated power at 50%
neighbourhood of medium nuclei is 8.5 MeV 235
efficiency by fission of 92 U into equal
and the binding energy per each nucleon is
about 7.6 MeV in the neighbourhood of fragment of 116 with the emission of two
46 Pd
Uranium. The energy released in the fission
-rays of 5.2 MeV each and three neutrons.
of U 236 is The average B.E. per particle of
1) 212 eV 2) 212 MeV
3) 2.12 MeV 4) 0.9 MeV U 235 and Pd116 is 7.2 MeV and 8.2 MeV
respectively. The amount of U 235 consumed
per hour to produce 1600Mw power is
6. Ne nucleus, after absorbing energy, decays 1) 128 gm 2)1.4 kg 3) 140.5 gm 4)281 gm
into two - particals and an unknown nucleus.
The unknown nucleus is NUCLEAR FUSION
1) Carbon 2) Nitrogen 3) Boron 4) oxygen 13. In nuclear fusion,One gram hydrogen is
converted into 0.993gm.If the efficiency of the
generator be 5%,then the energy obtained in
KWH is
7. The mass of one curie of U 234 is 1) 8.75 103 2) 4.75 103 3) 5.75 103 4) 3.73 103
1) 3.7 1010 g 2) 3.7 10 10 g PAIR PRODUCTION & PAIR
3) 6.25 10 34 g 4) 1.438 10 11 g ANNIHILATION
8. A radio active isotope having a half life of 3
14. A photon of energy 1.12 Mev splits into
days was received after 9 days. It was found
electron positron pair. The velocity of electron
that there was only 4 gms of the isotope in the
is (Neglect relativistic correction)
container. The initial weight of the isotope
1) 3 x 108 ms-1 2) 1.33 x 108 ms-1
when packed was 8 -1
3) 6 x 10 ms 4) 9 x 108ms-1
1) 8 g 2) 64 g 3) 48 g 4)32 g
9. Half life of a radio active element is 5 min. LEVEL - II (C.W.) - KEY
10 sec. Time taken for 90% of it to 1) 3 2) 4 3) 2 4) 3 5) 2 6) 1 7) 4
disintegrate is nearly 8) 4 9) 2 10) 1 11) 3 12) 1 13) 1 14) 2
1)100 min 2) 1000sec 3) 104 sec 4)104 min
238 LEVEL - II (C.W.) - HINTS
10. The half life of 92 U undergoing decay
is 4.5 109 years. Its activity of 1 g sample 1. R A1/ 3 2. D= 3. E mc 2
is 4. Energy required =13 7.47-12 7.68 = 4.95 MeV
1) 1.23 10 Bq 5
2) 2.4 10 Bq 5. Q BE product BEreac tan ts
3) 1.82 106 Bq 4) 4.02 108 Bq 6. 10 Ne 22 He4 6 c12
7. N 234 gm
3.7 1010 234
3.7 1010 xgm, x
11. In a thermo nuclear reaction 103 Kg of N
hydrogen is converted into 0.99 103 kg of 8. t 9 W
n 3; W n0
helium. If the efficiency of the generator is 50%, t1 3 2
the electrical energy generated in KWH is
1) 105 2) 1.5 105 3) 1.25 105 4) 1.3 105 W0 2n , W 23 4 32 gm
4) E 92236 U E 140
56 Ba E 36 Kr 2E n
1) f 2) f t
W0 n
2. W ;no fo half lives
2n t1/2
O t O t W0 n t
3. W ;
2n t1/ 2 . initially value of Helium 22.4
f lits no of half lives =2
3) 4) t 12
W n 4
4. W n0 , t1 3
O t O t 2
36. The rate of decay (R) of nuclei in a radiocative 5. W ;n 3
sample is plotted against time (t). Which of 2n
the following best represents the resulting W
curve? 7. W n0 . Intial amount W0 , after one hour amount
1) R 2) R of remaining sample =80%W0 ; W1 W0
8. N N 0 et
O t O t 1 2
9. N ; 1
10. n = 4 half lifes
3) 4) 11. t = 1 half life
12. t = 2 half lifes
O t O t N 1
37. The probability of survival of a radioactive 13. Given N o ; N 2
2 o
nucleus for one mean life is that means t = 1 half life
1 1 ln 2 ln 2 N0
1) 2) 1 3) 4) 1 t1/ 2 log
e e e e 14. t N
38. A radioactive isotope is being produced at a log 2
constant rate A. The isotope has a half -life T
initially there are no nuclei, after a time 2 1 1 1
15. At t1 t1 / 20 At t2 t2 / 20
t >>T, the number of nuclei becomes constant. 3 2 3 2
The value of this constant is t2-t1= 20 mins.
A AT 1 2 1
1) AT 2) ln 2 3) AT ln 2 4) ln 2 Uc CVo CV 2
T constant; 2
16. 2
1) 2 2) 2 3) 2 4) 1 5) 1 6) 2 7) 1
8) 4 9) 2 10) 3 11) 2 12) 3 13) 1 14) 2 1
Where V Voe t / CR , N N oe t and
15) 2 16) 1 17) 2 18) 3 19) 2 20) 3 21) 1 t
22) 3 23) 2 24) 3 25) 3 26) 1 27) 2 28) 3
17. t = 2 half lifes; t nT 2 5 109 year
29) 1 30) 1 31) 4 32) 3 33) 1 34) 1 35) 3
36) 1 37) 1 38) 4 1010 year
e2 1 0.006
Kr constant , K 92U 238
in the mixture are m1 m ;
2 o r 100
t 0.71 99.284
N 1 1 T T t 1 m2 m , and m3 m.
25. Here, t or 100 100
N0 2 2 2 T 2
If N A is the Avogadro number, then number of
N 1 2 1 N0 N 1 1 2 1 m1 N A
N0 2 2 N0 2 2 atoms of threeisotopes are; N1 ,
m2 N A m3 N A Comprehension-2:
N2 , and N 3 Atomic nucleus is central core of every atom
M2 M3
in which the whole of positive charge and
Activity of radioactive sample A λN . almost entire mass of atom is concentrated. It
0.693 0.693 is a tiny sphere of radius R is given by
As λ , A N
t1/ 2 t1/ 2 R Ro A1/ 3 , where Ro 1.4 1015 m , a
If t1 , t 2 and t3 be the half lives, then constant and A is the mass number of the
N1 N 2 N 3
A1 : A2 : A3 : :
t1 t2 t3 R
4. A graph between ‘ log , and ‘log A’’
m1 m m Ro
or A1 : A2 : A3 : 2 : 3 1) Is a parabola
M 1t1 M 2t2 M 3t3
2) Is a straight line passing through origin
0.006 0.71 99.284
: : 3) Is a straight line have an intercept
234 2.5 10 235 7.5 10 238 4.5 10 9
5 8
4) Is an ellipse
51.41% : 2.13% : 46.46% 5. On increasing the value of ‘A’ the density of
the nucleus
34. A A0e λt ln A ln A0 λt
1) Increases 2) Decreases
ln A0 ln A 6.2 0 3) Remains constant 4) None
λ 0.0275min 1 6. The radius of the nucleus of mass number 125
t 225
T1/ 2 25min 1) 175 1015 m 2) 35 10 15 m
37. Probability of survival for any nucleus at time t is 3) 70 1015 m 4) 7 1015 m
N N 0e λt Comprehension-3:
P e λt The questions given below are based on the
N0 N0
following paragraph (AIEEE-2010)
So, in one mean life, required probability is
A nucleus of mass M + m is at rest and
1 decays into two daughter nuclei of equal mass
e ;
e M
each. speed of light is c.
A AT 2
38. A N ; N
7. The binding energy per nucleon for the parent
nucleus is E1 and that for the daughter nuclei
LEVEL-IV is E2 then
1) E2 = 2E1 2) E1 > E2 3) E2 > E1 4) E1= 2E2
Comprehension-1: 8. The speed of daughter nuclei is
The count rate meter is used to measure the
activity of a given amount of a radio active m 2m m m
element. At one instant, the meter shows 475 1) c 2) c 3) c 4) c
M m M M M m
counts/minute. Exactly 5 minutes later, is 9. Choose correct statement from the following.
shown 270 counts/minute then A)Large mass number nuclei undergo fission
1. The decay constant is
B)Low mass number nuclei undergo fusion
1) 0.82/ minute 2) 0.113/ minute
3) 0.166/ minute 4) 0.182/ minute C)For heavy nuclei the decrease in binding energy
2. Mean life of the sample is (in minutes) per nucleon shows the contribution of the increasing
1) 6.35 2) 7.45 3) 8.85 4) 9.95 coulomb repulsion.
3. Half life of the sample is (in minutes) 1) A, B are correct 2) A, B, C are correct
1) 6.13 2) 8.42 3) 8.85 4) 9.92 3) B , C are correct 4) A , C are correct
10. Which of the following are not fundamental 15. Consider the following two statement A and B
particles i)Electron ii) Photon and identify the correct answer given below :
iii) a - Particle iv) Deutron A) Nuclear density is same for all nuclei
1) Only i & ii are true 2) Only ii & iii are true B) Radius of the nucleus (R) and its mass
3) Only i &iii are true 4) Only iii & iv are true
number (A) are related as A R1 / 6
11. When a nucleus with atomic number Z and
mass number A undergoes a radioactive decay 1) A and B are true 2) A and B are false
process 3) A is true but B is false 4) A is false but B is true
a) Both Z and A will decrease, if the process is decay 16. Consider the following statements A, B and
b) Z will decrease but A will not change, if the process identify the correct choice in the given answers
is + decay A: Density of a nucleus is independent of its
mass number
c) Z will increase but A will not change, if the process
B: Beryllium is used as moderator in nuclear
is – decay reactors
d) Z and A will remain unchanged, if the process is 1) A and B are correct 2) A and B are wrong
decay 3) A is correct, B is wrong4) A is wrong, B is correct
1) a & b are true 2) b & d are true 17. Consider the following statements (A) and (B)
3) a, b & c are true 4) a, b, c, d are true and identify the correct answer given below.
12. A nuclide A undergoes a decay and another Statement (A) : Positive values of packing
nuclide B undergoes b – decay fraction implies a large value of binding energy.
a) All the –particle emitted by A will have almost Statement (B) : The difference between the
the same speed mass of the nucleus and the mass number of
the nucleus is called packing fraction
b) The –particle emitted by A may have widely
1) (A) and (B) are correct
different speeds 2) (A) and (B) are false
c) All the –particle emitted by B will have almost 3) (A) is true (B) is false
the same speed 4) A is false, B is true
d) The –particle emitted by B may have widely
different speeds LEVEL - IV - KEY
1) a, b are true 2) b, c are true 1) 2 2) 3 3)1 4) 2 5) 3 6) 4 7) 3
3) b, d are true 4) a, d are true 8) 2 9) 2 10) 4 11) 4 12) 4 13) 1 14) 1
13. In the fission of U 235 15) 3 16) 1 17) 2
i) Slow neutron is absorbed by U235
ii) The products in the process are not same always, LEVEL - IV - HINTS
their atomic number varies from 34 to 58
iii) About 200 Mev energy is released per fission 1. A A0e t ; 270 475e t
iv) The product are always Ba and Kr On solving we get 0.113 / min
1)Only i, ii & iii are true 2)Only ii & iii are true
3)All are true 4)Only i , ii & iv are true 1
14. Which of the following statements are correct 2.
i) Positron is predicted by Dirac and
discovered by Anderson 3. T=0.693 6. R R0 A1/ 3
ii) Liquid drop model of nucleus is developed 7. binding energy per nucleon of daughter nuclei is
by Bohr and Wheeler more than that of the parent nuclei.
iii) Carbon cycle was proposed by Bethe 8. According to conservation of momentum
iv) Fission reaction is first observed by M M 1 M 2 1 M 2
OttoHahn and Strassman 0 V1 V 2 ; V1 V 2 ; mc 2 . V1 . V 2
2 2 2 2 2 2
1) All are true 2) Only i, ii & iv are true
3) Only i, iii & iv are true 4) Only iii & iv are true *****