Borzone Et Al 1996
Borzone Et Al 1996
Borzone Et Al 1996
%Hnthic macrofauna communities of ten beaches were studied during a survey in February 1993, in Parani State, southern
Brazil. Sampling stations were distributed along a transect from the limit of vegetation on the upper sub-aerial beach, to nearly
2 m deep on the sub-aqueous beach. Biological and sedimentological samples, slope of the beach and wave height and period
were recorded for each beach. Subtidal samples were collected by scuba diving. Dimensionless fall velocity () and surf scal-
ing (I) parameter modal values ranged from retlecti\'e to dissipative extremes. Sedimentological parameters varied little
among beaches. with average grain size from 2.57 to 2.88 ij Only one intermediate beach had an average grain size of medium
sand ( ij). Intertidal species richness and total abundance had significant correlations with values. increasing from
reflective to dissipativc beaches. The trend for the subtidal was the reverse, with species richness negatively correlated with گ.
Species richness of each station increased along the transect towards offshore stations. This increase was more accentuated at
the reIlective extreme. lnte1tidal species composition and dominance were similar on all beaches, varying little throughout the
morphodynamic spectrum. The subtidal communities had more variable species composition and dominance than the intertidal
cotlllnunities. Zonation patterns obtained from classification and ordination analyses were similar for all beaches, with at least
four faunistic zones recognized. Biological zonation in the subaerial portion of dissipative beaches was fitted to Salvat's
physical zones. with saturation and suhtida! zones sharing species. The homogeneity of sand composition buffered the possible
morphodynamic influence on the intertidal dominance and density patterns, suggesting that these parameters are controlled
by sedimentological characteristics. Subtidal communities seem to be controlled by water and sediment movement, which is
higher in dissipative beaches.
Key words: sandy beaches. subtropical macrofauna. morphodynamic influence.
Las comunidadcs bentynicas macrofaunales de diez playas fucron estudiadas a partir de un muestreo realizado en febrero de
99. en el estado de Parani. sur del Brasil. Las estaciones de muestreo estuvieron distribuidas a lo largo de un transecto desde
cl limite de la vegetaciyn, en la parte superior de la playa subaerea. hasta aproximadamente 2 m de profundidad, en la porciyn
subacuosa de la playa. Para cada playa se obtuvieron muestras biolygicas y sedimentolygicas, perfil topogrifico, altura y
pHUtodo Jc !as olas. Las muestras infralitorales se colectaron por medio de buceo autynomo. Valores modales de Ios pDUime-
WURVde "dimensionlcss fall velocity") y "( گsurf scaling'') variaron del extremo retlectivo a! disipativo. Los pararnetros
sHdimcntolygicos mostraron una pHquexa variaciyn entre playas, con valores medios del tamafio de particulas entre 2,57 y
ij SRlamHntc una play a intermedia presenty un valor medio correspondiente a arena media ( 1.84 ij). La riqueza de espe-
ciHs y la abundancia total del intennareal estuvo correlacionada significativamente con Ios valores de aumentando de pla-
yas reflectivas a disipativas. La tendencia en el infralitoral fue inversa, estando la riqueza negativamente correlacionada
con cl parimctro de گLa riqueza de especies de cada estacityn aumentya lo largo del transecto en direcciyQ a !as estaciones
infralitoralcs. Estc aumento fue PiV acentuado en el extremo rcflectivo. La composicitin y la dominancia de especies del
intennarcal fue similar en todas !as playas. variando poco a traves del espectro morfodinamico. El patryn de zonaci6n,
obtenido de Ios anilisis de clasificaci6n y de ordenaciyn. resulty similar en todas ODV playas, con el reconocimiento de por lo
WQaQRVcuatro zonas IDXQtVWLFDV En la porciyn subaerea de playas disipativas. la zonacityn biol6gica sigue el esquema de zonas
fisicas de Sal vat. con la zona de saturaciyn comparticndo especies con la zona infralitoral. La homogeneidad de Ios sedimentos
ocultyalguna influencia morfodinimica en Ios patroncs de dominancia y densidad, sugiriendo que !as caracterfsticas sedimen-
tolygicas cstarian controlando estos parametros. Las comunidades infralitorales estarian controladas por el movimiento de agua
y scdimento. que seria mayor en !as playas disipativas.
Palabras clavc: playas arenosas. macrofauna subtropical. intluencia morfodinamica.
were pooled and a cluster analysis of the
root-root transformed matrix performed,
4-PFN using the Bray-Curtis coefficient and the
5-PG Unweigthed Mean Arithmetic clustering
6-PFS method (Clifford & Stephenson 1975). A
7-CBM Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling ordina-
8-ATA tion technique was carried out with the same
9-PLST matrix, in order to verify the relationship be-
tween groups. A "mega" cluster analysis was
finally performed with all ten beaches ( 106
samples), in order to test the robustness of
the biological zonation over the morpho-
dynamic spectrum.
The beaches
PG 116 2.80 2.77 0.144 0.147 0.24 0.31 49.8 59.2 Ill 5.6 55
PFS 105 2.78 2.75 0.146 0.149 0.27 0.31 40.9 43.4 108 5.3 28
PFN 90 2.80 2.78 0.144 0.145 0.24 0.23 40.3 47.7 134 6.7 50
ATA 105 2.88 2.94 0.136 0.130 0.34 0.37 49.4 69 69 3.8 46
PLST 75 2.57 2.49 0.168 0.178 0.40 0.60 30 50.3 72.5 2.9 26
GAl 54 1.89 2.19 0.270 0.219 0.72 0 68 25.1 49.8 70 1.5 24
PFZ 50 2.81 2.66 0.143 0.158 0 28 0.40 22.5 20 80 4.1 4
CBM 60 2.79 2.85 0.145 0.139 0.24 0.32 32.5 20.9 15 0.7
PFL 60 2.79 2.76 0.145 0.147 0.23 0.28 39.2 30 25 1.2 3
PPB 54 2.65 2.68 0.159 0.156 0.41 0.56 25 13.7 39 1.7 3
PFZ and PPB beaches had a steep intertidal brasiliensis and Excirolana braziliensis
and subtidal profile without a bar system. occurred occasionally, the former only on
The former, with finer sediments, received GAl and the latter on the beaches PLST,
stronger wave action, resulting in an inter- GAl, and CBM.
mediate value of .Q. On this beach longshore The subtidal stations had a more variable
currents associated with the north tidal chan- species composition. However, the clype-
nel determined a very steep subtidal profile asteroid Mellita quinquiesperforata and
(I /20). PPB beach, at the reflective extreme, again the bivalve Donax gemmula dominated
showed a small increase in average particle in numbers and were constant on all of the
size and standard deviation, a steep profile beaches. D. gemmula is one of several spe-
and low values of .Q and L due to weak wave cies that extended its distribution from
action. subtidal to intertidal stations. The mysids
Metamysidopsis neritica and Bowmaniella
Species composition, richness and brasiliensis, and the polychaete Dispio
abundance remanei, occurred on most of the beaches,
with lower abundance (Table 2). CBM beach
Species composition, richness and abundance presented two exclusive species with highest
were analyzed separately for intertidal and abundance, one unidentified tanaidacean and
subtidal portions of the beach, in order to the polychaete Goniada multidens.
allow comparison with the previous litera- Significant correlations between species
ture. richness, mean beach density (number of
Species composition and dominance of individuals m- 2) and total abundance (num-
the intertidal stations were similar on all the ber of individuals m- 1) with physical para-
beaches, varying little throughout the mor- meters were only obtained when dealing
phodynamic spectrum (Table 2). Eight separately with the intertidal and subtidal
beaches were dominated by the polychaete (Table 3). Intertidal species richness had the
Scolelepis squamata. Two isopods, Excirolana best correlation with dimensionless fall
armata and Tholozodiwn rombofrontalis, and velocity (r = 0.75, p < 0.0 12) and surf scaling
the bivalve Donax gemmula, showed high (r = 0.79, p < 0.007), increasing from reflec-
abundances on at least six beaches. The in- tive to dissipative beaches. In contrast, sub-
sects Bledius bonaerensis and B. microcephalus tidal richness was negatively correlated with
appeared on the dissipative beaches. Other the slope and surf scaling (r = -0.67, p < 0.03
common components of the Atlantic beach and r = -0.78, p < 0.01, respectively): spe-
macrofaunal communities, such as Emerita cies richness decreased with increasing surf
ScoleleJ'is .Hflliiiii<IW (P) 877 1372 1426 865 1574 79 2146 4212 291 839
Puelche sp.G tAl 4'.16 -15 282 10 () () 265 0 7 139
Emeriw hmsiliensis (DJ () () () () 0 41 0 0 0 0
L.rciro!ww ill'liiill/1 (l) 231 2-1-1 376 358 37 14 107 140 371 170
L\cimftlll/1 /Jm:iliensis (l) 0 () () 0 27 102 0 34 () 0
Tlw!o:odium ro/li/)()fi"imlufis (I) 100 7 428 194 0 () Ill 20 598 336
Donux f!CIIIIiillla tB) 66 !54 10-1 250 71 I 92 37 27 54
Donax hanlcyanus 1. B) 7 0 0 4 7 I 41 0 () 0
Eutonus furciferus ( Pl 27 51 0 36 48 0 24 41 44 0
Hcmipouus olivieri ( PJ 14 7 7 20 () 0 16 0 14 32
Macrochindothea giamhiagi (!) () 0 27 () 0 0 20 0 0 7
Le pi dopa richmondi (D) 20 !I 7 7 7 0 20 20 7 0
l\1cllita quinquiesperforata (E) I-I () 0 0 () 0 () 0 0 0
Dispio remanci tP) () 10 54 17 0 () 20 () 0 0
Orbiniuac ( Pl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 () 0 54
Bathyporeiapus ruffoi (A) 14 () 41 7 0 0 20 0 7 14
Lioll·lllilllidlu /Jmsi!icnsis (1\1) 7 12 7 7 0 0 7 0 14 7
Bledius /Jonuerensis (C) 78 61 20 41 7 0 0 7 14 ()
Sipuncula () () () 0 0 () 0 () 14 0
Bkdius microcephalus (C) 14 285 () () 0 () 0 0 0 0
Puelche sp.P tA) I-I 0 () 23 27 () 0 0 0 ()
Tivela sp. (8) 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 () 0 ()
Crasinella sp. tB) () 0 7 7 7 () () 0 0 ()
Pinnixa patagoniemis (D) 7 () 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0
Caridca 0 14 0 0 0 0 () () () ()
Felaniclla vilardehoana (B) () () () 0 17 () () () 0 ()
Crasinella sp. tBJ 0 0 0 0 37 () 14 0 0 0
Goniada multidens tP) 0 0 () 0 0 0 0 229 0 ()
Strigilla carnaria (B) () () 0 14 0 0 7 44 7 0
TiYela ventricosa (B) 0 0 () 0 27 0 7 7 0 0
Lcpiuopa richmondi (D) 7 7 7 0 7 7 14 7 0 0
Sthcnelais limicola (P) 0 () 0 14 () 0 17 7 0 7
OliYella minuta (G) () 0 0 () () () () 17 7 0
Sigaliurn cirriferum (PJ () 0 0 7 7 7 0 7 7 0
zone dissipativeness. Density was not PFN, PG and ATA) had a smaller rate of
correlated with any of the physical para- increase offshore (Fig. 2c). Variation of
meters, and only intertidal abundance (m- 1) density was very similar on these beaches
was significantly correlated with the beach and in PPB and PLST, with a maximum
width (r = 0.68, p < 0.031) and dimension- value of 3,000 individuals m·2 in the inter-
less fall velocity (r = 0.69, p < 0.025). No tidal, around station 4-2 above low water
significant relationship was obtained with level. Seaward from that point there was a
sedimentological parameters, as they varied very pronounced decrease, down to 200
little over the morphodynamic spectrum. individuals m·2 , that was maintained offshore
Species richness and density of each sta- along the transect (Fig. 3a, b). PFZ and CBM
tion along the transect showed characteristic showed higher intertidal values (5,000 and
trends on all beaches. Species richness in- 7,000 individuals m·2 respectively), decreas-
creased towards offshore stations (Fig. 2). ing around low water level and increasing
This increase was more accentuated at the subtidally again (Fig. 3c). The lowest density
reflective extreme (PFZ, CBM and PFL), occurred on GAl and PFL (Fig. 3d). The first
with an abrupt change around low water had a maximum of I ,700 individuals m·2 in-
level (Fig. 2a). Dissipati ve beaches (PFS, tertidally, decreasing around low water level
a b
20 20
+-CBM -+- PLST
16 -o-PFL 16 ·0.· PPB
12 12 *
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Richness 20
16 ~--PFS
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Stations from l W
Fig. 2: Variation of the species richness along the transect. Stations arc numbered from the low tide
water level (0).
Variaci6n de la riqueza de especies a lo largo del transecto. Las estaciones estan enumeradas desde el nivel de marea baja (0).
and the second had lower intertidal density bonaerensis and B. microcephalus, charac-
values. increasing up to 500 individuals m- 2 terized that zone. At CBM, GAl and PLST
subtidally (Fig. 3d). the isopod Excirolana brasiliensis was
restricted to this upper zone, showing more
adaptation to drying than Excirolana armata.
Zonation The latter species characterized the retention
zone, where the sand remains wet during
Zonation patterns obtained from classifica- low tide, on all the beaches. The isopod
tion and ordination analyses were similar for Tholozodium rhombofrontalis occurred in
all beaches. with at least four faunistic zones this zone on all Me! Island beaches and on
discriminated along the whole transect (Fig AT A, showing no relationship between its
4). These biological zones were named (in distribution and morphodynamic character-
part) according to Sal vat's physical scheme istics. The deposit feeder polychaete Euzonus
(Salvat 1964). An upper drying zone was furciferus had an occasional presence in the
present on all the beaches of the coastal plain retention zone, but extended its distribution
and on two beaches of Mel Island, PG and across other zones on AT A. The resurgence
PFS. The presence of two staphylinids, Bledius zone had the greatest abundance of Scolelepis
a (X1000)
4 5
~·ATA 4 -O··PLST 9.
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 ~ ~ ~ -3 ~ ~ 0 1 2 3 4 5
.. 6
-o·-CBM l 1500 ·-<>··PFL !\
f \
(1.1 '
0 4
? j
.... o--6
0~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~ 0~~~~~._--~~~~._._~~
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Stations from LW
Fig. 3: Variation in density (individuals m·2 ) along the transect. Stations are numbered from the low
tide water level (0).
Variaci6n de la densidad (individuos m·2 ) a lo largo del transecto. Las estaciones estan numeradas desde el nivel de marea
haja (()).
~ 90" RT
100" RS
I ..----l 10"RT
...--- 28" ST
~ 100" ll
72" ST
Fip,. -1: Cluster analysis and ordination of stations (MDS) of the beaches. Groups identifi-
ed in the dendrogram are encircled in the MDS. Scale represents dissimilarity.
Analisis de agrupamientos y ordenaci6n de las estaciones (MDS) de las playas. Los grupos identificados en el
dendrograma estan circunscriptos en el MDS. La escala representa disimilitudes.
LO O.'IS 0
Fig. 5: Results of cluster analysis of all the stations sampled. Scale represents dissimilarity.
Resultados del analisis de agrupamiento de todas las estaciones muestreadas. La escala representa disimilitudes.
Jar high density values were subtidally found tidal species in the intertidal environment.
on CBM, probably due to a more estuarine The list of species (Table 2), that was "a
influence on the macrofauna. GAl was the priori" divided in intertidal and subtidal,
only beach that showed higher subtidal than shows this pattern.
intertidal density values. It is generally accepted that sandy beaches
Zonation patterns of the ten beaches were constitute a unique environment where sand
very similar, with three intertidal zones that and water are in continuous movement, and
maintained their identity throughout the mor- that macrofauna is controlled primarily by
phodynamic spectrum. Each of these zones, physical conditions. The physical environ-
named as drying, retention and resurgence ment has discontinuities and zones, not only
zone, have at least one species with the peak in the intertidal (Salvat 1964, Pollock &
of its distribution centered in one of them. Hummon 1971), but also in the subtidal
This scheme of biological zonation, that fits (Riedl 1964, Riedl & McMaham 1974,
Sal vat's physical one, was extensively studi- Hiscok 1983, Short 1983). The existence of
ed over a year by Souza & Gianuca (1995) physical zones indicates that a beach may be
near AT A beach, showing its persistence divided into different physical subenviron-
over any seasonal fluctuation. The saturation ments that will vary in width and general
zone, identified by several authors as a characteristics throughout the morphody-
unique biological zone (Bally 1983, Wendt namic spectrum. If macrobenthic communi-
& McLachlan 1985) presented great varia- ties are dominated by the physical environ-
tion between the beaches, and lost its identity ment, then their structure may be influenced
when analyzed by "mega" clustering of all by physical zonation. The variation of the
stations. This confirms previous observations width of subtidal biological zones in relation
(Day et al. 1971, Field 1971, Christie 1976, to change in morphodynamic state was in-
McLachlan et al. 1984, McLachlan 1990) directly shown by Knott et al. (1984 ),
that species occupying the saturation zone Fleischack & Freitas ( 1989) and Borzone &
also extend into the sublittoral and may more Gianuca ( 1990), working on beaches in the
appropriately be called surfzone species proximity of jetties. In the present work, the
whose upper limits of distribution are on the name of infralitoral zone included two differ-
lower shore. Therefore, the saturation zone ent subenvironments, surfzone and nearshore.
represents an area that links intertidal and On dissipative beaches, the subtidal sampling
subtidal compartments, allowing biological included only the surfzone, well developed
interaction amongst their members. For on these beaches. On reflective beaches, a
instance, in this zone occur the polychaetes narrow surfzone was represented by only one
Hemipodus olivieri and Nephtys simoni station, and the rest of the subtidal stations
which are predators of juvenile and adult represented the nearshore zone.
intertidal macrofauna (McDermott 1987). The three intertidal biological zones found
McLachlan et al. (1993) remarked that it is on these beaches were persistent throughout
not the type of beach state that is important the morphodynamic spectrum. Nevertheless,
to the fauna, but the swash climate associated some authors have recently remarked on the
with it. Swash climate is highly correlated difficulties in establishing major intertidal
with morphodynamics, an increase of swash biological zones (Raffaelli et al. 1991, Defeo
periods and swash lengths existing from et al. 1992), suggesting that the only valid
reflective to dissipative beaches (McArdle & zonation scheme might be division into a
McLachlan 1992). If the existence and width high shore assemblage of air-breather and a
of the saturation zone are related to swash lower shore zone of water-breathers (Brown
climate, this zone will be better developed at & McLachlan 1990). This is an oversimplifi-
the dissipative extreme, allowing more wide- cation of both the physical and ecological
spread occurrence of subtidal species in in- environment, and not in agreement with
tertidal stations. In this case, the increase in many studies that have been showing
species richness from reflective to dissipa- complex adaptations of species to this
tive on beaches with the same granulometric dynamic environment (Ansell 1983, Brown
characteristics, reflects the inclusion of sub- 1983).
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