Oropharyngeal Dysphagia After Stroke: Incidence, Diagnosis, and Clinical Predictors in Patients Admitted To A Neurorehabilitation Unit
Oropharyngeal Dysphagia After Stroke: Incidence, Diagnosis, and Clinical Predictors in Patients Admitted To A Neurorehabilitation Unit
Oropharyngeal Dysphagia After Stroke: Incidence, Diagnosis, and Clinical Predictors in Patients Admitted To A Neurorehabilitation Unit
Paolo Falsetti, MD, PhD,* Caterina Acciai, MD, PhD,* Rosanna Palilla, MD,*
Marco Bosi, MD,† Francesco Carpinteri, MD,* Alberto Zingarelli, MD,†
Claudio Pedace, MD,‡ and Lucia Lenzi, MD*
Dysphagia is a disorder of deglutition affecting the oral, ing physiology of the upper aerodigestive tract and it oc-
pharyngeal, and/or esophageal phases of swallowing. curs frequently after stroke, with an incidence ranging
Oropharyngeal dysphagia is any abnormality in swallow- widely between 29% and 81%.1-3 This discrepancy be-
tween studies depends on different methods of diagnosis,
From the *Neurorehabilitation, †Radiology; and ‡Internal Medicine time after stroke, and types of lesion. Aspiration (passage
and Geriatrics Units, Local Health Unit 8, S. Donato Hospital, Arezzo,
of material into the larynx below the true vocal cords) af-
Received January 1, 2009; accepted January 13, 2009. ter swallowing, especially fluids, is probably the most se-
Address correspondence to Paolo Falsetti, MD, PhD, Neurorehabi- vere aspect of oropharyngeal dysphagia with incidence
litation Unit, Local Health Unit 8, S. Donato Hospital, Arezzo, Italy. between 22% and 52%.4-6 Nearly half of aspirations in pa-
E-mail: [email protected]. tients with stroke are silent7,8 and they have been associ-
1052-3057/$—see front matter
Ó 2009 by National Stroke Association
ated with increased morbidity and mortality in many
doi:10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2009.01.009 studies.9
Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol. 18, No. 5 (September-October), 2009: pp 329-335 329
Moreover, the presence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in stroke) was recorded and classified (no cerebrovascular
patients recovering from stroke has often been associated disease, diffuse cerebrovascular disease, previous stroke).
with malnutrition, dehydration, pulmonary infections, Classification of stroke location was made on the basis of
prolonged hospital stay, and death.10,11 Lower respiratory the damaged area on CT/magnetic resonance imaging in 7
tract infection is probably the most severe event related to subtypes: cortical stroke on dominant side (generally left);
dysphagia in the early period after stroke, and it is more cortical stroke on nondominant side (generally right);
common in patients with oropharyngeal dysphagia and subcortical stroke on dominant side (generally left);
aspirations.12 subcortical stroke on nondominant side (generally right);
The early diagnosis of aspiration should induce clini- brainstem stroke; cerebellar stroke; and mixed/multifocal
cians to limit oral administration of nutrients or drugs stroke. This classification derived from previous radio-
to reduce the incidence of pulmonary infections. How- logic and clinical methods of ischemic stroke classifica-
ever, bedside swallowing assessments lack the accuracy tion19,20 with indication of side location.21 In particular,
to be used as a screening test in stroke, in particular in pa- cortical stroke corresponds to total or partial anterior circu-
tients with alteration of consciousness.7,13 Moreover, bed- lation stroke of Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project–
side prediction of aspiration seems to be inaccurate.8,14,15 derived CT stroke classification, subcortical stroke
Videofluoroscopy (VFS) can be considered as gold stan- corresponds to small partial anterior circulation stroke
dard in diagnosing dysphagia with aspirations (silent or (striatocapsular) or lacunar stroke, and brainstem or cere-
not) because of the capability to study the entire process bellar stroke corresponds to posterior circulation stroke.19
of deglutiton.16-18 Nevertheless, this examination necessi- The patients were enrolled regardless of cognitive func-
tates patient collaboration and sitting posture, so it cannot tion, consciousness level, grade of collaboration, or capa-
be proposed for all patients in the very early period after bility of communication. Presence of aphasia (defined as
stroke. deficit in at least one of the 4 language areas: comprehen-
In this study we have undertaken a prospective analy- sion, fluency, naming, and repetition) and dysarthria
sis of consecutive patients with stroke in a postintensive (defined as deficit of articulatory agility of speech) was
neurorehabilitation unit to define incidence of oropharyn- recorded for each patient.21
geal dysphagia (both by clinical and instrumental On admission and on discharge each patient underwent
methods), compare clinical bedside assessment and VFS neurologic and functional assessment, even with defini-
(considered as gold standard), and define any correlation tion of functional independence measurement (FIM) score
between the presence of dysphagia (both clinically and and level of cognitive functioning (LCF) score.
VFS proved) and clinical characteristic of patients with Nutritional state was assessed by clinical and biochem-
stroke (nutritional and functional status, type of stroke, ical parameters on admission and on discharge determin-
incidence of pulmonary infections). ing serum levels of albumin, ferritin, iron, urea, and
lymphocyte count, and weight loss. Malnutrition was
diagnosed when at least 2 of 5 parameters were altered.22
Lower respiratory tract infections (diagnosed with
In all, 151 consecutive inpatients admitted to our neuro- fever .38 C and abnormal chest radiograph result)
rehabilitation unit between January 2005 and December from the time of stroke to discharge were recorded.3,6
2006 with diagnosis of previous ischemic or hemorrhagic A standardized clinical bedside test was performed by
stroke were enrolled in this study. All patients were trans- the doctor in each patient within 1 day from admission.
ferred to the neurorehabilitation unit after the acute This test was arranged in 3 steps and it was influenced
phase, with a mean length of stay on intensive care unit by previous works6,17,23 and guidelines.10
of 13 days (range 6-21). The first step served to identify the level of conscious-
Patients with a history of head and neck damage, his- ness and collaboration of patient (patients with LCF ,4
tory of neurologic disease other than cerebrovascular dis- were immediately considered dysphagic) and to define
orders, or current dysphagia were excluded from the oral motor and sensory assessment (voice quality; speech
study. The ethical committee of the hospital approved and language; swallowing of saliva; movements of cricoid
the study. cartilage; lips, tongue, and velopharynx; gag reflex; pres-
The characteristics of study participants were: 77 male, ervation of pharyngeal sensation; capability of voluntary
74 female, mean age 79.4 years (range 58-91), and mean cough).
duration of disease (time from stroke) 14 days. The second step comprised the swallowing of 5 mL of
The diagnosis of stroke was always confirmed by com- water with concomitant pulse oxymetry, carefully observ-
puted tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging, or ing signs of oral-facial apraxia (loosening of water from
both, and the last scan of each patient was reviewed to lips, delay in swallowing, abnormality or absence of
classify the lesion location (Table 1) and to define the tongue movements) or signs of penetration/aspiration
type of stroke (ischemic or hemorrhagic). The presence (‘‘wet’’ or ‘‘gurgly’’ voice, coughing, .2% decrease of
of signs of cerebrovascular disease (other than the recent basal value of oxygen saturation at pulse oximetry).
Abbreviations: asp, aspirating at videofluoroscopy; FIM, functional independence measurement; LACI, lacunar infarction; LCF, level of cog-
nitive functioning; ns, not significant; PACI, partial anterior circulation infarction; PEG, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy; POCI, posterior
circulation infarction; TACI, total anterior circulation infarction.
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