Atty. Uy (DAY 2) Remedial Law
Atty. Uy (DAY 2) Remedial Law
Atty. Uy (DAY 2) Remedial Law
1. simplified and inexpensive procedure for speedy disposi6on of cases
2. uniform for all courts
3. not diminish, increase, or modify substan6ve rights
Doctrine of Adherence of Jurisdic6on - This is the principle that mandates that a court, once it has
acquired jurisdic6on, should exercise that jurisdic6on un6l it finally disposes the case.
Doctrine of Primary jurisdic6on - precludes the courts from receiving a controversy over which
jurisdic6on has ini6ally been lodged with administra6ve body of special competence
Doctrine of Hierarchy of Courts - prac6cal judicial policy designed to restrain par6es from direct
resor6ng to a higher court when relief my be obtained before the lower courts.
Doctrine of Ancillary Jurisdic6on - power of the court to decide the incidental maPers
Jurisdic6on over the subject maPer is determined exclusively by the Cons6tu6on and the law.
(1) It cannot be conferred by the voluntary act or agreement of the par6es;
(2) it cannot be acquired through or waived, enlarged or diminished by their act or omission.
(3) Neither is it conferred by the acquiescence of the court. It is neither for the court nor the par6es
to violate or disregard the rule, this maPer being legisla6ve in character.
Filing Fees
GR: Non-payment of the prescribed filing fees at the 6me of the filing of the complaint or other
ini6atory pleading (Complaint + Permissive Counterclaim) fails to vest jurisdic6on over the case in
the trial court. Payment of filing fees is jurisdic6onal. Hence non-payment is a subject maPer of a
mo6on to dismiss falls on the lack of jurisdic6on on the subject maPer
XPN: If the deficiency of payment of filing fees is based on the reliance to the assessment of the clerk
of court and it is paid in good faith, the case will not be dismissed. A new assessment shall be made
and the deficiency shall be paid
Non-payment at the 6me of filing does not automa6cally cause the dismissal of the case, as long as
the fee is paid within the applicable prescrip6ve or reglementary period and absence of bad faith
and without the intent to defraud the government
Payment in full of docket fees within the prescribed period is mandatory. It is an essen9al
requirement without which the decision appealed from would become final and executory as if no
appeal had been filed. Failure to perfect an appeal within the prescribed period renders the judgment
final and executory
1. Nature of the Ac6on Test - WON the ac6on is capable of pecuniary es6ma6on based on
classifica6on of ac6on
2. Primary/Ul6mate Objec6ve Test - ac6on appears to be incapable of pecuniary es6ma6on, if the
primary objec6ve is to recover real or personal property, jurisdic6on will be determined by the
assessed value of the property
claims affec6ng 6tle to, possession or interest of a real claims affec6ng 6tle to, possession or
property (assessed value) interest of a real property (assessed value)
MM – not exceeding 50k MM – exceeding 50k
outside MM – not exceeding 20k outside MM –exceeding 20k
a. Ac6ons
- Ordinary civil, Special Civil, Criminal (state prosecutes a person for an act/omission punishable
by law)
- Not applicable (Cadastral, Land registra6on, Elec6on cases, Naturaliza6on, Insolvency
CA via Rule 43 - Administra6ve disciplinary case
SC via Cer6orari - Criminal
Rule 65 - Exonera6on from Admin
2 ways in which a party can split his cause of ac6on: Doctrine of An6cipatory Breach-
(1) Li6s Penden6a – 1 COA, both ac6ons are pending if the contract is divisible in its
(2) Res Judicata – there is a first ac6on where there is already a final or performance, and the future
judgment on the merits and amer the finality of the judgment in the performance is not yet due, but
first ac6on a second ac6on is subsequently filed the obligor has already
manifested his refusal to comply,
Same Objec6ve Test may be applied. This test holds that if a party has the contract is en6re and the
only one objec6ve in filing two cases, there exists iden6ty of causes of breach is total
ac6on and reliefs based on the same objec6ve standard.
Does not allege sufficient cause of ac6on Evidence does not sustain the cause of ac6on
As to when it may be raised
Mo6on to dismiss, before responsive pleading Demurrer to evidence, amer the plain6ff has
is filed | subject to refiling of complaint rested its case | Res Judicata , hence not subject
to refiling
As to whether eviden6ary maPers are evaluated or not
Does not concern itself with the truth and Arises precisely because the judge has determined
falsity of allega6ons the truth and falsity of allega6ons and found lack
of evidence
Real Par6es-in-interest - who stands to be benefited or injured by the judgment in the suit,
or the party en6tled to the avails of the suit.
Indispensable Party- without whom no final determinaIon can be had of an ac6on
Necessary Party- ought to be joined as a party if complete relief is to be accorded or for
complete determina6on or sePlement of the claim
Class suit
- when the subject of the controversy is one of the common or general interest to many
persons who are numerous that it is impracIcable to join all as parIes, number of them
which court finds to be sufficiently numerous and representa6ve as to fully protect the
interests of all concerned may sue/defend for the benefit of all.
Ci6zen Suit
- filed by any filipino ci6zen to enforce rights or obliga6ons under environmental laws.
Indigent Party- no money or property sufficient and available for food, shelter and basic
necessi6es for himself and his family.
Alterna6ve Defendants - plain6ff is uncertain against who of several persons he is en6tled
to, he may join any or all of them as defendants in alterna6ve, although a right to relief
against one may be inconsistent with a right of relief against the other
Personal AcIons Real AcIons
Transitory- residence of plain6ff, Local - venue lies where the real Non-resident - residence
defendant or where he may be found, at property is located of plain6ff or where the
the elec6on of the plain6ff property is situated
Title to, or possession of property is not it affects 6tle to or possession of real affects the personal
in dispute property, or interest therein status of the plain6ff, or
any property of said
Ac6on to annul a contract & its accessory Foreclosure of REM, ac6on for defendant located in the
REM if the mortgagee has not foreclosed annulment of mortgage (if there has Philippines
the mortgage & mortgagor is s6ll in already been foreclosure sale)
possession of property.
XPN: Specific Rule and Par6es before filing of ac6on agreed in wri6ng on the exclusive venue.
COMPLAINT—(w/in 30 days)> Answer w/ Counterclaim —>(w/in 15days) Reply—> Rejoinder
Permissive Counterclaim Compulsory Counterclaim
Does not arise out/connected with the transac6on arises out of or is connected with the transac6on or
occurrence cons6tu6ng the subject maPer of the
opposing party's claim
If not raised in the same ac6on is barred
An acIonable document is a wriPen document that’s the basis of one’s cause of ac6on or defense.
Filed by who Defendant (party) Stranger or Person who has legal interest in
li6ga6on or adversely affected
Leave of Court With leave of court
What Claim against a person not a party to the To no6fy the sheriff of his right/claim over
ac6on. property aPached, levied, or seized
when If denied, ins6tute a separate ac6on Intervene in the ac6on
—> answer w/ 30 days
any 6me before rendi6on of judgment
1. third -party defendant cannot be located
within thirty (30) calendar days from the grant
of such leave;
2. maUers extraneous to the issue in the
principal case are raised; or
3. the effect would be to introduce a new and
separate controversy into the ac6on.
To Complaint 30 days Amer service of summons
Amended Complaint - as maPer of right 30 days Amer being served with copy
B. Conduct Summary hearing within fimeen (15) calendar days from the filing of the answer
Resolved within 30 days from termina6on of summary hearing
Failure to raise shall cons6tute a waiver | dismissed w/out prejudice -> Pe66on for Cer6orari
5. Lack of Jurisdic6on over the defendant
6. Improper venue
7. No Legal Capacity to Sue
8. No cause of ac6on
9. Non-compliance to condi6on precedent
(NO MR, C, P, M )
Declare the defendant in default: Effects:
1. Acquired Jurisdic6on over the 1. Loses standing in court (TRIAL); but can par6cipate as witness
person 2. EnItled to NoIce of Subsequent proceedings
2. Fails to Answer within the 6me 3. Declara6on - not admission of truth,
3. There must be Mo6on and Default Judgment- shall not exceed to the amount or be different in
No6ce kinds from the payer nor award unliquidated damages
4. Proof of such failure
5. Hearing to declare vs. Failure to appear in pre-trial : no limita6on
Relief from order of default Mo6on to set aside the order of default + FAMEN
Par6al Default: several defendants Court try the case against all upon the answers thus filed and render
failed to answer judgment upon the evidence presented.
No default Annulment
Declara6on of nullity of marriage
Legal separa6on
Plain6ff/Defendant Plain6ff
May be par6al termina6on En6re case is terminated
Adverse party may file a comment w/in 5 XPN: Annulment, Nullity of Marriage, Legal
days Separa6on
Not subject to Appeal, CPM
- authorized to act on behalf of the party (Sec Cert/SPA)
(a) The allega6ons in the pleading are true and correct based on his personal knowledge, or
authen6c docs
(b) The pleading is not filed to harass, cause unnecessary delay, or needlessly increase the cost of
li6ga6on; and
(c) The factual allega6ons therein have eviden6ary support
Signature of Affiant = Cer6fica6on of truthfulness of allega6ons
Lacks of proper verifica6on = treated as unsigned pleading= produces no legal effect “mere scrap of
paper.” It will not be subject to dismissal unless the law provides (Rule 42, 43, 45, 65, 46)
a) has not commenced any ac6on or filed any claim involving the same issues in any court,
tribunal or quasi-judicial agency and to the best of his knowledge, no such other ac6on or
claim is pending therein;
(b) if there is such other pending ac6on or claim, a complete statement of the present status
thereof; and
(c) if he should thereamer learn that the same or similar ac6on or claim has been filed or is
pending, he shall report that fact within five (5) calendar days to the court
Failure to comply w/ CAFS= not cured by mere amendment = Dismissal w/out prejudice
False CAFS = Indirect Contempt + Admin or criminal ac6ons
Willful and deliberate Forum Shopping= summary dismissal w/ prejudice + Direct Contempt
+ Admin Sanc6on to the Counsel
Submivng the pleading to clerk of court Providing a party with a copy of pleading
No6ce of Lis Pendens - in an acIon affecIng the Itle, right of possession or real property, the
plain6ff and the defendant when affirma6ve relief is claimed in his or her answer, may record in the
office of the registry of deeds of the province in which the property is situated a no6ce of the
pendency of the ac6on. Proper in Ac6on to recover possession, quiet 6tle, remove clouds, par66on
and any proceeding directly affec6ng 6tle to the land, the use or occupa6on
Not applicable to money claims, aPachments, execu6on, probate proceedings, estate administra6on
- valid un6l duly served, unless recalled by court.
- court shall direct the Clerk to issue the corresponding summons to the defendants within 5
calendar days from receipt of the ini6atory pleading and proof of legal fees.
Service by Return
1. By handing a copy to defendant and inform that he is being served, W/in 5 days from service, the
server shall file w/ court and
2. By leaving the summons within the view and in the presence of the serve copy to plain6ff’s counsel
defendant - personal
-registered mail
3. Subs6tuted service - by leaving copies of summons -electronic means
SubsItuted service
For jus6fiable reasons + Failed to served personally amer at least 3 aPempt on 2 different dates:
Defendant’s Residence —> 18 yrs of age + Sufficient discre6on
Office —> Competent person or customarily receives correspondences for the defendant.
Refused entry —> Officers of the HOA/ Condo Corp./ Chief Security Officer in charge
Electronic mail to defendant’s electronic mail address —> only approved by court
Defendant’s email address - via Electronic W/in 5 Copy of summons + Affidavit of person
mail if allowed by court. days from mailing + Print out of said email
4. By Publica6on in a newspaper of general Copy of summons + Affidavit of
circula6on Publisher + Order for publica6on
- by leave of court,
- whereabouts are unknown and cannot be ascertained by diligent inquiry, within ninety (90)
calendar days from the commencement of the ac6on be effected upon him
- order gran6ng leave shall specify, not less than 60 days amer no6ce, w/in which the defendant must
5. Extraterritorial Service
- When the defendant does not reside and is not found in the Philippines, and the ac6on affects the
personal status of the plain6ff or relates to, or Resident temporarily out of the Philippines
- by leave of court,
(a) personal service to last known address
(b)service provided in InternaIonal ConvenIons
(c) publicaIon in a newspaper of general circulaIon
(d) any manner that the court may deem sufficient.
- order gran6ng leave shall specify, not less than 60 days amer no6ce, w/in which the defendant must
En6ty without juridical personality - anyone of them or person in charge of the office
Prisoners - jail warden
Minors/Incompetents - Minor + Parent/ Legal Guardian
Spouses - individually
- relief sought to obtained + Grounds + suppor6ng affidavits
- wriPen or made in court which must be immediately resolved
served by personal service, accredited private courier or registered mail or electronic means + Proof of service
Resolved w/in 15 days from receipt or expira6on to file such Resolved by court w/in 5 days from receipt
Prohibited Mo6on
(a) Mo6on to dismiss
XPN: 1) No jurisdic6on over the subject maPer of the claim;
2) Another ac6on pending between the same par6es for the same cause;
3) Cause of ac6on is barred by a prior judgment or by the statute of limita6ons.
(b) Mo6on to hear affirma6ve defenses;
(c) Mo6on for reconsidera6on of the court’s ac6on on the affirma6ve defenses;
(d) Mo6on to suspend proceedings without a TRO or injunc6on issued by a higher court;
(e) Mo6on for extension of 6me to file pleadings, affidavits or any other papers,
XPN: mo6on for extension to file an answer
(f) Mo6on for postponement intended for delay,
XPN: if it is based on acts of God, force majeure or physical inability of the witness
appear and tes6fy.
Upon NoIce by PlainIff MoIon of PlainIff Fault of PlainIff Of Counteclaim
(a) No6ce of Pre-trial - issued by clerk of court amer the last responsive pleading has been served
and filed, w/in 5 days from filing - dates for Pre-trial, CAM, JDR (if necessary)
(b) File a pre-trial brief and serve a copy - 3 days before PT
(c) Pre-trial- Pre-trial Order w/in 10 days upon termina6on of PT = control the trial proceedings
(d) Court Annexed Media6on - amer pre-trial & amer issues are joined, conducted 30 days w/out
further extension (confiden6al proceeding)
(e) Judicial Dispute Resolu6on - if the judge is convinced that sePlement is s6ll possible, conducted
15 days w/out further extension from no6ce of failure of CAM (confiden6al) (deducted to plain6ff’s
90 days)
Non-appearance of parIes
Defendant and Counsel allow the plain6ff to present his or her evidence ex-parte within ten (10)
calendar days from termina6on of the pre-trial. and the court to render
judgment on the basis of the evidence offered
Subpoena Ad TesIficandum Subpoena duces tecum
is a process directed to a person requiring him or her to require him to bring with him or her any
aPend and to tes6fy at the hearing or the trial of an ac6on, book, documents, or other things under
or at any inves6ga6on conducted by competent authority, his or her control
or for the taking of his or her deposi6on.
Issued by Court, Officer authorized by law to do so, Jus6ce of SC or CA
witness fees and kilometrage allowed were not tendered Upon mo6on if unreasonable and oppressive
or non-relevant of the book or failed to
Failure to obey = not Contempt: advance the reasonable cost of produc6on
1. Resides more than 100km from residence to place
where he is to tesIfy
2. DetenIon prisoner without permission
COMPUTATION OF TIME- day of the act or event from which the designated period of 6me begins to
run is to be excluded and the date of performance included
- falls on sat, sun, legal holiday where the court sits, the 6me shall not run un6l the next working
- interrup6on shall be excluded in computa6on of period
1) Deposi6on pending ac6on upon oral or wriUen interrogatories (only to a party) 10d, 5d,3d)
- ex parte moIon
- any maUer not privileged, relevant to the case, tended to oppress, annoy or embarrass
A commission (authorized him to take deposi6on) or lePers rogatory (to foreign court to give its aid)
shall be issued only when necessary or convenient, on applica6on and no6ce, and on such terms and
with such direc6on as are just and appropriate
Presenta6on of Evidence (OF ALL PARTIES) - terminated within period of 10 mons. or 300 days
XPN: No Third party claim - 6 mons. Or 180 days
Court: decide & serve copies of its decision -w/in 90 days for resolu6on
Adjournment - not longer than 1 month for each adjournment, not more than 3 mons in all
XPN: wriPen authority of Court Admi, SC
Oral offer of exhibits - offer of evidence, comment/ objec6on and court ruling - made orally
When Amer plain6ff has completed presenta6on Amer prosecu6on rests its case
of evidence = amer offer of exhibits
Grounds facts and the law the plain6ff has shown no Insufficiency of evidence
right to relief
Leave of Court Not required Required
Mo6on Granted Adjudica6on upon merits File demurrer to evidence w/in non-
- Appeal extendible of 10 day from no6ce
Mo6on Denied Amer judgment - appeal the en6re decision W/ leave - present evidence
- have the right to present evidence (w/ L) w/out leave- waives right to present
Remedy Not subject to Appeal, CPM un6l amer the termina6on of the case | MR not prohibited
Granted but on appeal waived the right to present evidence Subject to reopen to avoid
order of dismissal if miscarriage of jus6ce. Terminated
reversed within 30 days from order gran6ng it
JUDGMENTS AND FINAL ORDERS- wri6ng personally and directly prepared by the judge
- sta6ng clearly and dis6nctly the facts and the law on which it is based
- signed by him (Disposi6ve part)
- filed with the clerk of the court.
Entry of Judgment
- entered by the clerk in the book of entries of judgments
- date of finality = date of entry
- signed + Cer6ficate of finality and executory
a. Pe66on for Relief - 60 days - 6 months
b. Mo6on for Execu6on - 5 years
C. Revival of Judgment - 10 yrs
(a) Contrary to Law (a) Fraud, accident, mistake or excusable negligence which
(b) Insufficient Evidence to jus6fy ordinary prudence could not have guarded against and by reason
decision of which such aggrieved party has probably been impaired in his
(c) Damages are Excessive rights; or — Affidavit of Merits (AM)
Set Aside, Denied, Amend Original judgment shall be vacated and ac6on shall stand for trial
de novo
Remedy if denied: Not appealable, appeal from the judgment or final order
1. Set aside the judgment without prejudice to refile
2. Extrinsic Fraud - try the case as if a 6mely MNT had been granted by it
MaUer of right DiscreIonary Independent AcIon
Mo6on upon judgment Mo6on w/ no6ce to adverse party Amer the lapse of such 6me, and
If no appeal has been duly pending appeal or several or before it is barred by the statute of
perfected par6al judgment limita6ons,
NoIce of Appeal- 15d NoIce of Appeal- 15d from Grave abuse of Discre6on
perfected if filed in due 6me no6ce of judgment/no6ce of amoun6ng to lack or excess
Record on Appeal - 30d denied MR/MNT jurisdic6on - 60d
upon approval filed in due 6me +30D extension - no appeal or SPA remedy
Writ of HC- 48 hrs
Writ of Amparo - 5 days
Writ of Habeas Data - 5 days
MR is not pre-requisite MR is required MR is required
Decision of RTC in the exercise Decision of RTC, CA, SB, CTA En RTC, CA, SB - concurrent
of its original jurisdic6on Banc jurisdic6on
Appeal to CA (MaPer of right) Appeal to SC (Discre6onary) Appeal to CA/SB
At any 6me before accused enters his plea (arraignment) Amer plea and during trial
Form & Substance - Mo6on w/ leave + No6ce to Offended Party Amend in forms provided as it will not cause
prejudice to the rights of the accused
If the purpose of the amendment is to downgrade the nature of the
offense charged in or exclude any accused from the complaint or
Prejudicial to accused- substan6al amendment (Homicide to Murder)
Amendment SubsItuIon
May or may not leave of court. Always require leave of court since the original offense
ExcepPo downgrade the offense must be dismissed
No need of another PI Need of another PI
Amer the criminal ac6on has been commenced, the separate civil ac6on arising therefrom cannot be
ins6tuted un6l final judgment has been entered in the criminal ac6on (Suspended).
No counterclaim, cross-claim or third-party complaint may be filed by the accused in the criminal
case. Must be li6gated in a separate civil ac6on.
Filing fees
GR: Actual Damages - no filing fees required
Moral, Nominal, Temperate/Exemplary damages - must pay filing fees(cons6tute lien on the
Prejudicial QuesAon - MoAon to suspend criminal proceedings (before prosecuAon rest its case)
Elements of a prejudicial ques6on are:
(a) the previously ins6tuted civil acIon involves an issue similar or
in6mately related to the issue raised in the subsequent criminal ac6on,
(b) the resolu6on of such issue determines whether or not the criminal
ac6on may proceed.
• Prejudicial Ques9on arises only if there has been a previously filed civil ac9on. Moreover, pending
case for declara9on of nullity of marriage does not raise a prejudicial ques9on to a charge of
bigamy since a person who contracts a second marriage without first awai9ng a judicial
declara9on of nullity of his 1st marriage has already commiGed bigamy. the issue in the civil case is
not determina9ve of the guilt and innocence of he accused in the criminal case.
Preliminary InvesAgaAon
- inquiry or proceeding to determine whether there is sufficient ground to engender a well-
founded belief that a crime has been commiPed and the respondent is probably guilty thereof, and
should be held for trial.
• Probable cause can be established with hearsay evidence, as long as there is substan9al basis for
credi9ng the hearsay. Hearsay evidence is admissible in determining probable cause in a
preliminary inves9ga9on because such inves9ga9on is merely preliminary, and does not finally
adjudicate rights and obliga9ons of par9es.”
PI required —> Filing Info —> Issuance of Warrant —> Arrest —> Arraignment —> Pretrial —> Trial
—> Judgment —> Appeal —> Service of sentence
No PI required
• Chartered City
Filing Complaint to prosecutors office —> Filing Info —> Issuance of Warrant —> Arrest
• Provincial
Direct filing Complaint to court —> Issuance of Warrant —> Arrest
place where he is serving final judgment or is temporarily confined while his case is pending, or has
escaped while being transferred from one confinement to another.
Cause of Arrest and Fact Cause of Arrest and Authority Cause of Arrest and Inten6on
-security given for the release of a person in custody of the law, furnished by him or a bondsman,
to guarantee his appearance before any court as required under the condi6ons hereinamer
- furnished by him/ Bondsman/recognizance or responsible person
- not a bar to quesAon the validity of arrest/warrant/ absence of PI
Denied Bail
• Imprisoned exceeding 6 years
• Bail Nega6ng Circumstance Rights of Accused
- recidivist, quasi-recidivist, or habitual delinquent, or has commiPed
• Right to be presumed innocent
the crime aggravated by the circumstance of reitera6on; • To be informed of the nature and cause of
• Escaped accusa6on against him
• CommiPed a crime while under proba6on • Right to counsel
• Flight Risk • Tes6fy as a witness
Undue Risk • To be exempt from being compelled to be
a witness against himself.
• To confront and cross -examine the
Amount of Bail witnesses against him
a) Financial ability of the accused to give bail; • To secure aPendance of witness or
(b) Nature and circumstances of the offense; evidence in his behalf
(c) Penalty for the offense charged; • To have speedy, impar6al and public trial
• To appeal
(d) Character and reputa6on of the accused;
(e) Age and health of the accused;
(f) Weight of the evidence against the accused;
(g) Probability of the accused appearing at the trial; Non bailable Offense
(h) Forfeiture of other bail;
- Capital Offense
(i) The fact that accused was a fugi6ve from jus6ce when arrested; (at the 6me of its commission and applica6on for
(j) Pendency of other cases where the accused is on bail. admission to bail punishable by death)
+ Evidence of the guilt is strong
GR: No bail shall be allowed amer the judgment of convic6on has
become final.
XPN: If before such finality, the accused has applies for proba6on, he may be allowed temporary
liberty under his bail.
Cancelled Forfeited
Mo6on for Produc6on/ Inspec6on of material evidence (good cause + No6ce to par6es)
MoAon to Quash
- at any 6me before entering his plea, move to quash the C/I
- wriPen, signed by accused/counsel
- specify its factual and legal grounds:
Double Jeopardy
- shall be a bar to another prosecu6on for the offense charged
1. accused has been previously convicted or acquiPed or the case was dismissed without his express
2. by a court of competent jurisdic6on,
3. upon a valid complaint or informa6on
XPN: Convic6on of the accused shall not be a bar to another prosecu6on for an offense which
necessarily includes the offense charged in the former complaint or informa6on:
(a) graver offense developed due to supervening facts arising from the same act or omission;
(b) facts cons6tu6ng the graver charge became known or were discovered only amer a plea was
entered in the former complaint or informa6on;
(c) the plea of guilty to lesser offense was made without the consent of the prosecutor & offended
Provisional Dismissal - only WITH consent of accused
Imprisonment not exceeding 6yrs/ fine Permanent 1 yr after issuance of the order without being revived
Exceed 6 years Permanent 2 yrs after issuance without case being revived
Plea not guilty Plea of Lesser Offense Plea Guilty Plea Guilty
(Not Capital Offense) (Capital Offense)
Suspension of Arraignment:
(a) accused appears to be suffering from an unsound mental condi6on which effec6ve renders him
unable to fully understand the charge against him and to plead intelligently
(b) There exists a prejudicial ques6on; and
(c) A pe66on for review of the resolu6on of the prosecutor is pending at either the Department of
Jus6ce, or the Office of the President; provided, not exceed sixty (60) days counted from the filing of
the pe66on with the reviewing office.
- amer arraignment and within thirty (30) days from the date the court acquires jurisdic6on over the
person of the accused,
(a) plea bargaining;
(b) s6pula6on of facts;
(c) marking for iden6fica6on of evidence of the par6es;
(d) waiver of objec6ons to admissibility of evidence;
(e) modifica6on of the order of trial if the accused admits the charge but interposes a lawful defense;
(f) such other maPers as will promote a fair and expedi6ous trial
Pre-trial agreement - reduced in wri6ng and signed by the accused and counsel, otherwise, they
cannot be used against the accused.
ConAnuous Trial
Right of the accused speedy trial GR: En6re trial period
vs. - 180 days from 1st
Right of the accused speedy disposi6on (CONSTI: Quasi, Judicial, Admin, day of trial
and applies even on Appeal) - affidavit
180 days = 1st year trial
Trial in absen6a 120 days = 2nd year trial
- accused was arraigned and duly no6fied of trial, but his failure to appear 80 days = 3rd year trial
is unjus6fiable
1. Prosecu6on Presents
- Mo6on for Demurrer to Evidence - ac6on on the ground of insufficiency of evidence
- Mo6on to Discharge accused to be a state witness - affidavit —> Hearing : Denied affidavit -
inadmissible or AdmiPed - admissible and discharge the accused (Sec. of Jus6ce)
- grounds:
(a) There is absolute necessity for the tes6mony of the accused whose discharge is requested;
(b) The is no other direct evidence available for the proper prosecu6on of the offense commiPed,
except the tes6mony of said accused;
(c) The tes6mony of said accused can be substanIally corroborated in its material points;
(d) Said accused does not appear to be the most guilty; and
(e) Said accused has not at any 6me been convicted of any offense involving moral turpitude
2. Accused Presents
3. RebuPal/SurebuPal
- may reopen only if there is no finality of convic6on
Not Guilty : AcquiUal Guilty : Convicted
1 search warrant (effec6ve un6l 10 yrs) = 1 offense -filed before the court where the crime is
XPN: compelling reasons | Execu6ve Judge of Manila, QC - enforceable anywhere in Philippines
1. Probable cause - personally examined by the judge under oath
2. Searching ques6ons - in wri6ng and under oath
3. Place to be search with par6cularity and the persons or things to be seized is iden6fiable -
inventory; contempt
Mo6on to Quash - Filed before the search warrant; where the warrant was issued or criminal case is
Mo6on to suppress - items already seized but u want to stop it use in court
Judgment of RTC RTC (appellate jurisdic6on) RTC, CA, CB, CTA En Banc
(original jurisdic6on)
Ques6on of law or facts Ques6on of law or facts Ques6on of laws
No6ce of Appeal w/in 15 days Verified Pe66on Verified Pe66on for Review on
or Record on Appeal w/in 30 days w/in 15 days Cer6orari w/in 15 days
or Habeas Corpus cases w/in 48 hrs + Cert. against Forum Shopping
from no6ce of judgment + full payment of Docket fees
+ Provisional remedy - Injunc6on
To CA (maPer of right) CA (discre6on) SC (discre6on)
Judgment of MTC in the exercise of its delegated jurisdic9on in land registra9on cases shall be
appealable in the same manner as decisions of RTC. Hence appeal to CA by no9ce of appeal within 15
days from no9ce of denial of MR)
perfected upon the filing of the no6ce of appeal perfected upon the approval of the record on
in due 6me appeal filed in due 6me
Court loses jurisdic6on over the case upon the court loses jurisdic6on upon the approval of the
perfec6on of the appeals records on appeal
RESIDUAL JURISDICTION: Court may issue, prior to the transmiPal of the original record or the RA:
1. orders for the protec6on and preserva6on of the rights of the par6es
2. approve compromises,
3. permit appeals of indigent li6gants,
4. order execu6on pending appeal
5. allow withdrawal of the appeal.
- Relief; award damages, aPy fees and order res6tu6on / jus6ce and equity
- Effect:
1. Set aside w/out prejudice to refile
2. Set aside (Extrinsic Fraud) - try the case as if a 6mely mo6on for new trial had been granted
Cybercrime Warrants
preserva6on, disclosure, search and examina6on of computer data, valid for 10 days from issuance.
Cybercrime courts in QC, Manila, Maka6, Pasig, Cebu, Ilo-ilo, Davao, Cagayan de oro
- enforceable na6onwide and outside the Philippines
Venue : where elements is commiPed, computer system is situated, damages caused took place
- the means, sanc6oned by these rules, of ascertaining in a judicial proceeding the truth respec6ng a
maPer of fact
1. Admissible - relevant to the issue and not excluded by Con6, laws, or these rules
2. Relevance - must have such a rela6on to the fact in issue as to induce belief in its existence or non-
(1) Mandatory -w/out intro of evid admission, oral or wriPen, made by the party in the
(2) Discre6onary course of the proceedings in the same case, does not
- public knowledge, require proof
- capable of unques6onable demonstra6on
- ought to be known to judges because of their - contradicted only by showing that it was made
judicial func6ons. through palpable mistake or that the
(3) Hearing Necessary imputed admission was not, in fact, made.
- motu propriety or upon mo6on hear the par6es
during pre-trial or trial
Object as evidence - Objects as evidence are those addressed to the senses of the court. When an
object is relevant to the fact in issue, it may be exhibited to, examined or viewed by the court.
Documentary evidence.
Documents consist of wri6ngs, recordings, photographs (DWRP) or any material containing
lePers, words, sounds, numbers, figures, symbols, or their equivalent, or other modes of wriPen
expression offered as proof of their contents.
Photographs include s6ll pictures, drawings, stored images, x-ray films, mo6on pictures or videos.
Text messages are electronic documents which are covered by the Original Document Rule. Hence
tes9mony or transcript of their contents can be introduced provided predicate is laid.
“Original” - document itself or any counterpart intended to have the same effect by a person
"Duplicate" - a counterpart produced by the same impression as the original/ which accurately
reproduce the original.
GR: Duplicate is admissible to the same extent as an original
XPN: (1) a genuine ques6on is raised as to the authen6city of the original, or
(2)it is unjust or inequitable to admit the duplicate in lieu of the original.
1. When the original document has been lost or destroyed, or cannot be produced in court w/out BF,
- the offeror: proof of its execu6on or existence and the cause of its unavailability =
2. Original is in the custody or under the control of adverse party - reasonable no6ce & fails to
3. Consists of numerous accounts or other documents which cannot be examined in court without
great loss of 6me sought to be established from them is only the general result of the whole
- contents presented in the form of summaries
4. public record in the public officer’s custody - cer6fied copy issued by the public officer in custody
5. original is not closely-related to a controlling issue
6. The original cannot be obtained by the local judicial processes or procedures.
XPN: present evidence to modify, explain or add to the terms if he puts in issue in verified pleading:
(a) Intrinsic ambiguity, mistake or imperfec6on in the wriPen agreement; (A)
(b) The failure to express the true intent and agreement of the par6es thereto; (I)
(c) The validity of the wriPen agreement; or (V)
(d) Subsequent agreements or existence of other terms agreed to by the par6es or their successors
in interest aker the execuIon of the wriPen agreement. (S)
To overcome the presump9on that the wriGen agreement contains all the terms of the agreement,
the parol evidence must be clear and convincing
The parol evidence rule bars evidence of prior or contemporaneous terms or condiAons, whether
oral or wriden, which would alter the terms of a wriGen contract.
Court may not enter a contract for the par9es, they can merely Interpreta6on
interpret the same
Legal meaning
TesImonial Evidence construed so as to give effect to all provisions.
Witnesses general < par6cular provision (inconsistent)
- all persons who can perceive, and perceiving, can make known Circumstance
their percep6on to others WriPen > printed (inconsistent)
- tes6mony confined to facts he/she knows of personal knowledge, derived from own percep6on
- Disqualifica6on: cannot tes6fy
Marriage should be exis6ng at 6me of offer of May be invoked even amer the termina6on of
tes6mony marriage
Total prohibi6on vs. any tes6mony against spouse Apply only on confiden6al communica6ons bet spa
• Husband or wife
During and amer marriage cannot be examined without the consent other as to any
communica6on received in confidence during the marriage
1. civil case by one against the other, or
2. criminal case for a crime commiPed by 1 against the other/laPer’s direct descendants or
• Adorney-Client privilege
GR: APy. or person reasonably believed bv the client (i) Furtherance of crime or fraud.
to be licensed to engage in the pracIce of law cannot (ii) Claimants through same deceased client.
be examined as to any communica6on made by the (iii) Breach of duty by lawyer or client.
client to him or her, or his or her advice given thereon (iv) Document aPested by the lawyer or communica6on
in the course of, or with a view to, professional relevant to an issue concerning an aPested document
employment without the clients’ consent (v) Joint clients. communica6on relevant to a maPer of
common interest between two or more clients if the
Nor can an aPorney's secretary, stenographer, or communica6on was made by any of them to a lawyer
clerk, or other persons assis6ng the aPorney be retained or consulted in common, when offered in an
examined without the consent of the client and his or ac6on between any of the clients
her employer, concerning any fact the knowledge of XPN: they have expressly agreed otherwise
which has been acquired in such capacity,
Dog is not treated as a declarant/ witness who can be cross-examined. Hence, tes9mony that the dog
sat beside the package is not tes9mony about out-of-court declara9on and thus not hearsay.
Medical cer9ficate that plain9ff suffered whiplash is hearsay if the physician who executed it not
presented in court.
Complaint-affidavit is hearsay where affiant did not tes9fy and was not subject to cross-examina9on
on contents thereof.
Prosecu6on presents W who tes6fies that accused shot the vic6m. Defense knows that W was in the
U.S. at the 6me of the shoo6ng, which happened in the PH. Defense can object on the ground of lack
of firsthand knowledge. vs.
Prosecu6on presents W who tes6fies that he heard David say that accused shot vic6m. The proper
objec6on is not lack of firsthand knowledge but hearsay since W is repor6ng an out-of-court
1. Dying declara6on - applies to both criminal and civil
declara6on of a dying person, made under the consciousness of an impending death, may be
received in any case wherein his or her death is the subject of inquiry, as evidence of the cause and
surrounding circumstances of declarant’s death.
The degree and seriousness of declarant’s wounds is sufficient to show that he was conscious of his
dying condi9on
2. Part of the res gestae- statements made by a person while a startling occurrence is taking place or
immediately prior or subsequent thereto, under the stress of excitement caused by the
occurrence with respect to the circumstances thereof, may be given in evidence as part of the res
Statement admissible even if made eleven hours a]er the incident, provided the declarantwas s9ll
under the influence of the startling event.
If the statement was made at the 9me of or immediately before or a]er the startling occurrence, it
may be presumed that it was made under the stress of excitement caused by the startling occurrence,
but if it is removed in 9me from the occurrence, there must be a showing that the declarant was s9ll
under the stress of excitement.
- act, declara6on or omission (ADO) of a party to a relevant fact, evidence against him/her
- not an excep6on to the hearsay rule
- declara6on of an accused acknowledging his or her guilt of the offense charged or of any offense
necessarily included therein, may be given in evidence against him
Offer of compromise
Civil case Criminal case
An offer to pay, or the payment of medical, hospital or other expenses occasioned by an injury, is not
admissible in evidence as proof of civil or criminal liability for the injury
not an admission of any liability implied admission of guilt.
not admissible in evidence against the offeror. XPN: Quasi Offenses (Criminal Negligence)
Neither is evidence of conduct nor statements made A plea of guilty later withdrawn or an unaccepted
in compromise nego6a6ons admissible offer of a plea of guilty to a lesser offense
- not admissible in evidence against the accused
XPN: offered for another purpose
1. proving bias or prejudice of a witness, Any statement made in the course of plea bargaining
2. nega6ving a conten6on of undue delay, or with the prosecu6on, which does not result in a plea
3. proving an effort to obstruct a criminal of guilty or which results in a plea of guilty later
inves6ga6on or prosecu6on. withdrawn
- not admissible.
XPN: Vicarious Admission (VA) are not covered by hearsay rule. Hence, a witness may tes6fy even if
the VA are made out of court due to sufficient affinity or close relaIon of the 3rd person w/adverse
1. By Third Party - as an excep6onal case
2. By Co-partner/ agent -authorized act or within scope of authority + during existence of
3. By Conspirator - in furtherance of conspiracy + during conspiracy’s existence + Conspiracy is
shown by evidence other than the Act or declara6on (AD)
4. By privies - derives 6tle to prop from another, laPer’s ADO in rel. to the property is evidence
against the former if done while the laPer was holding the 6tle.
5. By silence - AD made in the presence + w/in observa6on of party who does/says nothing when AD
is such as naturally call for ac6on/comment if not true + proper and possible to do so.
(a) The iden6ty of a person about whom he or she has adequate knowledge;
(b) A handwri6ng with which he or she has sufficient familiarity; and
(c) The mental sanity of a person with whom he or she is sufficiently acquainted.
(a) character of the offended party = offense charged Admissible only Criminal
(b) accused may prove his or her good moral character, per6nent to the moral when per6nent and Civil
trait involved in the offense charged. to the issue of Cases
XPN: prosecu6on may not prove his or her bad moral character unless on involved in the
rebuPal. case
to establish claim/defense by amount of evidence required by law to establish a prima facie case
Conclusive Presump6on (led another to believe a par6cular thing true + Tenant & Landlord’s 6tle) vs.
Disputable presump6on (presump6ons are sa6sfactory, but may be overcome by other evidence)
Leading Ques6on which suggests to witness the answer which the examining party desires -is
allowed vs.
Misleading Ques6on assumes as true a fact not yet tes6fied to by the witness, or contrary to that
which he or she has previously stated - not allowed
to refresh his or her memory respec6ng a fact by no recollec6on of the par6cular facts, if he or
anything wriPen or recorded by himself or herself, or she is able to swear that the wri6ng or record
under his or her direc6on correctly stated the transac6on when made
must be produced and may be inspected by the adverse
Impeachment = Means to destroy or put in doubt the credibility of the witness or his tes6mony. Not
necessary to show that witness is lying but that witness may be mistaken in his observa6on or
narra6on (e.g. using inconsistent statement). Impeachment may be done during cross or by
independent evidence.
Tender of excluded evidence. - If docs or things offered are excluded by the court, the offeror may
have the same aPached to or made part of the record. If the evidence excluded is oral, the offeror
may state for the record: (1)Witness’ name+personal circumstances; (2) substance of the proposed
An extrajudicial confession made by an accused shall not be sufficient ground for convic6on, unless
corroborated by evidence of corpus delic9.
Preponderance of evidence - civil cases, superior weight of evidence on the issues involved lies
Proof beyond reasonable doubt - criminal cases, moral certainty or that degree of proof which produces
convic6on in an unprejudiced mind (X) absolute certainty
Circumstan6al evidence is sufficient for convic6on if:
(a) There is more than one circumstance;
(b) The facts from which the inferences are derived are proven; and
(c) The combina6on of all the circumstances is such as to produce a convic6on beyond reasonable doubt.
Inferences cannot be based on other inferences
Substan9al evidence. - administra6ve or quasi-judicial bodies, amount of relevant evidence which a
reasonable mind might accept as adequate to jus6fy a conclusion
STATEMENT of Claim (arising from a contract) + Cert. of Non-forum Shopping + AD + Affidavits —>
Dismiss or Issue summons to submit Verified Response (w/in 10 days from receipt of summons) or
issue no6ce of hearing
Damages arising from quasi contract are not covered by small claims.
4. Appearance
General Rule: The par6es shall personally appear on the designated date of hearing.
XPN: a. Appearance through a representa6ve must be for a valid cause.
b. If the court determines that a party cannot properly present his/her claim or defense and needs
assistance, the court may allow another individual who is not an aPorney to assist + his consent.
Effects of failure to appear
a. Must not be a lawyer, unless he is the plain6ff/ defendant Plain6ff- dismissal without prejudice
Note: Juridical en66es shall not be represented by a lawyer Defendant - the court shall render judgment
in any capacity. as alleged in the statement of claim
b. Must be related to or next-of-kin of the individual-party, Both - dismissal with prejudice
c. Authorized under SPA
5. Hearing; Duty of the Judge (read aloud explaning the nature, purpose, and procedure)
- shall be set not more than 30 days from filing of STATEMENT
- Avail only 1 request for postponement due to proof of physical inability
- Effort to SePle
—> failed to reach an amicable sePlement: hearing
—> sePled : reduced into wri6ng +Signed by par6es + approved by court
2 stages
1. Propriety of Ac6on- authority of the plain6ff to exercise eminent domain
- the final order of expropria6on is appealable, but the lower court may determine the just
compensa6on to be paid.
The plain6ff shall have the right to take or enter upon possession of the real property upon:
a. Filing of complaint or at any 6me thereamer,
b. Amer due no6ce to defendant, and
c. Making a preliminary deposit
For Na9onal Govt. Infrastructures, to have the right to enter or take possession of expropriated
property, the govt should immediately pay the owner 100% of the market value of the property
(issued by BIR not more than 3 yrs prior filing), not assessed value. Non-govt. Infrastructure, assessed
value standard and ini9al deposit is required.
Subject Acts without jurisdic6on, - unlawfully neglects the respondent claims any right
maPer excess of jurisdic6on, performance of an act or to the office and usurps,
grave abuse of discre6on - excludes another from use intrudes into or
to which such other is unlawfully holds it
Against exercising judicial or Exercising judicial, Exercising ministerial 1. Person who usurps
any quasi-judicial quasi-judicial func6ons 2. Public Officer
tribunal, func6ons func6ons - obedience to the mandate 3. Associa6on without
board or of a legal authority legally incorporated
officer XPN: willful refusal of
required duty even
discre6onary act
Where to SC, CA, RTC - where
file respondent resides
XPN: RTC of Manila (filed by
MR Condi6on precedent Not a condi6on precedent
Reliefs Does not stay judgment, hence file TRO/ Writ of Preliminary Injunc6on
1. In Quo warranto involving an elec6ve post the issue is the eligibility of candidate elected, while in
that involving an appoin6ve post the issue is the legality of appointment.
2. In the former, if the respondent is found ineligible, the 2nd highest vote gePer, even if eligible
cannot be declared elected, while in the laPer, the resolu6on shall determine who has been legally
appointed and declare who is en6tled to occupy the office.
Scope 1. Illegal confinement or Extralegal killings and protect the image, privacy,
detenIon enforced disappearance or honor, informaIon, and
2. DeprivaIon of righrul threats freedom of informaIon of
custody if withheld an individual
-direct/indirect govt. - no need for govt.
parIcipaIon parIcipaIon
Limita6ons May not be suspended
XPN: invasion, rebellion, public Shall not diminish, modify, increase substan6ve rights
safety requires
Respondent(verified mo6on+hearing)
1. Inspec6on Order
2. Produc6on order
uncondi6onally commanding the respondent to requiring the respondent to appear and show cause
have the body of the detained person before the why the peremptory writ should not be granted.
court at a 6me and place therein specified.
Judgment - Appeal Interlocutory Order -Rule 65
If the cause of the deten6on appears to be patently If the person is detained under governmental authority and the
illegality of his deten6on is not patent from the pe66on for the
illegal, the court issues the habeas corpus writ writ, the court issues the cita6on to the government officer having
noncompliance with which is punishable custody to show cause why the habeas corpus writ should not issue
C. Prohibited pleadings
1. Mo6on to dismiss the complaint;
2. Mo6on for a bill of par6culars;
3. Mo6on for extension of 6me to file pleadings, except to file answer, the extension not 15
4. Mo6on to declare the defendant in default;
5. Reply and rejoinder; and
6. Third party complaint
- No damages can be awarded in ci6zen suit | File a separa6on aciton or envi. civil ac6on
- Reliefs: protect, preserve envi.+ payment of aPy fees/ Rehab Program/ Contribute to special trust
F. Permanent Environmental Protec6on Order (PEPO) - court order to perform/ desist from
performing an act to preserve, protect, rehabilitate the environment
3. Special Proceedings
A. Writ of Kalikasan
- VERIFIED PETITION + Cert. of Non-Forum Shopping -> filed with SC/ CA -> issuance of writ within 3
days -> service of writ -> VERIFIED RETURN w/in 10 days -> Hearing/PC -> Judgment w/in 60days
from 6me pe66on is submiPed for decision
- no award of damages to individual pe66oners
1. Mo6on to dismiss;
2. Mo6on for extension of 6me to file return;
3. Mo6on for postponement;
4. Mo6on for a bill of par6culars;
5. Counterclaim or cross-claim;
6. Third-party complaint;
7. Reply; and
8. Mo6on to declare respondent in default
C. Discovery Measures - VERIFIED MOTION, must show that the order is necessary to establish
magnitude of viola6on / threat as to prejudice life, health, property
1. Ocular Inspec6on
2. Produc6on/ Inspec6on of Docs./ things
D. Writ of Con6nuing Mandamus filed by person personally aggrieved vs. Government/ its Officers
- same w first defini6on
- unlawfully neglects the performance of an act which the law specifically enjoins as duty.
- Unlawfully excludes another from the use or enjoyment of such right
- No other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law
- Filed with the RTC, (exercising jurisdic6on over the territory where ac6onable neglect or omission
occurred) CA, SC
- VERIFIED PETITION -> Issuance of Writ+ Order to comment -> Comment within 10 days amer
order -> Summary Hearing -> Judgment -> Return of Writ (Par6al periodic reports, Final)
- Damages allowed
3. Criminal Procedure
A. filed by offended party, peace officer, public officer charged with enforcement of envi. Law
B. Ins6tu6on of Criminal and Civil Ac6on
GR: when a criminal ac6on is ins6tuted, civil ac6on arising from the offense charged is deemed
ins6tuted with criminal ac6on.
XPN: waives, reserves, ins6tutes civil pro
C. Arrest without warrant - in his presence, offense has been commiPed and he has probable cause
to believed based on personal knowledge of facts
F. Arraignment w/in 15 days from 6me it acquires jurisdic6on over the accused + No6ce
plea - agreement to the plea offered -> issue order, receive evil, render judgment
G. Pre-trial w/in 30 days amer arraignment or refer the case to COC (preliminary conference)
- Pre-trial order w/in 10 days amer termina6on of pre-trial
-> Trial (not exceed 3 months from Pre-trial order) -> Decision (60 days to decide)
- dispose within 10 months from date of arraignment
A. PrecauAonary Principle
- when human ac6vi6es may lead to threats of serious and irreversible damage to the environment
that is scien6fically plausible but uncertain, ac6ons shall be taken to avoid or diminish that threat.
B. Documentary Evidence : photo, video, similar evid shall be admissible when authen6cated by
person who took the same, other person present or competent to tes6fy