Name of Policy Parent Complaints Policy and Procedure

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Parent Complaints

Policy and Procedures

NAME OF POLICY Parent Complaints Policy and Procedure


DATE APPROVED September 2019

DATE OF REVIEW September 2021

RELATED POLICIES GEMS Complaints Policy 001

Complaints Procedures for Parents

At Cambridge International School (CIS) we welcome suggestions and comments from parents and
take any complaints and concerns that they may raise very seriously. We encourage parents to bring
these to our attention as early as possible so that we have the opportunity to rectify a problem or
explain the school's position before a concern becomes more serious. A complaint will be treated as
an expression of genuine dissatisfaction, to which we will respond.

All staff endeavour to listen to what parents and stakeholders are saying and to work in partnership to
resolve any problems or concerns. The school recognises that a student’s education will be enhanced
by the wholehearted support of parents and appropriate accessibility to its staffing body, Middle and
Senior leadership Team.

Many worries or concerns can be managed without the need for formal procedures, providing that the
concern is taken seriously and addressed at an early stage. In many cases, the class teacher will
receive the first approach and the issue is resolved immediately. However, formal procedures will
need to be invoked when initial attempts to resolve the issue remain unsuccessful and the person
raising the concern remains dissatisfied and wishes to take the matter further.

Our school aims to be fair, open and honest when dealing with any complaint. We give careful
consideration to all complaints and deal with them as swiftly as possible. We aim to resolve any
complaint through dialogue and mutual understanding and, in all cases, we put the interests of the
child above all other issues. We provide sufficient opportunity for any complaint to be fully discussed,
and then resolved.

It is inevitable in any institution that there are occasions when parents or other stakeholders are
dissatisfied with the service provided. This Policy advises all persons on how to direct a complaint and
the potential escalation procedures around this.

We will to ensure that:

• Parents who wish to make a complaint know how to do so
• We respond to complaints within a reasonable time and in a courteous and efficient way
• Parents realise that we will listen and take all complaints seriously
• We take appropriate action where necessary

How should I complain?

Parents who have a concerns or complaint, should normally raise these in the first instance with their
child's class teacher or form tutor by letter, email, telephone or by verbally requesting a meeting. If the
parent is not satisfied with the response of the class teacher or form tutor or feel that the matter is
sufficiently sensitive or serious, they should contact the Head of Year who will then be able to liaise
with relevant staff, put the parent in contact with the appropriate member of the Senior Management
Team or refer the parent directly to the Head of School. Parents may feel that they should contact the
Head of School directly, especially on a matter of great importance or sensitivity, however, matters
usually have to be referred back to the Head of Year, therefore it is best to seek his/her advice in the
first instance.

Parents can also write directly to the Principal if the matter is of serious concern, although the issue
would still have to be referred back to and discussed with appropriate members of the School
Management Team.

What will happen next?

If a parent raises an issue face to face or by telephone or email, it will hopefully be possible to resolve
the matter immediately and to their satisfaction. If the parent has made a complaint or suggestion in
writing, they will receive a response within two working days, acknowledging their letter and
explaining how they/the school propose to proceed.

In many circumstances, the person contacted may need to discuss the issue with one or more
colleagues and consider further before a response can be made. The parent will be given a date by
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which they will receive a further response. If a detailed explanation of the issue is needed, a letter or
report will be sent to the parent as quickly as possible, informing them of the outcome of their
complaint and will explain any action taken or proposed. Alternatively, the parent may be invited to a
meeting at the school. The Principal’s PA will keep a written record of all significant parental
complaints and their outcome.

All complaints should be dealt with within 7 working days. Where a complaint is considered more
complex and requires additional time for investigation, the lead investigator should inform the
complainant with a realistic timeline.

Students Learning and Teaching

Stage 1 - Initial complaint directed to the class teacher to be resolved and feedback provided
Stage 2 - Initial complaint directed to the Head of Department (Secondary) or Head of
Year (Primary) to be resolved and feedback provided
Stage 3 - Forwarded to the respective Head of School responsible for investigation and
Stage 4 - Forwarded to the Vice Principal - for investigation and feedback
Stage 5 - Forwarded to the Principal/CEO for final resolution

Students Behaviour, Emotional Wellbeing or Support

Stage 1 - Initial complaint directed to the class teacher to be resolved and feedback provided
Stage 2 - Initial complaint directed to the Head of Year to be resolved and feedback
Stage 3 - Forwarded to the Head of School for investigation and feedback
Stage 4 - Forwarded to the Vice Principal (Primary) or Form Tutor (Secondary) for
investigation and feedback
Stage 5 - Forwarded to the Principal/CEO for final resolution

Operations/Facilities/External Services
Stage 1 - Initial complaint directed to the PRE to be resolved and feedback provided
Stage 2 - Initial complaint directed to the Manager of School Operations to be resolved and
feedback provided
Stage 3 - Forwarded to the Principal/CEO for final resolution

A Member of Staff
Stage 1 - Forwarded to the Vice Principal for investigation and feedback
Stage 2 - Forwarded to the Principal/CEO for final resolution

A Member of the Leadership Team

To be directed to the Principal/CEO for investigation feedback and final resolution

The Principal/CEO
To be directed to the Education Department at GEMS Corporate Office, either through a mail or phone
call (hotline).

Parental complaints or concerns will be treated in a confidential manner and with respect. Knowledge
of the complaint or concern will be limited to the Head of School and those directly involved. It is the
school's policy that complaints made by parents will not rebound adversely on their children in any

We cannot, however, entirely rule out the need to make relevant third parties outside the school
aware of the complaint and the identity of those involved. This would only be likely to happen where,
for example, a child's safety was at risk or it became necessary to refer matters to the police. Before
this happens, the parent making the complaint would be fully informed.

Anonymous Complaints
Anonymous complaints will not be pursued.
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Staff Disciplinary Procedures
Any action taken under staff disciplinary procedures, following parental complaints, would normally be
handled confidentially within the school. Parents would be informed that appropriate action had been

What happens if a parent is dissatisfied with the outcome?

We will endeavour to ensure that all parents feel satisfied with the outcome and feel that their
concerns have been fully addressed. If a parent is dissatisfied with the outcome then they should take
the following action:

• At Head of Year level, contact the relevant Head of School

• At Head of School level, refer the matter to the Vice Principal
• At Vice Principal level write directly to the CEO/Principal

Complaints to the CEO/Principal

The CEO/Principal or his delegated representative will request a full report from the Vice Principal
along with all relevant documents. On the basis of these, the CEO/Principal or his representative may
decide to call for a briefing from individual members of staff. As the CEO/Principal, or his
representative, starts to investigate the case he will write to the parent to inform them of the action
being taken and will ask the parent if they wish to add what they have already said and will give a
date by which the parent may expect a full response. The CEO/Principal or his representative may be
able to offer a new approach to the matter which may satisfactorily conclude the matter for the parent.
The CEO/Principal response will be clear and detailed but, if the parent remains dissatisfied the
CEO/Principal will also offer a meeting.

If a meeting is requested those involved will be:

• The CEO/Principal or his representative
• The Vice Principal
• The relevant member of staff (if deemed necessary)
• The Parents

Pupil complaints, concerns and counselling procedures

The principles which apply to parental complaints also apply to complaints and concerns from pupils.
However, there are differences in approach. We believe that it is important that our pupils should be
able to raise concerns with any member of staff with whom they feel comfortable. Pupils may also use
the CIS email system to make a member of staff aware of their concerns in a confidential manner. As
with parental complaints, anonymous complaints will not be pursued.

Pupils may also raise general concerns via tutor group meetings or to the School Counsellor. At the
start of each year, the form tutor and class teachers will explain these procedures to their pupils and
students in a manner appropriate to their age. The School is determined to ensure that all pupils know
to whom they can turn to. Every classroom has a flow chart of the people students can speak to
regarding any concerns.

Independent Complaints Procedure

It is recognised that on occasions the complainant may not be satisfied with the result of a complaint at
school level. Where this is the case, and only following the complaints procedure as outlined in in this
section, there is an option to put in writing a complaint in relation to either:

a. The initial complaint

b. The complaints procedure

All complaints relating to the above will be dealt with at GEMS Corporate Office where an independent
investigation will be conducted. Where recommendations are suggested, the Principal and Leadership
Team will review policy and procedure and make changes where appropriate.

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Responsibilities – Staff
• To understand the importance of handling and resolving the initial complaint and ensuring a
resolution is found to satisfy the complainant and to avoid further escalation
• To ensure the recording of complaints, implemented actions and those relevant line managers
are involved in any escalation of complaints
• To ensure the relevant member of the Senior Leadership Team is involved immediately where
a complaint escalates beyond their ability to offer an acceptable resolution

Feedback Procedure
It’s important for us to understand what our parents and visitors perceive as our strengths and
likewise what recommendations for improvement to our service they would like to see take place.
This can be achieved in the following ways:
• Email or verbal conversation with our Parent Relations Executive
• Email or verbal conversation with the relevant class or departmental representative
• Feedback via the generic school email address found on our website

When it is felt that an issue is more pressing than simple feedback and an informal or formal
complaint is deemed necessary, then the Complaints Procedure outlined should be followed.

Monitoring and Recording

• The number of formal complaints per term should be an indicator of how the school is meeting
the needs of its students and addressing customer satisfaction
• Patterns and trends should be highlighted by the Senior Leadership Team and proactive
actions should take place to prevent re-occurrence
• Recording of complaints will be kept by the Principal/CEO for review by GEMS Corporate
Office should an escalation be required

Each member of the Leadership Team will be responsible for investigating the process of an
unresolved complaint relating to their team, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the process in
handling the complaint in accordance with this policy.

Feedback should be given for improvements in process to the Principal/CEO.

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