International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Water Safety Plans (WSPs), recommended by the World Health Organization since 2004, seek to proac-
Received 15 November 2016 tively identify potential risks to drinking water supplies and implement preventive barriers that improve
Received in revised form 31 January 2017 safety. To evaluate the outcomes of WSP application in large drinking water systems in France and Spain,
Accepted 19 February 2017
we undertook analysis of water quality and compliance indicators between 2003 and 2015, in conjunc-
tion with an observational retrospective cohort study of acute gastroenteritis incidence, before and after
Chemical compound studied in this article:
WSPs were implemented at five locations. Measured water quality indicators included bacteria (E. coli,
Aluminum (PubChem CID: 5359268)
fecal streptococci, total coliform, heterotrophic plate count), disinfectants (residual free and total chlo-
Bromate (PubChem CID: 84979)
Chlorine (PubChem CID: 24526)
rine), disinfection by-products (trihalomethanes, bromate), aluminum, pH, turbidity, and total organic
carbon, comprising about 240 K manual samples and 1.2 M automated sensor readings. We used multiple,
Keywords: Poisson, or Tobit regression models to evaluate water quality before and after the WSP intervention. The
Water safety plan compliance assessment analyzed exceedances of regulated, recommended, or operational water quality
HACCP thresholds using chi-squared or Fisher’s exact tests. Poisson regression was used to examine acute gas-
Drinking water quality
troenteritis incidence rates in WSP-affected drinking water service areas relative to a comparison area.
Gastrointestinal illness
Implementation of a WSP generally resulted in unchanged or improved water quality, while compliance
Water treatment
Regulatory compliance improved at most locations. Evidence for reduced acute gastroenteritis incidence following WSP imple-
mentation was found at only one of the three locations examined. Outcomes of WSPs should be expected
to vary across large water utilities in developed nations, as the intervention itself is adapted to the needs
of each location. The approach may translate to diverse water quality, compliance, and health outcomes.
© 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
1438-4639/© 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
514 K.E. Setty et al. / International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (2017) 513–530
and establishes critical control points where ongoing monitoring and possible study locations for this project (Loret et al., 2016).
should take place (Bartram et al., 2009). It led to a ranking of reported WSP benefit categories among 21
More recently, evaluation frameworks and indicators have been drinking water utility managers as well as an average WSP labor
proposed to measure progress toward WSP goals and evaluate investment estimate of 10.5 person-months (full-time equivalent)
gains. Numerous indicators can relay the effectiveness of WSPs, for implementation and 4 person-months/year for ongoing WSP
broadly spanning inputs (e.g., funding and time commitment), maintenance.
activities/outputs (e.g., number of team meetings), outcomes (e.g.,
operational efficiency or cost savings), and impacts (e.g., water
quality or health improvements) (Gelting et al., 2012). Changes 2. Methods
related to the WSP process can take place across all categories,
although the former categories may show earlier and more measur- 2.1. Site selection
able change when compared to more distal outcomes and impacts.
Lockhart et al. (2014) recommends evaluating specific indicators To evaluate water quality, compliance, and health outcomes of
within four categories: institutional, operational, financial, and pol- WSP implementation, we undertook an observational retrospective
icy outcomes. A review of WSP evaluations to date (Kot et al., 2015) cohort study at five locations (locations 1–4 in France and loca-
found primary reported benefits of the WSP approach to include tion 5 in Spain) where WSPs were implemented between 2006 and
improvements in organizational structure or daily procedures, bet- 2013. Three (locations 1, 3, and 5) included a paired nearby com-
ter risk awareness among water operators, more efficient water parison area with no WSP implementation. Data availability was a
management practices, improved compliance with water regula- strongly limiting factor, so intervention and comparison areas were
tions, and a reduction in customer complaints. Another systematic not randomly selected (comparison area selection criteria are listed
review suggested financial outcomes of WSPs have the clearest evi- in Table A1). The five locations included in the study correspond to a
dence base, even though operational outcomes are more frequently total of 15 drinking water treatment plants and groundwater treat-
documented (String and Lantagne, 2016). The review concludes ment facilities (Table 1). Inclusion criteria specified either surface
that outcome and impact evaluation data demonstrating WSP value water or influenced groundwater sources, WSP implementation in
remain weak. the production and/or distribution system, and water quality data
Although a central goal of WSPs is to reduce the risk of available for at least two years before and after WSP implementa-
water contamination events, limited evaluation data is available tion. Each system had obtained ISO 22000 food safety management
to demonstrate WSP effectiveness at decreasing drinking water certification at the end of the WSP implementation period, one of
pathogen or chemical exposures, as well as corresponding health several existing WSP models (ISO, 2005). At locations 1, 2, and 4,
improvements. The impact of WSPs on human health has been only the production system was certified (the drinking water treat-
investigated in Iceland, one of the first countries to legislate their ment plants and/or groundwater treatment facilities). Location 5
use in 1995. Data collected before and after WSPs were intro- included two intervention areas: a “full WSP” where the produc-
duced showed measurably less contaminated water, significantly tion and distribution systems were certified and a “partial WSP”
fewer cases of diarrhea, and improved compliance with drinking certifying only the distribution system. In the partial WSP area,
water standards (Gunnarsdóttir et al., 2012a). Iceland is a unique water from another purveyor’s drinking water treatment plant is
developed country with a high quality groundwater supply, where delivered to the local service area via a main pipe. Most locations
chlorination is not used to disinfect drinking water supplies. We provided both production and distribution network water quality
sought to repeat this type of investigation at five locations in monitoring data; location 2 was limited to production samples only
France and Spain, with a focus on generalizing outcomes across and the partial WSP area of location 5 was limited to distribution
large population centers in developed nations served by chlori- samples only.
nated surface water and surface-influenced groundwater supplies. In some cases, the municipal boundaries where health data was
These regions have relatively low burdens of diarrheal disease com- reported did not fully coincide with the water service areas. The
pared to developing nations (WHO, 2010); still, the population location 1 intervention area, location 3 comparison area, and all
experiences a costly annual health burden from viral gastroen- areas for location 5 were considered to have virtually 100% corre-
teritis (especially norovirus) transmission, some of which stems spondence between the population served by health care providers
from water-related outbreaks (Kowalzik et al., 2015; Flahault and and water service providers. In contrast, the comparison area for
Hanslik, 2010; Beaudeau et al., 2008; Lopman et al., 2003). Surface location 1 was being supplemented at a rate of about 40% by
drinking water sources in France and Spain are affected by diverse drinking water from another source, although it was groundwa-
human and animal fecal influences, such as overland runoff and ter expected to be of higher quality than the 60% water supplied by
cross-contamination from wastewater pipes (Therre et al., 2008). the surface water treatment plant included in the study. At loca-
Cryptosporidiosis and giardiasis remain a concern for drinking tion 3, water supply coverage ranged from 21.5% to 60% within the
water managers, especially in spring and autumn periods of heavy four “intervention” municipalities where health data was collected.
rainfall. The two municipalities with 60% coverage were again receiving
The primary goals of this study were to characterize changes mixed water supplemented by another higher quality groundwa-
in water quality, compliance, and gastrointestinal disease inci- ter source. In the two municipalities with lower coverage rates,
dence following WSP implementation. We aimed to demonstrate 20–30% of inhabitants were receiving all of their water from the
the impacts of WSPs, as well as to note the presence of factors that WSP-affected source, while others were receiving only water from
might be used to improve WSP implementation and performance another source. 60% was considered the minimum coverage per-
in the future. A secondary goal was to evaluate the outcomes of full centage, so the main health results (Tables 5 and 6) exclude the
versus partial WSPs, where the scope is limited to only the produc- two municipalities with less than 30% exposure to the drinking
tion or distribution system. This project followed an earlier phase water intervention, although they were considered for sensitivity
of research into WSP inputs and outcomes within the Suez net- analysis.
work of utilities. Suez is a large multinational company based in Because this was a retrospective, observational study and gath-
France, named for their involvement in building the Suez Canal. A ering additional data was not possible, power calculations were
2014 study, which quantified costs and ranked perceived benefits not performed to designate minimum sample sizes. A minimum
of WSPs by surveying utility managers, helped to narrow the goals of two years of water quality data and one year of health data
K.E. Setty et al. / International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (2017) 513–530 515
Table 1
Characteristics of each study location, including the nature of the WSP intervention, comparison area characteristics (if available), population served (rounded to nearest
thousand), the number of matched municipalities included in health effects analysis for locations 1, 3, and 5, and the source water and treatment scheme of drinking water
treatment plants (DWTPs) or groundwater treatment facilities (GTFs).
Location (and nature of WSP intervention) Pop Served Municipalities Served DWTP or GTF DWTP or GTF Treatment Schemea
(and percent exposure Water Source
to water supply)
1 645,000
Intervention (production only) 43,000 1 (100%) Surface water Coagulation/sedimentation, rapid sand filtration,
ozonation, GAC filtration, utrafiltration, pH
stabilization, chlorination
Comparison 602,000 10 (60%) Surface water Coagulation/sedimentation, rapid sand filtration,
ozonation, GAC filtration, chlorination
2 1,000,000
Surface water Coagulation/sedimentation, GAC filtration,
ozonation, GAC filtration, UV, chlorination
Surface water Coagulation/sedimentation, GAC filtration,
Intervention (production only)
ozonation, ultrafiltration and chlorination
Surface water Coagulation/sedimentation, GAC filtration,
ozonation, GAC filtration, UV, chlorination
Groundwater GAC filtration, chlorination
Groundwater GAC filtration, chlorination
Groundwater GAC filtration, chlorination
3 77,000
Intervention (production/distribution) 43,000 4 (2 at 60%, 2 at Influenced Direct GAC filtration, UV, chlorination
20–30%) groundwater
Comparison 24,000 1 (100%) Protected Iron removal, chlorination
4 73,000
Surface water Coagulation/sedimentation, rapid sand filtration,
Intervention (production only) ozonation, chlorination
Groundwater Iron removal, filtration, and chlorination
(summer only)
Groundwater Chlorination
(summer only)
5 325,000
Intervention (production/distribution) 148,000 2 (100%) Surface and Pre-oxidation (ClO2 ), coagulation/sedimentation,
groundwater rapid sand filtration, (50% to line 1) ozonation/GAC
filtration, (50% to line 2) ultrafiltration/reverse
osmosis, chlorination
Intervention (distribution only) 117,000 4 (100%) Pre-oxidation (Cl2 + ClO2 ),
Surface water
coagulation/sedimentation, GAC
filtration, chlorination
Comparison 60,000 1 (100%) ” ”
GAC = granular activated carbon.
was required in the before and after periods, and all possible data sensors were considered separately where available (locations 3
was requested. Specific pre- and post-WSP implementation time and 5). We selected twelve water quality parameters to evaluate
periods for each study location were then trimmed to sets of 12- water quality, treatment process effectiveness, and possible human
month intervals preceding the initiation of WSP team meetings health risk, including E. coli, fecal streptococci, total coliform, het-
(“before”) and following ISO 22000 certification (“after”) (Table 2). erotrophic plate count, trihalomethanes (THMs), bromate, free
Differences in climate exist among locations 1 and 2 (in northern residual chlorine, total residual chlorine, aluminum, total organic
France where rainfall peaks in May), locations 3 and 4 (south- carbon, turbidity, and pH. Data cleaning involved attribution of the
western France where rainfall peaks November to January), and study location, time period (before, during, or after the interven-
location 5 (northeastern Spain where rainfall peaks September to tion), and presence or absence of a WSP intervention, comprising
November). Because heavy seasonal rainfall could affect source about 240,500 manual samples and more than 1.24 million online
water quality parameters such as turbidity and might influence the sensor readings for a total of nearly 1.5 million water quality data
utilities’ performance, this approach served to maximize the period points.
of observation and sample size while controlling for seasonal influ- Detection limits for the equipment and/or test method used in
ences on health and water quality data. Data from “during” WSP water quality data collection are listed in Table A2. Left-censored
implementation (periods of 10–24 months from the initiation of data with detection limits of one or lower were set to zero (to
team meetings to certification) was excluded. match pre-processing of the French data), while left-censored data
with detection limits above one were set to half the detection limit.
Right-censored data were set to the detection limit. For microbial
2.2. Water quality analysis
water quality parameters, absence was set to zero and presence
was set to one. Data points that were blank or otherwise could not
Water quality data were provided by employees of the Suez-
be resolved were left as missing data. In some cases, water quality
affiliated drinking water supplier at each study location, including
data represented water that did not reach the consumer, (e.g., an
the parameter, unit, date, time (if applicable), and monitoring sta-
alarm or scheduled maintenance event might trigger containment
tion. Data sets were produced via either routine internal water
and disposal of a water batch and/or emergency cross-connection
quality monitoring or external quality control involving inde-
with alternate water supplies), but it was nevertheless included as
pendent sampling and analysis by health authorities. Data from
an event relevant to the WSP and performance history. Precise his-
manual sampling records were pooled while data sets from online
516 K.E. Setty et al. / International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (2017) 513–530
Table 2 the effect of suspicious extreme values in the data set that may
Time periods of water quality and health/population data availability at each loca-
have been affected by maintenance or other events, even though
tion, trimmed to 12-month intervals before and after WSP implementation.
imperfect historical records were available to justify data removal.
Location Water Quality Data Availability Health/Population Data Finally, variance ratios were computed between the pre- and post-
intervention period as another indicator of water quality control.
1 Before: 1 Jan 2008–31 Dec Before: 1 Jan 2010 – 31 Dec
2010 (3 years) 2010 (1 year)
WSP Implementation: 1 Jan 2011 – 31 Oct 2011 (10 months) Value or ln(Value) = 0 + 1 ∗Time + 2 ∗Proximity +
After: 1 Nov 2011 – 31 Oct After: 1 Nov 2011 – 31 Oct
2015 (4 years) 2015 (4 years)b 3 ∗Site + 4 ∗Time ∗ Site (1)
2 Before: 1 Jan 2003 – 31 Dec (data not available)
2005 (3 years)
WSP Implementation: 1 Jan Value or ln(Value) = 0 + 1 ∗Time + 2 ∗Proximity (2)
2006 – 31 Mar 2007 (15
After: 1 Apr 2007 – 31 Mar
2015 (8 years) Value or ln(Value) = 0 + 1 ∗Time + 2 ∗Proximity +
3 Before: 13 Nov 2010 – 12 Nov Before: 13 Nov 2010 – 12 Nov 3 ∗FullSite + 4 ∗PartialSite + 5 ∗Time ∗ FullSite + 6
2012 (2 years) 2012 (2 years)
WSP Implementation: 13 Nov 2012 – 20 Dec 2013 (13 months) ∗Time ∗ PartialSite (3)
After: 21 Dec 2013 – 20 Dec After: 21 Dec 2013 – 20 Dec
2015 (2 years) 2015 (2 years)b
Table 3
Summary of statistically significant water quality outcomes reported in Tables B4 through B8, grouped by improvement, degradation, and neutral changes. “Neutral” changes
may or may not be considered desirable depending on the individual needs of the drinking water utility.
Location Improvements in water quality Degradation in water quality Neutral changes in water quality
post-intervention post-intervention post-intervention
1 Aluminumb Bromate pH
2 Trihalomethanes – –
3 – Total coliform, heterotrophic plate Free chlorine (sensors)
count, turbidity (sensors)
4 Heterotrophic plate count, aluminum, turbidity – Free chlorine, total chlorine, pH
5 (full WSPa ) Trihalomethanes, total organic carbon, Bromate Free chlorine (sensors), pH
turbidity (manual and sensors)
5 (partial WSPa ) Turbidity – Free chlorine, pH
The full WSP applied to both the production and distribution system; the partial WSP applied to the distribution system only.
Remained constant relative to comparison area.
Table 4
Summary of statistically significant changes in compliance after WSP implementation at each intervention location. Detailed noncompliance rates and other test results can
be found in Table B9.
1 Total coliform Increase in compliance >0 MPN/100 ml EU and French quality limit
Turbidity Increase in compliance >2 NTU French quality reference for tap
2 None
3 Free chlorine (sensors) Increase in compliance <0.05 mg/l WSP critical limit for chlorination
5 (full WSPa ) Total coliform Increase in compliance >0 MPN/100 ml EU and Spanish quality limit
THMs Increase in compliance ≥50 g/l Suez recommendation for plant outlet (in France)
Increase in compliance >100 g/l EU and Spanish quality limit for network
Free chlorine (sensors) Increase in compliance <0.2 mg/l *simplified Catalunya/WSP critical limit for chlorination
Aluminum Increase in compliance >200 g/l EU and Spanish and regional quality limit
Turbidity (sensors after Decrease in compliance ≥0.75 NTU WSP operational limit
sand filters) Decrease in compliance ≥1 NTU *simplified WSP critical limit
Turbidity (sensors) Increase in compliance >0.5 NTU Spanish quality reference for plant outlet
Nickel Increase in compliance >20 g/l EU and Spanish quality limit (for tap)
Table 5
Incidence of acute gastroenteritis before and after WSP implementation at both intervention and comparison (“comp”) areas and model interaction term between time and
site. Negative beta values correspond to a reduction in acute gastroenteritis in the intervention area.
Location Incidence rate Incidence rate Incidence rate ratio Ratio of incidence rate Model beta and Wald Model p-value
(cases per 1000 (cases per 1000 and 95% confidence ratios and 95% 95% confidence Chi-Square *significant
person-years) person-years) interval (after: confidence interval interval (time* site)
(before) (after) before) (interv: comp)
1 93.6 100.2 1.07 (1.03, 1.11) 0.96 (0.93, 1.00) −0.037 (−0.072, −0.001) 4.11 0.043*
(comp) 78.0 86.5 1.11 (1.10, 1.12)
3 126.5 111.8 0.88 (0.85, 0.92) 1.01 (0.96, 1.07) 0.013 (−0.042, 0.069) 0.22 0.640
(comp) 102.6 89.5 0.87 (0.84, 0.91)
5 (full WSPa ) 0.304 0.418 1.37 (1.13, 1.68) 1.32 (0.96, 1.82) 0.276 (−0.044, 0.597) 2.86 0.091
5 (partial WSPa ) 0.397 0.564 1.42 (1.17, 1.73) 1.37 (0.99, 1.87) 0.310 (−0.008, 0.628) 3.66 0.056
(compa ) 0.513 0.534 1.04 (0.81, 1.34)
The full WSP applied to both the production and distribution system, the partial WSP applied to the distribution system only, and the comparison area had no WSP. All
areas of location 5 have much lower case numbers due to the differences in public health surveillance methods between France and Spain.
public health authorities: Santé Publique France (formerly Institut locations 1, 3, and 5 by matching the geographical boundaries
de Veille Sanitaire) at locations 1 and 3 and Servei Català de la Salut of intervention (WSP) and comparison (non-WSP) water service
(CatSalut) at location 5. The data collection mechanism in Spain areas with between one and ten corresponding municipalities
relies on the Spanish Minimum Basic Data Set (MBDS) hospital reg- (“municipalities served” in Table 1). Population data at the level of
istry, whereas the French data collection method was revised in municipality was provided by the National Institute of Statistics and
2010 to capture a greater percentage of acute gastroenteritis cases Economic Studies (INSEE) in France and the Statistical Institute of
(estimated at around 32% of all cases) by relying on state-provided Catalonia (IDESCAT) in Spain. Because the French population data is
prescription drug reimbursements (Bounoure et al., 2011). Case released after a two-and-a-half-year time lag, population estimates
numbers reported by municipality of residence were pooled for needed to be extrapolated for the years 2014–2015 to enhance or
518 K.E. Setty et al. / International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (2017) 513–530
Table 6
Incidence of acute gastroenteritis by age group at location 1, 3, and 5 intervention and comparison (“comp”) areas. Negative beta values correspond to a reduction in acute
gastroenteritis in the intervention area.
Location Age group Incidence rate Incidence rate Incidence rate Ratio of incidence rate Model beta and 95% Wald Model p-value
(cases per 1000 (cases per 1000 ratio and 95% ratios and 95% confidence interval Chi-Square *signif.
person-years) person-years) confidence confidence interval (time* site)
(before) (after) interval (after: (interv: comp)
1 1–4/0–4b 236.9 301.2 1.27 (1.18, 1.37) 1.02 (0.94, 1.10) 0.017 (−0.057, 0.091) 0.21 0.644
(comp) 235.5 294.3 1.25 (1.22, 1.28)
1 5–14 168.5 174.9 1.04 (0.97, 1.11) 0.95 (0.88, 1.02) −0.051 (−0.123, 0.020) 1.97 0.160
(comp) 141.1 154.2 1.09 (1.07, 1.12)
1 15–64 70.8 70.8 1.00 (0.95, 1.05) 0.94 (0.89, 0.99) −0.062 (−0.112, −0.011) 5.78 0.016*
(comp) 57.1 60.7 1.06 (1.05, 1.08)
1 65+ 24.9 26.4 1.06 (0.87, 1.29) 0.90 (0.73, 1.10) −0.109 (−0.313, 0.095) 1.09 0.296
(comp) 21.5 25.4 1.18 (1.12, 1.25)
3 1–4/0–4b 398.4 353.7 0.89 (0.81, 0.97) 0.96 (0.84, 1.09) −0.043 (−0.169, 0.083) 0.45 0.505
(comp) 388.2 359.7 0.93 (0.85, 1.01)
3 5–14 238.8 198.1 0.90 (0.83, 0.97) 1.03 (0.92, 1.16) 0.032 (−0.083, 0.148) 0.30 0.583
(comp) 198.1 172.6 0.87 (0.80, 0.95)
3 15–64 97.3 84.7 0.87 (0.83, 0.92) 1.03 (0.95, 1.12) 0.032 (−0.047, 0.110) 0.63 0.429
(comp) 79.7 67.2 0.84 (0.79, 0.89)
3 65+ 55.4 55.0 0.99 (0.86, 1.15) 1.12 (0.91, 1.37) 0.109 (−0.094, 0.313) 1.11 0.293
(comp) 43.8 39.1 0.89 (0.78, 1.02)
5 (full WSP ) 0–14 1.025 1.128 1.10 (0.83, 1.46) 0.96 (0.55, 1.69) −0.039 (−0.602, 0.523) 0.02 0.891
5 (partial WSPa ) 1.535 1.734 1.13 (0.87, 1.47) 0.99 (0.57, 1.71) −0.014 (−0.565, 0.537) 0.00 0.961
(compa ) 0.871 0.997 1.14 (0.70, 1.86)
5 (full WSPa ) 15+ 0.174 0.276 1.58 (1.19, 2.10) 1.59 (1.06, 2.38) 0.462 (0.055, 0.869) 4.95 0.026*
5 (partial WSPa ) 0.192 0.335 1.74 (1.29, 2.35) 1.74 (1.15, 2.65) 0.557 (0.138, 0.975) 6.80 0.009*
(compa ) 0.449 0.448 1.00 (0.75, 1.34)
The full WSP applied to both the production and distribution system, the partial WSP applied to the distribution system only, and the comparison area had no WSP. All
areas of location 5 have much lower case numbers due to the differences in public health surveillance methods between France and Spain.
For French data (locations 1 and 3), the number of acute gastroenteritis cases exclude infants under age 1, because they are not expected to be exposed to tap water
consumption. The population data includes infants.
enable comparison with cases reported at locations 1 and 3, respec- 2.5. Informal audits
tively. Extrapolations were based on linear estimates of growth for
each municipality using 2010–2013 data. Lastly, qualitative questionnaires were developed to better
Because the number of years in each time period varied, acute understand the nature of the data and the WSP intervention at each
gastroenteritis was characterized as a rate: the incidence (number site, as well as to gather information about perceptions and expec-
of new cases) per 1000 person-years. Population data could further tations of undertaking the WSP. Informal WSP audits were carried
be matched to existing age divisions in the health data to strat- out in June/July 2016 at locations 1, 3, and 5, incorporating a semi-
ify the analysis by ages under 5, 5–14, 15–64, and over 65 years at structured group discussion and a guided tour of a drinking water
locations 1 and 3, and by ages 0–14 and over 15 at location 5. To sta- treatment plant. Questions were developed using the World Health
tistically compare acute gastroenteritis incidence before and after Organization and International Water Association’s Practical Guide
WSP implementation, a Poisson regression model was applied with to Auditing Water Safety Plans (WHO and IWA, 2015) as well as an
population as the offset (person-years) and controlling for the com- interview guide used in Iceland by Gunnarsdóttir (2012; Appendix
parison area conditions (the base level of the site variable; Eq. (4)). 1). Because the questionnaires were intended as a starting point
Comparison area values were included to isolate the effect of the for discussion, sessions were structured loosely and answers were
drinking water intervention, as opposed to data reporting, overall not forced on all questions; however, information was specifically
health, or other changes that may have affected the whole region. requested on significant events that took place during the study
The location 5 model separated the full WSP (production and distri- period, and expectations of change in water quality or health data
bution) and partial WSP (distribution only) intervention areas (Eq. as a result of the WSP (reported in Tables B2 and B3, respectively).
(5)). Cases reported by municipality were pooled within each area Shorter questionnaires adapted for electronic rather than in-person
and clustering was not considered in the model. Finally, sensitiv- delivery were then developed and completed by a member of the
ity of the model was tested relative to assumptions of population Suez research team for locations 2 and 4 in August 2016.
extrapolation and service area coverage.
3. Results
ln(Cases/Person-Year) = 0 + 1 ∗Time + 2 ∗Site +
3.1. Water quality
3 ∗Time ∗ Site (4)
Several significant water quality differences were observed
between the pre-implementation and post-implementation peri-
ods at the intervention area. Mean values and model results by
ln(Cases/Person-Year) = 0 + 1 ∗Time + 2 ∗FullSite + 3 location, parameter, and time period are detailed in Tables B4
through B8, and summarized as improvements, degradation, and
∗PartialSite + 4 ∗Time ∗ FullSite + 5 ∗Time ∗ PartialSite (5)
neutral outcomes in Table 3. Changes listed in the “improvements”
column are considered desirable, since drinking water quality man-
agers seek to reduce the concentration of these constituents for
K.E. Setty et al. / International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (2017) 513–530 519
Table 7
Sensitivity test of acute gastroenteritis outcomes in the overall population and by age group at location 3 intervention and comparison (“comp”) areas, adding health data
from two municipalities with less than 30% water coverage to the intervention area. Values from the comparison area remain unchanged.
Location Age group Incidence rate Incidence rate Incidence rate ratio Ratio of incidence rate Model beta and Wald Model
(cases per 1000 (cases per 1000 and 95% confidence ratios and 95% 95% confidence Chi-Square p-value
person-years) person-years) interval (after: confidence interval interval (time* site) *signif.
(before) (after) before) (interv: comp)
3 All 127.0 115.4 0.91 (0.88, 0.93) 1.04 (0.99, 1.10) 0.041 (−0.008, 0.091) 2.71 0.100
(comp) 102.6 89.5 0.87 (0.84, 0.91)
3 0–4/1–4a 389.1 373.1 0.96 (0.90, 1.02) 1.03 (0.93, 1.16) 0.034 (−0.076, 0.145) 0.37 0.542
(comp) 388.2 359.7 0.93 (0.85, 1.01)
3 5–14 237.5 211.4 0.89 (0.84, 0.94) 1.02 (0.92, 1.13) 0.022 (−0.081, 0.125) 0.17 0.678
(comp) 198.1 172.6 0.87 (0.80, 0.95)
3 15–64 98.8 89.2 0.90 (0.87, 0.94) 1.07 (1.00, 1.15) 0.068 (−0.002, 0.139) 3.61 0.058
(comp) 79.7 67.2 0.84 (0.79, 0.89)
3 65+ 54.9 52.4 0.96 (0.86, 1.07) 1.07 (0.90, 1.28) 0.070 (−0.106, 0.246) 0.60 0.438
(comp) 43.8 39.1 0.89 (0.78, 1.02)
For French data (locations 1 and 3), the number of acute gastroenteritis cases exclude infants under age 1, because they are not expected to be exposed to tap water
consumption. The population data includes infants.
operational or health reasons. In contrast, “degradation” refers to an reduction where it was not found to change originally ( = −0.044,
increase in a parameter that managers seek to minimize. Changes in raw p-value < 0.001). Likewise, dropping two extreme values for
“neutral” parameters, while statistically significant, might or might free chlorine at the location 1 comparison area improved the model
not be considered desirable (and therefore relevant to operational fit and made the reduction statistically significant ( = −0.047, raw
or health outcomes) depending on the goals of the particular drink- p-value < 0.001). Additional sensitivity testing at locations 2 and 4
ing water utility at any given time. examined the effects of seasonality, since several months of addi-
The water quality parameters that changed significantly var- tional partial-year data was available in the after period. It showed
ied from one location to the next, and few patterns were observed no changes in the significance of test results when this data was
(Table 3). Several microbial water quality parameters demon- included.
strated little variation from zero and models could not be fit
(Tables B4 through B8). Heterotrophic plate count and total col- 3.2. Compliance
iform worsened at location 3, while heterotrophic plate count
improved at location 4. Likewise, turbidity increased at location Like water quality, changes in compliance following WSP imple-
3, but decreased at locations 4 and 5 (full and partial WSPs). Bro- mentation also varied, as measured by rates of noncompliance with
mate (a byproduct of using ozonation to treat water) increased at between nine and twenty-two relevant internal or external water
locations 1 and 5 while trihalomethanes (a byproduct of chlori- quality benchmarks per location. Significant outcomes ranged from
nation) decreased at locations 2 and 5 (full WSP). In the neutral zero to ten per location (summarized in Table 4). Nearly all repre-
category, free residual chlorine increased at locations 3 and 4 while sented improvements in water quality, with a couple of exceptions.
it decreased at location 5 (full and partial WSPs), although free While turbidity compliance increased at locations 1 and 5 (full WSP,
chlorine levels at location 5 were intentionally kept higher than outlet), it decreased at location 5 (full WSP, operational and critical
locations 3 and 4 due to a difference in local regulatory standards limits after sand filters). Aluminum compliance increased at both
(see typical median values in Table B1). locations 4 and 5 (full WSP). Location 2 and the location 5 partial
Increased numbers of samples, especially with regards to online WSP area showed no changes in compliance. Some parameters dis-
sensor data, increased statistical power to detect small differences. played movement around a relevant threshold in this component of
Of potential relevance to water utility managers, some changes the study, even though the change in the values themselves from
in sample means were observed with descriptive statistics but before to after WSP implementation was not statistically signifi-
not found to be statistically significant, possibly due to relatively cant as reported in Table 3 (e.g., turbidity at location 1; bromate
low power or low numbers of non-zero data points. Examples at location 4). The opposite also held true, in that some statistically
included a decrease in heterotrophic plate counts, turbidity, and tri- significant changes in water quality levels as reported in Table 3 did
halomethanes at location 1 and a decrease in heterotrophic plate not correspond to increased or decreased compliance with applica-
count and aluminum at location 5 (full WSP) (detailed in Tables ble thresholds. Full results of the compliance analysis can be found
B4 and B8). As another indicator of water quality control, the WSP in Appendix B (Table B9).
intervention sometimes resulted in changes in the distribution of
data around the mean, reported as the variance and variance ratio
(F-value) in Tables B4 through B8. Both increases and reductions 3.3. Health
in variance were observed; variance declined notably (with a vari-
ance ratio equal to or exceeding 4:1) for turbidity at location 1, Health outcomes for the overall population also varied across
heterotrophic plate count at locations 4 and 5 (full WSP), and tri- locations (Table 5). Location 1, where total coliform and turbidity
halomethanes at location 5 (full WSP). compliance improved, showed a statistically significant decrease
With regards to sensitivity testing, exclusion of extreme values in the incidence of acute gastroenteritis relative to a comparison
did not alter significance of the statistical test for free chlorine or area, following the implementation of a WSP (p = 0.043, ␣ = 0.05).
turbidity at location 2, free chlorine and free chlorine sensors at This corresponds to about a 4% reduction in acute gastroenteritis
location 3, total chlorine at location 4, or free chlorine and turbid- incidence, when comparing the incidence rate ratios between the
ity sensors at location 5. Testing did indicate a potential reduction intervention and comparison areas. At location 3, where total col-
in free and total chlorine levels (neutral management outcomes) iform and turbidity levels increased, the WSP intervention area did
at location 1. Exclusion of four extreme values for total chlorine at not experience a significant change in acute gastroenteritis relative
the location 1 intervention area showed a statistically significant to the comparison area (p = 0.640). Looking at the overall popula-
tion for location 5, where water quality and compliance generally
520 K.E. Setty et al. / International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (2017) 513–530
improved, initially showed no significant change in acute gastroen- across parameters and locations; therefore, statistical power to
teritis for the full or partial WSP intervention areas (p = 0.091 and detect changes varied among data sets. Individual parameter mod-
0.056, respectively). The larger case numbers at locations 1 and els at each site had a sample size ranging from 12 (for bromate
3 enhanced the statistical power of the overall population test to at location 3, where a model could not be fit) to 16,203, with an
detect smaller differences in incidence rates. Location 1 had the average of about 4296 samples (Tables B4 through B8). Significant
largest sample size on the order of 278,000 total cases and 3.2 mil- changes were more easily detected in online sensor datasets with
lion person-years, while location 3 (excluding two municipalities sample numbers up to 531,603. Some undesirable changes were
with low water service coverage) included roughly 20,000 total observed at some locations (Tables 3 and 4), but a widespread
cases and 189,000 person-years. Both case numbers and incidence harmful effect was not indicated over the period of the interven-
rates for location 5 (which had a total of about 1,300 cases and 2.9 tion.
million person-years) were much lower than those for locations In particular, microbial indicator levels at location 3 appeared to
1 and 3 due to differences in public health surveillance methods worsen following the WSP intervention. This might be explained by
between Spain and France. the utility managers’ desire to keep chlorine levels as low as pos-
Stratification of health data by age group offered additional sible in response to concerns about disinfection by-products and
information (Table 6). The pooled results appeared to be driven their potential adverse health effects. Due to local socio-political
by the adult population (ages 15+), which contributed about four pressure to eliminate chlorine usage, this location is looking to
to five times the number of person-years to the analysis. When pilot an unchlorinated water supply in the near future. The WSP
data were stratified by the four possible age groups (under 5, at this location did not emphasize control of microbial contamina-
5–14, 15–64, and 65+) at location 1, only the 15–64 age group tion due to the perceived high quality of the groundwater source.
demonstrated a statistically significant reduction in acute gastroen- Interim turbidity compliance (after the sand filters) at location 5
teritis incidence (p = 0.016). Likewise, stratification by children also worsened, although the finished water saw the opposite effect,
(ages 0–14) and adults (ages 15+) at location 5 showed a statis- with an improvement (decrease) in turbidity levels and improved
tically significant increase in acute gastroenteritis incidence for compliance based on manually sampled and sensor water qual-
adults only at both the full WSP and partial WSP intervention areas ity data. Finally, bromate formation increased at locations 1 and 5,
(p = 0.026 and 0.009, respectively). At all three locations, incidence potentially due to changes in ozonation practices.
rates for children were higher than those reported among adults. The microbial water quality data, especially for E. coli and fecal
Normally populations with poorer immunity (young children and streptococci, overwhelmingly consisted of values below the detec-
the elderly) might be expected to exhibit greater changes in health tion limit (i.e., absence or less than one colony-forming unit per
outcomes, but this held true only for the 65+ age group. It should 100 ml). This scenario is common across developed nations with
be noted that for French data (locations 1 and 3), the reported chlorinated drinking water supplies. Although a sign of low health
case numbers of acute gastroenteritis (numerators of the rates) risk, such a data distribution hinders the ability to characterize
in the under 5 age group exclude infants (under age 1), because changes in baseline water quality. By reducing both pathogen and
they are not expected to consume tap water. The population data indicator bacteria levels, the practice of chlorine disinfection may
(denominators of the rates) does include infants, serving to artifi- even preclude detection of potential health risks if the signal from
cially reduce incidence rates for this age group at locations 1 and 3 the indicator organism is eliminated but the pathogen remains
across both intervention and comparison areas. viable. A quantifiable value might be elicited by (a) sampling water
Regarding sensitivity analyses, exclusion of extrapolated just prior to disinfection, (b) using larger sample volumes, or (c)
2014–2015 population data from the location 1 analysis did not detecting the presence of pathogens themselves rather than indica-
substantially affect the outcome. Assessing only data reported tor organisms. Under current regulatory scenarios, these measures
through 2013 resulted in a similar approximately 5% reduction in would add to (not replace) ongoing compliance monitoring efforts.
acute gastroenteritis incidence at the intervention area relative to Owing to the potential advantages, molecular methods for direct
the comparison area ( = −0.055, p = 0.005). Further, where health pathogen detection were being developed and validated during the
data and water supply coverage did not completely coincide, the study’s site visits. Drinking water utilities may adopt rapid testing
effects of WSP implementation on acute gastroenteritis incidence methods in the future as the technology becomes more refined and
may have been diluted (in the case of no change in the additional widely available.
water source over time) or confounded (in the case of beneficial or Among the four measured microbial water quality indicators,
detrimental changes in the additional water source over time) by total coliform and heterotrophic plate counts showed greater vari-
exposure to other drinking water sources. At location 3, addition of ability than E. coli and fecal streptococci, demonstrating significant
the two municipalities with less than 30% water supply coverage changes in some cases. Total coliform compliance improved sig-
did not alter significance of results, which showed no effect of the nificantly at locations 1 and 5 (full WSP), while levels worsened
WSP implementation on acute gastroenteritis (Table 7). at location 3. Heterotrophic plate counts decreased significantly
at only one of the five locations, and were not examined in the
compliance portion of our study (owing to the lack of appli-
4. Discussion cable compliance thresholds for piped water supplies in France
and Spain). This finding corresponds somewhat with results from
4.1. Water quality and compliance outcomes Iceland, where two out of the five locations examined indi-
vidually showed significant drops in mean heterotrophic plate
Many beneficial water quality and compliance changes, corre- counts (Gunnarsdóttir et al., 2012a). When pooled across locations
sponding to an expectation of reduced risk to consumers, were included in the Iceland study, heterotrophic plate counts exceed-
identified in this study. Changes in specific water quality param- ing 10 colony-forming units were significantly less likely following
eters between the pre- and post-implementation periods varied the WSP intervention (Gunnarsdóttir et al., 2012a). The Iceland
from one location to the next. This finding is compatible with study examined unchlorinated drinking water suppliers and also
the nature of the intervention, since the general WSP approach included smaller water suppliers (<5000 inhabitants) that typically
should be adapted to each location based on the specific pri- have higher initial non-compliance rates.
oritized risks. Owing to the observational nature of the study,
sample sizes were not assigned and were not always consistent
K.E. Setty et al. / International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (2017) 513–530 521
duction and distribution (location 3 and the location 5 full WSP or are neutral to WSP implementation, including the perception of
area). This is understandable because each location had its own aesthetics as a surrogate for water safety (enabling) and belief that
distinctive attributes. water should be free (limiting) (Omar et al., 2017). Factors found
Based on these case studies, a piecemeal approach to WSP to correlate with higher performing WSPs in Iceland included: fre-
implementation would not be recommended. Locations that pur- quent internal and external audits; a working WSP steering group;
chase water from or sell water to other suppliers might be good understanding of the WSP among staff; cooperation among
constrained to managing and improving only partial components senior management, health authorities, and the local government;
of the drinking water supply system. Further, household-level pip- and a training plan, especially for field workers (Gunnarsdóttir et al.,
ing and delivery systems, where some distribution monitoring 2012b). Factors inherent to WSP effectiveness across twelve Asian
samples are taken, can only be partially manipulated by a water Pacific countries included external financial support, formal poli-
utility-focused intervention (e.g., via residual chlorine dosing), and cies/regulations, and WSP-related record keeping, especially for
this lack of control over privately owned delivery systems could often-overlooked qualitative measures (Kumpel et al., In prep).
reduce WSP effectiveness. Where possible, the World Health Orga-
nization’s WSP guidance recommends considering all risks from 5. Conclusions
the source to the tap (Bartram et al., 2009). If prioritizing lim-
ited resources is necessary, and in the absence of other indications, We selected five case studies of WSP implementation outcomes
the evidence from this study suggests concentrating on the water that were likely to be generalizable to other chlorinated drinking
treatment facilities. water treatment systems in developed nations. WSP implementa-
tion improved water quality and compliance with relevant water
4.5. Limitations and future recommendations quality thresholds at a majority of locations (Tables 3 and 4).
Identified adverse effects were fewer, adding to the weight of evi-
Further study would help to elicit which particular attributes dence that WSPs offer operational performance benefits (String and
of the locations and/or WSPs most strongly enable beneficial out- Lantagne, 2016; Kot et al., 2015). Epidemiological analysis at one
comes. In this study, changes in water quality, compliance, and of three locations suggested that WSPs among large chlorinated
health were tied to the time period of the WSP intervention (from drinking water treatment systems in developed nations may reduce
the initiation of WSP team meetings to the ISO 22000 certifica- acute gastroenteritis incidence (Table 5), although validity of this
tion date). Specific causal investigations of identified changes were finding is limited by differences among the three observed case
not undertaken. Reported significant events that coincided with studies and potential sources of confounding. In particular, location
the study period can be found in Table B2. Measures taken during 5 showed an anomalous increase in acute gastroenteritis that was
the WSP implementation process typically included team forma- not clearly explained by water quality trends. Outcomes of WSPs
tion and meetings, documentation and posting of operating and should be expected to vary across locations, since the intervention
emergency procedures, initiation of special staff training sessions itself is adapted to the needs of each site. As such, the WSP approach
on risk management, designation of critical control points, instal- may translate to diverse water quality, compliance, and health out-
lation of online sensors, and occasionally equipment or treatment comes. Scenarios of stability or beneficial change identified in this
technology upgrades. study might be considered desirable among drinking water util-
Utility managers’ expectations of the degree of change matched ity managers. Future research should focus on eliciting the causal
fairly well with actual outcomes (Table B2), suggesting that aware- factors that enhance successful application of the WSP approach,
ness and deliberate intent or action to address specific water quality and on identifying best practices. Such information can be used
issues may have played a key role in creating that change. Expec- to improve individual utilities’ WSP implementation practices and
tations were gathered before data analysis results were shared, refine global WSP guidance.
although managers were likely able to make qualitative judgments
based on pre-existing familiarity and knowledge of the drinking
Declaration of interest
water treatment system. For example, managers at location 5 added
a reverse osmosis step to the drinking water treatment plant about
Suez, AESN, and the Royster Society of Fellows provided finan-
the same time the ISO 22000 was certified, fully intending to reduce
cial support for the research and article preparation. Suez-affiliated
levels of trihalomethanes to meet new European Union regulatory
staff (including Loret, Enault, Puigdomenech Serra, Pla Mateu, and
Martin Alonso) were involved in study design, data collection, data
Some prominent transformations attributed to the WSP mech-
analysis and interpretation, report writing, and the decision to sub-
anism, as cited by utility managers during site visits, included
mit the article for publication. Dr. Bartram has served on Suez
formalization/documentation of risk management procedures and
committees as an unremunerated adviser.
the recognition of water as a food product among all levels of staff,
including those with primarily construction-oriented tasks, which
resulted in greater awareness of potential health risks during daily Acknowledgements
operations. Additional mechanisms suspected of affecting change
come from 2014 cost/benefit questionnaires administered among The authors greatly appreciate the assistance of all Suez
WSP-adopting Suez utilities, which cite both changes in human staff members who facilitated site visits and data collection for
behavior and improved reaction time to alarms for critical control this study. Special thanks extend to Catherine Galey and Pascal
points, especially chlorination (Loret et al., 2016). Beaudeau from Santé Publique France for providing access to public
In addition to those already mentioned, factors of interest for health surveillance data in France and advice regarding its inter-
future study might include sensitivity of outcomes to time since pretation. Suez, the Seine River Basin Agency (AESN; specifically
certification, age/condition of the water treatment and distribution Véronique Lahoussine), and the Royster Society of Fellows at UNC
system, and diversity/cohesiveness of the WSP team. The political Chapel Hill generously provided financial support for this study.
economy, including local community and organizational readiness We also are grateful to Maria Gunnarsdóttir and Olivier Schlosser
is expected to influence WSP outcomes (Kot et al., 2015). One study for reviewing and commenting on the draft manuscript. Statisti-
observing cultural influences on WSP implementation in India, cal analysis support was provided by the Odum Institute at the
Uganda, and Jamaica identified twelve themes that enable, limit, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
K.E. Setty et al. / International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (2017) 513–530 523
Table A1
Criteria for selection of paired comparison areas at locations 1, 3, and 5.
Table A2
Detection limits for left- and right-censored data applicable to monitoring equipment/test procedures used during the study period and data cleaning procedures.
Parameter Locations 1–4 (manual Location 1 Location 5 (manual monitoring) Location 5 (automated
monitoring) (automated sensors) sensors)
Table B1
A comparison of median water quality values (based on manually collected treated water samples) for each parameter across intervention locations prior to WSP implemen-
tation shows differing baseline water quality, attributable to variation in source water and treatment schema.
E. coli MPN/100 ml 0 0 0 0 0 0
Fecal Streptococci MPN/100 ml 0 0 0 0 – –
Total coliform MPN/100 ml 0 0 0 0 0 0
Heterotrophic plate count (22 ◦ C) MPN/ml 0 0 1 1 1 0
Trihalomethanes g/l 12.70 11.25 3.25 – 106.30 50.55
Bromate g/l 0 0 0 0 2.40 –
Free chlorine mg/l 0.17 0.34 0.07 0.05 0.63 0.53
Total chlorine mg/l 0.23 0.40 0.11 0.05 0.71 0.80
Aluminum mg/l 0.011 0.026 0.007 0.069 0.045 0.070
Total organic carbon mg/l 1.103 1.10 0.58 0.80 1.80 2.10
Turbidity NTU 0 0.06 0.10 0.10 0.31 0.21
pH pH units 7.36 7.58 7.40 8.185 7.445 7.69
524 K.E. Setty et al. / International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (2017) 513–530
Table B2
All reported significant events occurring during the study period (prior to, during, and after WSP implementation) at each intervention location.
Table B3
Utility managers’ expectations of change at each location (“Should the water quality parameter increase, decrease, or stay the same following WSP implementation?”).
Table B4
Minimum, maximum, and mean water quality values before and after WSP implementation, along with the number of samples, direction/magnitude of change, variance
ratio, and raw and adjusted p-value for regression model interaction term at location 1 intervention and comparison (“comp”) sites.
Parameter (units) N % non-zero Mean/variance Mean/variance Change in Variance ratio Model beta Model Model p-value
(before) (after) mean (F) *reduced by (time*site) p-value (adjusted)
≥4:1 (raw) *significant
Table B5
Minimum, maximum, and mean water quality values before and after WSP implementation, along with the number of samples, direction/magnitude of change, variance
ratio, and raw and adjusted p-value for regression model time parameter among location 2 intervention site production samples.
Parameter (units) N % non-zero Mean/ variance Mean/ variance Change in Variance ratio Model beta Model Model p-value
(before) (after) mean (F) *reduced by (time) p-value (adjusted)
≥4:1 (raw) *signif.
Table B6
Minimum, maximum, and mean water quality values before and after WSP implementation, along with the number of samples, direction/magnitude of change, and raw and
adjusted p-value for model interaction term at location 3 intervention and comparison (“comp”) sites. Data sets are from manual water samples unless otherwise noted as
coming from online sensors.
Parameter (units) N % non-zero Mean/ variance Mean/ variance Change in Variance ratio Model beta Model Model p-value
(before) (after) mean (F) *reduced by (time* site) p-value (adjusted)
≥4:1 (raw) *significant
Table B6 (Continued)
Parameter (units) N % non-zero Mean/ variance Mean/ variance Change in Variance ratio Model beta Model Model p-value
(before) (after) mean (F) *reduced by (time* site) p-value (adjusted)
≥4:1 (raw) *significant
Heterotrophic plate 523 56.4% 14.689 (3302) 60.456 45.767 33.25 2.09 0.019 0.019*
count (MPN/ml) (109796)
(comp) 303 38.0% 11.230 (2368) 5.366 (873.1) −5.864 2.71
THMs (g/l) 41 82.9% 4.620 (23.32) 6.245 (14.10) 1.625 1.65 1.39a 0.275 0.275
Bromate (g/l) 12 0% 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 – – – –
Free chlorine (mg/l) 361 80.6% 0.091 (0.011) 0.193 (3.312) 0.102 301.1 0.109 0.422 0.422
(comp) 158 84.8% 0.088 (0.006) 0.073 (0.004) −0.015 1.50
Free chlorine (sensors) 419982 97.6% 0.125 (0.018) 0.140 (0.006) 0.015 3.00 0.015a <0.001 <0.001*
Total chlorine (mg/l) 189 86.2% 0.114 (0.010) 0.115 (0.014) 0.001 1.40 0.029 0.289 0.289
(comp) 14 57.1% 0.027 (0.003) 0.020 (0.001) −0.007 3.00
Aluminum (mg/l) 92 93.5% 0.008 (0) 0.006 (0) −0.002 – −0.002 0.305 0.305
(comp) 17 47.1% 0.001 (0) 0.002 (0) 0.001 –
Total organic carbon 130 100% 0.734 (0.194) 0.986 (0.228) 0.243 1.18 0.199 0.069 0.069
(comp) 51 100% 0.222 (0.004) 0.343 (0.022) 0.121 5.5
Turbidity (NTU) 411 65.2% 0.169 (0.142) 0.266 (1.419) 0.097 9.99 0.185 0.058 0.058
(comp) 224 45.5% 0.182 (0.208) 0.094 (0.032) −0.088 6.50*
Turbidity (sensors) 436293 99.4% 0.282 (0.361) 0.336 (0.341) 0.054 1.06 0.055a <0.001 <0.001*
pH (pH units) 83 100% 7.419 (0.017) 7.406 (0.014) −0.013 1.21 0.031 0.256 0.256
(comp) 246 100% 7.889 (0.009) 7.853 (0.007) −0.036 1.29
Where comparison data sets were not available, the beta reported is for time only.
Table B7
Minimum, maximum, and mean water quality values before and after WSP implementation, along with the number of samples, direction/magnitude of change, and raw and
adjusted p-value for model time parameter at the location 4 intervention site.
Parameter (units) N % non-zero Mean/ variance Mean/ variance Change in Variance ratio Model beta Model Model p-value
(before) (after) mean (F) *reduced by (time) p-value (adjusted)
≥4:1 (raw) *significant
E. coli (MPN/100 ml) 3165 0.19% 0.001 (0.001) 0.005 (0.036) 0.004 36.00 – – –
Fecal streptococci 3529 0.11% 0.003 (0.003) 0 (0) −0.003 – – – –
(MPN/100 ml)
Total coliform 3515 0.94% 0.010 (0.017) 0.030 (0.304) 0.020 17.88 1.059 0.086 0.258
(MPN/100 ml)
Heterotrophic plate 3307 39.13% 10.375 (9170.4) 3.367 (327.3) −7.008 28.02* −1.120 <0.001 <0.001*
count (MPN/ml)
Bromate (g/l) 742 19.27% 2.446 (30.44) 1.643 (22.27) −0.803 1.37 −0.257 0.619 1.000
Free chlorine (mg/l) 3440 75.15% 0.134 (0.023) 0.147 (0.020) 0.013 1.15 0.022 0.002 0.006*
Total chlorine (mg/l) 3476 73.16% 0.130 (0.027) 0.166 (0.409) 0.036 15.15 0.042 0.013 0.039*
Aluminum (mg/l) 2589 91.35% 0.069 (0.002) 0.041 (0.000) 0.028 – −0.030 <0.001 <0.001*
Total organic carbon 562 99.11% 0.828 (0.070) 0.812 (0.185) −0.016 2.64 −0.017 0.808 1.000
Turbidity (NTU) 3401 82.95% 0.167 (0.063) 0.130 (0.072) −0.037 1.14 −0.036 0.003 0.009*
pH (pH units) 893 100% 8.133 (0.086) 8.103 (0.105) −0.030 1.22 −0.118 <0.001 <0.001*
K.E. Setty et al. / International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (2017) 513–530 527
Table B8
Minimum, maximum, and mean water quality values before and after WSP implementation, along with the number of samples, direction/magnitude of change, and raw and
adjusted p-value for model interaction term at location 5 intervention and comparison (“comp”) sites. Data sets are from manual water samples unless otherwise noted as
coming from online sensors.
Parameter (units) N % non-zero Mean/ variance Mean/ variance Change in Variance ratio Model beta Model Model p-value
(before) (after) mean (F) *reduced by (time*site) p-value (adjusted)
≥4:1 (raw) *signif.
K.E. Setty et al. / International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (2017) 513–530
Bromate Prod/Dist >10 g/l EU and French quality limit 0% 0% – –
Aluminum Prod/Dist >200 g/l EU and French quality reference 0% 0% – –
Production >100 g/l Suez internal recommended practice 0% 0% – –
and WSP operational limit
Turbidity Production >0.5 NTU French quality reference for plant 1.03% 0.55% 192F 1.000(1.000)
Production >1 NTU French quality limit for plant outlet 0% 0% – –
Distribution >2 NTU French quality reference for tap 4.04% 0.98% 309F 0.020(0.040)*
pH Prod/Dist <6.5 or >9 pH units EU and French quality limit 0% 0% – –
3 E. coli Prod/Dist >0 MPN/100 ml EU and French quality limit 0% 0.73% 224F 0.504(1.000)
Total coliform Prod/Dist >0 MPN/100 ml EU and French quality limit 0.44% 2.19% 224F 0.135(0.810)
THMs Production ≥50 g/l Suez internal recommended practice 0% 0% – –
for plant outlet
Distribution >100 g/l EU and French quality limit for 0% 0% – –
Free chlorine Production(sensors) <0.05 mg/l WSP critical limit for chlorination 7.53% 2.81% 4783C <0.001(<0.001)*
Aluminum Prod/Dist >200 g/l EU and French quality reference 0% 0% – –
Prod/Dist >100 g/l Suez internal recommended practice 0% 0% – –
Total organic carbon Prod/Dist >2 mg/l French quality reference 2.08% 1.41% 47F 1.000(1.000)
Turbidity Production(sensors) >0.5 NTU *simplified Suez internal recommended practice 4.72% 4.73% 0.0004C 0.983(1.000)
Production >0.5 NTU French quality reference for plant 2.38% 0% 41F 0.452(1.000)
Production >1 NTU French quality limit for plant outlet 0% 0% – –
Distribution >2 NTU French quality reference for tap 0.65% 1.23% 154F 1.000(1.000)
pH Prod/Dist <6.5 or >9 pH units EU and French quality limit 0% 0% – –
4 E. coli Prod/Dist >0 MPN/100 ml EU and French quality limit 0.13% 0.21% 797F 1.000(1.000)
Total coliform Prod/Dist >0 MPN/100 ml EU and French quality limit 0.78% 1.02% 0.47C 0.495(1.000)
Bromate Prod/Dist >10 g/l EU and French quality limit 13.11% 4.55% 8.24C 0.004(0.040)*
Free chlorine Production <0.2 mg/l *simplified WSP operational limit (surface water) 14.79% 7.65% 11C 0.001(0.010)*
Production <0.15 mg/l WSP operational limit (groundwater) 44.83% 55.70% 1.01C 0.316(1.000)
Production <0.1 mg/l WSP critical limit (surface water) 2.57% 2.19% 0.13C 0.718(1.000)
Production <0.05 mg/l *simplified WSP critical limit (groundwater) 6.90% 18.99% 27F 0.149(1.000)
Aluminum Prod/Dist >200 g/l EU and French quality reference 0.28% 0% 721F 0.078(0.780)
Prod/Dist >100 g/l Suez internal recommended practice 23.79% 1.18% 384C <0.001(0.001)*
Total organic carbon Production >2 mg/l French quality reference 0% 1.79% 172F 0.107(1.000)
Turbidity Production >0.5 NTU French quality reference for plant 2.84% 4.12% 1.03C 0.309(1.000)
Production >1 NTU French quality limit for plant outlet 0.28% 1.15% 351F 0.270(1.000)
Distribution >2 NTU French quality reference for tap 0.12% 0.12% 814F 1.000(1.000)
pH Prod/Dist <6.5 or >9 pH units EU and French quality limit 0% 0.13% 110F 1.000(1.000)
5 (full WSP )a E. coli Prod/Dist >0 MPN/100 ml EU and Spanish quality limit 0.24% 0% 822F 0.500(1.000)
K.E. Setty et al. / International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (2017) 513–530
Total coliform Prod/Dist >0 MPN/100 ml EU and Spanish quality limit 4.49% 0.61% 787F <0.001(<0.001)*
THMs Production ≥50 g/l Suez recommendation for plant outlet 94.92% 0.32% 4217C <0.001(<0.001)*
(in France)
Distribution >100 g/l EU and Spanish quality limit for 84.21% 0% 6F <0.001(<0.001)*
Bromate Prod/Dist >10 g/l EU and Spanish quality limit 2.82% 4.14% 69F 1.000(1.000)
Production ≥7.5 g/l *simplified Regional internal recommended 7.04% 6.59% 66F 0.808(1.000)
practice/WSP critical limit
Free chlorine Distribution >1 mg/l Spanish quality limit in network 1.50% 0.85% 3.63C 0.057(0.399)
Production(sensors) <0.5 mg/l Catalunya/WSP operational limit 0.50% 0.45% 3.85C 0.050(0.398)
Production(sensors) <0.2 mg/l *simplified Catalunya/WSP critical limit for 0.13% 0.06% 35.9C <0.001(<0.001)*
Total chlorine Distribution >2 mg/l Spanish quality limit in network 0.06% 0% 3372F 1.000(1.000)
Aluminum Prod/Dist >200 g/l EU and Spanish and regional quality 0.55% 0.06% 1450F <0.001(0.003)*
Turbidity (after sand Production (sensors) ≥0.75 NTU WSP operational limit 0.12% 1.27% 3473F <0.001(<0.001)*
filters) Production (sensors) ≥1 NTU*simplified WSP critical limit 0.03% 0.38% 3476F <0.001(<0.001)*
Turbidity (at outlet) Production (sensors) >0.5 NTU Spanish quality reference 1.44% 0.24% 402C <0.001(<0.001)*
Production (sensors) >1 NTU EU and Spanish quality limit for plant 0.01% 0.04% 15071F 0.156(0.936)
Turbidity (in network) Distribution >5 NTU Spanish quality limit 0.13% 0% 771F 0.485(1.000)
pH Prod/Dist <6.5 or >9.5 pH units EU and Spanish quality limit 0% 0% – –
Iodine adsorption Production <550 mg I2/g WSP operational level for granular – 20.56% – –
activated carbon
Production <400 mg I2/g WSP critical level for granular – 9.25% – –
activated carbon
Nickel Production >20 g/l EU and Spanish quality limit (for tap) 0.43% 0% 1400F <0.001(0.002)*
Chromium VI Production >50 g/l EU and Spanish quality limit 0% 0% – –
Trichloro- Production >10 g/l EU and Spanish quality limit 0% 0% – –
ethylene + tetrachloro-
5(partial WSP1 ) E. coli Distribution >0 MPN/100 ml EU and Spanish quality limit 0% 0.09% 826F 1.000(1.000)
Total coliform Distribution >0 MPN/100 ml EU and Spanish quality limit 0.48% 1.11% 822F 0.147(0.882)
THMs Distribution >100 g/l EU and Spanish quality limit for 0% 1.02% 40F 1.000(1.000)
Bromate Distribution >10 g/l EU and Spanish quality limit 0% 0% – –
Free chlorine Distribution >1 mg/l Spanish quality limit in network 0.35% 0.33% 0.05C 0.827(1.000)
Total chlorine Distribution >2 mg/l Spanish quality limit in network 0% 0% – –
Aluminum Distribution >200 g/l EU and Spanish and regional quality 0% 1.04% 45F 1.000(1.000)
Turbidity Distribution >5 NTU Spanish quality limit 0.12% 0.09% 825F 1.000(1.000)
pH Distribution <6.5 or >9.5 pH units EU and Spanish quality limit 0% 0% – –
The full WSP applied to both the production and distribution system; the partial WSP applied to the distribution system only.
Some thresholds were simplified to enable comparison with historical data. Self-reported records might differ based on the application of time duration, repeat sampling, or equipment validation procedures.
530 K.E. Setty et al. / International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 220 (2017) 513–530