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Although three quarters of the globe is covered with water, there is a crisis for fresh water. In the next
two decades many countries might fail to provide safe drinking water to their citizens if there is no
cooperative and systematic effort. The best way out would be to store and utilize the runoff in the rainy
season. Large dams have been found to be popular for this purpose. While these are useful for flood
control, irrigation, navigation, power generation followed by ancillary secondary and tertiary benefits,
these also cause untold human miseries. However, large dam construction would be an ongoing
phenomenon across the world and more so in the era of globalization as many professionals and
politicians tend to believe in mega projects supported by a powerful lobby. In this paper we examine the
case of the Hirakud dam, the longest earthen dam in the world, built in Sambalpur district, Orissa, India
in the light of a duality in human geography-determinism vs. possibilism-and a neo-Marxist stand point
of centre-periphery approach. We find that river Mahanadi has been tamed temporarily in the name of
developmental initiative in western Orissa but the political agenda was to save the eastern coastal plain
and especially Cuttack city from the ravage of flood. The construction of the dam; the subsequent
human sufferings, of the dam oustees and the affected population of about 22,000 households; and the
recent concentration of important mile posts of Orissa in the coastal plains have accentuated the long
standing cultural differences between the periphery and the centre, the hills and the plains, the silent
and the vocal, the simple and the clever. Mindless mining and installation of so many extracting
polluting industries and power plants in the districts of Sambalpur, Kalahandi and Sundergarh and the
subsequent demand on the Hirakud reservoir and pollution of river Mahanadi led to simmering
discontent in western Orissa. Resistance movement before the construction of the Hirakud dam was
crushed by the political strategy of divide and rule and the overarching image of the Congress in the
early years of Independence. Recent outcry in the form of Western Orissa Liberation Front and Kosala
Rajya has resulted in Western Orissa Development Council to take up the problems of western Orissa.
While some people in the command area have prospered, the oustees and the affected persons of the
Hirakud dam still live under the stigma of reservoir oustees (budi anchalar loka); feel that the coastal
people have been the cause of their sufferings and cherish the desire of going back to their homeland
in the event of breach of the dam. Let us be careful of the sound of the distant drum!
Water is one of the five elements which constitute Nature. fire) were in abundance and there were very few users.
Others are: earth (soil), space (sky), air, and fire. Human As time passed by population increased and the enligh-
Geographers, especially the Determinists, believe that tened population went for formal legislations, agricultural
these elements of nature also determine the social nature modernization, and industrial urbanization thereby
of human beings. The Possibilists tend to believe that increasing competition among people and Nations to
with the help of science and technology man can control possess and utilize these resources for consumption,
nature and make use of or create these elements for its comfort, and commoditization. In recent times this com-
survival and sustenance. In our day-today-life we depend petition has taken ugly turn leading to intra-national and
on these five elements of nature to various extents. In the international disputes and wars (Joy et al., 2006). As
early days of human civilization these resources (except regards water alone, in the last 50 years, there have been
140 Int. J. Sociol. Anthropol.
37 violent conflicts between states involving water rights comes a waste of the resource, regardless of benefit to
and access to water, according to the UN and interna- the polluter. Pollutants also affect the aquatic life. Clean,
tional law has provided little help in the prevention or fresh drinking water is essential to human and other life.
permanent resolution of these conflicts, although 200 Access to safe drinking water has improved steadily and
other water- sharing treaties have been signed globally substantially over the last few decades in almost every
(Mauzy, 2008). In this paper we would take only one of part of the world keeping in line with the Millennium
the elements of nature, that is, water and peruse its use, Development Goal. However, some observers have
misuse and abuse at different levels and especially in estimated that by 2025 more than half of the world
relation to the water of river Mahanadi in the state of population will be facing water based vulnerability that is
Orissa, India. water crisis. BBC news journalist Mike Embley investi-
gated some of today’s biggest water issues in the
US/Mexico boarder, Namibia, Russia and Israel and has
WATER: ITS AVAILABILITY AND UTILITIES come to the conclusion that water is available in plenty
but one in five people in the world are without access to
The total volume of hydrosphere, that is, the collective safe drinking water primarily because of politics. Looking
mass of water found on, under and over the surface of at the global scenario we suggest that the greed of
the earth is distributed in the oceans (97.2%); in glaciers, human beings to immediately enjoy all sorts of comforts
ice caps and ice sheets (1.8%), ground water (0.9%), and find solutions to long term problems of nature result
fresh water in lakes, inland seas and rivers (0.02%) and in water crisis. And in such a situation two principles:
atmospheric water vapor (0.001%). Ground water and ‘laws grind the poor and rich men rule the law’ and
fresh water are useful or potentially useful to humans as `everybody for himself and away from the gallows’ seem
water resources. These imply that availability of water for to operate. Unbridled industrial-urbanization, imbalanced
human beings and the flora and fauna is limited. How- agricultural and poultry production to cater to consu-
ever, most of it is contained in sea and ocean and saline merism, and a conspicuous life style devoid of sympathy
and cannot be put to human use unless treated properly. to posterity result in cut throat competition to access a
Desalination process is very expensive and third world prized commodity, that is, fresh water. As a result power
countries would find it difficult. Water, available for human and politics determine the winner. History is replete with
use, is a scarce commodity and we cannot survive with- examples of such manipulation. While water seems to be
out it. Hence human beings must judiciously utilize this a divine blessing on the mankind access of water, in the
sweet water. Besides consumption by humans and other form of flood, is a curse. Nature does, more often than
living organism for health and sustenance water has not, a balancing act. Flood creates havoc leading to huge
several uses in and as irrigation, industry, pollution con- loss of life and property, dismantling transport and com-
trol, chemical solvent, fire extinguisher, recreation, etc. munication network and sand casting vast agricultural
Water is considered a purifier of persons and places in tracts. It also means fertile siltation on the river banks and
most religions in terms of ritual washing/ablution, immer- raising of water tables. However recurring floods dampen
sion, ritual bath of the living and the dead, etc. and stifle human potentiality for productive activities. Our
Sometimes people talk of the sacred or holy rivers like present concern is on this duality of nature and the role of
the Ganges and the Cauvery in India may be because of human intervention relating to it with power and politics.
its multiple use and description in religious scriptures.
Cities and civilizations have also been associated with
rivers (e.g. Mesopotamia along Euphrates and Tigris), INDIAN SCENARIO WITH RESPECT TO WATER
waterways (Singapore, Suez), and seas as strategic
places in trade (London), fertile basins (Nile) and resorts The total geographical area of land in India is 328.762
(Lankawi). Water plays an important role in the world m.ha. which is 2.45% of the global land area. The total
economy as it functions as a solvent for a variety of arable land (as per Food and Agriculture Organization
chemical substances and facilitates industrial cooling and estimate) is 165.3 m.ha, which is about 50.2% of total
transportation. Approximately 70% of freshwater is geographical area against the corresponding global figure
consumed for agriculture, 20% for industry and 10% for of 10.2%. India possesses 4% of the total average annual
domestic use. runoff in the rivers of the world; the per capita water
Due to increasing awareness about health and sani- availability of natural runoff is at least 1,100 cu.m per
tation, growing population and requirements for industries year (year 2000 estimates) and 12% of land area is flood
there is increased demand for water. Water is both an prone.
economic good as well as a social good. Unscrupulous The utilizable surface water potential of the country has
people have also been using water sources as dumping been estimated to be 1869 cubic km. But the amount of
ground as a result of which there is increasing pollution. water that can be actually put to beneficial use is much
This may be the biggest simple misuse of water to the less due to severe limitations imposed by topography,
extent that a pollutant limits other uses of water; It be- inter-state issues and the present state of technology to
Baboo 141
harness water resources economically. The recent esti- SITUATION IN ORISSA STATE
mates made by the Central Water Commission indicate
that the water resources utilisable through surface Within India Orissa state has a share of 11% of the
structures are about 690 cubic km. only (about 36% of available sweet water. The average annual rainfall is
the total). Ground water is another important source of 1452 m.m. It is estimated that out of the total rainfall
water. Quantum of water which can be extracted econo- during June to September 80% are stored in dams,
mically from the ground water aquifers every year is ponds, tanks and the like. Currently there are 7 large, 38
generally reckoned as ground water potential. The medium and 2340 small irrigation projects in Orissa and 4
preliminary estimates made by the Central Ground Water large and 9 medium projects are under construction. It is
Board indicate that the utilisable ground water is about also estimated that with the current demand water
432 cubic km. Thus, total utilisable water resource is availability would run short by 34% in 2051. Although
estimated to be 1122 cubic km. Orissa has some disputes regarding sharing of river and
Of the total 329 m.ha of land, it is estimated that only dam water with other neighboring states like Chhattisgarh
266 m.ha posseses potential for production. Of this, 143 (Kolab), Jharkhand (Subarnarekha), Andhrapradesh
m.ha is agricultural land. It is estimated that 85 m.ha (Vamsadhara), within Orissa there have been conflict
suffers from varying degrees of soil degradation. Of the between districts on this issue. In the following section we
remaining 123 m.ha, 40 m.ha are completely unproduc- would discuss the politics of sharing and preserving water
tive. The balance 83 m.ha is classified as forest lands, of from the longest river Mahanadi stored in Hirakud Dam.
which over half is denudated to various degrees. Mahanadi, the longest river in Orissa is 880 km in
Per capita availability of land is half of what it used to be length; starts from the Raipur district of Madhyapradesh
some 35 years ago. The challenge of prevention of ero- (now Chhattishgarh) passes along Sambalpur,
sion (due to wind, water and overgrazing) and indeed of Athamallik, Baudh, Cuttack and falls into the Bay of
restoration of India's land resources is therefore inti- Bengal of the Indian Ocean. The river was its boon and
mately related to strategies for the management of land, bane. Some of the important towns and cities of Orissa
water and vegetative cover. At present 141 m.ha are like Cuttack and Sambalpur are located on its bank and
used for cultivation purposes. Between 1970 - 1971 and developed because of agricultural prosperity and com-
1987 - 1988 the average net sown area has been 140.4 merce (Temple, 1864). Cuttack in Eastern Orissa was the
m.ha with a maximum of 143.21 m.ha in 1983 - 1984 and commercial capital of Orissa and Sambalpur the most
a minimum of 136.18 m.ha in 1987 - 1988. The need for prominent place in Western Orissa. There have been
production of food, fodder, fiber, fuel and urbanisation will occasional conflicts between the Governments of Orissa,
put severe competing claims on the land. Moreover, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh on the use of
water logging, salinity, alkalinity of soils on account of water from Mahanadi and other rivers as also for
inadequate planning and inefficient management of water construction of dams on the upper riches of Mahanadi.
resource projects in conjunction with other adverse However, the most prominent conflict relating to
physical factors, will severely constrain the growth of net Mahanadi hovers around the construction of the Hirakud
sown area in the future. Although India occupies only Dam which has further polarized the cultural differences
2.4% of the world's land area, it supports over 15% of the of the two broad zones of Orissa-the Western and the
world's population. Only China has a larger population. Eastern, the Sambalpurias and the Katkias, the hills and
Almost 40% of Indians are younger than 15 years of age. the plains, the silent and the vocal; the underdeveloped
About 70% of the people live in more than 550,000 and the developed.
villages, and the remainder in more than 200 towns and
cities. The current annual increase of India’s population is THE HISTORICAL BACKDROP OF THE
equal to the total population of Australia. The population CONSTRUCTION OF THE HIRAKUD DAM ALONG
density is 334 per square km and the fertility rate is 2.85. RIVER MAHANADI AND IB
This vast population coupled with undulating terrain,
increasing deforestation and global warming collectively Economically Orissa is one of the most backward states
put lot of pressure on water management. in India. This is proved in terms of several indicators of
In post-independent India there have been conflicts economic development over the last many years. Be-
between states such as Karnataka-Tamil Nadu, Orissa- sides the socio-political factors, natural factors also seem
Madhya Pradesh, Haryana-Punjab, Gujarat-Madhya to be responsible for the backwardness. Terrible famines
th th
Pradesh for the use of river water and of reservoir of hit Orissa in the 14 , 15th and 16 centuries. In the
dam. Joy et al (2006) have documented 63 conflicts from famine of 1865-66, nearly a million of people perished in
different parts of India around thematic areas like the district of Cuttack alone. Since 1868 there have been
contending water uses, equity, access and allocations; as many as 39 floods in the Mahanadi delta (extending
conflicts around water quality; sand mining; micro-level over 2300 square miles constituting nearly 70% of the
conflicts; dams and displacements; transboundary water central delta), the most fertile and densely populated tract
conflicts and privatization. in Orissa (Govt. of India.1961:35). Floods have been al-
142 Int. J. Sociol. Anthropol.
most an annual feature in the three important rivers- and coal within a radius of 30 miles for the manufac-
Mahanadi, Brahmani and Baitarani in Orissa. There were ture of cement, an important component; the nearness of
floods in Orissa in 1834 - 1835, 1845 - 1849, 1852 - Sambalpur railway station and district headquarters,
1856, 1911, 1919 and 1920, 1925 - 1927, 1929, 1933 availability of service roads; presence of mineral deposits
and 1937. Common high floods occurred in the three like iron, manganese, bauxite and limestone in the vicinity
important rivers in 1896, 1960 and 1961. These floods for future establishment of ferroalloys, aluminum, cement
caused extensive damage to the standing crops. The da- and other factories; the soundness of the foundation rock
mages in terms of loss of human life, cattle and livestock, and absence of complex geological features; availability
houses, breaches, sand-cast area, standing crops, and of aggregates, sand, suitable earth and granite stones
break down in communication are enormous. It has not within the river. The small width of the river Mahanadi at
always been evaluated but on average it amounts to this point and the presence of two hills on either side-Lum
about 12 lakhs rupees (Government of India, 1947:49). In Dungri in the left and Chandli Dungri on the right-leading
1858, Sir Arthur Cotton of the Commandment Madras to lower cost, was also very important consideration.
Engineers said, “In the last 23 years there have been Further the 43 affected villages on the right side were hill
three years of famine, four years of drought, two years of and forest clad and the rest of the villages on the left
severe inundation, seven years of inundation and seven side, though fertile, were poorly developed in terms of
years of moderate seasons in coastal districts” minerals and roads, and contained no railways, bridges,
(Government of Orissa, 1958:36). major structures and hence the loss was assessed to be
Such floods and droughts necessarily cause insecurity minimal due to submergence (Agrawal, 1967: 21, 27, 31,
to life and property; have a demoralizing effect on the 40 - 42).
inhabitants and shatter their enthusiasm to improve land,
home and village (Agrawal, 1967: 40 - 42). During 1911 -
1937, there were nine years of flood with a loss of rupees PEOPLE’S RESISTANCE
20 lakhs to 66 lakhs on each occasion. The huge loss When people of Sambalpur district heard about it way
due to flood topples the gain due to silting of river banks back in 1945 there was substantial mass agitation. Anti-
and fields, clearing of the mouth of the river from sand Hirakud dam campaign was lunched since it was
and flushing of salt pans created due to perennial expected to submerge 108 full and 141 part revenue
irrigation, etc. villages of Sambalpur district and also 3 full and 33 part
There were several Flood Enquiry Committees appoin- villages of Pusar and Saraipali station of Madhya
ted by the Government of Orissa in 1928, 1938 and 1939 Pradesh respectively. Also the most fertile tract of the
- 1942 to suggest measures to tackle the recom- Sambalpur district was to submerge. People protested as
mendations for local relief. Floods continued and every they thought that the terrain of Sambalpur district would
time the drama was enacted-aerial survey, supply of not be suitable for laying out canals, there would be huge
food, cloth and medicine, dispatching boats and army loss of cultivable land, uprooting and dislocation of
personnel for rescue operations, etc. by the state and the people, destruction of community life and general dispos-
Centre. Since all the influential officers and politicians sessions (Nanda et al., 1987). They thought that it would
came from the coastal districts and wanted to get rid of be a positive gain for the coastal districts and deprive the
the menace of flood of Mahanadi in any case, they inland/ highland district such as Sambalpur. The main
suggested the construction of a dam in the upper riches issue was why should people of Sambalpur district sacri-
of Sambalpur district. It was decided on 8-11-1948 to go fice so much for Cuttack district that are considered the
ahead with the construction of the dam although the long-term exploiters and clever people. If necessary the
foundation stone was laid in March 1946 and the actual latter can be rehabilitated away from the flood plains.
construction work started in middle of 1948 before the There were several demonstrations; the largest being
final techno-economic details were available. This means attended by 30,000 people and the ultimate demand was
that the construction of the reservoir and the dam was a the separation of Sambalpur district from the rest of
foregone conclusion and was not in consultation with the Orissa. At a time when the country was struggling for
people who would be affected by the submergence of Independence and there were many divisive tendencies,
their area. such protest was resisted strongly by the Congress party
and it was also disapproved by Gandhiji. It was also
THE RATIONALE FOR THE SELECTION OF THE considered an anti-developmental activity led by the
SPOT feudal rulers who were likely to lose most of their land.
The movement fizzled out because of the imposing
The present dam site was selected after a lot of delibera- image of the Congress at that time, the arrest of impor-
tions. The advantages of the site were: it contains 67% of tant leaders leading to closure of communication channel,
the drainage area responsible for the floods in the delta; the casual participation of the people especially of the
the submerged area of the reservoir was exclusively in submergible area, the sheer disbelief of people that the
Orissa; the availability of unlimited quantities of limestone rivers like Mahanadi and Ib can ever be dammed, the
Baboo 143
withdrawal of local congress leaders, the betrayal of the planners and the people who have been now heavily
some leaders and the projection of the dam not merely as dependant on the dam. On top of it the increase in the
an anti-flood measure but as a major developmental frequency of flood from 11.8 years in 1956 to 3.75 years
project in Orissa in general and Sambalpur district in in 1988 has belied all hopes of flood control (CSE, 1982).
particular. All the positive aspects of dam construction- My personal observation is that there seems to have
flood control, irrigation, power generation and subsequent been general prosperity in the command area of the
industrialization, infrastructure development, navigation, Hirakud dam in terms of increased mono-cropping and
and availability of water for domestic and industrial use- productivity of paddy, development of infrastructure and
were highlighted without telling people the long term housing and social mobility; although not all of it as a
negative repercussions (Goldsmith, 1984). direct result of irrigation. It has also led to increasing
indebtedness of most sections of the society because of
a false sense of modernization and conspicuous
THE PROMISES consumption. It has led to depletion of natural resources-
The policy recommended in the project report was that forest and grazing land; shortage of space for burial
“the government should give as compensation, as far as ground and defecating and dumping of garbage. It has
possible, land in exchange of land and house in ex- also led to the critical importance of time in agricultural
change of house and that too well ahead of the date of activities and hence stiff competition among agrarian
actual submergence. The compensation in kind or cash classes. Because of increasing mechanization the mutual
should be on terms which are equitable and if anything exchange on land, labour and livestock has declined sub-
generous. The government should assist the people in stantially leading to visible difference in rural population.
rehabilitation and strive to create conditions in the On top of it the political gimmick of electoral politics,
colonies which should be a definite improvement on the development and the division of the spoils has definitely
existing ones” (Government of India, 953). Model villages fragmented the agrarian populace.
with the essential amenities of life, that is, drinking water,
sanitation, schools, community centres, electricity, etc.
were suggested. THE SOCIAL COSTS
ly alien in the new locality and suffered from the stigma of also has various other utilities. However, large dam
`reservoir oustees’. Their overall life span was low as construction has several disadvantages as well. Study of
they suffered from mental trauma and hard physical work the Hirakud Dam in Orissa informs us that (a) controlling
so essential to survive in the new places. Women Nature has its own hazards and (b) power and politics
suffered more than men and kids suffered from stolen play important role in developmental initiatives which
childhood without proper schooling and merry-making. justifies the old saying `one man’s food is another man’s
People those who were used to plenty of water near the poison’. At a higher level of abstraction the centre-
river banks were dumped on forest-cleared upland and periphery theory seems to be more befitting to this
they kept on remembering their bygone days. In summer, situation.
when the water of the Hirakud reservoir recedes, the
oustees go to or near their old village for picnic just to REFERENCES
revive the past. They were thoroughly dissatisfied with
the developmental initiative of the government of Orissa Agrawal GD (1967). The Story of the Hirakud Project. Delhi: Ministry of
and felt that people from Cuttack district were responsible Irrigation and Power, Government of India.
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for their present sufferings. If Hirakud dam breaches; they the Hirakud Multipurpose Dam in Orissa. Delhi: Concept.
would like to go back to their original village. They have Centre for Science and Environment (1982). The State of India’s
strong anti-coastal and anti-Katakia feeling and consider Environment: The First Citizen’s Report. Delhi.
the coastal people as colonizers. They strongly believe Cernea M (1985). Sociological Knowledge for Development Projects in
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that Hirakud Dam was constructed primarily for protecting
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than the developmental initiatives in Western Orissa. On of Large Dams. Overview. Camelsford: Wadebridge Ecological
the other hand people of the command area of the dam in Centre. 1
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Sambalpur, Bargarh, and Subarnapur (formerly undivided
Development. Simla: Government Press.
Bolangir district) districts complain of non-availability of Government of India (1953). Public Accounts Committee, 1952-53.
water for irrigation, poor repair and maintenance of the Sixth Report. Hirakud Dam Project.
canal system, the decision of the government to supply Government of India (1961). Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
Our River Valley Projects. Delhi.
water for industrial use and general apathy of the officers Government of Orissa (1958). Floods in Orissa Rivers during 1955-56.
to look into crop loss, enhanced revenue and water tax Final Report, Bhubaneswar: Revenue (Spl.) Relief Department
and erratic recording of cultivated and irrigated area. Joy KJ (2006). “A million Revolts in the making: Understanding Water
Gradually the storage capacity of the dam is decreasing Conflicts”, Econ. Pol. Wkly. 16(7): 18-24. Feb.
Mauzy DK (2008). Water Wars: Singapore versus Malaysia. Post-
due to siltation as a result the target of irrigation and
Doctoral Project, Dept. of Political Science, UBC, Canada.
power generation is not being met. Mindless mining and Meher R (1999). Development Disparities in a Backward Region- A
industrialization in the vicinity of the reservoir and re- District Level Analysis. New Delhi: APH Publishing Corporation.
leasing of effluents to the river system further complicate Nanda S, Tripathy PK (1987). “The Hirakud Rehabilitation and the
Displaced People”, Seminar on Development and Displacement,
the issue.
Centre for Study of Culture and Society, Burla, 20-21 December.
There is always simmering discontent which has of late Sovani NV, Rath N (1960). Economics of a Multipurpose River Dam:
manifested in Western Orissa Liberation Front (WOLF), Report of an Inquiry into the Economic benefits of the Hirakud Dam.
Kosala Rajya and the government-recognized Western Pune: Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics.
Temple R (1864). Report on the Mahanuddy and its Tributaries.
Orissa Development Council. Series of protests and Calcutta: John G. Hirons.
demonstrations in Sambalpur and Bhubaneswar have
been staged; issues are raised during elections but
forgotten after that. The feeling of deprivation is more
evident these days when all the natural resources of
North- West Orissa are being exploited quickly and the
extracting and polluting industries are being located
there. On the other hand transport network, important
offices, High court, universities, institutes of higher
learning, airport, Rajdhani and superfast trains are all
concentrated in the East especially around
Bhubaneswar-Cuttack. Recent works on regional
disparity corroborate this position (Meher, 1999).