Sba Update 6

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A update
Done by: Vickash Singh

vickash singh
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Table of contents
POI – Plan of investigation

Artefacts#1,2 and 3

Reflection #1


Reflection #3 (draft)

Written report artefact #1

Written report artefact#2

Written report artefact#3

Group written report

Plan of oral presentation


Plan of investigation (POI)

The topic that I have chosen for my S.B.A group is “music”. The group members and I chose
this topic since all of us have the same connection and intrests in music. For our S.B.A our main
subtopic we will be specifically focusing on is: the “music I commercials”. This will explain the
importance of music in commercials and how it affects the sales of products due to music in
commercials . During the course of doing this S.B.A about music it will benefit me as an english
student because I will improve my researching skills and my knowledge in music.

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The three artefacts

1st artefact

Music in commercials/advertising has played a very important role on advertisement since it

drastically enhance its success .This was a method to attract viewers about products as viewers
watched it through television, as it can significantly affect the emotional response to television. It
also affects a musicians entire career since advertisers pay them to advertise their products
through the media.

Functions of music in advertising

⮚ Entertainment-the entertainment aspect of music helps make commercials much more

appealing to viewers.
⮚ Emotion and music-music can be used to help appeal the viewers attitude towards a
product that is being advertised. If the music is exiting viewers will begin to show a
happy attitude towards music. If the music is sad viewers will not be appealed but the
product being advertised and would therefore ignore it.
⮚ Music and its message in advertisements-music can be used to carry a message to the
viewer and can be used to emphasize a key brand attribute or logo
⮚ Memorability-the most common technique to catch a viewers attention is for the
viewer/listeners to recall the advertisement and it would stay in his/her memory

Video on music in advertisements

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3rd piece Music in advertisements essay:

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Music is all around us. It is a constant in our lives. Although the music that we hear changes over
time it is always there. What is “in” today may be “out” tomorrow. We hear it in the car in the
way to work, and once we get there it is playing in the background in the office. It is at the stores
where we shop, in the elevators we ride, during the commercial breaks of our favorite television
programs, at the gym where we exercise, and many more places we go. With the astronomical
amount of music that surrounds us in our everyday lives is no wonder that companies use it as a
median to advertise their services and products to us. “Advertising is the means by which on
party attempts to convince or entice another into purchasing a particular product or service.
Advertising is instrumental to the success of businesses. If no one knows that the business exists
or they have no idea what products or services are offered, how will they get customers? The key
to business is to advertise, to make sure that a company’s products or services are known to the
world. People love music. Combining the two is sheer genius. Music can accomplish many
things when integrated with advertisements. In advertising it is used to entertain, as a mnemonic
device to trigger memory, and to target a specific demographic. When music is used in
advertising for entertainment purposes it makes the advertisement more appealing to its targeted
audience. A good advertisement gets and holds the attention of the audience. It is simply used for
aesthetic purposes. Creating an attractive advertisement allows it to appeal more to an audience
thus engaging the audience’s attention. Music is also used in advertising as a technique to aid in
memory. Early advertising embraced this technique. Rhyme and repetition were used to keep a
brand or name of a product in mind.

There are several different options for advertisers to choose from to promote their product or
service. There is print, radio, and television to name a few. The following is a brief history of
advertisements from print to television: Early print advertisements appeared in the newspaper
and as posters with pictures and text in popular locations. This form of advertisement is still in
use today and is also successful and is found everywhere from newspapers, magazines, to
popular trade journals. Billboards are another form of print advertising, they a rather large signs
that are located in a conspicuous location that people will notice. Radio advertising is one of the
earliest forms of advertisement is mass media. With thousands of Americans tuning in to hear the
radio programs, this is where advertisers hit the jackpot. Television advertisements soon
followed. Since the television has such a broad reach, from the beginning it became an attractive
medium for advertisers. After when television became popular around the world, advertisements
were aired television which increase the sale of products as consumers were now able to see
famous actors who performs skits on products showing even more emotion such as humor which
provides another source of entertainment. In present times advertisements are everywhere on
social media on radio and television. And have evolved a lot since its existence. Currently
anyone can make an advertisement weather it is K.F.C or a small business owner. They
customize an advertisement the way they like it, for example by adding music etc

Reflection #1
In doing my S.B.A on music and music in commercials I learnt many things and gained a lot of
knowledge during the course of this helped me improve my research skills and I learnt

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things about music that I did not know before. i also learnt teamwork amongst my group
members. I noticed music in commercials is very important and it can change the mood of a
viewer and would be more appealing to a viewer and it can persuade them into buying a product.
I chose the first piece of information explains the different functions of music in advertisements.
The second piece explains how it can have a positive effect on musicians as it is very profitable,
and you can gain a lot of money. The third piece talks about everything that relates to music in
advertisements in an essay.

Reflection #2
In my S.B.A most of the pieces of information fall into the category of an article. The first piece
of information is to give information about the function in music in advertisements and what’s its
purpose. The second piece of information is to persuade persons especially musicians or
aspiring musicians to use their songs in an advertisement as it is very profitable and they can
make lots of money doing this as companies pay lots of money for musicians to do their
advertisements. They can also gain more popularity and even win Oscars. The third piece of
information is just really and expository piece which gives information about everything about
music in advertisements. These techniques are effective since it gives the writer gains more
knowledge about something they didn’t know about and benefits them as they can improve their
expository and persuasive speech.

Reflection #3 (DRAFT)
In the process of writing this S.B.A it has helped me to become a better English student overall
and have improved my expository and persuasive writing skills. In my subtopic I’ve learnt about
the importance of music in advertisements and its effects on the sales of companies worldwide
and on musicians and both of them can gain more profit and popularity. I faced many problems
in doing this S.B.A but I overcome it by doing more research and taking information from
different websites. I also took frequent breaks from the screen to prevent eyestrain. I also gained
self-discipline as I would have to plan a daily routine so that I can finish my assignments. In my
group I haven’t functioned well as I expected because I need to work on my social skills my
skills to work together in a group.

Written Group Report

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The assignment began with the class teacher, Miss Birju, explaining the different sections that
the School Based Assessment consisted of. As soon as everyone was enlightened on what was
required, the group selection commenced. Subsequently, students were placed in respective
groups. Following that, the group came together and discussed possible topics. After debating,
the group made a decision that the topic of focus will be Music. The selection of this topic, was
due to the fact that music is universal and has had an impact on everyone at some point in their
lifetime. In addition to this, there is a wide range of subtopics. Thus, this gave students the
opportunity to choose an area they enjoy, as well as, have prior knowledge on.

The different aspects investigated were: Music as Motivation, Development of Music, Music in
Advertising and How Music Affects your Mental Health. There were fifteen pieces to choose
from. The three that were selected were: a Poem entitled “Music”, An article on Mental Health
and a passage on Music in Advertisements. The poem, Music, was chosen because it illustrated
how music keeps the world going. The poet illustrates how easy music steals your thoughts. The
article on mental health was chosen since mental health is a top priority. It stated the positive and
negative effects which music has on a person. The last piece, the passage, displays how popular
music is used to advertise a brand or product.

Upon completion of this SBA, the outcomes were very positive, as writing, reading and
comprehension skills were accentuated and improved with the assistance of Miss Birju and
fellow classmates. Initially, there was a struggle with communication to work as a group.
However, the challenge was overcome and an important lesson was emphasized, ‘Teamwork
makes the dream work’.

Group artifacts:
Music Is Everything

Music travels all around my body.

Now I can say it's living right through me.

Listening to music puts me in a good mood;

It makes me want to stand up and start to groove.

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Music can make me forget all of my pain.

It brings out the sun when I can only see the rain.

I put on my headphones and play all of my songs.

I could listen to it all day long.

Music takes me to another place,

Higher than the sky and far away from the space.

There's nothing to compare to it in the whole world.

It wouldn't even be better than my favorite girl.

Music can teach you many lessons,

Like stand up for your rights and all the good reasons.

I know there are people who think the same way

Because they know music lives in us every day.


Artifact #2:
Music is all around us. It is a constant in our lives. Although the music that we hear changes over
time it is always there. What is “in” today may be “out” tomorrow. We hear it in the car in the
way to work, and once we get there it is playing in the background in the office. It is at the stores
where we shop, in the elevators we ride, during the commercial breaks of our favorite television
programs, at the gym where we exercise, and many more places we go. With the astronomical
amount of music that surrounds us in our everyday lives is no wonder that companies use it as a
median to advertise their services and products to us. “Advertising is the means by which on
party attempts to convince or entice another into purchasing a particular product or service.
Advertising is instrumental to the success of businesses. If no one knows that the business exists
or they have no idea what products or services are offered, how will they get customers? The key
to business is to advertise, to make sure that a company’s products or services are known to the
world. People love music. Combining the two is sheer genius. Music can accomplish many
things when integrated with advertisements. In advertising it is used to entertain, as a mnemonic
device to trigger memory, and to target a specific demographic. When music is used in

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advertising for entertainment purposes it makes the advertisement more appealing to its targeted
audience. A good advertisement gets and holds the attention of the audience. It is simply used for
aesthetic purposes. Creating an attractive advertisement allows it to appeal more to an audience
thus engaging the audience’s attention. Music is also used in advertising as a technique to aid in
memory. Early advertising embraced this technique. Rhyme and repetition were used to keep a
brand or name of a product in mind.

There are several different options for advertisers to choose from to promote their product or
service. There is print, radio, and television to name a few. The following is a brief history of
advertisements from print to television: Early print advertisements appeared in the newspaper
and as posters with pictures and text in popular locations. This form of advertisement is still in
use today and is also successful and is found everywhere from newspapers, magazines, to
popular trade journals. Billboards are another form of print advertising, they a rather large signs
that are located in a conspicuous location that people will notice. Radio advertising is one of the
earliest forms of advertisement is mass media. With thousands of Americans tuning in to hear the
radio programs, this is where advertisers hit the jackpot. Television advertisements soon
followed. Since the television has such a broad reach, from the beginning it became an attractive
medium for advertisers. After when television became popular around the world, advertisements
were aired television which increase the sale of products as consumers were now able to see
famous actors who performs skits on products showing even more emotion such as humor which
provides another source of entertainment. In present times advertisements are everywhere on
social media on radio and television. And have evolved a lot since its existence. Currently
anyone can make an advertisement weather it is K.F.C or a small business owner. They
customize an advertisement the way they like it, for example by adding music etc.

Artifact #3:
New studies show that music even sad music can lift up one’s mood, while other studies show
that music can help relieve stress and anxiety. But interestingly in another study it show that sad
music can cause negative feelings or profound grief. Music has also been used in therapy. The
American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) reported that music therapy programs can be
designed to manage stress, enhancing memory and even alleviate physical pain. There are also
studies about how music can help with ADHD. As shown in a 2011 study, 41 boys with ADHD
found evidence that suggest classroom performance improved for some boys when they listened
to music while working. But it also shows that music is also distracting for some boys. While
listening to music may bring greater health benefits, creating it can be an effective therapy, too.
Other health benefits that is obtained when listening music is increased blood flow, lower heart
rate and blood pressure. It is great that music is being used as a sort of mental and physical
therapy and would have never known about these uses of it if it wasn’t for research this topic.

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Oral presentation plan

• The theme that I have chosen is music in advertisements which is under my group
topic music.
• I’ve chosen this theme since it no one has used this theme and it is a rare topic in
music that no one talks about

• I will be using a persuasive speech “The importance of music in advertising” to
persuade readers to learn about the importance and effects of music and why it is used
in advertisements. This speech would be used to present my theme.


• In doing this S.B.A. I used two sources such as magazines, and an online article from
the association of consumer research website.
• Both sources of information are both expository pieces and gives information to
readers about the importance of music in advertisements and how it affects the mood
of a person

• Bibliography

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