Wednesday 14 June: Room: Lomond Auditorium

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MAIN SESSION 2: Power quality and electromagnetic compatibility

Room: Lomond Auditorium

Block 1: Electric and magnetic fields, safety and interference

09:00 – 10:30hrs

0452 Validation of an integrated methodology for design of grounding systems through field
C Cardoso, L Rocha, A Leiria, EDP Labelec, Portugal, P Teixeira, EDP Distribuição, Portugal
1065 Making risk based earthing design accessible and effective
W Carman, Bill Carman Consulting ,Australia
1062 New model for the calculation of harmonics in the residual earth fault current of medium
voltage systems
K Frowein, P Schegner, TU Dresden, Germany, U Schmidt, HS Zittau/Goerlitz, Germany, G Druml,
Sprecher Automation GmbH, Austria
0595 Assessment of EMF-Exposure in residential buildings caused by smart metering systems
using PLC
A Abart, Netz OÖ GmbH, Austria, M Flohberger, EnergieAG OÖ, Telekom, Austria, R Hirtler, ESF
Vienna, Austria
1285 Electromagnetic interferences in smart grid applications: a case study of PLC smart meters
with PV energy generation
D Roggo, R Horta, L Capponi, HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Switzerland, L Eggenschwiler, HES-SO
Fribourg, Switzerland, C Pellodi, F Decorvet, Services Industriels de Genève, Switzerland, F Buholzer,
Landis+Gyr, Swizerland
1029 High performance magnetic shielding solution for ELF sources
A Canova, L Giaccone, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Block 2: Power quality issues of distributed generation
11:00 – 12:30hrs

0891 Harmonic emission assessment on a distribution network: the opportunity for the prevailing
angle in harmonic phasors
B Peterson, J Rens, North West University, South Africa, J Desmet, Ghent University, Belgium
0927 Standard passive harmonic filter for wind farm connections
A Kazerooni, L Koo, WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, United Kingdom, C Brozio, Z Emin, Power System
Consultants, United Kingdom, E Chalmers, SP Energy Networks, United Kingdom
0457 Harmonic, interharmonic and supraharmonic characterisation of a 12-MW-wind park based on
field measurements
A M Blanco, J Meyer, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany, B Heimbach, B Wartmann, M
Mangani, M Oeschger, EWZ, Switzerland
0076 How to deal with electromagnetic disturbances caused by new inverter technologies connected
to public network
X Yang, L Bertin, EDF R&D, France
0997 Measurement of voltage instabilities caused by inverters in weak grids
M Höckel, A Gut, S Schori, BFH, Switzerland, M Arnal, BKW, Switzerland, R Schild, KWO,
Switzerland, P Steinmann, ABB, Switzerland
0357 Voltage unbalance due to single-phase photovoltaic inverters
D Schwanz, S Rönnberg, M Bollen, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

Block 3: Power quality measurement, analysis and mitigation methods

14:00 – 15:30hrs

0408 Advanced ripple control signal calculation tools for DNOs

S Uytterhoeven, D Empain, Laborelec, Belgium, P Vermeyen, Eandis, Belgium
0460 Harmonic resonances in residential low voltage networks caused by consumer electronics
J Meyer, R Stiegler, P Schegner, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany, I Röder, A Belger, NRM
Netzdienste Rhein-Main GmbH, Germany
1012 The measurement of high frequency disturbances in Slovenian substations
U M Peterlin, T Živic, Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute, Slovenia
1267 Resolving inconsistencies in three-phase current measurements
A Urquhart, M Thomson, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
0747 Determination of flicker contributions based on synchronised measurements of rapid RMS
V Cuk, F Ni, S Xue, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands, A Jongepier, Enduris B.V., Netherlands, H van den
Brom, G Rietveld, M Acanski, VSL,Netherlands, S Cobben, Alliander, Netherlands/TU Eindhoven,
0821 Research of process immunity time of boiler coal feeding system in thermal power plant and
solution to volatge sags
L Wang, Golden Cooperate Co., Ltd, China, X Zhu, NUAA, China, H Zhang, Y Zhao, Z Zhu, Shenzhen
Power Supply Co.Ltd, China, M Fan, CEPRI, China, Z Zheng, Sichuan University, China

Block 4: Power quality system monitoring, continuity of supply and regulatory issues
16:00 – 17:30hrs

0066 Using voltage sag measurements for advanced fault location and condition based maintenance
M Tremblay, B Fazio, D Valiquette, Hydro-Québec, Canada
0488 Unified power quality index for electrical network in Alexandria-case study
H Karawia, M Mahmoud, AEDC, Egypt
0645 Enel global solution for power quality monitoring and analysis
J M Romero Gordon, Endesa, Spain, C Noce, Enel SpA, Italy
0734 Regulation and classification of voltage dips
L Weldemariam, V Cuk, S Cobben, TU/Eindhoven, Netherlands, J van Waes, Movaris Energy,
0676 Impacts of the change in regulation in Brazil: penalty simulation for violation of collective
interruption indications versus compensation for consumers
A D S Barbosa, P L Carvalho, ANEEL, Brazil
1241 An experience in determining a cost versus quality of service characteristic in order to define
optimal investment level
I O Cryillo, M A Pelegrini, G Quiroga, Sinapsis Inovação em Energia, Brazil, C F M Almeida, C M V
Tahan, M R Gouvea, University São Paulo, Brazil

MAIN SESSION 6: Challenges for DSOs in new business environments

Room: Hall 5

Block 1: New DSOs roles in a digital world

09:00 – 10:30hrs

0147 How to shape digitalisation in the energy sector – a new approach for systematic business
B Römer, B Gemsjäger, W Fröhner, Siemens AG, Germany, G Di Lembo Enel Global Infrastructure &
Networks, Italy
1181 Towards new data management platforms for a DSO as market enabler – UPGRID Portugal
A Alonso, R Couto, H Pacheco, R Bessa, C Gouveia, L Seca, INESC TEC, Portugal, J Moreira, P
Nunes, P G Matos, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, A Oliveira, WITHUS, Portugal
0223 Modelling metering data flows, from use cases towards implementation
K Boukir, Enedis, France, B Traverson, EDF R&D, France, R Povse, University Ljubljana, Slovenia
0518 AMI rollout strategy and cost-benefit analysis for India
R Pillai, R Bhatnagar, H Thukral, India Smart Grid Forum, India
0764 Experiences of using AMI system for DSO's business operation
M Kauppinen, J Pylvänäinen, J Karjalainen, V Sihvola, Elenia Oy, Finland
1306 Developing a framework for the customer model of the future
M McGranaghan, O Siddiqui, K Smith, EPRI, United States

Block 2: Development of regulation

11:00 – 12:30hrs

0064 Innovation incentives for DSOs - a must in the new energy market development
O Günther, Stromnetz Berlin GmbH, Germany, S Politopoulou, HEDNO, Greece, D Verreth, Enexis,
0115 Forecast the grid oriented battery operation to enable a multi-use-approach and discussion of
the regulatory framework
S Nykamp, T Rott, Westnetz GmbH, Germany, K Keller, University of Twente, Netherlands, T Knop
Innogy SE, Germany
0141 The smart grid roadmap and regulation approaches in Switzerland
M D Galus, Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE), Switzerland
1021 Analyses of the current Swedish revenue cap regulation
C J Wallnerström, E Grahn, T Johansson, Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate (EI), Sweden
0632 Incentives in supply continuity regulation and setting its parameters in the Czech Republic
P Skala, EGU Brno, as, Czech Republic, J Sefranek Energy Regulatory Office, Czech Republic
0918 National platform for information on customer interruptions and outages in Denmark
P K Hansen, Danish Energy Association, Denmark, T K Asmussen, SEAS-NVE Net A/S, Denmark, K
C Jensen, EniigMidt Net A/S, Denmark

Block 3: Enabling flexibility

14:00 – 15:30hrs

0221 E-CLOUD, the open microgrid in existing network infrastructure

D Vangulick, ORES, Belgium/ Université de Liège, Belgium, B Cornelusse, Université de Liège,
Belgium, T Vanherck, University of Mons, Belgium, N-SIDE, Belgium, O Devolder, S Lachi, RESA,
1040 Testing and validation of the ACCESS system
K Jennett, F Coffele, I Abdulhadi, PNDC, United Kingdom, B Stephen University of Strathclyde, United
0225 Providing smart metering data services through an EU market place
K Boukir, Enedis, France, D Wästlund, Vattenfal, Sweden, B Traverson, EDF R&D, France, F
Schwarzlaender, Sap, Germany, S Defrancisci, e-distribuzione, Italy
0730 Creating a local energy market
B A Bemdal, Smart Innovation Østfold, Norway / University of Tromsø, Norway, P Olivella-Rosell, J
Rajasekharan, I Ilieva, Smart Innovation Østfold, Norway
0744 Behavior of active household customers on the electricity market - findings from market test
Smart Grid Gotland
C Svalstedt, Vattenfall, Sweden, M Löf Vattenfall R&D, Sweden
0701 Development of power-based tariff structure for small customers and pathway for this change
R Apponen, P Heine, J Lehtinen, Helen Electrity Network, Finland, M Lehtonen, Aalto University,
Finland, K Lummi, P Järventausta, Tampere University of Technology, Finland

Block 4: Asset and risk management

1600 – 17:30hrs

0090 Asset risk indices: commonality, diversity and usage - the history In UK electricity distribution
M Black, G Howarth, M Nicholson, Northern Powergrid, United Kingdom
0869 "End-to-End" strategic asset management process to support asset service on community
A Eiting, G Schatz, KWH Netz GmbH, Germany, T Dürauer, H Spitzer, entellgenio, Germany
0249 Guidelines for modernising existing electrical switchgear in LV and MV networks
G Barbarin, D Seignier, Schneider Electric, France, A Gerstner, Schneider Electric, Germany
0334 Determining failure probabilities with qualitative characteristics for risk estimation in the SGAM
M van Amelsvoort, OFFIS Institute for Information Technology, Germany
1217 Assessment of electricity distribution companies risks in the Brazilian energy market
V L de Matos, G Matiussi, R C Machado, Plan4 Engenharia, Brazil, R L Antunes, M T Coelho,
CELESC, Brazil
1361 Identifying infrastructure change in the 4th and 5th Dimensions
M Coleman, Fugro Roames, Australia, P Carberry, Fugro Inc, United States, R Hoddenbach, Fugro
Geospatial, Netherlands

ROUND TABLE Session 1: Network components

ROOM: Alsh

09:00 – 10:30hrs RT 5: Reduction of technical and non-technical losses in distribution

The scope of the round table is to share the approach and main findings of the CIRED working
group “Reduction of Technical and Non-Technical Losses in Distribution Networks” (March 2015
– June 2017). The objectives were:
1. Delivering an overview of the main challenges regarding losses assessment and reduction,
considering the recent evolutions in the network,
- from a technical point of view (more Distributed Energy Resources connected for instance)
- from a regulatory point of view (European Directive for instance)
It includes all kind of losses, technical and non-technical.
2. Delivering an overview of existing and emerging solutions taking into account last available

Coordinator: Yann Toravel, Enedis, France
Andreas Beutel, ESKOM, South Africa
Nera Ruiz, Iberdrola, Spain
Bhargav Prasanna Swaminathan, G2Elab (Grenoble INP), India
Rosario Zaccaria, e-distribuzione, Italy

11:00 – 12:30hrs RT 7: Digital solutions for network maintenance: drones and image
processing, virtual and augmented reality, big data, data analytics and

DSOs are facing huge challenges, in a global context of energy and digital transitions. At the
same time, new digital technologies are emerging, that will support the increase of performance
and the adaptation looked for by DSOs, including the field of asset management and network
The following topics will be discussed: drones and image processing, virtual and augmented
reality, data analytics and IoT.
Experiments and examples of operational implementation of innovative solutions will be
presented and discussed, as well as state of the art and future prospects on these issues.

Dr Ing Uwe Kaltenborn, HIGHVOLT Pruftechnik Dresden GmbH, Germany
Joao Nunes, EDP Distribuicao, Portugal
Olivier Gonbeau, Enedis, France
Mark McGranaghan, EPRI, USA
Krzysztof Gajdamowicz, Visimind, Sweden
Franck Bernage, SIREA, France

14:00 – 15:30 hrs RT 9: Smart secondary substations, technology developments and

distribution system benefit

The working group was organised in 5 subgroups, due to the complexity of the elements
involved in secondary substations’ structure. Each subgroup is in charge of one of these main
topics, to investigate the solutions that secondary substations adopted in different networks and
The WG activities had three main goals:
1. Describe the most common assets, both traditional and “state-of-the-art”, MV and LV
components, MV/LV transformers and protection systems, comparing them in terms of
capability, reliability, performance and cost-efficiency
2. Provide an overview of future tendencies in “smart” secondary substation components, as
resulting from ongoing innovation projects and CIRED acts and papers
3. Outline expected benefits.
The scope of this Round Table is to describe the results of investigation, presenting the state of
the art, future tendencies and outline expected benefits of the MV and LV components, MV/LV
transformers, protection and remote control systems
Luca Giansante, e-distribuzione SpA, Italy
Bernd Schuepferling, Siemens, Germany
Enrico Ragaini, ABB, Italy
Yves Chollot, Schneider-Electric, France
Siirto Osmo, Helen, Finland
Jarkko Holmlund, ABB, Finland

16:00 – 17:30 hrs RIF Session 1: Network components

0138 Proven reliability beyond the standards

I OrueI Gilbert, J Larrieta, S Sebastian, Ormazabal, Spain
0539 Comparisons of transformer top oil temperature calculation models using support vector
regression optimised by genetic algorithm
T Qian, W H Tang, W J Jin, South China University of Technology, China, L Gan, Y Q Liu, G J Lu,
Guangzhou Power Supply Co Ltd, China
0541 Fault diagnosis of high-voltage circuit breakers using wavelet packet technique and support
vector machine
W J Jin, W H Tang, T Qian, T Y Ji, South China University of Technology, China, L Gan, Y Q Liu, G J
Lu, Guangzhou Power Supply Co. Ltd., China
0604 Comparative study on arc extinction process under air, CO2 and SF6 gas blasting using two-
dimensional electron density imaging sensor
Y Inada, Saitama University, Japan, S Yamaguchi, A Kumada, H Ikeda, K Hidaka, The University of
Tokyo, Japan, T Nakano, K Murai, Y Tanaka, Kanazawa University, Japan
0657 Data analysis of battery storage systems
M Andoni, W Tang, V Robu, D Flynn, Heriot Watt University, United Kingdom
0917 High performance thermoplastic cable insulation systems
A Pye, G Stevens, Gnosys Global Ltd, United Kingdom
1100 Power hardware-in-the-loop setup for power system stability analyses
R Brandl, T Degner, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany, M Calin, DERlab eV, Germany
1102 Experimental study of dynamic thermal behaviour of an 11 kV distribution transformer
R Villarroel, Q Liu, Z Wang, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

ROUND TABLE Session 5: Planning of power distribution systems

ROOM: Boisdale

09:00 – 10:30hrs RT 6: Requirements for smart, flexible, future power system

architectures (Sessions 4 & 5)

The round table will explore and debate the emerging requirement for a fundamental change to
existing power system architectures to address increasingly complex operational challenges
arising from increasing levels of DERs, new demands on electricity systems due to electrification
of heat and transport, and displacement of centralised synchronous generation by renewable
generation technologies.

The ‘Future Power System Architecture’ programme in the UK sponsored by the UK Electricity
Systems Catapult and supported by The IET has already identified 35 substantially new or
extended functions that will be necessary to manage the transition to a future secure, affordable
and decarbonised electricity system. Many of these new functions are associated with grid-edge
technologies and smart energy system. The associated reports can be found at: Phase 2 of
the programme is now underway and scheduled to complete in April 2017.

An important element of the programme was an international study comparing power system
architecture challenges in other parts of Europe and the USA and as well as a high level of
common challenge, there are initiatives underway to address the significant architecture issues
arising from renewables, DER, interconnection and other major changes.
The Round Table will have contributors from Europe, USA, and possibly other continents, to
discuss and compare their evolving needs for new power system functionality; the engineering,
market, and regulatory challenges they foresee; and the opportunities for new architectural
frameworks to support the required transformational changes.

Graham Ault, Smarter Grid Solutions, United Kingdom
Konstantin Staschus, ENTSO-E / StaRGET GmbH, Germany
Lars Jendernalik, Westnetz, Germany
Mark McGranaghan, EPRI, USA
Robbie Aherne, Eirgrid, Ireland
Mike Kay, IET, United Kingdom

11:00 – 12:30hrs RT 8: Innovative grid architectures and control strategies for 2030+
power systems (Sessions 4 & 5)

The round table will represent an opportunity for grid experts to recall the future challenges and
to report on the state-of-the-art of research work devoted to new architectures and concepts for
the power systems of the future. In fact, power systems often evolve in a fairly incremental way
to meet new challenges. The ambitious objectives for RES development in the next decades
(2030-2050), together with the deployment of storage options and active demand, indicate that a
more essential paradigm change may be required. This includes a move towards distributed
systems with intermittent generation and bi-directional flows that increase in magnitude and
complexity, with an evident trend for load-following generation to achieve similar or higher quality
and security of supply.
Numerous ongoing research activities in the “smart-grids” area focus on the development of new
technologies and their integration into power systems. However, in recent years a trend has
emerged to consider new concepts for the architecture of power systems that analyse alternative
paths to the standard incremental evolution.
One of these innovative architectures is the Web-of-Cells (WoC) concept developed in the frame
of the EU project ELECTRA to anticipate the active grid that will prevail with the penetration of
distributed energy resources (wind, solar, storage, etc.). The WoC assumes a novel organisation
of the power system into cells, where power balancing and other functionalities are performed
within specific areas. An alternative concept is being developed by the Fractal Grid project in
France and some initiatives in the US. The fractal grid approach aims to exploit auto-similarities
in power system structures to understand the complexity and emergent properties of power
grids; to optimise spatial organisation of urban patterns and networks and to increase the
flexibility and resilience of power grids. It also proposes approaches to develop new grids or
extend existing ones based on fractal concepts.
Moreover, the Autonomic Power System project, developed by a number of universities in the
UK, aims to move beyond current smart grid applications and approaches. The concept is based
on biological autonomic systems that set high-level goals but delegate decision-making on how
to achieve them to lower level intelligence. No centralised control is apparent, and behaviour
emerges from low-level interactions. This allows highly complex systems to achieve real-time
and just-in-time optimisation of operations. The autonomic power system is a completely
integrated and distributed control philosophy that self-manages and optimises all network
operational decisions in real time.
The round table will have contributors from across Europe to discuss and compare the proposed
innovative grid architectures and control strategies for the 2030+ Power Systems; owing to the
importance and appeal of this topic, a live discussion with the audience will be promoted.
Luciano Martini, Ricerche sul Sistema Energetic, RSE, Italy
Helfried Brunner, AIT, Austria
Alexander Prostejovsky, DTU, Denmark
George Kariniotakis, MINES ParisTech, France
Stephen McArthur, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

14:00 – 15:30 hrs RT 15: Blockchain: which use cases in the energy industry
(Sessions 5 & 6)

After having attracted huge investment and the attention of the whole financial industry with the
birth of relevant Start-ups and consortia, blockchain is becoming one of the most discussed
topics in the energy industry. What, however, is the actual innovation behind the buzzword? Will
we see an energy blockchain consortium arise in the future as has happened in banking? Many
use cases have been proposed by start-ups which threaten incumbents of the energy sector with
the spectrum of “disintermediation” like P2P energy exchange. How could the principles behind
electronic cash be implemented in a framework where transactions involve physical assets?
Many opinion makers see a great potential in blockchain but still its real value for the energy
industry has to be proven.
In this panel we will discuss with some of the most active players in this field how to develop
valuable proof of concepts and which applications of blockchain could be the most promising in
the energy industry.

Diego Dal Canto, Enel, Italy
Carsten Stoecker, Innogy, Germany
Gerhard Gamperi, Verbund, Austria
Joseph Stanley, Centrica, United Kingdom
Axel Strang, Enedis, France
Paul Ellis, Electron, United Kingdom

RIF Session 5: Planning of power distribution systems

Block 4 : Methods and tools

Sub-block 3 : Load flow & short circuit calculations
0179 Analysis of probabilistic load flow using point estimation method to evaluate the quantiles of
electrical networks state variables
G Plattner, EDF, France, H Farah Semlali, N Kong, Enedis, France
0394 On the use of the game theory to study the planning and profitability of industrial microgrids
connected to the distribution network
C Stevanoni, F Vallée, Z De Grève, O Deblecker, University of Mons, Belgium
0727 A new approach to large distribution network optimization using modern implementation of
benders decomposition
N D'Addio, M Forbes, Queensland University, Australia, A M A K Abeygunawardana, G Ledwich, M
shafiei, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
0771 Active distribution network planning based on a hybrid genetic algorithm-nonlinear
programming method
N Koutsoukis, P Georgilakis, N Hatziargyriou, NTUA, Greece
0841 A comparison of convex formulations for the joint planning of microgrids
B Martin, E De Jaeger, F Glineur, UCL, Belgium
1031 Artificial intelligence potential in power distribution planning
A Van der Mei, Duinn, Netherlands, J P Doomernik, Enexis, Netherlands
INTERACTIVE POSTERS Session 3: Operation, control and protection
09:00 – 17:30hrs

Block 1: Operation

Sub Block 2 - Distribution Management

0040 Enedis approach for the roll-out of technical smart grid industrial solutions
L Karsenti, P Daguzan, Enedis, France
0209 Loss estimation of medium voltage lines based on real and synthetic load profiles
C Groiß, W Schaffer, Salzburg Netz GmbH, Austria, M Stifter, AIT, Austria, A Einfalt, Siemens, Austria
0325 Convex power flow models for scalable electricity market modelling
F Geth, D Van Hertem, KULeuven/EnergyVille, Belgium, R D'hulst, EnergyVille & VITO, Belgium
0423 Real time simulation of large distribution networks with distributed energy resources
M Dyck, O Nzimako, RTDS Technologies Inc, Canada
0610 Risk prediction in distribution networks based on the relation between weather and (underground)
component failure
T Gu, J Janssen, E Tazelaar, G Popma, Alliander N.V., Netherlands
0649 Incorporating asset management into power system operations
I Sarantakos, Newcastle University, United Kingdom/Siemens AG, United Kingdom, P Lyons, ESB Networks,
Ireland/Newcastle University, United Kingdom, S R Blake, P C Taylor, Newcastle University, United
Kingdom, L Tao, Siemens AG, Germany, S Celik, MIT, United States, S Rowland, Siemens AG, United
0712 Smart fault management scheme for electrical distribution networks
N Sherbilla, BCED, Egypt
0722 Evaluation of practical experience of fault indicator performance in medium voltage networks
E Koreneva, Streamer Electric Inc, Russia
0871 Next-generation network restoration approaches on distribution feeders
J Duller, A Halim, UK Power Networks, United Kingdom, G Paton, B Traill, S Sparling, General Electric,
United Kingdom
0899 Standardisation to reduce lifecycle cost and lead time with improved quality, efficiency and flexibility
F Volberda, A Geschiere, E Piga-Gehrke, Liander, Netherlands
0965 A reference architecture for open, maintainable and secure software for the operation of energy
A Goering, J Meister, S Lehnhoff, OFFIS, Germany, P Herdt, Main-Donau Netzgesellschaft, Germany, M
Jung, develop-group, Germany, M Rohr, BTC, Germany
1037 Helen Electricity Network Ltd's process towards high level of supply relíability
M Loukkalahti, M Hyvärinen, O Siirto, P Heine, Helen Electricity Network Ltd, Finland
1214 IOT services for a smart LV grid management
N Clerc, H Hoeltzel, Socomec, France, I Beyl, Electricité de Strasbourg Réseaux, France
1330 Smart fault selection: new operational criteria and challenges for the large scale deployment in e-
distribuzione's network
C D'Adamo, G Valtorta, L Consiglio, A Cerretti, L D'Orazio, A Malerba, F Marmeggi, e-distribuzione SpA,

Sub Block 1 - Maintenance and condition assesment

0195 TDR measurement with utility-pole-interval resolution of real-scale distribution system

S Oe, T Sasaoka, Kansai Electric Power Co.,Inc, Japan, T Matsushima, T Hisakado, O Wada, Kyoto
University, Japan
0290 Autonomous inspection in transmission and distribution power lines - methodology for image
acquisition by means of unmanned aircraft system and its treatment and storage
R Z Homma, Celesc Distribuição,Brazil, A Cosentino, C Szymanski, INERGE, Brazil
0426 Locating the causes of recurrent supply interruptions and flickering lights on Scottish Power's low
voltage cable network using travelling waves
P Gale, A Wang, Kehui (UK) Ltd, United Kingdom, J Livie, Scottish Power, United Kingdom
0711 Advancement in maintenance operation for managing various types of failure and vastly aging
T Suzuki, H Yamamoto, T Oka, Chubu Electric Power Co Inc, Japan
0724 Field experiments in power line inspection with an unmanned aerial vehicle
J Formiga, J Dinis, EDP Labelec, Portugal, J Fialho, F Moreira, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, J Almeida, A
Dias, E Silva, INESC TEC/ISEP, Portugal, M Moreira, T Santos, INESC TEC, Portugal
1356 Terna fleet management of power transformers: through fault current monitoring to plan proper
M Rebolini, C A Serafino, Terna, Italy, E Savorelli, M Tozzi, A Salsi, Camlin Power, Italy
Sub Block 3 – Crisis and workforce management

0188 Emergancy Operational Plan (EOP) - crisis situation management

M Pulice, Edenor SA, Argentina
0390 Creating a mobile centric operational model in utilties
D Macfarlane, DMA, United Kingdom, A Stamp, Yambay, Australia, G Paton, General Electric, United
0405 The future of flood resilience for electricity distribution infrastructure in Great Britain (GB)
J Booth, P McFarlane, Electricity North West Ltd., United Kingdom, M Drye, S McDonald, Northern
Powergrid, United Kingdom, D Whensley, Energy Networks Association, United Kingdom
0628 Efficient coordination in major power disruption
T Kupila, T Ihonen, T Keränen, Elenia Oy, Finland, L Anttila, Futurice Oy, Finland
1203 Service prioritisation and crew dispatch in an electricity utility
F Romero, P H Baumann, T Milagres Miranda, D Takahata, A Uehara Antunes, Daimon Engeneering and
Systems, Brazil, A C L Alves, S L P C Valinho, L M Azevedo, CEMAR, Brazil
1212 Dashboard and smartphone application to support operation and plannning of electric distribution
D P Duarte, B H Nakata, Sinapsis, Brazil, M S Hoshina, M M Martinelli, I C Pires, AES Eletropaulo, Brazil

Sub Block 4 – Ancillary Services on Distribution Level

1033 Requirements for coordinated ancillary services covering different voltage levels
S Übermasser, AIT, Austria, C Groiß, Salzburg Netz GmbH, Austria, A Einfalt, Siemens, Austria, N Thie, M
Vasconcelos, RWTH Aachen, Germany, J Helguero, HS-Kempten, Germany, H Laaksonen, P Hovila, ABB
Oy, Finland
1182 DSO TSO coordination needs induced by smart grids: the ongoing French project between RTE and
O Arnaud, RTE, France, M Chapert, O Carré, Enedis, France
1199 Improving actionable observeability of large distribution networks for transmission operators to
support improved system control, fault detection & mitigation
C Shand, G Taylor, Brunel University London, United Kingdom, E Stewart, C Roberts, Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory, United States, A McMorran, Open Grid Systems Ltd, United Kingdom, P Mohapatra, SP
Energy Networks, United Kingdom

Block 2: Control 1

Sub Block 1 - Medium Voltage automation

0074 Multi-agent system design for automation of a cluster of microgrids

M Khederzadeh, Shahid Beheshti University A.C, Iran
0151 Pilot project using curtailment to increase the renewable energy share on the distribution network
T L Vandoorn, L Degroote, P Lindeboom, D Meire, P Reyniers, Eandis, Belgium, L Vandevelde, Ghent
University, Belgium
0297 Voltage stability monitoring methods for distribution grids using the thevenin impedance
S Polster, H Renner, Graz University of Technology, Austria
0511 Fast self-healing control of faults in MV networks using distributed intelligence
T Yip, J Wang, Kehui Power Automation, China, B Xu, K Fan, Shandong University of Technology, China,
T Li, State Grid Fujian Electric Power, China
0538 Interaction of MV- and LV- automation systems for a smart distribution grid
P Steinbusch, M Modemann, J Meese, R Uhlig, M Stötzel, M Zdrallek, University of Wuppertal, Germany, T
Kumm, EWE NETZ GmbH, Germany, W Friedrich, U Schlüter, Mauell GmbH, Germany
0615 Computation and visualisation of reachable distribution network substation voltage
M Sankur, D Arnold, L Schector, E Stewart, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, United States
0749 ELECTRA IRP voltage control strategy for enhancing power system stability in future grid
J Merino, J E Rodriguez-Seco, TECNALIA, Spain, I Garcia-Villalba, University of the Basque Country,
Spain, A Temiz, TUBITAK MAM, Turkey, C Caerts, VITO, Belgium, R Schwalbe, T I Strasser, AIT, Austria
0904 State forecasting in smart distribution grids: a modular approach using CARMA-algorithm
K Korotkiewicz, M Ludwig, M Stötzel, M Zdrallek, University of Wuppertal, Germany, T Braje, SAG Gmb,
Germany, U Dietzler, Energieversorgung Leverkusen GmbH, Germany, W Friedrich, Mauell GmbH,
0914 Real-time, centralised voltage control in 33kV and 11kV electricity distribution networks
Y Mavrocostanti, J Berry, Western Power Distribution, United Kingdom
0946 Operation and performance of a medium voltage DC link
A Aithal, J Wu, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
0948 A new approach for on-load tap-changer control based on intelligent voltage stability margin
estimation by using local measurements
H Feng, K Viereck, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH, Germany, S Breker, J Rudolph, EnergieNetz Mitte
GmbH, Germany
1057 Low power instrument transformer based MV automation: lessons learned and future applications
A Larrabeiti, I Garabieta, J A Lozano, M G Zamalloa, ARTECHE, Spain, Z Ojinaga, V Macias, Iberdrola,

Sub Block 4 - Communication

0081 An innovative solution sustaining SCADA-to-Remote terminal unit G3-PLC connectivity over
dynamic grid topologies
C Lavenu, EDF R&D, France, D Dufresne, X Montuelle, ENEDIS, France
0167 Remote management in Elektrilevi OÜ
H Luus, Elektrilevi OÜ, Estonia
0183 AIR - intelligent grid automation
F Rover, T Morais, J Aith, Elektro, Brazil
0302 Development of PLC system with large capacity and high reliability
Y Inoue, M Uchiyama, KANSAI Electric Power Co Inc, Japan
1170 Service quality assurance in the IP networks for Smart Grids
P Ceferin, R Djukic, I Stih, B Zupan, Smart Com, Slovenia, Z Toros, Elektro Primorska, Slovenia

Sub Block 6 - IEC 61850

0494 R-GOOSE - what it is and its application in distribution automation

A Apostolov, OMICRON electronics, United States
0798 Use case-driven innovation for IEC 61850 modeling
J Masurkewitz-Moeller, M. Specht, OFFIS e.V., Germany, W Friedrich, Mauell GmbH, Germany
0961 Comparison of testing and commissioning activities in traditional and digitised substation protection
and control systems
J Starck, O Rintamäki, H Niveri, ABB Oy, Finland
0968 Realisation of a intelligent and continuous process connection in substations
C Süfke, C Haverkamp, C Wehling, A Fräbel, S Kreutz, Westnetz GmbH, Germany
1036 IEC-61850 control system at ST Windyhill Scotland
J Boticario, J Lorenzo, S Rementeria, Arteche, Spain, J Cunningham, SP Energy Networks, United Kingdom

Block 2: Control 2

Sub Block 3 - SCADA / Distribution Management Systems

0262 Decision support for distribution automation: data analytics for automated fault diagnosis and
X Wang, S McArthur, S Strachan, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, B Paisley, SP Energy Networks,
United Kingdom
0301 Using synchrophasors in distribution networks for synchronised switching
M Wache, Siemens AG, Germany, D Willems, SIBELGA, Belgium, F van Cauteren, Siemens NV, Belgium
0379 From simulation to reality - testing today a decentralised grid operation of the future
E Drayer, University of Kassel, Denmark, P Pernigotto, M Lazarus, Électricité de Strasbourg Réseaux, France,
J L Garrote Molinero, Schneider Electric, United Kingdom, F Ramos, Schneider Elctric, Spain, M Braun,
University of Kassel, Denmark /Fraunhofer IWES, Denmark
0484 The grid of the future and the need for a decentralised control architecture: the web-of-cells concept
L Martini, RSE, Italy, H Brunner, T Strasser, AIT, Austria, C Caerts, VITO, Belgium, E Rodriguez, TECNALIA,
Spain, G M Burt, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
0613 The scenario-based approach adopted in the ELECTRA project for deriving innovative control room
M Marinelli, K Heussen, A Prostejovsky, H W Bindner, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, V M
Catterson, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, J Merino, TECNALIA, Spain, C Tornelli, RSE, Italy
0641 Enel – Endesa SCADA/ADMS convergence assessment methodology
B J Deaver, EPRI, United States, G Di Lembo, C Noce, Enel SpA, Italy
0923 Decentralised control through self healing grids
G Mane, S Parkhe, S Dhabale, The Tata Power Company Ltd, India
0945 Fast alarm processing without connectivity information
A C Lisboa, D A G Vieira, ENACOM, Brazil, E C Pereira, CEMIG D, Brazil
1107 Supporting control room operators in highly automated future power networks
M Chen, V Catterson, M Syed, S McArthur, G Burt, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, M Marinelli, A M
Prostejovsky, K Heussen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
1169 Intelligent network assets supervision and control in Enedis
M Lagouardat, J M Wine, O Carré, Enedis, France
1363 Mitigating power system inertia reduction within a web-of-cells control framework: a preliminary
M Cabiati, S Canevese, A Gatti, M Rossi, RSE SpA, Italy

Sub Block 2 - Low Voltage Automation

0481 Online control algorithm for sub-half-hourly operation of LV-connected energy storage device owned by
T Yunusov, M J Zangs, B A Potter, University of Reading, United Kingdom, W Holderbaum, Manchester
Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, M Fila, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, United Kingdom
0490 Active management of generation in low voltage networks
S Jupe, S Hoda, S Hodgson, Nortech Management Ltd., United Kingdom, A Park, M Wright, SP Energy
Networks, United Kingdom
0651 Electric vehicles and low voltage grid: impact of uncontrolled demand side response
L Hattam, D Vukadinovic Greetham, University of Reading, United Kingdom, S Haben, University of Oxford,
United Kingdom, D Roberts, EA Technology, United Kingdom
0686 Implementation and validation of synthetic inertia support employing series-produced electric vehicles
M Rezkalla, S Martinenas, A Zecchino, M Marinelli, Technical university of Denmark, Denmark, E Rikos, CRES,
0792 UPGRID Project - the management and control of LV networks
S Noske, D Falkowski, ENERGA-OPERATOR SA, Poland, K Swat, T Boboli, Atende Software Sp zoo, Poland
0966 Enhanced LV supervision by combining data from meters, secondary substation measurements and MV
N Etherden, A K Johansson, U Ysberg, Vattenfall, Sweden, K Kvamme, Powel A/S, Norway, D Pampliega,
Schneider Electric, Spain, C Dryden, General Electric, United Kingdom
1026 Coordinated voltage control in LV grid with solar PVs: development, verification and field
M M Viyathukattuva Mohamed Ali, T H Vo, P H Nguyen, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, Y
Xiang, SIM-CI, Netherlands, J Marjan, Elektro Gorenjska, Netherlands, J F G Cobben, Eindhoven University of
Technology, Netherlands/Alliander NV, Netherlands
1060 Experimentation of voltage regulation infrastructure on LV network using an OLTC with a PLC
communication system
C Baudot, G Roupioz, O Carre, Enedis, France, J Wild, Schneider Electric, France, C Potet, WDB, France
1080 Interaction of smart grid applications supporting plug and automate for intelligent secondary
A Einfalt, S Cejka, K Diwold, A Frischenschlager, Siemens AG Österreich, Austria, M Faschang, M Stefan, F
Kupzog, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
1192 Smart building potential within heavily utilised networks
W Peat, J Whyte, SP Energy Networks, United Kingdom, C Higgins, Derryherk Ltd, United Kingdom
1220 On automated microgrid control system
T Jiang, L M Costa, N Siebert, GE, United Kingdom, P Tordjman, GE, France

Sub Block 5 – Islanding

0248 Fractional-order PID controller design of frequency deviation in a hybrid renewable energy
generation and storage system
K Nosrati, H R Mansouri, H Saboori, Great Tehran Electrical Distribution Co, Iran
0312 Determination of load frequency dependence in island power supply
C J Steinhart, M Finkel, Hochschule Augsburg, Germany, G Kerber, LEW Verteilnetz GmbH, Germany, R
Witzmann, M Gratza, TU Mϋnchen, Germany
0416 Data driven approach for monitoring, protection and control of distribution system assets using
micro-PMU technology
E Stewart, M Stadler, C M Roberts, D Arnold, J Y Joo, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, United
States, J Reilly, Reilly Associates, United States

Block 3: Protection

Sub Block 2 - Applications

0019 Open or closed ring networks?

H Grasset, Schneider Electric, France
0278 Why the operation failure of high breaking capacity fuses is so frequent?
J C Gomez, D H Tourn, S Nesci, L Sanchez, H Rovere, Río Cuarto National University, Argentina
0309 New protection coordination system according to ESS and renewable energy expansion
K S Lee, J M Kim, B H Shin, KEPCO-HQ, Korea
0763 New settings including rate of change of frequency for interface protection relays used for generators
connected to MV grid
S Emelin, Enedis, France, V Gabrion, EDF, France
0863 New and smart multi-ended differential solution for power networks
J Jesus, S Richards, S Subramanian, H Ha, GE Grid Solutions, United Kingdom
1082 Protection scheme for energy storage systems operating in island or grid connected modes
A Neves, B Almeida, M Loruo, R Santos, A Araujo, J Ferreira Pinto, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, J Santana, S
Pinto, P Gamboa, M Chaves, INESC ID, Portugal, J Damasio, Siemens, Portugal
1331 Impact of the cables' shields disconnection on the thermal stress reduction in case of cross-country
M Della Corte, L D'Orazio, A Malerba, F Marmeggi, e-distribuzione SpA, Italy

Sub Block 3 - Algorithms and simulations

0192 Designing a coordinated protection system for microgrids enabled with DERs based on unidirectional
M M Khademi, Hormozgan Electric Power Distribution Company, Iran
0205 Practise-oriented consideration of the dynamic fast fault current of power park modules in grid
protection analysis
M Jäkel, H Vennegeerts, A Moser, FGH e.V. Germany, F Glinka, A Schnettler, RWTH, Aachen, Germany
0276 Viability assessment for a centralised protection and control systems architectures in MV
B de Oliveira e Sousa, J Starck, J Valtari, ABB Oy, Finland
0330 Hardware based characterisation of LV inverter fault response
I Abdulhadi, F Coffele, Power Networks Demonstration Centre, United Kingdom, A Dysko, University of
Strathclyde, United Kingdom, C Foote, C Kungu, SP Energy Networks, United Kingdom, M Lee, Scottish and
Southern Energy Power Distribution, United Kingdom
0344 Protection system analysis in LV grid, with high DG penetration, in parallel and islanding operation
N L Filipe, A Leiria, EDP Labelec, Portugal, R André, EDP NEW R&D, Portugal, J Damasio, SIEMENS SA,
Portugal, M Gerlich, SIEMENS AG, Germany, S Rodriguez, GPTECH, Spain
0352 NDZ of an anti-islanding protection with ROCOF threshold
O Arguence, F Cadoux, B Raison, UGA, G2Elab, France, L De Alvaro, Enedis, France
0368 Anti-islanding protection of distributed generators with regard to sensitivity in a balance and power
system stability
M Lukač, Z Matišić, HEP-ODS, Croatia
0392 EDP's experience in optimising in-service protection system units
M Verissimo, B Almeida, H M Nunes, M Louro, C Cura, H Heitor, L Candeias, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, F
Carvalho, J Mateus, AmberTREE, Portugal
0459 The need for zero sequence voltage protection in MV networks with high levels of distributed
J Mateus, M Ferreira, P Carvalho, AmberTREE, Portugal, A Leiria, LABELEC, Portugal, M Louro, B Almeida,
EDP Distribuição, Portugal
0606 Rate of change of frequency protection: toward a viable algorithm for a protective relay
M Kleemann, V Piskarov, Sprecher Automation, Germany
0673 Evaluation of existing DC protection solutions on an active LVDC distribution network under different
fault conditions
D Wang, A Emhemed, P Norman, G Burt, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
0714 Challenges and solutions for MV & LV protection in grids with large amount of distributed generation
– A final report from the German research project ProFuDiS
F Glinka, T Wippenbeck, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, T Schmidt, T Wiedemann, innogy SE,
Germany, C Bennauer, Schneider Electric GmbH, Germany
0716 Fast protection against islanding and unwanted tripping of distributed generation caused by ground
K Pandakov, H K Høidalen, NTNU, Norway, J I Marvik, SINTEF, Norway
0970 Reliable protection systems for locally supplied MV distribution networks
F Bignucolo, A Savio, M Coppo, R Turri, University of Padova, Italy, A Cerretti, R Calone, e-distribuzione,
0993 Estimation of short circuit currents in future LVDC microgrids
A Virdag, T Hager, Hager Group, Germany, R W De Doncker, RWTH Aachen, Germany

Sub Block 1 - Fault location / Earth fault

0170 Impact of voltage fluctuation on Petersen-coil control and results of a tuning method with
evaluation of side frequencies
M Schloemmer, T Schinerl, H Osterkorn, Trench Group, Austria
0308 New method for high-impedance fault detection
H Laaksonen, P Hovila, ABB Oy, Finland
0382 New solution of fault directional detection for MV fault passage indicators
Y Chollot, J Mecreant, D Leblond, P Cumnel, Schneider Electric, France
0564 Why does the earth fault detection method based on 3RD harmonic work in large meshed 110-kV-
G Druml, Sprecher Automation, Austria, O Skrbinjek, Energie Steiermark, Austria, U Schmidt, University
Zittau, Germany, P Schegner, TU-Dresden, Germany, L Fickert, TU-Graz, Austria
0622 An optimisation algorithm for earth fault location on MV distribution feeders
T D Le, M Petit, CentraleSupélec - GeePs, France
0759 Accurate localisation of ground faults in non-solidly earthed networks based on transients analysis
C Dzienis, A Jurisch, Siemens AG, Germany
0817 Evaluation of different solutions of faulted phase earthing technique for an earth fault current
D Topolanek, P Toman, M Ptacek, Bmo University of Technology, Czech Republic, J Dvorak, E.ON, Czech
0862 Effect of core balance current transformer errors on sensitive earth-fault protection in
compensated MV-networks
A Wahlroos, J Altonen, ABB Oy, Finland, P Vano, ABB sro, Czech Republic
0967 Application of multi-frequency admittance-based fault passage indication in practical compensated
J Altonen, A Wahlroos, ABB Oy, Finland, S Vähäkuopus, Elenia Oy, Finland
1153 Improved fault location algorithm for MV networks based on practical experience
T Gu, F Provoost, Alliander N.V., Netherlands
1355 Capacitive voltage sensors for an auxiliary fault locating service with traveling waves
B M Keune, C Rehtanz, TU Dortmund, Germany, M Kleemann, Sprecher Automation, Germany

NON-INTERACTIVE POSTERS Session 3: Operation, control and protection

09:00 – 17:30hrs

Block 1: Operation

Sub Block 2 - Distribution Management

0168 MVDC link in a 33 kV distribution network

C Long, J Wu, Cardiff University, United Kingdom, K Smith, J Yu, SP Energy Networks, United Kingdom, A
Moon, EA technology, United Kingdom, R Bryans, TNEI Services, United Kingdom
0298 A study for cause estiamtion of faults using statistical analysis
R Yamamoto, Y Ogihara, TEPCO Holdings Inc, Japan, M Watanabe, TEPCO Power Grid, Inc, Japan
0304 A study on load current forecasting using statistical analysis
T Nagumo, H Ito, T Sano, TEPCO Holdings Inc, Japan
0660 SmartIP - central management system for public lighting in Portugal
F Campos, A Simões, I Sousa, EFACEC, Portugal, R Almeida, P Daniel, EDP D, Portugal

Sub Block 1 - Maintenance and condition assesment

0718 Optimisation of secondary testing with cloud based fleet analytics

J Valtari, T Vu, ABB Oy, Finland, H M Aalto, H Paananen, Elenia Oy, Finland

Sub Block 3 – Crisis and workforce management

0710 De-centralised working for outage management, including auto-dispatch

D McMenemy, M Corr, SP EnergyNetworks, United Kingdom, G Paton, A Page, General Electric, United

Sub Block 4 – Ancillary Services on Distribution Level

0144 A joint DSO-TSO reactive power management for a HV system considering MV systems support
J Morin, F Colas, X Guillaud, L2EP, France, J Y Dieulot, CRIStAL, France, S Grenard, Enedis, France

Block 2: Control part 1

Sub Block 1 - Medium Voltage automation

0150 Field demonstration and evaluation of centralised voltage control system for distribution network
M Watanabe, M Miyata, TEPCO Power Grid Inc, Japan, N Itaya, T Takano, Mitsubishi Electric Corp,
0788 Implementation of fuzzy logic for mitigating conflicts of frequency containment
E Rikos, CRES, Greece, M Syed, G Burt, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, C Caerts, VITO,
Belgium, M Rezkalla, M Marinelli, DTU, Denmark
0883 Smart fault handling in medium voltage distribution grids
K A Tutvedt, R Seguin, Hafslund Nett, Norway, G Kjølle, T S Hermansen, SINTEF Energy Research,
Norway, S Simonsen, Skagerak Nett, Norway, I Myhr, NTNU, Norway

Sub Block 3 - SCADA / Distribution Management Systems

1014 Towards the modernization of the SCADA systems of the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network
Operator – considerations and steps forward
N Hatziargyriou, C Katsanos, A Zafeirakis, A Tzevelekos, HEDNO, Greece, V Kleftakis, F Palaiogiannis,
A Dimeas, I Vlachos, NTUA, Greece

Sub Block 4 - Communication

1028 Technology independent security requirements for successful procurement of RTUs to get acceptable
risk levels at DSOs
M Hoeve, ENCS, Netherlands, C Montes Portela, Enexis, Netherlands, B Luijkx, Liander, Netherlands
1032 Evaluating the reliability and security of power distribution wireless network
L Chen, X Dong, Z Wu, Z Liu, Electrical Power Research Institute of CSG, China, B Chen, China Southern
Power Grid (CSG), China
1328 Cyber security for modern distribution automation grids
J-L Batard, Y Chollot, P Pipet, L Lamberti, A Gauci, Schneider Electric, France

Sub Block 6 - IEC 61850

0057 Rules driven project specifications in the context of IEC 61850 basic application profiles
C Bloch, Schneider Electric, France, M Sharma, Schneider Electric, India, M Haecker, T Rudolph, Schneider
Electric, Germany
1190 Synchro-check in digital switchgear
J Starck, K Hiitelä, ABB Oy, Finland, K Majer, ABB sro, Czech Republic

Block 2: Control part 2

Sub Block 3 - SCADA / Distribution Management Systems

0001 Integrated distribution grid management system

R Schmaranz, R Iskra, J Pasker, T Dietrichsteiner, KNG-Kärnten Netz GmbH, Austria
0397 Improving smart SCADA data analysis with alternative data sources
B Almeida, M Louro, M Queiroz, A Neves, H Nunes, EDP Distribuição, Portugal
0772 Requirements for future control room and visualisation features in the Web-of-Cells framework
defined in the ELECTRA project
C Tornelli, R Zuelli, RSE, Italy, M Marinelli, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, A Z Morch,
SINTEF, Norway, L Cornez, CEA LIST, France

Sub Block 2 - Low Voltage Automation

0599 Individual control method for hybrid voltage regulator

N Takahashi, S Uemura, Central Research Institute of Japan, Japan, S C Verma, H Ueda, Y Kunii, M
Iwata, S Sasaki, Chubu Electric Power Co. Inc, Japan
0663 ADMS4LV - advanced distribution management system for active management of LV grids
F Campos, L Marques, N Silva, EFACEC, Portugal, F Melo, EDP D, Portugal, C Gouveia, A Madureira, J
Pereira, INESC TEC, Portugal
0678 Distribution voltage monitoring and control utilising smart meters
Y Kinoshita, K Iwabuchi, Y Miyazaki, Toshiba, Japan

Sub Block 5 – Islanding

0781 Islanded operation of modular grids

T Schnelle, A Schweer, Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft Strom mbH, Germany, P Schegner, Technische
Universität Dresden, Germany
1279 Power management system implementation on off-shore gas platforms
I G Kulis, F Vidovic, M Peric, M Boras, Koncar-KET, Croatia
Block 3: Protection

Sub Block 2 - Application

0085 Optimal reclosing time to improve transient stability in distribution system

A R Adly, Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt, R A El Sehiemy, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt, A Y
Abdelaziz, Ain Shams University, Egypt
0184 Suppression of the atmospheric over-voltages in grounding neutral conductor low voltage grids
Z Kovačić, T Jelavić, T Rogošić, HEP, Croatia, T Garma, Technical University of Split, Croatia
0295 Earthing systems connected via metallic screens of the 20 kV underground cables in non-urban
E Niemelä, Finnish Energy, Finland, T Lähdeaho, Elenia Oy University, Finland, A Mäkinen, P Pakonen,
Tampere University of Technology, Finland
1160 Adverse impact of distributed generation on protection of the Hellenic MV network –
recommendations for protection scheme upgrade
V A Papaspiliotopoulos, G N Korres, NTUA, Greece, N D Hatziargyriou, HEDNO, Greece

Sub Block 3 - Algorithms and simulations

0793 A new architecture of centralised protection suiting future development trend of distribution
H Li, P Liu, O S Adio, M S Khalid, HUST, China, Z Bo, XUJI Group, China

Sub Block 1 - Fault location / Earth fault

0007 Fault location of unbalanced power distribution feeder with distributed generation using neural
F Dehghani, F Khodnia, E Dehghan, Lorestan Electric Power Distribution Company, Iran
0524 New transient fault location method in non-solidly earthed system for distribution network
T LI, State Grid Fujian Electric Power Co, Ltd., China, C Huang, State Grid Quanzhou Power Supply
Company, China
0565 High-impedance fault detection technology based on transient information in a resonant
grounding system
T Y Li, State grid Fujian Electric Power Company Ltd., China, Y D Xue, China University of Petroleum,
China, B Y Xu, Shandong University of Technology, China
0955 Restoration of overhead distribution networks by means of temporary fault indicators
M Lasmar, E Tavares, Federal Universadade Itajubá, Brazil, G Ferraz, R Capelini, R Salustiano, HVEX,
Brazil, Â R de Oliveira, DEODE, Brazil, R Deladea, ENERGISA, Brazil
1205 MV high impedance faults detection based on LV measurements
I Ojanguren, N Ruiz, J Garcia, Iberdrola, Spain, L Marron, C Martinez, T Arzuaga, ZIV, Spain
1250 Resonant grounding applied in Brazil
C Figueiredo, G Mello, M Silveira, RGE Sul, Brazil

INTERACTIVE POSTERS Session 4: Distributed energy resources and active demand

09:00 – 17:30hrs

Block 1: DER concepts, designs, studies, planning, analysis techniques & tools

Sub-block 1 – Demand response

0219 Profitability analysis of grid supporting EV charging management

R Uhlig, S Harnisch, M Stötzel, M Zdrallek, University of Wuppertal, Germany, T Armoneit, Stadtwerke
Iserlohn GmbH, Germany
0320 Techno-economic evaluation of load activation quotas as a concept for flexible load anagement
N Thie, S Koopmann, A Schnettler, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, S Hillenbrand, A Kopp, Netze BW
GmbH, Germany
0567 Integrating demand flexibility with DG-RES at the residential household and commercial customer
level in electricity grids
I G Kamphuis, S Galsworthy, TNO, Netherlands, M Stifter, T Esterl, S Kaser, AIT, Austria, S Widergren,
PNNL, United States, M Galus, BFE, Switzerland, R Targosz, EIM, Poland, D Brodén, L Nordström, KTH,
Sweden, M Renting, Enexis, Netherlands, A Rijneveld, Stedin, Netherlands, S Doolla, IIT, India
1023 Business models for demand response aggregators under regulated power markets
C Fang, State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company, China, B Fan, State Grid Shanghai
Chongming Electric Power Supply Company, China, T Sun, D Feng, J Chen, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
1159 Integrating wet appliances with delay functionality in distribution network operation and planning
H Karimi, D Papadaskalopoulos, G Strbac, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Sub-block 2 – Microgrids

0286 Analysis on voltage and frequency responses of isolated microgrid according to minimization of
diesel generations
D Kim, K W Joung, D H Choi, J I Yoo, J Wook Park, Yonsei University, South Korea, H J Lee, KIT, South
Korea, S M Baek, Kongju National University, South Korea, S H Lee, KERI, South Korea, H J Lee, J B Shim,
KEPCO, South Korea
0288 A study on energy management system for stable operation of isolated microgrid
K W Joung, D Kim, D H Choi, J W Park, Yonsei University, South Korea, H J Lee, KIT, South Korea, S M
Baek, Kongju National University, South Korea, S H Lee, KERI, South Korea, H J Lee, J B Shim, KEPCO,
South Korea
1039 New functionalities of smart grid enabled networks
D C Stancu, D Federenciuc, Electrica, Romania, N Golovanov, Universitatea Politehnica, Romania, D M
Satnescu, SDEE Transilvania Sud, Romania
1188 Energy Storage Systems (ESS) and microgrids in Brittany Islands
G Lancel, B Deneuville, C Zakhour, E Radvanyi, L Lhermenault, C Ducharme, S Ruiz, EDF, France

Sub-block 3 – DER active network management

0104 SmartNet: a H2020 project analysing TSO-DSO interaction to enable ancillary services provision from
distribution networks
G Migliavacca, M Rossi, RSE, Italy, D Six, Energy Ville, Belgium, M Džamarija, DTU, Denmark, S
Horsmanheimo, VTT, Finland, C Madina, TECNALIA, Spain, I Kockar, University of Strathclyde, United
Kingdom, J M Morales, University of Malaga, Spain
0282 Dual-decomposition-based peer-to-peer voltage control for distribution networks
H Almasalma, J Engels, G Deconinck, KU Leuven, Belgium
0402 Optimisation of low voltage distribution networks in a strong embedded microgeneration and electric
vehicle penetration context
M Lagarto, J Ferreira Pinto, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, L Ferreira, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
0994 Aggregation model for curtailable generation and sheddable loads
H Marthinsen, A Z Morch, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, M Plecas, I Kockar, University of Strathclyde,
United Kingdom, M Dzamarija, DTU, Denmark
1116 Meeting emerging and future requirements for managing DER in highly active distribution networks
C Gault, F Watson, C Breadon, E Davidson, SGS, United Kingdom, C Abbey, SGS, Canada, J Miller, US
DOE, United States, B Currie, SGS, United States
1234 Balancing with DSO-connected demand and generation units - case Study Austria
S Vögel, E-Control Austria, Austria, A Stimmer, Austrian Power Grid AG, Austria

Sub-block 4 – DER Integration and network planning

0142 Determining potential capacity gains when repurposing MV AC cables for DC power transportation
A Burstein, V Ćuk, TU/e, Netherlands, E de Jong, DNV GL, Netherlands
0215 Smart Grid Vendée project: a decision-support tool for the multi-year planning of active distribution
H Dutriexu Baraffe, G Malarange, EDF R&D, France, A Bouorakima, M A Lafittau, G. Pelton, Enedis, France
0558 The case for coordinated energy storage in future distribution grids
N Voulis, M Warnier, F M T Brazier, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
0659 Comparison of analysis methods for generator connections
C Foote, C Kungu, SP Energy Networks, United Kingdom
0755 Integration of multivariate distributed energy resources for demand response: applications in the
Indian scenarios
R Pillai, A Ahuja, India Smart Grid Forum, India, G Ghatikar, India Smart Grid Forum, India / Electric Power
Research Institute, United States
0757 Seasonally variant deployment of electric battery storage systems in active distribution networks
M Z Degefa, H Sæle, SINTEF Energi AS, Norway, J A Foosnaes, E Thorshaug, NTE Net, Norway
0830 Contribution of energy storage and demand-side response to security of distribution networks
I Konstantelos, P Djapic, G Strbac, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, P Papadopoulos, A Laguna,
UK Power Networks, United Kingdom
0935 Utility scale domestic solar: the proactive transition of distributed network operators in Switzerland
Y Farhat, M Bolliger, BKW Energie AG, Switzerland
1089 Real-time monitoring of distribution networks: experimental application of Italian Res. 646/2015/R/eel
M Delfanti, D Falabretti, M Merlo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Sub-block 5 – Smart metering and AMI

1143 Automatic phase identification of smart meter measurement data

F Olivier, D Ernst, R Fonteneau, University of Liège, Belgium

Sub-block 6 – Photovoltaics grid integration and inverters

0329 Impact of ENTSO-E recommendation on refitting of PV frequency relays in Czech Republic

F Kysnar, K Prochazka, J Hrouda, EGC-ČB sro, Czech Republic, S Vnoucek, ČEPS, as, Czech Republic, Z
Pavlovic, ČEZ Distribuce, as, Czech Republic, P Cerny, E.ON Distribuce, as, Czech Republic, J Matous,
PRE Distribuce, as, Czech Republic

Sub-block 7 - Testing

0340 Charging electric vehicles, baking pizzas and melting a fuse in Lochem
G Hoogsteen, A Molderink, J L Hurink, G J M Smit, University of Twente, Netherlands, B Kootstra, F
Schuring, Liandon, Netherlands
0419 Building power demand forecasting using K-Nearest neighbors model - practical application in smart
city demo aspern project
O Valgaev, F Kupzog, Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria, H Schmeck, Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology, Germany

Block 2: DER grid integration enablers & technologies

Sub-block 1 – DER forecasting, scheduling and contingency analysis

0363 Smart meter-driven estimation of residential load flexibility

J Ponocko, J V Milanovic, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
0902 Challenges in model and data merging for the implementation of a distribution network contingency
analysis tool
N Huyghues-Beaufond, S Tindemans, G Strbac, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, A Jakeman,
UK Power Networks, United Kingdom
1185 Predictive management of low voltage grids
M Reis, A Garcia, R Bessa, L Seca, C Gouveia, INESC TEC, Portugal, J Moreira, P Nunes, P G Matos,
EDP Distribuição, Portugal, F Carvalho, P Carvalho, AmberTREE, Portugal
1333 Comparing and improving residential demand forecast by disaggregation of load and PV generation
S Kloibhofer, M Stifter, F Leimgruber, B-V Rao, AIT, Austria

Sub-block 2 – Power electronics

0998 Adjustment of available and needed energy and necessary additional functionalities in the
distribution grid, caused by the energy transition, can better be solved by DC distribution grids
R Niehoff, F Kuipers, Eaton Netherlands B.V., Netherlands, H Stokman, Direct Current BV, Netherlands
Sub-block 3 – Hosting capacity analysis
0316 Using measurements to increase the accuracy of hosting capacity calculations
O Lennerhag, S Ackeby, M H J Bollen, STRI AB, Sweden, G Foskolos, T Gafurov, MälarEnergi, Sweden

Sub-block 4 – Demand response

0059 Non-linear optimal control of the responses of residential small houses with new energy resources
P Koponen, R Pasonen, A Löf, VTT, Finland

Sub-block 5 – DER and network management

0131 Decentralisation of power flow solution for facilitating active network management
T R F Mendonca, M E Collins, T C Green, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, M F Pinto,
Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil
0803 An approach for the handling of controller conflicts within multi-functional energy storage systems
C Zanabria, F Pröstl Andrén, J Kathan, T Strasser, Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria
1035 PMU-based power systems analysis of a MV distribution grid
N Save, M Popov, TU Delft, Netherlands, A Jongepier, Enduris, Netherlands, G Rietveld, VSL, Netherlands
1049 Voltage regulating distribution transformers for LV network voltage control and system efficiency
M Anzola, D Walker, D Neilson, M Wright, Scottish Power Energy Networks, United Kingdom
1326 Linky Contributions in management and fault detection
P Pelletier, M Chapert, T Bazot, P Lauzevis, S Brun, L De Luca, Enedis, France

Sub-block 6 – Testing

0071 Linear three-phase state estimation for LV grids using pseudo measurements based on
approximate power distributions
R Brandalik, D Waeresch, W H Wellssow, J Tu, Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
0327 Field test of a linear three-phase low voltage state estimation system based on smart meter data
D Waeresch, R Brandalik, W H Wellssow, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany, J Jordan, IDS GmbH, Germany, R
Bischler, N Schneider, Stadtwerke Kaiserslautern Versorgungs-AG, Germany

Block 3: Technical & commercial DER grid integration methods & solutions

Sub-block 1 – DER flexibility aggregation

0307 Optimal approach for the interaction between DSOs and Aggregators to activate DER flexibility in the
distribution grid
Z Al-Jassim, M Christoffersen, Danish Energy Association, Denmark, Q Wu, S Huang, DTU, Denmark, G D
Rosario, C Corchero, IREC, Spain, M Á Moreno, UC3M, Spain
0561 A software driven active customer interface for DER integration
J Ringelstein, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany, M Shalaby, DERlab e.V., Germany, M Sanduleac, Exenir,
Romania, L Alacreu, ETRA I+D, Spain, J Martins, V Delgado-Gomes, CTS-Uninova, Portugal
0661 Combining energy storage and real-time thermal ratings to solve distribution network problems:
benefits and challenges
D Greenwood, N Wade, P Davison, P Taylor, Newcastle University, United Kingdom, P Papadopoulos, UK
Power Networks, United Kingdom
1273 Fast estimation of equivalent capability for active distribution networks
M Rossi, G Viganó, D Moneta, RSE, Italy, M T Vespucci, P Pisciella, Univirsità degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy

Sub-block 2 – PV integration

0216 The effects of the entry into force of the new electric tariff on Italian residential households equipped
with a PV plant
S Maggiore, M Gallanti, RSE SpA, Italy
0411 Active demand management in MV network operational planning: an industrial method for the
selection of flexibility offers to solve technical constraints
C Paris, M Hasquenoph, S Hourrig, EDF R&D, France, O Carré, Enedis, France
0982 Impact for the DSO of integrating storage systems in a low-voltage grid with distributed energy
J Fonseca, Ernst & Young, Germany, M I Verdelho, R Prata, EDP Distribuição, Portugal
1227 Economical distributed voltage control in low-voltage grids with high penetration of photovoltaic
O Unigwe, D Okekunle, A Kiprakis, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Sub-block 3 – Demand response

1086 Residential electrical and thermal storage optimisation in a market environment

C A Correa-Florez, A Gerossier, A Michiorri, R Girard, G Kariniotakis, MINES-ParisTech, PSL - Research
Universtiy, France
1101 Methodologies and proposals to facilitate the integration of small and medium consumers in smart
C Alvarez, IIE-UPV, Spain, J I Moreno, G López, U. Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, C Carrillo, U Vigo, Spain, I J
Ramírez, U. Zaragoza, Spain, J Matanza, IIT-ICAI, Spain, S Valero-Verdu, UMH, Spain, A Gabaldón, ETSII,
Spain, M Ruiz, UPCT, Spain
1123 Manging the future network impact of the electrification of heat
S Harkin, A Turton, Delta-EE, United Kingdom
1162 Impact of a realistic communications for fast-acting demand side management
P Dambrauskas, M H Syed, S M Blair, J M Irvine, I F Abdulhadi, G M Burt, University of Strathclyde, United
Kingdom, D E M Bondy, DTU, Denmark
1274 Business case in support for reactive power services from distributed energy storage
R Moreira, G Strbac, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, P Papadopoulos, A Laguna, UK Power
Networks, United Kingdom
Sub-block 4 – Planning and operation

0169 Interaction between short-term and seasonal storages in a predominantly renewable power system
C Groiß, W Schaffer, Salzburg Netz GmbH, Austria, W Gawlik, TU Wien, Austria
0233 Using LV distributed generation's reactive power for voltage regulation
L Wautier, F Beauné, L Karsenti, Enedis, France, J Fournel, EDF R&D, France
0409 Active power curtailment for MV network operational planning in an industrial environment
M Hasquenoph, S Hourrig, EDF R&D, France, O Carré, Enedis, France
0833 Risk or benefit on the electricity grid: distributed energy storages in system services
J Haakana, J Haapaniemi, V Tikka, J Lassila, J Partanen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
0925 Generation curtailment as a means to increase the wind power hosting capacity of a real regional
distribution network
A Kulmala, VTT, Finland, S Repo, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, J Pylvänäinen, Elenia Oy,
1120 Derivation of ANM ratings for complex abnormal running networks
S Gough, W Topping, Western Power Distribution, United Kingdom, P Almeida, M Collins, R MacDonald,
Smarter Grid Solutions, United Kingdom

Sub-block 5 – Electric vehicles

0265 Evaluation of different control algorithms with low level communication requirements to increase the
maximum electric vehicle penetration
F Lehfuss, M Nöhrer, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria
0377 Guidelines for distribution system operators on reactive power provision by electric vehicles in low
voltage grids
A Zecchino, M Marinelli, C Træholt, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark, M Korpås, Norwegian
University of Science and Technology, Norway
0937 Creating virtual energy storage systems from aggregated smart charging electric vehicles
A M Jenkins, C Patsios, P Taylor, N Wade, P Blythe, Newcastle University, United Kingdom, O Olabisi,
Siemens Plc, United Kingdom

Sub-block 6 – Microgrids and VPP

0816 IEC 61850 to the service of power system flexibility

Q Morel, T Coste, EDF, France
1067 Supporting DER customer participation in active distribution networks and local markets
L Kane, R West, R Taljaard, R MacDonald, G Ault, E Davidson, A Gooding, Smarter Grid Solutions, United
1324 Measuring the value of microgrids: A benefit-cost framework
J Roark, D Weng, A Maitra, EPRI, United States

Block 4: DER integration field trial results, test and standards

Sub-block 1 – Energy storage implementation

0354 Low voltage grid upgrades enabling islanding operation

R André, F Guerra, EDP NEW R.&.D, Portugal, M Gerlich, M Metzger, SIEMENS AG, Germany, S
Rodriguez, GP TECH, Spain, C Gouveia, C Moreira, J Gouveia, INESC TEC, Portugal, J Damásio,
Siemens SA, Portugal, R Santos, EDP Distribuição, Portugal
0666 Key energy storage use cases validation under real operational context.
R J Santos, A Neves, G Faria, B Almeida, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, J Santana, S Pinto, INESC ID,
Portugal, José Damásio, Mario Vieira, D Isidoro, Siemens, Portugal
0810 Benefits of battery energy storage system for system, market, and distribution network - case
H P Hellman, A Pihkala, M Hyvärinen, P Heine, Helen Electricity Network Ltd, Finland, J Karppinen, K
Siilin, P Lahtinen, Helen, Finland, M Laasonen, J Matilainen, Fingrid, Finland
1110 The benefits of large-scale Energy Storage Systems (ESS) in French Islands
J Callec, P Caumon, L Capely, E Radvanyi, Electricité de France, France

Sub-block 2 – System flexibility management

0410 LV state estimation and TSO-DSO cooperation tools: results of the French field tests in the
evolvDSO project
M Sebastian-Viana, Enedis, France, M Caujolle, B Goncer-Maraver, EDF R&D, France, J Pereira, INESC
TEC, Portugal/FEP, Portugal, J Sumaili, P Barbeiro, J Silva, R Bessa, INESC TEC, Portugal
0996 The smart grid real lab of ewz: findings from a large-scale demonstration project
V Poulios, M Mangani, E Kaffe, F Kienzle, B Loepfe, ewz, Switzerland
Sub-block 3 – Demand response

0804 Impact of domestic frequency responsive demand on the shetland islands network frequency
M Edrah, O Anaya-Lara, I Kockar, G Bell, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, S Adams, F
MacIntyre, Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, United Kingdom

Sub-block 4 – Impact of DER on network operations

0731 Contribution of a wind park to voltage and system stability: results of a measurement campaign
B Heimbach, M Mangani, B Wartmann, M Oeschger, C Kelm, ewz, Switzerland, S Krahmer, M Kreutziger,
P Schegner, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

Sub-block 5 – Photovoltaics grid integration inverters

0180 Control of active / reactive power & LVRT for 40 kW three-phase grid-connected single stage PV
M M Hasaneen, The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Egypt, M A L Badr, A M Atallah, Ain
Shams University, Egypt
0898 Modelling and dynamic performance of inverter based generation in power system studies: an
international questionnaire survey
G Lammert, University of Kassel, Germany, K Yamashita, CRIEPI, Japan, L D Pabón Ospina, Fraunhofer
IWES, Germany, H Renner, Graz University of Technology, Austria, S Martínez Villanueva, Red Eléctrica
de España, Spain, P Pourbeik, PEACE-PLLC, United States, F E Ciausiu, Tractebel Engie, Romania, M
Braun, University of Kassel, Germany / Fraunhofer IWES, Germany

Sub-block 7 – Control systems and active networks

0310 Future-proof islanding detection schemes in Sundom smart grid

H Laaksonen, P Hovila, ABB Oy, Finland
0420 Distribution state estimation: outcomes from a field implementation aimed at tackling MV voltage
mastering in the presence of DER
D Croteau, EDF R&D, France, O Carre, Enedis, France
0648 An algorithm for soft open points to solve thermal and voltage constraints in low voltage
distribution networks
N Bottrell, T Green, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, P Lang, UK Power Networks, United
0930 Distributed generation connections under a fault level active network management scheme
N Murdoch, A Kazerooni, WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff, United Kingdom, J Berry, Western Power
Distribution, United Kingdom

Sub-block 8 – Resiliency and microgrids

1055 Distributed generation at distribution system level resilience to voltage dips - a real case
L Rosa, M Louro, B Almeida, F Gonçalves, A M Rodrigues, J Ferreira Pinto, EDP Distribuição, Portugal

NON-INTERACTIVE POSTERS Session 4: Distributed energy resources and active

demand integration
09:00 – 17:30hrs

Block 1: DER concepts, designs, studies, planning, analysis techniques & tools

Sub-block 1 – Demand response

0267 Integration of a thermal energy storage as a dynamic load into the electrical grid of an urban
T Plößer, D Maihöfner, J Hanson, TU Darmstadt, Germany
0447 Reduce peak-time energy use by demand bidding program in Iran
H Delavaripour, A Khazaee, M Ghasempour, H Hooshmandi, Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Co,
0850 Designing a financial-based energy management framework in smart public parking lot
A Zare, M Fotuhi-Friuzabad, M Moeini-Aghtaie, Sharif university of Technology, Iran
0950 Electric heating as flexible demand for enhanced network operation
D Moretti, S Galloway, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
1075 A blueprint for the combinatorial strategy in transactive energy based control mechanism by
using energy flexibility platform and interface
M Babar, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands, I G Kamphuis, TU Eindhoven, Netherlands / TNO, Netherlands, Z
Hanzelka, AGH UST, Poland, M Bongaerts, Alliander NV, Netherlands

Sub-block 2 – Microgrids

0128 Reliability evaluation of distribution network considering controllable distributed generation,

battery swapping station and controllable switches
J Song, J Zhou, State Grid Shanghai EPRI, China, C Li, SAIC MOTOR Corporation Ltd., China, Y Luo, Y
Luo, W Yan, Chongqing University, China

Sub-block 3 – DER active network management

0214 Feasibility analysis of the power-to-gas concept in the future Swiss distribution grid
C Park, F Bigler, V Knazkins, P Korba, ZHAW, Switzerland, F Kienzle, EWZ, Switzerland
1044 SPEN - DSO vision
G Boyd, SP Energy Networks, United Kingdom
1090 Integration of energy storage to improve utilisation of distribution networks with active network
management schemes
M Plecas, H Xu, I Kockar, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom

Sub-block 4 – DER Integration and network planning

1155 Optimal hybridisation and management of PV/batteries hybrid systems in residential distribution
H Turker, P Favre-Perrod, University of Applied Sciences of Switzerland, Switzerland

Sub-block 5 – Smart metering and AMI

0500 Distribution loss reduction in residential and commercial pilots by using AMI system
A Khazaee, H H Safa, M Ghasempour, H Delavari, MEEDC, Iran
1284 DG impact evaluation on LV distribution grids using AMI data: a Brazilian case study
R Maciel, M Silva, B Borba, L Fritz, V Ferreira, M Zamboti, UFF, Brazil, T Campello, UFRJ, Brazil, W
Correia, ENEL, Brazil

Sub-block 6 – Photovoltaics grid integration and inverters

0332 Influence of self-consumption on distribution network operation - the Slovenian case

B Turnsek, Elektro Primorska dd, Slovenia, I Papič, B Blažič, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
0476 Impact of the photovoltaic system variability on transformer tap changer operations in distribution
C K Gan, C Y Lau, K A Baharin, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Malaysia, D Pudjianto, Imperial
College London, United Kingdom

Block 2: DER grid integration enablers & technologies

Sub-block 1 – DER forecasting, scheduling and contingency analysis

0626 Evaluating the effectiveness of storage control in reducing peak demand on low voltage feeders
T Yunusov, B Potter, University of Reading, United Kingdom, S Haben, T Lee, University of Oxford, United
Kingdom, F Ziel, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany, W Holderbaum, Manchester Metropolitan University,
United Kingdom

Sub-block 2 – Power electronics

0550 Charge control of second life EV batteries on the DC-link of a back-to-back converter
M Neaimeh, N Wade, S Blake, P Taylor, Newcastle University, United Kingdom

Sub-block 6 – Testing

0337 Development of a modular CHP test stand for the analysis of the dynamic behaviour of small
synchronous generators
P Erlinghagen, M Knaak, T Wippenbeck, A Schnettler, Aachen University, Germany
0984 Evaluation of extended kalman filter and particle filter approaches for quasi-dynamic distribution
system state estimation
A Brüggemann, K Görner, C Rehtanz, TU Dortmund University, Germany
Block 3: Technical & commercial DER grid integration methods & solutions

Sub-block 1 – DER flexibility aggregation

0256 Intelligent prosumer coupling by two galvanically isolated battery storage systems
T Graber, C Romeis, E Perossian, J Jaeger, FAU Erlangen, Germany

Sub-block 2 – PV integration

1083 Integrating photovoltaic and storage systems on distribution feeders

A O'Connell, A Maitra, J Smith, Electric Power Research Institute, Ireland/United States, B Jordan, C Cryer,
CPS Energy, United States

Sub-block 4 – Planning and operation

0271 SMAP project or how to integrate crowdfunded DER in a rural distribution grid
M Bernier, Grenoble INP, France, A Coutarel, Atos Worldgrid, France, J Lavaury Geoffroy, Enedis, France
0726 A stochastic multi-temporal optimal power flow approach for the management of grid connected
E Grover-Silva, MINES ParisTech, France / ADEME - France, X G Agoua, R Girard, G Kariniotakis, MINES
ParisTech, France
0884 The impact of Q(U) and P(U) PV plants characteristics and power storage on connectable power in LV
distribution networks
J Hrouda, K Prochazka, F Kysnar, F Broz, EGC CB, sro, Czech Republic

Sub-block 6 – Microgrids and VPP

0740 Preliminary regulations of ESS connected to Korean isolated island power system to minimise the
capacity of ESS
J B Sim, H J Lee, Y S Lee, I K Song, J Y Ahn, KEPRI, Korea

Block 4: DER integration field trial results, tests & standards

Sub-block 2 – System flexibility management

0211 Efficient management of a connected microgrid in Belgium

B Cornélusse, D Ernst, ULg, Belgium, L Warichet, W Legros, Nethys, Belgium
0829 Virtual power plant: managing synergies and conflicts between TSO and DSO control objectives
D Pudjianto, G Strbac, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, D Boyer, UK Power Networks, United
1216 Decentralised distribution system operation techniques: results from the meltemi community smart
grids pilot site
I Kouveliotis-Lysikatos, D Koukoula, I Vlachos, A Dimeas, NTUA, Greece, N Hatziargyriou, HEDNO, Greece /
NTUA, Greece, S Makrynikas, HEDNO, Greece

Sub-block 3 – Demand response

0044 The practical and theoretical potential of demand side management in SMEs to balance wind power
M van Blijderveen, D Joskin, J Garthoff, Alliander, Netherlands

Sub-block 4 – Impact of DER on network operations

1364 The challenge of retrofitting old decentralised power plants in Germany in terms of power system
S Brandt, F Kalverkamp, FGH GmbH, Germany, R Heßler, TransnetBW GmbH, Germany, S Weber, Tennet
TSO GmbH, Germany

Sub-block 8 – Resiliency and microgrids

0786 Behaviour of PV inverters during islanding of a district

T Drizard, Enedis, France, G Diquerreau, Socomec, France, S Vilbois, EDF R&D, France

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