Isolation and Study The Profile of Polyphenol Oxidase From Myanmar Tea Leaf (Camellia SPP.)
Isolation and Study The Profile of Polyphenol Oxidase From Myanmar Tea Leaf (Camellia SPP.)
Isolation and Study The Profile of Polyphenol Oxidase From Myanmar Tea Leaf (Camellia SPP.)
Abstract- Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was extracted from Camellia spp. and analyzed the effect of pH, temperature and their
stability. Among the analyzing of PVP using in PPO extraction, 0.1 % of added PVP amount had the highest enzyme activity
between 0.1 % and 0.5%. For the test of finding optimal pH for polyphenol oxidase crude enzyme, pH 7 was the best pH for
PPO crude enzyme and PPO enzyme also had the highest stability in pH7. For polyphenol oxidase crude enzyme, catechol
substrate showed the highest enzyme activity than other kinds of substrates, Gallic acid and hydroquinone that using as
substrate in the analysis of PPO. During the analysis of optimal temperature for PPO, the enzyme activity of PPO between 40
˚C - 60˚C were not much different but the temperature was higher than 60˚C, the enzyme activity was decrease dramatically. In
the test of thermal stability for polyphenol oxidase enzyme between 40˚C to 100˚C during 5 to 60 minutes, 40˚C to 60˚C under
20 minutes had similar enzyme activity but the enzyme activity was drop after the 20 minutes and longer time. When the
temperature was higher 70˚C to 100˚C, the enzyme activity was decrease and decrease even in 5 minutes.
Isolation And Study The Profile Of Polyphenol Oxidase From Myanmar Tea Leaf (CAMELLIA SPP.)
International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009 Special Issue-5, Dec.-2015
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS A 1 ml aliquot of enzyme solution was kept in the
under conditions of 40-100 ℃, incubated 5min,
A. Samples Collection 10min, 20min, 30min, 40min, 50min, 60min,and then
Fresh tea leaves were obtained from Pyin OO Lwin immediately placed in an ice bath to cool, followed by
Township (Elevation – 3510 ft / 1070m), Myanmar. the enzyme assay. The enzyme activity determined the
All other chemicals were analytical grade and thermal stability of PPO [8].
collected or purchased from local market. Distilled III. RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION
water was used in all laboratory process analysis.
B. Enzyme Assay A. Extraction of Polyphenol oxidase crude enzyme
Enzyme activity was measured using a digital Firstly, weight 10 g of frozen tea leaves were washed
photo-colorimeter. Firstly, prepare 0.05M phosphate by using distilled water to remove the surface dirty and
buffer (pH = 7.0, containing 0.1M catechol) 2.8ml and other stains. And then 0.1 M of sodium phosphate
PPO enzyme solutionwas added0.2 ml into a buffer were mixed with 10 g of tea leaves and kept at
tube;absorbance was measured at 400nm immediate 4˚C for pre – cooled. Then rapid centrifugation 12000
lyafter mixing. The one activity unit(U) is defined as, rpm 30minutes took places. After centrifugation, the
under assay conditions, 1min absorbance change samples were leached at 4˚C about 3 hours. Then
caused by the amount of enzyme needed to 0.001 10000 rpm of centrifuge were again 20 minutes at 4˚C.
[8]-[10]. Finally the precipitate was discarded and the
U = (K ÷ V) × 1000 supernatant was obtained for analysis.
K = Absorbance values
V = addedcuvetteenzymesolution volume, ml B. Determination of the Usage of PVP on PPO
C. Extraction of Polyphenol Oxidase Polyphenol is mainly substances in tea, non-covalent
The polyphenol oxidase crude enzyme were extract bonds with protein binding and protein aggregation
freshly from tea leaves (Camelia spp..) that collected can easily to make. When the quinones formed from
from PyinOoLwin tea farm by using 0.1M sodium phenolic compounds by the PPO enzyme in oxidation
phosphate buffer. reaction, it reacts non-enzymatically to form color
D. Determination of Optimal PVP Concentration pigments [10].When the enzyme extract from plant
The various concentration of polyvinyl pyrolidone sources that need to give full attention to the impact of
(PVP) from 0.05 % to 0.5% were added into the crude phenolic substances. Thus, cross-linked polyvinyl
polyphenol oxidase enzyme and analyzed by using pyrrolidone (PVPP), polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP),
enzyme assay with digital photo-colorimeter [10]. bovine serum albumin and some chemicals used as a
E Determination of Optimal Substrate protective agent. Alves et al., 2003, used PVPP as a
50mM phosphate buffer (pH = 7.0) were dissolved protective agent in the extraction and purification of
with catechol, Gallic acid and hydroquinone with PPO from coffee fruits. Some of Chinese researcher
different concentration of 10mM, 50mM, 100mM and (Liukun, 2013) added polyvinyl pyrrolidone as
then there action substrate was measured by using a protective agent in the study of PPO.Therefore, this
digital photo-colorimeter with enzyme assay[8]-[10]. experiment analyzed the relationship between the
F Determination of Optimal pH of Tea PPO amount of PVP added and the crude enzyme extract.
Tea PPO extracts was dissolved in 50mM of The result showed that 0.1%of PVP added had the
phosphate buffer solution that include 0.1M catechol maximum enzymatic activity 1525 U/ (min*ml) and
within a different pH range 5.5 to 9.0. The enzyme added 0.2 to 0.5 % added PVP had lower activity than
activity was measured by using a digital 0.1%of PVP. According to these analyzing results,
photo-colorimeter with enzyme assay and determined 0.1% PVP added amount was the optimum amount
the activity at different pH [8]-[12]. and if we added more, the enzyme activity decreased
G Determination of pH Stability on Tea PPO and decreased. The detail analyzed results shown in
Configuring a concentration of 50mM, pH range5.5 to Fig.1.
9.0 of a buffer solution, 1 ml of enzyme solution
mixed with 4ml buffer solution and placed at 4 ℃ for
24h, and then measured PPO enzyme activity using
enzyme assay and pH stability of PPO was determined
Isolation And Study The Profile Of Polyphenol Oxidase From Myanmar Tea Leaf (CAMELLIA SPP.)
International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009 Special Issue-5, Dec.-2015
C. Optimal Substract for PPO Enzyme dropped over 50% loss and the enzyme activity loss
The affinities of enzyme changing depend on the using about 70% between the pH ranges 6.5 – 7.5. The
of substrates. In this experiment, the enzyme activity results are shown in Fig. 4.
was tested with 3 kinds of substrates (catechol, Gallic
acid, and hydroquinone) with different concentration.
According to the analyzing results, the PPO enzyme
from tea had the highest activity with catechol 0.1M
and the lowest activity with Gallic acid that used as a
substrate. And this analysis showed that the 0.1 M
concentration had higher activity than other
concentration (0.05 M and0.01M). Thus PPO had the
greatest affinity towards catechol [2]-[6].The results
were shown in Fig. 2.
Isolation And Study The Profile Of Polyphenol Oxidase From Myanmar Tea Leaf (CAMELLIA SPP.)
International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2321-9009 Special Issue-5, Dec.-2015
enzyme didnot have the stability in higher temperature will be decreased. And this study would be helpful to
with long time. The detail analysis results showed in understand the browning properties of tea.
Fig. 6.
Isolation And Study The Profile Of Polyphenol Oxidase From Myanmar Tea Leaf (CAMELLIA SPP.)