ICT in Assessment: A Backbone For Teaching and Learning Process

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ICT in Assessment: A Backbone for Teaching and Learning Process

Article · March 2020


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Ishfaq Majid
Central University of Gujarat


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UIJRT | United International Journal for Research & Technology | Volume 01, Issue 03, 2020 | ISSN: 2582-6832

ICT in Assessment: A Backbone for Teaching and

Learning Process
Ishfaq Majid
Research Scholar, School of Education, Central University of Gujarat, India

Abstract— Assessment is always considered a key about the leaning of students. Assessment includes
component in the process of teaching and learning. A using varied variety of means and tools to assess,
major role is being played by ICT in making the measure student learning. Assessment has a lot of
process of assessment easy for teachers. As the use of importance to improve the learning of the students in
ICT is increasing, the assessment is made now in a new class. The teacher sets direction for improving the
and innovative manner. While employing ICT in ongoing teaching learning process. There are various
assessment, the recording of responses and providing modes or types of Assessment. These kinds of
necessary feedback is likely to grow as virtual learning assessment can be undertaken as the need arises. The
environments is growing day by day. Not only this the various types of assessment can be elaborated in the
students are being empowered to make use of online or below para as follows:
web-based assessments which in return help the Formative assessment is that type of assessment where
students to do self-assessment of their learning. This the assessment is made on a continuous basis. The
paper is in support of applying ICT in conducting students are given the feedback to improve their
assessment for students. The paper analyses the learning which prepares them well. Integration of
concept of assessment with its types and explores teaching learning and assessment is followed in this
various technological tools which will empower the phase are integrated to enhance the process of teaching
teachers to make assessment much more effective in a and learning. Next type of assessment is summative
class room situation. assessment where assessment takes place at the end of
the learning. The teaching learning process and
Keywords— Informational Communication and
assessment in this phase are not integrated. However,
Technology, Assessment, Computer Assisted
at the end of any part of the curriculum, assessment
Assessment (CAA), Computer Adaptive Testing, E -
takes place. After summative assessment, we have the
next type of assessment that is diagnostic assessment
INTRODUCTION which is conducted well in advance of a learning
Assessment is basically used to get an insight into a course. The knowledge of the student is analyzed
student's current knowledge. Current knowledge before the start of the teaching learning process.
indicates that the student’s knowledge base is always
changing and judgements about a student’s current
Technology is supposed to play in effective and
knowledge will have to be made over a time interval. A
efficient assessment of learning. The technology in
student’s grades, his promotion, placement as well as a
modern times has reshaped the teaching learning
suitable curriculum are all dependent on assessment.
process as it offers various number of tools that can be
When used in a learning objective, the definition for
used in the classroom to enhance the learning to a great
the behavioral verb to assess means to lay down the
extent. Technology has the ability to support teachers
conditions under which the behavior specified in a
by assessing students' learning in terms of their
particular specific objective may be found. Assessment
performance in the classroom. The use of ICT in
is a wide term that comprises of testing. A test is a
assessment is now common where it utilizes digital
distinct type of assessment. Assessment serves a
devices which help in construction of assessment tasks
variety of purposes for teachers, students,
for students. It helps in delivery of assessment tasks.
administrators, other school personnel, family
Not only construction or delivery, the ICT has the
members, policy-makers, business leaders, community
ability to give grades or feedback to students. It is
members, and other establishments of higher
essential for schools to encourage themselves to
strengthen their commitment to developing a better
Assessment is that process which is used for
assessment practice which can support teachers,
recognizing, collecting and understanding information
students and other stakeholders (Marina, 2015).

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UIJRT | United International Journal for Research & Technology | Volume 01, Issue 03, 2020 | ISSN: 2582-6832

computer adaptive testing which enhances the testing

Geoffrey (2011) in his Teacher's Handbook that was on process to a great extent. While a student is subjected
e-Assessment stated that the assessment which is based to answer questions, the technology is capable of
on ICT can be taken up with many technological adjusting the level of the difficulty. The technology
devices. These devices include desktop or laptops, accesses how a student is answering the questions and
smart phones, iPads etc. ICT based assessment has the how much mistakes the student is making, Based on
capability to use various kind of formats like as text, that concept the technology will adjust the other
videos, images and sounds. questions accordingly. If the student is making many
mistakes while answering the questions, the software
Teachers in teaching learning process can use these will take the student back to the previous questions.
modern technologies to build their assessment, to Further, the technology is capable of putting questions
convey these tasks to those students for which it is from previous learned content as well. As the
made. After that the teacher can assign the grades to technology is increasing its area, it became as the
the students based on the conducted assessment. easiest method to use it in the educational contexts.
Computers can also be helpful in analyzing the (Khoshsima and Toroujeni, 2017).
responses of the students. Not only analyzing the
responses, it can give feedback to students as well as to (c) E-Portfolio:
teachers regarding the quality of the questions asked. Electronic portfolio is a process of gathering of e -
The assessment based on ICT is also used to test the evidence collected and maintained by a person on the
different types of capabilities in the students. There web. Such kind of e-evidence include written text,
strengths and weakness can also be analyzed. There are files, multimedia, images and hyperlinks. The E-
various kinds of tasks which are not suitable for the portfolios is basically useful for assessing the abilities
computer to evaluate them but most of the time the of the person. The person maintaining these kinds of
technology becomes a powerful tool in carrying out the portfolios online is having an eye on his strengths and
tasks which are very much tough for a common human weaknesses.
being to evaluate in a little spam of time. An e-portfolio works as a learning record for the
person where his achievements can be analyzed by the
(a) Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA): person himself or another person. These kinds of
Computer-assisted assessment is used to assess records are related to learning of a person to a great
learning and performance of the students. It includes extent. We are usually having two kinds of portfolios
all types of assessments whether formative or i,e. the traditional and e-portfolio. The main gape is
summative assessment and which is then conveyed that in the traditional and e-portfolio is only the sharing
with the assistance of these modern technologies. or making the progress or achievement available
Delivery of the assessment is made online as well as online. (Donaire et. al., 2010).
(d) Digital Rubrics:
Computer Assisted Assessment follows the formative A rubric is basically a criterion which is set for the
assessment where it helps the students to check their work of the students. The rubrics has included
knowledge. It is basically done to know whether the descriptions in the subjective manner about the
student has learned the task or not and to give timely performance of the students. Rubrics is mainly used to
feedback to the students which mainly teaches the have a look at the key constituents of an assignment.
teacher educator to know the best way to teach any Rubrics assume the expectation from students before
subject. The initial hope of this study had been that the start of the learning activity. They make students
CAA yields better results for students and would also aware of the thing that learning is to make integrated
engage them creatively on a stronger level and with the necessary skills.
therefore increase satisfaction (Schoen and Keegan,
2016). Examples of computer assisted assessment are After making the use of a rubric, the student are able to
the OMR that is used to grade MCQs and various other access their weakness. The way of assessment in
database programs that help in recording student rubrics follows the formative type of assessment as
marks. student is able to know the weakness in any area where
he/she needs to improve. Teachers in the schools can
(b) Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT): extend their support to students in the construction of a
In the recent development in technology is the use of rubric.

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UIJRT | United International Journal for Research & Technology | Volume 01, Issue 03, 2020 | ISSN: 2582-6832

(e) Online Assessment: developing a better assessment practice which can

Online assessment is usually followed when any support teachers, students and other stakeholders.
instructor needs any information pertaining to some
content. The assessment is made online where an REFERENCES
instructor sets some sort of a questionnaire to get it
[1] Donaire, S. R., García, B. A. and Olmo, S. L. D.
filled from the opponent. With the help of the emerging
(2010). E-Portfolio: a tool to assess University
technology, it is easy for instructors to design an online
students’ skills. Retrieved from
test and get the response of that test via web. There are
a lot of agencies working under this platform. Some of
them are free while most are paid. [2] Geoffrey, C. (2011). Teacher's Handbook on e-
Assessment. Australian Learning and Teaching
(f) Survey Tools: Council. Retrieved from https://goo.gl/GivH4L.
There are many online survey tools like survey
monkey, poll daddy or lime survey. These kinds of [3] Khoshsima, H. and Toroujeni, S. M. H. (2017).
tools can be used to collect feedback from students Computer Adaptive Testing (Cat) Design; Testing
regarding any matter. In some situations where we are Algorithm and Administration Mode Investigation.
creating a survey of bipolar set of opinions, this kind of European Journal of Education Studies, 3(5), 764-
web-based tools can be used 795. Retrieved from
(g) Wikis: [4] Marina (2015). Information and Communication
A wiki is a website that allows users to collaboratively Technology (ICT) and Its Role in Educational
edit and create content. A very good example of a wiki Assessment. Englisia, 3(1), 23-37. Retrieved from
is Wikipedia, a collaboratively created online https://www.doi.org/10.22373/ej.v3i1.664.
encyclopedia. The Wikis are becoming very much
popular now a day. Because it facilitates collaboration [5] Schoen-Phelan, B. and Keegan, B. (2016) Case
among learners. The contribution made in wiki by the Study on Performance and Acceptance of
learners can be assessed by the teachers as well. Computer-Aided Assessment. International
Therefore, it can be very much helpful while using it as Journal for e-Learning Security, 6(1),
a tool for accessing peers. https://www.doi.org/10.20533/ijels.2046.4568.201
The discussions of this paper suggest that ICT based
technology can be bitterly used for assessment of the
students in classroom situations. Computer can be used
as the medium for testing, scoring tests and test score
analysis. Computer Based Testing and Computer
Adaptive Testing are the application of ICT in
assessment practice in which students perform the test
while sitting in forward-facing of a computer device. It
also supports students in completing their assessment
tasks such as the use of electronic portfolios and
project-based assessment. The teachers can be
empowered by providing them assess to the e-portfolio
and project with the help of a rubric that is capable of
assessing not only the process and product, but also the
use of technology by students.

There are uncountable methods of incorporating

Information Communication Technology in assessment
practices. The Schools or the other institutions can find
the most appropriate method that suits their context.
Therefore, it is now essential for schools to encourage
themselves to strengthen their commitment to

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