Cola2 Manual
Cola2 Manual
Cola2 Manual
page 1 Overview
page 2 Introduction
page 3 Acustica Audio
The Endorsement - Vox Ton Studio
page 5 Technology
page 6 Core 15
page 7 Performance Caution
page 8 System Requirements
page 9 Sampling Process
page 10 Operation
Cola2 C-228 Eq
page 14 Cola2 C-415
page 18 Cola2 C-1671 Eq
page 20 Cola2 C-505 Comp
page 22 Cola2 Channel-strip
page 24 Cola2 C-228 Experimental Approach
page 25 Preset Management
Product Registration
Product Authorization
page 26 References
Copyrights and Credits
1. Overview
2. Introduction
The centerpiece of this new Acustica plugin During the modeling process we used the best
suite is a beautiful emulation of a rare vin- converters and cables on the market, we meas-
tage british console from 1972. A lot of iconic ured the unit in excellent conditions, and em-
albums by AC/DC, Queen, the Clash, the Sex Pis- ployed skilled experts in the sampling process
tols, were mixed on these evergreen consoles. using our self-developed sampling applica-
Our emulation embodies the essence and the tion.
behaviour of this 70s British console, fully
discrete and class A, with mastering grade in- Now you have one of the best, high-quality
ductor Eq’s on each channel and a 44 Volts professional audio software plugins in your
audio power supply that gives a smooth and audio work-station. We spend countless hours
clear sound with big and solid bass, low noise developing these no-compromise plug-ins to
and lots of headroom. In addition to this beau- give you nothing but the best sound and feel
tiful console we have emulated some extremely that is as close to the real hardware as can be
refined and very rare pieces of gear to ac- imagined. We are confident that this plug-in
curately deliver a digital representation of will help you make more professional mixes...
the Vox-Ton ( sound. Because: Sound First!
Acustica and Vox-Ton studio joined forces for
this exciting project to give you one of the Cola2 comes in a “Standard version” or an al-
best ‘Vintage’ plugin suites ever created in ternative “”ZL*” version which operates at *
the digital domain. So let’s give a big, warm zero latency and is thus suitable for use when
welcome to Cola! tracking, at the cost of the extra processing
resources. (Details at Chapter 7.)
3. Acustica Audio
Acustica Audio is a leading company specializ- The company’s goal is to provide the most au-
ing in analog hardware virtualization. Since thentic reproduction of sampled vintage gear
the birth of Nebula in the summer of 2005, there and otherhigh-end hardware devices, using the
has been an active collaboration between for- revolutionary technology Vectorial Volterra
ward thinking developers, beta testers, audio Kernels Technology (V.V.K.T.) without the nega-
engineers and equipment samplers from around tive artifacts created by the current convolu-
the world. The research and development has tion technology.After many years of fruitful
progressed through many stages and employs labor, this creative forward thinking group
many inno-vative processes and technologies has evolved into a team of ex-perts in know-
as yet unheard of in other products or devices. ing what it takes to serve the “best of both
worlds” (digital & analog).
4. The Endorsment
They provide a nice blend of vintage equip-
ment, digital audio workstations, tape ma-
chines, a beautiful live room and lots of great
5. Technology
Our technology provides seamless real-time Support is provided directly from the R&D
emulations of pre-amplifiers, equalizers, com- Team that is continuously developing the en-
pressors, reverbs, multi-effects, stomp-boxes, gine. Work-shops and project-specific learning
cabinets, microphones and tape emulations, on sessions can be organized for your team. The
Intel based ma-chines, both for Windows and Core Acqua Engine is available with a diverse
OSX. The Acustica Acqua Engine is a combina- stand-alone library, ready for inclusion in
tion of multiple ad-vanced technical process- 3rd party products.
es that are unique to Acustica Audio.
Vectorial Volterra Kernels Technology
Effects devices can be successfully sampled (V.V.K.T.): Volterra kernels are stored in tree
without further editing or adjustment, and data structures (managing up to 100,000 ele-
then immediately processed and reproduced via ments in real-time using a CPU Pentium IV 3
the same engine, where the sampled data is GHz). The Acqua Engine is capable of imple-
stored and available for recalling, loading, menting a list of modules commonly used in
saving, and advanced editing when desired. The audio synthesizers (LFO, envelope followers,
quality of reproduction of sampled sources is dynamic modules, FUNS). Multiple combinations
nearly indistinguishable from the originals. of these processes may be applied to control
sources and destinations.
The following techniques are merged into a sin-
gle model. Nonlinear convolution: The Volter- Time Varying Models (T.M.V.): A collection of
ra theorem is applied as a complete re-think- kernels collect data using an advanced sam-
ing, replacement, and generalized substitution pling tech-nique, creating a multi-dimension-
of the convolution algorithm that is commonly al snapshot of a nonlinear/time-varying sys-
used in audio applications. Accurate sampling, tem. Multiple recordings are interpolated in
processing, and reproduction of up to 9 har- order to mimic the time evolution and response
monics is possible with our proprietary tech- to external variables such as user parameters
nology. and input/output assessments (e.g. time-vary-
ing cyclic effect processors, stomp-boxes, dig-
Nonlinear convolution, dynamic Volterra se- ital multi-effect units).
ries, and time-varying models are just some of
the state-of-the-art features that the Core More info about our technology can be found
Acqua Engine offers. The Core Acqua Engine at the following link: http://www.acustica-au-
comes complete with all of its internal tools,
and also includes the N.A.T. sampling system,
a stand-alone application shipped with most
of Acustica Audio’s products using different
6 Core 15
CORE 15 marks a new chapter in the development However, not all machines are built the same
of the unique technology driving our plug-ins. and their response may vary. Some have very
Although we are still refining some of the as- musical, yet low harmonic content while others
pects that characterize this new Core, we have have a more pronounced ‘mojo’, so to speak.
worked hard to further extend the creative
potential and flexibility of our emulations. Thanks to our Enhanced Harmonic ResponseTM
technology, it is now possible, using the input
Enhanced Harmonic Response TM
trim, to push the harmonics of a machine into
much higher values, dramatically increasing
One of the advantages of our approach to sam- them and making it more obvious to the ear.
pling is the ability to capture the intrinsic
harmonic content of a piece of gear.
This is one of the main aspects that makes the
sonic DNA of a particular machine and is indeed
one of the things our users listen out for and
appreciate the most.
Acustica Audio’s plug-ins come in two versions: You could also consider theuse of direct mon-
ZL (zero latency) and normal (non ZL). itoring or double the buffer/hybrid audio en-
gine in your host if available.
While the ZL version does not introduce any
latency to your system, the standard version Basically both plug-in instances are identi-
does.This buffer varies in size for each plug- cal but the current Acqua engine can work
in and helps to significantly reduce the CPU with a long audio buffer or without any au-
and system load of your computer. For this dio buffer. The instance without audio buffers,
reason we recommend that you use a ZL in- “ZL”, or zero latency, do not have any audio
stance whilst tracking. buffer pre-loaded, and will process the audio
without any delay, so at the same time the CPU
Keep in mind that anything that can reduce load will be higher compared to the standard
the CPU load on your system should be con- non ZL instance. The idea behind a ZL instance
sidered. For example the track count of your is to give users the option to run Acqua Effect
session, the number of plug-in instances used, products with minimal latency, which is useful
sample rate, etc. for direct monitoring for example.
8. Performance Caution
In order to maximize performance and usabil- Trial products are fully-functional versions
ity of Cola on your computer, we suggest you of the relative commercial plug-in.
follow some precautionary rules that will The trial period expires 30 days after acti-
help you save precious CPU cycles. vation.
-First of all, set your buffer size setting We do not take any responsibility for misuse
as large as possible. There is generally no of the product, or collateral problems derived
specific reason for using a low buffer size from it. Normally the Early Access period ends
setting during mixing or mastering sessions. within 30 days from the publication on the
Increasing buffer sizes (hence al-so latency) product page but this period may vary at our
highly decreases required CPU power. discretion.
-You should also consider only using the nec- This manual includes a description of the
essary features. We do not ensure the complete product but gives no guarantee for specific
absence of bugs or the perfect operation of characteristics or successful results. The de-
the product. Before purchasing, we suggest you sign of our products is undercontinuous devel-
download the Trial version to verify the be- opment and improvement. Technical specifica-
havior of the plug-in with your system. tions are subject to change.
9. System Requirements
Cola2 is one of a growing number in the Ac- Now you have one of the best, high-quality
qua Effects plug-in product line. Acustica Au- professional audio software plugins in your
dio has been working on high-quality, analog audio work-station. We spent countless hours
hardwaredevice software modeling for over developing these no-compromise plug-ins to
eight years. The audio rendering engine, Ac- give you only the best sound and feel that
qua, embodies state of the art, sample-based is as close to the real hardware as can be
products, and has set a new quality standard imagined. We are confident that this plug-in
in the professional audio plug-in market.Acus- will help you make more professional mixes.
tica Audio, in a move that is bold, even for
a cutting-edge company like us, has sampled RECOMMENDATION: We recommend to our users
some-thing quite remarkable and we are now to constantly spend time on proper hardware
bringing it to you in the form of a ground- maintenance, trying to have the proper symme-
breaking and exceptional sounding Acqua plug- try between hardware, operating system, DAW
in. Of the current software plug-ins available and plugin. Below is the system requirement
on the market, none are based on sampling, and table of Cola2; We do not guarantee correct
none come close to the sound of Cola. Cola is functioning and compatibility for any DAW,
based on our upgraded tech-nology that uses a OperatingSystem not specifically mentioned
new, extremely fast engine. in the following table.
During the modeling process we used the best
converters and cables in existence, we meas-
ured the units in excellent conditions, and
employed skilled experts in the sampling pro-
cess using our self-developed sampling appli-
10. Sampling Process
The sampling process has been performed by Two sample rates are provided with Cola; the
Acustica Audio. The units were sampled with native sample frequency was 96kHz. The 44.1kHz
mastering quality converters, using a method fre-quency was derived from the native one
which takes considerably more timethan the by a down-sampling and up-sampling process.
normal sampling standard. This method is of This method avoids any negative sample rate
benefit to the entire audio spectrum. conversion (SRC) artifacts when matching pro-
jects with different sample rates and also
helps with project loading times.
11. Operation
The Cola2 bundle isn’t just a suite of some The plugins contained in this powerful bun-
clones of rare vintage units. It’s another dle are all very different from one another,
importantaddition to our list of “endorsed” this diversity represents the major asset of
plug-ins and carries the unique tone of Vox- this new suite. With it’s unique features we
Ton’s sonic signature. believe that it will make mixingand master-
ing a pleasure, giving you satisfaction and at
Analogue warmth seems to be the Holy Grail in the same time guaranteeing the Acustica Audio
these digital days so Acustica and Vox-Ton are high-quality standard without compromise.
very happy to give you this ‘new-old’ state-
of-the-art plugin suite, available to produc- Below we immerse ourselves into the explana-
ers, musicians, and sound engineers who want tion of Cola suite, we get into the details of
unique tools for different sound shades. Cola each individual standalone plugin to facili-
can give you a vintage sound that will enhance tate the understanding of each of the controls
your project by making it warm, with big and included in this new Acqua Effect Plugin bun-
solid bass,without sacrificing a smooth and dle.
clear sound.
If you are not familiar with this unit, it’s one The Cola 228 Vintage EQ plug-in is a faithful
of the best consoles manufactured by a cele- emulation of one of the best desk models of
brated British company founded in 1968 with this company. It includes several controls and
a long history of excellence in the world of is amazingly intuitive to use.
recording, touring and theater.
11.1.1 Controls
-INPUT TRIM: this function allows for a“one • Q: The default setting of the band is peak
knob” internal gain staging control by au- mode, but you can also enable the SHELF mode
tomatical-ly linking input and output gain instead if you so desire by pressing the rel-
stages with an inverse law. The control sets ative Shelf button. The shelf mode is only
the input level from -15dB to +15dB, and it is available for LOW and HIGH bands.
used to adjust the internal operational lev-
el of the plugin. Note that this is different -MF band
from a standard input gain control due to the
linked output gain stage, which al-ways en- • FREQ knob: the internal stepped knob allows
sures that whatever gain change is introduced you to switch the frequency of the band, there
at Cola’s input, the output level is auto-mati- are 7 steps from 0.7Hz to 5.6kHz.
cally compensated so that there’s no perceived • GAIN knob: The external knob is used to in-
level change. crease or decrease the gain of the band from
-14db to +14db.
-OUTPUT: this knob is an output gain control • Q fixed: Peak mode;
ranging from -15dB to +15dB.
-HF band
-PREAMPS: this knob enables the preamp stage
that closely emulates the phase, frequency re- • FREQ knob: The internal stepped knob allows
sponse and harmonic distortion of the original you to switch the frequency of the band, there
device. It is possible to select from 5differ- are 5 steps from 5.6kHz to 12kHz.
ent emulations: • GAIN knob: The external knob is used to in-
crease or decrease the gain of the band from
1-MIC derived from the Cola 228 EQ -14db to +14db.
2-LINE derived from the Cola 228 EQ • Q: The default setting of the band is peak
3-PRE from the Cola 1671 graphic equalizer mode, but you can also enable the SHELF mode
4-PRE from the Cola C415 instead if you so desire by pressing the rel-
5-PRE from the Cola A505 CompressorCola 228 ative Shelf button. The shelf mode is only
is characterized by 3 independent bands and a available for LOW and HIGH bands.
High-pass filter.
-HP filter
The Cola 228 standalone plugin is equipped
-LF band with a variable high-pass filter knob tunable
between 40 Hz and 320 Hz and has a slope of 6
• FREQ knob: the internal stepped knob allows dB per octave.
you to switch the frequency of the band, there
are 6 steps from 60Hz to 350Hz. First knob step: bypasses the filter so it may
• GAIN knob: The external knob is used to in- be switched OFF (OUT) if desired.
crease or decrease the gain of the band from
14db to +14db.
High freq. - 8000 Hz - peak mode High freq. - 8000 Hz - shelf mode High pass filter curves
Mid freq. - 2000 Hz - peak mode Low freq. - 60 Hz - peak mode Low freq. - 60 Hz - shelf mode
11.2 Cola2 C-415
The domestic markets would have to wait until Unfortunately, nothing further is known about
1948/9 before the emergence of a complete home this development although the equipment con-
tape recorder. This British company did not tinued to be advertised in one form or another
produce their own self contained recorder for throughout the early 1950s.
these markets until early 1953. In early 1949,
the firm announced a stereophonic amplifier
using a single PX4 as the output valve in each
11.2.1 Controls
INPUT TRIM: this function allows for a “one Preamps included in the Cola channel-strip
knob” internal gain staging control by au- (and relevant stand-alone plug-in):
tomatical-ly linking input and output gain
stages with an inverse law. The control sets
the input level from -24dB to +24dB, and it is
used to adjust the internal operational lev-
el of the plugin. Note that this is different
from a standard input gain control due to the
linked output gain stage, which always en-
sures that whatever gain change is introduced
at Cola’s input, the output level is auto-mati-
cally compensated so that there’s no perceived
level change.The first processing stage is the
preamp section. This section equipped by 3 dif-
ferent mutually exclusive preamps banks al-
lows you to switch between them and an OFF
button to disable this stage. We are very
proud to provide to our customers a complete 1) Mic 1-18
virtual console emulation that reproduces all 18 different channel paths (mic input to group
the channel pre-amps of this iconic desk: output)
step 1 - MIC derived from Cola C228 EQ 2) Mid
step 2 - LINE derived from Cola C228 EQ -Frequency fixed at 1400 Hz;
step 3 - PRE from Cola C1671 graphic equalizer -Gain: approx -14dB/+14dB cut/boost. Counter
step 4 - PRE from Cola C415 clockwise for increased attenuation. Clockwise
step 5 - PRE from Cola C505 Compressor for increased equalization
-Q fixed: Peaking mode;
NOTE: when the Preamp section is bypassed the
Input Trim control has no effect on the pl- 3) Treble/High
ugins -Frequency fixed at 12 kHz;
-Gain: approx -14dB/+14dB cut/boost. Counter
Available bands are: clockwise for increased attenuation. Clockwise
for increased equalization.
1) Low -Q fixed: Shelving mode;
-Frequency fixed at 80 Hz;-Gain: approx
-14dB/+14dB cut/boost. Counter clockwise for
increased attenuation. Clockwise for increased
-Q fixed: Shelving mode;
Bass frequencies Mid Frequencies High frequencies
11.3 Cola2 C-1671 Eq
Cola2 1671 is a 9-band graphic EQ based on a The control sets the input level from -24dB to
rare discrete germanium equalizer introduced +24dB, and it is used to adjust the internal op-
in U.K. in the early 1960s. erational level of the plugin. Note that this
This highly appreciated solid-state device is different from a standard input gain con-
employed germanium transistors and came with trol due to the linked output gain stage, which
a remote, something that was quite unique for always ensures that whatever gain change is
the 60s. It was used for many years and it was introduced at Cola’s input, the output level is
integral part of the Outboard Processors in automatically compensated so that there’s no
several recording studios in the middle of the perceived level change.
60s/70s and was used for many famous musical
productions. The great engineer Neil Kernon -Level (Output): this knob is an output gain
recalls that:“we had racks of these Eqs back in control ranging from -24dB to +24dB.
the day”. He used them all the time for doing
extremeEqing. -Preamp switch (In-Out): this switch enables
the Preamp stage of the plugin that closely
“Although it’s a fantastic all-around Eq, it’s emu-lates the phase, frequency response and
one of my favorite on bass and synths” harmonic distortion of the original equaliz-
-Francesco Donadello er. It gives an essential contribution to the
authenticity of the global color tone of this
So Let yourself be conquered by this iconic equalizer. This control also shows the input
graphic eq plugin, trust us, it can be a very level of the plugin, the higher the input
powerful tool for sculpting out the perfect amount the more the light is intense.
space for your instruments in a mix!
Below is the detailed explanation of Cola 1671 -Led: This LED automatically lights whenever
graphic equalizer controls. the preamp stage is enabled.
Cola C-1671 equaliser curves
11.4 Cola2 C-505 Comp
Cola2 C-505 is a versatile limiter/compres- • Pre:this button enables the preamp stage
sor plugin that provides the distinctive con- that closely emulates the phase, frequency re-
trols of an original British discrete transis- sponse and harmonic distortion of the original
tor hardware, which is well-known for adding compressor device. It gives an essential con-
punch on busses and individual tracks.This tribution to the authen-ticity of the global
compressor is super rare, we suspect that only color tone of this dynamic processor.
4 were custom built for the historic PYE Re-
cording Studio in London. It features Marinair • External sidechain: this button engages the
ins and outs, a S7C transformer and a mix of external side-chain of the compressor.
discrete class A transistors and some of the
first OPamps ever developed. • Shmod: SHMOD allows you to alter the shape
of the attack envelope, allowing you to over-
As usual we offer to our customers a powerful come this limitation by fine-tuning the at-
compressor equipped with Acustica’s standard tack behavior in order to adapt it to any
controls: a variable Threshold, Ratio, Attack audio source. Position 2 gives the original at-
and Release which provides a smooth and mu- tack time of the modeled compressor. Position
sical action. In the following chapter we get 1 gives the fastest setting. Going from 1 down
into detail of the Cola Comp controls. to 0, a further look-ahead function is enabled.
The range/amount of look-ahead goes from 0 to
11.3.1 Controls 4 milliseconds. Values above 2 will slow down
the attack time.
• INPUT TRIM: this function allows for a “one
knob” internal gain staging control by au- • Make Up: This is the classic compressor make-
tomatically link-ing input and output gain up gain control (It ranges from 0dB to 24dB).
stages with an inverse law. The control sets It al-lows for the compressed signal to be
the input level from -24dB to +24dB, and it is boosted so that it is level matched to the un-
used to adjust the internal operational level compressed signal. This allows for an easier
ofthe plugin. comparison between the two signals and a bet-
ter judgment on the compres-sor’s action.
• Threshold: This control sets the threshold of • Filter: This high-pass side-chain filter is
the compressor. It ranges from +10dB to +50dB. a very gentle 1-pole filter. Generally, the
higher the frequen-cy, the smaller the amount
• Mix: It controls the mix proportion between of gain reduction will be, since the low fre-
the original (dry) and ‘effected’ (wet) signals. quencies will be affecting the compressor ac-
In other words, it determines the balance be- tion less. First step of this knob bypasses the
tween the compressed and uncompressed signal. filter.
Range: 0% to 100%.
• Gain Reduction Meter: This measures the gain
• Ratio: This knob sets the compression ratio. reduction level applied by the compressor. The
Ratio settings on the Cola Comp (and chan- me-ter indicates ‘0’ in the absence of an input
nel-strip version) have 6 fixed values from signal or any gain reduction. If the signal
2:1to 20:1. exceeds the com-pression threshold or limit
level, the amount of gain reduction is dis-
• Attack: This knob sets the compressor’s at- played
tack time, ranging from 0.1 ms to 6 ms.
–Meter: Pressing OUT/GR button (lamp ON) the
• Release: This knob sets the compressor’s re- meter measures the gain reduction levelof the
lease time. Release times range from 105 ms to compressor.
3.57 seconds.
11.5 Cola2 Channel Strip
As with similar Acustica releases, we offer to - The Preamp section included in the Cola
our customers a handy complete Channel-strip Channel-strip version was carefully sampled
consisting of the best parts of the previous to impart color and warmth to your digital
explained Cola standalone plugins.This Chan- mixes. It is derived directly from the Cola
nel-strip contains many but not all of the C-415 standalone plugin and it provides acom-
features included in each standalone plugin, plete virtual console emulation that repro-
but in some cases it also offers useful extras, duces all the channel pre-amps of an iconic
plus a few operating differences. U.K. desk.
To simplify the understanding of this plugin, - The Equalizer section consists of 3 varia-
in the following chapter we will only explain ble-frequency bands and a High-pass filter
the differences that characterize each COLA section, the first and last of which can be
Channel-strip section/module, compared to the switched to a shelving response.
individual plug-ins.
- Lastly, The COMP module features an ul-
The Cola2 Channel-strip aims to provide the tra-rare compressor emulation. The Compressor
unique and authentic reproduction of an ac- section is not present in the original U.K.
claimed British console built in 1972 plus some console, so this is an important addition, it’s
interesting extras, courtesy of Vox-Ton studio a rare vintage compressor from the same U.K.
and Acustica Audio. manufacturer of the sampled console built a
few years later.
Details - The PREAMP section: The Pre section of the
Cola Channel-strip includes the same Micro-
- The EQ section: The EQ module of the Cola phone/Line preamplifier of the Cola C-415, re-
Channel-strip version includes the Cola 228 EQ fer to Chapter 11.2 for details.
emulation. Since the 228 EQ controls have al-
ready been explained above, we invite readers
to refer to Chapters 11.1 for details.
12. Cola2 C-228 AI
From Sampling hardware to sampling people through Deep Learning
With Cola2, we have introduced a first-of-its- For Cola, we sat down with Vox-Ton’s head en-
kind in AI-based approaches to mixing. Unlike gineer Francesco Donadello, and let him use it
other companies, who classify audio content on some orchestral recordings, whereas we had
(violins, drums, vocals etc.) with the aim of some fun on the subgroups of some of our mixes.
implementing an auto-mix functionality of the So we basically taught Cola how we do things,
software, we have chosen a completely differ- in other words, what we like to hear in a mix.
ent approach. Most adjustments were subtle as the material
was already pretty balanced but we will defi-
We decided to ‘sample’ the engineer and his or nitely try a more aggressive approach to the
her approach to working on a track. Every ‘lessons’ in the future.
mixing move is learned by the plugin based
on both the audio material and the personal This new approach might not ‘immediately’ give
preference of the engineer using it. you the best results - your approach could in
fact be the opposite of what some engineers
This is achieved using a method based on a like to do - but it will certainly give you a
very deep, complex learning technology, which new perspective on how different people mix
allows us to literally teach the plugin the the same material.
‘secret moves’ of a pro. This is all about the
style and unique creative approach of every Of course, this new technology is still in its
great engineer and not about creating fixed infancy, we are still working on it, but the
‘presets’. This means the plugin will react dif- first results are very promising indeed. Stay
ferently according to what it ‘hears’, based on tuned for more.
what it has learned from the engineer who has
used it.
13. Preset Management
The Cola2 228 EQ is the only plugin in the A normal preset would simply load the same
suite that includes the AI Presets The presets settings each time you use it. Our AI presets
are present by default in both the commercial will assess the audio being fed into the pl-
and the trial version of the COLA 228 EQ. ugin and then based on the data stored in
it’s memory from the “sampled” mix engineers
By clicking the “PRESET” drop down menu on knowledge it will make an eq change.
the right hand side of the COLA 228 EQ you
can select a preset from the displayed list. For the best results loop a short section of
You can choose between ‘Preset 1’: the result audio you think is best suited for the AI eval-
of careful work by Vox-Ton’s head engineer uation. The timeframe is quite short, only a
Francesco Donadello and ‘Preset 2’: the result couple of seconds, so different points in the
of combined learning by Giancarlo Del Sordo, audio will obviously give different results.
Francesco Donadello, Paolo Aliberti and Dario Then click the preset you would like to use
Khademi from BigBizStudio©. and watch as the eq changes. It works very
well on individual tracks and groups, whereas
results on the master may vary.
Product registration is automatic after you For details about registration please refer to
purchase a product in our web-shop and your the Aquarius user manual on the website.
newly purchased product will be available to
download using our installation assistant ap-
plication called Aquarius.
16. References
All content included in this document, such as texts, graphics, logos, button icons, images,
sounds, videos, digital downloads, data compilations, and software, is the exclusive property of
Acusticaudio s.r.l. or its content suppliers, and is protected by international copyright laws.
All trade names mentioned in this manual are used for identification purposes only and are
properties of their respective owners.
Acustica 2020